Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Adventures of Legion Zero and Legion Zero and Pals Pilot.

A/N: This post makes no sense but it will once Episode 128 comes out. It's like how I do a Notes for certain episode but this is a bit different. This post consisted of two different pilots for a Legion Zero TV show called Adventures of Legion Zero. It's done in a realistic animation style and done by a popular animation studio. However, there was another pilot for a Legion Zero TV show. It's animated like the other show is but had a simplistic art-style aka no outlines.

It has very limited colors, rounded designs for the characters, and done in flash. These pilots will come right after the other so enjoy seeing two drastically different shows. You'll be seeing Zane's opinion on both of these shows and well, his response may shock you.

Adventure of Legion Zero Pilot:
It was a beautiful Spring day. There was barely a cloud in the sky with the sun shining brightly upon the joyful citizens who were walking down the streets. People were out either walking with their dogs or with their significant others, playing with their kids at the local playground, and exploring the city on their own. The traffic was busy as always with cars bumper to bumper honking and beeping at each other in a slightly friendly manner. It was a perfect day for the city.

Lets see how the peace will disappear. The peace was long gone as police sirens filled the citizens's ears and several cars were barreling down the street. They were chasing after a silver armored car which was barreling dangerously down the street. The car was recklessly swerved around traffic with it narrowly avoiding hitting some pedestrians crossing the street. On the top of a flag post, Legion Zero ,now looking a bit older being twenty two, stood there and he smiled.

The hero was wearing his signature costume aka the Zeta Costume but it looked different. Even though his Zeta Costume was built for combat, his costume had a more tactical version. Zero's hair is still ash gray/ash blonde and his hair style is still the same. His eyes are still steel gray and his body is still covered in a white aura.He wears a black gilet and hood over his head with a steel gray outline, a zip down the front, and a molten gold stylized “LZ” insignia that rests perfectly center on the gilet.

Under his gilet, he wears a black compression/muscle sleeveless v-neck shirt which exposed his toned build and a light gray front. The gilet’s sleeves cover both of his shoulders with him wearing chainmail like sleeves which covers his arms. Over his chainmail sleeves but not his gloves, he wears his Legionnaire Gauntlets. He wears brown fingerless gloves over both hands. The gloves expose the base of his knuckles and the back of the gloves have a hand guard with a "#" marking.

His gloves have microscopic holes on them. They can release out his spider-like stingers or webbing with ease. This is because he doesn’t want to alert his enemies of this action. He wears grayish black jeans with black and crimson red plating over his calves, shoulder pads, and thighs. He wears his Z.E.R.O Armor belt. It’s an ash gray ,with a crimson red web like pattern, utility belt with a gold belt buckle but it’s a simple belt with his gadgets, potions, and snacks inside of it.

It has seven pouches or capsule-like cylindrical cartridges that are attached to the outside to the belt.He wears black combat boots ,that goes up to his knees, with gold piping, silver titanium mesh straps, and steel soles. Over his eyes, he wears black goggles with a crimson red outline. The lenses are clear and see-through being that it still shows off his eyes, being very attractive to females and some males. His goggles are a hybrid of a domino mask, a pair of goggles, and visor.

He usually his respirator over his mouth or his neck being that it was currently over his mouth. Zero's respirator is black with steel gray details that goes over the bottom of his mouth. It covers everything below his nose. The back of it is bigger, with a black interior and thick steel gray edges. Inside of the mask, there are soft cushions and a few small black buttons on the left side of the mask. It has the ability to change its form and abilities to suit Zero’s needs at the time with a single thought.

Zero looked down with him saying,"Pretty sure that the driver is only driving like that because he's either drunk or trying to get my attention.". A police car ,with his sirens blasting, was on the trail of the armored car and Zero launched himself off the top of a flag post. He easily landed on the armored car with it swerving erratically. This caused other cars in traffic to try to drive out of the way when it went to the opposite land.

A mini van had swerved out of the way to avoid a head on collision but its tires lost traction and sent the vehicle to flip on it side. The vehicle screeched loudly as it jumped onto the curb and was on the sidewalk. It barely slowed down enough to not instantly crush a few people that were unfortunately caught in its path. Instead, the five people were pinned against a wall and they were screaming in pain and fear as it was going on.

Zero jumped right toward the flipped car and landed on the top of it. He walked over to the driver's side window as one of the pinned citizens being a female cried out,"Help us!". "Don't worry! I'll get all of you out of here before things get any worse for you." said Zero. Zero looked down with him making Striker appear and cut through the driver's door. A woman sat there with a small gash on her head and she was being held in her seat thanks to her seat belt.

She looked at the hero with him saying,"Don't worry. I'm not here to hurt you.". The woman nodded with a scared look on her face as Zero stretched his left arm and ripped the seat belt off her using Striker before catching her with his hand. "Is there anyone else in here?" said Zero. "No. I was going to pick up my kids from ballet and karate practice." said the woman with Zero getting her out of the mini van and placing her gently on the ground.

Zero smiled as he said,"Well, I would suggest to you that you have someone pick them up because your car won't be usable for a while.". The woman got away from the car with Zero backflipping into the air and picked up the van, holding it in the air. The people who were stuck fell to the ground and held onto their legs being that they were okay. Zero placed the van safely on the ground with him saying to the people,"Wait for a ambulance. I got a joyride to stop.".

The crowd nodded and cheered for Zero before he flew off and went back to chasing the armored car with him slowly catching up to the car. The car was still barreling dangerous down the street with Zero landing on the back of the car. "Time to stop you in your tracks with a good old fashioned stop sign Zero styled!" said Zero. He soon released ice from his body, freezing the cars ties and causing them to stick onto the road and it was unable to move.

The car was trying to move with the motor crying out in pain as the driver was pushing itself to the limit but the ice wasn't cracking whatsoever. "I think you should stop because I kinda feel bad for the car." said Zero, putting his arms behind his head. The engine eventually burned out, killing the car and Zero landed on the ground. Zero waited for the driver to come out and he thought."So if they don't come out within the next minute, I'll get them out using force.".

The driver's side door opened up with two people coming out. They were a man and woman being in their mid 20s from what Zero could tell. The male is wearing a black motorcycle helmet with a large blue flame pattern etched onto the helmet. Zero could see a few strands of hazel brown hair and light green eyes. He's wearing a sleek gray biker jacket like hoodie with a green undershirt. He's wearing black jeans and blue tennis shoes. His hands were glowing blue. 

The female is wearing a white motorcycle helmet with several aquamarine stripes, forming the letter X. Like with the male, Zero could see a few strands of dyed pink hair and brown eyes. Her helmet's gold visor is opaque. She's wearing a white jumpsuit with purple racing stripes. She was holding a smartphone in her left hand and was filming herself and the male. "That was awesome babe! You're so fast!" said the woman, hugging him.

Zero blinked as the man said,"Thanks babe. You're such a great support to Supersonic and look at this fam!". The woman pointed her phone at Zero with Supersonic saying,"The police were unable to stop Supersonic and his beloved Velocity but it's the famous LZ!". "So what's going on here you two? Did you seriously cause this traffic jam for views?" said Zero. "See honey! I told you that LZ wouldn't mind being on our live stream Speedway Avenue!" said Supersonic.

He soon wrapped his arms around Zero with the hero saying,"Seriously? You did this for your live stream? I really don't get it.". "Well it isn't obvious?!" said Velocity. Zero shook his head with him saying,"Not really.". "We've be doing vehicle videos on social media forever but stuff like this will get us the views! Those likes are more important than money since we'll be getting a movie deal and become famous thanks to our fam!" said Velocity.

Zero sighed as he said,"Why didn't you two just robbed a bank? I wouldn't normally suggest that but causing property damage for popularity is literally the dumbest reason I've ever heard and I've heard a conspiracy theory involving boy bands and the number fifty eight.". "Come on man! Live a little and be happy! This episode will be on every social media site in the world! We'll be famous so thanks LZ for being awesome!" said Supersonic.

Both he and Velocity were still riding the high and ignoring Zero who was getting annoyed at this point. "Yeah but you two will make people hate millennials more than they already do. So let me get this point across. You almost killed people because of a joyride for views?!" said Zero. "Yep! So do you mind dabbing for us LZ?!" said Velocity. "Yeah! Once you do that, you'll be famous bro!" said Supersonic. "Please tell me I'm being pranked." said Zero, rubbing his foreheads.

Velocity smiled as she said,"Nope! This is all being streamed live to our fam!". "You really need to get my hearing check bro. Oh and by the way, mind telling me how you liked my armored car? Did you know that it was a souped slugbug? Thanks to my powers of electricity and Velocity's skills with cars, we were able to reach mach two!" said Supersonic. "Yeah but he froze our tries and while that ice may be cool, they messed up the tires." said Velocity.

Zero sighed as he said,"Yeah and did you know that candy syrup does the exact same thing but it also shuts up annoying millenials.". "Huh?!" said the criminal couple. The two were soon trapped to the side of their car by Zero's candy syrup ,which came out of him within seconds, and Velocity had her phone being pinned next to her head. "Hey bro! Not cool! Do you know how much money it's going to take to fix the car and our outfits?! Not cool!" said Supersonic.

Zero grabbed the phone with him holding it. He pointed the camera at himself with him saying,"Hey everyone. It's Legion Zero here and I'm here to teach you an important life lesson. See those two idiots you follow.". He got the couple in frame as Zero said,"These two idiots almost killed a mom of two kids and almost squished innocent people in the process. Moms are the real heroes folks so give your mom a hug next time you see her because she could die by idiots like these two.".

Supersonic said,"Hey! Stop with the PSA in our live stream!". "No I won't. Well, it's time for me to leave since the police is here to pick up these two idiots. Remember kids, don't do crimes and stay in school because you'll end up like these two idiots." said Zero. "Hey! If you're going to leave, add a hashtag bro? How about Hashtag Zero, Hashtag Buzzkill?" said Velocity. "Nice!" said Supersonic as Zero sighed.

The police arrived as Zero said,"I was going to leave your phone behind but now, I don't feel bad about doing this.". He jumped into the air and began flying away from the scene. He threw the phone toward the ground in front of the couple, having it crack on the street. "Aw man! Hey, is there Wifi in jail?" said the couple to the police officers. This was a normal day in Legion Zero's life as the protector of Cypress Park so stay tune folks. The adventure is just getting started.

Legion Zero and Pals Pilot:
A group of kids were playing and having a blast at a playground. They suddenly gasped and looked to the sides to see the Grizzly Riders. They're a gang of really bad dudes who bother people with some really evil crimes such as littering and being rude to others for no apparent reason. The Grizzly Riders consist of Crest, Fortress, Mohawk, and Piston. Crest is a muscular male with light brown hair with a matching colored brown mustache and no eyelashes or eyebrows.

This is due to a accident involving a flamethrower, vodka, Saint Patrick's Day, and a dinosaur exhibit in Arizona according to the creator of the show. Yeah. I bet you know what to know the story behind that don't you? This pilot will never tell you that. Crest's brown eyes are currently hidden by black sunglasses. He's wearing a dark green vest over a white tank top ,that has a skull on it, being that it reveals his muscular body.

It also revealed his tattoos that covered his body and all of them are an orange color. He's wearing blue jeans and tennis shoes which are white on the front and red in the back. Crest is holding a bazooka/rifle with it being a green and red color. He's also wearing an ammo strap. This is not needed for his weapon but keeps it anyway because in his words, it makes him look cool. Mohawk looks like a teenager but he's an adult who hasn't hit puberty yet or it's the animation style.

Mohawk is wearing a black hoodie like jacket with it currently open, revealing his black tank top. His hood was also currently down as well, revealing him to be bald. He does have hair but it's in the form of a black ,with orange tips, mohawk. He has three spikes. He has brown eyes with him wearing black and white face paint on his face. He's wearing brown pants alongside orange arm bracers, leg braces, wrist bands, and knee pads with silver combat boots with orange spikes on them.

He finishes off his outfit with a black studded necklace. He's wearing a high-tech buzz saw. There is a button on the side of it being that if Mohawk press it, he blade soon spitting into five parts with the five discs cutting through anything in its path. Piston is the only female of the ground. She looks to be in her twenties. She has long black hair reaching down to her shoulders and green eyes. She's wearing a black and white long sleeved shirt.

The ends of her shirt being tied off to reveal her midriff. She wears blue overalls with the edges of them being torn off. This reveals her arms, legs, and shirt in the process. She wears black gloves and green boots. She wields two matching laser blasters. It's a dark blue color with several black lines on. The ones at the front are in a diamond shaped pattern. Parts of the weapon are gray. The front part of the weapon is in a gray rectangular prism shape.

The second part of the gun is above the handle with five red dots on it and the third part is at the bottom of the handle with a gray half oval shape on the bottom of the handle. Fortress's identity is well known and it's Herbert Mcquire. Herbert is a tall man with a muscular and thick physique. His upper body did looked more noticeable compared to the lower half. He has short cut teal-gray hair, dull red eyes, and a thick mustache with the ends of it being braided and going to his chest.

He's wearing a large and quite obnoxious looking blueish-gray fur coat. Under his coat, he's wearing golden armor made out of solid steel. His armor included a chest plate, elbow guards, gauntlets, and shoulder plates. His shoulder plates are spiked. He's wearing it right over a dark blue and black horizontally-striped jumpsuit. It would have covered his arms and legs but they seemingly have been torn off by him. He's wearing a gray belt with a red belt buckle.

He's wearing brown biker gloves and dark red boots. Both gauntlets soon began to morph around his hands, forming a cannon in their place. The kids screamed upon seeing them being that they went to work. Fortress and Mohawk attacked the slide with their weapons, Crust messed with the swings by tying them together, and Piston kicked over a trash can. "Who will protect us from the nefarious deeds of the Grizzly Riders?!" said the pilot's narrator.

The criminals laughed to each other before they saw a light from behind them and gasped. They saw a familiar figure standing there. The figure jumped out with the narrator saying,"It's Legion Zero here to save the day!". Crest and Fortress fire their weapons at Zero who instantly blocked it with his shield. "I'm not giving this fight up anytime soon losers!" said Zero. Pistol fired her pistols at Zero who looked down to see that his outfit was covered in condiments.

Zero looked at Piston with him saying,"Hey! Do you know how much money it cost to dry clean my costume?! This is a new one too!". Zero flew right toward Piston with him punching Crust and Fortress into Piston since the show wasn't allowed to hit women. Mohawk was the last one left and was about to slice him but Zero stopped him by kick him into the garbage bin. The next screen showed Zero shaking hands with the police.

In the background, the Grizzly Riders were defeated and dazed. "Looks the day was saved by the hero who will always fight bad guys! His name is Legion Zero!" said the narrator.

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