Monday, September 16, 2019

Zero Episode 130 Full Moon Mayhem

A/N: Yes. Zane has elevated from an OP protagonist to an even more OP protagonist. Lets use One Piece power levels aka titles. Zane was on the level of a Supernova when he came back from his training in Episode 80. He was pretty strong but could be defeated such as magic of any kind. Even though he's 10% Sorcerer, magic still hurts him. In Fairy Legion, Zane is up against wizards who used magic aka his weakness.

Due to that logic, he should be weak to them. I mentioned that Zane in Fairy Legion is a high leveled Pokemon and all of the wizards in Fairy Tail are weaker Pokemon but the stronger type to Zane. Zane is also more powerful than he is in Zero so him taking attacks from the wizards is usually to lower their guard. Back to Zero. He was able to break the Omni-Door and was able to gain all 1,000,000% of his power to use. He is now on the level of a Yonko Commander or Yonko themselves.

In this statement, I'm including all of them which includes Jack and Smoothie. I may not like Jack and Smoothie due to him getting wrecked and her doing nothing respectively but I will now doubt their power. When you compared Jack to King and Queen's showing so far, he's weaker. However, Jack has been wrecked by really strong opponents. Kinda think that Zunesha isn't that strong but it's a giant and ancient elephant so it makes sense in my books.

Smoothie earns her title since she still hasn't shown off how strong she is yet. Lets see if Wano changes that because with recent development, she may do something and Wano is mainly land compared to the climax of Whole Cake. I may change from a Smoothie hater to someone who can tolerate her. I think all of the Yonko Commanders are good except for Blackbeard and Whitebeard. I think Blackbeard's group is slightly better but there are too many of them.

If we get a confirmed whose the strongest, I wouldn't have a problem. There are too many Blackbeard and Whitebeard's Yonko Commanders being that in the case of Whitebeard's group, we've only seen them in one arc. Sure we see Ace and Marco outside of the war but that's about it. I may go into this deeper during Fairy Legion's author not. I would like to say that Shanks is slightly stronger than Kaido but only slightest. The fight between the two could go either way.

This is just my opinion because Shanks do keep Kaido at bay to keep him from making the war between Whitebeard and Marines even worse than it already as. This may have been before the SMILEs but that still something to consider in the world of One Piece. So will Zane's enemies stand a chance against him? Yes. As good grows stronger, evil does as well. Yin and Yang. Everything balances out in the end. So will this be the return of Skull Plague? You''ll just have to wait and see.

I should mentioned that we'll be seeing what happened to some members of Team Legion Zero and do note that they didn't die. I've mentioned this before but I like the death of named characters to mean something so killing off members of Team Legion Zero off screen is pathetic. We'll also see Jaime and Nemo appearing. Jaime may appear before Nemo since Nemo sticks out compared to Jaime who is like Athena and Cole.

We may learn about Jaime in the same vein of the Zenith Industries Invention Reel which is honestly one of my favorite things I've added to Zero. It's really funny coming up with some inventions that I wouldn't have time to introduce. I'll also introduce learn about Zenith from Fairy Legion Chapter 30 in due time. It's like how I introduce all of the forms I introduced in Zero and what they could do since I was sure that I wasn't going to do this.

I may do this for characters whose name isn't Zane. That may happen at the end of the series but it will happen eventually. So like how I made some characters never appear again in Zero Episode 104. This may be because I don't know what I can do with these characters and honestly, I introduced a lot of plot points with me not doing a damn thing with them. I honestly bit off more than I can chew and I've learned a lot of this so when I make my totally original series, I'll be learning a lot for this.

Trial and effort folks. Nothing starts off good. It's a way to learn and grow. This may be an totally lazy excuse for me but it's honestly the truth. Like I how mentioned that we're going to see all of the characters done in the same vein as Zane's Powers, we'll see what I was going to do with some of these characters. Unlike Zero Episode 104, we'll see who I cut at the end of the episode. A future Author Note will involve my review of Steven Universe the Movie. I also want to address something.

Since Zero Episode 128, Zane and company hasn't been in Cypress Park. It's Zane with five or six of his large friend group. Is it because we're in the next arc or perhaps, I'm building up to something and hopefully I will succeeded at what I'm building up to. Here's hoping I doing just that. We will return to back Cypress Park but not for a while. I should also mention that I'll only update a character's appearance if it's a drastic one or they go from Elementary to Middle or High.

We've seen this with the kids (Atem, Uriel, and Zoey) being that it'll probably won't be happening for a good while since most of the cast prior to Season 4 were in their late teens. Once you turn seventeen or eighteen in fiction most of the time, puberty kinda stops. I could be horribly wrong about that but that's just what I've seen before. We've seen Feral and Renegade collecting Augur and Salem for their little group so will anyone else join up? Lets begin and find out.

Narrator P.O.V
It was a cloudy yet warm night in the town of Cross Falls, Arizona. All seemed peaceful and quiet in the small city ,being slightly more populated than a village, of five thousand and five hundred humans living there. The town's population consist of men, women, and everything in between. At the local museum in the center of town, security was patrolling the area to ensure that no one was inside and would be stealing anything from the museum. 

However, some figures could be seen sneaking around the inside of the building. Three people were carefully and quietly removing artifacts from their displays, placing them in burlap sacks. One member of the trio was in the ancient Greek exhibit and was admiring a certain artifact. It was held in a display case. This criminal is a tall, Caucasian man with him being heavily muscular but not on the same level as a body builder. 

He has deeply tanned skin with spiked up reddish brown hair and goatee. He has green eyes. He wear a dark orange long sleeve shirt with thick black pants with multiple pockets on it. His pants have a spiked belt with a flame shaped belt buckle. His pants were tucked into brown combat boots and wears black gloves. He wears a silver chest plate with a stylized red flame in the center of his chest plate. He has a brown strap going across his chest, holding his gun. 

The man had a machine gun strapped to his back, hidden by his jacket. A voice behind him said,"Hey there Blackjack.". Yes. This is a stupid name but he thinks it cool. Would you argue with the guy who can shoot you down with a machine gun and can produce fire. No you wouldn't. Looking over his shoulder, he turned to see the two goons that he came here with. "So you ready to go?" said the goon on the left. 

Blackjack nodded as he said,"Yeah. I need to collect a certain item after being hired to the other day and might I say. It looks pretty crappy but must hold some sentimental value on the black market if they were to paying a small fortune for it.". The item in question is a silver necklace. At the back of the necklace, there is  a small, gold demon head with ruby gemstone eyes. It's etched with Liasada ,also known as ancient Greek, writing. 

Despite its physical appearance, the item was guarded by several lasers on the floor. Blackjack just remembered bringing something an occasion for this exact situation. He placed the cutter against the case, drawing a huge circle within the glass. The piece of glass nearly fell onto the ground but before that could happen, it was caught by flames that came from the criminal's left hand. Putting his right hand through the hoke, Blackjack grabbed the necklace and pulled it out the display of the case.

Blackjack smiled as he said,"This is an amazing trinket. It goes great with my outfit right?". He put it around his neck with the lackey on the right said,"That's just great boss. We need to get out of here right now.". Blackjack nodded but before Blackjack could move, his heart was beginning to race faster and adrenaline coursed through his veins. "Lets see how you work out. I may find a good host this time around but I doubt that. Been too damn long since my last one." said a voice. 

Due to his heart beating faster than normal, Blackjack didn't hear this voice. His eyes were slowly turning bright red. His teeth grew sharper and his mouth contorted into a muzzle. His fingers grew into long, sharp claws. His ears were now more canine than human at this point. He grew a big, bushy tail and the man snarled. His body began going dark gray rock like fur all over. His clothing was being torn apart as he grew in height and size being that he was now ten feet tall. 

The metahuman known as Marlon Wilkerson was long gone. In his place however, there was a bipedal gray werewolf. His body was covered in bright red markings, looking like lava. His underbelly was looking like magma. His head is now covered in blue flames, looking like a skull of a werewolf. He had blue flames covering his forearms, legs, and parts of his body such as his tail was covered in flames. 

The only parts of his humanity that remained were his black pants and the wolf necklace around his neck. His claws and teeth were covered in solid black stones. The two lackeys looked at each other with them saying in unison,"What the fuck?!". The creature took a step forward with his tail hitting the glass container that held the necklace. This is turn caused the laser to hit the flaming tail, setting off the alarm instantly. "Hey you two. Stop now!" said the security guard, holding a flashlight in hand. 

Upon raising his arm, he shined the light in the eyes of the magma wolf. The sight of it made his blood run cold. The security guard attempted to reach for his gun being that it was too slow as the wolf lunged at him. The werewolf stood up with him lifting up the man by his throat. The man could feel a burning pain around his neck and something piercing it. He screamed in pain as his body was engulfed in fire and the werewolf dropped his corpse, leaving behind a scorched mess. 

The werewolf snarled before running on all fours and jumped through a window, glass shattering upon impact. All that could be seen was of the creature was his silhouette as it ran into the distance. "So that was a thing." said the first lackey. "Yep." said the second lackey. "Want to get out of here before the cops shows up?" said the first lackey. "Did you seriously need to ask me that?" said the second lackey with him rolling his eyes. 

Both of them dropped this stolen goods and ran out the way they came in aka the back door of the building. This theft took place one week before Zane arrived. Lets go to that time. It was now a warm and sweltering afternoon with the city. The sun was slowly setting. Atem, Uriel, and Zane was standing nearby a stand being that the trio were listening to a story about a dreamcatcher that was on display. This story was being told by a good friend of Grandfather Luke. His name is Dustin Klein. 

He's a Caucasian American being that he's in his late fifties to early sixties. He's relatively fit for his age and has long gray hair with a nice trimmed beard. He has brown eyes. He's wearing a brown coat with white fur on the sleeves and around the collar. He wears a dark green turtleneck shirt and gray jeans. He wears dark brown shoes. "Zane. Did you know that the legend states that the web of the dreamcatcher will protect the dreamer." said Dustin in a deep but powerful voice.

The man smiled as he said,"While trapping the nightmares within the center of the web like how the spider brings its prey to the center. The dreams will have no trouble going down the feathers and then bless the person sleeping.". The spider bringing its pray to the center of the web could be real but I'm not studying arachnology which is the study of spiders. The more you know. "You really know your stuff Mr. Kelin." said Atem with a smile.

Dustin looked at the mummy with him saying,"Thank you for that. I spend a fair bit of time learning about the history of Earth. At least one of you is enjoying it.". Atem turned to see his father and younger sister clearly asleep with the mummy sighing. He lightly shook Uriel with her saying,"Sorry. It's just really boring here.". "Why is it that I'm the only one in his family who cares about historical sites in the slightest?" said Atem with him punching his nose in annoyance.

Uriel shrugged as she said,"I think it's because I don't understand places like this.". "That's a fair reason for not liking it Uriel. You're not the only female in my life who thinks my stories are boring and yawn inducing. So what's your father's excuse? I doubt it's because of lack of understanding." said Dustin. "I think he was out all night and early this morning looking for that rumored fire wolf." said Atem. "Which sounds really cool." said Uriel. The four heard,"We're back with some churros!". 

The trio turned to see Dustin's daughter Sabrina Klein and his nephew Jason Holland with both of them standing there with some strips of fried dough. Jason has the appearance of a man in the prime of his life being rather handsome and muscular. He's 6 foot. He has fair skin with light blue eyes and short dirty blond hair. He's wearing a white jacket with a olive green collar shirt underneath, black jeans with a brown belt with a silver belt buckle, and dark brown boots.

Sabrina is a slender, yet muscular Caucasian woman around the same age as Jason. She has long wavy brown hair that runs down the nape of her neck and green eyes. She has freckles with her usually wearing red lipstick. She's wearing an open, royal blue long sleeved v-neck with a white collar with a short sleeved forest green jacket over it. She's wearing blue capris with red flats/tennis shoes. She's wearing a silver turquoise necklace around her neck that she's always wearing it. 

It was given to her by Jason as a graduation present for college and she treasured it. "Thank you both. I really need fuel." said Zane, devouring the fried dough that given to him. He woke up instantly upon smelling it. "So did you happen to find the thief Zane?" said Sabrina. "He will in time. I'm just happy to see how much you've grown from the little brat who used to run off and cause mischief for his family members." said Dustin.

Zane shrugged as he said,"Yeah but I still do that Dustin.". "Yeah. We boys will never truly grow up but who cares about that obvious fact? So how is running your very own company going for you and being engaged to a beautiful women. Do you mind helping your pal out?" said Jason, putting his arm around Zane. "Yeah. I do that but that won't happen until I get a new female friend who isn't happy with their current partner." said Zane.

Dustin nodded as he said,"It's very sad that both Jason and Sabrina have both been single since Nina entered Middle School. I'm not getting any younger and I want a child. I do have the sweet Nina as my great niece.". "He has a point you know." said Sabrina. "You're one to talk cuz. And I told you that I'm waiting for the right moment and I want Nina to be happy first. She's my pride and joy after all. You get me right Zane? Being young dads means we have to stuck together." said Jason.

Zane nodded as Atem stopped in his tracks. He saw a girl with her being around his age and dancing nearby them. She's a fair skinned Indian-American teen with her having dark skin and she's slightly shorter than Atem by three inches. She has a slim yet curvy figure being very well fitting for an athlete rather than a super model. She has shoulder length blond ,which look to be touched by the sun itself and very warm looking, hair.

It's partly died a vibrant green, giving it a striking appearance. and green eyes. She has a yellow lightning bolt shape hair clip to keep her hair in place and out of her eyes. Her hair is tied in a high ponytail. She has prominent nose and heart-shaped lips. She's currently wearing a white knee-dress with yellow rose decorations. She wears white leggings and brown tennis shoes. The young man was instantly smitten with her at first sight and he had a goofy smile on his face.

He had a lovestuck expression with blushing red cheeks to boot. "Oh wow. She's really cute. I have to know her." thought Atem. Zane noticed this and smiled. "So what's wrong with big bro? Is he sick or something? I don't think it's heat stroke." said Uriel with her scratching the back of his head. "He's fine Uriel. I think he's fallen for our little dancer over there." said Zane with Uriel nodding. "And that right there is my great niece Nina." said Dustin.

Jason looked at his daughter dancing with him saying,"So is that a traditional Navajo dance?". "It is and I'm sure you're proud of her Jason. She picked it rather fast." said Dustin. Jason smiled as he put his hands on his hips and he said with a smug look,"Yep. Nina totally takes after her mother and totally not her father when it comes to picking things up fast.". "Hey. You said it not me." said Zane, earning a chuckle from Dustin, giggle from Sabrina and Uriel, and glare from Jason.

Atem wasn't paying attention to the others as he watched Nina dancing to the beat of the drum nearby them. Zane noticed his son acting like a love-struck idiot with him smirking. He lightly jabbed him in the side, getting his attention as Zane played innocent by whistling. "I've always wanted to see one of those before." said Atem. "Really? I mean I don't get myself but it makes her great uncle happy so go nuts." said Jason.

Sabrina and Zane looked at each other with them smiling. The two walked away as Zane said with a singsong voice,"I can read my son very easily Sabrina. He's got a crush finally. It's love at first sight after all.". "Yeah. He's showing all the signs of love at first sight. That may lead to problems later down the road." said Sabrina. "Yeah. That's how Jason dated Rhonda and despite having Nina, that isn't a good relationship." said Dustin.

The woman nodded as Zane said,"So are Dustin and Jason overprotective of their great niece and daughter respectively old friend?". "A little. Nina isn't unaware of her beauty being that at her school, she gets a lot of male admires and doesn't know why." said Sabrina. "Seriously? I mean it's usually guys who do that not girls." said Zane. "Yeah. Jason can't figure it out either. I think that it's due to her having her father's dense nature. He honestly can't tell when a girl is crushing on him." said Sabrina. 

Zane nodded as he said,"Okay. Lets not meddle with Atem. This is his first serious crush in his entire life and only needs to know the two simple words.". "And how do you know them Zane? I doubt your fiancée told you them." said Sabrina, crossing her arms. "I'm a telepath, a guy who taught how to pick up chicks by an immortal playboy, and watches a unhealthy amount of romantic television. If I didn't know it by now, that would be just plain sad." said Zane. 

Sabrina smiled as she said,"That actually makes sense given who you are. So are you going to tell him those words?". "Yeah. It's my job to since I taught him the birds and bee alongside Uriel and Zoey." said Zane. "Aren't Uriel and Zoey nine and twelve respectively Zane?" said Sabrina. "Well, they wanted to be like their older brother. I'm not worried about those two dating yet. Going to try my best not to be the overprotective papa bear." said Zane. "Well, good luck with that." said Sabrina.   

The two went back to the others in their group as a smitten Atem saw Nina walk past, smiling and wave at him. "Okay then. What should I say? What should I do?!" thought Atem with him rubbing his hair nervously. Uriel looked at her older brother and wondered if this was normal. Zane looked up with his hyper hearing and there was thunder in the distance. Storm clouds began rolling into once clear and beautiful skies that illuminated by the sunset. 

There was a faint orange aura in these clouds. "So were you doing a rain dance Nina? I'm not too familiar with Navajo dances but I'm with thunder." said Zane. "I'm sure that I wasn't. Why do you ask Mr. Alvarez?" said Nina with a noticeable British accent. "Three, two, one." said Zane as it began raining heavily on the group. The skies erupted with rain and orange lightning began striking the desert ground, sending the civilians and tourists in a panic. 

While running toward a nearby building, a man shouted,"What's up with this crazy weather?!". Nina looked right at Zane with him saying,"And that's why. We should probably take cover in the Vindicator for now and call me Zane.".  Dustin, Jason, Nina, Sabrina, and Uriel began rushing toward the nearby Vindicator but a still very smitten Atem stood there. Zane sighed and Crisis Judgement went off. A lightning bolt was able to strike Atem but Zane pushed him out of the way.

Atem landed on the ground face first with him saying,"Dad! Why did you do that?!". He was out of his lovestruck phase mainly due to him hitting the ground. It wasn't from watching Zane getting struck by lightning since he had seen Zane getting blasted by lightning and knowing his father's immunity to all forms of electricity. "To make sure you don't get shocked, we need to move." said Zane with a smile on his face. Crisis Judgement went off as Zane covered Atem. 

Another lightning bolt hit the ground and this created a noticeable dust cloud. The two looked up to see a beasty silhouette in the cloud with the males nodded. "Ready to kick some butt son?" said Zane as he turned into Legion Zero. "Do you really need to ask?" said Atem as he turned into Osiris. Zane's hands were covered in his signature ice with the silhouette revealing to be Blackjack. His glowing red eyes looked at the males in anger with Dustin looking at this creature in shock.

Blackjack walked toward them with Atem saying,"So do you think he has an umbrella or does his fire ability works as a natural umbrella Zero?". "No idea kid. Lets find out." said Zane. He rushed toward Blackjack who snarled at the charging hero before vanishing and left behind a dust cloud. "So I guess that not all dogs are brave like people claim them to be." said Zane. "Isn't our dog scared of the vacuum cleaner though?" said Atem.   

The Cross Species nodded as he said,"Yeah but to be fair, our vacuum cleaner is much scarier than the average cleaner.". Atem sighed as Crisis Judgement went off. The ground began shaking as there was a massive wave of water heading through the streets. "Flash flood incoming! Grab onto the Vindicator or a roof right now!" said Zane. The trio of Dustin, Jason, and Sabrina climbed up the Vindicator's ladder to the RV's roof.

Atem and Uriel were on the roof of an old store building with their father currently floating in the air thanks to Gravity Drive. Nina ,on the other hand, wasn't so lucky as she had tried to climb up the ladder like the rest of her family but due to the force of the rapids, she lost her grip and was swept away. "Help me!" said Nina. "You got this Osiris. I'll cover you from below and see if anyone is got caught up in the tides." said Zane as he turned into Basilisk Form. 

The mummy nodded as he began running along the rooftops. "So why is big bro acting so excited? I mean I've never seen him move this fast before." said Uriel with her tilting her head in confusion. "I'll tell you later Cotton Candy." said Zane with a chuckle. He jumped into the rapids and planned to help his son out with his little crush if he needed it. He was sure that Atem could do this but he wanted to be there for him just in case.

Atem nodded a stray barrel that was being swept away in the water. "Okay. I hope those surfing lessons will help me when I needed them." said Atem, gulped. He jumped onto the barrel with him balancing his body on the floating object. "Help me!" screamed Nina. "I got you just hang on tight okay?!" said Atem, holding out his right hand. Before Nina could grab it, a wooden box was able to hit her but said box was destroyed by a tail. 

From under the water, Zane smiled as he said,"And with that, I'll leave this to you.". Zane swam off to go find anyone else. Nina grabbed Atem's hand and hoisted her onto the barrel. The two looked at each other with Atem blushing. "Oh wow. She smells really good even when she's soaked." thought Atem. He noticed a wall directly ahead of them with Atem saying,"Get ready to move.". Nina nodded as he stretched out his right arm. He grabbed onto a wooden structure above the water.

The two were grabbing onto the roof before jumping onto it and landing on it. "Thank you for saving me Osiris and I think Zero helped. I guess you two really are amazing." said Nina. "Oh thank you. I was just doing my job." said Atem. "So how can I...?" said Nina. "Repay me? You don't need to do that. I'm the type of hero who does whatever he can for a beautiful lady like yourself." said Atem with a smile. As Osiris, Atem had a lot of confidence mainly when it comes to talking with women.

Nina blushed as he said,"Not exactly. I was going to ask you if I could have my hand back.". Atem blinked with him seeing that he was still holding Nina's hand and had a blush on his face. "So I should get going. Zero may need some help catching the werewolf who did this." said Atem as he began running away and muttering out that he was stupid. Nina could hear this with her giggling at how cute her hero was being right now. 

Meanwhile, Zane ,in Hunter Form, was standing beside some civilians and tourists. He had saved them earlier using Basilisk Form and had changed into one of his best trackers in order to find that werewolf from earlier. As Atem and Zane were focused on rescuing people from the flood, Blackjack had stole the satellite disk of the town's radio tower and vanished from the area in a flash of flames. He let out a howl before leaving. 

About an hour later, the storm had calmed down. The monsoon had subsided and the sun had risen over the horizon. It was now a bright starry night with the full moon began its domination over the Arizona desert. The group (Atem out of costume, Dustin, Jason, Nina, Sabrina, Uriel, and Zane out of Hunter Form) was now inside of the village's museum aka the same museum from the start of the episode. They were joined by Jordan and Zoey.   
Jordan is now 5 foot 9. She now has her thick, wavy cherry-blossom/light pink hair up to her chin. She got it cut short and she had a phoenix bird-like decoration in her hair with it looking like a bow. She's wearing a white t-shirt with "fire" written on it ,in gold, over a tight dark pink long-sleeved shirt. She wears a blue ,with a gold fire like trim, skirt with it going past her knees. She wears a silver belt. She's wearing the same boots as she did four years old.

Her boots now has a gold trim to it and the cross like logo. She's still wearing her gold four leaf-clover which is in the shape of cross symbol pendant necklace, sapphire blue nail polish, rose pink lipstick, three gold bracelets on each wrists, silver hoops earring, and on her right hand, she wears a black fingerless glove with a golden flaming cross on it. Her outfit does a great deal in showing how attractive she is. 

It had a broken window thanks to the werewolf attack a week ago. Thankfully, the museum wasn't flooded. Nina was no longer wearing her dress being that she's wearing something more casual. Her casual wear is a white t-shirt over a short lavender tank top. Her right t-shirt sleeve hangs over her right shoulder. She's wearing blue ankle-length jeans and a auburn colored belt. She's wear black knee-high boots. She has on a yellow bandanna like headband wrapped around her head. 

She's wearing dark purple lipstick and fingernails. She's wearing a gold necklace with a black lightning bolt pendant and black cross earrings. She's wearing dark green and white sneakers. She wears light brown fingerless gloves. Inside of the village's museum, dozens of exhibits were showing off the history of the village and there was a large old tapestry. It showed the history of the necklace that was stolen by Blackjack before turning into that werewolf.

Dustin sighed as he said,"I never thought I would see it in action.". "So you were being serious about there being a fire werewolf? That sounds awesome." said Zoey. "Yeah. It is." said Jason and Uriel with the duo earning a light punch from Jordan and Sabrina. The duo of Jordan and Zoey didn't see Blackjack or get soaked due to them being in the desert far from the city. They were working on Zoey's school project. 

The man sighed as he said,"About one week ago, there was a death here at the museum by one of the robbers.". "Really?" said Jordan. "Yes. The one who died was a security guard just doing his job. Upon one of his coworkers arrived, they found his body burnt to a crisp." said Dustin. "What an awful way to go out." said Nina. "Despite the murder, there was one item stolen from the museum. It was the amulet of Amarok. This amulet was found in an old Grecian city." said Dustin.

He sighed as he said,"It's worth millions being that according to the local police, they're offering only ten thousand dollars to get it back. Idiots. This amulet is worth millions if not billions.". "Mr. Kelin. I have a question. Isn't Amarok the name of a wolf in Inuit mythology?" said Atem. "Yes. The people should be more determined on finding it since according to legends surrounding the amulet, the wearer is transformed into a monster of legend." said Dustin.

Dustin took a deep breath with him saying,"It can range from a werewolf to a mummy. It's like the metagene. Whatever creature you turn into depends into that. From what I gathered, the current wearer gained or has abilities that would belong to a fire metahuman. If I remember the stories right which I do, any fire metahuman would turn into a werewolf. Said wolf has a high-pitched howl that can break glass and burn things at the same time.".

Leaning over to Jordan, Zane whispered,"Just like Hannah's singing.". "True. Still can't believe that you're friends with her now." said Jordan with a giggle. "Yeah. Things change." said Zane. "Amarok is an ancient being being that he was known for messing with the humans for his sick pleasure. He caused a bunch of tragedy since as the fall of the Western Roman Empire and was rumored to cause World War 2 by taking control of the Fuhrer." said Dustin.

The group nodded as Dustin walked over to a locked cupboard. He was holding a hunting rifle with him saying,"So if the werewolf grabs you, it will burn you to a crisp with its flames from hell. It comes from Amarok himself. The creature's presence is pure evil and we have to find it. I'll tranquilize it and bag it so we can hopefully save the person turned into a werewolf. However, I doubt it since Amarok loves to keep his pranks alive and well.". "You got our help uncle." said Jason.

Zane smiled as he said,"Yeah. I mean despite you being stronger than normal humans, that werewolf seems stronger than normal werewolves.". "Thank you both but an old friend of ours will be here as well." said Dustin. "Really? And who would that be?" said Jordan. "Someone who makes me and my daughter look like nothing more than novices when it comes to hunting down animals or criminal organization long since dead." said Dustin.

Jason groaned with him saying,"Seriously? Not him of all beings.". "Well, I'm sorry that I ain't your favorite being to be around but deal with it speedy." said a gruff, masculine voice. The museum door had been opened up and a male stood there. He looks to be a muscular, looking Caucasian male with him looking to be in his early 30s. He looks to be about 6 foot. He has dirty blond hair with it being in a buzzcut like fashion. He has facial stubble. 

His dark sapphire blue eyes had a murderous glare to them despite having no pupils and this means that he's blind. He’s wearing a camo green army jacket/bomber/flight jacket. His jacket has several cigars hidden under it with him being a chain smoker. His jacket has over a simple blue and dark gray shirt with a pair of military dog tags around his neck. He wears worn out looking dark blue cargo pants and a black martial style belt. He’s wearing bandages wrapped around his calves and forearms. 

He wears brown leather boots that look to be tucked into his pants and brown leather gloves. He’s carrying a worn out bag over his shoulder. "Nice to see you again Dust. How long has it been? Ten years right?" said the man. "This is Chadwick Rosenberg but he likes the name Chad. He's an Alliance member and goes by the name Metanite." said Dustin. "It's nice to see you again squirt. How's your old man treating you?" said Chad with him smiling at Nina.

Nina smiled as she said,"Very good Mr. Rosenberg. He has been doing well in keeping a job and not pissing anyone off too much.". "That sounds like your father." said Sabrina. Jason sulked with Chad chuckling. "So with the annual Jason teasing down, who are the kids and the man?" said Chad. "These three are my children Atem, Uriel, and Zoey. My name is Zane Alvarez." said Zane. "So you're Zane Alvarez? Got to say. Alyssa speaks highly of you." said Chad.

He began sniffing Zane with him thinking,"Huh. This guy is pretty strong even more than Warrior was back in the day. I bet those kids aren't normal like Nina is.". "So why are you sniffing me? I'm not into guys sniffing me." said Zane. "Doesn't Wolfram sniff you?" said Uriel. "I think that's a different case sis." said Zoey. "So you told me that we're tracking something big. What is it?" said Chad. "A fire werewolf. You up for it?" said Dustin.

Chad smirked with him saying,"Hell yeah. That seems interesting and worth coming down here when I could be doing something else.". "So are you in too Atem?" said Zane. The mummy had been quiet for a while now since he was not so subtlety looking at Nina. "I mean in my experience, chicks dig guys who are willing to protect others." said Zane's voice in Atem's head. "I'm coming too!" said Atem with his face red and was trying to impress Nina.

Jason nodded wisely as he said,"The idea of a mummy vs a werewolf is pretty awesome.". The duo of Uriel and Zoey agreed with Jordan and Sabrina sighing loudly. "I will come as well." said Nina. "While I'm happy for you two deciding to help out, Cross Falls has some very specific rules. Only males can leave town to hunt and males from outside of town can only hunt if they're eighteen or over. If you're female, you can't hunt no if, ands, or buts. This place isn't progressive." said Dustin.

Uriel looked at him as she said,"Wow. That sounds really stupid.". "Yeah it is pinkie. Cross Falls is one of the most sexist cities in the southwest part of the US. They made that rule back when the town was founded back in the wild west. Times may change but traditions don't. This means that the group of Atem, Jordan, Nina, Sabrina, Uriel, and Zoey must stay behind." said Chad. "That's sucks! I want to see a mummy fighting a fire werewolf! When am I ever going to see that again?!" said Zoey. 

Nina sighed and walked away with a sad expression. "If you weren't his father's child, I would be very concerned by your answer Zoey." said Jordan. "It's their land and their rules. I know that I told you kids that sometimes, you need to ignore the rules in order to save someone. This isn't one of those times. Just stay here until we come back and don't worry. There will be footage of this fight happening I promise since I got Mummy Form." said Zane. 

The group of Chad, Dustin, Jason, and Zane left the museum shortly after saying that. Nina and Zoey looked disappointed for different reasons, the two older women looked neutral, and Uriel wasn't really bothered by staying behind. "She seems real sad because of these damn rules. I really hate it. What should I do to cheer her up?" thought Atem. "So are you going to do something to cheer up my niece Atem? She is your first crush after all." said Sabrina. 

Atem looked at her with a face of horror with him saying,"What?!". "Oh wow. I thought Zane was just joking about you of all beings have a crush but you have all of the symptoms." said Jordan. "Oh gods. I hate how he of all beings knows about it." said Atem with a red face. "Big bro has a crush?" said Uriel as she and Zoey stood there. "I'm so happy for you! Way to go big bro!" said Zoey. "Shut up! What if she hears you?!" said Atem.    

Sabrina looked at him as she said,"Don't worry about her hearing us. When she gets depressed, she tends to shut down and ignore everyone around. You should be more worried about how much Zane is going to tease you about your little crush.". "You're right." said Atem. "Don't worry so much. He isn't going to tease you that much." said Jordan. "Yeah. Dad may like teasing us now and again but he's the master of love!" said Zoey.

Jordan nodded as she said,"Yep. I think it would be smart to go with Allen, Danny, Leo, and Zane when it comes to matters of the heart. Just don't go to Efren or Kevin with your problems. They aren't expects on romance like most men are.". "This could be a phase though and I can't even talk to her without shutting down. Since we're going to be here for a while, do you mind telling her about how awesome and cool I am? Uriel and Zoey will do that naturally." said Atem.

Uriel and Zoey nodded as Jordan said,"Sure thing.". "Thanks auntie." said Atem, hugging her with Uriel joining in for the hug. "You're welcome. So need me to do anything in particular?" said Jordan as Atem looked at her. "Well, I think telling her that I'm a good hero I am and person! That's the most important and...." said Atem. "I think they can do that while we go join the guys." said Sabrina as she grabbed Atem's shoulders and held him in the air.

Atem looked at her as he said,"But I thought we were told to stay here.". "And I want to stay here and try and impress Nina." thought Atem as he looked over at her. "Sorry but we can't just stand back and let our fathers go fight that monsters just because of some stupid rules." said Sabrina. "I know that you want to go out and hunt that creature but well, do you really want to get your fathers in trouble." said Jordan. Atem didn't get a chance to answer her as Sabrina and him were gone.

Uriel watched them leave with her saying,"So auntie Jordan. Why did she take big brother?". "No idea Uriel. I guess she wanted to use him as a way to keep her dad distracted while she hunts down the firewolf." said Jordan. "Firewolf?" said Zoey. "It sounds better than fire werewolf. Not much but it's better than any of your father's invention names. He may be a genius in a lot of things but naming things isn't his strong suit. Now lets help Atem with his love life." said Jordan.

Thirty minutes later in the desert a few miles away from Cross Falls. Crickets and birds chirped within the desert and the moon shined bright down on the vast landscape. Chad ,whose bag was back at the RV at the moment, picked up some stray hairs from Blackjack. He began sniffing it with Dustin saying,"So got anything?". "Yeah. We're going the right way." said Chad. "Good work. Hopefully, we can find the wearer of the amulet of Amarok before it causes even more destruction." said Dustin.

Zane smiled as he said,"I still can't believe that I'm in the same hunting group as two of the best trackers in the Alliance. Chad Rosenberg aka Metanite and Dustin Klein aka Huntsman. I've been a big fan of you two since you two went after that Stone Yeti terrorizing Europe.". He kept rambling on as Chad sighed. "So I guess Alyssa wasn't kidding about how much Zero rambles on. Guess that's due to his blood. So why are you here kid?" said Chad with him looking at Atem.

Atem sighed as he said,"I got forced to come because of someone's sister.". "Yeah. She can be forceful at times and if you say no to her demand, she'll ignore you." said Jason. "She sounds like a person who I would hate since I hate people who force me or others to do what they want. However, Sabrina only does that on occasion like when she's being denied the chance to hunt down a firewolf just because of some rules that should have evolved with the time." said Zane.

Chad sighed as he said in a cold tone,"I got to agree with Zero on this. Those rules are stupid and you know it Dust. Speaking of the kid now, don't slow us down and you'll be good.". He was holding out a Cuban cigar and a lighter from his pocket. "Huh. You ain't going to say anything about me smoking kid?" said Chad. "Nope. It's your life and I don't have any right to tell you what you should or shouldn't do with it. I see Zane smoke and drink all of the time so I'm used to it." said Atem.

Chad nodded as he said,"You said something smart kid. If you told me not to smoke or drink because it's bad for my health or something other crap like that, we would have a serious issue.". "So Dustin is a retire Alliance agent, did Nina take his place?" said Zane. "Not yet because of someone not letting his daughter join even though she's more capable than most brats her age." said Chad. "Well, I'm sorry that I'm worry for my daughter's safety and the Alliance doesn't need child soldiers." said Jason.      

The group was in front of a vast rocky canyon that had massive ledges and it didn't take someone with supernatural senses to see that there was very little signs of life here. "So mind tell me why we didn't let Sabrina come with us? I mean she already left the area according to Atem. She's a tracker on your level uncle and maybe better than smoky over there." said Jason. He was hit in the arm by Chad's cigar with Zane chuckling as Jason glared at Chad. 

Chad looked at Jason with him saying,"While I think bringing her would have made this hunt much easier, you and I both know how much of a hard on Dustin has for the rules.". "Rules are rules and they are to meant to be followed." said Dustin. "Yeah but they need to be broken if there is a very slim possibility of people are in danger. I'm sure you don't want the firewolf to hurt Nina and Sabrina but they aren't weak. I mean Nina is probably stronger than her father." said Zane.   

Jason nodded as he heard what Zane ended with and said,"Hey! I'm strong too!". "You are but in this case, Sabrina would be more helpful than you Speedy." said Chad. "But he could comb the entire area in minutes and find the firewolf once we track his scent." said Zane. "Both of you are right since Sabrina's codename is Artemis after all. If she was named after the goddess of the hunt, I'm pretty sure she was a great hunter." said Atem.  

Do note that Sabrina Klein isn't this dimension version of Evelyn Adams whatsoever. If you know who this character is without me putting up a link, I'll be impressed. "All of you are right. My daughter was blessed with the abilities of the Greek Goddess but I can't ignore Cross Falls's rules. Sabrina on the other hand can. So do you two sense her here?" said Dustin. "Probably. I mean she means loves to hunt and being told not to do it makes her want to do it more." said Chad.

Zane nodded as he said,"This means that reverse psychology doesn't work on her.". "So mind helping us out by getting us a third nose to use? I'm only picking up only embers along with the fire werewolf's fur." said Dustin. "I thought we were going to call it firewolf." said Jason. "I think Mr. Klein prefers to call it by its name rather than a nickname." said Atem. "You got it." said Zane with him turning into Tombstone Form. The lizard like creature walked ahead as the others followed him.  

Back in Cross Falls, the town was practically deserted as the trio of Nina, Uriel, and Zoey sat on the rooftop of the museum which looked over the town. Jordan was nearby them with her sighing and hoped that Dustin didn't blame her from letting Atem and Sabrina go out to hunt the firewolf. "So I guess Atem saved you earlier." said Jordan. "Yeah but I'm pretty sure daddy was there too. He's the best." said Uriel. "That was cool. I can believe I was saved by two famous superheroes." said Nina. 

Zoey tilted her head as she said,"Hold on. Isn't your dad one?". "He is Zoey but Atem is way cooler than my dad and really cute especially when he's embarrassed. Please don't tell him I said that." said Nina as she looked away. "Will do since I'm sure Jason will fight Atem for the title of being your favorite hero if we mention it. So why do you think Atem is so cool?" said Jordan. "Of course he is but dad is way cooler than Atem though." said Zoey with Uriel nodding. In the desert, Atem sneezed.  

Nina looked at her as she said,"Zero may be an amazing hero but Atem is our generation's hero. He's the one that young metahumans will look up to in the future.". The conversation was stopped as they heard a howling from Blackjack. "So do you think we should go help daddy and big bro?" said Uriel as she looked at her older sister. "They'll be fine. I mean he's with my great uncle and dad." said Nina. "I think we should be more worried about your aunt causing problem Nina." said Jordan.

Back with the men, the group looked down the edge of the canyon and saw Blackjack going through a pile of scrap metal. He was clearly looking for something as sparks were flying from his digging. Atem widened his eyes as he saw Blackjack devouring a freshly killed wolf and devouring its metal while digging. "Huh. Never thought I would see something like this. I mean him eating an innocent animal I did but digging for old computer equipment is weird." whispered Chad.

Zane shrugged as he whispered,"Does that really matter? We need to stop it before it gets the desire for human blood.". "He's right. I'll take the shot. Do you mind keeping him from dodging it Zane?" whispered Dustin. "Sure thing." said Zane with him disappearing from the sight and began climbing down to where Blackjack was. Dustin aimed his weapon at the werewolf and aimed it carefully at the wolf. He placed his finger on the trigger and took the shot.

Blackjack's ears picked up the rifle being fired and was prepared to dodge it easily. However, he was unable to move. Zane reappeared and held the firewolf in a powerful bear hug. The dart went right into the neck of the beast with him howling out in pain as the dart pierced his skin. He glared right at Zane and then directly at the man who shot at him. "Sorry but your death glare isn't going to convince me let you go." said Zane.

To get Zane to let him go, Blackjack covered himself and Zane in the fire. Like with anyone who tried to stop him, he expected the giant reptile to be burnt to a crisp but Zane wasn't. "Oh wow then. That's really toasty." said Zane. He smacked Blackjack with his tail and the wolf was released from Zane's grip. The canine glared at Zane for getting hitting by that tail and refusing to burn. "Is someone mad that I'm not burnt to a crisp?" said Zane.

Blackjack released a fiery blast from its mouth, covering Zane with his flames. After doing that, the wolf went toward the rest of the group and began scaling the cliffside. Dustin kept firing bullets at Blackjack who easily dodged them. It let up and landed behind the group. "Stay back. He's mine." said Chad with him running toward Blackjack. He clenched his fists with a silver mercury like substance and the metal formed into a pair of gauntlets. "Lets go wolfy!" said Chad.

The wolf howled at him and charged at Chad. The two began fighting with Atem watching the fight in a shocked state and Dustin smiled. "He's one of the best hand to hand fighters in the Alliance due to him having several years to learn and mastered several different martial arts." said Dustin. "I could totally beat him." grumbled Jason. "So what about that metal?" said Atem. "Just watch and you'll find out young one." said Dustin.

Chad dodged a claw from Blackjack with him transformed his left gauntlet into a naginta. He aimed the weapon into the creature's chest, piercing it. The wolf roared in pain as blood leaked from his chest and landed on the dirt floor. "I'm real sorry. This must be the first time you've been hurt but it won't be the last." said Chad. He began charging at Blackjack who roared and released a giant burst of flame with the werewolf slicing Chad's face with his claws.

This combo attack sent the man flying back with a very noticeable gash on his face and his entire body covered in burns. His jacket and shirt were gone, revealing his chest and dog tags. "Okay. That looks like it hurt." said Jason. "Not really." groaned Chad with Blackjack smiling. He was about to finish the pesky human but he watched the man's burns and gash heal within seconds. "Okay. That was some really fast regeneration." said Atem.

Dustin nodded as he said,"Yeah. Metanite is one of the most feared and ruthless beings I've ever met. I think he could give your dad a run for his money.". Chad began chucking at the wolf's shock with him charging back at Blackjack and began clashing with Blackjack. Said wolf wasn't happy about losing so to win, he released a high-pitched sonic howl from his mouth. This caught everyone off guard with Chad covering his ears and Blackjack released a wave of fire. 

This send the group flying off the cliff face with Blackjack smiling. He didn't get a chance to gloat at them due to him getting punched in the face by Zane who was in Specter Form. The wolf glared at the ghost with him turning back to normal and in his costume. "Sorry but you can't escape my beatdown wolfy." said Zane as Blackjack rushed at Zane. As the rest of the group was falling, Atem turned into Osiris.

He turned to Chad ,who had his hands covering his ears, and knew what he had to do. The mummy wrapped his left arm around the adults and his right arm was wrapped around a rock above him. He reached the bottom with him releasing the three adults. "So I'm going to help my dad out." said Atem with a serious look. "Thanks for the save kid. Guess you were worth having come around. Lets go. I'm sure you can launch us there like a slingshot right?" said Chad.

Atem nodded as he launched himself and Chad toward where Zane was. Said Cross Species had grabbed Blackjack and tossed him into the ground, breaking it. The beast wined in pain due to how hard Zane threw him into the ground. "So how is your pride doing? I mean you thought that you were invincible after turning into this but nope, you're still weak." said Zane. Crisis Judgement went off as Zane moved back. 

The werewolf released a howl and if Zane had been at close range or hit by it, his hyper hearing would have picked it up and it wouldn't be very pleasant for him. "Okay. I heard it earlier but you're quite loud and it's a magical howl too." said Zane. The two clashed at each other with them moving to another area just as Atem and Chad arrived. "So did they move or what?" said Atem. "Possibly kid. We'll find them though." said Chad, sniffing for Blackjack's scent.

Atem was unaware of him being watched by Sabrina. She was watching Blackjack and Zane fighting on top of a nearby rock and was using binoculars to watch the fight. She was in her Artemis costume. She had her brown hair in a ponytail and her head was covered in a gold ,with silver lining, helmet that exposed her face and hair. Her helmet is more like a headband. She’s wearing a black and brick red bodysuit that isn’t too sexy. 

It still shows off her womanly curves but shows that she’s a warrior as well. The upper body and upper arms are brick red with a symbol of Artemis aka a bow and arrow on each section. The hips and lower arms are a solid black color. She wears knee-high gold greaves that works as boots with black stripes that go up to her shins. She wears gold armbands on both of her upper arms and had two twin katanas sheathed on her back. Her metagene is that she's able to track down anyone like her father.

She's able to compete with the best due to her ability to memorize the fighting style of anyone who she has seen before now. She's also able to summon weapons from a pocket dimension. Like Chad, she's able to regenerate from any wound that she's taken but it's slower than his. If she had taken the exact same attack that Chad earlier, it would have taken minutes for her to heal from their wound rather than seconds like with Chad. "It's time to begin the hunt." said Sabrina, smiling. 

After getting launched away by Zane's punch, Blackjack began climbed up the cliff side to where he found Chad earlier. Upon reaching the top, he was instantly wrapped by the mummy's bandages. It was mainly focused around his wrists, ankles, and muzzle. "You won't be escape my grip ugly." said Atem as Chad stood there. "Nice kid. Followed the plan perfectly." said Chad with him punching the wolf in the face.

This stunned the wolf and Atem pinned the wolf to the ground. After this, Sabrina pulled out a bow from her pocket dimension. She aimed it carefully from her spot and she made sure not to hurt either Atem or Chad. In order to escape, Blackjack chomped down on Atem's right arm and this tore the arm a bit. Atem yelped in pain with him saying,"Fine! If you want to fight dirty, you got it!". Chad saw the mummy picked up the tied up werewolf and began following through on his word. 

Atem began said wolf through the ground and into some rocks. He tossed Blackjack into the air and Sabrina aimed her weapon carefully. She fired an arrow toward the wolf and where Chad had sliced him earlier. The arrow hit the wound and caused him to howl in pain. Due to how loud it was, the trio of Atem, Chad, and Sabrina covered their ears and Blackjack landed on the ground. He was about to charge at the duo of Atem and Chad but was stopped by a thunder bolt.

Atem and Chad got back up to see Zane floating there in Torrent Form. "Sorry but hands off the mummy you ugly son of a bitch. I know you want to be the horror movie monster but vampires kinda have that title locked in." said Zane, aiming his four tentacles at the werewolf. The wolf released a wave of fire at Zane with Zane absorbing it. Zane released both a wave of electricity and water at the wolf.

Blackjack growled in pain with Chad stabbing the werewolf's tail using a mercury spear. He howled in pain and unlike before, Chad had sealed his mouth shut using the mercury from the spear to bind him and make him unable to move. Atem had grabbed the tail with him spinning around quickly and let go of the creature. Blackjack crashed into the dirt floor dazed and injured. Before he could get back, the trio of Atem, Chad, and Zane stood/floated there. 

Zane turned to Chad with him saying,"So does anything caught up in your metal make electricity hurt more or less?". "It hurts more and go nuts you sadistic freak." said Chad. Zane nodded as he gave Blackjack a huge amount of voltage all at once. "Damn you. Let me go right now!" howled Blackjack as his body glowed a bright red. "Did he just talk?" thought the three as they were knocked back by a wave of red energy. Chad and Zane fell off the cliffside.

It wasn't fire like Blackjack had used before but Liasada which confused Zane since Liasada is very rare to see. Atem shook his head with him seeing Blackjack hungrily glare at him. "So I know that you're mad at me, Mr. Rosenberg, and Zero but I can promise you this. I taste the least delicious." said Atem in a scared tone. The wolf roared out and began charging toward Atem. The mummy ran away from the werewolf but he didn't get too far before his left arm got slashed. "Ow!" shouted Atem.

His costume was gone as Atem began tumbled along the desert ground and came sliding to a halt on his back. Groaning in pain and feeling woozy, he began coughing out dust from his mouth and tried to get back up. He opened his eyes and panted,"Yep. I'm really hating today.". He looked at his left arm and saw that there was a claw shaped scar on it. It was glowing red. There was blood trickling down it at a decent pace. 

Atem's eyes widened as he said,"Oh crap. I have to stop the bleeding.". Due to Atem being distracted by his injury, Blackjack was about to blast the mummy away but was stopped by something else. "You will pay for sending me flying but hurting my son. You just learned my wrath. Increase the power of my attack! Astral Roar!" said a voice with part of his sentence being in spoken in Greek. The wolf was blasted away by a massive burst of steel gray cosmic energy.

Said energy had molten gold runes around it. Zane appeared with his eyes glowing red. "Atem!" said Zane. He ran over to his son with Atem looking at his dad. "Dad? You're okay?" said Atem. "I'm fine son. Chad is okay too since Jason broke his fall." said Zane. When Zane got close to him, Atem hugged him. "It's okay son. You'll be okay." said Zane with him hugging him back tighter. As Zane looked after Atem who was holding back his tears, the other men arrived.

Jason looked around and he said,"So where did the firewolf go?". "No idea. Zero probably blasted him and hopefully, he killed him." said Dustin. "We can only hope that since I doubt he's going to be too happy once we see him. We also got a injured kid." said Chad. Jason ran over to Atem and Zane with the man saying,"So are you doing Atem?". "I'm doing just fine except for the fact that I can't feel my arm you ignoramus!" shouted Atem.

Both Chad and Zane covered his ears due to how loud Atem shouted with Dustin turned to Jason. "I'm on it!" said Jason. He was gone with him leaving behind a dust cloud. "Wow. He's fast." said Zane with Atem nodding. "Yeah. Speedy is fast but not too bright." said Chad. Jason returned with him holding a roll of bandages and Sabrina who crossed her arms. "You can put me down now cuz." said Sabrina. "I will and here you go uncle." said Jason.

Jason placed Sabrina down on the ground with him walking over to Atem. "Okay. I need you to hold him tight Zero while Speedy wraps the bandages around the kid." said Chad. "You got it Chad." said Zane. Chad wrapped the bandages around Atem's arm and he looked at Atem. "So with you now all bandaged up, please don't yell like that again. I already having ringing in my ears from that furball earlier." said Chad. "Um sure. Thank you Mr. Rosenberg." said Atem. 

Chad sighed as he said,"You're welcome and just call me Chad. Everyone else does and you calling me by my last name is weird.". "Okay then. So what about those two?" said Atem. "I can't believe you Sabrina. You know that Cross Falls forbids any women or any outsider men under eighteen from hunting down any creature that attacks the town. Atem was able to come with us due to him being a well respected hero from Cypress Park but this won't make the town elders happy." said Dustin. 

Sabrina rolled her eyes as she said,"Screw the town elders. I can't believe you would let those old sexist fools stop me from hunting down a fire werewolf. I'm sure if I don't come here to assist you and the others, Atem would have died by that thing.". "That may sound like a good reason for breaking the rules but you being here caused him to get hurt regardless." said Dustin. The two began arguing with the others in their group watching. 

Atem blinked as he said,"So is this normal?". "Only when she does something stupid or risky in order to hunt something down." said Jason. "Ever since I've known them, it's usually every couple of weeks or whenever I come to see them." said Chad. "So has these two tried and see a counselor? I mean this seems like a serious problem and I highly recommended it. It does wonders by the way. So if I was a police officer, would my name be Legion Cop or Officer Zero?" said Zane. 

Jason cupped his chin as he said,"I like the latter name but the former name has some merit to it.". "So these comments of your dad, is that normal?" said Chad. "It is Chad." said Atem. "We're heading back to your RV Zane to regroup and discuss what we should do next. I hope a certain someone comes back with us and doesn't break off in order to hunt down Amarok." said Dustin. He walked off with Sabrina rolling her eyes and Jason shook his head.

He put his arm around her with Sabrina saying,"Let me guess. You sided with my father about this. I did the right thing by coming here.". "Maybe you did and maybe you didn't. Who knows? I think we should just focus on taking down the firewolf instead of who is right." said Jason. The two cousins walked off as Chad joined them. Atem ,holding his left arm in pain slightly, and Zane followed them after them with this night not being ever close to over. 

About an hour later and at the Vindicator. The RV was parked on the outskirts of the village where Dustin was talking about Blackjack with a group of townspeople. They weren't too happy when they heard about Sabrina ,still dressed as Artemis, going out to hunt down the creature with the males. They also weren't happy about Atem going with them but they were more focused on the female. Jason and Nina was by his side, trying to defend Sabrina's actions but it was a losing battle.

On the opposite side of the RV, Chad was chugging a bottle of beer and enjoying the night sky even though they were something annoying going on in the background. The kids and Jordan were sitting down at a table nearby the RV. An exhausted Atem was sitting down on the table with him drinking a bottle of water and was recovering from Blackjack. "So that overgrown dog scratched you? We really should have gone with you." said Jordan.

Zoey nodded as she said,"Yeah. No one messes with my big brother and gets away with it.". "She's right!" said Uriel. "Yeah. This injury will slow me down for a while but according to dad, I should be fine." said Atem. "So where is your dad? I thought he would be here." said Jordan. "No idea. So has Nina said anything about me while I was gone?" said Atem. "Maybe she did, maybe she didn't." said Jordan. "Huh? What does that mean?" said Atem.

Jordan didn't answer him with Atem hearing a voice,"Just don't act too interested in her kid. I can speak from experience when I say this. Women of all ages and species throughout the Omniverse can smell desperation coming from a mile away.". Atem turned to see Chad standing there with the teenager saying,"Thanks for the advice.". "You're welcome kid." said Chad. "So are you done talking?" said Uriel. "Yep and the outcome is what you would expect from us breaking their rules." said Chad.

Zoey looked at him as she said,"Not good?". "Bingo." said Chad. The four (Dustin, Jason, Nina, and Sabrina) walked over to them with Dustin looked annoyed. "Due to my daughter's actions, they banned the four of us from entering town until we take down Blackjack. With the full moon, Amarok's power will be even greater." said Dustin. "Lucky us." said Atem. "I still don't get why we couldn't go back for our stuff." said Nina.

Uriel looked at them as she said,"So is it just you guys or can we not enter?". "Just our family. So where did Zane go?" said Jason. "Checking on where he blasted the wolf to kingdom come when he saw you hurt kid." said Chad. "So why is he doing that? I mean dad won right?" said Zoey. "Being too confident will get you kill Zoey. Evil always come back like a bad itch or gold diggers." said Zane as he reappeared. 

Chad blinked with him saying,"So how did your investigation go?". "Pretty bad. I mean I blasted him and due to how strong my attack was, I couldn't locate his scent. Maybe you or the hunters can find him." said Zane. As the adults talked, Nina went over to Atem. "So my dad told me what you did in the fight Atem." said Nina. "Oh that. It's no big deal. I was just doing what a hero does best. Keep everyone safe." said Atem. "Except for himself." muttered Atem.

Nina didn't hear him saying that last part with her saying,"That's really cool and being a hero sounds like a fun but difficult job. I mean your whole family are superheroes.". "Yep. I help out big brother even though he's really good just like daddy!" said Uriel. "Thanks but I'm still learning how to be a hero unlike dad has it down pat." said Atem. "The one bad thing about being a hero is the fact that we don't get paid except for dad." said Zoey.

Atem nodded as he said,"I should warn you Nina. It's a full time gig but I'm only a part time hero. I'm actually studying to become a astronaut or perhaps someone like your grandfather.". The two walked away from the younger girls with them smiling. As this was going on, Atem was scratching himself. "I have to ask. What has been your favorite adventure so far?" said Nina. "I think it was the time me and dad took down the Battalion. They're a group of dad's bad guys." said Atem.

Before he could continue, Chad said,"Hey kid. Why are you scratching a monkey?". Everyone looked at Atem who was scratching the front and back of his body. "No idea." said Atem. "I guess big bro wanted to be like a monkey." said Uriel with her and Zoey acting like monkeys. Chad chuckled at the girls with him saying,"I guess this must be his tick when it comes to talking with girls.". "I doubt it. So are you okay Atem?" said Sabrina.

Atem rolled his eyes as he said,"Of course I'm not! I'm so itchy! Does someone mind scratching my back for me?". "Not it!" said Jason and Zane with the latter saying it before the former. "Guess you're the one scratching the mummy. I'm so jealous of you cuz." said Sabrina. "I know you're not so don't say that. Why me though? I already had to scratch my nana's back once. Haven't my hands suffered enough?" said Jason.    

The man began carefully scratching Atem's back gently. This helped a little bit before the mummy held his head in pain and felt his eyes sting. He then began dragging his butt across it. "Atem. Please have some class. You're acting like a dog." said Sabrina. "Or Sabrina when she's drunk." said Jason with him getting punched by Sabrina. "I can't help it!" said Atem, removing his shoes and continues to scratch himself. "I can't stop myself seriously!" said Atem. 

Due to him being focused on getting rid of the itch, he didn't see that he turned into his mummy form but it looked different. His bandages were now black with them looked to be a mixture of bandages and fur. He began scratching himself behind the ear with his foot. "Wow. Big bro is so flexible. Who knew that?" said Uriel. "That isn't it sweetheart. You don't think he's..." whispered Jordan. "Yeah. He's turning into a werewolf. We need to stop this before the kid becomes all wolf." whispered Chad. 

Atem had sharp black claws on his feet and he had on them on his hands as well. His teeth had a pair of sharp and tough canines. "Um Atem. Your hair is...." said Nina as she watched Atem continue to scratch himself. "I know that I have a pimple there right now Nina because puberty is a pain in my..." said Atem. "I don't really care about that because well, how should I say this? You're looking to be more beastly." said Nina. "Wow. She's well articulate." said Zane.

Chad nodded as he said,"Yeah. She's the complete opposite of her dad at her age.". "So what's going on with big brother?" said Zoey. "What are you talking about? I feel perfectly fine except for the fact that I'm really itchy!" said Atem with him unaware of his transformation as his ears grew pointy. "I think you should look in a mirror." said Jordan. She gave him a mirror with the young mummy seeing his reflection.

His eyes widened as he said,"What the? What happened to me?!". "So is this normal for you?" said Nina. "Unfortunately, it isn't. I knew that I should have treated that wound better." said Zane as Atem sprouted a small black furry tail from his back. Looking at everyone, Atem howled loudly at the night sky. "Arrrrrooooo!" said Atem. Once he finished, he looked around and had a grin on his face. "I'm really hungry and there is some fresh meat. No. That's wrong." thought Atem.

Looking at his claws, he removed the cloth around his arms and began licking said wound even though it had been healed a while ago. "So were you bitten or even attacked by the werewolf?" said Dustin in a concerned tone. "Of course I was you freaking old man!" said Atem, glaring at him. "So I know that you must be have trouble controlling your now instincts but you need to stop acting like a little shit or else." said Chad with him making a mercury lance appear.

Jordan looked at him as she said with her arms crossed,"Maybe you should try and be nice to him Chad.". "He is being nice Jordan." said Sabrina. "You're right. He did bite me and then slash me but I presumed that I was immune to Lycanthropy?" said Atem. "Um what's that?" said Uriel and Zoey with Jason smiling. "I can tell you two what that is. It's the process of turning into a werewolf. So would Atem being a mumwolf or weremummy?" said Jason.

Zoey looked at him as she said,"Is it obvious? Weremummy is obviously the better name.". "This isn't something you should be joking about at all you two. Amarok is be able to create followers in its own image if they get slashed by the god. Upon finishing its transformation, the follower will attack those closest to them." said Sabrina. "Oh no." said Atem. "Don't worry Atem. We'll get though this and you'll be back to normal." said Zane, smiling.

Atem felt comfort from this with Uriel saying,"Yeah. Daddy is right. I mean it doesn't matter if you're a mummy or weremummy. You're still my big brother.". She and Zoey hugged him with Atem returning the hug. "While this scene is really sweet, how does Atem un-wolf and go back to being a mummy. This is a weird thing to experience by the way." said Nina. "Welcome to being part of a metahuman world kid. Having normalcy is just a fantasy." said Chad.

Zane agreed with Chad's statement with Dustin saying,"I remember reading that the only two ways to reverse the transformation is by defeating him in combat.". "And the other is a silver bullet right?" said Jordan. "We watch a lot of horror movies at Zenith Tower. It's a weekly thing." said Zoey. "I'm sure that we can easily beat that overgrown dog and if we needed to shoot you, I would graze you. Dustin and Sabrina on the other hand wouldn't." said Zane.

Atem gulped as he said,"Um. How about we don't do that?". "He's right! Shooting him should be the last and final option." said Nina, defending Atem while he was scratching himself. "Hold on. Doesn't your watch have the ability to reverse someone DNA if it's corrupted dad?" said Zoey. "It does but it wouldn't work in this case." said Zane. Atem, Jason, Jordan, Nina, Uriel, and Zoey looked confused as Chad said,"You may have to explain it to them Zero.". "Right." said Zane.

He made a holographic image of a DNA helix appear over his watch as he said,"The process of turning someone into a werewolf is often called as Lycanthropy and Therianthropy. Pick your answer and you'll be right. Anyway whenever someone begins to turn into a werewolf, their DNA isn't damaged as you think it would be. Your DNA treats this as normal. We need to shoot Atem or defeat the werewolf to turn Atem back. Plain and simple.".

Dustin shook his head as he said,"We don't need to shoot Atem. We just have to dip a silver pendant into the juice of the Silver Wheat Cactus which is a local plant. When the pendant which is covered in the plant's juices comes in contact with the amulet of Amarok, Atem will turn back. We need to do this by tonight's full moon or you'll be a weremummy forever.". "I'm so very happy that you're calling it a weremummy uncle." said Jason.

Chad and Sabrina sighed as Atem saying,"Forever huh. That isn't good.". "Look on the brighter side here Atem. I think in some cultures, werewolves are considered gods." said Nina. "And you can still be a hero and call yourself Anubis instead." said Zane. "You know. This doesn't sound so bad when you two put it that way." said Atem with Jason and Zoey agreeing. "I'm not having a werewolf for an older brother despite how cool it sounds!" said Uriel. "Sometimes Uriel." said Jordan.

Dustin looked at Zane with him saying,"Zane. Do you mind getting our stuff from our hotel room since we're currently banned from the city?". "Aka our costumes." said Jason with him pointing to Jason and Nina. "I'll go with you Zero." said Chad. "Why?" said Jordan. "Booze." said Chad. "I forgot how much of an alcoholic you can be." said Sabrina. "I'll go do that and we have booze here. Lets go already." said Zane as he turned into Teleport Form and teleported away.

When Zane was gone, Atem's stomach growled with him saying,"So is anyone else hungry?". About ten minutes later, Nina, Uriel, and Zoey were sitting at the dinette looking at one of the laptops that they had in the RV. Chad was nearby them and drinking with Jason looking at his phone. The two were on babysitting duties as Dustin, Jordan, and Sabrina were making a plan to track Blackjack "So how much do you know about werewolves Nina?" said Uriel.

Zoey nodded as she said,"Yeah. I mean the only werewolves we know are Nexus, Wolfram, and Zane in Werewolf Form. It's a limited experience.". "Werewolves have been seen all around the planet but the origins of the species goes back to Europe during the Middle Ages." said Nina. "Have you fought them before Chad? I mean you're really old." said Jason. "I have and I'm only a hundred years old speedy. So should we stop him?" said Chad.

The two older men looked at Atem who was sniffing some food he needed to consume. He spotted a bag of chips and smiled. He ripped open the pocket and devoured them before throwing the packet aside. "I need more eggs! Plus some ham! And cheese! And juice!" growled Atem. He held a bowl and went over to the fridge. He quickly dumped five whole cartons of eggs into a howl alongside several pounds of ham, five whole blocks of cheddar cheese, and juice. 

Atem hungrily devoured the meal with bits of food splattering all across the RV. Now full for now, the weremummy looked up to see Zoey with a Nether forcefield. This protected herself, the duo of Nina and Uriel, and said laptop. Chad had done the same with a mercury shield but Jason wasn't so lucky as he was covered in food crap. "Okay. That was totally my b." said Atem with Chad sighing. "If you think this is bad, you should see our dad when he's really hungry." said Zoey.

Uriel nodded as she said,"Yeah. It gets really messy!". "Sorry about that. I can't control my damn instincts." said Atem with holding a napkin. "It's fine Atem. I don't mind at all." said Nina as she used the napkin to wipe down her father. "So how long do you think my brother is going to be a teenager werewolf?" said Zoey. "Which sound like a cheesy B movie or a cheesy teen drama." said Jason. "I need you to focus Speedy. You need to be the rational one since your cousin isn't." said Chad.

Zoey nodded as she said,"Yeah. I think I saw her sharpening her swords earlier. She wants to have that thing's head gone before the night ends.". "We really should focus on trying the wolf back to normal instead of killing him right?" said Uriel. "You're right Uriel but once she gets into hunting, it's hard to get her out of it." said Jason. "Ain't that truth? She's just like Dustin back in the day. So did you find anything out about the plant your great uncle mentioned?" said Chad.

Nina nodded as she had pulled up an article on said cactus. "I did." said Nina as the beings inside of the RV went over to her. Atem sprinted ,on all fours, right toward the fridge before opening and peered above it. "You know. I could never understand why dad liked scarfing things down but I think I do now. It's really fun to wolf things down. Get it?" said Atem as he began hungrily devouring more food.   

This pun earned a groan from Chad and Nina with Jason laughing. "Nice one weremummy." said Jason as he was punched by Chad. "What? It was a good pun." said Jason. "You shouldn't try and force puns to happen. It's weird to see him do this." said Chad. "Uh oh. I'm changing again." said Atem with his muscle mass growing exponentially. He looked to be slightly bigger than Blackjack with him being around the size of Bull Form or Swamp Prime. 

His face looked more canine with two wolf-like ears perched at the top of his head and his eyes were now two glowing green orbs with a distinct looking of pupils. His body was covered in black fur like bandages with a large and furry tail. His arms and legs looked muscular and strong. Looking at the group who were shocked at Atem changing once again. "Interesting. I'm more of a werewolf now rather than a mummy." said Atem in a thick and deep voice.

He grabbed a turkey leg and began devouring it hungrily. "Oh wow. You're more like a werewolf or dad when he's really hungry Atem." said Zoey as she watched her brother eating an entire bowl of ramen within seconds. "Unlike before, I still feel like me but this may change soon." said Atem as he drank an entire gallon of lemonade from the fridge. Once said bottle was empty, Atem tossed it onto the carpet and smelled the area using his powerful sense of smell.

Atem smiled with him saying,"I'm so hungry and there is something I can devour!". He jumped out of the RV on all fours with him backflipping onto the roof and he smiled. He loudly howled and began pounding his chest. He spotted a herd of cattle on the horizon and jumped toward it. "You're mine you bovine!" said Atem as he smiled. They didn't have a chance to escape and he began devouring the entire herd.

Once he finished, the muzzle's mouth was covered in blood and he turned around to see everyone except Zane standing there. "You really need to calm down or I'll force you to calm down." said Sabrina. "Oh shut up. You're not the one stuck with these damn instincts. You're really annoying too by the way. I mean you claim that you'll kill Amarok but did you forget that the werewolf is a victim?" growled Atem. 

Sabrina glared at him with Uriel saying,"So do you think we can get him a leash or maybe a spray bottle?". "Perhaps but would he like that?" said Jason. Atem was on his paws like a dog. "I may be able to teach Atem how to control his lust for food. I did that for Wolfram." said Zoey with her wondering if she could teach him some new tricks. "Ignoring that. So has Zero come back yet?" said Chad as Nina walked over to him.  

The girl wiped the blood off his muzzle using a towel. "Not yet. I think he's still in town Chad." said Jordan. "Perhaps I should have told him where we were staying." said Dustin. "You think?" said Atem with his arms crossed. Before Sabrina could get Atem to learn his place, Zane ,in Teleport Form, had appeared with two suitcases. "Sorry I'm late but I got some pretty juicy information about our firewolf and did you get taller Atem?" said Zane.

About five minutes later, Zane was back to normal. "The NASA tracking station on the northeastern ridge was attacked by the firewolf and I prevented him from killing about fifty percent of the guards before he escaped." said Zane. The kid and teens were shocked by this. "So I'm guessing that you're not used to hearing about death huh." said Chad. "Yeah. Our father on the hand is used to this kind of stuff. So did the firewolf take anything dad?" said Atem.

Zane nodded as he said,"Yeah. He wanted the satellite equipment and took it back to its secret lair which is a thing apparently.". "I think you know what time it is." said Sabrina. "Night time?" said Uriel with a head tile. "No. It's hunting time!" said Sabrina. She was about to go after Blackjack but was held there by her only weapons. "Just in case." said Chad. "Good plan Chad." said Jason as he held the suitcases. "So did you figure it out Zane?" said Dustin. "Figure out what?" said Atem.

The Cross Species nodded as he said,"I sure did Dustin. Firewolf had ripped out the receiver that you had here in town and he did this while we were distracted by the storm. I think it's after technology for some reason.". "Amarok is angry at technology corrupting the world and wants its gone by burning it away." said Dustin. "Which means one thing. We need to find the firewolf before its too late." said Jordan. 

Nina took a deep breath with her saying,"Even with the amount of people here, we need to find both the cactus and firewolf which means one thing. We need to split up. Atem is running out of time before he goes all wolf.".  "She's right. We'll split up into two groups. One group will go after wolfy and the other one will go after the plant." said Jordan. "Look Dustin. I know you're trying to respect the rules of Cross Falls but as a wise being once said, fuck the rules." said Zane.

Dustin sighed as he said,"Okay fine. I'll go with Jason, Jordan, Uriel, and Zoey to find the cactus. I would suggest that the girls would go after the cactus but....". "Yeah. We get it. My cuz is a risk when it comes to the the hunt. Lets get into costume." said Jason. "Hey Nina. I'll promise that I'll protect you from the wolf." said Atem. "Thanks Atem but I'm more worried about Sabrina." said Nina. "We'll keep an eye on her." said Chad with Zane nodded. 

Jason nodded as he said,"Thanks you two. She easily gets blinded by the hunt like Artemis did in the past according to uncle.". A little bit later, Atem, Chad, and Zane was waiting for Nina to get dressed as the last member of the group aka Sabrina was drawing a diagram in the sand with a stick. The desert wind howled loudly. "So where is Nina?" said Atem, looking around. "Calm down you horn dog. She'll be with us soon. So since we got a chance, I need to ask you something Zane." said Chad.

He turned toward Zane with the Cross Species saying,"What's up?". "My senses are never wrong but I need to know what species your DNA consist of." said Chad. "Isn't that a little bit personal?" said Atem. "Not really. The Alliance knows about it." said Chad. "Okay then. Let me see. I'm ten percent Akostar, twenty five percent Eazairvian, twenty five percent Human, ten percent Phantom, ten percent Sorcerer/Magnus, five percent Vordlarin, and fifteen percent Vulcorian." said Zane.

Sabrina stopped drawing in the dirt with her saying,"Oh wow. You're definitely the most unique Cross Species I've ever met.". "Yeah. I get that a lot. Did that answer your question?" said Zane. "A bit but we'll talk about it later in private." said Chad as Zane nodded. "So the NASA station is currently easy of our current location. It's surrounded by lakes from all cardinal directions. We should get going. I doubt some water will stop it." said Sabrina. "Sorry for the wait you guys." said Nina.     

Atem turned away as there was a blush on his face and his tail wagging. Nina's hair was now a solid dark purple color with the tips being emerald green. She's wearing a black domino mask over her eyes and gold tiara on her head. She's wearing a black and yellow jumpsuit with the sleeves rolled up her elbows. It has a neck collar. She wears black fingerless gloves. She wears black boots that go to the middle of her thighs.

Zane smiled at his son's action as he said,"Focus Atem. You can gawk at Nina later even though she looks really good.". Nina looked away as Atem nodded. "He's right. So remember what I told you about werewolves and how they communicate earlier right kid?' said Chad. Atem nodded as he looked at the moon and howled outwards. In a few seconds, there was an even louder howl in the distance. "He's this way." said Atem as the group nodded. "Lets go already." said Sabrina.

Atem nodded as he sprinted into the distance and Sabrina went after him. "Wow. He's really fast." said Nina. "Probably faster than your dad due to the moon giving werewolves enhanced speed even though they are already really fast." said Chad. "But slower than vampires in general." said Zane. "Amen to that." said Chad. "Um. Shouldn't we go after them?" said Nina. "Yeah. Lets go." said the two men as the trio went after the hunter and weremummy. 

The trio of Chad, Nina, and Zane caught up to Sabrina who stood at the edge of a cliff. "So where in the nine realms did the kid go? He's too big to hide behind some rock. He can't go intangible like you right?" said Chad. "Pretty sure that he can't." said Zane. "Isn't he your son?" said Nina. "Yeah but I got nothing on what new powers he got from becoming a weremummy." said Zane. He made a blue Zenith Sphere appear in his hand.

Sabrina noticed some tracks with her saying,"Yeah but the creature is gone.". "Not exactly." said Chad as he made a mercury kunai appear in between his fingers. He put his other hand up to his ear and began focusing on the sounds around him. He picked up faint growling and he tossed the knife toward a nearby rock. It destroyed it and Atem was behind it, holding up his paws in defense. "I'm not the firewolf but the weremummy!" howled Atem in a thick and gruff voice.

Sabrina sighed as she said,"We need to get that cactus soon since the transformation is complete and I don't want him to maul anyone.". "Agree. So do you want me to see a message to the others?" said Nina. "Go nuts Nina. I kinda want to see your powers at work." said Zane with Chad nodding. They had a flare gun but this way seemed more interesting. Nina placed her fingers on her hand and began looking for the other group as her irises glowed green.

Meanwhile in a different part of the desert, the other group (Dustin, Jordan, Uriel, and Zoey) was walking through the desert toward where the Silver Wheat cactus is supposed to be. Jordan, Uriel, and Zoey were in their costume. "So this area is a holy place and this is where the hunters of the past go to rest." said Dustin. "So it's like a graveyard?" said Zoey. "Yep." said Dustin. "We don't have times for stories! My bro could be a werewolf and that isn't cool anymore!" said Uriel.

Jordan looked at her as she said,"So what made you change your mind?". "I bet all of the fleas he would have right sis?" said Zoey with Uriel nodding. "Okay then. So do you think the spirits could help us find the cactus? Not to be plantist here but they all look the same." said Jordan. Her highly trained senses went off as she pulled out her leg and this caused something to trip. That something yelped as it slammed into Dustin.

The man went face-first into the ground with prickles and vines in his chest. "Ouch! I thought we were allies but man, you're savage Vesta." said a voice. Uriel and Zoey saw Jason standing there in his costume. He’s wearing a full-body gray and dark red jumpsuit. It has padding in his chest, elbow, knees, and shoulders for extra protection. The arms, chest, legs, shoulders, and torso are dark red. The sides of his torso and underarms are gray.

Around his waist, he wears a silver belt with a flame like pattern etched into it. He wears black sneaker like boots that can withstand intense speeds. His head is covered by a helmet that covered most of his face. This exposed his mouth but he can make a silver mouth piece ,with two vampire fangs since they are cool, appear. It's a gray ,with dark red stripes, color and lenses in front of the eyesockets making them appear white. "So did you?" said Zoey. 

Jordan smiled as she said,"I did since he was being a sexist bastard earlier.". "How?" said Uriel. "So did you find the Silver Wheat Cactus?" said Jason. "I sure did. The gods have a strange yet painful way of making things work." said an angry Dustin. Zoey helped him remove the plant slowly with Uriel saying,"So how are we going to inform the others about this". "I think the fact that we're hearing Nina's voice in our head giving us any idea on what we should do." said Jordan.

The younger man's eyes widened with him saying,"In that case, lets move!". He ran off with Zoey saying,"He's really fast but does he know where he's going?". "Probably not but he'll find his way there. Now come on you three." said Dustin as they ran after Jason who went ahead. Back with Zane's group, Nina looked at Zane. "According to what I gathered, they found the cactus." said Nina. "That's good." said Zane. 

Crisis Judgement went off as Chad and Sabrina picked up on something. "We got company and it isn't the friendly kind." said Chad. The group looked up to see Blackjack appearing. He growled at them and landed on the cliff face. Looking closer at the firewolf, his claws and fur were covered in blood. "I will enjoy beating you up since murder is wrong." said Atem. "You need to stay focus kid! We need the plant to free the captured soul inside of that amulet." said Chad.

Sabrina held both of her katanas in front of her with her saying,"You're mine! I'm putting your head on my mantel sooner rather later.". "I'm going to guess that she's fully been consumed by the hunt. She reminds me of Homer." said Zane. "Yes." said Nina. The wolf charged at Atem with the weremummy standing there. The duo of Chad and Sabrina had leapt toward Blackjack and tackled the creature with Chad punched him in the face harder thanks to his mercury gauntlets.   

Artemis stabbed both of her hands with the wolf howling in pain. "That's for making me look weak you damn fleabag." said Sabrina. "So is she being racist or what?" said Atem. "I don't know." said Zane with him shrugging. Crisis Judgement went off as Zane placed candy syrup earplugs in his ear. Blackjack released a powerful sonic howl, sending Chad and Sabrina into the air. Nina caught both of them using her telekinesis with Chad saying while covering his ears,"Thanks for the catch.". 

Zane looked at his son with the weremummy nodding. "I guess your bark is work than your bite. This time, I'm prepared for your howling." said Zane. He rushed toward Blackjack with him charging up another howl. He released it with Zane turned into Voice Form and counted said howl with a sonic scream. "I think it's your time to shine kid." said Chad. Atem nodded as he charged at Blackjack on all fours and they collided as Zane stopped screaming.

The two wolves began viciously fighting with Atem punched Blackjack square in the jaw. This caused blood and spit to fly from the firewolf's mouth and he landed on his back. Blackjack growled at him before giving Atem a fiery uppercut and sending the mummy flying. Atem wasn't happy about this with him spitting out some blood before charging back in and punched Blackjack's face into the ground hard. 

Blackjack spat out some dirt and pinned Atem to the ground. Before Blackjack could do anything with this, he was sent tumbling away thanks to a giant mercury hammer from Chad. "Hands off the kid you mangy mutt!" said Chad. "And that was racist." said Zane. The firewolf went tumbling onto the ground and was stunned by the hammer. "Way to go Chad." said Atem. "And now, it's time for our match." said Sabrina.

Despite looking weaker than him, Sabrina was able to slam right into the back of Blackjack as the two went scrambling on the ground. Pissed off, the firewolf tried to bite Sabrina's face off but she blocked his mouth using her katana. "Now Chad!" said Sabrina with Chad nodding. The katana turned into a muzzle with Blackjack trying to howl but failed. A few minutes later, Blackjack finally managed to get rid of Sabrina who was battered and injured. 

He threw her away with Nina catching her using her powers. "This is one tough son of a bitch. You're up you two." said Sabrina with her looking at Chad and Zane. Chad nodded as he rushed toward Blackjack and the firewolf released out several balls of fire toward the elder of the group. The fire was stopped by soundwaves with Zane saying,"I'll cover you Chad.". "Thanks Zero." said Chad as the firewolf charged toward Chad.

Chad aimed both of his hands toward Blackjack with him released several mercury tendrils come out of him. Blackjack took them head on and charged at Chad with both combatants crashing into the dirt even harder. Blackjack was punched in the face by Jason. "Hey guys! Ready for a teamup?" said Jason with Chad and Zane ,now in Ram Form, nodded. The three were keeping the firewolf at bay with Dustin, Jordan, Uriel, and Zoey appeared after scaling the cliff face.

Jordan was panting with her saying,"It's official. I dislike speedsters!". "So did you get the cactus or what?" said Sabrina. "We did." said Dustin. He took out a silver pendant and ripped the cactus juice onto it. "Okay. Here's the plan. Chad and Jason. Hold onto one of one of his arms." said Zane with him jumping back. The two nodded as Chad held back the firewolf's left arm and Jason held back the firewolf's right arm.

Blackjack's legs were held in place by mercury. Uriel and Zoey nodded as they went over to Blackjack and made sure that the wolf's tail didn't move. Blackjack tried to escape with Zane kicking the firewolf in the face. "Now go! Break the curse already!" said Zane. Dustin nodded as he charged toward the firewolf. "Free this child and man from your grasp Amarok!" said Dustin. Dustin pressed the silver pendant against the amulet.

The group waited for something to happen to said firewolf. "What? This should be working!" said Dustin with him holding the pendant. Blackjack smiled with him slamming Chad and Jason into each other. He tossed the two away with him swinging his tail. This sent Uriel and Zoey into the ground with Blackjack jumped away and scaled up a nearby cliff face. He was gone but howled. Once said werewolf was gone, Zane deactivated Ram Form.

The trio of Uriel, Zane, and Zoey deactivated their costume. "So what happened?" said Nina. "No idea Nina. I thought that should have worked." said Dustin. "But it didn't. That should have turned the kid back to normal." said Chad. "The ritual didn't work since the firewolf isn't a minion of Amarok but Amarok himself." said Nina. "How do you know this?" said Sabrina as she was being healed by Zane using Gaia Restore.

Nina looked at her as she said,"During the fight, I was reading the wolf's mind. He was laughing at you for trying such an old fashioned method on him.". Atem began twitching in pain with him getting on his knees. He began convulsing with him howling out,"Make it stop!". After finishing up healing up Sabrina, Zane placed a hand on his son's shoulder with him saying,"I'm going to try something. This won't hurt too much. Keep the power of the wolf at bay and turn him back to normal now!".

Dustin's eyes widened in shock as he watched Atem glowing molten gold and Zane speaking Greek. It wasn't obvious due to Zane wearing his casual clothing, his latest tattoo was glowing molten gold. "I can't believe you're using Liasada." said Dustin. "Oh wow. I've met Sorcerers before a Magnus is really rare to see." said Chad. "So what is Liasada and the Magnus?" said Jason. "According to Gwen, Liasada is the magic that the Magnus used." said Jordan.

Uriel nodded as she said,"The Magnus were literally gods due to their power so they were hunted by greedy humans.". "Gwen told me that it's like black magic and brings trouble to whoever uses it except for Magnus but they're super rare. So when did you start learning it dad?" said Zoey. "That's a very good question Zoey. Haven't you been told multiple times not to put yourself in danger which is you using black magic?" said Jordan. 

Zane sighed as he said,"A few days ago. Lets just say that I'm stronger than I was the last time you saw me my old friend. I'll tell you later about it okay?". "Dad. Am I back to normal?" said Atem. "Not yet kid. You're still hairy but I think you should go back to be a normal mummy soon. I'm still learning Liasada since my Animus isn't exactly my best version of Impulse to begin with." said Zane. "Well, I think this is a good thing. You're not going to be a weremummy anymore." said Chad.

Dustin looked at Zane with him saying,"With that out  of they way, So do you think the werewolf is using Animus or perhaps Liasada as well?". "Maybe. I'm not exactly sure but I'm just happy to have my son not looking like Nexus on a bad day. Your grandmother would kill me if I brought you home like this." said Zane. "So is this just normal for you or what?" said Jason. "With what Zane has seen, I think it is." said Sabrina as she crossed her arms. 

The ground was shaking beneath them, causing most of them to lose their footing for a second. "Can't we get a break?" said Uriel. "Welcome to being a superhero Uriel. Getting breaks don't exist since things only want ramp up." said Chad. "We have other problems as well." said Dustin. "That sounds just great. I found a cave." said Nina. The group walked toward a nearby cave with Chad and Sabrina standing in front of them. "So do you two sense something?" said Jason.

Chad nodded as he said,"Yeah. I can smell the firewolf' down here.". "With that in mind, do you mind doing the honors Zane?" said Sabrina. "Yeah. I'm really good at making people leave. Vibration Zenith Sphere." said Zane. He aimed his left arm forward and grabbed onto his left arm using his right hand as a Zenith Sphere appeared in front of his left palm. It was made out of Vibration with Zane firing the sphere in a straight line. 

The sphere eventually hit the cave with it making an explosion that has a noticeable bass sound to it and this sent a colony of bats flying out. This caused most of the girls except for Jordan to scream outwards. "Okay. Ouch." said Chad, covering his ears. "Yeah. It was hilarious to see the tough Sabrina scream because of a little bat.." said Jason. He was punched in the face by Sabrina. "But to look on the brighter side here, Atem enjoyed it but for different reasons." said Jason.

The weremummy blushed as he thought,"Wow. She's really cute when she's scared.". "Since the coast is clear, we should get going." said Dustin. The group walked into the cave with Jordan and Zane illuminating their way using fire and a Zenith Sphere respectively. A few moments later, water was heard dripping from somewhere in the cave alongside some rubble collapsing in the distance of the gray cave.

Looking around the tight cave, Zane couldn't help but have a strange thought. "I wonder if I could rock having a secret base inside of a cave. I mean with the proper furnishing, I could totally be a superhero whose base is in a cave." thought Zane. "So do you guys smell something?" said Zoey. "Don't look at me sis. I devour at least twenty boxes on mints before coming here. My wolf breath is minty fresh after all." said Atem. "Yeah." said Uriel.

Chad looked at them with him saying,"It isn't that kids. It smells warm down here.". "That smell is mostly like sulfur. It's a clear sign of lava from below us. However, the volcanoes around here have been dormant for millions of years." said Dustin. After saying, the room was covered in a orange light as Jason said,"You really shouldn't have said that uncle.".  A massive stream of lava emerged from around the corner and the thick liquid melted anything in its way.

They ran away from it with Zane making an Primordial platform appear under them. The platform rose into the air and above the lava. "Thanks for the save Zero." said Chad. "You're welcome Chad. I mean I was tempted to leave you behind since you can regenerate." said Zane. "I don't think Chad can regenerate like Efren can dad." said Atem. "Have you tried taking a dip in lava?" said Uriel. "No and I don't plan on it." said Chad.

Nina turned to Dustin with her saying,"So I'm guessing that fangface activate the volcano using his fire somehow.". "Most likely. He wants us gone at this point since we're preventing him from living in the mortal realm." said Dustin. The group entered a large cavern and seeing that the path in front of them was split in half. There was a massive pool of molten magma below them. On the opposite side of the cavern, the path continued into the depths of the volcano. 

Zane extend the platform with all of them crossing to the other side of the bridge. Jason was the last one to leave the platform with Zane floating above the magma. "I always wanted to try this." said Zane with him taking a deep breath. "Permafrost Emperor Barrage!" said Zane. He released a huge blizzard from his mouth and the magma was frozen below. Atem clenched his arms with him slowly covered in a molten gold glow. "I'm changing back!" said Atem.

The weremummy was losing his canine feature and had changed back to being a normal mummy. "I'm happy you're back squirt." said Chad. "As am I." said Nina. Uriel and Zoey hugged Atem with Atem returning the hug. "I hate to be that person but we still need to find the firewolf." said Sabrina. "Or we should get out of here so we can hunt another day." said Jason. Sniffing the air, Dustin pointed toward the cave path and he said,"Lets go.". The group was gone as Zane floated behind them.

A few moments later, they were furthered into the cave. Said cave was quiet and lacking any kind of life. They reached another chasm and saw an exit to the surface above. "Look. A way out!" said Nina with her happy to be out of the cave. She ran ahead along with the other younger members of the group. "So what about the equipment that fangface took?" said Jason. "I thought we were calling firewolf or Amarok." said Jordan. "I call him my next target." said Sabrina.

Chad stopped with him hearing some nearby rocks clatter. "Stop! It's here!" said Chad. Blackjack leap in front of them, glaring at them. "You're one persistent wolf you know that?" said Jason. The three Alvarez children become superheroes, Chad made a mercury lance, and Jordan made a fireball appear in her hand. "How about you just give up already?" said Jordan. Blackjack responded to them by opening its mouth and fired a large wave of red Liasada instead of his signature howl.

The group narrowly ducked to the side and avoid the projectile. Both Chad and Sabrina were ready to fight him once again but they were stopped. "No! All of you stay back. He's mine." said Zane with his eyes glowing red. "Are you sure about this?" said Dustin. He knew about how strong Zane was but could he defeat Amarok? "Dustin. Alyssa thinks he could replace Warrior in terms of protecting humanity so lets see if he can handle fido." said Chad. 

Atem smiled as he said,"You got this dad. Kick his butt.". "Yeah!" said Uriel with Zoey nodding. The group stepped back with Zane cracking his knuckles. "I would totally beat the crap out of you with Kitsune Form or Werewolf Form but I think this will be more interesting." said Zane as he turned into Liger Form. "Do you think you can win against me now brother?!" said Zane with him taunting Blackjack. 

Blackjack didn't take the taunt well with him sprinting on all fours toward Zane who smiled. Zane punched the firewolf in the face, sending him flying back. He grabbed the wolf by his tail with him saying,"Time for the Around Town Spin brother!". He began spinning the wolf around him and it made the infinity symbol. He ended the attack by throwing Blazjack into the ceiling above. Before he could recover, Zane kicked him into the wall. 

Chad whistled at Zane's skills as Sabrina said,"It seems that Zane has developed some serious fighting skills.". "That's because he wants to become the strongest being in order to protect everyone!" said Zoey. "That sounds just like her." thought Chad with a small smile on his face. The wolf yelped in pain as he lodged himself out of the wall with Zane shoving him to the ground. The nearby wall cracked before it crumbled into debris and molten lava poured in.

As lava poured into the cave, the cavern shook. "We can't let the lava flow down the mountain side and reach the village! I know that they may be sexist old fools but hundred of lives will be lost if we don't do anything!" said Dustin. "You're right Dustin! I'll handle the lava. Get them out of here!" said Zane. "I won't leave you! Dads like us have to stick together!" said Jason. "But I can handle lava and you can't brother. Protect my kid Jason. I'm not going to leave them like my dad did." said Zane.

Jason and Jordan were both tempted to ignore Zane but Chad stopped them. "Look here firebird and speedy. I've been in this situation countless times before and I'm sure Zero has as well. When this happens, you either make it or you don't. Choose wisely." said Chad. With some hesitation, the two listened to him with Blackjack tackling Zane and trying to slice him with his claws. "Dad!" shouted Atem and Zoey. "Please be okay." said Uriel.

As the lava flow crackled around them, Blackjack and Zane were separated from the group. "Please be safe dad." said Atem. "Don't worry Atem. I may not know Zane as well you do but he seems to be well strong. He'll be fine." said Nina with her placing a hand on his shoulder. Grabbing hold of Blackjack's muzzle, Zane smiled with him punched Blackjack square in the face. Blackjack howled in pain with him releasing a massive wave of fire at Zane.

Zane went back with him saying,"It's official brother! You've pissed me off!". "That's it! I can't leave you alone in here with that thing!" said Sabrina. "And not because he's stealing your kill right?" said Jason as Dustin sighed and Chad hit him. "Of course not!" said Sabrina. "You can brother! Do it already!" said Zane as the cavern began collapsing under the weight of rocks and rubble raining down on them. 

Blackjack and Zane went back with both of them getting crushed under the rocks. Blackjack howled in pain with Zane saying,"Oh shut up brother!". Having no other choice but to flee, the group quickly turned around and ran for their lives as rocks and boulders continued plunging and destroying the cavern floor. As the boulders plunged, a massive column of dust and dirt was generated from the rockfall. They eventually spotted a way out aka a cave. "Lets go!" said Chad.

The group of nine ran through the save and managed to successfully flee to the outside world just as the cavern imploded on itself. There was a gigantic column of debris and dust sent flying out of the cave before fading away. By now, the sun had begun rising in the distance with the group turned around and seeing that cavern had been sealed off from the outside world. Left stunned, Atem quickly sprinted toward the ruined cavern and screamed,"Dad! Don't be dead! Please!".

Uriel and Zoey joined their brother with them trying to get a way back into the cave. "We should help those kids get their dad out." said Sabrina. "Yeah." said Jason. They began carefully pulling back the rocks to find Zane. After a few minutes, Chad looked at the trio with him sighing. "Look. I don't mean to be rude but your dad is probably dead." said Chad, kneeling. "No! He isn't! You're wrong! Daddy is super strong and he wouldn't break a problem!" screamed Uriel. 

There was a faint layer of dark pink Mojo around her with Jordan saying,"You don't know Zane like we do Chad. Zane is way too stubborn to die.". "If I find out that the wolf lived and my dad didn't survive, he will pay." said Atem. "Hold on with your revenge plans. I'm picking up on something coming out way. Stay back." said Chad. The kids and teen went back with the ground shifted behind them and Zane ,in Hulking Form, came out of the ground. 

Zane smiled with him saying,"And that's how you survive being drenched in lava while fighting a firewolf.". "Dad/Daddy!" said Atem, Uriel, and Zoey, hugging the giant tightly. "Don't do that again to me man." said Jason, smiling. "That's what I do best right Jordan?" said Zane. "Yeah. I guess you were right firebird. He's too stubborn to die." said Chad. "Just like her." thought Chad. Nina was lightly teased by Sabrina since she had been staring at Atem for a while now. 

Nina knew that Atem was different from most boys their age and it was obvious to everyone but her and her father that Atem liked her but did she feel the same. About an hour later in Cross Falls, it was early in the morning. The tourists and residents had returned. Having not having a cigar in a while, he leaned against the wall and smoked on one. The group was back there and in their casual clothing with Dustin talking with a group of residents. 

Dustin smiled as he turned to the group. "It's official. We're welcomed back into town and they are planning to allow women to hunt alongside the men." said Dustin. "Finally." said Sabrina. "We're just happy to help you out Dustin." said Zane. "Since that's what awesome heroes do!" said Zoey. "Preach it sister!" said Uriel with Atem smiling. "I do wish that we could have figured out what Amarok was planning." said Jordan. 

Jason nodded as he said,"Yeah. I mean you didn't find the satellite equipment or receiver.". "It's fine speedy. It was probably burned away. Hate to be that kid but I have to get going." said Chad with his strapped bag of belongings. "It was good to see you again Chad." said Dustin, shaking his hand and Sabrina hugged him. "Same. Enjoyed seeing Nina and Speedy too. Oh. I need to do something before I forget." said Chad.

He looked at the Alvarez kids with him saying as he had a smile on his face,"Later kids. I'm pretty sure that all of you will be great heroes like your old men.". "Totally." said Uriel and Zoey. "So what are you going to do now? And what were you talking with dad about?" said Atem. "Something personal is the answer to your question. I don't get vacation time like your old man does but well, I'm sure I'll see you guys again." said Chad as he walked away. 

Dustin smiled as he said,"Come into the museum. I'm sure that the heroes can get some kind of reward for defeating Amarok.". "It was technically me but I consider it a team effort." said Zane. As the group of Dustin, Jason, Jordan, Sabrina, Uriel, and Zoey walked into the museum, Zane smiled at Atem and pushed him toward Nina. "You got this Atem. You got the Alvarez charm after all.". said Zane as he walked away. 

Due to his hyper hearing, he was able to heard his son's conversation. "Nina, I was thinking of asking you a question. Since our dads are very good friends, do you mind if I ask you for your number? Both of us have something in common. We both worry a great deal for our fathers getting over their heads and constantly getting into danger." said Atem, rubbing the back of his head. "That's true but I need you to know something." said Nina. "Uh oh." thought Zane.

Nina took a deep breath with her saying,"You're a nice guy and meeting your family has been a life changing experience for me but we should start as friends first.". "What?!" said Atem with him sulking a bit. "It isn't like that! I just don't want to have a relationship like my dad did with my mom. They got together not out of love but out of stress. My dad told me that my mom forced him to sleep with her after failing one of her exams which she got a B of all things on." said Nina.

Atem blinked with him saying,"Oh wow. She sounds like a bitch.". He was still a bit heartbroken at what she just said. "So I don't want to go out with someone until I get to know them first. Maybe we could hang out and perhaps, I could start dating you one day." said Nina. "So I still have a chance Nina?" said Atem. "Yes you do." said Nina. Atem cheered as Nina giggled. She gave a hug to the mummy whose face went red. 

She wrote down her phone number on a piece of paper and handed it to Atem, smiling. She put her finger and a thumb in a cellphone position, putting against her ear. "If you ever need my help Atem with anything, heroics or not. I'll be there. You just have to call." said Nina. She walked off with a smile as Atem smiled. He felt a hand on his shoulder as he turned to see Zane standing there. "Atem. You did a good job. Your first crush didn't end up with you in the friend zone like Allen and Kevin." said Zane.

Atem looked at Zane as he said,"Aren't Allen and Brooke a thing though?". "Kinda but like Heidi and Kevin plus you and Nina, it may happen one day." said Zane. "Thanks for the advice again dad. It's simple yet complicated talking to girls right dad?" said Atem. "It really is since it's a mystery how women think. There is one thing on how to impress them." said Zane. "What is it?" said Atem. "You need to be yourself. They can red guys like a book even without powers." said Zane. 

The mummy nodded as he said,"So do you have problems taking to the ladies dad?". "Kinda but being around your grandmother and Rachel made me confident around the fairer sex but now you have another problem Atem." said Zane. Atem looked confused. "Jason may be a pretty relaxed guy but I can tell that he's like most dads when it comes to their daughter. We're overprotective and you can survive a shotgun to the face." said Zane. "Did that ever happen to you before?" said Atem. 

Zane shivered as he said,"Something like that. You know that Annette and Round hate my guts so me dating their daughter didn't help. I also punched Roland and broke his mind using Nightmare Form. I'm hard to kill or hurt with most weapons and elements as we learned today. Before you ask her out, get to know her first since she made what she wants clear.". "Okay dad. I will do my best." said Atem as they went inside.

Meanwhile in the collapsed caves, lava flowed and bubbled within the glowing cavern. Another part of the cavern, Blackjack was survived. His body was burnt to a noticeable crisp along with being covered in several cuts and scraps. He had licked its wounds clean and moved toward the large machine that it had built. It looked to have some kind of satellite antenna which had been jury-rigged onto a large transportable machine.

He typed in some commands into the machine with the machine turning on. He turned his attention to the screen with it being Feral. "You id a good job Marlon or Blackjack. Building this device will help your master succeed. He wants to revive your true master. We need you to guard this machine but lets get back to the Marionette. She can heal you using her accursed magic." said Feral. The two were gone as the machine activated with a colony of bats flew away from it.

Next time, 
What did Blackjack build for Feral and also Avalon? Who is the Marionette? Will Zane explore more of his Magnus power? What did Chad and Zane talk about? This and more next time on Zero!

Fun fact about this episode: This was started around 9-13-2019 aka the time of the full moon and it was Friday the Thirteenth. I just thought it would be interesting to write it around this time.

What Zane is saying with his spells: Liasada is spoken but when cast, it's written in runes. I have a rune translation website. To see what it’s written in runes, type the spell in English into this generator that’s lined here
1. English: Increase the power of my attack! Liasada: Afxíste ti dýnami tis epíthesís mou!
2. English: Keep the power of the wolf at bay and turn him back to normal now! Liasada: Kratíste ti dýnami tou lýkou ston kólpo kai gyríste ton píso sto fysiologikó tóra!

Characters cut: If they've been introduced already, I won't be getting rid of them. This may change so this list will change as I go on. Like before, they may be mentioned but won't be seen often or ever again.
Alexandria "Alex" Krueger, Amelia Pearson, Airon and Nether Seeker, Apazar, Aurel, Buster Eastman aka Prototype, Cora Ybarra, Countess Chimera, Crunch, Cindy Hale aka Shift, Damon Anderson, Darren Spencer aka Discharge, Dawn Ballard aka Bewitched, Erik Norris aka Rush, Felicia Howard aka Pheasant, Griffin, Heather Gardner, Issac Fortune, Ivory Murphy aka Arctic Chill, James Singleton, Jasmine Rose aka Corona, Jaws, Karla Garner aka Cyber, Kathleen Hunter, Keith Ramsey, Krystal Hawkins aka Fauna, Lindsay Anderson, Loren Burns, Louis King, Lynette Walker aka Diviner, Mareona, Maria Barton aka Techno, Michele Lambert aka Masquerade, Mizuki Anderson, Morgan Ballard aka Swan, Mystique Temperance, Outburst, Raymond/Ray Graves, Riveter, Rocco Sloan, Shelly Anderson, Slug, Taylor Crawford aka Amazon, Teresa Ramirez aka Pyra, Tomas Howell aka Dust, Tototl, Trevor Evermore aka Torpedo, Tyler Harrington aka Warrior, Valerie Rogers aka Snow Nun, Vega Ramos aka Tremor, Wanda Morales aka Quiver, Warner Ybarra, and Winston Pratt. 

Dustin Klein aka Huntsman's Powers: Hunting Intuition, Invisibility Awareness, Supernatural Accuracy, Supernatural Agility, Supernatural Combat, Supernatural Durability, Supernatural Endurance, Supernatural Endurance, Supernatural Senses, Supernatural Stamina, Supernatural Stealth, Supernatural Strength, and Supernatural Tracking.

Jason Holland aka Nitro's Powers: Accelerated Body, Accelerated Perception, Accelerated Thought Process, Acceleration, Acceleration Immunity,  Afterimage Creation, Costume Specification, Cyclone Spinning, Device Usage, Enhanced Reading, Flash Step, Flight, Focused Time Perception, G-Force Adaptation, Gadget Usage, High-Speed Flight,  High-Tech Exoskeleton, Invisible Speed, Intangibility, Intangibility Combat, Intangibility Extension, Mechanical Intuition, Molecular Oscillation, Physical Disruption, Regenerative Healing Factor, Science Intuition, Size Combat, Size Enhancement, Size Manipulation, Size Reduction, Slow-Motion, Speed Clones, Speed Combat, Speed Perception, Speed Strike, Supernatural Agility, Supernatural Durability, Supernatural Endurance, Supernatural Intelligence, Supernatural Reflexes, Supernatural Speed, Supernatural Stamina, Supernatural Strength, Tornado Creation, Vortex Creation, Wallrunning, and Water Walking.

Nina Holland aka Oracle's Powers: Animal Empathy, Animal Telepathy, Aquatic Empathy, Attraction & Repulsion, Binding, Burning, Crushing, Cryo-Telekinesis, Cryokinetic Combat, Cryokinetic Constructs, Cryokinetic Flight, Deflection, Download, Dream Communication, Dream Walking, Empathy, Enhanced Combat, Enhanced Tracking, Enhanced Unarmed Combat, Equestrian Empathy, Explosion Inducement, Fire Aura, Fire Attacks, Fire Generation, Fire Manipulation, Fire Mimicry, Firestorm Creation, Flame Solidification, Freezing, Ice Attacks, Ice Aura, Ice Generation, Ice Manipulation, Ice Mimicry, Ice Storm Creation, Healing, Homing Effect, Inanimation, Knowledge Projection, Levitation, Lie Detection, Memory Reading, Mental Attacks, Mental Hallucination, Mental Inducement, Mind Control, Mind Image, Mind Link, Mind Reading, Mind Walking, Neurocognitive Deficit, Orbital Field, Psionic Augmentation, Psychic Attacks, Psychic Combat, Psychic Constructs, Psychic Energy Generation, Psychic Energy Manipulation, Psychic Force-Field Generation, Psionic Healing, Psionic Inundation, Psychic Communication, Psychic Navigation, Psychic Shadow, Psychic Shield, Pyro-Telekinesis, Pyrokinetic Combat, Pyrokinetic Constructs, Pyrokinetic Flight, Sensory Tracking, Supernatural Agility, Supernatural Durability, Supernatural Endurance, Supernatural Speed, Supernatural Strength, Telekinesis, Telekinetic Agility, Telekinetic Attacks, Telekinetic Aura, Telekinetic Choking, Telekinetic Combat, Telekinetic Constructs, Telekinetic Durability, Telekinetic Endurance, Telekinetic Flight, Telekinetic Leap, Telekinetic Maneuver, Telekinetic Pressure, Telekinetic Reflexes, Telekinetic Senses, Telekinetic Speed, Telekinetic Stamina, Telekinetic Strength, Telekinetic Teleportation, Telekinetic Tethering, Telepathic Aura, Telepathic Combat, Telepathic Hijacking, Telepathic Language Instruction, Telepathic Prediction, Telepathic Relay, Telepathic Speaking, Telepathic Static, Telepathic Translation, Telepathy, Thermal Resistance, Visual Mind Reading, and Zoolingualism.

Sabrina Klein aka Artemis's Powers: Body Language Analysis, Combat Specialist, Counter, Decelerated Aging, Dimensional Storage, Disease Immunity, Fighting Instinct, Hunting Intuition, Invisibility Awareness, Martial Arts Intuition, Pain Suppression, Regenerative Healing Factor, Supernatural Accuracy, Supernatural Agility, Supernatural Combat, Supernatural Durability, Supernatural Endurance, Supernatural Endurance, Supernatural Senses, Supernatural Stamina, Supernatural Stealth, Supernatural Strength, Supernatural Tracking, and Weapon Proficiency.

Jason Holland aka Nitro's Power Description: Despite not looking or acting like it, Jason Holland is one of the smartest people on Earth. His metagene gives him supernatural intelligence and speed plus the ability to manipulate his size. He has expertise in numerous scientific fields such as physics, robotics, cybernetics, programming, electrical engineering, and chemistry. Due to him using his powers to steal medicine for Nina, he’s a decent thief. He’s also a licensed minister since he did a couple of weddings for some friends. He has trained in martial arts since he was a child thanks to his cousin and grandpa. His costume is made for him and his powers being that it can survive harsh environments, able to survive whenever Jason goes really fast, and grows/shrinks with him. When wearing his high tech suit, his already enhanced strength is increased. His strength is more impressive when he’s small. He can survive from a incredible height and can withstand bullets. He can jump incredible distance, working like a bullet and incapacitate an opponent with a single leap. When he’s a giant, he can crush huge vehicles and punch a giant beast out out of the sky. He can expand the size of his limbs. His suit can replicate energy blasts being that it’s a red color. These energy blasts can send people flying through the air, knock a target out cold, crack stone and dent metals. He can survive in the vacuum of space or water by the suit’s oxygen supply. If he’s in outer space or under water, his mouth plate goes over his mouth. His suit has high powered propulsion jets in the back, shoulders, upper arms, and legs, allowing him to fly with great speed. He can perform aerodynamic feats with ease. He can focus on flying by making four transparent gray and red insect like wings come out of his back. He’s a stronger version of Erik Norris aka Rush being that he’s faster than Erik but he’s slower than one of Zane’s speed forms and Zane when he’s serious. He’s able to reach light speed being that he needs to be serious. He’s able to vibrate his molecules through solid objects, able to phase right through it. Like Erik, he requires a good amount of food to keep his fuel tank but he only needs a lot of food when he goes really fast. He has trouble stopping when it comes to moving really fast and he can be tripped, causing him to make an epic face plant. He has trouble escaping from a psychic hold or someone sending him into the air by removing his gravity. His speed is also connected to his health being that if he’s sick, he’s weakened. If he grows too big, he becomes a bigger target. If he grows too small, he can get squish. His size changing abilities are linked to his emotions. His max height is over 100 feet tall and can shrink down to 1/100 of an inch. He tends not to go over 100 feet tall. If he does that go tall for a long period of time, he gets really sick and pukes.

Marlon Wilkerson aka Blackjack's Past and Power Description: Marlon grew up in a neglectful household with an alcoholic and chain-smoking father and his mother was constantly beaten up by her father. Marlon often messed around with his father’s lighter being that he slowly became obsessed with the power of fire and the idea of burning things. He left his home when he was eighteen years and turned into a lifestyle of drinking and arson. His first act of arson was burning down his family’s home and both of his parents. He escaped prosecution for pinning on a metahuman who he had befriended. He later joined the Army Rangers being that he was one of the best. After five years with the service, he was injured in an explosion that killed several members of his squad. He was captured by some terrorists being burned alive and this activated his metagene. The fire around him killed his terrorists and he became a muscle for any gang that would require his services. He’s a callous, ruthless, and scheming man being that he always swore vengeance on those who hurt him. He once hated metahumans being that he didn’t want them to be there but he enjoys his new power. He’s able to create fire and manipulate fire being that he’s been called a hotter ,in terms of fire power being that Cinder is more physically attractive. He later came in contact with the Amulet of Amarok, giving him more power. He is very greedy being that he’ll do anything for a quick buck.

Nina Holland aka Oracle's Past and Power Description: She was once a very sick kid being that Jason used his powers to steal medicine in order to help keep her daughter alive. His girlfriend ,later ex-girlfriend, Rhonda didn’t try to help Jason and Nina due to her not really wanting kids when she was dating Jason during college. Rhonda was an exchange student from Britain being the child of two professors. She blamed Jason for getting her pregnant despite her wanting Jason to sleep with her after she failed one of her exams. Thanks to Jason’s cousin Sabrina, Nina was saved and her metagene was activated much to her father’s joy. He helped trained her powers and she became Oracle, Nitro’s partner in crime. She’s able to heal herself or others around her being that it requires physical condition to activate it. Her healing doesn’t work against the common cold much to her father’s dismay whenever he gets sick. She was trained in basic hand to hand combat by Sabrina being that she can handle herself in a fight rather well against much bigger foes. However, she tends to rely on her powers most of the time. She’s able to communicate with most types of animals being that she can understand their feelings and thoughts. This includes mythical beasts as well. She’s able to mentally transmit and receive information between herself and others. She can reach several people at once being her ability is unable to work if the person she’s trying to take to is unconscious but she can effect people who are asleep. She’s also able to control people with her mind. She’s able to move things with her mind being that she’s often using this power. When she’s doing this, her hand and irises glow a noticeable green color. She’s able to rip apart most object and can create objects using her telekinesis. She can use this power to move through the air and make it work as flight, hovering through the air and safely float back to the ground. She can levitated in the air and hold objects at the same time. She’s able to make telepathic energy attacks and barriers that can protect or hurt others depending on her mood at the time. She’s able to manipulate the element of fire and ice. She can freeze/burn anything within her area of vision and able to alter the size of the element. Her powers rely on her focusing on her target being that her focus can be disrupted or restrict her movements. Using any of her powers for too long gives a headache and causes her nose to bleed. Her element powers are tied to her fears and emotions being that they can’t work if she’s stressed at the time.

Sabrina Klein aka Artemis's Power Description: Her metagene is that she's able to track down anyone like her father. She's able to compete with the best due to her ability to memorize the fighting style of anyone who she has seen before now. She's also able to summon weapons from a pocket dimension. She's able to regenerate from any wound that she's taken and it's hard for her to feel pain. She has a desire to hunt being that she has a trouble to control her anger. 

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