Saturday, July 27, 2019

Zero Episode 124 A Chilling Robbery Section 2 (Written on December 8 2021)

This post is a part of Zero Episode 124 and has been put into a separate post mainly due to the original post being unable to edit for reasons described in this update post. This post here has been written in December 2021 but will be uploaded before Zero Episode 124. This is to mainly improve the amount of posts produced within a certain time frame or other reasons.

A little bit later, Zane ,in costume and out of Pyre Form, was flying through the air. "My luck today is just so damn random today. I got covered in trash, got stuck with Hannah as my ride along partner, won the pushup contest and performed an amazing backflip, "tutored" Hannah before I decided to leave her since she ignored me, and I couldn't find either Clifford or Miasma." said Zane. "True. Your day has gone different than what you expected hasn't it?" said Azalea.

Lucifer nodded as he said,"Yeah but at least it's been interesting. Even though we couldn't find two of your villains, you at least didn't get a call from the lab today. I like you Zane but why did you hire that man? He somehow burned something using water.". "I think you know that Zane attracts eccentric people like a moth to a flame." said Sivarth. As Zane was about to head toward Cypress High aka the meetup spot for the police ride along, he noticed something.

There was a noticeable sized hole in the roof of the bank being the one nearby the city/town's park aka the one from Zero Episode 41. "I better check this off. Mind texting Scott that I'll be late?" said Zane, landing on the bank's rooftop. "Will do." said Athena. "You know that Hannah won't be happy about you being late and adding that you bailed/ditched her will make her hatred for you sky rocket Zane." said Cole. "Meh. I don't mind." said Zane.  

Meanwhile outside of Cypress High, Austin opened the door to the backseat of the police car for Leigh as two random and nameless cops got in the front. Brad watched all of this with an upset look on his face. "To be fair mate, it could have been worse." said Allen. "Yeah but nothing I'm doing is working with her." said Brad. "Don't give up mate. Love isn't something that happens over night. Well, I best be going. Can't keep the lady waiting." said Allen.

Brad overheard Scott say,"Brad. You and Cyrus are with Detective Kennedy and Stevens.". "I get stuck with my dad too. Great." thought Brad as he walked over to the police car and sat right next to the new kid. "So are you two rookies ready for the time of your young lives?" said Ramona with her turning back to the backseat. "If I wasn't stuck with the leader of the Cypress Park Neanderthals, I would say yes." said Cyrus.

The jock rolled his eyes as he said,"You seriously think you're so cool don't you? I really doubt my old man and his partner are taking anywhere cool to begin with. They probably have protection for her highness's car.". Cyrus frowned at being insulted by Brad as he said,"But don't you worry. We got Zero and his friends protecting us from the big bads.". Both cops got in the front seat as Tony started driving away.

Without looking at him, Ramona said,"What makes you think that? I mean sure he helps out a lot but it's a team effort. I'm just happy he isn't a super villain in disguise.". "Yeah. It would just break Brad's heart." said Tony. Back at the bank, Zane had entered the bank with him  sticking to the ceiling. He  saw Thomas trying to break through the vault with Zane saying,"It's showtime.". He jumped down, alerting the meta human of his arrival.

Zane crossed his arms as he said,"Seriously Frosty? I mean I'm sure you're in trouble with the Gold Commander after mucking up your assignment and now you're resorting to bank heists? That's beneath you man.". "No job is beneath me kid. It'll be worth it and hopefully, your time won't be waste with my friends beating the snot out of you." said Thomas. "Okay then. You're not at all subtle are you?" said Zane. Thomas shrugged as Crisis Judgement went off.

He phased into the ground, allowing him to evade Atlas who tried to tackle him. The man was shocked by this development and Topaz who appeared from an electrical outlet nearby him. As Zane resurfaced from the ground, Crisis Judgement went off again. Rudy went right through Zane being that Rudy was upcutted by Hornet who grew into his normal size. Zane turned solid just after Pierce tried to slice him as he said,"So who are your friends Frosty? Did you meet them online?".

Zane jumped back as he said,"I've heard that internet dating is pretty popular and successful but you finding bad guys online? That's just impressive.".  "Meet the new Tremendous and you'll be fearing us real soon Zero." said Thomas as the five villains stood beside their leader. "Well, I didn't fear the last one so I hope you make your threat worth it." said Zane, getting ready to fight despite the odds being against him.

Meanwhile outside of Cypress High, Allen got in the backseat of his car with Brooke with the two smiling at each other. Karen and Rachel got into their car. "I hope Hannah doesn't get too mad at him tonight dad. They really hate each other." said Karen as Scott sighed. His daughter's car left as he saw Hannah waiting by Scott's personal car. "So Alvarez is late because why again?" said Hannah as she crossed her arms. "Personal reasons and he'll be here soon." said Scott.

Back at the bank, Zane dodged both Thomas and Topaz's blast of electricity and ice. This caused the room to be covered in smoke as the six heard,"Oh wow. I guess I must be a serious threat if all of you are coming after me at once. Was the Battalion too busy or did you not call the Outcast Syndicate for some assisstance?". "I really thought the commander was actually joking about his mouth boss but no he was not." said Hornet.

Thomas nodded as he said,"Zero is known for two things Hornet. His mouth and his brain. He's one of his forms by now. Atlas and Acrobat. Get him to come out and play.". "Got it." said the two as the smaller man began bouncing around the room. Atlas began throwing furniture around with the ice man saying,"Topaz! Electrocute him!". He pointed to the upper right corner of the room with the electricity man nodding.

He fired electricity at a table, destroying it and revealing Zane who was in Matter Form. "Let me guess how you found me. You memorized the room and just so happen to noticed the extra table." said Zane. He dodged the duo of Atlas and Hornet with the later growing to be the same size as Atlas. Zane stretched his arms out to the side and then transformed them into slime being a blue color. He threw the slime at the two, blinding them and was then kicked in the back by Rudy.

Pierce grabbed Zane with him throwing him into the wall and then sliced the hero. As Zane regenerate, he heard,"We're just getting warmed up hero.". As Thomas froze the slime off Atlas and Hornet, Topaz tried to blast Zane. The teen turned into smoke, evading the attack. He deactivated the form with him throwing candy syrup at Topaz's arms and binding him. Zane evaded another attack combo from Atlas and Rudy.

Thomas was about to blast Zane who was distracted with the trio of Hornet, Pierce, and Rudy but Atlas coughed and pointed at the money bags he was now holding. "You're right Atlas. We're on the clock and soon hero, I'll be turning you into a herocle." said Thomas. "Oh wow. You made a pun. I'm so proud of you." said Zane with him fake crying. As his team was beginning to leave the bank, the cryokinetic looked at Zane with him saying,"I'm not too cold to not have a sense of humor.".

He fired two ice blasts at the roof above Zane, leaving the teen completely covered in frozen rubble. To make sure, Thomas froze the area around Zane while he left with his crew. The ice was melting away with Zane phasing out of the rubble. "And now, I'm now dealing with six superpowered mercenaries who have practiced using their powers. I'll meet them again soon another so I better go over toward Hannah. Lucky me." said Zane as he was gone. 

Later at Cypress High, Zane ,out of costume, had arrived with Scott standing there and Hannah was not pleased but not angry like he expected. "You're late." said Hannah, hands on her hips. "Well. I'm so sorry that I'm late since I'm running a currently successful company until a certain someone who asked me for help and didn't put in any effort when I did." said Zane. "You two can have your typical fight in the car you two." said Scott, opening the backseat to his car.

Zane nodded as he entered the car with Hannah saying,"Back there with him sit? You can't be serious sir.". "Come on Harpie. I mean Scott's car is cleaner than captain's car plus he's the police captain so we get to take the scenic route." said Zane. "Really should have let them pick their partners but no. I thought it would be a good idea to have fate decided." thought Scott. Meanwhile in the car contained Allen and Brooke. "So Brooke, I hope you're liking Cypress Park. It's a very nice city." said Allen.

Brooke looked at him as she said,"It is Allen and you're looking well. I see that you were right about your friend Zane in your letters. He's quite the character and athlete. Have you seen his impressive backflip?". "Yeah. He tends to do things that get people's attentions being that he tends to do bad or good things to get attention. So do you got any plans for tomorrow? Mack gave me the wonderful idea of showing you around Cypress Park." said Allen.

The girl smiled as she said,"Are you asking me out Allen?". "Maybe." said Allen. "I have my first job at the aquarium tonight so how about we go after then?" said Brooke. "Then it's a date then." said Allen. The two cops ,both women, in front of them gushed as they said,"Young love.". Both Allen and Brooke blushed at the two's statement. Later at that bank that was robbed earlier in the night, the quartet of Brad, Cyrus, Hannah, and Zane were there along with their police escort.

Brad sighed as he said,"So let me get this straight. You left school later than the rest of the class and to get one of you two to shut up, he took Zane to get Fantasia.". Zane nodded as he sipped on his slushie which he enjoyed. "I wish we thought of that before tonight." said Hannah. "Yeah but this is really cool." said Brad. "You can't be serious. This is so boring even more than your neanderthal games. We missed the fight being that hopefully we could have seen Zero get punched in the face." said Cyrus.

Most of the officers ,who were working the scene, and Brad looked right at Cyrus. "Oh. I'm sorry for being the only person to have a different opinion on him. I just find him to be a pretentious pain in the ass and the reason why we have super villains." said Cyrus. "Just like a certain someone who was late and ditched me." said Hannah, glaring at Zane. "Oh wow. She really doesn't like you at all Zane." said Twilight.

Athena nodded as she said,"That's the understatement of the day. Cyrus hating you is interesting since the only people who hate you are either connected to Swarm or rich. Cyrus Epstein isn't rich so could he be a member of Swarm?". "The mystery behind him thickens!" said Cole. "Hey. I had my reasons for being late Hannah but I seem to recall that you were more focused on your phone rather than me trying to help you study which you need for your dream school." said Zane. 

Hannah raised her hands into the air with her saying,"You really always have to say something don't you?!". "It's my thing and since you're going to go on a why I hate Zane Alvarez rant. I think we should go outside. Don't want to bother the police with their investigation after all." said Zane as he pushed the cheerleader outside. As he closed the door behind him, Zane heard,"What gives you the right to touch me? I could sue for sexual harassment.".

Zane turned to Hannah with him saying,"And I have my own team of lawyers so begin the rant that you have against me.". "You've ruined the A-List by joining the Football Team and being your normal annoying self! You somehow put a spell on Kris and the others being that most of them are nice to you and the other losers of Cypress High! Brad is trying to date a nerd and keeps trying even though she keeps saying no to him so he should get the hint." said Hannah.

The Cross Species rolled his eyes as he said,"Okay. You really need to grow up. Times are changing Hannah and you should change as well. Brad is trying to change as well and I'm sure in time, Leigh will see Brad in a better light. I have faith in him as my friend and you should as well.". "Fine but why did you bail me on earlier? Was it because of Andrew?" said Hannah. "Yes and no. Andrew is a good friend of mine so I was worried about him but he was saved by Zero." said Zane.

Hannah looked at Zane with him saying,"And I left because you asked for my help and didn't give me the time I ask for. Hannah, I may not like you and David together being that the two of you are just not clicking for me. I could be in the minority but I like having this opinion. I don't share a hive mind with you or anyone else. If you want my help to get into fashion design, just give me the time of day because I saw your designs.". "You went into my room?!" screamed Hannah.

Twilight covered her ears as Kane said,"Twilight is about to go psycho on her Zane!". "I didn't do that Hannah. I went into the kitchen and saw a design of yours. It's really good and trust me, I know my fashion." said Zane. "Didn't you just learn the difference between jorts and shorts like a few days ago though?" said Cole. "To be fair, jorts are one of humanity's strangest inventions." said Lucifer. "You and I could be friends Hannah but well, we need to try talking instead of fighting." said Zane.

He walked back inside of the bank with Hannah standing there. She was wondering what to do about this but Hannah decided to think about it later since she decided to focus on her assignment. As she entered, Scott said to Ramona,"Zero was clearly here and fought someone or a group.". "Go Zero! He can kick anyone's ass!" said Brad. "I didn't know that we didn't know that we had two cheerleaders or as I called them, annoying and loud bitches in the room." said Cyrus.

This comment earned him a glare from Brad and Hannah. "Wow. He isn't making any friends at all Zane." said Cole. "He's also making your comments look nice." said Kane. "Which is an major feat given your comments and they're only going to get worse moving forward in life. Calling it now gang." said Kane. Scott walked over to a file cabinet with him saying,"Huh. Why is this here? Do you mind helping me Zane?".

Zane nodded as he went over the police tape. "Why is he going?!" said Hannah. "Well, the captain's arm is still hurt plus 51 isn't a bad person like you think he is." said Brad. Hannah looked away as the captain and Zane soon moved the file cabinet. It revealed a hole to what seems to be a costume shop. "This hole leads right to the costume shop next door. The perps tried to hide this hole. Inform the owner of a possible robbery and check with him if anything was stolen." said Scott.

Zane looked inside as he thought,"Okay. What is Thomas up to? He isn't one to do something like this without a plan.". "And like how Scott asked one of his cops to figure it, I should do it as well." said Athena. "But aren't you focused on figuring out who Cyrus is." said Azalea. "I can multitask unlike Cole." said Athena. "Yeah. She's...hey!" said Cole, being that this comment earned laughter from the trio of Kane, Lucifer, and Sivarth.

Meanwhile, a truck was driving up to a building as it stopped. The back of the truck opened up to reveal Atlas and Rudy with both of them deck in police uniforms. "We got the income so lead us to the reserves." said Rudy with Atlas nodding. As the two were being lead into the building, a smaller Hornet flew in right after them as the trio of Pierce, Thomas, and Topaz watched the scene from the rooftop across the street. "Phase two is complete. Get ready for phase three." said Thomas.

In another police car, the duo of Karen and Rachel were sitting in their car.  "So Karen. What are you doing for Zane on Valentine Day? I know that we have that big group date but I'm sure all of us are going to do something special. Kris was not a happy girl as Kane interrupted her and Zane's date after she passed her science test." said Rachel. "Didn't you come up with the rule of not sharing the details of the other plans for him so he doesn't find out?" said Karen.

Rachel sighed as she said,"Yeah but it was majority ruling. I know that we have a very unique circumstance when it comes to Zane but all of us are real close to each other even if we excluding Zane from the equation. Our relationship may have some problems now but I'm sure that in time, we'll get better plus I think we should do something really big as a group.". The two cops ,both of them were male and single, were jealous of Zane due to them neither having that kind of luck with the ladies ever. 

The duo of Atlas and Rudy were heading down the hallway when a guard stopped them. "Hey there you two. You're going the wrong way so you need to turn around...." said the guard. Before he could finish his sentence, the man fell to the ground unconscious as Hornet stood there. "Knock out the two coming toward us so the others can come in here without alerting the heroes." said Hornet. "You don't order me around bug but I'll do it anyway. Don't want to be frozen." said Rudy.

He flipped into the air with him knocking out both of the guards heading toward them. The trio  reached a desk with Atlas looking over to see several computers and monitors there. Nearby the desk, the other members of their group (Pierce, Thomas, and Topaz) arrived. "Okay. That feels weird." said Pierce. "I'm used to it by now." said Topaz. Thomas went over to the desk as he froze the desk within seconds. He turned to his team as he said,"We got the elevator disabled alongside the security cameras and alarm.".

Rudy smiled as he said,"Time to begin the party boys.". Atlas opened the box he had been pushing for a while now thanks to the hover dolly, revealing his and Rudy's suit. Back at the bank, everyone was leaving as Tony said,"It's the owner of the costume shop captain.". Scott was handled a phone as he started to talk with the owner. The four teens left the business with Brad ,whose leg is broken, being the last one to leave and as he left, he pushed Cyrus while he did that. 

This was on accident but Cyrus didn't see it that way. "Hey there Neanderthal. I know that you're used to pushing people either though they're usually never in your way most of the time but don't go pushing me around got it?" said Cyrus. "Oh just shut up for once. You're even worse than Kevin was back in the day. Here's a news flash. No one likes you so far." said Brad. "And now the male blond is going to vent." said Cyrus.

Brad glared at him as he said,"Yes I am. You may not like Zero but most of us do so you should be able to deal with it. I think the only people other than you who share your opinion are Swarm. They hate him despite him saving them from danger several times. They judge him as a monster just because he has Phantom powers but he doesn't care. I may be injured but my hero said that I was cool for doing it. He's the reason why I'm trying to change for the better.".   

Cyrus sighed as he said,"I know that you have a massive hard on for Zero but here's the news flash for you Neanderthal. Zero is a piece of trash. He causes trouble for innocent people and a menace to our peaceful society. For you and the dumb people who actually like him, grow up and find a real hero to respect.". "Wow. He really doesn't like me you guys. So did I do something to him? I mean this hatred has an origin right?" thought Zane, looking at Cryus.

Before Brad could say anything, Hannah walked up to Cyrus much to the white hair teen's shock as she slapped him. Everyone ,except for Scott, looked at the girl. "Shut the hell up. Zero is a hero. He saves people from the goodness of the heart. While I may think Brad is being an real big idiot for trying to date a nerd, he's been changing for the better. You shouldn't talk shit about him because I'm sure that even though you hate him, he would save you if you were in trouble." said Hannah.

Lucifer looked at Zane as he said,"You really would wouldn't you?". "Probably. I'll save my enemies since in the end of it all, they're innocent somehow. I mean I did save Andrew earlier from Miasma and he's part of the Odium Society aka the group who is trying to kill me." said Zane. "I don't care about that. Fuck all of you. I'm heading home. I thought I would find someone who shares the RIGHT opinion about him but nope. All of you are sheeple." scoffed Cyrus.

He walked off with Ramona soon looked at Scott who finished up his call. "Let him go. I'm sure that everyone was sick of him." said Scott. "But what if his parents call about him leaving?" said Ramona. "I may not know Cyrus too well but he seems the type to just ignore his parents because they may like Zero. Anyway, we need to get going." said Scott. The officers left the scene as Zane thought,"Okay. Who are you really Cyrus?".

Back with the Tremendous, the six were just walking down the halls of the bank. Two guards aimed their weapon at them with the guard on the left saying,"Stop right there!". Thomas grabbed one of his grenades ,on his belt, and threw it. The two guards and the area around them were frozen with Thomas said,"Get moving boys.". The five men nodded as two of the remaining guards went to the still frozen desk. "They're heading for the vault! Hit the kill switch!" said one of the guards.

The other guard looked at him and said,"Do you not see it that the desk is frozen?". Atlas walked up to them with him throwing both of them into wall and knocking both of them out. "They'll be fine." said Atlas as the two guards slumped to the floor. The six went into the elevator and the door closed behind them. A few moments later, something began coming out of the bank's vent. It was Miasma being that he growled. 

The slime monster looked around him with him saying,"After all of these years, I found them and the short ones cheap cologne. Thank you boss. You didn't lie to me about getting my revenge and becoming a star.". Inside of his slime like body, he had an earpiece floating nearby where the skull's ears has and the voice on the other end said,"Of course Miasma. I always promise my loyal followers what they deserve.". Miasma looked toward the elevator and smiled.

Outside, Scott's car stopped at the same building that the Tremendous were currently inside of. Both Hannah and Zane stepped out of the car and Scott joined them. "So why are we at the federal reserve building exactly?" said Hannah. "She kinda has a point." said Zane. "Kinda? I have a point Zane." said Hannah. "The owner told me that two of the federal reserve employees recently got their uniforms from the costume shop." said Scott.

Hannah nodded as Scott said,"By breaking and robbing the bank, they were leading us in a different direction. It gave them the time they needed to make their move. We brought in a MCC also known as mobile command center. You two should be safe in there.". He pointed to a police truck. "As much as I would love to be in a truck filled with the fine officers of Cypress Park but my stomach has been growling. Mind if I go get a snack from that nearby store over there?" said Zane.

Zane pointed to a nearby convenience store as Scott got the hint. "Right. Just be careful and try not to get into any trouble." said Scott. "I'll try but you know me." said Zane. He ran off as Hannah said to Scott,"Thank god. I couldn't last another moment with that guy. He's such a pain.". "Yes but he has his moments of good right? He's willing to help you succeed even though you and him don't get along at all." said Scott. Hannah didn't say anything knowing that he was right.

Zane ducked into a alleyway which was nearby the convenience store. "Okay. It's time to take out the Tremendous trash. I would have called the others but I'm sure that George and Reactor's group are planning something big like Andrew is doing." said Zane, turning into Legion Zero. "I would say that you should have some help against the Tremendous Zane but you have a point. There is a gang war on the horizons." said Athena. "Yeah but I'm ready for it." said Zane.

Back with Thomas's group, the elevator had stopped with the group stepping out. Upon seeing what they came here for, Hornet and Topaz's jaws soon hit the floor. "Gentleman. Let me introduce you to the vault of gold that was gratuitously donated to the federal reserve by the elite and spoiled members of our society. There is over ten billion here in solid gold bars." said Thomas. "So what do you want us to do about it?" said Atlas.

Thomas turned to his group as he said,"Acrobat, Atlas, Hornet, and Pierce. Your four will start packing the gold for winter while me and Topaz keep out the uninvited guests.". As the two element users walked toward the elevator shaft, the four other Tremendous members began picking up bars of gold and placing them into the hover dolly. Thomas and Topaz blasted the elevator shaft with the combination of electricity and ice.

It was unusable and trapping the villainous group underground. As the duo of Thomas and Topaz went to go help with the rest of their group, they didn't see dark green slime ,with a dark reddish hue, heading toward them. Above them, Scott walked over to one of the injured guards and he said to the guard,"How many of them were there?". "There were six of them. All of them had superpowers Captain Castro. We couldn't do anything about them. I'm so sorry." said the guard.

Before Scott could say anything to the guard, both he and the guard heard,"Don't worry. Even if they have superpowers, they aren't invincible.". Scott turned around to see Zane as Legion Zero standing there. Back in the vault, Atlas and Hornet were focused on putting the gold bars into the dolly that they brought with them. Rudy stood there and he turned toward the trio of Pierce, Thomas, and Topaz being that the trio were focused on breaking down the wall in font of them.

Thomas and Topaz blasted the wall with their respective elements with Pierce slicing the wall after the two finished blasting it with the elements. This repeated pattern of attacks resulted in the wall getting cracked and revealing what was on the other side. It was a train as Rudy said,"That's our getaway vehicle?". "Don't look a gift horse in the mouth Acrobat. It's better than getting stuck with something like a handcar." said Thomas.

Pierce and Rudy looked confused as Thomas said,"Idiots. Just break it down already Acrobat.". Rudy nodded as he began building up energy by bouncing all around the room, avoiding the rest of his team in the process. He slammed into the destroyed wall with the wall completely destroyed. Above them, the trio of Zane, Scott, and the guard stood in front of the destroyed elevator shaft. "They were strong but really stupid." said the guard.

Zane looked at the guard with the guard saying with a smirk,"They destroyed the elevator and the stairs don't go down to that floor. They're trapped like rats for the next couple of days until we can get them out and they'll be just pleading with us to arrest them.". "Cryonic and his crew aren't idiots like most of the gangs here in Cypress Park. The Tremendous are one of the best criminal groups in the world so this elevator destruction was planned from the start." said Zane.

The hero turned to the police and he said,"I need to get down there fast so that the upper class will not being complaining about missing gold and blame me for it despite me trying to stop the people who took the gold in the first place.". "You can't just back talk me like that." said the guard. "Ignore him Zero. So how are you getting down there?" said Scott. "I'm going the more direct route." said Zane as he jumped down and began diving his way down.

Unknown to Zane, Thomas was watching the hero heading toward them thanks to the screen that was on the dolly. Before Thomas froze the main desk, he had the feed from the security cameras installed onto the dolly since he didn't like the unexpected. "Our favorite pest is here. I think we should make him feel welcome. Atlas, give Acrobat a boost and Topaz. Get him a shock." said Thomas. He knew that Zero could handle the electricity but the police couldn't.

Zero was able to defeat eight members of the Battalion in the past but the Battalion didn't have the same training as the Tremendous. The three in question nodded as they went over to the destroyed elevator. Atlas threw Rudy ,like a football, upwards into the air with Topaz covering the entire elevator shaft in his electricity and the entire shaft was electrify. Rudy was getting ready to counter the pest that once arrested him and he was going to get his revenge.

Zane was diving down toward the bottom with him hearing Rudy coming up to him. "He'll be here in about five seconds. It's showtime." said Zane. He stuck onto the wall just as Rudy was about to strike into him. "So does this guy have powers like his boss or is it his suit? I honestly don't know. His powers remind me of Orb Form except smaller." said Lucifer. "I think for him and the big guy, it's the suit but the other members are metahumans." said Zane.

Sivarth looked at him as he said,"What makes you sure?". "They have their metagene activate. That's how you can tell if someone is a metahuman or not." said Zane. "Understood." said Sivarth. As he was having this conversation, Zane kept dodging Rudy's attempts at hitting him and noticed that the walls were covered in traces of dark green slime as he said to himself,"Okay. I think we need to get down there right now!".

He dodged Rudy once again with him above Rudy. He then made Oathbreaker appear in his hands and slammed it into Rudy hard, sending the man down fast. In the vault, Thomas watched the man bouncing all around the room before stopping himself by slamming into a pile of gold bars, causing them to spill onto the floor. Thomas turned to see Zane standing there with him saying while holding his hammer behind him,"Sorry that I'm late but I had the bouncing wonder to deal with first.".

Pierce smiled as he said,"So is it just you or what? I mean I'm sure you can count.". "Yeah but honestly, playing the numbers game means nothing to me." said Zane. He sent a clone toward Pierce being that the two clashed blades with the Zone (Zane Clone/Zero Clone) holding Espada. "Round it up Atlas and Hornet. We'll squashed the hero and his pals while you two get the gold onto the train." said Thomas with him getting ready to fight.   

Atlas and Hornet nodded as they pushed the dolly which was filled to the brim with gold. As Topaz was trying to blast Zane with electricity, he and Thomas fought hand to hand. "So I have a question for you snowy. Are all electricity villains bad shots? I mean both this guy and Clair are bad shots so I was just curious." said Zane. He sprouted a fist toward Topaz, sending him into a stack of gold bars which was right by Rudy.

Rudy turned toward his friend as he said,"Okay. That looked painful but that's nothing compared to one of those forms.". Zane knew that even holding back, his hits really hit. Crisis Judgement went off as Zane saw Topaz firing two of his electrical blasts at the gold bars that were above him and Thomas. The two leaders jumped back as the floor was covered in gold bars. Thomas glared right at Topaz with him saying,"We're leaving now.".

Pierce blocked Zone's sword with him saying,"But we clearly have the advantage to him boss.". "He's right plus look at all of the gold we have left." said Rudy. "I've been feeling something strange for a while now and I want to leave with what we have. Do you two want to piss off the Gold Commander any time soon? Also two better do what I say or else." said Thomas. "Nope. We're on it." said the duo of Pierce and Rudy in unison.

Without thinking about it too long, Thomas made two giant walls of ice as they blocked Zane and his clone for going after them for only a couple of moments. Atlas had just arrived on the train with the trio of Pierce, Rudy, and Topaz arriving on as well. Thomas joined them with him saying,"Start it now.". "Wait. Where's Hornet Atlas?" said Pierce. Atlas shrugged as Thomas said,"He's be fine Pierce. Just do what I said.". "On it boss." said Rudy.

Thomas saw the ice walls melting probably thanks to the hero's unique colored flames. "So where did bug guy go anyway?" said Cole. "Got a feeling that it's the monster we've dealt with twice today and hopefully, third time's the charm." said Zane. As he finished that statement, the ice walls melted and he stepped through the hole in the wall. The train was already heading off as Zane smiled. The duo of Thomas and Topaz were blasting the subway with electricity and ice.

Both of them were doing this mainly in the case of Zero chasing them but Zane was flying above them and was intangible. "Push it faster!" said Thomas. "On it boss!" said Pierce, moving the switch forward. Zane landed on the roof of the train with him standing there and turned tangible. Crisis Judgement went off as Zane said,"I'm pretty sure that snowy doesn't have Crisis Judgement or can see into the future but he's definitely a pro that's for sure.".

He turned around to see Rudy heading toward him and blocked him by making a green Nether ramp appear in front of him. Rudy slammed right into the ramp and was sent upwards. Just before he was about to regain himself, he heard,"Astral Marksman!". Zane aimed his left hand at Rudy being that the hero was slowly gathering Primordial energy into his hand. He fired out a blast of the energy being that he repeated the motion several times.

Rudy was hit with a barrage of bullets being that the ground below Zane was slowly breaking and the hero was inside of the train car. Crisis Judgement went off as Zane backflipped into the air, evading Atlas's tackle once again. Rudy slammed into the bottom of the subway and then got back up to chase the train car. Zane turned to Thomas who was glaring at him. "Sorry but we have to make a sudden stop so hang on tight." said Zane.

He went to the front of the train and phased through the front. He  transformed into Gravity Form and stopped the train by holding on tight. It was then forced into making a sudden stop. Thomas and Topaz tried to blast Zane with their respective elements being that Rudy was going to slam right into Zane in order to make him let go of the train. He was held in the air by Zane's gravity powers with Zane saying with a smile,"Strike.".

The living rock sent him right into the train, hitting all four members of the Tremendous before all of them fell to the ground. Zane ,who had deactivated Gravity Form and had swapped into Gunslinger Form, landed in the train cabin through the front window which had broke upon Zane stopping the train earlier. The marsupial looked around the train cabin with him noticing that Rudy was missing but he sighed.

Zane dodged the man who tried to kick him in the back and grabbed his leg, sending him right toward Atlas. Atlas grabbed Rudy, pushing the man back at bit. "Okay. I'll make a deal with you bad folks so listen up. Instead of forward, we should go backwards." said Zane. He aimed his guns at the switch and fired two bullets. It hit the switch, causing the train to go backwards. This caused the people inside of the train to fall over with Zane being the only one not to be effected.

As they were heading backwards, the Tremendous recovered. "Get him!" said Thomas. He froze the gold in place so it wouldn't get sent out of the car. Atlas charged toward Zane with the hero turning into Brawn Form. The two clashed with Zane saying,"Hey Atlas. Do you want to hear something really funny?" Atlas was confused being that Rudy was heading toward them and Pierce was heading toward them as well.

Zane smiled as he picked up Atlas much to his shock as the hero said,"Atlas Double!". Pierce and Rudy's attacks hit Atlas instead of Zane being that Topaz's electricity did as well. Thomas swatched Zane who threw Atlas at the trio of Pierce, Rudy, and Topaz. "Get off them Atlas! Zero is our main priority!" said Thomas. "Oh wow. You're a real rude boss." said Zane. Atlas was about to move before all of them heard,"Cedric! Rudy! Thomas!".

Atlas got off his teammates as he said,"Is that him? He died years ago.". "Mind telling me about who you're talking about?" said Topaz. "I think you're about to get your answer sparky." said Zane, seeing something heading toward them. He stopped the train's movements as Pierce and Topaz saw a giant Miasma heading toward them with several gold blocks floating through his body. "You'll pay for doing this to me!" said Miasma.

He fired his slime at the train with the slime having blocks of gold inside of it, causing the train to shake a bit. "So how does he know you guys? Meet online?" said Zane. "How many times are you going to make that joke?" said Athena. "Once Zane gets better material which will never happen but I hope it does." said Twilight as Thomas stayed silent. Zane swapped out of Brawn Form and making the Cluster Neutron Cannon appear.

Zane aimed the weapon at Miasma with him firing out a huge barrage of missiles, destroying the back of the train and was pushing Miasma back. "I'm sure that you're going to hate this idea but working together is our best course of action." said Zane. "And why would we with you hero?" said Pierce as he was hit the face by a gold bar. The bar was covered in Miasma's slime being that the sword creating man screamed as his face was slowly being dissolves.

The hero transformed into Restore Form with him saying,"That's why and hold still. You'll be back to normal soon.". "Hey kid." said Thomas, looking at Zane. While he was healing Pierce, he was still firing his weapon aka Cluster Neutron Cannon at Miasma. "What?" said Zane. "Can your gun absorb energy?" said Thomas. "Nope but I think we have the same goal in mind. How about a combo move?" said Zane. "Okay. Topaz, fire electricity at the monster." said Thomas.

Topaz looked at his boss with him saying,"You can't be serious.". "Yes I am and if you refuse, I'll feed you to that thing." said Thomas, with him pointing to Miasma who roared. Topaz sighed as he fired several blasts of electricity at Miasma, keeping him back along with Zane's missile. "So kid, do you got any idea to stop that thing?" said Rudy. "He's weak to fire and ice and as you saw earlier, he is able to burn you upon contact. We also can't cause a cave in." said Zane.

He finished healing Pierce as Thomas nodded. He fired a large wave of ice at Miasma, freezing his entire body solid. "So why can't we cause a cave in and thanks?" said Pierce. "Because of Cypress Park being right above us Pierce. Hey kid. Mind bringing the heat? He's breaking out of my icy grip." said Thomas being that the ice prison around Miasma was slowly breaking. Zane slowly nodded as he transformed into Pyre Form.

The duo of Thomas and Zane fired their respective elements at Miasma, causing it to roar. "This will not stop me from getting my revenge! You left me in that cave to die!" said Miasma. Pierce and Topaz looked at the test of the group with Thomas sighing. "The past is in the past. You may think that I'm a monster but he deserved to die. He and his group caused the deaths of some orphans. That's against the rules of the Tremendous." said Thomas.

Kane nodded as he said,"Wow. He's real cold but I'm sure I would do the same thing. Those kids had so little to begin with but to take their lives, that's messed up.". Miasma threw a huge ball of slime being that it flew right above the train and it landed in front of the train. The slime hardened being that the train collided with the solid. The train rolled on its side with the occupants inside being tossed around.

Atlas's suit was breaking from the impact being that they eventually stopped. "Okay. Everyone still alive?" said Thomas. He saw Atlas who was carrying the block of ice which contained the gold. Pierce, Rudy, and Topaz followed him as Thomas said,"There's my answer. So what are you going to do about it kid?". He turned to Zane with him saying,"Stop this monster and keep you idiots from taking all of the gold.". "I would like to see you try." said Thomas.

The ice man looked at Zane, seeing that he was serious. "So want to work together? I'm sure both of us agree that we can take him down if we work together." said Thomas. "Yeah. Can you handle the heat?" said Zane as Thomas chuckled. "Kid. I grew up in Cypress Park. This place is one of the best cities in the world but man, it's a inferno here during the summer am I right?" said Thomas. "Truer words have never been spoken my icy antagonist." said Zane.

With a sigh, Thomas said,"Kid. Like my boss currently, I respect you despite your mouth. That slime is a result of combining some radiation that was from a torn down nuclear power plant and that activated his metagene in the process. Anyway, I trapped the man Cecil Holloway and four other men within a cave in to die. Cecil was a two bit actor before he began working with the Odium Society. They killed those innocent kids to escape from the police and didn't regret their actions when I confront them.".

Thomas clenched his fists as he said," I may be a criminal but killing kids or hurting the innocent is something I'm against.". I respect you as well Thomas. You're the only criminal who escaped me so I've wanted to captured you for a long time. Unlike my other villains, you're not doing this for yourself but kids who went through a tragic past similar to you." said Thomas. "You did your research on me didn't you?" said Thomas.

Zane nodded as he said,"Yeah. Any kind of knowledge ,big or small, is important. I think Cecil is ready for round two.". The living flame turned toward Miasma who roared and Thomas got ready to fight. Meanwhile above ground, Hannah poked her head out of the mobile command center and she said,"So are we going to be here all night? Some of us have a life you know.". "I want to go back home to study and maybe Zane may help me if I ask nicely." thought Hannah.

Scott was about to answer her but he just barely dodged Topaz's blast. The other members of the Tremendous ,except for Hornet who had been missing for a while now, were climbing out of the sewer grate. "Get out of here you guys. We need to leave before that monster shows up with the corpse of our boss and the hero in its body!" said Topaz, keeping the officer busy. Unknown to Topaz, something jumped out of the sewer.

It was Zone being that he said,"I honestly don't get how the Prime can do the whole sewer thing but now isn't the time to question that.". He  transformed into Brain Form being that he was in his human form. Since we haven't seen in Zero before now, I'll be introducing it despite introducing it within Fairy Legion Chapter 20. He's 4 foot 11 being almost 5 foot tall. He’s a short boy with him looking more frog than human.

His skin is still gray with him having a muscular frame and well defined jawline for his age. He has dark teal colored hair with it being slightly messy and going down to his chin. His eyes are the same, his skin is still covered in warts, and gills on the sides of his neck. He has three strips ,with it being black, emerald green, and red, from the stop and bottom of his eyes and forehead around his eyes. He wears a pair of black sunglasses and carries a large kiseru pipe.

It's currently lit with him smoking. His mouth is slightly bigger than before. His legs and neck are normal sized. He grows an extra finger, making him have five fingers. He wears a black skin-tight jumpsuit that covers his chest, shoulders, and his thighs. His jumpsuit has a black collar around his neck. He wears bandages and mesh armor wrapped around his arms and legs. He wears silver arm-guards, leg-guards, and samurai pauldrons. He wears a massive dosu-blade/tanto at his hip.

He wears a large black happi vest with a white sash. He still wears his toeless black boots with green cuffs and he wears a pair of black fingerless gloves with a gold pyramid on the back of the gloves. It was within a second that the frog like human fired his tongue out of his mouth. It wrapped itself around Topaz much to his confusion. Zone sthrew him into the air with Topaz yelling,"Time for you to fry you frog bastard!".

Topaz released a huge amount of electricity toward Zone being that Zone dodged it and jumped toward the metahuman. The human ,who has frog like elements, held his blade and he sliced down on the male version of Voltaire. Topaz soon went flying toward the nearby convenience store and the electricity being Turned around to face the store. "I remember working at this hell back in the day. Instead of facing me hero, focus on the people that you were sworn to protect!" said Topaz.

He fired electricity at the building, causing an explosion which engulfed the shop and the surrounding area. Hannah visibly gasped at this scene being that she thought that Zane was still inside of the store just before it went kaboom. Scott knew the truth being that he was sure that Zane was going to be fine since he was the teenage/pre-teen humanoid frog maybe. He knew that Zane could replicate himself being that he couldn't tell the difference between Zane and his clones.

The girl didn't know this as she screamed out,"Zane!". Topaz had both of his arms sparkling with electricity and was ready to fire on the command center mainly to shut up Hannah. However, he was stopped from his assault by a truck in front of him. Atlas was driving it with Topaz scoffing and said,"You got lucky this time you damn punk so farewell.". He got into the truck with Atlas soon driving off and Zone was focused on handling the convenience store's fire.

He was doing this by deactivating Brain Form and going into Terrapin Form, releasing powerful bursts of winds. The truck went over a sewer grate which suddenly exploded with water and launched the truck into the air. Zone watched several sewer grates around him erupt with water with him thinking,"Pretty sure that the Prime is the result of this. I better catch up to them to make sure that they don't escape.".

The turtle ,while in his shell, floated ,using the wind, toward the truck being that he caught the truck and placed it onto the ground. Before the four members of Tremendous could do anything, they were instantly surrounded by the police, causing them to raise their hands and give up. They were either cuffed with regular cuffs and power hampering cuffs for the two metahumans. Zone stood there with him saying,"So what happened down there?".

He sturned around to see Zane ,out of Pyre Form, and was holding a glass tube. Inside of the glass tube, there was an average sized Caucasian who was currently asleep. He has a lean build and a shaved head. He's wearing an orange prisoner uniform. "So who is that?" said Zone. "Our slime pal but human. After me and Thomas gave me a bath, he turned into this and I trapped himself inside of the glass tube. We need to get him into a better stasis tank." said Zane.

Zone nodded as he said,"Very interesting. So did you make him clothes?". "Nope. He had this on before we dissolve Miasma into Cecil. It was a good thing because honestly, I was totally expecting him to be in his birthday suit." said Zane. He looked at the water that was covering the city streets. Zane shrugged as he made Zone disappeared being that he walked through the street with the sleeping Miasma. Lets find out how this happened shall we.

Flashback P.O.V.
Below the city, Thomas and Zane ,still in Pyre Form, fired ice and fire respectively at Miasma. The slime monster roared being that his body was covered in holes. The wounds were slowly regenerated with Thomas saying,"Okay. We need a better plan. He keeps regenerating from whatever we give him and he's probably getting pissed off.". "Okay. I have an idea. His regeneration has its limits so lets give him a wound that will take him a long time so we can come with a plan." said Zane.

He turned into Pyre Prime with Miasma saying,"Die!". He threw a huge blob at slime at the two with Zane saying,"Hellfire Emperor Absolute Method: Fireball Gusher!". Zane swung both of his arms back with his arms glowing red hot and each hand making a fireball appear. He then swung his arms forward, launching large fireballs through the air toward a target. Upon hitting Miasma, he was engulfed in a geyser of flames bigger than both Thomas and Zane.

Thomas nodded as he said,"Yep. That'll do it. So why aren't I burning up?". "Because I'm keeping the heat from burning you alive snowy. So question. Do you remember anything else about the radiation?" said Zane. "Not much kid since it's been years ago. I do remember that the nuclear power plant had banned all liquids. It's no one why the place closed done since people need water to live or at least some kind of liquid. So what's the plan?" said Thomas.

Zane nodded as he said,"Just follow my lead okay snowy?". "Sure thing but don't call me that." said Thomas. Zane soon transformed into Water Form but wasn't in his armor. It was Water Form without the armor being that this got an upgrade since it's last appearance in Zero Episode 42. He's now eight feet tall just like the armor. He has dark gray scales over his body with black tribal tattoo designs on his chest, lower arms, shoulders, thighs, and upper arms.

His eyes has black sclera and eerie white pupils to them. His head is fish like with his face matching a crocodile. His mouth is filled with several rows of sharp triangle shaped teeth. When his mouth is closed, seven of his pointed teeth being revealed. Four on the top and three on the bottom. He wears black clothing around his forearms and calves. He's wearing a black swim shirt with his logo at the center and matching boardshorts with a black belt with a wave belt buckle.

Zane's underbelly/stomach is white. He wears no shoes or gloves with webbed feet and hands. His neck now have gills on the sides of them. He wears a black respirator or choker on his neck with water around his gills. He loses his gray dorsal fin plus the dark blue fin on his head but keeps the ones on his forearms. "So is this a new form of yours Zero because I honestly don't know since you have too many forms." said Thomas.

The hero smiled as he said,"Nope. It's a classic one Tommy. Make an ice raft right now. We're going sewer surfing bro.". The fish man extended his arms to the side which created a larger than normal circle of water around him. "Ocean Emperor Extinction Tsunami!" said Zane. He slammed his hands on the ground, causing the water to flow upwards which created a pillar of water around Miasma.The slime monster punched the water, causing him to roar in pain. 

As this happened, Thomas saw the water had completely erased Miasma's arm. "So that thing doesn't like a bath huh? I didn't expect that to be one of its weakness." said Thomas. "Right. I honestly just took a shot in the dark and it worked. Get ready. It's show time." said Zane. He shrunk the pillar down with Miasma getting battered violently by waves from all sides. The monster looked battered from the water.

Through the pain, Miasma yelled,"I want my revenge. You ruined my life because I killed a couple of kids. They had nothing since their parents died. I didn't tell you this back then but I enjoyed hearing them suffer.". Thomas clenched his teeth as Zane stopped him. "Don't do anything stupid Thomas. He's trying to goad you into doing something stupid." said Zane. "I know kid but what the hell am I supposed to do? Your attacks are the only ones that did any damage to it." said Thomas.

Zane nodded as he said,"Just do as I said. The waves should be coming soon.". The man saw several large waves heading toward them as he made an ice surfboard. The man surfed away being that he dodged Miasma's swipe and was engulfed by the water that came toward him. Zane jumped into the water, swimming through it. Zane gathered water in both of his hands with him joining them together to make a single and giant sphere of water at Miasma.

He fired it at Miasma, causing a huge and disastrous explosion of water upon contact. "Die!" yelled Miasma. "In three minutes, freeze the entire water." said Zane with him swimming over to Thomas. "What about you kid?" said Thomas. "I'll be fine. Just watch and learn. I live in this chaos. Oh and you may want to get him to safety. You're loyal to your crew right?" said Zane, diving back into the water. Thomas saw the unconscious Hornet and moved his board over to him.

The ice man put the bug over his shoulder and he said to himself,"And now, I wait for my que. Don't let me down kid". Miasma was looking for Zane being that over time, his body was slowly getting smaller due to all of the water around him. Miasma got blasted in the face by a barrage of several water bullets. Miasma looked at Zane who had changed once again. He's twelve feet tall with him being the same height as Water Prime (Armor). He has navy blue scales.

On his head, he has two medium sized streamlined black fins that go from the top of his eyes to past his shoulders. He wears a naturally black and blue mask. His black sclera turn white and his white pupils turn red that glow bright. His white underbelly didn’t change much except for a large navy blue stripe run down the middle of it. He keeps his tattoos along with his head and clothing. "Zero! I will kill you!" said Miasma, firing several balls of slime at Zane.

The fish man dodged them as they dissolved upon entering the water. "This is Water Prime without the armor! Ocean Emperor Absolute Method: Dragon's Rage!" said Zane being that he spoke this from within the water. He gathered a massive amount of water being that the entire area around him already covered in water. He aimed his arm at Miasma, firing a massive dragon out of water at his target.

Miasma was slammed by the massive water construct being that above the sewers, water was coming out of the sewer grates. Zane was in the air as he saw the water slowly freezing right in front of him and this was going to plan. Despite having a giant hole in him, Miasma tried to hit Zane but Zane said,"As your boss probably said once before given his cold nature, chill out. Permafrost Emperor Absolute Method: Blizzard Czar!".

He focused his frost making powers with him making a water wheel with it having a snake design in the interior, blades or buckets similar to a chainsaw, and it’s the size of a carriage wheel. He threw it at Miasma with the monster touching it. The wheel broke apart and turns into several lances which Zane threw at Miasma. He threw a giant lance of ice ,which looked to be the size of three smaller ice lances, and the tip was similar to a trident.

Zane threw it, causing a massive explosion of frost to hit Miasma. Zane finishes off the attack with a barrage of large snowflakes the size of car wheels and they spin like buzz saws. Upon finishing, the area is left in a destroyed state. The ground is destroyed with cracks everywhere and the water was frozen solid thanks to Thomas. Zane landed on the ice with him looking at the frozen and bruised statue of Miasma. Thomas walked up to him with Hornet joining him.

The bug was shaking from all of the cold as he said,"So are you going to fight us Zero? I'm really thankful that you and the boss defeated him since he captured me earlier. Almost died so not willing to fight right now since I can't handle the cold.". "If you want to, I'm for it." said Zane, cracking his knuckles. "We're leaving and Zero. Next time, we'll be enemies remember that." said Thomas. The two were gone as Zane soon looked at the frozen Miasma.

Zane watched Miasma turn back into a human as he said to his team,"Thank the gods. He's wearing clothes. Didn't want to see a naked man today.". "So why did you let them go?" said Athena. "It's simple Athena. We need to get Cecil to jail before he reforms into Miasma. I'm sure that we'll be fighting him again and really soon given my luck." said Zane. He cut out a prison for Miasma with Zane deactivating the form as he left the sewer with Cecil.

Narrator P.O.V.
The firemen had arrived just after the police picked up and placed the unconscious Cecil in a personal truck. The firemen started to put out the fire being that nearby them, Hannah stood there and couldn't believe that the biggest pain in her life was gone due to a super villain. She was starting to see a new side of him that all of her friends had seen and grow to like. Hannah wanted to hurt the metahuman that killed him but she was stopped by Scott.

Scott looked at her as he said,"Hannah. There's no body so Zane could..". "He was blown up Scott! He died just because of his damn stomach! I may hate his guts for stupid reasons but I didn't want him to die! What am I going to tell Kris and Roxy? They both really like him for some strange reason plus David." said Hannah. "So what did I miss?" said a voice. Zane stood there with him looking soaked. "I mean I just got soaked by an immense amount of water. So did I miss anything?" said Zane.

Hannah hugged him as she said,"You're alive!". She didn't let him go with Zane looking at Scott who shrugged. Hannah let him go as she said,"Wait a minute. You're alive?". "I left the store to find a decent sandwich. I mean that convenience store had decent sandwiches but honestly, I needed a good one and stat." said Zane. "Seriously?! Then why are you wet?" said Hannah. "Because of what Zero just did right Zane? It's how he stopped those criminals." said Scott.

Zane shrugged as he said,"Yeah. It's pretty obvious but I'm just happy you're okay Hannah.". Hannah punched his right shoulder as she said,"Do you think it's funny to make me worry about you?!". "Not at all. I just tend to do that and I'm actually kinda shocked that you care about me since I'm responsible for destroying the A-List and trying to break you and David up for my selfish desires. I've done a lot of things to you right Hannah?" said Zane.

Hannah nodded as she said,"I don't care about you Zane. You and I may never be friends but you're a good person. You made school actually fun so don't tell anyone about the hug or else Zit. Also if you don't mind...". "I won't Hannah and this time, let's put the phone and TV away okay?" said Zane with a smirk. Hannah walked off as Scott smiled. "So do you think you'll ever have a normal night kid?" said Scott. "Hopefully one day. I just have one issue left." said Zane.

With a confused look, Scott said,"Which is?". "I'm sure that things are going to get worse with the gang war about to happen within our city. It's a three way battle between the Gold Commander, Mastermind, and Reactor with us in the crossfire." said Zane. "Well, you got our support." said Scott as the two stood there. "Thanks so if something happens to me, you'll tell Karen right?" said Zane. "Yeah but don't worry. You'll be just fine." said Scott. "True but have to cover my bases." said Zane.

The next day at Cypress Park, Brad was staring at the trophy case and groaned. He had just watched Stan and Virgil argue about the championship trophy being that Stan wasn't listening to Virgil being that anyone who was watching the scene was shocked to the former drill sergeant throwing a temper tantrum that makes a toddler's look tame. "Why did this have to happen?" said Brad, crossing his arms as he tried to figure it out.

Brad heard a voice,"It was because a certain someone got slapped by our loudest cheerleader.". He turned to see Zane standing there with Brad saying,"Seriously? Why did he do this?". "No idea. He isn't here at school today to face the music so we could go to his house and ask him why but I really don't want to do that." said Zane. "Yeah man. I bet ten bucks says that it's appalling and a truly big waste among the true achievements of the school." said Brad in a Cyrus like voice. 

Zane smiled as he said,"So do you want to punch him when he gets back to school?". "Not really. It isn't worth it. He's like the rich in a way. If you piss them off, they'll only make things worst.". "I honestly never thought that you would say something like that Bradley." said a voice. Brad saw Leigh standing there with Zane saying,"Well, I have to get going. I've got an appointment and hopefully, the phone won't be part of it.".

The hero walked off as Leigh said,"So before you say anything, can I say something?". "Go ahead. If there is anything else, I learn from Zane in the past three months is that letting you talk and hearing you out will be a good thing in the long run." said Brad. "Last night, Austin told me a lot about you and Hannah talked to me about you this morning. You really changed in the past year thanks to both Zane and Zero didn't you?" said Leigh.

Brad smiled as he said,"I did. I get that I'm still a bully in your eyes and nothing is going to change that so I planned to leave you alone.". "Let me finish okay?" said Leigh. Brad was silent as Leigh said,"I heard about you defending Zero after Cyrus called him trash.". "I know that violence is never the best action to take since it only creates more problems. I'm sure things are going to get worse for us but for now, lets get some coffee." said Brad. "Like a date?" said Brad.

Leigh giggled at Brad's enthusiasm as she said,"Yes but don't make this into a big deal. We're not dating yet.". "So we might huh?" said Brad. Leigh smiled as the two walked off. Zane watched from a distance as he said,"Well done Bradley. You won over the girl not with your muscles but your brain just like me.". "So I really hate to ruin the mood but you shouldn't miss your appointment/study session with Hannah. She hates you." said Sivarth. Zane nodded as he walked off.

Later at Collins Enterprise's main building, Andrew looked at the bars of gold that were obtained even though there was still some Miasma on the bars. He shook the slime off as he said,"So do you think we're ready for the clash against George and Reactor?". He turned to see Thomas standing by with him saying,"We'll begin our clash on the most romantic day of the year. Zero will be there to stop us and well, it'll be a hard day.". "Yes and I won't be holding back on him." said Andrew.

Meanwhile at a penthouse apartment, Cyrus at on his bed. He was mad at everyone being that he was promised by his mother that he would get what he was promised but she wouldn't deliver to him due to her being busy. He soon removed the carpet in his room, revealing a wooden floorboard and then he removed part of it. There were five vials of liquid blue flame liquid. The teen soon took a sip of one of them as he didn't noticed Skull Plague's shadow behind him.

Next time,
What will happen between Andrew, George, and Reactor? Who is Cyrus really? Why is Skull Plague's shadow behind him? This and more next time on Zero!

New Cards/Forms:
Magma Form. This card has a black frame with an erupting volcano in the background and a rock like creature coming from within the lava. When Zane places this card inside, he becomes a powerful living volcano creature.

Scott's Class:
Group 1: Brad Stevens and Cyrus Epstein.
Group 2: Austin Lawrence and Leigh Byrd.
Group 3: Karen Castro and Rachel Powell.
Group 4: Allen Newman and Brooke Reyes.
Group 5: Della Dixon and Mack Osborne
Group 6: Hannah Grant and Zane Alvarez.

Tremendous. (Name/Codename. Way of gaining powers. Powers.)
Cedric Owens aka Atlas. Super Suit. Charge!, Supernatural Durability, Supernatural Endurance, and Supernatural Strength.

Darryl Benson aka Pierce. Chemical PX. Blade Retraction, Cutting, Impale, Razor Foot, Razor Hand, and Supernatural Condition. 

Jerald Guzman aka Topaz. Chemical PX. Attack Ignoring, Circuitry, Discharge, Electric Conductivity, Electrical Immunity, Electric Pull, Electrical Constructs, Electricity Absorption, Electricity Attacks, Electricity Defense, Electricity Empowerment, Electricity Generation, Electricity Manipulation, Electricity Solidification, Electrokinetic Combat, Electrokinetic Invisibility, Electrokinetic Surfing, Intangibility, Intangibility Combat, Intangibility Extension, Melting, Physical Disruption, Prevalent Discharge, Replication, Replication Combat, and Supernatural Condition.

Rudy Swanson aka Elegant. Super Suit. Ball Mimicry, Bouncing, Enhanced Durability, Enhanced Endurance, Martial Arts Intuition, Projectile Body, Supernatural Leap, Supernatural Flexibility, Supernatural Speed, and Wall Leap.

Sawyer Higgins aka Hornet. Chemical PX. 360-Degree Vision, Acceleration Immunity, Aerobatics, Antenna Protrusion, Atmospheric Adaptation, Camouflage, Feather Projection, Flight,High-Speed Flight, Insect Physiology, Multiple Eyes, Multiple Wings, Natural Weaponry, Retractable Stinger, Size Reduction, Stinger Protrusion, Supernatural Condition, Wing Blades, and Wing Manifestation.

Thomas Wright aka Cryonic. Chemical PX. Cold Immunity, Cold Manipulation, Cryogenic Blood, Cryokinetic Combat, Cryokinetic Constructs, Cryokinetic Surfing, Freezing, Frostbite, Gadget Usage, Ice Attacks, Ice Manipulation, Mechanical Intuition, Semi-Immortality, and Supernatural Condition.

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