Saturday, July 6, 2019

Zero Episode 123 Conspiracy Theory

A/N: Do note that this episode will probably not have any tin foil hats or crazy theories such as how aglets's true purpose or insert any Question quotes from Justice League here. He's easily one of my favorite characters in the show and may have a major role when it comes to the crossover. Don't know yet since I'm not working on it until I get pass two points in Zero and Fairy Legion. I know that I mentioned them before so don't need to repeat myself on this.

However, I will repeat myself on other things such as how I made the aglets joke two times before or repeat jokes. This episode will feature the return of Lilith as an antagonist. You may be wonder what I mean by that exactly since she has appeared as an enemy in several episodes since Episode 90 but she didn't appear as the main antagonist. It's like how there is a main villain in an episode and a side villain. The main villain gets top bulling compared to the side villain.

We'll also see some new faces with most of the new faces connected to old faces we've seen before in the series. Maybe a new Qlakrik or perhaps the more obvious answer, a love interest for a certain male on Team Maelstrom whose name isn't Zane. You noticed how I mentioned how the love interest not being Zane but some else. It could be Allen, Efren, Kevin, Leo, or Wolfram. Danny isn't included since he's dating Gwen.

I mean we have five choices so who could it be? The answers may shock you. Lets begin already with it being a simple quiet night in both Cypress Park and then later in the morning in New York City. You may be wondering why I mentioned New York but you'll see.

Narrator P.O.V.
In the middle of the night, a shadowy masculine figure was jumping from building to building in the shadows of the night. He soon landed on the side of a skyscraper being in the middle of the tower with him soon climbing up the side of it. His boots allowed the man to climb up the walls and during the climb, he was whistling some show tune. He soon landed on a ledge in front of a window and he looked inside.

It was a normal office with two desks, computers, chairs, and a nice looking run in his opinion. He phased his way inside the office, revealing that it was Crimson Spade aka Zane's other secret identity that only Team Legion Zero knows and plans to keep it that way. Upon landing in the room, Zane soon heard footsteps approaching this exact office. Zane vanished from sight as a security guard soon entered the room.

He turned on the lights in the room with him looking all over the room and then he looked up to see nothing there. The man shrugged as he said,"I'm hearing things.". He closed the door and turned out the light as Zane reappeared being that he was camouflaged to the carpet. "I know that you're not a real cop but you really should put more effort into your job." said Zane. He soon jumped onto the office's ceiling and opened up a nearby air vent, entering it.

He closed it afterwards being that he soon began crawling through the air vent. "Got to admit that you keep your vents squeaky clean. Just do that for your business practice Peace Co and you'll be golden like gold." said Zane. He eventually stopped with him looking down to see his destination. It's a large and empty conference room. "If raiding those hideout's computers are right, this is where the party is going on. Lets just get rid of that oh so pesky laser grid." said Zane.

He soon opened up one of the pouches on his belt and soon held something within his fingers. It's a silver ,marble shaped, orb with a crimson red spade symbol on it. "Bombs away." said Zane, letting the orb drop into the room and landed on the ground. It soon split in half as a puff of crimson red smoke soon covered the room. As it was been taken into the nearby air ducts, Zane saw a laser grid waiting for him.

It's a criss cross pattern being that for a normal thief, getting caught by this laser room is a pretty high probability. It's also a different form of a laser hallway. "Yep. This place is so original but at least imitation is the sincerest form of flattery." said Zane. He soon jumped down into the room, easily evading the laser grid while descending to the ground. While doing this, he made any gymnast that was watching him glare in jealously.

Zane soon jumped his way through the room before reaching a wall on the other side of the room and began sidle along it. He pressed his hand on said wall with him saying,"Kinda hoping I find this secret entrance before I get a unwanted shave.". He soon pressed down on a certain part of the wall being that it moved away and revealed a small square like computer. Zane smiled as a cord came out of his left gauntlet.

The cord toughed the computer with it glowing green. "Welcome Sean Morris." said a feminine computerized voice. The laser grid deactivated being that a door soon opened up. Before he could enter the room and see the treasure inside, Crisis Judgement went off. Zane backflipped onto a nearby wall and turned invisible. Upon attaching himself to the wall, a light shined through the room and the teen saw several villains from his rogue gallery standing in the doorway.

He saw Thomas Wright aka Cryonic standing there with George Richard aka Mastermind along his two groupies of Clair Fisher aka Voltaire and Craig Quinn aka Cosmonaut. He also saw Rocco being that Zane hadn't seen or heard from the Deviant since the whole clone thing being that he had the duo of Blanche and Solomon guarding him. He also saw Joe ,who Zane knew as an undercover cop, and here's a quick reminder on what Joe looks like.

It has been a while and he was kinda a minor character due to the Battalion and also the Holiday Guardian's antics that episode. Joe is in his mid 30s with brownish-orange hair and green eyes. He now had a horseshoe mustache. He's wearing a black wool cap, wearing a black wool jacket, gray shirt underneath, brown jeans, and brown snow boots.  Alongside some nameless henchman, there was a new face to the scene.

Zane knew who this face was since he pays attention to the news somewhat and Allen had mentioned him once or twice the past couple of days. He also mentioned the man's niece but that isn't important just yet. It'll be important soon but not know. The man is Edwin Reyes. He's the next line to rule the small but powerful in the world European country known as Syaivania. He was supposed to be the king due to him being the older brother of the current queen.

However, he had too much to drink at a party, denying him the throne until the daughter of the current king and queen passed away. He now runs a real estate company with him seeking even more power than he already has. He’s a tall and fairly athletic Caucasian man. He has combed-back strawberry blonde/white hair with a widow’s peak hairline. He has notably high cheekbones, a crooked pointy nose, and a goatee. He has blue eyes.

He wears a maroon-colored blazer on top of a brown waistcoat and a maroon ascot with a golden brooch. He wears black dress pants with blackish-indigo knee-high boots. He wears black-framed silver glasses. Zane blinked as he said,"Yep. This is definitely a meeting of the Odium Society. I should be going but hey, I should keep an eye on my close enemies.". The conference room's main door soon closed as some of the villains sat in chairs.

These villains were Edwin, George, Thomas, and Joe of all people. The rest of them stood behind their guard as Zane soon saw a man walking into the secret room. Zane knew him as Derrick Price's personal assistant/vice president Sean Morris. Zane knew about who are truly running Price Co thanks to Zane's Phantom connections. Zane was getting ready for whatever they had planned and was getting ready for them.

Sean is a middle-aged Caucasian man of average build. He has dark brown hair which he keeps in a bun aka the dreaded man bun, hazel eyes, round-rimmed glasses, and a beard with flecks of gray. He's wearing a black suit. The man soon stood in front of a gargoyle shaped statue that went up to the man's waist and he was holding a small black box. "Lets begin our meeting of the Odium Society with our object for bid." said Sean.

Clair rolled her eyes as she said,"So why aren't you starting already?". "Because the final bidder has yet to arrive Ms. Voltaire." said Sean in a nonsense attitude. "So who the hell is it? You didn't tell my boss who it is." said Thomas. "Nothing is off limits to the former crime lord of Cypress Park. I'm sure your boss remembers Reactor and he's hired his daughter and her group to handle operations until his release date. You're no idiot Frosty." said a woman's voice.

Zane soon turned to see Connie Dawson aka Storm standing there with Sabra by her side with both of them wearing different outfits. Connie is wearing a silver strapless sheath dress with a slit going up to her thighs and black heels. She looked to be more human than the last time Zane saw her. Sabra is wearing a black suit with a white undershirt and red tie. Her eyes were covered behind a pair of nice looking sunglasses. "Huh. Sabra cleans up nice." thought Zane. 

Thomas smirks as he said,"So you finally decided to join the world of freaks and mutants. Welcome Connie.". "I find mutant to be offensive." said Solomon. "Let the meta go. He's trying to play favor with the new girl." said Rocco. He pushed the chair in a gentlemen like fashion so Connie could sit down. "Thanks and you're looking good despite truly fitting the nickname from back then." said Connie. "Thanks. If anything, blame my Meta Gene." said Thomas, sitting back down.

Sabra stood behind Connie as Sean said after hitting a hammer on the statue,"I think what our main topic for today's meeting is for tonight. Lets open the bidding for 500.". "It'll make a nice welcome back to the game gift for him." said Connie, raising her hand. "800!" said Thomas. "1 Mil!" said Connie. "I.5 Mil!" said Thomas. "2 Mil!" said Connie. George was getting annoyed with Craig soon whispered to Clair,"It seems that these two sexual tension is worse than the rumors describe it.".

Edwin watched this secret with interest as Connie said,"3 Mil Frosty!". "I think 4.5 Mil will do you better Pearl." said Thomas. "10 Mil!" shouted Joe. Zane blinked with him thinking,"Does the CPPD even have that much in their budget to begin with?". "100 million. Let's not drag this out longer than we have to gentlemen and ladies." said Edwin in his thick European accent. "I'm so sorry to admit this but your biding exceed the amount in your biding account. It exceeds everyone." said Sean.

Edwin shrugged as he said,"Fine. I'll just transfer the balance from the bank when it opens in the morning. "We'll be doing the same." said Connie. "But with a higher amount." said Thomas. The two soon glared at each other with George sighing. "For the love of Zombie Jesus Christ. Would you two idiots just make out already? I'm already sick of this back and forth between you." said George. The duo of Frosty and Pearl were quiet as Sean hit his hammer on the wooden statue.

Sean said,"Mr. Mastermind is correct. We'll resume the bid tomorrow and our meeting as well.". He ended the meeting by hitting his hammer on the wooden statue as the villains and disguised cop soon left the room. Zane soon watched Sean carry the box into the secret room being that the disguised teen waited until Sean left the room before making a move. He landed on the ground and was still invisible just in case.

Zane phased his way into the secret room and opened up the box. It was two things being one was a flash drive and a vial contained a Vulcorian. Zane noticed that it was like Megan's but it was a pure white color. "Okay. This isn't good. Better find a way to counter this." said Zane. He soon left the exact same way he came it being that he soon made his way outside of the tower and jumped off the edge of the skyscraper, sprouting bat like wings and flying off to an unknown location.   

The next morning in New York, a cement truck drove right past a mansion being that Sovereign was floating in front of it. "Finally. My new mansion is complete!" said Sovereign, flying toward the house and phase into it. She was in the master bedroom and said,"Taking over Price Co has its benefits but my homes being bigger and better than before is the best part.". She soon phased through a nice looking kitchen before heading into the basement.

She smiled as she said,"And now, I have a lab whose technology belongs to Champion Tech and it's undetectable to prying eyes.". She floated back into her mansion with her soon in her study and reverted back to Lilith. She walked around the study, clearly proud of herself and his new home. "It's perfect just like me. Larger than life, reeking of both money and power. Nothing could possibly run this moment for me." said Lilith.

As she said that, the Omniverse or Murphy's Law ,take your pick, decided to pick on Lilith today due to her tempting it. The Cross-Species soon heard a loud rumbling sound running throughout her home. "What in the nine realms?" said Lilith. A white metallic tank ,with a giant battering ram instead of a cannon, soon busted through the mansion's walls. Agents of Swarm soon leaked into the house as Agent F and Quake burst out of the tank.

Agent F said,"Operation Raid, go! Tear this place apart! If this place has Phantoms in it, we'll find it!". "I demand an explanation on why you drones are destroying my house!" said Lilith, putting her arms on her waist. "Save it for the slow and highly painful interrogation, rich girl!" said Quake. The other agents of Swarm soon began dismantling the house with mallets. Lilith soon grabbed the sides of her head as she screamed,"No!". 

The mansion soon crumbled to the ground, leaving everything in ruins. Lilith fell to her knees nearby some of her scattered books. "My precious New York abode! I may have over ten homes in different states and country but I spent so many money on this one!" said Lilith, grabbing the books and then hugged them. Tempest soon walked up to the confused Agent F and Quake with Tempest saying,"So why did you two idiots do this?!".

He punched the two in the head as Quake said,"But sir. The rumor about this place having Phantoms sounded so true. I mean it comes from Cypress Park.". Lilith's eyes widened as she said,"Cypress Park.". She grabbed Quake with her lifting him into the air and she said,"Was it the Alvarez family who sent you here?!". "No ma'am. It was someone else." said F. "And wow. You're stronger than you like." said Tempest.

Tempest sighed as he said,"Since your house was incorrectly destroyed Miss. Rune. These idiots will be rebuilding it by hand.". The agents of Swarm groaned as Tempest held his spear and got them to work. Lilith watched the scene with her saying under her breath,"I'm sure that it wasn't the boy since he has some standards. I'm heading to Cypress Park to find out who did this and make them pay for messing with me.". 

Meanwhile in Cypress Park and at the creativity name Cypress Park High, some of the students were currently in Captain Scott Castro's class. "Someone will always need to watch your back when you're in the field. For example, if Mr. Alvarez and Stevens shared a squad car." said Scott, turning to the two students. Brad looked at Zane being that the super hero was currently wearing something other than his casual outfit.

He's wearing a business like outfit. He's wearing a white ,silk, dress shirt that's un-tucked despite not showing it and the sleeves rolled up. He's wearing a black ,pinstripe, waistcoat over his shirt. He's wearing a red neck tie. He's wearing black formal dress pants and black dress shoes. "So a couple things wrong with your hypothetical question there Scott. Would I be the good cop or would the captain be the good cop? I mean I'm too lovable right?" said Zane.

No one in the room wanted to answer him being that the females ,which also includes the ones with boyfriends, did find Zane attractive. "And also. I already have a police dog whose way cutter than me right boy?" said Zane. Wolfram ,who sat next to Zane and wearing a similar outfit to his owner, soon barked as Scott sighed. "I'm sure you're well aware that your unique sense of humor won't save lives but you know that don't you Zane." said Scott.

Zane slowly nodded as he said,"Yeah I know but having one makes things fun and helps people calm down. Jokes aside. I would be honored to have Brad as a partner.". Before Brad could say anything about the whole thing, the bell rang. "Sorry. Hold that thought until next week Brad." said Scott as the jock sulked. "Really wish that the bell wasn't so loud." said Twilight. "Yeah but at least, we only have to deal with this once a week." said Zane. 

A bit later, the duo of Wolfram and Zane were both by Zane's locker. "So how are you enjoying high school boy?" said Zane. The dog barked as Zane said,"Still can't believe that I was allowed to bring you in here but not many people can resist your cuteness.". "Hey man. Good to see you and the pup wandering the halls." said a voice. Zane soon turned to see Allen standing there with him saying,"So what's up? Finish Scott's class.".

Zane nodded as he said,"Yeah. I got my big meeting with those two scientists today so we can get Zenith Industries off the ground. I mean my phone is always high-tech thanks to me working at Champion Tech.". Zane soon held out his phone with him soon making a holographic display of a dog bone appear above the screen. Wolfram barked as Allen chuckled. "That's impressive mate but perhaps you shouldn't show a dog bone in front of your dog." said Allen.

Zane shrugged as he said,"Yeah. So what's up with you? Danny told me that you seem rather tense and worried about something.". "Yeah. He's rather good at noticing that kind of stuff mainly with you. It's family stuff Zane. I'm sure you understand." said Allen. "Yeah. So what's up and how can I help?" said Zane with Wolfram barking in agreement. "Really? Don't you have your meeting today?" said Allen. "I do but at four. I got time to always help my pals." said Zane.

Allen soon smiled as he said,"Thanks. Mind meeting outside? I'll explain everything on the way to my home.". "Okay but why can't you tell me here?" said Zane. Crisis Judgement went off as Zane said,"Nevermind. I know why. Wolfram. Mind going with Allen?". Wolfram barked as Allen chuckled at this. "Yep. You're definitely man's best friend or this case, god's best friend." said Allen as the two were gone.

Kristen soon appeared right behind Zane with her smiling. "Zaney!" said Kristen. She then hugged her boyfriend as she said,"You look so handsome. Hope your interview goes well today.". "I hope so too Kris. So you're happy today. Your brother not do something stupid? I mean you're showing affection to me in public which in this man's opinion is quite impressive." said Zane. Kristen soon punched him lightly in the arm as she said,"No silly. You do know that we're doing tonight is right?".

Zane pondered it as he said,"Trying to figure out what makes women think since they're a mystery of the Omniverse.".  "Is it bad that I've learned to tell when you're joking? Tonight is our private dinner at Skyward Jubilee. I'm not sure if I want to go with the Italian or Spanish food. Roxy and Sierra says both of them are good." said Kristen. "To answer your quest, a little bit Kris. I have my meeting with my company's first two scientist and then helping Allen with his problems." said Zane.

Kristen smiled as she said,"That's so sweet but I hope you'll be there and not a clone. I like Kane and Twilight but I want to be with my man not his inner demon and Twilight.". "Hey! I'm not a demon at all!" said Kane. "Don't worry Kris. I'll always be there for you girls on date nights and my partners won't be covering for me. I promised it to you all during our little sleepover the other day." said Zane with him kissing her cheek. "I love you Zane." said Kristen, kissing his cheek. 

The people watching the screen rolled their eyes being that those two were known for being flirting with each other in public. Zane ,at least to the general public of Cypress High, didn't have a solid girlfriend but girlfriends much to the jealous of several guys. "So how about I walk you to class?" said Zane. Kristen linked arms with him as Sivarth said,"You're doing good Zane.". "Yeah. Having you die by a jealous lover is easily one of the saddest way possible." said Lucifer.

Zane dropped Kristen off at her next class being that she hugged him goodbye with everyone in the class ,which had Vicky, in shock. Vicky still had her feelings toward Zane being that she didn't know about him being Legion Zero aka her most hated enemy and also he was also a player with several beautiful women. Vicky sighed as she saw Zane leave being that Kristen sat in her seat with a bliss filled smile on her face. 

A bit later, the trio of Allen, Wolfram, and Zane were all in the elevator and heading up to Allen's penthouse apartment. "I still can't believe it." said Allen. "Yeah. My aunt Isabel is good at getting work but Nate is another story." said Zane. Wolfram barked as Zane said,"Yeah. He's really good at taking you on walks but you tend to go overboard.". The dog pouted as Allen said,"Don't worry okay pup. He didn't mean it. Mind replaying the broadcast again?".

Zane nodded as he pressed the replay button on his phone. His phone was currently displaying a news report with Isabel as the reporter. "Although no Phantoms were found on the premises, it's certain that the home itself didn't stand a Phantom of a chance against the government onslaught. Now, onto the upcoming mayoral elections." said Isabel. Zane put his phone with Allen saying,"I still can't believe that the mayoral elections are coming up this soon.".

Zane nodded as he said,"Yeah. Cypress Park does it early because by now, we're stuck with our current mayor by now and I hope Aunt Isabel wins.". Wolfram barked as Allen said,"He's right Zane. You just want to have the power to make it possible to have Molten Cream whenever you want.". "I won't deny that at all so what's going on with your family?" said Zane. The elevator stopped as the trio heard,"Why is Swarm filled with idiots?!".

Zane blinked as he said,"Huh. Never heard your father yell before. It's kinda weird.". "Yeah. It never usually happens." said Allen. The elevator stopped as the three left the elevator. "So your father is mad at Swarm for being idiots? That's nothing new in my case." said Zane. Wolfram nodded as Allen said,"It isn't just Swarm. It's the Reyes family and our current mayor.". "The Reyes family? Aren't they big royalty in some country over seas?" said Zane.

Allen nodded as he said,"You were paying attention when I told you about them weren't you?". "I'm good at that. So what's up with the Reyes? I mean the mayor does something stupid every other week. I've even stopped a couple of the mayor's antics." said Zane. "It's mainly involving the mayor and two of the Reyes's bodyguards. Caused a yacht to crash into the harbor the other night. My husband and Allen's father is dealing with the backlash." said a female voice.

The three turned to see a woman standing there. She’s a very pretty woman of average height, with big brown eyes and a short black pixie-cut with a bluish tint. She has on black lipstick. She has a pear-shaped body but she’s tall, busty, and slender. She's wearing a brown pilot's jacket with a white tank top underneath. She's wearing a dark blue skirt that's went past her knees and black leggings under her skirt, and white high heel flats.

Allen smiled as he said,"And now, you know why I'm stressed out.". "I guess rich people had their problems. Thanks for helping with my kids Mrs. Newman. I've been busy lately." said Zane. "I don't mind Zane. Call me Elaine okay? Mrs. Newman makes me feel old. So what's up with the suit? I'm not used to seeing you or Wolfram like this. Wolfram looks adorable by the way." said Elaine as the dog barked.

Zane smiled as he said,"I got my big meeting with two of my company's scientists. They were going to work with Champion Tech but Andrew put in a good work so I have to go with my best inventions and also use Wolfram's cuteness. He's the second mascot of the company after all.". Wolfram barked as Elaine said,"So whose the first mascot?". "Zane's other life." said Allen. "Really?" said Elaine as she crossed her arms.

Zane nodded as he said,"Yeah. I mean I technically owns all of his rights and well, it makes a good first impression since Zero is so famous.". "Sometimes. So how are you going to help my son not become his father?" said Elaine. "Well the Reyes family has a daughter around our age right?" said Zane. Allen looked right at his friend as he said,"Seriously?! That's your idea! Hooking me up with Brooke is your idea.".

Zane smirked as he said,"Yeah. I mean finding someone to love helps me feel better and you already know her name. This is a good start to start Operation Brallen or Alooke. Still coming up with the ship name but you get my point.". "He has a plan Allen. You two did play together and go on that adorable date when we were visiting Syaivania." said Elaine. "That was when we were kids and how do you know about that?" said Allen.

Wolfram barked as Elaine said,"Wolfram's right Allen. Don't doubt the powers of a mother and also I was keeping an eye on you two. It's kinda my job.". "Fine. I'll try your idea but just try not to be too much like cupid Zane." said Allen. "I promise nothing. So do you think Blake is up for a chat?" said Zane. "Son of a fucking bitch! Why the hell did I get stuck with working with an idiot of a man like you?!" yelled Blake.

The four in the living room sweat dropped as Elaine said,"Yeah. He's going to be in his office and yelling for a while. Have any suggestions to cool him down?". "Get him away from the mayor and his job for a while. That usually works with my mom when she gets stuck on the job and can't figure out the problem. Being a inventor/scientist pays the bills but it's a bitch when you have inventors's block according to her." said Zane with both Allen and Elaine nodding their head.

Later that day around 3:55 PM just five minutes before his meeting, Wolfram and Zane were sitting in a booth at Velvet Spoon. "So are you ready to meet with your first two scientists Zane?" said a voice. Zane soon turned to see Renee standing there with him saying,"Yep. I just hope that I can get some of my ideas off the ground. I know that there's a lot of people supporting me and I want to make their time and effort succeeded in the end.".

Renee smiled as she said,"You're a kid and if those two scientists don't like you, they're real idiots for ignoring a kind genius. I mean have you met those guys at Champion Tech.". "Yeah. Most of them are nice but most of them have a major ego and total creeps. So how is Efren doing?" said Zane as he looked toward the kitchen. Efren stuck his head out as he said with a thumbs up,"Awesome Captain! I'm thankful for you getting me the job.".

Renee soon crossed her arms as she said,"And what did I say about talking with customers instead of cooking?". "I shouldn't but it's the captain and his dog! I just had to talk with them boss." said Efren with him holding his hands in the air. "It's fine and don't worry. Efren is a hardworker so don't worry okay?" said Zane. "I know but he just loves to make friends and not work." said Renee. Zane soon heard a doorbell and he said,"Wish me luck Renee.". "You got this. Just be yourself." said Renee.

She walked off as she went to great the customers. Wolfram looked at his master with him barking and then nuzzling Zane's chest. "I know that I'll do my best Wolfram but your support and everyone else will be there for me in and out of costume." said Zane. "So are you Zane Alvarez?" said a voice as Zane soon turned around to see two people standing there. These two are Dr. Brenda Chapman and Dr. Caleb Fitzgerald.   

Brenda is a young woman with her being about in her mid 20s. She has a slightly round face with prominent lips. She has short, brown hair that goes up to her shoulders and has part of it in a long ponytail, tied back with a blue hairband. Her bands are hanging over her turquoise blue eyes. She has visible eyelashes. She wears a white lab coat with the sleeves rolled up to her elbows. Her coat has several pockets, with two of them holding a pen and notebook containing her ideas.

She wears an light green sleeveless v-neck skirt with a dark blue collar to it. She wears dark gray pants that goes to her ankles and black flat with an inch heel. She wears a small sapphire blue earring in both of her ears. She's well known for her short-temper and tends to be quite judgmental toward others. As noted by her colleague Caleb, she has a tendency to complain about similar pointless things. Despite these rather bad traits, she's very smart.

She wants to help people but mainly metahumans. She's quite fearful for her own life which is why she refuses to work with Champion Tech given the fact that they've been robbed every other day or week. Caleb is a middle-aged man with him being in his early 40s. He's African American. He has a prominent chin and strong looking cheekbones. He's has short brown hair that covers most of his head, except the back of his head which is balding. He has green eyes.

He's normally spotting glasses/goggles with green lenses. He's wearing a white lab coat with a gray dress shirt and black tie. His shirt's collar and sleeves are blue. He wears blue jeans and brown dress shoes. He's a rather reserved man being that he tends to be rather stern when it comes to things. He was once hired to work for Swarm but left due to their xenophobic nature toward anything that isn't human mainly Phantoms.

He didn't share their opinions being that he wanted to one day have a society where humans and the supernatural could live together in somewhat harmony. He's very dedicated to his work and stops at nothing to complete it. This includes eating and bathing. He believes that technology isn't evil or good but the people who use it. Brenda looking at Zane and then Wolfram with her saying,"So why did you bring your dog with you?".

Zane shrugged as he said,"Honestly, I did try asking him to go back home but he kinda didn't listen whatsoever. He looks cute right?". Wolfram soon barked as Caleb said,"He does. So you're the young super genius Zane right?". "Yes I am but just call me Zane. So sit down. We have a lot to talk about and standing for a meeting is just the worst." said Zane. "Sounds like a good idea. Liking you already kid or future boss." said Brenda.

The two scientists sat down in the booth with Caleb saying,"So Zane. Why do you want us to work for Zenith Industries? I've heard about this company but not much about its owner.". "To be honest with you two, I was interested in your work. Brenda. You refused to work with Champion Tech due to them being robbed every other day." said Zane. "Yeah. I mean I rather not have my tech being used from criminal activities." said Brenda.

Zane slowly nodded as he said,"I was also interested in your desire to help metahumans. Caleb. Your dedication to your work is impressive and also you pretty much blew off Swarm.". "Yeah. I heard about Swarm thinking that you were Legion Zero." said Caleb. "So are you Legion Zero? I mean you can tell us right?" said Brenda. Wolfram looked at Zane who sighed. "Sorry but I'm not. I actually have proof that we're not the same person." said Zane.

He soon pulled out his cellphone which has the same color scheme as his watch in a way. You may ask why I didn't do this before but I honestly didn't think about it and just decided to do it now. His cellphone is a black smartphone with crimson red stripes on the back. The two scientist looked to see Zane standing next to Legion Zero with Caleb saying,"Huh. You two are different people. So what's Zenith Industries?".

Zane soon smiled as he said,"Well Zenith Industries is a company that'll will be a innovator in the fields of Aerospace, Defense, Healthcare, Security, and a highly advanced technology company that has immense interests in helping both humans and metahumans. My main focus is on helping most if not all metahumans under and control their abilities so they can hopefully live normal lives without resorting to crime.".

Brenda and Caleb then looked at each other with Brenda saying,"Noble interests but aren't you going overboard? I mean you're still in your teens and haven't even been to college yet.". "Yeah but I really want to help people regardless if they have powers or not. I rather do something bold and out there rather than nothing at all." said Zane. "Okay. So do you have some prototype inventions and maybe a building to set up the lab?" said Caleb.

Brenda looked right at the older scientist as she said,"You can't be serious can you Caleb? I mean he may be really smart and have a really cute looking dog with him but he's still a kid.". "I'm sure that this kid is the only way we can help people that aren't normal plus he seems rather determined so why not give him a chance?" said Caleb, shrugging. "Please listen to me and my crazy ideas." said Zane with Wolfram giving the woman puppy dog eyes or in his case, normal eyes.

Brenda looked at the dog with her being unable to resist the dog's eyes as she sighed. "Fine. So what do you got kid?" said Brenda with Wolfram barking. Efren watched from the window and he said with a smile,"I know they would like him if they gave him a shot. The kid gots a lot of great idea and he's super cool.". "Yeah. So how about you get to work or that precious RV of yours will be getting a couple of scratches in it." said Renee with Efren rushing back to work.       

A bit later at the CPPD (Cypress Park Police Department), Zane ,as Legion Zero, had entered the police station. "So why did Scott call you Zane? I mean you have your big date tonight and we have to check out that Odium Society meeting." said Kane. Zane was quiet as Sivarth said,"Me thinks Zane is a permanent state of bliss since he got those two to help him in his quest for a era where all species can live together in harmony.".

Zane nodded as he said,"Yep. They're going to help out so much and hopefully, we get some of the inventions in a working state before March.". "And you said that using Wolfram to help your business was a bad idea Zane. I guess we know that you're not perfect at everything are you?" said Cole. He was soon hit as Zane heard,"You can't be serious are you?! Do you seriously think we're made of money?!".

Athena said,"And I think that you've learned not to piss off Karen if she got her dad's angry voice huh Zane.". "No. That isn't his angry voice plus pissing either him or Karen off is very hard. For all of the reckless shenanigans I've done in the past two years alone has shown, it takes a lot to get them riled up. Wish I had that kind of patience." said Zane. "So if it isn't Scott, who is it?" said Lucifer. "Let's go find out." said Zane, walking toward the office.

In Scott's office, Scott was standing there being that he was witness Cypress Park Mayor Elijah Hamilton lecturing one of his undercover cops about wasting money. Elijah is a Caucasian man in his late 40s being that he's partially balding and slightly overweight. He still has brown hair but not on the top of his head. He has brown eyes. He wears an open navy blue suit jacket over a white dress shirt and black necktie tie.

He wears matching navy blue slacks with a black belt with a square belt buckle. He wears a pair of brown dress shoes. Over his suit, he wears a red coat with white fur. You may wonder why he's wearing the fur coat but no one really knows why he wears it. It's just one of his many unique quirks about the Cypress Park Mayor. Most mayors of the Florida city has some kind of eccentrics ever since the town was founded back in 1917 with their first mayor.

The first mayor of Cypress Park's eccentricity was that he believed in the idea of there being aliens living among us. At the time, most people thought that he was crazy but there were aliens living in Cypress Park but the first generation of Swarm agents kept all alien activity a well keep secret before they began their focus on keeping Phantoms from taking over the world. The officer in question is Officer Gary Sherman.

He's a pale skinned man with a rather round and youthful face. He has short dirty blond hair and rather noticeable blond facial hair being a full goatee. He's currently wearing his casual clothing due to him being called in to the station by Scott only to see the mayor, his boss, and the mayor's security waiting for him. Gary is wearing a dark blue polo shirt with a pair of brown jeans and a white watch on his left wrist and brown slip-on shoes.

The mayor's security is a woman by the name of Annie Dixon being that she's Della's mother. She has pinkish pale skin. She's slightly taller than her daughter but even in heels, she's still rather short being an usually average height of 5 foot 5. She has short ,chin length, brown hair that's tied back with a gray band. She's wears black rectangular-framed glasses. She has light pink lipstick. She wears black earrings in the shape of a ring that has a gold band. 

She's wearing a red business suit for ladies being a jacket and skirt. She wears a black pleated blouse under her jacket and black leggings under her skirt. She's wearing black heels. Annie is well known for her sarcasm being that she really like enjoying her bosses being that she has a lot of teasing targets being that it's usually the major. Anyway, lets get back to the lecturing. "You seriously think that I'll allow you to spend over a million on something pointless!" yelled Elijah.

Annie chimed in with,"Technically the money belongs to the city and you're not much better sir. You did spent a decent amount of making your bed the softest bed in Cypress Park.". "Yes but that helps me sleep and with how stressful my job is, I need my beauty sleep." said Elijah. Scott rolled his eyes at this with Gary saying,"But Mayor. Julian Dawson aka Reactor is getting out of prison this month and I'm sure that this auction and meeting are about the criminal empire in Cypress Park!".

Zane was outside of the office with him sitting at the desk across from Scott's office. "This is very interesting. So you don't mind me sitting here do you?" said Zane, turning to the officer whose desk he's sitting on. "It's fine Legion Zero. My daughter is a big fan of yours." said the officer. "So do you want me to sign something because I can?" said Zane. "Actually. Do you mind turning into Liger Form more often? That one is her favorite." said the officer.

Zane nodded as he said,"Sure. So do one of you guys mind passing me the popcorn? This is getting good.". The entire squad of officers was watching the scene being that the bowl of popcorn was passed to Zane. "Sherman! You've got Reactor on the brain! I'm not wasting another cent on this investigation of yours! I mean Reactor has been sitting in jail for twelve years doing nothing after a certain officer arrested him for what Annie?" said Elijah.

Annie soon looked up from her phone and she said,"He was responsible for several armed robberies and drug theft for twenty years before.". "Yeah! We should be focusing on getting the Legion Zero statue up in the center of the city rather than the possibility of some has been villain from like the 50s or something!" said Elijah. Scott looked at his officer and mouthed,"He's probably going to ramble like this so go home okay?".

Gary walked out of the office clearly upset about the whole thing with his fellow officers ignoring the man and going back to work. Zane followed the man to the nearby elevator with him saying,"Hey there Officer Sherman. I couldn't help overhearing the whole debate in Scott's office since our great mayor likes to ramble and scream his lungs out. Hope he gets fired. Anyway, so do you need any help for your investigation?".

Gary sighed as he said,"Really? Are you just here to kick a man when he's down? I mean if the mayor says no, you can't really do anything.". "I mean we could listen to the rules or let Reactor rule this city like he did back then. Kinda have my hands full with the Gold Commander and Mastermind so another big shot like Reactor would make things worse." said Zane. "Okay. You convinced me to give this a second shot. Follow me kid." said Gary.

Later that night and outside of the building from the start of the episode, the villains ,except for Joe, were taking their seats in the exact same position being that Joe was about to enter as well. However he was stopped by two guards with one being human and is holding a sniper rifle ,who held said weapon in a noticeable X like pattern, and the other one being Solomon. "Hey! I'm here to bid for my boss whose in the slammer thanks to Zero!" said Joe.

Sean rolled his eyes as he said,"Sorry but the money that was given to us by your boss who wired us the money even though he's in jail has withdrew all money within the bidding account.". "So how about you get out of here before I sent the weird portal chick after you?" said Thomas. "Can't do it yourself Frosty?" said Connie. "I would but that's a waste of good idea and she can make like fifty portals at once so it's a good workout for her." said Thomas.

Joe left as the door behind him closes. Above him, Zane ,as Crimson Spade, watched the scene from the wall and he thought,"Man. I really fell bad for him but at least, he made it out of here before they figure out about him being a cop. Kinda shock that they didn't figure it out before but look at the good things. I get to do my research on the Odium Society without worrying about a innocent and I won't be late for my date with Kristen.".

Meanwhile in the alley across the street, Zero ,aka Kane posing as Zero, leaned on a van that was used for tailing operations. The van is a large, pale orange color with two doors on either side and two in the back. There is a metal roof rack on top of the van and flimsy metal mirrors on either side of the windshield.The front of the vehicle has two pale lime colored seats. The majority of the interior is taken up by an open space that can be used for storage or transportation.

Kane yawned as Athena said,"So are we sure about this? This was the plan for Zane's date with Kris today but are we sure about how much power was divided? Zane only has so much being that he does not have his forms on hand.". "Don't worry. Zane's a resourceful young man plus we need to make sure that no one suspects that we're not really Zane so Kane and Twilight. Get to work on your Zero impression!" said Cole. 

Kane rolled his eyes to see Joe leaving the building and he said,"Okay team. I'll admit that this job is more interesting than I thought.". Joe walked over to Zane with him saying,"Thanks for meeting me Zero and I hope I'm not keeping you from saving someone.". Joe took off his face, revealing that it was Gary. "Wow. Your disguises are pretty good Gary." said Kane. "Thanks. Before I went into law enforcement, I was an costume designer. So check this out." said Gary.

He soon dig something out of his pocket with him revealing a small wally talky resting in the palm of his hand. "Cool. It's like we're in a spy movie or something." said Lucifer. "Except with less hot chicks." said Sivarth. "And why is that an issue?" said Azalea. Cole and Lucifer snickered as Kane sighed. "Even when Zane isn't here, we still act like children." said Twilight. Kane nodded as he soon listened in to the meeting.

Sean soon said,"Now I believe that Mr. Reyes....". "It's Count Reyes!" said Edwin, causing the other people to roll their eyes including Zane. "Count Reyes's last bid was 100 million." said Sean, slightly annoyed that he was interrupted. "109 million." said Connie. "118 million." said Thomas, glaring at the woman who was sipping wine. "207 million." said Edwin. George watched this as Clair soon whispered to Craig,"So aren't we betting?". "Just wait." whispered Craig.

Outside of the building. Gary chuckled as he said,"When I first arrived, I planted this beauty in the conference room to have proof for the captain and the mayor's secretary.". "Yeah. The mayor isn't too bright like most politicians. So why are all of these bad guys spending a totally ridiculous amount of money?" said Kane. "You're still young so look at this." said Gary. "I'm older than you but I need to keep my identity." thought Kane, holding a folder in his hands.

Kane opened the folder as Gary said,"So Julian Dawson aka Reactor ran this town being that no one could stop him due to his radioactive personality. He was one of the first meta human criminals. After he was taken down by the feds, Captain Castro, and Warrior, Gold Commander took his place. Since Julian is getting out, there will be a gang war for the control of Cypress Park. It'll be between the Reactor, Gold Commander, and Mastermind's metahuman gang.".     

Gary shrugged as he said,"I don't know about that one guy who was with that weird diamond lizard you sometimes fight and the multi-armed girl. She's no older than you right?". Kane was looking at a picture of a silhouette man with a question mark behind him. It was for Gold Commander which Kane knew the identity of. The second picture was Mastermind. The final picture showed a stock picture of a man behind bars.

Kane said,"So what are they bidding on?". "The keys for a new brand new super weapon. There's a prototype of the weapon in there along with the blueprints. Remember those monsters you fought whose body produced those tendrils. Now imagine a whole army of them." said Gary. "And now, I think we're going serious." said Lucifer. Back in the bidding room, Thomas said,"250 million so beat that Pearl.".

Thomas smirked as Zane rolled his eyes. "Wow. I never thought I would see a super villain dick measuring contest where one of them is a women and how come you aren't doing anything about this Georgie?" thought Zane. "375." said Connie. "1 billion." said Edwin. Both Connie and Thomas soon looked at the royal who smirked. "Pays to be royalty after all." said Edwin. "I have a bid for 1 billion dollars. Going once, going twice...." said Sean.

Nothing spoke being that they couldn't compete with Edwin's bed so they only watched. "Sold to Count Edwin Reyes. Would you leave the room now Count Reyes and Ms. Dawson? We have other business to talk about." said Sean. "Fine. You won this battle Reyes." said Connie. She glared at the smug noble who said,"And you'll be winning the war. How cute but you lost. Accept it with pride so where will I be meeting you Sean?".

Sean said with a sigh,"You'll be meeting one of my men in one hour outside of the Champion Tech warehouse. You know the one since it's mentioned in the news a lot.". "Oh. I will." said Edwin with him and Connie leaving the room. Outside, Gary and Kane stood there with Kane saying,"So I'll be going then Gary. Good luck with trying to get the other cops there and if the mayor makes a shocked face, I want to see pictures!".

The disguised superhero flew off with Gary saying,"Yeah. Will do kid!". He walked over to his van as he said,"He's a good hero. So how am I going to convince the mayor of this? Maybe I should give this to his secretary. She seems like she knows what she's doing more than him.". The man drove off with him unaware that he was being watched. The figure spoke into a headset,"Boss. Zero will be meeting Reyes there. Should we abort the mission?".

The voice on the headset said,"No. We planned for anyone getting that instead of us so get down there.". The figure nodded as it bursted off into the night. Back in the meeting room, Zane watched as the three major players remained. "So what's the rest of the meeting about Sean? I doubt you know about your boss's other life." said Rocco. "Oh he doesn't." said Sean. The man's eyes glowed as the Phantom Sovereign flew out of her. 

Thomas raised an eyebrow as he said,"Wait. You were here the whole time Phantom?". "Not really Frosty. I had my head servant take over Sean since he doesn't know about his boss's company being ran by a woman who owns more money thanks to her taking over Champion Tech!" said Sovereign. "So she took it over. Explains her lack of activity the past couple of months and my camo tech will protect me from her finding me so perfect." thought Zane.

George soon looked at the group as he said,"So is this about Fallout being retired?". "Correct. Our nuclear friend has gone AWOL and has been seen alongside Basalt." said Sovereign. She soon placed a sphere on the table, revealing a holographic image of Basalt. "Who was defeated by Legion Zero almost two weeks ago and died from his ship exploding." said Rocco. "Wasn't that just a rumor about him dying? He's a super strong dictator right?" said Clair.   

Rocco shrugged as he said,"Wish it was my dear but he somehow vanished. We couldn't find his body from the wreckage but we managed to procure some tech in the meantime. Already have the Engineer working on. So who will replace Fallout and Derrick? I suggest Sovereign since she already took over Derrick's company.". "I'm for it." said George. "Yeah. The boss man don't mind just as long as she keeps her Phantom stuff aware from our work." said Thomas.

Sovereign smiled as she said,"Okay but messing with Zero is far game. So what about Reactor coming back? That seems like a problem for your boss and also the Sigma project.". "We got the Reactor problem under control so don't worry and as of the Sigma project. It'll be a piece of cake and well, the Empress better be ready on her end. It's almost time for her master plan." said Thomas. "Oh she is and it'll be good." said Rocco with Zane worried for the future.

Later at the warehouse, a possessed Sean ,being controlled by Specter Samurai, gave over a small briefcase ,contained the flash drive and Vordlarin sample, to Edwin who smiled. The man soon got in the backseat of his car as they left the warehouse. Above them, Kane ,who was in Archer Form, soon watched the car leave the warehouse. "Not going to lie. This still feels weird being in one of Zane's forms. Done this before and still don't like it." said Kane.

Sivarth shrugged as he said,"Well you'll have to get used to it since Zane is on his date with Kris right now and he's determined to make his harem happy.". "And I'm happy for him but it's like being a suit made out of human flesh." said Kane. "Weird comparison there Kane." said Cole. "Just focus Kane. Look. Reinforcements have arrived." said Athena. Kane soon saw a police car ,on both sides, show up to stop Edwin with the officers aiming their weapons at them.

Gary and Scott got out of one of the cars as Scott said,"Put your hands up!". "Can we really arrested Edwin sir? I mean he has diplomatic immunity since the princess/queen is in town." said Gary. "I'm sure Blake won't mind since he's been screaming like nothing else about how much trouble Reyes and his fellow Syaivanias except for Brooke have been nothing but good." said Scott. Kane smiled as he soon picked up a helicopter. "And now, things got complicated." said Kane.

A silver helicopter soon came from out of nowhere with it firing missiles at the police. Instead of explosions, the missiles released knockout gas and making all of the police officers fall to the ground and Kane watched the helicopter go after Edwin's car. "So time for some multitasking. That's like the kid right?" said Kane. "Yes! Now go!" said Athena. Kane nodded as he used Zenith Duplication to make Kone (Kane's clone).

The clone turned into Robot Form with him jumping down into the gas as Kane ran after the flying machine who was firing missiles at the car, trapping it between gas and fire. Zane jumped to the door of the helicopter with him saying,"Hey there. Your friendly neighborhood superhero here. Just telling you....". The archer grabbed a foot and he said,"How rude. Kicking me out to get rid of me but instead, you're going down to the ground.".

He soon threw Sapphire right into a glassed window with Lucifer saying,"Hoping she landed on some wood.". Zane jumped backwards and onto the roof of a building as he said while getting an arrow ready,"She's durable. I'm sure she can take it.". The guards ,who were driving Edwin's car earlier, fired at the helicopter but the chopper responded with more knockout gas. Kane soon saw Connie leaving her helicopter with him saying,"Wow. She looks better than last time.".

The woman had been given a brand new suit thanks to her benefactor and some assistance from the Engineer due to him working for everyone good or bad. Her suit now had gear that was "borrowed" from Swarm mainly Agent Phoenix and some of the Odium Society aka Cosmonaut and Crash. She still has her long, free-flowing silver hair go past her hips and hazel brown eyes. She wears black lipstick along black markings extending from each of her eyes.

Her new features were that her face looked more skeletal, lacking a visible lower jaw being that she has small fang-like projections on each side of the mouth. She wears a black ,with blue lightning bolt patterns, full-body suit which does a great job at showing off her curves. She does still have the arm mounted laser blasters that can cut its way through solid steel so don't be a pervert around her. It also comes with a head guard and a lightning bolt emblem on her chest.

She had blades attached to her arms and her hands are mechanical claws. She instantly took down both men shooting at her without using her weapon being that she soon saw one of them trying to leave with Edwin. The guard was stopped with a powerful kick to the back being that Connie soon saw Edwin running away. He was stopped after the ground to the right of him was blown up thanks to Connie's right laser blaster.

The man soon fell to the ground, not dropping the package. He soon had Connie's foot placed on his chest, keeping him from moving. "Seriously?! You came after me?!" said Edwin. He was kicked in the face before the foot returned back to his chest. "I wasn't but you decided to be a very rude victor in the bet down. You have something that belongs to my boss and I'm sure you're aware that he isn't one to be ignored like some girl you brought to your hotel room." said Connie.

She soon aimed her right blaster at him as Edwin said,"You dumb tramp! I won this fair and square but like all you American women, you can't accept when a man is better than you due to your very dumb....". I had to be both sexist and racist at the same time. Connie soon fired two warnings shots near his head being that she said,"While I may not be one of those feminists I think they're called femnazi, I won't let you demean a gender now give it me or else.".

Edwin gave the box to her with Connie jumping onto her copter. Kane watched the scene with him soon jumping toward the helicopter. Connie saw him as she tried to blast him down. The Vulcorian soon pulled out an arrow and fired it at the box. Connie saw that the arrow was a plunger and the box was taken from here with him landing on the ground and was holding the box. "And now, I have the box thanks to one of the most pointless arrows in the book or quiver!" said Kane.

Kane's senses ,thanks to centuries of battle and not Crisis Judgement, soon went off as he deactivated Archer Form and said,"Sorry but you're not getting it either. Impeccable Foundation!". Kane soon focused his Mojo ,being Black to keep up the charade of him being Zero, around himself and was soon in a very powerful circular barrier. A wave of ice soon hit along with someone slamming their head into it and then Kane deactivated the barrier.

He backflip to see both Thomas and Taurus with the latter running toward the burning car of Edwin and hitting it into the ocean with both fists. "So does your pal know that fish live in there and how much trouble he caused Mr. Newman?" said Kane. "He does but we don't care. Now give us what we want kid. Not here to fight you today." said Thomas, firing a beam of ice at Kane. Twilight soon had the box strapped to Kane's back with Kane dodging the beam of ice.

Kane said,"Sorry but I'm here to fight. Ready to go Frosty?". Taurus soon charged at Kane with the Vulcorian jumping over the man and blasting him into a police car using his Mojo. The man soon shattered the windows and left a huge dent. "At least, Robot Form got them to safety before one of our officers got hurt." said Twilight. Kane soon dodged a giant ice beam with the beam hitting the normal human, freezing him. 

Gary watched this as he said,"Man. That guy just has the worst luck.". Thomas was soon thrown into a stack of wooden crates, breaking them. "Now just give up before I have to get serious." said Kane as Thomas chuckled. "You seriously thought I came one with him? You're not the only one with the supernatural." said Thomas. Kane soon noticed that the box was gone from his back and it was soon away from him.

Kane soon saw Carmen standing there with the box as she waved to him. "Hi Zero! I saw your fight with Basalt! You look super sexy especially when you were all bruised!" said Carmen. "Wow. I didn't even sense her take it. She's good." said Sivarth. Kane nodded as he noticed that Thomas was gone and heard the helicopter nearby him. The Vulcorian soon noticed Connie hanging on it as she said,"For me. You shouldn't have Frosty.".

Thomas was handed the box as he said,"I didn't since it ain't your birthday, Christmas, or that card created company. Get that idiot out of the ice and back to base. She's mine.". "Okay! Have fun. See you next time Zero!" said Carmen, skipping over to the frozen Taurus. "And here I thought that you getting these powers would make you change but you didn't." said Connie. The helicopter soon fired a missile at both Kane and Thomas.

Kane jumped away from his missile with Thomas making an ice barrier around himself, protecting him from his missile and accompanying explosion. Kane soon saw Edwin running away with him saying,"I know Zane would go after him but I think I should focus on the big picture here.". "Good idea." said Lucifer. Kane watched Connie get in front of Thomas and throwing him into a nearby wall. "Ouch." said Thomas, dropping the box.

Connie caught it with her smirking. She didn't noticed that an armored BMW was driving toward her and smashed right into her. The car was damaged being that Connie went flying, causing the case to land on the ground away from her. Thomas recovered with him and Connie soon running toward the box. They both jumped it but it was taken from right under their noses by black ,with a crimson red tint, webbing line.

They followed the line back to Kane who was sitting on a large box. "While you two may be just so adorable together, Cypress Park having an entire group of Darth and Toxic running amok makes that pairing something that needs to be stopped. I'll be taking this tech away from both of you until we can make Doxic or Tarth work." said Kane. Kane soon began flying away with Connie soon fired a wave of blade at Kane.

The hero dodged them being that he soon had to dodge the helicopter firing at him. He soon landed on a nearby warehouse while running and dodging laser fire plus holding the box. "Well, I just hope that Zane is having a good time. Things are going to get worse aren't they?" said Kane. "They're Kane thanks to those pesky laws of the Omniverse that we love to hate so much." said Cole with him soon getting hit by Athena and Azalea.

Meanwhile in a different part of the city, two men were sitting on a bench together nearby a park as one of them was George. The other one was a large men wearing an overgrown fedora and trench coat. "And this will be our first mission as a member of my organization. How does that sound to you?" said George. Back at the warehouse, Kane was still dodging bullets in the air or on the ground with him getting sick of the helicopter.

Kane was soon captured by a bolo with him saying,"Seriously?! A bolo. What kind of weakling do you take me for?". He broke out of it with him landing on a police car and leaving behind a huge dent. Due to gravity or some abnormal force aka plot, the box soon slipped out of his hands with it landing in between Connie and Thomas. Connie soon fired another bolo at Thomas but he soon froze it and shattered it upon contact.

Thomas smirked as he said,"Even with my powers and your seemingly upgraded suit, you are still an idiot. Using the same old tricks will get you kill.". "Oh I got new ones too." said Connie. She soon jumped and kicked Thomas's right fist with her bouncing off. "You're not bad Pearl." said Thomas as he then blocked her attack with his left fist. "I had a good teacher." said Thomas. Kane soon saw that she tried to punch him which caused her to back away.

Her fist had frost bite with Thomas saying,"And that's what happens when you got for the head you dumb broad.". "Well. It is nicer than whore." said Azalea. "I can't believe you sometimes! This is why I broke up with you! You were always so cold to me and now, you're cold to everyone including yourself!" said Connie. "From what I remember, I dumped you since you tried to kill those kids and those innocent people in France." said Thomas.

The box was soon being pulled toward Kane who was in Psychic Form as Kane said,"Wow. You two had already dated. No wonder I could smell the sexual tension between you two. Cute couple but just wow. You think you know a guy.". "He's more annoying than normal. How about we work together to get rid of him and then we.." said Connie. "And now, you're making sense." said Thomas as he fired two beams of ice at Kane who dodged it.

The Vulcorian soon dodged Connie's kick with him soon grabbing her with his mind and threw her back a bit. "So since I'm apparently your guys target, what did you see her man to man?" said Kane. Kane was soon hit by a giant wave of ice, pushing him to the ground and held onto the box with his life. "We had a lot in common like hurting annoying pests." said Thomas. "But Timmy isn't here." said Kane. "Seriously?! Timmy?" said Cole.

Lucifer said,"Yeah but he is an annoying pest.". Kane soon jumped into the air with him soon hold the two of them. "Now lets bring you two together for the big kiss!" said Kane. He soon made several nearby objects ,broken metal and wood, go around them, forcing them to glare right at each other. "And now, you may kiss the suit wearing bride!" said Kane, landing on their heads. "Good job with the jokes. It's just like Zane Kane." said Twilight.

Both of them tried to get out of their makeshift prison as Kane deactivated the form and said,"And now, lets see what we've been fighting for.". He soon opened it with him saying,"Oh wow. I'm so shocked. It's empty. Man. What a ripoff.". "Empty?!" said Connie and Thomas. The helicopter soon returned, firing at Kane with the Vulcorian jumping off but the guns did destroy the fake box. Kane was soon dodging the bullets as he said,"Yep. This is a real blast!".

Connie clicked her tongue as she said,"That damn European! He tricked us!". "It's more like he trick you and the brat. Gave you an empty box while he had the real prize." said Thomas. A blade and frost soon covered the prison, breaking both the two out. Connie soon smirked at Thomas with him soon using him as a springboard and landed on the helicopter. "See you never loser!" said Connie, flying off. "Using that kind of smacktack on me? She's going down!" said Thomas.

He soon created an ice bridge, chasing after the helicopter. "And now. I have one more stop to make before we finish this night off." said Kane. "You know that she's going to be mad about this but just maybe. You might get off with a warning." said Athena. "Yeah but she'll understand right?" said Kane as Cole and Lucifer shrugged. "Women who get blocked on their date are more scary than even the form of nightmares." said Cole and Lucifer with the three women sighing in unison.

Meanwhile in a different part of the city, a really cool looking and expensive green sports car was driving through the dark streets and heading toward a really tall looking ,very much like the leaning tower of Pisa, parking garage. The car was soon driving all the way to the top and parked. The door automatically opened itself as the driver turned out to be Edwin Reyes holding the real box. "It's a good thing that those American are all idiots." said Edwin, chuckled.

As he was busy walking, he bumped into something and was shocked to see a large and imposing figure standing in front of him and looked pissed. It's a extremely large man with him being about 8 feet tall. He looks to have a large and muscular build. His most noticeable trait is that he isn't human but more bovine aka a bull. He's completely covered in shiny and smooth black fur with a thick, dark brown mane around his neck.

He has a round and black muzzle with two curved horns made out of gold and metal. He has two small, triangular red eyes with tan colored rings and a scar over his right eye. He has gray hoofs for hands and feet with him wearing black boots. He's wearing a black sleeveless vest over a ripped gray shirt, blue jeans, and spiked bands on his arms. "Who are you?!" said Edwin. "The name is Berserk and I'm here to get what the boss wants." said Berserk.

He soon walked slowly toward Edwin being that the noble was backing away from the giant ball and holding the box for dear life. The bull stomped on the ground, releasing a shockwave which send the noble falling and barely managed to save him. The box was sent further toward the ground only for it to be grabbed by Connie. "Sorry to leave you with him Frosty but he seems to have some real beef with you." said Connie.

She was soon tackled by Thomas with the two of them rolling at the top of the garage. "Stay still you two....!" said Berserk. He soon had something landing on his horns with him looking up to see that it was a giant ring. He soon turned around to see Zero crouching behind him on a car. Instead of Zero being Kane, it was now Zane. "Alright! I got the grand prize. So do you mind coming with me? My girlfriend is PO right now but if I bring you back, her mood will go up maybe." said Zane.

Berserk glared at Zane with him saying,"You!". "Oh wow. You really missed the point there. I mean I know that I covered your horns but hey at least I tried. Guess I'll be in the doghouse for sure." said Zane. "She said that it was fine but Kane will be in the doghouse not you." said Cole. "Don't remind me. I did good as Zero though right?" said Kane. "Yeah. I better get to work so wish me luck and all of that jazz." said Zane. 

Berserk shook off the ring with him charging at Zane. Zane easily dodged him with him soon seeing Edwin on his phone, probably calling the police. "And now, we just have to play the waiting game and those two have some strong sexual tension." said Zane. "Cypress Park will belong to the Reactor Frosty!" said Connie, trying to kick him in the face. "To Gold Commander!" said Thomas, with him covering his fist in ice and swung it at her. She dodged it.

Zane landed on the ground and watched them. "And here I thought I would have to pull overtime handing these two but them fighting each other makes my job easier." said Zane. He soon turned intangible, phasing right through a thrown car and he looked at Berserk. He soon looked up to see Berserk in the air above him. "And now, I'm going to be rebuilding a parking garage too. Just my luck I'll tell you what." said Zane, entering a portal.

Berserk was soon sent to a level below him just as Zane reappeared behind Berserk. As the duo of Connie and Thomas duked it out, he landed a punch knocking her back. He grabbed the box with him soon making an ice bridge and skating away. Connie recovered as she got onto her car and she soon used the helicopter as a springboard to chase after Thomas. Berserk was looking for Zane being the hero was behind him.

He soon saw Thomas with him grabbing a nearby car and chucking it at the ice man. This caused the ice bridge to shatter and was then destroyed completely thanks to a laser blast. Thomas jumped off as Zane watched Connie walk over to the stunned Thomas. "Sorry Frosty but you shouldn't have taken what belongs to me." said Connie. Before Connie could do anything, Berserk soon punch her in the face and making her crash through a pillar behind her. "No way! It's mine!" said Berserk. 

Berserk tried to grab the drive from Thomas but was frozen solid by the ice man. Berserk was soon hit by a rocket, making him go down a level as Thomas was facing Connie. "Don't you hate being interrupted like that?" said a smiling Connie. Back with Berserk, he was slowly getting back up with him soon seeing Zane standing there. "So you want that box destroyed for your boss whose name starts with what letter of the alphabet?" said Zane.

Berserk said,"M! It's Mastermind! He promised a spot as a general in his gang and Sergio doesn't refuse a spot at the top!". "Listen. I know that we just met and all being that we haven't had some time to establish a connection but would you like to work together in making both Frosty and Pearl look stupid?" said Zane. Berserk laughed like crazy with him saying,"Okay. That was a good laugh but now, we need to get them down here.".

Zane smirked as he said,"Don't worry. I've already planned for that.". He soon lead Berserk's eyes to see several Nitro Forms with Zane saying,"And now, kaboom!". All of the Nitro Form soon blew up and this caused a pillar to be destroyed. This sent Thomas down there with the box going with him as Berserk said,"I thought you hero types were about subtly.". "Nah. Sometimes, an explosion works to bring the place down." said Zane, shrugging his shoulders. 

Thomas soon got off the ground with him running from the super powered hero and powerful bull man but Zane tsked. "Now now Frosty. You shouldn't run from your favorite pal Zero and his overgrown bovine amigo." said Zane. He soon made a Green Nether whip and roped up Thomas as he dropped the box. He was stepped on by Connie who blasted laser bullets at Berserk, only for them to blast right off him as he made his way toward her.

Connie held the box as Berserk said,"Give me the box or you get the horns!". All of Team Legion Zero facepalmed as Zane said,"Listen Berserk. I know that you're new to the whole Cypress Park scene but the bad jokes are for yours truly. I patented bad jokes during the fight good sir.". The helicopter showed with Zane seeing both Botany and Sapphire inside of it along with Sabra. "Oh. So it was Botany who was flying it earlier. Huh. Didn't know she had her aviator's license." said Zane.

The woman soon started fighting at Berserk with Zane soon jumping onto the wall above him. Zane watched Berserk get pushed back from the barrage of bullets. "Time to help you out. Rainbow Nether Web!" said Zane. He soon fired the web at the helicopter, blinding the trio inside and the helicopter soon flew off. Zane soon went to grab the box but was stopped by a laser blast from Connie. Thomas soon stole it from her while she was distracted.

However, Thomas was soon kicked to the ground as he said,"Yep. I forgot about your kicks.". "Did not know that he was into feet. I called him being a thigh guy myself." said Zane. "So do you want to make the lovebirds mess up?" said Berserk. "Yeah. That's kinda what I'm good at and please be oh so gentle." said Zane, getting grabbed by Berserk. He soon threw Zane toward Connie with him soon going into Bone Form and his ball form.

Connie couldn't react in time as she was soon tackled by the spike ball and was on the ground with the box bouncing off her and sent its way toward Berserk. He picked it up ,somehow, and smashed it between the hooves. Zane turned away from Connie with him saying,"And that's how we do things in these parts partner. Well done.". "Sorry bucko but our partnership is over!" said Berserk. He soon tried to punch Zane but Zane easily dodged the attack.

This sent Berserk a few levels below with Zane ,out of Bone Form, jumping down after him and entered the dust cloud. "Oh wow. I'm actually hurt there Sergio. I mean I thought we had something special but nope, you just broke my heart! It's fine! I'll just find a bigger and better oaf to hopefully fall on a banana peel! My girlfriends were right about you!" said Zane in a mocking tone. "Now I know what the boss meant by your mouth being more of a problem than your punch." said Berserk.

Back with Connie and Thomas. "And I was right for firing you after you broke my heart!" said Connie. "And this is what happens when you fall in love with a brat in a rather kinky suit in this man's honest opinion." said Thomas. This pissed off Connie but the two's feud was stopped by several giant and small cracks appeared below them as it was made clear that the parking garage was about to fall apart.

Connie launched into the air with her flying off toward her helicopter as Thomas escaped on an ice bridge to parts unknown. Back with Zane. He was dodging Berserk's punches but ended up hitting the pillar instead. "Oh wow Sergio. You're missing like nothing else. I guess when push comes to shove, you just blow don't you? You know Streamroller one of my best big oafs would have hit me by now but nope you are not good enough." said Zane. "Not aiming at you and shut up!" said Berserk.

Zane soon saw the collapsing garage with him saying,"So let me get this straight. Your ingenious idea was to try and make the garage fall on me, trapping me in the ruins is that correct?". Berserk soon nodded as Zane smirked. "Sorry but I can fly and phase through matter. Later." said Zane, turning into Specter Form and flying off. The garage soon crashed down on Berserk, leaving a giant dust cloud in its place.

The police arrived outside of the rubble with Berserk slowly getting back up and then rushing toward them only to get stopped by Black Nether. He was soon asleep being that he soon hit the ground and began snoring. Zane smiled as he floated down to Scott and his officers. "So you decided to use the same thing from Storm. Worked on me so it worked on the overgrown bull huh?" said Scott. "You are correct good sit. And some words of advice, get a soundproof cell." said Zane.

He deactivated the form with him in costume. "So that the other prisoners don't get riled up because man, he snores like a bulldog or some bull related pun. Bull horn I think." said Zane. "So don't you usually have someone watching your back so you can enjoy your life? I tell my students to both work and play hard with you doing more of the former than the latter in my eyes." said Scott. "Yeah but sometimes, you need to make the right choice and coming here was the right one." said Zane.

Back at the large tower where the meeting took place, Sean sat in his office aka the one that Crimson Spade broke it. "I'm sorry Count but we sold you the drive. No refunds. Them's the break." said Sean as he hanged up the royal. He soon looked up to see Lilith sitting there. "Everything really went exactly to plan didn't it Specter?" said Lilith. Specter soon phased out of Sean, knocking the man out cold as he said,"Yes ma'am.".

Lilith said,"We even gave that royal fool a fake drive and Vordlarin in the first place.". "And now you have a clean billion to restore your mansion thanks to it being in an unmarked account so what did you do with the original specimen and the orginator?" said SS. "Lets just say that the boy will get whats coming to him and also, I'm sure that we'll bring out the one I want if we target his object of desire." said Lilith, smiling with her drinking.

At Kristen's hotel penthouse, Kristen was standing in the doorway with her in her sleepwear and Zane in his casual clothing. "Kris. I'm so sorry for leaving date night to stop something that could have been handled by my team but instead of being with my girlfriend, I got lectured about responsibility by my other girlfriend's father. This is just the Omniverse....." said Zane. Kristen put a hand over his mouth, shutting him up and she smiled.

Kristen said,"I'm not mad at you Zaney. You and I spent most of the night together and having Kane show up looking frazzled was just the best. I'm sure you're not leaving us on Valentine Day so I'm not mad okay? Tell Kane I'm mad at him though.". "He knows and thanks." said Zane. The two kissed as Zane smiled. "I really don't deserve a single girl in my harem do I?" said Zane. "You do so don't you forget that. Night Zaney." said Kristen. "Night Kris." said Zane.

She closed the door to her house with him walking downstairs. "I really have the perfect life. I just hope that Gary will be okay tomorrow." said Zane. "Probably won't but you want to check?" said Twilight. Zane nodded as he rushed off. The next morning. "Enough with the gang war! Auction this and super powers that! The police's report says that Legion Zero stopped them so that's how we're going to leave it got it?!" said Elijah.

Gary was in Scott's office alongside Annie, Elijah, and Scott with the latter saying,"Why is he doing this in my office again?". "Because his is being remodeled again." said Annie.  Zane ,as Zero, soon arrived in the office with Zane saying,"Yeah but Gary is telling the truth. I'm sure you would want to know that your favorite hero and way to bring it more tourists save the day once again thanks to my pal Gary here helpful advice.".

Elijah looked at Gary and Zane with him smiling. "Perfect! I'll have my reports here asap to get the pictures of our hero, our protector saving the days thanks to the Cypress Park Police!" said Elijah with him walking out of the room and Annie by his side. Scott rumbled his temples as he said,"I owe you one kid. Thanks for getting him out.". "Welcome. Good luck with your investigation Gary and if you need my help, you got it." said Zane. Gary and Zane shook hands as this story is over.

Next time,
Who did Lilith give the Vordlarin to? Why did she left Darth go free? Who will be Darth's next victim since Bryan isn't available thanks to Restore Form? Who is Lilith after? Who is after Zane? Will Allen get a date with Brooke? Will we meet Brooke? Will Thomas ever go to jail? How will Zenith Industries turn out? And finally, will Zane be able to stay for an entire date before he gets called out to stop a crime? This and more next time on Zero!

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