Saturday, July 27, 2019

Zero Episode 124 A Chilling Robbery Section 1 (Written on December 8 2021)

This post is a part of Zero Episode 124 and has been put into a separate post mainly due to the original post being unable to edit for reasons described in this update post. This post here has been written in December 2021 but will be uploaded before Zero Episode 124. This is to mainly improve the amount of posts produced within a certain time frame or other reasons.

A/N: Yep. The title makes no sense but that's normal for me. You may wonder why I keep bringing up but I just like to remind myself about this little fact. I tend to forget about events and ideas that I've introduced in Zero. You may have noticed that I do that being that I tend to write as I go. I mentioned how that's a bad thing if you're getting paid to write but since I'm not getting paid, this isn't a problem in my book. 

Now does good writing impact a product? I would say that it doesn't but to some people like me, it does a little bit. People could also hate one of the most financial movies of all times just because of the story and the story dealing with the highly convoluted plot elements of fiction aka time travel. I mentioned that I wouldn't spoil the movie because it's probably been but man, time travel is way to mess up your story.

I wrote an entire post about how I'm doing time travel for this, Fairy Legion maybe, and the DC story which is still in the work and hopefully it'll be good. This episode is part of a story arc involving an old villain who has shafted by another villain and decided to take revenge. We're just getting started and hopefully by the end of Zero, we end with over 150 episodes. This won't be when we start the DC story since I have a certain event planned for Zane and the gang to handle.

This event will be pretty big. Anyway lets begin in Cypress Park's main training ground which is the warehouse district of the city. Most of the warehouse district is owned by the mob. However, the good guys can also use warehouses but they tend to use the junkyard as well. The junkyard is actually pretty good for different types of training, it's a mess, and sometime owned by the mob. This episode is going to be a very long one because why not.

Narrator P.O.V.
In an abandoned warehouse, there was some team bonding. Several beams of golden electricity were being blasted inside of it, causing parts of the building to explode. Someone stood there with the gold electricity focused around their arms. He has glowing yellow skin with him having golden blond hair that goes down to his chin and covering his red eyes. He wears a black bandanna over his mouth. He has several golden electricity sparks coming off his body.

He's wearing an black v-neck jumpsuit with a gold lightning bolt pattern all over his suit. He wears silver metal plating over his arms, chest, and legs. He wears black boots. He was looking for a single person being that he soon heard his target moving. He looked up to see his target moving throughout the ceilings and he fired at the target, causing the target to move away just in time. "Okay. You're getting real fast there Acrobat but I'll stop you!" said the man.

The man fired beams of electricity toward the figure with the target bouncing across the warehouse and then slammed right into the meta human's back, knocking him to the ground. "You got lucky but you aren't making me making look stupid! I'm stronger than you and my name is Topaz!" said the man. He turned around and fired his electricity at his target, sending him flying into a pipe and falling onto some boxes below. Topaz looked at his target, showing Acrobat.

He's wearing a gray helmet over his head with a singular gray and red stripe on it. His face is clearly exposed meaning that you can see his brown eyes, monopoly man mustache, and his Spanish heritage. He's wearing a gray jump suit with black armor padding over his chest, elbows, knees, legs, and upper arms. He still wearing black dance shoes and gloves.  The electricity man soon jumped back to evade a giant of a man trying to hit him.

This giant is wearing a forest green and vermilion red jumpsuit with a hood. It's vermilion red over the head part and upper body. It's forest green over the arms. chest, and legs. In the exact center of his jumpsuit, he has "Atlas" written there and it's a silver color. His hood covers his head and eyes, showing off his African American heritage. His brown hair is now slightly longer and sticking out of his hood. He wears silver  large, round mechanical boots and gauntlets on each forearm.

Seeing him, Topaz fired a burst of electricity at the giant. He somehow dodged the attack given his size and he grabbed a giant piece of metal with him throwing it at Topaz. Before the metal could hit him, it was blasted to pieces by electricity. He got hit in the chest by a kick from Acrobat. Topaz tried to hit him but Acrobat jumped around the warehouse, evading the shots with ease. During this, the giant grabbed a giant beam and smacked it right into Topaz, knocking him to the ground.

Both Acrobat and the giant walked toward Topaz with him hearing,"And that's a wrap boys. You did good doc.". The two turned to see Engineer standing there with Thomas. "And you Jerald. I thought that given you one of the vials of Chemical PX we scored on our last raid would have been a good idea but you messed up." said Thomas. "Don't be so rude. Acrobat's suit increases his speed over time and then he can release it to increase the power of his attacks." said Donald.

Donald walked up to Acrobat with him saying,"And it fits you well. They say that it's a waste to get measurements for your goons but it isn't too tight or large on you so perfect.". "Sorry there boss. Won't happen again. Good match Cedric and Rudy." said Topaz. "At least, you're being a fair sport about this sparky." said Rudy aka Acrobat. Atlas aka Cedric nodded as Donald said,"So why didn't you change your codename to something more super villain like?".

Atlas looked at the doctor who said,"I don't want to.". "That's fair. So you want to bring these boys out for a test ride there boss?" said Thomas, turning to a shadow above them. Andrew stood there with two others. One was Pierce and the other one looked like a humanoid bug. Pierce's skin is now a silver with it looking metallic. His face still looks rather tied and his eyes still looking rather thin. His hair is still shoulder length with it being made out of metal rather than hair.

He's wearing a black combat vest with matching black shirt revealing his arm up to his elbow, black fingerless gloves, gray pants, and black combat boots. He's currently holding his gray helmet with a gold T-shaped design over the face. The bug man ,whose name is Hornet, is wearing an all white jumpsuit with a hood covering his head. He has four green eyes which are insect like like and slanted sharply inwards. He has four bee like wings protruding from his back.

Pierce has long red hair that looks like a lion mane and parts of his hair is in a mohawk and has a small goatee. He has two small ,triangular, ears and visibly sharp teeth. He wears the same clothing as Pierce did before he got his powers. It's a black combat vest with matching black shirt revealing his arm up to his elbow, black fingerless gloves, gray pants, and black combat boots. "I like what I see so lets bring out the new Tremendous against Zero." said Andrew, smiling.

The next morning, Andrew was sitting in his office and was working on something. He looked up to see Taurus stomping his way into his office. "So what's wrong? Trouble at the club? If it isn't that important Taurus, tell it to Monique." said Andrew. "You went to the Tremendous?!" yelled Taurus. "I did so?" said Andrew. "Since when does the boss go to the hired help in dealing with Zero? And why are you funding that brat's company?! He's making prisons to keep our boys in jail!" said Taurus.

Andrew sighed as he said,"Reactor is getting released from prison very soon. I'm sure that both he and Mastermind are going to try and usurp my spot as crime boss of the city. I need to get an army to work with so the Tremendous are my super powered army. As for me sponsoring Zane's company despite him building prisons to hold my army in jail, I see greatness in the boy so why wouldn't I support his idea for the future?".

Taurus was quiet as he soon said,"Okay fine. I'll respect your opinion there boss but tell me this. Why the hell have I been kept out of the loop like that?". As a response to this, Andrew walked right over to a giant punching bag ,that he had in there, with him beginning to punch it. "For several reasons Taurus so let me start from the very beginning." said Andrew. Taurus listened being that it was in his best interest for him to listen.

Andrew soon began punching the bag as he said,"We've had several of our operations stopped by the duo of Crimson Spade and Legion Zero. We were unable to obtained the data for the army of those alien monsters who were about to injure Zero to an impressive degree. I can tell that you really need a a break. You seem so busy in creating villains to keep Zero and his super powered friends busy while we do business and you're doing such a great job.".

Taurus looked at his boss and he said,"With all of the freaks in costume running around, Zero and his friends are busy boss! So why spend money on these hired mercenaries instead on the idiots who will work for us for free?". In response, Andrew cocked back his right fist as he said,"It's because we need to assert our dominance over our enemies Taurus.". The man then punched the punching bag hard with the the sand inside of the bag to gush out and spread everywhere.

Said punch reminded Taurus that his boss was well known for his brain rather than his brawn but he isn't a slouch when it comes to hand to hand combat at all. "You used to know how to assert dominance but now Taurus, you've gotten lazy. Get out of here before I have Razor slice you up. I have to get ready for lunch. Zane is a very busy man and I hate to waste his time. Men of power like us don't deserve to have our time wasted." said Andrew with Taurus standing there, looking confused and angered.

Outside of the building, this scene was being watched by Cosmonaut. "Are you getting this Mastermind?" said Craig as he was talking to his boss aka George from his secret base. "Yes Craig. It seems that Andrew is planning for the impending war between the four of us." said George's voice on the other end. "And what do you mean by that? I thought that this war was between you, Gold Commander, and Reactor." said Craig as he looked confused.

George chuckled as he said,"Oh Craig. So ignorant of the factor that has stopped all three of us many times before. He's a man who will never stopping fighting against us until we're either stopped by his actions and or dead. Oh well. It's fine. Report back to base. I think I will respond to the Tremendous's new team up by bringing out our A-list actor.". "Understood." said Craig with him flying off to a unknown location.

Later, Zane ,in his Zeta Costume, was flying through the city and heading toward Cypress High just in time for Scott's class. "This is just the best. Everything involving my company is going smoothly, I had a really good lunch, and it's looking like Valentine Day is going to the best one I've ever had in my short but interesting life." said Zane. He overheard police sirens below him and he said with a smile,"And it's time for me to get some crime fighting down before class.".

Zane looked down to see a bank with a big hole in the center of it. He saw five figures exiting through the hole in the wall. All of them stuck out to Zane with four of them holding bags of clearly stolen money and the last one isn't. The one who isn't holding a bag of money looks to be ten feet tall and looks to be made out of completely transparent dark green slime with a dark reddish hue. Zane guessed that the slime creature was male due to the human skeleton floating inside of the slime.

Instead of bone, the skeleton looked to made out of grayish stone. He has massive arms and legs with his arms looking longer than his legs. Due to him currently standing up straight, his arms reaching his knees. He has two large and round green eyes with a mouth filled with sharp yellow teeth. His heart is also visible inside of the skeleton. The other four figures looked to be the same as the giant slime monster but much smaller, looking to be the height of normal teenagers.

Zane blinked as he said,"Yep. This is the result of Chemical PX or something else gone horribly wrong.". He saw the five about to leave with Zane saying,"Not happening.". One of the smaller slime monsters were about to head toward a nearby sewer drain but was then stopped by a wall of snakes. The five were surrounded by the serpents. The big slime monster looked up to see Zane standing there with him saying,"Sorry but you and your gunk gang won't be leaving.".

The giant slime monster roared as one of the smaller monsters said,"Let us leave now human or you'll suffer.". "Sorry but stopping robberies is in my job description of being a hero." said Zane as he saw the snakes being melted away by the slime creatures. "Ah! You just made them using Serpent Capture! They were so young!" said Cole. Zane rolled his eyes at Cole's action as Crisis Judgement went off and he jumped back to evade some slime blasts.

He saw that the area that the slime hit was now covered in it and to him, it looked rather durable. The giant slime monster roared as one of the smaller member said,"Okay master. We'll handle him so we can deliver the money to the boss.". Two of the smaller slime monsters fired several balls of their bodies toward Zane who either dodged them and letting them stick onto the ground or caught them inside of Impulse jars. Zane then transformed into a new form.

Zane is now a volcano like creature with a masculine humanoid frame.  He's twelve feet tall. His rock like skin are a dark gray and this is due to him being made out of cooled rocks. His body has red/orange symmetrical rims, indicating lava flow. These rims are similar to veins. His head is connected to his body directly with no noticeable neck. He has two glowing orange diamond-shaped eyes with thick maroon ridges. These ridges mimic eyebrows.

His mouth is a silver respirator with a maroon colored ring. He seems to lack any teeth. His arms and legs are quite massive with them looking similar to a cannon. He has five short thin claws which he uses for his fingers and toes respectively. He's wearing a black muscle shirt with a red flame like pattern in the center of it. He wears maroon combat shorts that go past his knees. He wears no shoes. Zane has a normal black bandanna wrapped around his head. 

Zane has five small pools of lava that form hair that constantly swirls around. These pools of lava come out of silver nozzles. He has two miniature volcanoes protruding right from his shoulders with both of them constantly pouring out lava out of them but never touching the ground. It's also producing steam whenever he isn't in action. He wears Zane's black robe on his shoulder. The slime monsters looked at Zane who smiled. 

He raised his arms with him saying,"This form may remind me but whatever. Time for Magma Form to shine! Hellfire Emperor Brimstone Eagle!". Above him, a large spherical flame appear and it turns into an eagle. This spell was formed from the volcano coming out of Zane's shoulders. Upon being fired, the flame flies right toward the slime trio at an incredible speed leaving behind a trail of fire. 

Seeing that their master could be hurt from these flames, two of the slime monsters jumped in front of the flame bird. It caused an explosion of fire and destroy both of them. "Okay. Heat/fire destroys them easily. Good to know that they're not human at all so don't feel too bad about this." said Zane. Zane didn't noticed that one of the slime monsters was about to hit him but was then hit by a car with its slime spreading everywhere around Zane.

The parts of the slime that touched Zane instantly evaporated and turning into steam. Zane soon turned to see Efren ,with him wearing his costume aka the outfit that he was given in Zero Episode 121, as Efren said,"Don't worry Captain! I'm here to help.". "Shouldn't he be at work?" said Azalea with Kane shrugging. "Thanks and watch out." said Zane. Efren turned to see the giant slime monster about to attack him with a giant slime fist.

Efren threw Zane a thumbs up as he said,"Don't worry! I can handle this overgrown booger!". He caught the giant slime monster's fist being that Efren noticed that his arms were dissolving right in front of him. "So is this supposed to be painful or what?" said Efren. "No idea. I mean we can regenerate limbs so I don't think we should talk." said Zane, shrugging his shoulders and he turned both arms into magma.

The arms expanded and Zane sent them forward toward the slime fist. Zane's fist were like a rocket punch. The magma instantly melted the slime upon contact with the giant slime roaring in pain due to the heat. Efren ,whose arms were slowly regrowing, smiled as he said,"We got him now. Just bring the heat!". "So is it just you who is bad at making puns or are you making them bad on purpose?" said Athena. "Yes and no." said Zane.

The living volcano soon aimed both of his shoulders at the giant slime monster with two streams of lava soon hitting the giant, causing it to scream and cover the area in steam. As the steam cleared, Efren and Zane saw all of the bags of money on the floor with Efren turning to Zane. "Nice job there Captain. You saved the day/" said Efren. "Thanks for the help but I'm still curious on what that thing has in the first place." said Zane, cupping his chin with his hand.

Efren nodded as he said,"Well said. So how are you going to get rid of those?". He was pointing to the slime that was on the ground. "Testing a theory of mine. As you've seen, the slime can't handle heat and most slime can't handle the cold either. I'll be freezing them and then breaking the slime. So do you mind helping me with this?" said Zane as he turned into Salamander Form. "Hell yeah!" said Efren.

In the nearby sewer crate, one of the slime monster ,being the only survivor, began to transform into the giant slime monster. He was watching Zane freezing the slime that was on the ground with him and Efren smashing them. "I may have failed on getting the money for the boss but I'll get my revenge on them since I've been told that they are here. They're in town and I want my revenge!" said the slime monster. The slime monster turned into slime and went off.    

After cleaning up and dropping off Efren, Zane ,out of Magma Form and had changed into his casual clothing, was walking toward Cypress High. "So since we're done with the living slime, I have to ask you this very important question Zane. So why did you have lunch with one of the leaders of the Odium Society? They're your enemies not your friends and I have to ask why you're doing this." said Twilight with her being serious.

Zane was by the dumpster nearby the football field as he said,"Because of an old and classic Earth saying Twilight. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.". "Yeah Twilight. I mean Zane may be a very nice guy, too trusting but hey at least he isn't an idiot.". "Thanks I think. Should I hit him? I mean he did insult me." said Zane, leaning against the dumpster. "Eh. Go nuts." said Kane, Lucifer, and Sivarth with Zane hitting the watch.

Nearby on the football field, Brad was holding the ball as his not secret crush Leigh was walking right by him. "Hey Leigh. Want to see the pass that won us the championship?" said Brad. "Not really Bradley." said Leigh as she walked right past him. Brad sulked as he threw the ball right toward Austin without saying a single word about it. The ball was going over his head and then bounced a little upon hitting the ground.

It landed nearby the same area that Zane was being that he didn't notice the ball due to him talking to his team and completely focused on it. "Don't just stand there Austin! Go get the ball!" said Brad. Austin nodded as he ran to go pick up the ball and saw nothing else there. He shrugged as he ran back over to Brad. He rather not piss off Brad more since he was rejected by Leigh again and that makes Brad is in a bad mood.

Nearby the dumpster, Zane was sticking onto the bottom of the trash can lid and was using his body's camouflage to hide from Austin. "Okay. That was too close." said Zane. "Me thinks you need to focus better Zane." said Lucifer in a mocking tone. "Yeah. You're right. At least this smelly moment couldn't get any worse." said Zane. As he said this, one of the school's janitor threw a large bag of trash in the dumpster and closed the lid after.

This caused Zane to be trapped inside of the dumpster being that he was covered in trash. "So Zane. Do you know what you did wrong?" said Cole. "Yeah. I tempt the Omniverse and then it decided to mess with me by trapping me in this trash." thought Zane. He was about to phase out of the dumpster being that Crisis Judgement went off. People were around it. "And I'll be in here for a while. So got anything to talk about guys or in my case think about?" thought Zane.

Later, Zane was sitting in Scott's class with him having a whole section of seats to himself. This section consisted of twelve seats being four rows of three seats. He turned right to the rest of his class ,who were covering their noses and sitting in the other section of seats being six by four, as he sulked. "I don't smell that bad do I?" said Zane. "You smell worse than the boys locker room Stinky Zit." said Hannah with her holding her nose. Zane turned to Karen and Rachel who nodded their heads.

Allen nodded as he said,"She has a point there mate.". "Yeah. I know. Don't remind me. And how do you know what the boys locker room smells like Hannah?" said Zane. The two were about to start one of their signature conflicts being that Hannah usually yells at him and Zane retorts back. Think of Erza and Zane's relationship in Fairy Legion. It does have less swords and the female having a slightly higher voice and smaller fuse. Scott coughed, getting their attention for a moment.

The man liked Zane but he tends to be the center of the attention most of the time. "Anyway before I was interrupted, we were about to choose partners for tonight's police ride along. I want you all to meet two new students to your senior class. It's a boy and girl. Don't know why they asked me to do but oh well.". Zane looked up to see a boy and girl enter the room. The girl had delicate features, very much like royalty but she has faint but noticeable muscle tone. She’s 5 foot 7.

She has fair skin. She has long, wavy voluminous platinum blonde hair. It goes to the middle of her back and her signature green eyes. She has long eyelashes. She wears a blue headband to keep her hair back but there is a single lock falling down to the middle of her forehead. She wears a light green long sleeved hooded cardigan over a white tank top. She wears light blue flared jeans with emeralds at the bottom of the legs. She has a crescent moon.

The girl is wearing dark green wedge-sandals with white straps over the instep. The boy looks to be eighteen years old. He has a natural tan to him being that he’s a fit and well-build to him. He looks to be around  5 foot 10. He has short, spiky white hair being that it looks like a buzz-cut and turquoise eyes. He wears a black, leather military jacket like jinbei which was hanging off his shoulders. He wears a dark green shirt under his jacket.

He wears blue cargo pants and dark gray tennis shoes. Zane instantly noticed something strange about the boy. He reminded Zane of three people. They were Lilith, Rocco, and himself being that Zane decided to keep a close eye on him. "Class. I'll like you to meet Brooke Reyes and Cyrus Epstein. I think you all know who Brooke's parents are so please treat her like a normal student." said Scott as Karen and Zane knew that Scott wasn't kidding about that.

Brooke smiled as she said with her having an Eastern European accent,"Nice to meet you all. I hope we can all be friends.". "I hope we can be more than friends in time your highness. How about I take you out to show you the Cypress Park sights tomorrow night?" said Mack, walking up to her. He kissed her hand as Allen grew jealous. "Oh wow. I can feel his jealously even through all of this stink. You really need to hit the showers ASAP Zane." said Kane.

Before Brooke could answer, Cyrus glared at him. "Buzz off playboy. Go find another pathetic flower for you to pollinate or whatever." said Cyrus. Mack was about to say something but the new boy's glare shut him up and forcing him back to his seat. "That glare would scare a normal human shitless but you're different Zane." said Lucifer. "Anyway before we have a fight, do you two mind taking your seats?" said Scott.

Cyrus nodded as he sat with the rest of the class and the queen sat in the section with Zane. The trio of Della, Hannah, and Mack looked at the royalty in shock as Allen chuckled at her action. Karen looked at her friend as she said,"Why is this funny tp you Allen?". "Karen. Brooke has no sense of smell." said Allen. "Oh. And how do you know that lover boy?" said Rachel, smirking and punching him in the arm as he didn't answer her. 

Using his hyper hearing, Zane said,"Brooke. You don't mind my stench do you?". "Not at all Zane. I've heard a lot about you from Allen's father and others who I've met in my short but interesting time in Cypress Park." said Brooke. "Hopefully, they're good things." said Zane. "Yes and I've heard about your punch on Roland. Nice job. Never liked him. Seems to be quite the scummy man in my opinion but that's nothing compared to the Palmer family." said Brooke.

Zane smiled as he said,"You know Brooke. I think I like you since you're the only person other than Andrew who says I did the right thing.". The two were talking as Karen whispered to Rachel,"So is Zane flirting with her or what?". "Hopefully not since that's Allen's girl and well, Zane isn't a cheater at all." whispered Rachel. "This is an educational front row seat on how the police operates and not a social activity. Hint Hint." said Scott.

He looked at Brooke and Zane who were talking with Zane saying,"Don't worry so much Scott. I'll be on my best behavior and keep my snappy repartee to a minimum.". "And we'll be trying to make that happen sir. So aren't you concerned about Cyrus? He reminds me of those two and you but at the same time, not at all." said Azalea. "Don't worry Azalea. I'm on it. I'll find out who this kid is in no time flat. We'll be keeping a close eye on him." said Athena.

Scott smiled as he said,"Anyway. I don't want anyone to complain about who their partner is. So names are in the hat." . He pointed to the police cap in front of him, filled with papers as most of the class groaned at this. Just as Austin was about to pick one, Brad tackled him to the ground. "Sorry there Austin but I get first dibs on..... Cyrus Epstein! Wait I want a re do!" said Brad. "Hooray. I get stuck with the neanderthal. Lucky me." said Cyrus rolling his eyes.

This earned a glare from Brad as Leigh was after him as she said with a smile,"Looks like I'm with Austin Lawrence.". "If you say anything, I'll hurt you." said Brad. Austin was silent as the two boys sat back down. Karen was next with her turning to Zane and gave him a wish me luck symbol. "Please go with me! I really don't want to be stuck with Della or Mack. I'm go with anyone else and neither Karen or Rae getting stuck with Mack." thought Zane.

Karen picked up a piece of paper as she said,"Rachel Powell.". Zane took a loud sigh of relief as Team Legion Zero said,"Real subtle there Zane.". Allen was paired up with Brooke as the British cheered internally. Mack was stuck with Della much to their mutual displeasure because one was a playboy and the other was an annoying nerd. However, Hannah got stuck with the final person left. "It's David Nelson." said Hannah in a very nervous tone.

She crumbled up the paper and threw it away, making a basket in the process. "Come on Hannah. We're not idiots. David had this class yesterday so he couldn't be a choice in the first place." said Brad, crossing his arms. Austin nodded as Hannah turned back to them as she said,"Fine! I got stuck with Stinky over there!". "The feeling is not at all mutual Harpie but fate is a cruel and unpredictable mistress isn't she?" said Zane.

The two glared at each other with the class noticing that the two had lightning ,being Zane's unique color of electricity, between them. "I really thought my daughter was kidding about those two having a strong hatred toward each other but I was oh so wrong. I hope things don't get any worst between them I hope." thought Scott. The Omniverse heard this thought and decided to make its move through several outside sources.

A bit later, Zane ,after taking a well-needed shower, was currently on the football field. He's wearing his gym wear which is a simple black shirt with a dragon claw in the center of the shirt, dark blue gym shorts that goes past his knees, and his signature sneakers. He did have his watch on it and was exposing his neck scar. "So I have several questions but all of them are connected to a singular question. Why am I here exactly Brad? Are you going to beat me up?" said Zane.

He looked at Brad who stood there with Allen, Austin, and David. "No. Well, we all know that you're super busy with your company and other stuff but you can't ignore the Cypress High Ox's traditional pushup contest. It's done every year since the school was founded." said Austin. "Okay then. I get you guys. So are you guys able to do this? I mean I'm clearly going to win this but I would at least like a challenge from more than just Allen." said Zane.

David blinked as he said,"You haven't been coached by my dad longer enough Zane. He's a former Marine/Navy Seal drill instructor/sergeant after all. Those eyes of his when he's about to do something are so scary.". "I see. That makes sense. So onto my second question about all of this. Why is there a crowd of people and cheerleaders here?" said Zane. He pointed to the bleachers filled with people as Allen shrugged. "No idea mate." said Allen.

Austin looked at the two as he said,"According to tradition Zane, this is normal and also our captain likes to make you look stupid. You should know that by now.". "That's sounds right. So is it just the five of us or the entire team except for he who should not be named?" said Zane, pointing to the other jocks standing near them. "No. It's the entire team. Get ready to lose Alvarez." said Brad. "You really shouldn't count your eggs before they hatch captain." said Zane, smirking.

The five along with the rest of the nameless jocks dropped to the floor in the push up position which is stomachs above the ground, legs together, and hands on the floor. Stan stood there with him saying,"And begin!". The team began their competition with the crowd watching in awe. Even though they were athletic, most of the jocks were still human. They were uncomfortable and shaky with wobbly arms appearing in some of them.

A minute had passed and none of them fell. Zane didn't mind this at all being that his powers and god like stamina made this a piece of cake. Five minutes had passed with Stan smiling. "Move faster you maggots!" said Stan. This was the key signal for the group to move faster which they did. The trio of Allen, Brad, and Zane were doing just fine at the eighty push-up mark. Others weren't so lucky being that they were only human after all.

Zane had already gone past three hundred push-ups with him still going and didn't look exhausted in the slightest. The crowd ,except the people who knew about his powers, were surprised about this side of him. Most people knew Zane for his mouth since he tended to speak his mind without a single ounce of hesitation. "I can't believe it. Zit is still going." said Hannah being that the group was now at the four hundred push-up mark.

Stan walked over to the clear victor of this little contest aka Zane. "Alvarez! I want you to give me a million percent!" said Stan. The line was initially a hundred and twenty percent but since the head of the school knew about Zane's powers, he decided to change the line. "Sure thing. I always give it my all even though a million percent is seemingly an impossible percentage." said Zane. Those who had given up were lined up against the bleachers were shocked by this development.

After ten minutes, there were only about four students left at this point being that Austin had quit around the five hundred push-up/pushup mark. Those who were left pushed themselves to the best of their ability to win. It was no shock to see Allen, Brad, and Zane still in this being that David was the only human keeping up with these three impressed Kane. "Wow. This human isn't half bad." said Kane with him smiling.

Zane was still going strong at the six hundred push-up mark. Zane heard a thud being that he was sure that it was David. "He's still alive right?" said Cole. "Yeah. I can heal the human's heart beat." said Sivarth. Zane mindlessly did this task, lost in thought about how he was going to handle the Odium Society and just any thing that may come his way. Due to this, he didn't realize that they were at the one thousand push up mark.

It was also only him and Brad being that Allen had given up around the seven hundred mark due to him wanting to keep him being a metahuman a secret. The whole crowd was shocked at this point being that both of them were still going strong even after a thousand push ups. Brad began to struggle at the one thousand and five hundred mark being that he was about to give up. He and Zane may have been friends but he wasn't going to lose to him.

Brad's arms were wobbling like jello, his face red as the color of blood, and sweating bullets by the 1,750 mark but kept it going. The class watched as this contest dragged on and they were cheering for both of them. The only person who didn't cheer was Cyrus being that he just rolled his eyes. The crowd gasped as Brad collapsed at the two thousand mark being that Zane kept on going. "So did I win or what?" said Zane.

Him speaking so casual just made the duo of Hannah and Sam's blood boil being that both of them were about to scream their heads off about this but they were stopped by a glare from Virgil. Brad was completely spent, panting, and trying to take deep breaths. Zane just stood up and wiped off the single sweat drop that was there. "So need some water or a towel there captain?" said Zane being that the entire field was silent.

That silence was soon broken by Stan's laughter and he said,"You're really something else there Alvarez.". "Thanks sir but I'm serious." said Zane.  The crowd erupted into cheers and whoops being that Zane decided to help Brad. Allen ran up to them with the trio heading to the locker room. "That was awesome mate." said Allen. "Yeah. It really was." said Brad. "Thanks. So ready for the rest of the day?" said Zane.

Brad groaned as he said,"Can't I just sleep in the nurses office?". "Maybe but would Leigh approve of this side of you?" said Allen. "No but she hates me because of the past and that will never change. I should just give up." said Brad. "People don't change over night. It takes time for people to change and good actions usually accelerated change. Just keep being the good Brad rather than the bad one okay captain?" said Zane. "Sure man." said Brad.   

Later, Zane was about to leave the school being that he had changed out of his gym clothing and into his normal clothing except for his jacket. Due to his shirt and compression sleeves being short, his well defined muscles on his arms were clearly exposed. Any one ,who could see him, noticed that his muscles were well defined more than any jock in the school combined. Most of the females were just staring in awe of this being that it was well known that Zane was popular for a multitude of reasons.

It was his confidence and his body being that most of the student body liked him for the latter. Most people knew that Zane was athletic being that it was shown many times but today really proved how well-built Zane was. It was a common thing to imagine Zane without a shirt being that pictures of him without a shirt ,from swim class or the pool, are sold for a very high price but most females just let out a dreamy sigh at the thought of it even without the picture. 

Zane was heading toward the parking lot being that he heard a shrill voice,"Alvarez!". Crisis Judgement went off as Zane was pretty sure that he wasn't in danger but he could always be wrong about that. He turned around to see Hannah Grant approaching him fast with her usually in the Cypress High cheerleading uniform. "So does she wear anything other than that you guys?" said Cole as the blond stood directly in front of him.

Due to him being much taller than her, her intimidation wasn't going to work. "Don't know but if she starts screaming, I'm exposing your identity Zane. Her voice is a major pain to me even more than the school's bells even after we lowered the sound of it." said Twilight. Zane ignored her for the moment being that it was clear to him that she didn't want to be here at all. It was  well known that the blond didn't like Zane for many reasons. "I need your help." mumbled Hannah.

She was speaking quietly and was constantly looking around her. "I'm so very sorry Hannah but I couldn't hear you at all. Mind repeating yourself?" said Zane. "We all know you heard her Zane but you're making her repeat herself aren't you? You can be a real sadist sometimes." said Sivarth as he sighed. Hannah was angry at Zane for a moment but she took a deep breath with her anger leaving her for a moment. "I need your help okay Alvarez?" said Hannah

Zane internally smirked with him saying,"Wait. You want help from me? Stinky? Your most hated enemy? The one who ruined Cypress High's A List by corrupting them with my poison.". Hannah nodded with her not responding back to Zane. Zane knew that he wasn't being pranked being that if there was, Crisis Judgement would have gone off by now. "Okay. You're serious about this if you are not responding to me. So what do you need my help for?" said Zane.

Hannah looked around as she said,"I need a tutor.". "Oh wow. You need a tutor now? I mean you're about to graduate high school. Should have asked me beforehand." said Zane. "Don't you ever shut up with your pointless comments!" said Hannah, pointing a threatening finger at Zane. "I'm good." said Zane. Crisis Judgement went off as he heard,"Hannah! Where are you?". Zane could tell that Hannah didn't want to be seen with him so he decided to something.

Zane pushed her into the bushes being that Hannah didn't do anything about it. Hannah looked right at Zane who said,"Didn't want anyone to ruin our fun.". "We're not have fun Alvarez." said Hannah. "I disagree but tell me why you need me to tutor you?" said Zane. He stared directly into her eyes with a cold look being that she glared at him with hatred before figuring out that Zane was willing to help her but he needed to know why.

Hannah took a deep breath with her fumbling with her hands. "Look Z...I mean Zane. I know that you and I don't get along." said Hannah. "Ain't that the truth?" said Lucifer, earning a hit from Azalea and Sivarth. "I just want to graduate high school and go to my dream school but I need your help in doing that. So please help me Zane. You're the smartest person I know. I mean you graduated early after all and run your own company at eighteen." said Hannah.

Zane nodded as he said,"You're right but why should I? I mean even after all of this time, you and I don't get along. I think you and Sam are the only two people in the senior class who hate me.". "But I'm really desperate!" said Hannah. Zane looked at her being that he could tell that she was telling the truth and was desperate. He would assume that Sam put her up to this but Hannah said,"Please.". "I'm going to regret this but sure." said Zane with him sighing.

Hannah cheered before Zane decided to stop her joy for the moment. "Okay. When and where did you want to start? We will be together tonight because of the police ride along but I think we should meet earlier." said Zane. She thought about the where and when being that she already decided on the place earlier. "An hour after school get over at my place. We're having our practice during our final period because of the police ride along. You have your phone on you right?" said Hannah.

Zane smiled as he said,"What?! Your place?! I'm not worthy to see the place where the great and totally perfect Hannah Grant lives! I'm not worthy!". "Didn't you wreck her house that time you fought that one Phantom who is in love with Christmas?" said Kane. "Shut up! I don't want to be seen with you more than I have to so give your damn phone." said Hannah. "Since you asked me so nicely, I just have to do it." said Zane with him handing her his phone.    

She rudely took it from his hand with him saying,"And here I thought that getting your number would have been harder.". He watched her struggle typing in her address and number being that Cole said,"I bet it will take her thirty seconds.". This guess was completely off by thirty seconds. She handed Zane back his phone with him saying,"I hope you didn't get cooties on my phone. Really don't want to detox my phone.".

Hannah ,while ignoring Zane's comment, said,"Remember an hour after school and don't be late or else.". She stepped out of the bush with Crisis Judgement going off. Zane noticed that a soccer ball was heading directly toward Hannah's head being that the cheerleader was heading toward Kristen who was looking for her fellow cheerleader. Zane knew what to do and went into action. He perform two backflips in a row to reach the projectile.

Zane easily kicked the ball back toward the soccer field with him hitting into a goal. "Goal!!!!!" said Cole. He soon landed on the ground being about five feet away from the bush and he heard multiple gasps. He looked behind to see a stunned Hannah and Kristen with several students ,who were in P.E. at the moment, were looking at him in awe with their phone aimed right at him. "So that just happened I guess." said Zane, shrugging his shoulders.

All eyes were glued on him with him thinking,"Perhaps I should have done something else.". "You really should have Zane but that was just cool. I'm pretty sure that you can come up with an excuse for how you did that using science mumbo jumbo." said Kane. "Science mumbo jumbo? I hope you're not serious." said Lucifer. Hannah didn't say anything being that her jaw had dropped and eyes were blinking rapidly.

She really couldn't believe her eyes at Zane being able to perform acrobatic maneuver that would make any acrobat envious. "Wow Zaney. You're really impressive. Winning the pushup contest and then doing something like this." said Kristen. "Thanks Kris. I always try to impress people and shock them. Isn't that right Hannah?" said Zane. Instead of responding, the blond began rubbing her eyes and was hoping that if she just hallucinate that.

Zane shrugged as he said,"Since you're not responding to me at all Hannah, I'll explain how I did that seemingly impossible feat. I've been practicing parkour during my free time.". "Seriously? Do you honestly think that anyone would believe that?" said Hannah with her looking right at Zane. "Yes Harpie. I think that's a totally logical reason." said Zane with him sounding completely confident about it with Team Legion Zero accepting it.

Kristen looked at her boyfriend being that she was slightly impressed by his confidence and hoped that he didn't just expose his secret identity. "Whatever Alvarez. Lets go Kristen." said Hannah. She walked off as Kristen looked at Zane. "Don't worry. I'll be fine." said Zane. "Okay. Good luck with her Zane. She isn't the best mood to begin with." said Kristen. "I'll try." said Zane with him heading to his car as Kristen went back to the rest of the cheerleaders.   

A bit later, Zane ,in costume, was currently jumping from building to building being that he could tell that people ,on the street below, were pointing upwards to where Zane was jumping from. He heard a woman screaming from inside of a dark alley below him. He  landed on a building with him looking down. He saw a group of eight thugs about to advance on a woman who looked to be a couple of years older than him and looked being Courtney's age.

Within seconds, Zane jumped down toward the gang with him landing on top of the thug that was the closest to said woman. Zane heard the other seven gasp in shock being that the teen stood between the woman and the seven conscious thugs. The thug he landed was currently out cold and was mumbling something about him not wanting to go to school today mom. "Seriously? Why is the big shot hero here and not fighting the superpowered freaks?" said a thug to his pals.

Zane smiled much to the confusion of thugs in front of him. "Sorry but Legion Zero fights both big and small bad guys. So are you guys ready to fight? Because I'm about to hit the guy that's closest to the wall." said Zane. After finishing his sentence, Zane fired out candy syrup from his body and it soon captured him. This made him unable to escape. "I know that you think eating your prison is the best way out of your predicament but I wouldn't recommend it." said Zane.

He  jumped into the air with him quickly blasting three thugs in the chest with green Nether. Upon hitting the thug, the Nether transformed into chains and pushed them right toward the ground, trapping and knocking them out. "Get the hero!" said the leader. "Oh wow. You're mad. I mean I made half of your boy band look so stupid so it's understandable." said Zane as he stood on the ground. Oddly, the young woman didn't flee which was normal for him and his antics.

She stood there with her watching the fight with complete interest. The remaining thugs rushed at Zane. As the first two charged at him, Zane phased their punches. Crisis Judgement went off as a flurry of punches were coming from two other thugs being one of the duo was their leader. Zane jumped into the air ,while performing a back flip in the process, and then grabbed the two thugs's fists using telekinesis which confused this thugs.

This shock didn't last for long. Zane then manipulated the two thugs punch the other one out, knocking the two of them out. "Oh wow. That's so very sad. I mean just wow." said Zane, landing gracefully. The remaining two thugs were confused with Zane using that to his advantage. These two thugs didn't expect an extremely powerful kick connected to their chest, knocking the wind out of him and sending them flying five feet back.   

Zane looked at the two foots that were protruding from his chest and sighed. "Even with me holding back, you still went flying. I think you really need to eat more so you don't go flying like that." said Zane, shaking his head in a disappointed manner. He fired candy syrup, trapping the two knocked out thugs and then fired his webbing at the two thugs who went flying. He looked at the three conscious and incapacitated thugs while going over to the one who was attached to the wall.

The thug in question said,"Seriously man. What the hell are you? I mean you have more powers than needed or deserve!". Zane made a tendril come out of his back and patted the thug's head, treating him like a child. "Sorry young man but you still have a lot to learn about how fate and the gods act. I should give you some advice. One must be wise in order to steal from the stupid." said Zane, speaking like a wise old sage. "Huh?" said the thug.

He continued to struggle, producing grunts of frustration. "And I think this man is a prime example of why you shouldn't dropped out of school." said Zane, acting like a teacher. "Hey! I ain't stupid! I got my GED!" said the thug, clearly angry. "Calm down. I think you should stop while you're ahead." said Zane. "Huh?" said the thug. "What I mean is stop talking dum dum." said Zane with a smirk. "Hey! You are a..." yelled the thug, wanting to kill the annoying hero.

Zane patted the left shoulder of the thug a couple of times with him saying,"It's okay. Just wait until the police arrives. It'll be over soon k?". "I swear when I get out of jail, you'll pay with your...!" said the thug being that his mouth was encased in candy syrup, completely muffling his voice. "I'm sure that you're speaking words that would make god very disappointed in you so I'll protect you from his vengeful wrath." said Zane.

He soon turned his attention toward the woman ,who was covered in shadows, with him saying,"You know something. I'm impressed with you. I mean most people usually run away once I arrive to save the day but you're still here. Very strange if you ask me but hey, I've learned that you shouldn't question women since they're always right.". The woman giggled at Zane with him saying,"And you're laughing at my quips. You're really strange but hey, that's better than being bland.".   

Zane extended his hand as he said,"So I'm sure that you know who I am by now since I've been trending for five weeks straight. I mean I'm quite the good Samaritan if you asks most people of this fair city even though I never stopping talking.". "Um Zero?" said the woman, clearly uncomfortable. "I'm sorry but I'm actually quite nice despite the rumors about me being a monster. Don't believe the rumors about me or Phantoms. We're good people. So what's your name?" said Zane.

The woman took a step out of the shadows, revealing herself.  She's a slender woman with light skin with her having thick, long blond hair. She has most of it tied in a ponytail and a single white bang that hangs in front of him. She has blue eyes. She's wearing punk like clothing. She's wearing a dark purple bodice with mint green lacing and black lace detached sleeves. She's wearing light blue jeans with visible seams and black knee high goth like boots.

She's wearing black nail police and thanks to her sleeves, Zane could see a tattoo of bloody pom-poms on her left shoulder. "The name is Marcella Grant but most people call me Mar. Nice to meet the protector of Cypress Park." said Marcella. "Huh. Hannah's sister is quite different than I thought she was." said Athena. "Yeah. It's a huge difference." said Twilight. "Nice to meet you Mar. Even thought I'm working so hard, crime is still a pain isn't it?" said Zane.

Mar nodded as she said,"Yeah. Can't walk down the street without getting attacked by gangs. I heard that you talk a lot but wow, you're a real chatterbox aren't you?". "Yeah. I mean I tend to do it just to piss off my foes and in response to this, they make stupid mistakes just to shut me up. I then take advantage of this and defeat them." said Zane. "Heh. You're cool Zero." said Mar. "Thanks. I'm so touched that I have another fan. I just hope you're not a crazy one." said Zane.

The woman shook her head as she delivered a punch to his shoulder which didn't hurt him. "Even though the news and the rich people of Cypress Park hate your guts, I'm sure that you're a good hero and the complete opposite of a monster. I'll be talking about you in a good wayu." said Mar. "Thanks. I guess we should probably get the cops for this boy band." said Zane, pointing to the thugs. "Yeah so do you need to get going? I mean crime doesn't take a break." said Mar.

Zane nodded as he said,"Yeah. Don't worry about these guys escaping. I'm pretty sure that they won't be escaping any time soon.". He flew off with Mar watching him leave her field of vision. "He's totally different than how sis said he is. I mean I'm sure he didn't mean to break our house but at least we got insurance." said Mar, pulling out her phone from the back pocket of her jeans and called the police as the thugs groaned.   

After finishing up his patrol being that it ended with him stopping Rock Lord from controlling the people to destroy a music store, Zane ,in his casual clothing, stood in front of Hannah's house. He already knew the location thanks to him fighting Holiday Guardian but he got a text from her which gave him the address to her house along with a threat for him to be alone. Zane sighed as he stepped up to the front door and he said to himself,"Time to face the music in a shrill, female form.".

Zane gently pushed the round button that was framed with dark oak wood. Zane heard the dread chime of the doorbell emitting from the other side of the door. "At least her doorbell is quiet unlike her voice." mumbled Twilight. Zane heard soft footsteps along with feminine grumbling approach the door. He began looking around the porch until the door opened. The front yard looked natural even with fake looking grass and a white picket fence.

He heard the locks get undone being two clicks. Zane turned around to see a slightly irritated Hannah Grant wearing something other than her cheerleading uniform. She's wearing a dark magneta denim vest over a red tank top that showed half of her stomach. She's wearing blue shorts that clearly showed off her legs and blue slippers. "Oh Hannah! I was just admiring how...." said Zane. "Be quiet Alvarez." said Hannah, hissing venomously at Zane.

Lucifer looked at her as he said,"So is this normal for her?". "Yeah. This is. She's back much to our dismay. I liked nice Hannah." said Kane. "Thanks for coming Zane. I really need your help." said Hannah under her breath. She hoped that Zane didn't hear her but he did. "Get inside and take off your shoes. You've probably played around in mud before coming here." said Hannah as Zane entered the house. "I'll have you know that I haven't played in mud lately." said Zane, following her order.

He placed his shoes nearby the others with him patted his brown bag that he made appear upon him arriving to her house. "So after doing some research, I've brought most of the books that will deal with the subjects that you're struggling with." said Zane. "Good. Let's start." said Hannah. A few minutes later in the living room, Zane thought he could make amends with Hannah. Kristen has been telling him for a while now that Hannah was a good person and Zane had trouble believing her.

Zane could tell that when she asked him for help, she was serious about her bringing up her grades so she would be able to attend her dream school. However, he was pretty sure that she wouldn't give him the attention that he was asking from her and he was right much to his dismay since he wanted to be wrong for once. For the past fifteen minutes, Zane could tell that Hannah wasn't really listening to him. Her phone was out the whole time and was texting Sam or doing anything that isn't studying. 

The television was thankfully ,in Twilight's opinion, on a low volume and was displaying a reality show that Zane had no interest ,in the slightest, aka Ultimate Showdown. Zane wondered why his least favorite cheerleader turned it on being that she was clearly focused on a different scene. For once, Zane kept his opinions to himself. As a hero, he was willing to help people regardless of their allegiances but she wasn't accepting his help despite asking him for it earlier today.

He wondered why she was basically giving him the cold shoulder and Cole proposed an interesting but very flawed theory. He proclaimed that Hannah was a metahuman being that her super power was the ability to multitask like Zane but that theory was nothing more than hot air. Her metagene ,aka the reason for humans to have superpowers making them metahumans, wasn't activate and if she did have it active, her powers would involve sound in some regard given her voice.

Zane decided to test if Hannah was paying attention to him. "So Hannah. To understand English is like trying to figure out what you should do when you're fighting against a giant, talking pizza who clearly has a hatred toward humans for eating its brother and sisters for a long time but at the same time, you are currently dealing with a gremlin who is forcing you to disco dance to dubstep." said Zane with a straight face.

Hannah responded to Zane's obvious lie by saying,"Uh huh. Yeah.". "And this is why teachers don't allow phones in class." said Zane. "Of course I'm listening to you Stinky. You mentioned something about English and pizza. I should order one or a couple for you right? You eat like a pig don't you stinky? That's what Sam says about you and I'm sure she's right" said Hannah, never taking her eyes off her phone.

Azalea blinked as she said,"Despite her clearly ignoring you, I'm impress she's able to do all this except studying.". "And you're treating me like I'm not even here. Fan freaking tastic." said Zane, crossing his arms. Zane was sure that tutoring a reincarnated harpie aka Hannah was a waste of his precious free time. He was thinking about leaving her house before having to deal with her later tonight. "Oh this is just great! Sam is coming over here!" said Hannah. "Really?" said Zane.

Hannah finally looked up from her phone and scowled at Zane. "I wasn't talking to you." said the girl as Zane rolled his eyes. "Of course you weren't. I'm going to be a jerk to you Hannah and say this so I hope you are listening. I'm not allowing this sleepover of yours because you don't need another distraction like Sam. You don't need distractions. We're STUDYING so the TV and phone need to go right now you get me?" said Zane, pointing to the aforementioned objects.

The girl only nodded, pretty much ignoring him. Zane sighed for what seems like the millionth time in now as he slumped back into his chair with his hands covering his face. After a few minutes of deep thinking, Zane decided to call off this "study session" with Hannah for now and decided to do some work for his company. One of his company's scientists had given him some really cool ideas for the company when the young business owner went over there this morning.

However after seeing the scientist somehow burn down a desk using water, he had to put some of the more extreme ideas on hold for now. He pulled out his notebook that he got from Marco and began working on ideas for his company and Zero right in front of Hannah. The room was silent beside for the TV clearly running in the background. In a very short period of time, the reality show was interrupted by breaking news.

Zane clearly hear his aunt's voice thanks to his supernatural healing and turned his attention toward the TV showing coverage of a situation at Collins Enterprise. "Breaking news. Collin Enterprise's CEO Andrew Collins is being held hostage by a living slime creature that calls himself the superstar villain Miasma..." said Isabel. This was all that he needed for him to hear. He began packing up his stuff with him looking at Hannah.

He turned to Hannah and he said,"Listen Hannah. We're not connecting at all and I'm not a fan of wasting my time on tutoring you. If you're willing to achieve your dream, I'll be there to help you since I like helping people.". He left the room and head toward the door with him putting on one of his shoes. Just as Zane was about to put on his last shoe, he heard,"Wait Alvarez!". "Sorry Hannah but someone is in trouble and even though he's a bad person, I'm a hero." thought Zane.

Zane opened the door and Crisis Judgement went off. "Zane?!" said a voice. He saw Sam standing there with Cole saying,"Hey! It's one of your fans aka the one who is a fan of the hero and not the man behind the mask.". Sam didn't say anything since she didn't want to see him standing in one of her friend's house. This brief distraction was long enough for Hannah to grab Zane. "Just wait okay Alvarez?" said Hannah.

The Cross Species took a deep breath as he said,"And why should I? You were barely giving me any attention when I came here to help you out. I'm hoping that this wasn't just some elaborate prank just to waste my precious and limited free time. If you want me to help you, come back when you'll willing to learn and don't waste my time. I'm putting effort into what I want to do for the future but from what I saw today, you're clearly not. Later.".

Zane moved around the still shocked Sam being that he began sprinting toward the Collins Enterprise so he could save the day. He really didn't care if people were looking at him right now since someone was in danger despite that someone being an evil crime boss who ruled the criminal underground for right now. Back at the Grant home, the two girls were amazed on how Zane spoke to Hannah being that was normal for them given his mouth.

His burst of speed was also normal being that it was a common theory that Zane could be the next superstar athlete if he applied himself. Snapping out of her shock, Sam Bridges turned to Hannah and said,"What the heck happened? Why was he here?". Hannah only sighed in a frustrated manner and mutter curse words, stomping her way inside of the house as Sam followed after her but she did close the door behind her.

In five minutes, Zane was outside of Collin Enterprise with him being in costume. He took a big risk earlier by making physically impossible feats and transformed into Legion Zero in a way that could be seen by someone down below. He was sure that no one got a good look at his face due to the Cross Species moving at incredible speeds but he was worried. He knows about Andrew's crimes and won't forgive him for all that he's done as the Gold Commander.

When Zane first learned about Andrew Collins being the crime boss of Cypress Park, he did his research on the man thanks to the Alliance's data on him. Andrew was born in the gang torn city of Eagle Creek, South Carolina. He was often bullied by his peers mainly due to his albinism. This only lasted until middle school being that he grew to be stronger and taller than most children and adults he knew. Andrew became a school bully.

He used his strength to obtain protection money from the adults in his life and his classmates. His school paper was going to run a story on his activities but they pulled the story mainly because he destroyed all of the computers. He left his small hometown to begin a era of crime like no one has ever seen before. He became an enforcer for several criminal groups being that he gained knowledge and experience while working for them.

Andrew lifted weights and engaged in street brawls mainly to hone his skills. He became the leader of his own criminal organization and gaining a superhuman physique as a result of this. This is due to him having a highly experimental gas absorbed into his bloodstream. This turned his skin a molten gold color giving him his unique name of Gold Commander which was based off a superhero name from his youth.

He moved to Cypress Park, becoming a famous figure in the town but rules the city's criminal underground. Zane wondered how Andrew was able to escape being arrested even with this evidence against him but he was pretty sure that Andrew had several lawyers at his beck and call to protect him from jail time. Even though Andrew was a criminal, Zane saw him as a father figure and the hero was not going to let this father figure get taken in front of him again.

Zane saw four police choppers slowly circling the building with two of them belonging to the CPPD and the other two choppers belonged to the news. The police department choppers's searchlights was moving frantically as if they were drawing something on the exterior of the building. The young hero saw the entire building and surrounding area was covered in slime. It was the same color as the gunk gang from earlier at the bank. "And that monster has a name." said Zane.

He flew toward the tower and then phasing his way into the building as just he made contact with the slime. He looked around to see that the dark green ,with a dark reddish hue, slime was everywhere and there were several people inside of the slime, showing him expression of shock and terror. "Zane. I think you know what to do." said Athena. "Yeah. Time to find that man behind this while giving this building a well needed makeover." said Zane.

Zane made Cardinal Etcher appear in his left hand with the hero saying,"Infernal Overload!". The blade was covered in Zane's flames with the hero aiming the blade above and made a fire dragon construct ,being three meters long, go upwards. It broke through the building and while traveling upwards, the slime around it melted away and freeing people. Zane flew after the dragon toward the top floor where it dissipated alongside Zane's flames.

The hero stood in front of Andrew's office with him hearing the faint voice of Andrew and another male that he was sure it was Miasma. Unlike the slime monster from before, it sounded more human. Zane phased his head directly into the office so he could take in the situation and make the appropriate move to handle this threat. Monique was bound in a slime casing being unable to do anything being that this was going to be a traumatizing experience for her.

Andrew was also bound but was able to talk. He seemed to be having an argument with the monster in front of him. Speaking of the monster, Zane noticed that it was like the giant slime creature but around eight feet rather than ten feet. Zane could hear that the two were arguing about being that it involved the Tremendous. He wasn't sure about why this monster wanted Thomas and his group but Miasma is bad news.

Zane stood in front of the door with him saying,"Since I have the element of surprise, I should make myself known.". "Where are they?! You hired them according to the boss and I want my revenge on them!" said Miasma, roaring at the end of his sentence to intimate him. Andrew was unfazed as he said with him not showing any emotion,"I have no idea about what you're talking about you overgrown booger.".

Miasma growled at the insult with him bringing down his right claw on Andrew, planning on melting him. Before he could do anything to the gold skinned man, the monster was hit by the giant oak door. The door instantly melted upon contact with the slime and Miasma turned around to see the idiot who threw the door at him. "Sorry about that but I really needed to make an entrance and the door was in my way." said Zane, standing there.

Andrew and Miasma looked at the protector acting all casual. "You! What are you doing here?! I don't want revenge on you yet!" said Miasma. "Well I'm sorry but you took over one of our city's best companies so I had to do something." said Zane. Miasma was hit in the face by a fireball, coming from Zane's sword and the acid monster roared. Parts of his body turned into steam due to the flames as he growled frustratingly. "It's time for you to learn your place Miasma!" said Zane.

Back at the Grant Residence, Hannah was badmouthing Zane to her friend. "And he just totally bailed on me, Sam! Like what the hell! Losers like Alvarez shouldn't bail on me like that, Sam!" said the blond. "Uh-huh." said Sam, nodding without thinking. "He should understand how important it is for people like us to keep my followers up to date on my thoughts and opinions! Alvarez is a total freak isn't he?" said Hannah.

Sam repeated herself as Hannah said,"He's always been a freak but lately, he's been a real freak even more than normal! His entire family and friends are freaks! Ugh! He didn't even me tutor me like he promised Sam! Sam? Sam, are you listening to me?". Hannah noticed that Sam's eyes were clearly glued on the television with Hannah groaning,"Sam. I'm telling you something important and you are not listening! Reality TV can wait!".

She soon blinked as she said,"Oh wow. I sound just like Alvarez.". Before she could focus on it, Sam said,"Hannah look.". "Okay. So what happened this time? Did Francisco finally ask....?" said Hannah being that she was silent. For once, Hannah wished that the news was fake like most people thought that it was but it wasn't. She read the words on screen multiple times. "Collins Enterprise Andrew Collins is being held hostage by a monster known as Miasma." said Sam.

Hannah rolled her eyes as she said,"Great another monster of the week.". "Wow. I knew that you can be rude sometimes sis but just wow." said a voice. Hannah turned to see her older sister standing there as she said,"What do you mean?". "Andrew has a protégé and I think I saw him bolt out of here maybe a couple of minutes ago. Not really sure but I think you know who I'm talking about." said Mar, sitting on the couch and Hannah was silent.

She knew that her sister was talking about Zane. It made the most sense to him leaving her but why did he go? She knew that Zane wasn't a normal teen being that he made most highly trained athletes look pathetic. Hannah wasn't an blonde like most people thought she was being that she was better at reading people rather than reading textbooks. She knew that Zane should have stayed here with them and watch the event unfold, hoping for Zero or one of the heroes to resolve the problem.

Hannah soon heard,"Hannah! It's him!". Hannah turned back to the TV being that the screen showed the building being that it was covered in fire being that the three girls knew that those flames belonged to their town's protector. "It's Legion Zero!" squealed Sam. Mar looked at her sister as the younger blonde said,"She's a bit of a fan.". "A bit is an understatement." said Mar. Hannah watched the scene in interest now.

Back at Collins Enterprise, Zane was ready for battle. Due to Miasma being distracted by the smoke that fully covered the room, Zane held his sword in front of it. It was still covered in his flames with Zane saying,"Hellfire Emperor Firefly Swarm!". The blade created several small and glowing gold fireballs that float around Miasma being that he didn't see them around him. They were harmless and just floating around him

Zane went over to Andrew with him freeing the gold skinned man from his prison. "So I know that you and me have an interesting history Mr. Collins but I'm pretty sure that you don't want to deal with that overgrown....." said Zane. Crisis Judgement went off being that he moved his sword in front of him and Andrew, blocking Miasma's punch and this caused the monster to scream in pain thanks to fire and his body not going well together. "You bastard brat!" yelled Miasma.

Zane smirked as he said,"Such a sweet talker. Oh. Did you noticed the very unique light show around you?". Miasma noticed the balls of fire around him being that Zane snapped his right hand. The balls erupted into flames, causing Miasma to burn and the monster screamed. He put the sword back in his pocket dimension with him saying,"Alligator Rudder!". Zane kicked Miasma and sent the larger foe back.

This pushed the monster out of the building being that Miasma  sprouted several slime tendrils and kept him from falling to the ground. Miasma saw Zane heading toward him being that Miasma  took a deep breath. He fired his slime toward Zane being that Zane began spinning around ,very much like a drill, and the hero said,"If you think that your slime is going to stop me, I fought guys made out of acid and magma before meeting with you!".

Zane slammed both of his feet into the monster, breaking the tendrils and sending him flying toward the ground. The monster was moving toward the ground and he saw Zane ,in Orb Form and in his ball mode, heading right toward him. He slammed right into Miasma, making the two head toward the ground even faster. The two landed on the ground, creating a massive crater right in front of the building.

The superhero rolled off Miasma being that the monster got back up and glared. "Did I make you mad?" said Zane, moving around him "You. I almost had him because he's working with the people who made me into this!" said Miasma. "Hold on. You're telling me that you weren't always an overgrown booger." said Zane, stopping in place. Miasma fired two balls of slime at Zane being that he easily dodged it.

The slime monster was in a prison like arena being that there were several slime towers being that Zane dodged them. "How about you give up? I'm sure that I can help you go back to normal." said Zane with him deactivating Orb Form. "You really think that you could stop me from getting my revenge?" said Miasma. "Well yeah. I mean I'm sure that you've heard about me and how I never leave you bad guys alone to commit your crimes." said Zane.      

Miasma chuckled as he said,"Fine! It's your funeral Zero!". "Really? I mean I know that you're all goo but I'm pretty sure that you are smarter than Berserk and Steamroller maybe." said Zane. "You'll pay for that." said Miasma. Miasma was about to attack Zane but then Zane smiled. "Time for some Sweet Flurry!" said Zane, turning the entire area around Miasma into candy syrup. Several tendrils were forming around Zane and the hero sent them into the air.

Miasma was pierced by the tendrils being that upon contact with him, the candy syrup covered his body. He tried to melt the syrup but it was rather stubborn. "Let me go!" said Miasma, trying to break out of it. "Seriously? That isn't going to happen." said Zane. The helicopters shined down on them with Miasma chuckling. "What's so funny?" said Zane. "Do you really think I decided to attack Andrew by myself?" said Miasma.

Before Zane could say anything, Miasma and his prison vanished in a burst of dark blue glitch like pixels. Zane blinked with him thinking,"Okay. He is working with Clifford maybe. I better start tracking his Animus after I take care of the mess that Miasma left behind.". He turned into Pyre Form with him releasing fire in order to clean up. After that, Zane soon flew off being that he was on the hunt for Clifford and Miasma.

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