Friday, June 2, 2017

Zero Episode 28 A Love that is indescribable

A/N: Sorry for the lack of content in the last month. I was editing stuff for this story and thinking about how I'm doing the spinoffs. They are both Canon and Non-Canon at the same time. It will be in the future of Zane by at least five hundred years per spin off. It will show that Zane matured as a hero and a person. It is also that I can make things ,that will never been seen, real. Also the Natsu vs Ace death battle happened. I'm happy with the outcome. Lets begin in Terrarune with Zane in the middle of his training.

During that time, I was watching some shows and I finally saw Gravity Falls. That was and is an amazing show filled with good writing and a good villain. I do have my problems with it being that it doesn't really get good until Episode 3 but that's a personal opinion like how I think that Fairy Tail starts getting good with the Phantom Lord Arc ,despite that stupid as hell reason for the war, and the other reason is the character Blendin Blandin.

I hate his voice. I really do and it drives me up a wall in annoyance. I just like something that keeps my interest and I try to ignore the problems. I can ignore the problems most of the time to enjoy the show but when the problem is so loud that it is hard to ignore, I can't enjoy it. Lets begin. It is also Crisis Judgement not Judgment so if it's spelled wrong, I'm not sorry. This Author Note was written in Early May.

Narrator P.O.V.
Zane ,in his costume, stood in the center of a floating boulder with a white blindfold around his eyes and he said,"So is this really needed? I mean I could fight without my eyes.". Bane stood nearby with his arms crossed. "No. You may be able to fight without your eyes thanks to Crisis Judgement aka a skill that's special to you Zane. You may come up against an enemy who found a way to null the Crisis Judgement leaving you defenseless so this is a test of that." said Bane.

Around the quarter Phantom were several logs that were aimed at the hero. "Are you ready? I want you to try and destroy each log that comes toward you and you can't dodge or phase through them. Do you understand JV?" said Bane. "Yeah sure. My name is Zero not Johnny Vincent." said Zane. "Ah. You two have the same aura. It was a slip of the tongue." said Bane. Zane rolled his eyes under the blindfold. Bane pressed a button as the logs came down on Zane.

They flew toward Zane with steel gray Nether gathering around his fists. He soon fired two beams of nether with them turning into several beams. It caused several logs to explode with Bane thinking,"It seems that Zane is learning more about Nether. Time to amp things up.". He pressed a button on his arm and several boulders went flying toward Zane. He looked up at one of them and he said,"Really? I'm starting to hate your training more than Mel who puts me through hell and back!".

He made a giant nether fist which smashed a couple of boulders. He placed a card in his chest plate and he made Boxer Punch appear. He began smashing through boulders with him saying."You're going down rocks right?". Bane nodded as Zane broke one causing the pebbles to hit the other rocks. He removed Boxer Punch and he activated Plasma Spheres. He threw several crimson red spheres and he snapped his fingers causing a crimson red explosion.

Ten minutes later, Zane went onto his knees. He was panting and Bane said,"Well done Zane. You actually survived longer than both Johnny Vincent and Smog.". "Yeah! Take that past me!" said Zane. He pumped his fists with Bane smiling. "So how is school going? I heard a rumor that you became Student Council President." said Bane. "Good. So is Septchris still salty about losing to me and my son?" said Zane.

Bane said,"He is but he hasn't seek revenge. I can't believed that you adopted him.". "He reminds me of well me at his age." said Zane. "Ah. You don't want him to grow up into you." said Bane. "I think you hit it on the nose. So where is Kendra? I thought she would be cheering you on." said Zane as he got back up. "She is currently with Celeste. She's been trying to call you for a few days now and I doubt that your phone is broken." said Bane.

Zane looked away and he said,"Well, I'm going to live forever unless I died so dating isn't on my mind right now.". "I thought you were a quarter Eazairvian." said Bane. "I'm projecting my voice to you Bane. Zane is but according to the only well known living Eazairvian aka Parker, you will be immortal if you have a single percent of the Eazairvian's blood." said Athena. "I see then. So will you go insane Zane? I do hope not." said Bane. "Maybe." said Zane as he shrugged his shoulders.

Athena said,"I'll try and keep him from going too far but you do know that if you use your Cartoon or Liger Form too much, your personality will change.". "Really? I'm curious." said Zane. "You won't be doing that under my watch Zane." said Athena. Zane pouted as Bane said,"Do you want to go see Celeste?". "Um sure. Maybe if I get to know her, it may help." said Zane. "I see then. You're very much like Johnny Vincent. Lets go." said Bane.

He flew off as Zane flew after him. "Hey Athena. You remember that power ,that I got from my rage against Kevin, that I used against the sphinx?" said Zane. "Yes. What's up Zane?" said Athena. "Bane doesn't know this yet. I don't think I can use a different kind of Nether not yet discovered even by the Alliance." said Zane. "It's still very strange that you were able to use a Red Nether that was able to destroy a sphinx brought to life by a powerful scepter." said Athena.

Zane said,"Yeah. I mean I fought against red Nether users before but that sphinx was enhanced by a ancient magic.". "It seems that we have some research to do. How about tomorrow?" said Athena. "I can't partner. I promise Atem that I would show him around Cypress Park." said Zane. "I have an idea partner. You place a clone in the school so he can be Zane and Zero. We are so going on a adventure through your second home." said Athena. "Sweet." said Zane.

Celeste was sitting at the counter ,with her at a normal bar floating in Terrarune, and she sighed. "So am I doing it wrong Kendra?" said Celeste. Kendra sat next to her with her saying,"You do know that Johnny and Zane are two different people right? Zane is very popular with the girls back in his world according to Erin.". "Yeah but I can't stop seeing the two as the same person. He has Johnny's attitude and his smile." said Celeste.

The rock star slammed her head into the counter with Kendra saying,"Wow. This is really making you think huh?". "Yeah. I did the exact same thing when I met Johnny Vincent for the first time except I wasn't at a bar but a restaurant. The owner told me to just go through it and well, I did it but then Jennifer confessed at the same time. It was very awkward and JV left the state for a week to think but he came back with him deciding to date both of us." said Celeste.

Kendra said,"So did you tell Zane this?". "Didn't he go through all of Johnny's history when he was at the Museum of Supernatural Antiquity?" said Celeste. "He did but he's still a teenager after all. You know what you and I were like when we were that age. Zane is still a teenager and he has to deal with being Zero ,with their life expectancy rate being very low, plus his memories as Johnny Vincent and he has a son." said Kendra.

Celeste looked at her with her saying,"Son? What are you talking about?". Kendra then held up her hands and she said,"Easy! He isn't dating anyone I think. He adopted a child after his fight with Septchris. Bane told me that and you should know that his son is really cute.". "Really? Does he like my music?" said Celeste. "Who knows Celeste? Maybe you should ask him yourself." said a voice. The two girls turned to see Bane standing there with Zane.

Celeste hugged Zane with her saying,"You actually wanted to see me!". "Well yeah, you can be very forceful and I do like you." said Zane with a huge blush that covered his entire face. "So how did you get him to come here? From what you told me, he was scared of her." said Kendra. "He wanted to figure out more about his love life due to his condition." said Bane. "Yeah. Here's a picture of Atem." said Zane.

He pulled out his phone with the two girls looking at the screen. "He's quite adorable right? Much like a certain someone at that age right Celeste?" said Kendra. Zane looked at Bane who said with a confused look,"I honestly don't know with her at all Zane.". "He's extremely adorable. What's his favorite things Zane?" said the rock star with a huge smile. "Um. I don't know yet. I'm going to find out tomorrow." said Zane.

Celeste said,"What do you mean?". "I'm going to show him around Cypress Park and learn more about my adopted son. It's going to be fun. Are you up for coming? We can get to know each other more." said Zane. "Really? You want me to come?" said Celeste. "Yeah." said Zane. The two were talking at the bar and Bane saying with a smirk,"And you said that we needed to trap them in a room together.". "It worked for Johnny Bane but Zane isn't him." said Kendra.

Suddenly, Crisis Judgement went off as Zane grabbed Celeste with her face red. "Zane." said Celeste as Zane activated his costume. "Stay back. Crisis Judgment alerted me of a enemy heading this way on a motorcycle." said Zane. "Hold on. You said motorcycle right?" said Bane. "Um yeah. Why do you ask?" said Zane. The motorcycle then rushed in and Zane heard,"Hi guys! I'm back!". The bike crashed into the counter as Kendra said,"You're fine Zane. She's not a danger.".

A girl popped her head out of the rubble and she said,"Man. That was a rush. I guess me coming straight at Mach 10!". She looks younger than Celeste. She has bluish white skin, green curled ear length hair, yellow eyes, a blue jacket with a white cropped tank top under it, a lavender colored scarf, slightly ripped black fishnets with blue tights, a red skirt, and black high-heeled boots. She had on thick eyeliner with red lipstick and eyeshadow.

She's also wearing a green pendant and green/gold ring. She looked right at Zane with her saying,"So whose the kid? I'm pretty sure that the owner doesn't want someone's kid in here.". "That's Johnny's reincarnation Zane Alvarez or Zero Jennifer." said Bane. Jennifer walked over to Zane and she said,"He does have his Nether signature. So do you know who I am?". "I didn't expect you to take up motorcycles but that was your thing." said Zane.

Crisis Judgement went off as he said,"Uh oh.". The five heard an obnoxious voice say,"Man! This club is full of banging babes boss!". "Don't being such an Actor Senta. People don't like Germs whatsoever you know." said a voice. "Oh great. The "distinguished" Phantom Wraiths are here to grace us with their presence." said Kendra. "They're not so bad honey." said Bane. "They make Astral feel like dirt." said Kendra. "They do what now?" said Zane.

Four Phantoms walked into the bar and Zane thought,"Okay. Ever since I became Zero, this is the one of the weirdest things that I've seen in my career.". One of them looked to be the biggest in terms of size with him being the third tallest. He was wearing a helmet with mammoth tusk horns. Around his shoulders, he had a tiger pelt. His eyes are glowing yellow much like thunder and under his eyes and around his lips, he has black makeup.

His skin is pale but slightly darker than his friend. On his back, he had a large battle axe which looked to be very perfect way to bring down both the pain and thunder. The next one was the token female of the group ,looked to be the smallest in height but looked to weight the least, and she was sitting criss cross applesauce and she was floating in the air. Her eyes and long ,which goes past her shoulders, hair ,that goes past her shoulders, is a deep and dark purple color.

Around her neck, she is wearing a long beaded necklace with symbols of peace on her cheeks, the side of her necks, and the palm of her hands. Her skin is colored much like a rainbow with her forehead, knees, neck, and wrists are covered in scars. Her breasts were also covered in scars. Over all, she looks like Frankenstein's Bride. Her blue bell-bottom jeans is mostly torn and she is wearing a seafoam green criss cross tank top with it showing her belly and her torn chest.

She is wearing brown leather and wool boots. On her lips and nails, she is wearing rainbow colored lipstick and nail polish fitting her skin color perfectly. The next one looked to be the second best in both height and weight. He wears a fur coat ,that looked to be something from the 1980s, over his entire body. He is wearing a pair of black shorts with him having a tattoo of a star in the center of his dark skin which stuck out compared to the others nearby him.

He is wearing sneakers with high heeled and skulls tattoos on the palm of his hand and shoulders with a electronic keyboard. The final one looked human with him looking to be the most average one in both height and weight compared to the other four. His skin is tan color, his hair is black with it looking greased back, and he is wearing sunglasses to hide his pure white eyes. He is wears basic blue jeans and white t-shirt.

He's wearing a black leather jacket with a patch of an eagle on fire on the sleeve, and a heart tattoo on his right arm. "So why do they look like they belong to four different types of music?" said Zane. "I don't have an answer for you. I like Astral's stuff." said Kendra with a shrug. "They are really good compared to me and I think they out sell my records in the human world." said Celeste with her looking down.

Bane whispered to Zane,"Hey Zane. I don't like how they making my friend feel. Care for a little bit of revenge with me? You know that I wouldn't normally do this.". "You should think about this." said Athena. "You should know that I hate when people hurt my friends." said Zane. The Disco Phantom slammed his hand on the counter as he said,"Oh! Get me and my pals a pint bloody bastard. We're thirsty after rocking the Ocean Dome.".

The female said,"Can you please ask him nicely Senta?". "Alana. We should be more like him. I say that making the fans cry our names deserves the finest of ale." said the viking Phantom. "The big man Thorgeir is right baby. Lets get a couple of girls and bring them back for some sweet love." said Senta. He soon felt a hand on his shoulder and he saw the greaser like Phantom standing there with a smile on his face.

He said,"Radio Surge/Senta and Thorgeir. I don't think that we shouldn't be rude to others even through we did so good at our latest gig. If we want to keep fans, we should at least control our wild partying nature down a couple of levels.". "Fine Seth." said the two. Alana smiled as Seth walked off to go use the bathroom with Alana ignored her bandmates. The two males soon heard,"Hey. I need you guys to move. You're ruining this quaint little place.".

They turned to see Zane ,wearing his normal clothing, and Thorgeir said,"Hey you! What the hell is a human doing here? You just died or what?". "No. He is Zero." said Bane. "You are so kidding Mr. Dead Roboto. This brat can't be the one who actually defeated the reaper." said Radio. "I did and I can show you if you would like to know." said Zane. CJ went off as Zane easily dodge Thor's punch. "You're fast but here's the thing. The thunder never misses!" said Thorgeir.

He soon pulled his battle ax. Zane went into his Frankenstein Form and he said,"So bring it then freak!". The four were about to fight as they heard,"Stop!". Zane turned to see Celeste with Jennifer and Kendra. "Sucker!" said Thorgeir. He sent a giant bomb of electricity right toward Zane being that the teen was sent flying back. "Okay! I'm going to enjoy this now!" said Zane. He rushed toward the viking and he slammed him into the counter breaking it.

A voice said,"Hands off the guy now Thunder Man.". Zane turned to see Seth with Senta. Bane was going to help Zane but his girlfriend gave him a nasty look for causing a scene. "Listen. You're new around here. I get that Vacant but here's the thing. If you keep tearing ass, I'm going to knock your teeth in. Got that?" said Seth. Zane dropped Thorgeir ,who scampered away, and he said,"Okay. I get that you're the tough guy but here's the thing.".

Zane punched Seth and he said,"I deal with guys like you all the dam. I give little about who you are but when you make my friend feel like crap even when she's an awesome musician, you get me rather pissed off. so don't do it again losers. I'm out of here Bane. See you tomorrow Celeste and hopefully, you don't hate me for this.". He opened a portal back to Earth as he entered it with Jen smiling at this.

Back at Celeste's place, Jennifer was sitting with Celeste with the greenette saying,"Wow. Zane was rather scary back at the bar wasn't he?". "Why is he like that? I mean was JV like that and we just don't remember." said Celeste. "Well, Johnny did hate Seth and his band because his band mates constantly made fun of your music which ,by the way, is amazing especially when I'm on the ride travelling through Terrarune." said Jen.

Jen later said,"So you and Zane? He's pretty cute. He reminds me of a young Johnny except he wasn't a blackette but a blond. He was always loyal to his pals. So do you care for a third wheel on your date?". "A date? I don't see him like that." said Celeste with a noticeable blush on her face. "God! Bane is such an freaking ass sometimes! Grr!" yelled Kendra's voice from outside the house. "Bane did do something stupid again?" said Jen. "He mostly like did." said Celeste.

Kendra walked in and he said,"God dam it! I don't get why I can like a man who would actually convince a minor like Zane to actually get in a fight!". "Yeah but Zane would have done it even if Bane hadn't done what he did." said Celeste. "She's right." said Jen. "So what about your date with Zane? I mean I know that it isn't a real date since Atem is going to be there but we should get you ready." said Kendra.

Jen jumped up and she said,"Well, I'm coming too Kendra.". "Really? Did she tell you about her little plan Celeste?" said Kendra. "She did and well, I think I need some help with talking to Zane." said Celeste. Kendra sighed as she said,"I will never get you two girls. Lets go.". Kendra dragged Celeste into her room with Jen following them. They didn't know that the date was going to be a lot different than they though.

In the hotel room of the Phantom Wraiths, Seth had a steak resting on his right eye which is where Zane punched him. "I still can't believe you let that child get away like that. He deserves to get the thunder's anger!" said Thor. "He's right Boss man. He made fun of your music and he is also close to both the rocking maiden and motor girl." said RS. "Yeah! I want to blast him to death with my shocking anger!" said Thorgeir.

Alana said,"Guys. You know what could happen if we mess with a Zero. He could use that on us.". "So Alana?! He is still a baby compared to us. We have power, knowledge, and rocking power! Lets go boss!" said Senta. "Guys. I'm going alone." said Seth. "What?" said the three. "I need to settle a score with him." said Seth. He was gone as the three looked confused. Seth was outside of his hotel door and he said,"Johnny. You're dead.".

The next day in the Alvarez house, Zane was tired. He had spent the night chasing after creatures belong to the zoo of Remane with Athena telling him."I think Atem and Celeste would like if you got some sleep Zane. I think a lot of people would in fact.". Wolfram jumped into his master's lap and Zane said,"I'll be fine. I also promise my son that I would show him around his new home and you know very well that I never go back on a promise.".

Athena said,"You're stubborn just like my creator and according to records, Johnny.". Zane was quiet as Athena said,"I'm your partner so you can talk to me.". "Do Bane and the rest of them see me as Johnny's reincarnation or Zane huh?! You can't deny that they don't call me Johnny more times than they do Zane or Zero! It's a pain! I'm not Johnny but Zane! Why can't they see me as a person rather than an icon?!" said Zane.

He covered his face with his hands and Wolfram looked sad. "I'm fine Wolfram but still, you don't understand me. I mean everyone sees you as a cute puppy and a good guy but what do you think the Phantoms see me as? Zero or Johnny 2.0." said Zane. "It seems that you're struggling with not being seen as Zane but rather than Johnny Vincent huh child?" said a voice. Zane saw Arturo standing there as Zane said,"Atem isn't awake yet?".

Arturo sat next to his grandson and he said,"I think you know the answer to that. He was so excited for today and I know that you don't want to trouble him with your problems.". "I have a lot to think about grandpa. I'm the next Zero who haven't lived a year after being the hero, the reincarnation of this super famous and powerful Phantom, the student council president, and so many other things. I mean this stress is killing me. What should I do?" said Zane.

The Phantom sighed and he said,"You do have a lot to handle but I know that you can do it my boy for sure.". Zane looked at him and Arturo said,"Don't get me wrong. I understand your problems but you're an Alvarez. Just do your best and people will be happy. You don't need to be a superman but just a hero. Don't forget that Zane.". "Thanks grandpa. So how many outfits did it take for her to pick for Atem?" said Zane. "More than I like to admit." said Arturo. The two talked for a while.

A little bit later, Atem was bouncing around and Zane said as he was starting up his car,"You need to calm down little guy. I mean we don't want you falling asleep before the tour actually begins. We've a lot of spots to go through.". Atem was sitting in the back seat and he said,"I know that dad. You're so kind. I mean you could be doing sometimes more important but you're hanging out with me today. I am so happy.".

Zane smiled and he said,"Hey. You're family now so I can make time from being Zero so I can be your pop. So up for some slushies?". "Slushies? I heard grandma talking about them but I haven't tried one." said Atem. "Okay. We're going there after we just wait for her." said Zane with the car roaring to life. "Who?" said Atem. "A friend of your father.' said a voice. Zane looked up to see both Celeste and Jen ,looking like humans, standing there.

Atem said,"You said her right father?". "He did but I invited myself. Sorry but I wanted to see around my new hangout. I'll sit back here if that's cool with you little dude." said Jen. Atem nodded as Zane said,"Should I ask?". "I think you know the answer but to be honest, it'll be like old times." said the rocker as she got in the passenger's seat. "Yeah! It's me, you, Zane, and little Atem. We're a weird group but I love it." said Jen. "Me too!" said Atem. Zane sighed as he drove to Fantasia.

Zane looked at Atem, Celeste, and Jen enjoying a slushie with him saying,"Three, two, and one.". "I have a cold pain in my head father!" said Atem as he grabbed his head. "It's called a headache and it happens when you drink one too fast. Enjoy the taste okay? I mean I come here every day and I like trying new flavors." said Zane. "I'll stick with strawberry thanks." said Celeste. "Ignoring the goody goody here, what does Cypress Park have?" said Jen.

Atem said,"I'm also interested father.". "Well, I think our little town may not be New York or L.A. but to me, it doesn't needed to. I mean we have an awesome food chain, pretty nice and affordable stores for the population, mayors who are always rather eccentrics, and a water park." said Zane. "A water park?" said Celeste. "Yeah. It's closed right now due to them working on a new ride. I heard it's the best thing since the Hydro Slide." said Zane.

Atem looked confused as Jen said,"Me thinks that you're a roller coaster junkie daddy.". "Well, I do like a good thrill." said Zane. "Could I go on this new ride dad? I want to learn what it is like to be a normal human kid." said Atem. "Atem. You should know that you shouldn't try to be like the crowd but someone else. Be Atem not the crowd." said Celeste. "That's one of her song lyrics isn't it?" said Zane. "It is because she's a...." said Jen. Celeste glared at her as Jen whistled.

Atem smiled as Zane heard,"Lookie here! Zane and his loser gang!". Zane sighed as he saw Sam with the rest of the A-List. "Can't this wait until tomorrow? I mean you don't have to be such a Sam every day you know that." said Zane. "You cheated me out of a election Zit!" said Brad. "Well, I got more votes than you plus I've some actually plans to help Cypress High rather than it make your little playground Bradley." said Zane. Atem whispered to the girls."Yeah. I want to be like my dad.".

Sam noticed Atem as she said,"So who is this guy? Did you steal him because your mother didn't want to cheat on your deadbeat dad?". Celeste then noticed that Zane's face slightly got angry before it was gone as Zane said,"Atem here is my adopted brother from Egypt and I think...". Bryan threw a slushie in his face as Sam said,"Here's the thing Zane. You don't think. You're going to be impeached faster than you can say sorry.".

Sam and her group were gone as Zane grabbed a towel to dry himself off. "So I guess she is the one who grandma warned me about." said Atem "Yeah. I can't believe that you have to deal with another girl just like her Zane." said Jen. "Let me guess girls. Johnny also dealt with a girl just like her." said Zane. "Can't I have anything unique?!" thought Zane. "Yeah. She was always trying to make us feel bad. A total Queen Bee." said Celeste.

Atem said,"Queen Bee? Was she a literally bee?". He was imaging a literally bee with a crown. Zane was smiling at his son. He heard a motorcycle approaching the restaurant. Crisis Judgement went off as Zane thought,"Okay. The gods just hate me.". "Is something wrong Zane?" said Jen. "Nothing. I'm just a little annoyed with fate." said Zane. A motorcycle arrived at the restaurant with Celeste seeing the rider as she said,"Seth?! What is he doing here?". "Seth? Is he a friend" said Atem.

Jen said as she tensed up a bit,"I don't think so Atem.". Seth saw Zane and he thought,"There's the punk from earlier. Time to make him pay for putting down my pals like it was nothing.". He walked over to him when he heard,"Hello there. So are you new in town?". He turned and he saw a woman standing right behind the corner. She looks to be tall and skinny than most women but Seth could tell that she was toned unlike most of the girls that he knows back in Terrarune and when he was alive.

She has long red hair with blond streaks that goes up to her neck. Her skin is fair and Caucasian, two blue eyes, freckles, and Seth could tell that from under the counter, she had an attractive figure and no makeup since all of the girls knew when he was alive used that stuff like crazy. She's wearing a gray jacket with it being unbuttoned and cut off below her chest. Under her jacket, she is wearing a navy blue tank top with a ninja symbol on it.

Seth walked over to her and he said,"I am in a sense. Name's Seth.". "I like it. My name is Courtney Andrews. So are you going to Cypress High tomorrow?" said Courtney. "Nah. I just look young for my age. It's both a blessing and curse at times. After graduating that hell known as high school, I can just burn rubber with my bike." said Seth. He found himself a seat and Courtney said,"So is that your bike in the lot?".

Seth said,"Yes. It's a classic from the 50s. I had her made throughout high school and well, she purrs.". "I see then. So why did you come here exactly? To me, it looked like you came here to get payback on something or someone." said Courtney. Seth looked around and he he saw Zane ,from his table, looking at him. "Okay. I see that you're cautious about me but here's the thing. I'm not a fighter." said Seth.

Seth looked at his hands and he said,"Where I grew up, it was hell on Earth. I was bullied by my dad and the rest of his gang. He tried to force me to join but I wanted to focus on my bike or my music. I'm a musician and a lover but I can throw a punch. Enough about me and my sob story Courtney. So do you go to Cypress High?". "I haven't in a long time. I've been working here and I try to have a social life but well, I guess hanging out with teens is the best I can do." said Courtney.

Seth looked at her since he was up close. She is wearing a pair of skinny low waist black jeans with a gray belt with a noticeable square belt buckle, thigh high brown cowgirl boots with a three inch heel to them. For accessories, she has a black and white Victorian Lace choker around her neck, dull pink stud skull earrings, and fingerless black gloves. "I like the necklace. Looks good on you doll face for sure." said Seth.

Courtney smiled as she said,"It is from my grandma along with the red hair, the freckles are from my mom, and my body is from me. Whenever I'm not working, I head to the gym. I'm guessing that you go to the gym huh? Protection right Garfield?". Nearby. Zane watched the two flirt as Atem said,"Are you alright dad? I mean he's a bad guy right?". "Bad guy is a stretch Atem sweetie. Your daddy did punch him." said Jen.

Atem said,"That sounds like him to me.". "Thanks Atem. You're so loyal." said Zane. "So is the girl that he's talking to your girlfriend?" said Celeste. "Wait?! No!" said Zane. "She's his adopted sister and well, he's just being a protective little dude." said a voice. Seth stood there and he said,"You should know that I prevent the army for coming and destroy this quaint little place. So do you dig the Strawberry, Apple, something else, or several different flavors at once?".

Jen said,"So why are you here Seth?". Seth sat down and he said,"Ease motor girl. You know that me and JV weren't the best of pals. We had a fight every day because our views clashed like fire and ice but here's the thing.". Seth put his arms around Zane as he said,"Me and Zane here are pals since we both have a love for bikes, music, and standing up for our pals.". "Hey Atem. I'll be right back okay." said Zane. "Okay." said Atem.

Zane dragged Seth away from the table as the two stood by Zane's buggy. Zane said,"Tell me. who do you see me as?". "I see that you're struggling with you being JV's reincarnation and also you are Zero. I understand that you're trying to make the previous Zeroes proud and live up to JV's amazing legacy but you should try to make Zane Alvarez proud. Before I came here, I did some research on you at the local city hall." said Seth.

Seth said,"And what I found out. You and JV are alike but at the same time different.". "Yeah but do you think that the others think that I'm just a replacement to Johnny? I mean you can't deny that I'm very much like him." said Zane. "You're right bro but here's my opinion. You can't let titles describe what you are plus I think that motor girl and rocker girl see you as Zane so don't worry so much. Live your life okay?" said Seth.

Zane said,"I guess you're right. So you and Courtney?". "She's a doll but before I put the moves on her, I plan to get to know her first." said Seth. "Okay but if you break her, you'll have to deal with her family which includes me and my mom. If you did your research, we're very protective of our pals got it?" said Zane. "Got it man. Lets go get some slushies bro. I love it." said Seth. The two walked back to the others as a friendship was formed.  

Next Time,
Zane starts his first week as Student Council President and he deals with drugs that are different from your normal drugs because it gives the users super powers. This and more next time on Zero.

Height Tallest to Shortest: Radio Surge/Senta, Seth, Thorgeir, and Alana.
Weight Largest to Thinnest: Thorgeir, Radio Surge/Senta, Seth, and Alana.  

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