Sunday, June 11, 2017

Zero Episode 31 The Dirty Arm of the Law

A/N: Note that the title is a mixture of the idea of dirty cops and the expression the long arm of the law. I'm not good at making titles at all but I'll try my very best. Zero will be featured a lot in the summer much more than Pokemon and Yugioh due to them being longer in terms of writing. These are shorter not by much and well, I like writing this stories. I still like Pokemon and Yugioh but I really want to get on the Fairy Tail Crossover which I can't wait for. It's going to be good. If a character like a Phantom speaks, the punctuation mark aka a period or exclamation mark will be bold or not. It depends on if I remember.

Narrator P.O.V.
In Cypress Park, Zane was currently fighting against off George who tried to attack him while he was out with Kristen and Roxy for a school project. Zane then blasted George with a steel gray Nether Blast and he said,"So how did you get out of jail? I thought that the collar prevented idiots like you from attacking me and innocent people.". George made a magic circle as it blocked the blast. "I guess they didn't know about me being a Sorcerer. Eat this!" said George.

Zane jumped back from a boulder and he said,"Have a taste of my Thunder Rune!". A gold magic circle appeared as George was blasted by a bolt of thunder. "Cute. You mastered some spells but you're still a pup compared to me." said George. He rushed toward Zane and the hero dodged the attacks as he jumped over George. "Dragon Blaster Lance!" said Zane. A black magic circle was in front of him with a steel gray energy beam flying toward George.

It launched him into the air with Zane punching him by a giant steel gray Nether boxing glove. the older George crashed into the ground and he said,"You got stronger. I guess being around those freaks helped you increased your freaky powers.". "Don't be a racist Georgey. You are way better than that." said Zane. He made Boxer Punch appear and George said,"You're not going to take me back to that human jail!".

His suit fired several missiles at Zane who punched them right back. "Hook, line, and sinker!" said George. Zane noticed that the explosion hit a building causing it to crumble and the rubble was about to hit some people. To his and George's shock ,he saw that Jasmine ,in her thief costume, stood there with her hands holding the rubble. "Kick his butt already Zero!" said Jasmine. 'Thanks Corona! Time to send you back to Taelamelan! Lets see what the Alliance wants to do with you!" said Zane.

He aimed his right glove at George as Zane turned into Swift Form. He rushed behind George and he made a magic circle appear. The armored Sorcerer was gone as the crowd cheered. Jasmine said,"I guess I did good huh?". "Yeah. Way to go." said Zane. He went over to the crowd of people as Jasmine smiled and she walked over to them. Unknown to the teens, they were being watched by Riveter. "Soon. We will get our revenge on you Cross Species." said Riveter. He was gone in a second.

Back in Terrraune, a Phantom Sphinx was running from Slug and two Phantom Prison Guards. "I can't believe that we can't catch a stinking fur ball." said the guard on the left. "Well, he is pretty smart since he made Slug look like an idiot." said the guard on the right. Slug fired a net at the cat and he was caught. "You two. Tell the boss that we got all of them." said Slug. "Gotcha!" said the two who flew off.

Slug said to the Sphinx,"If I let you go, you can hurt those two for fun. Deal?". The lion nodded as Slug sliced the net. He attacked the two guards and then Slug fired a Green Nether Handcuffs at them capturing the three. "Well, I guess you three are going to be enjoying the boss's new punishment after Zero escaped from his prison and made him look stupid." said Slug to himself. He grabbed the trio and he flew back to the prison.

Back at the reconstructed prison, Dyno stood there. "We got them all beside one so why do I bring you here Nexus?" said Dyno. Two Phantom guards soon held a prisoner with it being a bigger than normal and muscular anthropomorphic wolf/werewolf. He's wearing a worn out black sweatshirt with a hood that's currently down and wearing matching colored tattered sweatpants. His black fur was slightly ripped, revealing his bones. He soon howled with him breaking free of the guards.

He soon did this by slamming the guards together. His claws appeared and he swiped down. A green Nether portal appeared and a guard said,"He's going to escape boss!". "That won't happen." said Dyno. The wolf was slammed into the ground by Crunch and he said,"I'm back bitches and I'm not going to let you down again boss!". "You're doing good so far Crunch. Welcome back to the front lines. Did you bring what I asked you to?" said Dyno. "Sure thing boss." said Crunch.

Out of his stomach mouth, he pulled out a collar much like the ones used on criminals to negate their powers as he slammed it on the wolf. Crunch got off as Dyno pressed a button on a phone. The wolf was shocked as he fell to the ground howling out. The portal was gone as Crunch said,"So what is that anyway?". "A gift from our friends. It projects the rules right? And also, I enjoy shocking my prisoners." said Dyno.

He got down to the wolf's eye level as Dyno said,"We may be able to enter Earth like nothing but thanks to that brat, it's hard to enter the world without being caught Nexus. You do want that collar off you so you can return back to your mate?".  Nexus nodded and he tried to pull off the collar. "I need to get my revenge on the person who made me look stupid." said Dyno. He held a picture of Zane on the left side and Zero on the right side.

Dyno said,"He's the next Zero plus he's a quarter Eazairvian, Human, Phantom, and Sorcerer all in one.". Nexus sniffed the picture as he said,"Cu vi deziras por la infano esti viva au senviva prizonestro?". "Dead? No. I want him to pay for what he did to me. I think turning the world that he calls home against him will make things right so take my crew. If you cause him hell and bring him to me, you'll be free of me to find your mate." said Dyno. Nexus smiled.

Back on Earth, Zane walked into his house and he said,"Man. That was an easy patrol. I guess I have to thank Jasmine for her help.". "So do you like her?" said Athena. "Well of course I do. She is my friend." said Zane. "But she took your first kiss Zane." said Athena. "Actually Athena, I had my first kiss taken from me but here's the thing. I can't remember who did." said Zane. "I see then. That is very strange. Your memory is usually pretty good." said Athena.

Zane then turned to see Kania staring out the window in the living room with her sitting on the couch as he said,"Kania? What are you doing up?". She turned to see her owner and she said,"Zane? You're home early for once?". "Yeah Kania. So do you this often?" said Zane with him sitting at down next to her. "Yes. Have you ever wonder how I got to Earth?". "Nope. I mean I was more focused on my new watch so how did you get here?" said Zane.

Kana said,"I was a loner in Terrarune. I didn't talk to anyone but one day, I met him.". "Wait a second here. You have a boyfriend don't you?" said Zane with a smirk. He was hit by the dog as she said,"Do you have to be an idiot sometimes?". "Yep! So what was he?" said Zane. "He is an idiot because he found me after crashing into me. He told me that he had to face off against Johnny Vincent." said Kania.

Zane scoffed as he said,"Did you know me in the past too?". "Nope. I just heard rumors about the guy. I personally like you more but back on topic here, I think you would have liked him. He is a good guy." said Kania. "Did he?" said Zane. Kania shook her head as she said,"Phantoms are like ghosts in the fact that we're already dead but we can die if our essences are ruptured.". "Yeah. I think Crunch had his ruptured by Vicky." said Zane.

Kania said,"She doesn't know or care about Phantoms. According to her, they ruined her life and I don't get how.". "She blames them and me for running her mechanical animal idea which is just a bad idea." said Zane. "Indeed. So what's your plan for the rest of night? I think we will talk about him later." said Kania. "Zane! We have a problem!" said Athena. The two looked outside and a portal opened up.

Several Prison Guards flew out and Kania said,"No.". "Shit. Athena, call the others! I'm going to try and stop their onslaught!" said Zane as he turned into Zero. Kania grabbed his shirt sleeve and she said,"Zane. Please be careful.". "I will." said Zane. He opened the door and he jumped into the air flying toward the swarm of Phantoms. "This is going to hurt isn't it?" said Zane. He was blasted by several Green Nether blasts as Athena said,"Yes. It will.". "Shut up." said Zane.          

The next day, several students of Cypress High ,in the auditorium, were watching a TV which had a newscast about last night attack. It showed several Phantoms Guards falling around either scaring people, causing any kind of damage, or fighting against the town heroes Corona, Force, Morph, Ra, Slicer, Sonic, and Zero. The reporter said,"This was the scent in Cypress Park as Phantoms caused panic to our small little town. We hope that nothing more happens to our small little town.".

Zane was rubbing his wounds as Heidi said,"Are you okay Zane?". Heidi was sitting next to Zane as she thanked the many gods for this. Jasmine ,who transferred to Cypress High, was all over him much to the dismay of Karen. "Yeah. I was attacked by Phantoms the night." said Zane. "Are you going to be alright?" said Heidi. "I'm just need some time to rest." said Zane. He looked around and he saw that all of his class were worried.

Danny ,who sat in the seat to the right of him since Heidi took the left, whispered to Zane,"Man. This is so crazy. I mean last night was off the wall in weird but this is crazy.". "Yeah. Arturo doesn't know how they got out of Terrarune. Five to Ten Phantoms per portal is the max but thirty to sixty, that is impossible. I'm going with Gwen to find out what the Alliance thinks about all of this right after the meeting but who knows what could happen?" whispered Zane.

Zane looked on the stage to see three people walking on stage. It was two men and one woman. One of the males looks to be six foot and looks to be about 30 years old but is actually 48. He has a well built body, silver hair that looks greased, green eyes, and high cheek bones, He is wearing a gray business suit with a white shirt underneath and dark red tie. The other man looked very different from the other male.

He was Russian and looked to be fairly large. He has falcon sharp dark brown eyes, short brown hair very much in the style of a buzz cut, muscular, and way taller than the other man. He looks to be in his 40 or 50s but he's actually younger than one may thing. He is wearing black cargo pants with a sleeveless silver muscle shirt tucked into his pants. He wears a brown belt. He wears a pair of black gloves and boots with the symbol of the Phoenix.  

He wears a black and silver Lucha Libra Mask that was ape inspired. The woman looked to be rather normal compared to the business man and wrestler combo. She is beautiful, slender, and has tan skin with dark green eyes and long brown hair which she pulls back with a silver tiara on her head. She wears silver flower-shaped earrings and an armband on her left forearm. She is wearing a strapless violet mini-skirt/dress with white tights underneath and matching violet high-heel boots.

To finish her outfit, she is wearing a see through light red veil that looked hand made. The business man said,"Hello children. I know that with the recent attack, you're scared but I came to your school for a reason. My name is Derrick Price, my friend here is Immortal Kong, and the beautiful woman to my right is Heather Gardner. I'm also the CEO of Price Co.". "Price Co?" said Gwen. She was sitting with Marcia and Rachel as Marcia said,"Wow. You're out of touch girl.".

Rachel said,"It isn't her fault Marcia. Price Co is a company that makes several products. I'll give you on their products.". "Okay. So why is he here?" said Gwen. "Good question." said Marcia. "I've been informed about the Guardians and I'm helping out Marilyn with production. Hopefully by the end of the week, I'm sure that the Guardians will be eliminated the Phantom menace." said Derrick. The students cheered as Zane said,"This day couldn't get any worse.".

Stan walked over to the three as he said,"Thank you Mr. Price. I have to tell you all about the new rules and restrictions.". "Yep. It's worse." said Danny. "Due to the threat of Phantoms, you all aren't allowed contract with any of them, all students are to be escorted directly to their homes right after school, and a nine o'clock curfew. This was done by the security team focused on protection of our most precious resources." said Stan.

Marcia and Rachel said,"Curfew and Escort?!". "Who's the team that came up with those rather dumb ideas?" said Zane. The door open up as Zane then turned around to see his mom standing there with Marilyn. "Gods. Why do you hate me so?" said Zane. Marilyn pulled out a megaphone as she said with a frown,"Don't worry kids. We'll make sure that the Guardians will protect you from anything which includes Phantoms and Zero.".

Natasha said ,as she was also on a microphone,"You must be on high alert because at any time, one of them may.....,". She turned to see Zane as she said,"Hi sweetie.". Zane sunk in his seat with his face red as Natasha said,",come out of nowhere and attack!". "Sorry Heidi but I have to move to the back so I can die in the corner of the room." said Zane. "He gets like this sometimes." said Danny. The two got up and moved to the back as Heidi looked confused.

Behind the stage, a portal opened up as Nexus stuck his head and he sniffed around. He stuck out his head and he turned to face Dyno. "His Cossus praefuit odor inveni." said Nexus. "Find people who he's been in contact with and then attack him to keep his focus on you." said Dyno. The wolf was gone as Slug floated next to Dyno. "So while Nexus is doing that, we take over the people and anyone else." said Slug.

Dyno said,"Correct. I don't care if Zane knows about Nexus but the rest of you, don't let him and that super sense of him find you.". Dyno, his elite guards (Crunch, Riveter, and Slug), and some nameless prisoner guards went through the portal. Back at the meeting, Crisis Judgement went off. "No. This isn't a joke. Here? Now?" said Zane. Nexus appeared from the ground and he howling scaring everyone there.

After jump off the stage, Immortal Kong said,"We need to get out of here sir.". "That sounds like a plan." said Derrick. The trio were gone with Immortal Kong protecting the two. During the panic, a guard flew behind Stan and he took him over. The principal's eyes were red for a second before going back to their normal color. Nexus looked around and he saw Brad, Mack, and Sam. He scared the three as Dyno, Riveter, and Crunch took over Brad, Mack, and Sam respectively.

Danny found the rest of the team outside of the room as Kristen said,"Where's Zane?". "I think he is trying to go hero, but his social anxiety isn't helping." said Danny. Crisis Judgement was going off a mile a minute as he said,"There's so many Phantoms. I'm going crazy.". Nexus grabbed him and he slammed into the ground. "Auxilium Me Zero! Custodi me mate prohibet me et ego in te, ut mihi sis ei olfacies!" said Nexus. "Huh? What are you saying? That's..." said Zane.  

The two heard,"Get off him!". Nexus was blasted an energy beam as Zane turned to see his mom as she was holding her Plasma Knife in its bazooka form. "Mom! He was speaking...!" said Zane. She looked at him as Nexus looked behind her to see Slug and two guards. He jumped through the wall and ran off. "He's trying to escape! After him now!" said Slug. The two guards shrugged with them following the elite guard.

Brad ,with him having Dyno's voice in the moment, said,"I think these two security members will be helpful to our plans.". "Are you going to be okay?" said Natasha. "Yeah mom! I'll be back!" said Zane. He then rushed out of the room as Brad said in his normal teen voice,"Lets use his mother to get him.". Zane saw Nexus going through the walls and Zane thought,"He's scared no doubt. What's going on here?". He was going to run after him but he was stopped by Coach Barnett.

He said,"Get back in there right now Alvarez!". He pushed Zane back into the room as he closed the door. He didn't noticed that a guard was behind him. He went inside of the coach and he smiled. Later that day, Atem, Tara, and Zane were walking back to Zane's place and Phantoms replaced the clouds in the sky. Zane's Crisis Judgement was going off like crazy. "Are you okay Zane?" said Tara. "Not really. Thanks to Dyno's men, Crisis Judgement is going crazy." said Zane.

Atem said,"So why don't you go beat them up dad?". "It would be too risky right now Atem. Thanks to Mr. Price, the Guardians could be coming meaning that Zane is in trouble. He may not be like the Phantoms but to scanners, he is if he goes Zero." said Tara. "Yeah. I really hope that this day doesn't get worse." said Zane. He opened the door to his house as Atem said,"Why does he keep saying that Aunt?". "Who knows?" said Tara.

Zane saw Edward drinking with Arturo and Kania was nearby holding back Wolfram. "Ah Zane and Tara! You're okay!" said Edward. The man wrapped his arms around Zane and he said,"Wow Zane. I can't believe how strong you've gotten.". "Um great grandpa. Why is Great Uncle doing that to daddy and why does he smell?" said Atem. "I'll tell you when you're older. How about you and Wolfram go play in your room?" said Arturo. The two were gone as Kania sighed at the scene in front of her.

The next day, Nexus looked through one of the bushes at the school as lunch time started. Thanks to one of Edward and Natasha's inventions, the area was covered in a barrier that prevent Phantoms for getting in or out. Karen looked at Zane as he had bags under his eyes and looked extremely tired. "So are you okay Zane?" said Karen. They were sitting with the rest of Team Power except for Ray. "Was it my drunk dad? He isn't a fan of his sister at all." said Tara.

Zane said,"I'm tired because all of these dam Phantoms are causing Crisis Judgement to go crazy and they're not letting me getting a single wink of sleep! I'm so tired!". He then slammed his head into the table as Danny said,"I'm going to make sure that blabbering wolf goes back to Terrarune! I'm sure that he's the cause of all of this.". "That wasn't blabbering. It was Uwaric." said Zane. 'Uwaric?" said Marcia and Rachel.

Gwen said,"Uwaric is the language of Terrarune but most Phantoms speak English since it's one of the main languages of Earth. I heard that it and Latin are very similar.". "Yes. Gwen et tu bene facere quid ergo dicemus do hoc quaestio paulo nostrum or in English, you're correct Gwen so what are we going to do about this little problem of ours. He looked scared and he wanted some help because of me having his mate's scent on him." said Zane.

Nexus jumped off a tree and he went flying toward the barrier. He soon began spinning, becoming a living drill as it pierced through it. He went to the barrier machine as Crisis Judgement went off. "I so hate this." said Zane. "But we're in an anti Phantom zone. Where is this Phantom?" said Kristen. The machine ,which looked like a generator, exploded causing the barrier to disappear as Nexus howling with him glaring at Zane. "I think I know where he is." said Gwen.

He then went toward Zane and friends but he was shocked by his collar. Slug floated above him and he was with a group of guards. "You're using the collar?" said a guard. "Dyno allowed me to make sure Nexus doesn't escape. Oh and boys, go cause some panic." said Slug. The guards floated to the students, scaring them. "Okay. I'll handle wolfy and Slug. You guys make sure that the Phantoms don't cause me a even badder rep." said Zane as he disappeared into the ground.

Danny ,who turned into Morph which was easy thanks to the panic, was about to smack a guard with his Phantom Smashers. The guard was destroyed right in front of him and Danny looked to see Agent Phoenix standing there. "What are you doing?!" said Danny. "He and the rest of his kind are going to die so stay out of my way or else." said Vicky. She was about to kill another but she was stopped by Danny. "Bring it on then." said Danny.

Zane ,as his alter ego Zero, was flying toward Slug and he didn't noticed that he was in center of the cross hair of Marilyn's weapon. "One blast from this beauty and you are going back to where you truly belong. Hell." said Marilyn. Natasha saw this as she said,"Zane.". She bumped into Marilyn making her miss Zane as she said,"Um. A Phantom tripped me?". Zane saw the blast fly past as it hit two guards who tried to stop him.

They screamed out in pain and they were ripped apart from the inside. "Okay. That doesn't look good at all." said Zane. "I suspected that blast sends a Phantom back to Terrarune and making them unable to come back at least a week or more." said Athena. "I guess I'll stay from that." said Zane. He looked to see Slug fired a gun at Nexus who howled in pain. "He may be a little big, really hairy, and also a Phantom. But if Dyno's men are after you, I better help you." said Zane.

He flew past Slug as Slug said,"You! What are you doing here?". Zane turned into his Gadget Form as he said,"I live here so I think I should send you back to Terrarune the Cypress Park Way!". A giant cannon appeared from his chest as he fired out a beam. Slug vanished with Zane turning to see Nexus who had a nasty glare on him. "Um friend?" said Zane. The wolf sniffed him and he licked Zane. "Easy boy! You're worse than Wolfram which is saying something." said Zane.

Later, Zane, Team Power, Wolfram, and their guest Nexus were in the basement. "This is a bad idea you guys." said Karen. "Well, I got no other idea to keep him safe from Dyno. If he's outside, I'm sure that they'll find him." said Zane. "Plus Wolfram has a new buddy." said Ray. The little dog was sitting on the bigger dog and he pretended to be king with Nexus smiling. "You two are the only ones who understand him so that collar should go." said Kristen.

Danny nodded as he said,"Agent Phoenix or Vicky is a pain. She attacked me. Do you think she is working with the security team?". 'That would be our best guess." said Gwen. "It does explain how Vicky got that costume in the first place." said Kristen. Rachel was about to touch Nexus's collar but the wolf roared at her and tried to bit her causing her to fall backwards. "Me thinks that he said not to touch that." said Ray with a smirk.

Tara hit him as Zane said,"I'm going out. I need to find out what Dyno's doing. Gwen. Ask him if he knows anything about Dyno.". Zane flew out of there as Gwen said,"Okay Zane. So what is Dyno's plan? Dyno consilium quid est?". "Dyno vel in Terrarune, custos quid agitat facto Zane vel nihil agebat, cum primum pulsarent aeribus aera. Tu scis quibus verba mea mate est? Ego in hoc casa olfacies eius, et oportet eam te videre." said Nexus.

Karen said,"So what did he say?". "Yeah. I was lost." said Marcia. "He said that Dyno is doing all of this to make Zane pay for what he did to him. We don't know your mate is so who is she and who are you? Nescimus vestris tam mate, qui est, et qui estis vos?" said Gwen. "Alterum est nomen meum Babelfish Cliffarg ille iuvat. Et ut sit nomen eius in totam mate sed numquam mihi vitam amoris. Quod non recte sonabit?" said Nexus.

Gwen said as her eyes widened,"Where is Kania?". "Kania? Quod est nomen eius?" said Nexus as he got up. Wolfram fell off the bigger Phantom and he sulked. "Kania? She went out with Natasha to meet up with Marilyn." said Tara. "Why are you asking?" said Ray. "Because Kania is Nexus's mate and he wants to see her." said Gwen. The wolf nodded as Danny said,"So how does that work? You are a big wolf and she's an medium sized dog.".

Nexus said,"Luvenum haedos sunt, tu autem cum adhuc reperio quispiam ut vos volo ut maneat nam cetera of vestri vita. Hoc non refert si es, ut magnum et parvum mammoth pro mus. Novis autem amor est ut quondam vos invenire potes vivere nec sine ea.". "Wow. She would love to hear that Nexus." said Gwen. "I really wish that we could understand them." said Marcia. "We need an auto translator." said Rachel.

Zane was flying around the town and Athena said,"So what's the plan? We know that Nexus is being used by Slug who is a loyal subordinate of Dyno who we fought against in Terrarune. Thanks to the information that we gained from the Museum of Supernatural Antiquity, we know that Dyno won't stop until he gets his revenge on you even if he uses everyone around you.". "So what's the plan?" said Zane as he sat next to a stone gargoyle.

Athena said,"I think we need to find the biggest source of Nether here in town. There are small bursts around us but we need to find the biggest one.". "So how do I do that?" said Zane. "Crisis Judgement allows you to dodge attacks and sense any attacks but like how you can focus on using your Nether, I am sure that you can find anything if you focus." said Athena. Zane closed his eyes as he said,"I hope you're right.".

Zane was silent as he focused on finding Dyno and he said,"I'm seeing that the high school is covered in Nether.". "I think we have our destination." said Athena. Zane flew toward the roof of the school and he phased through the roof. Crisis Judgement went off as he heard,"Okay, listen up!". "Brad? Is that him?" thought Zane. He floated over to a room and he phased his head through the wall as he saw Brad talking with Coach Barrett, Stan, Sam, and several others.

The room was covered in torches with flames as Brad said,"Is everyone clear with the plan? I can't have any failures.". "Yes, yes, it should go down tomorrow after the press conference and all of the key players will be there." said Sam. "Press conference? I think something is going on." thought Zane as Crisis Judgement went off. Mack looked at the wall and he said,"Hold on a second guys. We have a invited guest.". "I see." said Brad.

Brad looked at the wall and he grabbed Zane throwing him into the center of the room. "How did he grab me?" thought Zane with his suit deactivating. Dyno phased out of Brad with the football player knocked out. "Dyno! That means...!" said Zane. "Welcome to your hell punk." said Dyno as several guards appeared in the room. Mack and Sam grabbed Zane as Zane said,"Dyno, why are you here and how are my powers negated?".

Dyno said,"You may be a Cross-Species but you're still a Phantom after all. These flames ,that cover this room, can negate your powers while keep ours. So how does it feel to have nowhere to scamper or hide? I'm turning your entire town against you. You will be in pain for destroying my prison and hurting my men.". "Okay. I'll agree with you on the former but the later was totally Vicky. Also..." said Zane.

He looked at the two holding him as he said,"I'm not a fan of getting the prude.". He leg swiped the two holding him freeing him. Zane ran out of the room as Athena said,"Our powers is back! Time to Power Up!". Zane nodded as he turned into Zero with him phasing out of the building. Dyno stood there as he said,"What the hell are you idiots doing staring at me? He's escaping!". The room was empty as Dyno went back into Brad.

The guards ,either in a human or not, were chasing Zane. The hero stood there in front of Fantasia as he said,"Okay. Are you ready Athena?". "Zane. I think using a form that can a lot of damage and deal it with it. Are you ready for a fight of your young life." said Athena. Zane turned into Swamp Form as Athena said,"Good choice partner.". Zane smiled as Crisis Judgement. He turned to see Brad rushing toward him as he said,"Die punk!".

He fired an pink Nether Blast as the attack went right through Zane. "Sorry but your attack won't work on me right now Dyno." said Zane. He clenched his right fist as a giant plant hand grabbed Brad with it turning into an orb as the football player said,"This won't hold me!". He didn't see that Zane's left fist went over to the orb and Zane punched it. The orb went toward the restaurant with it crashing into a car.

Zane smiled as he was taken into the air by Coach Barrett and the man roared. "Two words. Breath Mint." said Zane. The man didn't see that Zane's stomach launched out a fist which in turn knocked the man into the ground. Zane stood there and he didn't noticed that Stan was aiming his hands at the hero. He fire an Green Nether blast at Zane with the plant man blocking it with fire. The fire launched Stan into the bushes as Zane made sure that he stayed thanks to him making vine chains.

Sam grabbed him and they flew off. "You'll never leave me!" said Sam. "Okay. If you were a girl that I liked, I would be happy but you're not so eat this!" said Zane. He threw her into a billboard as he said,"I'm petty.". Upon impact, Sam was knocked out thanks to a vine vest that released spores that knocked him out. Zane planted himself into the side of a building and he saw Mack standing there as he was holding a staff doing some kung-fu moves.

Zane sighed as he fire a small burst of flame that exploded Mack into the ground. Zane slammed onto him as he said,"Meh. I better go.". He ran off as he ran away from the possessed townspeople. Zane made a plant copy as it ran off. Zane hide an alleyway as he turned back normal. "Okay. I need to get some energy." said Zane. He walked away as he leaned against the wall. After destroying the plant clone, Stan said,"Should we go after him?".

Brad ,in Dyno's voice said,"No. He'll be at the press conference. We planted the bait so soon, the plan to ruin his life is complete.". Dyno was out of Brad's body and he said,"I need to make sure that nothing will ruin my revenge.". He flew out of there as Slug went into Brad's body with the group leaving. Back at the Alvarez's house, Dyno stood there as he said,"You're done Nexus and your mate is going to be seeing you soon.". He held the tablet as he pressed a button on it.

Inside, Nexus was looking at a picture of Zane and his family with Kania. He was sitting along in a room as he said,"Amica mea. Ut vos vultus Tristis felicibus et in cognatione sua. Ab imo corde volo esse tecum ut quondam iterum.". His collar suddenly activates causing him to howling in pain as Atem, Gwen, and Wolfram ran into the room. The rest of Team Power went home as Gwen stayed behind since she was one of two who could understand Nexus.

Atem said,"That collar is hurting him.". "Yes Atem. We have to get it off." said Gwen. Atem stretch out his fingers into his collar as Gwen pulled out Time Rune. Wolfram turned into his giant form and he bit down on the collar as Gwen sliced the collar. It fell to the ground and Nexus said as he held his now free neck,"Non sum liber? Tibi gratias ago tibi amicus familiaeque meae mate! Iterum autem videbo vos, et fac me Kania!".

Gwen said,"Of course you are. You....". The wolf jumped out of the house and Gwen said,"I guess if he wanted to meet Kania, he should have stayed here.". "We should go after him." said Atem. The two were about to leave the house as the door opened to reveal Arturo, Kania, and Natasha. "PTA meetings are so boring." said Arturo. "Um. What's wrong? Where's Zane?" said Natasha. "We need to go after Nexus!" said Atem. "Nexus?" said Kania. She fainted as Natasha said,"Talk.".

The next morning, Zane woke in his room and he said,"How did I?". He grabbed his head and he said with a smile,"Oh yeah. Thanks Athena. I owe you one.". "No problem." said Athena. Zane looked to see that Kania was walking around in circles as he saw Atem and Gwen sitting nearby the dog. "Are you okay Zane?" said Gwen. "I'm fine. So how long has she been doing this?" said Zane as Wolfram jumped into Zane's arms.

Atem said,"Ever since she woke up from her fainting, she wants to go out there and find him but both grandma and great grandpa told her to wait until you're awake. So what did you find out?". "Dyno has people here in town taking over. He's trying to turn everyone against me." said Zane. "Isn't that the Guardians's job?" said Gwen. "Yeah but this one could be worse. We should turn on the news and see what's going on the press conference." said Atem as the TV turned on.

Derrick was on the screen and he said,"Greeting Cypress Park. I came here to tell you that to truly defeat the spirits that live in our town. I'm calling for all of you to come help voice your opinion on all decisions relating to Phantoms.". Zane noticed that his eyes turned red slightly as Derrick said,"I do hope you all come and be a good town against the main threat to Cypress Park. Zero.". Zane had the TV turned off as Zane sighed. "Yep. That's Dyno." said Zane.

Gwen said,"This plan is quite ingenious. I mean you were not well liked already but having someone like Mr. Price helping the cause is helpful.". "I know. This is hell because I'm hated at school and in my home town. I have all of my friends and allies but very soon, I will be the biggest threat to this town ever." said Zane. "Dad. Are you going to try and stop Dyno?" said Atem. "Yeah. I have to do something." said Zane. "We're coming with you Zane." said Kania.

The three and puppy looked at Kania who said,"Zane. You are my master and I'm sure that I'll see Nexus there. He's loyal to people who help him out which you and your friend did. I'm not going there just to see him again but to help you out.". "Yeah dad!" said Atem. "I'm going to call the gang to get here so are you ready?" said Gwen. "Yeah. Lets do this. Time to try and help my rep only slightly!" said Zane.

At City Hall ,which is holding the Press Conference is being held, Derrick stood on the podium with Immortal Kong by his left and Heather on the right. "All in favor of declaring martial law to make sure that no Phantoms enters out town. Please say..." said Derrick. He heard a voice say,"I plead the first amendment.". Zane stood there as the crowd was scared. "Please. Listen to me. I'm came here to save all of you and not hurt a single one of you." said Zane.

Zane thought,"I need to convince but how will I do that?". He dodged a blast and he heard,"I'm not going to let you hurt them!". Vicky rushed toward him as Zane said,"I'm not your enemy!". "But I am punk!" said a voice. Zane then turned around to see a guard behind him and the two were gone with Vicky looking for Zane. Nexus gasped from outside of the building. His claws unsheathed as he went in the building and under ground.

Vicky was going through her Phantom killing weapons as she said,"I have the way to kill him and today is the day.". "Agent Phoenix? What are you doing?" said Marilyn. She stood there as Vicky said,"I'm going to kill some Phantoms. Zero has been a pain in my but since the start so I'm going to kill him.". "You're a good agent but right now, you're need for the Phantoms that are here to help Zero." said Marilyn.

Vicky said,"But if I kill the ringleader, they'll go away.". "You're not wrong but you're needed and I'm a great shot, an expert with weapons, and I'm a tenth degree blackbelt." said Marilyn. "Okay but you will kill him right?" said Vicky as she was starting up her hoverboard. "Yep." said Marilyn. She held an energy pistol and she went off as Vicky flew off. Natasha followed her as Arturo thought,"I better go help Zane and friends.".

Outside , Atem ,in his mummy form, grabbed a couple of guards and he said,"Knock it out of the park!". Ray held a metal pipe and he said,"You got it pipsqueak.". The pipe hit the guards and they were gone. Atem high-fived Ray as the metahuman said,"So where's the dog?". "Well, Wolfram isn't able to help us but Kania went to go help Zero out." said Atem. "Must be for love and shit. Lets go kick some more but." said Ray as Atem nodded.

Under the building, Zane looked up to see Mack, Coach Barrett, Sam, Brad, Stan, and Derrick all around him with Zane saying,"Wow. You must really want revenge on little old me.". "I do child and taking control of one of the most successful men in this country is so much better. So why did you come here? Everyone in town now fears you." said Dyno. "I'm not a coward Dyno. I don't care about others think of me because I'm here to save everyone." said Zane.

The group was soon gone except for Sam who grabbed him. "Hey Zero! Remember me?!" said Sam in Crunch's voice. "Crunch. Did you get your revenge on Heather or what?" said Zane. He threw the girl away from him as he activated Rapid Fire Rifle appeared. He soon fired the gun at Sam and he really hoped that it didn't cause too much damage to her. The bullet soon hit her being that instead of Sam getting her, Crunch went flying out of Sam.

The ghost slammed into a pipe. Sam came back to her senses as she said,"What? Where am I?". She turned around to see Crunch and he was heading toward her. She soon screamed as Crunch was blasted back into Terrarune by Zane. "Wow. I got Crunch so I got five more left." said Zane. She saw the hero who floated there as she said,"You saved me. So you're actually friendly?". "Yeah. You really shouldn't judge a book by its cover. Oh, get out of here!" said Zane.

Sam ran away as Zane dodged an attack from Mack and later the coach. The two cornered him and the boy dodged their punches. He then activated Boxer Punch and he punched the phantoms out of them. The two guards floated there as their victims ran away. "Yep. You two are surely men alright so how can I?" said Zane. The two guards disappeared into a portal as Zane smiled but he was shocked to see Natasha standing there. "Mom?" thought Zane.

Natasha said,"Look out!". Crisis Judgement went off as Stan swiped at Zane. "Are you sure that you can defeat me?" said Stan as he tried to knock out Zane. However, he was attacked by both Kania and Nexus. Brad stood there as Slug's voice said,"What are you doing idiots?". "He is my master and I will defend him with my life!" said Kana as she rushed toward Brad. "Et ipse est amicus meus, et meum novum." said Nexus.

He then stabbed his sharp claws into Brad and Stan to pull out Bullet and Riveter respectively with Natasha firing her cannon at them. The two were gone from Earth as Kania and Nexus looked at each other. "Nexus?" said Kania. "Vel mate tibi nomen meum Kania nunc?" said Nexus. "It is Kania thanks to the idiot." said Kania. She pointed to Zane who was grabbed by Derrick and the two Phantom animals ran after them with Natasha looking for Marilyn.

Zane punched Derrick and he said,"Get out of him!". Dyno was pushed out as Derrick fell onto the ground. The man looked up and he said,"What happened?". Zane grabbed Dyno and he said,"He and his goon squad tried to make my life into a living hell but thanks to the public, I'm already hated by parents.". "You'll pay for making look like an idiot!". said Dyno. He made himself giant and he aimed his fist at Derrick.

Zane flew toward the fist and he blocked it. "Zero!" said Derrick. "I'm fine. This is nothing. You need to get out of here and make sure that you're completely safe. " said Zane. Zane noticed that Dyno was completely focused on him and Derrick because Nexus was right behind him with his claws out. He slammed the warden in the ground and he said with a smile,"His Cossus praefuit tibi defuit. Spero te didici te....".

He along with Dyno were blasted by Marilyn who was holding a similar weapon to Natasha and Zane said,"No! The wolf is a friendly Phantom just like me!". "I don't trust any of you freaks. You ruined lives because you can. I'm sending you back." said Marilyn. Zane saw that the two were being sent to Terrarune. "Nexus! No! She needs you!" said Zane. "Friend! We'll meet again! And tell her that I'll be thinking of her!" said Nexus in very bad English.

Dyno said,"You lost punk! I made your life into hell here on Earth and in Terrarune! Goodbye Zero!". The two were gone as Zane fell to his knees. "What am I going to tell Kania? She finally saw him after who knows how many years and I let him..." thought Zane. Crisis Judgement went off and Zane saw a charging cannon aimed at him. "I hope you liked living because soon, you will be deader than rap." said Marilyn. "Great. I'm going to die like this." said Zane.

The two were confused as the cannon wasn't fired. "Why isn't this working?" said Marilyn as Zane sneaked out of there. He turned into Specter Form and he flew out of there. Marilyn got it back to normal as she said,"Son of a...!". The next day at Cypress High, it was back to normal. Outside of the school, Brad was walking with Mack."I really can't believe that I was being used by a Phantom! I can't remember anything that happened in the last week or anything before!" said Brad.

Mack said,"Maybe you should wear a helmet during practice.". The playboy was smacked with a tray and Brad said,"I know how to do that!". He walked off as Zane sighed. He sat on some stone and he said to himself,"I'm sorry Nexus.". Danny placed his hand on his shoulder as he said,"You do know that he isn't dead right? He just back in Terrarune.". Danny sat next to him as Zane said,"Yeah but I couldn't stand seeing Kania so happy and then sad.".

Danny said,"They remind you of your folks don't they?". "A little. I mean if my dad came back from death and then left again, I would be even more of a wreck than I am." said Zane. "Yeah but here's the thing. You have me and the rest of the gang. Kania may be sad but this time, she has a family that will be there. So are you going to still be a hero? I mean Dyno really ruined your rep." said Danny. "It's my destiny after all plus Derrick not helping Marilyn is good." said Zane.

Danny said,"I can't believe that you know so many billionaires. Do you think that you could use some of that money to?". "Not going to happen." said Zane as he pushed his friend slightly. "Well, it was worth a try. I mean having butlers would be lame." said Danny. "I could do that but I think flying on jet packs would be better." said Zane. "Lets go then. I mean we can fly but flying in jetpacks has been our dream since we were kids." said Danny. The two ran off.

In a tall building ,but still not tall to be classified as a skyscraper, Derrick sat in his office staring at his laptop. He heard,"So how did it go? Does the kid trust you?". He looked to see Fallout standing there as Derrick said,"Yes. He thinks I was there to kill him along with Marilyn but I used Dyno to trick Zero. I wonder if he will ever find out the truth about himself.". "Who knows but who cares billionaire?" said Fallout. The two talked as things were going to get more intense.

Next time,
Love is a strange thing isn't it? This and more next time on Zero!

Nexus's Words: Uwaric/Latin to English.
Cu vi deziras por la infano esti viva au senviva prizonestro?= Do you wish for the child to be dead or alive warden?
His Cossus praefuit odar inveni= I found his scent warden.
Auxilium Me Zero! Custodi me mate prohibet me et go in te, ut mihi sis ei olfacies!= Help Me Zero! The warden is keeping me from my mate and I smell her on you so help me please
Dyno vel in Terrarune, custos quid agitat facto Zane vel nihil agebat, cum primum pulsarent aeribus aera. Tu scis quibus verba mea mate est? Ego in hoc casa olfacies eius, et oportet eam te videre.: Dyno or ,back in Terrarune the warden, is planning on making Zane or Zero pay for what he did to him when they first clashed. Do you know where my mate is? I smell her in this hut and I need to see her
Quod est nomen eius?:kania? is that her name
Luvenum haedos sunt, tu autem cum adhuc reperio quispiam ut vos volo ut maneat nam cetera of vestri vita. Hoc non refert si es, ut magnum et parvum mammoth pro mus.; You kids are still young but when you find someone that you want to be with for the rest of your life. It doesn't matter if they're big as a mammoth or small as a mouse.
Novis autem amor est ut quondam vos invenire potes vivere nec sine ea.: Love is strange but once you find it, you can't live without it.
Amica mea. Ut vos vultus Tristis felicibus et in cognatione sua. Ab imo corde volo esse tecum ut quondam iterum.: My love. You look so happy with Zero and his family. I wish from the bottom of my heart that I could be with you once again
Non sum liber? Tibi gratias ago tibi amicus familiaeque meae mate! Iterum autem videbo vos, et fac me Kania!: I am free! Thank you friends and family of my mate! I will make sure that I see you again Kania!
Et ipse est amicus meus, et meum novum.= He is also my master and my new friend.
Vel mate tibi nomen meum Kania nucn?: My mate or is your name Kania now?
His Cossus praefuit tibi defuit. Spero te didici te....: You failed warden. I hope you learned your...

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