Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Soul Episode 137 Who is the Vice President?!

A/N: Weird title but this and the next episode are the end of an arc with the next one being on a sunny island in Winter. I would say that isn't normal but in Soul, this is normal. I would say in real life because it has hailed in Spring. It has probably happened before I remember it being more apparent this year before. Lets begin at Natsu's parents place because I got nothing else.

Narrator P.O.V.
Natsu was currently staring at his phone with him smiling which spooked his siblings except for Wan who stayed at her school most of the time. "What's wrong with big brother? Did something happen on your guys weekend?" said Reva. "I can't tell you because bro before sisters." said Jason. "Did big bro teach you that?" said Molly. "No! It was Big Brother Sekien! He came by and he taught me how to control the ice inside of me better than big brother" said Jason.

Natsu grumbled as he said,"He's an ice user while I'm fire.". "Huh?" said Elena. "You'll learn this in middle school but each Soul is different even if they have the exact same power as another Soul. It's a thing that you learn fast." said Reva. "Oh." said Elena. Natsu got up and he said,"I have to go. Vera aka the Empress called for me to meet her before class today.". He was gone as Molly said,"You have to tell me what happened Jason!". "No!" said Jason. The two clashed as the other two sighed.

Later, Natsu opened the door to the Unknown Club Room and he said,"Sorry I was late Rain but I was asked to....". He saw Akane, Drew, and Sonya with Rain as Drew said,"Hey man.". "What the hell took you so long?" said Sonya. "Morning Natsu." said Akane. "I don't mind Akane but why are you two here?" said Natsu. "Well, we have so much work to do plus preparing for the trip and also our work for the Executive Committee." said Rain. "I get it." said Natsu.

He sat down as he thought,"Even with me and Rain being official, we haven't been alone. I love Lucia and Sabrina but they can be so dam possessive. I know that Akane wouldn't do this unless we had a lot of work to do but Drew and Sonya. They're jerks.". Several books were slammed on the table and Sonya said,"And here's your share.". "What?! You gave me most of it!" said Natsu. "Sorry but since Issac is busy with the Student Council so you're taking his work." said Sonya.

Natsu said,"I hate you with every fiber of my being.". "At least, you get to work with Rain." said Akane. "This isn't what I want." said Natsu with a sigh. Astral went off as the room was covered in smoke. Drew was frying food as he was crying. "You're so lucky bastard!" said Drew. "Why are you firing food in December?" said Akane. "You're lucky Natsu. You got eleven girls pining after you and I got nothing!" said Drew.

The smoke in the room increased as Natsu said,"So get out there bro.". "Come on Drew! Grow up and be a man!" said Sonya. "I want his life!" said Drew. Rain moved her seat next to Natsu as she said,"They're a couple right?". "I think so are you excited for the trip?" said Natsu. "Well, I'm not a fan of killing you but we made a plan that'll work so are you ready?" said Rain. "I'll be ready. Lets get this work done." said Natsu.

The two worked as Akane said,"Open a window!". "Hey Sonya! What are you doing?" said Drew. "I am getting rid of the smoke machine!" said Sonya. The couple kissed as the trio said,"Really?!". "It got your attention plus we finished." said Rain. Natsu nodded as Sonya said,"How?!". "When you're bored inside of a prison, you get good at doing paperwork unlike you." said Natsu. The couple left as the trio went back to work.

Later at the library. "So you and Rain doing good?" said Mike. He was reading a novel as Natsu said with a smirk,"Yeah. We're making out constantly and holding hands.". "Didn't you do that before? I wonder if you even walked her home." said Mike. "I can't since her dad hates me because I killed one of his daughters before and well, he hates me. I blame someone else for killing her but he blames me for it." said Natsu.

Mike said,"Well, you and Rain are different from other couples. You two have kissed, you must be quite knowledge about each other's bodies, and she sharing you!". "You're right. We have explored each others bodies." said Natsu. He sighed as he said,"I just want a chance to be alone with her. I just need to find a way.". "Well, lets take a page from Fantasy Festival. Find something common and you need to make it your thing." said Mike.

Rain said,"So you want to go to the bookstore?". Natsu said,"Yeah. I was thinking about getting a new book. It's rumored to be really good according to Mikey.". "Are you asking me out?" said Rain with a smile. "Yeah. Just me and you." said Natsu. "Ahem!" said Visalth. "I think you forgot about Visalth." said Rain. "I guess I did so are you up for a date with the third wheel?" said Natsu. Visalth pinched him from the inside of his body as Rain said,"Sure.".

Mike stood nearby as he thought,"Things are going to plan.". He turned around and he said,"And if I have the pyro on my side, hello sweet life.". He heard footsteps and he turned to see Kana with her in a disguise. "So what are you doing Kana?" said Mike. "I was going to get me a book!" said Kana. "I see." said Mike. The couple was walking around a bookstore as Rain said,"Wow. There are a lot of books here.". "And I wrote one of them." said Natsu.

They were in front of the fiction section as Rain said,"What's the book called?". "Champion Quest. I heard it has fantasy, action, adventure, and romance. It's my type of book." said Natsu. The two were looking around as Natsu thought,"I really don't think that Mike would lie to me.". "I really can't seem to find it Natsu." said Rain. Natsu turned and he said,"I'll come back tomorrow. Lets head back to the school.". His sleeve was grabbed as he heard,"Lets go look at another store.".

Rain said,"If you're really interested in this book, you shouldn't give up. You're the guy who would fight the world just to keep my smile and you're letting a book defeat. Pretty lame Nat Chan.". "You are right! Lets go!" said Natsu. The two ran out of there with Kana and Mike watching in confusion at the events. The couple searched all around the area for the book until they've search for three hours straight.

Rain was sitting on the ground and she said,"Wow. This book is hidden.". "Yeah." said Natsu. "What kind of book did you recommend me?" thought Natsu. "Natsu. Look!" said Rain. She pointed to a book with a sword inside of a shield. "Yeah! We found it!" said Natsu holding the book. "Wait a sec Natsu. We're in front of the first store that we look. I guess we made a Sonya." said Rain. The two were laughing as Kana said,"You knew?". "I didn't want to be a buzzkill!" said Mike.

After buying the book, Natsu said,"I guess we should get back to school.". "Yeah. I hope this book is really good." said Rain. "Well, Mike recommended it and that guy reads more than breathing but he is a good friend." said Natsu. Mike's heart beat as Kana said,"Do you like him too?". "No!" said Mike as Kana rolled her eyes. "I hope the hero is a good person." said Rain as she linked her arm with the demi god. "Yeah." said Natsu.

Later in the Unknown Club Room, Natsu was reading his book and Issac was nearby reading a file as Natsu said,"So she says that I can go shopping with her for the trip? Last time, she kept it a surprise for me but this time, I get to see it.". "I see." said Issac. "I may hate shopping like nothing else but if I can go on a date with my Rainy, it will be worth it." said Natsu. "Oh. I guess that won't be happened for a while then." said Issac. "Huh?" said Natsu.

Issac said,"So who do you think should be the new student council vice presidents?". "Vice? Why are you asking me this?" said Natsu. "Okay. I'm the president meaning that I should ask someone else. I am picking you." said Issac. "Okay. You need to pick someone since in reality, you do jack and shit while they do the grunt work." said Natsu. "Pretty much. Aurora told me this had to be taken super serious and also Natalia says hi." said Issac as he glared at Natsu.

Natsu said,"Can't help the heart bro. Why are you asking me anyway? I mean Akane and Kana would be perfect people to talk with you.". "Well, you're my secretary after all since you found out who the Mystery Sorcerer is." said Issac. Natsu started to laugh as Issac said,"Hey! I'm serious!". "I know but here's the thing. I can't be." said Natsu. Natsu told Issac something as Issac yelled,"YOU CAN'T BE AT ALL SERIOUS!". "I am buddy." said Natsu.

In the student council office, Issac sat in his sister's desk and he said,"Alright you two. Today begins a new era for Star Valley and you two are part of the new council.". Kana and Mike stood there and Kana said,"You can't be serious? I'm the Clerk! Why do I have to work under you?". "We're agree on something Kana. I would make a better clerk than her but you made me treasurer instead. You know that we were both once your rivals right?" said Mike.

Issac leaned back in his chair and he said,"Now don't be rude. I thought you two would want to be on the top of the social chain.". "Seriously Issac?!" said Kana. "Oh and I almost forgot the best part of all of this." said Issac. He then snapped his fingers as he said,"Okay Akane. Soda.". Akane stood there and she said,"You know that I'm going to burn you later right?". He sipped it as he said,"Good job. I thought it was going to be warm.". "What's that supposed to mean?!" said Akane.

Mike said,"Akane is the Secretary? Fitting but it must be a pain to work under Issac.". Later, Akane said,"Okay. I'm going to kill you for this Natsu.". The boy in question was sitting on the couch and he was reading his book. "I couldn't help it Akane. I'm a member of the Executive Committee and the new Emperor." said Natsu. "Your luck is high you know that?" said Mike. "So I am guessing that is how you were picked." said Kana.

Akane shook her head as she said,"I was enjoying my lunch but you can't refuse the president even if he is an idiot.". "I see. Poor girl." said Mike. "Yeah. I wish that you were my secretary Nat Chan. We would be an amazing duo." said Issac. "Liking being in charge Issac." said Natsu. "It seems those two won't change even after learning about his sister's crush on Natsu." said Mike. "Yeah. I'm just happy that Rain was saved from this." said Kana.

Mike said,"But Issac, you do know ,that if you got to pick Natsu in the first place, of the relationship between the president and the secretary right?". "Yeah man. Aurora and Karen were always together except during that whole Lauren affair." said Issac as he was reading a file. "So why were you so set on Natsu then?" said Kana. "Because he's my favorite. Don't make me say it meanie!" said Issac as he had crocodile tears.

Akane said,"He's faking isn't he Natsu?". "Do I have a temper? I didn't use Allure aka your former power on him Kana." said Natsu. "He's going to be our president. We're doomed." said Kana. "You got that right." said the other three. "Any way, how about it Kana and Mike? You two should work under me." said Issac. "I really don't like working under you at all Issac." said Kana. "Same. It's like a downgrade." said Mike.

Natsu said,"Oh and I should mention that I'll be helping the idiot since I'm trying to combine the two together and well, I like this couch.". "Really? You're going to be here often!" said Kana. "Yeah? So are you up for a cuddle Kana?" said Natsu. Kana blushed as Mike said,"Are you flirting with her or are you teasing her?! You may be royalty but don't get...". "Chill out Mike. Natsu is teasing her." said Akane. "Am I? You'll be part of a group Mikey." said Natsu.

The two were talking as Akane thought,"Did he just manipulate them to join the council? I shouldn't make him mad.". "Well, I guess you got me as an ally." said Kana. "Same. We will be the kings and queens of the school so mission accepted." said Mike. 'Well great. I thought for a sec that I was going to have and bribe you for a second." said Issac. "Your honesty is appalling sometimes Issac or little brother. I'm enjoying this council more the last one." said Natsu.

Mike sat down and he said,"So Akane, could I have some tea?". "Pocky please?" said Kana. "I'm not going to be your maid too!" said Akane. "You should calm down." said Natsu. "Anyway, we should get to the first objective.  Who should be the vice presidents? Check out all of the candidates." said Issac. He slammed his hand on a stack of papers as Kana said,"Wait. You haven't made your mind yet Issac?". "Wow. You guys have a lot of choices." said Natsu.

Issac carried the papers over to the four as Issac said,"When I took office, these came flooding.". "A chunk of these are death threats for me." said Natsu. He held about half of them and Kana said,"You really need to stop pissing people off Natsu." said Kana. "I think some of these are girls who wanted to be with you Issac." said Mike. "You need to keep in your pants President or else." said Akane with her palms on fire much to the dismay of Issac.

Issac said as he sat down on the seat left from the couch that had Kana and Natsu and to the right of the two seats which had Akane and Mike,"Well, my sister picked me and Akane as the mostly likely choice to replace her. You two were a game to her.". "Sounds like Aurora." thought Natsu. "So you're planning to do the same?" said Akane. Issac nodded his head as Kana said,"So we can pick from the first years or middle school students right?". "I want Kim." said Natsu.

Issac said,"You don't have a vote.". Natsu kissed him as he said,"How about now?". "Sure and lets go have some fun." said Issac. "Don't use the powers for that!" said Akane and Kana as they slapped the boy. "You could just have her in the Executive Committee since most of the group is leaving for the third year building." said Mike as he sipped his drink. "Oh right!" said Natsu. He kissed Issac as Issac sulked. "You're awful. Anyway, I have selected five already." said Issac.

He pulled out five papers for the pile and Issac said,"And after school, we're going to interview them so if you don't mind Natsu.". "Hold on. Let me check my schedule." said Natsu. "Since when are you so busy?" said Mike. "You do know that being ruler means that I have to deal with little things that may seem tiny but added up. It's a nightmare. I'm good to go." said Natsu. "Weren't you going to go shopping?" said Akane. "I am. Just have to push it back a bit." said Natsu.

After school. Natsu sat outside of the office as Visalth said,"So explain to me why the Emperor of Star Valley has to do the lackey's job while the rest of them are the interviewers.". "Beats me but I'm getting really far in this book." said Natsu. He was reading his book as Visalth said,"At least, you are reading.". "Hey!" said Natsu. "Um. Are you done talking to yourself?" said a voice. Natsu saw the person and he thought,"Really?".

He looked up from his book and he saw a boy and girl standing there holding a piece of paper. The boy had brown hair and dark blue eyes. "Hey pyro. I'm done with the questionnaire so take it already pyro." said the brunette. The girl had blond hair ,in a okay haircut being that her bangs were covering her forehead, and green eyes as she said,"Same here.". Natsu heard a tch noise as he saw another boy standing there. He had blackish brown hair, brown eyes, and glasses.

Natsu held the papers and he said,"Well, we have time before the interviews begins so just sit and be patient okay?". "Fine. I can't believe that the God of Death is ruling the school. We're dead." said the brunette. "Tch." said the glasses. "He's so ugly. What do girls see in him?" said the blond. "You three know that I can here you right?!" said Natsu. "Hey pyro. You need to get your ears cleaned because I am trying to get your dam attention." said a voice.

He turned around to see a boy with orange hair and brown eyes. He is wearing the uniform to Star Valley except with a hoodie. "Take it already Emperor." said the boy. "Fine." said Natsu. The boy sat back down as he said,"I guess that Vera made a mistake because your hearing is shit.". "Must resist punching him." thought Natsu. "Umm Natsu." said a soft feminine voice. Natsu turned around to see a girl with a large chest.

She has violet hair with it curled at the end and brown eyes. "My name is Cassandra Marshall and I hope I didn't miss the cut off." said Cassandra. "Nope." said Natsu. "Great!" said Cassandra. "I think she has jugs bigger than Natalia and that's something." thought Natsu. "Well, I hope you have a good day." said Cassandra. She was walking away as Natsu said,"You should take the interview.". "Oh. I guess I forgot!" said Cassandra. "Yep. She's very forgetful." thought Natsu.

The brunette said,"Excuse me, have the interviews not started?". "Be patient." said Natsu. "I'm busy unlike you devil so can you call me when it's time?" said the blond. "Tch." said the glasses. "Okay. If you do that one more time..." said Natsu. "Anyone wants some sweets?" said Cassandra. "No one can eat before the interview!" said Natsu. His temper was growing and a fire grew around him. "ALL OF YOU SIT DOWN OR ELSE YOU WILL BE BURN TO A CRISP!" yelled Natsu.

Later, the four student council members were resting on the table as Issac said,"And we're done. We did a lot of work today.". "Yeah. It's no wonder that the teachers were sick of picking students for this school." said Akane. "You know that I had to be stuck with those annoying pricks for more than ten minutes right?" said Natsu who was still angry. "So what did you guys think about them? I got my choice." said Issac.

Kana said,"Well, they were all unique. Both Cassandra and Randal aren't good because Randal aka the one with the hood is a punk not worthy for the Student Council and Cassandra is a blond but with purple hair. The other three had good answers and well, I think any one of them would do good.". "I guess that we think the same Kana." said Mike. "So what do you think Natsu?" said Issac as Natsu was sitting on the couch.

Natsu said,"Since I did your dam job again, I would say that none of those bastards should be picked at all guys. Number One and Two aka the brunette and blond was annoying because they thought they were better than me since they don't have a criminal record meaning that they can't relate with the rest of the school. Number Three may look like a nerd but he doesn't respect his elders or his teachers at all meaning that he may be a bad image for the school. The other two are okay.".

Akane said,"Really?". Natsu closed his book and he said,"Well, Randal aka Number Four may be a punk but he's honest which is a good feature and Cassandra aka Number Five could balance him as the fun. They're a comedy duo in the making.". "Wow. You can be deep and stupid at the same time huh Natsu." said Kana. "Taking that as a compliment." said Natsu. "Well, we have our choices then so thanks Natsu." said Issac. The other three were shocked as Natsu said,"Thanks.".

He walked off as Akane said,"So you made him the attendant because he's a good judge of character right?". "Yep. He was the God of Death after all so he knows what people really are." said Issac. "You sure about this so I guess Natsu did good I guess." said Kana. "Yeah." said Mike. Later, Natsu found himself in front of the Unknown Club room and he said,"Sorry for making you wait Rain!". He open the door and he saw it was empty.

He punched the wall and he said,"Glasses is going to get burned for this.". Kana walked up to him as she said,"You know that Rain wasn't going to wait forever right?". "Yeah but." said Natsu. She looked at him as she said,"If you want, I could...". Natsu turned and he saw Rain. "Rain! You didn't leave me to walk home alone." said Natsu. "Of course not. We have to get volume two plus I had to use the bathroom." said Rain. The two were gone as Kana stood there.

Mike then appeared from around the corner as he said,"Need someone to go home with you?". "No thanks! I'm fine!" said Kana. As she walked, the hallway froze behind her. "I forgot. Souls are at their best during the more emotional years aka now." said Mike. He tried to melt the ice at least a bit but it was stuck there. "Natsu. You're an absolute fool sometimes." said Mike. He tried to help calm down Kana but he was soon frozen in a giant block of ice.

Outside, Natsu said,"Sorry for making you wait so long!". "It's fine Natsu. I was helping some of the others plan for your death." said Rain. "Yeah. Totally looking forward to that. I mean I want to go on the trip because this trip is going to be my last." said Natsu as he said the last part quieter. "I guess we should go check if they have the second volume. I'm sure that they have it and we both finished it due to us being fast readers." said Rain. "Yeah. Lets go." said Natsu.

The two were walking through the city as Rain said,"I still can't believe that you basically run the school now. That must be a lot of hard work and responsibility.". "Yeah. They keeping adding on pressures. I may be an expert planner but this may be too much for me." said Natsu. He stopped as Rain said,"What's wrong?". "We're being followed." said Natsu. Rain guarded Natsu as she said,"I didn't expect an assassination attempt while out in public but I'll protect you.".

Natsu sweat dropped as he said,"You know that Astral helps a lot plus it isn't an assassination attempt at all. Look.". Rain saw Cassandra hiding in some trash cans with her saying,"So what did you do to her?". "Nothing. She's just like Satsuki and Yumiko." said Natsu. "So you mention girls with big boobs? I forgot that was your type." said Rain. "I love you honey but she's actually one of the new vice presidents. Her name is Cassandra Marshall." said Natsu.

Rain said,"She's a student council rep? Wow. I wonder why she's following. Does she not know about you having Astral?". "Maybe. She may just be a major air head." said Natsu. The two walked away as Cassandra saw this. She got out of her hiding spot with her feeling really hot. She turned around to see Natsu and Rain as Natsu said,"So what's up?". "Um...." said Cassandra. "I may think you're nice but following behind or in front of me is a bad way to get on my nerves." said Natsu.

Cassandra bowed as she said,"Sorry Natsu but I was hoping to get you while you're distracted.". "Are you serious?" said Natsu. "I know that I'm not even close to your level of skill but since you caught me, I will tell you why." said Cassandra. "That was too easy." said Natsu. "Did I get picked for vice president?" said Cassandra. "Why are you asking him instead of Akane, Issac, Kana, or Mike? They would have given you an answer." said Rain.

Cassandra said,"I tried but Akane was with Masaru whose super scary, Issac who was flirting with two girls, Kana was freezing everything around her, and Mike was a ice cube! You must know the result so could you tell me pretty please?". "I can't. I may not be a student council member but we're not just allowed to tell secrets like that." said Natsu. Cassandra sulked as she said,"So I failed.". "You are so depressing." said Natsu.

Rain was reading a book as Cassandra said,"You're being a real meanie head.". "Meanie head? How old are you again? You should go talk to Issac. He'll listen to you." said Natsu. "But couldn't you be like the bestie god of death if you just told me?" said Cassandra. "No! You followed us and I am not the biggest fan of stalkers." said Natsu. She grabbed onto his leg as Natsu said,"Let me go. You really don't want to get Rain mad.".

Cassandra said,"I will let go if you tell me.". "Fine. You made it okay." said Natsu. "Yes!" said Cassandra as she jumped for you. "Just don't act like you know in front of Issac or anyone else okay girl?" said Natsu. "So you're easy to persuade if someone grabs you by the legs. Very interesting my dear boyfriend." said Rain. "Please tell me you're not planning to use that to kill me. So why did all you want to be vice pres anyway? I would hate to work under Issac." said Natsu.  

Cassandra said,"Well, it is the best way to get into the college of your choice.". "You are seriously thinking that far ahead huh?" said Natsu. "Yep! You may be trying to kill the world or the world will kill you in three to four months but I have to thank about my future! I have to get into a good college which will get a great job and then I can meet someone rich and become lazy. That is my goal for my life!" said Cassandra. "Really interesting." said Natsu.

She grabbed his hands as she said,"Natsu. I hope we can become real close.". She smiled as Natsu had a small blush on his face. "What?!" said Natsu. She walked away as Rain closed her book. "So you do like large breasts." said Rain. "What?!" said Natsu. "We should get going to the book store before it closes and also." said Rain. She kissed him as she said,"You're mine even if I have to share you.". "Okay then." said Natsu.

The two were in front of the bookstore as Rain said,"We made it!". "Yeah. So lets find that book and get two copies." said Natsu. The two looked around as Natsu thought,"It may be cute to see Rain be jealous but I hate seeing her like this. I can't control my feelings according to Sly and Crimson Gecko but I hate seeing her sad.". "Natsu. Could we perhaps buy the whole set and read it together while we are on the trip?" said Rain. "Sure." said Natsu.

He was bumped as the person said,"Move.". Natsu turned to see Randal holding a light novel and he said,"Good. It's still here.". He read through it as Natsu thought,"It's the assassin. Why are you here and now?". "So do you know this guy? He's from our school." said Rain. "He's Randal Frazier aka a weirdo." said Natsu. "So did he?" said Rain. Natsu nodded as Randal said,"You know that I can hear you two right?".

Natsu said,"You know that we don't have to talk with you right?". "Okay then. I'll leave you lovebirds alone if you tell me if I'm going to be vice president." said Randal. "Excuse me boy? Why did both of you want to know? I guess I was right about you. You made it along with the airhead." said Natsu with a smirk. Randal was shocked as Rain said,"So can you keep a secret?". "I thought you were on my side!" said Natsu.

He noticed that she was holding several books as Randal said,"Thank you Natsu.". He walked away as Natsu said,"Okay. That was weird.". "Hey pyro. Let me make this clear. I'm going to be there for Issac all the way and you're nothing more than an idiot." said Randal. He walked away as Natsu said while sighing,"Man. That guy has more problem than Cassandra. So I guess I have another rival and it's for Issac. God dam it.". "I see." said Rain.

The two were walking as Natsu said,"So what's with all of the books?". "They are for the trip plus the entire series twice. You're going to be my date." said Rain. She grabbed his arm as the books were in the air thanks to her power. "So let get something to eat. I'm starving." said Rain. "Well, I know the perfect place. It's amazing." said Natsu. Rain smiled as the two headed off. Back at the school, Blaine was playing American Chess in an empty classroom.

A voice told him,"Oh Blaine. You had such an impressive start, a good middle, but a bad finish. Oh, I think it's checkmate right.". Blaine groaned as he said,"And here I thought that I'm good at chess. I can't beat you whatsoever.". "Yep. I hope you learn this and your other loss." said the voice. Blaine looked up to see Heather except with a massive burn covering her face. "So what did he do to you exactly?" said Blaine.

Heather frowned as he said,"That idiot burned me for what I did during that whole affair. I wanted my revenge on him plus with the help of several others, we won. He may have won the battle but I will win the war plus getting the cash isn't bad either.". The two went back to playing and one of Blaine's pieces fell onto the ground, it landed facedown on both notebooks that contained details about the Sorcerers.

Next time,
What are Blaine and Heather planning!? Are the Sorcerers really dead? How will this student council turn out? And will things ever be normal?! This and more next time on Soul!

Character Bios (New character introduced and seen in this episode in the order seen) Name, Age, Class, Hair Color, Eye Color, Height, Blood Type, Zodiac Sign, Birthday, Likes, and Dislikes.
Randal Frazier. 15 years old. Student Council/Vice President/Third year Class X at Grand Lake Boys Academy. Orange. brown. 5 foot 8. A. Taurus. May 18. Issac, being complimented by Issac, proving himself to Issac, and anything related to Issac. Being reminded of his past, anyone who isn't Issac, and annoying women.
Cassandra Marshall. 14 years old. Student Council Vice President/Third year Class W at West View Middle School. Violet. Brown. 5 foot 3. AB. Libra. September 27. Sweets, friends, making people happy, and keeping the good mood. Veggies, paperwork, studying, and wearing tight clothing.

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