Friday, June 16, 2017

Zero Episode 33 Night of the Love Zombies

A/N: Fun fact, this title was going to be called Emotions Gone Wild. I decided to change it because of some reasons. It isn't because it doesn't fit with the episode at all. I'm sure that most of my titles don't related to my stories. I'm honest when it comes to my writing. I don't do this to create the next Harry Potter or stories like that. I do this for fun but I always make sure that this story makes sense. Soul on the other hand is a mess but I love it. Lets begin.

Narrator P.O.V.
In Cypress Park, Zane was currently doing his nightly patrol as he said to someone on the other end of his helmet communicator,"Well, this is really boring for once because wow, I'm bored Danny.". "I think we need to get you a hobby other than this. Don't you have a guitar?" said Danny's voice. "Yeah but I'm not in the mood for music lessons with Celeste." said Zane. "Don't you like her? She's really good compared to whats his name." said Danny.

Zane said,"Seth? He's good but Celeste is better. Jennifer is another story. She's cute and all but she needs to learn something about personal space. She was like that when she was human but Johnny Vincent was used to it and not me.". "Have you tried telling her that?" said Danny. "We all have man and it didn't work." said Zane. "Ah. So you up for a round of..." said Danny. Zane heard an silent alarm go off as Zane said,"I'll call you back.".

He flew toward the location of the silent alarm which turned out to be the Cypress Park University building and Zane floated down. He looked at the building and Athena said,"Have you tried using Crisis Judgement yet?". "According to Crisis Judgement, there is one people inside and I think they're trying to steal one of Dr. Brock's inventions." said Zane. "Lets go already. We shouldn't let them steal anything for evil" said Athena. Zane phased through the wall and he walked around.

The two looked around as Zane thought,"Wow. This is college. I don't smell too much alcohol.". He heard cheering as Athena said,"Is there a game going on tonight?". "Yeah. I think its soccer. I'm not sure myself but they probably won't bother us." said Zane. "Okay." said Athena. The hero opened the door and he saw that he was in the geology department of the school with the robber from Episode 24 standing there.

She smiled as she said,"Oh. I got your attention Hero Boy.". She was about to escaped but she was stopped by a cage of ice that surrounded her. Zane stood there ,in Thermal Form, and he said,"Give me the fancy rocks or else, things are going to get hot.". "Oh Zero. I didn't expect you to be so forceful with me. I thought you were a noble knight not a perv." said the woman. "Huh?" said Zane as the thief smiled.

Her nails grew and she sliced her way out of the ice. "See you next time lover!" said the woman. She jumped toward the roof with her wings ,that looked fake, turned real and she flew off. Zane aimed his hands down and he said,"Get back here!". He then flew after her leaving embers behind. The woman turned and she said,"Oh. I guess Zero came after the Dragoness.". "Well, I can be very determined mainly when capturing thugs." said Zane as he threw a small fire ball.

She dodged it as she said,"A thug? I'm insulted by your lack of knowledge. I'm one of the top thief in the world plus being I'm a dragon so I can do this.". She closed her right hand and then she opened it in a second. Out of that fast movement, a ball ,the size of a golf ball, of energy rushed toward Zane and he could sense how strong it is. He made a fire ball and he threw it. The balls collided making an explosion of energy. "Hey Hero Boy! I think we have a thing going on." said Dragoness.

The two landed on a rooftop as she rushed toward him. Zane dodged her attacks and he said,"Maybe we do.". "How about you give the hero business and join me? Being a thief is pretty fun plus making the spoiled rich kids of Cypress Park is such an amazing feeling." said Dragoness. She landed one of her attacks as she said,"Oh. I guess you're stronger than I thought. You chip a nail.". "Seriously? How strong are her nails?" thought Zane.

He jumped back as Dragoness said,"You want in on this job hero? I'll split it with you sixty and me fourty since you must be struggle to keep that super sexy costume from looking like a cheap Chinese Knock Off.". "Split and job? You must be speaking a foreign language to me plus my costume was made by dwarfs. They may not be gnomes but dam, they can be fierce. So who and why are you steal these rocks?" said Zane.

He turned into Raptor Form as he rushed toward Dragoness. She dodged his punches as she said,"A man who wants them for something. I don't ask questions because all of those zeros is pretty nice. So are you in hero?". "You know all of that cash would pay off any haters of mine but I would have to give up my superhero perks." said Zane as he kicked her into the air. She soon landed and Zane said,"You sure you're not a cat?".

Dragoness smiled as she said,"Maybe. Who knows who you're related to these days? It is a shame that you won't be a bad boy. Dragon and Hero, it's a match made in heaven.". "Really? But we just met and I like to be wine and dine before I do anything like what you're suggesting." said Zane as his fists glowed. "Wow. I didn't expect that but give me a chance and I'll make you into the baddest boy in all of the world." said Dragoness.

The two then clashed fists and it looked to anyone on the outside very much like a dance except with less motions of love or social obligation. The two were right up close to each other as Zane said,"So how did we?". "Who knows how hero boy but I like you more when you're human then when you're a walking heater or chicken." said Dragoness. Raptor Form was gone as Zane said,"So how about a reward for making you work?".

Dragoness said,"You're a flirt with all of the girl aren't you? I could see us together. Maybe, we could meet up again.". "Maybe Dragon. I will let you slide this one time under one condition." said Zane. "I guess you like to role play cop." said Dragoness. "How about we schedule another date here under the stars except with you not stealing." said Zane. "Sure. I'll contact you." said Dragoness. She fired out a little fire ball which destroyed a camera as she said,"Later Hero Boy.".

She was gone as Zane fell to the ground. "Wow. She's amazing." said Zane. "You do know that she's a bad guy right?" said Athena. "Yeah but I'm sure that she can be good plus I did a quick look at her rocks." said Zane. "I know that you're a boy and a teen but you don't have a perv." said Athena. "You know that I mean the rocks that she stole right? They're worthless." said Zane. "I see. Lets get you back home lover boy." said Athena. Zane flew off.

Meanwhile back at the college, they weren't playing soccer but football. The Cypress High Condors were playing against the Iron Port ,which is a sea side town, Iguanas. One of the Condors got the ball as he said,"This game is so ours.". He was about to pass the ball but one of the Iguana slammed right into him causing the two to fall onto the ground. "Hey! That was so unfair!" said a Condor. "Wow. I can't believe that you birds would complain about a totally legal move." said an Iguana.      

A Condor fan in the stands said,"Man. This is so lame.". He was hit with a plate of nachos as an Iguana fan in the crowd laughed with the two girls joining him. The guy next to the Condor threw a soda at the Iguana causing him to get up. "You're so dead now!" said the guy. He ran up to the duo as everyone in the crowd was fighting. "Wow. You're so lame picking on someone who..." said the fan as the crowd was covered in flowers. He grabbed the Iguana fan as he said,"Loves you so much.".

Back on the field, the flowers hit the jocks as an Condor said,"And maybe you should get your eyes checked because....". He wrapped his arm around an Iguana as he said,"It's just a dumb game.". The jocks and crowd turned to see a thin woman standing on a stage as Bedrock and Cinder stood to the left and right of her. She had long white hair, pale blue skin, and violet eyes. She's wearing a black and white skin tight bodysuit that has a hole exposing her chest and stomach.

To finish off her outfit, she's wearing thigh high black and white boots. She grabbed a mic and she said,"People of Cypress Park, I am your Idol or Devotion. I do hope the gifts that I gave you all to spread to the rest of your friends. I only ask of you one thing. Don't try and put on the person that you love the most. Pick the one who seems to be the most anger. Go my children.". The crowd was gone as the woman smiled.

The next day, Zane was daydreaming in English and he didn't noticed that Lorene was standing in front of his desk. "Mr. Alvarez." said Lorene. "She's amazing." said Zane. Crisis Judgement went off as he dodge a spit ball which hit the teacher. "Whoever did that just earned themselves a date with my good friend detention after school." said Lorene. The class laughed as Zane went back to daydream about Dragoness.

At Zane's locker, Zane said,"Dude. She was amazing. I mean she and I were like Romeo and Juliet on that rooftop.". Danny stood there as he said,"You do know that you are talking about a criminal right now?". "Yeah but I am so sure that she's not planning to kill me and she robbed my heart." said Zane as he smiled. "So did you guys hear about what happened at the Condor and Iguana game or is Zane here still in La La Land?" said a voice.

Danny turned to see Rachel with Karen as Danny said,"Yes and Zane is. He's talking about a thief who he was chasing the other night.". "She was so beautiful. She had the moves of a dragon and she had the looks of a goddess." said Zane. "She?" said Karen. "Yeah. She was amazing Karen and I will meet her again. I'll see you guys later. I have some stuff to do." said Zane. He walked away as Rachel said,"You know that this is your fault right Karen?".

She pointed to Karen as she said,"Me?!". "Well, you should have gone out with him to make sure that he doesn't turn into well that." said Rachel. "At least, he isn't skipping or pulling petals off a flower. I am looking at the good side of all of this here." said Danny. "Maybe if I confess to him now, he may go back to normal." said Karen. "Maybe but look at this." said Rachel. She pulled out her phone and it showed several odd couples.

Danny said,"So? I mean I see the Chess Club President feeding grapes to a cheerleader. That isn't weird.". "And an actor to the School Play dancing with a band geek. I think they are cute together though." said Karen. "Yeah but this is weird." said Rachel. The bell rang as Danny said,"See you ladies later. I got a date with a substitute teacher which means no test for me.". He walked off and Rachel said,"I think it's confirmed. The guys in our lives are idiots.". "Yep." said Karen.

Danny entered a classroom and he saw a woman writing at the board. "Sorry. I'm late so where is the rest of the..." said Danny. It was DI or Devotion Idol as she said,"You have his scent on you so lets see if I can get him using you.". She blew flowers on him as Danny gained a goofy smile on his face. "Now find me the one who could bring trouble for the one who shall turn the world from a boring mess into fun." said DI.

In Latin, Gwen was reading her textbook as Danny was outside of the classroom and he was staring at her with a longing gaze on the other side of the window which was right next to Gwen's desk. She turned to see Danny as she said,"Danny! What are you doing? Class is staring and you're late.". He breathed on the window as he made a heart. She opened the window as Gwen said,"Are you okay there Danny?".

He hoped in and he was holding a picnic basket filled with flowers. "I'm fine Gwen. I'm in love with you because you by my side." said Danny. He blew flowers in her face as Gwen said,"That's the most romantic thing I've ever heard Daniel.". The two started to ballroom dance in the classroom with the flowers spreading around the room infected all of the students there with love and this wasn't the only place being infected by the love flowers.

Tara was walking with Ray in the garage as he said,"You know what's so awesome about being well a metahuman.". The dancing couple of Danny and Gwen bumped into them infected them as Ray and Tara gazed longingly into each other's eyes. In the newsroom, Zane was sitting with Selena. "What's up Zane? Hiding from your fans." said Selena. "A little but I was thinking about her more and more by the second." said Zane. "You talking about Karen?" said Selena.

Zane looked at her as he said,"Karen? She's my best friend. I'm talking about this girl no women that I met last night. She was amazing.". "So Zane has a crush?" said Selena. "Yeah but don't write it in the paper. It would bring me a lot of problems." said Zane. "Sure thing. So could you help me with something or does lover boy not want to help out a friend?" said Selena. "I can so what's up? Need a new scoop." said Zane. "Nope. You know that my mom works for the paper right?" said Selena.

Zane said,"And you're following in her footsteps. How adorable.". "Yeah. She asked me to help put in all of the personal aids that were delivered by mail onto the website." said Selena. She then pointed to a bag as Zane said,"So do you know how?". "Of course but it's so tedious." said Selena. "I am really good at this kind of stuff." said Zane. He grabbed the bag and he brought it over to the big desk. "We will each do half." said Zane. "Sounds good to me." said Selena.

Zane opened the first letter and he said,"Selena. Do personal aids usually carry money in them or is this new?". "Well, some people don't like being known as that freak in the paper so they send in cash to make sure that their name isn't seen." said Selena as she went through two at once. "Okay but what happens to all of the money in them?" said Zane. "We get to keep it." said Selena. Zane held up a lot of bills as he said,"Well, this person payed ten grand for a half page ad.".

Selena said,"Wow. So what does it say?". "Dear Hero Boy, I have fallen for you harder than diamonds and gold. I'm sure you feel the same about me. Our lives as heroes and thieves can be cut too short so we should spend it together before death comes knocking. Meet me at the roof top where we last met and had the dance between good and evil. Dragon." said Zane. "Weird. Lets get back to work okay Zane?" said Selena. "Yeah." said Zane. The two went back to work as Zane thought of her.

Later, Zane was sitting at a booth at Fantasia as Courtney walked up to him. "So what's up with you little bro?" said the woman. She sat next to him as Zane said,"Have you ever felt bad about seeing a guy even though they're bad for you?". "Sometimes but I'm a good judge of character. So are you seeing a bad girl?" said Courtney. "Maybe but I'm not sure. I mean I could be just in a high because she's so different." said Zane.

Courtney said,"Love will do that and didn't you act the same way when you had a crush on me way back when.". She punched him as Zane said,"Yeah but this is different.". "Really Zane? It sounds the same to me." said Courtney. The two saw a crowd of people walking toward them as Zane said,"You have work. Have fun.". "No. They don't look like customers for food but our brains." said Courtney as they got closer.

They then touched the duo like crazy as they said,"This is weird.". The two got up as they bumped into someone who was standing there. They turned to see DI standing there as she said,"Hello there boy and girl. I do hope you like being under my spell.". She blew flowers at the two and Zane said,"I may be in a love like state but flowers are so not my style.". "You totally get that from me Zane. So who are you?" said Courtney.

DI said,"You two are immune. Get them my sweeties!". The crowd turned around and the two started to run. "Where are we running to?" said Courtney. "Somewhere far from them!" said Zane. The two saw Danny and Gwen holding hands along with Ray and Tara. "You guys! I'm happy for you but we are being chased by love zombies!" said Zane. The couples walked past them as Courtney said,"So why can't they see us?".

DI looked at the two as she said,"Bring them into the fold sweeties.". The mob went after them and the duo starting running. It was about a few hours later and the entire town was in a loving state. The duo walked around as Courtney said,"I think everyone beside us are love zombies.". "Yeah and I'm not liking it." said Zane. He heard a car heading toward them and the two saw it was Zane's Doom Buggy with DI calling shotgun.

The couples of Dwen/Gwanny (Danny and Gwen) and Taya (Ray and Tara) ,I'm not good at making couple names, were driving the car as they said,"We will Devotion Idol.". Ray stepped on the gas as Zane said,"Into the alleyway!". They ran into the alleyway avoiding the car as Courtney said,"This is nuts.". "You two are right and I'm so happy to see you again Zane Alvarez." said a voice. Zane turned to see Lyra ,as Leech Vine but without the mask, with Umbra standing in a shadow portal.

Zane said,"Irene and Lyra?! How did you two break out of jail?". "You know them? Oh. They were students at Cypress High right?" said Courtney. "You remember us Zane. I'm touched because we never really talked outside of when you were talking with David. We may be bad but we care about Cypress Park and we came here to help." said Umbra. "You are? Why should we trust you two after you tried to kill Hannah ,which I'm okay with slightly, and take over the town." said Zane.

Lyra said,"You were always such a simple thinker. Why would we help people who locked us up like animals in a cage?". "You did try to rule over us just like that weird lady." said Courtney. "I do enjoy seeing people who made fun of me ,when I was David, act like loving idiots but seeing my David with her grinds my gears. I will not allow my home to be controlled by someone like her. So will you help us Zane and girl?" said Umbra. The two looked at each other as they said,"Okay.".

A little bit later at the school, Zane stuck his head out of the shed and he said,"The coast is clear you girls.". The three stood there as Lyra said,"Are you ready to save the town from this woman who tries to steal it from us using love?". "Yep. So what do we need to do?" said Courtney. "Yeah and how did you two get out of jail again?" said Zane. "When she arrived, she used her flowers to take over the guards with her taking Bedrock and Cinder." said Umbra.

Lyra said,"We were somehow immune to it since I can absorb energy and Irene is a living breathing shadow.". "We need to find the ingredients to nullify the flower's effects to get some allies due to the fact that four against a entire town are bad odds." said Umbra. "Make that five." said a girl's voice. Zane turned to see Nova and she said in her southern yet sexy Mississippi accent,"Hi there sugah. Good to see you again.". She hugged him as Courtney said,"So who is she?".

Nova said,"We met at Reggie Robertson's party and I saved his life from Occult Master aka the weird guy who uses magic. So what's up with this town? Everyone was talking about love like its the best thing ever.". "It's a long story. So what do we need to find?" said Zane. "From my research, we need to get some glasses from the cathedral's glass windows, sugared water from Fantasia, and diamonds from a jewelry store. Got it?" said Lyra. The four nodded as Umbra teleported them away.

It was night time as Lyra was cooking something up using the three ingredients. Zane was standing nearby as Nova said,"So what's up?". He looked at her as he said,"It's nothing. I'm just worried about my friends.". "They'll be fine after this formula is done right?" said Nova. Lyra nodded as Courtney said,"So Zane, how does it feel being in the same room with four lovely ladies?". "You're my sister Courtney, two of them tried to kill me, and..." said Zane.

Umbra said,"We don't have time for chit chit. So how much longer?". Lyra pointed to several test tubes as she said,"We're done so lets get moving before...". The door to the lab opened as DI stood there. "You five honestly think that you can stop my master's homecoming? Turning the town into love starved fools was easy." said DI. "Yes we did right guys so you can do nothing to us." said Nova as the four nodded.

An army of love zombies walked in as DI said,"Get them sweeties. We can't have them running the love now can we?". Umbra made a shadow portal as it was burned to a crisp. Cinder stood there and he said,"You won't stop the love Umbra.". "He is under her control. He isn't speaking Spanish like at all!" said Zane as he kept back Marcus and Travis using a broom. "Courtney, Nova, and Zane! You three need to grab the antidote! " said Umbra as several zombies destroyed them.

The three grabbed one vial of the antidote as Zane said,"Coming through! We're in a hurry!". He pushed them down as Nova said,"Thank the gods that they're zombies.". Lyra attack DI and she said,"Don't let us down Zane!". The five eventually found their way out of the school and the mob was catching up. The five were gone as DI stood in the center. "You have failed. My master will rule this world since I have something that will work instead of you Zero." said DI.

The town was covered in people hugging each other and sleeping next to each other. The couple duo of Dwen and Taya walked past Ramona and Tony as Ray said,"Isn't this great officers?". "It is Ray. I hope to see you love birds at the ceremony tonight." said Ramona. The two were dancing as Gwen and Tara smiled with them wrapped around their guy's arms. However, the loving feeling was gone due to them being splashed by a green liquid.

Zane stood there with a water gun as Lyra said,"Impressive shot Zane.". "Thanks. I have a lot of practice." said Zane. Danny and Gwen looked at each other with Gwen saying,"This is weird.". They let each other go as Danny said,"Zane? Irene? Lyra? Courtney? And some blue haired chick? This is a weird group.". "Her name is Nova and she's a friend." said Courtney. "Hello there. It's nice to see you four back to your senses." said Umbra.

Tony said,"You guys aren't in the love anymore so I guess you're screwed.". The love zombies woke up from their slumber as they walked toward them at a slow rate. "So what's the plan?" said Nova as she got ready to fight. DI walked from the crowd as she said,"They shall be part of the group that refuses to join the love.". Zane's Doom Buggy was driving toward them with the driver turning out to be Natasha as she said,"Get in now!".

The nine got in as Zane took the wheel. "Hang on tight! This is going to be cramped!" said Zane as he pressed down on the gas petal. "No! No! No! Get them back now my sweeties!" said DI. The car then drove out of town with the zombies chasing after them. "So how are you not one of them Ms. Alvarez anyway?" said Tara. "Me and Courtney share the same issue of being unable to smell. I'm guessing because you girls are meta humans, you're immune." said Natasha.

Ray said,"So how was I effected? I'm a metahuman as well.". "Who knows? We can ask her once we stop her. So where are we going?" said Zane as he drove through the woods. "Head toward Make Out Point." said Natasha. "Why? I mean isn't a lot of Love Zombies there?" said Gwen. "Nope. I think that the Love Zombies can't leave town. I guess this because one of the zombies got to the town gate and well, they fell to the ground." said Natasha. "Seems good to me." said Umbra.

Zane parked the car at Make Out Point which had a romantic view on the town. Zane leaned on his car as Lyra said,"So who is this strange woman and why is she turning everyone to bring back her master?". "She may want all of the town to use as sacrifices and putting them in a love state makes them extra chewy." said Zane. "That's from Hamsters Horrors 9. I really don't think that works here Zane." said Gwen.

Umbra said,"May I suggest that we get back on track? I noticed that the woman wants everyone to be under her spell. She did mention something about there being others who were unable to be in the love.". "You're right. She seems to be trying to bring everyone so that she can bring back her master using the town. I noticed that she seems to be very much like a goddess." said Lyra. "I think the school may have our best answers." said Zane.

Zane jumped in the car as Courtney said,"Hey Zane. Me and your mom will stay here. Don't worry. I will protect her with my life.". "I understand. Just be careful okay?" said Zane. The group was gone as Natasha said,"So why did you stay behind?". "Well, you're like my second mom so I didn't want you getting attacked plus Zane and friends can handle her for sure." said Courtney. The two didn't noticed that something was watching them and they were attacked.

In the school library, Zane said,"Okay you guys. Find something or anything relating to Devolution Idol or those flowers.". The group soon looked around the library and after ten minutes, they couldn't find a dam anything. "Okay. This is so annoying." said Ray as he placed a book down. "Hey guys! I found something!" said Gwen as she ran to one of the table. The group gathered around the table as Umbra said,"Supernatural Legends and Mysteries Volume 2?".

Gwen opened the book as she said,"I found her in here.". She pointed to a photo copy of Devotion Idol as Tara said,"So it says that she works for someone who isn't from this dimension and if he is in our dimension, the entire Omniverse is doomed.". "Who's her boss?" said Lyra. "It doesn't say but whoever it is, we can't let into our dimension." said Danny. "Right." said Nova. The group went off as Zane grabbed the book just in case.

In the basement, Danny and Gwen were looking for something to help turn everyone back to normal as Gwen said,"We need to find something to spread the antidote out faster with.". "Yeah and I think a fire extinguisher will do the trick." said Danny. They found some and Gwen said,"Listen about what happen earlier.". "Yeah. That was...." said Danny. "We don't have to..." said Gwen. "Yeah. I get you Gwen." said Danny as he grabbed two.

His sleeve was grabbed as Gwen said,"I do like you Danny but I don't want my feelings to be over done.". "Well, I do too but she's going to pay for what she did." said Danny. He walked away with Gwen thinking,"Danny.". The two found Lyra and Umbra holding a tub of the antidote as Umbra said,"You two found a lot of them?". "Well, we each need to have one." said Danny. "True. We just need to wait for Ray and Tara plus Nova and Zane." said Lyra.

In the costume department, Ray and Tara were going through it. "So Ray, we haven't had a chance to talk about what happened earlier. So how much do you remember about the whole thing?" said Tara while holding some dresses. "All of it." said Ray as he was picking through clothing. "Really? How does that make you feel? I know that after what happened with Cyber, you haven't been the same Ray that I know." said Tara. "Not different." said Ray. "Huh?!" said Tara.

Ray sighed as he said,"I don't need someone influencing my feelings for you. I like you Tara but I'm just getting over Karla being well a crazy psycho who wants me due to crazy version of Danny's nano chips." said Ray. "Ray." said Tara. Later in a lab, Nova and Zane poured the tub into a pipe and it fed the nine fire extinguisher with the antidote with Danny, Gwen, Lyra, and Umbra standing nearby the two of them. "I think we got enough for everyone including Bedrock and Cinder." said Nova.

Zane said,"It's a good thing that the book described the antidote as the way to negate these damn love flowers.". Ray and Tara walked in with Ray pushing in a cart with clothes. "We got enough clothes to make us look like the love zombies so she doesn't recognize us." said Tara. "So does my costume involve a skirt and lipstick?" said Danny. "No." said Tara. "Sweetness." said Danny. "Zane. I think you're going to be a perfect girl." said Ray. "I hate this." said Zane.

At City Hall, the Love Zombies were gathered in the main hall with it looking like a wedding hall as several strange and yet normal couples sat in the booths. They were David and Hannah, Andre and Selena, Susan and Travis, Austin and Bryan, Andrew and Rebecca, Kevin and Sam, Marcus and Vicky, and Brad and Mack. The door opened to reveal Edward, Jim, Stan, and Tony carrying DI on a platform with Bedrock and Cinder walking behind them.

The zombies cheered for her as the group walked in as Danny and Gwen being close to each other along with Ray and Tara. Danny looked at Zane who was dressed in a prom dress with him frowning and Danny thought,"He really does hate this.". Lyra and Nova were holding onto each other with Zane sneaking to the roof mainly to change into Zero while placing a clone in his place. Umbra then appeared to the group with each one grabbing fire extinguishers.

DI sat on a throne as she said,"Thank you my public. I thank you all for your loyal services and you will be perfect for my master. I think this and the sacrifices will help.". Some zombies were holding Courtney, Karen, Natasha, and Rachel with DI saying,"Will you admit yourself to the love?". "No way in hell would we!" said Rachel. "She's right." said Courtney. DI sighed as she said,"Well, end them.". The zombies was about to hurt them as Zane's voice said from the roof,"Now!".

They fire the antidote on the zombies as several people looked at each other in disgust mainly with Sam who pushed Kevin to the ground hard. "No! How did you idiots fail me?!" said DI. She was then held by a mummy bandage as Zane ,in Mummy Form, said,"You got owned by some kids and the town owe them your thank.". "Fine. You won this battle but the war Zero is just starting. My name is Xona and SP will return!" said Xona as she disappeared.

Zane stood with the rest of Team Power as Karen said,"Thanks for saving the town you guys.". "You have to thank Zane plus Lyra and Umbra." said Ray. "I guess even bad girls can help out even when the town is being controlled by some crazy chick." said Rachel. "Right." said Zane. He looked at the rooftop as Tara said,"You alright cos?". "Yeah. I'm fine. I'm just thinking about something." said Zane. He held the book as he thought,"This book saved the town but who is SP?'.

Xona later reappeared in an empty building as she heard,"So did the plan work? Does Zaney Kins know who I am?". "Yes Master. He does. Shall we continue on working on freeing you?" said Xona as she bowed to something. "Good. Soon Zaney Kins and the rest of the Omniverse will be under my rule. Lets go!" said the voice. Xona nodded as she went toward the open window and she flew off into the night working for her master.

Next time,
Who is SP? How does he know Zane and what is his plan? What is with that book? This and more next time on Zero!

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