Saturday, January 4, 2020

Zero Episode 142 Classified Operation

A/N: Yeah. I'm sure that this post will come in the year 2020 since I'm going to try my best and go back in forth between Fairy Legion and Zero. This may change when I'm in the zone for one of them as seen with the Reality Sucks Arc. I just enjoyed writing that arc and well, those villains will be returned including Miranda who'll be going by a new name and having a new appearance after what the men and women of science have done to her.

Yes. I said her. Pretty sure that it's super obvious on who the villain is. I mean we saw what was going to happen to her at the end of last episode. I really should try to build up some suspense but nah. This title gives a basic idea about what's going on. We'll see more of Brooke Reyes's country of Syalvania which is a fictional European country that acts one of the world's global superpowers and a group that had been considered dead for a long time.

I wouldn't say on the same level as China or Russia but on the same level as Singapore. If you need an example of what Syalvania is like, think Bartovia, Drusselstein, Kasnia, Latveria, and Symkaria from their respectively sources. Did you know that Wikipedia has an entire article just on Fictional European Countries? I'm sure that they have one for Asia and other continents but I just found that really interesting.

Learning weird and random facts while doing research is interesting to me. So before we end off this Author Note, I want to talk about the last post I did for 2019. So the last post of 2019 was the best to worst MCU movies since I thought they were the big thing in the 2010s for Hollywood. I could be horribly wrong about that since I'm not a film critic and will never be one since my definition of a good movie is making back what it cost to make it.

The reason why I skipped Hulk is actually because of two reasons. The first reason is that beside for General Ross coming back in Civil War, Infinity War, and Endgame, that's all that came out of that movie. I mean you could count the Hulk but he's played by a different actor and there are no real ties to it in later movies. The second reason is that I couldn't find a way to stream it without paying. I'm not going to watch it illegally or pay for a movie that I may not even like.

From what I researched, Hulk is one of the worst MCU movies maybe on the same level as Thor 1 and 2. So I don't think I missed too much. I tried to look at all twenty two movies without any bias and look at it objectively. I did just that for most of them except for number 19 Black Panther. I'm sure that I've made my feelings on Black Panther clear but I did like aspects of the movie. The costume designs were great but beside everything I mentioned in the post, I didn't care for the movie.

I really don't think it's a race thing but if you see it as that, that's fine. I may just be racist but I just don't like Wakanda. I prefer Gorilla City since it's a group of super evolved apes and I don't get called out for being a racist. I mean I always try to state my opinion because it's better to say what you're thinking rather than keeping it bottled up and letting it out at the wrong time. I mean we live in a world where speaking your mind can get you in trouble.

For example. If you say something bad about say a fictional female, you called sexist. If you're unaware of the J Scott Campbell scandal, you'll see how having a different opinion or drawing a female in an "unrealistic" manner gets you in trouble. These characters are fictional and in a world where aliens live so this makes sense. I like Fairy Tail and those are clearly impossible body proportions. And why don't males get the same treatment?

I mean it's double standards since we don't really judge males in clearly impossible body proportions but we judge females. If Marvel or DC did slice of life and realistic, I would say that it's far fetched but they don't. I'll personally admit that the artist's work is good but man, it doesn't work with the characters who are still going through puberty and not legal. If this was an Anime/Manga, it would be weird but makes sense. If you don't know, Anime/Manga is weird. Let's begin already. 

Narrator P.O.V.
It had been two weeks since the Ultimate Decimation ,named by Curtis Goodwin like he did with the Massacre, happened. The Ultimate Decimation was a meta onslaught. This event involved the cast of Ultimate Showdown ,one of the Earth's most famous and beloved reality TV show, getting attacked by three metas. They were airing their latest and final season showdown. Seventeen members of the cast were chosen to compete.

The main focus/competition of the season was to capture Cypress Park's protector Legion Zero since to most people mainly to those who watch Apex Mind, he's seen as a menace. This season instantly turned into a prime example of the dangers that the Apex Mind had been saying about metas from day one. All but four members of the cast/challengers were taken over by a meta who went by the name of Renegade.

According to the police's investigation done on the only sane member of the meta trio, Renegade or William Jensen worked in Hollywood alongside Ricardo Salazar. William was going to be famous after his special effects was praised for being highly realistic. He was thrown under the bus by Ricardo who took credit for his special effects despite not doing anything to help him out on the effects.

He tried to kill him but Ricardo hired King to protect him. He left Hollywood to become a therapist and swore revenge on Ricardo. Curtis said that this was William's revenge alongside a former intern of Ultimate Showdown Tristan Franco and there is Wendigo. He only joined them because some lady promised him that they would be able to get on a group called Avalon. The only members of the cast who were taken over were Bob, Hilda, Hugh, King, and Sally.

The host of Ultimate Showdown Ricardo Salazar did survive as well but it was revealed thanks to Legion Zero that Ricardo was actually an alien. He was taken away by the group known as Swarm for questioning on what he was doing on Earth. As a result, Ultimate Showdown was canceled until the numerous lawsuits filed by the families of the Ultimate Showdown cast were resolved. They all blamed the mayor of Cypress Park Lilith Rune for letting this happen.

However, Lilith decided to blame Zane Alvarez since it was his best friend Legion Zero who allowed all of this to go on under his watchful eye and then there is the case with Miranda Manning. Miranda was the only member to have gone missing during the whole thing. King said that Zero mutated her into some monster being that Hilda said that it was Feral. She didn't know why she defended Zane and his meta pal but Vicky told her about how and why Zane acts the way he is.

It was kinda nice to know that under that foul mouth of his, he's a nice guy. This attempted blame from the mayor failed since the press ,except for Curtis, decided to focus on the mayor. She signed the agreement to allow the reality show to shoot in Cypress Park even though it's well known the dangers of having anything go on in Cypress Park thanks to it being the center of metahuman activity in the eastern half of the United States. 

In the warehouse district, there was some training going on. Zane was standing inside of a room that was looking over the main part of a warehouse that was owned by Zenith Industries after they took over Champion Tech. "You're doing great out there Blitzfire and honestly, you're doing much better than Kevin but that's a given since he started on Level 10 in the Pit. You know your strengths and you just got your new suit so you didn't want to make a fool of yourself huh Vicky." said Zane.

The cross species was speaking into a microphone and his voice was being directed to the main part of the warehouse. Inside of the main part of the warehouse, Vicky was currently trying out her new suit that was given to her by Zenith Industries using the Agent Phoenix Suit. Her new suit was called the Blitzfire suit. The Blitzfire suit is still a skin tight bio-organic battle suit. It’s colored black from her shoulders to her waist.

The inner thighs, sides of her torso. and underarms are dark blue. She wears black gloves that go up to her elbows with the ends of them being pointed. In the center of her gloves, there is a dark blue circle. She wears a gold utility belt with two gray cylinder on each side. She wears black high heeled boots that looks incorporated into her suit. Her head is mostly covered by a mask. It’s a black color and covers the top half of her face.

This does expose her mouth but it can be covered by a dark blue mouth piece. It has two dark blue feather-shaped patterns on the side of it. Her eyes are covered by slanted clear-glass lenses. The warehouse had the Pit installed into it so that Team Maelstrom and friends could practice when they have some free time. "Thanks Zane but why is Level 5 so hard?" said Vicky, flying back to evade Rudy who tried to kick her in the neck.

Vicky was facing off against the trio of Atlas, Hornet, and Rudy. All three men were actually Revised that were currently mimicking the appearance and abilities of the Tremendous Trio. "I incorporated my sadistic training into the Pit. Oh and buggy is coming up on your right." said Zane, watching Vicky blast away Hornet with a gold energy blast. "I know that Zane! My suit just told me that. I really don't need a backseat driver." said Vicky. "Yeah but well, I felt like making sure you know." said Zane.

She saw Rudy heading toward her with her slamming her fists together. They glowed gold and she punched Rudy. This sent the suit wearing man into Atlas, pushing the large man back. "Yeah but it doesn't hurt to have someone watching your back in the heat of battle. Trust me on this Vicky. I got seven people watching my back and I respect all of them equally." said Zane. "Including Cole?" said Vicky, blasting Hornet into the wall using a gold energy blast.

Zane smiled as he said,"Yeah. Despite his idiotic comments, he's a valid comrade of Team Legion Zero.". "Zane! You're such a nice guy! I love you man!" said Cole, crying. Athena sighed with Zane saying,"I think we should stop for now.". "Why? I'm totally....." said Vicky. Before she could finish her sentence, she was blasted in the back by a cold blast from Cryonic and was on ground. "Since you're clearly distracted and I need to make sure your suit is ready." said Zane.

A bit later in the Zenith Industries's office, Vicky ,in her casual wear except with a Revitalizer Suit on her person as a bracelet, looking at Zane. He was currently in Inventor Form and was looking over the Blitzfire suit. "Okay. It's really weird to see you like this Zane." said Vicky. Zane turned his head toward her and he said,"What do you mean? I mean you've known about me and Zero being the same guy since you got out of the hospital.".

The hero rubbed his chin with him saying,"And my cheek still hurts by the way. You girls all have strong slaps by the way. Rae has the strongest but hey, I'm bias toward my fiancée.". "You really love hearing the sound of your own voice don't you?" said Vicky. "Vicky. It's me. So what is the former Swarm agent thinking?" said Zane. "You being Zero. I mean for almost six years, you and Zero have been two different people but now that I know this secret and...." said Vicky.

Vicky punched a nearby pillow that she was sitting on the couch inside of Zane's office. The cushion hit the wall hard with her saying,"It's so damn annoying Zane!". "Yeah. I figured you would be annoyed by this so are you mad at me for telling you my dirty secret?" said Zane. "A bit. I have to ask you a very personal question and you don't have to answer me since you're with Rae." said Vicky. "Is it about when we were "dating" back in the day?" said Zane.

The former agent of Swarm nodded with Zane chuckling. "Yeah. I was going to tell you about me being Zero and hoped that you weren't going to kill me with some of your weapons that you had lying around. You may have stopped me from making a big mistake since I wouldn't have been able to....." said Zane. Vicky looked at Zane who was hyperventing. "Zane. Are you thinking about those six aren't you?" said Vicky. "Yeah but I'm fine." said Zane, nodding.    

Vicky crossed her arms and rolled her eyes with her saying,"No you aren't. Danny gave me the signs you have when you're thinking about them. It's obvious. I mean your right eye is twitching. It's more obvious than normal since you're in Inventor Form.". "Okay Vicky. I'm not but I'll be fine. Just need to focus on your suit okay?" said Zane, wanting Vicky to drop it. "Okay but you really need to stop bottling up your emotions about it." said Vicky.

A few minutes later, Zane deactivated Inventor Form and he held the Blitzfire suit in its standby mode with his right hand. It was a silver necklace with it having two intricate designed gold bird wings pendant. "So here you go. It should be combat ready." said Zane. "Should be?" said Vicky as she took the necklace from Zane. "I'm sorry. It will be but crime is pretty slow lately." said Zane as Vicky gave him a look that screamed are you serious.

Zane nodded with him saying,"Yeah. After what just happened involving Ricardo, crime is going to be quiet. Might go out drinking at Velvet Spoon after I finished work.". "Okay then. So you actually work then? I thought you made poor Jaime do all of the work." said Vicky. "Nope. I may have gotten to be a CEO through some very powerful connections but it was my hard work that brought my company to where it is now." said Zane.

Vicky smiled as she said,"Okay but I better see you there. I'm going to meet up with the others since Lynx is a good bartender. Still can't believe that she's an alien. She looks so human and then we have Leo. I mean I thought he was a girl but him being a vampire.". "Yeah. Welcome to the world I've been living in for my entire life and I'll be there if I can but not promises." said Zane, smiling at her. Vicky left with Zane watching her leave.

Twilight came out of Zane's left shoulder with her saying,"And that was awkward Zane. I mean you and her used to be a thing right?". "We did. I really did like her and I think there is still some feelings between us." said Zane. "So are you going to act upon it?" said Twilight. "Maybe but we have some work to do before then." said Zane. "Yeah. Ready to get going Zane?" said Twilight. "Yep. Time to go have some fun." said Zane, leaving his office by teleporting out of there.

Meanwhile in the lab from Zero Episode 141, Marilyn Gregory was getting chewed out by Brood. "I can't believe this but you've really screwed up. I mean losing the Phoenix suit was already bad enough for Swarm but having several of your highly trained soldiers lost to a Phantom right after that." said Brood. The two were looking at a video recording of several Swarm agents ,with them dressed like they did in Zero Episode 138, fighting against Specter Samurai.

Marilyn didn't say anything being that the duo of Edwin and Lilith both looked at the screen with a expression on their face. Edwin hadn't changed drastically in the past four years. His face is now lightly wrinkled and his hair is slightly graying. He still had a goatee. He's now wearing a maroon dress shirt, a red and gold striped tie, and a brown, pinstriped blazer. He's still wearing black dress pants, blackish-indigo knee-high boots, and black-framed silver glasses. 

Edwin simply watched the recording with no visible emotion on his face and Lilith looked amused at this scene. She still held a grudge against Marilyn after she used her for a battery back in the day and Marilyn is none the wiser about it. Lilith asked Shiegki ,aka the Specter Samurai, to make Swarm look foolish after they had just lost Vicky to Zane. He did and then some. After his defeat when he worked for Hyde, the Specter Samurai was stuck in the Infinite Void.

He had to find a way out but he had to get stronger in order to get his revenge on Zane and his family for making him look foolish. He later come in contact with the duo of Cicada and Cicatrix who took the Phantom in. The duo ,mainly Cicada, despise Zane for ruining their well-paying job at the Extinction Colosseum so when they heard about Shiegki's desire for revenge against Zane, they decided to give him some help in the form of the Goddess of Dusk Phora .

In response to the Phantom's desire for revenge, Phora gave Shiegki something called a Vintage Crystal and this item was created by a species called the Atizagan. They were known for great strength against their enemy and were a major threat during the Omniverse War. It didn't take much information on them for Shiegki to accept the stone in acceptance. Phora smiled as she watched the trio leave and thought they were fools since none of them knew the fate of Atizagan.

They were killed off thanks to the Magnus and mainly two in particular. It was the Twilight Duo of the Magnus. She was lying about the species's great strength against their enemy and were a major force in the Omniverse War but against the Twilight Duo, they were nothing. The Phantom escaped from the Infinite Void thanks to the duo of Cicada and Cicatrix and took his first Vintage Crystal as Lilith gave him his first assignment against Swarm.

The screen showed the changed Shiegki using his newfound power on those poor agents. He looks to be a muscular with him now being twelve feet tall. He's now wearing ash gray samurai armor with gold crystal spikes on the shoulder pads. His cape, gloves, helmet, and shoulder pads are a emerald green color. Under his armor, he's wearing black chain mail style armor that was covering his exposed arms and legs.

Under his chest plate, he's wearing a crimson red sleeveless tunic. He's wearing gray cargo shorts with brown leather boots that look worn out. He now wears a dragon skull like helmet with ram like horns. It's covered in grayish red Nether, creating an eerie glow around his face. His long red hair is covered by his helmet and glowing bluish green eyes with crimson red rings around them. He has sharp fangs and gray skin.

He's wearing a grayish red cape that was slowly shifting between cape and wings. He's currently holding a glowing grayish red Nether sword with a dragon like hilt. In the center of his chestplate and helmet, there is the Greek symbol for Omega. The Phantom was either blasting them with the grayish red Nether that covered his cape, head, and sword. This Nether was stronger than normal being that it could easily destroy any attack that the Swarm Agents using on it. Not even Sibylline could stop it.

Upon contact with this Nether, the Swarm agents souls were being drained from their body and his strength increased in the process of each soul being collected. His physical defense and durability was stronger than normal being that if they were in a heavily populated city, the Phantom would destroy the entire city. He was also creating powerful shockwaves with each punch of his and able to regenerate any damage taken in battle.

Lilith was impressed with Shiegki's performance but concerned on how Phora gave her servant power equal or stronger than her. "He got lucky." said a bitter Marilyn. "I totally doubt it. That Phantom your men faced was stronger than the average Phantom. I think I may have some trouble with it." said Brood. "You aren't serious are you child?" said Edwin. "If I was still a novice, yes. Do note that I said SOME." said Brood.

Edwin sighed as he said,"Fine. We'll deal with that at a later date. For now, I need you to deal with that thing in the lab.". "What about it?" said Marilyn. "The three scientists that you brought to my kingdom's secret lab informed me that they obtained as much as they could from it. However, one of my niece's servants mentioned to me that they could hear something coming from the basement. It is that thing's incessant squeals." said Edwin.

The Count groaned with him saying in a non caring tone,"From what the cyborg and fallen angel has mentioned, it has been claiming that she is still human and not beasts. It also has mentioned lawyers for what we've been doing to if we don't set it free.". "Since we're done with it, I suggest that we put it down like the Mongrel she is." said Lilith, heading toward the door. "Or perhaps. You could use it as a weapon. We brought it in the villain who controls people like a puppet right?" said Brood.

Marilyn looked at the young man with her saying in a clearly sadistic tone,"I'm fine with it but first thing, we need to break her spirit.". "I am as well if it stops her from talking." said Edwin. The group left the office of the count and went into the secret elevator. The secret elevator was hidden thanks to a bookcase in Norhall Place. The group entered the lab to see Claude Wilkins aka Heretic and Lyle standing around an examination table.

It once had a teenage girl on the cuffs of being an adult but was now a monster.  All of this was done to her in a very short span of two weeks ,which felt like an entirety to her, thanks to the scientists that were brought in to examine the girl's unique physiology. Avalon and Swarm were confused why they doing this but Lilith told both groups that her DNA would help them in their goals for eradicating the Phantoms and the supernatural world as a whole.

This was a lie but hey, it got them to do what she wanted. The scientist subjected this Mongrel to several tests including putting Sibylline into her body. They did this by putting several vials of the substance into her body and due to the Nether in her body, the elements clashed. The sight of the creature would have caused the stronger man to puke when it was brought into the lab. The scientist have even called her or it.

Her currently appearance wasn't much better in their appearance. This girl was once a fairly attractive young woman but due to karma catching up to her after six years, she was mutated into a monster by Legion Zero. This action was deemed as villainous by Miranda's family and fans but to most people on Earth, it was Karma. Her body was now producing Sibylline and thanks to some very painful plastic surgery done by the scientist, she had a more human appearance.

She looked to be seven feet tall since an entire foot was ripped out of her to make her appear more human. Six of her teal eyes were gone but it looked like they were never there to begin with. She did have her long black hair back. All of her black and white fur was burned off, exposing her burned silver skin. Her jaw was sewn back together, looking human. She still had several piranha-like teeth and was moving like an active blender.

Two of her large tentacle like arms were ripped off with the remaining two having numerous cuts on them. Her legs are the only thing that remained untouched. She was now wearing clothes being a skin tight dark purple ,with a red line in the middle, jumpsuit with noticeable shoulder pads. Her five black diamond like claws  and five teal diamond like talons clearly stick out on this normal humanoid beauty. All of her ripped off parts were on a table nearby her.

Miranda Manning ,who was famous thanks to the canceled Ultimate Showdown, was reduced to this thanks to the experiments done on her. Lilith approached the two named scientists while she ignored the abominable creature in front of her and the nameless Swarm scientists that were working against their wills on Miranda. Lilith had seen the sorry state of this human many times so her pity toward her was long gone. "So Dr. Stevenson. How is this victim doing?" said Lilith in a stoic tone.

Lyle smiled with him saying,"Well Mayor Rune. The tests have shown that the equipment was able to deal with any creature that's made of Nether or Impulse to the cultured beings. We were able to turn the Mongrel back to her human form but.....". "I'm not a Mongrel!" yelled Miranda with her getting an electric shock from Claude who smiled. "Okay. I just love when you talk out loud Rakshasa. It's so much fun! Keep doing it and I'll up the voltage more." said Claude.

The cyborg's right hand worked as a taser. "Thank you Heretic. As I was saying, Rakshasa was able to give us a lot of information for both Avalon and Swarm to use in their goals. She has taken quite well to the Sibylline in her body." said Lyle. "Hold on. Why do you call her Rakshasa? I thought her name is Mongrel and man, she looks ugly." said Brood, taunting her. This made Miranda mad and tried to take him but it failed thanks to Claude's taser.

Lilith looked at Brood who shrugged as she said,"He has a point Lyle.". "That freaky animal doctor gave her that name and it stuck. So want me to sent her into the Infinite Void or maybe the realm of the Phantoms?" said Claude. "Either works. Just get her to stop her singing. It's giving me a headache." said Edwin. "Agreed. Lyle, give her a control chip. Miranda Manning is gone and no one will miss her. In her place, Rakshasa is here instead." said Lilith.

Lyle nodded as he turned to his desk and Claude snapped his fingers. Miranda was being restrained by several straps as she screamed,"You can't do this to me! I'll call my lawyers and all of you will be ruined especially Zane Alvarez and his lackey! They did this to me!". "I'm sure that these fools kept you unaware of the outside hotel but your army of lawyers are gone. You're legally dead and this control chip will stop her from mentioning it right?" said Marilyn.

Like four years ago, the Swarm director had no idea about Lyle being a fallen angel. "What! That's impossible!" said Miranda. "Oh. It's the truth and to your question director. Yes she will. She'll be a very quiet and loyal slave." said Lyle. "Thank you." mumbled Edwin. "Yeah. I mean your folks call off the search for you after let me think. It was about a week of you being missing and no one from your fanbase cared after Ricardo turned out to be an alien." said Brood.   

Miranda was shocked by this with her saying,"Ricardo is an alien?". "Yes. It was a shock to all of us but hey, things happen for the better. I'm sure you don't mind showing the "president" the video we made for her earlier." said Lilith. "I don't mind at all Lilith." said Marilyn, smiling. She grabbed a nearby tablet and pulled the video that they made for Miranda earlier when they planned to kill her like the dog she is but that changed.

Lindsey Chambers was on the screen as she said,"In a turn that shocked no one except for the fans of the girl, the parents of Miranda Manning of the cancelled Ultimate Showdown have called off the search of their missing daughter.". "What?!" said Miranda, earning a shock from Claude. "Shut up beast. This is the good part." said Claude. "When asked for the reason why, Mr. Manning said that the search had been called off is simple." said Lindsey.

The blonde frowned as she said,"She died during the Ultimate Decimation during the final season of that crappy show and I didn't want to play along to the small change that she was alive. This has been another update on the latest meta story to sweep the nation.". The video feed had cut itself off right after Miranda's father said. This left Miranda feeling flabbergast and anger on how her own flesh and blood would give up.

Marilyn smiled with her speaking in a sadistic tone,"Oh. We're not done yet. I asked Brood here to shapeshift into a security guard and asked two of your friends to meet with the mayor about how they really felt about you.". Miranda looked at the screen to see Bob and Sally sitting in an office with the Cross-Species woman. "So. Bob and Sally. How did you take Mr. Manning wanting to call of the search for his daughter and how you two were the first to give up the search." said Lilith.

Bob looked at Sally with her saying,"It's actually really simple Mayor Rune. I don't think I need to sugercoat it anymore. No one on Earth gives a fuck about her and this includes her dad. He didn't want to come meet you since he hates Miranda more than I do after what happened.".  Miranda's eyes widened when she heard her only friend say that. "I think Mr. Manning said that she was the worst thing that he brought onto humanity but that would technically be Mrs. Manning." said Bob.

Sally sighed as she said,"Anyway. Mr. Manning mentioned how he and his wife tried their best to make her in an okay person but this show. It brought out her true colors. She's whiny, selfish, has an ego the size of the planet, waste of matter, and her going missing is the best thing that came from his daughter. His words not mine.". "And I'm going to guess that Mr. Manning's bitter but fair words are nothing compared to yours my dear." said Lilith.

The surfer nodded as she said,"Kinda. Mr. Manning had a lot of swearing in it and I think I learned five no twenty new swears from him. He had to put up with her making an ass of herself on TV for SIX years. Several people came up to her and told him that his daughter was the worst person for their children to see on television. They kept telling him that he should kill himself for having such a homicidal, controlling bitch for a child.".

Bob nodded as he said in a bitter tone,"Overall, he doesn't give a damn about what happened to that annoying woman and neither do we. No one on the show cared about her and that includes Sally. She has done enough harm to humanity so fuck her.". "So you've given up on her as well." said Lilith. "I think everyone has at this point. She should just got die in a ditch at this point and lucky for us plus the Manning family, we don't have to deal with the dead weight anymore." said Sally.

The video stopped there. "So how does it feel to have no one on your side? Your family disowned you and the two people who considered you their friend doesn't either. Kinda sucks but hey, you just saw them as puppets and ways to become president huh?" said Edwin. "No. You're lying." said the monster. "And she's gone. We broke her and shut her too. Killed two birds with a very large rock." said Brood, smiling.        

The masked man turned to Lyle who was holding a small blowgun and Miranda didn't notice this whatsoever. "You're lying. You're lying. You're......." said Miranda. She finally stopped talking as something went into the center of her neck. It's a pyramid shape golden nanochip. Upon it hitting the female's neck, Miranda's free will was slowly leaving her body and became a puppet for the villains to use. Miranda Manning was gone and Rakshasa took her place.

As this was going on, there was a extravagant party going on in Dragburke, Syalvania. The kingdom of Syalvania has a large stonewall ,that looked to be 25 feet thick and over 50 feet high, covering it from the outside world. This wall formed a sealed perimeter. There were several large square guard towers set up around all sides covering all directions. No one could sneak into its borders. There is only one way into the kingdom. It was currently locked by a metal portcullis.

There was an airport within the kingdom of Syalvania being that it had at least three runways and a modern airport terminal. However, flights in and out of Syalvania are limited.  Inside of the fortified walls, there was a magnificent castle that stood nearly 200 feet tall. Its walls and everything about it still looking in prime condition despite the age. Around the castle, there were small houses. This was the contained village/city of Dragburke.

The village/city had been serving the Reyes family for countless generations. All of the guests were dressed to the nines, mingling and talking over fancy foods and wines that have been aged to pure perfection. More and more guests were arriving at the castle's gates being that the walkway up to the castle was covered from top to bottom in stretched limos. From the most recent limo, a young, very attractive woman came out of the back seat.

She looked to be about in her early 20s and about 5 foot 5. She has a slightly tanned and soft looking face. She didn't look like she work a day in her eyes and gave her an heiress type vibe. She may be shorter than 5 foot 5 thanks to her black heels, giving her an inch or two in height. She has long and wavy black hair reaching down her shoulders and going to her shoulder blades. Her bright green eyes shined liked a emerald. She has her thin lips pained red.

The young heiress wearing a long, sleeveless sleek ruby red dress with a slit that nearly reached her hips and black heels. A white fur shawl covered her shoulders. She gave the doorman a small nod, pushing back a strand of her hair behind her ear. "Your invitation young miss." said the doorman. Without saying anything, the woman reached into a simple red clutch. She held out the invitation and handed it to him. He looked it over and gave it back. "Welcome to Norhall Place." said the man.

She smiled and made her way inside of the ancient but modern castle. As she entered, she adjusted the same strand of hair. To the others around her, this seemed like a simple action but she was turning on a earpiece hidden in her ear. It was a small ball of scarlet red light. "Okay. I'm in. So what am I looking for again?" said the woman with her lips barely taking as she spoke. This young heiress isn't what she's seem to be.

The heiress waited for a voice on the other end to respond and hoped this worked. She borrowed this magic earpiece from the Akostar Clan. "Based on our satellites, the castle has been working with Avalon and Swarm Silver Moon. I think the count is working with the enemy without the queen's permission." said the voice on the other end. "Yeah. I bet my favorite superhero is totally pissed that he isn't here right now." said a heavy disguised Alyssa.

Kelly nodded as she said,"Yeah. Zane is a good guy to have covering your back but he isn't very subtle though. I mean you two have been gone on missions together for four years now ever since we broke into Thunder Cove. So when are you two going to go out on a date?". "We've gone on a couple dates Kelly plus he has a fiancee Kelly. You've met her." said Alyssa. As she commingled through the party and snagged a glass of champagne to look insignificant, she saw the host of this little gala.   

Edwin Reyes is the owner of the Norhall Palace whenever Brooke or Peyton Reyes aren't here since he's only a count not a king like he really wants to be. Alyssa had been asked to come here by Silas not to test out a possible candidate for the Centurion Project but for a different mission. There have been sightings of known Swarm scientists and several known supervillains. According to Zane, the count had been known to work with super villains before.

The spy wondered why Edwin would throw such a party after the last one he had. It involved him drinking too much and a couple of nukes. Alyssa was here before when that happened and Silas had to clean up after her since she helped make an international mess. He was probably using his family's vast fortunes to pay for the two terrorists groups. He was ignored most of the quests ,except the rich ones, and looked at the many guards guarding the 1% of the world.

Alyssa whispered to her Alliance contact,"He's clearly hiding something Reagan. Time to see what he's talking about. Kelly. Do you mind?". She made her way toward Edwin with the spy's Vordlarin partner turning part of Alyssa's disguise into Alyssa's typical outfit aka her classic jumpsuit. "Make sure that everything is ready for transport. I can't have anyone finding out about the beast." said Edwin to two of his security guards.

The former leader of Death Pack smirked while leaning against a support column and sipping at her wine. Her highly trained eyes never stopped watching the guard as he left to follow his boss's orders and began to move. She set the empty glass aside, sneaking after the guard. He left the gallery where the party was and made his way into a private study. Thanks to Kelly, Alyssa was practically invisible to the naked eye. 

The guard worked over to the bookcase and pulled out what looked like a copy of Stalin: a biography from it. As the book came out, the bookcase itself stared sliding upwards and there was a secret elevator on the other side. This is the same secret elevator that Edwin used alongside Brood, Lilith, and Marilyn used earlier. The guard entered the elevator and the bookcase went back into place. The bookcase looked like it hadn't been touched.

Alyssa sighed as she reappeared. "Why is it always a bookcase?" said Alyssa. "Because all villains are tacky?" said Kelly. "I wasn't expecting an answer partner." said Alyssa. "I know partner but I was trying to be like Zero. He usually does stuff like this. I mean he's made a couple of assignments that we've done more fun right?" said Kelly. Alyssa didn't answer as she held the biography of the Soviet and made the elevator reappear. 

The spy made her way inside being that the door closed behind her. The car went down with Kelly covering Alyssa in silver ,with emerald green lines covering it, tendrils. The heiress was gone with it being replaced by Alyssa Harrison aka Agent Silver Moon. She looked the same in terms of her physical appearance but instead of her jumpsuit, she was wearing something else. She had her long and way silver hair tied in a small ponytail.

She's wearing a black cap with a silver "A" at the center of her cap. She's wearing a black combat vest ,with several pockets  on them, with a long sleeved gray shirt underneath. She's wearing dark blue denim jeans with black high heeled combat boots. She has black padding over her ankles, knees, and shoulders. She has silver moon emblem on the right side of her vest and her shoulders. She's wearing black fingerless gloves with gray lining.

She wears a black ,with a simple stripe of emerald green and silver moon emblem belt buckle, utility belt which carries various tools and gear and wears a pair of sliver and red gauntlets on each wrist that can transform into bracelets. She carries a gray pistol stored on the right side of her waist and a gray knife stored on the left side of her waist. "So why am I wearing this?" said Alyssa. "I know that the jumpsuit is iconic but sometimes, you have to spice it up partner." said Kelly.

Alyssa cupped her chin as she said,"That's fair. Time to see what Edwin has hidden in the basement and how it'll keep him away from being king. Get ready to go partner.". Finally, the car reached its destination. The door opened up and the spy took no time leaving. She made her way through a vast underground cavern. Before she knew it, Alyssa came up to a hidden laboratory and it was filled with Swarm scientists working on new Phantom killing weapons.

The spy and Vordlarin could hardly believe their eyes at what was in front of them. "Reagan. I think I owe you twenty bucks. Remember how I didn't think Edwin was hiding anything too serious under his family's castle and I bet that this was a waste of time." whispered Alyssa into her earpiece. "Uh huh. What's going on?" said Reagan. "We have a lot of weapons here and well, they are preparing for an Phantom genocide on our hands here." said Alyssa.

Reagan gulped on the other end with her saying,"You two find out what you can and get out of dodge okay?". "Gotcha." said Alyssa with Kelly nodding. Alyssa slipped her way through the area with her boots negating any sound she would be making if she wore her heels from earlier. They looked good on her but they didn't do anything for sneaking. As she was doing some recon, Kelly was taking some pictures of whatever they found.   

Alyssa poked her way around a corner to see an empty computer terminal and decided to take the opportunity to sneak over before someone showed up. "So what do you have Swarm working on for you Edwin?" thought Alyssa. She made her way over to the terminal, hacking her way inside in a few minutes. She smirked, cracking her knuckles and skimmed through the files. "Oh wow. You have a lot here. This is going to be fun." said Alyssa.

Like with every terminal she's hacked in her long career, she found several blueprints for different weapons to kill every known species in the Omniverse. There were blueprints for smart bombs that would release nerve gas and germ warfare. "Alyssa. Any one of these things could mean big trouble for the Alliance and the world." said Kelly. "That's why we're here partner. To stop whatever Avalon and Swarm have cooking up so that they don't become..." said Alyssa.

The spy stopped talking as a single file caught her eye and made her jaw drop. "Project Peacebringer or Orothos. I never thought I would see it again and the Nemesis too." said Alyssa. "So what are you doing here young madam?" said a voice. Alyssa turned around to see a guard pointing a gun right at her head. She tried to think of a proper response that would get her killed. "Sorry. I need a place to powder my nose and I'm totally hung over." said Alyssa.

The guard looked at her with him saying,"Do you seriously think I'm stupid?". "Well as a wise man says, it's better to say something stupid so that the enemy will lower their guard." said Alyssa as a tendril ,from Kelly, popped out of Alyssa's back and the gun went flying out of the guard's hand. The guard was too slow to react as Alyssa kicked him in the face using her boot. The heel hurt the most  as it broke his nose.

Alyssa rolled under him and punched him in the back, knocking him to the ground. She stood back up and looked at the unconscious guard. "Probably used to peasants stealing from the royal family and not me." thought Alyssa. Before she could go back to her research, her enhanced hearing heard a nearby door open and more guards came out. "Um. I think those new guards aren't like this guy and one of them isn't human." said Kelly.

The spy sighed as she said,"Just one mission. Why can't I have a mission where I don't cause the guards to come after me.". She held her pistol and began firing several shots down the hallway. This hit several of the guards in their arms or legs. Amidst the gunfire, she mixed in some explosives and electricity shots from her gauntlets which came in the form of small marble shaped objects and disc objects respectively.

This went on for a few minutes before something roared. "Uh oh." said Alyssa. Before she could do anything, the gun she was using was shot out of her hand and Alyssa was grabbed by the charging figure. It was Rakshasa holding the spy and Alyssa said,"Um sorry.". Several guards came rushing in with Edwin Reyes with them. "Okay. This is interesting. When I heard about someone sneaking into the basement, I thought it was some drunk fool but you're not like them are you?" said Edwin.

Alyssa smiled as she said,"Well, I was invited to your little party but you're keeping this secret from everyone. What a terrible host am I right?". "Oh. You're trying to quip. I'll have you know that I'm used to hearing that moron's quipping on a daily basis so the great Silver Moon's quipping is nothing." said Edwin. "You're comparing me to Zero? Wow. I'm so honored." said Alyssa. Rakshasa growled and she increased her grip that she had on Alyssa's hands and breaking them.

The spy clenched her teeth with Edwin saying,"Sorry about her. We're still breaking her in and she has a certain grudge against Zero. After all, she was going to be president of the United States if he didn't turn into a monster. I should tell you that you're outnumbered, outgunned, and have no way to escape. So what's your next move?". Alyssa glanced around, trying to find a way to get out of this mess she found herself in.

Much to her dismay, nothing was open to her. With a loud sigh, she had a single option. "Saying this to you. You've made a big mistake." said Alyssa. "And why is that?" said Edwin. Rakshasa brought her to Edwin and Alyssa spit in his face. "The Correction Center is totally not ran by a corrupt warden." said Alyssa as Edwin growled. "Knock her out and take her to get the Procedure. He needed a test subject for genesis done and she'll make a good test subject." said Edwin.

Rakshasa knocked her with a simple punch to the face much to Kelly's worry. "I hope she know what she's doing and hopefully, they'll get the hint." thought Kelly. She watched her partner get placed onto a gurney and dragged away to a different part of the basement laboratory of Norhall Palace. At the same time in the secret headquarters of the Alliance aka not the copy of the I.S.S. from Zero Episode 12. Reagan was sitting there.

She was Alyssa's "guy in the chair or mission control" for a seemingly simple operation into a foreign country. Despite her earpiece being magical in nature, they lost contact with one of their best agents due to Rakshasa's fist. Reagan did hear one last thing from Alyssa. It was about the Correction Center of Thunder Cove. For a normal person, it wouldn't anything but all words have a different meaning. This place was the first time Alyssa and Zane met. Reagan swore and tossed her headset onto the floor.

Upon the headset hitting the floor, a nearby Alliance agent ,wearing an outfit similar to the agent from Fairy Legion Chapter 18, turned to her as she said,"Um. Is something the matter?". "Of course something had to happen there. That place is cursed when she's involved! Someone get me Legion Zero! We have a Code Centurion." said Reagan, shocking everyone in the room. "Did I stutter? Get him on the line now!" yelled Reagan as the Alliance agents scurried to get Zane.

Meanwhile in Cypress Park, Zane ,as Legion Zero, was in the rafters of a warehouse. He had just taken down some armed thugs who were trying to steal from some technology that once belonged to Champion Tech before the buyout. Zane didn't use the tech in his company but he couldn't let it go out onto the streets. He was watched them leave thanks to the police and tried to figure them out as they weren't normal thugs.

It was a group of thirty armed men and all of them matched in terms of appearance. All of them were wearing a dark maroon ,with a black skull design over the front of the jumpsuit, Lycra jumpsuit. The jumpsuit also covered their head with a hood. It looked to be in the shape of a human skull. They had gray armbands like the Nazis. However, they didn't have the swastika on it but a black N covered in flames. To see, they have black lab goggles with maroon colored lenses.

They have black gloves and boots. They were armed with energy AK-47, AK-74, and M4 ,which fired maroon energy blasts out of the barrel, clearly ready to kill anyone who interrupted this. They didn't belong to Taurus. Their uniforms were made out of Kevlar and their weapons reminded him of anything that Avalon used except more modern. "Okay. Whoever these morons are. They didn't want this to fail but well, they did." thought Zane, holding the files on the Alliance's Centurion Project.

According to Silas, they had all of the members that they need. "So I wonder when something is going on." thought Zane. "Zane!" said a voice. Zane looked around and he saw no one. "Okay. You really need to tell me when you're going to call me Reagan. I could be in the bath." said Zane with him leaning back on the rafters. "So what's up? Did Alyssa and Silas give you the signal that I use as my masked persona." said Zane.

Reagan sighed as she said,"Agent Silver Moon needs your help in the Operation she's on.". "You can't be serious. I mean Alyssa needs my help and mingling with the one percent. She knows that I hate the rich and they hate me. I do enjoy some good finger food though. So are you trying to get me and her to go on a date? I mean we have some sexual tension between the two obviously but I'm not going to cheat on my fiance." said Zane. "Zane. Code Centurion." said Reagan.

The agent didn't see it but Zane's face got serious. "Reagan. Tell me where she last was and I'll be in Dragburke within ten minutes." said Zane. "Okay." said Reagan. Zane left the warehouse and made Midnight Bird appear above them. The hero entered the jet and began flying right toward Alyssa's last known location. "So when was her last transmission?" said Zane. His costume turned into the tactical version of his Zeta Costume.

Reagan talked to Zane through his suit's comms as she said,"About forty five minutes ago. We just got information that Edwin is using his family's castle as a base for Avalon and Swarm. We were right.". "And do you guys want a medal? I mean it's obvious since those two group can promise you power if you work with them. Just give me what I need to know." said Zane. "Do you remember your history class?" said Reagan.

Zane shrugged as he said,"A bit. I mean I was kinda ahead of the class and dealing with my dad being lost in the Infinite Void so why ask.". "According to Alyssa's mumbling, she mentioned Nemesis and they haven't been a thing since Vietnam. Alyssa was in the center of WW2 and Vietnam. This is due to her being immortal. She was going to give us information about their plans before Edwin caught her." said Reagan.

The Cross-Species nodded with him saying,"Okay. I remember Nemesis and I think I just fought them earlier.". "What?" said Reagan. "Check out who the police just brought in the station." said Zane. "Okay. I will but you need to save Alyssa before Edwin kills her." said Reagan. "And that's where you're wrong. Alyssa is a natural cold blood killer and Edwin couldn't kill a fly." said Zane with him nodding.

The ship stopped moving and was floating high above over the kingdom. It couldn't be directed by the kingdom's radar due to the plan being way out of their reach aka 20 kilometers above them. Zane walked out of the cockpit and went to the cargo bay as it opened up. Zane took a deep breath and with a single step, he fell out of his plane and went toward the castle at an impressive speed. He looked like a human missile.

Upon him hitting 5 kilometers, he sprouted two retractable organic ,yet metallic, bat/dragon wings from his back.  The muscles and hide of his wings are crimson red cosmic energy feathers. They are covered by reddish black ,being metallic, with a flame like pattern to it scales. He slowly made his way down and the radars were currently on the fritz thanks to a EMP released by his jet a bit earlier while he descend. 

Outside on the wall of the kingdom, one of the guards were walking around the kingdom and keeping watch for anyone who decided to invade their kingdom. Without warning, a sound rang out. He looked around for it and didn't noticed Zane flying toward him. Before the guard could do anything, Zane punched him in the head and knocked him out before landing on the wall himself. He reacted his wings and whistled.

Several microscopic arrows ,with the arrowhead shaped like an LZ, came out of his costume and went flying toward the other guards along the wall before having a chance to see him and alerting the main base of him. With the outer guards down and out, he smiled. "That was the easy part. Time to get to going." said Zane with him making his Legion Board and hoping on it. He began flying toward the castle and hoping that Alyssa was safe.

Inside of the underground lab, Alyssa groaned as she awoke. Her head was killing her since it felt like she had drunk from three bottles of Russian vodka at the same time or any booze that Zane had in his home. She wasn't a lightweight or defenseless kitten especially when it comes to drinking. When she told Rachel and Zane that, she got a comment about how she was cute as one from Zane much to her embarrassment since Rachel joined in on the teasing.

Those two were really the best for each other since they knew how the other ticked to an extent since Zane is kinda a mystery. She had a throbbing headache going on and tried to put her hand to her head but couldn't move it. Snapping to some form of consciousness, she realized her extremities ,aka her feet and hands, were restrained to the corners of a table being the one she's lying on. And by feeling the cold lab air touching her skin, she was wearing a different outfit than she did before.

She's wearing a black maid dress with a white apron. The dress reaches the middle of her thighs and had silver, puffy shoulders and emerald green frills sticking out. She's wearing a pair of long, white thigh high stockings and black high heels. She had a white, filly maid hat on her head and had her hair in braided pigtails. "At least, this is better than being naked or in a bunny girl outfit." groaned Alyssa. "It seems that you're awake Alyssa Harrison." said a voice.

Alyssa turned to see Edwin Reyes and several of his hired help. Unlike the guards that guarded his kingdom, it was the same ones that Zane fought earlier in Cypress Park and this confirmed something for her. "And your voice sounds like you're a total douche bag. So I have to ask. Did you change my outfit or what?" said Alyssa, knowing that the guards were staring at her figure. "Oh and you guys staring at me. Stop or I'll break you in two." said Alyssa.

The guards gulped and stopped looking at the spy with Edwin chuckling. "So tell me what I want to know. Why are you here? If you tell me why, I'll tell you what we did to you for Project Genesis to actually happen this millennium." said Edwin. "I came here to party and I got lost." said Alyssa as this answer didn't please Edwin. He smacked her across the face with him saying,"Why must things not go my way? I just wanted a simple party but no. I don't get that.".   

Alyssa sighed as she said,"I feel so bad for you but honestly, this was going to happen since you're working with terrorists like Avalon, Swarm, and now the group I found disbanded several years ago Nemesis.". "So how much does the oh so ingenious Alliance know about me?" said Edwin. "If I told you that, that would make me a terrible confidante." said Alyssa. "You heroes always such moxie even when death is coming toward you." said Edwin.

On cue, one of the grunts pointed his weapon at Alyssa's head and the female didn't flinch. "And that is supposed to scare me your highness? Come on. You're failing so very hard right now." said Alyssa in a deadpanned tone. In response, Edwin growled. Inside of the palace, one grunt was walking by a stain glass window that detailed the history of the Reyes family. Zane crashed through it and this got the grunt's attention.

The grunt aimed his weapon at Zane but the hero released a small burst of his electricity at him. The electricity hit the grunt and electrocuted him, causing him to fall to the ground unconscious. "You may wonder how I did that to you since your suit is able to withstand a lot mainly high levels of voltage. Lets just say that your pals who tried to steal from Champion Tech gave me the info I need to kick your ass." said Zane.

Zane threw the guard into the air and webbed him to the roof. "That should keep you from alerting your matching clones on the radio but I'm sure my amazing and vociferous entrance attracted them anyway. Really hoped I don't get blamed for breaking the window." said Zane. Crisis Judgement went off as Zane sighed. He turned to see several more grunts heading toward him with him saying,"And I hope this is a good enough distraction.".

As he said that, he made Epilogue appear and he smiled. Back down below, the loud noises of battle reached Alyssa and Edwin. While Edwin looked annoyed and confused, Alyssa smirked and knew what was going on. "What is going on up? Those idiots from Nemesis were created from a stronger version of the formula that makes the Avalon clones." said Edwin. "So that's how its done. Colored me impressed and I can't let him have all of the fun right partner?" said Alyssa.

Edwin didn't know that Kelly was still on her person and the Vordlarin broke her partner out of her prison. Alyssa got up and punched Edwin in the face. As a goon tried restraining her, she turned around and kicked him in the head with the heel hitting his right eye and broke the right goggle lenses upon contact. As another goon came running up to her, she placed her hand on a recovering Edwin and used him as a springboard to land on the goon charging toward her.

This sent him flying to the ground and Alyssa smiled. "You may be more advanced than you were back in the day but unlike you, I've evolved with the times." said Alyssa as Kelly made Alyssa's knife appear and it turned into a broadsword. Another goon tried to grab up but she swung the dull side of her sword at his face. As he stumbled back, she ran up and jumped toward him. She wrapped her legs around his neck as she smiled. "You may like this now but not in a moment." said Alyssa.

She aimed her sword at the goons, firing a beam of ice from the blade and freeze them where they stood. The spy used her weight to flip him onto the ground and landed on her feet. "So want me to change you into more appropriate attire?" said Kelly. "Nah plus I think it'll be more embarrassing for Edwin to get his and his men's butt kicked by a maid." said Alyssa as several goons heading toward her and the spy was ready to fight.   

Back in the main building, Zane was knocking down goons like bowling pins. Some of them tried firing at him but Zane just erased their shots with a Primordial barrier. "This is fun and all but I'm kinda getting bored." said Zane. He fired an Black mojo blast in front of a group of goons, sending them flying. Zane held Epilogue and tossed it, hitting a goon with exact precision. Instead of flying back to Zane, it bounced around the room and hit another goon.

This pattern went on until Zane saw more goons heading toward him. "And this is where we'll have to stop fighting for now." said Zane. He made Epilogue come back to him after knocking out the final goon and threw it toward at a chandelier. "I hope this works." said Zane. The chandelier came down onto the oncoming goons and Zane smirked. "Okay. You guys are down for now. Lets see if I can find a way to my favorite spy." said Zane, catching his shield.

He put his shield away into his pocket dimension and made his way to the study. "Okay. Which book has been pulled the most?" said Zane, pressing down on the sides of his goggles. The lenses glowed crimson red as a light purple holographic computer screen appears in front of them. He noticed that one of the books had a lot of heat signatures on it include Alyssa, Edwin, and Lilith's heat signature on them. "Guess the mayor is working with them of course she is." said Zane, shaking his head.

He found the book on Stalin with him saying,"At least, it isn't Mein Kampfy Chair.". He yanked it and the shelf moved to reveal the same elevator Alyssa used easier. Zane walked inside and the shelf closed behind him. The elevator proceeded downwards with Zane whistling. "Totally going to enter another fight so lets see what you got." thought Zane. The door opened and Zane jumped out, making his hands glow with Steel Gray Impulse. 

Instead of a fight, he found several goons on the floor either lethargic or lifeless. "Okay then. I'm going to guess that Reagan made this a bigger deal than it really was." said Zane, deactivating his energy. "Yeah. She's a total worrywort." said a voice. Zane turned to see Alyssa back at the computer downloading several files. Her maid uniform was slightly torn and there were marks on her ankles and wrists. Despite all of that, she looked fine.

Zane sighed with him saying,"You really should haven't said that line Alyssa. Reagan got the wrong idea and that's why I'm here. I mean these guys were kinda no really pathetic. I could defeat them easily and you two could as well.". "Yeah but you made my escape pretty easy so thanks." said Alyssa. "You're welcome I think. So where is the count? Pretty sure that the royal sisters don't have any idea about the secret basement laboratory." said Zane.

Alyssa pointed to a room with her saying,"He's over with his Nemesis buddies. I think he put me in this outfit when he had his goon knock me out. Remember Miranda? Yeah. She's here and working with the bad guys after her monster makeover.". "Oh. My bad. I guess." said Zane. "I really should tell you not to use your powers irresponsibly but if you weren't going to do, someone else was." said Alyssa.

Before Zane could say anything, another door opened and several more goons came pouring in along with Rakshasa standing there as their leader. Alyssa glanced at the screen with her saying,"It isn't done yet Zero.". "And that means we have to keep them busy until it's done." said Zane. Zane fired several energy blasts from his body as Alyssa used her pistol and began opening fire. While several goons were being destroyed by the duo, some managed to slip by them.

Alyssa smiled with her saying,"Wow Zero. You're getting sloppy. I mean you let a couple of them escape.". She fired at a goon that got too close to the hero. Zane quickly punched one oncoming goon in the stomach before releasing a wave of ice, freezing the ones that were near him. "You do know that I'm kinda human right? This is normal for us mainly whenever Silas sends us on a date and we're both under dressed for this kinda of thing." said Zane.

The spy sighed as she said,"Yeah. I'm not a fan of these things either. So how about after this we get some Fantasia or Caribbean Blossom. I'm sure you doesn't mind if I join you two lovebirds for a movie night.". "I like that idea a lot. So do you know those goons? I mean I've fought a lot of goons in the past six years but these guys are pathetic." said Zane, letting loose Epilogue onto some goons as they fell to the ground.

Alyssa sighed as she said,"Remember Nemesis from history class?". "Honestly, I don't. Like I told Reagan, I was kinda focused on something else at the time. Nemesis used to work with the Axis Powers and Death Pack right? That's what I can remember." said Zane. "Yep. You need to duck like right now Zero." said Alyssa. Zane ducked with Alyssa firing some silver ,with emerald green lining, webbing and fired a bullet from her gun.

This captured several goons and took out one goon at the same time. "You really do have a nice shot Alyssa." said Zane. "Thanks. You're a real charmer. Your turn." said Alyssa. She ducked, firing under Zane's legs as Zane sent two tendrils at Rakshasa trying to smash her. The two tendrils threw Rakshasa into the roof hard with Alyssa saying,"So beside the monster, are we done fighting?". Zane ,using the two tendrils, threw Rakshasa at the remaining goon, knocking them both out. "Yep." said Zane.

At that moment, the computer made a loud dinging sound and indicating that the download was complete. Alyssa went over and pulled a flash drive out of the computer. Kelly grabbed it and placed it inside of Alyssa's clothing. "So what did you find out from the Count? I mean you came here to figure out why Swarm and the bad guys have been seen here." said Zane. "We'll find out once we get this back to H.Q." said Alyssa.

Zane sighed as he said,"I guess we're done here.". "So where did you park? I really don't want to walk back to where I parked if Edwin didn't have it destroyed." said Alyssa. "Above us. It's just waiting for me to warp us there." said Zane, pointing up. "Let's go. So I have to ask. What do you think of me in this?" said Alyssa. "You look sexy." said Zane. "Really? You really shouldn't say that to another woman when you're engaged." said Alyssa.

The hero looked at her with him saying,"You do know that she wouldn't mind since I kinda showed her how far I would go for her four years ago.". "I know. So would you go that far for me? I mean we've known each other for four years." said Alyssa. Before Zane could answer her, the trio heard a voice say,"Oh Silver Moon. You should know that Zero will go through hell and back for someone he just met. I think he did that for a certain heroine if that fool's rambling is correct.".

Alyssa and Zane turned to the computer monitor with them seeing Donald's face on it. "So let me guess. You made the security system for Edwin's secret lab despite being in jail." said Zane. "And here I thought you were just an idiot whose mouth is his strongest power." said Donald. "Oh wow. I think he knows you so well." said Alyssa. "Yeah and I'm sure that the Donald I captured a month ago is just a robot." said Zane.

Donald chuckled with him saying,"Yep. You know the old robot trick I've done with a couple of your baddies. Able to fool your friend's scanner. So Agent Moon. Do you want to know what Edwin did to you?". "The Count did something to you?" said Zane. "Probably blackmail. He did change me out of my clothes into this and most likely recorded it. Edwin has been known to do sick stuff like that. So I have to ask hawk nose. What's going on here? Got an WMD's?" said Alyssa.

Hawk Nose laughed as he said,"For once, Edwin didn't do that. He may be a sicko but he knows that making Project Genesis happen is more important. From what I know, Project Genesis is creating an army with the powers of Warrior and the skills of Silver Moon.". "Oh wow. That sounds awful. So was Rakshasa the prototype?" said Zane, pointing to her. "Nope. Avalon and Swarm wanted to use her as a weapon since her entire being was being in the wrong place at the wrong time." said Donald.

Zane looked at the computer screen with him saying,"So if I break your screen and destroy the computer monitor, you'll shut up right?". "You're correct Zero but that won't be happening any time soon you two. I'm sure you're aware of what happened to someone who hacks into my systems." said Donald. Crisis Judgement went off as Zane looked at Alyssa. "We need to leave now!" said Zane as Alyssa was confused.

Before that could happen, the two disappeared thanks to a neon green light covering the room. "Oh. I think you're really good at masking yourself. Zero is a living radar after all." said Donald as the screen turned to see Phora standing there. "Correct. So aren't you going to ask where I sent them? It wasn't Kansas." said Phora. "I honestly don't care. Lets just hope they stay there." said Donald as his face vanished from the computer screen and Phora smiled.

Next time,
Where did Phora sent Alyssa, Kelly, and Zane? Was Donald going to do the same thing? Who are or were Nemesis? What is Project Peacebringer or Orothos? And is there something going on between Alyssa and Zane? This and more next time on Zero!

Vicky’s Armor as Agent Phoenix:
First Generation (Episode 18): This suit was made for her by Lilith Rune being that it was made for two reasons. The first reason was to find a way to obtain the Midway Point from Zane. The Midway Point is whenever a Cross Species access the other half of their DNA. For example, Lilith access her Midway Point whenever she goes from Human to Phantom. The other reason was to please Swarm and give them a way to truly kill Phantoms.

The first generation Agent Phoenix suit was made for Vicky being that it was going to be for all Agents of Swarm. However, Sheila didn’t want anyone else having this power but she only commission one suit for Vicky. This didn’t please Marilyn whatsoever. She was wearing a dark blue full body suit with a matching mask over her entire head. To see, she had a black visor in the shape of a phoenix.

She wears black gloves that cover most of her forearms that ends with pointed ends and black boots that go up to her knees. Its points were curved on her boots. She is wearing a black belt with two grenades on each side. She wears a metal backpack on panels on the sides and small vents. She was riding on a hoverboard with missiles attached. The suit hugged every curve showing off her round hip and decent sized breasts.

Her suit and hoverboard are retractable being that she can access it through her bag or phone.This suit is impressive despite being rather basic compared to the later generation of her suits that were made for her by Lilith and Swarm. It can prevent her from being burned up from fire based, get cold from ice attacks, and increased her physical abilities by ten. Her suit is powered of a strange substance that’s able to mimic a Phantom’s natural abilities.

This includes such as the ability to go through solid objects and turn invisible. The suit’s weapons are able to hurt Phantoms and track them by their Nether Signature. It’s known as Sibylline. It can come in the form of pinkish red or red energy. Sibylline was created by Lilith thanks to her taking over several Swarm scientists. She’s able to make energy blasts and weapons being that it comes from her suit.

Whatever weapon that she needs only requires a single thought. Her main weapon in this suit is the flying board. It can be used to fly and hunting Phantoms while on the move. It’s also her main form of transport. This suit’s major weakness at the time was electricity since it could easily be shorted out with enough electricity. It could be easily hacked into as seen when Cyber and Kirk Wallace was able to hack into it, control the suit and the wearer is unable to stop it.

Second Generation (Episode 84): This suit came to be after the first generation Agent Phoenix suit was destroyed. The suit was being controlled by Cyber and the destroyer was Zane in Chaos Form being that Vicky was left without a suit. However, Cyber ,who was trying to talk over the world using a satellite, needed a way to stop Zane. By using the data known about the first generation Agent Phoenix Suit, she blasted Vicky and made her a new one.

This is the second generation Agent Phoenix Suit being that it was made by Cyber to keep Zane from stopping her. It’s a black battlesuit with a mask with a reflective clear-glass face shield that was in the shape of a phoenix. She's wearing dark green gloves that covered most of her forearms with a opening in the part that would cover her palms and the same boots as the previous costume. It looked to be her old suit with a high tech upgrade.

The main new features for this armor is just that her suits onboard weaponry’s powers are increased. It also increases its physical abilities by twenty and can survive in outer space thanks to the suit providing oxygen. According to Swarm and really anyone who focuses in technology such as the Odium Society’s scientists, this upgrade ,while looking stronger, isn’t that much better than the First Generation Agent Phoenix Suit.

Third Generation (Episode 138): After four years of examining the Second Generation Agent Phoenix Suit, the group Swarm were able to give the Agent Phoenix Suit another upgrade. This upgrade was made possible thanks to the new director of Swarm Marilyn Gregory requesting some off the book assist from Avalon. They examined the Synthetic Tactical Armor from Zenith Industries and gave it a massive weapons upgrade.

The third generation Agent Phoenix suit is now a skin tight bio-organic battle suit. It's colored dark blue from the torso to the pelvis. The shoulders and gloves are dark blue as well with black streaks on the shoulders-blades. The leg part of the suit is colored black. Her chest and stomach are protected by black chest armor in six sections, with two large chest plates and four more angled plates that goes over her stomach.

The symbol of a red phoenix in the center of her chestplate. It has black padding at the lower back of it. She is wearing a black belt with two grenades on each side. She has a large black helmet with a reflective clear-glass face shield. She wears black gloves that cover most of her forearms that ends with pointed ends. It has a opening in the part that would cover her palm and boots that go up to her shins.

When not in use, it goes into the Phoenix Bracelet. It's an silver bracelet ,with a dark blue phoenix emblem on it, over her right wrist. According to Vivian Malone, it’s easily the second most advanced suit she's seen on Earth since she had seen what Zane has. The armor has an highly improved computer system being that upon Vicky finding a target, the suit’s weapon will go after them and can’t be stopped.

There are retractable shoulder miniguns, gauntlet mounted weaponry mainly in the form of cannons that fire energy bullets or a flamethrower, and several other weapons. These weapons were all made to kill Phantoms using the suit’s main power source Sibylline thanks to Brood ,a metahuman for hire, testing out their weapons for Swarm or Marilyn Gregory. However, the suit is still locked into Vicky’s DNA and can’t be replicated.

It comes with a force field that can protect Vicky from any attack hitting her and this forcefield can be projected to anyone within the area. The suit can allow Vicky the ability to carry over 50 tons, move and react at incredible speeds,and withstand a tremendous amount of damage such as weapons. All of this physical feats are using her armor. It can allow her to fly and travel at supersonic speeds without the requirement of a board.

It can be used underwater in deep pressure, high altitudes, and in outer spaces thanks to the suit’s life support and can be shield against radiation. The suit has an EMP generator which shut down any electronic device within a 100 mile radius. The EMP is used as a last resort since it drains the suit of its power. The armor has a full battle mode which can increase the armor’s combat prowess.

It was in a prototype state when it was used against Feral. Vicky activate it by touching the Phoenix that’s in the center of her chest plate. It gains more armor and becomes more hulking than the sleek design before. The color of her suit is still the same. The shoulders had dark blue pauldrons that are in the shape of dome. The gloves now go up to her elbows with the ends pointed and has a very small blade protruding coming out of the elbows.

It has a pair of small but powerful, black cannons. Coming out of her back, she has two long and large flexible dark blue and black bird like wings. There is a small, rectangular jetpack was positioned on her back between her wings to allow extra speed and flight when in use. Her helmet now has a reflective black faceplate/visor, that hides her face completely. The helmet has two tall, dark blue feather-shaped protrusions sticking out on the sides.

The battle mode increases all of her weapons and abilities by 100 percent, making her into a human WMD. Her main weapon is a red Sibylline blade with a black edge to them. The cross guard is dark blue and black in the shape of a wing. The grip is dark blue. The battle mode comes with a massive weakness. Compared to the sleek design of before, it’s really slow. It was also in a prototype state when used for the first time by Vicky. 

Fourth Generation (Episode 142): After Ultimate Showdown was pretty canceled indefinite due to the trio of Feral, Renegade, and Wendigo attacking the cast and crew, Vicky quit Swarm and joined up with Zenith Industries. When Vicky quit Swarm, Marilyn demand the Agent Phoenix suit from Vicky despite the older woman knowing that the suit can only used by her. Vicky told her that the suit is hers and that the suit won’t work for a group of nazis.

After saying that, Vicky left the organization. Vicky didn’t know about how Marilyn was making suits to kill Phantoms. As a welcome package to the company, Zane gave the Agent Phoenix suit a massive upgrade and a new name in the form of Blitzfire. When questioning about the name change, Zane told her that Agent Phoenix is apart of Swarm and having that name means that you’re still working for those nazis.

Vicky saw the logic in her friend’s decision and she took the name Blitzfire with pride plus she really liked the name. The Blitzfire suit is still a skin tight bio-organic battle suit. It’s colored black from her shoulders to her waist. The inner thighs, sides of her torso. and underarms are dark blue. She wears black gloves that go up to her elbows with the ends of them being pointed. In the center of her gloves, there is a dark blue circle.

She wears a gold utility belt with two gray cylinder on each side. She wears black high heeled boots that looks incorporated into her suit. Her head is mostly covered by a mask. It’s a black color and covers the top half of her face. This exposes her mouth but it can be covered by a dark blue mouth piece. It has two dark blue feather-shaped patterns on the side of it. Her eyes are covered by slanted clear-glass lenses. 

When it is in standby mode, it becomes a silver necklace with it having two intricate designed gold bird wings pendant. According to Zane, this suit is easily better than anything that Swarm could ever make and maybe on the same level as Vivian Malone’s suit. Her new suit has a built in Revitalizer Suit which allows her to move. This also works in her standby phase. However, she still wears on just in case something happens to her suit.

Her suit ,in terms of physical strength, can easily overpower normal humans and tear robots with ease. It can also allow her to go toe-to-toe with metahumans while in her armor. It can easily lift up a building while in the armor. Her suit is extremely durable being able to withstand several missiles hitting it at once and the user ,while inside of the suit, can survive falling several hundred feet in the air. It can survive a powerful solar attack from Rythos.

This feat wass according to Zane and Vicky didn’t want to know how that come to be since she had seen Rythos in action before. Her suit has impressive jumping abilities being that she can leap over a giant skyscraper in a single leap and this is mainly used to get from place to place without flying. It can reach incredible fast speeds while in the air being able to move at mach 10 at its max. Her armor can react faster than a normal human could.

Inside of her mask, there is a radio that allows her to communicate with others. It also allows her to track anyone by their Impulse. Vicky didn’t understand what that meant at first before Zane explained to her how that worked. Her mask can scan the environment to tell her if the area is safe or not. Her suit can survive under water or outer space thanks to it providing its own life support. Unlike before, it can provide support against radiation.

Her suit also helps her with her flight that being that it auto adjust when Vicky is out of control during flight. Her suit is still powered by Sibylline but a more refined version of it known as Silla. Vicky was confused by this being that Zane told her that it won’t be hurting Phantoms and the woman was okay with it. It comes the form of gold energy. It can create weapons like Sibylline but it comes her own thoughts rather than the suit.

She can make a single edged broadsword and these weapons disappear whenever they take enough damage or whenever Vicky wants them to leave. It can also allow her to fly or engage in aerial combat without any other flight support system. She does tend to make wings in order to fly because it’s just habit at this point. She can fire Silla from her suit which can repeal physical and energy based attack, traveling in a single purpose or over a wide area.

By slamming her fists together, they glow gold. This increase the strength of her physical attacks by a great deal. With a single punch, she can easily smash through steel doors and injure highly durable metahumans such as Steamroller. The two cylinder on her belts can extend in length forming batons of Silla. They emit a concussive force on impact. By combining them together, they can form a rifle like weapon.

Some of the weapons that can appears are a gatling gun that can fire multiple bullets at once, a rocket launcher whose missiles are located onto a target’s Impulse, and two whip like weapons that can incapacitate targets. Her gloves have small but very powerful cannons over her wrists. It has bomb dispensers in the back of her arms. It can still allow her to go through solid objects and turn invisible with the latter getting a serious upgrade.

It renders her practically invisible to all scanners. It has a combat mode that can increase the size and bulk of her suit. This makes stronger but slower.

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