Friday, February 16, 2018

Zero Episode 86 Zero's Worst Enemy

A/N: Yeah. This is a series of episodes with an overarching enemy. We'll see what Countess Chimera is planning with her creatures along with Barbarian and Blanche, what Derrick, Engineer/Doctor Bot, and Taurus are doing with Harvey and Roger, and Zane's love life. The latter may sound the saddest but Zane's the main character. We'll also slowly see some more relationships ,not involving Zane in a romantic way, building up. I also say this now.

Zane is on the football team but there won't be chapters truly dedicated to it. There will be sections dedicated to it but here's the thing, I'm not an expert on football. I know the basics but that's about it and at the end of this, it will feature a dance on a boat. Yeah, lets think about it. The school is filled with rich kids so a dance on a boat wouldn't be out of left field here plus I wanted to make this dance unique. Lets begin already with a normal night in Cypress Park.

Narrator P.O.V.
Underneath the abandoned shoe store, the Odium Society was currently making another super villain in the lab which was rebuilt fast. "Mr. Hogan, I should inform you that this experiment will make you able to do a lot but you'll lose something in return." said Donald. Harvey Hogan ,or Double H to his few amount of friends, was currently held in place by a glass bottle like tub and iron grips around his arms and legs with two pipes coming out of the sides of the bottle.

The pipe ,to the left, went up to a tub filled with strange green liquid and the pipe ,to the right, went to a tub filled with strange gold colored liquid. "I don't care. I'll be able to kill the punk right?" said Harvey. Donald was behind the glass panel alongside Derrick, Countess Chimera, and Taurus. "Yes but using Cosmic Phenomenon is so uncommon, I believe that Chemical PX is better for making villains than whatever you have Chimera." said Donald.

Taurus said,"Can it nerd. My boy can handle being a monster unlike Roger. You'll be able to crush Zero like the bug he really is if you go through it got it?".  "Sure! Lets go!" said Harvey. "This will work right? I rather not have a mistake like Downpour. He'll be useful for your master plan right Chimera?" said Derrick. "Correct and he won't be bothering you or your company in the normal fashion. Barbarian is good at making people listen." said EC.

Donald pressed a button on his monitor as both tubs were soon open. The liquid fused together and around the punk, he screamed out in pain and began to change right in front of the men. "This will work I promise." said Donald. "So why does he look like that?" said Taurus. "It's simple. Unlike with Downpour, we're giving him a mixture of Chemical PX and Galaxy Surprise. The latter is overriding the random nature of Chemical PX. This will make our dear friend an invincible foe." said Donald.

Harvey was now 8 feet tall with him wearing silicon armor completely over his body. The armor is gray. His eyes were glowing red. "What's going on in there?" said Harvey. "It's nothing important Harvey. Just get to work okay?" said Taurus as Harvey looked confused. "Keeping Zero busy while I go with my master plan Steamroller." said EC with a smile. Harvey soon broke out of the lab as the new super villain went out into the city to keep Zane busy.

The next morning, Zane ,in Eagle Form, was flying through the city. "Legion Zero paging the big and ugly guy. Your daily beat down from Cypress Park's number one hero is coming up very soon." said Zane. The teen stopped as Zane said,"Maybe it was just a rumor floating around the fanpage. It's so weird to say that though.". "Help police!" said a voice. Zane turned to see two punks ,looking like high school dropouts, stealing a car carrier. "It's show time." said Zane.

The punk ,not driving, said,"Yeah! We did it! We're going to get the stuff for sure!". The two heard a knock as Zane said,"You guys may not be the freakshow I'm looking for but hey, it beats dealing with the dramas of high school. Oh, hola.". The two turned to Zane ,still in Eagle Form, as the two said,"It's Zero!". "I'll shake this bird brain." said the driver. "He does know that you're flying right Zane?" said Sivarth.

The truck soon started to serve left to right as the passenger punk said,"See you guys later! I got a dentist appointment!". He pulled a lever as the back opened up. The passenger punk went across the ledge toward the back of the truck and the driver was about to follow suit. "Yeah. You're not leaving buddy. Lets hang out for a while pal." said Zane. He turned back to normal as his right hand turned into the candy syrup. He threw it on the driver's hand keeping him to the wheel.

Zane said,"Now. How about you stop the truck so we can have some tea?". The passenger punk soon stomped on the brake line as the driver punk said,"I can't stop it! I swear on my grandma's name!". "I can't believe you pulled out the grandma card on me bro. Now, I have to trust you." said Zane. "The idiot from before destroyed the break line." said Athena. "We're going to crash!" yelled the driver. "I hope this works! Sweet Breath and Dam!" said Zane.

Zane took a deep breath being that his cheeks and stomach puff up like a balloon. He soon fired it out being that a large wave of candy syrup went in front of him. It soon turned into a massive wall which soon held the truck inside of it. The passenger punk pulled a level as one of the cars went driving off and he got into another one. "Perfect. I got you caught. Now I have to..." said Zane. He was gone in a flash as behind the truck, a nerd looking guy and beauty were walking nearby each other.

The nerd guy had short dirty blond hair and brown eyes. He's wearing a white/gray dress shirt with a dark green tie, black jeans with a brown belt, and gray dress shoes. The beauty had a beautiful body with her wearing a light brown tank top revealing her midriff, a red knee length skirt, and matching red 1 inch high heels. The two soon heard the car ,not driven by the punk, coming toward them at an alarming speed. The two were soon grabbed by an unknown force aka Zane as the car crashed.

Zane looked at the two hanging there ,thanks to a quick candy syrup web, as Zane said,"Dude. If you two get marry, throw me a shout out! Have fun you crazy kids.". The two looked away from each other as the passenger punk saw Zane heading toward him while running on air. "Is he running on air?! Is this kid a freak?" said the punk. Zane landed on the roof of the car as the punk said,"I'll just shake him!". The car moved back and forth as Zane said,"Man. Deja freaking vu.".

Zane soon turned into Liger Form and he said,"Time to stop the moving vehicle with my strength alone brother!". Zane jumped in front of the car and he soon stopped the car by breaking the engine. He did cause a minor traffic jam as Zane soon grabbed the punk out of the car. He soon grabbed a nearby light pose and tied it around him. "You need to stay there and don't cause me or anyone else trouble brother!". He began jumped toward the school.

Back in his street clothes, Zane was walking through the walls as he thought,"Man. I forgot how much Liger Form says the word brother. It's really annoying but his strength isn't nothing to scoff at.". He soon appeared in the hallway and no one noticed this. "Hey Zit for brains!" said Brad's voice. Zane turned to see Brad in his usual Ox letterman jacket looking at Zane like he just commit murder. After a brief stare down, Brad grunted out,"Listen. You're one of us so don't make us look bad. Got it?".

Zane said,"But Bradley, you do that so well already. I don't think I can compete with your level since I'm a newcomer to the football scene.". Zane soon caught an identical letterman jacket that fit his size and it shocked the crowd watching the two ,well known, enemies interaction. "Yeah. I'll just ignore your snark for now zit. You're still a rookie and not even close to my level!" said Brad. "So you admit that you're an idiot huh Bradley." said Zane.

Brad said while pointing at accusing finger at Zane,"Listen up! We're not on first name basis, got it 51?". "51?" said Zane. Brad face palmed in anger as he said,"Learn football, Zit! 51 is your number got it?". "Gotcha Captain." said Zane. Brad sighed loudly as he said,"Okay. That was less painful than I thought. The dance. You're on the football team now so that means you need a date. I could give you one of the cheerleaders but she'll have to ask you out.".

Cole said,"He's thinking of a evil plan Zane!". "I'm good Captain. I have a date for the dance. Do you want me to get one of the groupies for you since you don't want have a date?" said Zane. "Who? Your mommy doesn't count." said Brad. "I'll give you a hint Captain. She's attractive in both her body and mind." said Zane. Brad looked confused as he said,"51. She better be at least a 7 on the scale, you'll be getting the initiation.".

Zane said,"Okay then captain. How about another bet like we had two years ago?". "Okay 51. I'm interested." said Brad. The crowd watching them got interested because they remember the bet from two years ago or heard about it from their seniors. "Keeping up with the theme of last time. The loser has to dress like a cheerleader but not for Halloween this time, at least three games. You'll still be the captain but in a skirt. Oh and you have to do it by yourself and no help from the team." said Zane.

Brad held out his hand as he said,"You're on Alvarez! This is going to be great!". Brad soon left Zane along as Zane soon opened his looker. He soon took off his nice hooded sweatshirt, stuffed it into his locker, and put on his new jacket. He soon hurried off to class as the bell rang. "Yep. This is so weird and I'm totally asking for a color change. I really hope they don't make fun of me too much." thought Zane as he fell asleep until lunchtime. As the bell rang, Zane was out in the hall.

He had on a fusion of his new jacket and sweatshirt. It was a black letterman jacket with a hood with a dark purple snake like creature riding on a gold ox design on his collar. It also had a red checkered pattern to it. It had the initial CO with it inside of a football at the top of both of his sleeves. Under his jacket, it revealed his burnt orange t-shirt with a silver fiery spiral, blue jeans, and his tennis shoes. It also showed both his talisman and watch.

He walked toward the stairs at a hurried pace with his hands in his coat pocket. "I may hate this jacket but it's nice having these pockets. I guess there is some good to this." thought Zane. 'Zaney!" said a voice as he was snatched by Kristen aka his date. The instant contact of her soft feminine hands made him shiver in pleasure before he could go meet up with his friends. "If his villains find out that he can be defeated by a woman, they'll exploit the hell out of it." said Sivarth.

At the outdoor cafeteria, Danny sat with Gwen, Karen, Kevin, and Rachel with Danny said,"So where is he? I told him to meet us for lunch.". "He's mostly likely busy." said Gwen sipping her soda. "So do you think he has a date?" said Karen. "Maybe. I mean Roxy seemed really determined to get him as her date or maybe a dance will. I hope the latter." said Rachel. "Yeah. Me and Danny are fine but what about you Rachel? Gwen asked Danny." said Kevin.

Danny said,"And Sophie asked you.". Kevin nodded as Rachel said,"I don't feel like asking any of the guys here out and I'm planning on just dancing with some guys.". "It may because her date is in prison and he also graduated." said Karen. Rachel was silent as Danny said,"Are you still seeing that pyro Rae? I mean he tried to kill you and Kristen before.". Karen was the only one of the group who didn't know about Zane being Legion Zero.

Rachel said,"Bedrock did try and kill us as well and we're friends with him now.". "That's because his daughter is friends with Zane's little brother." said Gwen. "He did help out during the Daemon issue from before but I guess he still has time to serve for his crimes." said Kevin. "Yeah. I was hoping that he may get parole around the dance." said Rachel. "Well, things happen for a reason." said Karen. "I know but I don't have to like it." said Rachel. Danny sighed as he looked for Zane.

Back with Zane. He looked at Kristen. "Hey. What's up? I already have lunch plans with the gang and well, Danny gets awful jealous if I'm late." said Zane. He had to look down at her because she's much shorter than him. "I have to thank you for the tutor session Zaney. School isn't that hard when you have the best teacher." said Kristen. She smiled very sweetly at him as Zane thought,"Oh yeah. I'm tutoring students now. I guess I forgot about that.".

Since he came back, he's been tutoring students for a couple of bucks an hour. It was to help his family out and also to have some spending cash. "See Kris. You can do anything that you set your mind to. I pushed you in the right direction." said Zane. Kristen wrapped her arm around his right arm while they walked. "Don't sell yourself there Zaney." said Kristen. She unconsciously squeezed Zane's muscles.

Kristen thought,"Wow. It's solid. It's like its flesh and metal. I don't think he's even flexing.". She was stunned except for her soft hand that had a mind of its own. It went up his bicep to his shoulder and it was defined and solid like his arm. She's well onto his chest ,which she suspected is build just like the rest of him, until she was stopped by a shudder from Zane. "So Kris, what are you doing?" said Zane as his face was bright red.

Kristen soon went back to see Zane biting down on his bottom lip, watching her with confusion and excitement. "I really can't believe that I just felt him in the hallway! He must think I'm a freaking sex maniac!" thought Kristen. Blood rushed to her face as she realized what she just did. Zane ,on his end, turn to stone being that he remembered her feeling him up. "I'm loving you football! Thank you sports!" thought Zane. Her left hand was firmly on his right elbow.

The two heard,"ALVAREZ! WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR DAM PROBLEM?". The two teens soon jumped back from each other and looked at the enraged Brad. "Captain. We were just...." said Zane as he stuttered. He was shocked about the previous events being that Crisis Judgement went off. He was soon pushed against a locket by the teen. "Wow. Girls really are your weakness! I mean I guess you were really distracted." said Cole.

Behind him, Allen, Bryan, and David with the former not crossing his arms agreeing with Brad and Allen looked confused. "Alvarez. You really are a pain to everyone around you aren't you?" hissed Brad, as Zane noticed that his eyes had a strong flame in them. "Okay. Is Volcanis taking over Brad too? And I can't believe that Astral Clairvoyance didn't work." thought Zane. "Your emotions are your biggest weakness Zane." said Kane.

Kristen said,"Let him go, Brad! You're overreacting.". She tried to remove Brad's right arm from Zane's neck only to be held back by Allen. "Don't Ms. Oritz. This is between Captain and 51. He did make a mistake if not something minor in the grand scheme of things." said Allen. "He's right! You really think you would get away with this, didn't you?! Hi! My name is Zane Vincent Alvarez and I can do anything he wants since he's on the team!" said Brad as he reared his fist back.

Zane thought,"Huh. I guess he knows my middle name. Who knew?". "You messed with the jacket dumbass!" said Brad. "Huh?" said Zane. He was soon punched in the solar plexus with him looking at his teammates. "You can't be serious?! This is why you attacked me?!" said Zane with him coughing for a bit. "Is he serious?" said Allen. David nodded as he said,"The guy takes the jacket seriously and word of advice guys, don't get ketchup on it.". "Will do mate." said Allen.

Kristen helped Zane up as Bryan said,"You tell him Brad!". "I'm guessing jungle legs is still mad at you for making him look more foolish." said Sivarth. Zane rolled his eyes as he slowly stood back up. "I just didn't like the colors but I promise to wear it whenever I can." said Zane. Brad rubbed his chin as he thought about it. "You may have a point there zit but you're nothing to me. Don't make a move like that again." said Brad.

He walked away with Bryan. "Sorry about that. Brad likes the jacket a lot but he may change the color of it. It looks nice." said David. He joined his friends as Kristen said,"So why didn't you fight back Zane?". "It isn't worth the time or effort pissing off the captain. Zane can also take a punch I'm guessing." said Allen. "He has a point Kris. Could you guys carry me to a table? I'm hungry." said Zane as the two shrugged.

Later, Allen said,"I can see why he's called the black hole.". Zane was sitting with Allen and Kristen as the two watched him devoured several plates of food. "Yeah. I'm still confused on how he isn't like large with fat though." said Kristen. "I got a really good metabolism Kris. I still can't believe how mad Brad go. I've never seen him that mad even when I make several jokes. It's kinda annoying to be honest." said Zane. "You're not going to quit are you Zane?" said Kristen.

Allen said,"She'll hate that the most plus I'll lose one of my good friends. However, they'll probably make some more dumb rules for you and you alone Zane.". "Ignore him Zaney." said Kristen. She soon take his hand in hers with her looking in her eyes seriously. "I really want to spend some more time with you Zaney and not when we're studying." said Kristen. Allen coughed lightly causing her to get embarrassed. "And Allen'll miss you too!" said Kristen.

Zane squeezed her hand making her look at him seeing a serious Zane. "I'm not giving up because if I do, Brad will hold this over me forever. I really don't want that plus it would also make you and Allen really sad." said Zane. "Oh, Zaney..." said Kristen. Allen chuckled as the bell soon signaled the end of the lunch break as the trio sat up. "Good luck with your friends Zane." said Allen. "Yeah. I'll get the death glare from them until I say sorry several times over." said Zane.

As Zane waved bye to his friends, his phone buzzed. He looked down to see that there was a super powered causing mayhem. "Son of a...." said Zane. He broke out into a sprint, while ignoring the curious glances sent his way. "It's the beast creature from the fanpage." thought Zane as he turned into the bathroom. He went into a stall and turning into Legion Zero. "I better take care of this guy quick or else I'll be kicked by Brad too!" thought Zane as he flew off.

Harvey was walking in the street with his stomps creating minor earthquakes and he's a walking and talking traffic jam. He soon stood in front of a building and he said,"Perfect. This will get the brat's dam attention for sure.". He stood outside of the Cypress Chronicles building which was basically the news outlet in the city. The security guard stood up and he said,"Sir. You'll need a pass if you need to see the....".

Harvey glared at the man with him saying,"Make an exception got it.". Harvey soon entered the elevator and he said to a man,"Hey buddy. Could you press 21 for me? My fingers don't exact work with buttons this small.". "To be honest with you, I'm heading up there now." said the man. "Well, it's a good thing you are or else." said Harvey. He soon chuckled lightly at that joke of his. "Your name ain't Turner is it?" said Harvey.

Upstairs, Selena Turner placed two cups of coffee on a desk as she said,"This coffee beats paying for city coffee Andre.". Andre Stevens nodded. Andre didn't change much being that he now wore a dark brown shirt with a black motorcycle like jacket, blue jeans, and red sneakers. Selena still had her red hair in a ponytail with her bangs making her green eyes shine. She's wearing a baby blue halter top with it exposing her midriff, light brown pants, and gray flats.

Andre said,"Yeah. I'm shocked that Zane actually joined the football team and your mom making you the main source for anything Zero or superpowered here in town.". "To be honest, Zane is the real head of our group." said Selena. Andre soon sipped his coffee as the elevator door broke open and Harvey stood there. He destroyed the place causing the news reporter to run off in terror as Harvey yelled,"Bring me Turner!".

Andre said,"What does that man want with you Selena?". "I'll ask him when he's not tearing up my mom's place!" said Selena. The two soon hid under Selena's desk and Harvey said,"I'm not an idiot because someone named Turner takes all of Zero's pictures!". Outside, Zane was flying toward the building and he said,"Please stay safe you guys. I'm on my way.". Zane ,not in costume, soon phased through the building and into the janitor's closet, he was shocked to see Harvey with Selena's mom.

Betty Turner had short brown hair ,being that her daughter gets her hair from her father, and green eyes like her daughter. She's dressed in a more professional outfit. She's wearing a black tank top like dress, a white long knitted cardigan, black leggings, and brown 2 inch boots. She's the editor/owner of the Cypress Chronicles with her being very good about getting the fact but she did have her temper which was infamous in the news world.

Betty said,"Listen ugly! If you don't write me a check right now, I'll.......". She was soon grabbed by Harvey with her saying,"So who did you say you were looking for again?". "I'm looking for someone named Selena Turner. She writes about Legion Zero and I'm looking for him so I can squash him like a bug." said Harvey. Betty soon saw Zane as she thought,"That's Zane. What's he doing here? I'm sure that he's here to surprise my daughter and her friend.".

Zane soon stepped out of the closet as he yelled,"Hey ugly! I'm over here!". Harvey soon turned to see Zane soon standing there with all eyes on him. "You're Selena? Your mom must have hated you because you're obvious a boy." said Harvey. He soon dropped Betty with her thinking,"What the hell is that kid doing?! He'll get himself killed!". "I don't know what he's doing here but he's a dam idiot. I better...." said Andre.

He was soon held back by a scared Selena who thought,"Zane. Please stay safe.". She glanced at him worried with her holding back Andre. "Okay then, boy. I'm not stupid." said Harvey. "I never thought you were Mister...." said Zane. "The name's Steamroller and I'm Zero's worst enemy. You're the one who has information on him so you're telling me where he is got it!" said Harvey as he slammed his right fist into a nearby desk. It was soon split in half.

Zane thought,"Okay. I need to get him away from all of these people and then get lectured for doing something like this.". He looked around and he spotted the emergency stairs. "I got it. Hey. You just missed Legion Zero. I saw him down here or and I lied to you dumbass." said Zane. He soon went toward the stairs and Harvey said,"Get back here punk! I'll kill you!". He stomped after Zane with the ground shaking behind him. "Your weight will be used against you big guy." thought Zane.

He soon turned his left leg into a long line with Harvey soon tripping over it. He was sent flying down several flights off the stairs. Zane's leg went back to normal size as he heard,"All of you pipe down! One of you numbskulls get the police on the police now!". "Wow. She really does bark like a dog." thought Zane. He heard her teeth grinding back and forth and he had a strong feeling that was because of him. "Better make sure he doesn't come back." thought Zane as he ran after Harvey.

Andre said,"That bastard! He's going to kill Zane!". Selena ,who was his target to begin with, tried to calm him down. "Calm down Andre. Zane's way too smart to get caught by that monster." said Selena. "Don't make me look like an idiot." thought Selena. Back at the staircase, Zane currently saw Harvey falling with him screaming,"I'll get you kid! I'll make you and Zero pay for making me look stupid when I'm not!".

Zane thought,"He really does makes things easy for me. I think that's Harvey. I mean both him and Roger got powers. I have to guess that the Odium Society is doing something. It's a sound guess right? Who cares?". Crisis Judgement went off as Harvey jumped right behind Zane. "I honestly didn't see that coming." said Zane as he dived out of the way before Harvey's weight soon broke the concrete steps below him. Chunks and debris flew all over the place as Zane said,"Ow...".

He shook off the pain with him looking down to see the crater that he left behind. "Yeah. I don't think he's the same guy as before. He's stronger but slower. I better get into costume so I can fight this guy without causing trouble." thought Zane. However, Harvey saw him as he was about to escape. "Dam it to hell! I just freaking missed him! Wait a second! I'm going to need him to get Zero's attention!" said Harvey. He looked up to see Zane running with him yelling,"Get back here!".

Harvey punched through several walls making the ground shake as the flooring under Zane crumbled under him. Zane was going to use his powers but he didn't want Harvey knowing that he and Zero were the same person. He soon jumped on Harvey's back as he said,"This is going to hurt!". Zane soon closed his eyes as he braced for impact. Gravity and physics soon took effect on them with Harvey hitting the ground hard. Zane got off the man with the villain staggering back.

Zane thought,"Okay. He is more durable and stronger than Roger but he isn't able to attack from a distance.". Zane soon grabbed a fire extinguisher with him aiming it at Harvey. "Don't you even dare punk!" said Harvey. He soon glared at Zane before being blasted by white extinguisher fluid soon blinding him. "You're dead meat kid! Dead!" yelled Harvey. He boomed through the staircase as he rushed through the misty powder.

Zane soon dodged Harvey's tackle by rolling under him. His tackle soon charged through the wall as Zane soon slammed the fire extinguisher into Harvey. It broke being that Harvey soon fell toward the ground. It made a large impact in the concrete with Zane looking down. "Wow! That had to hurt for sure." said Zane. He soon rushed down there with him seeing that traffic was stopped and soon very much covered by police officer and reporters.

Inside of the crater, Zane was soon grabbed by Harvey. "I don't know how you got down here with me but you'll pay for making me stupid." said Harvey. He was held by one hand so they were face to face. "Two words. Bad Breath." said Zane. Harvey squeezed down on Zane's ribs much to the horror of the spectators. The teen didn't feel this though. Zane saw Scott with a megaphone and Scott soon said,"Put the boy right down now Steamroller or else! We'll talk about this!". 

Harvey said,"We'll talk alright! Once he tells me what he knows about Zero!". Zane soon smirked as he soon poked his right fingers ,the middle and ring finger, into Harvey's eyes. "Dam you! I'll kill you for this!" yelled Harvey. Zane was let go as he ran out of the crater where Scott helped him up. "I was trying to help my friend and well, you and Karen will yell at me later." said Zane. "Fine. Get him out of here." said Scott. Zane nodded as he ran off.

Back in the crater, Harvey yelled,"Dam you kid! I'll crush you and Legion Zero into that paste stuff that I didn't eat!". He rubbed his eyes with Scott saying,"Okay Steamroller! You're surrounded! Put your hands behind your head and stay in your crater!". Tony shrugged at his commander as Harvey slowly looked at him with his red eyes. "I'm not going back to the slammer until I turn those two into dam paste!" yelled Harvey.

He clasped his hands together and he slammed them into the ground. The ground shook causing the police officers to fall onto the ground. Harvey soon jumped out of the crater with him landing on top of a squad car causing a massive explosion of dust. Scott soon dropped his megaphone and pulled out his pistol "Fire!" yelled Scott. He along with several officers fired their guns at the monsters. The bullets harmlessly bounced off his body as Harvey said,"My turn.".

He soon grabbed another police car and he threw it toward the line of officers. A few of them moved out of the way but Scott soon tripped with him watching the car heading towards him. However, the car didn't hit him. It was held several vines with Scott hearing,"Sorry about that really close shave captain. I'll handle fido over there.". Zane ,in Vine Form, swung toward Harvey with him flying right toward Harvey.

Harvey tried to swipe Zane but he dodged the attack. "Come and get me fido." said Zane. Zane soon swung off as Harvey roared and went after him. The officers watched as Harvey yelled,"Get back you dam freak! I need to squash you and that brat for making me look stupid!". The beast was causing cars around him to fly to the sides or be destroyed. "But Harvey, you make it so easy for me and this other guy! Are you cheating on me?" said Zane.

Harvey soon destroyed a fire hydrant with him covering in water. He soon threw the hydrant at Zane who caught it using his left hand. "Yep. You're stronger alright. I need to get you away from the people so where could I go?" said Zane. Harvey soon stepped out of the water and he jumped right at Zane who jumped up. He soon slammed down on the ground with him elbowing a car right into a light post.

Zane turned into Phoenix Form and he said,"Come after me hippo boy!". Harvey roared and he soon ran after Zane. Zane flew around the corner and he thought to himself,"So where the hell am I going to find a desolate place in Cypress Park? It's less than New York but still, it isn't anything to scoff at that's for sure.". A truck driver was distracted by seeing Zane flying by and Harvey soon was in the path of the truck. The driver slammed into Harvey causing the semi-truck to break down.

Harvey ripped around the hood and he yelled,"Get out of my way truck! You made me lose the dam idiot!". He soon destroyed the rest of the vehicle using the engine of the car and the driver soon ran away in fear. Zane floated nearby and he coughed out,"Hey Einstein. I'm over here". "Dam you to hell!" yelled Harvey. He soon threw the engine toward Zane with the engine going right through his body and it went flying toward a building.

It soon caused some rubble to fly above a mother and her daughter. "No!" said Zane. Zane soon held the rubble in the air as he said,"Move now!". The two ran away as Zane soon flew off with Harvey on his tail. The man soon slammed into a wall with it breaking apart. Zane looked for Harvey but his leg was grabbed hard by Harvey. "Paste making time!" said Harvey. Zane was soon slammed right into the ground hard. Zane was held upside down with Harvey smiled.   

Harvey went around in a circle with him soon throwing Zane right into the glass doors of a sports equipment store. He soon landed into a rack of footballs. Zane looked up and he said,"Okay. This is ironic now.". He turned back into his normal costume and Harvey soon jumped into the building. "I'll suggest running." said Zane. Harvey walked toward Zane with the employees and customers fleeing in terror.

Zane turned to see the most overgrown furball he's ever seen and he looked around. He smiled and he put on a purple nether baseball helmet. He soon made Oathbreaker appear in his hand and he said with a smile,"Time for a grand slam!". He soon slammed the hammer right into Harvey with the beast being knocked back. Zane soon kicked over a rack of bowling balls and he said,"Time for you to trip over your big feet!". 

However, Harvey walked through it. "Note to self. Don't take things you seen on TV as truth." said Zane as he soon dodged Harvey's kick. "Lets see if you like being crushed under my foot like those balls." said Harvey. "Hold on a second Harvey! I need to tell you something and it's really important to you and I!" said Zane. "What? Going to beg?" said Harvey. "Nope. It's that you really need a good old Zenith Sphere made with Green Nether!" said Zane.

He rushed toward Harvey with him soon slamming a green sphere into Harvey's chest and the man went into a wall of weights from the impact. The assortment of weights fell on top of him with Zane smirking. Zane disappeared as Harvey broke out of his prison. "Where the hell did you go? You dam freak!" yelled Harvey. He looked for Zane but he was was panting. He spotted a fridge and he held it over him with him crushing it over himself.

He was covered in water as Zane ,while invisible, saw his face looked like most people when they overwork themselves. "Okay. I guess he needs a victory drink but he hasn't won anything at all. I mean he grabbed me earlier but he isn't truly invincible like he thinks he is." thought Zane. The teen soon reappeared  and he said,"Hey ugly! Break times over!". Harvey ran right toward him and he soon jumped at Zane but Zane evaded the attack and the wall wasn't so lucky.     

Zane watched Harvey slammed into a wall and he said,"Two slow ugly!". Harvey soon tried to grab them only to be stopped by a giant rubber fist. He looked to see Zane ,in Rubber Form, with him slowly smirking. "Not funny." said Harvey. "Oh. It is because you're falling for the old fake Zero joke Harvey." said Zane. He soon disappeared with Harvey being slammed into the ground by a giant steel gray Nether Anvil.

It slammed on him with Zane standing on the top of it. "Man. You really are stupid." said Zane. He soon ran toward a manhole. Harvey crawled out of the crater with Zane saying,"Hey! Come and get me Fido! Lets play tag!" said Zane. He soon phased into the ground with Harvey following suit. "I ain't scared like you!" said Harvey. He soon opened the manhole and he soon found himself under the city.

Harvey looked for Zane and he soon heard,"So it's pretty hot down here. Time to run.". Harvey soon saw Zane ,in Ninja Form, hanging upside down. He soon ran off with Harvey soon going after him. Zane was about to be hit by Harvey's tackle but he soon hit a gas sphere and then one of the pipes. Hot steam filled the tunnel with Zane taunted him to come after him. "You may be an strong physical force but I'm guessing you can't take the heat can you?" said Zane.

Harvey soon smashed apart several pipes with Zane dodging each hit. However, several plumes of smoke came into the city street. "I'm sure that those scales are stuck on you like gum underneath a desk." said Zane. "Screw you punk. I'm not Harvey but Steamroller and I never stop until you're gum underneath my foot....." said Harvey while breathing very heavily. "You still have a weakness and it comes from being a very basic villain." said Zane.     

Zane turned into Gravity Form as he said,"I'm just happy that the both of us can fit in here and right now, your cold and hot blood isn't liking all of this steam.". "I'm out of here." said Harvey as he stumbled away. "Not happening ugly." said Zane. Gravity increased around Harvey as he was soon surrounded by steam. Zane soon broke several pipes around him just to make sure and he put one of his foot over Harvey. "And you're out of here! The winner is Legion Zero!" said Zane.

Harvey said through his heavy breathing,"I'll kill you dam bastard because they promised me power if I did.". "Who did Harvey? Was it the Odium Society? Countess Chimera? Give your best buddy Zero the answers." said Zane. "Only my mommy calls me Harvey. You're not her..." said Harvey. "And he's out of here that's for sure. Could you tell mommy who did this to you?" said Zane. "One person is leading this and his name is Gold Commander." said Harvey.

Upon hearing this, Zane's eyes widened at this. Outside a tunnel, Zane ,in his costume, popped out to see Scott and the others. "You're going to need a really big crane to carry Goliath out of there." said Zane. "Will do Zero. Good work as always." said Tony. "Thanks. I'm gone." said Zane. He flew off toward the Chronicles building. Later, the elevator door soon opened to reveal Zane ,in his normal guise, and Selena said,"Zane!". She hugged him and Andre glared at Zane.

Zane said,"Sorry about that you guys. I couldn't have two of my pals hurt. Sorry for giving you the idea to run Zero stuff.". "It's fine Zane. Just don't do anything that stupid again." said Selena. "You know I can't promise that but I'll try my best." said Zane. "Your mother would have killed us and that monster if you were hurt. How did you evade him?" said Andre. "He may be really strong but he isn't very bright. He ran into several walls." said Zane.

Zane looked at Betty who said,"I'm sorry about your office Ms Turner. This is my fault. I mean you guys are easy for those idiots...". "Stop there Alvarez. You're safe and despite being a risk, Zero can brings in the viewers better than anything big in this town. Just don't get into any more trouble. In this line of work, danger comes with us." said Betty. She walked away as Zane said,"Hey Selena. Do you have anything on someone called the Gold Commander? It's for a project of mine.".

At the Cypress Ox's Locker room, the team is getting changed in the locker room talking among each other and goofing off before practice. "I can't believe Zane skipped out on the second half of school today." said Bryan with him squeezing his head through his jersey. "His ego is getting bigger and it's pissing me off." said Bryan. He was hopping up and down until he trips and falls, with his head soon going through the collar. "Smooth!" said Brad with him laughing his ass off.

Allen said,"Well, I'm sure that Zane has a good reason. He seems very devoted to his family and he may have a family emergency.". He soon tightened his laces with David thinking,"It may because of him and Kristen's thing earlier. I'm sure those two will be dating at this rate. I wish that I could date someone who isn't Hannah but my folks. Hey maybe he could..". "Hey guys look!" said Austin as he pointed to a mounted television ,that was on the wall, and it was reporting the super villain attack.

Brad said,"What? Turn it up, Legion Zero is sure to show up!". He eagerly stared at the screen with Allen saying,"So what's up with Legion Zero?". "He's our town's main protector and Brad has a total man crush on him like Bryan with chili dogs." said David. The TV soon showed Channel 8 and their head reporter Cody Glover. He's rather tall and pale but quite handsome. He has blond hair and blue eyes.

He's wearing a navy blue suit with the sleeves rolled up, a white dress shirt under his jacket, and a red tie with brown dress shoes. "Cody Glover, reporting live from the front of the Cypress Chronicles building. Earlier, mayhem ruled the streets." said Cody. He soon gestured the camera man to show several officers ,including Tony, around a crater. "As you can see, the monster that attacked the company left a massive mess in his wake." said Cody.

The camera soon showed a massive hole in the wall with Cody saying,"According to the police, the super criminal Steamroller was here looking to find and squash Legion Zero. Our first respondents did managed to get some footage. Roll it!". The image soon showed Harvey holding someone, being that the shaky camera zoomed in to show Zane. "I don't know how you got down here with me but you'll pay for making me stupid." said Harvey. "That's Alvarez!" said one of the player.

Zane said,"Two words. Bad breath.". The team watched in shock to see Zane's ribs getting clenched by the monster but he didn't show any kinda of emotion. "Hey. This isn't his execution is it right you guys?" said Allen with Brad silent. The entire team watched ,with bated breath, as Scott and Harvey exchange words. The camera footage soon Zane who punched Harvey in both eyes, with him soon escaping. "Did you guys see that?! Go Alvarez!" said Bryan,

Harvey held his face in pain as he said,"Dam you! I'll kill you for this!". At this point, Zane ,currently in costume, flew to the back of the building with the team being distracted. Zane looked out onto the field as he said,"Thank god. No one's one the field yet so I won't get yelled at it.". He soon phased through the building with him hoping to change into gear. "Hey. I wonder what's up with them. It's something perverted I'm guessing." thought Zane as he saw the team gather around a small TV.

Zane soon went to his locker named 51 and changed into his uniform. "Go Legion Zero!" said the team. Zane jumped up a bit being that he watched the first part of his fight with Harvey with Zane ,in Vine Form, swinging away. "I totally forgot about there being camera on phones. You humans make some interesting inventions." said Kane. "I told you guys that Zero will save the day! That anchor guys says that Steamroller was found beaten up in an underground tunnel." said Brad.

He turned around and saw Zane. "Alvarez!?!!!" said Brad as he jumped back. The team surrounded Zane as he said,"Um guys. I'm happy to be part of a team but there's a thing called personal space and you're so not listening to that.".  "Seriously Alvarez?! What the hell was that? Why are you even here man?" said Brad. "Yeah man. You were fighting against Steamroller and you were held by the guy! It was painful right?! You didn't show any emotions!" said Austin.

David stood in front of Zane as he said,"Leave the guy alone. He's been through a lot but I have to ask. How did you get Legion Zero to come save your ass? And where are your bruises?". "I heal fast and it was just lucky I guess. I only pissed off that ugly freak because he was after Selena and your brother was there Captain. I know him and he would have gotten himself in danger. If you guys don't make a deal out of this, it would be cool no great." said Zane.

Brad said,"Fine. You're lucky that you saved Andre. Just do whatever you can. Get dressed right now maggots.". The team went to their lockers with Zane smiling. "I guess Bradley does like you." said David. He soon left the locker room with Zane following suit. "Hold up 51." said Brad. "What's up Captain?" said Zane. "Thanks for saving my brother, defending Legion Zero, and being nice to me despite all the shit I've put you through." said Brad.

Zane smiled as he said,"You're my friend Brad despite you being a dick and also my captain. I don't plan on stopping my jokes though.". "Whatever 51. Just get out there!" said Brad as he slapped the back of Zane's jersey. "Ouch." thought Zane. Later on the field, the team was crowded around Virgil and his assistants ,aka Warren, as they went over the drills. Zane wasn't paying full attention to him being the cheerleaders were practicing nearby with him watching Kristen.

Virgil said,"Okay. That's it. Everyone, to their teams. Offensive line with me, defensive line with coach Warren, special teams report to coach Doyle. Remember ladies, this will be a short session due to the dance coming up. You know what happens if you're the only guy on the team without a date so all of you give 120% or so help me god, I'll make you run those laps!". He soon blew his whistle and everyone went to their positions.

Virgil said,"Okay Brad, show us your arm!". The wide receivers lined up with the running, half, and tail backs which include both Allen and Zane. The first wide receiver sprinted off about 30 years and curved to the right to have the ball land in his arms. 'Way to go Brad!" cheered the offensive line. "I bet he didn't even need to look!" said Warren. Brad showboated by kissing his throwing arm's bicep with the next man in line doing the same thing as the last guy but to the left.

Brad adjusted fast and threw a perfect pass into the receiver's arms. "As if our captain's ego isn't big enough." said Allen from behind. "Yeah." said Zane. "I guess humans will still be the same. They have to be the best. Your friend Allen isn't like that." said Sivarth. Zane caught Virgil's eyes as he raised 5 fingers and drew an S with his hand at Zane meaning Zane needs to run 50 years in an S like pattern.

Zane thought,"That's like the half field. Thank god Harvey was aiming for my body.". As he came to the front of the line, Zane took off, making sure to be at a enhanced speed rather than his true speed which was faster than light speed according to Rico. He ran straight for ten yards before faking left and turning right around another player with him mimicking the maneuver in the opposite direction. "He's not bad." said Brad. "Wow. Brad's giving me a complement." thought Zane.

Brad soon found Zane's trajectory being that when Zane reached the end zone, Brad aimed high and threw the ball. While it look good at the start, the descent of the ball is too slow and it soon went over Zane's head. "Not happening!" said Zane. Zane back flipped ,at least five feet off the ground, and he extended his hands over his head catching the ball and falls just barely in the end-zone limit. "Way to go Ninja boy! That's giving it your all!" shouted Virgil.       

Zane made a peace symbol as he jogged back to the line. The team watched in awe or envy. "He's a diamond in the rough for sure but Ninja boy? That's not a good name. He would make a good wide receiver as well." said David to himself. "Allen! Same thing!" said Brad. Allen nodded with him taking two deep breaths before taking off tracing the same route at top speed. "Interesting. Your friend is slightly faster than you when holding back." said Kane.

Zane rolled his eyes as Allen reached the end zone. Brad soon released his self-proclaimed cannon but Zane found it more like a pistol. The ball flew in a perfect arc and reached the end zone, Allen noticed the ball's location being a few paces ahead of him. "I'll go faster." thought Allen. He soon went faster being that he caught the ball. He soon landed on the ground with his left shoulder hitting it hard. The ball stood in his hand the entire time.

Zane's right eye raised as Athena said,"You noticed that right Zane?". "Yeah. That wasn't a normal burst of speed." said Zane. 'Good move Newman! Okay, run the bleachers until I get bored." said Virgil. The offensive line ,except for Allen and Zane, gave out a collective groan and shuffled over to the bleachers. They soon ran up and down the steps with the defensive and special teams covered the field. Zane soon was on autopilot being that he was going faster than normal.

Cole said,"So we know that the Odium Society is making super villains out of their thugs because I keep throwing those idiots in jail. Both Harvey and Roger were made recently being that the former told you about this Gold Commander being the creator. He's also a super villain according to Selena. The final thing is that you need to ask Kristen to the dance Zane and she may get the wrong idea about you!". Cole was soon slapped by the other three partners in Zane's head.

One of the players said,"I still can't believe how easy you're making this. You were crushed by that villain right?". Zane soon slowed down as Zane thought,"You have a point there Cole. I need to talk with Kristen. She's really nice and I don't want to cheat on Rain. She doesn't deserve that.". Zane was broken out of his thoughts by the shrill whistle of the coach. He was lucky that he was able to keep his GP (Galaxy Phones) and watch in his uniform because his hearing is really sensitive.   

The rest of practice is a fairly smooth mix of mock plays with a strong emphasis on GB drills and cardio exercises. This goes on for about forty minutes before the Virgil called everyone over. "Okay Oxs. We're cutting it short today because you morons will need a date for the dance after our first game of the year. Keep focused on the game more than finding a date despite what happens if you don't have a date. Go Oxs!" said Virgil. "Yes sir!" said the team in unison.

Virgil said,"Hit the showers and get the hell out of my field!". The team scattered as the coaches gathered to discuss post practice business. "I guess I don't want to find out what happens when I don't bring a date." said Zane to himself. "You're right 51. It's pretty embarrassing aka social suicide.  I so can't wait to see who you bring to the dance." said Brad who shoulder checked Zane. "Well, I hope you ready to cheer captain." thought Zane as he took off his helmet and went to the locker room.

In the locker room, the mood was energetic and jovial despite going through hell earlier. The talk was mainly about the girls and upcoming dance. "I still can't believe that Susan would call me immature for the shit I've done. She may actually break out with me. I shouldn't go with the tuxedo shirt." said Bryan. David was about to say something but Brad cut him off. "Nah! You should totally go off being that it's totally you." said Brad.

David said in his deep monotone,"I don't know Bryan. Susan seems that she's dating you just because you're a football player. It's the same reason while me and Hannah are dating. You should try and find another date.". "Wow. You should like a girl there man but since we're going that way, let's see what Zit thinks about it." said Brad. He soon grabbed Zane in a headlock, with him wearing nothing but a towel and dragged him over earning a laugh from Allen.

Zane said,"Brad! Do you seriously not know about personal space?!". "Dude. What's up with you man? You have that piercing and those tattoos on you. I mean the scars are weird enough but this is too much." said Bryan. "It's my body so what's up?" said Zane. "You didn't want to go through that hell from the other day huh Zane?" said Sivarth. "Well? What do you think Zit? You overheard us and since you have no one to talk to. Let me be a good captain and help you out." said Brad.

Zane said,"Are you serious? I mean Bryan needs to act more mature but that won't happen when you tell him to act like a child captain. If you're sick of dating Hannah David, just tell her to screw off. I do it all of the dam time but mainly when her voice goes off. I get that her parents are the reason why your parents have a job but still, you're my friend. Oh and grab flowers. Chicks did flowers.". The three were quiet as Zane said,"What? You wanted my opinion.".

David said,"Yeah but still. I didn't expect that from you. You're really blunt aren't you?". "Yeah. I guess you'll never find true love!" said Brad who made his ways to the showers which was being used by several players creating a wall of steam. "Thanks Zane. I'll need your help in finding a date once my ears are done bleeding." said David. He got up from his bench with him moving to the showers and he left behind Allen, Bryan, and Zane.

Allen smiled as he said,"Wow Zane. You're just filled with surprises.". He was gone with Bryan saying,"So what was it like?". "Huh?" said Zane. "You meaning being face to face with that freak. I mean does he have a tail?" said Allen. "If he did, the fight would have been funny." said Cole. Bryan laughed as Zane said,"Well, it was scary but I knew I would be fine.". He soon told the story except when he became Legion Zero. "And I ran here." said Zane.

He looked around and was shocked by the decent crowd. "You're really good at storytelling aren't you Zane?" said Kane. "You're the man Alvarez!" said one of the players. "Check out those muscles of yours! You must lift a lot!" said a player. "You got a big heart for a loser!" said a player. "Told you guys that he's good looking." said a familiar voice. Zane shivered as Bryan said,"Ignore him man. It will be better for you.". 

He shook his head and left the room. Zane waited until his team mates were gone until he went to his shower. "Okay. This day is just plain weird." said Zane. "No shit." said Kane and Sivarth. Zane soon finished quickly and changed back to his normal clothes. "Okay. It's time to call Kristen. I need to ask her out." said Zane. He pulled out his phone and dialed one of his closest phone. It ringed and he soon heard,"Zane?".

Zane sat up from the bench and he said,"Are you busy?". "Nope. I'm actually waiting for you outside of the locker room. What about you?" said Kristen. "Yeah. I mean I'm done." said Zane. "Good. So what did you need to ask me?" said Kristen. Zane soon took a deep breath with him saying,"So are we going to the dance together? I know that you said you would ask me out if I got first string which I did but you haven't answer me on that front.".

His face was bright red as Kristen was silent. "I guess this is rather sudden and out of the blue plus my captain is giving me shit about bringing a date. If you haven't heard by now, me and the captain have a bet just like the one we did two years ago. I shouldn't ask you this because it's the girl's choice dance." said Zane. "Yes you idiot!!" said Kristen. Zane heard her from outside as he said,"Sorry but I had to ask.".

Kristen sighed as she said,"It's fine Zane. So do you want to get some food? I bet you're hungry after practice. I'm guessing that Coach Nelson is better than Warren.". "Much better. He's actually really nice and not hitting on my mom. I'll be out in a second. See you soon." said Zane. Zane hanged up as he went toward the exit. "I'm need to tell her the truth. Please don't kill me Kris." thought Zane. "She mostly like will." said Athena, Cole, Kane, and Sivarth. Zane sighed as he opened the door.

Next time,
What will happen to Zane when he tells Kristen the truth? Will it be good or bad? Knowing Zane's life, it will be the latter for sure. This and more next time on Zero!   

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