Saturday, April 15, 2017

Zero Episode 22 The Guardian

A/N: Welcome to Episode 22 where a new but old enemy begins to emerges. Who could it be? Is it an old friend of Shawn or maybe something from the past. Who knows? You may have noticed that Soul has returned but Power hasn't. I think it's obvious but Power has been canned. I think it was my lack of care in the series plus Zero is so much more fun. Soul should be ending this year ,I hope, but I have nothing to hold me back. 

Power however is done and over with. An upgrade to Zane's helmet is in order for reasons but this isn't going to be for a while. This episode is setting up things. This post was originally posted on March 31, 2017 at 12:29 PM but I had to repost this episode along with EP 21, 23, and 24 to make things look better.

Narrator P.O.V.
In the middle of the night, a fire was burning strong in an apartment complex. Several firefighters were trying to contain the fire with one of them helping a woman ,with a blanket over her, get away from the fire. "Alexis? Where are you sweetheart?!" said the woman. "Mommy!" yelled a little girl from inside the fire. "My sweetheart is in there!" said the woman as she held back by the fireman. The entry wall collapsed and the crowd heard,"I'm here to help.". Zane landed as he said,"Zero's back baby!".

The woman said,"Zero?". "Yep. I think I can get her away with no problem. My suit is made out of fire proof material, being able to survive on the sun. Does your daughter have a favorite animal of some kind?" said Zane. "Yeah! She loves cats. Why do you ask?" said the woman. "I just hope that I don't destroy the building even more." said Zane. Liger Form appeared and he said,"Listen here worried mother! I got this in the bag brother!".

He rushed inside and he yelled,"Little girl with a worried mother outside! I'm here to save you from the...". Some of the ceiling collapsed on him and he said,"I hate those who interrupt me so you're going down brother!". He was about to punch it as he heard,"Help me!". A girl was in a room and it was about to crush her. Zane caught it and the girl said,"Kitty!". "You're safe brother! Hurry up and come with me now!" said Zane.

The two then rushed out of the building with Zane breaking the wall. "I'm not paying for that at all brother! And you're welcome." said Zane at the girl. The mother hugged her and the girl said,"Thank you for saving me Mr. Kitty!". "My name is Zero not Mr. Kitty brother! Time to save this building by turning into water and then another form so please stand back!" said Zane with a smile on his face.

He went back to normal only to swap into the crab armor and he said,"It's time for a shower!". He aimed his hands into the air as a huge amount of water rushing out. The fire was getting weaker and he said,"Okay. Firemen and firewomen, keep on the waterworks while I do a little construction work at lightning fast speeds!". Zane deactivated his water form and a new card appeared. This card has a black frame with the card's image having something really fast moving along it.

Upon putting it in, Zane started to move fast. Upon stopping, he looked different. He looks to be five feet tall with him having a slim yet muscular figure to him. His body is covered in a black full body speed suit being that the part of his body isn't covered ,only his chest and face, reveals that he has royal blue scales. His head is very much shaped like a helmet being that he has green eyes that look like shades, triangle-shaped nose, and sharp teeth.

His hands are covered in black fingerless gloves and his feet are covered in black boots. His fingers and toes are claws. His arms and legs are covered in spikes. He wears silver elbow and knee-pads. He has a single gray shark shaped fin on his back. "Swift Form! I'll be right back!" said Zane. He soon rushed off being that the crowd noticed that his body left behind a dark purple aura/streak that had lightning inside of it.

Zane ran off toward the public library and he read through the entire building. He stood to the front of the building and he said,"Watch and learn!". The hero rushed around the building and he rebuilt it with him blowing his hands. The crowd then cheered for him as Zane said,"Remember, just call my name and I shall appear!". He rushed off at the speed of sound with someone watching him. "Yep. I think we should begin our operations here. Phantoms have invaded." said the someone.

The next day at Cypress High, the front of a school had a banner with the words,"Cypress High's Spirit Week!" on it. Stan stood in front of the school and he said,"Ah! I love spirit week! Don't you Tara?". The girl stood there and she said,"Not really. So why did you ask me out here?". "We need someone to give the school's spirit speech. I would ask your cousin but well...." said Stan. He pointed to a poster of Zane with him looking like a dictator. "I understand completely." said Tara.

Inside, Zane was holding a poster and he said,"So they made this?". Danny and Kristen stood to the left and right respectively as Danny said,"Yep. They're so dam petty.". "I can tell that they bully or should I say bribed the newspaper to make this." said Kristen. "We have a newspaper? Thought those things were dead like chivalry." said Zane. "So you were awesome last night." said Danny. "Thanks but I got a paper cut." said Zane.

His hands were covered in bandages as Kristen said,"If you weren't going at the speed of sound. How fast were you going?". "I was going around the speed of sound maybe the speed of light. Not to sure on the details because god dam, that was fast. It felt so slow to me." said Zane. "Really? Next time we get, we have to go to a roller rink and test how fast that form is." said Danny. "Boys." said Kristen as she shrugged her arms.

Zane's Crisis Judgement went off. He turned to see that he was right in front of the counselor's office as Danny noticed this. "What's wrong?" said Danny. "Nothing. My Crisis Judgement has been acting up every time I pass by this office. Anyway,what's going on today?" said Zane. "Beside it being spirit week, I think we are having ANOTHER assembly." said Kristen. "Really? What is it about this time you guys?" said Zane. "Who knows but we're going to find out." said Danny.

Later, Zane was currently sitting in the auditorium with the rest of his friends and Zane said,"What's going on again? I wasn't listening during first period.". "How typical. We're getting something about the recent "appalling" and "vicious" attacks within Cypress High and the rest of the town. I heard that they're bringing in some government group and also the town council blames you for it more than us in Team Power." said Rachel.

Karen said,"You really like that name don't you? I seriously think the council is crazy. I mean you rebuild an entire apartment complex.". "I don't think Zane would like his secret ID revealed out in public Karen." said Gwen. "Easy Gwen. I really think no one's listen to us unless they have super hearing or they can break through my dad's sound proof force field tech." said Tara. "Your ability to make different force fields is impressive." said Kristen.

Danny said,"Yeah but you haven't been trapped in one with only a few minutes of air. You will enjoy combat training with Mel soon enough.". "Like Rachel, you really don't have to be a hero Kristen. I was forced into this while the others chose it." said Zane. "Yeah. You totally don't enjoy it cos." said Tara. Zane shrugged his shoulders as Rachel said,"Heads up. Assembly starting and it's by Coach Barnett.". "Fan freaking tastic. My favorite teacher." said Zane with his voice laced with sarcasm.

A man ,with a fit and athletic body type, stood there. He has short black hair, green eyes, and a gray track suit. Warren Barnett is a total sadist when it comes to making kids run mainly Zane. He once tried to hit on Zane's mom during a parent teacher conference in Zane's freshman year and well, Zane wasn't very happy about that. At first, he didn't want his mom dating again but he's getting more used to that idea but he isn't a real big fan of it.

He knows that his mother ever decides date, Zane will support her no matter what because it makes her happy and that's what matter in the end. "Principal Stan couldn't be here due to him helping out with stuff for Spirit Week. It has come to our attention that Zero and the rest of his kind called Phantoms have been causing our town nothing but trouble. In response, we've has devised a plan to defend ourselves against the Phantoms." said Warren.

He soon pressed a button on a remote that he was holding, causing a large banner to roll off from the top of the stage. "Our plan involves the group Swarm!" said Warren. Zane puked at the sight of the banner and Gwen said,"Really Zane?". "Sorry but that extra spicy fries I had for breakfast was just upchucked." said Zane. "They're just bashing you and the rest of the Phantoms. The ones that you mention are nice but they look at all as one example aka Remane and Wraith." said Kristen.

Zane said,"Remane and Wraith are good but I'll admit that they let their egos to be a problem. This is a real bad idea. I know that this may sound foolish but one day, I want Humans and Phantoms to live in harmony. Heck. I want all species to live in harmony one day. Swarm will be preventing that I'm sure of it.". While Zane wasn't too big on them helping, the rest of the assemble thought other wise about Swarm. 

They had the chances to be heroes at the cost of killing Zane aka Zero but they didn't care. Kevin saw this as a chance to outshine Zane and Zero plus impress the ladies. Vicky saw this as a chance to kill more Phantoms include the "super villain" Zero. Her reasons for killing Phantoms is a rather selfish reason yet somewhat sympathic. "This is a really bad idea." said Rachel who pinched her nose in major annoyance at the sight of her classmates's odd enthusiasm for this.

Danny nodded as he said,"Yeah. This is also the stupidest idea too.". "Did you forget that Ultimate Showdown is a show?" said Zane. "It isn't that bad." said Danny. Zane looked at his best friend as he said,"Dude. It is that bad and I enjoy cheesy romance shows unironically. My shows are like junk food but Ultimate Showdown is a poison.". Within the mass of students plus teachers, a hand went up and it caught Warren's attention. "Yes my dear. Do you have a question?" said Warren.

The hand actually turned out to be Sam's hand and she said,"So is this Swarm thing like for everyone or the coolest?". "Hey guys. I think that I may change my answer on the stupidest idea ever." said Danny. "Agreed." said the group except Zane. "I still says its Ultimate Showdown." said Zane with his arms crossed. His friends looked at Zane with him saying,"I'm stubborn and nothing can change my mind on that.".

The seven members of Zane's group soon heard,"My dear, Swarm has selected the best students for myself and my research. I've been researching this town and the school student body of 1000.". "I know that voice." said Tara. "You do? Who does it belong to then?" said Gwen. "A real bitch. Even more than Sam at least ten times worse." said Tara. "She sounds awful." said Zane. "So it's for the coolest. I knew it you guys." said Sam. The A listers agree with their queen.

Warren said,"Indeed. Would you like to come out Agent Gregory?". From behind the main stage, a fit and toned woman walked out. She is wearing a white lab coat, a rose red blouse with a matching red skirt that was long, and black heels. Her black hair goes to her shoulders and her blue eyes screamed order and respect. She has prominent lips, and a beauty mark on her left cheek. "My name is Agent Marilyn Gregory and I'm one of the head scientists for the group called Swarm." said Marilyn.

Danny whispered,"Gregory. Is she related to you or what Tara?". "Yeah. She's my aunt, my dad's older sister, and my grandparents's favorite and only sibling. My adopted dad aka Zane's "uncle" is well the black sleep of the family." whispered Tara. "I've selected these students so please come up here to the stage once your name has been called." said Marilyn. "How long has this been going on? They've been spying on us and the rest of them don't care." whispered Gwen .

The group listened as Marilyn called out the names. "So is it weird that they're doing this now? Why did it take almost a quarter of a year to get started?" whispered Karen. "I don't know but right now, I don't like it." whispered Rachel. "Yeah." whispered Kristen. Zane's suspicion grew even more as he looked at the student that was picked to try and kill him. "Guys. This isn't good at all. I and the rest of the Phantoms may be dead." whispered Zane.

After Marilyn stopped talking, seven teens stood on the stage in front of Marilyn and Warren. Zane first saw from the A-List Brad, Bryan, Hannah, Mack, Sam, and Vicky plus Kevin which stuck out like a sore thumb. The seven were very excited to be there with Hannah and Sam enjoying the attention as Zane rolled his eyes. Kevin flirted with some of the girls in the crowd with them turning away in disgust. "What are you planning? I really wish that I could read minds." thought Zane.

Marilyn said,"Introducing to Cypress Park, the REAL protectors. The Guardians.". The students and teachers clapped minus the group, Andre, David, Selena, and Susan. The students filled out of the auditorium with them getting a free period to do nothing. Zane was going to on patrol with his best male friend, best female friend, good female friend, and cousin with Kristen and Rachel being tech support but he was stopped by Kevin with a huge smile on his face.

Zane said,"Kevin. What do you want?". "I bet you're jealous that you didn't get picked. I mean you're the strongest kid in school no longer." said Kevin. "It's a good thing that I wasn't. You may be blind Kevin but this thing stinks even more than your locker." said Zane. "You sound jelly don't you?" said Kevin. "You're so funny aren't you Kevin?" said Zane. "Huh?" said Kevin. "Forget it. Just get out of my way. I have to go see my friends." said Zane.

Kevin said,"You having friends Zane? We all know that's bullshit! I mean think about it! Everyone is scared of you! You tried to kill me, a Guardian. Soon, you'll be nothing more than a lonely...". Zane turned around and he socked him. Kevin flew through the air as Zane said,"Shut up nerd.". He soon walked off as Marilyn smiled. "It seems that this one is going to be fun to mess with." thought Marilyn. She walked away as Kevin went up.

Zane sighed as he thought,"Why am I so angry? Ever since I met Astral Realm, I've been getting very angry.". His Crisis Judgement went off as he stood in front of the Counselor's office. "Okay. Time to fight out what's going on in here." said Zane. He opened the door and he saw no one. He walked in and his senses went off. Zane turned invisible and he heard,"Wow. You're not so bad kid. Color me impressed.".

Zane looked for the voice and he said,"Where are you?". His costume activate as the voice said,"This is going to be fun.". Zane dodge the desk heading toward him with him noticing something. It seems like the shadow of the desk moved before hitting him as he said,"You're from the realm of shadows aren't you?". Midnight stood there leaning on the bookshelf and he said,"Wow. Your judgement is getting better. You found me but can you catch me?".

Midnight went under the door and Zane thought,"Okay. He wants me to go after him and I will be but without alerting the "Guardians". They may not be starting yet but can't be too reckless. This may be a perfect chance to test that form after I clean this place up first.". He put the desk back and made this place look perfect. As he stood there, a new card entered his chest plate. It had a black frame with four different colored backgrounds and a chameleon on it with its body on each of the four colors.

Zane's body then began to disappear with him turning into a humanoid chameleon/gecko ,being 6 feet tall, with a fit, slim, and toned body. He's covered in crimson red scales with black camo like spots all over his body. His head is in the shape of a helmet with his "face" being a dark glass faceplate. His head is divided into two different colors with the top half being black and the bottom half being white. He has three spiked fins on the back of his head with it looking to match hair in a unique looking way. 

His face has five ,diamond shaped, eyes with four of them being horizontal and the final eye was in the center of the four being vertical. The eyes on the left are blue, the eyes on the right are red, and the eye in the middle is green. Whenever Zane blinks, the four horizontal eyes blink but not the eye in the center. He has four fingers and toes with him having amphibian like feet. Zane's mouth is wide with him having sharp teeth. 

Zane is now wearing a black leather hooded trench coat with a dark green scale pattern shirt under the jacket. He wears black pants. He's wearing dark purple combat boots with gold bolts going through them, black and white gloves with the white part covering his palm, and white bandages covering his arms and legs. He has a longer than normal tail which can sprout a stinger from the end. "Camouflage Form! I should get going." said Zane. 

He had his hand over the doorknob when he heard,"Thanks you for coming in Natasha. It was on such short notice.". "Natasha? It could be any girl with her name. It may not be very common but I bet hide just in case." thought Zane. He went up to the back of the room and he blend perfectly. The door opened and Zane thought,"I just noticed but it's really cold in here!". Zane saw the counselor walking in with his mom and he thought,"I really hate my luck sometimes.". 

The counselor look to be a slender yet fit woman with her having black hair and blue eyes with purple eyeshadow marking under with purple lipstick. She wears a silver headband. She is wearing a purple top that covers her entire top half and her arms with it looking good on her, blue finger less gloves, black pants, brown boots and belt, and a white jacket that reminded Zane of snow. "It's no problem Dana. I'll do anything for my son. So what's going on with him?" said Natasha. 

She then at in front of the desk as she said,"Is it always so cool in here Dana?". "Sorry about that. I guess someone messed with my thermostat while I was gone." said Dana. She moved it to a warm temp as she said,"Wow. I've never seen my office so clean before. This is a nice change. So you wanted to talk to me about Zane?". "Yes. As of recently, Zane has been so different to me and my friends. His relationship with his classmates is still awful though." said Natasha. 

Zane blinked as he thought,"Wow. I would be shocked by this interaction but I've been more angry than I would like.". "Well despite Zane's temper, he is one of the school's best and brightest. He may be able to leave for college by his junior year." said Dana. "Yeah. So do you think that you could call him into your office? He won't talk with me about his problems and the way that he's dealing with them may kill him." said Natasha. 

The chameleon looked at his mom with him thinking,"You really feel this way don't you?". "I think you should come out now Zane." said Dana. "Zane is here?" said Natasha. Dana smiled and she made a whistle sound which caused Zane to break his camouflage broke as he fell onto the floor. "Zero?!" said Natasha. "Don't worry Natasha. I know your secret." said Dana. "It isn't on the Zero fanpage right? I really don't want to blast three ways into the underworld anytime soon." said Zane.

The Alvarez family sat there with Zane ,back to normal, said,"You know the slime ball?". "Yes. He's a good Eazairvian but like most of them, he has a sick sense of humor." said Dana. "Yeah. He told me that whenever I activate my form, I yell it out. I'll have a word with him next time that I see him for sure about that." said Zane. "So don't you have any other question for her Zane?" said Natasha. "Yeah. Why is it that my Crisis Judgement went off when walking by this place?" said Zane.

Dana said,"Well Zane, the Crisis Judgement goes up whenever it senses danger of any level. It should know that a Vialeca is a peaceful alien species plus I'm the queen.". "You're a queen?" said Zane. The woman smiled and she said,"Well, I was a princess but as you can see, I've out grown that.". "So why are you on Earth?" said Zane. "Well, I wanted Earth to meet some aliens but with Swarm planning to hunt down Phantoms, I didn't announce my plans yet." said Dana.

Zane said,"Smart.". "But you know that is going to cause problems later on Dana." said Natasha. "I'll cross the bridge when I get there. So do you want to talk?" said Dana. "Talk about what? I mean the people that I hate the most will be trying to kill me plus the rest of my kind." said Zane. "Don't worry Zane. They won't be killing you or any Phantom." said Natasha. Zane looked at her as Dana said,"It takes a agent of Swarm a full two years of training to use a weapon.".

Natasha said,"Even if they rush through the process, they won't be a threat to you until maybe your senior year. I mean how many times have Vicky actually hit you?". Zane held out five fingers and he said,"Do I count clones of me in this as well?". "Nope!" said Dana. Zane held up his pinky and he said,"I guess I over reacted.". "You think? So why were you in here to begin with?" said Natasha. "Well. It's complicated." said Zane.

Dana said,"I'm going to take a shot in here and say that you came in here to find out why your Crisis Judgement went up whenever you walked by here didn't you? I beat something bad caused you to turn into that cute gecko and well, here we are.". "Yeah. I wouldn't say that he's cute. He is nothing compared to Cartoon Form." said Zane. "Yeah. I won't deny that." said Dana. "So if you need to vent Zane, we'll be here okay?" said Natasha. "Okay. Can I go now?" said Zane.

Dana said,"Sure Zane and see you later.". Zane nodded as he rushed out of the room and Stan entered the room. "Kids today have so much energy and I so didn't expect that from our Zane. I didn't expect to see you today Natasha. Zane hasn't done anything beside punching Kevin but he had it coming for what he said." said Stan. "You're a fair teacher aren't you?" said Dana. "I am but Zane and his group need  help." said Stan.

Meanwhile in the cafeteria, Tara was showing the gang except for Zane for what they're doing for the spirit assembly on Friday if nothing goes wrong. "Wow. This is really impressive but what's with the dominoes again?" said Gwen. "Well according to Principal Underwood, he says that they represent every student here at Cypress High." said Tara. "Wow. We have a small student body but well, this town is pretty small." said a voice.

Danny turned to see Marcia standing there. She transferred to the school and she had joined Zane's group of friends. "Hey Marcia. Why didn't we seen you at the assembly?" said Danny. "I was sitting with Andre, David, and Susan. They aren't a fan of the guardians either but not for the same reason. I mean Zane could be hurt." said Marcia. She knew about Zane being well Zero because Zane told her and he says that it was because of her joining Team Power now.

Rachel said,"Yeah. So where are the spirit sparklers? Our school is famous for that.". "I would think that the constant Phantoms attack would be Cypress High's biggest feature." said Marcia. "You're not wrong but I would say that Zero is the town's biggest feature and well, I'm happy about that but I feel like that's a bad thing too." said a voice. Zane stood there and Karen said,"Well, you seem like you're in a better mood.".

Zane sat down next to her and he said,"Well, I was enlightening about the Guardians.". "What are you talking about?" said Rachel. "Think about it guys. Has Vicky ever hit me?" said Zane. "One time. We may have overreacted." said Kristen. "Yeah. So is this for the Spirit thingy Friday?" said Zane. "Are you going to that?" said Karen. "Nah. Not my cup of tea plus I have other plans." said Zane. His Crisis Judgement went off as he heard,"I'll be back.".

He was gone as the nearby wall exploded. Mareona ,in her dragon form, appeared and she roared. "Oh. We should get out of here." said Danny. The group ran outside as Zane reappeared ,as his heroic counterpart, with him saying,"Yep. I think you're not happy about something are you?". The dragon saw him and she breathed out her fire. Zane jumped back and he said,"You still haven't gotten any breath mints have you?".

The dragon then roared again and Zane said,"I think it's time for me to slay you for real now.". The Diamond Form card appeared and he formed into the knight made out of a girl's best friend. "Time for a beatdown!" said Zane. He slammed his right fist into an open palm with the dragon confused at this. She didn't noticed the giant diamond hammer heading right toward her head with it making a big impression on her.

Zane rushed toward her and he said,"Diamond Blast!". A shower of diamonds came out of him and the dragon went back from the diamond shower. She flew into the air and she fired several balls of the fire. Zane put his hands in front of him as he yelled,"Everyone over here!". The crowd ,who were watching the fight, ran over to him with him making a dome. The fire was blocked and without his knowledge, Zane was absorbing the energy.

His body began to glow as Zane looked at himself. "This is new but right now, I ain't complaining at all." said Zane as he got rid of the dome. Zane then aimed his left hand at the dragon in a gun form and he said,"Bang.". A beam of energy flew toward the dragon with it blasting her back to Terrarune through a portal. "Wow. That was too easy. I guess she must have been weakening from coming from Terrarune." said Zane.

The crowd cheered as Zane said,"Thanks. I guess the overgrown gecko won't be coming back any time soon.". Selena came up to him with her saying,"So Zero, what are you going to do about the Guardians and Swarm?". Zane noticed that several students were recording him and he said,"Well, I like a challenge so bring it on!". The crowd cheered as Zane ,deactivated his Diamond Form and went into his Swift Form, ran off.

Later, Zane was walking home with Ray. "Dude. I can't believe that you challenge them like that and nice job sending scaly back to the stone age." said Ray. "Dragons were rumored to be around during the dark ages but it was good plus they couldn't hit an elephant." said Zane. "I guess but you need to be less cocky." said Ray. "Okay Mom." said Zane. Ray opened the door and Zane's Crisis Judgement went off. He ducked as his mom ,using a jetpack, flew out of the house and around it.

Ray then fell to the ground as Zane said,"And he's down! TKO!". "Shut up. So where did you get that from anyway? Make it?" said Ray. "Nope. It's an invention from my home." said a voice. Zane saw Dana standing there with a cup of coffee. "It's actually use an energy source very much like gas but less deadly. Kids love it." said Dana. "And my mom. She loves to fly and I know this." said Zane as he remember being thrown out of a plane.

Ray said,"So why are you here?". "I'm crashing here for a while and unlike you, I'm actually paying rent." said Dana as she sipped her coffee. "That's a sick burn doc." said Zane. "Hey. I got a job." said Ray. "Yeah. Have you told Tara about what you do?" said Zane. "Well, I don't exactly have it yet but I'm the top guy for the job man." said Ray. "Does he stretch the truth a lot?" said Dana. "Yep. I have anger issues and Ray likes to stretch things out." said Zane.

Later, Zane said,"So you're going to help me too?". "Yes but not in the same way as your other tutors do." said Dana. The woman had a happy Wolfram on her lap with Zane petting Kania. Ray was in the garage building something with Arturo and Natasha. "You could always use some more help with those emotions. I think they're your main weakness but that's my opinion." said Kania. "She is right. As a user of Furor, you need better control over it." said Dana.

Zane said,"I guess but I get angry so easy. It could be something little but it makes me fired up and well, I don't like it.". "Don't worry. You'll have better control over it. I promise and I'm one of the best in the galaxy Dana Reese is on the job." said Dana. "Yeah. You can do it Zane." said Kania. "So is there a way to make Kania less mean to me?" said Zane. Wolfram barked as Kania rolled her eyes at the puppy. "Yeah but I wanted to ask." said Zane.

Meanwhile, Marilyn was looking at the known recorded images of Zero on her phone. She was in the place that she rented when moving to Cypress Park and she was heading down to her basement lab with her being one of three people in town who have such a thing. She went to a door with it having an access panel and eye scanner. She placed her eye and hand there with the panel glowing green as the hand touched it and a red beam scanned her eye.

The door opened and it looked to be a typical lab except for the giant computer in the center of the lab with several monitors. She sat down at the computer with her looking at the screens. "Zero. You may be cocky now but soon, you'll be dead thanks to your kind." said Marilyn. She looked at a room inside of the lab with it being separated by a single large and wide piece of glass and something was inside. She smiled as she went back to work on whatever was there.

Next time,
Zane meets old friends from Johnny's past and they try to take over the town by rock and roll man. This and more next time on Zero!

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