Sunday, April 23, 2017

Zero Episode 26 Voting for a Hero

A/N: Welcome to a mini arc with this and episode 27 being around the same time frame. I would say something about Fairy Tail but that doesn't have my attention. It is the Ace ,from One Piece, vs Natsu from Fairy Tail. In all of my time being a fan of Death Battle, this one battle ,in particular, I'm the most on the fence with because of the fact that we don't know that much about Ace compared to Natsu. Spoilers abound folks.

I'm compared this fight to Erza vs Zoro which is also a Fairy Tail vs One Piece Death Battle. With that fight, I knew that Zoro was going to win due to him being the best at talking damage compared to Erza who isn't a slouch. If they including more of Erza's armor, it would be a great fight. Ace isn't a main character compared to Zoro. He also died before the time skip during the Battle of Marineford and well Natsu is dead now or will he?

If Ace wins, I want to know how and why he would because he died by Akainu aka the eater of the Magu Magu no Mi or the Magma fruit. I'm sure that Natsu has no had limits when it come to eating fire and maybe his fire can reach magma level. I may be a fan of Fairy Tail and the Alvarez Arc but this arc is awful. This double chapter was filled with so much bullshit and it started from the dam beginning. Still hopping for a Devil Dragon by the way.

I should also mention that the united states president of Zero isn't the president of America as of right now. With the previous election, I didn't like either candidate. Every president before him will be cannon but not him. I absolute refuse because of my dislike toward BOTH of the 2016 presidential candidates. We will be meet the fourth sixth president but that won't be for a very long time and boy do I mean that. Oh and if we have a fourth sixth president, the story won't change. Lets begin.

Narrator P.O.V.
It was a nice fall day at Cypress High with everyone preparing for the next student council president which will be one of the sophomores due to the juniors being busy with other things. Unlike the national election, Cypress High's election isn't exactly the best in the world. It  was several students who are trying to run and with most of them crashing and burning in the process. It's mainly the A-List.

Karen, Kristen, and Rachel were talking out in the courtyard. "So did you see what Elaine's handing out?" said Karen. She held up a cute button with Kristen said,"It's pretty cute.". "I still can't believe that both Brad and Kevin are running. Me thinks that Kevin hasn't been bullied enough or he doesn't learn his lesson." said Rachel. Karen heard footsteps and she said,"Uh oh. It's Lyra.". "I think she is more hated than Kevin is and she's pretentious." said Rachel.

A girl stood in the center of the courtyard. She has white skin, green eyes, and long light blond hair with her wearing a green tank top, brown capris, and black flats. Said girl was holding a clipboard and she said,"Time to become president.". She walked up to a student and she said,"Hi. I'm Lyra Morrison and I'm running for student council president.". She was ignored as she went onto the next person with her saying,"Would you sign my petition?".

Everyone ignored her with the blond pouting. "Can't I get anyone to sign my petition?" said Lyra as she spot someone. Meanwhile, Zane ,in Frost Form. was descending toward the ground. "That was such an easy patrol for once. I'm not late for class and I got to mess with Gideon." thought Zane. He landed in the bushes nearby Lyra with her smiling. He turned back to normal and he said,"Nothing could ruin my day.". "Don't say that Zane." said Athena.

Zane was about to retort when his Danger Sense went off. "Hello? Any one there?" said Lyra. He stood up and he said,"Listen. I was just um....". He walked out of the bushes with Lyra said,"Hi. I'm Lyra Morrison.". She held out her hand and Zane said,"I know you who you are Lyra. We were in middle school together.". "Then you may also know that I'm currently running for Student Council President." said Lyra.

Zane said,"Good for you L. You're just like the rest of our grade and you're going to tell me what you are going to do if you become student co president right?". "Correct. If I'm elected, I will do all that I can to make Cypress High, the best high school in the country." said Lyra. She then held up her clipboard with her saying,"I've made a chart on what I'm going to do in fact Zachary.". "It's Zane so I'm going to do a read through okay?" said Zane.

He read through it and he pulled out a pen. He wrote something down and Lyra said,"It has forty issues with number one being uniforms.". "Yo." said Zane. "To keep distractions such as erroneous clothing...." said Lyra. She rambled on as Zane thought,"Yep. This day is ruined. I better get going so time to pull a Phantom trick.". He turned invisible as he walked toward the main building. Lyra soon looked for Zane with her saying,"I guess he's on the track team.".

She looked down at her clipboard and she screamed. Zane walked through the building door and he said while turning tangible,"Sucker. Not a fan of uniforms and you.". He heard grunting and a voice say,"Come on you piece of junk!". It was Danny with Zane saying,"Wow man. You really need to stop that before it takes over the world.". Danny looked at him with him saying,"Ha Ha man. This thing is a piece of junk. It's broken again!".

Zane said,"You just need the magic touch.". He walked up to the machine and he turned his hands invisible. Two soda cans came out and Danny said,"Thanks man.". The two were walking to class as Danny said,"Those machines are always broken.". "And the school won't fix them because they're focused on the football team or something Sam related. Life sucks." said Zane as he finished off his drink. He made a basket with the can with a guy giving Zane a high five for that.

Danny said,"Yeah. You and I have made so many compliments but they don't listen.". "Yeah. I think Lyra would love to know more about our first world oppression." said Zane. "Seriously? She's such a control freak! She told Gwen that she was eating wrong and it was freaking Pizza!" said Danny. "I should totally run for class president. I was thinking on making Cypress High awesome without the uniforms." said Zane.

Danny said,"That's a great idea man.". "You do know that I'm joking right?" said Zane. "Think about it man. We get to show those A list that the 99% won't take their shit any longer and also show up Lyra. It's killing two birds with one stone." said Danny. "Dude. You had me at the A List. Minding helping me my campaign manager?" said Zane. The two fist bumped as Danny said,"Hell yeah.". The two went to class with Zane running for the president.

At lunch. Lyra was currently walking into the cafeteria with everyone ignoring her. "Are you sick of being treated like trash?" said a voice. She turned around to see Zane onto of a table with Gwen and Kristen handing out fliers. Danny and Rachel were getting everyone's attention. "Do you want change?" said Danny. "If you are, I'm the guy. Name's Zane Alvarez and I'm running for Student Council President so we can have our prefect school life." said Zane.

A crowd gathering around them with Gwen saying,"You guys. This is actually working.". "Yeah. It's a good thing that we got the word out about our rally." said Kristen. "Thank you Athena. She's really good at that kind of touch." said Zane. Lyra placed her tray down on a table with her walking to the crowd. She pushed her way through as Rachel said,"No longer do you have to fear being treated like a social outcast for how you dress.".

Lyra held up a flier and she said,"You can't be serious Alvarez. You know that you can't fight the rich.". "Well, Zane here has more than enough signatures to be considered a candidate. Heck, he has five times than needed." said Danny. "He does? You do?" said Lyra. "Yep. It's going to be a tight race between me and who else?" said Zane. "I think Brad." said Rachel. "Really? Well, you're going down then." said Lyra.

Gwen said,"May I ask how your campaign is going Lyra?". "It's none of your business." said the girl before she felt a sharp pain in her stomach. Zane's CJ went off with him thinking,"It can't be PM because she's in jail. What's going on?". "You okay?" said Kristen. "I'm fine. Thanks." said Lyra. It was getting worse as she walked away. "Okay. That was weird." said Danny. "Twenty bucks says that she tried Marcus's food." said Rachel. "I'm in on that action." said Zane.

Lyra sat down at a nearby table with the pain getting worse by the second. "Dam you Zane Alvarez. I should lead this school not some jock with an attitude. I'm the best and he's nothing but scum." said Lyra. She saw Danny and Rachel being lead away by mob with Gwen, Kristen, and Zane walking behind them. Lyra fell to the ground with her eyes glowing white. "What's happening to me? Was it that beam from the sky?" thought Lyra.

Flashback Narrator P.O.V.
One week ago. Lyra was walking home from school when she heard police sirens and cars going by her. She saw the superhero Zero flying above them in Thermal Form. "Zero. He and the rest of his outfit are so annoying. Those idiots at school treat them like the modern day gods when they should be treating me like that." thought Lyra. She walked into the park with her saying,"I would make a better heroine than Force, Slicer, and Sonic.".

However, she didn't notice a beam from the sky flying toward her. It hit her as she screamed. She was blinded and her eyes were white. She recovered and she said,"What just happened?". She looked and she saw nothing. "Must have been a flash from Zero's attack. He's so bad at being a hero." thought Lyra. She walked away with her body switching from its white skin to a dark purple color and then back to normal in a second.

Back in the present, Lyra looked up and she heard,"I can't believe that she gave us a quiz today. I totally blew it.". Lyra thought,"That was a guy's voice. He didn't talk right?". She looked and she heard,"I hope they don't give me a wedgie.". It belong to one of the band members and Bryan plus another jock looked at him. They noticed Lyra with her eyes turning back to their normal color as the jock said,"Hey Morrison. You got your eye on me or what?".

Bryan said,"Dude. She's probably using some sci fi crap to make you vote for her because no one in their right mind would vote for her.". The two laughed as Lyra said,"How about you two just go and act like the neanderthal that you are.". The two stopped laughing as they acted like caveman. "What's going on?" said Lyra. They slammed into each other causing a fight as Lyra thought,"I'm going to get what I want but I may need a outfit change.".

Later that day, the student body was heading toward the candidates assembly. Stan stood in front of the student body with him saying,"Okay everyone. We only have a couple of speeches and they are going to be short I promise.". Marcia stood behind the stage with her saying,"At least, he's honest about that.". She turned to see Zane looking at his watch. "So what are you looking at cos?" said Tara as she walked toward him.

Zane said,"Oh. It's nothing.". "Yeah right." said Marcia. "Okay. Athena told me earlier that one of her scanners picked up a metahuman here at school." said Zane. "Really? Was it Umbra?" said Tara. "She can't tell. It was there for a minute and then it was gone." said Zane. The three heard the door open and they saw a fellow candidate wheeling his way toward the three. He had chin length blond hair and green eyes. His wheelchair looked high tech with it being gray and white with gold rims.

He is wearing an orange t-shirt with a green and white hoodie plus blue jeans and plain old tennis shoes. "Zane." said the boy. "Sup Cameron/Cam." said Zane. "It's good to see that someone smart will run against Brad and Kevin." said Cam. "I get how Brad got to be one of the three candidates for the presidency but how did Kevin?" said Tara. Cam shrugged his shoulders and he said,"Beats me. It is a shock. Good luck Zane.".

He wheeled over to the stage with Marcia said,"He seems like a tough rival Zane.". "Yeah but I think he or you cos would make a better president than Brad." said Tara. "Hey. People dumber than Brad have run this country so who knows Tara?" said Zane. Stan said,"And our first candidate is Cameron or Cam Rivera! Please give him a round of applause!". The boy waved to the crowd with the crowd saying his name.

He wheeled himself in front of the podium with him not noticing that someone was on the cat walk above him. It was a female with dark purple skin. She is wearing a black sweatshirt and pants with black thigh high boots. Over her face, she wears a metal mask that covers her entire head except for her glowing white eyes. Her body itself was covered in a number of protrusions that are similar to vines being dark red.

The female said,"This is going to be good. Hello victim.". Cam's skin lost its color and he looked a little older. He looked to be a zombie. Backstage, Zane's CJ went off and it was loud. Marcia and Tara were watching the crowd. "Time to find out whats going on." thought Zane. He ran off and he went into a nearby broom closet. He turned into Zero as he flew toward the catwalk. He then saw the metal freak and he said,"This is so weird. Is that Lyra?".

On stage. "Mr. Rivera. Is everything alright?" said Stan. "Just fine. I just need to catch my breath so my fellow students. I no longer want to be student council president. I withdrawn my name and ask you to support the person who really deserves to be in charge. Lyra Morrison." said both Cam and the metal woman. Zane was confused as the crowd was booing Cam. "Hey. What do you think you're doing?" said Zane.

She turned around and she said,"Zero? What are you doing here?". "I go to school here and Cam is one of my pals. Tell me what you're doing to him." said Zane. "Oh. I'm just making sure that the right person gets elected instead of that meat head, that annoying brat, the cripple, and that so called bad boy." said the woman. "You can't be serious. I'm going to stop you in your tracks." said Zane.

She smiled ,under her mask, as she said,"Lets see if I can control you too or maybe teach you how to treat your next student council president.". Zane went back as several things went flying toward him. "Zane. She seems to be able to control people and things with her mind. Your helmet and your forms protect you so don't do anything stupid." said Athena. "Gotcha." said Zane. He turned into his Sound Form with him saying,"Time to change this song and dance!".

He launched his circles and the metal head's hands glowed. It was black like the night sky and she said,"Go away Zero!". The circles were blasted away as Zane went crashing toward the ground. It caught the attention of Marcia and Tara with them running over. "Zero? What are you doing here? I thought you were busy." said Marcia. "Run." said Zane. The two were turned into zombie as Lyra said,"Time to see what you two have.".

She saw that Zane was Zero with her saying,"It can't be. This is too good. See you real soon Hero Boy.". She was gone as the girls plus Cam turned back to normal. Zane followed suit and he said with him placing his hands on them,"You two alright?". "We're fine but I found your metahuman cos." said Tara. "It's Lyra Morrison." said Marcia. "Seriously ladies? This is going to be more annoying than I thought." said Zane. Athena nodded.

Later. "I still can't believe that Lyra went through their heads like that." said Danny. He and Zane were walking around campus and Zane said,"Yeah. I was lucky that they plus Cam weren't stuck like that. They would have been puppets working for Lyra.". "How did she get powers anyway? I don't think she would be dumb to drink some chemicals." said Danny. "Maybe a beam from outer space hit her." said Zane.

Danny said,"You don't think that she's an alien?". "You can't be serious. At least the Galaxy Phones have the ability to prevent mind control." said Zane. "Should we stop her now before she tries to take over the school? She would no will do that." said Danny. "Yeah." said Zane. The two stopped as they saw a group of student circling around Lyra. Their skin color was drained, they looked like real life zombies, and they had hickeys all over their bodies. It looked like a shark's mouth.

They started to chant,"Lyra. Lyra.". "Thank you. You're way too kind. Who's your queen?" said Lyra. "Lyra is." said the group. She saw Zane and she said,"Away with you.". The group was gone as Danny said,"We're boned?". "Yeah." said Zane. The two walked away as Lyra thought,"I think that Zane and Danny no Zero and Morph will be a pain in my but. I should get rid of the two heroes and I have the perfect way to do that.".

Danny and Zane ,inside of the Midnight Bird and in costume, were flying over the city with Danny said,"So got a plan?". "Beats me bro." said Danny. Danny felt a pain in his head and Zane said,"Is she in your head too?". "Yeah. She says that she's going to become president and we can't stop her." said the boy. "Um. I think I know how she's doing that." said Athena. She opened a screen and the two saw that the entire town was zombies.

Danny said,"Wow. She gets around fast.". The plane shook and Athena said,"You two better get out now.". They saw Karen and Tara with them being Sonic and Force with Zane said,"I really hope that this doesn't get any worse.". The two landed on the ground with Karen saying,"Daniel and Zane. It seems that you two will try and stop Lady Lyra from becoming Mayor of Cypress Park and then the president of the entire Earth.".

Danny said,"She has to win first. We're going to stop her.". "Not going to happen. Have a little of this." said Tara. Zane held his left hand as a steel gray nether shield went in front of the two. A force field was blocked as Zane said,"They seem serious. You get Karen and I'll handle Tara.". "Gotcha. Time for the Phantom Smashers!" said Danny. He soon grabbed Karen with her about to release a sonic scream at him. "Not going to happen." said Danny.

He squeezed a little harder with her knocked out. "Sorry about this Kar but I don't want to hurt one of my friends. I got mine." said Danny. He saw Tara out cold inside of a nether bounce house and Zane said,"Yep. She's going to be out for a while. So who isn't one of Lyra's puppets?". "I think only us man." said Danny. "This isn't good. I think I know where they're going." said Zane. He pointed to a mob of puppets heading toward city hall and Danny said,"Lets go.". The two ran off.

They found their way inside of city hall and Danny said,"Dude. I think I see some people from the retirement home.". "Yeah. I think it's time for us to impeach Leech Vine." said Zane. "Leech Vine? Is that her super villain name?" said Danny. "Yeah. I just made it up." said Zane. "Right good name my man. Where is she now man?" said Danny. "Who knows but if Cam didn't remember anything about being controlled by her royal pain, we need evidence." said Zane.

Danny said,"The cameras!". "What cameras?" said Zane. "All speeches are recorded to see for the future. It was done in 2006." said Danny. "Really?" said Zane. "Yeah. Our town is weird like that so what's the plan?" said Danny. "You go find the camera office and I'll make Leech stop her plans to take over Cypress Park with a steel grip." said Zane. The two fist bumped as Danny ran off with Zane activating Specter Form and flying toward the roof of the main room.

Lyra ,in her metal mask costume, stood there at the podium and she said,"Hello all of you. My name is Lyra Morrison or Brain Woman and I'm running for mayor of Cypress Park.". "She's going to call herself that? Meh." said Zane. The crowd was silent as Lyra said,"Hello!". The crowd started to cheer her name as Lyra stopped the cheers. "Thank you.  I was destined to succeed but it's not right to push people down like trash." said Lyra.

She took a deep breath as she said,"Every single one of you expect your work to be done for you but what about the person doing the work?! Huh?! I'm the one doing all of that work and I get no respect. I want it all!". The crowd cheered and Lyra was blasted by a nether beam. Zane floated there and he said,"I want a recall!". Lyra recovered as she didn't have a scratch. "You?! Thanks for the snack hero boy. I'm going to make you pay Zane Alvarez." said Lyra.

Zane said,"I don't care that my SI is blown because no one will remember this. I will stop you Lyra.". "Okay then. Attention. This is your future president. I think we should get that ghost and teach him a lesson in respect." said Lyra. Zane flew away and he said,"I need to lose them and fast.". He immediately turned into Cartoon Form with him saying to his clones,"Everyone! Split up!". "You got it boss!" said the clones. The clones and Zane ran off with the zombie crowd going after them.

Danny saw this and he said,"Zane. I'm coming bro.". The door was busted wide open as he saw Ray with the football team. "Um. Go Lady Lyra?" said Danny. Ray absorbed some metal and he said,"I think we should get him so we can bring Zane to Lady Brain.". Danny ran out of the room with him saying,"Okay. This isn't good.". He ran into a Cartoon form clone and the clone said,"Morph! We got company!".

The two were surrounded as Danny said,"So can you fight or what?". The clone turned into a hammer and Danny said,"Sweet.". He held the hammer and the hammer said,"It's Hammer Time!". The boy and the army face faulted with Danny said,"Really?". "Who cares about that?! It's time to brawl already!" said the hammer. Danny smacked a couple of them back with the army getting bigger by the second.

The Prime Cartoon Form aka Zane was hiding in a room. "Okay. Clone A is gone, Clone B is long gone, and Clone C-E is going to be gone! Clone F is fighting with Danny but they're losing by the second." said Zane. He felt a pain through his head as he heard,"You're all alone Zane. Danny is part of the fold now so come fight me like a man.". Zane went back to normal and he said,"Okay then Athena. It is me vs at least a thousand people so what's the plan?".

Athena said,"Zane. Are you scared right now?". "Of course I am! My friends, my family, and my town are being controlled by a girl whose using her powers for herself." said Zane. "You'll save them. Trust me, I have an idea. Do you trust me?" said Athena. "Yeah. What's the plan?" said Zane with a little bit more confidence in his voice. "It involves going to Lyra and showing her what true power is like." said Athena.

Zane began to glow with a new card appearing in his chest plate. It had a black frame with a gadget symbol in the center with several explosions in the background. Several puppets were outside and they said,"Come with us Zane.". The door blew off as they heard a robotic version of Zane's voice,"Not going to be happening so taste my power!". The army was blasted by missiles and the room was filled with sleeping gas. Something left the room and went to the conference hall.

Lyra stood in the main conference hall and everyone was there. "Where are you Zane? I know that you are in here coward." said Lyra. The puppets was looking for the young hero with Lyra saying with glee in her voice,"Fine. I'll be having fun now and no one will be treating me like trash. I will be queen of Earth!". "Not going to be happen Leech Vine!" said a voice. She was blasted by a stream of red energy bullets with her looking up to see Zane in a new form.

He's wearing a black armor with a white chest plate over his chest making it look bulky. In the middle of the chest plate, his symbol was glowing the colors of the rainbow. He had the same thing on his shoulders. He looks to be 7 feet tall. He's wearing black gauntlets on his forearms which go from his wrists to halfway up his elbows. He had a single gold line on the gauntlets. His feet were human like with his legs being thicker than normal.

He wears a black helmet that matched his suit and at the end of the helmet, he has a 0 at the end of it with his visor being red and x shaped. The top of the helmet had a long horn with it being very much like a Japanese Rhinoceros Beetle. "This is my Gadget Form Leech and I'm going to stop you in your tracks." said Zane. His right arm turned into a cannon with it having a white aura and he said with a smile,"Freeze.".

Lyra saw a beam of cold energy flying toward him and the woman was frozen. Zane looked at the army and they were still under her control. He turned around to see that the ice was being absorbed by the girl. "How about you see what happens when you mess with my queen!?" yelled Lyra. A beam of dark energy flew toward Zane and it pierced right through Zane. The masked woman smiled and she was shocked to see that the wound was healing itself.

Zane then made a jet pack appear from his back and he flew into the air. "Die Zane! Die Zane! Die Zane! Die Zane!" yelled Lyra. The robotic human dodged her rapid fire attacks. Zane's collarbones began to sprout rocket launches with several missiles went flying right toward Lyra. The stage was covered by several explosions with Zane landing in the middle of the crowd. They went toward him as Zane punched the ground with electricity covering the ground.

They were shocked out cold with Zane saying,"Wow. That was easy.". The explosions were gone as Lyra stood there. Her body was glowing brighter with her having a gold membrane over her body and Athena said,"Zane. She's going nuclear and she will kill everyone. We need to get her away from the rest of the people right now.". Zane's jet pack activated and he went flying toward Lyra. "STAY BACK FREAK!" yelled Lyra.

She fired a giant beam of dark energy at Zane with his hands turning into satellite dishes. The attack was reflected back and it destroyed the wall behind Lyra. Lyra grabbed some nearby rubble and she threw it toward Zane who caught it using a giant catchers mitt. Lyra began to lift herself into the air and she yelled,"I WILL MAKE YOU ALL RESPECT ME AND YOU CAN'T STOP ME HERO FAILURE!".

She flew off but she left behind a gold trail. Zane landed on the ground and he said,"So what can I do to stop her?". "If you attack her, she's absorb it and get stronger. I think you should switch forms to something more physical." said Athena. Zane deactivated Gadget Form and he turned right into his Atomic Form. He flew after Lyra with his fists glowing. "Nuclear Smash!" yelled Zane. Lyra had turned around to see Zane behind her and he clenched his hands.

He slammed them onto Lyra with the girl being blasted and flying toward the ground fast. She then saw Zane floating toward her and he said,"You should give up and you can't have your cake and eat it too.". "NO! I WILL BE RULER OF EARTH ND THE UNIVERSE! I ABSORBED THE ENERGY OF YOU AND THE REST OF CYPRESS PARK! I WILL BECOME RULER AND I WILL KILL ANYONE WHO GETS IN MY WAY!" yelled Lyra.

She flew toward Zane and he pulled off a Hiza Gurama. She went toward the ground and Zane's left arm openings opened as a green gas came out. Lyra got back up and she fell asleep. She went back to normal as Zane said,"Okay. What's the next move? I need to get rid of this energy before she gets back up. She's invulnerable in this form.". "Go Diamond Form and you should be able to take the energy back with you getting rid of safely." said Athena. "Okay." said Zane.

He turned into Diamond Form as he placed a hand on her. The energy flew out of Lyra and it was inside of Zane. He felt stronger and he said,"Hey Athena. I can't move.". "You made a hole so fire it out now!" said Athena. Zane fired an energy beam with it being giant. All of the energy was gone and Lyra was drained like a battery. Zane went back to normal and he said,"I really hope that Election Day isn't this bad normally.".

The next day, Zane stood in front of the school body as they cheered his name loudly. Zane calmed them down as he said,"Okay settle down. After Leech Vine's defeat, things were crazy by Zero, our hero so my fellow Americans. Oh wait. Wrong speech.". The crowd laughed as Zane said,"Thank you all. We now have our voice heard and we're going to win back our school from the A-List! We got this now!". The crowd then cheered as Zane left the stage.

Later, he was walking with his friends as Kristen said,"You're doing good Zane. I think it's going to be a very close race between you and Brad.". "We would count Kevin but well, I don't think anyone is going to vote for him. What happened anyway?" said Rachel. "Lyra? Slicer check in on her this morning and well, she doesn't remember anything about the past couple of days. She's currently in the metahuman wing of the hospitial." said Gwen.

Karen said,"So she doesn't remember us?". "Yep. She knows that Zero defeated her and that means you gained another Rogue." said Tara. "Great. I'm so honored." said Zane. "I bet you were scared last night man. Everyone was against you." said Marcia. Zane stopped as he said,"It was scary Marcia. It was.". "Hey Z. You alright?" said Danny as he waved his hand in front of his pal. "Must have slushies and maybe extra spicy fries at Fantasia!" said Zane.

He then ran off with Kristen said,"Either Zane's brain is slow at the whole mind control thing or his stomach is the main controller of his body.". "I'm going with option B Kristen for 100 dollars." said Rachel. "That's too easy Rachel." said Gwen and Tara. "You're right. We should probably make sure that he doesn't put it on your tab Rachel." said Marcia. "That sounds right." said Danny. The group went after Zane.

Next time,
Zane faces off an old foe from the past or friends. This and more next time on Zero!  

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