Thursday, April 20, 2017

Zero Episode 25 A Matriarch World

A/N: Yep. We're traveling to an alternative dimensions. As I stated, I hate Time Travel. If you do one little thing in the past, you could mess up the future like hamsters taking over the world or making gas six cents cheaper. These are two drastic examples on both sides but it could happen! I hope the former because you never expect them. I decided to do this because why not and also the next part involves politics so I'm going to make jokes about the whole system. I also don't get Shovel Knight's Body Swap Mode.

I'm always for games to allow you to pick a male or female characters with Pokemon being the best example of that but Shovel Knight? I mean according to the Wikia, they're a difference but it's more weird than anything else. Also King Toma is lazy. I mean I hate they are going to kill Acnologia with time or something but Anna told him to destroy the gate but he didn't do it for fourteen years. That is just lazy and I totally thought at first it said X767. I was tired at the time. Anyway lets begin.

Narrator P.O.V.
Outside of a corner store, the owner rushed out to see the punks drive off in their getaway car with the punk in the passenger seat saying,"We just scored 5 gs boys. We're raking in the big time.". The driver drove against traffic with him saying,"Yeah. Zero's now busy with the super powered freaks to deal with us!". However, this was proven wrong and Zane appeared on the roof. "Tada! Say my name and I appear! Did you miss me boys?" said Zane.

He stood on the hood with him saying,"I think buckling your seat belt is a good thing and pull over before I make this heap of junk more junker.". "Okay then man." said the driver. "No way is this brat going to stop our pay day!" said the passenger. He pulled out his gun with him shooting Zane and the boy dodging the bullets. This alerted the cops who drove after them. Zane kicked the gun out of his hands and he said,"Wow. That was easy.".

The driver popped the hood with Zane sent flying. "Time for some street surfing!" said Zane. A card appeared in his chest plate. It had a black frame with white clouds at the top of the card with a flying falcon. His body glowed light blue with a long silver flat plate ,much like a skateboard without the wheels, appearing under his feet. He combined the pieces together to make a surfboard/hover board with Zane's logo being there plus he said,"Falcon Board! Time to ride the air!".

He surfed behind the car with him hanging on tight thanks to an Nether grappling hook attached to the car. He got some air with him saying,"I think you guys are done.". He made an ramp appear and it launched the car flying into the air. The three punks then screamed with Zane saying,"Wow. They can scream louder than the cheerleaders. Got some lungs on them.". He made an Nether Net which held the car and the cops stopped.

Zane said,"Check out. I caught me a punk.". "Thanks Zero but could you..." said a cop. "Oh. Sorry about that officer." said Zane. He brought the car down with Zane holding the bag of money. "You should know that stealing is bad because it'll send you into a world of hurt." said Zane. The punks were put into a police car with a officer saying,"Thanks again Zero. Our town needs a hero like you and the rest of your gang rather than those folks down at Swarm.".

Zane turned around to see Tony Stevens standing there with him saying,"Yeah. Thanks. I could use that sir. Not a lot of folks like me that I'm well a Phantom.". "Yeah. People are just scared of what they don't understand and blame the news. They're making that Halloween mess a few days ago seems like the next big thing but you and your pals stopped them." said Tony. "I think also saving your sons helped right?" said Zane.

Tony said,"Andre says thanks but Brad, I have no idea where I went wrong raising that boy. I blame his mom but we're getting off point. You alright kid?". Zane was crossing his arms and he said,"I'm fine sir. I better get going. I have loads of homework.". He flew off with Tony thinking,"I should be worried but I'm more worried about Brad. He's obsessed with crushing poor Zane.". He walked off as two cops were driving off with the car that the punk stole.

Zane ,who went back to normal, floated right into his house with him heading toward his room and he said,"Athena. I'm really not feeling good. Is anyone home?". "No. Dana ,who is staying here for a few days, is at work, Ray would be at his apartment thanks to Reggie, and your mom and grandfather are currently walking both dogs." said Athena. Zane crashed on his bed and he said,"Tell them why I'm here because I'm beat.". He was out cold with Athena worried. The boy glowed as he was gone.

Zane looked around and he saw that he wasn't in his room but in darkness. "Okay. I'm very much not in Kansas. It kinda reminds me of Umbra's Shadow Dimension except more colorful." said Zane. He walked around and he saw a door. He went up to it and he opened it. "Hello. Anyone in here?" said Zane. The young hero saw that he was in Greece. He walked around and he said,"It's like this place is a time machine or something.".

Zane's Crisis Judgement went off with him jumping back. He saw a archer standing there with her aiming her bow at him. "Okay. I'm really getting sick of arrows." said Zane. She fired her bow with Zane dodging the attack. He saw the arrow created an explosion upon hitting the ground and he said with a groan,"Fine. Time to kick some but.". He turned into Zero with the archer leaving. "Yeah. You better run." said Zane. "Um Zane. Behind you." said Athena.

Zane's CJ went off with him saying,"I hate my luck.". He turned around to a giant gold Cerberus and lion hybrid. "Hey kitty or doggy. I'm not sure what to call you. How about we just go our separate ways and we...." said Zane. The beast slapped Zane through several stone pillars and he said,"Hey. I would count this as a cat right?". "I guess but it seems to be a dog as well." said Athena. Zane saw the beast rushing toward him with Zane said,"Fine. Time to kick its ass.". 

The archer ran back to a temple and she was tired. "Was that Zero? I thought that Zero was always female not some boy. I still can't believe that I left him with the Yellow God Tiger. That beast was created by Maker and Midas though the later didn't want to but some suggestion from Maker will make a weak man do it." said the archer. She then turned around and she saw the tiger being thrown into a highly populated area. She rushed toward it.

In said area, the tiger looked for the being that threw it there in the first place and he saw Zane ,in his Liger Form, standing there with his arms cross. "LISTEN HERE YOU OVERGROWN GOLD FELINE! NO ONE MAKES ZERO LOOK REAL STUPID EXCEPT ZERO! IT'S TIME FOR A LEVEL FIFTEEN BUT WHOOPING!" yelled Zane. He jumped toward the tiger with his claws out and ready to stab the tiger.

The archer stood there with her thinking,"Is he actually fighting the tiger?". Zane jumped toward the beast with him landing a powerful roundhouse kick the tiger back with him saying,"ZERO IS THE BEST AND NOTHING WILL TAKE ZERO DOWN!". The tiger fired a roar ,which was made out of magic, and it launched Zane into the ground. "MAGIC MAY BE BAD FOR ZERO BUT ZERO CAN DEFEAT ANYTHING! SO DIE!" said Zane.

He jumped up toward the tiger with the metal feline ready to attack. The archer noticed that Zane's belt was covered in energy with it going toward his feet. "COMET STRIKE!" said Zane. He then went into several front flips with him above the monster's head with him heading toward the ground and fast. He crossed his arms into an X and he roared. The attack causing a giant explosion of energy to exploded. The archer noticed that the beast's body was cracked.

Zane landed on the ground to see that part of the beast's head fell off with him saying,"ZERO GOT HIS REVENGE ON YOU SO STOP NOW OR YOU'LL BE BURN TO ASH!". The liger was gone as Zane activated Thermal Form. He threw several fireballs at the beast with him saying,"I guess you don't know the old saying. The bigger they are, the harder they fall.". The balls hit the shoulders causing his back legs to fall off.

The beast panted with it starting to be scared of the human shapeshifter. Zane stood in front of the beast with fire gathering. It grew bigger and the archer saw that it was the size of a very big baseball with Zane saying,"And you're out of here!". He threw the ball with it colliding. It made a huge storm of orange, red, and yellow fire with it tearing the ground below them. The beast roared out in pain and anger with Zane seeing that the beast was destroy.

He was shocked to see that a little girl ,with her wearing a white dress and gold helmet, stood there in the wreckage. "Why did you have to destroy my toy shapeshifter? Did you know how long it took to build this. I made it to stop Artemis and the rest of her friends." said the girl. "Artemis? You mean the Greek Goddess of the Hunt? Am I back in Ancient Greece?" said Zane with him holding two fireballs. "What are you talking about? You're...." said the girl.

Two arrows flew toward them with Zane saying,"Again with the arrows? I'm getting really sick of them.". "Join the club shapeshifter. We should move. Who knows what Artemis is planning with her arrows." said the girl. Zane had fire coming out of his feet and he grabbed the girl with the arrows creating a weird foam like on the ground where they were. "Wow. That looks to be a high-density polyurethane form. I really do not want to get stuck in that." said Zane.

The girl smacked him and he said,"Ow. I thought you would be happy that I save your life. So do you know how to say thanks here in Ancient Greece?". "Ancient Greece? You do know that this is Themiscyra? Home of the Amazons?" said the girl. "Yeah but much like the Gods, they're myths but recently, I've seen things that could turn you into a believer." said Zane. His CJ went off as Zane dodged giant bullets.

He turned around to see Greek warriors next to Mortars. "Okay. I'm sure that they didn't have that but I don't want to be hit by them." said Zane. "Then drop me." said the girl. Zane looked down and he said,"You can't be serious? I'm not dropping you to your death.". "Just trust me. I created a beast that gave you some trouble." said the girl. Zane saw that even with their current situation, he was excited.

Zane said,"Okay. I'll handle them so you find a way from a safe distance away. You may be brave but ....". "I get it." said the girl. Zane dropped her with her sprouting a jet pack. "See you later Hero Boy!" said the girl. She flew off with Athena saying,"Should I say anything or keep my mouth shut?". "I need to get our my frustration and I have the way to do it." said Zane. He made a fire wall which blocked the mortar shots with him floating down to the firing area.

He deactivated his Thermal Form with him changing into Frost Form. "It's time for you ladies to chill out." said Zane. He froze the girls in giant blocks of ice with Athena saying,"It's a good thing that you can switch forms now without worrying about draining your power.". "Yeah but I still got trouble." said Zane. He went through the ground as he dodged an arrow. "Stop dodging them you fraudulent!" said a voice.

Zane stuck his head out and he said,"You could just call me a fraud.". "Are you arguing with the person who's trying to kill you?!" said Athena. "I've learned that talking with your enemies make you feel better." said Zane. He then floated out of the ground with several arrows flying through his body. "Wow. I guess the archer hasn't seen a Phantom or anything that can go through walls before now. I should get out of here." thought Zane.

During the arrow storm, a single arrow went through him which he screamed. His intangibility was gone and he rested on the ground. "I knew that my arrow ,that negates intangibility, would work on you boy. You won't be escaping any time soon because you're going to be taken to be judged in front of the Guild." said a voice. He was out cold with him turning back to normal and his super suit was gone as he was dragged away.

Zane woke up and he said,"Okay. That hurt.". He looked around and he saw that he was in a room with a single window at the top of the room, a single door, and walls around him. He wasn't an idiot to figure out that escaping was pretty much impossible. He saw that his clothing was gone but he was now wearing a red/pink jumpsuit with his shoes gone. "Okay. I'm in hell." said Zane. He saw that he was still wearing his watch and he tried to sit up.

He was floating above on a bed with him being trapped there by gravity generators. He knew this due to his mom working on something like that before he arrived here. "Okay. This place is crazy even more than back home." said Zane. "I have to agree with you on that Zane. We were defeated by a arrow. It's pretty sad but you are still learning." said Athena. "So where are we?" said Zane with him ignoring that insult/compliment that his A.I gave him.

Athena said,"In a prison that's somewhere on the mainland. My scanners tell me that we Are in the US.". "I have a couple of questions." said Zane. "Shoot." said Athena. "Are we being watched?, can we get out of here?, and why am I wearing this?" said Zane. "In order. No. Maybe. I don't understand the human obsession with fashion." said Athena. "Okay. So who took me here? I know that it was an archer." said Zane.

Athena said,"She calls herself Artemis and well, her aim is impressive. After capturing you, the girl whose called the Maker tried to save you. She was captured and well, I don't know what happened after that. I was trying to find a way out of this universe.". "Wait? You said universe." said Zane. "I know that you believe in the multiverse theory. This universe is a gender swapped version of ours. It looks like that the gods aren't gender swapped. It's number is 11." said Athena.

Zane said,"Okay. So how many are there?". "Infinite. If you can name something like dragons being the dominant species on Earth while humans are fantasy, there is a universe." said Athena. Zane had a smile with Athena saying,"We'll explore them once you're more experienced so could we escape and find a way out of here?". "Sure. What's the plan? My plan is obvious but to escape, we need a female mind." said Zane. "Smart move Zane." said Athena.

In a room somewhere in the prison, a woman was sitting there. This was the super heroine Artemis aka Evelyn Andrews. She's the daughter of the real Artemis and a human male. She had no idea about her godly mother until she visit a museum that was showing off Greek antiquities. She had a vision of them with her mother telling her that she must become an archer. She was found by the once fictional Amazons and trained with them.

She wears a black shirt with a hood under a dark gray vest with five gold oval shaped fasteners with a bit of her chest showing. She wears dark green pants with black elbow and knee pads plus black fingerless gloves. She wears brown leather combat boots. Nearby her, she has her quiver ,filled with several types of arrows for any problem, that attaches toward her with two green shoulder straps that connected under her chest but doesn't make her chest look any bigger much to her joy.

She wears a dark green belt and pouch strapped to her legs that are filled with tools. "Zero. Why does this boy have Zero's costume? It has been a while since we last saw Zero but still..." said Evelyn. On the nearby table, her phone rang and she looked at it. It was a call from her superhero group known as the United Guild or UG with her pressing the call button. "Evelyn. Do tell me why did you bring in a prisoner?" said the voice. "Chill out. He was attacking my home." said Evelyn.

The voice said,"He? I thought those idiots from the Lodge would learn that messing with the Guild is stupid.". "Beats me. He did defeated one of the maker's toy using Zero's powers." said Evelyn. "He has Zero? What happened to her?!" said the voice. "Beats me. I plan to find out why." said Evelyn. "I think you should let Helen read his mind. She's a telepath and we both know that Zero wasn't able to prevent that." said the voice.

The archer sighed as she said,"Fine Mara. I'll let her do. Where is she anyway?". "On Saturn. She had some family stuff there to handle so she'll be back soon." said Mara. "Okay leader. Just tell her to hurry before....." said Evelyn. The building began to shake as the archer heard,"Prison Break!". "Get the others here Tamara! I'll make sure Fraud doesn't leave!" said Evelyn. The archer ran out of the room looking for Zane.

Zane in question is currently locked up and the Prison Break hasn't happened yet. "Okay. Is it just me or do we have really confusing luck? We got send to this universe from me falling asleep which gets us captured and then thrown in jail by a super heroine who thinks that we attack her city." said Zane with a sigh at the end. "I still don't get how we got here. Do you think it may be a Eazairvian power that you activated without thinking?" said Athena.

Zane nodded with him saying,"Maybe. So found a way out of here?". "Not yet but I have a feeling that something will help us." said Athena. Zane looked confused at his A.I. with the ground shaking and they heard,"Prison Break!". "How did you?" said Zane. "Thanks to this universe's satellites, an small army of dolls were coming here to break out Maker. We're going to use this to escape so stay back." said Athena.

Zane looked at his watch ,which was crafted/fused to his skin, and he saw the gravity generators go off which caused him to fall onto the bed. "Ouch." said Zane. "I freed us so lets go. You can break down a door right?" said Athena. Zane walked toward the door and his CJ went off. "Not yet. I heard the guards rushing toward somewhere. We have to help them." said Zane. "You can't be serious? They threw you in jail and you want to help them?!" said Athena.

Zane said,"I'm a hero Athena. I'm not in it for fame and glory because I want to make sure that people feel safe when they see me plus a real man doesn't run away from a fight.". "I understand. We'll help them under one condition." said Athena. Zane opened the door and he said,"What?". "I think it's time to get you a weapon. I saw something here in the armory ,which makes no sense why they would have one here, that fits your style." said Athena. Zane smiled as he ran toward the armory.   

Evelyn was heading toward Zane's cell but she saw Maker with her dolls. They look to be like dolls that she had when she was a little girl but they didn't come with bulletproof skin and gun arms. "Hey Artemis. Do you like my toys?" said Maker. "Not really. Did you use them to break out Maker?" said Evelyn. She got out her collapsible bow with it being a recurve bow. "You're talking about the living ember aren't you? Not really. I just wanted to make you and the UG look stupid." said Maker.

She placed a couple of arrows with her saying,"I think making you look stupider will be so much fun Maker.". She launched them at the dolls with them hitting. "Ha! These dolls are invincible! Nothing you can do can break them even if those arrows were enhanced by Heracles himself!" said Maker with a smile. However, they broke much to Maker's shock. "Don't doubt my arrows Maker. They will be your downfall if you do and this is going to hurt you than it will me." said Evelyn.

She aimed an arrow toward Maker with Maker saying,"That may work on me in the past but as Zero once said "From lose, you grow but from victory, you don't.". Let me show you.". One of the doll aimed its hand toward Evelyn with Maker saying,"Prepare to become just like Zero. Deader than dirt or something like that!". A giant burst of electricity went flying toward the archer. The heroine did hope that it didn't hurt so much. She closed her eyes but she was grabbed by something. 

The attack missed with Maker seeing her enemy's savior. Zane stood there with him currently being in his Vine Form. "That is so not cool." said Zane. Evelyn soon jumped out of the vine arm with her saying,"I didn't need your help fake and how did you get out?". "I think we have bigger problems right now aka the army of killer and soulless toys." said Zane. The archer ready her now and she said,"I'll cover you Fake.".

Zane nodded as he rushed toward them. "Fine! I was going to let you live since you saved me before but now, you will die alongside her!" said Maker.  Zane ,thanks to his vine legs, launched himself into the air with him saying,"The forecast calls for a sprinkle of pain!". During mid flight, He pulled the seeds from his back off with them falling down. They caused an explosion with Zane using one of his vines to grab a doll and landed safely.

Evelyn was slightly impressed with Zane but she wouldn't tell him that. She fired an arrow with it hitting the dolls. It caused a giant flash of light with Zane covering his eye. "We need to leave here right now!" said Evelyn's voice. Zane tried to run away but he ran into a wall. "Ouch man. That sucks." said Zane. Evelyn sighed as she rushed toward him ,with her wearing goggles, and she then helped him get out of there.

Maker recovered with her noticing that the bow girl and walking salad bar was gone. "Dam. It doesn't matter. My creations should be destroying the city and well, the Guild won't be able to stop me." said Maker. She made the dolls break down the walls and she said,"Let me free the prisoners to give them some trouble.". She pressed a button on a remote ,that controlled the dolls, and all of the cells were open.

Back in the room that Evelyn was in, Zane ,with him back to normal and in his normal outfit, was getting a glare from Evelyn and crossed arms. "Okay. So how did you break out?" said Evelyn. Zane pointed to his watch and he said,"My A.I. helped me break out and I'm not from here.". "I can tell that. You attacked Themiscyra," said Evelyn. "In my defense, I warped there from my bedroom after I arrested some low lives back in my universe. It was the feline who attacked me." said Zane.

Evelyn said,"I'm just wondering why you have Zero's power. She went missing and you have her power so call me curious.". Zane noticed that an arrow was aimed right at him and he said,"Okay. I'm the latest Zero and I'm guessing that the Zero that you know hasn't been seen in a while correct?". "It has been sixteen years but since we found the Fountain of Youth making humans well immortal. So you are the new Zero?" said Evelyn.

Zane said,"Yeah according to Athena aka my A.I., the Zero that you knew was number ninety nine aka the one who last more than a year and the longest one.". "She was one of the best heroes so how did you get here exactly?" said Evelyn. Zane was about to tell her but the two heard,"We're Free! I think we should kill you Artemis!". "Friends of yours?" said Zane. "No. We have trouble and I may need your help." said Evelyn.

Zane smiled as he turned into his superhero costume,"Well thanks. You hit high and I'll hit low." said Zane. "Good. I was going to suggest that." said Evelyn. Using her bow, she popped open an air vent on the roof and she went through it. "I think making a scene would be the best option and using a form built for that aka not Liger Form would be best." said Athena. "Gotcha. I think I have one in mind." said Zane. He opened the door to see a riot going on.

Zane said,"Okay. Time to kick some but.". He jumped toward the crowd with a card appearing in his chest plate. It had a black frame with a single rock in the center of the card. While heading toward the ground, he was looking heavier and more rock like. Upon impact with the ground, he caused a huge shock wave which landed several prisoners back. Once the dust settled, the prisoners saw a creature standing there.

He looks to be 8 feet tall with his body covered in crimson themed stone armor with pine green grass lines over it. Under his armor, he has black stone like skin. On his forehead, a giant steel horn was there and it looked sharp. On the palms of his feet and hands, there were holes. He had a hammer-like tail ,covered by steel plates. On his tail, he had four crystal spikes with one glowing blue, one glowing brown, one glowing red, and one glowing white.  

Zane smiled and he said,"Boulder Form! Time to rock and roll!". He slammed the ground with his right foot causing a minor earthquake. A prisoner slammed his weapon ,aka a bat, into Zane with the wooden bat breaking. "Sorry there buddy but this armor is way stronger plus it's able to send the damage back." said Zane. He punched the prisoner into a group with him saying,"Strike! Time to go for a turkey!".

Evelyn ,from her sniper post, aimed her arrow at a prisoner with her thinking,"That Boulder Form is quite strong but I don't it would win any speed contests.". The arrow flew toward a group with them being knocked out cold. "Okay. That was cool so time to make things hot!" said Zane. He slammed both feet on the ground with a volcano coming out. The area was covered in lava with Zane smiling a bit. Evelyn sighed and she said,"Idiot. Try not to destroy the prison.".

Later, Zane threw the last two prisoner back in a cell with him saying,"So should we go after Maker now Artemis?". The archer stood nearby him with her arms crossed. "Yes but you may need to lose a couple pounds no tons." said Evelyn. "You got it there A." said Zane. He soon went back to normal with the two heroes ran toward the exit. Zane's mouth was wipe open and he said,"We were on the ocean the entire time!".

Evelyn said,"Yeah. We put it here so that people can't escape so easily. I have a feeling that all of the boats were taken by Maker and her army.". "Yeah. So how do you suggest getting to the mainland? I bet you don't have a boat arrow." said Zane. The archer rolled her eyes as she said,"Just watch and learn kid.". She aimed her bow toward the mainland and she fired an arrow. The arrow hit a building and it made a zip line.

She tied the other end to the prison and she said,"See you there.". She ran across the wire and Zane said,"That's so cool but we can't lose Athena.". "Agreed." said Athena. Zane ,in his Swift Form, ran across the water with him reaching the mainland before her. However, he crashed into a building and Evelyn said,"Smooth Zero.". "Not a word." said Zane. He stood back up and he looked around the area. "So where are Maker and the models?" said Zane.

They heard an explosion with Zane saying,"I really hate my luck. Time to kick some but!". He ran off with Evelyn running after him. The two stopped when they saw dolls wrecking things, airplanes causing mayhem, and Maker standing in the center of the chaos. "Zero. I'll take care of the planes and you handle the dolls." said Evelyn. Zane changed into his Frankenstein Form and he said,"This may be painful but it's time to power up!". Evelyn nodded as the two separated.

Zane jumped into the air with his fists covered in his signature crimson red lightning. He punched a doll down with the rest looking at the monster. "You should know that I tended to break my toys when I was a kid." said Zane. He charged up with him surrounding in a aura of lightning. "Thunder Arena!" said Zane. The aura was gone as Zane slammed his hands into the ground. He made a giant circle of lightning which hit the dolls causing them to short circuit.

They began twitching out with Zane smiling. He punched them into pieces before heading to the next set. Evelyn found a sniping point with her setting up an arrow. The fired arrow flew toward a group of planes with the arrow. It caused an EMP with the planes falling to the ground. "It seems like Maker hasn't changed that much. Did he figured it out?" thought Evelyn. Zane grabbed two dolls and slam them into the planes on the ground. "I think Zane is more about brute force." thought Evelyn.

The two kept on fighting with them finishing off the toy army. Zane crackled his knuckles and he said,"That was easy.". Evelyn nodded as she said,"So where did Maker go?". "Beats me but I got a bad feeling. This was too easy. I mean you have a electric based arrow or someone who can use electricity in your group right?" said Zane. "You're right on both reasons." said Evelyn. Zane's CJ went off as he punched the ground. A lightning wall appeared blocking a laser blast.

Evelyn saw the attacker and she was shocked. Maker stood there with several high-tech octopus that was floating in the air. They have eighteen tentacles ,more than triple the amount of a normal octopus has, which looked really flexible and they have claws at the ends. They had glassy glowing aqua heads with green lines that represent circuitry. In the center of the head, they have a violet eye. She counted twenty of them but she could tell that was more.

Maker smiled and she said,"Like them heroes? I had some connections and I promise the death of the archer aka Artemis so they said go nuts. I'll give you a minute to say your goodbyes.". "Artemis. Do you mind getting every normal human away from here? I have an idea." said Zane. "What is it Zero?" said Evelyn. Maker watched the creation whisper something into the archer's ear and she said,"Okay. You got it. Don't lose.".

She ran away as Maker said,"Wow. She left you to die boy. That sounds pretty sad.". "Nope. She is way stronger than me because she has been a hero longer than me. Heck, I've been doing this for almost a quarter of a year now but I have to make a good first impression." said Zane. "You will die!" said Maker. The cephalpods flew toward Zane with him just standing there. Zane went back to his normal form and a new card appeared in its place.

It had a black frame with the symbol of a atom in a light red color. Zane's body changed into a hero like body with him looking rather robotic. He's about ten feet tall. His body is mostly black except for his head and shoulders being dark purple. He has large fingers. On his back, he has two large cylinders filled with green liquid energy and dark blue-like spheres moving in there. His hand lost his thumb with the end of his fingers having an opening like nozzle. On his arms, he has five openings.

He has two glowing green eyes. He also had two openings on both of his shoulders, seven around his head, and a giant one on his chest. His head is pointed and wearing a gas mask for his mouth. In his stomach, there is a mirror with the same dark blue spheres flowing through it. "Atomic Form. Lets see how you like me now Maker." said Zane. His hands glowed green with an energy ball appearing and he threw it. It went flying toward the octopus and it caused a explosion with it be nuclear.

Maker was shocked but she got over it. "Kill that flying bucket of bolts!" said Maker. The rest of the octopus ,not caring that their fellow robots were just erased from existence, rushed to Zane who stood there with a cocky smirk plastered. The robot opened the openings on his right arm with a gas coming out. "I'm so over the robot fish things and I know that they aren't fishes like at all. I just don't care at all." said Zane. The gas covered the robots in rust making them fall toward the ground.

Zane had his hands over his chest with him saying,"I think you should move unless you want to be a skeleton.". He took a deep breath and he said,"Atomic Beam!". A giant beam of energy flew from his chest and Maker ran away. Upon turning around, she saw that all of the robotic squids at her beck and call were destroyed by a single boy/robot. She noticed that he was on his knees with him short out breath. However before she could do anything, she was taken out be an arrow.

She was out cold with Evelyn standing there and her arms were crossed. "Yeah. You are not going to be hurting my friend/her successor." said Evelyn. Zane looked at her with him saying,"We won and didn't destroy the city.". "Yeah." said Evelyn. The robot stood up and he said,"So are you going to throw me in jail?". "No. I'm going to call my friends and find a way to get you back home to your dimension." said Evelyn. "Sweetness." said Zane.

Later, Zane sat in an office reading the history of this Earth. He was waiting for Evelyn who told him that they have a machine to get home and she told him to wait there. "This is really interesting. I want to go see Mount Rushmore right now." said Zane. "I think that would be a bad idea. You do know that it wouldn't be the First Ladies right? I still like the name First Lord though. It does sounds pretty cool to me." said Athena.

Zane said,"I think we should try running for office one day.": "You being a full time hero would be a problem and I think getting involved in politics would be bad for everyone." said Athena. "I haven't done much research on the previous Zeroes but wasn't one in office?" said Zane. "Yes. He was also a president." said Athena. "Really? Which one?" said Zane. "He passed away. I think you should know that there can be only Zero at a time." said Athena. Zane nodded and he said,"Let me see.".

The door opened as Evelyn stood there. "Hey Zane. Are you ready to go home?" said Evelyn. "That sounds good but I kinda want to see this world." said Zane. "Maybe next time kid. Savant is here to pick you up." said Evelyn. "The time walker?" said Athena. "So why is he here?" said Zane. "Well, I will tell you." said a voice. The two plus A.I. saw the man standing there with him saying,"You're the most interesting Zero so far or will ever be.".

Zane said,"So does he do that often?". "Yes. He is the most annoying man I've met." said Evelyn as she pinched her nose. "Aren't you wondering how you got here?" said Savant. "I was totally thinking internet or something." said Zane. "Idiot." said Athena. Zane glared at his watch with Evelyn said,"I think you should just tell him.". "You as a Eazairvian have the power of universal travel meaning that you can go anywhere in the multiverse." said Savant.

Zane said,"So lets go on a road trip.". Savant grabbed him and he said,"Not this time. You're needed back in your dimension. See you soon Evelyn.". "Yep." said Evelyn. She then looked at Zane and she said with a smile,"Keep doing what you are doing as Zero. Be the hero that you want to be rather than the one people want you to be. You're making the last Zero proud.". The two were gone as Evelyn left to go back on patrol.

Next time,
Zane is running for office and someone isn't too happy about that. This and more next time on Zero. 

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