Saturday, April 15, 2017

Zero Episode 24 Unlimited Horrors

A/N: Yep. The Halloween Episode is in April. I'm only six months earlier but that's better than not having one to begin with. Some episodes are going to be longer than others and then we have the opposite with them being shorter. It really does depend on my mood at the time. I always wanted to talk about part of Episode 23. It involves the love talk after Celeste is revealed to be under the control of Princess Mind. I'm not a fan of shipping in any way.

I think that a couple ,in fiction, should well together as a couple and should be able to stand on their own without their partners. To me, this decides if I like a pairing or not. Harems have this probles as well but if I like the leads, it's fine and I can enjoy my time reading the story. Nisekoi had rather bland and meh leads in my opinion so this caused the manga to suffer because of that. This is my reason why I hate Lucy and Natsu plus Jellal and Erza.

If you have read my stories, you should know why because Lucy is annoying and useless from the very start to the end with Jellal being pointless, This latest chapter had Anna alive which means time travel. Oh boy. I hate time travel in stories because one little mistakes means a ass load of problems to say. If the main bad guy Acnologia ,not Zeref who went crazy, doesn't get defeated by a dragon slayer and Natsu lives, I'll be mad and complain but I'll get over it.

That's just how I get over stuff. I talk about it and the anger goes away rather fast. This works well for me but this episode will see true horror aka a buff and athletic male in a skirt mean to appeal to the male demographic. That will scar a person which means a big bill for therapy. Our episode begins a few days right before Halloween in Cypress Park which is somewhere in the United States. I haven't decide what state yet but it ain't New York or California. Maybe Texas or Florida.

The Cards Brick Morph, Fulmination Wire, and Sleeping Powder will be getting an upgrade. I did this due to the fact that I like to have an even number amount of forms. Brick Morph has its appearance the exact same. This is just my personal quirk but trust me, Zane may have a lot of forms and extremely powerful but he has his limits. I am making sure about that and with his Crisis Judgement, Zane may have trouble in a fight. I will show off Celeste's guitar later but right now, you'll see only glimpses of this axe. Also once a form is introduce, they don't say their name again. This post was originally posted on April 10, 2017 at 3:59 PM but I had to repost this episode along with EP 21, 22, and 23 to make things look better.

Narrator P.O.V.
It is October 27th with Cypress Park was celebrating the holiday. This is the holiday where a woman may dress up like a courtesan aka a lady of the evening is perfectly normal heck accepted even. At Cypress Park's football field, bright and orange pumpkins were there with Happy Halloween carved into them. In the bleachers, Zane wasn't exactly feeling the spirit due to him being tossed and thrown around by Centaurs. He was currently flying into a pumpkin face first and groaning in pain.

Zane's face and head was covered in pumpkin seeds along with its juice. He was invisible with the veggie falling it off his head. He looked at the head/stable/troop of four centaurs. "Okay. I'm getting annoyed which means it's time for steak." said Zane. A card appeared in his chest plate. It had a gold frame with the bottom having a grassy plain and a warrior who looked to be a mixture of Medieval Knight and Roman Gladiator in the middle stand there ready to fight.

Zane's body began to glow green. On his arms, two green blade like appendages ,very much like a broadsword, appeared over his hands much like gloves. He taunted the horse men with them rushing toward him. "Warrior Blade! Lets go!" said Zane. They destroy a bench along with a banner that had the words Happy Halloween on it. They also destroyed a couple of pumpkins and well they got close to him, Zane jumped over them.

He landed on the back of one with him saying,"Hi ho Silvermane!". He sliced them with him happy that he isn't part of the clean up crew of super heroism. His Crisis Judgement went off as he jumped back from an arrow. He saw the archer with him saying,"Time for a shoot out.". His Warrior Blade was gone with Zane having his Rapid Fire Rifle with a bullet and arrow colliding causing the archer to be blasted back with Zane smiling under his helmet.

Inside of the school, a banner with the words "Hall-of-Ween" in black and orange letters rested in a hallway. Said hall was covered in paper lanterns, typical ghosts, a skull head, and a bat. The walls was covered in orange streams. The students were hanging posters, pasting things to the wall, and showing school spirit. Brad ,who is holding a wet paintbrush and the brush was covered in dark blue print, was painting a white poster with the word Happy Halloween.

At the top of the poster, there were two pumpkins and at the bottom of the poster, there was a bat in an orange color. A can of purple paint was on the ladder nearby him. Danny was nearby him and he said,"I got a bad feeling about this. It's screaming trouble.". Gwen was nearby him and she said,"It does scream bad news but it's nice to see Bradley helping us in school spirit.". "He just painted a dam poster not the freaking Mona Lisa." said Danny.

Brad placed the poster on the wall and he smiled at his work with Danny rolling his eyes. Outside, the young hero aka Zane was sent flying toward the wall. He had just defeated the archer with an nether blast. He turned intangible as he flew through the school. He turned back to Zane and he slammed his back into the ladder right near Brad. The paint can fell on him drenching the football star in purple paint and Brad looked at his jacket with him growling.

Zane was hoping that Brad would be nice but Crisis Judgement told him otherwise. Brad punched the hero to the ground and he said,"Defacing the jacket Zit? You're so going to be part of the holiday and by that I mean a skeleton.". "Oh shut up Bradley. That color matches your hair." said Zane. The two were about to fight but they were stopped by Stan. 'Break it up!" said Stan. The two stood away from each other with Stan, who had a clipboard, standing there as Brad said,"Zit started it though!".

Zane rolled his eyes as he said,"Yet you're the one who threw the first punch Brad. So what's with the clipboard Stan?". "It isn't important Zane so give me a reason why you two shouldn't go to detention right now." said Stan. "I'm an athlete and Zane's a huge loser." said Brad. "I may be a loser but you're wearing a skirt in four days so have fun with that." said Zane. "I think Zane's reason is slightly better than yours Brad but you two need to solve your issues with less violence and more art." said Stan.

The two boys looked at him and they said,"You can't be serious can you?". "Jinx." said Zane. Brad glared at him as Stan said,"You owe Zane a soda but back on point. I have to do the annual teacher's haunted house so I'm in a mood.". "You do? And we have an annual teacher's haunted house?" said Zane. "Yes Zane. It's at the abandoned house on Elm Street. I'm also determined to make and beat the coach at his game. Been bragging about it all year and I'm annoyed." said Stan.

The three saw said coach standing there with a smile. "That isn't going to happen. You can't beat my Zombie Apocalypse at all even with the A list's money." said Warren. He walked off laughing and Stan said,"Between the two of you, whoever has the scarier room avoids detention and my anger plus make the other one an idiot.". The principal walked away as Danny and Gwen walked over to Zane with the boy smiling.

Zane said,"You guys. A scary house. This is awesome because I have the scariest thing in the nine realms which is our superstar Brad in a skirt but don't go short because we don't want to see that part of you buddy.". "Seriously loser? How about a side-bet?" said Brad. "Didn't a bet between you two not end up well between you?" said Gwen. "That was savage Gwen." said Danny. "If I win, you and the rest of your friends will serve mine for a week. What do you want me to do?" said Zane.

Brad smiled and he said,"Okay Zit. If I crush you which I will for sure, you will dress like a girl for a month but unlike me, you will be getting the full makeover. Bye Zara.". He walked off laughing and Danny said,"Dude. You can't be dressed a girl and I'm shocked that Brad came up with a girl name for you.". "He's right. You would have no respect left as a man if you do that right?" said Gwen. "We need a battle plan. Get everyone who knows my dirty secret at Fantasia." said Zane.

At Fantasia ,it looked to be a mixture between a diner and drive in, Zane sat with the rest of Team Power (Danny, Gwen, Karen, Kristen, Marcia, Rachel, Ray, and Tara) at a booth outside. Zane was holding up a sketchpad with a horribly drawn skeleton and he said,"Okay. We should have skeletons and they should strangle people who walk by them. How scary is that?". "On a scale from 1 to 10, it tends on the lighting and that art may need some schooling."said Marcia.

Ray said,"It does beat having fake spiders on people's head ,while walking, and we have one of the richest kid in town in our corner.". "We also have supernatural help don't we cos?" said Tara. "I don't think Wraith would wear a bedsheet but it would be fun to see." said Zane. "It also sounds really lame Zane." said Kristen. "This blows. Halloween is four days and well..." said Karen. "We're up against the rich and have no theme." said Gwen.

Danny said,"If they're using outside help, we need to use our help.". "That's a good idea Danny but I really don't think that Terrarune has a central spirit of Halloween." said Rachel. "We do. His name is Hyde the Sinister Ghost. His scythe is rumored to make your worst fears came to reality and the last time I checked, he's sealed in a castle deep in Terrarune like deep." said Zane. "Wow. That sounds so cool." said Danny and Ray. "Not really." said the girls.

Zane said,"I'll call Celeste to see if the others are busy and don't mind helping out an old friend aka me in the past.". He left the table with Karen sulking. "So why haven't you asked him out yet?" said Marcia and Rachel. The blond slammed her head into the table as she said,"No! I haven't! And please stop reminding me!". "You actually like Zane Karen? I didn't see that coming." said Kristen. "It's pretty obvious Kristen. Karen is scared of losing her friendship with Zane." said Marcia.

Rachel said,"She's also letting her fear control her plus Zane's going to be taken from under you.". "I met Celeste and she may like him." said Ray. "Don't worry so much Karen. Zane will be your friend no matter what happens." said Gwen. "I know that but....." said Karen. "If you don't, Roxy may ask her out Karen." said Kristen. "Yeah. I heard that she is really interested into our good pal Zane so you should...." said Rachel.

Karen was long gone as Ray said,"I thought like the rest of the A-List, she hates him.". "Yeah but a little force and trickery is required to make her get the courage to ask her out." said Danny. Kristen took this to mind as Tara said,"This should go well I hope.". "Yeah but with our town, something may just go bump in the night." said Marcia. "You're totally right." said the rest of the group. They left and time flew by as Halloween was upon the town and in Terrarune.

In the realm of Phantoms, it was quiet. Bane was currently sitting outside of Celeste's house and he said,"So why in the nine realms are we going to Earth again Kendra when we could be going to the party? I'm not looking forward to this at all but at the very least, you'll get beer there but from minors.". Kendra ,aka the girlfriend to the metal Phantom, stood there with her hands on her hips and glaring at him.

Fitting the holiday, she was dressed as a bounty hunter with her saying,"We're Zane's friends and I promised we would be there plus I look hot right now.". "Yeah. You look amazing so why am I dressed like Frankenstein?" said Bane. The ghost was dressed like Frankenstein with his girlfriend sitting next to him. "It's Halloween and it's the only costume that I could find in your size. What is taking her so long?" said Kendra.

Bane said,"I would say something babe but here's the thing, I'll get in huge trouble.". "You stay out here honey. I'll be back." said Kendra. She phased through the door as Bane said,"It's a good thing that you can't enter another Phantom's home without knowing them first because of the fact that it's like a vampire.". He saw some target practice with him saying,"Okay. I'm so going to have some fun tonight.".

Kendra was looking for the Phantom Rock Star inside of the home with her saying,"Now. She should be around her somewhere. I think maybe her room.". She opened a door to see Celeste sitting on her bed with her holding a photo. The rocker was dressed as a zombie bride. Kendra coughed which in turn got her friend's attention. "You look amazing Celeste plus you're trying to match Zaney aren't you? I've seen his picture and he looks good but Bane's my man." said Kendra.

Celeste smiled and she said,"Yeah but Zane doesn't know that JV was going to be a zombie with us matching before he well die. It doesn't matter now because I got JV back!". She cheered as Kendra said,"Two things. You do know that Zane isn't JV at all right and have you told Jennifer about this?". "It was the first thing that I did when I found out, She won't be back for a while so I'm going to learn more about him." said Celeste.

Kendra said,"So will you start dating him?". "Yeah. I think learning more about him is the most important thing right now because Zane seems rather stubborn just like JV. It is one of the many things that they have in common. It makes sense right?" said Celeste. "Yeah. He and Bane share that stubbornness in common plus we should get going. I got my grump outside and he will blow something up." said Kendra as they heard an explosion. "We should." said Celeste.

The two left the room with Kendra opening the main door. They saw Bane ,with his weapon system active, and he said,"What? I got bored.". "You know if you had a better sense of patience, you won't be bored." said Kendra. "So what's with the blood suckers? They seem weirder than they are normally." said Celeste. The trio saw the vampires flying and Bane said,"Who cares? Lets go already.". They flew toward the portal to Cypress Park with the vampires flying the other way.

Back in Cypress Park, it was Halloween with most of the town wearing costumes of ghouls and creeps. A woman ,who's very beautiful, was holding a bag filled with something heavy but she carried it with ease and it had a dollar bill sign on it. She was heading down the street with her smiling. She was dressed as a dragon with it being seductive and hiding her body nicely. It looked good on her. It made her distinctive yet unique from the crowd.

She has long white hair ,with crimson red tips, that covered both of her ears and it went up to her waist with her having green eyes. Her skin is fair. She has a slender and well toned ,with muscles, build. Her frame is voluptuous with a sizable bust. She's wearing a black jacket with a crimson red dragon wings design ,on the back of it, where both of her shoulder blades are. She wears a black and crimson red one-piece backless and strapless bustier-leotard combo.

The pattern to it looks like dragon scales. She wears skin tight black leggings that outlined her curves well to say the least. She wears heavy and leather calf-length dark red boots with a heel that extends her height and it hurts like a bitch if hit with. She wears dark red gloves that go far past her elbows and toward her biceps. Her lips and nails were blood red. "I love Halloween and lately, the cops and Hero boy is focused on the baddies but not me." said the woman.

She walked past a group of pumpkins sitting on some hay and a booth for Cypress High. Kristen was there with her dressed as a pirate and she wasn't alone. Hannah was dressed as a harem girl aka what Iris wears and Susan was an archaeologist. Two kids with one dressed like a skeleton and the other one was dressed as Zero ,but not the real one, came up to the booth. The two took some bat shaped cookies with Kristen saying,"Thanks for supporting Cypress High! Happy Halloween! Argh!".

They were gone as Hannah said,"At least, you're having fun.". "Did you see that little Zero? He was so cute." said Kristen. "Yeah. I guess it's a good thing that kids have a role model." said Susan. "But aren't the Guardians the real protectors?" said Hannah. "Maybe. So you girls ready for the haunted house?" said Kristen. "Seeing Zit lose is going to be the best." said Hannah. "Maybe he'll win." said Susan. The three went back to work.

Nearby them, Karen ,who was dressed as an Alien, paced back and forth. She was going to confess to Zane tonight with her hearing,"Karen? You look so adorable.". She turned around to see Rachel, who is a panther, and Marcia ,who is a vampire mistress, standing there. "Yeah. You guys know that Zane likes outer space and I thought that it may help a bit." said Karen. "Smart move. So where's Zane? I haven't seen him all night." said Marcia.

Rachel said,"No idea but I do know that Danny is taking Gwen trick or treating since Taelamelan isn't a fan of the holiday. He really likes her.". "That's obvious to me. So what about Ray?" said Marcia. "I think he's helping Tara with an invention of her dad or something." said Karen. The trio heard,"Lean to the left, lean to the right, stand up, sit down, fight fight! Go Oxs!". The football ,which consists of Austin, Brad, Bryan, and two nameless members of the team, stood there.

They were wearing the Cypress High cheerleader outfit with balloons for breasts, pom poms, and fake wigs that were colorful. It was filled with horrors. "It may be freaky than I thought but they are committed so they get props for that." said Rachel. "You guys look awesome!" said Kristen. "She's way too cheerful." said Marcia. "Yeah but are they making fun of us?" said Hannah. "Maybe but I could be wrong." said Karen and Susan in unison.

Bryan stuck his hand into the cookie jar with a glare from Susan. "What? It's Halloween." said the football player or cheerleader. "They're for kids not for grown men in skirts. Oh and you really need to shave your legs. They so do not go with that skirt." said Susan. "Sick burn bro." said Austin as he grabbed a caramel apple. Brad ,wearing a fitting blond wig, walked up to Marcia and he said,"So, you look dangerous but you're weak under my spell.".

Marcia smiled and she said,"Wouldn't you like to find out pom pom?". Karen rolled her eyes with Rachel saying,"You know that I'm used to seeing Brad flirt but like this, it's worse.". David stood nearby with Andre saying,"So happy that you didn't have to do that man.". "Totally." said David who was on his phone. Hannah walked up to the boys and she said,"You haven't said how good I look in my costume yet honey.".

David looked away from his phone for a second and he said,"You look cute. I just wish that Irene was here instead of jail.". He went back to his phone and Hannah said,"Hey! Why is he worried about his ex when his current girlfriend is right here?". "This's is the first Halloween that the two haven't been together for so don't be mean to the guy okay Hannah. Just give him his space and he'll turn around eventually." said Andre.

Meanwhile in an empty costume shop, a portal ,from Terrarune, was opening itself up. Something came out of the portal and it wouldn't be too far fetch to say that it's the Creature from the Black Lagoon. It was male. His scaly skin is dark green with amphibious features to him. His pupils are reptilian and a red color. His claws/hands, ears, and feet are webbed. On his head, he has black fins on his elbows and head with him having gills on his neck.

His body looks strong with him wearing black shorts and swamp themed shirt. All over his body, he has black stripes with them being more noticeable around his arms and legs. He stood there and after he stretched, he said,"Hey. We're here so lets have some fun.". "By scaring humans right?!" said a voice. A horse was heard and a horse came out. It was the Headless Horseman with his body and horse covered/created in darkness and his head was a glowing and flaming pumpkin.

He began to laugh with the fish man saying,"Dude. Chill out. Where are the others? The Monster Squad isn't complete without them.". "We're coming Larcosh. Be patient." said a voice. The two saw two more popped out with the portal closing up. One was a female vampire and the other one was a male ghost. The vampire looks eighteen with her extremely developed. She has a feminine yet curvaceous figure.

She has long and slender legs with no sign of body hair unlike Bryan, hourglass waist, and several things that a male would like. She has a beautiful and appealing face with long flowing obsidian black hair with purple streaks in there, her eyes are an amethyst color, and has human like teeth but her fangs poke out of her upper lips making her a vampire. Her skin is pale and tan. She wears a blood red dress with black leggings under it.

She wears red high heels with a bat necklace with a gem. She has on blue eyeshadow and has cute freckles under her eyes and on her nose. The creature next to her looked to be a typical ghost with a grayish blue body, blackish gray nails, and his spine sticking right out of her back with him looking just like a hunchback. His head ,a gray color, is upside down with a single eye in the center of the skull. His tail is a white color with purple stripes through it.

His elbows has purple spikes ticking out of his elbows. Over his body, he is wearing a black hooded robe ,that would belong to a grim reaper, and he's holding a very deadly scythe. "You are right Hyde. I just wanted to get out and well have fun. What are you and Lady Marie going to do due to the fact that me and HH here are going to have some fun causing humans to scream." said Larcosh. "Yes!" said HH.

The ghost said,"I do plan to get my revenge on the world and I have to thank Lady Nezera for having her servants free me once again.". The vampire smiled as she said,"It's Marie now. You're a strong man and you're the strongest in Terrarune.". "Well, I heard that Zero is here in this town in fact." said Larcosh. "Really? I heard that from my living minions that this current Zero is the powerhouse. He's allegedly 1/4 Phantom and Sorcerer plus Eazairvian." said Marie.

Hyde growled and he said,"Yes. He's the reincarnation of the bastard Johnny Vincent as well so did your men tell you about his lover location tonight?". "They did. They also informed me that this Zero has allies aka members of the Alliance who are currently off world." said Marie. 'Hold on. I thought that previous Zero work alone and only work with others if they can't handle it but I think they're stubborn as a mule." said Larcosh.

HH said,"They're all idiots!". "They are Headless. All Zero like to work alone and you're right about them stubborn Larcosh. They die rather quickly with the longest one lasting a human decade. It does make you think about how long this one is going to last." said Hyde. "I suggest that we split up to locate Zero and stop him. He may run our fun." said Marie. "I don't care about Zero! I want Chaos!" said HH.

He was gone with a trail of fire left behind. "Okay then. We should go then. I can't lead the horse and its master have the fun." said Marie. "See you fishes later!" said Larcosh. He broke his way through the window with him running through the street hoping to find the horseman so he wouldn't take all of the fun. The ghost and vampire flew off together so they could find Zero aka Zane. Said hero was walking over to the jocks/cheerleaders try to do a pyramid.

Brad saw Zane with him saying,"Hey guys! Zane died and became a hideous freak!". He began to laugh which caused the pyramid to fall over. "Jenga! They may have the look but not the moves. I think Bryan is the exception to that because he needs to shave his jungle like legs." said Zane. The girls looked at Zane with him saying,"Like it? I was going to be a zombie cheerleader but since our fearless Brad lost, I'm just a zombie.".

Marcia placed her hands on his chest with her saying,"Wow. I didn't expect you to be so good looking when you're part of the living dead.". "Love the makeup Zane. Who did it?" said Susan. Zane was dressed like himself except more zombie like. "Mom. She may be lax on some thing but costumes and pictures are not one of them. I also like being dead. It has some awesome benefits." said Zane as he stretched his arms.

Kristen said,"You can eat my brains any time that you want Zanny.". Zane blushed with Karen rolling her eyes. "You used Richie Rich's money to but this costume from Japan or something huh?" said Brad as he slammed his back. Zane's head fell off with it rolling. The girls screamed along with the crowd with Zane's head saying,"Easy. I'm okay.". The body found its head and it screwed it back in with ease.

Zane said,"My mom used this cool tech to make a real life zombie so hello pranks. Wow Brad. You know that you should lose more bets more often because this is some nice work.". "You're just lucky that you brought Marcia to the dance because you're going to be owned tonight." said Brad. 'You sure about that pom pom? You may have the money but I got friends in high planes." said Zane. "Doesn't he mean places?" whispered Hannah. "Beats me but I'm into this haunted house." said David.

At the house, Zane and his team was in his room for the house. In the center, it had a knight sitting on a throne with the knight fitting the ghostly theme due to the fire on the helmet and sword looking very realistic. "Liking the knight plus the room is pretty spooky. Go Team Power." said Rachel with a cheer. Danny is dressed as a goblin, Gwen is dressed as a mummy, Ray isn't wearing a costume like Andre and David, and Tara's dressed like a scientist.

The left of the room had three skeletons ,with bones made out of metal but they looked to be just like bone, hanging there with two more hanging on the side of the throne. Two skeletons who stood by the knight matched his theme. On the right, a brick fireplace with a magic fire had several skulls around the fire. On the door's entrance, there's a dragon head. "First timers will be getting a surprise from that door." said Ray.

Zane said,"We could have done more but me not wearing a skirt and being a girl is more important. It works.". "You're welcome by the way brat." said a voice. Bane soon floated there with Celeste and Kendra as Kendra said,"Loving the costume by the way Zane. Unlike the Living Grump, you two look adorable together.". Celeste blushed as Zane said,"Well, she did tell me that JV loved to match with her when he was alive. So why now? How was trick or treating Gwen?".

Gwen smiled and she said,"It was fun. Danny knows the best spots in town.". "He did get us bags filled with candy when we were kids. He does ignore the houses with fresh fruit and granola bars however." said Rachel. "Good job man. Improve your relationship." said Ray. He lightly punched the goblin's shoulder with him saying,"Thanks man. You should go check on Brad's room Z.". Zane .as Zero, flew off with a smile on his face.

He flew through the halls that had a tattered rug, cobwebs, old pictures, old couches, and a lamp that look old time like. He looked for Brad's room ,while invisible since people are in the house, and he found it. It was called the Gym of Terror with it being in bright orange letters. "Wow. I could find this place and the owner faster than me on Half Priced Slushies Day at Fantasia." thought Zane. He stuck his head in and he said,"Okay. You're good Brad.".

Zane saw a mannequin ,which looked realistic, in black and orange gym clothing and it was currently being crushed by a giant gold dumbbell with one hanging by a jump rope ,that was tied to its leg, and it was held by the roof. One mannequin had its arms and legs currently being ripped from the seams and this is due to its coaches aka other mannequins. There was a boxing rang with two skeletons fighting each other and it looked deadly.

He saw Brad standing there ,in his cheerleader costume, proudly with Stan holding a pencil and a clipboard. "The Gym of Terror? Well down Mr. Stevens, I'm impressed that you have a couple of days to do all of this. So what else do you got?" said Stan. "Well principal. If you have the money and a lot of determination, you can do anything. I have a thirty minute presentation about the horrors of the world of sports." said Brad.

The two got onto the giant black high top sneaker with a skull at the top with Stan saying,"This will be quick right? I have to go see Zane's room and the guests will be arriving soon.". "Don't worry. You will love this way more than Zara's room." said Brad. The shoe was gone with Zane turning visible and he said,"Okay. This room may be cool but I can't lose to the A Listers. I think I will be using my freaky side to win.". He smiled as he flew out of the room.

Outside, Hyde stood there with the rest of the Monster Squad with Larcosh saying,"Man. I had so much fun. What about you HH?". "It was awesome! So why are we here again?" said HH. "It's time for my destiny as ruler of this planet and the end of Zero, JV, or Zane Alvarez plus the rest of the allies mainly the later in my opinion. Lets begin and you may do whatever you want but he is mine." said Hyde. The three nodded with the four splitting off.

Inside, Gwen was staring at an portrait on the wall and she said,"Hey Danny.". The goblin looked at the mummy with him saying,"What?". "Are the eyes flowing me?" said Gwen who pointed at the picture. "Maybe but this place is rumored to be haunted but after meeting real life ghosts, this place is meh." said Danny. The two felt something grabbing his legs and they turned to see large  claws from the ground. "Real funny Zane. It may spook idiots like Brad but not us." said Danny.

Zane ,in Specter Form, floated into the room from the ground and he said,"You're right. I actually made the cheerleader scream when they entered my room. It was priceless and I wish that I could carry my phone on me while I'm in this.". "I would say that you're using your powers irresponsible but seeing our athletes in skirts, I really don't want to see you in one." said Gwen. "Danny. We're totally corrupting her." said Zane.

Danny said,"You're right about that man. What's the plan? Are you going to be all ghost?". "You're right and wrong. Time to get them into the Halloween Spirit." said Zane. He flew off as Gwen said,"Okay. Is it wrong to think that Zane would make a great super villain?". "Are you sure that we could stop him if he does?" said Danny. "Trust me, every villain has a weakness and I think we can handle him if he does." said Gwen. The two went after him.

HH (Headless Horseman) ,while invisible,  was looking right at the two football in drag and then he smiled. "Dude. This place is amazing." said Bryan. "So why are we dressed like cheerleaders? This is Brad's punishment for trying to go against Zane." said Austin. "You should know that Brad and Zane hate each other." said Bryan. "It isn't Zane's fault for Kristen breaking up with Brad." said Austin. "I think you're too dam nice toward him and the rest of the loser squad." said Bryan.

Austin said,"Zane isn't bad. He's pretty nice once you get to know him.". "You're falling for him just like the rest of the school but I won't. Everyone will see him in a skirt and they will make a social outcast just like Kevin." said Bryan. The Phantom Ride smiled and he threw his head inside of the room. The two football players were confused with the head just laughing. "What the?" said Austin but the pumpkin head exploded causing them to scream.

Nearby, the group of Marcia, Ray, and Tara heard the explosion and scream combo. "Twenty bucks says that it's a super villain who is just looking to mess up our night like always." said Ray. Marcia held her weapon aka a Plasma Swiss Army Knife ,which looks just like a Swiss Army knife except with more weapons than normal, and she said,"Bingo. We got this in the bag and Zane can focused on making Brad look stupid.".

Tara took off her lab coat and she said,"I have to thank my dad for making my costume easy to access now.". She closed her eyes as she turned into Force while Ray just touching steel to get ready for battle. "It's battle time." said Ray. They ran down the hallway and they saw the horseman with the out cold cheerleaders on the horse with Tara saying,"He does know that they aren't real damsel right you guys?".

The horseman said,"He can also hear you. When I was alive, I swung for the other team which leads to my death plus they were bigots.". "Wow. The pumpkin is talking." said Marcia. "You do know a guy who can turn into a being made out of diamonds and talk just fine. This should be normal for you right?" said Ray. He threw his head toward them with Tara blocking it with a force field. The fiery explosion blew them back and the wall was gone.

The horse whined with it beginning to ride out of there. "That isn't going to happen!" said Tara. The horse was trapped in a field with it trying to escape. "I need a boost ladies." said Ray. Marcia rolled her eyes with her firing her weapon which turned into a pistol. The bullets hit the horse with it trying to get out faster. "If you don't like that Fire Head, you'll so not like this!" said a voice. The head was punched right off by Ray.

Before it fell to the ground, Ray caught it and when hitting the ground, he rolled. The cheerleaders ,as the horse dropped them to try and escape, were falling. Tara caught them and she said,"I'm wish that I got real damsels and not them.". Marcia looked at Ray who was holding the pumpkin and she said,"I think we should worry about that right now.". "Idiots! I'll get all you! Die!" yelled the head. Without warning, the horse broke out of the prison.

It flew toward Ray with Marcia trying to blast the horse down but they missed. "That isn't going to work on me a second time. I'm a powerful Phantom so a little blaster isn't going to work on me or my ride!" said the head. "I may not be into football but I should be able to do this without feeling bad about that." said Ray. He threw the head toward the ground with it exploding upon impact. "You will pay by the hands of Hyde!" yelled the head.

It was gone leaving Ray covered in pumpkin guts with the horse leaving. "You have terrible luck and this includes Zane who has the worst luck." said the girls. "Just get me a towel. Did you hear what it said?" said Ray. Tara handed him a towel and Marcia said,"Hyde. Zane mention him right? He is the spirit of Halloween but what could this mean?". "Who knows but I have a feeling that our night is just getting started." said Tara. "Great." said Ray.

Bane was floating above Kristen and Rachel with Kristen saying,"This guy isn't very social is he?". "I think he's just shy." said Rachel. "He can hear you two. I just want to make sure that you two are protected." said Bane. "Why?" said Kristen. "Out of Zane's group, you two are the ones without super powers." said Bane. "You know that Marcia is also part of the powerless club plus we have a weapon to protect ourselves plus training." said Rachel.

Bane said,"You two don't know? Marcia does have a power and it....". He sensed something and he said,"How good are you two with those weapons?". "We are able to hit the targets while they're moving. Why?" said Kristen. "We have some company and it isn't very friendly so if you two could cover me, I would love that." said Bane. He flew off as Rachel said,"He may be a giant toy but he has a big heart under all that metal.". Kristen nodded as they ran after Bane.

Kevin ,who's dressed like a pilot, was looking at a photo of Bane and Zane with the two looking like they're ready to fight. He hated both of them with Brad being the football star who gets all of the girls plus whatever he wants and Zane is the bad boy with him doing whatever he feels like mainly going up against the A list also standing up for the little guy. Much to Kevin's jealous, girls also seem to be falling for him left and right.

Once he becomes a Guardian, he was going to get all of that and make Zane say that he's way better than him. He heard,"Come on Vicky. How about we ditch the house and go some private time?". "If you shut up now Mack, I won't knock you out. Why did I get stuck with you?" said a voice. Kevin saw Mack aka a secret agent and Vicky who is a sorceress. "Hey you guys." said Kevin. The two looked at him with Vicky said,"How did he get in the guardians?".

The teen sulked with them hearing,"I caught me some good prey.". Larcosh stood there with him saying,"Sup minnows.". "You're a Phantom!? What the hell are you doing here fish face? No one wants you here!" said Vicky. The boys look at her with Larcosh saying,"Temper Minnow. I have every right to be here since it's Halloween and a free country. I wish that I got a cute girl but I got a nerd, a lady man, and a buff chick.". "Hey!" said the boys.

Vicky wished that she brought her costume with her so she could end this fish's life. After all, he and the rest of his kind don't deserve to live. Larcosh's hands glowed blue with him firing a beam at them with them closing their eyes. They truly didn't expect to be caught in a human sized lobster cage with him saying,"You don't like do you? My bros don't like to be eaten so I wonder how you would like it but I bet it'll be night." said Larcosh.

Kevin said,"No! I don't want to be fish food!". "It would actually be human food bro." said Mack. "I will make sure that you two will get eaten first!" said Vicky. "Hey. I'm the one eating here so I'm going to eat you because you got the most meat on you human." said Larcosh. Before he could get a nibble, he was blasted ,in the back, by a missile. He turned around to see Bane floating there with Kristen and Rachel holding Plasma Swiss Army Knife into the shapes of rifles.

Larcosh said,"Bane? It's good to see you again. Been itching for a fight with the metal Phantom after all. So did you ditch Kendra for these two? You used to be cool and handsome but now, I would say that you're a beast and Kendra's a beauty.". "I'll handle fish jerk so you two save the kids and then find Zero." said Bane. "Sure thing B." said Rachel. "Cute tin can. Even without any water, I can still kick your can down to the abyss." said Larcosh after laughing.

He then took a deep breath with him beginning to grow in size. He looks to be ten feet tall with him looking deadly. Bane flew toward him with his fist cocked. The fist collided with the fish palm and he said in a deep voice,"YOU'RE CUTE BANE! I'M STRONGER THAN A CRAPPY ROBOT TOY!". The five teens saw Bane flying toward the wall ,with him breaking it, and Larcosh went after them with him getting his fists ready.

Kristen said,"We should get them out before helping out Zero.". "Yeah. I really don't want to but we have to." said Rachel. The two aimed their weapons at the cage with Kristen saying,"You need to go back because this will make this cage go boom.". The trio went back with the blasts destroying the cage with them leaving. "Wow. Not even a single thanks. I feel gypped." said Rachel. "We should go find the others and Bane will be fine right?" said Kristen.

Rachel said while crossing her arms,"Bane would back his anger if we were out there with the other knowing Larcosh. I have a strong feeling that we have more company like fishy outside.". "Should we go find Zero or the others first?" said Kristen. "He's a superhero and he'll be fine. Lets get going already." said Rachel. The two ran off to a different part of the mansion with machine vs fish. The two faced off against each other with them just standing there.

He began firing missiles at Larcosh with the fish smiling. They hit the fish's skin with him being in a giant explosion. Bane heard,"LISTEN HERE CHUM. MY SKIN IS ABLE TO TAKE A LOT OF DAMAGE. EVEN WITH YOUR MISSILES THAT HAVE PROVED TO TAKE OUT LEVEL 8 OR 9 PHANTOMS BUT COMPARED TO THEM CHUM, THEY'RE NOTHING!". It was a shock to see that the fish survived but with some damage.

Bane said,"Listen. I was like you once until Johnny Vincent kicked my sorry behind but he told me that if you have still Nether inside of you, you can never give up. Time to Power Up!". His Gatling gun aimed toward Larcosh with several red nether beams flying and hitting Larcosh. He went back with him smiling. "GOOD JOB CHUM! I WANT A REAL FIGHT AND I FINALLY GOT ONE SO BRING IT ON!" said Larcosh.

Bane blocked Larcosh's right jab with him countering the fish with a left jab. "Then why are you attacking humans then? There are only a few that are worth your time." said Bane. "HYDE PROMISED ME A FIGHT AND HE DELIVER!" said Larcosh. Brad grabbed the fish and he yelled,"Let me get this straight. You release one of the most deadly Phantoms ever just for a fight when we could just go to the dojo.".

Larocsh went back to his normal size as he said,"Well, it wasn't me but Marie or Lady Nezera did thanks to her vampire servants.". "That's why they were flying. I should have done something but I wasn't thinking straight. Hold on, we have company." said Bane. "What do you mean by that chum?" said Larcosh. The two saw several vampires flying/walking toward them with the fish and robot smiling as they rushed toward them.  

Meanwhile, Karen was looking at Celeste and Kendra who were talking and ignoring her. "I really can't believe you sometimes Kendra! You really love Bane don't you? Bane soon went through a major makeover and personality overhaul after JV's death but now, he is getting better but still a major grump." said Celeste. "Yeah Celeste but do you feel the same way about JV or Zane with him being really stubborn." said Kendra.

Celeste messed with her hair as she said,"I'm not sure but it's so hard to talk with him one on one you know Kendra. He's the same guy but different at the same time.". "I can help you. I know that Phantoms can take over bodies right so take over mine." said Karen. The two then looked at her and Kendra saying,"You serious aren't you Karen? Do you know what happen?". "I do. Zane used it on Ray by slamming him into the wall." said Karen.

Celeste sighed as she said,"Yep. That sounds like him to me.". "You would have complete control over me and according to two of Zane's teachers, Crisis Judgement can't detect it. Just tell me when you are ready to do it because I want you to be happy." said Karen. "It may cost me my own but I'm sure about this even if my friends get mad at me." thought Karen. Celeste was about to say something but they heard screaming nearby them.

Kendra said,"We'll talk later. It's time to be heroes.". "This is rocking! So how do you become Sonic?" said Celeste. Karen smiled as her body glowed. "I know how." said Kendra. "I think the dumbest Phantom in Terrarune could figure it out." said Celeste. Karen stood there as Sonic with her saying,"Lets kick some but!". The two Phantoms nodded and they all ran toward the screaming which came from a nearby room.

Earlier, Andre and David were backing away from Marie who had taken over Selena ,who's dressed as a reporter, and Susan under her control. "Really? You try and run but what can weak human males do against me? I have your girls under your control so if you tell me where Zero is, I may give them back to you with their energy only slightly drained." said Marie. "Listen. We may not know Zero but he's good and we don't rat out the good guys." said Andre.

David said,"He's right. We'll kick your but so hard that you're begging for your undead mommy.". "I guess that you'll be fun to watch get destroyed by the girls." said Marie as she sicked the girls on them. They tried not to hurt their friends with Marie saying,"You're weak because you won't hurt your friends? Humans are confusing to others species in the realms with this being a prime example.".

Andre ,who was holding back Selena, said,"We're not weak fang.". "Yeah. You should know that a real man doesn't attack a woman unless she's asking for it and our friends aren't." said David who held Susan up in the air. Marie was going to attack them with her getting blasted back by a sonic scream which caused glass to break. Karen stood there with her saying,"And she's out of here which should free your friends.".

Celeste flew to the costumed teens as she said,"I never like her because she hates my music and who could hate my music?". Kendra stood next to her with her saying,"You're missing the point here hon. We're the good Phantoms.". "Yeah. You came in with one of Zero's super friends. So are they back to normal?" said Andre. "Yeah. She may be the lady of vampire but her control sucks if she gets blasted." said Celeste.

David said,"Makes sense to me. So you three up for dethroning the queen?". "Yeah. You guys should go now." said Karen. The boys carried the girls out of their room with Marie waking back up and she floated toward the trio. "You hurt me which in turn release the human girls from my control so you got me interested in females." said Marie. "Why are you attacking these humans exactly in the first place?" said Celeste.

Marie said,"Do you remember me? I tried to steal your man before JV died.". "She tried to steal Zane from Celeste before?" thought Karen. "Regardless, we won't let you take others from their loved ones." said Kendra. "Oh. I'm not after humans anymore like when I was alive. They're too weak and not worthy of my time. I'm here for the current Zero. He's a superhero and man, he's quite the catch and so cute when he's in his Cartoon Form." said Marie. 

Celeste then clenched her fists with her saying,"That won't be happening! Zero is a really good guy and I won't let you hurt him!". Her guitar appeared with her turning the knob to the pink music note and with her other hand, she strummed her guitar. A giant pink Nether fist went flying toward the evil vampire with her turning into a bat to avoid it. She didn't notice that Kendra was above her and she blasted the winged mammal with a giant stream of water Nether.

Before she could recover, she was blasted by a giant scream. The two stood there with Karen saying with a smile,"I really think you should give up because you have no chance of beating us all alone and it won't be pretty.". "No! I shall get what rightfully belongs to me!" yelled Marie. She flew toward Karen but she was stopped by a light. She was covered in it with the trio seeing Andre with his flashlight app on his phone.

The vampire turned into ash with him saying,"Ladies. You three had her creamed but I owe her one and Andre Stevens isn't his brother plus she need to pay for what she did to the girls.". He was long gone and Kendra said,"Okay. I really didn't see that coming.". "So who is her brother anyway Sonic?" said Celeste. "He's a dick to Zane." said Karen. "Brad is his brother?! How is that even possible?!" yelled the two Phantoms.

Karen said,"Who knows? It's an eternal question that I have no answer for that. We should go find the others.". They were gone with the air in the room getting dense. Hyde flew from the ground with him saying,"Make a mental note. I need to find more loyal and stupid help.". He moved through the pretty much empty house with him saying,"Idiots. Greed blinds them from my goal so I'll let the heroes deal with them.".

He then stopped inside of an empty room with him saying,"Perfect. This spot is in the center of the house. The world shall be brought to its knees. This silly holiday shall be brought back to life and not even Zero 100 will be able to stop me.". He held his scythe with him saying,"Let the fun beginning!". He slammed the scythe into the ground with a giant ray of red Nether flying toward the roof of the house and it went up toward the sky.

A portal was opening up with it turning into a cloud/mushroom cloud with the night sky also turning red. A bolt of lightning flew toward Brad and Zane's rooms aka the Gym of Terror and the Throne Room of Fear. The mannequins came to life with them looking for any sign of life so they could attack it for fun. The ones in Brad's room got their wish with them seeing Hannah, Sam who is Cleopatra, and Roxy whose dressed up as a cowgirl.

Brad and Stan were with them after finishing the tour. "I have to say that I'm impressed Mr. Stevens with your creativity." said Stan. Brad was about to say something with Sam screamed. The five saw the glowing zombies with the teens running out of there leaving behind Stan. "At least, they aren't going to get hurt. That's better than nothing." said Stan. The zombies went toward him and he said,"I hope you're ready to go back to where you came from.".

Zane ,who was still in Specter Form, said,"Guys. We have a big problem.". Danny and Gwen were nearby there with Danny said,"What? You losing in the contest.". Gwen saw zombies heading to the trio with her saying,"Danny. I think we're going to have fight.". Danny saw them and he said,"Son of a bitch. I was really hoping that I didn't have to fight tonight but we have bad luck don't we?". Zane saw his friends go into their super forms with him saying,"Yep.".

He then fired an Red Nether beam with the zombies being blasted apart from the attack. "Time for my epic and giant Phantom Smashers!" said Danny. The giant gauntlets soon hit the zombies that weren't blasted apart from Zane's attack. "You can't be serious. Epic and giant?" said Zane with him holding a zombie and ripping it apart. "Focus Zero. How bad do you think this is going to get?" said Gwen.

Zane said,"I would say World of Hamsters 8 but it could be Rodent Apocalypse 5.". Gwen looked at him with her saying,"I really don't think you should compare our dilemma to a series of good movies.". "Yeah but Zane actually thinks that hamsters will take over the world even more than an evil super villain, computers, or something else." said Danny. "They will man. So what's up with these zombies? They're from my and Brad's room." said Zane.

Gwen said,"I sense that a portal to Terrarune is open right above the house. It's big and turning everything fake real. People are in danger. I have already told the others ,through our magic link that we establish a week ago in case of this, and they're handling the problem of the fake army while we found the source and destroy it. Are you two up for it?". The boys looked at each other with Danny saying,"Heck yeah.". The three ran/flew off.

Hyde stood there and he said,"My little gateway to the world of ghosts alerted Zero. I know that his friends who defeated the horseman and Marie plus convinced Larcosh to help them. They won't be bothering me thanks to the creatures of their precious holiday. I would feel bad but after I'll been through hell and back to get here so let them suffer.". The door busted open with Danny standing there. "I found it guys and the older you Z!" said Danny.

Gwen and Zane came into the room with Hyde saying,"You're a child?". "Yes he is. Me and Morph plus Zero are here to stop you from turning this world into a world of horror and death and as Morph would say, you're going down hero style!" said Gwen. "We have corrupted her man. Your plans were once stopped by Johnny Vincent. You died so what makes you think that you can do it once again." said Zane.

A sudden pain went through Zane's chest with him heading toward the ground. His ghostly form was gone with Zane currently holding his hands over his chest. Gwen went over to Zane's side and Danny was getting mad. He rushed toward Hyde with him yelling,"What the hell did you do to my best friend bastard?!". His punch went right through him with Hyde saying,"Nothing happen but this new Zero is fearing me. I was once like you boy.".

Zane said through a noticeable strain,"You're like me?". "Yep. I was Zero before you and well, I was once Jack the Ripper. You know him well correct? I've evolved from a common killer into well a higher state of being now that I was before." said Hyde. "In order to let suspicion off of you from others, you named yourself after Doctor Jekyll and Mr. Hyde didn't you?" said Gwen as her hands glowed for a healing spell.

Hyde smiled and she said,"You're the brains of this trio of children that you've gather 100. I was the best but I was killed when that monster finally got me. I had him on the ropes but for no reason at all, I lost Primordial aka the power that Zero gets from the Astral Realm. I died but in the process, I gain real power and became a terror but you stopped me Zane.". He clenched his now exposed claws in anger.

Danny said,"Hyde. Why do you call him 100? And why do you look like his Specter Form?". "He is number hundred or in terms that I like to say. He is the hundredth Zero meaning that every Zero before you Zane died after a few years in this service. We have worked alone but I do like how you're trying to break the mold but you'll die just like the rest of us." said Hyde. The ghost fired a Red Nether Beam at Danny and Zane.

The former jumped back to avoid the attack while Gwen made a magic circle to block the attack. "I guess us being Zane's best friends knows how he works reaper! You should get a taste of the power of my Phantom Smashers!" said Danny. His fists turned giant with Hyde being slammed right into the ground. "Will you be okay Zane? I need to help Morph or Danny. I'm not sure what to call him since Hyde knows our secret identity." said Gwen.

Zane said,"I'll be fine Gwen. Your healing spell helped more than I thought so just give me a second to recover. The fear that Hyde has over me is strong so I need to show him and the rest of myself that this Zero should be nothing to be scared of.". Gwen smiled and she said,"Okay. Get back Danny! I think it's time for the Threads of Fate!". The strings went around Hyde with the ghost smiling as he hit the floor.

Danny threw Hyde against a wall and he said,"You're so weird man. I mean those threads were made by the sisters of fate meaning that they're unbreakable unless you want to curse yourself.". "Yeah. I was correct in guessing that you learned about Phantoms and their workings but even after all of this time, they're a pretentious lot and I'm stronger than I was before." said Hyde. He sliced through the strings with him grabbing Gwen.

Danny rushed toward Hyde with him saying,"Let her go! Ghostly Broadsword!". Both of his hands soon turned into his signature sword, being that he soon sliced Hyde across the chest. It was painful with him dropping Gwen with Danny grabbing her before she fell. "Curses! You will all die by my...." said Hyde. He was blasted away and right through the wall leading outside. This is due to a giant steel gray Nether fist with Zane standing back up.

Gwen said,"Thanks Danny. You got this Z?". Zane nodded and he said,"Yeah. It's totally time for the reaper to fall by my hand and I know the way to do it.". A card appeared in his chest plate and it was brand new. It had a black frame with a wolf in the center with the mammal howling right at the moon. His body soon began growing hair all over being that he was slowly turning more wolf like being that he looks to be 7 feet tall.

His fur is a steel-blue color with the fur that covers his chest and face being a gray color being that it was light gray around his mouth and nose. He had very bushy sideburns and tail, long mane, his face looked more wolf-like being that his snout was more noticeable, five sharp claws on his feet and hands, sharp teeth, and his ears were more pointed upwards being the insides of his ears are white and the tips are crimson red. He has steel-blue eyes.

For clothing, he isn't wearing his costume but something else. He's wearing white bandages over his forearms. He's wearing black pants with a black martial arts belt. He goes barefoot. He soon howled at the moon with it currently exposed and it was an eerie crimson. "Werewolf Form! It's time for Hyde to get a good old-fashioned beatdown from yours truly!" said Zane. He soon rushed out after Hyde being that Danny said,"So is he going to be okay? I mean he's strong but.".

Gwen said,"I know you're worried about him Danny but you should not worry. I also think that Zane in his most beast like form seen so far will handle Hyde. We have big fish to fry right now so lets focus on that for now.". Danny soon looked at the scythe with him saying,"Okay. What's the game plan? It could be like the Sword in the Stone except only the most evil people have the ability to pull it out. We're both good.".

Gwen said,"Excalibur may have been impossible to get out back then but I know that if you hit something enough time, you can get it out and break even the strongest enchantment. I think you know that Danny.". Danny smiled with his fists turning big and he said,"This is going to be so much fun. Zane's going to miss this.". Gwen heard an howl with her saying,"I think Zane is good Danny.". The two rushed toward the scythe.

Outside, Hyde saw Zane rushing toward him. "You can't be serious?!" said Hyde. He was about to go intangible and escape but Zane held them. "Time for my Crescent Strike!" said Zane. He then extended his left and right arm straight toward Hyde with him going back. He uppercutted Hyde in the air with his left fist with him using his tail in an arch with him smashing Hyde right into the ground and it broke slightly.

Zane's mouth opened it ,revealing itself it to be a blood red color, and he howled with a sonic wave coming out. Hyde was slammed deeper into the ground with Zane saying,"You have lost Hyde so give up or else I'll make your eardrums break!". He howled with Hyde being pushed deeper into the ground with it breaking more. "Cute kid. This form must allow you to be like a wolf with you having its strength and weakness!" said Hyde.

Zane looked confused with him suddenly punched back by the Phantom. The sonic attack was done and over with as the wolf skidded across the ground with him howling once again. Hyde phased right into the ground with him saying,"Try and find me now Zane. Due to my scythe being planted in the ground, my powers have increased no even tripled.". Zane closed his eyes and he stood there with him breathing slowly.   

He thought,"This form gives me enhanced senses so I can and will be able to find Hyde without me being turned into rubble or something painful to me.". Behind him, Hyde stood there with a red Nether created scythe with him about to swipe down on him. "You know that I may not be able to smell you but here's the thing, I'm really smart. Moon Kick!" said Zane. However, Zane turned around with him firing an extended jab with his left fist with him front kicking him with his left foot.

Zane swung himself around with him jumping toward Hyde striking him with both feet knocking the ghost into the air. Zane blasted a howl at him getting Hyde more mad. "How about you see the true horror of a fallen Zero?!" said Hyde. His claws move toward his chest with several tentacles with his energy being drained slowly. "I suggest we get ourselves free using the Warrior Blade or maybe Vine Form." said Athena.

Zane was about to fire off a howl and it was going to be a big one. Zane's muzzle slowly opened and he said,"Eat this....". However, Hyde's tentacles held the muzzle closed. "Not happening again. You blasted me way too many times for comfort." said Hyde. He then got closer to Zane's ear and he said,"So how does it feel to die?". The tentacles around Zane's muzzle were gone with the sonic attack breaking a chunk of the area.  

Hyde said,"Wow. That attack would be deadly if that actually hit me. You know that dying once was bad due to me having so much left to do aka kill everyone who crossed my path. Having the power of the Astral Realm, I was a god but now I'm not. I think I'll take your power which will cause you to die so have fun with that Zane. You will be remember for something. You are the weakest Zero and the reason why the universe is doomed.".

Hyde placed his hands on Zane's head and he began to drain him. Zane screamed with him saying,"I won't let you!". He turned back into Zane ,with him being out cold from the draining, hearing,"You won't be breaking out any time soon Zane and...". The ZERO watch began to glow with Athena saying,"User Zane Alvarez will not be letting anyone take this watch so eat 10,000 volts!". Hyde was shocked with the watch and he let go of Zane.

Zane landed on the floor with him waking up. He saw Hyde ,paralyzed, with him saying,"Wow. How did I do that?". "Parker installed a fail safe. No one beside you is able to use this watch so it's time for you to kick some major but. I think we have power to kick some but." said Athena. "Okay. It's time to Power Up and kick some ghostly but!" said Zane. He turned right into Zero with him charging Nether up in his fists and running toward Hyde.

Hyde recovered and he said,"I won't let that happen! Arise my undead army and crush Zero into ash!". Zane looked around and he said,"Wow. Failure.". "No! They should be here unless they were defeated but how?" said Hyde. He was punched to the ground by Zane with him saying,"Unlike you Hyde, I have friends with them being awesome teammates!". The Phantom then phased through the ground with him saying,"You should learn your lesson by now boy.".

Zane said,"I should but where would be the fun in that? Get a load of this!". Zane ,who was covered in a giant steel gray Nether giant with him smashing Hyde into the ground. Danny ,who had just finished off the rest of the undead army, saw Zane's beatdown with him saying,"Hey Gwen. Any ideas on how to stop Hyde? Even with Zane fighting his full power, Hyde is going to kill him and take him over. I really doubt that we can win then.".

Gwen looked at the scythe with her saying,"Yes. We tried destroying it but that didn't work it so pull it out using your Phantom Smashers!". Danny's hands turned into them with him saying,"It's time to end this nightmare!". The teen pulled out the scythe with the ray of red Nether disappearing with the moon and sky turning back to normal. "The portal is gone so Hyde should be losing his powers right?" said Gwen. "Yeah. Lets go help Zane." said Danny. The two ran off.

Hyde was in a huge crater with him bruised beyond belief. Zane stood over him with him saying,"It's over Hyde. You lost.". Zane dodge an nether blast with Hyde saying,"You and your friends may stopped me from bringing Earth to its knees but..". He saw Zane holding him with him saying,"I need you to just shut up so if you do that, that would be awesome!". He opened a portal back to the Phantom's home with him saying,"See you.". "No! I will get my..." said Hyde.

The portal and reaper were gone with Zane going back to normal. He went onto his knees as Danny stood there with Gwen. The two were back to normal with Danny said,"Hey man. Are you alright? I saw your beatdown and it was awesome.". "You saved the day so good job. I need you to do one thing before I pass out." said Zane. "What?" said Gwen. "Make sure I kick Brad's ass." said Zane as he fell asleep on the ground with his friends standing there.

Gwen said,"Should I take him back home?". "Yeah. I'll tell the others." said Danny. He ran off and Gwen helped Zane up. "You did good Zero and I think you're going to be the best Zero while Hyde is the worse. He let power corrupt him plus our friends will not let that happen to you." said Gwen. She helped Zane home with the hero sleeping. Halloween was slowly ending with Zane and the rest of Team Power never forgetting tonight.

Next Time,
Who was that beautiful Dragon Girl? And what can a Eazairvian do? This and more next time on Zero!

Andre, David, and Ray: No Costume.
Austin, Brad, and Bryan: Cheerleader.
Bane: Frankenstein.
Celeste: Zombie Bride.
Danny: Goblin.
Gwen: Mummy.
Karen: Alien.
Kendra: Bounty Hunter.
Kevin: Pilot.
Kristen: Pirate.
Hannah: Harem Girl.
Mack: Secret Agent.
Marcia: Vampire Mistress.
Rachel: Panther.
Roxy: Cowgirl.
Sam: Cleopatra.
Selena: Reporter.
Susan: Archaeologist.
Tara: Scientist.
Vicky: Sorceress.
Zane: Zombie.

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