Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Zero Episode 37 Fall from Grace

A/N: Welcome to Episode 37. As I explained last author note, I would explain how I'm going to do Time Travel because I may have not explained it well. Basically, time travel means nothing. Here's the thing. I don't like time travel of any kind in story. I don't mind time skips such as in Fairy Tail or One Piece with I think My Hero Academia having one later down the road. I just don't like Time Travel because one little fuck up means a mess for your entire story.

Several works of fiction do that being that Fairy Tail has that problem in my eyes. I may like the Grand Magic Games arc for the games but the time travel aspect of it with Future Lucy, Future Rogue, and the dragons wasn't needed. I'm going to mention in my crossover series way later into the year or maybe next year. I'm sure that I mention this before but I'm the type of person that repeats the same thing in my head a hundred times just to make sure that my gopher mind gets it.

It's that I'm waiting till Zero gets past Season Two, I've shown off half of the forms, and the ending of the series that having a crossover with is nearby completion or the ending is very obvious aka with Fairy Tail. I saw that ending a mile away as did most people. The other reasons were that if it fit Zane and its universe or that I knew about it. Fun fact, I was planning on doing One Piece or My Hero Academia but neither series is close to finishing anytime soon. The latter has a chance.

Back to the time discussion. If Zane travels to the past, nothing will happen in the main timeline except that a new alternative timeline is created. Simple and Clean. Oh an enemy that Zane is going to face off later is from an alternative future much like the Zane from the last episode. You'll see what I mean by that later in the future. Lets begin shall we with a teenage running away from something but what? Lets go. This also has teenage angst meaning swearing everywhere so enjoy.

It won't be bad as say Riverdale level being filled with Drama but maybe a lot of swearing and fighting. It won't be as bad as those drama filled shows but it's a catalyst for things to become. May they be good or bad. Lets say that this isn't going to be either based of DC and Marvel but maybe like Invincible the series. I do think it's a good superhero series but not for kids. High School yes but Elementary. Not at all. We're going to meet a new version of an old character from Soul.

Narrator P.O.V.
In the town to the left of Cypress Park aka not Potomac, a girl was sitting in the bus station looking to the left and right of him. She's wearing a gray long sleeved shirt with a black t-shirt over it as she was wearing a dark blue hoodie covering her face. She's wearing a pair of dark blue ,with it being slightly worn out, jeans and brown tennis shoes. "Hey. What are you doing here kid?" said a voice. The girl looked up to see a man standing there with his goon squad.

The man had white makeup covering his face very much like a clown with red lipstick. He's wearing a clown like outfit to him with his goon squad looking like their boss. "What do you bozos want? I'm just looking for a place to crash." said the girl. "Well, you're crashing in our turf punk!" said the head clown as he broke a nearby chair causing his goons to laugh at the girl. "You should know this now but you shouldn't make me mad." said the girl.

One of the goons said,"And what are you going to do? Call your daddy?". He touched the girl with him going back shortly after. "Fuck. Why the hell are you so hot?" said the grunt. "She's too hot for you Harold?" said one of the grunts who had a mullet. "Shut up Harold!" said the grunt. The leader said,"I think you should tell us why you're so hot kid.". "Okay. I'll show you." said the girl. Pillars of fire soon came out of her arms erupting the building in flames.

One of the grunts aka ,the one with multi-colored hair being brown with green, said,"Alfonso! What the hell?!". "Shut Jerome! My name is Jester! You got that you bastard? Tell us how you did that! Got flamethrowers under you?!" said Jester. He shook the girl as the grunt ,who was burned by the girl earlier, said,"Come on man. We have to get out of here.". "I'll be out of here as soon I get the answers from this..." said Jester.

The girl got up as he said,"I hope you enjoy being part of the past Alf. This so isn't worth getting his attention so leave me alone or else.". "Or else what?" said Jester. His three goons had already left their leader as the building crumbled around them as the girl was gone as Jester said,"Hey! Get back here bastard!". Jester was crushed by the building with the girl saying from right outside of the now destroyed building,"Karma's a bitch Jester.". She walked off as the building fell to the ground.

The next day, Zane was currently sitting in his living room with him watching the news as Wolfram rested on his lap. "I can't believe that this happened again." said Zane. Wolfram was confused as the boy said,"It's the building collapses in the surrounding area. They all seem to have a theme.". "What do you mean by that?" said Athena. "Well, this is all from the police reports but there is a connection being that it erupts into flames." said Zane.

Athena said,"You think this warrants an investigation Legion Zero?". "You're seriously calling me that Athena. I mean that was just one of my futures." said Zane. "It was the mostly likely option so I'm not taking any chances here. I'll do some research while you're in school today." said Athena. "You want to know something. I'm actually looking forward to private school because I'm pretty sure that it has slightly less drama but I could be wrong." said Zane.

Wolfram barked as Zane said,"You're right little guy. I still can't believe that they actually based it off a book and got it right? They usually add something to make it something different from the source material but it was one for one.". Zane heard little footsteps with Zane turning off the TV. Atem stood there as he said,"Okay! I'm ready to go!". Zane smiled as he said,"Not without breakfast. I can't have you growing up to be little me.". "But little you sounds awesome!" said Atem.

Wolfram barked as Zane said,"Don't agree with him. Listen, being me is a bad thing because here's the thing. You two have to be you.". "Did you get that from a self-help book dad?" said Atem. "I got it from that show you and grandma were watching last night. You almost punched the TV using your Mummy Punch after what happened in the last episode." said Zane. "Well, I was lucky that the bad guy got expelled for being a jerk." said Atem crossing his arms.

Zane smiled as he said,"Well, here's some advice. You shouldn't go around punching people that you don't like. Violence just cause more violence. You need to learn how to control your anger in a more constructive way.". "Like how you spend time working on your car or fighting crime?" said Atem. "I also eat an unhealthy amount of fast food according to Rachel but she's so jealous of my child like metabolism." said Zane patting his stomach.

Atem said,"So how are we not poor? I mean according to grandpa, you eat even more than a Gluttony Phantom.". "Ignoring that, what do you want for breakfast? Due to some unique circumstances, I'm cooking today." said Zane. "Isn't grandma or great grandma home?" said Atem. "My cooking isn't the best but it isn't the worst Atem. Both of them went to the University to explain my unique situation to my teacher." said Zane.

Atem looked at Zane as he said,"Don't you mean Principal?". "Nope. I'm in a class of maybe fifteen students max and one teacher. The teacher is in charge of our development according the letter that I got. What's for breakfast little guy? Your pick." said Zane. "Pancakes! I love grandma's pancakes and I'm sure yours will be different." said Atem. "It's the same as mine little guy." said Zane. He rushed in the kitchen as Wolfram followed suit. Zane smiled as he walked into the kitchen.

Zane parked in front of the elementary school as he said,"Maybe you shouldn't have eaten over ten pancakes.". Atem was rubbing his stomach and he said,"But there were so good dad! Wolfram was worse than I was.". "And Kania is helping him lose the weight. I kinda feel bad for giving him food but I can't you say no to his face." said Zane. "Nope. So are you heading to school?" said Atem as he slowly unbuckled his seat beat.

Zane said,"Yeah. I also plan on stopping some small crimes on my way there . I'll come pick you up after school so look for me.". "Actually, my teacher wanted to meet with someone from my family and I picked you." said Atem. "What's up? Are you in trouble?" said Zane. "No. It's about the last test I took. I got a hundred on it." said Atem. "That's awesome! Lets celebrate You're an Alvarez meaning that you're smart and you should be proud of that." said Zane.

Atem hugged Zane as he said,"Thanks Dad! I'll see you after school!". He jumped out of the car and headed into the building. "He isn't going to become you Zane." said Athena. Zane looked at his watch as he said,"What?". "Nothing Zane. You should probably get going to school." said Athena. "So did you find anything on the destroyed buildings?" said Zane. "Not much but there is one thing. The hero Hydro Storm is usually in that town." said Athena. "Huh." said Zane.

Zane parked his car nearby the school and he saw Danny. "Hey man." said Danny. The two started to walk to school as Zane said,"So I heard about you and Gwen.". Danny blushed as Zane said,"I'm happy for you man. She's really nice so I approve.". "Since when have you been my keeper and so in tune with romance? What happened on your journey man?" said Danny. "Lots of things. I'm thinking about forgiving Kevin." said Zane.

Danny looked at his best friend with him saying,"You're going to forgive Kevin? I can't believe it. He made me look like an idiot in front of Sam. So did you get hit on the head?". "No. I just don't feel like being the reason why he goes shooting up the school. Kevin is a good guy and I feel like giving him the benefit of the doubt." said Zane. "Wow. You can be so mature for your age Zane. So how are you going to do both?" said Danny.

Zane shrugged as he said,"The same way how I handled being a hero, student, being bullied by the A List, and being a family member.". "And not being a friend?" said Danny. "You're part of the family at this point. You have been my friend for almost ten years bro. All of my friends are my family." said Zane. "Does this include Ray bro?" said Danny. "Yes. I just hope that Tara doesn't kill him because she's still mad about what happened with him and the princess." said Zane.

Danny said,"And you're not angry. I mean he was engaged before he started dating your cousin.". "I think him spending over one grand on the girls helped a little plus he begged at my feet to try and get Tara to start talking to him. I got an ego." said Zane. "Don't you think I know that man?" said Danny who punched Zane in the right arm. "I'm hurt." said Danny. The two soon noticed a crowd as Zane heard something. "Fucking hell Kevin." said Zane. He ran to the crowd with Danny behind him.

A little bit earlier, Kevin was walking in the parking lot with several other students and a car almost hit him. "What the fuck?! Can't you see that there's people here dipshit?!" yelled Kevin. The ones in the car aka Brad, Mack, Sam, and Roxy were laughing except for the female blonde. "What the hell is your damage? Hurting no killing is someone is fun to you pricks!" said Kevin as he threw his bag to the ground.

Kevin walked up to the driver's seat as Brad said,"Kevin. Calm your tits. It's fine. No one got hurt okay?". "It's all okay? You rich fuckers think you can treat everyone around you who isn't popular or good looking like fucking trash just because you can?!" said Kevin. "Okay. You're on something and I could use some. Hook me up nerd?" said Mack. "Okay. Get out of the car dick." said Kevin. The two boys looked at each other along with the girls as Kevin yelled,"Get out of the car!!!!".

He slammed the door as Mack said,"Dude. This car is worth more than you so don't dent it.". "Fuck off Richie Rich! Get your ass out of the car so I can kick it! OUT! OUT! OUT!" yelled Kevin. The two guys got out as Brad said,"You're making this a bigger deal than it has to be Kevin.". "Fuck off Brad!" yelled Kevin. The two stood in front of him as Kevin said,"You two are nothing!!". "Do you seriously want to do this? I mean..." said Mack.

A crowd was soon gathering as Kevin said,"Oh I get it now. Yeah, you think I'm nothing compared to the great and mighty Zane Alvarez. You should be scared of me. I mean Zane did steal your girl right under your fat fucking nose Brad and he makes you look like an idiot. Oh wait, you do that naturally so lets rumble bitch!". He pushed the jock into the car as Sam yelled,"Kick his ass already Brad!". "I can't believe it." said a boy.

The two stood there as Brad said,"Okay. You're fucking dead now.". The jock punched Kevin to the ground hard as the crowd cheered on. Kevin coughed blood with him seeing a tooth in the puddle of blood. Kevin got back up and he slammed Brad into the car hard. Brad followed suit by throwing the smaller teen into the ground with the crowd cheering. Mack smirked as Sam said,"Lets see if this teaches the geek not to mess with us like Zit.".

Roxy turned away as Kevin slammed Brad into the ground. Several students were recording this off their phone as Brad soon picked Kevin up. He threw him into the ground as Kevin coughed blood on Brad. "You hit like a bitch Brad." said Kevin. Brad growled as he punched Kevin in the face once again. The two kept on fighting for a solid five minutes but Zane stopped Brad's punch. "What the fuck are you two doing?!" said Zane.

Brad pushed Zane back as he said,"Fuck off Alvarez! This bitch had his little hissy fit and he's getting his ass kicked!". Brad then began to choke Kevin as he grasped for air. Kevin kicked Brad back and he then punched Brad in the face with his nose bleeding. Zane got in between the two as he said,"You two need to stop right now or else.". "Let them fight Alvarez!" yelled a jock. "Yeah! That bitch has it coming for making us into his slaves!" yelled a popular kid.

Danny said,"Mother of god. Seriously Kevin, are you just stupid?". He held back the teen as Kevin said,"Let me go you Irish Bastard! I need to kick Brad's ass for treating like shit!". "And this isn't the way to do it." said Danny. "Oh. And how should I do it? Suck Zane's dick like you do and the rest of his friends do! He isn't perfect at all! He's just a little bastard like the rest of the popular crowd and you know I bet his family is filled with assholes just like him!" yelled Kevin.

Danny looked at his friend who was taking deep breaths and clenched his fists so hard that they were bleeding and turning white. Danny knew that Zane had his temper and when you make fun of people he cares about, he's a monster. "You know something. That little prick is right about you. I mean you say that you're for the people but everything that you've done in your campaign has been for you. Do you think everyone likes that grease pit Fantasia?" said Brad.

Zane said,"Shut up Bradley.". "Oh. Did I make you mad? Did I upset cool Zane? I mean think about it! Your grandpa pretty much abandoned your mother for most if not of all of her life! Your dad threw you and her under the bus! And I bet you're going to do the same thing to your kids but who in their right mind would want to fuck you?! I bet the only reason you got accepted into Arcadia U is because your mom gave the principal a good time." said Brad.

The crowd was silent as Zane said,"Brad. I did warn you and I'm trying to change.". "Oh. So how about you get off your high perch and ...." said Brad. He didn't finish that sentence as Zane punched him back almost ten feet. Zane rushed toward Brad and he started punched Brad over and over until he was stopped by Mr. Underwood. "That's enough Zane. Stop before this gets worse." said Stan. "It has because Zane is a..." said Kevin.

Zane punched Kevin into a tree as he yelled,"Fuck off Kevin! No one likes you! You need to get your head out of your fucking ass before I listen to whatever you have to say! You're an asshole who will never be loved because you think that you should be ruler of us! Treated you like a god! Well, you know that you never will unless you grow the HELL up!". He walked off as Danny said,"Yep. This day is hell.".

Stan looked at Danny as he said,"So what happened?". "Well, Kevin started it after he just attacked me and Brad for no good reason." said Mack. "Yeah. He should get expelled. I mean no one likes him at all." said Sam. "He should kill himself." said Brad coughing out blood. "Suicide isn't a joke at all Mr. Stevens. I'll take to Zane but all of you go to class right now!" said Stan. The crowd soon walked away as Stan helped Kevin up.

Stan said,"We should go Kevin.". "I'm fine. Let me just kick both of their ass." said Kevin. "There will be no more fighting between the three of you. I'm getting you to the nurse and then we're going to talk with the counselor all three of you. We're settling this today." said Stan as he picked the boy up. "I'm fine. Zane needs to learn a lesson." said Kevin. "That something we agree on dipshit." said Brad standing up. "Lets go." said Stan. Brad followed suit.

Later, Dana was talking with Stan as both Brad and Kevin were sitting in an empty office handcuffed to their chairs just in case they wanted round two. "So was it a fair fight or did Brad just kicked his ass and Zane made it worse? We're not blind Stanley. This school is filled with bullying and Kevin is the main target. It's strange that we haven't been charged with bullying." said Dana. Stan sighed as he said,"I know but what am I supposed to do?".

Dana said,"Go find Zane and bring him down here?". "He didn't do anything wrong according to the students. I mean both Brad and Kevin made fun of Zane. I respect the young man. He's more mature than his classmates but his temper. It's just like an animal sometimes." said Stan. "Yeah. I think Zane is under a lot of pressure right now. In and out of school." said Dana. "You're talking about him going to Arcadia U at the start of second semester right Dana?" said Stan.

Dana said,"Yes. I get that Kevin started the fight after Brad or Mack almost ran him and a couple of kids over. He's isn't right because he got hurt.". "This was in the parking lot so we can't let them off with a warning. Right now, I don't think its the best choice." said Stan. "You're talking about Swarm and Mr. Price coming to handle our Phantom problem." said Dana. "Yes. I don't agree with making teens superheroes but Zero and his gang seem to be fine." said Stan.

Dana said,"I can't believe that before us, kids like Brad were getting away with this. I mean there was so much bullying here before you arrived last year. Kids needs to get punished for the bad deeds and get reward for the good.". "And I agree with you. I"m sick of this rich parents being the ones actually running the school. I have an idea." said Stan. "What?" said Dana. "Find the best kids and make a trial out of it." said Stan.

Dana said,"You can't be serious.". "What else can I do? I mean it's the only way for the students to feel safe. How about we just have like a couple of kids be the judges with Brad and Kevin being the ones judged." said Stan. "I noticed that you forgot to mention Zane in the judged booth. He did throw a couple of hits at both of them" said Dana. Stan stood up as he said,"Dana. Zane is the most mature teen here so I'm treating him differently.". He walked out as Dana sighed.

She pulled out her phone and she called Natasha. "Hey Dana. Did Zane do something again?" said Natasha. "Yes and No. He did punch both Brad and Kevin but we're handling it. So how are things going with Atem and Zane's new school?" said Dana. "Well, Atem is going great and thanks for the lessons." said Natasha. "It's my pleasure. Zane is too busy with his extracurricular activities. How is Zane's new school going?" said Dana.

Natasha sighed as she said,"Zane's new teacher wants to meet him today after school. Do you mind telling him for me?". "I will Natasha. I just hope I get a chance." said Dana. "You'll do it I think I owe you a drink. You've helped my family so much." said Natasha. "I would like that." said Dana with a smile. She hanged up as she got ready for the trial being that this was going to be a long day for her given how teenagers react.

Outside, Zane was sitting in the courtyard as he heard Athena say through the Galaxy Phones,"You need to calm down.". "I know that well Athena but dam it, I just go from 0 to 10 whenever someone mentions my family. Why is that Athena? Is it genetic? Did my dad do it? Or is it because of my other job." said Zane. "I think it's because you're so loyal to others. That's just my opinion." said Athena. "You're trying to help so thanks Athena." said Zane.

Crisis Judgement went off as he saw a girl ,aka the one from the burned building, who was stumbling toward him. "Hey. Are you okay?" said Zane. He rushed toward him and he caught her before the girl face planted. Zane removed her hood to see that she has short green hair with her bangs covering her forehead. She looks to be very beautiful with a boyish charm as Zane said,"I'm getting you to the nurse and later also some food.". Zane carried the girl to the nurses office.

Zane placed the girl down in the nurse's office as he heard his name being called down to the library for something. "This is great. This day is just getting worse." said Zane. He walked down there as he heard,"Hey Zane!". He turned to see Roxy with him saying,"What's up? Ditching class again? You know that your G.P.A. and your parents would hate you for doing this.". "Calm down mom. I was called down to the library just like you." said Roxy.

Zane said,"Yeah but mine was on the intercom since I'm the most famous kid in school. I don't think its for good reason but who the hell knows?". "I think it's attractive but what do I know?" said Roxy as she walked in front of him. "Haven't you dated like six guys since this year started?" said Zane. "I didn't know that Zane listened to the rumors." said Roxy. "I get bored sometimes. So is true? I mean you don't seem like a ...." said Zane.

Roxy said,"A slut?". "Yeah." said Zane. "Well, I'm rich and pretty so that's a good thing but I'm very hard to obtained." said Roxy. "Ah. That makes sense." said Zane. The two entered the library and the two saw Cam and Heidi as Cam said,"Hey Zane. I heard about the fight. So why aren't you being the one trialed against?". "Trial?" said Roxy. "Ah. The final two judges are here." said Stan as Dana then closed the door.

Zane said,"Judge? I'm so not one for court trials.". "Well, I think you would like to know that this trial is about what happened this morning Zane." said Dana. "Really? Are you okay Zane? I know that you punched both Brad and Kevin." said Heidi. "I'm fine but why aren't they going to the police?" said Zane. "Do you know who Brad's dad is Zane?" said Stan. "Yeah. He's a good man and he would keep his son in jail for a couple of hours." said Zane.

Dana said,"I think you mean his wife Stanley.". "Yep. That's Mrs. Stevens. She's an older version of Sam." said Roxy. "How frightening." said Cam. "So are you four okay with being the ones to judge your peers?" said Stan. "I'm game." said Cam. "As am I." said Zane. Roxy hooked her arm around Zane's as she said,"If Zane's game, I'm in.". Cam noticed that Heidi was jealous as she said,"I am as well.". "Okay. Follow me then." said Stan.

Dana and Stan lead the four to a room as Cam whispered to Heidi,"So both you and Karen like Zane but don't have the nerve to confess.". Heidi blushed as she said,"What are you talking about?". "Both you and Karen are jealous of how close Roxy and Zane are. It's obvious that you two like him so ask him out." said Cam. "It's more complicated than that." said Heidi. "Really? Huh. I guess I was wrong about something." said Cam.

The four were then lead into a room with a window as the four saw Brad and Kevin sitting there with both handcuffed. "This room is connected to the exact room where we have both Brad Stevens and Kevin Wallace. They can't hear us just yet but they will in a second so are you ready?". "We sure are. Lets get this show on the road." said Zane as he sat down. Roxy sat to his right with Heidi sitting to his left. Cam sighed as he wheeled over to the left of Roxy.

Stan's voice said,"Okay. I think you two should say your name.". "My name is Bradley Stevens." said Brad. "I'm Kevin Wallace." said Kevin. "Okay. This is obvious to everyone Brad. You were the one driving." said Cam. "So?" said Brad. "So the pedestrian has the right of way or did you not paying attention in Driver's Ed like Kevin didn't." said Zane. "Mr. Alvarez." said Stan. "Sorry but I'm going to be the snarky judge." said Zane.

Heidi said,"Despite Zane's comments, he's right. It's the law.". "So you were walking before Brad hit you Kevin?" said Roxy. "You were there Roxy. I mean you were stuck looking at Brad's huge head but it was me and so many others." said Kevin. "And then you acted like a fucking psycho. I mean seriously. Hasn't the past year taught you to shut you..." said Brad. "Bradley. I will call your father down here if you don't behave." said Stan.

Heidi said,"You were reckless driving.". "Listen, you could have killed someone. I don't think you care but I lost the use of my legs to someone who wasn't paying attention." said Cam. "Seriously?! I think you got the better deal out of it. I mean your chair is souped up thanks to Zane's mom. So did she run him over Zane or did your dead beat dad?" said Kevin. "Easy Zane." said Roxy. "I'm fine. I don't know who ran over Cam's legs but blaming me and my family isn't right." said Zane.

Kevin said,"Oh. You think you're so righteous don't you Zane? I mean you call me names but your ego is the same of a planet compared to mine.". "I thought you would understand that this could be worse. You could be thrown in jail." said Stan. "Lets go then. Lets make a field trip down to the police station like back then." said Kevin. "We don't need to get the police involved. This is a school problem." said Heidi.

Brad said,"Oh wow. You got dissed by Zane's groupie Kevin. I guess no one treats like you like a human being.". "Fuck off Bradley. You're part of the problem. You side with Zane since he kicked both of our asses. I bet you could pants someone and thanks you being friends with Zane, you would get off scot-free. Fuck you bitch." said Kevin. "Language Kevin. This isn't anyone fault. High School is stressful. We understand and this can be forgotten about." said Dana.

Brad said,"This was going to happen eventually. I'm Brad Stevens. I'm the quarterback to the team so I am way more important than some nerd. So I was driving a little fast but the nerd here lost his shit again because he's getting treated like trash. Grow the hell up nerd and accept reality.". "See. This is another example of bullying. You always blame me because you can't accept that you're a piece of human fucking garbage just like Zane Alvarez is and always will be." said Kevin.

Stan said,"Both of you! Language! Do you kiss your mothers with those mouths?". "I'm being the one whose saying the fucking truth here. None of you pricks will admit to your flaws." said Kevin. "You know that Kevin is right." said Heidi. "Yeah but he's almost got killed. You know that humans aren't the best when under stress." said Cam. "It's his fault right?" said Roxy. "It wasn't his fault Brad. You should be smart enough to see that." said Roxy.

Zane said,"She's right. I mean you were being an idiot Brad for not paying attention. Life is sacred and should be treated with respect. I'm not perfect. I got a temper and a bad attitude but I don't see myself as that. I'm not god but I won't let people say rude things about my friends and family. You can say the worse kind of crap to me but here's the thing. I don't care about what you say to my face but saying shit to people I care about crosses a line.". The room was silent after that.

A few minutes later, Cam said,"Okay. We've decided and Brad. You're being suspended from school for three consecutive days starting tomorrow. You can come from practice but that's it.". "Seriously crippled?! That's fucked up and you know it." said Brad. "I have to agree with the idiot here crippled bitch." said Kevin. "Okay. I'm tired of you two and your mouths. I'm kicking you two both of school if you do something like that again." said Stan.

Zane said,"And Kevin gets off with a warning. You're a smart kid so start using your brain instead of your pride.". "What?!" said Brad. "Come on." said Kevin. "Do you seriously want to be expelled? I don't think that looks good for colleges." said Roxy. "You're fucking dicks especially you Alvarez. I hope you burn in hell after you shoot yourself." said Kevin. Stan grabbed Kevin's shirt collar and he dragged him out of the room.

Brad laughed as he said,"Dumbass needs to learn to shut his mouth.". "Brad. Please leave right now and once Mr. Underwood gets back, Cameron and Zane need to talk alone." said Dana. The two boys looked at each other with Brad said,"Whatever. I'm out.". He walked out of the room as the girls left their room as Stan came back in. "That boy is getting worse by the day I swear." said Stan. "So why did you ask us to stay Mr. Underwood and Ms. Rivera?" said Cam.

Dana said,"You two are the Student Council President and Vice-President. You two made the final choice in the matter.". "Wait. You're my vice president?" said Zane. "Yeah. Didn't anyone tell you that?" said Cam. "Honestly. That week was stressful for me. Family stuff." said Zane as he recalled dealing with Atem's adoption. "You two should handle with the aftermath of this." said Stan. "We will sir." said the two. "Thank you." said Stan.

Zane was walking down to the nurse office to check on the girl that he find earlier and he opened the office. He closed the door behind him as he said,"I guess the nurse went out.". He saw the girl slowly waking up as she said,"Where am I?". "Cypress Park's high school named Cypress High. It isn't the best name in the world but well, it's school. So why are you here and what's your name? I'm not going to turn you in to the cops." said Zane.

The girl sighed as she fully opened her eyes. she had brown eyes. "My name is Sierra Natalia Ozaki and I'm here because I'm a runaway. Happy pretty boy?" said Sierra. "Always. Are you hungry and hot?" said Zane. "A little bit of the latter and a huge amount of the former." said Sierra. "Okay. Lets go to the best place in town to get food." said Zane as Sierra soon shrugged her shoulders with her saying,"Sure.".

Later, Sierra watched as Zane eating some food at the nearby pizzeria. "Don't you want some?" said Zane as he finished off his fifth pie. "I'm fine. So why are you not large? I know that it's rather rude to ask you this but well, I was curious." said Sierra. "I got a large than normal metabolism meaning that I could eat several pounds of food and well, it's pretty nice." said Zane. The girl nodded as she said,"So why are you being so nice to me?".

Zane looked at him as he said,"What do you mean? My dad always told me to help out someone in need every day and well, you're the person I need to help. I also kinda punched two people today just before I met you. They had it coming." said Zane. "You mean the nerd and jock fight this morning? I was stumbling by when I saw it. The nerd looked freaked out about almost dying. Is he your friend Zane?" said Sierra.

Zane then sipped on his soda as he said,"Friend is a stretch. I wanted to make amends but today, he's making hard.". "Ah." said Sierra. The girl looked around as she said,"So why aren't there other kids here?". "School is still going. I'm able to leave whenever because I'm the student council president and I'm usually here because I'm a customer who will eat ANYTHING." said Zane. "I've see that president." said Sierra. "So did I ever tell you my name?" said Zane.

Sierra said,"Nope. I was just going to call you president or pretty boy depending on my mood.". "My name is Zane Alvarez." said Zane. "Nice to meet you Zane. So what's next?" said Sierra. "We should go...." said Zane. The two heard screaming as Sierra said,"So is that normal?". "We have a villain attack." said Zane. "That's normal here?" said Sierra. "Yep. I'll be right back." said Zane. He got up as he went to the bathroom with Sierra shrugging her shoulders.

Sierra said,"He did eat an unhealthy amount of pizza plus a huge amount of soda.". She then heard a cell phone ring and he saw that Zane left his phone behind. Sierra grabbed it and she saw that it was from Atem. She answered it and she heard,"Hello? Are you there?". "This is Sierra and this is Zane's phone so who are you?" said Sierra. "Oh! My name is Atem and I'm Zane's little brother. You must be his friend." said Atem. "Nice to meet you. So why are you calling your brother?" said Sierra.

Atem said,"Well, I know that my brother isn't in school right now. He's probably eating or drinking right?". "You're both right and wrong. He did eat and drink an unhealthy amount. I'm kinda jealous that Zane isn't overweight. He's currently in the bathroom. Want me to leave him a message?" said Sierra. "Okay! Tell him that Ms. Ozaki wants to meet him today." said Atem. "I will." said Sierra as she was quiet. Atem hanged up as Sierra took a deep breath.

Meanwhile with Zane, he was currently Zero and he was flying toward the villains. Zane saw that it was the Headless Horseman ,who was working with Hyde, but he was working with Septchris. Zane landed on the ground as the mummy Phantom said,"Look who it is. Our old friend Zero. Where is the Sapphire Staff?". "I won't be telling you wrapping head. So why is the horse working with you and how did you convince him?" said Zane.

Zane's CJ went off as he dodged the pumpkin head flying toward him. "I was promised a chance to kick your ass Cross-Species!" said the head. It hit the ground causing an explosion as Zane made a steel gray Nether jar which contained the explosion. The head reformed as Chris said,"You idiot! I need to find out where he hid the staff!". "Screw you bandages! I want revenge on Zane!" said HH. "It seems that their partnership is rocky unlike ours Zane." said Athena.

Zane nodded as he turned into Brain Form. The mummy stretched out his bandages toward Zane as the small frog creature jumped over the attack. The horse charged toward Zane as the frog stretched his tongue toward a nearby light post. He evade their attacks as he said,"You can't possibly defeat me with your lower intellects.". Chris fired a Red Nether blast at Zane who inflated his chest. The frog got hit by the attack but he began bouncing around the battlefield like crazy.

The horse rider grabbed Zane as he said,"Sucker! You're going to die now!". "Did you idiots think that I wanted to get capture?" said Zane. He began emitting dark red lightning from his body and it caused the rider to let go of Zane. Zane grabbed the horse and he threw it toward the mummy. The two were caught in Chris's wrapping as Zane stood there. "This was too easy. Time for you two to go back to Terrarune." said Zane. A portal opened up as the two were gone.

After turning back to normal, Zane hopped his way over to the pizzeria. "It's a good thing that you ate an unhealthy amount of pizza Zane. Sierra seems to be a good ally and cute." said Athena. "I would agree with you but for some reason, I feel like she's hiding something." said Zane. The frog landed on the roof as he turned back to his normal human self. Zane phased through the roof and he was back in the bathroom. Zane walked out and head back to his table.

As he arrived at his table, he looked at Sierra who was shocked. "Are you alright? Did you try eating the extra large and spicy pie? It's pretty good right?" said Zane. "Not at all. I had my fill of pizza earlier and your little brother called you while you're in the bathroom." said Sierra. "Okay. So what did he say?" said Zane. "To go see his teacher." said Sierra. "Oh right!  I need to get going!" said Zane.

He got up as Sierra said,"Wait. Don't you have to pay?". "I would but since I eat here a lot, the owner and employees bill my account." said Zane. "Ah." said Sierra. "Oh. Do you have a place to stay for the night? I don't know how long you're going to be in Cypress for but you can stay at my place if you want." said Zane. "That would be nice. Lets go meet your teacher." said Sierra. He was gone as Zane said,"It's Atem's teacher Sierra but who cares?".

Sierra got into Zane's car as she said,"So did you make this or what?". "Actually, my grandpa made it for me. It was for my fifteen birthday and I learned how to drive." said Zane. "Interesting. I think a normal doom buggy wouldn't be able to work in places other than sand dunes, beaches, and desert recreation based environment." said Sierra. "Yeah. My grandpa may be strange but he's an inventor at heart." said Zane as he started the car.

Zane parked it in front of the school as he said,"You coming in Sierra?". "I'll just stay out here if you don't mind." said Sierra. "Sure thing." said Zane. Zane walked into the building as Sierra sat in her chair. "You're not wanted anywhere Sierra." said a voice. Sierra turned around to see nothing there as she said,"It's my imagination.". She turned back around to the front with her sitting there. "You're not wanted anywhere Sierra." said the voice, again.

Sierra looked around and he said,"I'm sorry but I have to go Zane.". She then got out of the car as she heard,"I finally found you dam punk!". She then turned around to see Jester ,looking pale and rather ghostly, standing there. "How are you?" said Sierra. "I may have lost my humanity but thanks to a person very special to you, I'm a Phantom now and I'm going to kill you!" said Jester. He flew toward Sierra as she blocked the attack. The impact suddenly caused an explosion.

Inside of the school, Zane was heading ,at a brisk pace, toward his son's classroom. "Are you nervous Zane?" said Athena. "A little but this is something I have to do. I'm a father and I want to be there for Atem along with my other children later down the line." said Zane. "Its strange that no one is here at this point of time." said Athena. "Well, the elementary schools in this state get out earlier than both the middle and high school." said Zane.

Athena nodded as Zane stopped in front of Atem's classroom. He took a deep breath as he knocked on the door. "Hello. I'm the family member of Atem Josh Alvarez." said Zane with a small stutter in his voice. "Oh. Come on in. We've been waiting for you." said a voice. Zane opened the door and he was tackled by Atem. Zane ignored his son being that he was looking at the woman standing there as she smiled at him.

She's a rather beautiful woman being that she has long and straight green hair with her bangs parted to the right and she has gray eyes. She's wearing a simple light blue blouse, brown jeans,  and black flats. "Um. Hi." said Zane. "She is really pretty isn't she brother?" said Atem punching Zane's right leg. "Um....." said Zane. "So this is Zane Alvarez? I've heard rumors about him from some parents and well, he doesn't like the confident type." said the woman.

Zane took a deep breath as he said,"Sorry about that. You just reminded me of someone Miss....". "It's Ms. Ozaki. You can call me Mizuki." said Mizuki. "Ozaki. The same last name as Sierra. I wonder if they're related." thought Zane. "Is he alright?" said Mizuki. "He's just in deep thought. So could you tell my big brother about me?" said Atem. Zane then sat in a desk with Mizuki saying,"How should I describe Atem?".

Zane said,"A good kid?". "Yes. He has the highest grades in the class despite being here only a short period of time. However, he is rather shy with his classmates." said Mizuki. "I see. So what do you think I should do?" said Zane. "It isn't a bad thing Zane. His classmates do talk with him but mainly for cheating reasons." said Mizuki. Atem blushed as Zane said,"You're not letting them cheat are you squirt?". "No!" said Atem moving his hands back and forth.

Zane smiled as he said,"I'm just messing with you man. You're an Alvarez and I've heard things from your little girlfriend.". "Ah. You mean Ms. Anderson. She and Atem are good friends. I just need to say one thing before you two can go." said Mizuki. An explosion stopped their conversation as Zane said,"Lets get out of here now!". The three ran out of the building as Zane saw Sierra standing across from Jester.

Sierra saw the trio as she said,"Get out of here now!". "Yeah! Get out of here so I can kill this bitch who killed me!" said Jester. He fired off two Orange Nether blasts at Sierra who released a huge burst of fire blocking the attack. Atem looked at Zane who pulled out his Swiss Army Knife which soon turned into a plasma rifle. "Your mother made this right?" said Mizuki. "Yeah. She totally did." said Zane. He fired the rifle at the Phantom who phased through it.

Jester then turned his head 360 degrees as he said,"Die now Humans!". He unleashed a giant burst of flames which caused Zane to protect both Atem and Mizuki. However, Atem saw that the fire didn't hit them being that they were protected by a giant ice wall. "Get out of here right now. I'm not saying that again." said Sierra. "Sierra. I'm not leaving you to fight this guy alone. You're my friend and I won't leave my friends alone." said Zane as he turned his rifle into a bat. "Sierra. Is that you?" said Mizuki.

Sierra looked at her but she was blindsided by an Orange Nether Clown Car. Sierra went into a parked car as the alarm went off. Jester cracked his knuckles as a giant Nether lion appeared right behind him and it looked hungry for flesh. "Die!" yelled Jester. He was about to hit Sierra but a giant hand of water appeared in front of Sierra. "Have no fear! I'm here to save you!" said a voice. Mizuki and Sierra groaned at the voice with the Alvarez family shrugging.

Zane then looked up to see a heavy muscular man standing there with his arms crossed. He's wearing a gray-tinted rimless visor around his blue eyes and his white hair going right past his ears. He's wearing a gray protection vest over a long sleeved white shirt, dark blue tactical jeans, black boots and gloves along with ankle and knee pads, and large steel bracelets around his arms with a tube connected from the bracelets to his shoulders.

With a confused look, Jester said,"What are you doing here? Do you actually care about him? I thought you let me come back to kill ....". He was then hit with a giant burst of water that came from two nearby fire hydrants. "How did you?" said Zane. The hero looked at Zane as he said,"Stay back! I shall handle this villain!". "I get it! You're trying to kill me because you want to kill him." said Jester, getting back up.

He fired several Orange Nether clown cars, clowns, and also some other circus related items right at the man who moved his hands to the side. A huge amount of water blocked the attack as he said,"Go back to wherever you came from!". He fired a giant water fist at Jester which pushed him right into the ground. Jester noticed that a portal opened up behind him. He was being dragged in and Jester said with anger,"I'll get my revenge on you all!".

He was gone as Sierra stood back up. The man crossed his arms as he said,"Did you honestly think that you could run from me Sierra?". "Shut up Hydro Storm!" yelled Sierra. "Hydro Storm? You're the hero who can manipulate any form of liquid. Why are you here and who was that?" said Zane. "I am here to bring Sierra back to home." said HS. "No! I'm staying here in Cypress Park. Zane is the only person who cares about me." said Sierra.

HS raised an eyebrow as Zane put his arm around Sierra, with her smiling. "I don't care if she has super powers but she is my friend. Heck, I haven't even known her for a day. My dad told me that when you make a friend regardless of how long you've known them, you always stand by them and tried to help them out. I wouldn't let you take her because she doesn't want to." said Zane. "I see. I guess I will have to get rid of you as well." said HS.

Zane's Crisis Judgement went off as he was soon grabbed by a giant stream of water in the shape of a giant hand. "Put him down now father!" said Sierra. "Father?! I really didn't see that coming at all!" said Zane. Sierra froze the stream of water as it fell to the ground releasing Zane. Zane recovered and HS said,"You can see what I can do no will do to your friend here. Come back with me right now daughter or else.". He made a water snake appeared above the woman and Atem.     

The younger male looked at this and he said,"Atem! Ms. Ozaki! I'll save you!". He rushed toward them as HS kicked Zane causing him to fly into his car. "Zane!" yelled the trio. Atem rushed over to Zane as Mizuki said,"You need to stop now Anthony!". "You know what. Screw it." said Anthony, looking at the woman. He then made two giant water grabbed both Mizuki and Sierra. Zane got back up as HS said,"Try and find us hero boy! We'll meet again soon!".

He was gone as Zane slammed his fists into the ground. Atem noticed that Zane cracked the ground as he said,"Dad.". "Atem. Are you up for a little road trip?" said Zane. "If I can save Ms. Ozaki and your friend, I'm in but we need to tell grandma." said Atem. "He's right. We also need to do some research on Hydro Storm and maybe find out his connections to both Ozakis." said Athena. "Yeah. I will save them no matter what." said Zane. He got into his car as he drove off.

Meanwhile in an unknown location, Hydro Storm was looking at the unconscious Mizuki and Sierra with the latter being trapped in chains. "What the hell were you thinking? Letting that idiot go have his revenge on Sierra right after he was reincarnated?" said HS. He turned around to see Fallout standing there with his arms crossed. "You know that Specter tends to be rather frisky. So why did you tell Zero to come find you?" said Fallout.

Anthony sighed as he said,"I can handle that child unlike Lilith. She has a personal connection to his mother making her weak. He cares about Sierra just like the idiot of a father.". "Shawn Alvarez was a threat to our operations Hydro Storm. We'll be send the Custodians down to help you plus the ones who tried and escape Billionaire's lab should be here in town soon. Good luck." said Fallout. The nuclear man was gone as Anthony looked at the two. "Soon. I will have what I want." said Anthony.

Next time,
Who is Hydro Storm? What is his connection to Fallout Is he good or bad?! How is he connected to Sierra? How are Mizuki and Sierra connected? Who are the Custodians? This and more next time on Zero!  

List of Goons that Sierra attacked and killed:
Jerome aka the brunette grunt with green streaks.
Harold aka the mullet grunt.
Darnell aka the burned grunt.
Alfonso aka the Leader.

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