Friday, September 8, 2017

Zero Episode 38 Zane's Determination!

A/N: Welcome to the next episode. Do not that this Author Note will may or may not be super long. I can't promise that at all. Lets just say that I go with the flow on a lot of things while writing. I want to say one thing. I love little Deku. Izuku is already adorkable but him as a kid, it's like a human version of sugar. Lets begin with a rant about this story. I like Zero and Soul but I can't keeping up with the continuity in my own series.

I change my mind often. Lets begin. Oh when Zane ,in say Swift Form, turns back to normal, he turns into Zero. It's obvious but I just wanted to make sure. Remember Phantom Half and the bags on Zane's belt? Both have appeared in the early parts of the series. Lets just say that Zane still has them but it's mainly been replaced by Crisis Judgement and the Z.E.R.O. watch. Lets just say that we're going to the real and final version ,I hope, Zane coming up next episode.

Narrator P.O.V.
Danny was walking to Zane's house with Gwen, Karen, and Rachel as Gwen said,"So have you guys seen Zane since the fight?". "Nope. He wasn't in History Class. He ditched school mostly like." said Karen. "Isn't that normal?" said Rachel. "Yeah but he usually tells one of us before he does that." said Danny. "Cam told me that Roxy was flirting with Zane before and after the trial." said Rachel. Gwen looked at Karen who clenched her fist as Gwen said,"So why haven't you?".

Karen said,"Asked him out? I haven't had a chance.". "Seriously? I really think we should look you two in a room together so you can confess your feelings." said Rachel. "Couldn't Zane just phase his hand through the door to reach the doorknob to unlock it?" said Danny. "In the Omniverse, there are some materials that can't be phased through. We could make a room or house out of it. It wouldn't be that hard." said Gwen. "He could break it with one of his more combat based forms." said Danny.

The three were talking about it as Karen's face blushed. "Um. What should we do about that? It has already passed and we need to do something about it." said Karen. "You're right but we both know how much he hates it." said Rachel. "Yeah but this one is special. I mean he may have been busy but I promise his mother that we celebrate it together." said Danny. Gwen looked at the three as she said with confusion,"Um. What's going on?".

Karen said,"Oh. We're talking about.....". Zane's car then drove past them as Rachel said,"Was that him? I think he was going past the speed limit.". "Yeah. I saw Atem in there too. He always drives rather safely when Atem is in his car." said Danny. "I wonder what's the reason is." said Gwen. Karen ran after the car as Danny said,"We probably should go after her and Zane.". "You're right but how are we going to catch them?" said Rachel. "Run." said Gwen. "Good plan." said the two.

Zane parked the car in front of his house as Atem took a deep breath. "Wow. You can really drive fast dad." said Atem. Zane rushed into the house as Atem heard,"Atem! Zane!". He turned to see Karen as he said,"Auntie Karen? What are you doing here? Did Dad tell you about Sierra?". "Sierra? Who is that?" said Karen. "She and Miss Ozaki have the same last name! Sierra and Zane are friends just like you two!" said Atem.

Danny, Gwen, and Rachel caught up to them as Danny said,"Dang. You can run.". "So what's going on Atem?" said Rachel. "Um. It's complicated." said Atem. Gwen's eyes widened as she said,"Zane is about to rush past us.". The five noticed Zane ,in Swift Form, standing there as he said,"Atem. You guys. I'm sorry but I have to go save him and Mizuki. I'll be back I promise.". He rushed off as Atem said,"Where should I begin?". "From the start squirt." said Danny.

The four sat in the living room with Danny saying,"Yep. That sound really messed up. I thought that Hydro Storm was a good hero but according to you, he seems like a real monster.". "However, Zane is going overboard. I mean he just met Sierra today and he's going after her." said Rachel. "I wonder why." said Gwen. "Huh." said Karen. "In the short time that I've known Zane, he seems rather loyal very much like a dog." said Gwen.

Atem said,"Grandma says that Zane makes a good dog.". "So where is she? I thought she would be here calling her step-father or that slime thing to go and find him." said Rachel. "She's talking with Zane's new teacher." said Atem. "Oh. He's leaving at the end of the semester." said Karen. "You do know that he's going to be still around right? Arcadia U is nearby the school and we can go visit him during the breaks." said Rachel.

Gwen nodded as Atem said,"So has she confessed?". "Nope." said Rachel. "You should probably do something soon. Dad has mumbled something about the Dragoness every morning. He always has this dumb stuck look before Grandma gets his attention." said Atem. "Oh." said Karen. Danny sighed as Rachel said,"So what should we do?". "Go after him of course!" said Atem. "I'm totally thought you would say that Danny." said Gwen. "Bingo." said Karen.

Danny said,"I would but here's the thing. We don't know where Hydro Storm's base is. I'm not sure why Zane rushed off.". "Because he's super smart!" said Atem. "You really have faith in him don't you kid?" said Rachel. "He's my dad. I'll support him because here's the thing, he saved me from the jerk Septchris and also Kevin. I'm trying to get stronger because I owe him that." said Atem. "That's so cool little dude. Lets go." said Danny.

Karen said,"And where are you going?". "To Zane's computer. He may have some info on there. We may be able to hack into it." said Danny. The two boys went upstairs as Rachel said,"We should go wake up Athena's body just in case Danny's plan failed.". "I'll go upstairs with Danny. You tried and convince Karen to ask out Zane." said Gwen. "Is that needed right now?" said Karen. "Yes." said the two as Gwen sighed.

Danny sat in Zane's desk chair as he said,"Okay. So do you know Zane's password?". Atem looked at his father's laptop ,which looked normal, as he said,"No clue?". "Okay. Let me try this." said Danny as he placed his hands on the keyboard. Atem watched as they fused together. "I've gotten better with my nano machines. I can turn them into weapons but I'm able to fuse with tech to get stronger than I was before." said Danny. "Just like Gadget Form!" said Atem.

Danny sighed as he said,"I guess but mine is way cooler.". "Attention. A unknown entity has entered the computer. Activating Emergency Program Gamma." said the computer. The two looked at each other as the computer let out a loud beep. Gwen was walking up the stairs as she heard the beep and she rushed into the room. She then saw the youngest mummy and Danny trapped to the walls due to metal wires that had come out of the desk. "Wow. This is sad" said Gwen.

Danny said,"Gwen!!". Gwen then pulled out her sword as she said,"If you were just a little patient Daniel, you wouldn't be in this mess.". "Why are you telling this to Atem?" said Danny. "He's still a child while you're the adult here. I thought you would tell him not to mess with Zane's stuff. You do know how paranoid he can get." said Gwen. "Well, I thought that my special move would work but I was wrong." said Danny. "Um. Could I get some help?" said Atem. "Sure." said the two.

Later, Rachel was laughing her head off as Danny said,"It isn't that funny.". "It kinda is." said Karen holding back her giggles but failing. Atem looked at the human Athena as he said,"So did you find my dad?". "Listen. I may be Athena but the one on the Z.E.R.O. watch can't locate my idiot partner. I still can't believe that he rushed into the territory of Hydro Storm by himself. He may be the chosen one but dam it." said Athena.

Rachel stopped laughing as she said,"Chosen one?". "Yeah. I mean I know that he was picked by the last Zero to be well Zero. Man, that must be a lot of pressure." said Danny. "Not exactly guy who gets stuck to walls." said Athena. Danny sighed as Karen said,"So what do you mean?". "Well, Zane or his likeness was written on a cave paining somewhere in a small town in Japan called Noble Haven. It's nothing important if Zane is dead. Lets go." said Athena. She was gone as the five said,"What!?".

Back with Zane, he was currently running. "Are we almost there Athena?" said Zane. "Zane. Are you okay? You're low on power." said Athena. Zane stopped as he said,"You're right. Let me eat something.". He looked around and he said,"Any diners nearby?". "My scanners say that there is a pretty much empty corner store about a mile out." said Athena. "Good. I need to move faster than I normally produce." said Zane.

He began moving faster as Zane said,"So do you know why my visor never goes up?". "Your face is your visor. You being in only twenty nine forms out of one hundred unlocked forms means to most that you know all of their tricks." said Athena. "Well, I like them partner. I mean what's the point of using a new form? You know that it only takes me a few minutes to master the form right?" said Zane. "You understand what to do right partner?" said Athena.

Zane was quiet as Crisis Judgement went off. He stopped as a giant sand golem appeared. "It's living sand Zane." said Athena. "Understood partner. Time to heat things up!" said Zane. He turned into Thermal Form and he slammed the ground. A burst of fire and ice appeared around the golem with it turned into half glass or ice sculptures. "No nano bots controlling it." said Athena. "Meaning." said Zane.

He then dodged a kick as he saw his attacker. It was an African American teen standing there with his arms covered in ,hard but soft looking, sand. He had his black hair in a buzzcut and brown eyes. He wears a light gray t-shirt with a gold symbol of an hourglass, a hockey stick necklace, dark brown jeans, and black sneakers. "Listen. I don't care who you are but I'm not letting you take us back to that hell!" said the boy.

Zane dodged his punches as Zane froze the ground in front. The boy slid on the ice and he slammed into a nearby pole. "Ouch. Are you okay man?" said Zane. The boy noticed that the hybrid of fire and ice held out the hand not on fire as the boy said,"I don't need a Custodian's sympathy. You may be new and not seen the hell that we went though but I'm going to protect us.". He turned into sand as he disappeared.

Zane closed his eyes as the boy appeared behind him. His arms had mini catapults on them as he said,"Eat this!'. Several tons of sand went flying toward Zane as Zane went into the ground. The boy was shocked as he said,"What?! I thought that he was...". "A person with only one trick up his sleeve. Not exactly." said Zane. The boy turned around to see Zane standing there and he froze the sand boy in a giant ice cube.

The boy tried to break out of the cube as Zane said,"Listen. I'm not a Custodian. Heck, I have trouble cleaning my home some days. Just calm down and tell me why you attacked me.". He turned back to his normal superhero self and he took off his helmet. "You're my age? I totally thought that you were older." said the boy. "Yeah. The helmet gives me this adult edge. My name is Zero and you are?" said Zane.

The boy said,"You're Zero?! My name is Tomas Howell!". Zane broke him out of the ice cube as he said,"So what did you mean by us?". Tomas looked around and he said,"You seem like a trusting dude. Follow me hero.". Zane followed the sandman as he saw a girl resting there. She looked to be normal with her being half Japanese and American looking more of the former. She has black hair which she has in a downward ponytail with a violet hair tie.

She's wearing a green jacket with long sleeves that covered most of her arms except of her hand. She has a yellow symbol of a butterfly on the back, black jean shorts with matching color leggings, gray sneakers, and despite having a hair tie, she's wearing a green headband. "I have a question." said Zane as he looked at her. "What?" said Tomas. "Why is she wearing a headband and hair tie? I mean don't they do the same thing?" said Zane.

Tomas sighed as he said,"Honestly, I don't understand women in the slightest.". "Amen to that. So why are you two here?" said Zane. "We're runaways. I mean you would run away from people who tortured you just because you have super powers." said Tomas. "Seriously? That's messed up. So who took you and your friend?" said Zane. "Her name is Alexandria Krueger." said Tomas. "So does she like being called Alex?" said Zane.

Tomas nodded as he said,"We were captured by Revelation Industries.". "Hold on. I heard about that company. It's main focus on helping poor countries get well developed." said Zane. "Not at all. Don't let the news corrupted you man. It's actually a military company. I mean with their help, they caused six wars." said Tomas. "Well shit. So why is she out cold? Did she get hurt?" said Zane. "No. We've been on the run and it's been a long one." said Tomas.

His stomach growled as Zane smiled. "I can get you some food but I don't have cash on me. Take some advice from me Tomas. Get pockets on your costume." said Zane. He turned back into Swift Form as he said,"Be back in two shakes of a lamb's tail!". He was gone as Tomas said,"I wonder why he's helping us Alex. He just met us ,not even an hour ago, but he's helping us like we're old friends. I know you can't hear me right now but still.".

Tomas smiled as he said,"It's nice to have some helping us after what we've been though.". Zane ,still in Swift Form, stood there with him holding several bags of food and drinks. "I didn't know what you and Alex liked so I just grabbed everything." said Zane. "Did you pay?" said Tomas. "Well, I left a message." said Zane. He turned back to normal with the helmet on as Alex woke up. Zane then noticed that she had different eye color. Her left eye is blue and her right eye is red. 

She looked at Tomas and then Zane as she went behind the tree that she was rested on. "Um. Who are you? Are you here to take us back?" said Alex. "Not at all. He's a friend. He helped us by getting us some food. I think he got your favorite." said Tomas. He held a bag of chips as Alex grabbed them. "I guess we're friends now." said Zane. "I guess. So why are you here?" said Alex as she nibbled on her chips.

Zane said,"I'm here to find someone no my friend who was captured. I did some research and this is where Hydro Storm's base of operations. Hydro Storm took my friend and I'm here to get him back right now.". "Are you serious?! Hydro Storm is super strong!" said Tomas. "Well, he defeated you so I don't think that Helmet is weak." said Alex. "One. My name is Zero. Two, I'm going to win. So do you two want to help me?" said Zane.

Tomas said,"Wait! I can't believe you're asking us this man! You know that Hydro Storm is part of the Odium Society right?". Zane looked shocked as Alex said,"I don't think he knew that.". "Are you serious? He is a hero right?" said Zane. "The media is tricking you. Hydro Storm was given his powers by two members of the Odium Society. Their names are Billionaire and Fallout." said Tomas with a shiver at the end. "Those two are so scary Helmet." said Alex.

Zane sighed as he said,"I don't care.". "Are you serious?!" said Tomas. "He is." said Alex. "I don't care if I'm up against a god. I can defeat anyone using my powers and having some help wouldn't be the worst thing in the world." said Zane. Alex looked at Tomas who looked conflicted. "We want to help you but here's the thing." said Tomas. "We were tortured by them. It wasn't the Odium Society exactly but here's the thing." said Alex.

Tomas said,"I want to help you man! You helped me and Alex get some food. Do you know how hard it is when every shop has your picture there? They'll call the cops which will alert the Odium Society and the Custodians come out to play.". "Seriously? Man, you guys are very important to the Odium Society. So who are the Custodians?" said Zane. "They're the group of super powered teens that handled all of the Odium Society's dirty work." said Alex.

Zane stood up as he said,"I'm going but you two stay here.". He handed Alex a phone as he said,"This phone will connected you to the Alliance. They'll help you I promise.". Zane turned into Swift Form as he said,"Nice meeting you Alex and Tomas!". He was gone as Alex looked at her best friend. "Call them." said Tomas. "Are you serious Tomas?" said Alex. "I'm a Jones meaning that we repay our debts and I owe mine to Zane." said Tomas. Alex nodded as she called them.

In a skyscraper building, Hydro Storm sat in front of a computer screen as he said,"Is this serious all of the data that you've got on him Lilith?". He was talking to the woman through his phone with her saying,"Well, I'm sorry that my only way to figure out how he works is through Agent Phoenix.". "Is she like one of the people who tries to kill him?" said Hydro Storm. "Yes but her being part of Swarm aka Billionaire's minions isn't helping since he's worried abut her." said Lilith.

Lilith sighed as she said,"So how is Sierra doing?". "You mean my chance to be a truly immortal hero. The torture session is going good." said Hydro. "I still can't believe that you're doing this. She isn't going to tell anyone about your crimes and you want her body? Creep." said Lilith. "I can't take any risks. Are the Custodians coming soon? I haven't heard anything." said Hydro. "They'll be here and all four of them are coming along with some grunt Phantoms." said Lilith.

Hydro said,"Let me guess. Specter asked them too. Which faction are they from?". "I think from the ones who work under that emperor but will do anything for a quick rush." said Lilith. "I see." said Hydro. She hanged up with Hydro looking at the computer screen which showed a picture of Zero standing there with his body currently covered in four different yet similar colors. "He's a quarter Phantom, Sorcerer, Eazairvian, and human so why is he such a threat?" said Hydro.

In a different part of the building, Sierra was being tortured by a Phantom. The teen was attached to a table thanks to her having her ankles and wrists restrained by a stronger than normal metal. The table was held at angle thanks to it attached by a metal column. Sierra had several small spotlights all around her. The table had a giant and massive power cord connected to it with the end of the cord attached to the wall.

There was a control monitor which is where the Phantom is standing. Sierra didn't see it for long but she knew that it had a switch to decide how much she gets shocked. The Phantom's wearing dark green glowing samurai style armor with him having a gold skull emblem in the armor's chest plate. His cape, gloves, helmet, and shoulder pads are green. Under his armor, he's wearing black mesh style armor that was covering his exposed arms and legs.

He's wearing brown sandals. His helmet has two horns at each temple with a third horn in the back of his head. He wears a mask that covers his mouth and nose with him having glowing blue eyes. "You bastard. I am going to...." said Sierra. The Phantom sighed as he shocked Sierra. The teen screamed as the Phantom said,"Listen kid. I really don't want to keep doing this. You just have to say the magic words.".

The shocking finished as Sierra said,"I'll never! Your boss is a bastard and I'll....". The Phantom then pressed a button as Sierra was shocked once again. The shocking stopped again as the Phantom said to himself,"Shock treatment. Time to go with plan B.". He went invisible as he flew right toward the teen going inside of her. Sierra screamed as the Phantom's voice echoed,"Time to make you fight for your dear old..".

Outside of the room, Crash was pacing around the door. "Dude. Calm down." said a voice. He saw the rest of his team (Epsilon, Occult Master, and Titan) looking at him as Occult Master said,"Is your wife in there?". "Huh?" said Titan. "You'll get it later brother." said Epsilon. "I can't believe that you guys aren't more curious! I mean Hydro Storm is a member of the Odium Society!" said Crash. "He's a higher rank than you or I though." said Occult.

Crash said,"But still! This is big news! I mean that....". "That what?" said a voice. Crash turned to see the samurai sticking his head out of the wall next to him. Crash fell to the ground as Titan said,"I forget how creepy you Phantoms can be.". The samurai stood there as he said,"My name is Specter Samurai.". "Whatever. So did you finish the job?" said Epsilon. "Yeah. We got the perfect thing to handle Zero." said Specter Samurai.

Crash said,"Just Zero!? I thought that annoying guy would bring his friends!". "He rushed here to get the two that the boss captured." said SS. "Ah. This is going to be easy as pie!" said Titan who slammed his fists together. "I don't think you understand much do you big guy?" said OM. "He's the brawn not the brains." said Crash. Epsilon rolled her eyes as an alarm went off. "It's go time. Time to kick some but." said SS as he held a katana made out of Red Nether.

Zane ,still in Swift Form, stood in front of Hydro's tower as Zane thought,"Note to self. If I become a famous superhero, don't get a tower.". "Zane. Are you ready for the fight?" said Athena. "I was born ready. I'm going to save Mizuki and Sierra for sure." said Zane. "May I suggest using two new forms during this fight?" said Athena. "Maybe. Do you think I should get a tower once I become famous? I mean one of my futures had it." said Zane.

Athena said,"You're asking me this right now?". "Yeah. I mean we've already alerted the guards so why not talk for a bit before we have to start fighting?" said Zane. "I would say something not as big but lets talk about this later." said Athena. "Okay." said Zane. He then deactivated Swift Form's card as he activated Warrior Blade. Several armed guards ,wearing sliver SWAT armor, rushed at the young hero with the hero rushing toward them,

He sliced them into the air as he went into Vine Form and his vines extended. He grabbed several of them with him throwing the group to a arriving group of soldiers. Zane stood there as he heard,"Eat this!". Several missiles went flying toward him as Zane went intangible. The missiles soon flew right through him hitting the armed guards. "Did you seriously think that attack was going to work on me?" said Zane.

He saw Crash standing there with Epsilon, Occult Master, and Titan with the giant saying,"Time to smash you!". He rushed toward Zane as the hero turned into Boulder Form. He slammed the ground as Titan was shaking. "Now! Rocky Road Rampage!" yelled Zane. Several boulders flew toward Titan but they were destroyed by an aura construct of a baseball bat, warped away, blasted apart with fire, or eaten.

Zane saw four teens standing there in front of Titan. One was a teenage girl with tan skin, long black hair, and blue eyes. She's wearing a violet headband, a brown vest with an orange shirt under it, black skirt, and red sandals. Her body is covered in strange symbols which were glowing. The person next to her was a short male. He had olive colored skin ,which means he's from the South, with messy brown hair and dark gray eyes.

He's wearing a black t-shirt with a fancy and highly stylized moon on it, baggy dark blue pants with many pockets on them, a maroon colored scarf, and red strap-on boots with white laces. The person next to him was much taller and male. He's rather lean and he was currently chewing on one of the boulders. His torso is v-shaped, broad shoulders, square jaw, and very noticeable muscles. His hair is clean blond hair and green eyes.

He's wearing dark blue collared unbuttoned shirt with them rolled up revealing a dark red shirt under it, form-fitting brownish gray pants, and red tennis shoes. The last one confused Zane but only for a single moment. She look to be about fourteen years old. She was precious. Her body looked petite with fair peach colored skin as she had long bright red hair which looked wavy and water like, no bangs whatsoever, and green eyes.      

She's wearing a salmon pink capelet with a fur collar, a white blouse, black frilly skirt, light colored leggings, and brown sandals. "Sorry Zero but we won't let defeated big guy." said the tan boy. "And who are you?" said Zane. Zane saw the boy disappeared with Crisis Judgement alerted him. He then blocked his kick as he said,"Dam. They weren't kidding about Crisis Judgement being a pain to deal with.". "How do you?" said Zane.

He was then blasted by a giant burst of fire which pushed Zane back. The lean man said,"Wow. You pushed Zero back Omega. Good job.". "At least she can do something against him unlike you and Port and Chomp." said the older female. "Shut up Tone!" yelled Port aka the tan boy who soon reappeared next to the four. "You four must be the Custodians." said Epsilon. "Yep. The big wigs asked us to help you four take care of Zero." said Chomp.

Zane recovered with him saying,"Okay! I'm sick of this!". He turned into Thunder Form with him charging up. "Attack him now. He's going to attack." said Omega. "Right!" said OM. He aimed his magic wand ,which appeared out of thin air, as several magic cards flew toward Zane which were destroyed easily as Zane rushed toward them. "Are you serious? Playing cards?" said Port. "And do you assholes have?" said Crash. "This." said Chomp as his mouth was going them.

He fired a giant energy beam out of his mouth which launched Zane back. "Dude. That was so cool man! How did you do that?" said Titan as he shrunk back to his normal size. Chomp held a burger as he said,"Whenever I eat, energy gathers and I just ate a giant food platter so I can fire several energy beams before I need to refuel.". "That's both cool and disgusting at the same time." said Epsilon. "At least, he didn't eat beans." said Tone.

OM saw Zane rushing toward them as he said,"He's coming!". "Eat this but munch!" yelled Crash as several missiles flew toward Zane. The beast smiled as he slammed his hands on the ground. A huge wall of static charge blocked the attack as Port said,"Nice. You did less damage than the poser. Got to say that's sad on so many levels.". "Shut up!" said Crash. The two argued as Zane's voice echoed with him saying,"I guess I should switch things up.".

The wall was gone as Zane went back to his normal form. A new card appeared in his chest with it having a black frame. It had a bowling ball in the center of the card. Zane now looked to be twelve feet tall. His body looks very bulky with very broad arms, legs, and shoulders. His chest and face form one part of his body. He has two gray eyes with noticeable black outlines and has a wide, serrated ,jack-o-lantern looking, mouth filled with large white shark like teeth. 

His body is a navy blue color with him wearing a black jumpsuit over it. He has four claws on both of his palm like hands and feet. The claws on his feet are shorter than his finger claws but they are still there and they hurt. Zane's arms, back, chest, legs, and shoulders are protected by completely natural, crimson red armor like plating.  "Orb Form! Time for me to roll out!" said Zane. He then went into a crimson red ball like shape with his backplates and the plates on his hands cover him.

His ball shape has noticeable black stripes across his body and the circular plates. His side plates are the plates that were protecting his shoulders. He began rolling toward them as Port said,"Fire another beam at that overgrowing bowling ball!". Chomp nodded as the beam went flying toward Zane. It hit the ball causing to reflect off and destroy the ground nearby him. "His attack bounced off him." said Titan. "Lets get rid of his...." said Epsilon.

She was soon hit by the giant ball head on as Zane went back to his normal shape. "Take this!" shouted Zane. Zane slammed his fist directly into OM's chest with the man of magic get launching a fair distance away. "Oh wow. That had to hurt." said Zane. Several missiles hit Zane in the back with him not showing any kind of damage upon them hitting him as Crash stood there shocked. "So how about you guys give up before I have to get..." said Zane.

Omega punched Zane in the face as he said,"That hurt. You're strong kid.". "Thanks Zero." said Omega as she jumped back. Titan ,who then grew to a giant size, grabbed Zane and he said,"I hope you enjoy high fiving the sky!". Zane went flying as Crash said,"Wow. He actually said something smart or clever.". "I guess every dog has its day." said Tone. The two laughed at Titan with Epsilon rolling her eyes at the insult.

OM went over to them as he said,"Um you guys.". The eight soon looked up to see Zane ,in his ball form, come flying toward the ground with a fiery aura around him. "CANNONBALL!" yelled Zane as he crashed into the ground. It caused the eight of them to be knocked out in a crater as Zane then rolled out of there. He got out of his ball form, standing up as Zane said,"That was cool. Lets go find the two and get out of here.". He rolled off.

Meanwhile, Danny was sitting with Atem, Gwen, Karen, and Rachel. They were in Zane's Doom Buggy in its tank form. "This is so weird." said Danny. "What do you mean? Is it that we're going to fight against one of the strongest heroes in America." said Rachel. "Sure. Lets go with that. I was going to say that this car is driving without us driving it. Brain Form must have done something to it recently." said Danny.

Gwen said,"Actually, it can go without a drive thanks to Athena. So where are we going?". "Well, it says that we're going to pick some help." said Atem. "Warrior? The Alliance?" said Karen. "Well, I don't know because I can't read this." said Atem. "Let Nanochip boy try and fuse with it like before. It went so well." said Rachel as she reminded Danny about what happened earlier. "Shut up." said Danny. "Let me try. Zane show me how to drive this." said Karen.

Atem said,"Together? Alone? Did you kiss?". Karen's face light up as Atem said,"I'm going to take that as a no.". "Smart." said Rachel. "So explain to me how and why they aren't together again?" said Gwen. "Who knows?" said Danny. The tank stopped and Atem said,"We're here.". The five got out as they saw Alex and Tomas standing there. "So you two are our help?" said Danny. "Yeah. Who the heck are you guys? Are you members of the Alliance as well? I mean Cindy is so..." said Tomas.

Cindy appeared in front of him as she said,"Hi you guys!". "Cindy? What are you doing here? And why don't you visit more?" said Rachel. The two hugged as Karen said,"So you're friends?". "After trying to find Zero, we became friends. These two here are Alex and Tomas aka two superheroes in training!" said Cindy. "I don't want to be a superhero. Tomas does." said Alex. "Yep. You can call me Dust." said Tomas.

Karen said,"Okay. So where's Zero?". "You mean Zane? He went running off that way." said Alex as she pointed. "How do you know his secret identity?!" said Atem. "I told them." said Cindy. "You do know that you're not supposed to tell people that." said Rachel. "Well, I want to help him out. Let's go already!" said Tomas. He turned into sand as he went into the tank. "Hey! Don't get your sand in the leather!" yelled Danny.

He ran to the tank as Alex said,"So do all of you have powers?". "I don't but I'm pretty good with the Plasma Weapons." said Rachel. "So we're protecting her?" said Alex. "Nope." said Atem. "So who are you?" said Alex. "Zane's son!" said Atem. "Really? I didn't see him as a father." said Alex. "We should get going." said Karen. "Yep!" said Atem. The group went in as Gwen said,"Ready?". The group nodded as the tank drove to the tower.

Back in Hydro Tower, Zane was still in Orb Form and still in his ball form. He stopped as he got out of the ball as he said,"I'm lost Athena.". "You've being gone around in circles partner. I know that I should have told you that we should turn into a smaller form but I'm just happy that you're not using Swift Form again." said Athena. Zane sighed as he said,"What's the plan?". "We could go Sound Form and using sonic waves, we can located them." said Athena.

Zane turned into Sound Form as he releases a sonic wave. "Okay. I found Mizuki but not Sierra. I also found you didn't I Samurai?" said Zane as he dodged the sword swipe. SS stood there and he said,"You're good Arturo's grandson but I'm better.". He fired several Red Nether blasts out of his blade with Zane blocked them using sound waves. "You won't be escaped. I was asked to make sure that you don't prevent the Ceremony." said SS.

Zane blocked the sword using his arm with him saying,"That tickles.". He release a sonic burst at the samurai causing him to grab at the side of the helmet where his ears would be. Zane smirked and he said,"See you later samurai.". Zane was gone as the samurai growled. "It isn't worth it Shiegki. I need you to do something." said a voice. The samurai turned to see Spiro ,somehow fitting in that medium sized hallway, standing there.

The samurai bowed as he said,"My liege! What are you doing here on Earth? Are you preparing to take over this planet?". "I'm not really here Shiegki. This world is locked until we collect the two ideas. I sent you to the Odium Society so that we could locate them and you're going after Arturo's blood line." said Spiro. "I'm just waiting until they're distracted. You know that they could be watching us. This place has cameras everywhere. The idiot doesn't know it." said SS.

Unknown to the two Phantoms, Zane ,in his Vine Form, was hiding in the potted plant. "I thought that Spiro was a good guy." thought Zane. "Right now, the idiot mortal is focused on his stupid little ceremony with that child you tortured. This is the perfect time. Come back to Terrarune once you find what we're looking for." said Spiro. The samurai bowed as he said,"Yes my liege.". The king was gone as SS flew off.

Zane got out of the potted plant as he said,"We have to find Sierra. We'll figure out what Spiro is planning soon.". "Okay. Your sonar scan says that Mizuki is on Sub Basement 8." said Athena. The teen turned back into his normal superhero form with him turning intangible. "Explain to me why this tower has more than one basement." said Zane. He went through the tower as Athena said,"It makes the place seem bigger than normal.".

Zane landed as he saw that he was on Level -8. "Okay. We're here." said Zane. He activated Plasma Spheres with him saying,"It's good time!". He rushed through the level blasting guards with several crimson spheres. Zane walked up to a guard ,stuck to the wall by crimson spheres, and he said,"So where's Mizuki?". "You mean the bitch of..." said the guard. The spheres around him exploded as the other guards ,in fear of exploding, said,"Down the hall to your right!".

Zane ran down the wall as he saw Mizuki chained to the wall and in a cell that wouldn't be far from a renaissance festival. His hand phased through the lock and he said,"Ms. or Mrs Ozaki. Are you okay madam?". She opened her eyes as she said,"My daughter. Where is my daughter?". "Daughter?" said Zane. "Yes. She has green hair." said Mizuki. Zane took off his helmet and he said,"Can you tell me what's going on because I'm lost?". "Okay." said Mizuki.

Outside, Omega woke up and she shook her head. "That was something. Zero is strong." said Omega as she ran inside. The Astral Tank arrived at the location with Atem saying,"Wow. It's like a war zone here.". The group got out as Danny ,in his costume along with Atem, Gwen, and Karen, said,"Yep. Zero was here.". Gwen shook her head as she said,"If destruction had a dance partner, it would be Zero.". Alex looked at Tomas who said,"I am going with the flow.".

Port along with the other villains woke up as Karen said,"Um you guys. We have company.". "Where is that prick?!" yelled Crash. "You mean Zero. He kicked your but with ease." said Epsilon. "What are you saying sister?" said Titan. Epsilon then walked over to the heroes as she said,"I'm going with them. This villain gig is over with plus this isn't what they would have wanted Alonzo.". Titan was shocked as he said,"You're can't be serious about this Sonya.".

Epsilon slammed her foot on the ground with the ground around the villains got softer causing them to fall on their face. "I think that's her answer. Here's the plan." said Cindy. "Dips on Chomp and Port!" said Tomas as he rushed toward the two as Port teleport Chomp away. "I'll go with him." said Alex as she ran after him. "Okay then. Me and Rachel will take care of the weakest one Crash." said Cindy. "Hey! Take that back!" yelled Crash. "It's the truth you know." said OM and Tone.

Crash grumbled as Cindy said,"Can you take your brother or the fake magician Epsilon?". "I sure can clay woman. I may need your help squirt." said Epsilon as she dragged Atem away. "Wow. She's so forceful." said Rachel. "Okay. I'll handle Occult Master. He's disgracing the name of Sorcerer." said Gwen as she rushed toward. Danny looked at Karen as she said,"Guess we're partners.". "Sounds like fun." said Danny. The groups got ready to fight.  

Inside of the tower, Zane was shocked as Mizuki said,"Are you alright Zero?". "I'm shocked. I didn't see that coming." said Zane. The two heard,"Zero! I know you're here along with your pals! You're here for the Bastard aren't you?! If you want him back, come and get me in the arena!". Mizuki took a look at Zane with her saying,"You're going after Anthony aren't you?". "Yeah. Go outside. My friends will keep you safe." said Zane.

Mizuki smiled as she said,"Thank you for being his friend Zane.". Zane looked at her as she said,"I'm not stupid. Your mother and I are good friends before I became your son's teacher. Don't worry, you'll be a good dad Zane.". "Thanks. I was kinda worried about that. I don't want to be like Anthony or my dad." said Zane. "You won't. Now go." said Mizuki. Zane flew off as Mizuki slowly got up. She then looked at the guards with her thinking,"Wow. I would really hate to piss him off.".

Zane found the arena from some guards and Athena with him taking a deep breath. "It's time to fight one of my friends. This is going to go swimmingly." said Zane. He took a step with Crisis Judgement turning him intangible as a huge stream of fire went through him. He turned to see Omega with her hand glowing red. "Listen. I don't have the time or energy to fight you. I need to take care of your boss to save my...." said Zane.

He dodged water this time as Omega said,"I don't care. My job is to defeat you so that they can figure out how you tick making the Odium Society invincible. I'm planning on going after Alex and Tomas after I take you down.". She fired both fire and water causing the hallway to get covered in steam. "I don't want to fight you." said Zane's voice. Omega looked for Zane as she didn't see him reappear now in Specter Form.

She sensed him as Zane said,"Nap time.". Omega was soon out cold thanks to Black Nether. Zane placed Omega against the wall as he said,"If you want a real family not the Odium Society, come and find me. My name is Zane Vincent Alvarez. You're too cute for crime.". Zane noticed that Omega had a smile as she slept. Zane smiled as he turned back to normal. He walked down the hallway with him clenching his fists causing them to bleed.

Outside, Chomp was eating the ground. "Dude. That's disgusting!" said Tomas as he was currently made out of sand mainly to avoid Port's attack. "It's how his power works dick! You're an idiot for leaving us! I mean you could have real power!" yelled Port. He felt a burning feeling as Alex's hands glowed red. "No. We were being tortured and turning into their puppets. I can see that has worked with Omega." said Alex.

Chomp fired an energy beam from his mouth as Tomas grabbed Alex. The two evaded the attack and Tomas said,"I have an idea Alex. Trust me.". "Yeah." said Alex with a smile. He threw Alex into the air with Port ready to teleport. He was stopped by him being dragged into the ground along with his partner. Alex came crashing to the ground as the area erupted in fire and ice. The two were burned and frozen as Alex and Tomas high five.  

Cindy then turned her arm into a mud wall with it blocking all of Crash's missiles. "You think that he would try something else after the missiles failed again." said Rachel. She aimed her plasma rifle at Crash with it hitting his helmet. Crash took off his helmet with him not having any hair. Cindy then punched him out cold as Rachel said,"Wow. He's really weak. I think Epsilon made a good mood by dumping his ass.". "I feel bad for the other two." said Cindy with Rachel nodded.

Gwen had sliced Occult Master with him colliding into Titan. "Son of a bitch! Why did you betray me?!" yelled Titan. He threw OM at the mummy with him grabbing the magician. "Wow. You're an idiot." said Atem. "Savage little kid. I like you squirt." said Sonya. She turned the ground into mud as Titan slipped and fell. "You know the saying Alonzo." said Sonya. Titan looked up to see Atem with his hands bigger. "The bigger they are, the harder they lose!" yelled Atem.

He knocked the giant out as Gwen said,"That was easy you guys. No wonder why they're just high ranking grunts.". She made the collars appear on Chomp, Crash, Occult Master, Port, and Titan. "I guess we just have one more." said Sonya. Tone went flying toward the trio and she was out cold. "I guess that should be no more." said Rachel as she walked over with Cindy throwing Crash. Danny and Karen soon joined them with Chomp and Port.

Karen said,"She was really easy after we figured out that she can created Aura Constructs.". "Yeah. I kept her busy while Karen charged up a sonic scream." said Danny. "Yep. So what's the plan? I'm so happy not to have that collar on me." said Sonya as she saw Gwen placed a collar on Tone. "We go help Zero." said Cindy. "He's right!" said Atem. "I guess. Lets go gang." said Sonya. The seven ran inside as a shadow appeared nearby the six unconscious villains.

Back with SS, the Phantom Samurai landed in a computer room. "Let me see. Where can I found out info for my king?" said SS. He then found a supercomputer as he said,"I was always bad with a computer. I hope the Tech Phantoms can figure this out.". He took it out and he flew off. He then looked down to see the six villains out cold and a shadow appearing. "I wonder." said SS. He floated down as he went intangible.

The shadow turned into Lilith as she said,"These children. They can't do anything right. I wonder where Omega went. It doesn't matter. Time to bring you back to base Cesar, Everett, and Julie. You need some upgrades". She then grabbed Chomp, Port, and Tone respectively as she was gone. "Let see what she's planning but first, I should get this back for my liege." said SS. He flew off and into a portal for Terrarune.

Zane was walking down the hallway as he remembered Mizuki telling him,"I have a feeling that Sierra has been alone for her entire life. I don't think she even remembers what I look like. I miss her a lot Zero and I want to make amends so please, defeat Hydro Storm no Anthony. You can do it.". He reached the end as he said,"I will.". He walked out to see a simple battlefield ,elevated up a bit from the ground, which was a rectangle shape.

Pillars of fire covered the arena at all four corners as Sierra stood there. She was on the other side of the arena opposing Zane as he reached his side. Zane saw that her eyes looked blank and empty with her saying,"Zero no Zane. I'm going to defeat you so we can obtain your power. Hydro Storm no my daddy will be the best hero in the world. I'm planning on giving him my life to make that happen. He is my only family.". The two faced off with the air tensing up.

Danny and the rest arrived ,in the stands, to see the two teens face off. "Zane!" yelled Danny. He was stopped by Omega as Alex said,"You!". "Zero is fighting to free Sierra from Hydro's control." said Omega. "Why are you helping Zero?" said Tomas. "He's interesting sandy. I want to learn more about him." said Omega as she sat down in a seat. "I guess we have no other choices then. Lets watch." said Sonya as she followed suit. The rest followed her

Zane said,"I'm not letting this go Sierra. Your father is a bastard no doubt! You have a loving mother who wants you to be happy! I'm not losing this fight because after I defeated you, I'm kicking your father's ass.". The group watched as audio recordings of cheering went on. Hydro stood there in the stands ,far from the group, as he said,"Don't lose Sierra. I need you to fight for me as my slave!". The two counted down from ten as they said in unison,"Begin!".

Sierra fired several waves of ice at Zane with him saying,"Did you think some ice is going to work on me Sierra?!". He turned into Brawn Form with him slamming the ground. The ice shattered as the field was covered in shards of ice. Sierra jumped into the air using the air as she said,"A shockwave attack. Impressive.". The arena was shaking as Karen said,"Man! This is so intense!". "Zero is in his strongest form so this is going to be good!" said Danny.

Sierra recovered from the attack as he released a giant plume of fire. Zane was surrounded by the fire with him saying,"That isn't going to work!". He clapped blowing the flames away as Zane rushed toward the teen. Sierra fired a huge stream of water at Zane who punched the water back. "That isn't working! Trying something else dam you!" yelled Zane. He landed a punch on Sierra launching her back. "That was a strong as hell hit!" said Danny. "Yeah. He doesn't care about genders." said Rachel.

Sierra recovered ,before she reached the end, with Zane thinking,"According to Mizuki, she's able to handle a lot but a Brawn Form punch straight on. God dam.". Sierra threw a giant windstorm at her opponent with Zane jumping back. "You're annoying. Die!" said Sierra as she fired air, fire, ice, and water at once. "Okay. Who say that coming?" said Rachel. Omega soon raised her hand as Atem said with shock,"Wow. Did you really know that?". "Yep." said Omega.

Zane grabbed Sierra ,who rushed at him, and he threw the girl back. "Okay. I'm really getting sick of fighting you right now!" said Zane. He clapped launching a wave of air at Sierra who went back a bit but the girl jumped into the air. "BURN!" yelled Sierra. A huge plume of fire went toward the teen covering him in it. "He's just blow it away again." said Karen. "Not exactly. Sierra is learning from her mistakes." said Sonya.

Cindy said,"And how do you know that?". "We read her mind. One of the Phantoms that was working with us told us how Sierra works." said Sonya. "So you didn't read her mind?" said Gwen. "Nope. I can only do so much." said Sonya. Zane's Crisis Judgement went off as he dodged Sierra's fist and he saw that it was stuck in the ground. "BLINDING!" yelled Sierra. Zane was soon caught inside of a blizzard and this caused him to cover his eyes.

Sierra soon release a huge stream of ice catching Zane. Zane soon felt cold as he thought,"Shit. She's trying to freeze me. That isn't going to work on me!". He slammed his fists down ,in the air, causing a shockwave to fly and break him from the ice. Zane landed on the ground and he saw Sierra standing there. "You're stronger than father thought you were. He saw you as a child but he now sees you as a threat just like the rest of his enemies. It seems that you're getting tired aren't you?" said Sierra.

Zane thought,"Was it obvious?!". Zane landed on the ground as he deactivated Brawn Form. "Are you giving up Zero? I thought you were a champion not a loser. I'm just getting started." said Sierra as Zane noticed that her arms were shaking. "Something going on. Athena.." thought Zane. "I'm on it Zane. Just keep him busy." said Athena. "Give up. Your demise is coming." said Sierra. A stream of air, fire, ice, and water went flying toward Zane with him just standing there.

Zane looked up as the crowd and Sierra saw that Zane's eyes were now Molten Gold. "I swore to save you and defeat your father Sierra! I never go back on my word!" yelled Zane. The four streams were instantly destroyed as the entire arena felt a huge burst of power erupting from Zane in that single second. Sierra saw that Zane was gone as she looked for him. Zane reappeared as Sierra noticed that Zane had changed.

His body was covered in crimson red lightning ,which looks to be living, as his body was covered in strange glowing turquoise lines. They covered his body looking like cracks. He noticed that his right fist was covered in dark purple scales that have a spiral pattern. "Arcane Emperor Adamantine Punch!" said Zane. Sierra went flying back from his hit launching her back. He recovered from it as Zane said,"You're fighting him Sierra. You can do it! Just fight it!!!".

Sierra soon looked right at Zane with the golden eyed teen saying,"You aren't Hydro Storm's slave Sierra! You're powerful no doubt about that. You're the first person to ever give me a real challenge. I came here on fumes because I wanted to save you. I'm almost there but you need to break free from his control over you. You're not going to win under his control. I'm pushing my limits here and I'm giving it my all so...!".

Zane released a giant burst of power as he yelled,"Break free from him Sierra and fight me for real and not like this!". Sierra rushed toward him as she said,"You're going to die!". "Why is he doing all of this? We just met today and he's..." thought Sierra. Zane slammed his fist into Sierra's stomach with it launching Sierra back. Sierra got back up as she coughed up blood. Several pillars of both fire and ice went toward Zane as the lightning around Zane destroyed it.

Zane yelled,"Not working Sierra!". Zane dodged Sierra's hits with ease as Danny said,"Dang. I've never seen Zane this serious.". The two dodged each other as Zane said,"I'm not going to fight like a coward. That would make the past Zeroes rather sad and angry so bring it!". He launched a punch that created a shockwave launching Sierra back. Sierra got back up as she said,"You're nothing more than a pest and annoyance Zero!".

Zane said,"My friends and family are my reasons for fighting. Zero is just a name to me because I'm not the 100th Zero. My name is Legion Zero and don't you forget it!". He slammed into Sierra and Zane said,"You're nothing more than a pawn! I'm going to free you even if it cost my life!". Sierra coughed blood as she stood there a couple feet away. "I don't know your past right now but I don't care. You're hurt and I'm going to save you even if you get hurt!" said Zane.

He rushed toward Sierra with Sierra's legs shaking. "Shut up!" yelled Sierra. Sierra saw Zane as his fist cocked back. "I'm going to beat Anthony out of you and then him! Arcane Emperor Vulcan Punch!" yelled Zane. Zane's arms were soon covered in a dark purple metallic scales with his wrists having a machine gun's barrels around them and had a spiral pattern to it. His left fist soon landed into Sierra's stomach with the barrel hitting as well.

He was then punched several times in a row causing her to fly. "You're going down!" yelled Zane as his face gave off rage. Sierra was flying through the air and she crashed into the ground. "I'm Sierra Ozaki, Hydro...." said Sierra as she got back up. "Shut the hell up! You're not him! You are your own person! You're the daughter of Mizuki Ozaki! She didn't want to throw you away Sierra! She had to protect you! I will protect you from him because you're my friend Sierra!!" yelled Zane.

Sierra's eyes gained back life as she screamed. A huge explosion of air, fire, ice, and water was soon around Sierra with Zane saying,"Oh yeah. You're back baby.". "She's strong." said Danny as Karen was shocked by their power. Zane saw Sierra as he heard,"Thanks Zane. You're my friend and well I owe you a fight don't I?". Zane smiled as he said,"You're nothing like him.". "Good luck in surviving this!" yelled Sierra.

The arena was soon covered in air, fire, ice, and water as it gathered around Sierra. "You better get ready Zane!" yelled Sierra. Zane's power went through the roof with them saying,"I'm going to kick your ass!". The four elements went flying toward Zane as Rachel said,"That attack is going to kick him you guys! We have to stop it!". She aimed her rifle as Atem stopped her. "What are you doing kid? Your pop is going to be killed." said Sonya.

Atem said with a serious look,"He wouldn't want this. He's a man and he would hate his fight to be stopped.". Zane's body was soon covered in power as he rushed toward Sierra. Sierra's body was covered in a massive flame with her saying,"This was fun wasn't it Zane?". The power around Zane formed into a sword with Zane reaching Sierra. "Arcane Emperor Absolute Method: Narcissus Detonate Sword!" yelled Zane as the arena was covered in a massive explosion.

Everyone was blown back as the group was being blown back. "This is so cool yet insane!" yelled Tomas. "What's going on?!" yelled Alex as she was about to go flying. Atem caught her as Hydro smiled. The explosion was gone as Zane stood there. He was panting as he said,"I win Sierra.". The other teen was out cold with bruises as Zane looked at Hydro. "Anthony! You're going down right now!" yelled Zane.

Hydro rushed toward him with giant streams of water as he said,"You're perfect! I'm taking your body so I can be...". Zane was gone as he reappeared right behind Hydro. "Arcane Emperor Adamantine Punch!" yelled Zane. The punch slammed Anthony into the ground causing a massive impact in the arena destroying it along with his tower. Zane landed on the ground as he said,"I win. I'm going to be taking a nap now.". He fell down as his friends yelled,"Zane!". "Zane?" said Sonya.

In Derrick's office, he was watching Zane's fight with Sierra on his flat screen. "He's going places. I wonder when I should fight him." said Derrick. He shook his head as he said,"No. He's still needs to be tested. Lets see what you're planning Spiro. I won't stop you at all. It's time for the Odium Society to get serious with Zane.". He pressed a button on his laptop ,which was nearby him, as he began to work on it.

Next time,
Will Zane recover from his fight? What is Spiro planning? What was that power that Zane used against Sierra? What is the Odium Society Planning? Will Zane ever use new forms? This and more next time on Zero! 

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