Sunday, February 5, 2017

Zero Episode 5 Hero vs Hunter

A/N: Yep. This and Episode 5 take place around the same time. I at first wanted to make Episode 4 longer than it was before but it was getting too long for me. I'm doing this series because of the fact that Fairy Tail is well pissing me off. I mean if you're a fan like I am, this latest chapter just piss you off. I mean just wow. You hype up END for three years since the Sun Village arc and then you just get rid of it. Pissed me off and I'm a hater of Natsu and Lucy because they keep on showing it and we get it so do something else for Pete's Sake. Anyway, lets begin.

Narrator P.O.V.
Arturo was sipping on tea and Danny said,"So I have a question for you Arturo?". The boy along with Karen and Rachel asked to speak with Arturo. Edgar and Natasha were nearby in the kitchen. Arturo said,"So you're curious about me and my origin are you? It's a good thing that Zane is out on his little date of his.". "You're really mysterious sir because you're at least 100 hundred years old." said Karen with a small frown. "You are a sweet talker Karen. I'm at least triple that." said Arturo.

Rachel said,"Three hundred?". "I'll just say that I'm older than you think but not old as the universe though." said Arturo. "Anyway, why did you finally see Zane after sixteen years? I mean is it because he is a superhero?" said Danny. "You may be right Daniel but I may just wanted to see my grandson and daughter. I could be dying or missing the only family I have. I may be a king but money doesn't make you happy." said Arturo.

The doorbell went off as Karen said,"I'll get it Ms. Alvarez!". She left the living room and she opened the door. She saw Kristen with Zane ,with it being a clone of Zane, and she said with fear in her voice,"Kristen?! What happened to Zane?!". "He passed out when we were at the zoo." said Kristen. The rest of the house came over and Arturo said,"Oh. I see Daniel, do you mind taking Zane up to his room?". "Um sure thing Mr. Alvarez." said Danny.

Danny took Zane upstairs and Natasha said,"Are you okay my dear?". "No! I mean the doctors told me that Zane didn't have any body heat in him at all. Is he okay?" said Kristen. "He'll be fine. Zane's been sick lately. He didn't want to go out tonight but I pushed him." said Arturo. "Well, I'll come by tomorrow to check up on him." said Kristen. She left and Rachel said,"So is that the real Zane?". "It's obvious that he's a clone. Lets go on a adventure finding him." said Arturo.

Grady looked at Zane who was asleep in their stolen hospital bed. After freeing Estelle from her cage, he passed out with him changing back to his normal self. "I can't believe that he's Zero. The kid is the protector of the realms Zero. He's also half Phantom just like us but he's also half Sorcerer like those jerks. I know that I should trust him but he saved Estelle's life from Wraith so we'll be pals for now but that will change." thought Grady.

Estelle looked at Zane and she said,"So? What are we going to do with him?". "Well, he's too tired to fight right now so we're going to protect him from Wraith." said Grady. "Are you sure about that? I mean he's half Sorcerer and they're jerks.". "Yeah but I feel like this one isn't a jerk. I mean he must have known about us being Phantoms like him so let be nice to him okay? He saved your life." said Grady. "Okay but if he does anything, he's dead." said Estelle whose hands lit on fire.

Zane slowly began to wake up and he said,"So hungry.". "Hungry?" said the two. "Yeah. I mean my powers are really nice but they drain me like a battery. I have a hyper-accelerated metabolism which means I'm always hungry." said Zane. "So what do you eat kid?" said Grady. "If you look in my bag you two, you'll find out what." said Zane. Estelle opened the bag and she said,"You eat Energy Bars kid?".

Zane said,"They're not normal energy bars miss. They have more calories than anything ever made and according to my grandpa, nothing will beat it.". "Estelle. Throw him on." said Grady. The bird threw him one and he caught it. "Nice catch." said Estelle. "Thanks. So why are you two? I mean I don't mind you being here so do you mind telling me why?" said Zane as he bit into the bar. "We're on the run from our families." said Grady.

Zane said,"Why?". "My family didn't want me dating someone like Grady and it was the same thing for Grady except his friends were being jerks." said Estelle. "Yeah. It sucked but we're still together after twenty years." said Grady. "You two are just like Romeo and Juliet. They were a tragic couple to say the least. I promise on the name of Zero, I'll make sure that you're safe and able to express your love like normal people." said Zane.

Estelle hugged him and Zane said,"Does she do this often?". "She has a hard time trusting people that aren't me kid. I mean you just accept us even though you're half Sorcerer. Lets just say that Phantoms and Sorcerers have a rivalry to say the very least kid. You're not so bad in our fight but I think with a weapon, you'll be lethal man." said Grady. "Thanks but I don't fight unless my friends or family are in danger. I'm a Buddhist after all sometimes." said Zane.

Estelle said,"So what do you need us to do kid? We want to help you defeat Wraith.". "I want to learn more about him so lets head back to my place and have my grandpa explain more about Wraith." said Zane. "Sure thing. Oh and my name is Grady by the way. This is my mate/lover Estelle. She's able to use blue fire which is special to her kind. I'm just a super strong dude." said Grady. "You showed me that in our fight earlier today." said Zane.

Grady slapped his back and he said,"So whose your grandpa?". "Um. how should I say it?" said Zane who pondered for a while. "What's wrong?" said Estelle. "You know the king of the Spectral Land right?" said Zane. "Yeah. I haven't met the dude but he's a good dude from what I hear." said Grady with Estelle agreed with him. "Well, he is my grandpa." said Zane. The two Phantoms fainted on the spot and Zane said,"I hope those Energy Bars help me fly these two home.".

A little bit later in the Alvarez household, Danny was about to go find his best friend. Arturo told him to wait but he was getting annoyed. "I hope you're okay man." said Danny. He looked up and he saw that Zane had phased through the wall with him holding Estelle and Grady. "Hey man. Do you mind helping me with these two before you give me a Malone hug." said Zane. The two boys placed the two in the living room and Danny said,"Okay. What happened to you?".

Zane said,"Well, it's a long story....". "Hey Danny! We found...." said a voice. The boys then turned around to see Karen standing there and she screamed. Danny covered his ears and he said,"Karen! I know that you were worried about Zane. Heck, I was too but you should know that Zane has really good hearing.". He turned to see Zane who was looking at his gloves. "Why aren't you in pain from her?" said Danny.

Zane said,"Trust me. Her scream is actually pretty quiet compared to anything Hannah does. I mean her voice can break glass.". "He's right Dan." said Rachel. Karen calmed down and Natasha hugged her son. "You're okay!" said Natasha. "Yeah mom." said Zane. The three woman looked at the two sleeping on the couch and they said,"Who are they?". "They're Prince Grady of the Griffin Kingdom and Princess Estelle of the Phoenix Empire." said Arturo. "Huh. I didn't know that." said Zane.

The next morning, Zane woke up and he felt better. After sleeping, he looked at his watch and it was back at 100%. After putting on some clothing, he felt somehow better. He didn't tell his mother or his friends but when he got his powers, he felt strange. It was like he wasn't normal anymore but a freak of nature. He was lucky that his family and friends cared about him even with superpowers. He heard a knock and he said,"Come in.".

Arturo stood there with Edgar resting on his shoulder and he said,"Zane. You're missing breakfast and I think Grady is actually a bigger glutton than you which is somewhat scary.". "Hey grandpa. So were you born a Phantom or were you a human?" said Zane. "Ah. I understand why you've been acting off the past couple of days. Your mother and friends haven't noticed it but I have. Edgar, tell Natasha that Zane is awake but he needs some advice from his grandfather." said Arturo.

The bird squawk and it flew off. Arturo closed the door and he said,"So. What's wrong my boy?". "I don't know why but ever since I got my powers, I feel like a freak." said Zane. "I see. You know that this is normal right?" said Arturo. "It is?" said Zane. "When a person becomes a Phantom, they will almost always go through the five stages of grief. You know what they are right Zane? I think your mother taught you that." said Arturo .

Zane said,"She did. You're talking about Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, and Acceptance. So am I in Denial grandpa?". "You haven't been denying your power at all if your mother's research is correct. You aren't taking your anger out on your bullies because you only fight if you need to and you aren't bargaining away your power. I say that you're in Depression." said Arturo. "Is it normal for a Phantom to go this fast?" said Zane.

Arturo said,"Not at all Zane. Most of the time, it takes years for a Phantom but since you're like your father, I suspect that's why you're going so fast.". The old man then placed his hand on his grandson's shoulder and he said,"Enjoy your youth Zane. You can only live it once even if you're an immortal child.". He walked out of the room and Zane's senses went off. Wraith appeared in his room and he said,"Hello Zero. We meet again.".

Zane was about to go Zero but Wraith made a energy net trapping him to the wall. "Hey Zane. Are you alright in there?" said Danny's voice from the other side of the door. Wraith looked at him and he said in a low tone that Zane could hear,"You better not tell your human friend about this or else, I will kill them in front of you.". "I'm fine man! Tell my mom I'm going out to do some training in the woods." said Zane.

Danny said,"Okay man!". He ran off as Wraith said,"You're quite the strange one. You're the son of the king of Terrarune but you live like a weak human.". He looked around and Zane said,"Why are you after Grady and Estelle?". "They're not supposed to be together kid. I was hired by their families to stop their relationship. A job is a job.". "I won't let you hurt them! Power Up!" said Zane who turned into Zero.

He broke out of the energy net and he punched Wraith flying toward the wall. "You are strong but I'm stronger!" said Wraith. He punched Zane and before he went flying into the wall, he then turned intangibility. He went flying and Wraith stood there. "I thought you would be worthy of my time but I think killing you along with bring back...." said Wraith. He was blasted back by a steel gray energy fist with him glaring at Zane with the teen's hands were glowing.

Wraith thought,"This kid... He reminded me of him so dam much. Why? He died over ten years ago and it broke their hearts. I need answers.". "Hey kid." said Wraith. "I'm not a kid! I'm a teenager and I think you're slightly older than me." said Zane whose hands were still glowing. "Kid. Why the hell do you have the same Nether as Johnny Vincent?!" said Wraith. "Johnny Vincent?" said Zane. "I will end you before I take them back." said Wraith. He was gone as Zane sighed.

Later that day, Zane was walking with Danny who said,"So the guy hunting Estelle and Grady was in your room earlier?". The two were heading to go see a movie and Zane said,"Yeah. He also thought that I was this guy named Johnny Vincent.". "Johnny Vincent? Your middle name is Vincent right bro?" said Danny. "We've been best friends for how long?" said Zane. "A long time but that's weird how he would know that. Do you think you're being stalked?" said Danny looking around.

Zane sighed and he said,"If I was, my Crisis Judgement would go off fast.". "You're right. I mean you are going to be a pain for surprise parties." said Danny. "That isn't the point of the power. I mean it is used to protect myself." said Zane. "So what are you going to do about Wraith?" said Danny. "I have what you asked for Zane." said a voice. Danny turned around to see Gwen standing there and she said with her hands up,"I'm not really here by the way Daniel.".

Danny said,"So where are you? We were worried about you.". "I'm currently in Taelmelan for magic studies. I may have graduated earlier but I'm required to show up three days every couple of weeks or so." said Gwen. "Oh. That makes sense. So how did Zane contact you? I mean Rachel said that you have limited cell service." said Danny. "Oh. That's because Zane knows a communication spell. Our master/teacher says that spell is far more important in times of danger." said Gwen.

Danny said,"So can me, Karen, and Rachel learn it?". "Yes and I'll teach it once I get back. May I tell you the information?" said Gwen. "Yes." said Zane. "Wraith was once a hunter who was able to find a target and capture it. He was the best at what he did until he died by the hands of a giant elephant or was it a mammoth?" said Gwen. "Should we ask how a mammoth met a human? I mean was he from the age where Mammoth were around?" said Danny.

Gwen said,"No. He died long after the Pilocene/Holocene epoch. Eon once told me that time vortex sometimes open up but for only a minute or so before closing up. I'm guessing Wraith or should I say William was in the wrong place at the wrong time.". "I see. Do you mind texting me the rest of it? We got company and it ain't the friendly kind if my Crisis Judgement has anything to say about it." said Zane. Gwen nodded as she disappeared.

Danny looked around and he said,"So is Wraith here?". "No. Kristen." said Zane. "She's a danger to you man? I mean she was worried sick about you yesterday. I mean your clone did pass out after you flew off with Grady. Why did that happen anyway?" said Danny. "That clone I made was an energy clone and it drains my internal battery fast. I didn't expect for it flying off. So does she know about my secret bro?" said Zane. "What secret?" said a voice.

The boys turned around to see Kristen standing there. "Um....." said the two. "Come on dweebs. You can tell me what's going on. I don't bite." said Kristen. "Yeah but your friends do. I thought you only wanted to see Zane yesterday." said Danny. "I want to see Zane not you so how about you buzz off Dorky?" said Kristen. "Danny. Before you attack her, I think I should talk with her alone. She isn't going to hurt me so you can calm down." said Zane.

Danny then placed his hands in his pockets and he said,"What do you want with him Kristen?". "You better answer him correctly Kristen because my buddy here is rather overprotective over me. I think it's because we're brothers from another mother." said Zane who smiled. "Okay. I want to make my family proud after what happened to my brother. He's a punk now when he used to be a star student and if I fail, I will hurt my family more." said Kristen who looked down.

Danny said,"I don't trust. She could be tricking us man.". "I'll be fine man. I'll meet you and the rest of the gang at the theater okay? This won't take long." said Zane. Danny walked off and Kristen said to Zane,"Wow. He is overprotective.". "I told you that I don't fight Brad and the rest of them because I am a pacifist at heart. So what do you need help with?" said Zane. Kristen pulled out her phone and she said,"Look!".

Zane chuckled and he said,"Okay. I don't get how and why your parents would let you wear that on Halloween.". Kristen blushed and she said,"Not that! My Paper for Ms. Foster!". Zane looked it over and Kristen thought,"Wow. He sticks out more than normal with the pink phone.". "Wow. I can't say that I'm not impressed. I mean you made this in a day. So what's your problem?" said Zane while he handed her phone back.

Kristen said,"Really? You didn't see anything wrong?". "Nope. I mean this is A+ work and I love the interview from the owner of the family. This is great stuff Kristen so be the confident cheerleader that I know and care about. You can still be a beautiful nerd but don't forget that you're still a cheerleader and you have to be cheerful rather than depressing." said Zane. Kristen smiled and she said,"So what movie are you going to see?".

Zane said,"Um. I let Karen pick it, Rachel pays, and me and Danny gets the best snacks. Care to join us? We're always open so if you want to come with us, just ask.". "Sorry but I have to go meet Brad and the rest of what did you call them again?" said Kristen. "A-listers Kristen. If you want to talk or help with Bio, just call and ask okay." said Zane. He wrote down his number and he said,"Later!". He ran off as Kristen looked at Zane with a goofy smile on her.

Wraith watched and he said,"I can't believe him. He's been a player and I can't tell either of them or they'll kill me. I make him suffer for breaking their hearts but I need to make a scene. If I don't, the boy may suspect me.". He looked up from his perch and he saw police cars. "A human vehicle. They've upgraded since the last time but I bet..." said Wraith. He touched his bracelet and he said,"They're still hackable. I think you're going to be perfect.".

Zane was heading toward Danny but his Crisis Judgement went off. He turned around to see a police car heading toward him and he heard,"Kid! Move!". Zane rolled to the side and he barely dodge the car. "What the? I really don't think they're going for a joyride. I need to find an alleyway and go super or else I'm going to be road pizza." thought Zane. He jumped over another car and a cop said,"Hey. Is the kid a gymnast or what?". "Gymnast? You're dead wrong." thought Zane.

He found himself in an alleyway ,with no cars seeing him, and he said,"Power Up!". He turned into Zero as he flew up. "I need to find the planner or else." said Zane. "Hey Zane. I think you need to learn something about me. I love to fight dirty!" said a voice. Zane dodged several missiles and he saw Wraith. "Wraith or should I say William? What are you doing?" said Zane. "I gave up the hunt on them because of what you're doing Johnny Vincent." said Wraith.

Zane said,"My name isn't Johnny Vincent! It's Zero and I will make you know it Willy!". Wraith then dodged Zane's attack which was an steel gray energy fist swarm. "You've his anger and his Nether but you're weaker." said Wraith. He was gone in a black puff of smoke as Zane began looking for him. "Your Nether is weaker than Green Nether which is the weakest on the Nether scale but here's the thing...." said Wraith's voice. Zane was kicked toward the ground as Wraith reappeared.

Zane recovered as Wraith made a giant ball of black energy form in his hand with him saying,"You were once the best with Green Nether. You're nothing but a weak example of yourself.". The ball went down toward Zane and Zane said,"I'm not Johnny Vincent!!!!!!!!!". His power spike as Wraith said to himself,"He's able to increase his strength. It doesn't matter. You're nothing JV!". The giant ball grew to the size of a planet and Zane said,"Go back to Terrarune William!".

A giant steel gray energy construct of a baseball glow formed in front of Zane and he caught the ball with ease. Zane moved his left arm back and throw the ball. "Hey Willy! Catch!" said Zane. The ball flew toward Wraith who was about to fly away. "Why can't I move?!" said Wraith as he looked at Zane. Zane tapped his shoulder and Wraith turned to see a clone of Zane. Wraith then swiped at the clone making him disappeared.

Zane said,"That may have been draining on my powers but sending a quick jolt of Nether in your body stopping you from fighting is a good thing for me.". Wraith was hit by his attack and he went flying toward the ground. Zane jumped after him and he said,"I may be mad at you but I am not going to let you get seriously hurt.". He caught him in mid air and he rolled to the ground like a football player going after the ball.

Wraith said,"You know if I could move, I would kill you Johnny Vincent.". "My name is Zero and don't you forget it. Time to send you on the ten o clock express back to Terrarune." said Zane. He held out his left hand and a portal opened up. "Portal Creation? You must be....." said Wraith. Zane pushed him and he said,"I'm not Johnny Vincent William but whatever happens, I can't let people get hurt.". He flew off and he turned back to normal.

Zane then leaned himself against a wall and he looked down at his watch. He started today off with 100%. His first encounter with Wraith drained about 15 % and this one pretty much drained him dry since he access some sort of new power on the spot. He looked out and he saw everything was back to normal. "Okay. Crisis adverted. I need to get back home because I'm out of energy bars." thought Zane.

He heard,"Zane?". He turned to see Kristen and she said,"What happened to you? You look awful to say the least. What happened?". "Um. I almost got into some car crashes. I ran into an old friend but he wasn't very happy to see me so we got into a rooftop rumble. I sent him packing." said Zane. "I thought you didn't fight." said Kristen. "Well, he started it by threatening my friends, you, and my family. I'm a calm dude but make me mad, you'll get a good old knuckle sandwich." said Zane.

Zane thought,"I may be stretching the truth there but still, he wasn't going to stop from what I read about him. Thanks Gwen.". "Wow. That's something. So are you okay?" said Kristen. "I don't know. I mean he drained me like a battery." said Zane who took a deep breath. "So is there anything I can do to help? I owe you one." said Kristen. "How about you and I go to the movies? I mean my friends are expecting me soon." said Zane.

Kristen said,"Sure but we're taking a cab.". A taxi showed up and Zane held the door open. "Ladies first." said Zane. She smiled as she got in. Zane followed afterwards and the car drove off toward the movie theater. Meanwhile back in Terrarune, Wraith looked around. "You're dead next time I see you Zero or should I say Johnny Vincent." said Wraith. He was about to go back to Earth but he couldn't make a portal.

He heard,"Your fighter with the current Zero drain you of your power William.". He turn and he saw a shadowy figure. "No. You can't be. I thought you were..." said Wraith. "I was busy with a little problem yes but I ended it. You do know what happens when you cause trouble right boy or should I show you?" said the voice. Wraith was trapped inside of a pink/purple energy cube and he was out cold. "The prisoner captured." said a voice.

The figure held Wraith and it said,"You may be a problem Zero but it doesn't matter. You haven't broken the rules of Terrarune so lets see if your streak of good luck continues.". A police siren was heard and the figure threw Wraith into a paddywagon. "Zero. You will be a pain for me and I will be enjoying our encounter one day. So enjoy your freedom until then Zero. I do wonder what he meant earlier." said the figure. It was gone as the car drove off.

Next time,
Why does Wraith call Zane by his middle name Vincent and added Johnny to it? Who is the figure that took him away? This and more next time on Zero.

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