Thursday, February 2, 2017

Zero Episode 3 A Fiery Fight!

A/N: I don't expect my titles to be an alliteration but sometimes, they will. If you noticed something about Zero, it's that I haven't made Zane overpowered. He's able to use only one power at a time plus he can tired out. Both Bob and Natsu did tire out but over time. I noticed that Fairy Tail has that as well mainly with Erza. I mean she destroyed a meteor when her mom broke her arm. I'm okay with it because I find it makes slightly more sense than her fight with Kyoka.

It isn't by that much but it's something. I also need to explain something. When a human like Danny and Natasha talks, it will be normal text but when say Eon, Mel, or the strange voice talks, it will be Bold. Gwen do this as well but only when she activate their magic power in action. I hope that makes sense. This episode takes place two weeks after Episode 2. Also I don't try to be offense but I'm using Google Translator.

Narrator P.O.V.
Natasha woke up and she looked out her window. It had been two weeks since she had to come to terms with a lot of things in a single day. Her son being the next Zero, her son finding about his dad, and her husband's death. She put on her normal outfit and she walked over to her son's room. She opened the door and she saw Zane sleeping. His body was covered in bruises, papers was stuck to his body like super glue, and his black ,with gold stars, comforter was on the floor.

For the past two weeks, Zane had been training with Eon, Gwen, and Mel with the former and later being his main teachers. Eon focused on training his magic power known as Animus ,that he got from his father, and his power from the Astral Realm known as Primordial with Zane understand magic a lot more than he did before. Mel however focused on his physical abilities with the cyclops being rather strict on the kid just like he did with his old man back in the day.

Natasha smiled and she thought,"He's going up to be a little version of you Shawn. I really hope that you are looking down on him from Heaven/wherever you went and you're proud of your little dragon as you called him.". "Mom?" said a voice. She looked down to see Zane worried about him. "Are you okay?" said Zane. "I'm fine sweetheart. Do you plan on going to school today?" said Natasha. "Yeah mom. I mean I've missed several days of school now." said Zane.

Natasha sighed and she said,"I told Eon and Mel that I didn't want you to miss out on your education but I was wrong.". "Don't worry. Danny and Gwen have been keeping me informed on anything that I missed." said Zane. "I wasn't talking about that son." said Natasha. Zane looked really confused and Natasha said with a sigh,"Never mind Zane. You'll understand when you're older.". "Okay. So are you going to make breakfast? Not ordering you mom but my stomach is empty." said Zane.

Natasha said,"I'm guessing that Mel didn't feed you.". "Actually, Mel gave me food. Eon was the one who tried to increase my magic container by not feeding me. It wasn't one of his best plans so could I have your famous bacon?" said Zane. "Sure thing sweetie." said Natasha who kissed his forehead. He wiped off the lipstick and Natasha left his room after giggling at her son's embarrassment. He walked over to the mirror that he had in his room and he looked at himself.

His black hair looked awful, his once bright violet eyes were dull, and he looked like he been to hell and back. He was wearing his normal outfit but it was torn. He went over to his own bathroom and he took a shower. After drying off, he put on an exact copy of his outfit. "Thank god, my mom got this outfit on that sale when she did." said Zane. He looked at the book on his desk and he said,"I guess I should start reading it.".

He grabbed the book and he placed it inside of his book bag from EP 1. He walked downstairs and he smelled bacon. He floated into the kitchen and Natasha saw him. "What did I say about using your powers in the house?" said Natasha. "Um. You wanted me to test my fire power by light the oven twice in the past mouth." said Zane as he floated down to his chair. "Still, you should care about a random person seeing you use your powers and putting two and two together." said Natasha.

Zane said,"True. I was going to ask my friends for some costume help. I mean Zero's outfit is way too Medieval according to Danny and also Eon plus Mel a bit. Gwen was against the changes but Eon convinced the Alliance to change it.". "You do know that outfit of yours is treasured for centuries right?" said Natasha who had placed the plate of bacon directly in the center of the table. "Yeah but the Alliance owes me a favor after what happened with George. I also have some ideas." said Zane.

Natasha said,"So do you know why he attack us to begin with Zane?". "According to Eon, they found something called a Mind Spider. For what I was told, it's a nasty insect ,made of machine and organic material, able to control a person's mind." said Zane. "Sounds quite deadly." said Natasha. "Yeah. The bug picked at his love for you and well, you know what happened. That's disgusting. I mean you only like dad right?" said Zane.

The woman said,"You know that I was once your age right?". "Yeah but I can hope for the best. It is a good thing to have hope." said Zane. "That's just like your father. I think you should be getting ready for class today." said Natasha. "Right. I better get going." said Zane. "Here. Take this." said Natasha as she threw a watch to him. It was silver with the digital clock part being a green color. "I based the green color after your strange power. Did Mel figure it out what it is?" said Natasha.

Zane shook his head and he said,"No. At we know is that, it comes up when I am in danger or when my emotions hit a high point. So what's the point of this thing? It looks nice though.". He then put it on his right wrist and Natasha said,"I'm trying to help Eon and Mel out by trying to find more out about your super powers in a more a scientific way.". "Ah. That makes sense. So does it track my powers or what?" said Zane.

Natasha nodded and she said,"Correct my boy. You're just like your mother so when you go Zero, I suggest you keep the watch hidden.". "Gotcha. I better get going." said Zane. He walked toward the front door and Natasha coughed. "Sorry. I'll get it." said Zane. His arms stretched and he placed the plate in the sink. "Hey. I'm using my powers from Taelamelan to stretch my limbs. It's helping in a way mom." said Zane.

Natasha said,"I know but you should know that your father didn't use his powers....". Zane's arm went back to normal and he said,"You're right.". Zane walked over to the sink and he started washing his plate normally. "At least, you're learning how to wish the dishes." said Natasha. She left the room and Zane looked around. He stared at the clean plate and he thought,"Man, she really knows how to guilt trip a guy. I wonder if dad fell for iy too.".

Later, Danny and Zane were walking to school. "So how was training man? No offense man but you look awful." said Danny. "You know that I only got two/three hours of sleep right?" said Zane. "So did you get any new power?" said Danny. "Is Gwen around?" said Zane. "No. She's staying with the girl who has been missing you a lot man." said Danny. "Yeah. We'll see her later." said Zane. "Yeah but can we do something that I've always wanted to try." said Danny.

Zane looked at him and Danny said,"Follow me.". The boy dragged Zane into an alleyway and he said,"Go Super.". "Actually, it's powering up. May I ask why man?" said Zane. "I always wanted to be flown to school." said Danny. "Okay, you got it man. Power Up!" said Zane. He turned into Zero and he said,"Hang on.". "Wait. Why don't you have a weird tone in your voice like Gwen, Eon, and Mel do? I mean you had one two weeks ago right?" said Danny.

Zane said,"I don't know why but after my fight with George, I stopped with the accent thing. It was after I recovered too.". "So cool. Ready man?" said Danny. "Yeah but we're flying high just in case someone sees us." said Zane. He picked Danny up and the two then flew in the air with Zane's aura turning blue. "Too cool man. Have you gotten better at flying?" said Danny. "Yeah. Learning how to fly thanks to harpies was a blast." said Zane.

Danny said,"You don't like Mel's training do you?". "I mean how did my dad do this when he was my age and lived?" said Zane. "You're half human right?" said Danny. "I guess but I don't feel any more magical than I do when I am in this form." said Zane. "Really? I guess Eon, Mel, and maybe Gwen is way better with magic than you will." said Danny. "Thanks for the confidence man. I really do like you too." said Zane.

Zane shivered and Danny said,"Dude. What's wrong?". "It's nothing. It's my Crisis Judgement or my Danger Sense." said Zane. "Wait. How are you using two powers man? I thought you could only use one and magic is one right?" said Danny. "No. Both powers are natural. I really should put you down first." said Zane. Danny landed on the ground/roof of a nearby building and Zane looked up. "Hey Danny. I think you should hide." said Zane.

Danny said,"May I ask why?". "Well, I think I'm looking at a hot head than Brad." said Zane. The boys looked down and he saw a man standing there. He had short blond ,dyed, hair with the tips of his hair being red with brown eyes. He was wearing a orange and red Hazmat suit with the hood in the shape of a flame. On his back, he had on two flamethrowers that were equipped to his arms. He seemed to be from Puerto Rico. He looked to be two years older than Zane.

Danny said,"Wow. He is a bigger hot head than Brad. So what are you going to do?". Zane's body became see through and he said,"Time to go Zero.". He disappeared and Danny said to himself,"You really need to work on your quips.". Zane reappeared and the pyro saw him standing there. "Who the hell are you?!" said the man. "That doesn't matter because I need to make sure that I stop you before you make our city be over run with popcorn." said Zane.

The man yelled,"Shut up mocoso! NOTHING WILL GET IN MY WAY! BURN BABY BURN SAY CINDER!" . He aimed his weapons at Zane who evade the streams of flame. "Wow. Mel's training has been helpful. Color me impressed." thought Zane.  "Stay still!" said Cinder. Zane kept dodging the streams of fire and Danny thought,"Wow. Zane hasn't thrown a single punch and he's owning this guy so easily.".

Zane said,"You really suck at this man. I guess you shouldn't be called Cinder. I guess I should call you Toaster Man.". Cinder yelled,"YOU'RE DEAD!". A giant stream of fire flew toward Zane and Zane said,"Serious man? I think you just fired out your load because I can do this.". His aura glowed blue and he lifted Cinder in the air. "I'LL BURN YOU TO ASH!" yelled Cinder. He tried to aim the flamethrowers at the ground with Zane sighing.

He dropped Cinder to the ground and Zane picked up the flamethrowers. "Hey! Give those back you dam brat!" yelled Cinder who rushed toward Zane. "You're the boss sir." said Zane. He moved the weapons around Cinder trapping him like a rope. "Hey! Get me out of here!" said Cinder. "Man. You really need to know what you want." said Zane. Zane threw Cinder into the air and he made a fire ball with him throwing it.

The fireball exploded upon contact and Cinder was on the ground with his suit burned. "Wow. You're really not a good pyro are you?" said Zane. Cinder was worming his way there and Zane said,"I'm so sorry about this but I feel like giving you the cold feeling.". His hands was covered in frost and Zane aimed them at Cinder. He was frozen in a ice cube and Zane said,"Sorry ash boy but you lose. I'm out of here.". He was gone as the cops arrived.

Later, Danny said,"Okay. That was cool man.". "Really?" said Zane. The two were walking to school on ground hallway and Danny said,"At least, I'm good at making puns unlike you. I think you need to work on that.". "Maybe you can give me some tips." said Zane. "I wonder why you were able to dodge his attacks easily. I mean you saw that they were fired at you and you dodged them." said Danny. "Mel's training and I think my Danger Sense." said Zane.

Danny said,"Dude. That's so cool. Let me try something.". He threw a punch at his friend who then dodged it by moving his entire body behind his friend. He grabbed his fist and he held it behind his back. "Are you trying to cause a scene?" said Zane. "Dude. That's so cool." said Danny. Zane let his friend's hand go and he said."If you're going to do that, tell me first. I rather not get cause me to be experimented on.".

Danny said,"Too cool man. I wish I had powers.". "Well, I could ask Eon to teach you magic along with me." said Zane. Danny grabbed his friend's shirt and he said,"Are you serious?". "Yep. I mean you could be like my sidekick." said Zane. "Yeah. I'll be your partner but not a sidekick." said Danny who let his friend's shirt go. The two were reaching the campus and they saw that it was rather quiet in front of the school.

Zane said,"So where's the crowd of people man?". "Either we're late for class or we're early. It isn't a holiday today." said Danny. "Are you sure man? I mean we do have a pretty quirky no really quirky principal." said Zane. "You're right. I'll text Gwen." said Danny. He pulled out his phone and Zane said,"She knows how to use a phone? I thought that she would be sending messages with owls. That would be very interesting to see.".

Danny said,"She actually send messages that way.". "Really? Any pics?" said Zane. "No. Whenever I took a shot, the bird attack me." said Danny. He showed the young hero his claw marks and Zane said to him,"Dude. I thought you would learn after the first time.". "Yeah but you know me. I can be rather determined when I'm serious." said Danny. "You're right so what did she say?" said Zane. "Um. We may be in trouble." said Danny. Zane looked at his friend's phone and he said,"God dam it.".

Meanwhile at the Alvarez's household, Natasha was in her basement working on a new invention. "I do hope that Danny doesn't get a case of Power Jealously but with this, I don't think that will be a big issue." said Natasha. She heard the doorbell and she said,"Coming!". She headed upstairs ,with her grabbing one of her plasma weapons, and she opened the door. She was shocked to see that Grandpa Arturo was standing there with a smile on his face.

He was rather tall, pale like chalk white, and well-toned for a man of his age which was old. He had long ,that grew up to his waist, black hair with streaks of white going through it. The top of his hair was spiky. His bangs are swept to the right with him having a long and thick beard that goes down to his upper torso. It is very similar to a goatee but at the same time, it was rather different. He had rather thick eyebrows with high cheekbones.

Arturo's face was covered with wrinkles showing his advanced age. The ones on his exposed forehead and below his eyes were the most obvious. He has heterochromia. His right eye is icy blue and his left eye is neon green. For clothing, he wore a rather strange outfit for an old man. He was wearing a dark green cloak around his entire body. He smiled and said with a smile,"Greeting Natasha. It's good to see you after how long?". "Several years." said Natasha with slightly worry and anger.

Arturo laughed and he said,"It has been a long time hasn't it? May I come in?". "Sure." said Natasha letting the old man inside. Upon walking in, Natasha noticed the staff in his hand. It was slightly taller than him with a long and thin distorted wooden handle. A white and round orb like object fixed itself into the tip with the wood staff slightly covering it. He had a dark ring on his right middle finger and a pair of gray boots were seen.

Natasha said,"May I take your cloak?". "Sure sweetheart." said Arturo. He then handed her his cloak and under the cloak, he was wearing a white high collar jacket with a hood, a dark purple base layer shirt, and blue jeans. "I bet you're wondering why I'm here aren't you?" said Arturo. "A little. You weren't around much when I was a kid and you visit Zane once." said Natasha. "Speaking of your son, do you know where he is?" said Arturo.

Natasha got her weapon ready ,which was a pen, and she said,"And why do you want to know?". "I know when my grandson is using his powers from the Spectral Land Terrarune." said Arturo. The old man was blasted by the pen and Natasha said,"I won't let you hurt my son!". The explosion was gone as Arturo said,"Now why do you think that? Oh. I think it is because of your former love George was it? He tried to kill you because of a Mind Spider.".

Natasha stood there and she said,"How did you?". "Oh Edgar!" said Arturo. The mechanical bird was on the orb of the staff and Arturo said,"I've been keeping a close eye on you dear child. I was worried about my family.". "You abandoned us!" said Natasha. "Well, I had personal matters to attend to and I didn't want you, your mother, or your siblings to get hurt." said Arturo. "I understand but what are you doing here?" said Natasha. "Lets talk." said Arturo.

Later at school, Zane was in his own personal hell. He wasn't a fan of high school to begin with but when he arrived to his first period aka English 1, he was the center of attention. He was leaning up against his locker and he said,"God. Kill me.". "Dude. You really need to be more positive man. I mean you got a smile from the girls after Brad's prank." said Danny. The two had several classes together and Zane said,"You know that I hate crowds right?'.
Danny said,"Didn't stop her from dragging you to that concert.". "You know that even with super powers, I can't stop her." said Zane. The two were heading to their second period which was Algebra for Zane and Danny had Latin which were across the hall from each other. They head down the stairs and Zane stopped. "What?" said Danny. "Football Charge in five seconds." said Zane. Danny barely evade the football team ,led by Brad, as they down up the stairs.

Danny said,"Thanks man. I owe you.". "Thanks. I'll keep that in mind." said Zane. Brad stood at the top of the stairs with his pack. "Hey! Get here and take your punishment Alvarez!" said Brad. "Now why should I do that? I mean getting beat up for YOUR prank missing is totally my fault." said Zane as he made the bully angry. "You're dead now!" said Brad. He ran down the stairs and Zane thought to himself,"Should I take this punch or use my skills to dodge it?".

He took the later option not by choice as he jumped over Brad. "Stay still!" said Brad. He threw hits his way and one of the football players said,"Wow. Alvarez isn't that bad.". "Yeah. The kid has some moves. It's like he was trained or something." said another player. "You know what man?" said the first player. "What man?" said the second player. "We should ask him to join the team." said the first player with a smile.

Brad was tired after missing Zane several times. "You know something Bradley. How about we just stop fighting and be friends? We'll be late for class." said Zane. He held out his hand and Brad said,"I guess you're just an idiot like your mom....". He didn't even finish his sentence before Zane gave him an intense glare. Danny was impressed that Zane didn't blast the guy with a giant fireball. The bell rang and the crowd was gone along with Zane and his pack.

Danny said while running,"Wow. That's impressive.". "Yeah. I was so tempted to sock that guy's okay teeth in but I stopped myself." said Zane as he clenched his left hand. "Well, I'll see you later. Thanks to Gwen's been a real big help. Have fun with her." said Danny. He ran into the classroom on the left and Zane walked into the room. He sat in his seat and he heard,"Well, you look rather happy Zane. I guess you owe me a thank you.".

He turned to face his other friend Rachel Powell. She had shoulder length copper red hair with her bangs covering her forehead. She had a single pair of earrings which changes everyday, fair skin, and large green eyes. She had long eyelashes that got longer if she needed something from her friends or her daddy. She wears a black choker with a cute purple bat on the front of it and pink lipstick on her which is usually the only makeup that she wears.

She was wearing a navy blue t-shirt with the hazard symbol on it with a white tank top over it. She wore a red and green plaid skirt over her blue jeans with a single white belt with black and blue checker board design sneakers. She sat in the desk to the right of him and Zane said,"Why would I thank you Rachel?". "Because you love me?" said Rachel. "Just maybe." said Zane. "So to switch topics, have you seen Gweny's new outfit?" said Rachel.

Zane shrugged as he said,"It looks good on her.". "Are you in love with her Zaney?" said Rachel. "I'm not answering that Rae. So she's rather popular with both the boys and girls right? Plus Danny likes her not me." said Zane. "Yeah. I mean she's curvaceous which the boys like because well, I think guys are perverts and she's super strong making her even more popular." said Rachel. "Yeah. I guess it's destiny that she's popular." said Zane.

Rachel said,"Oh yeah. I wanted to show you this but you were busy training or something like this man.". She pulled out her phone and she said,"Check out the new design for your costume and also Gwen's new outfit.". "Actually, I was thinking about it and we keep the costume the same." said Zane hoping Rachel wasn't mad. "Wow. Did you use your powers or what?" said Rachel. "No. It's just that the Zero name has been around for centuries and I can't let them down." said Zane.

Rachel said,"You mean the former ones right?". "Bingo." said Zane. "Okay. I will keep that in mind Zane. At least look at Gwen." said Rachel. "Fine." said Zane. He looked at the screen and he said,"I'm impressed.". The picture had Gwen's hair in a small ponytail on the top of her head with a purple hair tie. "Yeah. I mean I like when she has her hair down but this ponytail is really cute. How about you look at this now Zane?" said Rachel.

Zane looked over again and he said,"Like the earrings.". The earrings were a mixture of a gold wing and navy blue clock mixture. "Thanks. She loves them. She's wearing them today with her hair in a ponytail. So why is she called the Slicer?" said Rachel. "Her sword Time Rune is able to slice her way through the dimensions and time itself." said Zane. "Oh. So it's her sword that gave her that moniker? Kinda obvious." said Rachel.

Zane said,"Yeah. She was given the power of the god of Time Chronos. According to her teacher or father, she's rather relaxed when she isn't working during times of study and danger, her personality does a complete 180. It's scary because I saw it. When truly using Chronos's power, she then gains immense strength.". "Ah. That makes sense. Look at this cute outfit and can you explain her bracelets to me?" said Rachel.

Zane looked at the next picture and Zane smiled. She was wearing a simple red bandeau with the upper edges having a flowery white lace. Over it, she was wearing a purple tank top and a black jacket over that. She was wearing a loose pair of black capri pants with a purple clockwork design to them with the ends of them tied up with a purple ribbon. She was ending the outfit with black combat boots with purple laces.

Zane noticed the gold charm bracelets with a clock clasp on both of her hands. "Those are called the Sentinel Grasps. That's its standby phase and when active, it covers her entire arm in metal that's very durable and able to reflect magic power. It also looks like a very metal version of evening gloves and on it's shoulder plates rest the symbol of the alliance." said Zane. "That's really cool." said Rachel. As the bell rang, the two went back to listen their teacher talk.

Meanwhile, Cinder was sitting there in a jail cell with his weapons still rolled around him from his encounter with Zane. "That kid. I'll kill him." said Cinder. "Oh. Are you serious about that?" said a voice. Cinder looked around his jail cell and he heard,"Are you serious?". "Yes. I really hate that kid so dam much." said Cinder. "Okay. Time for you to get really fired up!" said the voice. Cinder felt really hot and he screamed.

He looked down to see that his skin was burning up and he felt like he just entered a lava bath. His once normal hair was literally on fire, his skin was magma with lava for his blood, and the hazmat suit was gone except for the pants. The pain was gone and Cinder said,"Oh right! Time to burn this place to the ground.". His hair burned the building down and Cinder said,"Time to get that punk a burn that he'll never forget!". His legs erupted in fire as he flew off.

Back at the Alvarez's household, Arturo said,"Do you understand now daughter?". "Yes. I still can't believe it." said Natasha. "Your son isn't human at all. He's half Phantom due to you and Sorcerer due to his father." said Arturo. Edgar was enjoy a biscuit and Natasha said,"So why is Zane able to create an energy sphere when I can't?". "Well, it skips a generation and also you took a lot after your mother but you got my spunk." said Arturo.  

Natasha sighed and she said,"So are you here to train him dad?". "Well, I am in a sense honey." said Arturo. "What do you mean by that?" said Natasha. "A Phantom like me and your son can't be taught how to use Nether in a way that a Sorcerer learns magic or a student learns well education. You learn from experience rather than a book." said Arturo. "Hold on. So can we help accelerate the process? I mean he may need it." said Natasha.

Arturo said,"Your watch invention is the key to young Zane's growth as a Phantom and as Zero. It it killing two birds with one stone.". "How dad? I built that watch to see how much Animus Zane can use before his power/suit times out." said Natasha. "You also built it to help him control/master any new power by limiting it to what is it five, seven, or ten powers." said Arturo. "Seven. It's a lucky number." said Natasha.

Arturo said,"I think it's lucky in Western Culture mainly sweetheart.". "You need to focus here dad. I rather not have your son in danger. So how are we going to tell Zane about this?" said Natasha. "With this." said Arturo, He snapped his right hand and Edgar floated into the room. "You can't be serious dad? I mean how big is he?" said Natasha. " Edgar is a helpful and treasured partner. He'll be able to deliver this news to Zane." said Arturo. "Okay go." said Natasha. The bird flew off.

Back at the school, Cinder was watching some kids run around the track on a nearby roof. Inside of his head, he heard his new partner in crime say,"Dam. Human have gotten fine in the past century especially the young ones.". "Do you have to be such a perv? My hermana is a student there." said Cinder. "How about you just calm down bro? I sense that kid's aura around this area. It's like a burning forest fire right?" said the voice.

Cinder said,"Yeah but it smells nice so what's the plan to draw him out hombre?". "What do we pyro loves to do?" said the voice. "Burn!" said Cinder. "You got it Cinder. Oh and call me Volcanis. I'm a being from the Hellfire Realm of Terrarune and I love fire!" said Volcanis. Cinder's arms were on fire and he lifted himself into the air. "Okay. I don't care where you came from hombre but if you get me the fire power to roast that brat, I'm fired up." said Cinder.

Inside of the school, it was lunch time. The group of Danny, Gwen, and Rachel were sitting at their table with Gwen said,"So where's Zane?". "Don't know. He was in class but when Brad arrived with his posse, Zane was out of there fast." said Rachel. "I guess Bradley is still mad about what happen this morning and in the west stairway." said Danny. "I know about the incident in the west stairway but what about this morning?" said Gwen.

Danny was about to say why but he heard,"Hey Dan. Do you mind if I tell them?". He turned around to see their other friend Karen April Castro standing there. She had neck length chestnut blond hair with a light pink headband and black rimmed glasses over her blue eyes. She was wearing a light gray hoodie/jacket with it open to show her red t-shirt with a black spider design over her chest, a blue denim skirt, black stockings, and knee high brown boots with a one inch black heel.

Danny smiled and he said,"Sure thing Karen.". She sat down and she said,"Well, Zane was heading to English and Brad tried to hit him with a water balloon, he dodged it.". "Really? I guess Mel's training has been helpful to him." said Gwen. "Mel? He's the Cyclops right?" said Karen. "Yeah Karen. He's a nice guy." said a voice. The four looked up to see the school's mascot Orville the Ox standing there with his arms crossed.

He looked like a normal ox except he was wearing the school's color which were red and white with plastic weapons on his back. It was a bow and arrow, sword, and shield plus armor. The guy of the group said with a confusion look,"Zane? You in there?". "Yeah. Brad wouldn't look for me in here at all. I"m smart right?" said Zane. "Yeah. You're smart Zane." said Karen and Rachel.. "You know that I can hear the sarcasm right?" said Zane. "So did you lose him?" said Gwen.

Zane took off the helmet and he said,"I think so.". He heard,"Alvarez!". "Gods dam it." said Zane. He looked at Brad who was with his pack and the bully said,"You're dead meat.". "How about we just be friends? I mean we've a lot in common." said Zane who was getting ready for a fight. "Hey! Time for a permanent tan!" yelled a voice. The wall to the right of the cafeteria exploded and Cinder stood there. "Cinder? What are you doing here?" thought Zane.

Cinder threw a fireball at Zane and the boy pushed himself plus Brad to the ground. His projectile caused the smoke alarm to go off as the students ran out of there. His friends and Brad looked at Zane who said,"I don't think we have time to argue right now! Run!". Brad was long gone and Zane was looking around the room. He was the only one there and he ran under a table. "I know you're in here mocoso so come on out so you can get burned!" yelled Cinder.

Cinder saw Zane and he said,"Hey Mocoso. Where's your camarada with the white hair? You two do like alike except with a way better sense of fashion hombre. Oh well hombre, it is time for a scorching burn by Cinder!". He threw a giant ball at Zane who dodged it. "Wait a second. You're perfect for drawing out my objetivo. Get a load of them!" said Cinder. He threw several balls at Zane who dodged them and he blocked a couple of them by hiding under tables.

Outside of school grounds, Danny and the rest of Zane's friends were worried about him. "So this guy was human last time right?" said Karen. "Yeah! I mean he was defeated so easily but now, he's on a way different level." said Danny who clenched his right fist. Gwen put her hand on his shoulder and she said,"Zane will be fine.". "Yeah. I mean he's like this legendary hero right?" said Rachel. "Then can you explain how he isn't wining?" said Danny.

The four heard,"It's simple young man. My grandson hasn't access his powers of Nether yet.". They saw Edgar flying above them. "Nether?! What are you talking about Arturo and what is Edgar doing here on Earth instead of Terrarune?" said Gwen. "I have several questions. I mean what is Nether to begin with and Terrarune? Who is Arturo and Edgar?" said Rachel. Edgar floated to the area right in front of them and the bird said,"Well, he is my heir after all Gwendolyn.".

Gwen said,"This voice belongs to Arturo, King of the Spectral Land/Terrarune and this is Edgar, his pet.". The bird cawed and Arturo's voice said,"Easy pal. You know that she's get her jokes from Eon Edgar. So are you all my grandson's friends?". "So how can you see us to begin with? And why don't you have a tone or accent to your voice." said Danny. "I think it's simple Danny. The bird's eyes must be cameras and you are watching us through a computer screen." said Karen.
The old man's voice said,"You're somewhat right Karen but I need Edgar to talk with Zane.". "You know what's going on right?" said Gwen. The bird turned around to see that the cafeteria was on fire and Rachel said,"This pyro just attack Zane and us with no reason.". "I see that a being from the Hellfire Realm took over a human." said Arturo. "It came from your realm your highness. You should deal with it." said Gwen who crossed her arms.

Karen said,"I'm going to guess that Arturo and Gwen aren't friends.". "I think you hit the target head on Karen." said Danny. The bird began to fly and Arturo said,"This is Zane's problem and I think that the Slicer would try to help out her friends.". The little bird was heading toward the school and Gwen felt Rachel's hand on her shoulder. "Go help our idiot. We'll make sure that you're not missed." said Rachel. Gwen was gone as the three went over to the crowd.

Back inside, Zane was running from Cinder. Zane went sliding thanks to the water and he hid behind some lockers. "Hey mocoso. Come out and play with your camrada Cinder." said Cinder. Zane slightly turned to his left and a stream of fire flew by him. "Wow. He's gotten stronger and I don't think a simple frost spell will be able to defeat him this time." thought Zane. He was about to go Zero on this guy before he heard the window crash in the Second Floor Physics Lab.

He looked and he saw that Cinder heard the crash plus him with Zane sprinting away. "Found you rata. Burn!" said Cinder. Zane ,thanks to the banister, jumped up the stairs as the fireball melted the banister. He found the lab and he slid inside. He looked up to see Cinder looking for him and the pyro said,"He wouldn't be in the nerd laboratorio would he? Nah.". The pyro was gone and Zane took a sigh of relief.

He looked and he found a robotic raven on the ground. "Ouch. Are you hurt little guy?" said Zane as he stuck his right hand out. The bird looked and it squawked. "So are you okay or not? I can't speak bird yet." said Zane. "Don't you remember Edgar young Zane?" said a voice. Zane turned around to see Arturo standing there and he noticed that the bird's eyes were glowing. "Who are you? And how do you know me?" said Zane as two magic circles appeared in his hands.

Arturo said,"You're so funny Zane! I mean you know if you tried to attack me, Cinder would find you and no offense my child, you would look awful with a tan.". "So who are you?" said Zane who took a deep breath calming himself down. "My name is Arturo, King of the Spectral Land/Terrarune." said the man. "Wait. Grandpa Arturo? Is that you?" said Zane who touched the man. He then tuck his right hand through him and Edgar snickered.

Arturo said,"It is good to see you again but we will talk later. You're dealing with a highly powerful being from the Hellfire Realm. His name is Volcanis and he's able to make people like Cinder turn into a Phantom.". "A Phantom? Hellfire Realm? What are you talking about?" said Zane. "You were okay with the Spectral Land/Terrarune part?" said Arturo. "I read some books in Dragonvale's library and I learned that the Spectral Land/Terrarune is forbidden for humans for some reason." said Zane.

Arture said,"A Phantom is a being from the Spectral Land/Terrarune. A Phantom has a certain type of energy that only they can access. If they have that energy, they are a Phantom.". "So this Volcanis guy is the reason why that pyro is so much stronger?" said Zane. "Yes. He's being controlled by a Phantom from the Hellfire Realm. The Phantom is really good with fire." said Arturo. "So how do I kick his but grandpa? I know that Zane can't do anything but maybe Zero can. Power Up!" said Zane.

He turned into Zero and Arturo said,"You need to use the powers of Nether.". "Nether? Is that a type of magic?" said Zane with a confused look. The bird sighed and Arturo said,"I hate doing this but I rather not have you losing one place where being a human is important to you. Grab my hands my boy.". He held out his hands and Zane said,"Okay?". The boy held his hands and his eyes glowed white rather than blue.

Cinder was holding a locker and he said,"Hey Volcanis. I thought you sense that freak with the extrano color de pelo.". It melted in his hands and Volcanis said,"I thought it did but for some reason, I can't! Speak English idiot! I don't understand Spanish.". Cinder rolled his eyes and he heard,"Hey Smoky. Didn't your mom tell you that playing with fire was wrong?". Cinder along with his roommate saw Zane ,as Zero, standing there.

Cinder smiled and he said,"I was waiting for my amigo and he arrived! Burn!". A volley of fire balls flew toward Zane and he thought,"I hope this works!". The steel gray energy sphere formed in his hands and it formed into a giant bowl which took the balls of fire inside of it. "Hey I did it!" said Zane. "Hey Volcanis. How the hell did that chico do that bro?" whispered Cinder. The fire being didn't listen as he thought,"That kid used Nether! How?!".

Zane said,"Hey Cinder! Eat this!". He fired a beam at Cinder who went flying back and Zane said,"I think this power is even cooler that magic!". Cinder recovered and he said,"Okay! You're dead meat now mocoso!". He threw a giant stream of fire at Zane with the teen seeing that it was turning into a giant flaming skull. Zane evaded the attack barely and he said,"I think you need to cool down your head for a while!".

His aura covered the skull and for a split second, Zane's eyes turned white with the skull freezing in place. Cinder tried to free the skull but the ice covering didn't melt. "Why can't I melt his ice?! Hey Volcanis! Contestame Maldito Espiritu!" said Cinder. He didn't noticed that Zane was in front of him. "Time for you to make a splash Cinder!" said Zane. He punched Cinder down into the ground as Zane flew after him.

He stopped and he kicked Cinder into the pool. Cinder was about to fly out but he saw that his fire was disappearing. "Shit! This kid knows my weakness." thought Volcanis. The water around Cinder began to rapidly freeze and it stopped Cinder. Zane used his aura to form a giant ice drill and it cut a hole with Zane holding the frozen Cindercle. "Okay. So how do I get rid of the spirit inside of him to begin with Grandpa?" said Zane.
Edgar floated next to him and Arturo's voice said,"You can't fully get rid of it like you did with the Gluttony Spirit. He will have some control over fire and I guess you would call young Cinder your first super villain.". "Cool. I mean Hot." said Zane. The bird sighed and it flew off. Zane made his hands get covered in the sliver/white aura and he said,"You're free!". Volcanis was gone as Cinder turned back to normal. Zane phased into the ground and he was gone.

A little bit later, Danny was currently looking for Zane and after some searching in the school which was empty since school was cut out earlier due to the place being soaked from Cinder, he found his best friend currently asleep in the teachers's lounge on their soft couch. Danny looked around and he opened the locked door thanks to a trick that Zane's mom taught the two when they were little. The boy looked at his friend and he pushed him off the couch.

Zane woke up and he said,"Really hate you Danny.". "Are you okay man?" said Danny. "I'm so tired and hungry. Got any food on you?" said Zane. "Can you fly?" said Danny. "I'm too tired to even more my body. I think doing an Expulsion drains me like a battery." said Zane. "Ah. Lets go get something to eat." said Danny. He helped his friend up and Zane was dragged out of the office. "So what did you do to Cinder?" said Danny.

Zane said,"Well, that guy was trying to kill me because he had an evil spirit inside of his body and I had to give him a cold awakening.". "Really?" said Danny. "I don't spend my time reading pun books like you did for a year." said Zane. "Yeah. So do you know where Gwen went?" said Danny. "No. I thought she was with you guys." said Zane. "She was but someone called Arturo freaked her out for some reason. How do you know him because he knew you?" said Danny.

Zane looked around and he said,"He's my grandpa.". "From your dad's side?" said Danny. The two got out of the school and Zane said,"I'm not sure but I have a feeling that I'll know soon. I think that's why he doesn't have bold text.". "Your life is so confusing man." said Danny. "I know right? It's fun though." said Zane. The two boys soon saw Karen and Rachel with Zane waving. They walked over and Karen said,"Are you okay Zane?". "Yeah. I think he needs something to eat." said Danny.

Rachel said,"Maybe we can go get something at the Golden Leaf.". "And you're buying right? Please Rachel." said Zane. "Yeah. I mean you did save our lives Zero." said Rachel. "Hey you guys. What about Gwen?" said Karen. "I'll text her to meet us there." said Danny. "Okay." said Karen. The girls helped Zane walk as Danny pulled out his phone. He texted Gwen and he ran after his friends with the four heading away from the school.

Meanwhile, Volcanis woke up and he said,"Where the hell am I man?". "In a prison for scums like you, I have been informed about your recent activity in the Human World. It's a shame what is going to happen to you." said a voice. The fire spirit saw that he was in a glass jar and he laughed evilly. "You're an idiot! I'm Volcanis! This glass jar can't hold me!" yelled Volcanis. The flame tried to break out but he wasn't able and he didn't give up.

Above him, Gwen looked down and she said,"Master Eon. Are you sure this was the right thing to do?". Eon stood there and he said,"You told me that the Phantom tried to kill Zero Gwendolyn so you know that this was going to happen.". "Yeah but I really expect him to be send back to the Spectral Realm not be here." said Gwen. "I thought the same but this is what the Alliance does to Phantoms." said Eon.

Gwen's phone rang and she said,"Oh. It's Zane and my friends. Can I go?". "Sure. Just tell Zero that we'll have magic training tomorrow and it'll be deadly." said Eon. Back on Earth, Zane then sneezed. Gwen smiled and she was gone. Eon put on his hood and he walked out of the room. He was gone as Volcanis screamed loudly. He was on the bottom of the jar and he saw a figure ,covered in the shadows, before passing out.

The figure said,"Throw the Scum in the prison back in its realm. I think they will having a field day with this one.". A guard grabbed the jab with the defeated fire spirit. The figure said,"Zero or should I saw Shawn's spawn. You're going to be a pain just like your father when he was alive so I better get ready for that day.". The figure was gone as the guard threw the jar into a police car and it drove off revealing the building to be a police station.

Next time,
Who is that Figure? And what's up with that Hatred between the Spectral Land Terrarune and the Wizardly Domain Taelamelan? This and more next time on Zero.

Cinder's Words:
Extrano Color De Pelo=strange hair color.
Contestame Maldito Espiritu=Answer me, damn spirit

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