Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Zero Episode 2 Magical Past

A/N: Welcome to Episode 2 of the new series. I know that this is different from Power because we don't know what Zane's power is yet but maybe, we'll learn it. Don't worry. I won't be making a super OP character like I do in Soul and Power. I'm determined to keep Zane on a normal level and nothing more than that. Lets begin with Danny and Zane heading to Zane's place. This takes place right after Episode 1. Oh, you'll learn why some characters and at points why characters speak in Bold. This post was originally posted on January 30, 2017 at 1:44 AM but it was deleted for some reason mainly mine so enjoy the repost with no differences.

Narrator P.O.V.
Danny said,"I still can't believe you man. You just kicked some major but against a guy who attack us with last week Sloppy Joes and then manhandle Brad without touching him.". "I used my brain. Brad punching a wall was amazing. I'm not a bully but a person defending himself." said Zane. "That's an answer I guess but from you, this is normal. So do you think that we'll ever see Gwen again?" said Danny.

Zane elbowed Danny and he said,"Dude! You're crushing on hard!". Danny's face had a blush and he said,"What?!". "Come on. You acted the same way around Sam before Brad make you into his main target even more than Kevin which is saying a lot." said Zane. "I guess but Gwen didn't turn out to be a giant bitch." said Danny. "You're right. She would love her." said Zane. "I think she would be happy to have a female friend beside her." said Danny. "You have a point there." said Zane.

The two stopped in front of Zane's house and Danny said,"So does your mom know anywhere who works at a renaissance fair?". A horse driven carriage was in front of the house and Zane rubbed his eyes."Maybe. I may be seeing things but these equines have no flesh, bony wings, and an aura like I had but this one was made out of fire." said Zane. "Huh. Weird. We should probably go and help your mom. I think I can find the plasma cannon. It's still in the closet right?" said Danny.

Zane opened the door and he heard laughter. "Oh really? He's still doing that." said Natasha. "Yes but he's a more accomplished wizard now than he was back in the day." said a voice. Zane motioned Danny to the closet and he said,"Power Up!". He turned into Zero and his hands glow. Danny held the weapon and Zane said,"On my signal.". Danny cocked the gun and he said,"Ready?". "Go." said Zane. The two went into the kitchen and they were shocked.

Natasha sat with Gwen and Eon with his hood over his head with the three drinking tea. "Um. What is going on?" said Zane. "He looks like just like him." said Natasha who moved her hand through her red hair. "What is going on?" said Danny who aimed the gun at Eon. "Ease young man. We are not here to hurt Natasha. Actually, your mother and I are good friends." said Eon. "How about you take off your hood?" said Zane who aimed his left hand at Eon.

Gwen said,"He's quite determined Master.". "I know Gwendolyn. He's just like his father after all but I should accept his demand." said Eon. He took off his hood and his face was revealed. His face was an eerie green, gold/red eyes, a scar that covers his left eye, and a clock themed monocle over his right eye. "Greetings Zero and friend. My name is Eon, the current Guardian of Time." said Eon. "I'm also his student Gwendolyn "Slicer" Vasquez." said Gwen. "I'm so lost." said Zane.

Later, Zane was back to normal and he said,"So I'm a what?!". "A protector of four realms plus a few minor realms but there are three main ones. This one that we're in right now, the realm of magic, and the realm of the dead." said Gwen. "And you get your power from the realm of the stars or as it called the Astral Realm." said Eon. "Astral Realm? Sounds so Sci-Fi." said Danny. "It is but I thought Zane would be faraway from this life after what happen." said Natasha.

Eon said,"Destiny has a strange way of working Natasha. I wished for your son to stay out of the way of the alliance but he is very much destined to be Zero.". "How do you know about all of this mom? I thought you avoid magic like the plague. What's going on here?!" said Zane. "Do you mind heading upstairs with your friends Zane?" said the woman. Zane noticed a rather sad look on her face and he said,"Come on.". He went up the stairs with the two teens following him.

Eon looked at Natasha and he said,"Does he not know? His father was a hero Natasha.". "For the past sixteen years, he doesn't know that his father Shawn Alvarez was a sorcerer like you Eon. He died to protect the Magic City." said Natasha who clenched her fists. Eon then placed a hand on her shoulder and he said,"We all miss him but you can't keep his destiny from him. I mean he was going to start showing signs sooner or later.".

Natasha said,"You're right Eon but I was expecting to at least have a couple of years before I have to deal with that. I know that I should have told him about his father earlier but maybe, he would want to find out about what happened.". "You should be more brave like Shawn dear. He did fall in love with you after all because how much of a brave woman that you really are. You saved the life of a very dangerous creature without hesitation so tell Zane about his father." said Eon.

Upstairs, Danny was sitting in a chair and he said,"So what's up with Zane?". Zane was sitting in the corner of the room and Gwen said,"I supposed he's dealing with the fact that his mother hid the fact of his father from him.". "Yeah but you should know that mentioning the F word around Zane is like really bad. He once punched someone and it caused him to spend a week in detention. This was even before he became a superhero." said Danny.

Zane said,"You know that I can hear you two right? I'm right here!". "Sorry bro but you know when a fair maiden asks for my help, I can't say no." sad Danny. "Thank you Daniel. So are you two up for a great stress reliever?" said Gwen. "Stress reliever?" said Zane. Gwen made a portal appear and she said,"Follow me and find out.". "Should we man?" said Danny. Zane pushed Danny and he said,"You always said that I should be more confident and you should too.". The trio was gone.

Earlier, Natasha was standing in front of Zane's bedroom and she said,"Zane. We need to talk alone so would you two mind leaving for a second? Okay so once they leave, say that it it is about your father. He was a good guy and the reason why I didn't tell you is that....". She opened the door and she saw the teens entering a magic portal. "No! Get back here young man!" yelled Natasha. Before she could grab Zane's shirt, he was gone along with the portal.

Downstairs, Eon was looking around the kitchen and he said,"I still don't get why humans would need all of this to cook. They could easily make a simple meal but why do they go overboard when they're eating food?". He could sense a magic portal opening up in the house and he said with a very confused look,"Gwendolyn. What are you doing my child? Opening a portal to the Training Arena of Heroes? Are you thinking of training Zero?".

He heard,"EON! UPSTAIRS RIGHT NOW OR ELSE YOU'LL GET THE PLASMA GLOVES. I KNOW WELL THAT YOU HATE THEM!". He warped upstairs and he saw a very angry Natasha Alvarez. Eon knew that she was a rather nice woman but when she is mad, her anger rivals a fierce dragon or maybe a witch in a really bad mood. "Okay. You need to calm down. Zane....." said Ego but he was stopped by Natasha's glare.

Eon said,"I'll open a portal.". The portal appeared and he said,"Well. that's something. I can't follow them.". "What do you mean by that?" said Natasha. She grabbed his robe and she said,"Where is my son Eon?!". "Easy. They're still in the realm of magic also known as the Wizardly Domain or to me and Shawn, it was known as Taelamelan." said Eon. She glared and she said,"I don't care. I need to save my son!". The two were gone as the Alvarez household was empty.

Danny and Zane stood there with Gwen standing nearby them. "I welcome you my friends. This is the Wizardly Domain or Taelamelan. The later name is for people who live here or in the other realm which you'll learn about later soon enough" said Gwen. Danny looked around and they were in a park like area. "Really? This is where magic is Gwen? I have my doubts." said Danny. "It's the walkway to the realm so Daniel, where did Zero go?" said Gwen.

The two then saw that Zane was currently puking in the bushes. "What's wrong?" said Gwen. "Zero is emptying the canister." said Danny. "Screw you man." said Zane. He walked over to the two holding his stomach and he said,"So I thought we were going to get rid of the stress of my mom lying to me for over ten years.". "How about you follow me and find out?" said Gwen. She walked ahead with the two boys following her. Once they reach the end of the path, they were shocked.

It looked like a mixture of Asgard, Atlantis, Camelot, a Future Wonderland, Mount Olympus, Urban Metropolis, and Valhalla. "Wow. This place looks really amazing." said Danny. "Welcome to the main city of Taelamelan known as Dragonvale." said Gwen as she stood next to Danny. He looked around and he said,"Man. This must be making you real happy huh Zane?". The two turned around and they saw a smoke version of Zane.

Gwen said,"I guess you're right.". "Shit! We lost him. What are we going to do?" said Danny. "Don't worry Daniel. I've his magic signature tracked and I can find him with ease. Relax. How about we go have some fun?" said Gwen. "Okay but it better be fun." said Danny. He walked off as Gwen thought to herself,"I do hope that you're okay Zane because I worry about you. You're lucky your father in so many ways.".

Zane was walking around the city and he said,"No way.". He rushed toward a store and he said,"That is so cool. I mean it's a crystal ball with the symbol of Athena on it.". "Like it kid?" said a voice. He turned around and he saw a red skinned cyclops. He's wearing a black t-shirt, he had a goatee, and he was wearing something that a blacksmith would wear. "Too cool. So are you actually from Greece or were you born here?" said Zane.

The creature smiled and he said,"You're smart kid. My grandpa ,who lived for a long time, was born in Greece but you're talking to a born citizen. I was once the blacksmith to the legendary hero Shawn Alvarez.". "Alvarez? Do you mind telling more about him? I just moved into town and I was curious." said Zane. "Sure thing kid. I mean you're interesting. Got a strange aura around you. The name is Melegros but you can call me Mel. So what's your name kid?" said Mel.

Zane said,"You can call me.....". The boy sensed something and Mel said,"Get inside.". He pushed the teen inside and he said,"So what are we hiding from? It's not the police right?". "You could say that kid but its actually more worse than that. You heard of the Alliance?" said Mel. "Not that much. News travels rather slow where I lived before." said Zane. "They're the top ranking force out there and well, they have an army called the Sentry Corps." said Mel.

Zane said,"Sentry Corps?". "Yes. They're made out of several magic creations and beings from this realm or others but not from the realm of the dead." said Mel. "Why not? Are they dangerous or what?" said Zane. "You could say that but well, we can still escape from here. I think I should take you to the Hall of Ancestors and Sorcery. Lets go." said Mel. He dragged the teen out through the back and Zane wondered if ditching his friends was a bad idea.

Meanwhile, Eon arrived with Natasha. "So where are they?" said Natasha. "Hm. It seems that the Alliance sent the Sentry Corps here looking for something." said Eon. "Could it be the kids? I mean according to you, him and Shawn have the same magical aura." said Natasha. "Perhaps but we should find Gwendolyn and Daniel before Zane." said Eon. "Why aren't we looking for Zane first Eon?! He is mostly likely their target!" said Natasha.

Eon said,"Because Gwendolyn ,being the magical prodigy, has Zane's magic aura tracked and we'll be able to find him faster.". "You're right. So where are they?" said Natasha. "Hm. I think she would take the boys to the weapons district." said Eon. "Are you sure?" said Natasha. Eon put his hood back on as a blue aura surrounding him. "Pretty sure Natasha. Hang on. We are going to be there in a flash." said Eon who held out his hand. The woman grabbed it and the two were gone.

Danny was looking around the weapon shop and he said,"Man. This is too cool.". Gwen stood there and the vendor ,which was a Dwarf, said,"So is this kid your friend Slicer?". "He is my friend and he won't cause any destruction to your shop." said Gwen. She thought,"I hope.". "Hey! Check this thing out!" said Danny. He was a giant war hammer and the dwarf said,"Impressive kid. I didn't not expect you to carry that with ease.".

Danny threw the hammer in the air and he caught it with his other hand. "It's actually pretty light so is it made of a lighter metal?" said Danny. The dwarf smiled and the two talked about weapons. "I didn't expect him to be so good with weapons but today has been full or surprise." said Gwen. She sensed something and she heard,"Gwendolyn. I feel bad for you.". Eon stood there with an angry Natasha as Danny froze up due to him fearing the angry Alvarez matriarch.

Natasha said,"Daniel. Where is my son?". "Um....." said Danny. "Hey! Who is she Eon?!" said the dwarf. The woman glared at the little man and she said,"Leave now or else.". The guy was gone and Gwen thought,"Wow. Note to self, don't piss her off.". "So where is Zero Gwendolyn?" said Eon. "I don't know." said Gwen. "You what?!" said Natasha. "Didn't you put a tracking spell on him when you arrived?" said Eon.

Gwen said,"I did but when we got on the monorail, I lost it. I tried to tell Daniel but well, we ended up here.". "I see. Daniel. If we don't find my son, you'll see what happens when you make this mother really mad." said Natasha. She crackled her knuckles and Danny said,"So Gwen, where was the last spot that Zane's magic aura was at?". Gwen closed her eyes and she said,"In the Blacksmith Area. He met up with Mel.".

Natasha said,"Mel? He's still alive?". "Yes. Cyclops actually live for a long time and he comes from a long line of blacksmiths." said Eon. "Lets go ask him where my son is." said Natasha. She was about to head out of the store but Danny stopped him. "Daniel. What are you doing?" said Eon with a confused look on him. "I have a question for you Ms. A. Why did you hide Zane's dad from him? We both know very well that Zane has some serious father issues." said Danny.

Gwen said,"May I ask why as well? According to Daniel, Zane actually punch someone.". "Natasha my old friend. I don't think you should keep this a secret any longer. I miss Shawn too plus I know that he wouldn't want you to be sad about his passing. Remember his saying." said Eon who looked sad. Gwen never head about her master's past so this was a shock to her. Natasha took a deep breath and she said,"I was in college when I met Shawn Alvarez.".

Zane P.O.V.
I stood there with Mel and the monster said,"Well, what do you think kid?". I looked up at a statue of my dad. He had graying black hair and blue eyes. Heck, I looked a little like him. He was wearing a shield on his right shoulder with five gems inside of the shield. He was wearing a long sleeve ankle length black coat with gold lining and the inside being red. It was closed off at his chest and the jacket flared out at the ends of the jackets along with the sleeves.

He was wearing a pair of black pants that was slightly torn. Thanks to the holes, I saw that he was wearing mesh armor under it along with his shirt. I noticed that he had on a pair of silver knee and wrists guards with a strange sphere in the center of them. Ending off his outfit, he was wearing a pair of black combat boots. "So. He's pretty cool right Zane?" said Mel. I looked at the man and he then started to laugh.

Mel said,"Did you honestly think that you could fool me kid? I mean I raised that brat from a weak little kid to one of the best heroes that the realms have ever seen. So do you want to talk about him?". I nodded and Mel said,"Then follow me. I need to show you something.". He lead me into the museum which looked rather normal. I stood next to Mel and I said,"So do you know why my mom didn't tell me about him?".

Mel said,"Kid. If I understood women, I would be a super genius. I don't know why but from my guess, she didn't want you to know about all of this.". "Why? I mean this city and everything in it is so cool." I said. I stopped in front of an exhibit and I saw my dad fighting against a giant yeti who looked angry. "Yes. That was when Shawn fought against the former King of the Yetis Tulro and well, you can get what happened." said Mel.

I said,"So what made my dad such a hero?". "Well, it was similarly to how you became Zero. Eon told me about you and when I heard that it was Shawn's child, I begged to train him like I did with him." said Mel. "So you're like my grandpa?" I said. "You could say that young one. Come on kid. I think we should keep moving." said Mel. "Why?" I said. "Turn into your Zero form and I am sure that you'll find out why." said Mel.

I took a deep breath and I said,"Power Up!". I turned into Zero and I said,"Wow. I feel like I'm in Zero G or something.". "To humans like yourself, it is like being back on Earth but to a being from Taelamelan, it's normal." said Mel. I sensed something and I said,"My mom is here? And why is she mad at me? I'm mad at her for hiding dad from me. I mean look all of this cool stuff that he did!".

Mel sighed and he said,"Look at this Zane.". I stood in front of a statue. It had Shawn standing next to my mother who was holding a baby. I knew the picture well. I then pulled out my wallet and I said with my eyes watering,"Dad.". It was a complete copy except this one was made out of stone. "When I saw you for the first time, Shawn was so happy. He cried more than your mother." said Mel. "I can't believe it." I said. "I have a story for you." said Mel. I looked at him and I said,"Go on.".

Narrator P.O.V.
Danny sat next to Gwen as Natasha was talking with Eon. After learning why, Danny was silent. "I hope you're alright." said Gwen. Danny looked at her and he said,"Did you know?". "No. Eon kept his past pretty private but to learn that Zane's father sacrificed himself to the Infinite Void so that his son and wife could live." said Gwen. "Dam. I hope Zane hands the news well. I mean Natasha was crying while telling the story." said Danny.

The four were on a carriage ride toward the Hall of Ancestors and Sorcery where Zane was. "Hey you two. How are you doing?" said Eon. Natasha was sleeping and Danny said,"A little upset but I feel more bad for Zane.". "Yes. Shawn was a good man and the best of friend. He was the one who first accepted my crackpot theories." said Eon. "Wow. That's something master." said Gwen with a smile. The two talked as Danny went over to Natasha who woke up.

Danny looked at the woman whose eyes were red from all of the crying. "Danny. I'm sorry." said the woman. "It's fine Ms. A. I mean you had a good reason." said Danny. "No. I mean what kind of mom doesn't tell her son about his father?" said Natasha. "You had good reason. I mean we both know your son. I mean he can be a bit of a cynic but he's a caring man just like his dad. Don't worry. I'll be there to help you out. A Malone never goes back on a promise just like an Alvarez." said Danny.

The woman smiled as the carriage stopped. "We're here." said the coachman. The four got out and Danny said,"Wow. That's Zane's old man?". "He was quite the hunk wasn't he?" said Natasha. "He and Zane look so much alike when he's Zero." said Danny. Eon payed the coachman ,who was a satyr of all things, and the carriage flew off. "So where is he Eon?" said Natasha. "He is inside Natasha. I suggest not being too rough with him." said a voice.

Mel stood there and Danny said,"Wow. You're way different from Natasha's story.". "And you must be the kid's best friend. I guess you're not that bad." said Mel. Natasha hugged the one eyed man and he said,"It has been a long sixteen years Natasha.". "Yeah. You know that I couldn't come here without Zane finding out and trying to avenge his father." said Natasha. "You seriously think that he would do that?" thought Danny.

Eon said,"Daniel. You should know that your mother would do the same thing if she was in your mother's shoes.". "I guess but please don't read my mind like that." said Danny. Ego chuckled and he said,"Quite the interesting young man. So have you decided on a new apprentice yet Mel?". "If you suggesting that I train Zane in close combat, I would be delight. I have a feeling that you and the girl here are training him in magic." said Mel.

Gwen nodded as Eon said,"Yes. So is he inside?". "Yep. I also made sure that he has the place to himself so I suggest that you go find him Natasha by yourself." said Mel. She ran inside of the building with Danny saying,"I never expected her to be able to run so darn fast especially in heels.". "A woman has so many secrets and this is one of them young Daniel." said Eon. "Hey Eon. Did you did a scan of the kid's magical aura yet?" said Mel.

Gwen looked at Danny who was confused and she said,"A Magical Aura helps us decide what branch of magic that he will excel at.". "Ah. So do I have one of those?" said Danny. "We can check after we figure what." said Gwen. "You know something strange. I sense Shawn's magical aura inside of the young Zero." said Eon. "It can't be old friend. Shawn has been dead for a long time now. I highly doubt he's still alive." said Mel.

Gwen said,"Master and Melegros sir. He isn't wrong. I sense his presence and I didn't know him like you did.". "See?" said Eon. "I guess you may be right but we should keep a close eye on Zane. I don't know why but I got a bad feeling." said Mel. "So is Zane in trouble?" said Danny. "Not at all Daniel. Shawn was a famous hero and well, it's rather complicated." said Gwen. "Well, tell me. If I learn more about this world, I'll be able to help my friend." said Danny.

Zane ,as Zero, was sitting in front of his dad fighting against something and he sighed. "Hey." said a voice. He looked up to see his mom standing there and he said,"Oh hey mom.". She sat next to him and she said,"So I guess you know.". "Mel told me about him. He was a really good man." said Zane who looked at his dad. "I'm sorry." said Natasha. "For what?" said Zane. "For not telling you about all of this. I mean I didn't expect you to ever find about all of this." said Natasha.

Zane smiled and he said,"For my protection right?". "Yeah. How did you know?" said Natasha. "I guess that Eon and Mel were good friends. Mel had stories about you and him. You sounded really cool according to him." said Zane. "Well, Mel is a story teller." said Natasha. "How about we go home and we talk about my dad alone maybe with some popcorn?" said Zane who stood up. "I guess that sounds nice." said Natasha.

She was about to get up and the two heard,"I found you Natasha. I could sense you.". Zane turned to see someone standing there. He has spiky brown hair with honey brown eyes. He was wearing a crimson red trench coat which was open and had the letters FS on the back in white, a gold muscle shirt, bandages around his chest, dark brown pants, and black combat boots. "George Richard. What are you doing here? I thought you were stationed somewhere else." said Natasha.

Zane noticed the fear in her voice and the man said,"It's been too long Natasha my dead. I'm one of the strongest members of the Sentry Corps.". "You're a member of that group? I mean they're a group of good guys but you're a monster." said Zane who clenched his left hand. "Oh. And how are you kid? You trying to protect her from me?" said George with a smile. "I will protect her because I'm Zero!" said the boy.

George laughed and he said,"Okay. You're really funny kid. I like that so I will make this quick and painful.". He walked toward them and Natasha said,"Zane. You need to get out of here. George is too strong.". "Mom." said Zane. "Please son. I'll be fine." said Natasha. Zane nodded and he ran away. "I guess that you're worried about your son. He looks just like our dear old friend Shawn." said George. "You and Shawn were never friends George!" said Natasha.

George said,"You're right. I guess I should let you become my wife.".  His hands glowed red and white and Natasha stepped back. "You won't be leaving me again." said George. She was trapped in shadow chains and George said,"I hope you like the kitchen dear Natasha because you will never be leaving it.". His hand was able to touch her and Natasha thought,"Shawn. I'm sorry for not being able to protect our soon.".

George stopped as the two heard,"Stay the hell away from my mom pig!". George was blasted by a giant burst of energy and he flew through the hallway. Natasha saw Zane holding a cannon. "Well, I guess you told me to always carry my Plasma Swiss Army Knife. I saved your life from that pig so don't yell." said Zane. He then turned the cannon into a sword and he cut right through the chains like butter. "Zane. What are you doing here?" said Natasha.

Zane said,"I came to save you mom. I wouldn't let him hurt you mom.". "Zane." said Natasha. He was then blasted in the back by a giant rock causing him to fly back. "Zane!" said Natasha. George stood there and he said,"I give you props for attacking me when I was caught off guard. You're just like your old man. A coward.". "Shut up!" yelled Zane. He threw a giant fireball at George and Zane said,"Nuclear Eruption!".

He threw it at George who smiled. The ball of fire exploded on him and Natasha said,"We have to get outside. Eon and Mel should be able to handle George.". "Okay mom." said Zane. The two ran off as the flames vanished. "I see. You're stronger than a normal human would be and also you may even rival that idiot's strength." said George. A dark aura gathered around him and he said,"But thanks to my new power, she will be mine!".

Mel saw Natasha and Zane running toward the group and he said,"It seems like those two made up rather fast.". "So why is Zane Zero?" said Danny. "Get back Daniel. Natasha and Zero, what in the realms is going on in there?" said Eon. "Natasha!" yelled a voice. The group plus the Alvarez family turned around to see George standing there. "Who is that guy man?" said Danny. Natasha and Zane joined the four and Zane said,"My mom's ex-boyfriend.".

Gwen said,"And also one of the captains of the Sentry Corps, the Alliance's army.". "Oh. He is strong right?" said Danny. "Correct. He could fight equally with Shawn way back in the day. Hey kid, you get your friend and mother out of here. This is going to be dangerous." said Mel who crackled his knuckles. "Okay." said Zane. He grabbed his mother and his aura glowed blue. He flew into the air as Gwen grabbed Danny.

George walked over to them and he said,"Eon and Mel. How about for old times sake, you get out of my way before I destroy you.". "I won't let you hurt my grandkid." said Mel who threw a right punch. George caught it and he said,"Wow. You're still strong and if you were up against the old me, I would have been defeated but this me is stronger than you!". He hit the cyclops hard. The monster was pushed back from the hit.

Eon said,"That isn't normal Enhancement Magic Gregory. What did they do to you?". "None of your dam business old man. I think you should get out of my way so that I can finally get my dam wife!" said George. Eon looked down to see a white magic circle and he felt weaker. "What did he do to me?!" thought Eon. George kneed him in the chest and Eon was sent flying toward Mel who caught him.

A few feet away, Danny was placed on the ground and he said,"So are you going to go help Eon and Mel? I mean Mel is so cool and Eon isn't that half bad.". "Yeah man. I'm going now so...." said Zane. He was stopped by Natasha who said,"Don't Zane. Mel and Eon can handle George.". "But mom...." said Zane. 'I can't believe that Zero is being stopped by his mom of all people." thought Danny. "Ms. Alvarez. He has to go." said Gwen.

Natasha ,who was holding Zane, looked at Gwen. "It's a matter of pride Ms. Alvarez. If I go with him, do you mind letting go?" said Gwen who put on her hood. "Yes. Please keep my son safe will you?" said Natasha. Zane was then grabbed by Gwen with the two disappearing. "Daniel. Do you think that Zane's going to be okay?" said Natasha. "Well, I have an idea to help Zane. We need to go get some weapons." said Danny.

Natasha smiled and she said,"I think I know what you're getting at.". "Yep. We may not have magic like they do but with weapons, I think we'll be just fine." said Danny. The two ran off with Apazar watching them. "Oh wow. Even with a kid, she's still hot. I guess Shawny boy scored well with her so this Zero is his son. I guess I should tell the Odium Society about this news but meh, that can't be fun. I wonder if I should watch." said Apazar.

Gwen and Zane reappeared and they were shocked to see George holding Ego. Mel was covering in bruises and Zane said,"Bastard! Die!". He rushed toward George and Gwen said,"Zero! Stop!". The man turned and he said,"Oh goody. I get to play with my main toy now.". He then threw Ego to the ground and Zane's fists glowed gold. His fists turned into stone and he then punched George's jaw. He went back and George said,"What the hell?".

Gwen ,who was healing both Ego and Mel, thought,"That may have been a Transformation spell but its power was something else. Could it be because of Shawn's magic power mixing with Zane's magic power?". George appeared right in front of Zane and he said,"How about you get a up and close look at your old man!". Zane was punched toward the statue and George made a giant magic circle appeared above them.

George said,"DIE SON OF ALVAREZ!". A giant beam of magic energy went down on Zane and he made a steel gray energy sphere appear around him. The beam pushed the sphere into the ground and it caused Zane to be covered in rubble. "Zane!" yelled a voice. George turned to see Natasha and the man smiled. He walked toward her and Danny said,"Hands off freak!". He stood in front of the man with an hammer and he said,"I'm not scared to use this!".

He swung the hammer down on the man but it was stopped by a blue magic circle. Danny was floating in the air and George said,"Go away pest. I require Natasha not her son's annoying as hell friend.". Danny was then thrown away and he screamed. "Danny! Go after him!" yelled Natasha. The girl nodded as she flew after the boy. George smiled and he said,"Now. I think I deserve a kiss from my queen.".

He got closer to her and Natasha was about to kick him downstairs but the man was blasted by a steel gray beam of energy which wasn't magic at all. The woman looked over to her son's burial and she saw him standing there. Unlike his silver aura from earlier, he had a white aura. His eyes were now a white color. His hair was white. He looked at George who recovered and he said,"You are so going down old man.".

Earlier, Zane looked up and he saw that his dad was giving him his first ever hug. He couldn't move because of the rocks. He looked at the energy shield and he thought,"What the? This is way different from the shield that I used on the Meatgon.". He shook his head and he said,"That doesn't matter right now. I have to stop that bastard.". He try to break out but he remember that this statue was made out of a hard material which weighs a lot.

Zane sighed and he thought,"I don't have that much air left. I need to break out of here right now. I wouldn't leave her alone.". He took a quick glance around his area and he was looking for its Achilles Heel. He found a small hole of air and he smiled. He moved around in his ball and he tried to get out of his rocky prison. He turned his body to face the little hole and he thought,"I wonder.". His eyes had a red glow and he fired a beam of fire.

However, it bounced around the energy sphere and Zane dodged the attack until it hit him directly in his right meniscus. "Shit." thought Zane. He looked at the energy sphere and he thought,"Okay. Why didn't the sphere break or get damaged? I thought it would have been at least damage from my heat beam.". He touch the sphere and he felt a shiver. "Whoa. I may not have super senses like Eon and Gwen do but this is weird. I remember this feeling but from where?" thought Zane.

He couldn't have time to remember because he was starting to lose air. "Okay. I was able to make this shield so I should be able to make a way out of here." thought Zane. He thought about it and he had an idea. He put both of his hands on a certain area of the sphere which turned into a drill and he said to himself,"Booyah!". He found his way out and he saw his mom about to be kissed. He felt a strange rush of energy and he said,"Get away from my mom!". 

Natasha was shocked to see that her son had gone through a third change and she thought that his first change aka the pimples and the hair everywhere was going to be bad. George flew toward him ,with the blue aura, and he said,"Die!". Zane was punched in the gut but George's fist was caught. "I guess you didn't learn this in the army. You don't mess with your superiors!" said Zane. George was kicked in the side launching him back into the fountain.

George was about to attack Zane but the boy said,"Time for you to take a chill pill!". The water, due to Zane's aura, was frozen solid and so was George who was angry. "I guess that I can freeze things on command. Sweet or should I say cool?" said Zane. He saw his friends, his mom, and his father's old friends with him saying,"What?". He turned back to his normal self  with him falling right to the ground with him completely tired.

Later, Zane woke up and he was back home. "What happened?" said Zane. He turned to see his mom with a smile. "You just passed out after you defeated George sweetheart. How are you feeling?" said Natasha. Zane turned to his right ,due to his mom being on his left, and he saw that it was one in the morning. "How long have I been asleep for?" said Zane. "About four to six hours." said Natasha. "I see." said Zane.

He slowly got up from the couch and he hugged his mom. "Sorry mom." said Zane. "Why are you apologizing Zane? I'm the one who lied to you." said Natasha. "Yeah but you were doing it to protect me from myself. I'm sure that I would probably never stop trying to avenge dad's death and well, you just didn't want to lose another Alvarez man." said Zane. "Did Mel tell you that?" said Natasha. "He did. So what was he like?" said Zane.

The two sat on the couch and Natasha said,"Well, he was always lighthearted and never sad. I don't think I ever saw him cry except on the day that you were born.". Zane looked at his mom and the woman said,"I'm just happy that you're safe.". "Yeah. Me too." said Zane. He looked at his hands and he said,"Hey Mom. What happened to Grandpa Arturo?". "Grandpa Arturo? I haven't seen him in a long time Zane. Why are you talking about him?" said Natasha.

Zane focused and a steel gray orb appeared in his hands. "Well, this steel gray energy reminds me of him." said Zane. The woman touched it and she instantly regret it. "I guess you have another power. I say this is time for an experiment." said Natasha. "How about we just watch TV and figure this out another day?" said Zane. "I guess that will do." said the woman. The boy turned on TV and the family watched Re-Runs until the sun came up.

Back in the green realm, Edgar and his master were looking at Zane. "Can you believe it Edgar? It usually takes a long time for a boy like Zane to even access his powers of the Wizardly Domain Taelamelan but thanks to a little help from the Slicer, he did just that. I truly didn't expect that he would be able to use the powers over the Spectral Land or Terrarune thanks to his drive to protect his mother." said the master.

The bird agreed with the voice and the voice said,"I do wonder if young Zane remembers me. It's been a decade to him and his mother but to me, it's been a century. He's grown up well hasn't he Edgar?". The bird scoffed and the voice laughed. "I don't think he'll treat you like one of his action figures now. Well, I shall be heading out to go see him and his mother. Do you wish to come with me?" said the voice.

The bird nodded and the voice said,"You would come with me no matter what huh old friend. I bet you have some worries.". The bird was silent and the voice said,"I understand. I can handle the Alliance plus Eon and Mel wouldn't betray Natasha and Zane thanks to their relationship to Shawn. I think we'll be fine in case of a fight with anyone and I'll be on my best behavior.". The bird smiled and the two were gone.

Next time,
Who is this strange voice and How does he know Zane? This and more next time on Zero.

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