Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Rules for Zero Time Effect

This post is how I'm going to do time travel within Zero and its spinoff. I based it on how Endgame does it but I won't be spoiling Endgame in this being that I'm going to do my best not to spoil it. I mentioned in a previous author note that an episode of Zero will involve time travel. I however didn't mention how soon this would take place however. This is because I honestly don't know when I'm going to do it.

I did say that it will appeared after some time has passed on a certain thing that has happened at the end of April aka Endgame. I may not even do it but I really feel like I should go in depth on how I'm doing time travel because the other one doesn't need that much details. This wouldn't be the first time I've done an alternative future of Zanes before. The other two are the one featured in Zero Episode 36 and the Worst Future Ever arc of Zero as a whole.

I've also mentioned that I dislike Time Travel several times because of the fact that it's extremely easy to fuck up like real easy. I decided to do time travel because of me really liking how Endgame did time travel. Here's my opinions on spoilers. I don't like to spoil things unless it's been a good amount of time since it came out. I think a month is fair being this is more of a fair amount of time between something coming out.

The best thing that you can do to avoid spoilers is by not looking up keys words related to something about that movie. Avoiding Endgame spoiler can work under this method but this fact has been making very big news. It made a killing at the box office, being one of the most successful movies of all time. It has some big twists in it that does a lot for the future of the MCU. Let's make up an example of something coming out. It's very big and popular right now because of its significance to its media.

I plan to say my thoughts on the biggest superhero flick when I start writing the DC crossover. I'll also do it when one to three months pass from that date of the movie airing in theater being the DVD comes out. This is due to the fact that it's kinda relevant to DC since both of them have superheroes and also have universes that feels connected to each other. I always say the DCAU and MCU are two of the best universes for DC and Marvel.

According to my opinion, I won't have that story started until August hopefully. This is only if the cards go in my favor but I'm honestly not expecting myself to it. I should say this for the time travel story but meh. Lets do it now. I'm not following a single god damn rule of Time Travel so don't get too upset about that. I'm sure people will be upset by that but I honestly don't care. This is how I'm doing things.

If you're curious, here's the TV Tropes article about it, several rules on Time Travel and more, and the Wikipedia article on it and it in fiction. I'm a firm believer in multiverse theory. Not an expert in it but I believe it. There is always an alternate dimension where dinosaurs are still around and living. If they are, I'm pretty sure that they're probably destroying the earth or being human's pets. It's mostly likely the former rather than latter of the two but I can believe the latter right?

Another example is humans are not the primarily dominant race but dogs are, or whatever comes to mind. If you can think of an alternative dimension, it probably exists somewhere. It can be born from someone ,a male or female, stubbing their toe on the sidewalk to not cheating on a test. My point is this. For every outcome big or small, there is a new dimension created. That is how the Omniverse was created way back in the day.

The Omniverse is like a tree being that the Prime Dimension is the trunk of the tree. As time goes on, the tree slowly gains branches being that it's infinite. Some dimensions are different compared to the Prime Dimension ,such as the Dinosaur Timeline, but some dimensions are not that different from the Prime Dimension. The time travel I'm thinking of goes something like this so hear me out. The butterfly effect doesn’t exist at all in Zero.

The grandfather paradox does but you won’t be seeing stuff like that. It isn’t a linear timeline being that whatever action done in the past of the Prime Dimension will create an alternate dimension of the Prime Dimension rather than change the Prime Dimension in a minor to major drastic manner. This is shown perfectly with Malik’s Dimension. In that dimension, it's 2027 being that it was ten years in the Prime Dimension's future.

That version of Zane aka Malik Vincent Zapata had became a dictator and truly embracing his Phantom powers. This was after everyone he has ever cared about was killed by Ash aka Kevin’s counterpart aka Prime Gear/Kirk. Even though Zane stopped that from happening, it still exists being that it’s rebuilding after Malik aka Daemon and his army vanished. We won’t see that future ever again because Malik is currently in Terrarune.

It’ll be mentioned here and there but like some characters who are pretty much not coming back, it won't be reappearing ever again. Like Worst Future Ever and not Zero Episode 36, this time travel will be effecting the main story in a big way. Worst Future Ever had Zane going on a training arc after losing his Essence for a second time, right arm, and gained scars that could be healed but doesn't as a reminder.

Zero Episode 36 isn't that important compared to Worst Future Ever but it does give Zane his hero name so that's something. How I'm doing Time Travel will effect the DC universe when I do that kind of stuff. It's like how I mentioned how I'm doing body swapping in Fairy Legion Chapter 28 being that may appear again but I could be wrong. This is how I'm doing time travel when it comes to Zero and its spinoffs. I hope you enjoy Zane and his antics involving time travel.

Anyway fun fact for Zero, Zane ,from Episode 36, was around twenty years in one of Zane's many futures options. I'm sure that I wrote down how old that Zane is but he's in his late thirties to me. Malik is ten years in Zane's future being that he's twenty eight to the Prime Zane as of this episode. I just wanted to make that point clear because past me doesn't think that far ahead when it comes to story telling.

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