Friday, November 2, 2018

Zero Episode 107 Mastermind's Master Plan

A/N: Yeah. That last episode was really long. I don't plan on some episodes being longer than other but it just happens. This episode will be the last one before Fairy Legion returns. I'll say this. We'll either be starting the Phantom Lord Arc in that time frame because well, I have a lot of ideas for it since Zane changes the cannon of Fairy Tail. I've mentioned this before but I've never gone in detail about it before I don't think.

Zane will change the entire nature of Fairy Tail being that some events of the supplementary material aka the spin offs may happen if I like them. I'm pretty sure that events of Fairy Tail Gaiden and Fairy Tail 100 year quest will appear earlier than expect. We're about to start the episode but I can promise everyone this. There will be a Chainmail Bikini. I won't say when but it will happen because why the hell not? Lets begin in the secret base of the Battalion.

Narrator P.O.V.   
The trio of Cosmonaut, Donald, and Voltaire were walking into a large laboratory as Clair said,"So why did the boss want to see us? I mean we lost to Zero.". The three entered as Donald said,"He needed your talents Voltaire. That is why you two haven't been attacking our young opponent for the past week.". They soon saw a door open and it slowly opened. "Welcome to your home away from home Mastermind." said Donald.

Mastermind turned out to be George Richard being that he changed in the past two years since he had been missing. Lets find how shall we. He does look similar to his old self. He still has spiky brown hair and brown eyes. He's wearing a black full-body suit lined with a gold lining. He's still wearing crimson red armor over his arms, chest, and legs alongside matching colored boots and gauntlets. His chest plate doesn't have the symbol and he isn't wearing a helmet.

He's wearing a pair of sunglasses/visor over his eyes with black fingerless gloves underneath his gauntlets. "I'm lost. Who is this guy?" said Clair. "No idea." said Craig. "You two are new to this world of villainy aren't you?" said George. "Mastermind is an old villain by the name of Emperor and until now, he's been missing for two years." said Donald. "And why is that?" said Craig. "Did Zero scare you away old man?" said Clair.

George chuckled as he said,"I'm sure that you would think that Voltaire but the Odium Society had been after me for a while so I had to fake my death. It's quite easy to trick the simple-minded fools that the Odium Society uses as muscle. You know the two I'm talking about correct?". "Yeah. Crash and Titan. Why did you have that idiot in the first Battalion?" said Craig. "I need muscle and he fit the bill at the time but I now have Steamroller who is quite the force when in motion." said George.  

George smiled as he said,"While Zero chases after any lead that could lead him to Mastermind being either crooked people or some villains looking to join our group, he's tiring himself out so we can begin our true purpose with no problems to stop us.". Donald was holding an tablet before it was plucked out of his hands by George's telekinesis. "Yes. We only need to test it out." said Donald as George smiled. 

Back in Cypress Park or more specifically inside of an old building, Zane was standing there along with Andrew. "I'm sure that you didn't expect to do this today Zane but this will help you create a path toward your future." said Andrew. "Yeah. I mean you two are very unique mentors but you have my best interests at heart. I also love a good explosion since I've watched my fair share of action and romance movies." said Zane.

Cole said,"I still don't get why he wanted you Zane. I mean you're more of a scientist than a business man but hey, that's just my opinion.". "Why don't you ask him instead of wondering? Andrew has been focused on mentoring you Zane." said Athena. "So why did you want to mentor me exactly sir? I mean I get Derrick's reason but I'm still confused on why me of all people in this city would get this much attention." said Zane.

Andrew said,"Do you remember the Gordon/Stars engagement party?". Zane nodded as he said,"I wish I couldn't.". "Well, I was there and your punch on Roland was amazing. I like how you showed no fear in hitting someone who could ruin your life. He tried to get revenge on you but you seem to have friends in high places. I was like you once and I said to myself I want to teach him how to stand up to them in the world of business." said Andrew.   

Kane said,"Okay. This guy isn't so bad. Why is he with the Odium Society?". "We're planning on tearing down this old building in order to rebuild it as a new apartment complex with it having less rent than normal. We have an good amount of homeless and it kills me to see them cold. Zane. I want you to meet Jeffery Harris. He's one of my company's finest demolition expert." said Andrew, wiith him pointing over to a man. 

He's shorter than Zane being that he's 5 foot 7. He has light brown hair, brown eyes, slightly larger lips, and he's wearing a blue dress shirt, brown work pants, brown work boots, and a fur coat. "So your job is that you get to blow things up? That's so cool." said Zane. "Yeah. I'm just thankful that it's now wireless. Once we're a good distance away, I'll activate the countdown using my tablet and then once it goes boom, we'll start building. The future is great. Call me Jeff." said Jeff. 

Thanks to his hearing, Zane soon heard Andrew's secretary Monique ,check out Episode 100 for her appearance, walking toward Andrew. "Excuse me. I need to have a word with you sir. It's about Derrick." said Monique. The two walked away as Zane said,"So Jeff, are those two...?". "They may be. It's a rumor going around but I don't believe it. I heard giggling coming from Andrew's office one day and I'm sure that it ain't the ice queen Monique." said Jeff.

Thanks to Zane's hearing, he heard Monique say,"We've searched his entire building and Champion Tech. There is faint traces of Nether so I'm having Swarm taking a look over it. Derrick may working with one.". "She seriously think it's a Phantom? She can't be serious." said Sivarth. "I'm sure that she doesn't know about the truce going on plus her biggest mistake is hiring Swarm of all people to find someone. They couldn't find a Phantom even if one was right next to them." said Twilight.

Andrew turned to Zane as he said,"Zane. Do you mind finding us a good seat for the explosion? I'll join you shortly.". "Okay then Mr. C." said Zane. He left the adults alone being that as Zane picked up Monique saying,"It's likely that Derrick was....". Just then, a beeping went off as Jeff was freaking out. "Why is it going off? We have 30 seconds until we all go boom!" said Jeff. "Shut it down right now." said Andrew.

Jeff turned toward him as he said,"I'm trying that sir but nothing is working! We're going to die here sir.". "Wow. You're a real buzzkill you know that." said a voice. The three soon turned to see Legion Zero floating there. He soon stretched his arms around the three as he said,"Please keep your entire being inside of my arms unless you want to become ash.". "On your way here, did you happen to see a young man Zane Alvarez?" said Andrew.

Twilight said,"Ah. he cares. Is it weird that he does?". "Kinda." said Athena and Cole. "Don't worry so much. He's long gone and so should we too. Direct Transportation!" said Zane. Zane soon focused Impulse around them being that they were gone as the building blew up. The four were out of the blast zone as they watched the base of the building crumble away thanks to the explosion being that the area was soon covered by debris. "And that's all folks." said Zane, bowing.

Back at George's secret base, George turned to Craig as he said,"Sorry but he survived thanks to our least favorite pest.". "It's fine. I just wish that we could attack Derrick but us taking down Zero should be our first priority." said Craig. "Correct. I'm able to detonate Jeff's countdown from here thanks to us building a way to manipulate all tech in the system. This is the power of the Universal System and it's immense power." said George. 

In the main part of the base, Donald was working on something as Clair was nearby. "I didn't like how the power seesawed. We need more power." said Donald. "On it." said Clair. She soon pumped electricity into a battery as George said,"I'm thankful that we were able to assemble the technology that both Herald and Mystery stole in such a short time.".  "This was your idea after all so once we take over the city, you'll get first hit on Zero." said Craig.

George smiled as he said,"Quite generous offer Craig. You wish to have revenge on him for stealing your tech but your hatred toward Derrick is more important correct?". Craig nodded as George said as he sat down in front of a monitor,"I've made my brain connect with every piece of technology in the city and in twenty fours house, the entire world will be under my control. No one will be able to stop me and I'll need your help to do that.". 

Meanwhile at Zenith Tower aka the clock tower, Zane exited a room inside of the tower. Instead of his normal casual clothing, he was wearing his gym wear. It's a simple black shirt with a dragon claw in the center of the shirt, dark blue gym shorts that go past his knees, and his signature sneakers. "I'm loving my new home. The gym room here is incredible." said Zane. A few days after Christmas, the young superhero had moved into his secret base as his new home.

He moved out of his parent's house being that he felt that it was the perfect time to move out being that certain events forced him to move out. It all started when he got a call from Stan being that the principal told the student council president that he graduated much to his and his family shock. Zane's early graduation is because of the recent finals. Out of the entire USA's senior class of 2020, Zane had the highest GPA out of all of them.

Upon the final tests being graded and the student's GPA calculated, the government forced Stan to graduate Zane much early than planned. He could attend the graduation ceremony or head to the school but was now a legal adult according to the US government. As Zane ended the call and before he had a chance to think about what just happened, Zane was soon hunted down by several different companies who wanted to hire him because of his intelligence. 

After losing the companies by hiding in a warehouse, Zane used his powers to read the employee's minds being that he wanted to know why they wanted him. All of the companies wanted to change the world and they wanted to be the one to do it. Zane soon gathered all of the companies in one place and declined all of them at the same time. Zane wanted to be the one who decides his future rather than letting someone else decide it for him.

He also decided that the first step toward the future is to move into his secret base aka Zenith Tower being that despite some resistance from Natasha who didn't want her son to leave, Zane moved into his tower being that thanks to his initial upgrades and having super powers, moving in was pretty fast and painless. Zane had currently just finished up training in his home's gym room and went into his living room/den.

Zane was currently in the middle of his tower being that it was also the most protected. It's warm and cozy to Zane being that he didn't need a lot of stuff to feel at home. The den was connected to Zane's bedroom which was the exact same as his room in Episode 102, a handful of guest rooms in case he has them, a large bathroom which houses several dryers/washers, a couple of closets, and a big den which was connected the kitchen.

The den had a couple of couches ,such as a five-piece U-Shape section sofa and a recliner sofa, and chairs with all of them being quite comfy. Zane also has a large flat screen TV with several video game consoles, matching the ones in his room. The nearby kitchen is able to fed several teams of football players being that its main resident needs a lot of food. The dining room table is larger than normal, making his home the perfect hang out/home.

Zane walked toward the kitchen as Zane heard,"So how was training Master Zane?". Zane rolled his eyes as he said,"You do know that you don't have to do that right Cole?". "I know that but it's like I'm your butler." said Cole. "You could at least your body that I made for you. I worked really hard on it and I'm hurt to see you not using it." said Zane. Zane soon turned to see Cole's artificial body being it's smaller than Athena's artificial body aka the one from Episode 35.

His body ,which is shaped like a frisbee, is a small black and gold color with two blue eyes in the center of the machine. The sides were opened up, revealing two slender and long robot arms which was comprised of a black polymer. At the end of his arms, there are five sharp claw like fingers being that the entire arm has gold lining which are mimicking veins. Cole was floating in the air being that it was thanks to an anti-gravity propulsion unit. He's about 750 pounds.

Cole said,"So can you explain to me why I'm like this when Athena has a more human body?". "Her body was made by my mother and I made yours plus it works for you." said Zane. His stomach soon growled as Cole said,"Let me guess. You were training with a higher than normal increase of gravity weren't you?". "Yeah and you know this." said Zane. "I do but I like to hear it from you. So what are you thinking for brunch? I mean you're pretty much free until the new years party." said Cole. 

Zane smiled as he said,"Yeah but I'm planning on ditching that party.". "True but you could at least send a clone there. I mean it would be nice." said Cole. "You got a point there Cole. It's kinda weird for you to be the one to talk some sense into me." said Zane. "Well, Athena and Twilight is currently busy with trying to find Mastermind and the Battalion. It's just us guys for New Years being that Kane and Sivarth are busy inside of you, fighting." said Cole.

Zane nodded as he said,"Yeah. It's just kinda weird, seeing you being the voice of reason. I have an idea for brunch by the way.". "And what is that?" said Cole. "A lot of burgers and very greasy food filled with calories." said Zane. "That sounds like a good plan but if you have it order here, your secret identity will be revealed.." said Cole. "Who says that it'll be me?" said Zane. Zane soon turned into Legion Zero as Cole said,"Now that's a plan.".

About thirty minutes later, Zane ,back to wearing his gym wear, was currently eating a lot as Cole watched from a distance. He had gotten used to Zane's massive eating moments being that as a result  of having so much power in his body, Zane needed a lot of food in order to recharge his powers. The A.I. knew that Impulse gave Zane a lot of power but in the process of doing this, Zane needed more food than he did before. 

Zane's meal consisted of several large orders of fries with a lot of salt, several burgers being about fifty of them, and one massive drink cup filled with a Nether Recharge Packet. "So did I get any calls Cole?" said Zane. "Nope. You're good. It seems that the Odium Society is taking the day off or maybe they're planning something." said Cole. "Ah. How are Athena and Twilight doing? I mean Kane and Sivarth are still fighting I think." said Zane. "They did find something." said Cole. 

Zane raised an eyebrow while eating a burger. "They found something interesting. Remember the areas where we left Craig, Clair, Everett, Harvey, Homer, and Roger? According to them, they had a faint trace of Animus there." said Cole. "So it was Clifford? I mean he did seem the strongest out of the group." said Zane. "Nope. Clifford's Animus isn't like this Animus. According to Athena, this Animus matched George." said Cole.

Zane looked at his robot partner as he said,"Really? I guess he isn't missing.". Zane finished off his brunch ,with a second, as Cole said,"So are you going to tell your dad about this? I mean he and your dad were friends back in the day.". "Nope. I would tell him this but he's busy today. Apparently my mom needed him for the entire day and if I interrupt them, I'm dead." said Zane. "Ah. That sounds like a smart move." said Cole. 

A ding sound soon came from Cole's body as Zane said,"So what's up now?". "It's a message from Rachel. You're needed at Havana Brews. It's Karen related." said Cole. "Is Karen okay?" said Zane as he looked serious. "She's fine Zane. I'm sure if she was in danger, you would be the first to know. This applies to the rest of your harem." said Cole. "You're right Cole. Tell her I'll be there in a flash." said Zane. He was soon gone as Cole said,"I really hope that wasn't a pun.".

A little bit later at Havana Brews, Zane was sitting with Karen and Rachel being that the former of the two was looking away from Zane. "So are you two doing anything for New Years?" said Rachel with her looking at her best friends. "You mean together?" said Karen. "I think she does. I mean since we've gotten together, we haven't had a single date." said Zane. "Zane. I like Karen a lot but you two haven't been the same since the kiss." said Kane.

As Zane arrived at the coffee shop, the duo of Kane and Sivarth finished their fight. The winner of the fight was a draw because they knocked each other out. Zane was always slightly tired being that on his way here, he had to handle a lot of crimes. "And our friend here is correct. You two need to start acting like a couple before you two loses all feelings toward each other. You could head to City Hall to watch the ball drop." said Rachel, winking.

Sivarth said,"Maybe suggest something else.". "That doesn't sound like a good idea. I mean Zane doesn't like crowds because of his personality and powers. Maybe we could just go to your place and watch it there." said Karen. "That sounds like a good idea." said Zane. The two looked into each other's eyes as Rachel smiled. She was happy that her two favorite people were happy being that both of them were acting weird in her words but something felt off.

Before Rachel could say something, the trio heard,"And get me another blueberry muffin!". Zane soon turned around to see Hannah sitting down as David went in line. "Got it dear." said David. "So why is Hannah acting like an entitled bitch to David?" said Zane. "You do remember fighting in her and Sam's house right? Sam wasn't mad at Zero for doing it given her love toward you and Hannah is milking her injuries and you know David's love of helping people." said Rachel.

Karen said,"I still don't like how she likes you. I mean you're good and she's pure evil.". "You know that I like you and the rest of the girls and that'll never change once everyone leaves me and heads to the Astral Realm." said Zane. "Way to be both romantic and a buzzkill." said Rachel. "I can only try." said Zane. "196!" said the cashier. Zane stood up as he said,"I'll be getting that after I bring out the dad voice on Hannah.". 

He walked toward Hannah as Hannah saw him. "What do you want Zit?" said Hannah. "You do know that you're extremely lucky right Hannah? I'm still wondering why David is still with you and how much of a bratty bitch you can be. Your house being destroyed during that whole Christmas fisaco is a real shame but don't use David for your selfish gains." said Zane. "And what gives you the right to talk to me like that?" said Hannah.

Zane got closer to her as he said,"Because I can bitch. I don't know why I'm so focused on you but it may be because you're my friend's girlfriend.". He walked back to the counter as Karen said,"So are we sure he's back to his normal self? I mean he did say that he felt better after what happened a week ago.". "We can only hope Karen. I mean he's getting stronger but it's kinda weird to see him in pain whenever a bell goes off." said Rachel with her sounding worried.

David looked at Zane as he said,"Dude. Do you have to be an ass to her whenever you can?". "Well, I don't like certain type of people and I've never liked her. You know she's using you right? It's obvious to everyone." said Zane. David and Zane were talking as Rachel said,"So is Zane still trying to get David and Susan to be a thing?". "Pretty sure he is despite us telling him to stop." said Karen. "Yeah but Zane is the most stubborn person I know but it's endearing right?" said Rachel. 

The two girls were talking as Zane said to the cashier,"This isn't my order.". "You'll still enjoy it Zane so just take it." said Cole. "Sorry sir but the computer has been acting up all day." said the cashier as the register was acting up. Nearby them, an man was trying to work with a machine. "And this thing is being a pain in the....." said the man before getting sprayed with cream. As the cashier handed him a towel, the light in the building turned off. "Sorry but everyone needs to leave now." said the man.

In George's base, the man sat there and he was watching a monitor, showing the coffee shop from an aerial view. He touched a headset nearby him as he said,"And the target have left its hangout. It was such a great idea to have a GPS in your daughter's phone. We just need to make you alone and way from your prince charming.". He soon pressed a button on the keyboard in front of him as he said,"It is time for the games to begin.". 

Back at the coffee shop, a couple of officers were leaving the coffee shop being that Zane picked up the cop's radio dispatch. "All units. There is a robbery going on at a jewelry store." said the dispatcher with her sounding female. "We'll be there but aren't there any officers closer to the scene?" said the officer. "I know that it sounds weird but my screen is telling me that you and your partner are needed so get going." said the dispatcher. 

Zane watched the cops getting into the car as Cole said,"Okay. Something is going on here. We need to get Athena and Twilight.". "We'll be fine. Athena and Twilight may be key members of our team but we guys should be able to handle a simple technology problem." said Kane. The four didn't noticed that they were being watched by George as he said,"And now Armageddon begins for our young hero.".  

Crisis Judgement soon went off as Zane turned toward a nearby intersection being that something bad was going to happen. Zane soon rushed toward it being that a semi-truck was about to smash right into a taxi driver.  Zane saved the taxi driver and its passenger being that the truck was forced to slam on its breaks upon hitting the taxi car. The semi was screeching to a halt being that it soon flipped on its side and hit a another car, causing a traffic jam. 

After Zane placed the driver and passenger a safe distance away, he rushed back over to the girls as Karen said,"Is anyone hurt?". "Let me check." said Zane, appearing behind the two. Rachel was spook by this as she said,"Okay. That was weird even for you.". Zane soon focused his hearing right toward the crash site being that he could still heart being being that they were injured but it wasn't too serious. "They're fine but well, I don't think this is the end of it." said Zane.

Before Karen and Rachel could ask about what he meant by that, the crowd around them started to move toward the crash site. Both Rachel and Zane was taken by the crowd being that the latter of the two soon felt Crisis Judgement go off. He turned back toward Karen with him seeing Clair ,with her wearing her disguise that she wore in Episode 96, and before he could say anything, she was soon shocked by the living taser. "Karen! You bitch!" yelled Zane.

He pushed his way through the crowd as he watched Clair drag Karen away being that the crowd was more focused on the crash site. Clair soon looked around and then Craig soon came flying down with him grabbing Karen and flying off. "Son of a bitch!" yelled Zane. He started to chase after Craig ,who held Karen, with Craig flying into the skyscrapers in order to lose him. "I need to turn into Zero so I can get back...." said Zane.

He soon noticed that Clair was getting into a van. She didn't see Zane glaring at her but she did see Craig fly away with Karen. She spoke to the driver aka Donald being that she said while entering the van,"The package is deliver. Lets go!". Donald nodded as the van drove off. Zane clenched his fists being that he ran into a nearby alleyway. Athena and Twilight were back at Zenith Tower with the latter of the two being connected to one of his clones.

Upon bonding with Zane, Twilight couldn't be too far from Zane. She didn't have to be attached to him but she had to be with someone with his genetic template. This included to alternative dimension counterparts like Malik or a clone like Zoey. It just had to match Zane's genetic template. Zane turned into Legion Zero as he launched himself into the air and began flying toward the villains. Kane and Sivarth could tell that Zane was angry and that's usually a bad thing for anyone who pisses him off.

Zane said,"I could have caught up to Fly Boy but I can't have him dropping or hurting Karen. Lets see if sparky will led us to where Craig's nest is.". Inside of the van, Clair was laughing her head off as she said,"This is the life! We've got nothing by greens! Thanks boss.". "Much to my dismay, the pain in the ass is after you." said George who was watching Zane chasing you. "We'll lose him." said Donald. However, Clair had a different idea.

She soon aimed her arm out of the window being that she said,"Go away you annoying bug!". She fired a burst of lightning toward Zane being that he jumped over it and then swung off a lamppost. "I guess they spotted me." thought Zane. Zane dodged Clair's lightning bursts being that he was able to dodge it with ease, pissing off Clair. Clair soon hit a building being that the smoke from her attacks covered Zane in the smoke. "Where did he go?" said Clair as she got back into the car.

She soon got her answer being that Zane soon appeared with him crashing right into the van. "Sorry but you two have taken what doesn't belong to you and I need you to return." said Zane, kicking Clair right in the face. "Let me guess. That was for shocking Karen." said Sivarth. "And I guess you're going to be Captain Obvious since Cole is replacing Athena." said Kane, getting a glare from the Phantom Donald lost control off the van being that it soon began skidding. 

It soon crashed into a building being that Clair left the van. She looked toward a security camera being that she turned into electricity in order to escape. Back at George's base, Craig returned as he said,"Our guest has arrived and she brought her phone with her.". Nearby him, Karen was out cold in a steel cage high above. Thanks to her powers, she was slowly waking up despite getting shocked by Clair.

Back at Scott's office at the CPPD (Cypress Park Police Department) building, Scott was working on some paperwork when his phone rang. The screen showed that it was from Karen. "Hey Karen. How is getting......" said Scott, picking up the phone. "Sorry but Karen couldn't come to the phone. You're quite bad at keeping an eye on your precious little girl." said George, masking his voice. "Who the hell is this? And how did you get my daughter's phone?!" shouted Scott.

George laughed as he said,"It's quite funny to hear someone like you worried about anyone but I guess that you're worried about her despite her having powers like her special friend. My name is Mastermind and the phone was giving to me.". In the main part of the secret base which is where Karen is being kept, Roger ,who was there with Craig, Everett, Harvey, and Homer) soon turned his body into water as he placed the phone nearby Karen.

She woke up to see the water themed villain as she said,"Oh my god. Dad! Dad! Help me! I'm...". "I don't think you should be telling him where you are and who you're with." said Roger, going back to the ground. "And as you can hear, she's doing quite well." said George. "Karen! Put her back on right now!" yelled Scott. Scott went to his computer being that nearby the computer, it showed a picture of Karen hanging out with Danny, Rachel, and Zane plus a baby picture of his daughter.

The picture showed a younger Scott holding her being that Karen didn't know her mother growing up being that she was raised mainly by Scott. "Do you seriously think your simple GPS system will show your daughter's location? I've broken it and don't try calling her prince charming. We'll be dealing with him in due time. I'll know if you do call anyone." said George. Scott clenched his fist ,that wasn't holding his phone, as he said,"Listen here. If you hurt her....".

George said,"Oh. I'm so scared of the normal human police chief. Her prince charming will scare me more. So lets get to the business at hand.". "What could you possibly want?" said Scott. "You know the location to the GPC (Global portal codes) which are stored at the Homeland security building nearby the station." said George. In the main room, the other villains ,except for Craig, had no idea about what he was talking about. 

However, all of them didn't know who this Prince Charming guy is. "No way in hell! Those codes would give you access to every computer in the US and maybe...." said Scott. "I think I know their potential being that with the right mind, they could be used to take over all computers." said George as back in Scott's office, he closed the door to his office. "Look. It's impossible. I don't have the clearance for the codes so you're talking to the wrong guy." said Scott.

He sighed as he said,"Just give me back my daughter and I'll get you contact with the right guy.". "I don't think you're living up to your full potential there Scott. You'll get me the codes with some help from my boys and even with Swarm nearby, you'll be able to get me the codes or else your precious little girl will be hurt." said George. The five nearby villains smiled as Karen tried to come up with a plan to get out of here without anyone figuring out about her powers.

Meanwhile, the tipped over van was still there being that its driver was long gone. On the nearby skyscraper, Donald was being held in the air by Zane using telekinesis. "Sparky and fly boy are gone but you're not. Tell me where Mastermind is and where you took the girl or else, I'll drop you." said Zane. "You'll drop me alright but then you'll grab me. A goodie two-shoes wouldn't let anyone died including scum like me." said Donald.

Zane sighed as Kane said,"Okay. He knows you pretty well doesn't he Zane? We could just read his mind but you're going the bad cop routine aren't you?". "Okay. Let me show you how much of a goodie two-shoes Donald." said Zane. He soon dropped Donald over the building being that the man started to scream his lungs out. Donald felt time around him going slower being that he heard Zane's voice,"I'm going gentle on you. Talk or else, time will go back to normal.". 

Donald said,"Ha! I was still right! You wouldn't let me die!". Zane soon return time back to normal being that Donald was falling to the ground faster. He was soon webbed to the side of the skyscraper as Zane floated in front of Donald. "And now, you're on strike 3. I don't think you want to be out of here do you?" said Zane, crossing his arms. "Okay! I'll talk." said Donald. Zane soon got the info he needed as he was knocked out. 

Donald was placed on the ground as Zane said,"Okay. Time to get back Karen.". He soon turned into Turbo Form as he said,"Turbo!". The flyer soon flew off being that Cole said,"I've informed the girls about what's going on. We should be fine but I just wanted to make sure that they were informed.". "I really like this side of you Cole. You're quite responsible." said Sivarth. "Thanks but I like being the comic relief rather than the straight man." said Cole. Zane smiled as he went to go save Karen.

Outside of a nearby building, Scott was walking inside of it. "Good going there Captain. You're being a good father." said George from his base. "I don't get it boss. Why do you need this guy? I mean with this machine, you can hacked into anything right?" said Clair. The electrical woman returned as three of the four villains left Karen alone in her cell. George from his chair turned toward Clair as he covered the microphone that he was using to mask his voice.  

George said,"Nothing is truly the best Clair. The codes are kept in a system that I can't access without his help plus it's must be torturing for him. His own family member alive is being held hostage by his old pals.". "He was never my pal." said Clair, rolling her eyes. The two soon watched a monitor that showed Scott, entering a elevator with five Swarm agents. "You're doing well my puppet. Keep going and your daughter will be returned to you." said George.

Meanwhile, Zane ,still in Turbo Form, was pierced on a tree outside of a highly secured building. "It seems we found their secret clubhouse. I doubt we'll be able to go through the front door." said Sivarth. "I mean we could try." said Zane. "No. We can't risk Karen being hurt." said Athena. Zane sighed as he said,"You're right.". Both Athena and Twilight returned back to Zane after he flew by Zenith Tower. Zane looked down to see water as he said,"Get ready. We're going swimming.".

The form soon jumped into the water being that this form didn't require oxygen while underwater and could swim/fly through the water. Zane soon found a hatch being that he used his eye beams to open up the hatch. He flew in it and Zane deactivated Turbo Form. He saw that a camera was looking right at him being that he said,"I really don't feel bad about this.". He soon fired red Nether at the camera with the energy destroy it. "And he's here. Take care of him." said George.

Clair smiled as she said,"You've made my day boss.". She left the monitor room in order to take care of Zane being that George turn back to the screens. "Now captain. You should be in the monitor room aren't you?" said George. Back with Scott, he entered a room being that Agent F and Quake were sitting there. "You two drew the short straw didn't you?" said Scott. "I guess so." said Agent Quake as he sipped his coffee. Just then, an explosion rocked the building.

The two agents soon turned to the monitor being that Craig was blasting the building from the sky as he said,"I hope you're ready for this new year to be your last!". He soon aimed at the radio tower and helicopter bad. The monitor was tracking him but then there was another group of explosion at the bottom of the building being that it was the handiwork of Everett, Harvey, and Roger. Scott walked to the monitor as he said,"I'll call it in.".

He was stopped by Agent F who said,"This is a Swarm owned facility Castro. We'll take care of it. I am sure that Zero is working with those villains and some of his Phantom scum.". Scott clenched his fist as Agent F said,"Agent Quake. Go.". The younger man was gone as Agent F said directly into the microphone,"All Swarm agents. We're under attack by the Phantom menace.". "Wow. He's quite the racist one. Take care of it Scott." said George.

He was talking with Scott through a earpiece. Scott soon held a small flash drive being that he soon watched Agent F tell some agents to take care of the threats being that Scott placed the flash drive into the main computer through a port. It beeped for a bit before he pulled it out. "See. You could do it captain. I now have access to all systems except for the codes but now, you're a higher rank so get going." said George.

Above them, Craig was evading the agent's shots as he said,"You idiots couldn't the broad side of a barn!". He soon fired a barrage of knife like feathers at the agents, slicing them being that the agents were unable to make a move on the roof or on the ground because the villains down there weren't making it easy for the agents. Back in the monitor room,  Agent F said,"Look Castro. I've picked the wrong time to be territorial.". Scott was soon gone as Agent F shrugged his shoulders.      

Scott was walking through an empty hallway as George watched him being that he also kept an eye on Karen but less than he did with George. He didn't see that she was slowly escaping.  She was able to manipulate energy ,being that it looked like a star being that she got her superhero name, and she was able to make energy constructs. She was thankful that none of the villains were in here being that she soon heard,"Karen. Are you okay?". 

She looked around as she heard,"I'm right here.". She soon saw Zane hanging off a nearby railing being that he's in Ninja Form. "Zero!" said Karen. "You'll be out of here soon I promise. Did they hurt you?" said Zane. "No. They haven't done anything to me. One of them did say that I had your scent all over me." said Karen. "Ten bucks says that it was the overgrown pussy." said Cole. Zane shook his head as he said,"That's good.".

Karen looked at him as she said,"While I'm thankful that you're here, do you think that you could send a signal out?". "Why?" said Zane. "Because my dad is....." said Karen. Crisis Judgement went off as Zane jumped off his perching point. The entire railing was covered in electricity being that the frog soon saw Clair standing there. "Found you! Time to dine on frog legs!" yelled Clair. Zane soon jumped off the walls and air to evade Clair's attacks. 

He was about to attack her but he soon made a smoke bomb go of. Homer pounced through the smoke as he roared. The cat man landed on the floor as Athena said,"I see. If your DNA gets turned into a cat, you always land on your feet.". "Did Athena make a stupid comment?" said Kane. "It has been a weird and long day for all of us. Focus Zane." said Twilight. Zane soon dodged another bolt from Clair being that he jumped off the cage.

The cage was soon covered in electricity being that while in the air, Zane saw that she was about to grab the bars. "Karen! Don't touch the....." said Zane. It was too late being that Karen was soon shocked by Clair. "If you don't want me to electrocuted the girl, fight me like a man!" said Clair as she soon evoked Zane's anger. "You're dead!" yelled Zane. He jumped right toward Clair with her unable to defend herself.

She was socked right in the face, sending her a good distance away. Clair stopped herself and fired a barrage of bolts at Zane. He jumped around them being that Zane soon use his scarf to swing away from her being that Homer was hit with some of Clair's bolts. "Do you think that I can be stopped by my partner's electricity? You're dead wrong." said Homer. During the whole fight, one of Clair's bolts hit a computer. This caused the monitors to haywire for a bit.

George cursed under his breath as he said into the microphone,"Hunter and Voltaire. Please take your fight in another spot.".  Clair rolled her eyes as she said,"Sure thing boss. Come on fido.". Homer growled as Twilight said,"So Mastermind doesn't want his precious tech to be stolen. Zane, I think you know what to do.". "Sock Clair in the face for shocking and kidnapping Karen with us getting food afterwards." said Zane.

Twilight shook her head as she said,"You get the first part right so do that.". Zane soon jumped onto a rail as he said,"So Clair and Homer. How do you two and the rest of the Battalion meet up with this Mastermind guy? And are the two of you scared of him? I mean he seems like nothing more than an autotuned voice.". "I ain't scared of him! And my name is Voltaire!" said Clair. She fired a bolt at Zane being that he jumped over it and destroying a computer behind Zane.  

While in the air, Zane had his hands together. "And I'm working with them to get back what you stole from me child!" yelled Homer, jumping toward Zane who had landed on a nearby machine. Zane was soon gone by a puff of smoke being that both Homer and the machine were zapped. The two soon saw several copies of the frog appears as they all said,"Try and find me!". The two soon attacked the frogs by either pouncing on them or blasting them with electricity.

This caused most of the tech to be destroyed along with a couple of holes in the walls. "Come on Clair. You couldn't even hit water if you fell out of a boat." said Zane. "I'm frying you!" yelled Clair, firing a massive bolt at Zane who turned out to be a clone. The room was covered with holes as George yelled,"Hunter! Voltaire! Stop right now!". "And you're going to listen to him when you could get me little old me." said Zane. The two villains ignored the leaders, going after the frogs.

Back with Scott, he went up to a door and activated the touch sensor. It recognized him being that it soon required an eye scan. "Welcome Scott Castro." said a computer. The officer walked inside as he thought,"Zane. I hope you can save my daughter.". Back with Zane and the villains, the frog's army was pretty much gone as the frog jumped around the pouncing cat and lightning woman's bolts with ease. 

Zane said,"Come on you guys. I mean I thought you would have gotten me but nope, you're nothing more than Clair and a second rate hunter.". "Shut up!" yelled Clair and Homer being the former fired a beam of electricity from her mouth. Zane jumped off the wall being that he used his scarf to swing around the room. Crisis Judgement went off as Zane dodged a lightning bolt while in the air and the bolt hit the ceiling.

The ceiling began to crack apart as water leaked into the air. "So I heard that cats and electricity being don't like water. Care to prove that theory?" said Zane who was hanging upside down off the rafters. "Son of a bitch." said Clair, with her soon knocked out and Homer followed suit. Zane soon looked at the two as he said,"And Clair. I know that you can't hear me but don't you ever shock one of my girls again or else.". He soon growled like a dragon. 

Scott soon pulled the flashdrive out of a computer as George said,"Well done Captain. You'll just need to insert that drive into any other computer and you'll get your little princess back.". Scott walked over to another computer as he looked at the flash drive. "I want to talk with Karen." said Scott. "My patience isn't something to be trifled with." said George. "I'm not doing anything until I can hear my girl being safe and sound." said Scott.

George sighed as he said,"She's fine.". He was lying since he had been watching the fight and it wasn't exactly going well. "I get to talk with her or you'll have nothing." said Scott. "Fine." said George, pressing a monitor on the keyboard in front of him. Water soon filled the room being that it was about to touch Clair and Homer being that they were moved to a higher surface by Zane. The frog soon watched the two villains being grabbed by mechanical arms.    

Zane watched this as he thought,"Okay. That's new but I can say this with ease.". Zane soon made a water sword as he cut through the bars. "The game is now over Mastermind. All of your pieces are gone and it's just you. We've done this dance before tonight Georgie but this time around, I'm much stronger than you!" said Zane. Crisis Judgement went off as Zane soon grabbed Karen using his scarf. 

The frog and girl jumped backwards, evading several mechanical arms. "And here I thought that you would be tired from my attempts to slow you down. I've seen how much stronger you've gotten since our last encounter but I have grown as well in my absences." said George. "So what happened to you? I thought you went missing." said Zane as he evaded the arms. He soon landed on one of the arms being that he jumped off it. 

This made another arm grabbed the arm that Zane was standing on, preventing two arms. Zane soon spotted Clair and he looked behind him to several arms coming to grab him. "This arms race is over George!" said Zane. The arms were about to grab Karen and Zane but failed thanks to Zane turning into smoke. The arms soon grabbed Clair, causing all of them to short circuit. Zane was soon hit in the back by one of the exploding arms, causing him to deactivate Ninja Form.

Zane soon held Karen in his arms ,bridal style, as he said,"Okay. I'm really thankful that you're all out of arms. I hope.". Above him, George watched from his room. "I was always told that if you wanted something done, do it yourself!" said George. Zane landed down at Karen being that she was slowly waking up. Crisis Judgement went off as an arm went toward him. Zane soon blasted it with Red Nether being that the Nether came from his eyes.

Zane said,"And I thought learning how to shoot Nether out of my eyes was a waste of time.". George soon stood there as he said,"Oh child. You should know that in the past two years, I've planned for everything including you!". He soon fired several bolts of Animus being that Zane dodged them as he was still holding Karen. Zane kept his distance as George tried to hit him. Upon the Animus bolts missing, the base was getting more destroyed. 

Zane said,"Come on George! You're a way better shot than Clair is which isn't saying much!". Crisis Judgement went off as Zane was soon smacked into the roof, causing more cracks. Zane dropped Karen being that she was soon grabbed by George. "Don't want your princess to be injured now do we?" said George with him holding an Animus construct of a knife. "Let her go!" said Zane. Crisis Judgement went off as Zane jumped over a buzz saw. "Seriously? A buzz saw?" said Zane.

He soon grabbed the buzz saw using his candy syrup being that he threw it right into one of the remaining computers. George screamed being that he dropped Karen with Zane grabbed her before she hit the water. "You've done it now Zane. I'll kill you for this!" yelled George. "Yeah. Like I've never heard that before." said Zane, landing on a boiler. George went over to the cat walk as he said with a groan,"I concede to you this time.". 

Zane smiled as he said,"Wow. You've really changed.". "I guess I have to go with plan H now since you've destroyed everything." said George. He pressed a button on his gauntlets as the entire building soon glowed red. Zane heard a large beeping sound as Cole said,"Zane. This is totally a self-destruct moment!". George entered a room as he said,"Goodbye for now Zane. We'll meet again if you two survive.". 

The door closed behind him as the pod well escaped. Zane was holding Karen tightly as he jumped toward the catwalk. However, the explosions were breaking the machinery that was holding the cage in the air. Crisis Judgement went off as Zane soon looked up. Zane was going to clear it but he knew what the right thing to do was. He threw Karen on top of the cage being that his body was soon under some heavy machinery.

Zane tried to pick up being that despite his impressive strength, he was having trouble lifting it. "Why can't I pick this up?!" said Zane. "Despite your bravado, those two villains got some hits on you being that your body isn't at full strength right now. You can do this." said Kane. "Dam it! That shouldn't matter right now! I need to save Karen. I promised so many people that I wouldn't die and I'm not going back on that! I stopped George and save the girl!" said Zane.

Twilight said,"Don't give up Zane. You can do it.". "She's right. We have a goal being that we're going to kill Skull Plague, live for our family and friends, and hell, I don't want you to die on me Zane! All of us on this team are a family and heck, I'm thankful that Johnny Vincent freed me from my tomb in order to meet you. Push through your pain to win!" yelled Sivarth. Zane soon began pushing the machine off him.

His muscles were very sore being that he said,"And fuck off!". He threw the machine into the nearby water, causing a splash. Zane was still conscious with him saying,"And that's how you kick but you got that!". "Well done Zane. We'll get some food after this." said Athena. He turned back into Ninja Form being that he jumped up to Karen. She woke up as she looked around. "Wow. You really went to town on this place." said Karen.

She hugged him as she said,"Thank Zane. I love you.". "I know. I love you too." said Zane. The two jumped onto the catwalk being that they went toward another escape pod. "What about those two? I mean one of them is still human and the other one is...." said Karen as the door to the escape pod opened. "Son of a... Okay. You get inside the pod while I get my least favorite feline and his battery pal." said Zane as he glowed bright purple. "Ninja Prime!" said Zane.

Zane was now 10 feet tall being that his body stays the same color but now has glowing red stripes covering it, looking futuristic. He loses the armor covering his body, keeping on his ninja jumpsuit but it's now sleeveless and has a hood. He's wearing matching colored fingerless gloves and tabi boots. His scarf is now a red color rather than white. Karen watched Zane's scarf grabbed both Clair and Homer being that he threw the two into the escape pod. 

Zane looked at Karen with her saying,"Let me handle the wrap up Zane. You just rest okay?". "Will do Starlight." said Zane, walking over to the chair. Karen trapped the two in star chains as she soon pressed a button that would sent them out of there. The four were soon gone as the building was destroyed. The two watched the building explode as Zane said with a smile,"And here I thought that we'll never go on a date.". Karen smiled at her boyfriend as the fight was over.

Back with Craig's group, Craig was blasting the tower with the other three villains as the four soon heard,"Abort mission and head to Base #2.". "Yes sir." said Craig. Craig soon flew off as Everett and Harvey teleported away with Roger turning into water and escaping through the sewers. Scott soon watched this happen as he said,"Mastermind. Are you there?". His phone soon rang as he picked it up. "Listen you bastard. Don't you dare..." said Scott.

Karen's voice said,"Dad. It's me.". "Karen? Are you safe?" said Scott. "Yeah. I do have powers but a certain someone saved me. He's sleeping right now. Guy must have gone through hell and back to try and find me." said Karen, looking at the sleeping Zane who deactivated Ninja Prime. The two were at Zane's place being that Scott said,"Thank god. Tell him thank you when he wakes up.". George smashed the flash drive, crushing it under his foot.

Later, Zane's flat screen showed the ball about to drive being that it was five minutes before midnight as an injured Zane was sitting on the couch with Wolfram. There was various food nearby the two and a bowl of popcorn in arms reach. Wolfram was nestled in Zane's lap as Zane said,"Hey boy. Do you think I should call Karen again?". Wolfram barked as Zane said,"Yeah. I should but I'm going to do it here since my body is killing me!". 

Athena and Cole ,both in their artificial bodies, stood nearby as Athena said,"Even with your healing powers, your body will need to rest at least until the ball drops.". "You heard the doctor." said Cole as Twilight pulled out his phone using her tendrils. "And you're lucky that you've got us to help you while you're injured." said Twilight. Kane ,who was in the same body as Episode 77, nodded as he said,"Yeah. So call her already.".    

Zane dialed Karen's number as he heard,"Zane. I know its you so stop.". "Come on Mr. Castro. You do know how stubborn I am." said Zane. Scott was in his kitchen, washing some dishes as he said with a smile,"I know how stubborn you are Alvarez but Karen is upstairs resting. She's been through a lot today so try again tomorrow and I don't mean in a couple of minutes.". "I won't. Tell her Happy New Year for me okay?" said Zane. "Will do and thanks." said Scott. 

Zane soon hanged up as he said,"Well, that was a bust. So what did you girls find about Mastermind and his base?". "Not much. We used your Clone to do a complete search of the city being that Cryptid Form detected something. It was a very faint trace of Nether and it belonged to a Phantom." said Twilight. "Before any of you ask, we don't know the Phantom but we'll find out who tomorrow." said Athena. "Right. Thanks you two." said Zane. 

Zane soon hanged up as the entire Legion Zero plus Wolfram heard the doorbell. "Did you guys know about this place having a doorbell?" said Kane. "It's probably just Sly. I'll get it." said Zane, with him slowly walking toward the door. Wolfram barked as Athena said,"He'll be back. In the mean time, I'll be your buddy.". Wolfram barked in joy as Cole said,"I doubt there is anything that won't make you happy.".

Zane opened the door being that Karen stood there. "Hey Zaney." said Karen. "Karen? Your dad says that you're supposed to be resting at home. I mean we're both missing the party of the century being that Sam coined that term not me." said Zane. The countdown to midnight had begun as Karen said with a smile,"You're not the only person who can be in two places at once.". "Gwen taught you the Duplication spell didn't she?" said Zane.

Karen nodded as Zane said,"Isn't your dad smart enough to tell if you're not the real deal?". "He is but right now, I'm sleeping. Can we talk?" said Karen. "Um sure." said Zane. "I'm sorry for not talking to you about us kissing for almost a month. It's just that I didn't want to ruin our friendship but seeing how much you'll do for me, I want to be honest with you." said Karen. As it was about to be 0, Karen soon leaned and kissed Zane. "Happy New Year!" yelled Athena and Kane.

Zane's face was bright red as he said,"Wow. I can't believe that this is actually happening. Your dad is going to kill me if he finds about this.". "Finds about what? Us dating?" said Karen. "No. He's given me his blessing Karen. I sure as hell earned it tonight. So do you want to join Team Legion Zero for the new year?" said Zane. "Sure." said Karen with her grabbing Zane's arm. The two walked inside as 2019 was over and staring 2020. 

Next time,
The new year has began which means new and old villains come up with resolutions to kill Zane for stopping their plans. Will all of the harem be in the same episode? This and more next time on Zero!  

Karen's Powers: Acceleration Immunity, Energy Attacks, Energy Constructs, Energy Manipulation, Energy Propulsion, Enhanced Endurance, Enhanced Reflexes, Flight, High-Speed Flight, Oxygen Independence, Supernatural Agility, Supernatural Durability, Supernatural Strength, and Vacuum Adaptation.  

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Zero Episode 106 Notes

A/N: I promised myself that I was never going to do a post like this again but knowing my in the moment writing style, I changed 106 several times into the massive behemoth of a post. It's maybe my longest post that is actually part of the story rather than just describing Zane's powers and the such. I should say that I'm planning of doing all of them in one plus listing all of Zane's forms. This will may happen once I introduce one more Prime Form. Lets begin. I'm also not listing all of Zane's friends and family because I'm sure as hell that I'll miss a good amount of them

Zane's New Power:
Impulse. This energy is hyper-kinetic being that it’s always moving since it’s the energy that is powers the Omniverse. It’s also an never-ending source of energy due to it being tied directly toward the Omniverse. As the Omniverse expanses and grows, the energy grows in mass and strength as well. It’s the real name of Dark Matter being that Zane coined the name Impulse because to him, this energy feels like an impelling action or force and involving motion.

Since this energy is tied to the Omniverse, all beings in the Omniverse have Impulse inside of them. Every being in the Omniverse has a limited amount of Impulse inside of them being that once their Impulse amount runs out, they die. However, most beings have no knowledge on how to even use it so the possibility of dying this way is very unlikely being that dying from disease or old age is more common than running out of Impulse.

This form of energy also comes in several different forms. The main and well known energies of the Omniverse aka Carnal, Mojo, Nether, and Primordial all originate from Impulse being that all four energies are the same but different at the same time. Zane calls it the origin of everything since Impulse can evolve and change itself to fit a situation just like how the Omniverse evolves and adapt to a situation that it may face. 

Despite it being an extremely powerful and diverse force, it was only a rumor until the near end of 2019 when Zane discovered it. Its identity as a rumor was so strong that the Alliance ,who are well known for not believing in rumors, says that Impulse is a rumor. Impulse later came to be true or in other words, lost its rumor status when Zane discovered it near the end of 2019 with it happen just after Zane was forced to repeat Christmas Eve for the twenty fourth time.

Zane and the rest of his team (Athena, Cole, Kane, Sivarth, and Twilight) were forced to repeat Christmas Eve because of Zane “pissing” off Holiday Guardian. Zane and the rest of his team was getting sick of the holiday being that they made a promise to make the 25th time the last time and while Zane’s team was coming up with a plan, Zane discovered the way to do that being that he discovered Impulse.

This discovery pretty much changed the Omniverse forever was discovered by complete and utter accident. Zane discovered it while he was going through Cypress Park at an incredible speed being that he was heading to the ice rink in town being that he was going to fight the Battalion again. He was going so fast being that he soon made a dimensional portal that warped him away from town. Crisis Judgement didn’t go off because Zane made this portal.

Upon Zane entering the portal, it disappeared. Zane soon exited the portal being that he say that he was in the Universe Path but unlike the last couple of times, he couldn’t see the spheres that contained the different dimension and his home dimension aka the big sphere. Before he could do anything, he soon heard,”Welcome to the beginning of the Omniverse.”. He soon turned around to see the supposed creator of the Omniverse behind him.

His name is Eltron being that Zane asks if he would mind being called Tron with the cosmic being saying that he would like that since he sees Zane as a friend despite the two just meeting. Zane learns about Tron being older than Hourglass, Leif, and Skull Plague being that those three are the oldest known beings in the Omniverse. Tron also reveals that he’s a Phacoris with him being the only one of his kind and that he’s going to be the creator of the Omniverse.

Zane was shocked by this being that he only heard about Tron from Leif and Hourglass during his training. His team (Athena, Cole, Kane, Sivarth, and Twilight) didn’t know about Zane’s meeting with Tron until much later since his connection with them was cut. They were coming up with a plan to end the neverending Christmas so Zane made sure to tell them about this meeting later with the five being shocked by this.

Tron also introduces himself to them. Zane asks him how he got here being that Tron tells him that he doesn’t know being that he seems to be from the future and with this, Zane figures out that he’s back in the past and is somehow interacting with the past. Tron is confused by this being that he ask Zane for some clarification. Zane soon explains one of the Omniverse’s core laws to Tron being that it’s the idea of time travel.

The core law is being that you can travel either backward or forward time being that you can't mess with the events of the past or bring anything from the present to the past. He says that Hourglass Universe made this a law because it’s a pain to deal with that kind of crap and if you break that law, you’ll be punished by her or another guardian of time. Tron says that it’s a good idea for his Omniverse.

Zane soon learns more about Tron being that he’s a cosmic being and that the Omniverse is something that he’s been working on it for a long time. Zane soon asks what he has planned for the Omniverse. Tron soon tells him everything that he has planned for the Omniverse being that the two talk for what seems like hours. During their talk, Zane has a couple of ideas of his own on how to stop Holiday Guardian.

Upon Zane mentioning the Phantom, Tron guess that this Holiday Guardian is causing his friend problems being that Zane says that he’s a pain in his ass. Tron soon tells Zane to ignore his problem for now and to just watch his Omniverse being created with Zane agreeing with Tron due to him being interest in how the Omniverse was born. Tron soon does this by focus Impulse ,which he’s the creator of as well, into the center of the Omniverse.

This event was the Big Bang being that Zane could never forget it happened. Tron made the Prime Dimension being that Zane said that was his home and Tron made the other dimensions soon followed suit. During the Big Bang, Zane’s body/DNA was infused with raw Impulse since he was caught in the epicenter of it. His cells now have Impulse infused into them being that his blood is still candy syrup.

However, it has faint traces of Impulse running through it. Anyone who ingests his blood gets a very small amount of Impulse inside of them as well. Like before, it has the potential to give immortality or a random superpower but it’s chance of that working is like winning the lottery so it doesn’t happen often. If a Metahuman or a being that has powers ingests it, they are much stronger being that their power up last for twenty fours.

Tron soon notices this in his new friend Zane being that he soon asks Zane for him to train his new power before he goes back. Zane would have said no but he really didn’t want to piss off the guy who could easily destroy him and Skull Plague being that Tron says that he’ll make this quick being he soon makes a planet for the two to train on. Like their talk earlier, Zane and Tron trained for hours being that it was a good training.

After they finished training, the duo of Tron and Zane return back to Cypress Park being that Zane is on a rooftop looking over the ice rink being that he could see his friends down there and having no idea about the constant time loop much to his jealous. The rest of Zane’s team soon learned about Impulse thanks to Tron telling them about it and he says that this power can help them end the time loop by defeating Holiday Guardian.

The rest of the team is thankful for this since like Zane, they are sicking of repeating December 24th twenty four times but they still like Christmas unlike Zane who hates it more because he’s already dislikes the holiday and Holiday Guardian. Tron wished his new friends luck as he went back to his home aka the planet that he created. Zane soon defeated Holiday Guardian within an inch of his life, teaching everyone not to piss off Zane.

This infamous beatdown was heard all around the Prime Dimension with the Odium Society even hearing about Legion Zero losing his temper on Holiday Guardian. Most of them ,except for Razor who found Zane’s anger, were more scared of Zane when he’s angered and because of their fear, they pretty much ignored how Zane used a new power on the Battalion and also Holiday Guardian.

According to Tron, he and Zane access Impulse by just focusing on it like how Zane uses his other energies since Impulse is all forms of energies. Impulse is inside of all of his cells being that Impulse’s power is increased through training of both the body and mind since the former involves training his body to its perfection which he does naturally and latter involves meditation and studying. By training his body and mind, Impulse grows stronger.

This training method can work for all being in the Omniverse since every being has Impulse inside of them but in different forms. Like with all energies in the Omniverse, there is a certain amount of Impulse in each being that every being can increase the amount of Impulse in their body through using this training. However, their species is also a factor since a metahuman will usually have less Impulse in them compared to a Phantom or a Sorcerer.

This is because the Omniverse is naturally unfair and Tron says that even if a Phantom has more Impulse in them compared to a Metahuman, the Metahuman can still defeat the Phantom in question. This can be done being if the Metahuman in question has more experience in using their powers and learned the weakness of their opponents, they can win. However, all beings in the Omniverse will need to rest once they run out of Impulse.

If they don’t rest after their Impulse runs out, they have a chance of dying but it’s rather rare to begin with. Tron and Zane don’t suffer this issue since the former is the creator and origin of Impulse and the latter is a conduit of Impulse. Each being’s Impulse is different being that it gives off a unique signature, that can be detected. Beings of the same family have similar Impulse but they’re different at the same time.         

Impulse takes a great deal of time and training to build up being that Zane says that it’s a good thing to have good control and focusing into a single point rather than having a large amount of it inside of them. Zane can focus Impulse into his body in order to ignore gravity by walking up buildings, walking on air which he does in Gravity Drive, walking on water, and other examples but the best known examples of focusing Impulse is improve his physical prowess.

By focusing Impulse, Zane can increase his already impressive endurance, better sense of awareness which comes in the form of dodging attacks, improved mental prowess which can help process and retain information more efficiently. and increased strength, being even more of a god. This helps with holding back his strength due to him easily being able to destroy things around him.   

Zane’s version of Impulse is different compared to Tron ,which is very much like Primordial since he was the creator of the Omniverse, being that upon Zane becoming the conduit of it, Impulse was mutated. Zane’s Impulse ,which is the superpower Enigma Force, is a mixture of several different powers being that its main power is the ability to alter reality but not on the same level as Primordial but still a good amount. 

Zane actually used Impulse through his attacks Astral Roar, Galactic Bang, Galactic Punch, and Galactic Wave, his techniques Dynamo, and all of his other energy based abilities such as Mojo, Nether, and Primordial. Impulse is known as the basis for all types of energies in the Omniverse. For example, Nether is used by Phantoms by manipulating their Essence aka a Phantom’s “heart”. 

However, the Essence can’t be damaged too much because it’s still their heart after all. Despite having longer than normal life spans than humans, they can still die and be sent to either the Astral Realm or Dread Dimension if it gets damaged too much or gets destroyed. Impulse’s best known power is that it increases his already incredible speed being that everything around him moves at a slow speed and reacts to incredible speed.

With Impulse, Zane is the fastest being in the Omniverse. He’s connected directly to Impulse, which is an omniversal force of hyper-kinetic and never-ending source of energy that powers the Omniverse. Upon having his body/Dna infused with Impulse, he’s directly connected to Impulse unlike others who make a connection and draw upon it. He’s able to create his costume appear over him using Impulse but tends not to.

He likes that way but tends to either make his costume appear using Twilight or appear by just thinking about. He can create powerful vortex of air using his arm or body. Zane is able to move so fast to travel through time forward or backward, outrun death itself, and a black hole. His body now produces Impulse when in motion being that it comes in the sign of the steel gray aura that covers his body while as Legion Zero.

Because of his space/time walking abilities, Zane can now sense disruption in it being that Impulse is connected him to it. Because of this power, Zane has an higher than normal metabolism even more than normal speedsters like Erik being that he requires a lot of food or something with electrolytes or a high amount of carbs being that he has a way to make sure he’s running at full steam.

His body is pretty much immune to the harsh effects of moving at superhuman speeds being that his clothing wouldn’t burn up. He can also absorb and steal speed. The other main power of Zane’s Impulse is the complete control over molecules being that he changes the density of solids, liquids, and gases. Zane is like a living nuclear reactor being that he can easily do fission or fusion. 

Upon mastering Impulse, all of his energies change to look like cosmic energy. He can make it appear through magical runes ,being a circular mandala, and they surround his arms and wrists. He can also grant Impulse or Tyrannus to anyone being that upon doing this, they immediately fell an upsurge of energy being that their body is covered in a steel gray or crimson red aura ,for Impulse and Tyrannus respectively, to anyone.

It’s been called very intoxicating and increase their natural physical attributes such as being able to run for 10 miles straight and break boulders/giant walls of ice with else. It can accelerate the healing of others, coat parts of their body to improve attack and defense, and improve a person’s abilities. Zane can use Impulse to read others and spy on others from a distance. Zane can also disrupt his enemies connection to it and nullify.

By doing this, they are unable to fight being that there are very few ways of defending against it since everything pretty much use it in some sort of way. It can restore a person’s energy. Some other powers that Impulse has is that Zane can separate his soul from his body in the same fashion as he would with Enigma Talisman being that he doesn’t require the item in order to do it.

He usually leaves through his mouth ,in the same way as he would do when using the power of astral projection, being that he can move his soul anywhere. He can send it through walls and make it invisible. Upon leaving his body, Zane’s soul comes out. His soul is steel gray and looks to be made out of cosmic energy being it resembles his head but more skeletal. He can also make it look like himself being that he wears his Zeta Costume's armor.

Zane can make his soul visible and audible to everyone. Zane says that by making his soul using Impulse, it’s better than making his soul leave his body through Enigma Talisman. With Enigma Talisman, his soul can be seen and heard by others but with Impulse, Zane decides if he wants to be seen or heard. He can use this power for scouting or escaping imprisonment. He can either do this by will or by chanting being that the latter is for spooking others.

He can survive being beheaded. He can transfer Impulse into his weapons being that he can strike his enemies down with the power of his soul which is really powerful. He can see and feel other souls around him. He can communicate with the souls that didn’t become Phantom and able to move them around him. He can pull the souls out of others being that he can make them have an out of body experience for up to an hour.

Due to Zane sharing his body with Kane and Sivarth, Zane’s soul is very powerful. Another lesser known power of Impulse is the ability to turn anything living into stone. Zane has this power because he’s the grandson of the current queen of the Maiden Queen Lauren and that’s why he’s immune to petrification. Zane can transform people into stone with a single touch or thought.

Upon being turned to stone, they’re incapable of fighting back and susceptible to physical damage unless Zane turns them back to normal. He can also do though physical touch which he uses more often. This is shown when he can turn robots into stone despite not living. This works best when the victim(s), male or female, are feeling a strong emotion ranging from lust or anger. It can work with weaker emotions but it works better with stronger emotions.

Upon being a target being turned to stone, time itself has stopped for the target being that it lasts until Zane turns them back to normal. He can control others upon a single touch being that their body is covered in the steel gray cosmic energy and turns their eyes a fluorescent gray color. Zane’s ability to split his soul from his body is very powerful but if neither Kane and Sivarth are taken control of his body, Zane’s body naturally loses all of its color.

He can also have his body attacked but it can fight back due to Zane’s reflexes. The released soul can still be seen and interacted by others being that he learned this upon seeing Rico’s soul being beaten up by some women when they were at a hot spring. When Zane’s soul ,and if Kane or Sivarth don’t take over his body, leaves his body, they are unable to been seen in a mirror and they can’t get their photo taken.

His ability to turn living things to stone has its weakness. He can’t turn anyone into stone if they’re blind, a different species, or in an incredible amount of pain. It also can’t work on those with pure heart but they can’t have any wicked or ill intentions at all. It can still work on someone who seems pure hearted from the outside but if they have any wicked or ill intentions, they will turn to stone.

His petrification only last for twenty four hours and Zane has trouble controlling this power being that he only loses control over his petrification if he loses control of his emotions. This only effected Zane when he was young being that Zane tended to get anger for bad reasons shown often in Fairy Legion. He needs something to block his vision such as his glasses and goggles in his regular and superhero life respectively.

Zane's New Attacks: 24.
Physical Attacks: 13.
Calamity Dissection. Zane focus all of his power into one or both of his arms ,being that his physical hits are much stronger and can easily break bones if not care, and he clenches his fist or fists. He soon slams his fist/fists into the ground and the force of the blow is easily able to do two things being it depends on Zane’s choice. It can either make two walls of earth on either side of him, forming a corridor of stone. These walls are extremely durable, being that they take an extreme amount of force to break them. The other option is that Zane creates a massive crater around him being that it causes a minor earthquake.

Conclusion Stride. Zane starts this attack by saying,”Let’s go!”. He soon punches his target three times in a row and into their stomach. He soon hook kicks them in the chin and sends them flying. He soon rushes toward his target being that he roundhouse kicks his target and then blasted them with a giant burst of Impulse.

Cross Pummel. Zane endures and blocks a short-range/close-range attack from his target being that he responds with a direct blow to the target’s head or gut, leaving them lying on the ground in pain.

Devastating Roundhouse. Zane soon rushes toward his target being that he soon lands a powerful roundhouse kick on them. This attack can easily block massive objects and can break fingers if Zane gives enough energy into them.

Dynamic Finish. Zane rushes toward his target being that he charges up Impulse into both of his fists. He soon warp around the battlefield being that he does this to keep his enemies distract. He soon warps behind his target being that he soon reappears and roundhouse kicks his target into the ground and stunning them. He soon uppercuts the target into the air and he soon jumps toward them. He soon claps his hands together and sends his fist right into his target’s stomach. This makes a massive explosion of Impulse and the target comes crashing to the ground.

Flick. This attack is more used for getting people to leave him alone rather than being a solid battle move. He raises his hand over his target’s head and flicks them on the forehead. This sends them flying back being that Zane infused Impulse into the flick being that this is also really humiliating.

Impulse Sabers. Zane focus Impulse into his hand being that he focuses them into energy sabers being that he can make them extremely long or short. They are best used for combat being that he can make them like chainsaws. They can also deflect attacks by either cutting them or send them back.

Steel Macrocosm. Zane covers both of his arms and legs in either his Vulcan Force or Vulcan Emperor being that the former is for weaker enemies and the latter is for stronger enemies. He soon rushes toward his target being that he lets loose a barrage of high-speed punches and kicks that looks to be a hundred a minute. The speed of the punch is so high that the normal human eye cannot catch each hit. Zane ends it off with a uppercut.

Substantial Smash. Zane starts this attack by landing a powerful punch, elbow, kick, ankle, or knee into his opponent in the stomach. The target is heavily damaged by this and briefly stunned which Zane takes full advantage of. He soon rushes behind them and launches them into the air with Zane going after them. During the flight up there, Zane cups his hands together and reels them back. He slams his fist onto his target and send the target smashing into the ground, causing a large crater to appear around them.

Terminal Velocity. Zane starts this attack by blocking his targets’s attacks and then kicking them in the chin, stunning them. He can also stun them by slamming the back of his fist into the target’s head. The target gets frustrated being that they hit Zane but much to the target and anyone watching nearby, Zane turns out to be nothing more than a speed clone. Before the target has a chance to look for Zane, Zane ,the real one, lands a powerful punch to the stomach and inflict a large amount of damage.

Violent Uppercut. This attack can only be done when Zane has feelings running through his punches being that the most common way to activate this attack is by Zane just wanting to protect people. Zane lands a powerful uppercut being that it can pierce one’s core and can turn the tide of battle toward his favor.

Vulcan Smash. Zane covers his entire body in either Vulcan Force or Vulcan Emperor being that he soon slams right into his target and it hits like a truck. The target is sent flying backwards and these shockwaves are powerful enough to rip the ground around him.

Zenith Punch. This attack has a similar name to his Zenith Slash, Zenith Smash, Zenith Spear, and Zenith Sphere. He developed this attack soon after learning about Impulse being that this attack is very powerful. This technique is said to be slightly weaker than Zane’s Karmic Zenith Emperor Slash, Ultimate Zenith Slash, Vulcan Emperor Kaiser Magnum, and several other attacks. This attack unlike Zenith Slash, Zenith Spear, and Zenith Sphere is rather simple to do it. He charges energy into his hand being that he soon rushes toward his target being that he makes a straight fist. While charging toward his target, the energy around his hand amplify being that his arm is covered in the energy. He soon slams his fist into his target being that it deals a large amount of damage. This attack has several different variations to it. Rage Zenith Punch. This punch is simply being that Zane gets mad ,which is easy for him, and punches something. He moves faster than the normal Zenith Punches being that he lands a powerful punch on his target causing several shockwaves and like when he clashes with a counterpart from another dimension or a Qlakrik, it causes an explosion of black lightning ,with a crimson red outline, that spread out far from the impact. Vulcan Akostar Zenith Punch. Zane covers his fist in either Vulcan Emperor or Vulcan Force being the former is for stronger opponent and the latter is for weaker opponents. He soon punches his target with them being that they’re sending flying back. He soon gathers his Akostar energy being that he sends a construct dragon toward his target being it’s very deadly. Zenith Punch Barrage. He soon covers both of his hands in energy being that he soon fires off a barrage of punches being that with each punch, the energy grows in strength. Upon reaching the end of the barrage, he launches them into the air and teleports behind him. He soon smashes them back into the ground. He soon slams both fists into the target, causing an impact.

Ranged Attacks: 6.
Atrocious Barrage. Zane fires a barrage of Impulse sphere from his hands being that they go off in random direction being that they soon trap the target or target in a minefield. If they try and leave, an energy sphere explode which in turn sets off the rest of them. Upon firing the last sphere, Zane snaps his fingers as all of the sphere explode making a massive explosion and lighting the sky with its power.

Concealed Strike. Zane affects the air currents around him being that he can produce powerful shockwaves to strike his opponents from a distance or anything in Zane’s range of vision. He uses this often in Archon Zero but he has learned how to use it out of it.

Impulse Burst. Zane soon gathers up Impulse being that a energy sphere appears in front of him. He soon throws the energy sphere like a baseball being that upon contact with anything, it soon releases a wave of Impulse being that it can affect multiple targets at once.

Impulse Slice. Zane places both of his hands to the side being that he soon has Impulse focused around the palm of his hands. He soon focus them into a solid shape being that he picks a shield shape being that upon completing, it soon starts to spin extremely fast. He soon throws them toward his target being that they cut through any substances that comes in their path.

Omni-Directional Beam Array. Zane gathers Impulse into his hands being that he can’t do anything with them until they’re fully charge. When fully charged, Zane soon stretches his fingers being that all ten fingers are aimed in a different direction. At the tip of his fingers, there is a small silver sphere being that he soon release the energy being that several beams hit everything in their path. They naturally go through most objects and can be control by Zane.

Zenith Blast. Zane created this attack being that it’s one of his signature attacks alongside the rest of the Zenith attacks. Zane focus his energy into any part of his body being that it can be any part of his body. Zane focus his energy into a sphere in front of him being that it’s a highly concentrated object of energy. He soon turns the sphere into a beam that is sent right at his target. This attack can either knockout humans or destroy mountains depending on how much power Zane puts in. He can fire a Zenith Blast being that this one can easily level battlefield and warps space-time. The drawback to this attack is that it takes a good amount of time to charge and his stamina is draining with several usages in a row.   

Techniques: 5.
Direct Transportation. This technique is done by focusing Impulse. Zane ,or anyone who is in contact, can instant travel to great distance. It can range from a couple of feet away to different dimensions. This has no limits being that to even activate it, Zane needs Impulse in his body which he does.

Dynamo. This technique is Zane’s main way of accessing Impulse being that it’s one of his signature techniques alongside Archon Zero (Both Versions), Arctic Shift, Electromagnetic Aura (Electron Tempo), Searing Cowl, Vitality Guardian, and Vulcan Emperor. When using this technique at its full potential, his body is covered in a steel gray aura. This technique increases Zane’s power, mainly shown in his energy attacks, senses, speed, and strength being that he’s able to inflict serious damage to his opponents being that they could be much stronger than him but it means nothing. He can move so fast that he can’t been seen even by something that can track a target by its heat signature. It’s also the evolved form of Crisis Judgement. His body automatically reacts to any threat without showing it and can defend himself with his eyes. His body adapt and move on its own, allowing him to attack and defend at the same time and without putting any effort into it. He can easily punch through lightning without a scratch. He’s also well aware of his surroundings being able to walk blindfold. His body naturally heals itself. It also keeps all of the heat inside of him when he’s in cold environments. This is a quick-fix situation being that he can use it without thinking. He can send the veins onto one of his allies being that they get healed. He can use it to restore buildings and people with ease. He can take a sword cut directly being that it doesn’t leave behind a sign of damage. This is the best way of surviving critical wounds that can cause several blood loss. He can create a powerful barrier of pure Impulse being that it can block all attacks that would possibly hit him. He can focus Impulse into either of his hands or feet being that this allows him to suspend himself on any surface. He can use any limbs that he creates using Sweet Reaction or energy constructs. He has to press his hand or feet against the surface in order to work. being that it can be holding to the underside of a bridge, in the corner of the room’s ceiling to avoid detected, hang upside-down which likes the most, and on water. He can focus Impulse into his body being that his speed is increased even more than before being that he can easily move at speeds to dodge Clair’s lightning bolt barrage ,being that she fires them at a extremely fast rate, without breaking a sweat. He can also use to rapidly move any surface ,even freshly waxed floor without slipping, and maintain his balance and equilibrium. He can use this to increase his attack, defense, and speed. It can allow him to stay airborne and fly at quick speeds. This can also counter attacks by either punching or striking them. He can also move so fast that it actually mimics teleportation being that Zane can easily string attacks with his speed.

Impulse Jamming. Zane can focus Impulse into the area with him disturbing everything that use Impulse in some manner except for himself. Zane can also make sure that his allies don’t get affected by this.

Rapid-Fire Mirage. This technique requires Zane to move so quickly that he can create mirages of himself, confusing his target and leaving them open to attack. With Zane’s incredible speed, Zane can make a huge amount of mirages being that he can also use them to dodge attacks by having them hitting a clone instead of him.

Stockpile. Zane eats/absorbs a large amount of food ,mainly food with high calories, or energy at an extremely fast rate, being that he stores all of that energy for later use being that his powers require a lot of energy. He can stole this energy and keep the energy for several years at a time.

Zero Tag-Team. Zane makes a clone of himself being that he hurls the clone toward his target and by doing this, the clone slams into the target with a high amount of force behind it. The clone jumps off the clone and Zane yells,”Dogpile!”. Several clones or Clone Form soon appears above the target and traps them, making them unable to move.

Zane's New Gadgets: 2.
Communing Flute. This instrument was given to Zane as a Christmas present from Santa Claus himself being that his superhero name is Admiral Claus. He’s one of the seven best sorcerers being that he’s considered the best. Zane met Santa after dealing with Holiday Guardian who was forcing Zane to repeat Christmas Eve and was defeated brutally being that he had this coming.

Nick gave this gift to Zane with him telling Zane that things will be changing in his life and he should be ready for them. Before Zane could ask what he mean, Nick left with him leaving Zane was both confused on what Santa meant by that and what this new instrument could do. He eventually figured it out by just playing. This instrument is a small, gray harmonica but it can turn into a violin. 

This instrument has the ability to help souls pass on. This can works on both Phantom who don’t want to live anymore as a ghost of their former self and zombies. This instrument allows Zane to bring back souls but it will not revive from the dead. Zane often uses this to talk with the beings that he have died for advice or to remind of the good times instead of the bad. This instrument also Zane to become a necromancer.

He can create an army of skeletons being that this is also the sign of him being the ruler of Terrarune. He tends to use this to play music on the roof in order to remember the fallen and making sure they pass on. He could use this on zombies as well. He can use this instrument being that upon infusing his Nether into it, he can alter how Terrarune is affected forever being that he does to allow humans to visit without turning into a Phantom.

Restoration Custodians. Zane made this tech in order to repair the damage that occurs during a fight between him or a rogue metahuman. They came out of his costume being that they look like Zane in his armored costume aka Hyperion Mail but much smaller. Upon contact with a destroyed building or injured person, they project a small needle from their hands and inside of the small needle, they have a small blue liquid inside of them.

Inside of the liquid, there are nano machine being that they naturally began restore anything that was destroy or injured during a fight. Zane carries about fifty of them in his costume at all times just in case he needs them but has a bunch of them inside of his home or tower in case there is a lot of damage being that each robot can only fix so much damage before they are unable to do anything else. 

Christmas Gifts:
Ana was given a book being that it was the latest volume in the book series that she's been reading for a year now.
Kania was given a family portrait of her cuddling with Nexus and Wolfram being that it was quite hard to get the hyperactive puppy in a photo.
Kurt was giving a book to pick up girls much to everyone laughter.
Lucius was giving a suit for his first day with Ellie being that Zane said not to mess this up because he doesn't want to see his older brother become a spinster.
Natasha was given a new set of beakers being that the last ones broke.
Nexus was given a new dog bed that would fit him and some company.
Sly was given a special bed just for her being that she didn't have one.
Shawn was given a family portrait of him and his family ,both new and old, being that Zane had this picture taken after Shawn returned. 
Tara was given a brand new book being that Zane promised that it would get into Harvard but she didn't need help getting there.
Wolfram was given a new plush bear by Zane being that it could never be destroyed and Zane sees the dog fall love in the bear upon first meeting it. He also got a new dog bed.