Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Zero Episode 105 The Hunter and the Zero

A/N: Yeah. We had a massive burst of Fairy Legion parts because I wanted to finish that arc so I can move onto better things. I mean that arc was a slog to get through but here's the thing, I had fun writing some characters and hated doing some. They also point out the obvious often. I should be talking about this in Fairy Legion but I talk about stuff in Zero so why not do the reverse? Lets talk about Zane.

As of Episode 105, Zero is current in an winter arc that started in Episode 103 with Sierra and Zane become partners and will end in Episode 107/108 when an old villain returns. The story will be still in winter but that arc that I mentioned before will have Zane fighting the spirit of Christmas. Yeah. it will be interesting to see that for sure. I should mention this now while I have you all here. Zane's more powerhouse forms such as Atomic and Astral Form won't be see often.

You may have noticed that both of them haven't appeared. I'm not a fan of using overpowered forms on say street thugs. I don't mind writing overpowered leads but using their full power on enemies who can't handle a high tolerance of pain is something I can do. Zane is also a black belt. The other reason for the delay is because I've finished watching all of the Marvel Movies in anticipation for the new Spider Man game which includes Thor: Ragnarok, Black Panther, and Avengers Infinity War.

I have no desire to see the Ant-Man movies which I heard were good but to me, I'm good with the cameo in Civil War. I would say out of the three movies I mentioned Black Panther is the weakest for me. I like the character but to me, it was just boring. I don't know how to explain it but for my Marvel Movie Scale, I would put Black Panther in the same league as Doctor Strange and the Guardians Movie. Not bad movies, just not my cup of teas.

I was honestly shocked how good Thor: Ragnarok was being that I didn't really care for the Thor movies before hand. I'm a huge fan of Planet Hulk and World War Hulk being that the latter of the two had Reed Richards get injured. I don't like him because well, he's just a brainiac with none of the snark that I love from Tony. It's the same thing with Scott Summers. I just don't like either of them compared to the other members who do a much better job.

Avengers Infinity War only shocked me. I didn't look up any spoilers for this movie when it came out because I wanted to be surprised when I watched. I honestly had a panic attack at the end of the movie and well, I couldn't move for an hour and was going a bit overboard in hindsight since the announce of some movies kinda ruin the ending a bit. It's still a shock. I would say that if you can't see a movie that you really want to see, ignore all spoilers.

It's honestly a good feeling. So is Spider Man PS4 good? Yes. I like it a lot because as a Spidey fan since I was a kid, it's a fun game. I never played Spider Man 2 so I don't have that as comparison. As a fan however, I know when named characters in the Spider-Man Mythos is going to do something that would fit their character but first timers, it's nice. I also like that Mister Negative is there and has a role in the story.

He's a newer villain compared to someone like Green Goblin. It's like having the main villain of a Batman game being not one of his main villains. I mean Joker was all over the Arkham and well, I like the Joker ,except in Suicide Squad being one of my major gripes with that movie, but I would like to see a new villain take the reins of a story. I would recommend Spider Man over God of War and my reason for not liking that game is strange.

I mean I like God of War because I'm a fan of Greek Mythology. It's honestly interesting to me because wow, there is a lot of sex in that store. When I think of Greek Mythology, a few things come to mind. Powerful gods, Hercules, and the thought,"What will Zeus stick his dick into next?". I also like Norse Mythology not on the same level as Greek but it's nice to learn about so why don't I like God of War PS4.

I know for a fact that this isn't the case but when I ever see a picture of Kratos with his son, I think the Last of Us which I don't dislike but to me, I like the previous God of War. Don't get me wrong, I like a good story way more than a good fighting system but to me, God of War is a series that's known for its fighting. I just find it boring to watch and maybe it's fun to play so maybe once a price drop, I may get it. Our story begins not in Cypress Park but the savanna. I also don't know football.

Narrator P.O.V.
In the savannas, a animal was rampaging. It had destroyed several villages. It wasn't a normal animal being a Phantom. It looked to be hippo shaped with giant mammoth-like tusks and two giant arms. Its skin is bright purple and flowing instead of walking around. It had the ability to generate large and powerful windstorms which tears apart the ground. To handle this creature and prevent killing more people, Swarm ,being the "experts" on handling Phantoms, were called in.

However, they were planning on killing it and using its corpse in order to kill its brother. The head agents for this mission are Agent F and Quake being that they were both wearing suit that fit this environment. They had cornered the creature away from a village being that it was 10 humans with anti-Phantom gear vs one Phantom. My money is on the animal. "On my command, we eliminate that beast." said Agent F.

He and the other agents soon aimed their rifles at the beast with someone ,who appeared from out of nowhere, grabbing Agent F's gun ,a rifle, and break it in half. "Stop this now! I refuse to see any kind of animal harmed by these weapons." said a man's voice. Agent F turned to see their guide which lead them to the creature Homer Wentworth aka the Hunter. He’s an muscular ,Caucasian, man which was gained from years of training and is 6 foot 5. He has long black hair with a mustache and beard.

He has a case of heterochromia being that his left eye is silver and his right eye is blue. He has a very large scar over his right eye. He has pointy sharp teeth. He wears a very casual outfit being a plain orange dress shirt and black pants with dark green hunting boots. "Listen here you over rated Tarzan. This creature doesn't deserve to live because it isn't the normal animals you usually hunt. We hired you to lead us to it not stop us." said Agent Quake, glaring at the much larger man.

Homer looked at him before turning his attention toward the Phantom who looked at the human with confusing looks. "To cowards like you and your men here, a beast like that shouldn't be put down just because it's different from the normal animals. It's rampage through the village is probably because it was scared. However, there is always another way that doesn't involve killing. I'll show you a way to handle animals without killing them." said Homer.

He soon walked right toward the Phantom ,with it still cautious about the humans and then getting distracted by some flies around it, as Agent F said,"Sir. We've tried the round of tranquilizers on it before we decided to kill it. However, they bounced right off the skin like it was nothing at all. So what are you going to do? I've read the report on you. You've only handle normal animals and use energy based tools aka tools with them powered by energy. but this creature is nothing like them.".

Homer slowly began taking off his shirt as he said,"A man is truly weak when he has to rely on weapons in order to handle his foes. Weapons are nothing more than a tool to hold one back.". The animal soon noticed him as Agent Quake said,"Your funeral Tarzan.". He and the rest of Swarm went into their jeeps as the Phantom charged right toward Homer. The man soon went into a grab like position with the animal charged right into Homer and into one of the jeeps.

The jeep in question belonged to Agent F and Quake being that Homer soon jumped onto the creature's back, causing it to run off away from the Swarm Agents with Homer in toe. Instead of all of the jeeps following them, one jeep soon went after them. The Phantom and hunter soon went through a grassy plain being that the jeep followed suit. In order to get rid of the opponent upon its back and the opponent in the vehicle, it soon came up with a plan.

It first decided to get rid of his opponent on its back by releasing a powerful windstorm to get rid of the former. The creature was shocked by Homer still hanging on tight. "You can try to blow me away but a real man doesn't give up so easily." said Homer. The duo soon went through a bramble patch being that Homer's skin was cut. The two soon went toward a cliffside, that overlooked a large lake of pure water. "Time to take a rest." said Homer.

He soon grabbed the creature's head with it slamming into the ground and they almost fell off the cliff. Homer looked over to the creature with it sleeping and heard a car driving up to them. He soon turned to see a jeep with a female agent soon exiting the jeep. Homer soon crossed his arms as he watched the female heading to the creature. "So are you going to kill it like your male agents or are you different?" said Homer.

The woman soon turned toward him as she said,"Unlike my male and females coworkers of mine, I truly believe that these creatures could help advance the world. I also find their biology interesting honestly.". Homer could tell that she was telling the truth being that she was putting a needle into the Phantom's neck being that it was medicine. He soon began talking a closer look at the woman, being that she was dressed from the other Swarm agents he met earlier.

Despite her wearing a white porcelain mask ,in the shape of a vampire, over her face that covered her eyes and hair, Homer could tell what she was like being that he's good at reading people by either their bodies or what they said when they talk. She looks to be in her early to mid twenties being that she looks to be beautiful. She has an athletic ,with an hourglass figure, build to her. Homer says that her beauty is to be admired but he isn't interested in her for two reasons.

Reason 1 is because he's currently with the woman that he loves and wouldn't want to leave her no matter what. Reason 2 is that he can see the face that she's hiding under both of her masks ,being the one she's wearing right now and the one under it, which is a scared child whose face is made out of porcelain. For her uniform, she's wearing something that would be for fighting rather than going to school or fanservice.

She's wearing a gray short sleeve jumpsuit with a maroon flax vest type over her chest. She wears a silver mesh top underneath her jumpsuit. It was exposed due to her jumpsuit showing her impressive but modest chest. She wears brown arm, elbow, and shin guards to protect herself from danger. She wears black fingerless gloves ,with a white stripe around the wrist, and that goes to the top of her biceps. She wears slim brown combat boots with her have a small knife on her back and easy to grab. 

Homer crossed his arms as he said,"From what I gathered, liking Phantom within Swarm is rare.". "It really is. So I've read that you have a pet and a beloved, are they here?" said the woman. Homer went quiet with the Agent saying,"Sorry that I brought them up. I'll try to convince my bosses to not kill this creature. I do hope we can see each other again Mr. Wentworth.". "Call me Homer Masked Agent." said Homer.

The agent was soon gone after entering her jeep as Homer soon sat on the ground, with him just staring out into the savanna. "It's been almost a year since I've last seen you Barbara and Lia but where have you gone where I can find you?" said Homer. "Perhaps I can help you find the two of them." said a woman's voice. He soon turned around to see a woman appearing from out of nowhere. She's a very stunning woman with a voluptuous figure.

Her waist is thin and hourglass like and her bust and hips being very voluptuous. She has long ,going down to her waist, brown hair with peach colored skin and green eyes. She's wearing black ,with pink stripes, tank top that reveals a good amount of her chest and her tiny stomach, a tight black mini-skirt that shows off her body, white knee-length sheer stockings, and black high heels with a chunky heel to them. Her outfit has a lace pattern to it.

Over all, she was very attractive and not all dressed for this environment. "What are you talking about and how are you? Are you with Swarm?" said Homer. "Not at all Homer. It seems that not even a Phantom can be a good opponent for you." said the woman. "Despite it being supernatural, it's still an animal that's driven by its instincts." said Homer. "I can promise you a challenge and it'll lead to your beloved and pet." said the woman.

She soon threw a folder ,which came from nowhere being that she has no pockets, toward Homer being that Homer looked it over. "I've heard about him before. The Swarm agents ,mainly the leaders of the group, mentioned his name often being that despite looking human, he's a creature that needs to be destroyed." said Homer. "So will you try taking him down?" said the woman. "I don't hunt down fellow humans." said Homer.

The woman said,"But he has a impressive combination of speed, agility, and strength.". Homer soon threw the file into the air, spreading its contents everywhere. "Okay. I'll face off against him and once I take him down, you'll tell me where Barbara and Lia are right?" said Homer. "Yes Homer. They are in Cypress Park, being held hostage by the Legion Zero." said the woman. Homer was soon gone, being ready to face off against Zero.

The woman walked over to the animal as she said,"Well done Form Morpher. You played the weak and defense Phantom. Your acting has gotten better.". The Phantom animal changed into Form Morpher with him recovering from Zane who burned him alive thanks to Swamp Prime. In the same vein as Xiadur who still had his missing arm, Form Morpher had some missing legs. He was still missing two of his slender spider legs, only have four slender spider legs.

He is still missing his lower left and right arm being burned completely at the nub and unable to regenerate back. His upper right arm is still missing the fur that once covered it. He only had one eye covered in burns being that his mouth had one of its two giant fangs grown back and three out of five small teeth on the inside. "So why are we using that human exactly instead one of us? I mean even with his powers, he doesn't chance again that brat. I want my revenge." said Form Morpher.

The woman smiled as she said,"Think about who is after him in terms of hunters. There is Agent Phoenix and Airon.". "I know about the former but the latter. He hasn't done anything in Cypress Park except manipulating Remane in order to test the brat." said FM. "You forget about the villains there after Zane's head. Lets make them fight among each other in order to get our revenge on Zane or to be more specific, his blood." said the woman.

Form Morpher smiled as he said,"So if we obtain his blood, we can use to regenerate our wounds that were destroyed by the brat. Xiadur wants Zane's head for costing his job at the prison and he ruined my goal of killing Zeros. What about you?". "I just want to serve our master. You need to get going to Cypress Park. Do whatever you can to get Zane's blood." said the woman. "Understood boss lady." said Form Morpher, sprouting wings and flying off.

The woman smiled as she said,"So I wonder if Zane will be able to sense me in this form. I'll be able to sense him since he's an Eazairvian and our races are able to sense each other upon entering the same area. Maybe I should find out and make sure that nothing fucks up Master's plan.". She soon opened up a magic portal, with it showing an image of Cypress Park. Before she entered the portal to her enemy's town, the woman soon turns into Xona.     

However, both Form Morpher and Xona soon found out that Zane wasn't in Cypress Park being that he was currently in Terrarune. Since he finished his finals early, Zane had a lot of time to kill being that he either spend it on patrol and finding anything he can about the Battalion or Mastermind with the latter being the bigger mystery, hanging out with his family, or deciding to get in touch with his Phantom DNA much to Sivarth's joy.

Zane was currently at a bar being that it wasn't the one from Episode 28 but the night club that the group of Phantom ladies (Celeste, Iris, Jennifer, and Marie) took Zane to in Episode 89. Zane was currently there with Bane, Celeste, Jennifer, Kendra, and Marie plus Malik. Malik was pretty much dragged there by Zane being that he wanted his alternative dimensional counterpart to have some joy in his life and spending too much time with Hourglass is a bad thing.

Malik sipped his drink with him saying,"So can I go now Zane? I did the toast. That's me being social right?". Marie sulked as she said,"Wow Malik. You're a buzzkill you know that. We're here not only to celebrate Zane and his human friends winning their sport game. It's football right?". Zane nodded as Jennifer said,"But the game isn't till tomorrow night.". "Jenny. Zane is on the team and he's stronger than most humans even if he's holding back." said Celeste.

Bane nodded as he said,"It's nice seeing the humans who've tried to hunt for just existing look stupid thanks to our king.". "There are so many things wrong with that statement. I mean has Swarm even killed a Phantom?" said Kendra.  "If you're not counting Agent Phoenix who kinda is a member, they haven't killed a single one." said Zane. "That's a good thing." said Malik. "What do you mean Malik?" said Bane,

Malik sighed as he said,"And here I thought you guys would know this but you don't. Zane knows this but let me just give you some context. The Astral Realm is seen as the Omniverse's heaven and the Dread Dimension is seen as the Omniverse's hell. Terrarune is seen as purgatory.". "So all of us are stuck in limbo? I mean I didn't die in the way I wanted but I would like to move on eventually." said Jennifer.

Zane placed a hand on her shoulder as he said,"It isn't like that. When a being from the Omniverse dies, they have a chance of being born into three places. According to Lief, the preferred choice is to become a Phantom because you're able to contact and communicate with others. If you're born into the Astral Realm, you can only float around there until the end of the Omniverse. It's the same with the Dread Dimension except it's more painful.". "And you know this how?" said Kendra.

Marie smiled as she said,"Unlike Johnny, Zane is a reader.". "That's true. Johnny may have been smart in fighting and socially but in academics, he wasn't the best." said Celeste. "So I have to ask you guys something. What do you see me as?" said Zane. The Phantoms ,except for Malik and Marie who was drinking their drink, said in unison,"Zane.". "That's good. I know that you said that but I overthink some things." said Zane.

Bane soon placed his hand on Zane's shoulder with him saying,"Zane. I see you as my friend and king with the former put above the latter. I'll proudly serve you until the day you die and then you join us here in Terrarune.". "That won't happen right Zane? I would hate to lose my little brother." said Jennifer, with her plus Celeste and Kendra tussling his hair. "Yeah. This friendship stuff is making me sick. So wasn't the plan to make Malik dance?" said Marie.

Malik stood up as he said,"Wait! You told me that you just wanted to drink with me!". "I lied." said Zane. Before Malik could do anything to Zane, he along with Bane were dragged by the girls to the dance floor. Zane smiled as Sivarth said,"So do you think Malik is going to help you after this and will Danny and Gwen approve of him helping after what happened between them.". "I sent them a message upon entering Terrarune and I'm just waiting for their response." said Zane.

Twilight said,"I'm just happy that he asked for their advice before he went through it. I mean Rachel still on the fence with Kevin despite being friends. Imagine what she's going to do when she finds about you and the others joining a secret group that's trying to kill Skull Plague and you allowing the Phantom who destroyed your arm and Essence to help you.". Zane shivered as Cole said,"I don't get why you're scared of her and the other women in your life finding out about this.".

Athena said,"Cole. Zane is scared of them finding out because of the expression hell has no fury like a woman scorned.". "Yeah but to a strong man like me, it's nothing." said Kane. Zane rolled his eyes as his phone buzzed twice. Zane looked at it and it was Danny and Gwen's response. "It's your choice man and don't worry. I'll make sure Malik stays in line." wrote Danny. "I'm fine with it but if you want him to help us, don't do anything to piss him off." wrote Gwen.

Zane looked over toward Malik being that he was both glaring at Zane and looking right at his dance partner Marie as Kane said,"Wow. He's having a good time. It's strange to see someone like him having fun and his dancing is way better than yours.". "I think with practice, we can become a dancer that rivals all other dancers! Zane! Turn into that form so we can show up Malik!" said Cole as he was promptly slapped by Athena.

Twilight said,"If we bring out that form Cole, Malik will be even more annoyed with us. If he is just like Zane, he'll hate to lose to someone younger than him or someone like Zane". "So what is your plan after the dance? Marie may love to go dancing but she isn't a dancing machine like that form is so once she's done, he's going to come over here and you can figure out the rest." said Athena. "So what's the plan?" said Sivarth.

Zane smiled as he said,"Well gang, I know myself perfect so I pulled a couple of strings to make sure that Malik will drain all of his energy dancing. He may be incredibly strong in a fight but in a dance with several Phantoms who eat this stuff up, he's nothing more than a weakling.". His five partners were silent as Zane said,"So I guess I can be a little evil huh?". Zane soon watched Malik dancing with several other girls as Marie walked over to him.

Marie said,"Wow. He really can dance just like you Zaney.". She sat next to him as Zane said,"Yeah but me and Malik are two different people.". "Yeah but he's a much better dancer than you." said Marie. "Well, you were helping him plus he only had to dance with only you. I had to dance with you, Iris, Celeste, and Jenny. I'm not complain but you know what I mean." said Zane. "So you're on winter break right now right?" said Marie. "Yeah. It's for the next four weeks." said Zane.

Marie said,"I know that Celeste and Jenny would like if you spend some time with them. They won't say it because they want you to enjoy your life and not reliving any past memories but as one of their girlfriends, I can tell that they still miss their love.". "I'll try to make some time but I just hope I'm not their replacement." said Zane. The two soon watched Malik being dragged into another couple of dances as Marie said,"Wow. You're evil. Using the crowd against him.".

Zane shrugged as he said,"Yeah. I mean you used that against me a couple of weeks ago so it's nice to not be on the other end of it.". "I guess but back to our previous conversation. I doubt that Celeste and Jenny see you as Johnny Vincent. It took some time but they now see you as their cute little brother who gets in trouble often." said Marie. "I don't get in trouble that much." said Zane. "Says the person who fights and pisses off people every day." said Marie. The two talked as Malik danced.

Later, Malik was soon staring at Zane who was getting his goodbye hug from the duo of Celeste and Jennifer. He was too tired to be jealous or angry at his prime counterpart because he had just spend several hours dancing. In his previous life, he would have enjoyed dancing with several girls being that he was very much scared of using his powers. "So. You jealous of Zaney?" said a voice. Malik turned around to see Marie as he said,"Not now. You and your harpies drained me of my energy.".

Marie said,"Yeah we did that to Zane but well, he has more stamina than you. I guess his training made him stronger than you despite him losing to you before.". "He isn't stronger than me. I have more experience than he does." said Malik. "True but I think if you two fought with you being at your full power, Zane would win hands down." said Marie. Malik rolled his eyes as he said,"Whatever Marie. Why are you even talking to me? In fact, why are all of you talking to me?".

Marie said,"What could you be talking about Malik?". "I tried to enslave your race and I killed your king. Zane forgave me because he's an extremely forgiving person but I think the rest of you shouldn't be. " said Malik. "Malik. I need to tell you something in private. We need to get out of his range." said Marie who was pointing to Zane. "That's impossible but hey, lets try." said Malik. The two flew off as Zane smiled.

Celeste noticed this as she said,"Zane. What are you planning?". "Nothing. I was just happy to see Malik enjoying life outside of the tower. Thank you again girls. I know that both of you are still on the fence with him after the whole almost killing me thing and trying to take over my hometown thing. It means a lot to me." said Zane. "Well, I know that I'm still on the fence after he gave you those nasty wounds." said Jennifer.

Zane held his right arm as he said,"Well, I could regenerate my arm.". "Wait. You can?! Since when Zane?" said Celeste. "Well, don't laugh but I was testing out my powers and I accidentally cut off my left hand. I was scared but when I saw my hand regrow on my arm, I fainted." said Zane. The two girls started to laugh as Zane said,"It isn't that funny! I woke up my neighbors with my scream and when my mom found me, I was taken to the hospital!".

Jennifer wiped away a tear as she said,"It kinda is Zane. I guess you're better than Johnny was when he was first testing out his powers.". "So how was he worse than me accidentally cutting off my own hand?" said Zane. "You know Wraith right? Lets just say that Wraith was a much nicer Phantom until Johnny accidentally blew up his precious trophy room. I'm pretty sure he holds a grudge against you because of that." said Celeste.

Zane began laughing as he said,"Wow. That's funny. So why doesn't the Museum of Supernatural Antiquity have that little tidbit in their database?". "Well, he didn't want anyone to find about that embarrassment of his." said Celeste. "So I have to ask this but if I can make some time during my winter break, do you mind if I come to Terrarune and hang out with you two? You can show me around my kingdom." said Zane.

Jennifer smiled as she said,"Is Zane asking us out?". "And here I thought that Zane would be loyal to his eight girlfriends." said Celeste. "It isn't like that and I know you two are tricking me. I ain't Johnny when it comes to being tricked by women. The Museum of Supernatural Antiquity does mentioned that he got tricked by two minxs often." said Zane. "Shoot. Let me guess. You're using your mind reading powers on us?" said Zane.

Kane said,"Are you? I honestly can't tell.". "Nope but good guess. So would your answer be yes ladies?" said Zane. "Sure Zane. Just make sure to tell your special ladies. I rather not have them hating me for "stealing" their man." said Celeste. "I will I promise. So where do you think Marie took Malik? I kinda need to talk with him about something." said Zane. "Marie is having her fun with Malik. They are hitting it off rather well." said Jennifer.

Sivarth said,"I sense some strong emotions from her and they aren't the pleasant kind. Try not to say anything more about them or get them to change topics.". "Sivarth. It's Zane." said Cole with Athena and Twilight agreeing with him. "Yeah. I hope Marie doesn't hurt Malik. Lets just say that you don't want to get that guy mad. Trust me." said Zane. "You are quite different from Johnny but that's a good thing." said Celeste.

Jennifer said,"Yeah. You forgave Malik despite him causing you so much pain. Johnny would have held a grudge and trust me, he could hold a grudge.". "Yeah. I kinda get that from him. So I'll see you girls soon." said Zane. He was about to leave when Celeste grabbed his arm. "Wait! I've got to ask you something!" said Celeste. "What did you do Zane?" said Athena. "Nothing! I don't think." said Zane.

Celeste said,"I know that you hate Christmas but this year, you're going to give it a chance. So if you can, do you mind coming to the big Christmas party? I'm not pressuring you Zane but I just wanted to tell you. It's Christmas Eve to December 26th and I think you'll like it.". "Sure but maybe not Christmas morning. The kids have me booked until noon." said Zane. Zane was soon gone as Jennifer said,"Way to go!".

Celeste looked at her best friend/sister as she said,"Yeah. It's nice that we can be just friends. He and Johnny are two different people. So do you not like Marie and Malik?". "Well, Malik seems like a nice guy and I just want to give him a chance. Doesn't he remind you of Johnny Celeste?" said Jennifer. "Kinda but if you want to go out with him, you have some tough competition and your best friend will help you out." said Celeste.

Zane was soon back in his room as he stretched. "Man. That was pretty fun. So how many more hours do I have before the game?" said Zane. He stretched his arm to grab his alarm clock and he saw that it was 7:30 in the morning. "Wow. You were in Terrarune for eight hours and you have another nine hours before the game." said Twilight. Zane sighed as he said,"Well, got any ideas?". He soon heard footsteps as he said,"Never mind.".

He was soon hugged by his two daughters as they said in unison,"Daddy!". Both girls were wearing their winter outfits being that Uriel was wearing a navy blue winter jacket ,with a dog themed pattern to it, being that she's wearing a pink t-shirt underneath it. She's wearing a pair of black jeans with white stripes over it. She's wearing fuchsia colored winter boots with a yellow cross-hatch pattern that resembles a clock tower pattern to them.

Zoey is wearing a red winter jacket being that she's wearing a white t-shirt with a cute symbol of a snake on it. She's wearing blue camo pattern jeans with gray sneakers. Zoey finishes off her outfit a black and red winter cap that looks like a baseball cap. "Hey you two. So how did you two know that I was back? Where is your brother?" said Zane, hugging them back tightly. The two let go as Zoey said,"I sensed your Nether! Grandpa has been training me!".

Uriel said,"She's really strong. She's able to hit 50% of the targets while I can only hit 40%.". She looked sad with Zane shaking her head. Zane soon tussled his pink-haired daughter's hair as he said with his smile,"Uriel. 40% is amazing. No one is a master at first. Trust me. It took me so much time to become a powerful hero so let me tell you something. Something that takes time is better than something that's rushed.".

Uriel hugged him tighter as Zane said,"Uriel. You're crushing me.". The little girl let go as Zoey said with a smile,"Well, she's much stronger than me daddy.". "That's because she's a Vulcorian!" said Kane. "So where is your brother? I don't think I got an answer." said Zane. "He's on a date." said Uriel. "Uriel! Atem told us not to tell daddy about where he is." said Zoey. "But daddy told us never to lie about family?" said Uriel.

Zoey looked conflicted with Zane chuckling. He could tell that his daughter was trying to figure out if Uriel did the right thing by telling him about Atem. "Oh, I already knew." said Zane. "How?" said Uriel. Zane pointed to his head as he said,"You can't hide secrets from someone who can read them with ease.". "But I thought you don't like reading our minds?" said Zoey. "I don't but well, I have to tease my son about his date when he comes back." said Zane.

Uriel smiled as she said,"So what are you going to do before the game daddy? Grandma is in the lab and Grandpa is out training with Ana while the dogs are watching.". "No clue. I need to take a shower so how about we just hang out here until I come up with something?" said Zane. "Okay!" said the two in unison. They were gone as Zane got undressed. He soon entered his shower as he said,"Yeah. This is going to be a good day.". 

Outside of his house, the trio of Nova, Rachel, and Rain were outside. The trio were wearing their winter outfits. Nova was wearing a white sweater like she did before during the summer being that it covered her shoulders. She's wearing blackish blue jeans being that it prevent the cold and she was wearing her sneakers plus her accessories. Rachel was wearing her outfit aka the one from Zero Episode 83 being that her jacket looked a little thicker and fitting the weather.

Rain however is wearing a different outfit being that it was her winter outfit. This will get more detail than the previous two mentioned. She has her long silver hair that reaches the center of her back. She doesn't have her hair in a small ponytail but she does have a violet infinite themed hairband. Her bangs are brushed to the right with it showing off her beautiful face and green eyes. She has a beauty mark under her left eye and circular blushes on her cheeks.

These two only added to her appeal. Her body is slender yet curvy showing that she's athletic. Her body just screamed very cute to him in so many ways. She has her sapphire blue helix ring and rook piercing in her right ear with a red variation of her right earrings in the left ear.  She's wearing her small dark pink choker necklace. Her winter outfit is a dark red ,with the inside being violet, jacket. It has a faux fur trimmed hood.

Under it, there was an off-shoulder black spaghetti strap ,with a frilly edge and lace, tank top. It has a white crescent moon, in the center of it. She wears gray denim calf-length capris with a white belt. She wears white wedge like boots. She's wearing her brown purse with her and the girl was holding a small book with several sticky notes in it as she was doing a new role next year and wanted to get a head start.

Nova looked toward her friend as she said,"So why do you come with us again Rachel? I mean I don't mind you being here but we were going to talk about Winter Break and it's going to be mainly planning dates. It'll be pretty boring.". "That's why I'm here." said Rachel. "Huh? Do you like Zane like we do?" said Rain. Rachel looked at her before shaking her head. "Nah. You love him like a man but I see him as a brother." said Rachel.

Rachel soon thought to herself,"And I need to ask him hopefully in private about getting stronger. I mean he's the strongest guy in town I'm sure of it.". She hated that she was the only one in Zane's circle of super-powered friends without any real powers. She didn't want to be a weak link in a fight so she made a personal goal to herself. For Winter Break, she would no was going to get stronger for sure. "Okay. So how are things going with Allen?" said Nova.

Rachel looked at her as she said,"Fine. Why do you ask?". "You two have been hanging out a lot lately." said Rain. "Well, my normal finals tutor was busy tutoring." said Rachel. "So how many people use the Zane tutoring system?" said Nova. "A good amount of people. It's a good thing that Zane can multi-task. I've always been impressed with that side of him." said Rachel. "And you're sure that you don't like him." said Rain.

Rachel sighed as she said,"I've told this at least a hundred times to Karen since I've known her but I only see Zane as a brother and really good friend. So why did you two come to see him? I know that you two didn't come here just to make plans.". "Well, I came here to kiss my sugah." said Nova with her southern accent slipping out. "I think you've kissed him the least right?" said Rachel as Nova soon blushed.

Rain said while looking at her southern friend/fellow girlfriend."And I thought you would have been one of the first ones to kiss him.". "Yeah. I may seem like the type of gal who would go for him but I don't want him to be scared of me." said Nova. "Zane isn't scared of a kiss." said Rachel. She walked up to the door with her hearing,"Can I get the door this time Zoey? You got the last one.". "Sure thing sis." said a female voice which she knew was Zoey's.

The door opened as the three girls saw Uriel standing there. "Hi!" said Uriel. "Hey Uriel. So is your daddy home?" said Rachel. "He is Aunt Rachel! Hi Mommies!" said Uriel. The two girls blushed as Rachel giggled. "Uriel! They aren't your mommies yet!" said Zane's voice. Zane grabbed his daughter with him not wearing a shirt being that he just gotten out of the shower. The two girls blushed harder as Rachel said,"So did you just wake up? I never thought I would see Zane being lazy.".

Zane sighed as he said,"I'll have you know that I've been at a club with some of my Phantom friends and well, Malik did a lot of dancing.". "You're hanging out with the guy who ripped off your arm? I think that's a major red flag." said Nova, who recovered faster than Rain. "He's a nice guy. I mean Marie is probably having fun with him. So what's up? I promised to spend time with my little girls so I can't do anything without their permission." said Zane.

Uriel escaped her dad's grip before finding herself on Zane's right shoulder aka her spot being that she claimed it upon joining the family. "That's right! He's belong to me and Zoey!" said Uriel. Zoey floated toward them as she said,"Uriel. We can't keep daddy from his friends.". "I know but he's never home." said Uriel. "Well, I'm do belong to you guys from the night of Christmas Eve to Christmas afternoon." said Zane.

Uriel pouted as Zane soon sprouted a tendril from his back. The girls would be shocked by this if not used to their friend/boyfriend/father's unique power set. "Don't worry Uriel. I'll make you sure that I spend time with you guys. Just remind me if I don't. Use force if you have to because well, I tend not to listen without it." said Zane. "Okay but can I stay here?" said Uriel, sitting on his shoulder. "Sure thing cotton candy. Lets discuss this inside." said Zane.

The six were sitting in the living room with Zane wearing his normal clothing. "So what did you girls need from little old me? I'm free all day until the game." said Zane. "Well, I wanted to ask you about something in private." said Rachel. "What is it daddy?" said Zoey. "It's private and I think we can make an arrangement." said Zane. "Sweet." said Rachel. Uriel tilted her head as Rain said,"So what's your schedule looking like?".

Zane pulled out a notebook with him saying,"Take a look.". Nova and Rain looked it over as Nova said,"Wow Sugah. Your schedule is pretty busy.". "Yeah. I tend to make plans but hey, most of them about spending time with you girls and my kids. I think I'm doing pretty good." said Zane. "At least you're not spending the entire break being Zero." said Rain. "Yeah. I may love being a hero but being a good boyfriend/father is far more important to me." said Zane.

The girls soon smiled at Zane's maturity as his phone ringed. "Wow. That timing." said Cole. "Sorry but it's my new boss." said Zane. He walked off as Rain said,"New boss?". "Yeah. Daddy is going to have an internship at Champion Tech plus Collins Enterprise." said Zoey. "So I can figure out why a big science and tech company would want Zane but why would Collins Enterprise?" said Rachel with the other teens agreeing with her. "What is Collins Enterprise?" said Uriel.

Rain said,"They're a very big company here in town and the world. They mainly work in construction and their boss lives in one of the tallest and most expensive buildings in town.". "So what would they want with daddy?" said Zoey, with Uriel getting in a thinker style pose. "Well, I remember that the boss wanted to meet Zane after he punched Roland which is one of the most watched videos online despite Roland and his lawyers trying to get rid of it." said Rain.

Rachel said,'Well, he did say that he respected Zane for standing up against the rich like he did. So is working with CE part of his schedule?". "For the second half of the break. The first half is mainly Champion Tech." said Nova. Zane soon walked back into the room as he sighed. "I have to cut this meeting short. My boss wants to meet me at Champion Tech. He wants to get a head start on making me a powerful figure in the future." said Zane.

Uriel and Zoey sulked as Rachel said,"So does he mean if you bring guests?". "From what he told me on my phone, he doesn't but his head scientist minds a lot. Sorry but could I ask you for another favor Nova. I know that I still owe you one from when you watched the girls last time." said Zane. "Wow. I can't believe you remembered." said Kane. "I constantly reminded him about that plus Zane tries to repay his debts whenever he can." said Athena.

Nova sighed as she said,"Couldn't you tell him no?". "I tried that but well, he doesn't exactly take no for an answer being that he wanted a good future for me." said Zane. "Daddy. Don't go. Just say that one of us is sick. That'll work right?" said Uriel and Zoey who begged him not to go. "That isn't a bad idea." said Rachel. Zane looked away as Rain said,"Zane. You made a promise to him didn't you?". "I did and well, you know that I hate to go against them." said Zane.

Nova stood up and she said,"Sugah. I know that your daughters don't want you to go but you made a promise and as a man, you can't go back on it huh.". "Yeah I kinda do." said Zane, noticing that his two daughters were pouting hard. Zane sighed as Sivarth said,"Zane. You know what to do. Use that Alvarez charm.". "And be a good father." said Athena. Zane nodded as he said,"Uriel Tricia Alvarez. Zoey Ella Alvarez. Look at me. I need you two to listen to me.".

The two looked at their dad with Zane saying,"I'm sorry you two. I know that I don't spend enough time with you two and your brother. I really should do that more but I have two jobs. My first job is being a hero which is isn't important as my second job. My second job is being a father. I have to get a job so I can support you two and Atem without relying on Zero to pay the bills. You two are part of my life and I want to make sure that you three live in luxury being truly happy.".

Rachel said,"He's serious about this you two. He's been planning on getting a job to make sure that he can eventually move out despite his mom not wanting it at all. Please tell me that you aren't spring the news at Christmas.". "Your aunt Rachel is correct and I know that I may sound stupid but this is something that my dad when I was born. It's something that Alvarez men have to do. I just started early compared to my brothers but in all time, they'll be doing this." said Zane.

The two girls hugged him as Zoey said,"Why are you pushing yourself too much for us?". "Because I want you to grow up to be happy. Plain and simple." said Zane. The two girls soon let go as Uriel said,"Okay! Go get them daddy!". "I was going to but thanks for the support cotton candy." said Zane with him smiling. "Zane. Before you go, I need to tell you something and this is about my now two favors." said Nova.

The two were gone as Rain said,"So what are they talking about?". "I bet it's cake!" said Uriel. "Not everything in the world is about sweets Uriel sweetie." said Rachel. "It could be though." said Uriel who was pouting. Zoey tussled her little sister's hair being that something soon flew past them being that the door was soon wide open. "So I'm going to take a shot in the dark here and say that was our Zane. So why did he do that?' said Rachel.

Nova soon stood in the walkway with a smile plastered on her face. "What did you tell him girl? That was Zane right? It was like a tornado blew through here." said Rachel. "Our upcoming date is going to be great because well, we're going all out." said Nova. Uriel and Zoey were soon confused as Rain said,"Rachel. Do you mind covering their ears for me?". "On it." said Rachel. The two little girls were confused to see their aunt like figure covering their ears.

They soon watched two of their daddy's girlfriends arguing with each other with Rain's face being red. "So what are they talking about Auntie Rachel?" said Zoey. "I'm pretty sure that you should ask your father when you're older." said Rachel. "Okay!" said Uriel. Rachel was thankful that Uriel wasn't the type to ask questions. She was very much to take things at face value mainly due to her age and she trusts anyone who her father respects.

Zane just arrived outside of Champion Tech with Cole saying,"Wow. She really makes your motor running huh Zane?". "Yeah. I mean that date is going to be great." said Zane. "So are you ready to do what our real purpose about accepting Derrick's offer?" said Athena. "Yeah. Stay safe you two. I'm sure that Champion Tech has way better digital security than they do with regular security." said Zane as he entered the building.

After being leading to the main lab, Zane ,wearing a lab coat over his normal clothing, soon saw Jim cleaning the glass cage of some spiders. "Hey. Sorry I'm late but you wouldn't believe the traffic in this town." said Zane. "It's fine Zane. I still can't believe you accepted Mr. Price's offer. I know that he's hard to say no to but you have the big game later today don't you?" said Jim. "I do but well, he told me that an important person was visiting the lab today and wanted me to meet him." said Zane.

The two soon heard,"And there he is!". Zane turned to see Derrick standing there with a smiling Conrad as Kane said,"I've never seen him smile before. It's kinda creepy.". "It's nice to finally meet you in person Mr. Alvarez. I've heard a lot about you being that my boss here says that you'll change the world but I doubt you. However, you're at the top of your class and you come from one of the smartest women in the country so I expect great things from you." said Conrad.

Zane looked at Jim who said,"This is him being nice.". Zane shook his hand as he said,"I won't let you down Mr. Gibson. I really hope I don't mess this.". "All I ask is that you keep the teenage angst to a minimum." said Conrad. "So Zane, I'm sure that you want to meet our special guest right?" said Derrick. "I guess so." said Zane. "His name is Doctor Noah Foster. He's the younger brother of your science teacher correct?" said Conrad.

Zane said,"Huh. I didn't know she has a brother but I guess there's a personal reason.". "There is and I don't think you should bring it up okay? I know you Zane and you tend to say whats on your mind without thinking about the consequences." said Jim. "I'll try my best but well, I get that from my mother." said Zane. "You get a lot of things from Natasha aka your love for science. I never could figure out why a bright mind like her gave up science." said Conrad.

Sivarth said,"It's you  by the way.". Zane nodded as he said,"Um. I heard that Champion Tech was interested in that creature that attacked the Thanksgiving day parade.". "Yes we are Zane. He's quite informed isn't he?" said Derrick. "From what we had gathered from Zero's fight with it, we haven't been able to find the creature that granted that neanderthal powers. You know the girls who were captured by it. Did they say anything?" said Conrad whose eye twitched upon saying Zero

Zane said,"Nope. They told me that all of them were kidnapped when they weren't paying attention during the parade. Sorry sir. So what happened to that neanderthal? I'm on the same team as Jungle Legs and Captain is worried about him.". "He's currently at Heartstone being that after Zero dropped him off there, he's currently recovering. That creature did a number on him and our goal is to help him recover." said Derrick.

A man soon walked up to them as he said,"Derrick. Your research here is stunning.". He has an adult build with no sign of muscle at all. He has short brown hair ,which is slightly graying, and dull brown eyes. He wears dark gray framed glasses. He wears a white lab coat over a light green sweater vest with a white collar shirt, dark blue necktie, dark blue jeans, and black shoes. "Zane. Meet Doctor Noah Foster. He's well known for his study of human and animal genetics." said Derrick.

Noah looked at Zane with him saying,"You're Natasha's son aren't you?". "Yep." said Zane. "It seems that you didn't get your father's stupidity. He just recently came back from a war wasn't it? If I was Natasha, I would have thrown his ass to the curve." said Noah. "I guess my mom is more forgiving than you." said Zane. "My sister speaks highly of you and Ms. Castro. Derrick made the right chose in choosing the male rather than the female. Men are smarter than women after all." said Noah.

Twilight glared at him through Zane's clothing as Noah said,"Only the true smart belong in this world and most of the time, blonds are dumber than a bag of rocks.". Zane was getting more annoyed being that he was dating three blonds and not a single one of them was dumb in his eyes. "Anyway, your ideas about matching animal DNA to human DNA is exciting. I do hope that I continue to work on it while I'm here in town and hopefully, it doesn't get stolen." said Noah.

Twilight said,"I know that I'm usually one of the two voices of reason on this team but if we have a chance, we're totally pranking him. I mean he's a sexist pig.". "Yeah but he's like Zane being that he's honest about his opinion. Got to respect him for that." said Sivarth. "And we'll talk about that in private Noah. I wish to tell Zane about what he'll be doing for the next two weeks while he's here with us before Andrew takes him for the other half of winter break." said Derrick.

Noah smiled as he said,"As you wish sir. See you around hatchling.". He was gone as Kane said,"We need to keep an eye on this guy just like with Derrick.". "Yeah. I agree with you there Kane." said Zane. "Zane. In the two weeks that you're going to be here, I expect you to help out Conrad and Jim in their experiments plus come up with one yourself every week you're here. I hope you're going to give this all you got." said Derrick. "Trust me sir. I will." said Zane.

Later, Zane ,after picking up Athena and Cole plus getting into his costume, was swinging through Cypress Park and heading toward the high school. The game was about to begin. "Wow. That was actually pretty fun. Noah may have been a creep but that's the only bad thing about that place." said Zane. "I still can't believe that we weren't able to find anything about Derrick's illegal activities. He screams evil to you guys right?" said Cole.

Athena said,"He does but so does Noah. I was able to dig into a little bit into Noah's experiment and well, it is like Cosmic Phenomenon but more focused. Cosmic Phenomenon has the ability to turn people into animal and human hybrids but Noah's version is able to turn a person into a full-animal being a much stronger version of that animal. I'm just thankful that he didn't have any DNA samples of any prehistoric creatures.". "Yeah. I mean it would be cool to fight dinosaurs." said Kane.

Cole said,"Haven't you been around since the dinosaurs? I mean you're not scared of something that has those tiny arms.". Cole was soon hit by Kane with Sivarth saying,"So beside Noah being an evil monster, did you find anything else? I know that we have two weeks to find some proof on him but a lot of it will prove our case.". "Nothing big beside Derrick's love of traveling. He has been all around the world. I think he's been visiting the branches of Price Co and Swarm." said Athena.

Zane sighed as he said,"Yeah. It's kinda weird being that as the king of Phantoms, I'm working with Swarm kinda.". "Yeah but it's mainly Conrad's project and despite him liking you, he didn't want you to touch his stuff just yet." said Twilight. "So do you know why his eyes twitched whenever he sees you as Zero or hears the word Zero?" said Cole. "No clue but we'll have time to figure it out." said Zane as he landed on a rooftop.    

His costume's cellphone soon rang with him seeing that it was from Ana. Zane soon answered it as he said,"Hey sis. What's up? You're going to the game right?". "I am Zane. All of us are being that mom actually learned how the game works ." said Ana. "Wait a minute. She didn't know before hand." said Zane. "Yeah. She may be really smart but when it comes to sports, she doesn't know anything about them. Lets get back on topic here brother. So are you busy right now?" said Ana.

Zane soon jumped off the rooftop before landing onto the side of the wall and then backflipping off the wall. He soon made some webbing with him being to swing around. "Nothing important. Just looking for some crime before the game tonight. I mean I got like an hour and well, the game isn't going to be a challenge. So what's up?" said Zane. "I know that you're going to be busy during winter break according to your schedule." said Ana.

Zane said,"Yeah sis. It's going to be a long but interesting break. So what about you?". "Beside for training, I got nothing planned." said Ana. "So do you have like any friends who are your age? I mean I've never met any of them." said Zane. "I don't have any." said Ana. "Seriously? Who wouldn't want to be friends with you." said Zane. "Zane. You're my older brother. You tend to intimidated or annoy people which includes most sophomores. Sam doesn't paint a good picture of you." said Ana.

Zane sighed as he said,"Well, I'm sorry sis.". "But it isn't your fault." said Ana. "Yeah but well, I want you to be happy and having friends make you happy." said Zane. "Thanks bro but making sure that you're going to live until your twenties is going to make you the most happy. Will you have some time to train me?" said Ana. "Yeah. I think I can pencil you. So why me? I mean Rachel wants me to train her but I'm an awful teacher." said Zane.

Ana said,"Didn't you tutor most of the A-List?". "Yeah and I got paid for doing it despite me telling them and their parents that I didn't want to. The rich really don't know what the word no means. So is dad too weak for you?" said Zane. "Well, it's complicated. I haven't a chance to train with him due to the fact that mom has been borrowing him for some catching up." said Ana. "Ah. I think I have a plan for both you and Rae sis. See you soon." said Zane.

Ana said,"Okay. Thanks Zane.". She hanged up as Cole said,"So are we going to have any free time at all?". "I'm not a betting A.I. but I'm going to say no. However I think that in our future, we're going to have more free time." said Athena. "That's a pretty bold claim. So what's your theory behind that?" said Kane. "I don't know but call it a hunch." said Athena. Zane soon planted his feet on a building wall as he heard an explosion.

Zane said,"Well, I think I found some fun.". "We could leave it for the police but we need to get a warm-up and they may have a super-human." said Sivarth. Zane began flying toward the burning building as he said,"Time to see if I need to a search and rescue. Investigation!". He send out a wave of energy through the area, being that he saw that there was no one inside of the burning building being that the four of them had just left the building.

He looked down to sever armed men wearing black masks running toward a large armored truck. He soon grabbed one of the thug's legs ,using telekinesis, and pulling him up into the air. The other thugs were oblivious to their friend who was soon covered in Zane's webbing. "Don't worry. I won't leave you on the obviously crumbling building. I ain't that cruel." said Zane. The thug was thankful until he learned what Zane's plan was.

Below them, one of the thugs stopped running being that he noticed that one of them was missing. "I think we lost Kenny in the fire." said the thug. "Who the hell cares? Lets go! We can't piss off the Commander." said another thug. The group of thugs soon slammed into an azure blue candy syrup wall as they heard,"Come on you guys. I thought you would want to stuck out like Kenny here.". It took only a second for them to figure out that they were in trouble.

Zane floated above them with a tied up Kenny being that he said,"So how about you give me what you've stolen and I'll return Kenny here. Sound fair?". "How about we say no?" said a thug. He soon aimed a rocket launcher right at Zane who smiled. He threw Kenny toward them as the tied up thug knocked down ten of them. "Strike!" said Zane. He dodged a rocket with him grabbing it using two tendrils from his back.

Zane smiled as he said,"I know that I'm your favorite hero but firing a rocket at me. That's pretty rude man.". "Shut up!" said the rocket launcher thug. He kept firing rockets at Zane who either caught them using a tendril or telekinesis. He soon had twelve of them with him saying,"Thanks. I always wanted a dozen rockets. You just know me so well.". He destroyed them, causing an explosion to cover him. "Did he just blow himself?" said a thug.

Kenny ,after getting free, said,"Shut up man! We should get going now!". The group of thugs were about to enter their truck before they felt something. They may be normal humans but they could feel the presence of Zane. "Now guys. I'm hurt that you're running." said a voice. The explosion soon cleared as Zane stood there in Cataclysmic Form. For its appearance, check out Fairy Legion Chapter 5.

The demon like creature crackled his knuckles as the thugs ran toward the truck. Zane smiled as he ran toward them with him jumping at a couple of them. He slammed them into the ground as Zane said,"Don't try and run from this devil.". He soon gathered fire in his hand and threw toward another group. The fire turned into a net, trapping the thugs in a burning net. "Now. Time to see what you left me." said Zane. The armored truck drove off as Zane smiled.

The driver was excited to see that Zane was just standing there. He pressed his foot down on the gas with him not seeing that Zane was following them. He did this by launching himself toward the truck using fire. "I've got him in my sights!" said the passenger as he aimed a bazooka at Zane. He fired it at Zane who jumped by it and he was thankful that no one was caught in the explosion. He soon began using the light poles to acrobat his way toward the armored truck.

He was soon above them. "Hellfire Emperor Kick!" yelled Zane. His blue flames gathered around his feet and he slammed both of his feet into the hood of the car. This caused a fire explosion, with it sending the bazooka thug flying out of the window and stopping the truck immensely. "And this is what happens when you don't wear a seat belt. You're sending flying out the window." said Zane with him turning his right arm back to normal.

He soon turned that arm into candy syrup and sent it toward the flying thug. The thug was captured in candy syrup and then he was slammed into a nearby wall, keeping him there. Zane's right arm soon turned back to Cataclysmic Form's right arm as he said,"So where did the driver go?". The driver was running away ,through an alleyway, as he said,"Sucker! I won't be capture like the others!". He was soon captured by Zane being that he was trapped inside of a cage of blue flames.

He turned around to see Zane standing there with him saying,"Now give up and tell me what you know about Mastermind. I know that you guys are working for him because well, your minds ratted you out.". The thug was about to tell him something before he was out cold. "Well, that was a bust. We should get going. Scott can handle this." said Sivarth with Zane walljumping his way to the rooftops.

Zane was soon back to normal aka his costume. He was running along the rooftops and on his mind right now, he was thinking about Bryan. "Zane. Him being taking over by Darth isn't your fault." said Twilight. "I know that but I'm worried about him. He was taken over under my watch and from what I gathered, my enemies want Darth's power." said Zane. "Yeah but knowing him, he'll refuse. We hate being used as weapons which is why I'm thankful we're partners." said Twilight.

He didn't notice that he was being watched by Homer. "This child is more than what I read. He's strong and knows how to keep his strength at a minimum. He's truly worthy of being prey to the Hunter." said Homer. He was watching Zane through a telescope as he was wearing his winter gear and it doesn't fit winter at all. He's wearing an blue-orange tiger-like vest with red eyes and black pupils held together by a band with three large and spiky teeth on it.

He wears silver bracelets, brown pants, and gray boots. He soon began following Zane with equal or slightly less agility than Zane. Crisis Judgement didn't see him as a threat so Zane or his partners weren't alerted about him. "Okay. Do you guys feel something off?" said Zane. "Nope." said Cole as Athena said,"Be careful. We have to get going. I rather not be late for your big game because Brad will be pissed at you and you've done so well.". "Gotcha." said Zane.

He was soon standing on a billboard with him aiming himself right toward the high school. Crisis Judgement soon went off as he dodged the arrow. He saw that the bowman being that he soon began firing a barrage of arrows at Zane, who promptly dodged them. He jumped toward Homer and landed on the edge of the building. "So who are you and why the hell are you shooting arrows at me? I mean most of my enemies try to kill me with bullets. I guess you wanted to be original huh." said Zane.

Homer soon began laughing as he said,"I guess the report was true about you child. You tend to make jokes in bad situations.". He soon pulled out two energy daggers with him saying,"I'm going to get back what you've stolen from me in the name of my mother!". "Listen I didn't steal anything from you and would your mother want you to kill someone? That would be pretty bad since mom are the nice one. Uncles on the other hand." said Zane as Homer rushed at him.

The hunter began swinging his swords at Zane who easily dodged them. Upon reached the edge of the building that they were fighting on, he soon created two tendrils which sent the knives flying to the ground. However, Homer soon tackled Zane off the building. The two were falling toward the ground as Zane said,"So I'm going to be fine after all this but you not so much. You may be more durable than the average man but surviving a fall like this. That isn't going to work.".

Homer began laughing as he said,"You seem be to worried about your enemy. You won't let me die prey and perhaps you'll should be quiet because you're quite annoying.". "Wow. I'm hurt. If you did your research on me which you did, you should know that I'm never silent and my jokes are classic I'll have you know!" said Zane. He soon sent some webbing toward a nearby building and then tried to shake Homer off him.

He did this by slamming Homer into a glass window but it failed. "You can't get rid of the Hunter that easily! Give up before I get serious!" said Homer. "Hey. Zero never gives up even against Zero's mostly deadly of foes. Great. You have me doing it now too." said Zane. He soon made Homer let go by slamming him into a wall and then into another wall. Before Homer fell to the ground, he was soon in Zane's webbing mixed with his candy syrup.

Homer smiled as he said,"You're incredible. No beast has ever escaped from my grip before.". "You do know that I'm human right and not an animal. I mean I can become an animals so I understand your confusion but most of the time, I'm human." said Zane. Homer soon pulled a spare set of knives being that like before, they were made of energy. He soon fell toward a nearby rooftop with Zane floating down to him and floating above him.

Homer looked up as he said,"So are you going to come down here and fight me like a man?". "I will but let me get my best suit on for a fighter between hunters." said Zane. Zane soon turned into a new form with him being about 6 and a half feet tall. He has a long tail with the end of it being a sharp spear like blade. His arms are navy blue scales with his palm having a speakers on them. He has four claws on his hands and feet. He has two black shoulder plates.

On his back, he wields a gun/sword with the blade being curved. He has feline purple eyes with him wearing a steel helmet that has an pointed tuning fork on the back. He landed on the rooftop as he said,"Hunter Form. I hope you're ready for a fight.". The two soon began circling around each other with Homer saying,"I think you're truly worthy of me now Zero!". "So I wasn't before?" said Zane. Homer soon pulled out an energy boomerang and threw it.

Zane soon jumped over it as he said,"Strike One!". He soon dodged it on its return trip with him saying,"Strike Two!". He soon dodged a rope with two heavy round objects at the start and end of this aka a bolas. "And Strike Three! You're out of here!" said Zane. He soon evade another bolas as Kane said,"So why aren't you actually trying?". "He's human." said Twilight. "So? A real man should fight him seriously." said Kane.

Zane said,"He has a point but I really don't want to send an innocent guy to a hospital for life so I'll be holding back a little.". He looked at Homer who said,"Okay. You're way stronger than the walking disaster aka Steamroller. I have a lot of strength in my pinky so if you want to give up before I get serious, I won't make fun of you too much.". "Don't bother with the jokes. I'll make sure that my poison tipped knives slice you to death." said Homer.

He soon rushed toward Zane being that he began dodging his blades being that Homer's knives were soon blasted away by fire balls. "How did you?" said Homer. He turned to see Zane's hands on fire as it was his signature colored flames. "This form is able to manipulate my fire into a weapon so if you want to surrender with your dignity in tact, I'll let you take that chance." said Zane. He soon began throwing fireballs at Homer who dodged them barely.

He soon began attacking Zane with him dodging each one with ease. He soon landed on the edge of the building with him dodging an energy spear by jumping off the building and landing on the ground below him. Homer jumped after him and grabbed his spear. Upon landing on the ground, he threw the spear at Zane who dodged it. "So is someone getting tired? I mean you're much older than me and well, age isn't very nice to the elderly." said Zane.

Homer glared at him as he said,"Quit with the mocking!". "And you don't know me at all. I just live to mock." said Zane. Zane was soon tacked into a taxi by Homer being that Zane had kicked Homer off him being that he thrown him into another car, destroying it. Homer soon rushed at Zane in order to kick or punch. Zane either dodged them or blocked them being that Zane knew that this fight was more boring than the game was going to be for him.

Zane said while blocking Homer's attack,"Can you just give up?!". He soon slapped Homer back with his tail. Homer recovered as Zane said,"Okay. I'll give you credit on something. You're very persistent which will be just great in the bedroom but in a fight against me, you're nothing much than a common thug than a proud hunter.". He soon jumped into the air with him wrapping his tail around a light post.

Homer soon threw a knife at Zane who caught it. "Just give up. You don't stand a ghost of chance against any super-powered." said Zane. He soon jumped toward Homer by kicking him in the face and punching him in the stomach. While Homer was dazed, Zane jumped behind Homer and spin kicked him in the back. Homer was sent flying as Zane soon focus his fire into a net being that it soon captured Homer, holding him to a lamp post.

He tried to break out with him saying,"No! This cannot be happening to the Hunter!". He was soon punched into the stomach by Zane who said,"And the Hunter has fallen by the Prey.". He soon sprouted two massive wings with the left wing being slightly injured. He flew off as the crowd was laughing at Homer being that watching their resident hero showing up this man was funny. Humans can be real jerk huh.

About twenty to thirty minutes later, Homer had escaped Zane's trap and was in an alleyway, trying to figure out a plan to defeat Zane. He soon heard something with him turning to see Xona in her human disguise standing there. "Do you need my help Homer?" said Xona. He soon walked toward her as he said,"I do not need your help.". "Then why did you get your ass kicked by Zero? It's sad to see such a strong man like you fall to a child." said Xona.

Homer looked at her as he said,"He had an advantage over me and my honor has been tainted by this child. Don't worry. I have a plan. He mentioned that I lost to him because I didn't have powers but he didn't know that I do and I was holding back to test him.". "I see. If you want to take my advice, head to Champion Tech." said Xona. The man looked at her before heading off. "Wow. You're not even using your powers on him and he's being your bitch." said a voice.

Xona turned to the trash can as it turned into Form Morpher. "Form Morpher. Have you informed our Master about Homer's arrival? It's so easy to make humans being manipulated." said Xona. "Yeah. Due to him controlling one of the leaders of the Odium Society at the moment, he's going to have two of his men meet with that scientist whose currently in town to help Derrick with something. Master doesn't know what but we can handle it." said Form Morpher.

Xona nodded as she said,"Keep an eye on him and make sure that he can become a valuable pawn to this Mastermind character.". "Understood. What about you? Are you going to make sure that we get his blood?" said Form Morpher who soon sprouted wings. "Yes. Football may be a rather barbaric sport but blood comes often with that sport. Good luck." said Xona. She was gone as the Qlakrik soon flew up with his wings.

At Champion Tech, Noah was working on an private invention for Derrick and keeping it from the head scientist. He was promised a good amount of money to help complete it. He however didn't expect to see Natasha's son being that like Lilith, he also had a crush on Natasha. However, he wasn't confident about telling her this unlike Lilith. He was jealous of both Lilith and Shawn being that he wanted her for himself.

Noah was zapping something with electricity with him saying,"The formula has been shocked with electricity that was borrowed from Clair. There is a good chance that cell division will increase but I need a volunteer to test this formula on.". He soon held a vial with a red liquid inside of it. He soon looked up to see Homer standing there with him jumping into the lab. "Are you a scientist here at this building?" said Homer. Noah looked at him as he thought,"Hello Volunteer.".

Noah smiled as he said,"Indeed. I'm the head scientist here. So why are you here? I don't mind you being here but color me curious.". Homer ignored him to look at the glass cage of some spiders with him saying,"So what are with these spiders? They do not exist in nature.". "They were altered to be stronger than spiders in the wild. They can even defeat a rhino unlike a normal spider." said Noah as Homer had a realization.

Homer said,"You can alter nature?". "Indeed I can. So why are you here?" said Noah. "I was told that you can help him defeat Zero." said Homer. "Yes I can. Do you wish to have powers in order to kill him?" said Noah. "Yes. He made me look stupid and I want to get back what he had stolen from me so give me power!" said Homer, pushing Noah back. "I will but you need to pay me for first. I don't do anything for free." said Noah.

He soon had an energy knife up to his neck as Homer said,"Tell me why I should pay you when I can just kill you.". "Because you have no idea on how to do it. You may be stronger than me but I'm able to make you become a god and you'll kill Zero." said Noah. Homer removed his knife as he said,"I think we have a deal.". "Good. Let me just make a call." said Noah. He soon pulled out his phone and he said,"Hey. We're ready for business.".

Back at Cypress High's football field, the game was going on. "For a quick reminder here folks, the Oxs are down by 5 points. They need to win fast due to us being in the fourth quarter of the state championship game." said the speaker. The Oxs were playing against the reptiles being that the Oxs were playing to win with passes, tackles, etc. The cheerleaders were well cheering , no duh, being that Zane ,who was in his football uniform, was watching Kristen.

He was their team's secret weapon despite him being one third of the trio that got him to state and right now, Allen and Brad were playing. "I know that you're dating her but you're being a total creep right now." said Athena. "I don't blame him Athena. All of his girls are smoking hot in their own ways plus she's in love with our pal here. So which girl do you think he's going to screw first? I got my money on...." said Kane.

Zane shut him up as Sivarth said,"Sometimes. He can be less mature than Cole which is saying a lot.". "Hey Zaney! So when are they going to send you out?" said Kristen. Zane looked up to see his girlfriend with Hannah walking toward him as he said,"Who knows Kris? I mean we're not losing badly but we're still losing so sending me out would be a good thing. You're doing great out there and well, I'm feeling ready to kick some but.".

Kristen blushed as Hannah said,"Hey Zane. Are you actually going to play seriously because if you joined the team, got us to state, and then lose at the end for a joke? I'll kill you.". "I don't plan on losing but if it happens, blame someone else not me." said Zane. "Just try Zane. This is important to David and well, he's been trying hard along with Brad." said Hannah. "Wow. You're being nice to me so what have you done with Hannah?" said Zane.

Kristen soon hugged Zane being that she whispered,"I know that you've been holding back so win for me and well, I'll give you an even better reward than the trophy.". Karen ,who was wearing her winter outfit being that her jacket was zipped up and her sleeves rolled down, watched this scene with a bit of jealously. She knew that Zane liked both of them being that Karen was jealous of how confident Kristen was with her affections toward Zane,

Hannah said,"Hey Kris! We need to get back and I rather not have you catching whatever Zane has on him.". "I think you've already given her what you ever have Zane because she isn't calling you Zit which is kinda weird." said Twilight. Kristen giggled as she said,"I don't mind catching whatever Zaney has.". "Wow. She likes you the most." said Athena and Kane. As the three were talking, the quarterback for the lizards was soon tackled by Allen of all people.

The speaker yelled,"And the Lizards fumbled!". One of the Oxs soon grabbed the ball only to be tackled by most of the lizards, shocking the crowd. The Ox held the ball as the speaker yelled,"And the Oxs recovered! We have thirty seconds on the clock!". The Cypress Park residents cheered as Coach Nelson said,"Alvarez! You're in!". Zane smiled as the speaker said,"And we have the Ox's secret weapon! Zane Alvarez!".

Zane rushed onto the field and joined his team in a huddle. The crowd cheered loudly, mainly the females much to the ire of his harem. "Okay Captain. Don't mess this up." said Zane. "Wow. You're giving this to Brad. What have you done with Zane?" said Austin. "Who knows what goes through Z's head sometimes." said David. "Hey. This was the plan for the very start because this is your moment Brad. Don't mess it up." said Zane. "Thanks Zane." said Brad. "Break!" said the team.

The team soon made their final play as Brad passed the ball to David being that his opponent was going to tackle him but it was stopped by Allen. David caught the ball being that he was going to be tackled, only to be stopped by Zane. "And David has this!" said the speaker. David was soon tackled out of bounds. "We have twelve seconds left!" said the speaker. The crowd cheered louder as the cheerleaders started to cheer for David but Hannah said that he belongs to her.

Zane chuckled as he thought while getting ready to finish this with the rest of the team,"Okay. I may be on team David and Susan but hey, Hannah at least kinda cares about him so this will be a little bad but worth it in the end.". "Go 0, go 0, set Hike!" said Brad. "Go Brad! You can do it! Why am I cheering for him? He's our enemy." said Kane. Brad soon saw that Allen was open being that the rest of the team wasn't.

He threw the ball toward him, only to be tackled by several lizards. Allen caught the ball and barely managed to score. "And Brad had unleashed the bomb and Allen catches it! The Oxs win state!" said the speaker. The crowd cheered as Zane smiled. Kristen rushed toward him with him hugging her tightly and were about to kiss. "Wait. Stevens is down." said the speaker. Brad was holding his broken leg and everyone was murmuring.

Kristen looked toward Brad as she said,"Sorry. I'll be back.". She ran over to him as Zane sighed. "I know that she doesn't care about him like she does about me but you know what I mean." thought Zane. "I just hope he doesn't get really hurt. He's much stronger than normal humans but you know what I mean." said Twilight. Zane watched Brad being taken away by paramedics as this game ended a different way than the Cross-Species expected.

Back at Champion Tech, Homer ,who was wearing a suit and tie, placed a briefcase on a table. "And here's your money. Give me the power to kill Zero. Where is your friend? I payed extra in order to get what I wanted." said Homer as Noah closed the briefcase. "Calm down. He'll be here. His ride was busy." said Noah as he was going to try and shoot Homer before the hunter could land a hand on him being that Noah knew that he would lose in a fight.

A portal soon opened up as the duo of Engineer and Mystic appeared with the former holding a briefcase. Mystic smiled as he said,"So this is our new friend. Interesting.". "I question the company you keep doctor so what can he do?" said Homer, sitting down in a chair. "Trust me. I'll make you strong enough to kill Zero. Noah." said Donald. "My friend is correct. My formula will give you the power of the animal kingdom perfectly." said Noah.

He soon put the red liquid into a syringe and he tapped it. "I hope you can take your shots jungle man." said Mystic. The syringe was placed into Homer's right arm as Homer shook his head. "I don't feel a dam thing. Are you trying to fool me?" said Homer, grabbing Noah and holding him in the area as Mystic was about to do something. Donald stopped him as Noah was thrown to the side. "Admit it doctor! You're working with Zero! I can smell that annoying child everywhere!" said Homer.

Noah said,"You can smell him?". Homer's eyes widened as he looked at his hands. They were growing claws as he began roaring in pain. He was turning more animal than man being that he was no longer human. "I'm owed an apology aren't I Homer?" said Noah, looking proud of his handiwork as Mystic rolled his eyes. "No. Homer is dead. Long live the Hunter!" said Homer. His skin was soon covered in orange/brown like fur.

His eyes were silted, he had claw-like fingers and toes, fang-like teeth, and feral behavior. His black hair is long and wild. "Now. It's my turn." said Donald, opening up a suitcase. A black sphere was there as it came to life and jumped onto Homer. "This armor will increase your durability and make you hard to damage unlike before. Lets just say that Zero won't see you coming." said Donald. The new creature's armor is primarily black with glowing gold vein like lines all over the body.

He wears a helmet around his head being that it still covers his head but lets his hair flow and he can still bite things with his fangs. He has a long black tail coming from the back being that it works on its intelligence rather than Homer’s. There is a spike at the end of it, being very large and deadly. The sides of his armor had pure diamond shaped plating which releases a healing agent if he gets hurt by anything. On his chest plate, he has two feline like eyes which glow gold and have a black end.

Back in the city, Zane ,in costume, was still thinking about the scene that happened at the football field. "I may not like the guy but I don't want to see him get hurt. I mean he's my fan and will do good things thanks to me. I don't understand women. I mean why was Kris so worried about him? I mean she likes me right." said Zane. "Zane. Quit worrying about this. We'll head to the hospital as Zero for a surprise visit." said Kane.

As Zane was thinking about this, he was being chased by something. "Zane. She likes you just like the other girls do. I mean you could feel their jealously when the crowd was cheering for you. You've got a lot of female fans as both Zane and...." said Cole. Something scratched Zane being that his costume was ripped before Twilight repaired it. Zane grabbed onto a light post and jumped toward a building as he turned to see Homer on the same building as him.

Zane said,"Hunter? Is that you? I think you've really gotten an upgrade in the past hour.". Instead of responding, he jumped toward Zane for the kill. Zane dodged it and was about to blast him with his candy syrup. However, he was soon tackled by Homer. The two landed on a roof as Zane was soon covered in snow. "Okay. How did you turn from man into an beast android?" said Zane, shaking the snow off him.   

Homer growled as he said,"I'm stronger than you now because I paid for a higher class of power and so far, it's been worth it so far.". He pointed his thumb at his chest as Zane said with him raising an eyebrow,"So you did that to yourself on purpose? Wow. I guess you're in an experimental phase and that's totally fine.". Homer soon jumped toward Zane with him dodging him. Before the teen could get distance, his leg was grabbed. "And I have the dexterity to stop you!" said Homer.

His tail slammed Zane into the rooftop being that he was stunned. He was soon grabbed by Homer as he said,"Let me show you my new-fond strength!". He threw Zane through the nearby skyline and he caught himself before hitting the pavement. As Zane recovered, Crisis Judgement went off. He soon jumped back to avoid Homer's charging tackle. He soon cupped his hands and screamed into them as Homer began rushing at him.

He threw a highly condensed ball of sound at Homer which sent the animal flying into an exhibit as he was holding his ears. He soon jumped back toward an exhibit on the savanna as he turned to see a statue of a Lion. "I really hope this museum doesn't bring all of the animals to life. I already have one overgrown pussy to deal with." said Zane. "Your powers gave you an edge but now, the Hunter will take you down like the prey before you!" said Homer, as he made his claws more apparent.

Zane got in a fighting position as he said,"Sorry but I'm not scared over an overgrown pussy. Most of my enemies are genetic misfits so don't count yourself so lucky.". "You say that but your emotions are telling me something different!" said Homer. Zane soon dodged his claw slashes thanks to several backflips. He soon grabbed Homer using his telekinesis as he tried to break out of Zane's hold. "So sorry but your fight won't be delayed!" said Zane.

He threw Homer into an elephant statue, breaking it in half. Before Zane could recover, Homer soon tackled Zane into a wall. Homer held his claw toward Zane's neck as he said,"Any last words before I sent you to hell? I'm feeling generous.". "Yeah. Get off!" said Zane, turning into Cryptid Form and he kicked him back into a mammoth's statue. As the smoke cleared, Zane's phone soon rang. "Me and my awful luck. Who is it?" said Zane.

Crisis Judgement went off as the animal jumped away from Homer. "Sorry but I have to take this phone call. It's super important." said Zane, jumping onto a wall. He soon answered it as Zane said,"Kristen. How is Captain doing?". By the way, Athena and Cole are translating Cryptid Form to English so Kristen can understand him. "Zaney. Brad is in surgery and Andre is freaking out with David and Selena trying to stop him. Are you busy?" said Kristen.

Zane dodge Homer's attacks with him saying,"Nope. Just handling a feline problem. Where did they take Brad?". "Heartstone." said Kristen. Homer roared as he began chasing Zane. "I'll be there as soon I can Kristen because well, this animal is being a real pain but you know me and cats. I hate how much they hate me." said Zane. "Please Zane. No jokes. I know that this may be weird to hear me being so worried about my ex when we're together but he's still my friend." said Kristen.

She whispered into her phone,"I need you Zaney.". "Okay. I'll be there. He's my captain after all so don't worry about me. This feline is nothing but a pain in my ass." said Zane, with him soon backflipping over Homer. Homer turned as Zane said under his breath,"I hope I don't die in the process.". "Wait what?!" said Kristen. "See you soon." said Zane. Zane was soon tackled by Homer as the two landed into an western exhibit. "Okay. Time to end this." said Zane.

He soon threw an Ox statue right into Homer, with Zane soon glowing bright purple and Homer going back. Homer recovered as Zane was standing in Cryptid Prime. Zane is now more animalistic than before with him being 16 feet tall if he’s standing up straight on on all forms on all fours. His body looks the same as it did before with his skin now being covered by maroon red fur/scales. His face, feet, and hands are covered in obsidian black metal.

His v-shaped patch of fur/scales is now colored obsidian black. It still goes from his neck to his chest and back to his neck. His face and head are still the same except he now has eight almond shaped green eyes with half of his pupils ,mainly the ones on the left, being molten gold and the other half of his pupils ,mainly the ones on the right, being steel gray. He now has four large bat-like wings usually in standby mode until Zane needs to fly.

He now has an extra pair of arms/legs in between his front and hind legs. They’re ape like which he can use for an extra set of hands. He has the same amount of fingers/toes. He has two pair of retractable spider legs that fold into his waist when not being used. His tail is the same but the tip of his tail now resembles a normal three-pronged trident. He wears the same clothing as before. Zane roared at Homer, scared a little bit.

After seeing this, Zane cracked his knuckles as he said,"And that was for the quarterback. Lets finish this. I have to get going.". Zane jumped out of the exhibit with him looking for Homer around the museum. Crisis Judgement went off ,very much like a car alarm, as he made his middle set of arms grabbed Homer. He threw Homer right toward a dinosaur's bones ,not breaking it, and jumped right after him. He soon tackled Homer through a window being that they crashed into a bus.

The civilians ran away from the two metahumans fighting. Homer punched Zane into a car being that as a response, Homer was soon punched by Zane's four fists and send him flying right into the nearby park. Zane jumped into the trees as he watched Homer slam into a tree and fall into the snow covered ground. Homer was soon gone as Zane could hear him roaring. "Okay little kitty. Where are you? I really have a place to be and trust me, you're pissing me off." said Zane.

Crisis Judgement went off as Zane jumped away from Homer's claws. Zane began dodging Homer's attack before getting slammed into the ground by Homer's tail. Homer roared loudly as Zane said with his eyes glaring at them,"Quiet Hunter!". He fired his webbing ,which was the normal white color, at Homer's mouth. The animal tried to rib the webbing off his mouth but he was punched back by Zane. Zane fired webbing at Homer who tried to kill Zane.

Homer was confused by this being that the entire area was covered in webs. He kicked Homer in the web and kept him there, being unable to escape from it. Zane smiled as he said,"Sorry but the werewolf thing is so last year. Being a mummy is totally in right now.". Homer broke out of the web as he charged at Zane. He jumped over Homer being that the teen fired strong webbing at Homer. This continued on being that Homer dodged and Zane webbed him up.

The animal hybrid was trapped in a huge bundle of webbing being that every part of Homer's body was covered in webs. He tried to break out of it with Zane saying,"So how about you just stick around and leave me alone? I got places to be and bad guys to stop.". The webbing broke off Homer as he said,"Sorry but you failed. In the end, you're nothing more than prey.". "Really? Do you honestly think that?" said Zane.

He kicked Homer back with Zane hitting Homer with all four fists, two spider limbs, and his legs. He was out cold being that the leftover webbing soon held Homer in a net. Zane deactivated Cryptid Prime with him standing on top of it. "And now you know what happens when you mess with me you overgrown cat. You always lose so how did this to you? I want to help you get back to normal." said Zane.

Crisis Judgement went off as Zane jumped back to evade two cars that came out of nowhere. "We'll be back for you Zero. You'll regret taking all of us down because strength is better in numbers rather than by ourselves." said a voice. The entire area plus Homer was covered in dark blue glitch-like pixels as Zane blinked. Homer was gone along with his trap. Zane soon shook his head as he said with frown,"Okay. That was weird right?".

He clenched his right rib as Twilight said,"Are you alright Zane?". "Yeah. I think I got a black eye and broken rib thanks to that overgrown lion. We'll look for him later. Kristen needs us." said Zane as he looked off into the distance. "Do you need to heal?" said Cole. "Maybe later." said Zane. He soon flew over to Heartstone and deactivated his costume being that he soon found Kristen along with the rest of the A-List.

Kristen was being held by Allen. She's wearing her winter outfit which is a black coat with a pink flower lace design around the hems and sleeves of the jacket. She oddly not wearing her purple scarf around her neck but earmuffs instead. She's still wearing her brown jeans with a flame design sash around her waist and strapped tan boots instead of sandals. She's also wearing pink lipstick and gold hoop earrings.

The two soon heard,"Hey you guys. Sorry for being later but you wouldn't not believe the traffic that I get into on my way here.". The two turned to see Zane standing there with his arms behind his head in a relaxing position as Kristen soon ran up to him. "Zane!" said Kristen. She hugged him as Zane grimaced in pain. "Are you okay Kris?" said Zane, returning the hug. "Yeah. What about you? You look awful." said Allen. "He's right." said Kristen.

Zane's right eye had a black eye as he said,"Well, I head to deal with a really annoying cat. I told you on the phone. I won but he got a couple scraps on me.". "You got injured?" said Kristen. "I may be a superhero hero but sometimes, I get caught off guard. It wasn't your call by the way. So how is our captain doing?" said Zane. "He's in surgery and your brother's girlfriend will come back to give us the news. I think Kris will appreciate it." said Allen.

The three sat down as Kristen nestled into Zane's chest. "Thanks for being here." said Kristen. "I'll do anything for you girls. You know that right?" said Zane. Kristen nodded as Allen said,"If there is anyone who could do this whole harem thing and not getting killed by it, you're the guy.". "Thanks man. You're a good pal." said Zane. The two fist bumped as they both heard about Brad getting wheeled out and taken somewhere else.

Everyone soon watched as Ellie said,"He did great in there but don't get your hopes up. We won't know how long the heel is going to take to heal and for now, he's going to be asleep. I'm sorry about this but only family can follow me.". Kristen soon hugged Zane tighter being that she was about to cry. Allen looked at Zane with Zane whispering,"After we hear that Captain is okay, we need to get the gang together for the captain.". "Okay mate." whispered Allen. Kristen was none the wiser.

Meanwhile in a limo, Homer woke up as he said,"Where am I?". He looked up to see Mystic sitting there as he said,"Hello there.". "You! Did you save me?" said Homer, sitting up. "I did. We still need your help in saving Doctor Barbara and Lia." said Mystic. "Yes. Zero stole them from me and I want them back. He has them right?" said Homer. "He does Homer Wentworth." said a mysterious voice with Homer looking for the honor.

Mystic said,"So you're name is Homer. This is my employer Mastermind.". "Mystic is correct. Zero has captured your beloved mate and your pet. You've hunted creatures big and small so how do you feel about hunting in packs?" said Mastermind's voice. "I'm fine with it but I want to kill Zero. Will you allow me that pleasure?" said Homer. "That sounds fine to me but our friends will want a crack at him so welcome to the Battalion." said Mastermind.

Next time,
Everett, Homer, and Mystic are the first three members of the Battalion. Who else will join his group and how will Zane deal with this? Will Zane build his team in order to count them? Is Noah a bad guy? How does he know the Engineer? What does Derrick want with him? Will Zane find out about this secret deal during his time there? This and more next time on Zero!
New Cards/Forms:
Hunter Form. This card has a black frame with several apex predators ,Boa Constrictor, Crocodile, Great White Shark, Killer Whale, Komodo Dragon, Snow Leopard, Spinosaurus, Tyrannosaurus, Tasmanian Devil, and Wolverine, around the card. When Zane places this card inside, he becomes an expert hunter. He’s able to sprout a massive pair of wings with the left wing slightly injured. 

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Zero Episode 104 The Winter Inauguration

A/N: So lets get this out of the way now. I'm going to try my very best at having both Fairy Legion and Zero go side by side for now. I tend to focus one series at a time being that it just works for me better. A prime example of this is what happened to Soul being that series was cancelled because well, I forget what to do with it and also the fact that the plot was a mess of several different ideas combined into one story.

I'm also working on a story being that it needs something to develop and happen in a series being that the Justice League/Zero Crossover will happen soon after I get to a point in Fairy Legion. So I should say now that the A/N for Fairy Legion will be long due to all of the Fairy Tail stuff. I could talk about it here but nah. That would be simple and well, I don't like to do things easy. I could be wrong about that but hey, I live in the moment.

I also wanted to talk about something being that it's My Hero related. I would normally do this in Fairy Legion but well, I'm very behind on my "reviews" of Edens Zero and One Piece. I got a lot to talk about plus some other stuff. I usually talk about Superhero stuff on this series so this works I hope a bit. It's about Toru Hagakure aka the invisibility girl. Now the power of Invisibility isn't at all original in fiction.

I mean the most famous two examples ,to me, is the Invisible Woman from Fantastic Four or Violet Parr from the Incredibles. So according to the wiki, we still don't know if Toru's quirk can be turned off. This power is great for stealth missions and well, she could be the UA traitor. I'm not saying that she is or not being that like with the Dabi being Shoto's brother, I need some proof before I'm truly invested in.

The main problem I have with her is that of something small, can she see herself? Yes. I ask the stupid questions because someone has to. If she can't see herself, how does she put on clothes? I mean it's a very minor problem but it bothers me. We may not even get her real appearance because well, an invisible girl is better than an invisible boy. I also want to learn more about the Laundry Hero: Wash because he's dressing like a Washing Machine!

It may be a weird character design but I want to learn more about him because of that. I like weird character design to me because they're more memorable. I can't remember a single character from Attack on Titan due to me not being a big fan of the series to begin with and also the character design are very similar to me. I want to learn more about Ryuko for personal reason but everyone ,at least from what I seen, seems to like the Bunny Girl Mirko. Let me say this, I don't hate her.

I just want to see more of the other characters and their quirks rather than a character who looks like fan service. She may be different but for right now, I only see her as a fan service type character. She also reminds me of Smoothie and Swan aka the fan service character of the fan service Fairy Tail movie Dragon Cry and well, check out my rants on the former for my opinion on her. If you don't know Swan, I don't blame you. To abruptly changes topic, lets talk about Zero.

This, last episode, and the next couple of parts takes place in December or January being that this may be the complete opposite of the weather right now ,as of August  being that I'm writing it, but who cares about logic? Right now in Cypress Park, winter is just slightly cold and light snow. It isn't that bad there. It isn't an inferno during the summer ,some days, or the blizzard during the winter so it's just right. As you can see, I made another Goldilocks and the three bears reference.

If you recall, the first one was during Episode 101 when talking about Zara's beauty and another two was when I'm talking about Hellfire Emperor Partner or Sylvia. I would try to make another Fairy Tale reference because I love me a good reference to another series, big or small. I don't count Sierra's story as one. I may do a episode of Zero or Fairy Legion involving Fairy Tales ,not Fairy Tail I get that wrong, but don't expect it. I tend to live in the moment so lets just wait and see.

The harem of Zane is near its completion being that two girls ,already revealed, won't be getting in for a different reasons and I'll be telling you them. The first girl is Samantha Bridges being that she likes Legion Zero but not Zane. She's only interested in the superhero and not the other side. Legion Zero and Zane are the same person being that Zane saves her not because he likes her but it's his job. The second girl is Vicky/Victoria Mills.

Her reason for not being a serious girlfriend for Zane is the opposite of Sam's. She likes Zane but despise Legion Zero for not being human. She hates anything that isn't human and will do anything that she can to kill them. She'll even hurt innocent people in the process. With her weapons, she can be a monster but without them, she's a harmless kitten. Zane likes her when she's not trying to kill her but he sees her as a friend. Nothing more, nothing less.

Their relationship will get serious in due time. You may be asking what I mean by that since all of the girls are willing to share him. All will be explained in time hopefully but I could be wrong. I'll also be introducing a single ,or final, outfit for Rain being that in Episode 81, 82, and 90, I gave her three or four outfits. It's more like three but since one of them was introduced in the past. I just wanted to count that one as well. All of four do have some similarities.

I'm introducing a winter variation and when winter end, there will be another one. Don't expect that for a while so enjoy one more outfit. It's pretty obvious on which girls I like the most isn't it? I like all of them for different reasons but some have more screen time. This is mainly due to me liking to focus one at a time just like my stories. I could be very wrong about how I'm writing my characters or love interests but that's just how I write. If I ever write something serious, I'll focus.

For example, some characters will never appear again. The ones that come to mind to me are Benny aka Mad Bull, Cesar Burgess aka Chomp, Corey Perkins aka Blizzard, Gideon Ezekiel Palethrope aka Captain Steam, Julie Weaver aka Tone, Kenny Burke aka Inferno, Lana Robbins aka Legionnaire,  Lisa aka Falcon, Lois aka Wildcat, Maker, Marvin aka Great Ape, Midnight, Princess Mind, Simon Graham aka Wire, and Volcanis. They'll get some name drops here and there but will never be seen. Lets begin.

Narrator P.O.V.
In an unknown and empty bar somewhere in Cypress Park, a shadow like portal soon opened up in the middle of the bar. The duo of Dusk ,aka Malcolm Smith, and Cleaver ,aka Jared Collier, soon walked out of it. The humanoid lizard looked to be exhausted with him saying,"Okay. If I go on a set of missions like those, kill me now. I respect the boss but man, that was crazy.". He soon crashed at the bar with Dusk looking more human than shadow.

His skin tone matched his younger sister being a light tan. He has short black hair ,with the sides of it shaved off, and brown eyes. He's wearing the same clothes as before except for his mask. "These jobs are all to obtain a person who is under heavy watch from the Alliance after what he did to this town a few weeks ago. He also made Zero look stupid for a time before he was defeated by Zero. It was a bad one for him." said Malcolm.

He soon went over to the bar as Jared said,"You have a point there but it's a pain in the ass to do them by ourselves. I know that we got that magic guy so why don't we get him and break out Sandy using your powers.". Before Malcolm could say something, the two heard,"That is a idea but right now, we are trying to stay on the down low.". The two villains soon turned to see the duo of Carmen and Thomas standing there with Andrew.

Malcolm said,"Boss. We didn't expect you to being seeing you outside of the office.". "You did get our message about our arrival right?" said Thomas. Carmen skipped her way over to the bar as she sat next to Jared. "Come on scales and shadow. Don't lie or I'll cut you." said Carmen. Jared soon pulled out his phone as he said,"Oh you did. We were outside of the prison, trying to find a way in.". "It's fine. We came to inform you of how our meeting with Mastermind went." said Drew.

The man soon sat down as Carmen said,"Yeah! He was loco being that he demanded me and frosty to break out that living latrine and that idiot from Thunder Cove. He didn't even say please.". "That isn't the point. She means Downpour and Steamroller right?" said Malcolm. He got some drinks ready for his comrades being that beside being the main teleporter for the group, he was the bartender and all of them were above the illegal age to drink even the young looking Cleaver.

Andrew said,"Correct Malcolm. Mastermind is planning on bring back that group who fought Zero two years ago after that Phantom invasion. Those skeletons improved our business being that they made a good distraction.". Thomas crossed his arms as he said,"I'm still not happy that we have to stay to the sidelines so he can select members. The higher up are going to let those idiots run wide in the city just to allow the leader to pick his favorites to try and kill Zero.".

Drew nodded as he said,"I understand your anger Thomas but when three out of four leaders agree to his plea, we can't do anything. Once Mastermind picks his members to serve him, we can obtained Father Nature.". Jared sipped the water that Malcolm served him being that only Drew and Thomas asked for beer. Carmen asked for some soda. "So why are we even trying to obtain that brat who took over Cypress Park and the world for a week? He prevent business." said Jared.

Carmen said,"According to what I've heard, he is supposed to be powerful.". "He'll be really good at keeping Zero busy. Dusk and Razor, you two will be working alongside Mastermind's men to break out some villains but our main goal is free Sahara." said Andrew. "Sweet! I hope I can slice up some people." said Carmen with a gleeful smile. "I'm just the way out for the villains. So what are we going to do after that?" said Malcolm.

Andrew said,"Cleaver and Cryonic will be getting the last ingredients for the Alchemist to create the last member of our group. I think I'll have Taurus keep a close eye on the news for a while to see Zero find out about us.". "Got it sir." said the two. "Okay then. Our meeting is about to adjourn so time to end it with a toast." said Andrew. The five held their glass as Malcolm poured him some water. "To the success of the Outcast Syndicate!" said Andrew as the five clinked their drinks.   

On the other side of town, Zane ,in his normal outfit with his brown bag, stood in front of a bar as he heard,"So are you sure about doing this Zane?". Zane turned to see Sly in her salamander form on his left shoulder as he said,"Well, he won't stop bothering me so I should just met him right?". "Or you could report him to the Alliance." said Sly. "I would do that but from the research I did, he's been able to evade them. I doubt they could find him even if they get a group of trackers." said Zane.

Sly said,"Fine. I'll stand by since we're both Akostars.". "I still human you know." said Zane. "Yeah but only 10% of you is Akostar so you count as one." said Sly. "Fine. So are you ready to go partner?" said Zane. "Yeah. So have you ever been to this place? It looks like pretty obscure." said Sly. The two looked in front of them as they were standing in front of a bar called the Velvet Spoon. Some of the cakes that Heidi's parents make are often deliver here.

Velvet Spoon was considered to be a hole in the wall. It was a modest size with a bright red awning. The bar's logo "Velvet Spoon" hung above the entrance, illuminated by a single purple light bulb. "Nope. It's my first time." said Zane. Zane pushed open the door to the bar with the bell above the door jingling upon him opening said door. "Welcome!" said a voice. Zane began looked around to see that the interior of the ship was no more extravagant than the outside. 
The cafe had a large wooden bar counter, bar-stools with rose red leather seats, a decently sized kitchen area, an somewhat modern cash register, a washbasin at the end, back to back couches with charcoal brown wooden tables between them, hanging lampshades on above-head lights, and lights above the customer's head. And behind the bar, there was a noticeable variety of different types of alcohol and knick knacks.

After looking around for a second, Zane had one thought. "I really like this place. Very old fashioned. I think I could make this place a hang out." thought Zane. Zane looked for the owner of the voice as he heard,"I'm over here sweetie.". Sly and Zane turned over to the bar being that a woman was standing behind it. She's a relatively slim and tall woman with her looking to be in her mid 30s. long blonde hair that covered the back of her neck, goes to her shoulder, and curls out at the end. 

Her bangs cover her left eye. She's wearing black framed glasses and she has green eyes. She wears a red beaded necklace which resembles seashells. She's wearing a navy blue v-neck, long sleeved sweater which revealed a pit of her cleavage. She's wearing a pale pink dress over her long sleeved sweater. The cuffs of the dress looks like laced wings belonging to a mythological creature of some kind. Over her lower body is blue denim like tights and white slippers. 

She's wearing a white ten gallon hat with a mahogany band around the hat and a magenta bandanna under her hat. She was currently smoking with her purple painted nails and red lipstick sticking out. The duo of Sly and Zane walked over to her as she said,"So why are you two here to visit my bar? Would you like to order handsome?". "She's flirting with you Zane." said Cole. "I would say stick toward your age group but go for it." said Kane. 

Both Cole and Kane were hit by Twilight as she said,"Ignore them Zane.". "Maybe later but someone called me here to meet him." said Zane. "Ah. You must be here to see Issac. He should be here so care for a drink? I mean you must be thirsty." said the woman. "Yes." said Zane. He sat down at the bar as the woman said,"So how old are you boy?". "18." said Zane. "I see. Care for some booze? I'm sure you can handle your liquor young man." said the woman. "Um sure. I would say no but nah." said Zane.

The woman said,"I got the perfect one for a guy like you. It's known as Dragon Ale.". She was gone as Zane said,"Don't glare at me Sly.". "You're still a minor." said Sly. "I may look like a minor but if we're going by the time on the Plocylst Archipelago. I'm 11,000 years old." said Zane. 'We were only there for 21 months not your entire life Zane. I really hope you can handle your liquor." said Sly. The female return back to them with a glass filled with beer.

She smiled as she said,"So why did Issac call you and your pet snake here?". Zane sipped his drink as he said,"I can't believe it.". "Believe what boy?" said the woman. "This drink has a lot of calories and really alcoholic." said Zane. "Feeling tipsy?" said the woman. "Nope. So what's your name? I don't think I've learned your name and can I get this to go?" said Zane. "It's Renee Myers and I'm not stupid boy. You're still a minor and I can't allow alcohol to leave my establishment." said Renee.

The three soon heard,"And since when have you cared about the rules Renee?". Zane soon saw the paper man ,from Episode 92, standing there as he said,"So you must be Issac.". "Indeed. My name is Issac Fortune." said Issac. He bowed as Renee said,"Why do you ruin my fun Issac?". She crossed her arms as Zane noticed that she was quite endowed. "Because you ruin my fun. So Zane, it's nice to finally see you again." said Issac. "Well, I was getting sick of your love notes." said Zane.

He soon opened his bag as several letters came out. "Wow. You're a real stalker Issac." said Renee. "I am a very persistent man. So did you read any of them?" said Issac. "I did. Why did you want me to join your Brotherhood? And how much do you know about me Renee?" said Zane. "Oh. You read my mind using Occult Direction. I'm hurt. Lets just say that I'm well versed in the Omniverse being that I have a lot of experience." said Renee. "Can we talk in private?" said Issac.

Renee smiled as she said,"Sure thing Issac. I'll leave you boys to your business.". "Sly. Can you go with her?" said Zane. "Nope. We're partners since I'm your Akostar partner." said Sly. "I don't mind her being here Zane. I just mind Renee being here given her mouth." said Issac. "Harsh but you have a point there Issac." said Renee. The group of Issac, Sly, and Zane soon sat in one of the booths as Issac said,"So why are you drinking Zane?".

Sly said,"For some reason, Renee gave it to him and he likes it a lot.". "I do Sly. So what is the Zion Brotherhood? You've mentioned it in great detail but when I look for it in the Alliance database, it didn't exist." said Zane. "You did your research. Color me impressed. The Zion Brotherhood isn't in the database because it's a group dedicated to get revenge on Skull Plague through any methods that are available mainly the illegal kind." said Issac.

Sly said,"I see. You want no one to stop you and yours pals from getting justice. So why do you want Zane in your group?". "He's the strongest Zero in the history of the Zero System Sly. You've also met with the Form Morpher and defeat him. Color me impressed." said Issac, clapping. "Thanks. Who else is your group?" said Zane. "That's a secret but here's the hint. It's someone who has power in the Omniverse." said Issac. "So we have a lot of people to ask." said Cole.

Zane's phone soon buzzed as Issac said,"Are you going to answer it Zane? It could be very important to your life or not.". Zane looked at his phone as he saw that it was from Danny. "What is it?" said Sly. "There is a super villain attack at Central Bank." said Zane. "Zane. Your job as a superhero is very important and you need to help your pals right?" said Issac. Zane nodded as Issac said,"We'll be talking again real soon and I'll be bringing the rest of the brotherhood to meet you.".

Before Zane could say anything, the man was gone. Renee walked over to him as she said,"Don't be mad at him Zane. Issac is very much interested in you because you have the power who can truly stop Skull Plague's evil.". "Are you a telepath too?" said Zane. "Quit reading my mind you dirty boy. Oh if you need a job after your football season is over, come by the shop. We'll be getting a rush of people in due time." said Renee.

She was gone as Sly said,"So are you going to drop me off at the house before going off to fight the evil of Cypress Park?". "Yeah. So just think of the way that you want to get there? I can say now that if you were human, one of the ways could give whiplash." said Zane. "I think you know what way I want to go back without mind reading." said Sly. The snake soon crawled onto him as Zane made a portal ,a dark indigo spiral like portal, being that the two were soon gone.

Outside of the bank, the front door soon busted open as Titan ,about twenty feet, charged out like a football player. He soon looked around to see several police officers with their guns aimed right at him. Scott soon stood there as he said,"Put your hands up now Titan! You're surrounded!". Titan smiled as it look like he followed through on the police captain's demand but much to the officer's shock, he soon clapped.

This sent the officers and cars back as some innocent civilians were about to be hit by the cars. They were soon stopped being the crowd and officers heard,"Please leave now. We'll handle this villain. It will be an easy assignment.". Danny and Gwen ,dressed as Morph and Slicer respectively, stood there as Scott said,"We'll leave the giant to you.". Titan chuckled as he said,"So where is Zero? Beating him will get me into the Battalion with ease.".

Danny said,"I thought you were already in the Battalion.". "This but munch got kicked out!" said a voice. The couple soon saw four people leaving the bank. One of them was Titan's usual partner in crime Crash being that he's with Barbarian, Rampage, and Solomon. "Wow. That's really sad. I mean you were part of a team of A list heroes but now look at you." said Gwen. Titan sulked as Barbarian said,"Shut the hell up Sorcerer! We'll kick your ass if you try and stop us!".

Danny clenched his right fist as he said,"You're so going down pussy cat.". He soon rushed toward them as Gwen covered him. Crash was about to fire missiles on him but he couldn't get a change thanks to a Spectral Buster to the face. "Sorry shortround but that ain't happening!" said Danny. The living concrete was about to attack Danny but he was blasted back by raw Animus from Gwen. "There are two of us here and don't you forget it!" said Gwen.

She soon rushed right toward Rampage ,who was dazed, with her sword ready to slice him. She knew that he could regenerate from her attack being that he need to slow down. Before her sword could hit the cement, it was stopped by diamond. "Thanks to Master, I know that Sorcerers can enhanced their weapons with Animus and I won't let you slow us down." said Solomon. She was about to be hit by the Deviant's massive arm but it was blocked by Danny.

The couple stood back to back as Gwen said,"You know what we have to do right?". "Make them fight each other with choice words like how Crash is shorter than a rat." said Danny. "Screw you gadget face!" said Crash. The short villain jumped toward him with a laser sword but it was soon blocked by Gwen. "You did that on purpose." said Gwen. "Yeah. I'm good at annoying my enemies right?" said Danny. "Needs a lot work but you're close enough." said a voice.

The six villains and two heroes turned to see Zane ,as Legion Zero, floating. "Wow. I think this is the weirdest boyband ever." said Zane. He soon phased through Titan's punch as Crash said,"Rampage and Titan! You two take care of Zit Face! Barbarian and I will take care of Gadget Face! Solomon! Take care of the magical girl!" said Crash. "So why does she get a normal nickname huh? I thought we were friends Crash." said Zane as he sat on Titan's arm.

The giant tried to shake him off as Zane said,"Hey. I'm not bothering you. I'm just hanging onto you and not doing anything bad.". The cement man soon made several fists head toward Zane being that the teen soon turned intangible. These punches hit Titan's arms as Zane chuckled. "At least, he's having fun with these two." said Danny. He dodged Barbarian's punch being that he blocked Crash's laser sword with his own sword Ghostly Broadsword.

Gwen evaded Solomon's crystals as she said,"Yes. I wonder what he would be like if he didn't have his impressive sense of danger.". "Probably the same idiot." said Danny as he turned his right arm into the Spectral Busters, smashing right into Crash. This sent the small teen flying right into Titan's fist being that the giant teen was trying to hit Zane who was still hanging around on his arm. "Get out of my way shrimp!" said Titan.

He threw him to the ground as he said,"Blame him.". He pointed to Danny who shrugged before Crash passed out. "Don't let your guard down around me!" said Barbarian. The tiger swiped at Danny only for him to dodge it as he said,"I'm not. You're just really weak.". The tiger was soon hit by Danny's Phantom Smashers with him flying right into one of Solomon's crystal pillars, knocking him out.

Solomon shook his head as he said,"Idiots. The lot of them.". Gwen held her hand toward him as she said,"I guess you villains don't have a sense of comradely like we do. Threads of Fate!". The Deviant was soon wrapped in string being that he smiled. "Do you honestly think that this weak string can't be broken?" said Solomon. "It can be only when the Sorcerer's Animus Power is weak. If it was me from the past, it would have been." said Gwen.

She soon picked up Solomon with Zane saying while dodging Rampage's attacks,"Wow. She's really strong with her being able to pick up something that large. She's gotten strong both in the physical and magical aspect. Word of advice Morph, do not piss her off.". "I'll keep that in mind. So do you need help with these two?" said Danny. Zane looked at the pissed off Rampage and Titan with him saying,"Nah. I'm good.".

Gwen soon threw Solomon right toward Titan with Zane back flipping himself into the air and landed on the ground. "That was a ten right guys?" said Zane. "Sometimes Zero." said Danny and Gwen in unison. Titan soon moved Solomon with the Deviant saying,"Help me out of these strings!". "Didn't you say that you could get out of it." said Titan, glaring at the three heroes. "I did but I want to make that bitch pay!" said Solomon.

Rampage sighed as he said,"I'll free him. Keep those three distracted.". He turns his arm into a sword as he tried to slice through the string, holding Solomon. Titan soon slammed both of his hands into the ground with him creating a small earthquake. Danny and Zane soon rushed toward Titan with Danny saying,"Okay Zero. I'll stun him while you take down.". Zane nodded as Danny launched himself into the air using his legs which turned into the Spectral Busters.

While heading toward Titan, Danny turned his right arm into a Phantom Smasher being that Titan was stunned for a bit. "Avalanche Punch!" said Zane. Titan was soon hit by Zane's giant fist being that he was sent flying right into the other two villains just as Rampage freed Solomon from his string prison. Before either Rampage and Solomon could move Titan off him, Gwen said,"That isn't going to happen.".

The strings soon wrapped themselves around the three with Zane saying,"And that's a wrap!". Gwen was about to slap him as Danny grabbed her hand. "And why are you trying to stop me for hitting him for that awful pun?" said Gwen as Zane soon turned his body into his candy syrup and made sure that the villains wouldn't come back to strike them down. "We both know that Zane's sense of danger will make sure that he dodges it." said Danny.

Gwen sighed as she said,"True. To look at the silver lining of this, his joke was tolerable compared to his normal sense of humor.". Zane soon turned to the couple as he said,"Hey guys. So are you guys busy?". "Not really." said Danny. "Actually, we have to study for the finals." said Gwen. "Well, could I ask for your guys's opinion on something?" said Zane. Danny and Gwen soon looked at Zane with them saying sure.

Later, the trio of Danny, Gwen, and Zane were hanging back at the Velvet Spoon with the three out of costume. Gwen's winter outfit is her wearing a purple beanie with her dark purple jacket zippered up and underneath the jacket, she wears a long sleeved blue blouse. She wears black pants being that like her black capri pants, they also have a gold clockwork design. "Okay then Zane. So let me if I go this right." said Danny.

He looked at Zane with him saying,"You're being talked by a guy who can turn himself into paper and he wants you to join his group which is unknown to the Alliance.". "Pretty much." said Zane with him sipping some Dragon Ale. "And you're drinking because?" said Gwen. "Because our friend Zane here has a strong tolerance for alcohol." said Renee. The couple looked at the woman as she said,"So how do you know our names?".

Renee shrugged as she said,"I'm well versed in the Omniverse being that I know about the best friend to Zero and his beau Slicer. You two are pretty popular after all.". "So do you know why Issac would want Zane to join this Zion Brotherhood. According to what Zane told us, this group is dedicated to get revenge on Skull Plague through any means possible." said Gwen. "I think it's because Zane here wants Skull Plague dead." said Sherry,

Danny said,"Seriously? You're going to kill someone? I thought after that, you wouldn't try to kill anyone.". "Yes Danny. I made a promise to myself being that Skull Plague has caused so many people pain including me and my family. He's also responsible for turning my dad's best friend against him and well before I decide to join the group, I want your guys opinion on the idea." said Zane with the woman leaving the teens alone.

Gwen said,"Why Zane? I mean both you and Allen have fan clubs at school and didn't ask us for our opinion on them.". "I think he allowed them because he really wanted to spite Marcus even before he became a super villain who tried to turn us into plant food." said Danny.  "The reason why I wanted you two is because you two were the people to make Zero into a reality. Don't you remember when we fought the Meat Baron?" said Zane as the two remembered back.

Danny said,"Yeah but I really didn't do anything back then.". "You helped convince him to embrace his destiny as Zero Danny. That's important." said Gwen, sipping her coffee. "So what do you guys think?" said Zane. Danny smiled ,placing his hand on Zane's shoulder, and he said,"So can we join too? I mean I gained powers to make sure that you don't get yourself killed while protecting everyone young and old. I really don't want to see anyone I care about in pain just like you.".

Gwen soon nodded as she said,"We want to help you stop Skull Plague's evil. I may think that killing is never an option a hero should take but I think Skull Plague should be a being that should died and we'll do anything to help you Zane.". "I think that's a great idea." said a voice. The couple turned to see Issac standing there with him saying with a smile,"So you asked your friends on their opinion with the idea that they would join you on your quest to stop Skull Plague for good. Smart.".

Danny and Gwen looked at Zane with him saying,"What? I'm not an idiot. Sly told me to ask you guys because of our bond plus if you guys found out what I was doing and didn't tell you, I dread to think what could happen.". "Me thinks that his partners told him the same thing. Here's my card you two." said Issac, handing the two his card. "So will you stop sending me so many letters because I really don't want a male stalker. I'm sure that I have a female one." said Zane.

Issac said,"Probably not Zane. I'll make sure to cut back a bit since you're joining. We shall met once the new years begin and thanks for helping me. Skull Plague needs to die for what he's done.". Issac was soon gone as Gwen said,"So does he do that often?". "I think leaving without explaining himself is his kink. So can I ask you guys another question?" said Zane. "Please tell me that you didn't come in contact with ANOTHER secret group without our knowledge." said Danny.

Zane soon shook his head as he said,"Danny. I've only come in contact with Issac's group being that I plan on killing Skull Plague. I also plan on finding and freeing Fallout from his prison.". "He's one of the leaders of the Odium Society right?" said Danny. "He is Danny. Why are you going to free him and where is he locked up?" said Gwen. "He's under the control of Skull Plague and he's my dad's version of Danny Gwen. He was also a sorcerer like us." said Zane. "Really?" said Gwen.

Danny was confused as Zane said,"I'll explain it to you guys later. I also need to tell you two why I'm so determined to get David and Susan together.". "Do you just like breaking the social structure of our school? I mean you did it once before." said Gwen. "Well, I like Kristen and didn't want her to be with Brad. It's kinda the same. Lets just say I was a witness to a very beautiful scene between the two and I want David to be happy." said Zane.

Danny said,"Please tell me that this scene between David and Susan wasn't something out of Love that Transcends Space and Time.". "It wasn't for once man. It remind me of you two. I mean you two are great together." said Zane. "Thanks Zane. So I have a question for the two of you. What is Rachel's type? I know that she's Bi being that she's dated both boys and girls before." said Gwen. "She does Gwen. It's troubled people." said Zane.

Gwen looked confused as Danny said,"To use an example, lets use Carlos. Carlos is an arsonist who tried to change after you kicked his butt with Vampire Form.". "By the way, I did that while I was asleep." said Zane. "That isn't important at all Zane. My point is that Rachel wants to help people and Carlos is the biggest problem. If we compared Carlos to Allen, it's night and day." said Danny. "Okay then. Why did you pick Allen though?" said Gwen.

Gwen looked at Zane with him saying,"It's simple Gwen. Allen is pretty much a prime example of a nice guy. I mean I've never see him angry. Carlos isn't a nice person because he let his power get to his head.". Gwen was quiet as she said,"Ah. That makes sense. So why would she want to study with Allen rather than Zane who is going to be done with his finals in fifteen minutes or less. I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure that I'm right.".

Danny nodded as he said,"Yeah. I think it could be because Zane is already so busy. So what should we do during Winter Break? I mean I got no others ideas other than patrol? I mean we could go with that but it's pretty lame.". "Well, what about the big skating event on Christmas Eve?" said Gwen with a smile. "That's a good idea Gwen." said Danny. "Um. Could you please inform me about this? I was gone for two years but I've never heard about this." said Zane.

Danny looked at him as he said,"Can't you read minds man?". "I can but I tried not to. I mean I rather figure things out for myself plus being a telepath makes any kind of spoilers ,big or small, for movies and shows is the worst thing in the entire Omniverse." said Zane. "Okay then, it started about a year ago. Some us go down to the ice rink on Christmas Eve. It also has lighting up a big Christmas tree on Christmas Eve." said Gwen.

Danny said,"Zane. The tree itself is a more expensive and extravagant Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree.". Zane smiled as he said,"Okay. We have the location so should we get Karen and Kevin to help us?". "No. I like them Zane but we should keep this to the three of us." said Gwen. "She has a point plus Karen isn't talking to you or is she?" said Danny. "We are being that we have to talk when we're at the lab thanks to Andre and Karen. It's less awkward than it was before." said Zane.

Gwen said,"Okay. I'm happy for you two and all of your relationships. You deserve to be happy even if you're with 2+ girls.". "Yeah. You're a living light novel protagonist." said Danny. "Except I'm not a freaking bitch or pussy." said Zane. "I should ask what you mean by that but it's best to stay in the dark when it to this right?" said Gwen. "Yeah. So lets change topics. How is your mom doing?" said Danny. The Cross-Species raised an eyebrow as he said,"Why are you asking me?".

Danny said,"Didn't both Kurt and Lucius just move out? I mean both you and her are very much into the idea of family regardless of blood. She must be devastated right now.".  "She's missing them but I think having my old man back is keeping her from becoming a depressing lump on the couch. I just hope that she doesn't do this when I move out. I'll still be in town when I'm on planet." said Zane. "Well, she really does dote on you more than your other siblings." said Gwen.

Danny said with a smirk,"Yeah. You totally get that from her. Your kids are spoiled.". "I don't spoil them." said Zane. "You're making them a personal and hand made gift compared to the gifts that are made by a company. If that isn't a sign of you doting and spoiling them, I don't know what is." said Kane. "Yeah. That screams that you're a doting father which isn't a bad thing but there is a limit to one doting on another being." said Sivarth.

Zane sighed as Gwen said,"So who is talking to you Zane? I know that Danny can hear Athena and Cole due to his powers but the other three, he can not hear them.". "It's my inner Vulcorian and Phantom Gwen." said Zane, referring to Kane and Sivarth respectively. "Ah. So is the first Christmas where you're not going to be a freaking asshole?" said Danny. "I heard that you hate this time of year being it reminds you of bad memories." said Gwen.

Zane said,"It does but even with my dad being back, I still don't like. I may hate the commercialism with a passion but I won't let my very petty bias ruin this for them. I want them to grow up happy and not become me.". "That's really mature Zane. So are you going to go on patrol?" said Gwen. "Nah. I plan on letting Kane go instead. I want to spend time with my kids and you want to spend private time with Gwen don't you Danny?" said Zane.

Danny and Gwen blushed as Zane said,"Okay. I'll stop my teasing for now. So are you going to the game on Friday? It's the championship game. Captain is overwhelming me into not messing this up for the school and not him. He's grown up so much.". "Yeah. Both you and Allen haven't been using your powers right?" said Gwen who recovered first. "Yeah. If I was using my powers or should I say, Kane would be making into a battlefield." said Zane.

Danny said,"Dude, I know that you don't want to be discovered but that would be awesome.". "Yeah but I'm thankful that my teachers taught me how to fight and making sure that I don't go all out on a normal punk." said Zane, cracking his knuckles and it sounded louder than normal. "So Zane, how is the Alliance team plan going?" said Gwen. "Huh? What is she talking about?" said Danny. "Well, I'm making a team." said Zane.

Gwen said,"It's basically a group of nine to twelve beings that will help protect the Omniverse from evil. It's very much like forming a guild in that MMO that you play. There is a lot of factors to be considered for this team.". "I've been working on this team for a while now." said Zane. "So will you have gray hairs before you're twenty? I mean you love to work yourself to your limit. Why can't you ask for help? It would make things easier for you." said Danny.

Gwen said,"We're going to be a team right? Lets work together.". She placed her hand in the center of the table with Danny placing his hand above hers. Zane smiled with him placing his hand above the couple. "So has Zane always been like this Danny?" said Gwen. "Yeah. He really hates bothering other people with his problems and well, he really needs to ask for help with them. He never does and it always pisses me off." said Danny.

Cole said,"Sick burn Danny!". "Screw you Cole. I'm getting better about it." said Zane. "No you're not." said the couple. "Okay. I'm hurt but at the same time, I'm okay with that insult." said Zane. "And why is that?" said Danny. "You two are really cute even more than David and Susan will be. I mean you two are saying the same exact thing. In due time, you two will be finishing each other's sentences and it will be so cute." said Zane. The two blushed at Zane's comment with Zane smiling.

Later, Zane ,while on his motorcycle, was driving through the city being that he was taking the long way home. This was done for two reasons being reason #1 was so that he could go patrolling without him being in costume and reason #2 was because he wanted to have a talk with his team consisting of two A.Is aka Athena and Cole, an alien princess aka Twilight, one of two members of an extinct species aka Kane, and one of the most powerful Phantoms aka Sivarth.

Twilight said,"Zane. Are you okay? You usually head directly home but you're intentionally taking the long way home.". "I'm fine but I'm wondering something." said Zane. "Let me guess. It's about you telling Danny and Gwen about the Zion Brotherhood and them helping you build your team for the Alliance." said Athena with Zane staying quiet. "Wow. She knows you so well Zane. It's like she can read you like a book or read your mind." said Cole.

Kane said with a sigh,"Well, I still don't get why you constantly hide your problems from others to begin with. I mean you're not a shy person being that you constantly say what's on your mind. It's like you're both confident yet shy at the same time.". "You forget Kane. Zane's shy side only comes out when it comes to asking people for help even when they're pretty insistent on helping you." said Sivarth.

Twilight said,"He's right Zane. I mean Danny and Gwen are going to help you with your Alliance team. Your harem is making sure that you spend a good amount of time with them during Winter Break plus your children. I could list several examples but you get the point right Zane?".  Before Zane could response to the alien princess, Athena said,"I hate to interrupt Zane's lecture but we've got a super villain.".

Zane soon turned his bike into a nearby alleyway with him taking off his helmet aka the same one from episode 102. He soon placed his right hand up to his right ear being that his hand was soon covered in his signature electricity. "So who is it? I mean we've arrested the dumber members of your rogues gallery and is it someone that the police could handle." said Cole. "According to the police dispatch, someone is attacking the mall." said Zane. "Wow. That's so specific." said Kane.     

Zane soon rolled his eyes with him picking up on some chatter. "Attention all officers in the area. A super villain who has a Jack O'Lantern for a head and the rogue agent Agent Phoenix are currently attacking the mall. It's unknown if the two are working together but be cautious of the latter.". "So it's time for a brawl at the mall." said Zane. He soon deactivated his electricity and drove toward the mall with him turning his bike into Saver and himself into Legion Zero.

Earlier at the mall, Brad was sitting at the food court in deep thought. Tomorrow was finals and then the next big event is the championship game. The Cypress Hill Oxs haven't been at state in five years being that their inclusion ,this year, is because of the three man team of Allen, Brad, and Zane. They are the reason why the rest of the team made it there in the first place. At first, the blond football star was confused at why Zane wanted to be on a team.

It's obvious to everyone that Brad and Zane were not friendly toward each other. It has been like this since Elementary School in fact. Brad was the king of the playground with his own personal army but upon Zane arriving, he has been nothing but a pain in the ass to him and his friends. His snarky and lack of loyalty toward him and the A-list pissed him off to no extent. Despite Brad looking stronger than Zane, the blond knew that Zane was stronger both mentally and physically.

He remembered when Zane beat the crap out of Kevin when he almost killed Karen back in middle school. It shocked him being that he learned not to piss Zane off. During High School, the first two years were the worst for Brad. Brad blamed Zane for a lot of things being that Brad dumped Kristen because she was being friends with Zane aka her boyfriend's most hated person. This resulted in the two playing some pranks on each other.

However, Brad's pranks never see to work on Zane. It was like he knew when it was going to happen before it actually happen. This is due to his powers but Brad didn't know that. Zane's pranks on the other hand worked like a charm and well, Brad's hatred grew with each prank. However, Zane soon left Cypress Park soon after an incident with an evil version of Legion Zero and Kevin of all people in the Omniverse.

Brad couldn't remember the exact details but from what he and the news said about it, Zero defeated both of them despite one saying that he killed Zero. The news said that both villains were taken away by the group Swarm after Zane defeated them. However, there was a rumor going around on the main Legion Zero message board. It was that Zero had killed the alternative Kevin soon after he showed him something that send Zero over the edge.

Brad very much knew that his favorite hero ,in the world, wouldn't kill anyone for no good reason being that he always defeated his villains not killing them. He also forgave Bedrock who's a good hero and former Cypress Park alumni. He also forgave Carlos kinda. Soon after that fight, Legion Zero left for a while. Morph and Slicer ,who were gone for a while before coming back to town, saying that Zero will return back to Cypress Park in due time so just be patient.

He did hear and see Zero operating in some big surfing town in California for the last two summers but he didn't really care. Legion Zero was a Cypress Park hero but Brad knew that being a heroes means that you help anyone wherever you are. Brad was annoyed at Zane joining the team at first being that Allen was going to be a new member of the A-list. That was one of Sam's decree. She considered everyone ,who was lower in the popularity totem pole, her peons.

She didn't like how Zane joined the team being that she tried to convince Coach Barnett to kick him off the team but thanks to Bryan being taken over by an alien and currently in the hospital, her plan failed hard. In that time that they've been working together, Zane wasn't taking this as a joke. He was a team player being that despite his smaller frame, he could knock down guys twice his size and seemingly enjoyed making other people look stupid. The two could be considered friends now.

Brad was soon out of his inner musing as he heard,"Hey man. Ready for the game in two days?". He soon turned to see his best friend David standing with some food. David sat down next to his friend as Brad said,"Yeah. So are you nervous about the game?". "A little I guess." said David. "Lets switch topics. So are you going to dump Hannah any time this year for Susan?" said Brad. "I still can't believe you're on Z's side about this. Please tell me you guys aren't planning something." said David.

Brad said,"Well, 51 convinced me on you guys and it isn't because of your race man.". "At least it isn't for that reason. I thought that at first." said David. "So are you scared of your mom losing her job at the hospital? I mean that is why you dumped Irene three years ago." said Brad. "A little but despite Hannah's flaws, there is some good to her." said David. "Seriously man?" said Brad. "Yes. Zane told me that everything has bad and good things to it and that includes Hannah." said David.

Before Brad could say anything to retort him, someone soon came crashing into the mall through the rooftop. It looked to be a slim yet muscular teen except with a Jack O'Lantern for a head. The Jack O'Lantern itself is dark orange/olive colored and the top of it has dark green/brown stems, looking just like leaves and acts as hair. His eyes are glowing orange/red. His eyes are slit shaped being that his mouth is extremely wide and thin, giving the appearance of a jack-o-lantern even more.

His skin is green with dark orange roots covering his arms and legs like gloves and boots respectively despite him wearing boots. His fingers are claws. He wears a purple hat with a pumpkin color stripe and red flame-themed feather. He wears a black and white collared tunic with a pumpkin themed pattern on it, a brown belt with a silver belt buckle, blue jeans, and a pair of brown boots. His back has two very large bat like wings out of them.

He wears round gray pads on both of his shoulders and armor plates on his forearms or legs. He wields a very long rapier with a pumpkin themed end and a flame themed crossguard. He soon held his sword as he said,"Greetings you mortal scums. I'm the Herald and I'm here to kill the hero of this town with the flames of my vengeance.". No one answered him being that they couldn't tell if he was a human with some advanced technology or a Phantom.

Before Herald could get an answer, he was soon blasted in the chest by an energy beam as Brad and David turned to the self proclaimed protector Agent Phoenix. This title was given to her by Swarm and yes, the news that was being bribed by Swarm. The suit wearing teen smiled as she said,"Yeah. I was hoping that you go back to Terrarune.". "I'm not from Terrarune you dumb broad. You're not the one I'm looking for." said Herald.

The crowd was shocked to see that the hole was slowly regenerating. The pumpkin teen soon focused his flames into his hand. It soon turned into a pumpkin shape and he threw it at Vicky. The teen ,with an energy blade, soon sliced in half but was sent back from the impact of the flames. "Wow. I didn't see that coming at all." said David as everyone around him and Brad were long gone. They soon left around the arrival of Herald.

Most people knew that when a villain arrives, a hero ,mostly like Zero, will be here in time. Vicky soon fired several lasers at the pumpkin teen being that he dodged them. The beams soon caused a line of explosions being that Brad and David were nearby the A.O.E. (Area of Explosion), being that they hid behind the table that blocked the explosion. Vicky was focused on Herald rather than making sure that people were safe.

This is one of the main reasons why most people didn't consider her to be a real hero for the reason plus the fact that she caused a lot of destruction while trying to stop the villain. Brad looked at David as he said,"We should get out of here before that bitch kills us in our guest for vengeance against the Phantom Menace.". "Yeah. I'm sure that Zero or anyone of the heroes will show up to stop either of them." said Brad.

The two were sneaking away as Herald noticed them. "None of you mortals will be escaping my vengeance!" said Herald. He soon made a fire trident and threw it toward the two jocks. Before it could reach its targets, the trident was soon blasted by a laser beam. The four soon saw a unique looking motorcycle fly into the mall with Brad recognizing it. It was Saver which belonged to his favorite hero Legion Zero.

For a quick reminder, it has three wheels with the front of the bike is armored, with it still looking like a regular bike that it was before hand. It has gull-wing doors being that Zane can get it and out from both sides. The bike itself is navy blue, the hood is black with it very much like the starry night and his superhero logo in the center of it and the two back wheels of the bike. The door soon opened up as they heard,"Sorry I'm late but you wouldn't believe the traffic here.".

The four soon turned to see Zane as Legion Zero standing there in an outfit that was different than his normal hero attire. It is a black jumpsuit with body armor on it. He's wearing this with a black helmet with crimson red edges, dark purple comfort liner, and a ,transparent glass, gold visor. "Zero!" said the two attacking each other. "That's my name so please don't wear it. So how about you surrender before I have to get serious. I mean it's the holiday so be kind to your fellow hero." said Zane.

During this, Brad and David had escaped. Crisis Judgement went off as his back soon produce several tendrils ,which are the normal color aka black with a crimson red web pattern all over it, shield which went in front of him. This blocked the dark magenta flames soon went in front of Zane, being that it soon formed itself into a shield blocking both a pumpkin and missile. Vicky soon looked at Herald with her saying,"Hey! He's my target!".

Herald said,"Snooze you lose. Stay out of my way or else, you'll be burn to a crisp child.". The two soon began fighting each other as Zane watched them. "So should we fight the winner which be after the two destroyed each other or should we stop them from destroying the mall? I mean it's you're in charge of the controls but " said Kane. Zane shrugged as Herald soon slashed Vicky's costume. It was torn, revealing her skin. However, it soon repaired itself.

Vicky said,"Sorry Halloween Reject but I can't be taken down by someone weak as you.". She soon blasted him back into a store as she turned toward Zane. "Now that he's gone Zero, it's just the two of us. So are you ready to?" said Vicky. Before Vicky could attack Zane, Zane soon fired his black ,with a crimson red tint, webbing toward Vicky and it captured her and knocked her off her hoverboard. Instead of falling to the group, she was hanging from her board.

Zane crossed his arms as he said,"I'm real sorry there Phoenix but you're not my type and I'm in a happy relationship so um no.". Under her mask, she blushed. Despite her being a killer of Phantoms, she's still a teenager girl. "Neither are you! Die scum!" said Vicky. She broke out Zane's webbing and he soon evade all of her bullets by just walking. "Wow. You should totally tell her that you're not even trying to dodge Zane?" said Cole.

Sivarth said,"Focus Cole.". Zane soon disappeared as Vicky used her suit to try and track him. To get a better view, she went on her hoverboard. However, she was smacked off her hoverboard by Zane who was holding Oathkeeper and floating in the air using Gravity Drive. "Coward! I thought real men don't attack from behind." said Vicky. "Whoever told you that nonsense is a real idiot. In a fight, you take any opportunity you can." said Zane.

Crisis Judgement went up as Zane turned intangible. A pumpkin soon went through him as the two turned to see Herald standing there. "You can't keep me down like you've done in the past." said Herald. He soon threw a barrage of pumpkins at Zane who either dodged them or destroy them using his hammer. "So have you two figured our who Herald is? He knows Zane well." said Twilight as her partner dodged Vicky's laser sword and Herald's fire sword.

Athena said,"There isn't anything on him in the Alliance or police database Twilight. He must be new or given powers by an outside source such as Chemical PX.". Zane ,thanks to several hands which he had sprouted from his body and held his hammer with his primary hands, soon held several pumpkins in front of him. "How about you two get a taste of your own medicine?!" said Zane. He soon threw the pumpkins back at the two. The pumpkin teen and armored girl went back from them.

The mall floor was covered in flames as the sprinkler system went off. "So why did it go off now instead of earlier?" said Kane. Zane shrugged as he noticed that both of them were gone. "Great. I let both of them escape." said Zane. "We always have tomorrow Zane. After you finish cleaning up the mall, we're continue our talk." said Twilight. Zane sighed as he started to clean up the mall from the attack.

While this was going on, Herald was in a nearby alleyway with him being extremely tired from the fight with Vicky and Zane. "Dam it. I thought with these powers, I could be able to kill him with no problem but no! That bitch got in my way." thought Herald. He tried to make his fire appear but it wasn't working. "Dam it!" thought Herald. He punched a nearby trash can with him hearing,"Are you not pleased Mr. Goodman?".

Herald turned to see a man standing there. He looked like a stage performer fused with a very classy gentleman. He's wearing a dark red large and fancy overcoat, black top hat with a playing card, black tap boots, and dark red gloves. Underneath the jacket, he wearing a black waistcoat with a red flower pinned to the right side of his chest and white long sleeved collared shirt patterned with magic wands and black pants. He also has a white cape attached to his coat.

His face and head is covered in a green cloth ,rib knit, three-hole balaclava. He wears a silver mask with black motifs with the eye holes being a noticeable red color. His mask covers his entire head and neck, slightly exposing his balaclava. The black motifs makes him look he has sharp teeth. "What are you doing here?!" said Herald. He held his sword, ready to attack with the masked man noticed that the pumpkin teen was shaking.

The masked man chuckled as he said,"I came here to inform you that me and my friends can help you with the Zero problem. He's quite a problem to all of us being that my boss respects him. I don't get why but I tend not ask questions. He helped me get the power to be respected and not been seen as a part of that group of idiots.". Herald looked at him as he said,"You're not messing with me right? I want him dead because he stole the spotlight from me.".

The masked man said,"Not at all Mr. Goodman. All of us share a common goal so why should we fight each other when we could team up and send him to his death. How about we get going? Can't have the hero finding us and stopping your plan right?". The masked man soon had dark blue smoke covering his body as he held out his hand. Herald soon took his hand and the two were gone as the smoke vanished from the alleyway.

The next day, Zane was currently at Cypress High and he was doing some research on the villain he was fighting last night. He finished all of his finals ,being that they went for five days, in an hour so he had a lot of time to kill before the big game which he had a strong feeling that they were going to win thanks to Allen and Zane both being metahumans and have training that would put athletes to shame. He was in the school's rooftop cafeteria being that it was build recently.

This was the handiwork of Sam being that she wanted it there during sophomore year. It's well known that when Samantha Bridges wants something, she usually get it. However sometimes she doesn't get what she wants being that it usually involves Zane in some way. One such example is when Sam wanted Zane off the football team but Zane was part of the three man team that got to them to state so her plan of getting rid of Zane failed.

After the fight at the mall, he went looking for Herald. He thought it would have been really easy to find someone whose head is a pumpkin but apparently, he's really good at hiding. He didn't go after Vicky being that he knew where she went after the fight. She may hate Zero and all Phantoms with a passion and stupid reason but she has the weakness of having a curfew and having a dad who doesn't approve of her actions whatsoever.

Zane remembered back when the two were hanging out together or "dating" according to his friends despite him not looking her that way, she had to be home by a certain time or something bad would happen according to her. He also remembered making a joke about her either being a werewolf or a princess with the former comment getting a punch directly in the chest ,which he let her punch hit him because he wanted to keep his identity a secret, and the latter getting her to blush.

Zane knew about her crush on him being that he knew that it couldn't work out between the two of them aren't compatible. He talked with Sly about this being that the Akostar was a good opinion to consider when it comes to relationships despite being a year old. She also brought up Sam being that much to his dismay at times, she likes Legion Zero but not Zane at all. She asked him why he saved her despite his noticeable hatred of her and vise versa.

Zane told her that being a hero means that you save everyone you can with includes his enemies in or out of costume. Sly asked why he isn't interested in Vicky being that Zane told her that Vicky likes Zane but not Legion Zero being the opposite of Sam. There's also the factors of her apparent hatred of anything that isn't human and her wanting to kill them plus she'll hurt innocent people in order to do this which was something he didn't like.

Anyway, Zane spent about four hours looking for Herald but he couldn't find him anywhere. When he got home, he was thankful that his kids weren't mad at him for being late. This is due to the fact that Christmas was on the horizon and they were way too excited for old Saint Nick. He smiled when he saw the joy in their faces being that he wanted to make this holiday perfect for them since for 2/3 of his life, he hated this holiday and didn't want to keep the trend going on any longer.

When he woke up this morning, he soon went to get some help from his man in the CYPD (Cypress Park Police Department) aka a Police Captain and father of his girlfriend Scott Castro. He may not be talking to his daughter except at the lab and if they're partnered up for a project but he and Scott are talking. Thanks to the police department's database, the two soon discovered out a string of robberies all over the country that mentioned their suspect.

Zane noted that all of the items stolen were featured in crimes that made onto the state's local news but only to be outshined by some other story. These crimes also started when he introduce his Theta costume. There were two spots that stuck out being one of them was some tech that was going to be deliver to Cypress Park University. He recalled hearing about a robbery involving CPU but Zane was sure that it was just something small being that it wasn't that big of a deal.

While at the station, he looked at the report of the robbery. There was something stolen from there but for some reason, the police couldn't find any sign of the tech being stolen. The other big one was a truck that belonged to Champion Tech being that Zane noted that this company was either stolen from or robbed being that he wondered why the president aka Derrick Price didn't do anything about these thefts whatsoever.   

Zane sighed with him closing his laptop. He had a laptop in his costume but he didn't want to take a chance on someone coming into the cafeteria and seeing him. He may be paranoid but he didn't want to take any changes. "Well, this is a mess. Herald is connected somehow but I'm still confused why there wasn't any evidence at the CPU's robbery. I mean most criminals leave behind some evidence but that crime had nothing." said Zane.

He ran his hands through his hair as Athena said,"That's unknown Zane. Even after going through the data we obtained thanks to Scott, it's a mystery on what our next action should be.". "Yeah! We aren't crushed for time since we only have the big game tonight. We really shouldn't piss off the captain by being late." said Cole. "I have an idea you guys. Where was the location of the CPU (Cypress Park University) robbery?" said Kane with Zane recalling the file on the robbery.

Zane said,"In a Potomac warehouse. What's your plan?". "I don't doubt the human police but I'm sure we can find something using our powers or more specifically, our tracking based powers aka Cryptid Form or using Astral Sense." said Kane. "That sounds like a plan to me." said Zane as he soon got up from his table. He was about to head out of the room by Crisis Judgement went off as he caught a football.

Zane sighed as he turned around to see Austin and David standing there. "Sup Z. What are you doing up here?" said David. "I was doing some research for a project of mine. Did you guys finish up the first day finals?" said Zane as he threw the ball right toward Austin. "Yeah. You're a pretty good tutor Z and I only guessed the answers on one of them." said Austin who caught it. "So is that a bad thing or what you guys? I mean he guessed his way through a test." said Cole.

Sivarth said,"He finished the test right? Lets see how he does before we make a judgment about it.". "So how did the Captain do in Physics? That's his worst subject hands down." said David. "As I left the room, he wasn't doing his pissed off/struggling face. I'm going to say that he isn't going to fail but to get an A+, that may be unlikely." said Zane. "Wow. You're being nice to Brad. This is still so weird even after three months." said Austin.

David nodded as he said,"He has a point. I mean you two have hated each other for years before only three months ago and to be honest, I thought you two liked each other like romantically but you two expressed it through hating on each other.". "Sorry to ruin your ship David but both Brad and I like girls and I'm sure that it won't change." said Zane with him saying that because he didn't know if his sexuality will change in the future.

About one hour later, Zane ,with him in costume, was currently perched on a building. He was in the nearby town of Potomac being that it took him about thirty minutes to get here and well, he spend a good half hour saying hi to his fans being that despite him being a Cypress Park resident, he was well respected here. "Okay. Lets go." said Zane. He soon jumped right in front of the warehouse and he looked around the building.

Athena said,"Don't worry Zane. There are no Phantoms scanners around here being that Potomac doesn't get its daily dosage of Phantoms unlike Cypress Park.". "Thank the gods. I really don't want to make Swarm look stupider than they already do." said Zane as he turned intangible and phased through the walls of the warehouse. He soon looked around to see that it was untouchable with him saying,"Time for Astral Sense.".

His eyes soon turned a noticeable and bright molten gold with two magic circles appeared in front of him with him saying,"Okay. I'm seeing some kind of energy. It's faint Animus.". "Animus. Do you think a Sorcerer stole this tech?" said Kane. "I highly doubt it Kane. Most Sorcerers hate any form of technology." said Zane. "So is that a racist statement?" said Cole. "Yes it is but all forms of racist have some truth to them." said Zane.

Twilight said,"So do you think we can track this energy?". "Yeah. I'm on it." said Zane with him soon following the energy. He soon stopped with him looking down to see a sewer grate. "Okay. It's time to go sewer searching." said Zane with him making two tendrils open the grate. He placed the grate nearby as he turned into Slime Form. He soon jumped in and before he went off, he had parts of his body put the grate back on and it looked like he was never there.

About five minutes later, Zane stopped. "The trail stops here and goes up." said Zane with him staying in his base slime form. "Thank god. I was getting sick of the smell." said Kane. "But you're a soul Kane. How can you smell things? And Zane has way worse smelling forms than the sewers you big baby." said Cole. "Before you slap him Athena, where are we?" said Sivarth. "We're back in Cypress Park and you'll never guess where." said Athena, slapping Cole.

Zane soon went upward, turning his body flat so he could go through the grate. He looked around as Twilight said,"Okay then. We're at the museum. So is the tech is here?". Zane deactivated Slime Form as he still had Astral Sense activated. "Not exactly Twilight. I think the thief who stole it is around here or makes this place his main base of operation. I mean who visits the museum by choice and not a school field trip or other reasons?" said Zane as he walked around.

Sivarth said,"Several people Zane. You may hate them given the fact that you've spend a whole summer going to them but most people don't. It's weird why no one is here. Is the building close right now Athena?". "According to the museum's calendar, the museum is closed for cleaning." said Athena. "Yeah. Why didn't you ask me that Sivarth?" said Cole. "Because you're an idiot." said Kane as Cole sulked.

Before Zane could really get a good look around, his phone ,which was connected to his watch and that was connected to his suit, soon ranged. It was from Scott as he answered it while messing with a sign leading to the Egyptian exhibit. "What's up? I'm currently investigated a lead on that CPU case being that our thief was using Animus." said Zane. "Where are you kid?" said Scott. "At the worst place in town." said Zane.

Scott sighed as he said,"You know that Karen likes the museum right kid?". "I know but I don't so if we ever go on a date here, I will not enjoy it." said Zane. "Sometimes kid. Anyway, do you mind heading to Champion Tech?" said Scott. "Did they get robbed again?" said Zane. "No but I have a theory. Our thief may need some more tech for whatever he's building or more specifically for his boss." said Scott. Zane nodded as he soon turned intangible and flew out of the building.        

As he left, the masked stage performer appeared on the trunk of a Mammoth. "I guess it wouldn't be easy to hide from that child's eyes. Whatever should I do?" said the man. He soon placed his hand over his ear with him saying,"Oh. I think he'll be perfect for our playgroup. I sent him to keep our favorite hero distracted while I do some stealing and don't worry, I plan to leave your calling card Mastermind or my name isn't Mystic.". The man disappeared in a puff of dark blue smoke.

Inside of Champion Tech, Jim was trying to get his work done. This is because he wanted to see the Cypress Park Oxs win their championship game. He also wanted to support his daughter being that he knew about his daughter's double life and her crush on Zane. He knew that the latter of the two was going to crash and fail being that Zane saw her as a friend. Jim wasn't sure if Zane knew about Vicky being Agent Phoenix but if he did, he wouldn't like her.

He was very much like his parents being that they respected all forms of life regardless if they're human or not. This is one of the reason why Edward Gregory and his family broke ties being that Ed liked Phantoms and the family was the complete opposite. Just as he logged out of his computer, he heard,"Jim. Are you heading out?". He turned to see Derrick standing there with Conrad with Jim saying,"Yeah. I promised my daughter that I would be at the game so I need to get this done.".

Conrad scoffed as he said,"Football is such a barbaric sport Jim. I don't understand why most of this country finds the sport so interesting.". "It's simple Conrad. Humans love violence. Did you finish all of your work? It's almost Christmas and I'm sure your daughter would like the best kind of gift." said Derrick. "She's expecting something good before the new year and to be honest, I doubt it's going to happen." said Jim. "Is it something stupid like a pony?" said Conrad.

Jim sighed as he said,"Honestly, I wish it was something so simple. It involves a boy.". "Great. I get to hear about teen drama. It's one of the many reasons why I'll never a kid." said Conrad, with him going to do some work. "Ignore him. So whose the lucky guy?" said Derrick. "You probably know him Mr. Price. His name is Zane Alvarez." said Jim. "Ah Zane. I've heard good things about him. He has a future." said Derrick.

Derrick smiled as he said,"He's mentioned often by powerful people in both good and bad ways due to him punching Roland at his engagement party. Andrew Collins was quite impressed with the boy and I was thinking of asking him to intern here at Champion Tech during winter break.". "This isn't because you want to help my daughter with her crush is it sir?" said Jim. "Who knows Jim?" said Derrick being that Conrad scoffed at the idea.

Before Jim could say anything, the front door to the lab blew open. The three scientists soon saw two security guards land in front of them as they heard,"I hope you old folks are ready to remember the name Herald!". Herald soon flew into the room as Conrad said,"You're that pumpkin headed freak that was on the news this morning aren't you?". "Indeed I am. I came here to steal more tech from you. I do hope you try and stop me." said Herald.

As he was talking, two guards aimed their rifles at him. He smiled as he disappeared. The guards were confused but they soon found out where Herald went. This is because Herald slammed their heads into each other, knocking them out.  The pumpkin man soon breathed out fire with it going around the scientist in a circle. Herald smiled as he said,"Time to make your world burn away by the Herald!". He soon fired a massive pumpkin fireball at a machine, causing a huge pillar of fire.

Herald turned around to see several guards aiming their weapons at him. "You're cute." said Herald as he vanished. One by one, the guards fell thanks to kicks right in the head or stomach and Derrick noted it was like he was teleporting. "Herald isn't a new villain but an old one." thought Derrick as he tried to recall the villains in the Odium Society for any that had teleportation. Herald soon began laughing as he said,"You fools can't stop me! No one can!".

Herald was soon tripped by webbing as he and the three scientist heard,"Sorry but I would like to offer a differing opinion on that.". Herald turned to see Zane ,as Legion Zero, floating there with Jim saying,"Zero!". Conrad's left eye twitched twice when he saw Zane and then heard his name. "Why are you trying to stop me now? I'm going to be more famous than you'll ever be!" said Herald with him charging up a fireball.

Zane said,"Sorry but it's my job. I mean meddling when you don't or should need to is the core and main requirement for being a hero!". Herald soon fired his attack with Zane just phasing through it as he said,"And that's just rude. So did you get an upgrade because you're more of a loser than you were yesterday.". He soon dodged several fireballs with him grabbing one with a tendril and throwing it back at him, causing Herald to glare at him.

Herald said,"He mentioned that you would be annoying but to this degree, I'm going to enjoy this more than anything.". Herald's hands soon glowed as Sivarth said,"He has Animus!". "I call upon the creatures of the Underworld! Destroy my enemy with your power!" said Herald with several purple/gray bat like goblins ,who came out of nowhere, rushed toward Zane. "Yep. This is going to be fun." said Zane with him backflipping away.

He soon dodged them as they scratched his costume but it was repaired within seconds. "Sorry but your ingenious scratch plan isn't going to work." said Zane. He soon sprouted multiple arms for his body as they each grabbed a goblin, They bit into their prison as Zane said,"Yeah. I can handle a little bug bite.". He soon threw the goblins toward the wall with him throwing candy syrup at them. They were trapped there as Zane said,"One bunch down, a million to go.".

He soon dodged two of them with him kicking them toward the wall. They exploded as Zane said,"I can't believe it. They're less durable than normal goblins.". He soon turned into Thunder Form with him releasing a static shockwave, destroying a whole bunch of them at once. He soon fired an electric construct net at them with him saying,"Time for a reunion!". He slammed a bunch of goblins at another group, causing an explosion.    

Zane smirked with Kane saying,"You do know you still have like seven hundred more right?". "I know that. Don't need the color commentary." said Zane with him covering his electricity over several objects. He telekinetically threw all of the objects ,covered in his electricity, at them with each one causing an explosion. Zane jumped away as the goblins chased after him. Herald soon made the flames ,that were surrounding the three scientist, chase after Zane.

It looked like a really big snake with Zane fired a huge wave of electricity at it and the goblins. The fire dispersed with several goblins exploding. He soon made a tendril come out of his body and it held a goblin. Zane looked at it as he said,"Interesting. You're not actually organic but a machine instead.". The goblin was covered with electricity and swearing at him. "Wow. Didn't your mom teach you not to swear in front of heroes? Such a shame." said Zane.

The goblins rushed toward him as Zane threw the static covered goblin at them, like a football. "And there's the touchdown!" said Zane, with it making an explosion. He soon jumped toward Herald with CJ going off. He soon dodged two goblins with him using his tail to grab them and overload them with electricity, causing an explosion. "And now, I must end my show Zero. Thanks for being nothing more than an extra in my show!" said Herald.

He soon vanished with the goblins going away with him. Zane landed on the ground with him saying to Derrick,"You three alright? I have a Halloween reject to chase.". "We're fine. Thank you for not destroying our lab." said Derrick. "Seriously sir?! He blasted his electricity willy nilly!" said Conrad with him heading toward some of the computers. "Ignore him son. Go. We'll be fine." said Derrick as the teen jumped away.

Inside of a warehouse, Herald reappeared with him saying,"Now that was a good show. I teached that attention stealing child a lesson.". He soon walked behind a curtain being that he didn't see Zane ,who had changed into Camouflage Form, watching him. "Okay. I'm starting to think that Herald had nothing to do with the robberies. I mean this is the old prop house not the museum at all." said Zane.

Cole said,"Okay then. So how did he make those goblins?". "He must have teleported them being that according to the camera feed at Champion Tech, he teleport. There's only one villain who can really teleport." said Athena with Zane nodding. He sneaked behind the curtain with him saying,"Yeah. It looks like Herald is nothing more than a different persona for....". He soon opened them as he deactivated Camouflage Form.

Herald didn't see him being that Zane said,"It's over for you Port!". Herald turned away as he said,"I can't believe you found me Zero.". "So what's with the new look? Tired of being the third wheel in the Custodians or did they reject you?" said Zane. Herald soon threw a fireball being that it caused smoke to cover the two of them. Zane cleared the smoke as Herald vanished. Zane looked for him as Crisis Judgement went off.

He soon backflipped over bursts of electricity and stretched his arm around a prop of a spinosaurus with him saying,"Your tricks aren't going to work on me Port. I know that you've been enhanced with fire power not electricity. Whose your partner? Does he have anything to do with the CPU robbery? I need to know.". "Sorry but I refuse to tell. Try harder this time and maybe I might give you the hint you're looking for." said Herald's voice.

Several metallic limbs/tentacles went flying toward Zane with Zane dodging all of them and making Spectral Sun appear. He soon threw his sword toward the limbs as he warped toward his sword. He jumped between them with him slicing them into pieces. He soon landed in the rafters with him looking at a massive fan. It soon turned on, causing the rafters to break apart. Zane fired two tendrils from his body with them latching onto the wall.

He soon made Spectral Sun disappear with him shooting himself toward the rafters with his legs growing in size. "Giant Stomp!" said Zane. He kicked the metal right toward the fan, destroying it with ease. Zane landed on the ground with him saying,"Seriously? What's next Port? A giant army of I don't know Toy Soldiers?". He soon heard a train whistle with him just standing there. The train went through him as Zane said,"You can't fool me with these illusion Port.".

Herald soon appeared as he said,"And here I thought you were nothing more than a joke making fool. Are you sure about this conversion we're having being an illusion or is reality?". "Yeah. I really don't want to get philosophical with my enemies." said Zane. Crisis Judgement went off as he soon dodged several boxing gloves. They flew around Zane with all of them about to punch Zane at once and they were soon held in candy syrup.

Zane smiled as Herald saw that his opponent's body was candy syrup. "Sorry but I don't like being hit by my enemies either." said Zane with the gloves flying toward the wall and they were held in place thanks to the candy syrup. They soon exploded with Herald launching a barrage of fire balls and a fire snake right at Zane. "Do you understand the pain I'm going to deliver you?" said Herald as Zane smiled. "Oh I don't think you got the message about my fire." said Zane.

His body soon erupted in his signature fire with all of the surrounding fire being absorbed into Zane's fire, much to the shock of Herald. "Using his own powers against him. Good move." said Twilight as Zane slammed his hands toward the ground, making a wave of green flames. Herald flew into the air to evade the fire wave as Zane closed both of his eyes. "Okay then Herald. Lets see if you can hit me with my eyes closed. If you do that, you'll be famous." said Zane.

Herald smiled as he soon flew right toward Zane with his sword planning to slice Zane in two but much to his shock, Zane dodged the sword. Herald snapped his fingers with Zane ,while in the air, dodged an axe and the paw of a giant, mechanical cat. Zane jumped off the cat's head, going behind the robot. His right arm grow bigger with him saying,"Monstrous Hammer!". The giant fist went right toward the robot, causing the mechanical feline to be destroyed.

It soon fell down toward Herald being that the cat soon had a giant hole inside of it thanks to a fire pillar. "Wow. That was something amazing. I enjoyed it but I doubt our teleporting pal didn't whatsoever." said Kane. Zane landed on the ground with Crisis Judgement going off. He landed in front of a group of totem poles with them firing spikes at Zane. "You can't dodge this by going up or intangible. Time to make a Zero Shish Kabob." said Herald.

Zane soon dodged the spikes without getting touched or cut. His body was slowly covered in frost as he said,"Arctic Shift! Freeze!". All of the spikes were soon frozen, losing all of their kinetic energy and falling to the ground. The poles were also frozen solid being that Zane opened his eyes and soon deactivating Arctic Shift He soon looked right at Herald as Zane said with a beckoning sign,"And now, it's time for the finale so bring it on Herald.".

His response is Herald snapping his fingers. The entire room was covered in smoke being that Zane could hear several footsteps and they were heading right towards him. The smoke soon cleared as about fifty Herald surrounding him with half being in the not destroyed section of the rafters and on the ground. "So do you surrender?" said the Heralds. Zane crackled his knuckles as he said,"Hit me with your best side you Halloween Reject.".

The ground Heralds soon rushed toward Zane with the other half charging up pumpkins to throw at Zane. Zane soon began dodging their attacks with ease before his right leg was grabbed and was soon thrown into an western bar. Upon landing on the ground, Zane could heard western music playing as he said in a westen accent,"Guess we better get dressed up for the occasion partners.". "Don't do that accent ever again Zane." said the five in unison.

Zane sweatdropped as several Heralds broke in. "Okay fine. You guys are mean." said Zane with him turning into a new form. He's 8 feet tall. He's a humanoid muscular grayish white fur bandicoot with a brown long and pointed nose, thick eyebrows, and purple eyes. He has his green hair go down his neck covering it. His right eye is covered by his hair. On his head, he wears a black classic style cowboy hat with a silver metallic plate in the center. 

He wears a denim short-sleeved brown shirt with a open crimson red vest over it. He has two bandoliers crossing his chest like an X. He wears a red bandanna with a western feel to it around his neck and can move it to cover his mouth. He wears blue denim jeans with them being well-fitting and it has metal plates on the knees. He wears a light brown belt with a gold belt buckle and attached to his belt, he has cases ,with a sunset design, on both hips. 

This is where he keeps his pistols Outlaw and Lockjaw in the right and left case respectively. Both pistols are identical .50 Desert Eagles/six-shooter revolvers. He wears black cowboy boots that have gold star spurs and a knife strapped to his boots. He wears black fingerless leather gloves. "Gunslinger Form! Hope y'all are ready for a beatdown!" said Zane ,with a Southern/Western accent, with him jumping back from a Herald's punch. 

Upon landing, he pulled out his pistols. Both of them looked normal being that Outlaw is black with a skull symbol and Lockjaw is silver with a cuff symbol. They both have a swing out cylinder with a rapid-fire trigger. He blasted his guns right at Herald, aiming for the arms, chest, head, and legs. This caused Herald to explode with parts of him falling around him. "So they were robots. Did you know that?" said Cole. 

Zane shrugged as he said,"I had a gut feeling Cole. Herald is a coward so robots were my first guess.". If a Herald robot got close to Zane, it was either destroyed by a kick in the gut or gun directly in the head or face. Zane knew that all of them were fakes since none of them were warping away prior toward Zane hitting him. He fired his gun at a table, launching it toward three Heralds. All of them were destroyed.

After blowing some smoke away from his pistol, Zane said,"And here I thought that machines were supposed to be more durable than man.". He grabbed one of the Heralds with him smiling. "Time for a good old fashioned game of Whack-a-Herald!" said Zane. He began using the grabbed Herald as a mallet in order to destroy the other Heralds with ease. After throwing the grabbed Herald at a group of them, Zane jumped out an broken window and landed on top of a space suit. 

Zane turned around and saw the remained Heralds rush at him like zombies. "This charade is over Herald!" said Zane. He aimed his guns at the robots with him releasing a barrage of bullets on his opponents and while they were stunned by the bullets, Zane started to spin around. He made a tornado appear around him which grabbed all of the robots, sending them flying in different direction. "And with that, I win." said Zane.

The Cross Species looked over at the curtain to see the real Herald sneaking away. "I guess Herald is still a big old chicken.". He soon grabbed the arm of a nearby Herald and he said,"Lets see if Zero can hit the cowardly pumpkin.". He swung the arm toward a nearby chest part of a Herald with it being soon launched into the air. "Heads up!" said Zane, jumping after it and kicking toward the curtain and it caused an explosion.

On the inside, Herald ducked under the table. He soon looked around to see that Zane wasn't there as he said,"Good. Those droids are keeping him busy. Time to leave this place before it goes...". He was soon shot at by Zane who just barely missed him. "And where in gods green earth are you going partner? We still fighting aren't we?" said Zane. Herald soon made a fireball with Zane saying,"Sorry but the fireworks show is over.".

He soon fired Lockjaw at Herald's hand, causing him to scream. "Yeah. I know that your power upgrade is from Skull Plague. I don't know why he gave you powers but I can always tell when a Qlakrik is nearby no matter what form I'm in." said Zane. He soon aimed his guns behind him as he blasted down the remaining Herald robots. "Unveil yourself or well, you'll be remembering as the first villain I kill." said Zane, aiming his pistols at Herald's head.

The pumpkin man sighed as he said,"Fine and here I thought my new powers were going to make me famous. I don't want to die from you of all people.". Herald soon glowed as an older Everett Goodman stood there. He’s now average-size being 5 foot 7. He still has olive colored skin being that it still shows that he’s from the south. His messy brown hair has black and orange streaks in it with it going past his shoulders. His eyes were gray but now, they’re brownish green eyes.

He’s usually wearing a business suit. It’s a dark blue, double-breasted suit over a black shirt and black tie with a fancy and highly stylized moon on it. He wears dark blue pants with many pockets on them, a maroon colored scarf, and brown strap-on dress shoes/boots. "Wow. You look more matured. I'm guessing puberty was nice to you." said Zane, whistling a bit. "So are you going to let me go?" said Everett.

Zane shrugged as he said,"Nah. I think the police will enjoy taking it the criminal whose been stealing all over the USA for the past two years. I have a couple of questions for you.". He soon deactivated Gunslinger Form and then webbed up the super villain. "Now. Are you ready to answer my questions?" said Zane. "And if I don't hero?" said Everett. Zane made a tendril come from his body as he pointed to a destroy Herald bot. "I got you." said Everett.

Later at the Alvarez house, Zane ,now out of costume, was looking over his mental checklist while walking down the stairs. He made it soon after the police arrived to arrest Everett being that Scott gave Zane something. During his fight with Herald, several items were stolen all over the city. There was a business card left behind at the scene with all of them saying,"Mastermind will soon appear." being that Zane was going to do some more investigation tomorrow.

He would have asked his friends but all of them were still doing finals so he and his partners were on their own. "Lets see. I need to a serious talk with Karen about the kiss. Hang out with Andre and get him and Selena together. See if David and Susan could work. See how the girls want to spend time with me during winter break. Make sure mom doesn't work herself to death this year." thought Zane as he entered the kitchen.

He soon turned to see Natasha cooking with Shawn sitting at the table. "Mom. I told you that you need to not overwork yourself this year." said Zane. "I'm not overworking myself." said Natasha as Zane pointed to Wolfram, being that the dog looked like he got inflated thanks to how much food is in his stomach. "In her defenses, Wolfram will never say no to table scraps." said Shawn. "And why aren't you stopping her?" said Zane with him lightly glaring at his father.

Shawn held up his hands as he said,"Easy up on the glare son. You know the old saying, The kitchen is the woman's territory and if you want to live another day, don't mess with the woman.". "So is that sexist?" said Cole. "Yes." said Twilight. "Don't worry Zane. I've been getting a good night sleep and you're the one whose overworking himself again. Have something to eat. The kids should be back from school any minute now." said Natasha with Zane nodding.

He soon made two tendrils open the fridge with him grabbing some leftovers from Thanksgiving as he sat down at the table. "Zane. What did we say about using your powers at the table?" said Shawn with Zane looking at him. "That rule has never been a thing in our house dad and you know it." said Zane, biting into a turkey leg. "Right. Oh, you got some mail." said Shawn. He held four letters as he said,"Pretty sure that none of these aren't Christmas cards.".

Zane opened them using his telekinesis as he said,"Huh. One is from Champion Tech, one is from the Alliance, and one is from Andrew Collins.". "What about the fourth one?" said Natasha, sitting down to enjoy time with her husband and child. "Nothing important. It's just spam." said Zane. It's from Lucas being that Zane didn't want his parents knowing about him joining up with a group to kill Skull Plague. He knew that they would worry sick about him so he's going to keep it a secret for now.

Zane said,"Oh wow. Champion Tech and the Alliance want me to intern with them during Winter Break. This is going to be so awesome. I need to tell the guys and girls about this.". He pulled out his phone as Natasha and Shawn looked at Zane. "After their finals of course." said Zane. "So have you and Karen not talking?" said Natasha. "It was her first kiss Natasha. Remember how you ignore me for a month straight after our first kiss?" said Shawn.

Zane looked at his mother who blushed. "Seriously? A month?" said Zane. "It took me till college to get my first kiss okay? I'm not like my son who got kissed by a girl when he wasn't even ten." said Natasha with her crossing her arms. "Don't worry so much dear. If it makes you feel better, my first kiss was with Nate back in the day." said Shawn. "Really?" said Zane with him snickering. "Yeah. It was an accident being that it was a simple push that caused but it's a treasured memory." said Shawn.

He looked down as Zane said,"Don't worry Dad. We'll free him from Skull Plague. I promise.". "He's right honey." said Natasha. Before Shawn could say anything, Zane's phone rang. "Sorry but I should answer this." said Zane. "It's fine Zane. Come back after your call. The kids should be arriving soon and they'll want to play with their daddy. They all remind me of you back in the day." said Shawn as Zane left the room.

Zane soon looked at his phone's screen, seeing it was Derrick Price. "So how in the Omniverse did he get your number Zane?" said Kane. "Maybe Jim." said Sivarth. Zane soon answered it as he said,"Hello?". "This is Derrick Price. Am I talking to Zane Alvarez?" said Derrick. Derrick was in his office, peeling an orange. They recovered from the attack fast. "Yep. This is him. So what's up?" said Zane. "It's nice to finally hear your voice. I've heard things about you Zane." said Derrick.

Zane said,"Let me guess. Most of them are bad.". "Not at all. I heard from some of my friends that you're an impressive young man. Top of your class and a football star. Way to go. I presume you got my letter." said Derrick, eating a slice. "Yeah. I can't believe you want me to be your protege sir. It's an honor." said Zane. "Even though you give me the creeps." thought Zane. "Good. I hope you don't mind coming down to Champion Tech." said Derrick.

Zane heard the door open as he said,"Actually, I have prior engagements. My siblings just came home and well.....". "I understand Mr. Alvarez. Family is important. That's what I tell Jim. He and his little girl speaks highly of you being that you're quite dedicated to your family. Big things are going to be happening in your life. Don't take time wasting it away." said Derrick. "Yeah. I understand that. I'll see you later." said Zane. He soon walked back to the kitchen, only to be tackled by the trio.

Meanwhile back at the prop factory, Donald walked around as he said,"The police are gone you two so come on out.". Mystic appeared from a puff of smoke as Everett appeared from the ground. "Why the hell did you have me act nice to that attention stealing hero Mystic? I could have taken him even without his tech." said Everett. "You're a fool. Technology is the only way to win against Zero being that his suit is something else." said Donald.

Everett rolled his eyes as he said,"Whatever. Did you steal what you need to steal Mystic?". "Indeed I have. Thanks to your teleportation and my Animus, we were able to trick Zero into thinking that the museum is where we stashed the tech but it was nothing more than an illusion.". "Correct. Do you hear that Mastermind? All the tech that Herald and Mystic stole is accounted for." said Donald as he talked into a headset.

Everett rolled his eyes as he said,"So when am I going to meet this guy?". "In due time. I was given to him by the Gold Commander so lets see if you're worthy of being a member when we had such prime candidates." said Mystic. "Really? The not so smart giant and annoying brat were candidates like me?" said Everett. "Who knows?" said Mystic. "Everything is going according to plan. Lets see if Zero can face up against the new Battalion." said a voice on the other end of Donald's headset.

Next time,
The big game is here being that Zane is getting ready to help Cypress Park win State without revealing his power. Why did Skull Plague give Everett powers? Did you foresee Everett coming back? Is Mystic an old foe who was given new powers in the same vein as Everett? Who else is a member of the Battalion? Will Andrew get Marcus as payment for helping Mastermind? Who is Mastermind? This and more next time on Zero!          

New Cards/Forms:
Gunslinger Form. This card has a black frame with a pistol in the center of the background with a sunset background. This form is really cool and fits the wild west persona very well.