Sunday, April 22, 2018

Zero Episode 94 Jungle Sovereignty PT 1 The Feelings of Cold, Heat, and Shock

A/N: Yeah. We're on the Zero episodes despite having a new series started. I'm doing this not because I'm going to be focusing on Fairy Legion ,which sounds cool to me, for a long period. I don't want to begin like Soul. Soul was pretty much canceled because I was focused heavily on Zero at the time. I don't want to Zero because I want to finish this series. Zane may be the most overpowered character I've ever made but I'm sure the next one will be even more or maybe not.

I can't promise that but I'll try my best. This episode will be featuring a new villain who has been in the series as a character before. I'm also doing this for another villain later down the road. Like with this villain, we've already met him before. This episode will also get Zane a new pet being that you can never have enough pet in a fictional sense because they don't require food or cleaning. I may love pets but I'm not that responsible for another life.

I'm a cat person when it comes to fiction because I can name several fictional cats off hand compared to dog. I can think of maybe three but compared to cats, dogs lose. In real life, I'm a dog person mainly because I have a bad experience when it comes to felines. It's one of the reasons why most of the Alvarez males doesn't like cats plus I just find it funny that a certain group of animals could hate people so much. Lets begin in the Alvarez household.

Narrator P.O.V.
It has been four days since Kristen rejoined Team Power and Nexus joining the Alvarez family much to Kania's joy. Things were peaceful in Cypress Park being that Zane was able to fight crime and have a social life with no problems. However that changed upon Swarm infesting the town with their Phantom detectors. Zane wasn't a fan of all the cameras because he liked not being watched by others just yet.

They were in nearly every corner and alleyway, making it hard to transform into Legion Zero or into one of his forms when he decided to go that route. The dance was today being that he hoped that nothing was going to go bad for him. However, the Omniverse didn't feel the same way about that plan of his. The Friday sun rose just as Zane's alarm clock went off. The persistent buzzing went on as Zane slammed his fist into the clock He soon heard it stop and saw that it was destroyed.

Zane said,"I really got to stop doing that or make more durable clocks.". He stretched and heading to his bathroom. He soon noticed that his blanket was stuck onto him. "So do you naturally attract blankets like you do with girls Zane?" said Kane with a snicker. Zane rolled his eyes as he removed the blanket from his body and entered the bathroom. Thanks to Kane's teasing, he didn't noticed that the destroyed clock had a layer of frost and parts of it were burn.

Zane soon got out of the shower with him putting on his normal outfit. He soon shivered for a second with him saying,"It's still nice out so why did I just shiver? That wasn't Crisis Judgement right?". He shook his head being that he soon headed downstairs. He entered the kitchen to see that Lucius was cooking scrambled eggs, sausage, and oddly enough burgers. Zane also noticed that Nexus was there as he was wearing a collar to translate Uwaric to English.

This was mainly because Kurt couldn't understand a single word from him or Wolfram and he begged Zane to make the device using Brain Form for both dogs. Lucius soon noticed his little brother with him heading for the table. "Morning there brother. What's the black hole feeling for breakfast?" said Lucius. "Mom isn't home? I thought you had work today." said Zane. "The client cancelled and your mother is getting Uriel into school. She can't just stay in the house forever." said Lucius.

Zane said,"Well, we had to wait a bit because we had two transfers in a month's time. People are going to start asking questions.". "True. So what's for breakfast?" said Lucius. "Ten burgers and maybe a Nether Recharge Packet, Grape please." said Zane. "Normal people wouldn't eat this much but given your powers and your metabolism, this is fine." said Lucius. The older brother soon placed the burgers on a plate with him placing a packet with it.

Zane thanked his brother for the food before he shivered once again. Lucius noticed this as he said,"Is the room too cold Zane?". "It's fine to me Lucius." said Nexus, enjoying his meal. "I'm fine. I've just been shivering lately." said Zane. "You do know that we keep the house at seventy-nine degrees all year around right? You shouldn't be shivering." said Lucius. He placed his hand on Zane's forehead with him shortly removing it.

Lucius said,"Zane. You're freezing cold and burning hot. That shouldn't even be possible.". "It's not that bad to be honest. I'm kinda used to being cold and hot at the same time." said Zane as he was eating. "You do know that's because you have forms that can manipulate cold, heat, and sometimes both. You should probably miss school and the dance today just in case brother. I don't want you to accidentally reveal yourself as Zero." said Lucius.

 Zane said,"Don't worry so much man. I'm sure we both know what mom would do if I miss school and more importantly the dance.". Lucius shivered as he said,"True. She does want you to enjoy your youth but I don't think she would want you to be experimented on by people like Swarm.". "Yeah but I'm not looking that out of the ordinary. I'm just a little cold and hot." said Zane, He sneezed which caused several metal objects to attract to him.

Nexus saw his bowl go toward his master with him barely catching the food. "Okay. That was just weird even for our lives. Look Zane, I'm going to tell mom what's going with you if you aren't." said Lucius. "You do remember when Kurt was sick right and what mom did to him right?" said Zane with a serious look. "Yeah. You can never forgot bro. Just call me if you're getting worse or have Athena do it." said Kurt. "Gotcha mom." said Zane, finishing up his breakfast.

He was soon out of the house with him having several options on how he could get to school. He could either go by Gravity Drive, either by his bike or doom buggy, or by using one of his many forms or powers to get there in seconds. However, he decided to just walk there . He may be able to do anything a man could hope to do and he just loves to do things that weren't expected of him but sometimes, he likes to do the simple things.

As he headed to school, he had moments of intense heat radiating throughout his body. He took off his hoodie with him using it to get rid of the sweat. He didn't see that his sweat ,that had fallen off his jacket, was either turning into frost or steam. During the walk, Crisis Judgement went off constantly and for long periods of time. He stopped and he looked around the area for any possible threats to his life.

The only thing that was different about the area was the overabundance of grass in the cracks of the sidewalk and street. "Wow. The gardeners really suck at their job. How much do they get paid because this is a shit job." said Kane. "I don't know but right now, I don't care at all Kane." said Zane as he walked toward the school. He soon made inside with him feeling strange. For some strange reason, he could hear more than he normally heard.

He soon walked over to his locker with him sensing someone. "Hey there Zaney." said a voice. He soon saw Kristen, with her flashing him a beautiful smile. "Hey Kris." said Zane. "So let me guess, I bet the hero of our fair city took care of the criminals plaguing our city." said Kristen. "He did but I've told you that we shouldn't talk about Legion Zero here Kris." said Zane. He soon pointed to all of the security cameras with Kristen saying,"Oh. I understand. Those cameras are so annoying.".

Cole said,"How do you think Zaney feels? He can't exact go Legion Zero because of the cameras recording almost all of his movements plus the Nether scanners.". "So Zaney during our date before the dance, you're telling me about your time in prison." said Kristen. "Really? That experience was pretty tragic for me." said Zane. The two were in front of Kristen's class with her saying,"I'll comfort you big guy. See you later.". She kissed his left cheek with Zane's face blushing red.

Kristen said,"Are you feeling alright Zane? You're freezing.". She held his left hand as Zane said,"To be honest with you, I'm feeling hot upon contact with you.". Kristen soon glared at him as she said,"I don't think you should be joking Zane. You're really cold.". She touched his right cheek before she removed it. "And really hot." said Kristen. She soon felt a shock as she said,"And you're shocking me too. Are your powers acting up?".

Zane sighed as he said,"No. I'm just feeling both cold and hot at the same time plus I'm apparently shocking people left and right today. I have complete control of my powers because I trained myself to my limits in order to do that. Trust me okay?". "I do but just have your temperature checked by either Athena and Cole okay? I prefer Athena but Cole isn't too bad." said Kristen. "See. Chicks dig me!" said Cole, earning a hit from Athena. "Yes mom." said Zane, in a mocking tone.

Kristen glared at him with Zane saying,"They're already doing it Kris. I'm sure of it. We'll talk during lunch.". The five minute bell rang with Kristen saying,"We will Zane.". "I'm looking forward to it Kris." said Zane. Zane soon walked off to his class with him soon entering it. He sat in his desk with him looking out the window. He could see that a construction crew was working at an area ,that was nearby the school, and he thought,"Wow. This town is getting more modern by the day.".

Sivarth said,"Isn't that a good thing?". "Yes but at the same time, you can't get rid of nature because it will strike back with a vengeance." said Zane. "So do you learn that from a movie or what?" said Sivarth. "Knowing Zane like we do, that's a strong yes." said Kane. Zane rolled his eyes with class soon beginning. As class went on, Zane tried to pay attention but the burning and shivering feeling was getting much worse by the second.

He couldn't focus at all being that he felt like he was in the middle of a volcano while in the middle of a blizzard as well. The class looked at Zane with confusion being that the room temperature was just fine to them. He tried to grab his pencil, but he couldn't move either of his arms. His left arm felt like it was covered in ice and his right arm was covered in fire. Upon moving it a single inch, he could swear that he heard a crackle of electricity.

At her desk, Karen noticed that Zane was having a hard time moving. She was concerned for her not so secret crush but she couldn't figure out what was going on with him. For her, she noticed there was too many plants in town. She also saw that her neighbor's Venus flytrap Romeo ,who is normally very peaceful, snapped at Nova ,who walked with her to school, and just barely missed her arm. It would have drawn blood from her and well, she had a feeling that something was going on.

As the day went on, Zane felt like he was in a meat locker and oven at the same time. He was happy that none of his "bullies" were bothering him. Marcus had been missing for a while now. Due to Marcus not being well liked, no one was really missing the activist. The school day soon ended with the students heading home so they could get ready for the dance tonight. Zane was by his locker and for once, he stopped feeling both cold and hot. "Finally! I'm free!" thought Zane.

He soon closed his locker with him soon seeing Bryan. "Wow. I didn't expect to see him wanting to talk with you." said Athena. Zane noticed that Bryan looked apologetic and Zane soon crossed his arms upon seeing him. "What do you want Jungle Legs? You still need to find a date for tonight? You do remember coach said what would happen if you didn't right? If you want my advice, I really would shave those jungle legs. It may just work with you Bryan." said Zane.

Bryan said with a smile,"Alvarez. I'm really sorry for being an asshole to you for the past couple of years.". "Really? I'm very much shocked." said Zane, with him producing some static. "Read his mind Zane. I'm sure that you can read his emotions but lets see what's going on his head." said Sivarth, "I can't believe that I have to be friends with Zit! Brad just wanted to fuck with me. I want my Susan back from the English prick." thought Brad. "Wow. His thoughts are so honest." said Cole.

Zane soon looked at Bryan with Zane saying,"I'm not going to forgive you Bryan. Oh and this is for your attempt.". Bryan was confused by this being that he soon had a strong punch to his gut. He soon recoiled and coughed out saliva and a bit of blood. He soon collapsed onto the floor and looked up in shock. "What the? I thought you were weak." choked out Bryan. "These muscles aren't for show and I'm sure that the reason that you said sorry to me is to get Susan back." said Zane.

Bryan's eyes widened with Zane said,"I know your plan. You're a self-centered man being that Brad learns from his mistakes.". Zane soon headed toward the door with Zane soon stopping. He turned back to Bryan who was slowly recovering with Zane saying,"Susan doesn't belong to you or anyone else Bryan. She's her own person plus I think Allen isn't your main competition for her heart. Good luck Bryan. You'll need it.". He soon walked away.

He soon walked past the construction site with him hearing screaming. "Make it stop." said Zane as he soon started to shiver. He soon sneezed out fire with him saying,"I really didn't miss that power in the slightest.". As he saw the construction crew finish off the last bits of wood land, Zane said,"I do wonder why they're trying to go modern. I know it's the 21th century but still, a little nature never killed anyone.".

Athena said,"They're planning on building a new arcade alongside the new burger place. Zane, there is nothing wrong with progress.". "You're right but still. Rico told me that Mother Nature may be kind but you don't want to piss her off." said Zane. The ground soon began to shake with Crisis Judgement going off. "And here's why." said Zane. The ground soon crackled, revealing vines ,covered in flowers and thorns, coming out of the ground.

The vines soon wrapped themselves around everything around Zane with them pulling out a giant rose ,being the size of a tree, come from the ground. The rose was covered in sharp bramble and looked painful to touch. "Flesh bags! You'll pay for messing with Father Nature and his children before no longer!" said a voice coming from the flower. Zane soon watched several giant plant arms come out of the tree sized flower. 

The arms were wrapped in vines that were covered with several sharp and large thorns. The arms soon destroyed the construction equipment in seconds. "It's weed whacking time Zane!" said Cole with him making a chainsaw sound. Zane stood there with him getting ready for a fight. Before he could do anything, the rose's top opened up and Zane figured out who the villain of the day was. It was Marcus but instead of being human, he was now plant.

He's has light green skin with him looking taller and more muscular than he did before. His hair is now made out of dark green vines going to his waist. It's covered in thorn and pink petals with white-spots, forming an crown. He wears a dark green domino mask ,in the shape of a rhombus, over his red eyes. He's wearing a green cape that's in the shape of a leaf with parts of it having a brown and worn out look to it.

He's wears a dark blue jumpsuit that covers his body. His ankles, arms, legs, waist, and wrists are covered in veins with him wearing stump themed boots and brown gloves.  His legs are fused to the giant rose."No longer am I Marcus Simmons, the only flesh bag that deserved to live among the plants. I am not Father Nature and soon, you flesh bags will be nothing more than mulch for my children!" said Marcus,

The plant arms threw the construction vehicles into nearby building, causing them to crumble. Zane jumped back with him saying,"I'm sure the cameras are focused on that thing. Here goes nothing I guess.". He was soon grabbed by a vine with him trying to break out. He had been feel weak all day so he couldn't break out of his prison and he had to keep his secret identity. Marcus brought the vine closer to him and he smiled.

Marcus said,"Zane. It's so nice to see you. I've changed.". "Yeah. So tell me what happened. Decided to betray us to the green." said Zane. "You and Zero think you're so funny but you not." said Marcus. "Hey. I get a chuckle once in a while." said Zane. "You'll soon see the progress of nature in action and I'm sure that your snark will be perfect for my children," said Marcus, making a giant Venus fly trap appear over Zane. "You as a father disgust me on so many levels." said Zane.

He soon went falling toward the plant. Marcus smiled with him soon losing the smile upon seeing Zane being caught by a person aka Taylor. Zane turned to see Taylor ,in costume being that it was the same one as in Episode 71, with him saying,"My heroine. Thanks for saving me from that overgrown weed.". He was soon placed on the ground with Taylor saying,"What are you doing Zane? You should be going Zero on this guy.".

Zane cracked his neck as he said,"I was but then I got grabbed. Could you keep the overgrown weed busy so I could get into my weed whacking outfit?". Taylor nodded with her holding her katana. She soon sliced several vines with Marcus roaring at her. Zane soon hid behind a building and turned into Pyre Form. Zane soon threw a giant fireball right toward Marcus but it was soon held in place by a giant mushroom. "You won't be win this time loser!" said Marcus.

Zane soon covered the area around him in fire as he said,"Lets see if I can prove you wrong like normal.". Zane flew into the air with him saying,"Hellfire Emperor Blade!". Zane flew around Marcus and his plants. Anything cut by his fiery blade, the areas that he cut were burning away. The fire could only last so long as the plants regenerated back to normal. Zane soon threw another fireball at Marcus, which blasted Marcus off his rose.

However, Marcus soon returned back to the rose. "You can't get rid of me like you would with other villains! I'm an immortal!" said Marcus. "Nothing is unbeatable Marcus! Hellfire Emperor Absolute Method: Comet Sierra!" said Zane. Zane soon aimed his fists toward the air with several fiery fists coming down on Marcus being that the entire area was engulfed in flames. Taylor was shocked by Zane's strength being that Zane soon went toward her. "Is he done?" said Taylor, Crisis Judgement soon went off with several plants like creatures flying right toward them.

Zane looked at her as he said,"I hate to be that guy but I'm sure you know the answer.". He made a stream of fire which protected him and Taylor from the plants. "So what's the plan Zero? I'm good on anything." said Taylor. "We need to get rid of Marcus's connection to that plant soapbox of his and then..." said Zane. Zane deactivated the form ,while still in costume, with Taylor saying,"Are you okay?". "Yeah. Time to chill out." said Zane, turned into a new form and freezing the area.

He soon looked like a living ice dinosaur. He also looked to be a mixture of ice with some elements of pterodactyl also known as a pteranodon and glider/jetpack like humanoid. He looks to be six feet tall aka the same height as Pyre Form. His skin is a mixture of ice and scales, being pale white. His frame looked thin but slightly muscular. His head is a triangle shape and quite pointy. He has two interesting looking emerald green eyes.

The shape of his eyes are four-pointed stars with a black outline. His mouth is beak-shape with him having sharp teeth that stuck out of his mouth and it looks like he's going to eat someone. He's wearing black clothing ,with a single dark purple stripe, that covers his shoulders and waist. It's ripped around the shoulder area. This is due to Zane's two sharp icicle like spikes that are protruding from both shoulders. He's wearing tattered black pants that went down to his ankles.

He's wearing black/orange metallic boots. He has black stripes wrapped around his arms and legs. His hands are claws being that they're sharp to the touch. He has an orange diamond shape snowflake appendage sticking out of his back, being that it's a glider/jetpack hybrid with him currently having snow white pteranodon like wings. "Glacier Form!" said Zane. He soon flew right toward Marcus. Zane soon saw several plant fists heading toward him.

Zane's body was covered in ice as the plants were soon frozen upon getting close to him. He soon flew right above Marcus and soon made a massive wave of ice. The plant man was soon frozen solid with Zane saying,"Amazon now!". Taylor nodded as she pushed the plant to the ground, shattering most of the plant teen's platform. The plant teen growled with him saying,"You two will be perfect for me. One will be good food and the other....".

Zane soon noticed that some of the plants ,that he missed, were producing strange spores. "Zane! You and Taylor need to stay away from those flying ginkgo biloba or sleeping...." said Athena. Her warning went on deaf ears as Taylor was out cold. The spores were soon freezing upon contact as Zane flew toward Taylor. He was soon smacked down to the ground by a giant ,spiked, vine and crashed. He deactivated Glacier Form and unconscious from the spores. Marcus soon began laughing.

Zane soon woke up with him seeing that he was currently tied down to a tree and he wasn't in Glacier Form anymore but still in costume. His hair currently had twigs inside of it being that he could tell that he was trapped. "Yep. This is what happens when you mess with Mother Nature or in my strange case, Father Nature." said Zane. "Zero? Is that you?" said a female voice. "Karen?" said Zane. He soon looked to his left with him seeing Karen tied up, near him.

She looked slightly injured being that there were some larger than normal Venus flytraps snapping at her. "I've eaten vegetables my entire life so why are they going after me?" said Karen. "No idea Karen but the one who is responsible for making our town into an overgrown backyard is the one who captured us." said Zane. He soon struggled to break free of the vines. "Dam. These vines are really strong and also sticky. It's preventing any movement." said Zane.

Marcus soon appeared in front of the two with him being held up thanks to some vines. "It seems that our sleeping beauty is finally awake. This world will be just perfect without any flesh bags infesting them like you two. My plants are stronger than an overrated poser like you and Zane Alvarez." said Marcus, getting closer to Zane. "How about I show you my power in person you over grown weed?" said Zane.

The plant man laughed with Zane saying,"Okay. You seem like mulch and not at all like a flower of any kind.". He soon focused Rainbow Nether and Tyrannus into his hands with two flowers soon covering the both of them. "They're currently draining you like a battery Zane so stop before they get more power." said Sivarth. Zane deactivated his Nether as Marcus laughed. "This is what nature is truly capable of. Let me show you how far nature has progressed." said Marcus.

Several flowers grew around him with him petting four Venus flytrap monsters. "You're nothing but weeds in the garden of life. All of you with flesh can be removed with ease." said Marcus. "Fuck off. No overgrown plant can stop Legion Zero when he's serious!" said Zane, trying to break the plants around his fists. "They're preventing your movement and powers. I'm trying to find out how Marcus got these powers Zane." said Athena.

Karen said,"He's right Marcus. I may be one for nature but this is too much.". "Oh. I guess both of you should see how easy it is to tear down your metropolis." said Marcus. The two saw a giant plant with a giant black brain and has glowing green veins. Zane noticed that several townspeople had vines sticking out of the backs and neck. Their eyes were glowing green. They were walking like zombies as Marcus said,"This is my Control Plant.".

Cole said,"Such a creative name.". "The vines from this plant can control you flesh bags into spreading the plant movement. Why should I waste energy on destroying this city when I can have you do it? I was rich before seeing the truth so this is nothing new to me." said Marcus as Zane watched Brad and Bryan cutting down telephones phones with them destroying an arcade. "Not the arcade! You monster!" said Cole as Athena slapped him.

Marcus said as Karen noticed that Hannah, Sam, and Susan were planting acorns in the ground,"You can see that they'll plant my children with them covering this planet in moments. My rule was extend far from this city.". Several trees appeared from the ground with Marcus said,"Soon, I'll be making your precious concrete jungles become real jungles!". He soon began laughing with Zane saying,"You're not turning the Earth into your garden! Someone will stop you!".

Marcus looked down on him as he said,"Really? An army would be needed to...". He soon felt a pain as he said,"Someone is hurting my babies down. I'll be back. You won't be going anywhere at all.". He was soon gone as Karen said,"So how did he?". "He must be connected to his "babies" upon them being created. We need to get out of here." said Zane. "This plant is draining your powers right?" said Karen. "There's a weakness to everything Karen. You just need to find it." said Zane.

Outside of the Alvarez house, several vines were trying to cover the house but they were soon burned away by black and white flames. Kurt stood there with him saying,"You overgrown weeds won't be infesting my home and family! You overgrown weed!". Lucius stood nearby his younger brother as he said,"You do know that they can't talk back right?". Nexus was slicing through any plants before they come at him as Kurt said,"I know that but it makes me feel good!".

Suddenly, a huge tree appeared from the ground below the trio and this soon launched them into the air. "Grab onto me masters!" said Nexus. The two brothers shrugged as they grabbed onto the wolf like Phantom. The wolf soon slashed the air in front of him, creating a green Nether portal. The three was soon gone as several vines were about to smash them. They reappeared on a nearby building as Nexus was soon captured by the Control Plant's vines.

Lucius said,"Nexus! His claws should have been able to slice through these vines but even he has his limits.". Another vine grabbed Kurt with him saying,"Okay. You're now annoying me.". He soon burned it off him with several vines soon wrapping his body. Kurt soon ignited in flames with him saying,"Even if you bring an army, nothing can stop me when I'm fired up!". He flew into the air with him throwing two black and white flame fireballs down.

This erupted in a plume of flames upon contact with the ground. Kurt soon landed next to Lucius as Kurt stretched. "I'm really happy that you weren't defeated by plants brother." said Lucius. Before the vines could reach either of them, they were soon sliced by a single piece of metal. "And neither will you because we got to make sure our crybaby brother is okay." said Kurt. The two soon ran toward the main plant with any vines heading toward them getting sliced by metal shards or burned away.

Marcus reappeared next to Karen and Zane with him saying,"Do those two really think those two and you can stop ALL of my children? Those two are idiots but they're both Alvarez. That family is filled with idiots and genetic misfits.". Karen noticed that Zane growled at this with her thinking,"Why would Zero carry about a taunt? He doesn't know the Alvarez family at all but he's still getting upset like Zane would when he makes fun of them.".

With a noticeable glare, Zane said,"You're wrong about them Marcus. Lucius fights to protect those he could save and if he gives up now, he'll be letting the people he didn't save. Kurt fights to protect his family because he wasn't unable to protect his last one.". He remembered learning why both of his brothers fight being that to a four to five year old Zane, those two are cool because they have powers and awesome reasons to fight. "You have faith in them don't you Zero?" said Marcus,

Marcus said,"I was able to gain some information about who you really are under your mask of Legion Zero. You're a Cross-Species of Human and Phantom like me. Phantoms like us don't care about humans in the slightest.". Zane looked at him with Zane saying,"We aren't Phantoms Marcus. We're Cross-Species and even with your powers, Kurt and Lucius are making you look like nothing more than an overgrown weed.".

Zane soon began feeling cold and hot. "Except for Kurt and Lucius, he has everyone else under his control! We're the only four left!" said Karen. "Wait. What about Amazon? She was with me before I was... What did you do to her you overgrown bastard?!" said Zane. "She's food and not all of them are food being that some were made into my green soldiers." said Marcus. Four purple roses appear around him with him saying,"These girls will be perfect.".

Before the flower could open up, Zane's body soon erupted in flames and ice. The vines around him were soon burned and frozen. Zane flew off with Marcus saying,"You're not leaving!". He sent a barrage of vines toward Zane but they were soon covered in sparks. They stopped in place with Zane looking at Karen. He mouthed,"I'll be back I promise.". Karen nodded with Zane flying toward his brothers.

Kurt and Lucius continued to fight the vines that kept them cornered. Despite being stronger than normal people, they still had their limits and they were reaching them. A couple of vines darted toward the brothers, but they were soon burned away by Zane. Kurt and Lucius turned to see their younger brother floating there. "Good to see you that you're safe little brother." said Lucius. "I'm sorry for all of this guys. I should have stayed home." said Zane.

Kurt tussled Zane's head as he said,"Nah bro. It's that plant freak's fault.". He soon shook the sparks off him as Lucius said,"So got a plan?". "Not yet. He's able to drain my Nether from me so I'm going to guess that he has a way to absorb energy." said Zane. Kurt looked at the vines, moving toward them slowly. Marcus grinned with him sending a wave of vines and group of Venus flytraps toward the trio of brothers. "I'm going to hate this but we need to run." said Kurt.

Lucius said,"Wow. You're suggesting that we run or tactically retreat.". "And what's that supposed to mean?!" said Kurt. "Focus guys." said Zane. He soon turned into Drill Form with him drilling his way through the plants. The two brothers followed him as they covered him. Marcus watched this with him laughing. "Rise my daughters and bring me them!" said Marcus. The flowers bloomed as Karen heard four voices say in unison,"Yes father.". She was out cold thanks to the spores.

On the ground, Kurt and Lucius watched Zane push his way through the plants. They were heading back to their home being that the house had an impressive alarm system and weapons. The ground soon broke below them with a group of opponents appearing them. The three Alvarez soon stopped in shock with Zane saying,"No. Why them?". The group soon turned out to be Kristen Ortiz, Nova Estrada, Rain Brooks, and Roxy Stars.

All of them looked to be under the control of the Control Plant with their body covered in noticeable black vines unlike the other Control Plant victims. Kristen, Rain, and Roxy were wearing their costumes being that they were Aqua, Rain's superhero name which goes by Siren, and Dragoness respectively. Dragoness's costume changed a bit in the past two years since Zane has been gone. She has a slender and well toned ,with muscles, build with a voluptuous bust. Her skin is rather fair.

Her hair is still white ,with crimson red tips, being that it's now in a cute pixie bob cut that covered her ears. She's wearing a black domino mask over her green eyes with reptile-like slits. Her lips and nails are still blood red. She's wearing a black jacket with a crimson red dragon wings design ,on the back of it, where both of her shoulder blades are. Her jacket is now zipped up with being that her chest is covered by a kevlar stab vest.

It also hid her black and crimson red one-piece backless and strapless bustier-leotard combo with a dragon scale pattern. She's wearing black ,skin-tight, leggings that outlined her curves well to say the very least.  There were crimson red trimming around her jacket's collar, the lining of her jacket, and the lining of her heavy and leather ,calf-length, dark red boots. They had a heel that extend her height and it looked like it hurt like a bitch. Her dark red gloves go past her elbows and toward her biceps.

Nova was wearing a costume with it being something else. She's wearing a green one-piece with it being made of leaves itself. She's wearing green gloves and around both of her thighs, she has a black spiked band. She also had it on her arms as well. Her eyes had a flower like eye makeup in front of her green eyes. Her hair had a wild look to it. She also had eight vines behind her. Kurt and Lucius were shocked for different reasons.

Lucius was angered at their enemy because he's using Zane's love interests against him. Kurt was the same as his older brother but he was was slightly jealous of his little brother's harem of girls. "Green looks good on you Nova. I mean it really brings out the psychopath in you." said Kurt with Zane glaring right at his brother. "Ignore him Zero. I'm so happy that we can finally have a chat alone and in private." said Nova's voice being even more seductive than normal which says a lot.

Marcus's voice echoed,"THEIR LOVE FOR MY MOST HATED HUMAN IS A FITTING PUNISHMENT FOR THEM!". "Lucky Star. You can flirt with Legion Zero later. We need Kurt and Lucius for work. Their bodies will make good nutrients." said Roxy.  Nova nodded as several vines grabbed Kurt and Lucius. They couldn't break out of them with Zane heading toward his brothers. He soon turned both of his arms into drills but they soon covered in sparks of electricity.

He deactivated the form with him saying,"Dam it! This is the third time now!". "Zero! Get out of here now! Head to Terrarune and get help!" yelled Kurt. "No! I'm not leaving you behind! I'm not losing another family member when I can save them!" yelled Zane. He tried to move but his body wouldn't thanks to the electricity. "Zero. Go find help so you can win. We'll hold them off!" said Lucius with him breaking out of his vine prison alongside Kurt.

Kristen said,"That won't be happening Zero!", A giant Venus flytrap was under Zane with him soon getting eaten by it. "Zane!" yelled the brothers. The girls were confused as Rain said,"What did they mean by that?". "I'm not your damn plant food!" yelled Zane. The plant soon froze being that it soon exploded in a burst of flames and electricity. The girls, brothers, and Marcus ,who sent the giant plant at Zane, was shocked by this as Zane flew off.

Marcus said,"Get him girls!". The girls soon flew toward Zane with Zane saying,"I really don't want to hurt any of you.". He was soon surrounded by plants with Roxy saying,"Join us Zero. Being one with nature is truly magical.". "You could be right Roxy but I'm not a fan of losing my free will whatsoever." said Zane. He was soon grabbed by vines with him saying,"Get off me!". They were soon burned away as he broke free. "Try something new ladies. This ain't working." said Zane.

Zane soon turned into Turbo Form and he shouted,"Time to get out of here and fast! Turbo!". He soon rushed toward the air with him saying,"My knowledge of botany tells me that plants can't survive without air and outer space has no air.". He soon saw a vine wall of Marcus's face as he said,"You can't escape Zero because I'm everywhere!". Zane soon flew in the opposite direction with him saying,"I need to get going!".

He was soon cornered by the vines with him firing energy beams. He soon blasted his way out of his jungle prison and flew off. He soon felt cold and hot being that he deactivated Turbo Form. "I'm so sick of being cold and hot at the same time. It's like I'm in the middle of a volcano and blizzard at the same time. It's like Ethereal Mania but slightly better." said Zane. He went soon crashing toward the ground and unlike last time, he phased through it.

He soon landed in the sewer water with it freezing over. Zane soon landed on the sidewalk with him hearing,"Become one with us Zane.". He soon saw Nova with a group of vines following her as Zane soon ran away. The vines were about to catch him but he barely escaped them due to them being heat seeking. He soon made a clone with the vines and Nova going after the clone as Zane grabbed a ladder. He soon climbed up the ladder.

Upon reaching the top, he removed the sewer drain top. He saw that he was in front of his house with his skin looking flushing red and pale. His body was covered with electricity as Zane said with a shiver,"I need to get going.". As he stepped out, several vines came out of the sewer pipes with all of them forming into Marcus. They all roared as he fired several spikes at Zane. He soon phased through his house and right into the basement.

Vines soon covered the house in it being that Zane soon looked up. He put his hand in front of him as he made a Green nether portal in front of him. "Thank you Hourglass, Malik, and Nexus for teaching me how to escape this place." said Zane. His body was covered in noticeable ice ,mainly focused on the left side of his body, and steam on the right side of his body. He soon turned around to see that the vines found him and grabbed him.

The vines however were being controlled by his harem being that they smiled at him. Zane tried to break out but he couldn't move due to his current condition. "Stay with us. You'll make us really happy as our lover Zero no Zane." said the four in unison. They soon hugged him as the right side of his face was redder than normal. "That's both creepy and adorable. So how do they know your secret by the way?" said Cole. "Maybe they're connected to a different plant." said Kane.

Athena said,"Perhaps but Marcus may know your secret Zane since he's connected to all of the plants that cover the city. It's also how you were found so fast.". Zane soon tried to push the girls away from him but he couldn't at all due to his strength being very much weaken. "You girls are not in the right minds. This isn't what you really want. Marcus is just....". He soon had Rain placing her lips upon his with her kissing.

Zane's face was red as Rain said,"I want you so much Zane and I don't mind at all. I'll share you with my sisters here. You may be freezing cold and burning hot but I can still taste your sweet lips.". Zane looked away as he said,"I'm sure you mean that Rain but I don't want any one of you to be judged for just being one of my concubines. I don't want to be a player like Mack is or Brad and Bryan try to be. I mean he's better than before but you get what I mean right...".

As he said that, Nova soon made the vines destroy the basement around them with her saying,"We don't care about that Zane! We just want to be with you and don't care about what the others think about us being together.". "Please stay with us." said Kristen. She nuzzled her head into his chest as Zane said with a sad smile,"I love all of you girls. I really fucking do but I love other girls as well. One of them isn't here right now but you know her very well.".

The four were soon silent as he said,"The other girl is Karen and two/three more. I may be a freak for saying that but I don't care. All of you are under Marcus's control. It pains me to leave all of you, my family, the town, and my friends behind. I'll come back and save everyone. I promise okay?". The girls soon looked at him with the girls bearing their teeth. They were crying as Zane said,"I'm truly sorry.". He entered the portal with it disappearing and the basement was soon destroyed.

Zane was soon floating through Terrarune with him only having Arturo and Spiro's words of mouth on Yahi. She's the ruler of a group of Phantoms that have guarded the royal family of Terrarune for generations being that they reminded him of the Maiden Clan. He found that Yahi was the daughter of the yeti that Shawn fought and she didn't hate him for it. His condition was getting worse being that the ice and steam that was covering his body were getting worse.

He soon floated toward a group of icebergs and snow. He soon plummeted toward the snow covered ground with him trying to get up. However, he was too tired to move, The snow around him was either bigger than normal, melted away, or covered in sparks of electricity. Something flew toward Zane with Zane hearing a female voice,"The King! He's looking awful. I need to get him healed. Lets get going Elemowl.". Zane heard a duck's quack before going unconscious.

A few minutes, Zane soon woke up. He found himself floating in a tube filled with liquid, a mask over his head, and he was only wearing his jeans, revealing his scarred body. He also noticed several monitors and ice around him plus he saw that duck from a few days ago. The duck quacked as Zane heard,"I can see that he's finally awake but right now, he's weakened.". Yahi stood there as Zane said,"You must be Yahi. Thank you for healing me and where's my shirt?".

The duck quacked with Zane saying,"Well, I'm used to being without my shirt when I'm at the pool or asleep but in a tundra. Not so much.". "We're is a medical facility here in the Polar Tundra. As we speak, you're currently floating in a refreshing chamber. Your costume is being washed so the Vulcorian changed you into a pair of jeans. So what's with the surprise visit? I expected to meet you soon but not like this" said Yahi.

Zane said,"One of my former classmates Marcus gained the ability of mother nature herself and he's taken over my hometown and everyone I care about with his plant babies. He was able to regenerate from any wound I deliver. I tried to stop him but I couldn't. I'm a failure as a king.". "I see. Can you tell me why you came here?" said Yahi. "Don't get me wrong. For whatever reason, I couldn't fight or fly at my full strength because of my condition." said Zane.

Yahi laughed as she said,"Tell me Zane, what elements do you succeed at?". "Um. I mainly focus in Electricity/Lightning, Fire, and Ice but I'm good at all of them. They're the only elements whose colors changed when I mastered Primordial during my training but I can't recall what happened after that." said Zane. Yahi placed her paw on the glass as she said,"I think Kane knows why you have this memory loss.".

Kane sighed as he said,"Zane. Don't be mad but you have a power before you could fire energy beams out of your body when you were a child. This power has been inside upon you being born but neither of your parents didn't noticed it for two reason. The first reason is because of you having Animus and Nether inside of you. The other reason is because both me and Sivarth sealed this power inside of you.".

Zane said,"Why did you hide this from me you two?". "Zane. Neither one of us could understand on how you got this power to begin with. We also wanted you to have a normal life but you're a Zero. You're mad now but your parents were thinking that they were going to lose before you had a chance to live past a day." said Sivarth. Zane sighed as he said,"Okay. I have to thank you two for being honest with me. Everyone has a secret and reason to hide it.".

The duck was awestruck by this despite him thinking that Zane was just talking to himself. Yahi knew that Zane was able to talk with both Kane and Sivarth who were inside of him. "So why did I have memory loss?" said Zane. "The seal that contained this power was broken upon mastery of Primordial. Your body erupted in Electricity/Lightning, Fire, and Ice being that Parker and Rico were shocked by this. Rico threw you into the Reality Rapids." said Sivarth.

Kane said,"This calmed you down being that Leif appeared to explain Zane's sudden outburst of elemental discharge. Parker understood why me and Sivarth hide this from you being that Rico wasn't happy that we hid this from his bro.". "That's Rico for you." said Zane with a smile. "Leif soon resealed the power being that the incident was erased from your memory to not worry you at all. Rico said that elemental training needed to be increased." said Kane. 

Sivarth said,"To be honest, we didn't expect the seal to be broken so soon. Remember when you froze Crawcannon without thinking about it. This was an incident and during today, the seal was soon broken. As you were recovering from the outburst, Kane took over and told Yahi about you needing help with this.". Zane looked at Yahi with her saying,"I'm sure that they told you that you need help and I accepted.".

Yahi said,"You're the next king due to you defeating Spiro. Your Essence is producing extreme levels of cold and heat alongside electricity. You mostly likely don't noticed the latter being that your body can turn into a rubber like substance correct?". "Yeah. It's more like candy so can this power help me defeat Marcus? He's a plant user and I remember that cold and heat can be used to stop plants. I'm not sure where electricity fits into this but I'm sure it'll be helpful." said Zane.

Yahi said,"You're correct Zane. Heat is the more well known enemy of plants but cold isn't a bad choice. It can stop the growth of plants and end life if you want it to.". "How long do you think this is going to take?" said Zane. "Given your history of learning ahead of schedule, it should take us about a week at best. This power can't be mastered in a day or in a hour. Practice makes perfect Zane." said Yahi as she created an ice hammer and swung it.

Zane looked at her straight in the eye with him saying,"I know that I'm strong but I'm sure that this practice is good for me so teach me how to save my treasure.". The liquid was soon gone as Zane soon stepped out of the tube. Zane bowed with him saying,"Please.". "Rise up. My training with you was going to happen regardless plus you shouldn't fight in just jeans. We'll begin in a hour so rest up. You'll need it." said Yahi as Zane nodded with the duck cheering.

Next time,
Will Zane learn how to master his new power in time? Will Marcus take over the world? Will Zane save the people he cares about? Why is the duck there? This and more next time on Zero!

New Cards/Forms:
Glacier Form. This card has a black frame with a glacier in the background alongside a very strange creature ,being a fusion of ice and pterodactyl, in the front of the frozen rock.

Kristen's Powers: Aerokinetic Combat, Aerokinetic Constructs, Aerokinetic Flight, Aerokinetic Surfing, Aerial Adaptation, Air Attacks, Air Absorption, Air Generation, Air Manipulation, Air Pressure Generation, Air Solidification, Air Walking, Atmospheric Adaptation, Cyclone Spinning, Deflection, Deoxygenation, Duplication, Electrical Immunity, Energy Attacks, Energy Constructs, Energy Generation, Energy Manipulation aka Blue Nether, Energy Propulsion, Energy Solidification, Ergokinetic Combat, Ergokinetic Flight, Flight, Flood Creation, Hydrokinetic Combat, Hydrokinetic Constructs, Hydrokinetic Flight, Hydrokinetic Surfing, Intangibility, Invisibility, Hurricane Creation, Jet Propulsion, Overshadowing, Nether aka Energy Manipulation (White), Supernatural Condition, Telekinesis, Teleportation, Tidal Wave Generation, Tornado Creation, Transformation, Water Attacks, Water Generation, Water Manipulation, Water Pressure Generation, Water Solidification, and Water Walking.

Nova's Powers: Beam Emission, Concussion Beams, Earth Attacks, Earth Generation, Earth Manipulation, Energy Attacks, Energy Constructs, Energy Generation, Energy Manipulation, Energy Propulsion, Energy Solidification, Ergo-Telekinesis, Ergokinetic Combat, Ergokinetic Flight, Geo-Telekinesis, Geokinetic Combat, Geokinetic Flight, Geokinetic Surfing, Luck Magic, Plant Manipulation, Ray/Beam Manipulation, Supernatural Condition, and Terrakinetic Constructs.

Rain's Powers: Duplication, Energy Attacks, Energy Constructs, Energy Generation, Energy Manipulation aka Blue Nether, Energy Propulsion, Energy Solidification, Ergokinetic Combat, Ergokinetic Flight, Flight, Gravity Manipulation, Intangibility, Invisibility, Overshadowing, Supernatural Condition, Telekinesis, Teleportation, and Transformation.

Roxy's Powers: Atmospheric Adaptation, Blade Protrusion, Burning, Claw Retraction, Constriction, Crawling, Dragon Physiology, Electric Breath, Enhanced Bite, Fire Breath, Flight, Magic, Poison Generation, Prehensile Tail, Regenerative Healing Factor, Salamander Physiology, Seismic Sense, Size Manipulation, Supernatural Combat, Supernatural Endurance, Supernatural Intelligence, Supernatural Strength, Supernatural Senses, Supernatural Vision, Telekinesis, Telepathy, and Transformation.

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