Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Zane's Abilities/Powers and Weapons (4-18-2018) Heavy Spoilers for Zero

A/N: You may be asking why I'm doing this. I know that if I introduce a new power with one to two powers at a time, I'm sure you're get confused. This post is mainly to discuss and list all of Zane's powers, vehicles, and weapons. He will have a lot showing off how OP Zane really is and this will also show off any of the forms that haven't been seen by their name. I'll be still showing off new forms and Prime forms in the main series but I will be listing what forms have Prime Forms.

Some powers that have been mentioned before will be shown off as well mainly as a quick reminder. You may say that I should keep somethings hidden but I refuse that. This is because I want to make sure about all of you know about what Zane can do with his powers. This is mainly because I know that I won't be able to introduce all of his powers by the ends of the Zeroes before. There will be some things that are kept a secret being that they'll be introduced shown in the stories.

Lets Begin. This will be long. This was written in Google Docs and that's the main reason why some paragraphs are four sentences rather than five. This also may have spoilers for Zero and may be changed at random times because I will be updating it.

Zane's Powers:
Akmo Sombonda. He’s the creator and master of an extremely versatile and seemingly random fighting style called Akmo Sombonda being that it sounded cool to him. This fighting style was created because he was told by his teachers to embrace all of his powers and never hold back or in the case of Kane and Sivarth, come up with something unique to him. He did just that but he made sure to honor his past in the process.

When Zane is asked about what makes Akmo Sombonda so powerful, he says that it’s a combination of all known forms of physical based martial arts, the past Zeroes instincts and memories, using all of his power to deal serious damage at an extremely fast rate, and break through his natural limits in order to win any fight that he may face. This fighting style requires an inhuman amount of train and have a lot of power in them.

Due to those two reasons, this can’t be copied unless they have gone through an intense training program like him. It will destroy an unprepared body being that it's very powerful and deadly despite looking very simple. It also requires great control over their body being that Zane had to learn how much power he should use in each of his attacks being that some opponents are far more fragile than others being that he doesn't want to hurt others. 

This style is built around having great offense and defense, keeping your enemy close and far away, and never to be expected. It’s four main factors are its Defense, Speed, Strength, and Unpredictability. It’s very much a self taught style being that it’s the combination of all Zeroes and Zane. It works best with the unexpected rather than the expected. It’s unpredictable in battle being very hard to counter and understand. This style is perfect for close combat as well.

Speed is very important to Akmo Sombonda being that he needs to be fast to speed around his opponents to keep them off guard and hit them with a powerful strike. His reckless and lone wolf style of fighting is perfect for Akmo Sombonda. Zane says that he could evolve from this style of fighting but he says that if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Rico says that Zane may be a genius in many fields but he’s also very lazy at the same time. He’s also bad at coming up with names.

This fighting style is a mixture of his ability of dodging people, his powers, and concepts from his combat training with his masters and the memories of the former Zeroes. This power works great with Crisis Judgement ,all three abilities, being that he can use Astral Clairvoyance to dodge any attacks, Celestial Anatomy for a painful smackdown, and Empyrean Will to knock out his enemies afterward.   

Chaotic/Element Control/Primordial. Zane’s signature elements ,when it comes to Animus or the natural elements, are Air, Darkness, Earth, Electricity or more specifically Lightning, Energy based, Fire, Ice, Light, Nature (Forest), and Water. Eon and Gwen ,who were his magic teachers at point in Zane's career, says that because Zane’s Animus has elements of Shawn’s Animus due to them being father and son. This means that he has great magic potential. 

He specialized in the elements being that he can create a small fire used for lighting up a chimney to make a giant tidal wave which can handle a small crowd. The best there elements are Electricity or Lightning, Fire, and Ice being that he used them the most mainly the middle one of the three.

After mastering Primordial Energy during his training, his three core elements changes their natural color. This doesn't show until a fight soon after he comes back from his training in the Archipelago. His yellow electricity/lightning turns dark indigo with a black and white outline. His red and orange fire turns emerald green with a obsidian black tint. His blue and white ice turns into a solid silver blue color.

These new elemental changes don’t affect his form that can use these elements. His magic are very much intertwined with his emotions being that it could be stronger when he’s angered. He later gained the power of Arcane Lexicon, Zane was able to access more powerful spells and magic power. He tries not to use the higher level spells being the ones that can cause a lot of damage mainly in the future. His unique brand of magic is known as Chaotic which is special to him.

He later learned that his magic can drain other types of magic ,inside of the Omniverse, in order to increase their strength. They do it through by absorbing the magic particles that are inside of the air or a sorcerer's spell.Like with other Sorcerers, his Animus grows overtime either through getting in touch with his emotions or constantly using it. He has two different types of spells being that he can use some of them for attacking or support being that he tends to use them in unison.

He’s able to use powerful spells and in a rapid-fire fashion compared to normal Sorcerers who have to recharge. They can be used for practical uses. He can use healing magic being that his hands glow with light purple Animus to heal anyone that’s near him. Primordial is special because Zane has trouble using it compared to the previous Zeroes before him and other Eazairvians. He can use in his Archon Zero, Astral Form, and Celestial Anatomy the best.

He spend time training with Leif, the nine strongest Zeroes, the Reptile Clan, and his seven plus teachers being that he need training to save Shawn from the Infinite Void, and eventually defeated Skull Plague for doing this. Zane learns that Primordial Energy has the ability to erase everything ,which include Animus and Nether. It however can’t erase energy from the Dread Dimension being that he can’t destroy Carnal and Carnal can’t destroy Primordial.

When he erase something, he can erase it like drawing or letters on a piece of  paper. Zane says,”Primordial is a black hole being that it can suck up all that exist and doesn’t. It’s the strongest force out there.”. This does have it’s weakness being that Zane needs to have focus on destroying it. He learned how to generate it out of his body very much like he does naturally while in his Astral Form.

He can use it to alter reality itself but it takes a lot of him unless he’s in Archon Zero or Astral Form with the latter being the better option most of the time. He tries not to alter reality too much due to him liking how reality how it is and it’s a pain to deal with. He can also create objects out of Primordial being that it’s an turquoise color being seen as highly adaptable. He can moves them with his mind using his telekinetic abilities.

He can make shields to protect innocent people from danger or platforms to catch people from falling. They can be easily destroy but Zane can remake them in a flash.

Archon Zero. This power is very special being that it’s unique to Zane. It’s a combination of Crisis Judgement, Furor, Nether except for Tyrannus, and the memories of Ninety Nine Zeroes being him and the Omniverse as well. Zane access this power for the first time when he was fighting against Sierra for the first time and a voice told him to access the Archon to defeat all who stop him. He can activate this in costume or not.

He learned the origin of that voice ,alongside Tyrannus, being the Astral Elder known as Leif and calling him gramps. Leif taught Zane about the origin of the Omniverse and told him that Archon Zero is one of the strongest power in the Omniverse. It can change forms depending on the user and how much they’ve learned. His first version of Archon Zero is Zane’s entire body erupting in strange glowing turquoise lines that covers his entire body and looks like cracks.

His eyes turns a molten gold which has been noted to be very attractive toward females. He likes this color a lot being that it gives him an edge in terms of popularity. It’s also one of his signature colors as well because Molten Gold is quite common on his person and theme. His body is soon covered in crimson red lightning which ,like his Tyrannus Nether, is living being that it’s a very strong and noticeable aura.

His hair later becomes flames. His second version of Archon Zero is the master version according to Leif. The lines that once covered his body now focus on his face. They mainly appear around his eyes and his chin. They turn Atomic Orange. He wears clothing in the second version which turns back to whatever he was wearing before. Leif says this clothing is based off the Astral Elders being that the other elders are animals which is based of the Chinese Zodiac.

Zane wears a gray zipped that shows off his “Z” shaped piercing, high-collar full length long sleeved shirt with the pants and shoes that he wears in his third/fourth costume. His hair turns into flames just like before. The sleeves of his shirt have four orange Hidari Gomon on them. He has a dark purple fleur-de-lis on his right breast of the shirt. His body is covered in cyan plasma ,which like before, is living and tends to form itself into snakes which helps in combat.

Zane’s pupils turn more snake like and they form an “X” shape, his irises stay their molten gold color, and black sclera. Zane’s teeth naturally grows sharper looking more like fangs and he grows a forked tongue. Leif tells Zane that his Archon Zero is different from the previous Zeroes since most of them didn’t have the chance to access this power. It’s also relates toward the fact that Zane is connected to the Snake Clan lead by Eros.

He was born in the year of the Snake in the Chinese Zodiac. He also learned why the Alvarez family ,mainly the Males, hate cats because Eros hates cats. This form ,in its first state, oozes power being that Zane can access all 1,000,000% of his power but it moves around his body in a way similar to how blood moves through the human body. It seems that Zane’s natural abilities are increased being that he was still learning how to use his powers.

He can use this power to increase his already heighten speed and he tends to use this to increase his strength. In the second state, Zane can gains better control of his power being that he can defeat an army that can be considered immortal, dodge attacks that can reach the speed of light, and the aura around him can protect himself from damage. He showed this off well when Xiadur tried to stop Zane with his acid which can normally melt through anything except wood.

In this case, the acid just melted upon contact with Zane’s aura. He can run mushroom clouds without any damage. His scent and power aura changes so he’s hard to track. The snakes ,around his body, can help Zane by improve his combat and agility skills. He can form attacks without moving his arms. He can sense emotions very much like he can when he’s training with Sivarth. His body can release a powerful force being that nature grows all around him and he can use to his advantage.

His body is covered in cyan blue plasma ,which like before, is living and tends to form itself into snakes which helps in combat and maneuverability. He can heal wounds and replenish his and others strength by Zane lets the snake to bite them. He can see things that aren’t really there being that he can see people from other plains. This ability works in Crisis Judgement’s sight based abilities as well.

He can make several spheres of pure Primordial energy ,usually up to nine, and they aren’t Zenith Sphere. Zane can make them float behind him making a “X” shape. He can create a shield that can block attacks and destroy anything that comes in contact with it, weapons that Zane can use and destroy anything that comes in contact with it, and platforms for Zane and others nearby him to stand on.

He can slam one into his target causing a massive explosion and sends them flying. This is shown when he used it on Xiadur causing his acid to affect the area around them. He can manipulate the area around him that he treats it ,like an extension of his body, and it can’t be seen by anyone else. He can extend his physical based attack to reach incredible distances being that it has to be in Zane’s range of vision for it to connect.

It may seem like he missed his target but the attack still hits. This mode greatly helps Akmo Sombonda and its random style perfectly. He has to focus on how much energy his body can naturally absorbs being that part of his body can turn into stone if he absorbs too much which Zane finds as annoying. He can easily cut it off and it gets restore back to normal thanks to his blood.

Before his training, he had to call upon the power and call out the forms by their names. It’s either Archon Zero for the base form or Archon Zero Master for the perfected form. To Zane himself, he tended to use the base form for normal enemies being that the perfected form is for powerful opponents. After his training, he can activate them both at will. He still tends to use the base form still being that the Master can easily kill someone.

Crisis Judgement. This power is special because only Zeroes have access to it and Zane’s the youngest user being that he was chosen to be Zero at five years old due to him "defeating" Skull Plague. He’s able to use the first part since the very start but he learned and master the second and third feature of Crisis Judgement by training on the Plocylst Archipelago with the animals of the island and his teachers for 21 months which operates on a different sense of time.

He didn’t know the true Crisis Judgement ,being that he only knew that it helps him dodge any kind of his danger, and he only learned about the other two features from his brother. He says that he did everything by just letting his instincts work. He did have some knowledge thanks to one of his future’s but he used one of the feature more often. The three features are known as Astral Clairvoyance, Celestial Anatomy, and Empyrean Will.

Astral Clairvoyance is known for its dodging and sight abilities. He truly mastered this ability thanks to Spiro who is one of the strongest Phantoms in Terrarune and Hourglass who is one of his godparents. He can dodge attacks without thinking ever since he was five years old being that he didn’t like to be touched by anyone who he didn’t know. After his training, he can sense the presence of others around him through their energy or other means.

He can use it through walls and even if he’s blindfolded, he can see something at incredible distances. Thanks to this, he’s been called the absolutely worst person to play hide and seek with according to Wolfram and all of his kids. He now sees people by either their physical characteristics, essence, physical aura, or other things like that. Zane says that it’s liking seeing an image in front of him and he can choose what he should do and how to react to it.

He can dodge a widespread attack by finding the Achilles Heel of it. He can dodge masters of their craft. This ability helps Zane to sense and empathize emotions and natures of others being a living lie detector. According to his two teachers, he can sense the strengths and weakness of others around him. Zane does this to see how much of his power he should use on his enemy being that as he grows in strength, he needs to hold back.

He can see through dark water, detected snipers above and below him with him able to block or stop them from being fired, sense auras from behind steel walls, find people from far distances, see the truth from people who lie, and dodge attacks at point blank range. By have complete focus, Zane can see through everything, read minds, and see into the future briefly up to one day when he was 18 but weeks to years when he’s older.

Zane says it’s very much like having an X-Ray in your eyes. He can see through clothes, skin, along with reading both mind and memories plus see through all lies that lies in front of them. Astral Clairvoyance compared to Celestial Anatomy that deals with the manipulation of his body and Empyrean Will ,which is the manifestation of his will, this power is always active and can be used without alert others.

He can make his eyes have a red glow to them when he’s using it but tends not to so his opponents can't figure him out. It has weakness being that random attacks, faster than him attacks, and attacks with no thoughts behind them can’t be predicted at all. Zane’s speed doesn’t increase when using this so Zane had to get faster himself in order to counter fast attacks. He can be still hit from attacks if he doesn’t counter fast enough.

If Zane is feeling strongly about something such as with rage, sorrow, or in great pain, he lose this function. If Zane sees a strong thought and without any kind of preparation on his part, Zane can get stunned and unable to move which can be a bad thing on his part. Zane later learned that his Crisis Judgement has several features than beside the ability to dodge things and the power called a different name.

They’re Celestial Anatomy which deals with the manipulation of his body and Empyrean Will which deals with the manifestation of his will. His teacher for both of them is Parker. Zane says that he’s the hardest teacher to please compared to the others being Hourglass and Savant his other two godparents, Spiro who sees Zane as a future ruler in the maker, Lucas and Marco who are both two good friends of Shawn, Theron who wants to fight him, and his inner beings.

Celestial Anatomy can be both defensive and offensive. He can use to turn his body into an element such as fire or water. He can generate an endless supply from his body with him being the master of it. He can use it to become intangible from attacks by dodging them but he tends to use his Phantom powers to avoid attacks rather than becoming intangible. He can control the elements around him with ease.

He can completely or partly turn his body into and elements. It has great offense but its real strength is its ability to defend. Zane says that he can become shattered, sliced, or become separated ,to small sizes equaling the size of an ant, and reform without any sign of injury. His body can become the element. After his training, Zane’s able to avoid physical attacks by letting the attack go through him or by opening holes in his body mainly with punches.

He can slice himself into half with each half being able to do something which Zane uses for an combination based attack. He’s able to generate an unlimited amount of the elements giving him an edge in combat. He’s able to distorted the weather if he gives it his all or capturing targets without any kind of destruction in its wake. He can use his elements in ways other than normal elements can do since it is part of him.

For example, turning himself into an earth based substance allows him to absorb moisture and then draining them of energy. He can freeze the water by turning into ice or turn into light which increases his already extreme speed. He’s immune to the desert heat or freezing tundra due to him being fire and ice respectively. He can control the elements from the area around him by a good amount of focus. He can make flamethrowers from campfires.

Despite this power sounding invincible, it has weakness. He can be hit by the opposing element such as being hit with water when he’s fire or frozen solid or electricity when he’s water. It takes a very serious amount of concentration to reform and if he’s scared, it can take a longer period of time to reform. In addition to this, Zane can regenerate limbs from his body that have been lost before he knew about that such as his right arm but doesn't as a reminder. 

Parker describes Empyrean Will as something that all Zeroes before him passed down to the next Zero but as an true Eazairvian, he won’t be dying. Empyrean Will is the reason why Zane can understand and become friends with animals such as Kania and Wolfram. This power is the most powerful in the Omniverse being that giant beasts can attack for him. He used this against Remane upon mastering it.

At first, Zane could only use this power mainly to knock people out cold but only when he’s really angry such as when he use it to save Lorena and Lucius from being crushed by Carolyn and Naomi, save his friends from the harpies on level 5 of Blacktomb Detention Center, and taking out several Phantoms at once. He’s now able to knock out people with very strong wills in any emotion state.

He tries not to use this power often being that they could figure out how to counter it and use it against him or others. According to Leif and Parker, Zane used this power the most compared to the previous Zeros due to him accessing and mastering it faster. This power’s main effect being the ability to handle multiple enemies with big or small wills is perfect. Zane can use it to pick out weak-willed members in a large group.

He can use this power to attack his allies and well, use them to take care of the trash as he puts it. He can use this power to knock people out but he tends to use the controlling part more since he finds it fun. This power is at its best when Zane’s will triumphs or at its peak. Zane can inflict a burning sensation going through a target but it wears off somewhat fast and sometimes never happen ever.

This power manifests as a circular purple wave of energy that can cover a great distance around Zane. He says that this power is used for stronger opponents rather than mooks. It can make armies fall but it only works on the weak willed. It can tame powerful and dangerous animals to make them calm down, the ability to control those with weak wills, and he can affect the entire Omniverse with the powers of the mind.

If a human or Phantom is affected by it, they faint from it but other creatures foam at the mouth upon hearing it. Zane learned that everything ,living or not, has willpower being that anyone will a strong amount of it will give supernatural abilities or powers. However, he soon learned that most people in the Omniverse and mainly humans, have an average amount of will being that Phantoms are just barely above them.

Anyone ,with a high amount of will, is the ability to see and interact with anything supernatural such as Phantoms. According to Liv aka Olivia Potter, there are five levels of Willpower. The first one is Elementary Willpower being that they can be partial aware of anything supernatural, have no powers, and it’s most common with humans being that most are weak willed compared to other creatures in the Omniverse.

Standard Willpower is that they are fully aware of the supernatural, possess power, and tends to be rare in humans, common in Phantoms, and any other species in the Omniverse. Powerful Willpower being that the person can control how much they spread out and people who have this are considered to be very strong. Ample Willpower is the stronger version of Powerful Willpower. They are very much considered stronger than those with Powerful Willpower.

The final version and most rare is Colossal Willpower. Zane learns that he has that one. It’s how he uses his Empyrean Will being that he can use to knock out people with weaker willpower than him, he can alter his abilities, and affect the environment on a controlled level compared to someone who has no control of their powers. He can use Astral Clairvoyance to sense anyone with willpower being that he calls Crisis Judgement his sixth sense.

Every being in the Omniverse emits their willpower subconsciously being that it takes training to stop that. Zane’s ability to sense things was only the area and people that he knows well or attacks but it soon evolved into something that he can track anyone regardless of how well he knows them being that he could know them for five minutes but he can track them forever or until the end of time.

Everyone has a unique pattern to the willpower being that even twins are difference. Zane can sense a person’s physical and mental state distance away from him such as great stress or grave wounds. The willpower of a Eazairvian, Qlakrik, and Vulcorian are completely different from every other species being that they’re highly distinguishable. Due to Zane having a mixture of five different species, his willpower is a mixture of all five of them.

This is turn makes his Empyrean Will very useful to him. His willpower can be blocked being that a stronger willpower can block it. He can amplify his willpower into his body which increasing his strength. He can also hide his willpower from others or use it as a sign of force being it can be used for intimidation/attack. It can be used to paralyze his opponents or cause direct damage to the surrounding area, living or not.

This can tire Zane out after a while but if he eats, he’ll recover much faster. He can also create weapons using his willpower, or increase his attacks, himself, and weapons. He can focus his willpower into a weapon being that it manifest itself in the form of indigo energy. He can make energy blasts, waves and bolts that can bring things to or away from him, and it has the power to destroy anything if Zane’s serious.

He can release a powerful shockwave from his body, being that anything not organic was torn apart and disintegrated. It usually comes in times of great emotional distress. Compared to both Astral Clairvoyance and Celestial Anatomy, this power have few weakness. It does however drain Zane more than the rest of his powers being that he can use it so many times before running out.

This isn’t a weakness of Crisis Judgement but an sign of a Zero according to Parker. He says that when a Zero aka Zane clashes their physical attacks with a counterpart from another dimension or a Qlakrik, the outcome of the attack cause an explosion of astral lightning ,which is black with a crimson red outline, that spread out far from their impact and it’s very noticeable. It can also destroy the Omniverse if the impact is strong enough.

Furor. Upon entering Terrarune for the first time, he gained limited control and knowledge of Furor which was given to him by an old friend of Arturo upon Zane’s birth. Arturo says that it’s the power of the Earth and who live there. Upon gaining this, Zane’s abilities are very much increased. His body is very much in its best condition being an Absolute Condition being that his body can’t get any better than this.

However, Zane keeps his body trained to help control this power to the best of his abilities. He can lift up to 500 quintillion tons, have a reaction time equal to an femtosecond, and go extremely fast at 100 billion MPH. He can use this power to travel through space and time which helps him travel through the Omniverse. He is able to survive being shot in the head, have his essence ripped right out of him, having all of his bones broken, and still fight.

Zane can smell anything in the area, understand any language, and mimic any voice. His essence and right arm can heal but he doesn't due to his choice on the matter. He can read things at a fast speed and remember every detail printed in that book. Much to his annoyance at times, his hearing was increased and can be used in multiple ways. He's able to track targets or eavesdrop on others from several meters away. 

He's able to differentiate among hundred of beings’ footsteps, able to determine how many people are in a crowd and focus on a certain target. He's able to hear at any volume or pitch. His hyper hearing can be used to if someone is lying or not or being manipulated by listening to their heartbeat. He can survive in the deep reaches of the ocean and space with him only about a minute to an hour of sleep to feel recharge for a week up to a year. 

Zane can heal from any wound with bigger ones taking more time than scratches. He chooses not to heal the scars that he got from his more serious battles. They’re a reminder of his mistakes and how he can grow from them. Zane is also rather lucky shown mainly that he can charm his enemies into becoming his allies, make people fall for him in seconds, and win any form of game that involves luck. His luck can’t be taken away from him.

Gravity Drive. This movement technique was created mainly allows Zane to never be catch and always has a leg up on his opponent. It can be travel far or short distances in a matter of moments. This technique work in the land, sea, and air. While moving through the air, land or speed, Zane says that he rides the currents of the Omniverse that’s all around him in order to move places faster than normal and it’s like altering gravity around him.

According to his teachers, this power was hard to master being that Zane crashed a lot and that isn’t an exaggeration as seen with the several amount of holes on the islands. Zane says that his instincts talking the wheel being that it can be theoretically learned by anyone. He can also use this technique to teleport to certain locations by touching an object through physical combat being that it could be either a building and person. If the object is endangered, Zane will know in a second.

He can warp himself or others toward the location. Zane says that once he touches something a single time, he’ll never forget about. He can use this to warp around the battlefield being that he can appear at rather random locations and can easily be in several places at once. He can wipe out entire squadrons by himself and warping around the battlefield with ease and tends to use this for going places fast.

When he moves, he doesn’t make a sound that Zane can sneak around the battlefield or his opponents. He can cover distance ,at an immense speed, that it looks more like teleportation than running. He can start in Cypress Park and end up in Noble Haven in a matter of minutes. This feat was done when Zane was injured being that he could easily move much faster. He easily creates sonic booms if he goes too fast.

He can do this in an attacking movement being that it looks like he’s weaving in and out of battle. He can leave no trace of his presence and shows no sign of where he’s going to end up. He can easily make clones out of his speeds being that they can actually strike with physical forces and can be hard to tell which one is Zane. They can also trick his opponent. He can easily dodge projectiles from all sides and easily outpace them.

This power has special attacks to it and they’re Gravity Drive Acceleration, Gravity Drive Blockade, Gravity Drive Duplication, and Gravity Drive Strike. Gravity Drive Acceleration allows Zane to make one of his weapons appear and he tends to use his Curved Atlatl for attacks. He throws it toward his target being that it looks like it will miss if they dodge it. He disappears from the opponent’s sight and he reappear usually from the blind-spot.

He can also use several Curved Atlatls to warp around the battlefield. Gravity Drive Blockade is Zane moving around something so fast being that it creates a massive blockade of afterimages clones. They can easily block any type of attacks being that they can send the attack back to them. Gravity Drive Duplication is Zane activates Gravity Drive being that he moves around the area so fast being that he makes afterimages. This is a variation of the Duplication spell.

He can move between his afterimages mainly to make clones. He can deliver attacks from them being that his opponents are confused. Gravity Drive Strike. He can do this attack with either himself or weapon. He rushes toward his target with great speed and the opponent strikes at him. The attack misses being that they strike a afterimage. He soon lands a devastating attack on his opponent. It’s hard to predict being that he moves so fast.

Zane says this power is like gliding through the air, land, and water and also ignoring gravity itself. He can use it to do handspring backwards or forwards with one or both hands. It looks likes he’s flying though the world. He can easily make sonic booms when he’s moving fast enough. This is Zane’s most well known ability to gather speed being that he can use it in his forms as well being that his speed forms are better for it.

Nether. This power can be accessed by anyone who has a single percent of Phantom in their blood. There are many different types of Nether being pretty much anything being that the most common types of Color and Element. He at first can only use Steel Gray Nether being that it's a special color to him. He uses this in combat being able to create either energy attack/constructs hard or soft. When Zane goes intangible, his body has a faint dark indigo outline to him.

He mainly used this Nether ,and sometimes Vibration, because he didn’t know if he could use other energies until he lost his arm and essence with him learning more about the two special Nethers in his body. They’re Rainbow Nether and Tyrannus with the latter he has known about but has no control of it but became a master. He later learned how to control the basics of them thanks to his Phantom ancestors knowledge.

After his training, he mastered Black, Blue, Earth, Fire, Green, Indigo/Purple, Lava, Lightning, Orange, Red, Violet/Pink, Water, White, Wind, and Yellow Nether. Rainbow Nether’s able to create replacements limbs which can be used for himself or other until Zane’s healing factor heals from the attack or the limb can be replaced. He can knock out other Phantoms or anyone with Nether in their bodies before he learned more about Crisis Judgement and its abilities.

Swordsmanship. He didn’t have a long time to master the blade unlike Gwen and others had. It seems strange that Zane would want to learn how because he’s a more hand/foot to hand/foot fighter but he wanted to learn how to use a sword or bladed weapon. He soon became powerful with a bladed weapon with him mainly using one sword in combat. He can use two but he tends to use one for more effective attacks.

He can strike up close or from far distances. He can counter or deflect powerful attacks without thinking. He uses one sword to defeat stronger opponents rather than two being that two blades are used for crowds or opponents that aren’t strong. Thanks to training, he’s able to wields his blades with incredible precision being able to fight against samurais. He’s able to slice through snow and stone with ease.

If fighting against people that he doesn’t want to hurt, he uses the blunt side of his blades but it can cause fatal injuries if he doesn’t hold back hard enough. At first, Zane had trouble cutting through metal which was a problem for him since he wanted to improve himself. After training, he’s able to finally cut steel and he was determined to make sure that nothing could stop his blade.

He’s able to easily cut through materials even stronger than steel such as diamonds. He can even decapitate dragons with ease which he shows off in his future mainly in Fiore. He seems to be mostly right-handed but he can use both hands rather well. He can focus his energy into his blade and he slash the area in front of him creating an energy slash able to strike from a far distance.

His energy slashes can cut through extremely thick ice. He can block attacks from very physical opponents using his swords and does this by powerful and precise slashes on his part. He was once a novice at swordsmanship but thanks to his training, he’s able to dispatch armies with swift and precise strikes. His best advantage when it comes to sword based combat is his speed and strength.

He’s able to speed across the battlefield ,giving extremely accurate blows and quick actions in minutes, before his opponents can react. Despite his speed, his power behind his attack is quite strong and it may look unplanned beyond belief but it’s actually precise being that Zane doesn’t try to kill with his blade. After his training, he’s able to cover his blade with his essence ,as he puts it, to give his attack some extra punch or damage to it.

He considers himself to be a expert with the blade but his swordsmanship is only second to Akmo Sombonda. His swordsmanship is quite impressive being that it’s a mixtures of several different styles of swords being that he tends to hit hard and fast. Zane can’t explain how he came up with it but he says that it’s a combination of all of his training and it can’t be copied exactly.

When Zane came back from his training, he can use it rather well being able to fight against swordsmen and swordswoman ,who have trained longer than him, but uses his fist or kicks more often. He’s able to slash and cut through anything that comes before him with nothing but a single slash from his sword. He’s able to severing through substances that are hard as steel and diamond itself.

His swordsmanship is something legendary in the Omniverse being that he was number one at sixteen after seeing what he could do during his fights with Daemon. He’s considered as a grandmaster swordsman being that his swordsmanship and his skills are the highest caliber. It’s only second to Gwen. He tends to use the normal grip of the blade but will use reverse grip of swordsmanship if needed.

He is capable of using the sword with his feet being able to hold the hilt using his hallux and second two. He can slash deflecting hundreds of projectile attacks with ease. It’s very simple and fast being that it contain defence and offense actions. Due to his above supernatural strength, he can handle several opponents with a single blade. He’s able to knock out weaker enemies with just a single slash from one of his swords.

Tyrannus Nether. This special brand of nether belongs to Sivarth being that Zane gained this from his previous Phantom self Johnny Vincent. It’s well known to most Phantoms that Zane has mixed feelings about. For a while, every Phantom in the Omniverse compares Zane to Johnny Vincent before Zane proved himself several times. JV obtained this power by finding the tomb of the fabled Phantom Tyrannus.

JV found the tomb while he was floating through Terrarune and this was right after he was fatally wounded by Skull Plague. He was given these fatal wounds by the floating skull to join his team in his dream to create an Apocageddon. Tyrannus once served Zin ,who was the first Emperor of Terrarune and long before Arturo and Spiro. He betrayed the Phantom for destruction being that he stopped the Emperor from taking over the Omniverse.

He also left behind several life-threatening wounds that would take several centuries to recover from. It was later revealed that he was created by Leif, an Astral Elder to be a protector of the Omniverse but he was soon corrupted by Zin. Before Zane met him, most Phantoms didn’t know much about his appearance because he’s only been called a legend. He was sealed in a tomb before Phantoms began recording their history mainly his appearance.

He chose to do this himself being that he got bored of seeing no one strong enough worthy of him. His tomb floated through the realm through several generations with him seeing that no one is worthy of his power and it took a near death JV found and opened it. The tomb appears in Elysian. The tomb itself rests on a large rock/meteoroid with it being a sarcophagus being that it had two massive stone dragons in front of it.

The duo both have protruding glowing crimson red eyes and it was placed right in front of the sarcophagus looking they were going to fight each other with both of the statues ready for combat. The sarcophagus has a gold skull shaped handle. Zane first used this power during his fight against Septchris and the Sphinx. He later met Sivarth way later and learned more about this power. At the time, he was also truly angry at Kevin for all of the shit going on at the time.

Zane can turn his body in a hybrid of human and Sivarth being that he showed this off in his first showing of it. The aura that surrounds Zane is only a partial amount of Sivarth’s power. He grows two large dragon like wings sprouted out from the top of his shoulders and his costume plus any exposed skin turns into crimson red scales that would totally belong to a reptile like creature. His arms have three claws on his forearms covering his hands.

He grows a reptile like tail and his legs looked like a Allosaurus with three large toes that look like they will crush anything in his way. He has small armored guards ,that looks to resemble the Triceratops’s frill, on his ankles, knees, and shoulder plates. The rest of his arms and legs are covered in long kite shields like frills with a long blade growing out and it extends right in front of him.

On his shoulders, he has two Tyrannosaurs heads. They have razor sharp teeth and black eyes with them being sentient beings. Zane didn’t know how this power works because that it only appeared to him when he was angered such as being called Johnny Vincent ,at first, and his rage didn’t help him on that. He actually didn’t know what this power truly until he heard about it from Tyrannus himself who is called Sivarth Rezarod.

Zane learned that he’s the strongest Phantom with Leif agreeing with him on that. Zane asked the Phantom to lend him his power fully with Sivarth saying that he’s willing to give his immense power to such a brat after seeing his conviction to fight against Daemon and Xiadur. Leif tells Zane in private that being friends with Sivarth is rare due to Sivarth having trouble making his friends much to the Phantom's embarrassment.

Upon becoming friends with Sivarth, Zane can access his powers. He can also make parts of Sivarth’s body such as his tails appear to use as a weapon. He can also make a very accurate Crimson Red Nether construct of Sivarth appear being that it’s the exact same size and Sivarth can project his voice from it. This is mainly done to get people to hear him unless he comes out of Zane’s body.

Zane can slash or crush things with his claws with ease, bite down things that can easily break through steel, and his scales naturally deflect bullets. He along with the two heads are able to fire out a beam of Crimson Red Nether right at his target causing a massive explosion. This was before Sivarth lend Zane his power. Sivarth told Zane about a special move that was special to him known as the Tyrannus Spheroid and he could use it.

He can fire it out in various different ways such as a beam, sphere, and several small version of the spheres which equal the same amount of damage as one regular sphere. He can charge up a sphere making it bigger than it was before and he can create several in a row, even on low power. He can fire a barrage of them. He can create powerful shockwaves either through a powerful roar and stomp. He can destroy a bridge and repel attacks with ease.

Sivarth can help Zane out being that he can help him detect things from far distances and help Zane train his emotions which does takes a long time given how emotional Zane can be thanks to his DNA. Zane can breath out fire and make hurricanes. He can also create several tails in order to grab or use things as a weapon. Others allowed to go in the aura along with him to gain power.

Sivarth may be known for his destruction based abilities but he’s very smart. He can help Zane form a plan when Zane can’t figure out a plan. Zane can lend portions of his power which granted people enhanced abilities and real them. It can also be used to protect someone from outside damage and increase their physical endurance, have a great deal of force behind their attacks, flight, and heightened speed.

On the tomb, it has the words in both English and Uwaric/Latin which is the main language of Terrarune carved right into it because he want to find someone not a Phantom to open it or be paired up with someone else. In English, it says,“This is the tomb of Tyrannus. If you wish to free the Phantom that destroys all evil and cause damage to anything that angers it, you have to give up something to release it. The beast shall serve you upon doing this.”.

In Uwaric, it says,”Hoc est sepulcrum tyranni cujusdam. Si vis ad phantasma quod destruit omne malum et liberabo damnum facere, et nihil ad id  quod irascitur, quid habes ad eum dimittere eam. Bestia super hoc serviet tibi.”. This power is very special being that Sivarth is the only one who can equal that strength and it may not be Zane’s strongest power but when it comes to Nether, it’s one of the best.

Vulcan. This power is something that belongs to Zane in the exact same vein as Archon Zero. Zane first accessed this power when he was on the Garden of Eve when he was 16 years old. He did this by stretch out his limbs and expanded his body in order to fight against the Maiden Clan, Xiadur and the guards of Blacktomb, and other enemies being that he along with others thought it was part of Crisis Judgement.

Upon showing this power to Parker, the elder said that it wasn’t whatsoever. The elder said that Vulcan is a part of him just like how his other powers. This will make him the most unique and strongest Zero ever born. He created several attacks with this power being that it’s just a part of Zane’s jack in the box way of fighting. The signature attacks created from this are some of his most famous.

This power has been said to be one of Zane’s best being that it’s thanks to Zane himself and his wild card nature. It’s been seen as versatile in terms of what it can do and highly unpredictable being that Zane can make something like a small piece of rubble into a powerful projectile, that can pierce diamond or a hard substance or handle a powerful opponent using a nearby wooden stick into a powerful sword. 

Zane has the ability to turn his entire body into a turquoise colored candy syrup like substance being that it’s one of his most well known powers and compared to the others powers in Vulcan, it’s very obvious to everyone around him. He calls this power Sweet Reaction. His body create, manipulates, and turn into the substance. Upon Parker examining Zane’s blood during the training, he noticed that Zane’s blood is the turquoise candy syrup as well.

It’s also a common belief that Zane’s candy syrup abilities is the blood of the Eazairvian’s species and Celestial Anatomy with both Parker and Zane not proving that fact wrong. This candy syrup is a mixture of most ,if not all, types of sugars which in turn makes it really sweet and this also made his kisses really sweet. This syrup has the ability to restore Zane’s energy upon being injecting from his body. This only applies to Zane himself.

This power has several advantages in combat or practical uses. Zane’s candy syrup has the ability to mimic the abilities of candy and rubber. His body is naturally immune to electrical attacks and can touch electrokinetics without getting shocked from them. This is also due to his rubber aka candy syrup like body.  Zane has the ability to stretch any part of his body in the same vein as rubber. People have noted this upon seeing it for the first time.

This still applies if Zane’s body is held down by something. He can stretch an incredible distance away being that he’s immune to injuries such as tearing muscles. He can make a very powerful close-range attack, mid-range attack, or long-range attack thanks to his stretching. Zane’s body is naturally stronger toward blunt style of attacks, being that it ranged from hand to hand combat or projectile based weapons.

They do hurt him being that weaker attacks don’t hurt as much but stronger one do. He can survive falls from incredible heights and attacks that would kill a normal person. Zane can eat a lot of food being that his organs are like rubber and can expand to be very large which seems like a weakness. He can store potential energy in his body, being that he can increase the speeds of his attacks.

Thanks to Zane’s natural talent with speed and his talent with fire, Zane can ignite his body on fire. He can inflate/increase/expand parts of his body in order to increase his attacking power being that upon hitting a target, his limbs turns back to normal with no sign of shrinkage. He can inhale a huge amount of air into his body being that he can soon release a powerful gust of air around him being that can send his enemies back a far distance away.

He can withstand great pressure, being that he can stretch a far distance away under gravity. In the same way as Celestial Anatomy, Zane can turn his body into three different states. He can become liquid candy syrup for evasion, solid and harden candy syrup for stronger attacks, and half and half form being that it’s a balance of his liquid and solid in terms of evasion and strength.

Thanks to his state changing abilities, Zane can manipulate the density of his syrup. Zane can use make the syrup thick enough to be used a very blunt weapon that hurts. Zane can make it so stick to capture a group of people ,with all of them having superhuman strength, due to its very sticky nature and Zane can hardened it either using his willpower armor or its density.  Zane can either use something that he created or himself.

This has been compared to quicksand. Upon touch, the person gets caught in it due to its impressive stickiness. Zane can make it so thick that can hold large ammunition fire, runaway vehicles, a group of animals, or a group of fans at the same time. He does this by making walls or barriers to do this. He can create objects from his syrups ,mainly earplugs or small objects, to use.

He does the earplugs thing if he doesn’t have his Galaxy Phones on him or can give them to others in order to prevent large scaled sonic attacks. He can also plug up cannons or gun barrels to prevent his enemies from firing them at him or others. He’s able to control and reshape his body to any form what he wants. He can also make multiple arms to increase the power of his hits and it’s rapid fired .

He can turn his legs into tank treads being he can increase his speed. He’s able to turn himself into the turquoise liquid which can flow through small spaces making it a good for evading and physical attacks go through him. He says that his candy like blood is edible being very good but bad for teeth in high amounts. He can use quick attacks being that he can fire a huge surplus of his turquoise liquids into attacks.

He can turn himself into a weapon which hurts. While in his half/half form, he can’t be sliced being that his body takes the sword and Zane use it as a weapon against them. He can dodge attacks by making a hole in his body to evade attacks, turning his body into the syrup so bullets just naturally stick to him, or his body reforms after getting sliced in half. It has the potential to give immortality or a random superpower.

When Zane’s one hundred percent serious, Zane can turn all inorganic material into the candy syrup using his reality altering power. He can do this to spread his syrup to capture long ranged opponents or enhanced the power and length of his attacks. Anything that Zane or his candy syrup touches gets stuck and he’s an expert of catching people from a far distance away from him.

Zane’s candy abilities has its weakness. He does have his stretching limits being that he can bleed from stretching too far. He can be cut or stabbed by a powerful slashing attack with ease, being that he can have his arms and legs sliced off unless he applies his willpower armor to make sure they aren’t cut off. He can be slowed down in cold environments unless his body is hotter than normal. 

The sticky nature of Zane’s syrup can be dissolve by a sufficient amount of heat or liquid hitting it. Cold can also do this but it works better with heat or a liquid. Upon it leaving his body, it can becomes edible. He can only stretch out his body to its normal incredible distance in either his half and half form or liquid form but the solid form can’t stretch as far. He’s able to hurt things by turning him into a solid form but in his pure liquid form, his attacks aren’t very strong.

He can be captured in a large enough jar if they’re in a liquid form but he can break out of it if he goes back to being solid. His solid form is rather slow and his half and half form has neither the weak hits or slowness. However, the syrup’s ability to give powers or immortality doesn’t work on everyone being that it requires a strong amount of luck on their side. The chance of getting powers is equal to winning the lottery.

Zane tends to use this power to playing around being that he can make funny faces and little kids like his silly faces. He tends to use this power lazily in order to grab things or steal food from others, with the former being questioned and the latter being annoying. He doesn’t mind when people play through his stretching body except when it stops him for eating or fighting but mainly the former.

Zane can manifest his will into powerful armor which looks like dark purple metallic scales with a spiral pattern to it. He calls it Vulcan Force. He uses this power mainly in his Adamantine spells making their impact more painful. He can cover any part of his body in the substance being that he can cover his entire body with the armor. Upon activating it, his attacks can easily break the ground and cause a shockwave around the area where he uses it.

He can use this armor to augment his own physical attacks to create pure brutal force on his opponents or imbued into his weapons to increase their durability. He can use this armor to enhanced his weapons mainly the arrows he uses in Archangel or Archer Form to pierce through stone or his swords to prevent them for chipping damage. This armor naturally negates the ability of anyone whose body can’t be touched for normal means.

This is mainly shown with Roger who can turn his body into water. It doesn’t negate their powers but makes them touchable. He can block being sliced by an opponent upon covering that part of his body with his armor before it’s cut. The sword bounces off the armor and Zane smirks upon seeing that fail. He tends to do this against swordsmen and swordswoman mainly with Erza and calls her weak when he breaks her sword. He shows this off in his Adamantine Spells as well.

This power is very much connected to his willpower being that if Zane isn’t fully into a fight or into something, the armor is weaker. The armor can be defeated if Zane is hit by a stronger opponent or when Zane is in a weaker form. Zane can lose this armor if his life-force is weak and can’t be used until his life-force is back to its normal state but this is a very minor weakness due to his stronger than normal willpower.

Vulcorian. Zane gained this power due to his mother ,when she was twenty three years old and just out of college, saving the ,almost extinct, species. He used this power when he was sixteen years old. He access this power first after pushing himself to his limits in trying to free Cypress Park from Daemon and then later when Ash made a hologram of his father and he killed him right in front of Zane. This caused Zane to be filled with rage.

He later met the Vulcorian with the help of Leif and Sivarth with his name being Xazzaran or Kane for short. The Vulcorian were a very prominent race in the Omniverse being that they were able to cause damage to both Eazairvian and Qlakrik. They were a major threat by both immortal species. All information about their race is long gone. This is due to their species being almost extinct after a massive genocide of their race.

This was down by the Eazairvian and Qlakrik working together. This is only a rumor but Kane says that it was true. He doesn’t hate the Eazairvian for what they did. They’re able to devour the souls of both living and deceased. They once lived in a realm known as Savadran that can’t be accessed by anyone due it being destroyed. They were driven by an eternal and insatiable hunger to devour souls or just cause destruction very much like the Qlakrik.

They were seen as mindless creatures being that they were just seen as monsters to all but they’re surprisingly intelligent, making them even more dangerous by the Omniverse. They can be loyal and kind being that they have to really like someone like a family member or friend. The last two ,true, Vulcorians are Zane and a little girl ,about five years old, named Uriel who Zane adopts like a daughter making her the little sister of Atem and Zoey.

The species gets stronger by absorbs soul ,by eating them, and by fighting. They can adapt to anything being that a Vulcorian can have Animus and Nether ,two energy that can’t survive in the same body, inside of them without exploding. It also gains the knowledge and abilities of the soul eaten being that they could eat the soul of a famous musician and they would gain those abilities. 

Zane is special being that alongside having the power of a Vulcorian, he can transform into a form known as Archfiend Revolution. This is unlike Kane who can switch between a human form and Vulcorian form. Uriel can’t as well being that she’s still young. Archfiend Revolution has two appearance which Zane gave names to it. The first appearance is known as Scourge being that this is the appearance that he used in trying to free Cypress Park from Daemon.

The second appearance is known as Wrath being that this is the appearance that he used after Ash made a hologram of his father and he killed him right in front of Zane. Both forms are the creature that the Omniverse fears. He had no control over this power at first being that he’s a highly emotional person but thanks to training in the Archipelago, he can control his power rather well.

The first transformation is known as Scourge. Zane access the power this is where he wasn’t in a very emotional state. His sclera turn empty white with his irises and pupils being violet. His body is covered in crimson red, web like patterns that cover his entire body. This is similar to Archon Zero in a way. He has pronounced fangs. His hair slowly turns grayish white being that it’s a middle ground between Kane’s White Hair and Zane’s Black Hair.

Zane’s normal outfit is gone being that it gets replaced with something better. His skin is covered in a black layer that covers his entire body except for his face and right arm. It’s been compared to a bodysuit but attached to his skin. His body is soon covered in silver armor. He wears pauldrons on both shoulders, breastplate which looks like a rib cage, knee pads, and elbow pads.

This armor is now Scourge Armor. This armor is able to take a huge amount of damage before getting a scratch. Upon activating this, he can sometimes wears a mask that completely covers his eyes. By wearing the mask, he doesn’t wear the clothing or his body doesn’t change except for his eyes which change. He wears a white hockey mask/skull with two slitted eye holes and seven pipe like extensions that goes completely around his head.

The mask has two thick dark purple stripes over it making an “X” Shape but it doesn’t covers his eye holes. It also has a row of sharp, long pointed teeth incision. It’s called Scourge Mask. The other transformation is known as Wrath being that Zane access the power that Kane gave to him being that this is where he is in a very emotional state. Zane soon howls out in pain being that his body is soon covered in Animus, Mojo, Nether, and Primordial.

The energies are purple, black, gray, and turquoise respectively. The four energies go around him like a tornado. They soon head toward the sky and fall down ,very much like rain, and it shows off Zane in a far more monstrous form. The mask that he sometimes wears is now completely fuses with his head turning into a skull that looks just like his mask. His black hair grows down to his shoulder being that it still feels the same and it also turns grayish white.

His eyes changes having steel gray irises and molten gold pupils and sclera. His body ,except for his head, is completely cover in the crimson web like patterns. He has retractable claws on his fingers and toes. His mask now has a small heart in the middle of his eyebrows. His calves and forearms soon sprout blades from them. His skin turns obsidian black. From his hair, it sprouts out to make two long forward-pointing horns ,on the left and right side, of his head.

They are tinted purple at the end. He has a pair of large dragon/bat like wings coming out of his back being that they're obsidian black on the outside and they have a indigo interior. He wears a ripped black cloak over his body being that his shoulders are covered in white bandages that look to be pauldrons. He also has a tail that’s long and matches his horns in its color. The tip is very much an arrow-headed spade at the end.

Wrath is far more feral being that Zane will attack anything in his way to his prey. Most things don’t survive when facing up against Wrath. Zane had no control of himself during Wrath but he did turned back to normal when Shawn help him recover from it. He soon learned how to access this power during his training being that Kane told him that he would need this power to protect his friends and family from any danger in the future.

Zane can access Mojo ,which is the Vulcorian version of Carnal and Primordial aka the energy source of Qlakriks and Eazairvians respectively, and it has the power to destroy anything in its path. His color is Black which is different from Kane and Uriel who uses White and Dark Pink color respectively. Zane is able to use the Vulcorian’s main form of attacks being the close range attack Karmic Burst and long range attack Karmic Limbo.

Karmic Burst is weaker but faster than Karmic Limbo. It’s more of a rapid fire attack being that each hit packs a punch. The punch can easily cause a massive crater in something. Karmic Limbo is much stronger being that it’s a concentrated beam that cause a massive explosion depending on how long Zane charges it for. Zane can fire it from any part of his body. This attack has several different variations unlike Karmic Burst which is a simple bullet hell.

Thanks to training with Kane, he created some variations. He also created a new attack such as the Karmic Blitzkrieg. This is used for physical combat and the latter is used for controlling the battlefield. Karmic Blitzkrieg focus Mojo into his hands being that it slowly forms into a large dragon-shaped shroud around it. He soon rush toward his target and this attack drains the target of its energy making it bigger.

He made this attack soon after he finished off Zenith Slash and Sphere. He’s able to make the attack using other energies being that it changes to a purple color. He can also combine it with different attacks such as Zenith Slash and Sphere being a powerful attack. He can also throw them toward his target causing an explosion. It has no variations.

To wear his mask, he focus his power being that it appears in a flash of energy covering his face in it. He can wear either his Scourge Mask. He calls this Scourge Mask. He can also do this for his armor calling it Scourge Armor. His mask can be destroyed, turning him back to normal and losing the connection. This doesn’t lost for a long time being the mask slowly regenerates and he comes back stronger.

Zane can last in this form for about ten minutes at first being that the limit was soon increased over time. Kane can make the mask appear on Zane to block attacks, working very much like a shield to block or weaken attacks dealt to him. It can survive being burned alive, covered in acid, and several other injuries that would have killed Zane several times over. The mask gives Zane a vast increase in all of his abilities making him a bigger threat to deal with.

His signature attacks are all increased with the mask on. They’re much stronger, faster, the area of the explosion and size are bigger, and the force of it can easily damage anything in its way. He can move faster than his attacks. He could fire a Zenith Sphere at his opponent while bombarding them with several Zenith Slashes before the Zenith Sphere hits.

His power is increased being that it can easily shock anyone who knows how much power that’s in Zane’s body. His strength is increased being that he can easily destroy most attacks with his pinky finger. He can slap away a Karmic Limbo when it was reflected back right at him. His speed is fast being that he moves so fast that he can’t be tracked forcing his opponent on the defense and he can be thrown buildings without a single scratch on him.

His mask does have limits being that it can be destroyed but it slowly restores itself much to the shock of his enemies. He fights more with instinctive than before being that he tends to ignore his injuries so he can win the fight. He can stay in his mask for several hours being that the mask only goes away if Zane is exhausted. Wrath is something else being one of his most powerful abilities even more than his Astral Form.

He can regenerate from any wound being that he can have his arm completely ripped off and it slowly grows back. He has a massive tail being that he can use it as a weapon that’s strong enough to be used as an extra limb. His connection to Mojo is strong that his enemies have to make sure that they either avoid it or have a high amount of defense being that the tornado to summon Wrath can destroy a nuke.

His strength is impressive being that he can keep physically strong opponents on the defense more times than not. He can easily destroy a tower and rip off an arm with no signs of strain. His speed is so fast being that he moves faster than light. He can use his wings for flight and very much increased speed. In Wrath, he can manipulate mojo better than Scourge.

Extra Skills/Misc: He learned how to meditate being that he uses it to calm his mind, talk with Sivarth and Leif, or get some training done without hurting his body. He can also focus his power to make auras of beasts ,mainly the ones he trained with in the Plocylst Archipelago, and use special moves unique to him or previous Zeroes. He can use several draining moves and his forms in a row with him still able to fight for a longer period of time.

He’s able to befriend and tame creatures in a very short period of time with him liking all animals of all species. He made friends with the giant animals living in the Plocylst Archipelago who are known for being fighters and they cried upon him leaving. His dogs are very loyal to him being that they defend him and extremely loyal to anyone whom their master considers family.

He’s very powerful but it comes at a cost. He’s very much a glutton due to his power draining his energy whenever using his power. He can refill it with drinks being that he has a never-ending flask of Dragon Ale ,which is highly alcohol and filled with calories, and a bag filled with food that never empties. Upon surviving being covered in acid by the warden, he ate a century worth of food with him returning to normal.

His most dangerous ability is that he can make allies out of his enemies. He’s able to survive death situations thanks to his allies and his own powers. He’s able to survive extremely hot and cold temperatures with ease. He does sweat and shiver in really high or low temperatures. He can survive most acid and poisons. He can survive toxic foods without any kind of pain on his part. He also has an edetic memory being that he can remember everything with perfect recall.

This works in his favor and not at the same time. His training regime is ten to twenty laps around Cypress Park or area of living at the time, over 10,000 push ups, 10,000 sit ups, and 10,000 pull ups with 100 ton weights. He also does climbing a high/steep cliff using one or two arms mainly the former. He spends some time training his powers and mind as well with four to six hours of mediation a day.

He soon made an slightly update schedule which slowed him down and made him enjoy life. He also changes it for when he's not in school. Monday through Saturday, he sleeps for about 1-2 hours mainly from 2-4 A.M or 3-4 A.M. He soon does a couple of laps around town for about one hour ,4-5 A.M , being that he tries to do at least ten laps with 100 ton weights around his legs. He soon spends the next two and a half hours doing whatever.

This ranges from training random parts of his powers, mainly in his basement or around town while not letting people seeing him being that he doesn't want people to know about him being Legion Zero. He knows for a fact that his secret identity will break out and that day will come soon rather later being that he wants to be ready for the day that his enemies attack his loved one. This ranges from 5 A.M to 7:30 A.M.

He spends the hour before school usually getting ready for it, eating breakfast with his family and dropping his kids off at the Elementary school, and doing some early morning patrol. This is from 7:30 A.M to 8:30 A.M. He spends the next five hours and fifty minutes for school or patrol depending on his mood being the latter most of the time. This is from 8:30 A.M to 2:20 P.M. He either does several things soon after school ends.

The three most common things are that he usually has practice for football being that he usually lets Kane take control during that period of time to appease the Vulcorian, a study group which consists of either the popular girls, the jocks, and anyone ,in the A-list, who is having trouble with school because Zane is the best tutor that their rich parents don’t have to pay a fortune for, and work part time at Doctor Maxwell Brock and Doctor Sharon Matthews with Karen and Kevin.

He also does his patrol over Cypress Park during this time just to make sure that crime doesn’t get too overboard. He soon heads back home to breeze through his homework, hang out with his family either with training or dinner, and does some meditation to control his powers. He soon goes out into the night to do some night patrol being that he finds it enjoyable. The weekends are when Zane does whatever he wants.

He likes this new schedule even more than the previous one because he can actually have a social life without straining himself according to his friends. His avatar in Hero Quest is Slayer Netstorm Experion being that he was going to call his superhero self that but it had a problem. It would make Zane’s secret identity rather obvious. He soon made this the password for Astral Form because he wanted to use that for some reason.

When he learned more about the Omniverse, he decided to learn about it so that he doesn’t get lost whatsoever. He learned how to use maps, compasses, and charts that can allow him to travel through the vast Omniverse plus learn how to use it to his advantage to evade enemies attack. He then learn about cartography which he uses to read maps and later chart out the Omniverse so he can create a map for anyone to travel through.

He also use it to create rules for others to know and understand when they have entered a new dimension or timeline that’s different from their home. He’s also good with money being that he only spends money if he needs to. He’s able to use polearms rather well but he tends to use his guns and swords more often than a polearm. He’s able to make several types of maps in a matter of moments.

His notebook contains several inventions of his. One of his talents is the ability to sense a change in the weather and this doesn’t come from his powers. Thanks to Brain Form, he got an supernatural knowledge of all forms of science being able to create biological creations such as human life using chemicals and nukes. In his notebook, it has several ideas for mass murdering weapons making it highly valuable but extremely hard to understand.

According to some, Zane’s expertise is several hundred years later of his time. He learned how to become an architect so he can fix his both his vehicles and weapons to make sure they’re in top condition like him. He also builds a house and his secret base aka the old and abandoned clock tower being that the latter is his secret base. Both of them are connected to his dormitory at Arcadia U and his family’s place by turning the doorknob and also a 100% fingerprint scanner.

Thanks to his grandma on his mother’s side, Zane studied medicine mainly how to heal his wounds along with others. He says that he learned how to do this to make sure that the incident with his future never happens again much to the joy of his grandmother. He keeps several remedies on his person being that he can heal petrification and brutal injuries from them. He uses this whenever he’s on a job or when he gets himself sick mainly the latter at first. 

He’s spent a good amount of time keeping on new types of medicine and the such being that he actually created a way to extend life. One of his most famous invention is called the Life Serum being that it’s how he extend the human life expectancy rate. His vision is impressive making him a sniper being that he can use any type of projectile based attack or weapon perfectly. He tends to be a close combat fighter but he’s able to deal some massive damage at long range.

His eyesight is extremely sharp being able to see or noticed things before others. Alongside his knowledge of making maps and medicine, he also began to study the history and many different types of cultures of Omniverse. Ever since he was a little kid, he was studying about the entire world thinking that he wanted to be an archaeologist if him becoming an Astronaut was out of the question due to his metahuman abilities but he can still go into space.

Over time, he learned how to play all kinds of instruments being that he primarily use a guitar due to his previous life aka Johnny Vincent having a rockstar for a girlfriend aka Celeste whom he later got tutored by. He’s able to play rather well when he was young and he becomes a master of music able to sing songs that can charm others around him. He says that he learned how to play music because he was really bored during his free time.

He’s really good with pistols being that he’s able to shoot opponents with his eyes closed and also face off against opponents who are experts. He tends to use this skill for his element based abilities rather than becoming a master of his pistols but he isn’t a slouch. He’s also really good with his swords being one that he’s true one with the blade much like how he became an expert of his body. He can’t be affected by Mind Exchange/Body Swapping.

This is due to the fact that the person who gets in his body can basically use all of his Eazairvian powers which is a really bad idea so they made it so that their race can't be body swapped. He can be affected by Gender Swapping but thanks to him neither female or male, it's more of an annoyance since he tends to flip flip between the gender mainly male most of the time. His anger is still his best and worst factor.

It can power him up and be used to hurt his friends in the process. He has over a million forms currently in the watch being that he can access all of them even when he was starting out but he tends to only use the first hundred and forty forms out of preference. He switches it up just to make sure that he doesn’t get counter. He’s able to later access parts of his forms being that he can turn his arms into say Gravity Form’s arms by just thinking about.

His right arm is made out of an extremely strong metal. It's stronger than steel/titanium but only a tenth of the weight. It's great against sound based attacks being that it can break them upon contact. Bullets ,including high-caliber bullets, just crumple upon impact with it which he uses against armed opponents, and deflect/ricochet element and energy to be used against his enemies which he uses often against element and energy using opponents.

With his right arm, he’s able to fire out his fist ,like a rocket, and Zane calls it a Rocket Punch. He can use it grab things from far away. He’s able to fold his hand back to reveal that it can be used as something else. He can fire a grappling hook with the rope being black and the hook part being a silver color. He uses this to climb up buildings despite having the ability to fly. He is able to fire out laser blasts from it with it stunning a target.

If he charges up the beam, it turns into a stronger attack. The becam can obliterate a multi-story building with ease. It can be used as a gatling gun, firing energy shaped bullets with ease. He can shoot out the elements such as fire and water from it, making it like a flame-thrower or water cannon respectively. The fire is strong with this fire can easily melt rock and metal that’s nearby the flames.

The water can be turned into a powerful pressure that can easily cut through rocks. He can combine both the fire and water into a attack that cause shockwaves. When doing this, it looks like a bazooka ,losing his hand, and looks deadly. Zane gains the ability to absorb energy through his right palm. He can use neutralize his enemy’s energy based attacks and upon having the left palm tattooed to match his right palm, he can fire out the capture energy. 

It’s however on a much bigger scale than one may expected. He can fire multiple version of them being that each attack have the exact same amount of strength as the attack before. 

His cell phone is a highly advanced smartphone ,with it looking pretty normal in the time period that he’s in except for any time or dimension that doesn’t have any cellphone whatsoever, and it can call people in other dimensions and timelines if he can’t use his watch at the time he calls someone. This phone seems to run on the same energy as he does being unlimited and can make wifi anywhere.

Shawn ,aka his father, was once a powerful Sorcerer and Zane being his son is how he gets his Animus. He got his Phantoms powers from Johnny Vincent ,whom he had mixed feelings on because most Phantoms see him as JV, and his grandfather Arturo. He’s immune to any kind of petrification because he’s a member of the Maiden Clan by blood since his grandmother is able to turn people into stone by just thinking about it. This is also because he can do the same.

This works in his favor being that he’s considered to be a good heir to the throne and he would be their next ruler if Lauren died. However, it’s impossible when Zane’s a male but if he was a woman, it wouldn’t. This is shown once again being that he’s immune to Evergreen’s Stone Eye magic which can turn a person to stone upon contact with her. It also gained her affection in saving the girls without a fight by using compliments.

He has Vibration being that most people thinks its a different form of Nether but it's a unique sound base power. This power packs a punch being that it can send his target flying back upon release. It usually comes out as dark red sound wave, being that it has a bass sound to it. He can also use this power to create earthquakes by slamming his foot on the ground or with a clap. Its main weakness is that his hearing hurts if he uses it too many times in a row.

He later learned how to become an assassin from Sharia being that she sensed great potential in him as one despite him being so young plus him having a strong sense of mural. When he becomes a member for the Alliance, he’ll take any kind of job that he seems interesting being that he’ll even kill if he deems them worthy to die. However, he has his own sense of morals but will only do it if there is no other option.

Whenever Zane’s powers are copied mainly shown with Archon Zero or something that’s unique to him, indigo vein-like markings form around their arms being that they are unable to do it unless they give up an arm or limb in return. It turns into an ugly pinkish purple color, showing that it’s clearly broken being bent, covered in blood, and gashes. This is rather pain and scary to look at.

Zane also has in his power arsenal Occult Direction which is all forms of psionic abilities such as telekinesis and telepathy, Expansion and Shrinkage which can alter matter in order to change small pebbles into large boulders and vise versa. He use Occult Direction but less than Sweet Reaction and Vulcan Force. His abilities are quite impressive being that he can beguile/trick gods level opponents.

Stan Underwood ,who has seen a lot in his time alive, says that this power is limitless. He can use his telekinesis to move himself or others through the air. He can release a powerful burst of his psychic energy toward the ground which launches himself into the air. He can create a very durable barrier that Zane can form into whatever he needs. He can create several hands to either protect himself or grab something and rip apart.

It’s very much bulletproof but this shield has its limits being that it’s connected to Zane. His telekinesis can be use to move energy or matter plus being that Zane began his training by moving the rubble for his training. He can hold them in the air, removing all motion and gravity around them. He can stop bullets, a massive building, people such as Steamroller who weighs a lot, and open his way through anything.

He can throw people around with ease and tends to use this effect in Fiore when they annoy him which is often. He can make a massive ball of telekinesis that can rip apart an island with ease. He's also able to make a barrier around himself, being rather durable. He can talk to people through their mind with him using this power less often due to him loving to talk being that to him, it’s the best way to annoy his person. It can work on all living creatures.

He can make them feel guilty, put them to sleep through a lullaby, figure out how someone likes him or something else, planting ideas, force thoughts onto others, and broadcast his thoughts toward others. He tries not to read the minds of his allies but he will if they’re withholding information from him. He can use to move a crowd around him and have them help with clean up.

He can figure out a villain’s evil scheme or something embarrassing about them which he can use for a joke most of the time. His mind control power is able to destroy humanity. He can use this power to help others sleep and manipulate memories. Zane can manipulate memories being that he can alter events in people’s memories when his secret is revealed. He can either do this by delivering a strong impact to someone’s head to eliminate the desired memory.

He can add memories to replace it. He can use this alongside his memory powers to go inside the memories of others and mess with them. He can use hypnosis to disguise other people. When he's using his memory altering powers or when they’re being controlled by Zane or hypnosis, their eyes or body looked glazed over. Some of Zane’s other psychic powers is the ability to see and find objects a distance away using Clairvoyance.

He can make things ,including himself, appear and disappear using Apportation and Teleportation respectively. He can do this on reflex. Upon touch or through dreaming, he can see a vision of the future. This can range from seeing someone’s death or when something goes on sale. If it happens during the day, it comes as a minor headache. He can receive information through touch being that he can figure out a plan from an enemy’s discarded trash.

He can also make picture perfect photos with a single touch and he’s does this by drawing. He can also restore an person or object to a previous state. He can use this for x-ray vision. He can see through clothing, skin, and bones. His restoration ability has its weakness being that it can’t bring people back to life. His ability to see through objects reset back to normal upon closing or blinking his eyes for thirty seconds or less.

He can enhance or compress the size, speed, and strength of anything ,mainly projectiles, to increase or decrease objects. He calls this power Expansion and Shrinkage. It can go up to 100 times its starting power being that he can use this to make drops of water into cannonballs or a twig into a massive sword. He can increase himself being that he’s much faster and stronger than before. He can also increase others physical activities. 

Weakness: Despite Zane being extremely powerful, he has his weakness. Despite him having Animus, Zane’s highly vulnerable to magic due to his Phantom ties. He takes double damage when get hit by magic. His vulnerability to time based magic being that this was shown during his time in the DC Earth. Mordred once got rid of the adults on Earth but he was immune to its effect.

He found the rest of his team eventually and he had to change into his ten year old form just to make sure Mordred doesn’t figure out that his spell didn't work on him. He was once caught in a crossfire of a spell that separates anyone eighteen years old and older from anyone who’s seventeen years old and younger. He was trapped in between both realms with him unable to do anything beside communicate through his phone.

His amazing hearing can be used against him. A loud enough sonic attack can knock him out or destroy his ear drums being that most of his sonic attacks have him covering his ears. The only ways that Zane can ignore the pain are going into his Sound based forms or wearing his Galaxy Phones. The latter helps but not by much and the former negates the weakness but he can’t stay in that form for long.

He can affected by illusions being that a good illusion can affect him and it takes a while before he can break out of it. When he was a child, he learned that he’s extremely allergic toward nickel upon touching a magnet for the first time. This is due to Zane having Furor inside of him. He becomes deathly ill when he’s exposed to a huge amount of Nickel and the touch of it makes Zane very itchy and weaker.

Zane can be affected by poison being that he has to cut off the infected part of his body before it spreads and it usually grows right back. However, magic based poisons take longer for the part to regenerate given Zane’s weakness toward Magic of any kind due to him having Nether in his body. He never gives the fight because of his pride. His anger and loyalty toward others are his biggest weakness.

Upon entering any new dimension through either a teleporter or portal that he didn't created, it takes a while for him to regain his full power and pukes his guts out. He tried his best to get over this weakness but it still plagues him to his future. His body couldn’t contain all of that power inside of him being that he went through his energy fast causing him to eat an unhealthy amount to regain his strength.

In the future being,  he doesn’t need to recharge that much being that his body slowly adapted to all of its power. His emotions can be used against him. This can affect him when he’s older but not as much.  His heightened senses can be used against him such as a very strong sound being that his hearing is his strongest sense. His senses are always active and he can hear anything

Despite Primordial Energy being able to erase everything, it can’t erase Carnal aka the energy from the Dread Dimension. He also has to focus on erasing an object.

Astral Clairvoyance weakness is that Zane can’t predict random attacks, faster than him attacks, and attacks that have no thought behind him which can’t be predicted at all. This power doesn’t increase Zane’s speed so Zane had to get faster himself in order to counter fast attacks. He can be still hit from attacks if he doesn’t counter it. If Zane is feeling strongly about something such as with rage, sorrow, or in great pain, he lose this function.

If Zane sees a strong thought and without any kind of preparation on his part, Zane can get stunned and unable to move which can be a bad thing on his part. Despite Celestial Anatomy sounding invincible, it has weakness. He can be hit by the opposing element such as being hit with water when he’s fire or frozen solid or electricity when he’s water. It takes a very serious amount of concentration to reform from a serious wound.

His elemental regeneration doesn’t work as well when he’s scared, it can take a longer period of time to reform. In addition to this, Zane can regenerate limbs from his body that have been lost before he knew about that such as his right arm but doesn't as a reminder. Empyrean Will drain Zane more than most of his powers being that he can use it so many times before running out of his energy. Zane may be unable to be sick but he does his Eazairvian's sickness known as Ethereal Mania.

Zane’s candy abilities has its weakness. He does have his stretching limits being that he can bleed from stretching too far. He can be cut or stabbed by a powerful slashing attack with ease, being that he can have his arms and legs sliced off unless he applies his willpower armor to make sure they aren’t cut off. He can be slowed down in cold environments unless his body is hotter than normal temperatures.

The sticky nature of Zane’s syrup can be dissolve by a sufficient amount of heat or liquid hitting it unless enchanted with Vulcan Force. Cold can do this but it works better with heat or a liquid. Upon it leaving his body, it can becomes edible. He can only stretch out his body to its normal incredible distance in either his half and half form or liquid form but the solid form can’t stretch as far. He’s able to hurt things by turning him into a solid form but not in his pure liquid form.

He can attack but they aren't very strong. He can be captured in a large enough jar if they’re in a liquid form but he can break out of it if he goes back to being solid. His solid form is rather slow and his half and half form has neither the weak hits or slowness. However, the syrup’s ability to give powers or immortality doesn’t work on everyone being that it requires a strong amount of luck on their side. The chance of getting powers is equal to winning the lottery.

This power is very much connected to his willpower being that if Zane isn’t fully into a fight or into something, the armor is weaker. The armor can be defeated if Zane is hit by a stronger opponent or when Zane is in a weaker form. Zane can lose this armor if his life-force is weak and can’t be used until his life-force is back to its normal state but this is a very minor weakness due to his stronger than normal willpower.

His restoration ability has its weakness being that it can’t bring people back to life. His ability to see through objects reset back to normal upon closing or blinking his eyes for thirty seconds or less. This power does have a weakness being that his temperature generation and regulation is very much connected to his emotion. If he gets really mad, his body can produce a high amount of heat that melts everything around him.

He can also make a high amount of cold that freezes everything around him. It can awaken volcanoes or a high amount of cold that freeze everything around him being that it can create a massive blizzard with ease. This power is also useless against those strong to cold or heat. This power is also part of the reason why Zane requires an immense amount of food due this power requiring a lot of energy from him if he uses it for too long.

He can do both elements at the same time but tends to make half of his body really hot and the other half really cold. This is due to the cold and heat power negating each other. Zane can be both hot and cold but doesn’t out of principle. Scourge Mask does have limits being that it can be destroyed by attacks. It slowly restores itself much to the shock of his enemies. He fights more with instinctive than before being that he tends to ignore his injuries so he can win the fight.

He can stay in his mask for several hours being that the mask only goes away if Zane is exhausted.

Zane’s Gadgets:
Enigma Talisman. After learning about Daemon taking over the Prime Cypress Park, Zane gained this accessory from Lucas. This item is considered an impressive tool being that it’s highly durable. Lucas says that this artifact is from Taelamelan and it was used by a famous being before he died. Zane kept this accessory for the rest of his career being that he kept it on his person all the time and he uses it when reading his grandmother books.

In its sealed state, it looks like a silver chain bracelet which he wears prominently on his left wrist compared to his watch on his right arm. It has a small, white human skull pendant. He can activate it by him moving the skull or channeling his energy ,of any kind, into the bracelet. He can give this to others but it’s better on him. The chain slowly wraps his arms being that the pendant hangs freely from his upper arm.

He can also make a outfit cover his entire body being that he uses it often to cover up his initial clothing. He wears a beautiful long double-breasted black cloak ,with a hood and velvet, with a large drawstring closure at the collar. On the back of the cloak, he has his superhero logo on the back being that people know that he’s a member of the Alliance which he became after defeating Xiadur. He wears a white cloth around the top of his head

This artifact has several different applications being highly versatile to Zane in both combat and regular uses. Its well known ability is that it allows the user to hover in mid-air being that it can allow the user flight but a much slower speed than one may expect. By aiming the chained arm at a target, the user is able to erase memories. The range of this attack can cover the Prime Earth.

Zane first used this ability to erase the memories of his “death” and him being the superhero Legion Zero because he doesn’t want innocent lives in danger. This didn’t affect the Omniverse but they saw how strong Zane can be mainly in Wrath scaring them. The cloak can completely cover the user from all by turning invisible. It shields the user or others for a long period of time being that most types of invisibility cloak last up to several hours.

Animals or people with enhanced senses can’t find the user unlike normal cloaks. The user can separate its soul from its body being that the user can be in two places at once. Zane does this so he doesn’t have to use his Duplication Spell. Zane usually has either Kane or Sivarth inside of his body to make sure no one gets suspicious. Despite being a soul, he can being that he can be still seen by normal humans. This helps when the rumors of him being Legion Zero.

When the user wears the cloak, it can make a shield that protect the user or others. It can also make two hands from it being that the user can manipulate their energy through the hands to make attacks. This artifact can communicate with the Alliance being that it works like a phone call without a camera. Zane uses this most often when he’s on a job being that he knows what's going on.

Z.E.R.O. (Zenith Ectoplasm Range Omega) Watch. This little watch is the most powerful weapon in the Omniverse being that it has the ability to turn the wielder into a living swiss army knives thanks to the creator being Parker whose name is infamous in the Omniverse for good and bad reasons but mainly the former. Zane has been the poster boy for the watch since it was created for him to control his powers better at first but this changed as he got older.

The first version of the watch is very clunky in its design. He wore in and out of costume being that it looked to be a mixture of a gauntlet and wristwatch at first. It covered all of his right or left hand with it stopping ⅔ up his forearm. The entire thing is silver with the digital clock ,in the center of the watch, being green and has a black, red, and yellow interface to it. He later got the watch upgraded with the Prime Function installed and a more sleeker design.

The second version of his watch is his most famous version being that upon Zane getting it and it’s also his most bought piece of merchandise as Legion Zero once his secret is revealed. His second watch is now sleeker than the first model. It looks likes a seemingly plain and average wristwatch rather than a clunky yet functional watch/gauntlet. Zane didn’t have to say that he got it from Japan and his godfather anymore being that it was only a partially lie.

It could also make people think that Zane was Legion Zero being that the outline doesn’t appear unless he wants it do. It’s a little feature that Parker added and Zane forgets about it. The wristband/wrist strap has a black and crimson red color scheme to it. In the center of the watch, there is a black and round faceplate with a steel gray band/dial switch around the faceplate. The faceplate has molten gold stripes, forming an “LZ” outline. It has two gray buttons on each side.

This little watch is very powerful despite its size. Zane has an artificial intelligence installed into it and Zane calls the A.I. a female and Athena. She was his very first partner before Cole, Kane, and Sivarth being that the duo worked rather well together. Upon getting the upgraded version, Zane got a second artificial intelligence being male and his name is Cole. Zane refers them as the angel and devil on his shoulder. Athena is the angel and Cole the devil respectively.

Zane asked Parker about this with the older Eazairvian saying that he just felt like it to annoy him much to Zane’s confusion. The duo also reminds Zane of an old married couple much to the two’s embarrassment. The trio works well together being that Cole is used as his house A.I. in the far future but he helps out Zane when Athena is busy with other affairs such as hanging out with her friends.

This is only when Athena is in her human form that was built for her. He’s like a bro according to Zane. This dynamic later changed upon obtaining Kane and Sivarth being that the five are the perfect team. Both watches are made of a powerful metal being that it can only be found in the Astral Realm due its creator being an Eazairvian. It can only be used by him being that Parker made for him and him alone.

Zane says that even people who have the exact same DNA ,aka his 100% clones and his Alternative Dimension/Timeline Counterparts, as him can’t use it. Kane is able to thanks to Parker allowing only him. If someone else uses it, their DNA gets corrupted, turning into a monster or a genetic freak aka a combination of a couple of his forms permanently. He could change them back but he decides not to being that he hates those who steal his friends away from him.

Its main function is that Zane can transform into a infinite ,being that Parker constantly updates it with new forms daily, assortment of living armors that come with them being special and unique in terms of their appearance powers. They do come with weakness but it’s hard to figure them out due to Zane making sure that the weakness aren’t known. If one Form is used too many times or for extended periods of time, they affect Zane’s personality.

This watch does drain his power but only if he uses the Form Change cards being that they drain his power faster than normal. It doesn’t matter now being that he had to push himself past his limits. To use this and the Prime Function, he did a lot of training with all of them to contain their power. He did all of this during his training on the Plocylst Archipelago. He wanted to have all of the power at his fingertips without being constrained on what he can and can’t do.

The first watch changed his form thanks to the part of his second costume chest piece aka the black body armor/chest plate with a rectangular card shape in the center of it. He could also make them appear from one of his three bags on his belt for a while. They also came in three different flavors. They are in the same shape as tarot cards and this is because they make great merchandise according to Zane.

The three types are black framed cards means Transformation, gold framed cards means Close Range Combat, and a silver framed cards Long Range Combat. He tended to use the black frame cards more often than the gold and silver being that Parker later incorporated them into his Z.E.R.O. (Zenith Ectoplasm Ranged Omega) Armor. . Zane first started out with one hundred forms being that he used thirty one of them before the upgrade.

Zane soon got more of them with Parker telling him to use them all because all forms can be useful but it depends on the user. Zane took this to heart being that he was just happy to have more power to protect the people that he’s sworn to protect as Legion Zero regardless if they’re good or bad. The first watch was initially the receiver for the Arcadia Database or AD which Parker build to contain all of the forms when they were in the forms of cards.

This changed because the second watch ,while smaller, has a bigger hard drive so they were all added into the second watch. Both watches are able to switch forms with Zane thinking about it or either Athena or Cole. The first watch changed forms by swapping out cards that rest in Zane’s costume chest plate. The second watch changes forms by accessing the form’s data that’s inside of the watch’s hard drive.

It does have the weapons data as well but he tends not to use them that much. He tends to access the form by thinking about it just out of personal preferences. The main way is that Zane lightly or heavily presses down on the dark gray band around the faceplate. Upon doing this, a light purple holographic ring with all of his forms cards appears above the faceplate. He can scrolled through it being that he touches the form’s card and turns into it soon after.

It isn’t used often. It’s able to alter its size at will to fit Zane’s wrists which happens when he’s older or a different gender. Upon putting on the watch and activating a transformation, Zane’s immune to negative effects except for his form’s natural weakness. If someone tries and tampers with either watch against Zane’s will, it creates a large feedback pulse mainly for defensive purposes.

It can’t be hacked into. Zane’s the only one who can remove the watch off him and if either arm is cut off, the watch goes to the other arm. If both arms are cut off, it goes around his neck until one of his arms regenerated. Upon a scan, it’s able to repair damage up to the genetic level and can even repair wounds that were incurable. When he scans something, a light blue ray comes out and scans a target finding all injuries with a voice reporting on how to fix it.

It also functioned as a GPS and it can also create a holographic map of the area according to known data collected which later gets upgraded to feature the entire Omniverse thanks to Rider’s Limbo Codex and the Alliance database. It works as a makeshift cell phone that’s connected to Zane’s phone and all of his costumes with its signal being impressive. All of the watches have a translator with him able to understand all languages human or not.

Its display ,on the second watch, shows that all of the forms are now the silhouettes that were featured on the cards that the first watch used. At first, people just knew that this was Zane but this changed. They all now wear Zane’s black robes that he wears in his Omnicom and Zeta Costume alongside the variation he wore in Fiore. He wears this robe even if the form in question has clothing already such as with Radiation and Specter Form.

Zane gains voice command which he can use to talk with Athena and Cole through his Galaxy Phones. It’s like a mind link with Zane not looking crazy talking to no one. He’s able to access partial transformations of his forms. Upon being exposed to an unknown interference or when Zane wants to, the watch can fires out beams which turns people into their forms with Zane being the only one able to change them back.

He can turn them back whenever he wants but he doesn’t out of spite. The watch can allow Zane to  access unknown energy sources such as Ethernano which he used to increase his Animus despite it being already powerful. It’s able to add features to forms aka Radiation Form’s armor being that form is highly radioactive. Zane automatically turns back to normal when he’s really hurt or he is knocked out.

The second watch has the unique ability to evolve forms into what Parker and Zane called Prime Forms. They’re pretty much combat focused. It can record audio and video messages very much like a phone can. It can also host calls to other dimensions. It’s most useless function is the fact that it can tell time in all dimensions and time zones. It has a homing device installed with Parker able to find Zane in whatever dimension he’s in and able to relay information to him.

All of Zane’s watches were a good way to track how much power he can use before he tires himself out and needs to recharge. The first and second watch are able to track energy and heat signatures from Phantoms and Humans, magical auras for Sorcerers or Wizards, and objects for him to find later on. It always tries to save Zane by giving him the power that he needs at the moment and he’s able to switch forms fast.

Zane’s Vehicles/Homes. Zane owns four vehicles being that he has at least one for the land, sea, and air. The Astral Tank aka his Doom Buggy and Saver aka his motorcycle are his land based vehicles. Midnight Bird aka his plane is for the air and can be used for travel through the Omniverse. He also has a house that he lives in the future being that he built it when he was going to start a family and a secret base.

Astral Tank. Before Zane became Legion Zero, he got his first car from his mother and had enhancement from her and Reggie. His doom buggy is a black color being that the front bumper has a navy blue stripe that goes down the center. The seats are raven black and leather. The rims and wheel are crimson red. It has four speeds being that Zane can travel incredible speeds and things that a normal buggy can’t do.

The buggy can later turned into the Astral Tank. It’s slightly bigger than his doom buggy with the seats and color are the same as before. It’s an armored personnel carrier with the wheels of the car having his logo, which starts out as the neon green pentagram on it with a gold dragon wrapped around it. This later changing it to his current logo, and it was also on the center of the hood ,above the bumper and under the windshield, as well.

It has the ability to translate any language much like his watch can. It’s able to go off-road with it able to even go up walls and jump from building to building with ease. It can also adapt to any environment which is something that his Doom Buggy can do as well. From the inside of the car, Zane’s able to activate its guns, missile launches, a bungee cable/winch that is able to grab heavy objects, and access a force field with anyone who touches it get a shock.

Zane is able to activate the rocket boosters which allows the tank to go faster with them being rather small but it has a big one ,which is much stronger, than both of the small ones combined at full power. It’s able to produce small bursts of electricity, flames, or a freezing attack from the back, front, and the sides of the vehicles. It’s able to fire or make blades from the sides to cut down plants.

It’s able to make small rocket launchers and laser turrets appear and blast things and a giant one with a big than normal blast. The seats can be ejected with a parachute attached to help with the descent, an autopilot which is able to work with just a single thought, makes jacks that can pop out tires, go invisible which is an interesting feature, create a bright light to blind his opponents, and attacks things without Zane’s command from the inside.

The engine and metal can withstand high physical force and temperatures. It’s pretty much indestructible. It’s able to break through solid brick wall, deflect anything, and create a parachute to make sure that he stops safely when he’s going really fast. This car is able to survive acid and radioactive environments, bullets, cold environments, electricity, hot environments, water, and  all kinds of explosions.

Inside of the tank, there is a computer screen on the dashboard ,which is very high tech, and it is able to access any database in the Omniverse, call anyone, find whatever Zane needs with his radar as a partner system, and has four seats.

Command Zion. This armored battle suit was created by his mother, Reggie Robertson, Edward Gregory, and Lilith Rune ,not by choice, built it so Zane could defeat any opponent. Lilith wanted to take this suit for the Odium Society to use but thanks to her also trying to gain the power of Spiro Nightmare at the same time, that plan changed. She threw Zane and the rest of Cypress Park under the bus to save her skin.

It’s main purpose for Zane is against stronger than normal opponents such as his fight with Spiro Midnight and his later fights with powerful opponents like Spiro Midnight. Whenever Zane uses his suit, he’s connected to it thanks to a neural interface. The interface normally drain the user if they use a large amount of the suit’s power. Zane used both Brain and Gadget Form to fix that little problem of the suit.

He did this thanks to him creating an energy converter from some pieces of scarps from his mother’s rejected inventions that was laying around the lab. Its design was rather plain but when Zane took it, he gave it the Legion Zero upgrade so that he can use it without worry and keep his signature brand. Upon Zane entering the suit, his body is covered/protected by a clear dome.

The chest is broad being that in the center of his chest is his logo. It’s an armored suit with it being black with purple accents. The suit’s entire body is rather big being that he has large robotic hands. His shoulders ,which are strangely large cubes, have Zero’s Logo on them. It is ten feet tall. After his fight with the former king, he uses this armor against opponents stronger than him or to be just awesome but mainly the former.

This suit can increase Zane’s natural strength, speed, and endurance by 100 times. He’s able to separate the top half and bottom half with him able to use either part by itself. With his legs, he’s able to run really fast and kick an object so hard that they will go through several buildings. It’s extremely durable being that it can withstand attacks from Spiro Nightmare and even a massive amount of Phantoms with Zane saying that this metal is extremely hard.

Thanks to Zane being the main user of the armor, it can replicate all of Zane’s powers alongside his watch. It wears his superhero suit. It also increase his powers being that it helps him using more of his power. He flies using the rockets in his back or in the soles of his feet. He’s able to fire cannons & gatling guns out of either shoulder. He can fire out attacks being energy beams or missiles. When using his forms, the suit changes into a fusion of the form and suit.

He can fire an energy beam out of his chest which can be rather effective. He can fire missiles out of his fingers or fire his fist at a target much he can do later on his life. He’s able to move things around using electrokinesis and turn his hands into weapons which he can use rather effectively.

Midnight Bird. Zane later gains a black reconnaissance aircraft in terms of its design. It's larger and sleek compared to a normal aircraft. The ship had ten engines in its two wings along with jets. There's a wide, green tinted window in the front divided into three sections. The front is pointed in a cone like manner with fins on the wings and top of the ship. The back of the vessel is flat and gray with three big, rounded jets on it.

Underneath is a flat, rounded surface with a hatch that opens to engage the landing gear and its four telescopic landing legs. The cockpit has two seats being one for the pilot seat and the other seat was for the co-pilot with the sides of the pit have computer stations and more seats. There is a lot of open space for walking and moving around. Heading to the back of the pit is a wall and door. This separates the cockpit from the rest of the ship.

Beyond said wall is the corridor leading to the cabins and cargo bay. The cabins are basic looking rooms with a dresser, cabinet, trunk, desk, and wall lights of a matching designs. The beds can either be a bunk bed, one person bed, or a two person bed. There is up to twenty cabins. At the end of the corridor is another corridor which leads to the engine room or the cargo bay.

The cargo bay is a wide open area near the back of the ship. It contains crates, items, and other vehicles. There is a large door which opens to the outside. It’s a signature vehicle of the Astral Realm being that as the most recent Zero, he owns it. The ship has a AI system aka Athena being that Parker put it for Zane at first and this was until Zane was able to fly the ship without any help. The plane can move really fast but at the same time, it’s quiet as a mouse.

Despite it’s size, the cargo bay can holds all of his vehicles along with several hundreds beings of different size and shapes. It has several tunnels to emergency exits. It can access any database on Earth and the Omniverse even the highly secured ones. It’s extremely fast being able to travel in deep under water pressures, outer space, or any places that a normal human can’t normally travel.

It has both manual and autopilot with it having laser based weapons and missiles. It also has an impressive defense systems. It can travel from the moon to the earth with no signs of friction to it. It can survive being hit by a giant explosion. The ship can turn invisible thanks to camouflage. It can shape shift by adding/removing seats and open hatches. It can makes a clamp that can carry other objects of great shape and size.

It’s able to assimilate any kind of tech in the same vein as Gadget Form and can be used as a weapon against others. It can’t take that much damage being very much like a glass cannon.

Saver. Zane built ,with Ray’s help, a Black Chrome Kawasaki Ninja 300/ZX-14 hybrid. It had a leather seat and the tire in the back is bigger than the wheel in front. It can fit himself and another person on it. It took him some time to master riding it being that he uses his doom buggy more than his bike but still it’s rather effective. He learned how to master the bike thanks to the animals who made him a training ground.

It can turn into a vehicle of the Astral Realm called Saver. It has three wheels with the front of the bike is armored, with it still looking like a the regular bike that it was before hand. It has gull-wing doors being that Zane can get it and out from both sides. The bike itself is navy blue, the hood is black with it very much like the starry night and his superhero logo in the center of it and the two back wheels of the bike.

When anyone goes inside Saver, it creates a protective suit. It is a black jumpsuit with body armor on it. This includes a black helmet with crimson red edges, dark purple comfort liner, and a transparent glass, gold visor. The armored front barrels through enemies. It can fly with the wheels, splitting in half and propulsion jets in the wheel. It can travel through space and time plus fire nets. It can fire a giant laser beam. It forms the right arm to Zane’s Z.E.R.O. Armor.

Zane’s Weapons. In his journey, Zane acquired many weapons being that he has both close and long ranged weapons. This isn’t strange due to most Zeroes having a weapon in their lifetime. He tends to be a close range fighter being that he doesn’t know how to run from a fight but he can fight at a distance as well. He learned how to truly use a weapon by Theron mainly to make sure that he can fight anyone.

He can summon them thanks to him having a pocket dimension. He owns two guns known as Rogue Six Shooter and Termination, a hammer known as Oathbreaker, and a staff known as Stormbreaker. He tends to use Stormbreaker, Oathbreaker, Termination, and Rogue Six Shooter.

His most common and well known weapon is a sword being that he has give powerful swords in his collection. They are Espada, Forsaken Dirge, Lazarus Soul, Spectral Sun, and Striker. He obtained Spectral Sun from Mel upon Zane asking the blacksmith for him to make said weapon. He obtained Forsaken Dirge when he was sixteen years old upon him defeating Konosuke, Shogun of the Blue who is one of the best swordsman in the Omniverse.

He got this despite him being a novice at the time. He obtained Espada from the Snake Elder upon meeting him. His blade Lazarus Soul is his soul personified according to Kane and he first learned of this blade during his training. He later made knives called Curved Atlatl. He uses them often being called his signature weapon. He tends to use them against swordmans.

Curved Atlatl. This is a unique weapon being that it can be seen as a throwing weapon but also a close ranged curved shortsword. Zane can wears them around his knuckles very much like Brass Knuckles. The design of them is very much like a Karambit knife. They look like claws being that it’s very much like an animal’s claws. Its blade has a silver edge. He can use his close combat skills being that he can hit fast and cause bleeding with ease.

He can throw them very much like kunais and shurikens being that this blade is enchanted to multiply several times being that it can reach over a million copies if Zane’s focused. He can control their trajectories through simple motions and gestures. He tends to use this to train on humans being that his swords tend to be no fun. This weapon can easily pierce and cut through stone and metal. Zane says that this is going to be his signature weapon for sure. 

Espada. This sword was made at the beginning of the Omniverse with the previous owner being the Elder of the Snake Clan/Eros once used this blade to fight against the Dread Dimension on the side of the Astral Realm. Zane obtained this blade upon meeting Sivarth for the first time and the Phantom says that Zane’ll be perfect for this blade. Zane later met Eros during his training and the snake made sure that the sword was in the proper hands.

This sword has a white sheath with a dark purple snake design wrapped around it, the guard is in a circular shape of a violet snake mainly an ouroboros, and the handle is black with the purple snake decorations and at the end of the handle. The double-edged blade is silver with it being extremely shiny. This sword works better against Qlakriks and dragons showed when this blade damaged dragons better than the Dragon Slayers in Fiore.

This blade talks to Zane being that it’s Eros with Zane liking the reptile due to his snark. He can focus his power into this blade being that he can focus Primordial power. This sword has special moves that is unique to this blade being that they were special moves made by the Snake Elder himself. Zane can extend and retract the blade to attack from long distances. He can move it using his mind or the Snake Elder taking control.

This blade is very strong being that it can cut through almost everything. He moves his fingers to make his opponents thinks that he’s moving the sword using his mind but it’s actually the Snake Elder. Zane tends to pair this blade up with the blade that he got from Konosuke. The two feel right when they’re working together because Konosuke’s blade is the stronger blade but lacks speed and Eros is the reverse.

Forsaken Dirge. This sword is special being that it’s a blade belonging to a samurai Phantom who was once a high ranking member of Spiro Nightmare’s army. The samurai’s name is Konosuke or Kono for short, the Shogun of the Blue. The two fought for a long time with Zane barely winning their fight. The samurai threw Zane the sword saying that he earned it. This blade is cursed which in turn brings death toward anyone unworthy who wields the blade.

The metal for the blade was made from a fallen star being that as the sword was made, it was cursed. This is due to the sword being involved in a heavy amount of bloodshed being that the sword slashed its creators, opponents, and users before meeting Konosuke and later Zane. It looks like a normal katana with a black blade. Despite it being around for a long time, it never shows signs of damage and wear thanks to the blade being made out of a fallen star.

The sword has a molten god/reddish purple hamon being that it’s very noticeable and looks like fangs belonging to a unknown beast. The tsuba is dark purple and shaped like a dragon’s mouth with flame like ends. The hilt is wrapped in black silk. The sheath of the sword is black with red spades like markings on it. It’s a powerful blade being that if it is used by a highly competent and worthy swordsman, it can destroy an entire mountain.

Upon mastering it, Zane wields this blade as his main blade alongside Lazarus Soul. Upon seeing Zane with this blade, several swordsmen and swordswoman want to challenge Zane to obtain this blade much to his annoyance at times. This blade had a mind of its own being that Zane had to learn how to control its power. Zane says that if anyone other than him uses this blade, they will be tortured for all eternal life.

It can cut through pretty much anything in its path such as arms and legs with ease. It can also absorb the energy of anything that attacks it. It is Zane’s fastest sword being that he uses it for handling more than one opponent at once. It can also charge its power for the ability to slice an opponent over a hundred times and then finishing it off with a single giant slash attack. It can heal Zane’s wounds.

It’s highly durable being that attacks don’t leave any mark on it. It’s very durable being able to survive a giant stepping on it and it doesn’t bend whatsoever. Upon slashing the air for the first time, Zane gets knocked back by the attack seeing that it created a large vacuum of air.  It create shock waves by slashing the air in front of him or slamming his sword into the ground. It can cut apart large battleships and giant icebergs with a single slash.

Upon hitting something, Zane can use kinetic energy into it causing an kinetic explosion. It can fire several stars forming constellations which can make a rather frenzy based attack or trap anything hit by it in a star themed ball and chain. The blade can use Zane’s energies and also combine them to make new elements. This sword is very powerful under Zane’s command and threat.

Lazarus Soul. This sword is very special to Zane being that according to Kane, it’s Zane’s soul personified into a weapon. He learned about this blade with him deciding to use this sword to protect his friends for the dangers of the Omniverse. This was during his training. This soul is the reflection of his power ,as well, and soul being that his sword is actually alive. His sword is a girl by the name Aurora.

Upon meeting Zane for the first time, she tells him not to change at all because she likes him for him and no one else. Her personality is very similar to Zane being a lot like a Yamato Nadeshiko which is more obvious, She usually comforts him during the bad and good times of his life. She’s like Zane’s big sister and Kane likes her but he doesn’t say anything to keep up his bad boy image but everyone knows it.

This sword has the ability to change its form being that it has the ability thanks to Zane having several different forms either through his Z.E.R.O. watch or his powers. However, Aurora doesn’t change upon Zane turning the sword into a different form. She can manifest herself in a spirit like form .to be seen by others than Zane or anyone connected to his soul, being that she’s always nearby Zane or Lazarus Soul.

She’s very beautiful being that she’s always shorter than Zane even if Zane grows in height. Her skin is pale with cerulean blue eyes and very prominent eyelashes. She has long, lavender hair. She has two long strands that falls front of her shoulders and she parts her bangs behind her ears. She wears a black and white, high-collared kimono with large sleeves and long hem. She wears a black obi ,that’s wrapped around her waist, and she wears it with white sandals.

Aurora can use all of Zane’s abilities ,except for his watch, being that she’s better in using magic compared to both Kane and Zane. She also excels in defense ,more than both Kane and Zane combined due to their berserker like style, being able to block all attacks coming toward her. Zane uses her the best because he fights with his heart and according to some, his heart is his strongest power.

Kane ,due to him being part of Zane, can manifest his power through Aurora’s sword or Wrath being that if Zane is dying or in range, he can take full control over him being a massive threat on the battlefield. This sword is Zane’s strongest sword being that it grows in strength and evolves alongside him. However, its strength weakens when Zane is weak being that it’s connected to his soul. If Zane dies, Aurora dies alongside him.

The base form is a normal looking katana. Its blade is curved, double-edged, and slender. Its edge is half molten gold and violet ,somewhat living like his Archon Zero, being that the blade itself is dark purple, looking like metallic scales with a spiral pattern. It looks like Vulcan Force for comparison. The hilt is black ,with it having a purple criss cross pattern and looking like a circuit board, wrapping to it. It’s also long enough to be used with two hands.

The handguard is in the shape of a eight pointed maple leaf flower/snowflake. It has a long red string hanging from the end of the pommel. The scabbard is a burnt orange color. Zane can unleash this sword’s true power when he says,”This blade is the physical embodiment of my soul and like me, I can break the limits of my soul to crush anything in my path!”. His sword soon glows dark purple and gold being that a new sword appears in its place.

In any one of its forms, this sword is able to unleash pure, destructive power that can shatter anything that comes in contact with the blade.

This sword is connect to Zane’s soul being that Lazarus Soul can use all of his other sword’s special abilities.

All of Zane’s swords are build for melee combat but Lazarus Soul is the best at using Zenith Slash for obvious reasons. This sword can cut through anything in the Omniverse ,even in its sheath, mainly anything that’s a spirit such as Phantoms or any kind of spirit, good or bad. This is due to this sword being Zane’s soul into a powerful weapon and considered a legendary and infamous weapon.

This sword does have its special and unique abilities. He can make several copies of the blade or his other blades being that he can throw them at their target. The blade is unbreakable very much like Forsaken Dirge. He can also grab them later. His enemies can use the blades but they’re not on the same level as Zane or have the same strength of the original sword in its base form.

He can create bombs ,out of his energies, and manipulate explosions with this sword being that it’s due to Zane’s explosive personality. He soon found out what this meant.  They can’t be blocked normally because the bombs aren’t from Zane or his energies himself but the area around him goes boom. His explosions doesn’t affect him. This sword is the best for handling multiple opponents and it has an impressive range to say the least.

He doesn’t have to aim his attacks being that it will mostly like hit something. The blade can also store any kind of energy inside of it being that it’s power gets increased. He can fire out constructs of energy ,which is based off what energy is in the sword at the time, out of it being that it works as a great projectile based attack. Zane can swing the sword so fast and hard being it can create a powerful whirlwind when he unsheathes the sword.

He can send a massive opponent flying away upon unsheathing the sword in its base state with ease upon doing it a single time. Upon unleash the sword’s true power upon his enemies, its power is very much legendary. The air soon ripples around Zane and the sword with it feeling like Zane’s a god and you’re unworthy to be in its presence. This sword can rip through space and time like it was nothing at all.

This sword is hard to master from anyone other than Zane because it’s Zane’s Soul. Zane says that if he dies, the sword is destroyed and vise versa. Zane tends to use this sword by itself without any assistance and it’s rather impressive. This is also because of its ability to evolve twice which is rare since every other sword can’t evolve regardless being a powerful base ability.

Oathbreaker. This hammer is a special one being that its previous warrior was a former Zero who was infamous for his usage. After his death, his hammer was taken from the gravesite and it was cursed by several of the Zero’s enemies. The Alliance soon gained it back but it came at a price. The hammer gained a sentience of its own being that it refused to work with anyone that isn’t worth of its power.

While in Ezlario, the trio of Danny, Gwen, and Zane were exploring the city. They were here because they were waiting for Loren to finish up with their training schedule. Zane soon found this hammer being that the weapon was calling to him. The shopkeeper told Zane that he could have it and Zane treats it with pride. This hammer is very strong being able to easily shatter anything that comes in contact even things who are translucent and invisible like Phantoms.

The normal form and size is a large hammer being that it’s about half the size of Zane when he’s six feet tall. The brown handle is long and its guard is semicircular with five golden spikes on it. Its body is a metallic dark gray. The head of the hammer is double-sided with the right side being a typical sledgehammer and the left sides being an axe with its blade shaped like a crescent moon like a monk’s spade.

On the front of the hammerhead, his logo rests there with a white circular background to it. It also has a gold trim to it being that it glows when in use. Zane uses this hammer the best out of the Zeroes because he’s an expert at causing destruction and strength and he can use this rather well. This weapon will only work with Zane or anyone who has the ability of Zero being that it’s very stubborn according to some.

Kane says that it’s better to use when in an angered state because of the strength.  Sometimes whenever Zane summons this weapon, a gold glow comes from his body being that they form into the hammer. He can make it rest around his neck being that it grows to the size of a pin and it connects to Enigma Talisman or his necklace. This weapon has some special and very powerful abilities.

It can grow and shrink being that it can be the size of a van or a pencil depending on his mood. Upon being used, it glows being very obvious. Normally when the hammer grows, the weight would grow alongside it but it doesn’t. Zane can either make the hammer really heavy but slower to move or the opposite effect. However, it’s power doesn’t change whatsoever. It can also protect Zane against illusions being that it gets rid of Zane’s weakness toward it.

It also works against anything evil being that it can burn the most evil of opponents. It works well for defense. Zane can create portals out of thin air with the hammer being that he can use it to make up for its lack of speed. It can create things out of thin air mainly anything to do with the elements and Zane tends to use this weapon mainly when he use his elemental abilities. He can easily make a massive boulder.

Upon hitting it with his hammer, it ignites in either flames or any other elements making a massive explosion. He can absorb and store Zane’s enormous energy being that it can release the power on Zane’s command and with precision. He can also release the stored power in a single burst, being that it’s quite a force to be reckoned with. This hammer is one of his favorite weapons to use whenever he can’t slice down his foes.

Rogue Six Shooter. This revolver is a a black ,with a white flame like pattern, custom revolver/colt .45 acp/colt m1911 pistol with a distinct skull and crossbones mark on the grip. It has a six-chambered hexagonal cylinder. Upon summoning it, Zane usually keeps it in a simple looking black leather holster. It’s strapped to the left or right side of his waist depending on his mood. It shares the same type of bullets as Termination aka Zane’s elements and energy condensed into a bullet. 

It can range from a small to nuclear explosion. 

Spectral Sun. This blade is his first blade being that it was made for him by the blacksmith Melegros. He made this sword for Zane because of how much he wanted a weapon. Upon making the sword, he made it to represent Zane in terms of his ability to have a multitude of power. The metal is the same as Stormbreaker being that it’s from the Astral Realm being that it’s unbreakable and can’t be magnetized except by him.

This sword is a one foot tall longsword. The hilt is shaped like bat wings being that they extend upwards toward the blade. It looks like a single edge blade much to the confusion of others but it’s actually a double edged blade. The blade is black with white edges. The handle ,which a medium sized, is brown leather and the cross-guard is golden. At the base of the blade, it has a crescent moon symbol which is a silver color.

On Zane's back, he had a dark purple sheath with it resting on a dark green strap that went across his chest to the right. The crescent moon symbol glows purple upon using its special abilities. Spectral Sword has all of Zane’s powers infused into the blade being that he can absorb, cut through, or use his magic or nether. This sword has two special abilities that are unique to it. They are Matter Distortion and Vital Strike.

Matter Distortion allows Zane to travel long distances and great heights by throwing his blade toward something. Upon throwing the blade, he can warp toward the exact location of his blade with him striking afterword. Zane can use this ability to strike opponents from far distances and everything else in between.He has to make sure that he doesn’t throw the sword in a spot where he can fit.

Vital Strike allows Zane to slash a target ,which in turn, can cut off the enemies clothing or hit the vital points finishing them off killing or disabling them. The former gives the ability to its name. Zane tends to pick the former option being that embarrassment is a far better way to stop his opponents in their track being that most of his enemies get embarrassed. This sword is a very powerful blade.

Striker. This sword is a kodachi and Zane's fastest sword mainly due to the size. His sword’s blade is about one and five tenths feet long, its blade is straight and double sided, the handguard is in the shape of dragon wings, the handle is curved just bit and wrapped in brown leather, the blade is black, and the tsuba/guard is black and purple. It has some elements of katana and a knife sword. This means that he can wield it with both hands.

Compared to most of Zane’s swords, he wears this on his person mainly seen in his Omicron costume. He has it usually resting in its brown leather holster worn diagonally over his left shoulder. Upon swing it, it can easily generate a streak of lightning. Zane says that he named it striker since it'll strike you before you even it know it. If Zane wants to summon the blade by itself, Zane makes it appears with a purple flower pattern.    

Stormbreaker. He gained this weapon from Parker being that it’s very useful in close combat fitting his style. He can also use it to channel his magic through it. It’s an obsidian black ,made out of a metal that looks like steel, staff. It’s a Escrima Stick. The metal ,known as Evodium, is unbreakable and can only be used by him. It also can’t be magnetized except by him. He can this staff as a bo staff which hurts.

This pole can’t extend like Heidi’s. It can however shrink being that he can use to surprise his opponents by growing. Zane can infuse his energy into the pole being that the striking power is increased. He can also focus his magic into the staff and he can use all of his spells through them. Zane can throw his staff a great distance away and cast a close range spell from a distance.

Termination. This rifle is a dark indigo M1014 Double Barreled shotgun with a sniper scope attached to it. Upon summoning, Zane usually keeps it a simple gray nylon holster strapped onto his back. The bullets for this rifle are Zane’s elements and energy condensed into a bullet being that it can range from a small to nuclear explosion. Zane can handle multiple opponents and he can use it for close range.

Techniques: 1.
Vulcan Force. Zane focus his willpower armor over a part of or all of his body and objects to make it stronger. Upon doing this, the object or part of his body is covered by dark purple metallic scales with a spiral pattern to it. This also increases his weight of his attacks, making them highly durable and prevents damage. They have the ability to also rebound the attack back at the attacker. Upon doing this, Zane can imbue elemental effects such as fire or lightning mainly the former. It takes a long time if Zane isn’t feeling good.

List of Forms: Bold means they have the ability to evolve, Italic means they have been used once before, and Underline means that their evolved form has been seen. This of Episode 91.

Creature Based (47): 25 Evolved/Prime and 22 Regular.
Alien Form, Archangel Form, Archfiend Form, Armadillo Form, Bakeneko Form,
Basilisk Form, Beast Form, Bronco Form, Bull Form, Bunny Form,
Canine Form, Cetacean Form, Chimera Form, Cryptid Form, Cyber Form, 
Dinosaur Form, Draco Form, Dragonfly Form, Eagle Form, Experiment Form,
Extinct Form, Fairy Form, Frankenstein Form, Ifrit Form, Insect Form,
Kamaitachi Form, Kitsune Form, Liger Form, Mastodon Form, Mummy Form,
Naga Form, Nephalem Form, Penguin Form, Phoenix Form, Primate Form,
Ram Form, Raptor Form, Raven Form, Reaper Form, Robot Form,
Salamander Form, Scarecrow Form, Specter Form, Terrapin Form, Vampire Form,
Werewolf Form, and Zombie Form.

Element Based (45): 26 Evolved/Prime and 19 Regular.
Alchemy Form, Astral Form, Atomic Form, Bone Form, Boulder Form,
Cataclysmic Form, Chaos Form, Chronos Form, Comet Form, Detective Form,
Diamond Form, Dynamo Form, Electron Form, Equinox Form, Frost Form,
Fulmination Form, Polymath Form, Genetic Form, Glacier Form, Gravity Form,
Illusion Form, Magma Form, Matter Form, Mirror Form, Nitro Form,
Organic Form, Paper Form, Particle Form, Pyre Form, Quantum Form,
Radiation Form, Smoke Form, Sound Form, Storm Form, Swamp Form,
Thief Form,Thermal Form, Thunder Form, Tombstone Form, Torrent Form,
Undergrowth Form, Vine Form, Voice Form, Water Form, and Zephyr Form.

Skill Based (48): 19 Evolved/Prime and 29 Regular.
Archer Form, Assassin Form, Brain Form, Brawn Form, Brick Form,
Camouflage Form, Cartoon Form, Combat Form, Dancer Form, Demigod Form,
Dreadnought Form, Drill Form, Fragrance Form, Gadget Form, Gluttony Form,
Gunslinger Form, Hair Form, Hulking Form, Hunter Form, Imagination Form,
Inventor Form, Jackpot Form, Knight Form, Magus Form, Nano Form,
Nightmare Form, Ninja Form, Orb Form, Osmosis Form, Pirate Form,
Prodigy Form, Protector Form, Psychic Form, Replication Form, Restore Form,
Rubber Form, Shredding Form, Slime Form, Spring Form, String Form,
Swift Form, Teleport Form, Territory Form, Titan Form, Turbo Form, 
Vision Form,Warlord Form, and Zany Form.        

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