Friday, February 16, 2018

Zero Episode 85 Lets play some ball

A/N: We may have another dance episode ,coming up, for three reasons. Reason 1: The story is based in a high school and most schools have 2-3 dances a year. Reason 2: I don't plan on doing a Prom for the series but don't quote me on that. Reason 3: I love drama with some levity to it. This may change later on but don't quote me on that. Despite Zane being depressed about what happening with Vicky last time, he isn't going to be depressed about it because he wanted to be friends with her.

It may have been more than that to Vicky and the others but to Zane, he's dating Rain but it's a secret. Most people ,except for his family, partners, and some of his friends, know this because it could ruin her career. They may announce it later on or something may happen later. Who knows because like I'll have said before. I think to think about things in the moment rather than the future, I also wonder what past me thinks of things.

I also plan on building up some romances that don't involve Zane. Yes, that is a shock to those who have read the series over time. I've hinted on a couple of them in the past but this will make things more clear and precise I hope. Lets begin in an unknown location somewhere in Cypress Park. Most events in the series will take place in Cypress Park unless I say otherwise. Most stories ,superhero or not, deal with events in the main city.

Narrator P.O.V.
In a dark room, there were several ,super-thick reinforced glass, tanks filled with something. It was soon revealed to be two glowing red eyes. "Patience my child. You'll so be able to destroy all in your path. I'll have the power to get everything I want. The Odium Society will see how much better I am compared to Rocco and soon, Cypress Park will bow to its new mistress Countess Chimera." said a female voice. The super villain Countess Chimera stood there with her arms crossed.

Instead of looking far more animal than human, it was now the reverse of it. She looked to be a more muscular looking female but not bodybuilder levels. She had long black hair that went to her hips thanks to a ponytail and green eyes. Her claw markings looked more like interesting tattoos and under her smile covered by cherry red lipstick, she had several rows of sharp shark like teeth ready to eat through anything.

She wearing a black tank top/camisole with a animal themed off the shoulder long sleeve blouse with green python themed pants and brown knee high boots. She started to laugh as she heard ,using her enhanced hearing, crying. She sighed as she went upstairs. She soon saw Barbarian ,who looked the exact same, standing outside of the door crossing his arms. 'She's still depressed after Master left her behind for a job for that sorcerer." said Barbarian. "Let me talk to her." said EC.

She opened the door to see Blanche sitting on the bed depressed and in the fetal posture which looked weird thanks to her having a second set of arms. "Listen. You need to get over it Blanche. Your boss isn't that mad at you." said EC. Barbarian snickered as EC gave him a glare. "Ignore him. He's just jealous that your boss likes him less than you do. I needed two assistants and Rocco picked you for your impressive teleportation ability and Barbarian for his muscle." said EC.

Blanche looked up as she said,"So why don't you use your assistants?!". "Because they're busy with phase one of my master plan." said EC. "Phase one? I thought you were just going to release those creatures on the town." said Barbarian. "And this is why you're the muscle fur ball. My plan to get revenge on Legion Zero whose stopped me in that muscle form and vampire form." said EC. The girl soon remembered how she got in trouble because of Zane.

She ,alongside both Solomon and Tototl, knew Zane's secret identity along with some others in the Odium Society but most knew Zane as Legion Zero aka a pest that refuses to be squashed. "Could I help with it? I want him dead more than anything." said EC. "Are you serious? I mean you stick out like a sore thumb." said the tiger man with EC punched him into the wall. "Ignore him. With the Engineer's latest invention, you'll do just fine Blanche." said EC.

Meanwhile, Zane ,as Legion Zero, was flying through the town and he was currently talking with his secret girlfriend Rain Brooks through his watch that worked like as phone. 'So how is shooting the drama of the twenty first century going?" said Zane. 'Good. We're making great progress according to the Director. I should be attending school soon. I have to meet the student council president and I've heard he's a jerk from Conner." said Rain. "I'm hurt." said Zane mockingly.

Rain said,"So when can I meet your friends?". "Soon, you'll love them Rain. Rachel and you will be good friends plus my friend David. He may seem like he should be in college but he's around our age and he's a huge fan of your....." said Zane. A silent alarm went off as he stopped. He saw that he was in front of the bank nearby the beach. "What's wrong?" said Rain. "Nothing important. Can I call you back?" said Zane. "Sure. Stay safe." said Rain.

She hanged up as Cole said,"So do you think she knows about you being the number one hero here in Cypress Park?". "I doubt it. Thanks to the Duplication and Zenith Duplication spell, you can be in two places at once. I think learning that spell was a good choice Sivarth." said Athena. "I never said that it wasn't a bad idea Athena. I just hate most Animus users." said Sivarth. "Lets take that as a good compliment." said Kane.

Zane rolled his eyes as he soon landed on the bank's rooftop. He phased in and he saw that the main safe was blown wide open. "Time to find out which numb skulls picked the wrong night to mess with little old me. Locate." said Zane. His eyes soon glowed as he soon found a trail leading toward the basement. "According to the schematics, the basement leads out to the beach. We can stop them there." said Athena. "Right and he's there too." said Zane as he flew off.

On the nearby beach, Harvey and Roger stood there. They were both wearing the same colored long sleeved shirts from their days back in NYC with no ski masks with blue jeans. Harvey had short red hair and brown eyes while Roger had surfer blond hair and blue eyes. "See? I told you this job would be a success." said Roger. "Whatever man. Lets get going." said Harvey. "I'm just happy that there is no snot-nosed punk waiting for us." said Roger.

The two soon heard,"Wow Roger and here I thought that we were pals. I mean I've captured you and your boyfriend more times than I count and I'm really good at counting.". The two saw Zane standing there as Harvey said,"You can't stop the both of us brat.". "Yeah but he can." said Zane. "What? Your imaginary friend?" said Roger. Harvey started laughed as Zane said,"Okay. I warned you.". The earth around Zane soon came to life as two giant rock hands came out of the ground.

Bedrock aka Walter Davis soon formed next to Zane as he said,"These two will never learn will they kid?". "Yeah but it makes things fun you know." said Zane. The two later watched both of them get put in a squad car. "Thanks for trusting in me kid." said Walter. "To be honest, I did it for your cute daughter." said Zane. "I figure as much. She's already calling you her big bro. You don't mind that do you?" said Walter.

Zane said,"Not at all Walter. So have you tried for that job at the high school? You know the principal and I've heard good things about the Student Council president.". "It sounds like a cushy job kid but most of the students, teachers, and parents have some knowledge of my criminal past." said Walter as he crossed his arms. "So? I thought you didn't care about what others think of you. I read that little bit in your file." said Zane.

Walter said,"I don't but still, I don't want my Camille to get bullied. She's making friends there like that one kid whose brother goes to Cypress High. He's a very sweet kid but I'm not giving him my daughter so easily.". "Easy there papa bear. They may be just friends just like you and Crystal." said Zane. "Got a point there. Still got patrol tonight?" said Walter. "Wouldn't mind some company." said Zane. "I'm in kid." said Walter.

At the police station, Harvey and Roger weren't in a good mood. "I can't believe we got captured by the walking stone again! I hate working in this town!" said Roger. "I'm just happy we didn't lose to that dam Zero." said Roger. Tony ,who looked the same, walked up to their cell as he said,"Much to the station's shock, someone bailed your bail.". The two punks looked at each other as they left the room.

They were soon outside to see a female chauffeur standing ,with a limo behind her, holding up a sign that said their names. The two looked at each other as they headed into the limo. "Welcome boys. You two have proven yourselves worthy of being a threat." said a voice. The two saw the prime enforcer for the Alliance Randall Carson aka Taurus sitting there. He's a very grandiose man looking big and strong. He's taller than the two of them.

He has no hair with small red eyes and black rings ,from a lack of sleep, around his eyes and a gold diamond earring in the right ear. He's wearing a dark blue muscle shirt with a dark red jacket over it, black cargo pants, and black sturdy boots with a utility belt with several pouches. He has metal bands around both wrists. "Oh hell yeah! That brat's going down!" said the two punks in unison. The two soon highfied as Gold just smiled with it being a creepy one.

The next day, Zane was playing a game he likes to call Target Practice. He currently had a steel gray Nether slingshot with a shot aimed at a pyramid of soda cans. "Steady. I can't miss this shot or my friends will be in danger." said Zane. He soon fired a small crumpled paper ball at the pyramid which caused them to fly all over the room. "Nice shot." said Zane. "Zane? Are you making another mess in there?" said Natasha.

Zane looked around and he said,"Maybe. I'll clean it up I promise!". The door opened as the mother saw Zane with a steel gray Nether hand and trash bag. "At least you're currently using your powers for a somewhat selfish reason." said Natasha. "I'm pretty good about using my powers." said Zane as he smiled. "To be honest, I needed to talk with you. I heard from Marcia's mom that your school is having a Sadie Hawkins dance. Have any girls asked you out?" said Natasha.

Zane's face went red as he said,"Maybe a couple of them but they've all be my juniors. It's hard being the student council president sometimes.". "I can see that Zane. Just find a date for it Zane because you'll be around for a very long time and you need to make some memories with those you care about before they go." said the mother. She left the room as Zane said,"Don't worry mom. I have a perfect date in mind.". Zane soon turned into Legion Zero as he headed off to school.

Meanwhile outside of a abandoned shoe store, a limo drove into it and inside of the garage, a elevator stood there with the limo driving on it. As the elevator went down to a secret basement level, Gold and Roger walked out of the limo. "I didn't know this place existed." said Roger. He watched the limo go up as Gold said,"Yeah. It's a secret and can't be detected by those goody two shoes. Both you and Harvey will be working solo until we need the Brigade back.".

Roger saw him slowly opening a door as he said,"Our glorious leaders have been looking for fresh and slightly less psychotic talent.". "I still can't believe that. So what do you need me to do? Rob a couple banks?" said Roger. "You'll find out soon enough and I'll inform you now. You and the leaders won't be meeting for a while." said Taurus. Roger was lightly scared of him due to him knowing that he was the right hand to one of the Odium Society's leaders.

Later around lunch time, Zane saw his friends (Cam, Evan, and Heidi) sitting at a table. Cameron or Cam for short looked the same as he did when he was a Sophomore. His wheelchair still looked high tech. He's now wearing a black and white hoodie with it opened showing off his green t-shirt, blue jeans, and plain old black and white tennis shoes. Evan still had messy hair with his bangs brushed off to the sides of his face making his dark blue eyes more apparent. 

He's now wearing a plain orange cap on his head and black rimmed glasses. He's wearing a light green polo shirt with a long sleeved white shirt under it. He's wearing brown checkered jeans with a black and purple belt. On his right wrist, his watch stood there being blue and his sneakers were the exact same color. Heidi looked different being that her hair was now down to her back. It's still a black color but the tips were now azure blue. She also looks to be 5 foot 7.

Her figure matured being that she she looked very attractive with a curvy figure and slim waist. Her build looked more athletic. She's wearing a long sleeved maroon red shirt with a swan-necked collar with black, pink, and white short sleeves. She's wearing blue fashionable jeans with holes above her knees. She's still wearing her black fingerless lace gloves with a butterfly pattern design and goes halfway up her forearm. She is wearing her black earrings. 

She finishes off her outfit with black flats. Zane sat down as he said,"Hey Student Council. What's up with this unexpected meeting? Did I do something stupid again? I mean I know that I haven't been the best president.". "It's nothing important Zane. I just wanted to know if you have a date for the dance yet." said Cam. "Not a single one. This is a girls choice dance and no girl in our grade has asked me yet." said Zane.

He thought about Rain but she texted him that she won't be showing up any time soon much to his dismay. "I haven't asked anyone either." said Heidi. "Don't worry Heidi. I'm sure someone will go out with you. You're a beautiful girl." said Evan. The group soon heard an outdoor loudspeaker say,"Attention students. Due to the injury and academic suspension of our starting tight end and backup respectively. We'll be having 3 days of tryouts for the Cypress High Oxs.".

Zane smiled as he said,"Oh yeah. This is perfect.". "I'm going to guess that you're thinking of joining the football team? Aren't you busy enough?" said Cameron. "I'm agree with him. You're already the student council president. Don't you think that your schedule is busy enough?" said Heidi. "Zane's really good at multi-tasking you guys. He was able to do several hours of paperwork while playing Extreme Race World Track 5." said Evan. "That game requires extreme concentration." said Zane.

Heidi said,"Just be careful. Most of the team hates your guts because Brad is the captain.". "I'll be fine. These muscles of mine aren't just for show." said Zane. "I'll support you man!" said Evan. "I think he wants to be your wingman. This is one of the last few dances of high school for us after all Zane." said Cam as he pulled out of his phone. "Thanks man." said Zane. He soon went to grab some food as Heidi said,"It's good to have him back.".

Cam said,"Don't you have a crush on him or something?". "Well, I did but it was more admiration than well love. I liked how cool and confident Zane was at the time and he still is. He isn't my type and I can see why several girls asked him out and failed." said Heidi. "So who is your type?" said Evan. "That's a secret Evan." said Heidi. She went back to her lunch as Cam said,"Smooth.". Evan sulked as Zane returned with an unhealthy amount of food.

Back with Roger, he was currently held in place by several metal braces. "So what's with the cuffs there doc? I'm not a fan." said Roger. He looked at Doctor Bot now calling himself the Engineer due to him being one of the top members of the group. He didn't change too much being that he's still tall and tan with a hawk shaped nose. His dark blond hair looked longer and his goatee was gone. Over the right side of his face, he's wearing silver cybernetic.

His right eye is a red lens. He's wearing a pine green muscle shirt with black circuit board pattern and black combat boots. He's still wearing a lab coat over it. "It's too make sure. You don't go wild and destroy the lab. This is the perfect spot because working under Zero's watchful eye, it makes him look stupid. Now please don't ask any stupid questions." said Donald. He soon attached several electrodes to Roger ,who wasn't wearing a shirt, using several robotic hands that sprouted from his back.

Donald said,"I've become more machine than man. I can multi-task and keep a distance.". "Hey! So what are you doing to me?!" said Roger. He tried to break out as Taurus walked into the room. "You need to relax Roger. This is going to be simple. It's so painless that you won't even know it's going on kid. Lets begin." said Taurus. Donald nodded as he walked into a different room. "Yes. My machine will give you powers but what powers is up to your DNA." said Donald as he typed on a monitor.

Taurus said,"In other words, you don't get what power you get. It's a superpower lottery and the good doctor think you'll have a good one. Remember Chemical PX? It's like that but you won't be drinking it being that it'll go into your body through a gas like state .". "My data says that you've the ability to control one of the four core elements. You'll be invincible." said Donald. "That's a good thing right Taurus?" said Roger. "You'll make Zero look like a even bigger clown." said Taurus. Roger smiled.

Back at Cypress High, the football team was getting ready for tryouts. Coach Warren grumbled from the bench as the new gym coach Virgil Nelson aka David's father ,who looked like an older version of his son, walked to the team.. He has ear length black hair that's in a flattop hair cut with a single gray streak in it, which shows his age. His outfit is mainly a tight muscle blue war tank top, black knee-high steeled toe combat boots, and green army camouflage pants. He has a flattop hair cut.

Zane along with some tryouts ,in football uniforms, stood there as Zane whispered,"So what it's like going to school with your dad? It must be so much fun, going with daddy.". "You really shouldn't make too many jokes around him Zane. He was a former drill instructor in the army so this year's tryouts going to be interesting. He also doesn't show mercy even if his son's friend is trying out for the team." said David. "Ah good to know." said Zane.

The bleachers were filled with people ,consisting of Zane's friends including Kevin who was reading a book about football, as Virgil said,"Okay ladies. The next three days are going to be hell because I need a starter and a backup.". Brad walked up to Zane's group due to one of them being the son of an ambassador, Allen Newman. He's an attractive, Caucasian boy with a lean and athletic frame. He has short fiery red hair that's in a quiff and the sides are faded.  He has green eyes. He's 5 foot 10.

Brad said,"Allen. You're in. We'll make sure of that.". One of the boys trying out was lightly pushed by Bryan as Zane said,"Wow Bradley. I'll ignore the obvious bias for Allen. Don't I get some support from one of my best friends?'. "Can it Alvarez." said Brad. "Ignore him Bradley. Zane, I've heard a lot about you from Kristen and Roxy who talk in lengths about you. Lets see who is the best man win Zane." said Allen as he had a noticeable British accent. "Same here." said Zane.

The two shook hands as Virgil said,"Okay ladies! Helmets on! Lets play some football!".  The five tryouts trying out stood in a line as Virgil said,"Brad will throw the ball to you and your goal is to catch it. Got that?". He blew his whistle as Brad threw the ball. The ball spiraled at the first student causing him to fall over. "Next!" said Virgil. The second person went through the same as Allen got ready to catch it.

Zane ,who was after Allen, noticed that Brad threw the ball lighter than the last two. "Show him how to catch the pigskin." said Sivarth. "Wow. You suck at football terms." said Cole. Athena slapped him as Virgil caught the ball. Brad smirked as he threw the ball farther and stronger than the last three of them. Zane caught the ball with him smirking. Brad growled as Allen said,"Well done mate.". Later that tryout, both Nelsons watched Zane avoid the other players with ease.

Brad growled once again as Zane said,"Too slow.". Zane ran toward the end line with Bryan going to trip him. Crisis Judgement alerted him of the problem as Zane closed his eyes. He jumped over the player as he continued on. Susan watched as she crossed her arms. Later, Zane caught the ball and he ran toward the end zone. "It feels like you're cheating Zane." said Kane. "Honestly, I'm not using my powers. It's called studying the human mind and reacting to it." said Zane.

He dodged Bryan's tackle from his right and he reached the end zone. The crowd cheered for him as Zane spiked the ball. Soon after the first day of tryouts, Brad was talking with Virgil. "We got some talent. Your friend Newman is really good just like you are captain Stevens but Alvarez." said Virgil and Brad looked at the two passing the ball back to each other. "Both of them are making Bryan look like an idiot." said Virgil. "He isn't the only one coach." said Brad.

Bryan was talking with Susan as she said,"Grow up Bryan. You're basically a man now and you're acting like a little kid. Why would I date someone who acts like a child?". "Come on. Zane is a pain to deal with it already." said Bryan. "I'm serious about this Bryan Jones. Cut this out or you and I are over." said Susan. She walked away as Brad sighed. Both Allen and Zane watched the lover spat as the two said,"Wow. That's just sad.".

Back at the abandoned shoe store, Roger was trying to break out. "Wow. I can't believe how much money we've gotten to do this Mr. Price." said Donald. In a different part of the lab, Donald and Taurus stood with the successful business man as he said,"I've planned on moving here for a while now and we've have several trials. This will be the successful one Doctor.". Donald pressed a button as several lights went on around Roger.

The punk looked around and he felt sparks. "This isn't going to hurt." said Roger. The room was soon covered in gas and electricity. The man was been shocked and he said,"Hey! Let me go! This is really painful! Make it stop!". His body was soon covered in holes as Roger screamed. His body began to mutated as it turned into water. He soon turned into a massive puddle as Taurus said,"Wow. I didn't see that coming.". "That's science for you. It's trial and effort." said Derrick.

Donald said,"Look.". The puddle soon formed into Roger and he looked down. He soon screamed loudly and he said,"Dam you!". He punched the glass ,which was highly reinforced, and water soon splattered everywhere. "I know you cowards are in there! Get out and fight me like a man!" yelled Roger. His right arm turned into a spiked mace and he slammed it into the glass causing water to drip off it. "Hey Waterboy. Calm down." said Taurus.

Soon in the limo, Taurus was talking with someone. "Look at you Roger. You're now a human being just like the rest of us but you'll survive in the desert better than I'll ever." said Taurus. The man ,now water, soon formed back into his once normal self with his shirt changing to a dark blue swim shirt and his blue jeans are now dark blue swim trunks. "This isn't bad at all." said Taurus. "I'm now a walking water slide Taurus! I thought I would be like Bedrock or Cinder not Water Man." said Roger.

Taurus said,"Chill buddy. Shit happens. That's the game of life for you. Your power is better than both the matchstick and mud man. You're able to turn into water which according to the doctor, it's way better than those two combined. Zero will do nothing to you trust me. It's time for revenge on the child who kicked your butt so many times.". "Yeah. Wait. Revenge is for losers. I'm out for getting a quick buck. I got the power to do it." said Roger.

Taurus said,"You can do that but you're still a member of the Odium Society. You'll do what I or the heads of our group so or else.". "Yeah but I'm not Roger Huffman. Call me Downpour." said Roger. The man soon broke the door to his right and he left the car by turning into water. The window ,to the back of Taurus, soon opened as Derrick said,"He makes a good pawn doesn't he?". "Yeah. He may have the power but no brains behind it. He'll make a good distraction for our enemy." said Taurus.

On a nearby building, Zane ,in costume, threw the ball as he said,"Yeah. Today was awesome. Sure I went a little Zero on Bryan but Allen isn't human either. I mean he and I kept up pretty well.". He soon heard an alarm as outside of a bank, the door broke open thanks to a massive wave. Roger stood there as Zane soon floated in front of him. "Seriously Roger? This is getting really sad. I think I've taken you down seven times this week. One more time and I'll get a free snowcone." said Zane.

He looked around Roger and he said,"So where's Harvey? Your boyfriend will get jealous if he sees us together.". "You're so funny. I hope you like a Ocean Sandwich!" said Roger. His left arm turned into water as he threw a punch toward Zane. Zane dodged it and he landed on the ground. He soon dodged a kick. "Yep. You're way better without him Roger." said Zane. He turned into water and he said,"I'm not Roger anymore Zero. The name's Downpour I'm going to rain on your parade.".

Zane soon evade his water tackle as he said,"Lets keep the bad jokes to me thank you very much. It's time to for....". Zane soon dodged a water mace and after his left arm turned into candy syrup, he stretched his left arm to grab a light post. He used it to swung himself toward Roger and Zane said with a smile,"Sweet Bludgeon!". His legs turned into candy syrup with it fusing together making a massive hammer. Roger grabbed Zane as he said,"Sorry but you failed!".

Zane smiled as he held a Zenith Sphere ,being purple, in his right palm. "No. You just fell for the illusion! Zenith Sphere!" said Zane as he slammed the sphere into Roger. The water man went into the wall as Zane said,"How do you like that?". Zane soon dodged the giant water fist heading toward him and Roger said,"Stay still!". Zane dodged his attack as Athena said,"I don't think Frost Form or Pyre Form will work on this guy. Hammer Twelve o clock!".

Zane ducked under the hammer as he slide under the man. He turned into Nitro Form and he threw several grenades toward Roger. They soon landed inside of Roger ,floating there, and he said,"What's your plan here Einstein?". "Kaboom!" said Zane. The grenades soon exploded several times causing Roger's body to separate into several puddles around Zane. "That's my plan. Lets make sure you don't turn back to normal." said Zane.

He soon fired out a huge amount of wax from his body but it was soon stopped by a huge water cage coming from Roger. "Not working kid!" said Roger. Zane jumped back from Roger's attack and he turned into Archer Form. "What happened to you Roger? Decided not to listen to your mommy and go in the deep end?" said Zane. "You're just jealous. My power comes from the Odium Society and we're going to get you distracted for her plan." said Roger.

Zane said,"Her plan? You're working with the vampire aren't you?". "Vampire? I ain't telling you anything else. Listen, I'm having fun roughhousing with you but I need to go." said Roger as sirens were heading toward them. He turned into water as he went into the nearby sewer drain. Zane soon looked at the bag of money as he said,"Wow. Just like Bedrock.". "Dam it!" echoed Roger's voice as the crowd nearby shrugged their shoulders.

The next day, Zane was at his locker and looking at a picture of him ,in Nitro Form, fitting against Roger on his phone. "Wow. I'm impressed with the cameraman. I need to find Roger and stop him using a really big bottle." thought Zane. "Hey Zaney." said a voice. Zane turned to see Kristen ,in her cheerleader costume, as Zane said,"Hey Kris. What's up?". "You were amazing yesterday. Both you and Allen were good. I heard that Coach is thinking about you two over the other three." said Kristen.

She got up close to him as she whispered,"If you get first string, I'll ask you to the dance. Good luck Zaney.". She walked away as Zane smiled. "Okay. This isn't bad because Rain isn't coming and I'll just say that she didn't have a date." thought Zane. "Way to rationalize it Zane." said Sivarth. "I'll ask Walter to keep an eye for him. He owes me some favors plus he likes being a hero both for his daughter and because he finds it fun." said Zane as he closed his locker.

Later, Allen soon caught the ball and Bryan ,smirking, stood nearby him. The crowd ,consisting of Hannah, Kristen, Susan, and Vicky, cheered for him. Zane soon caught the ball and dodged Bryan's tackle. Bryan punched the ground as Zane landed in the endzone. "Better luck next time Bryan. It's only been the eighth time you've failed. You'll get me the ninth time for sure I promise." said Zane as he crossed his fingers. The crowd ,except for Hannah and Vicky, cheered for Zane.

Zane tilted his head to see the ball flying toward him and he extended his arms. He barely caught the ball and jumped over Bryan. He did a roll as he soon landed. He held the ball as he held it up. Allen smirked as he said,"Dam good job my rival.". Brad and Bryan glared at Zane. Later, Zane rushed toward the end zone as Crisis Judgement went off. He soon evaded Bryan and others as he said,"I guess it's attempt number ten for you Bryan old pal.".

As the second day ended, Virgil said,"Attention. I haven't made up my mind yet but it's either Alvarez or Newman to be starter. I'll say that it's very close. You two should be proud.". "Alvarez is taking over the school again." said Bryan. "Sorry Bryan but I'm planning on enjoying my life with you guys before you guys all die." thought Zane. "Is that the reason why you wanted to do this Zane?" said Athena. "Wasn't that obvious Athena?" said Kane.

Allen and Zane ,in their street clothes, were walking toward the front entrance. "You're not making this easy aren't you mate?" said Allen. Allen's wearing a gray long sleeved shirt with a Union Jack on the front, blue jeans with a black belt, and red sneakers. "This is really fun. I don't think any of those guys stood a chance with me." said Zane. "Yeah. You're the Student Council President. I'm guessing you're trying to make a name for yourself." said Allen. "Yeah." said Zane.

Allen said,"I know the feeling mate. I did that a lot because my dad travels around a lot. I'm like a military brat except I'll never serve.". "I would like to meet your dad. From what you told me about him, he seems like a swell guy except for his temper." said Zane. "Thanks mate. You're a good guy and nothing like Sam said." said Allen. "Here's some advice Allen. Don't listen to whatever Sam says about me. Nine times out of ten, it hurts my feelings." said Zane. Allen shrugged. 

The two heard,"Alvarez and Newman. Wait up for a second. We need to talk for a second.". They turned to see Austin (who looked the same as he did two years ago), Brad, Bryan, David, Hannah, Kristen, Mack, Roxy, and Susan standing there as David said,"We're heading to Havana Brews. You in?". "Sure!" said Allen. "I'm good. I have to pick up my little brother from school. I got older brother teasing in store." said Zane.

Cole said,"And it may be your secret girlfriend may be there and it'll be several degrees of awkward that's for sure.". "I think it's because Roger is still on the loose and we promised to find him before he causes too much trouble for Walter." said Athena. Zane rolled his eyes as the old couple in his watch argued with Allen said,"That sounds like fun. See you tomorrow.". The two fist bumped as Allen joined the A-List.

Zane was driving toward Walter's place with Atem, Camille, and the third member of the group Ruby Vargas. The female blackette ,black haired person and Camille, had longer hair going to her shoulders and her hair was parted by a cute starfish hair clip from her dad. She's wearing a white dress with blue jeans and brown jacket that was also from her father. She's wearing cute purple boots from her mother. Ruby is a a slender, fair skinned, and petite young pre-teen.

She has long orange hair ,with her bangs covering a tiny amount of her right eye, and greenish blue eyes. She wears pink lipstick. She wears a pink sleeveless hooded vest with a black tank top under it, white skirt with black stockings, and brown high-heeled sandals. "So you're joining the football team big brother?" said Atem. "Yep. You can me football star student council president Zane Alvarez but Ruby, you call me big brother." said Zane.

Ruby nodded as Camille said,"So why are you picking us up?"."I promised your dad that I will due to him helping Legion Zero with the Downpour problem. I also like hanging out with my little brother and it seems like he's following in my footsteps. Hanging out with the ladies and making the A-list jealous of you." said Zane. Atem punched him as he said,"Ignore him Camille and Ruby. We'll be studying and nothing else big brother.".

Zane said,"Chill squirt. I'm not mom and going to tease you about your girlfriend in front of them. I'll do it private.". Atem sighed at his older brother's actions as Camille said,"So do you have a date for the dance? I heard you and my daddy talking about it last night.". "Not yet. I'm waiting for someone to ask me out." said Zane. "I thought the guy ask the girl?" said Ruby. "Normally, you would be right Ruby but this dance is different. It's vise versa." said Zane.

Atem said,"Are you talking about Karen?". "Maybe." said Zane. Zane soon stopped the car as a truck drove through an intersection. Several police cars went after it along with Walter on the top of one of the cars. "Daddy is chasing after a criminal! Can we go watch?" said Camille. "I rather not have your dad kill me. He has this." said Zane. Atem saw Zane soon flicked Enigma Talisman. He knew that Kane was taking over and the teasing would stop slightly.

Walter watched the armored truck ,driven by Roger, and he heard,"Hey Bedrock. Care for a lift from Air Zero?". Walter looked up to see Zane ,in Terrapin Form and he was flying in the air right above the car, and he said,"There you are kid. Where have you been busy the past couple of hours? I thought you would have been after him like mouse to cheese". "I'm only one guy rocky road and I do have a life. Hop on." said Zane. Walter soon stood on the shell as Zane flew toward the truck.

Walter landed on the car as Roger heard him landing. He turned his right hand into a spear as he stabbed through the roof trying to hit Bedrock but either missing or going through him. While that was going on, Zane ,in Raptor Form, soon jumped off a nearby car and he kicked Roger off the wheel. He went kept punching the man as Roger said,"Hey bird brain. If you're punching me and your friend is busy on the roof, whose driving?". "Son of a...." said Zane.

The car turned into a construction lot as Zane jumped out of the crashed car. Walter soon reformed next to him as construction workers came up to him. "Not one of your better plans huh?" said Walter as Zane shook his head. "Excuse me for a mistake. You folks may want to leave. Waterboy gets awful angry when I break his truck." said Zane. The construction workers ran out of there as the chicken jumped over a giant water hand. "You two are going down." said Roger.

Walter grabbed Roger as the water man broke out of his grip. Zane jumped over Walter with his left foot glowing yellow. He shocked the water man for a second before jumping back. Walter soon made several strands of earth go around Roger. "Looks you're all tied up waterboy." said Walter. "That may have worked on before but this time, I'm much stronger." said Roger. He soon escaped his prison as he soon launched several steel beams at Zane.

Zane ,using his talons, sliced through them with him jumping around the remains only to get punched by a giant fist. Zane coughed up water as Roger said,"Looks Zero and rocky are wet. So sad.". Zane soon turned into Canine Form as he thought,"You're so going down drippy.". "I don't know why you're projecting your voice into my head kid but I'll make you pay!" said Roger. The waterman soon rushed toward both heroes looking rather annoyed.

Meanwhile at Havana Brews, the A-list group plus Allen sat there. "So what happened next Allen? I still can't believe it." said Susan. "I guess my father was quite mad at the poor bellhop. He dragged the poor man by his ears down to his boss and told him to fire the young man for dropping hot tea into his lap. That wasn't a good day I tell you what. He was lucky that the wasn't fired because my dad isn't one to piss off.." said Allen. "Maybe the bellhop wasn't the problem." said Brad.

Kristen lightly hit him as Susan said,"Wow Allen. I didn't expect that from you.". "Yeah. My life isn't all that different from you gals and gents." said Allen. Susan giggled as she said,"It's fine. I'm just teasing you Allen.". Bryan glared at Allen with David said,"You better get used to it mate. You and Zane were pretty good out there. You'll be seeing both of us more than normal.". "Yeah but doesn't Zane do that already?" said Austin. "It's because he pisses Brad and Sam so much." said Vicky.

Bryan walked over to Susan as he said,"Yeah but not tonight. It's time to go Susan. We got a date to plan out.". He stretched and knocked a cup of coffee into Allen's lap. "Bloody Hell!" said Allen. "I'm so sorry about that pal." said Bryan. "It's fine mate. You totally didn't do that on purpose." said Allen as he grabbed a napkin. Brad high-fived Mack as Roxy said,"How typical.". "Bryan! What are you five? Look, I wanted to be your girlfriend and not your sister." said Susan.

She had her hands on her hips as Allen said,"Leave the poor bloke alone Susan. He's just jealous of me hanging out with you and honestly, this has happened to me before.". "Yeah. Listen to him. He and I pals right? You're not going to break up with me again?" said Bryan. "Seriously? They've dated before." said Allen. "I wish it wasn't Allen but that's just life here at Cypress." said Austin. "Isn't it obvious? Hey Allen, do you mind taking me dress shopping?" said Susan.

Allen said,"It would be my pleasure Susan. I would love to take the rest of the ladies shopping for this upcoming dance.". "Sure!" said Hannah. Kristen and Roxy shrugged as the group watched the new A-list walk out with four of the most popular girls in school. "Man. That guy is good!" said Mack. "Yeah and watching Bryan getting dumped is perfect." said Brad as Bryan sulked. "At least you're free from Hannah for a few minutes." said Austin. "Thank god." said David.

It was night time and outside of the construction lot, the police surrounded the place. "This isn't a problem we should but our heads into. It's up to Bedrock and Zero to handle Downpour." said Scott to his fellow men and women in uniform. Inside, Walter had just escaped being trapped under a pile of beams thrown by Roger earlier. "To be honest with you rocky, I wasn't planning on going after you dam carnie. My goal was Zero and you two had to be a pain in my ass so die!" said Roger.

Walter was soon saved from Roger's water mace ,thanks to Canine Form's limited telekinesis, and Zane soon aimed a light purple orb ,that wasn't Zenith Sphere, toward a handing beam. It hit the beam knocking it into Roger. The man soon growled as Zane thought,"Wow. I'm the dog and the human is growling. How sad.". Walter soon slammed a massive earth hammer into Roger who evaded the attack. "Nice try Rocky." said Roger as his hands turned into hammers.

He walked toward Zane as he thought,"Wow. Another hammer. To be honest, I'm getting sick of all of these hammers. I'm more of a sword guy myself." Zane jumped past Roger as he turned into his normal costume self. "Okay. Despite us tag teaming him, he's still fighting. I wonder if he has a high amount of endurance." said Walter. The two dodged Roger's tentacles as Walter was slammed into a cement truck ,covering him in cement and trapping him, and Zane made Espada appeared.

Zane soon unsheathed the sword, revealing the silver double-edge blade, circular shape of a violet snake mainly an ouroboros, and black handle with the purple snake decorations at the ends of the handle. He sliced down on the water but it soon reformed. "Sorry Zero but your overgrown knife won't cut my water any time soon. I'll keep going till I kick your sorry behind like you did with me and Harvey." said Roger. "Talking about your boyfriend is so annoying." said Zane.

Zane soon extended the blade as it cut through some rope holding another support beam. The beam soon broke the cement grip as Walter fell to the ground. "Thanks." said Walter. Zane nodded as the two of them dodged Roger's tentacles that were quite prescient. "Split up!" said Zane. The two soon went in different directions as Roger smiled. While Walter kept Roger busy, Zane hid inside of a building as he looked to see a cement mixer truck. "I guess it's time to make a new statue." said Zane.

Zane flew toward the mixer as Roger spotted him. He sent his fist flying toward Zane and he dodged it with his sword. He was soon sent flying toward the ground nearby the mixer. Roger soon covered him with water as he said,"You had me beat when you had powers but now, I'm winning and you can't stop this downpour!". "Oh. I can. You and Harvey. I may joke about you two being together but you two made one hell of a team." said Zane.

Roger said,"Your point Aesop?". "Wow. You know about Aesop. I'm impressed. Here's the thing. I may be really strong on my own but I know when to ask for help." said Zane. Walter soon cut open the mixer and Roger was soon covered in the stuff. It soon turned him to stone as Walter said,"You don't have that power do you Zane?". "Cement Powers? Not exactly but yes. I also do have teamwork unlike wet willie over here. Thanks for the assist." said Zane.

The two heroes fist bumped as Walter said,"I better get going kid. I have to drop up some of my girl's friends.". "Sure thing rocky. Night." said Zane. The earth man was gone as Zane heard,"Zane. You did well with my sword but here's some advice.". Zane turned to his sword as he said,"Yeah. What is it Eros?". "Remember that I'm in control of this blade." said Eros. "I know that but I can't ruin the surprise." said Zane as he made a steel gray Nether Wheelbarrow, carrying Roger to the police.

Outside the embassy, Allen returned home. He heard his father eating and Allen said,"Hey Dad! I'm home!". "Son. Mind coming into the dining room? We need to chat." said an old man's voice. Allen sighed as he walked in to see his father eating lobster. He looked to be in his early to mid sixties or maybe older. He's a tall and muscular man with strong and rugged features with broad shoulders and square jaw. The lines and wrinkles around his face made his age clear.

His skin tone is something of a medium dark tone. He has gray hair ,which was pulled back and had black streaks laced through it, wild looking eyebrows, and sky blue eyes. He has a well-kept, medium-sized beard and wearing a unique outfit. He's wearing a long lapellees dark orange coat ,with a medieval and military design to it, with a high collar slightly hiding his scar that goes around his neck like his head was just reattached, large gold buttons, and a clock symbol on the side

Under his coat, he's wearing a white long sleeved undershirt with a wine red waistcoat with gold lining. He's wearing two brown belts strapped around his waist with a magic book ,with a gold trim and clock with Roman numerals for the hour marks, held in a pouch to the right side. He's wearing black camo style pants with matching colored knee-high boots. The man looked at his son as he saw the coffee stain on his shirt and football helmet in hand.

The man said,"Going to a costume party and what happened to your shirt? You have a stain the size of New Jersey.". "It's a long story about the stain dad but I'm trying out for the team." said Allen. "I see. You're not cheating are you?" said the man. "No way dad. You've taught me to use my gifts for good and not for petty reasons like when Bryan threw coffee on my shirt. He was jealous because me and Susan were become pals." said Allen.

The man chuckled as he said,"You're my son Allen. A charmer with the ladies. So how is your friend Zane doing?". "He's doing good." said Allen. "Well, I wish the both of you good luck. Care for some lobster? The hotel owner brought it over to please us." said the man. "I figured that. I'm heading off to bed Dad." said Allen. "Not until you call me by my name. You're making me feel rather old." said the man. "Sorry about that Dad I mean Blake." said Allen. "That's good." said Blake.

The next day, Zane stood in his football gear as Cole said,"Okay man. It's time to get you that date with Kristen for the dance. Your mom would kill if you didn't have a date.". "Zane would like to have gone with Rain but she's busy with her drama. I hope it turns out well." said Athena. Zane soon made onto the field as the others were waiting. "Okay. Alvarez, you're up first." said Virgil after he went over a quick play.

Before Zane put his helmet on, Allen said,"Good luck mate and may the best man win.". He held out his left hand as Zane said,"Sure thing Allen. You're a guy.". "Alvarez!" said Virgil. Zane put on his helmet as he said,"Sorry coach!". Zane got into position as Brad ,due to him being quarterback, said with a smile,"Set, Hike!". Zane sprinted from his spot upon the snap to behind Brad who handed him the ball. "Thanks Bradley or should I say captain?" said Zane.

Crisis Judgement went off as he easily dodged and faked out some of his teammates which included David. "Dam. That kid has moves." said David as he just missed his tackle to Zane's chest and ends up face down on the dirt. He went on one knee to watch Zane headed toward the final defender aka Austin. "Yep. This is easy as pie. Thank you Rico." thought Zane. He runs a few yards and spots his main adversary Bryan towering dead ahead.

Sivarth said,"Lets make the big guy look bad but not too much. A human and his pride.". "That must be really important." said Zane as he got closer to the almost 300 pound defender. Up in the bleachers, Kristen clasps her hands together as she said,"Go Zane.". She watched him swiftly past the defender much to Hannah and Sam's growing displeasure. Sam looked the exact same as she did but with a brand new outfit which didn't look that different whatsoever.

Vicky ,who was still getting over Zane slowly, watched as she thought,"Wow. I didn't know that Zane was so graceful.". "He got lucky. Bryan! Destroy him! Show that asshole his place!" said Hannah as she wildly waved her pom-poms. "Why is he running toward him?" said Roxy as she watched her not so secret crush head straight forward in fear toward Bryan. "Go Zaney!" yelled Kristen. Zane heard this and his face went crimson.

Crisis Judgement went off as Zane jumped over Bryan's flying tackle, not losing any speed from the change in altitude. Bryan crashed into the ground as he punched the ground and spitting out some of the grass that went into his mouth. "Man. That looked painful." said Allen. "That's Zaney! He's the Zanest!" said Kristen as she waved her pom-poms with a large smile. Zane's face ,still red, waved to her while walking back to the line.

Kane said,"I like her. That cheer may have been on the spot but you can tell that she really does care for her Zaney.". Zane ignored the Vulcorian's teasing as Athena said,"You may be able to defeat your evil self but fail helpless to a cheerleader.". "She's cheering for the guy so can you blame him for that?" said Cole. Zane shake his head as Allen said,"Nice move there mate. I guess Kristen's on the spot cheer helped your jump.".  Zane nodded as he said,"You're up man.".

Allen nodded as he thought,"I won't use my gifts dad. I promise you and mom that.". "You're up now Newman!" said Virgil. Zane watched from the sidelines as Allen and the other tryouts performed the same thing as he did. Despite Brad and his group obvious wanting Allen in, Zane knew that Allen had tremendous skills in football. "I could see him go pro. He must really want this." thought Zane as they started with passing plays.

Brad said,"Set, hike!". He ran back and waited for Zane to reached the end-zone. "Lets see if Zit can catch this one, heh heh!" said Brad. He soon took aim and he launched the ball ,hard and fast, right at Zane's head. "Zaney!" yelled Kristen, Roxy, and Vicky with the former looking at the latter two who had a blush. "Seriously? You had Zenith Sphere ,a full powered one, thrown at you." said Sivarth as he rolled his eyes. Zane caught the ball as he thought,"It does hurts less than Zenith Sphere.".

Zane looked back at the bleachers where he saw Kristen ,standing up, celebrating her touchdown with Roxy, Susan, and Vicky next to an upset Hannah and Sam. "Son of a... He's making fun of me! I'll make you go through hell!" thought Brad. "Yep. I'm totally making the team at this rate I'm going and I'm not using my powers. Thank you my teachers for training my normal senses." thought Zane as he made it back to the sidelines to talk with Allen.

The next thirty minutes went like this. "Go Zaney!" yelled Kristen, Zane caught the ball or dodged a tackle, and Brad swore revenge. Allen smiled at his friend getting attention from several attractive girls and despite being distracted, the British teen performed well. "Good move Newman!" yelled Virgil. "Hey Alvarez. Sit this one out." whispered Virgil. "But I still have to play." said Zane. "You made it kid. Allen's your second string but don't forget. You got lucky." said Virgil.

Zane sat on the bench with him removing his helmet, watching Allen and the others run through several plays. "Go Allen!" said Zane as Virgil blew his whistle, signaling the start of Allen's run. The teen barely avoided Austin, Bryan, and David's tackle as he put up a peace symbol. The other three tryouts stormed off the field after that play. "I guess those babies couldn't handle someone better than them! They would be kicked out of the army fast!" yelled Virgil.

Brad said,"Looks like they couldn't take you and Allen huh Zit?!". Brad and his friends laughed as Zane rolled his eyes. David put his arm around Zane's shoulder as he said,"Welcome to the team Z man. You and I are going to be pals for the season.". "Thanks man. Looking forward to working with you, Bradley, Hairy Legs, and Austin." said Zane. "Okay Ladies. Here's the results." said Virgil as the team gathered around him.

Virgil said,"It was very close but Alvarez, you got the spot with Allen as your second string. You two both make all practices and games on time or else, you'll be doing 1,000 laps around the track in your skivvies and with the girls watching. Understood?". "Yes command sir!" said Allen and Zane reply with them saluting. "Good. Welcome to the Oxs. Here's hoping for State Championship!" said Virgil as the team cheered.

The team soon patted Zane on the back with Allen high fiving everyone. Zane couldn't resist a smile as Kane said,"To be honest, I thought this was going to be a bad idea but this sport makes you human males look like idiots so I don't mind covering for you when it's Zero time.". "Thanks partner." said Zane. "I guess we're kinda lucky to have you on the team Zit but don't forget that I'm the captain of the team and you better not mess this up." said Brad.

Zane smiled as he said,"I won't Brad. I promise your brother that I won't.". "I still can't believe that he got in! Your dad must have made a mistake David! You'll infect the team with your germs Zit. Lets get out of here!" said Hannah. David face palmed as he said,"Later guys.". He walked away with a bad look on his face. "So why are those two dating?" said Allen. "No idea man. I mean I know why but I don't understand high school drama." said Zane as he shrugged.

Zane slipped into the locker room, really not looking forward to mingle with Brad's groupies. He soon placed his gear in his locker and he stripped down to a towel. He went toward the open showers and he set the knobs to extremely hot. The water was like he was standing inside of a volcano and he liked it really warm after his training. He let the water cascade down on him and leaning his forearms and head on the wall.

Zane thought,"Okay. Despite having to deal with the A-list more than normal. it's nice to have a good pal like David and Allen on my side.". He ran a hand over his now wet hair as he enjoyed the very hot water. "Wow! I didn't expect you to have that and that tattoo of yours is cool!" said a random teammate ,whose face is obscured by the formed steam, who suddenly walked in and took the shower next to him. Zane looked around and he sensed that they were the only two in the shower. 

Zane said,"I guess. I had it before I joined the team though.". He was lucky that Rico and Theron did something like that on the island so he was used to this slightly. Zane dodged the guy slapping his ass as Zane said,"What's wrong with you?!". "Dude. It isn't gay at all if you say good game. Calm down my new friend. You and Allen did good" said the guy. He soon whistled a TV show theme as Zane thought,"Shower before or after everyone else!".

He went faster than normal but his new teammate had other plans. "Weren't you asked to join the team last year? I mean what changed? And what's with the tattoo on the back of your neck? It looks cool but weird at the same time." said the guy with a confused voice. "It's more complicated than one may expect." said Zane as he placed his right hand on it. "Well, I'll get an answer from you later man as Zane rushed off to get out of the locker room.

As Zane stepped out of the locker room, Sivarth said,"That was still weird despite knowing Rico well. Explain to me why you're hiding it.". "It's complicated." said Zane. "Hey Zaney." said Kristen with her accent sticking out as the door closed behind him. Zane turned to his left where Kristen was leading against the wall quietly glanced at him while in her cheerleader outfit. "Hey Kris. Thanks for the cheering." said Zane.

The two were quiet for a few seconds not knowing what to say with Zane's Essence beating faster and his face was mostly likely bright red. "Okay. This is really awkward. I mean she cheered for me and we're going to the dance together because I got the higher position." thought Zane. "So the sky looks really nice. It may be a...." said Zane. Kristen giggled as she walked closer to him. "Wow. Your face really does turn red when you're blushing." said Kristen.

Zane rolled his eyes as Kristen said,"Ignoring that, I'm happy that we get to spend some more time together despite our study sessions. You were amazing out there.". "He looks better with his hair damp." thought Kristen. The two blushed with her looking down at her feet. Zane caught her stare as he thought,"Despite me being with Rain, she's really beautiful. I guess having an harem wouldn't be the worst thing in the world.".

She looked really nice with an almost ethereal orange hue. "Thanks for the cheers Kris. It was really sweet of you and having a cheerleader cheering for you kick so much ass!" said Zane. "Please stop Zaney." murmured Kristen. "To be honest with you, this is the first time a cheerleader cheered for a guy like me. It's a good feeling." said Zane. She tugged at the hem of her skirt with her shifting embarrassed beyond belief.   

Kristen thought,"Wow. I really had an effect on him. He isn't joking. I wonder if he was trying to impress me or maybe Roxy.". She took a glance at him to see nothing but honest in his storm gray eyes. She was used to complements from the foot-ball players and guys as head cheerleader but never for the cheers itself. "I'm making her blush. Thank you Conner." thought Zane as he looked to see Kristen twiddling a strand of her hair, with her cheeks colored.

Zane thought,"I could go pro but I rather make players who work hard like Allen and Brad go pro instead of me.". Kristen giggled out of nowhere and walked toward closer to him being that they were less an foot apart.  "Well, I guess I'm your date and lets start with a..." said Kristen with a coy smile but she was stopped by Zane's phone blaring to life. Zane pulled out his phone and it was his mom with him missing Kristen's disappointed look.

Zane said,"I'm really sorry but if I don't answer this, she'll keep calling.". Zane kissed her right cheek as he said,"I'll see you tomorrow!". He ran off as Kristen's face was bright red. "Zaney!" said Kristen as she looked at him with a slightly happy glare. She watched him walk off into the sunset. "What's up mom?" said Zane slightly annoyed. "So how did tryouts go? It sounds like it really good." said Natasha's voice. "Yeah. I'm on the team but don't worry. I'm really good at multitasking." said Zane.

Natasha said,"I bet you are going to enjoy it.". "Yeah. Despite Hannah and Sam's death glares, I'm going to like being on the team." said Zane. "That's good." said Natasha. "I have to ask. Why did you call? Is Atem okay?! He was going to ask his girlfriend for a date according to Kane so I'm taking that with a grain of salt. He didn't break her heart right mom?" said Zane. "Well, it was about twenty minutes ago. So let me start from the beginning." said Natasha.

Flashback Narrator P.O.V.
Natasha was watching Atem and Ruby talking upstairs from the basement's monitor. Nearby her, the two dogs watched her. Wolfram barked as Kania said,"I honestly don't know with her sometimes pup.". "It's because my mother is a romantic." said a voice. The two saw Ana standing there with her arms crossed. Ana's body matured and it fit her age perfectly. She looked to be 5 foot 5. Her once long bright red hair ,which looked wavy and water like, was now up to her chin.

It was in a very cute pixie cut style. Even with her new haircut, her green eyes still stuck out. She's wearing a gray leather hoodie with a blue hood, a salmon pink long sleeved t-shirt, blue denim skirt that goes up to her knees and black tights, and trendy brown sandals. "Yep. I hope Zane is doing well at tryouts. I should be there to cheer him on." said Natasha. "Nah. Zane has a cheerleader doing her job. She's going to be his date for the dance." said Ana.

Natasha smile got bigger as Kania said,"Great. She's more happy.". Ana pulled out her phone as she said,"I'm only human Kania.". "Hush you two! He's about to ask!" said Natasha. "Ruby. Are you busy this weekend?" said Atem. "Nope. Why do you ask Atem?" said Ruby. "Do you want to hang out with me this weekend?" said Atem with his face red. "Sure Atem. I don't mind at all." said Ruby as the two heard Natasha cheering ,for the basement, furthering Atem's embarrassment.

Narrator P.O.V.
Zane soon rolled his eyes as he said,"Smooth mom. You made Atem even more embarrassed than he already was.". "I know but it was so cute Zane. It reminded me of you when Rain kissed your cheek back in the day. So does she know about you and Kristen?" said Natasha. Zane was quiet as Natasha said,"Didn't you and your grandpa have a talk about this before?". "Yeah but it's hard to talk about it when your face turns into a tomato upon getting embarrassed." said Zane.

Natasha sighed as she said,"Don't worry so much about it Zane. You'll be fine. I have faith in your lady killing skills.". "That's weird coming from you." said Zane. "That's my job Zane. Have fun on patrol tonight." said Natasha. She hanged up as Zane walked into an alley and he turned into Legion Zero. "Okay. Today was a pretty good day all things considered. I hope this wasn't a bad idea. Who cares? I get to spend more time with Kristen." thought Zane as he flew right toward the setting sun.

Next time,
Zane's now a football player. What could go wrong? Who are Allen and his dad? What is Countess Chimera planning? What happened to Harvey? This and more next time on Zero!

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