Friday, December 1, 2017

Zero Episode 67 Worst Future Ever PT 18 Worst Anniversary Ever Pt 3 Capture

A/N: Welcome to the third part. This Worst Anniversary Arc aka the third part of the longest arc in the history of the story so far. I may do a longer arc but this arc will end after Daemon and Zane's battle. This arc will have a little bit of aftermath and it will change Zane for the better as a person. It will also hopefully be down in December. I'm determined to make sure that will happen. I don't think the crossover will start this year. It may be at the start of the year but it will come. I promise.

Lets begin with a P.O.V. .not belong to the narrator nor Zane, and I promise that there will be a lot more talking. This part is written in a letter written by Zane's best friend Danny Malone to Zane. I thought I should make it incredible obvious but I should explain myself if it doesn't make sense. The italics is for Robotic Characters and letters, Bold is Phantom and Forms, and I haven't decided what I can use Underline for just a moment. It's also early Morning of Day 4.

Danny P.O.V.
The date nor the year doesn't matter to me anymore. All I know is three things. It's about to be Day 4 of Daemon's rule of Cypress Park, it has been eleven days since your "death", and four days left until our town's anniversary plus a planned death. A lot has happened since then Zane, no I'm completely wrong about that statement. It started around when you became Zero ,later calling yourself Legion Zero soon after visiting one of your futures, and when I met you Gwen.   

I was never jealous of you Zane because even though you had the power to bend space and time, you were still filled with pain. I never knew my father but you knew yours. Heck, I didn't really even know my mother until recently. She's a great woman and I'm sure that our mothers could be friends. I'm not sure on the same level as you and I but still friends. I decided to get power to protect you Zane. You are my best friend and I'll protect you as you will with me I right?

I remember one day at the mall. This was before we met Daemon and before things went to hell. You and I were with our normal group of friends being that we had gotten the attention of the A-list. They are currently held in a prison camp according to a rumor. I learned not to trust rumors but after all of this, I'm believing it. Back to the story though, Brad was trying to mess with you Zane being that it was normal.

This starts up a certain tradition here at Cypress High. He finds you, he picks on you, you usually respond with something annoying to everyone else but you called it witty for some reason that I'll never get, he gets mad and tries to hurt you, but you hurt him either by using your powers or the world itself. I found the latter option more funny because Gwen always gave you that look. She didn't like you using your powers like that.   

Soon, Solomon and Tototl arrived at the mall and you ran off to stop them but not before you placed down a clone. You asked Gwen ,my girlfriend, to help you mastered the Duplication Spell alongside your swordsmanship ,being that you're still learning on the latter. You told me that you wanted to be in two different places without alarming suspicion. The first people to be attacked were Austin and Bryan being that they were slammed to the ground by Tototl. 

Sam screamed upon this happening and the rest of the A List soon ran off. Solomon kept most of us inside of the mall thanks to his diamonds which grew upon contact with anything making a web of diamonds. I'm pretty sure that your Diamond Form's diamonds are much stronger than Solomon's diamonds for sure. Rachel, Ray, and Tara made sure that Karen was safe along with Kristen. You really care about them on the same level being that I'm sure you love the both of them. 

As you turned into Legion Zero, me and Gwen turned into our superhero identities as you turned into a new form that I've never seen before until that very moment. You were told to use more forms by Parker and you've been pretty good about that recently. You turned into a muscular yet tall, 12 feet humanoid fish to be precise. Your hair is long ,flowing like waves from the ocean, blue hair and sharp brown eyes. Your skin is salmon pink. Your chest had the words "Power" tattooed on them. 

You seem to be wearing a navy blue short-sleeved unbuttoned shirt with it having several orange and red suns on it, brown Bermuda shorts with a black belt/sash around the waist, and simple brown boots or sandals. You finished off your outfit by wearing a camouflage patterned bandanna around your forehead. To show off your fish self, you have gills on the sides of your neck. Its name is Pirate Form. You slammed a huge wave of water ,from the fountain, at Tototl and the crystals holding us in.

As Gwen and I fought against Solomon, you told me ,after it, that you were focused on healing Austin and Bryan. I never got why you protected everyone the same being that you said,"Even if I hate their guts, I'll protect everyone no matter what the cost.". I'm sure that you would save Daemon but he's too far gone now. Back to the story, Austin and Bryan were healed as they soon ran out of the mall being that you helped us take care of Rocco's minions with them escaping due to Blanche.

In only three/four months, you done a lot to help everyone around you. You made friends with both the Phantoms and Sorcerers plus some of your enemies. When I saw Daemon killing you, I couldn't believe it. You did come back to our dimension but I'm guessing that Daemon ,disguised as you, came to conquer our dimension just like he did with his. He was pretty good at being you. I couldn't even figure it out until the very end of it.    

After Lilith's secret was revealed, we figured out that Marilyn Gregory and two agents from Swarm had taken her body to use as an experiment. The screams of the socialite rocked that area of town every single night. Most people moved because they couldn't handle it. Ed and Tara tried to assure all of us in the Resistance that everything will be fine. I was starting to doubt it. Kevin is helping more than I thought being that lately, he locked himself in his room upon seeing Lilith being used like that.

I'm not sure what he's working on but I just hope that he's focused on the main goal rather than just personal success. He only comes out to eat, use the bathroom, and talk with Sophie. The two gotten close as Roxy ships them together. I knew Roxy did that to get her sanity in check since she does miss you a lot in fact. I'm sure that you're still alive and I hope that this message gets to you. I know you Zane Alvarez being that you're too stubborn to give up.  

I soon finished off the letter as I smiled. I soon sneaked out of my room and I soon went downstairs to deliver the letter to my best friend. Everyone else was asleep being that the house was guarded by security bots that Zane's mother was working on before all of this. I soon left the protected building being that I head toward the alleyways to avoid being spotted. Sophie ,a new friend to me and maybe Zane later on, told us that this is the best way to avoid Daemon's number two Ash.

Kevin was keeping secrets from us in the Resistance but right now, I didn't care. My goal right now isn't trying to escape Cypress Park or searching for supplies but find a portals. According to Jim, he told me that portals to Terrarune were opening up at random points in time lately being that I was heading to one. As I made my way through the dark alleyways, I made sure that my footsteps were quiet being that I didn't want to be caught.

I soon saw a faint ,almost hypnotizing, glow down in an alley across the street. I wanted to see what that was but right now, I had a goal and I was determined to complete it before things got even worse than they already have. Thanks to the machines inside of my body, I now have enhanced hearing being that I could hear loud metallic footsteps heading toward my current location. "Dam it. I didn't expect Ash to already gotten them operational." I said as I looked for a hiding spot in my location.
I soon a cracked window being that it led into someone's home. I didn't like breaking into people's house but right now, I didn't care being the footsteps got louder. I opened the window and I jumped into the house just as something scanned the alleyway. I looked around the house to see that no one had been in here for a while. I soon looked to see the second batch of robotic enforcers that Daemon got from Swarm. You think they would have learned their lesson from the last time but nope.

It was an invention known as the Busting Smash. They're about the same height as the Ogre Crushers being that they have the same body structure as the Ogre Crushers. Their legs are more like a mixture of an eagle and ostrich. Their heads are more square like being that they have a single glowing red eye. The left arm is a rather large blade being the right arm is a sniper rifle which can hit a target from very far away.

I soon poked out my head to see that the robot hadn't left. The robot was soon gone being that Ash didn't find anything. I let out the sigh of relief being that I slowly went over to the kitchen.. I gathered some food as I ate. I was starving despite having a good amount of food in our base but right now, I just need a break. I soon heard noises ,after my meal, as I soon went to sleep being that I need to be at full strength for any fights that come ahead.

Narrator P.O.V.
Nearby Danny, three Phantoms had cornered one of the more recent Phantoms known as Septchris. It seems that he was being chased by the trio ,Crunch, Jester, and Riveter, and he didn't know why he was being chased. "Why are you coming after me? I didn't do anything to your boss. Do you honestly think you can defeat me?" said Chris. "Wow. I thought it was common knowledge on who are our boss really is by now." said Crunch.

Chris backed away as Jester slowly walked toward him. "Explain!" said Chris. "You do know about Zane being that he defeated you after you almost had it all. This happened in his dimension too being that the divergence soon started just before his fight with the Emperor." said Jester. "What are you talking about?!" said Chris. "You wanted power ever since you were a human but you're always stopped just before you reached it by Atem and later Zane." said Jester.

Chris said,"So?! That doesn't matter at all!". "Your attempt for power does matter to Zane. You attacked someone that he considered to be his family despite not sharing a pint of blood. I think I'll show you real power that I gained from Daemon." said Jester. Chris was shocked to see that the once Level 5 to 6 Phantom had grown by 4 levels making Level 9. Most Phantoms did believe in the Level System but any Phantom could defeat any other Phantom if they believe hard enough.  

Riveter knocked Chris out cold as he said,"I'll bring him to the same spot as the others. You two get done with the next one.". "So who is next? I hope it's someone worth our time." said Jester stretching. "It's the other vampire mistress. She tried to seduce Daemon in his timeline before she got large according to Halphas." said Crunch. "We should get going. We're running out of moon light." said Halphas as the two flew off.

The two ,later joined by Riveter, found the female being that she was currently draining a group of humans. She was flying away from the main enforcers of Daemon being that she had been running away from them after Crunch devour the humans that she had pretty much drained dry. They were flying above her being that several people watched this from inside of their houses but even though she was pretty, they didn't want to mess with their boss.

Danny was watching ,from nearby the house he stayed for the night, and he was tempted to fight against those three to save Marie. He remember that she liked Johnny Vincent. He soon turned into Morph being that he blocked the clown's Nether Two Blades being that Marie said,"You're friends with the brat? What are you?". "Following in my bro's footsteps. Take this letter to the portal about five miles north of here." said Danny holding the letter.

Crunch and Riveter landed nearby as Riveter said,"Isn't he the leader of the resistance that has one of our leaders annoyed?". "Perhaps. Jester can handle him. We should leave him alone for now because he likes to fight. I think we can grab the others so the boss can have something good in his life." said Riveter. The two flew off as Marie said holding the letter,"What is in the letter?". "If you open it, I'll leave you to die by the clown." said Danny looking at her.

The vampire stopped as she said,"Fine. It better be important. Don't die. The brat cares about you just like the rest of them do.". She flew off as Jester said,"So why did you leave the weaker version of Sovereign escape? She's been eating your kind since this war had began. I think you're just like the rest of your kind. Dumb and stupid. You wanted to protect her despite what she did to your friend's previous self.".

Jester stretched as he said,"You should know that Johnny Vincent was indeed powerful. It has almost been two decades since his death by wounds that couldn't be healed. He was just like your brother being that he always helped his enemies. So are you ready to...?". He was soon punched by the Phantom Smashers into the ground being that Danny said,"I really don't care right now clown. It's time to start the end of Daemon!".     

Meanwhile, Marie soon found the portal as she entered it. She soon found herself in Terrarune and she said,"I'm home!". She flew around as she heard,"Marie? What are you doing here? I thought you would be in your kingdom.". She turned to see Seth with Alana. "Oh nothing you two. I'm looking for Zane. You heard about the rumors?" said Marie. "Bits and pieces." said Alana. "So is that letter for Zane?" said Seth.

Marie nodded as she said,"Yes. I plan to get an army together. Our brothers and sisters are been held hostage by Daemon.". Seth grabbed the leader as he said,"Alana. You get the band and help Marie out.". "And what are you going to do?" said Alana. "I'm going to get Spiro and his group to help us out. He likes Zane a lot doesn't he? They're pals despite fighting against each other. Good luck ladies." said Sth as the three separated.

Inside of Marilyn's house, she was currently working on her most recent project. She stood in front of a large glass window ,that was currently made out of a material that prevent escape by Phantoms, and she was looking right at her project. Inside of the room, Lilith ,being that she was half Lilith and half Sovereign, was hooked up to a large computer system. The female was soon strung up very much like a puppet being that she was held in place by wires.

They wrapped around her arms, chest and torso, legs, and neck. She was kept alive being that if she died, they would lose the invention's battle suit. It was nearby Lilith being that her Nether was soon powering it up. The suit looked very similar to Zane's Battle suit aka Command Zion. However, it looked streamlined and menacing look. The head looked like a angered lion being that its body did have some bulk to it but the arms and legs were large.

It's increase size in its arms and legs are due mainly to weapons equipped to it. The right arm has a retracted double sided broadsword. The left arm has a Gatling gun ,with the barrels being the size of massive cannons, and doesn't seem to have any visible ammo belt or feeder attached to it. Both legs has five missile launched racks ,that were filled to the brim with Nether, on each one. The shoulders were square but they each had sixteen micro missiles inside of them. The color scheme is gray.

This suit was made to be the final weapon to kill Daemon, the Emperor Juggernaut. "It looks like the suit was be ready in no time flat." said Marilyn. She was talking to Agent F as he said,"Good. So how much longer do we have to wait?". "H.Q knows about my latest invention right? They don't have our power source." said Marilyn. "Are you sure that one won't take them over like the last two? We can't have a third fuck up." said Agent F.

Marilyn said,"Soon and I promise that this one won't. If the boys in the Research Development get the information right, we'll kill Daemon by the end of week.". "So did you know her? I mean she was one of your brother's friends." said Agent F. "Agent F. I didn't know Lilith because I disowned my brother along with the rest of my family. He liked Phantoms and other creatures that aren't considered normal so he is nothing to me." said Marilyn.

As Marilyn continued to work on the machine, Lilith looked at her friend's sister with a blank look on her face. She knew very little about Marilyn Gregory being that Edward didn't like her because she wanted everything that wasn't human to die. She would try to fight back but she couldn't move being that all of her powers were being drained into this suit. She was losing herself but the last thought she had before being used by Marilyn and Swarm,"Zane. Hurry back.". 

Back in the resistance base, Kevin was currently working hard on his project. He knew that he could use his new powers to defeat Daemon and his army. He looked at the Buffer Suit ,that he got from his house, and he said,"I'll save the town because Legion Zero isn't coming back. I do know that Sophie is slowly become a hero. I'm pretty sure that I'll prove myself to everyone and maybe I'll become the next hero of this town.". He soon went to grab something to eat.

Back in the arena, Daemon sat in his private box being that several members of his group entered to watch the latest match. He crossed his arms over his chest as he said,"So did you bring her? And one of you is missing?". He turned to see Crunch and Riveter as Crunch said,"We couldn't get a chance because the leader got in our way.". "We did get some others but not her." said Riveter. "I see. So tell me something, why didn't you stay to help your leader?" said Daemon.

The two Phantoms flinched as Daemon looked at them. He may be a rather calm leader ,compared to their previous leader aka Dyno, but Daemon had a temper. The two learned this when Daemon killed several chess soldiers and pestcrushers. "You didn't want me to kill you so you brought some form of entertainment. I guess I'll let you two live for now. Go get Halphas. I think I need to see my old friend once again." said Daemon. "Yes!" said the two as they flew off with Daemon looking at the arena.

Today's fight was special being that it was going to be a free for all battle between the Executioner who once worked with Hyde, Marie, Septchris, and Specter Samurai. This changed but the rules were still the same. They could help each other but in the end, there will be one who truly win being the last standing Phantom will gained something amazing according to Jester who grew in strength. The mummy Phantom stretched his arms out to grab them but the two dodged it.

Executioner flew toward the mummy with him aiming for his neck but he was soon blasted by Red Nether. The samurai rushed toward the executioner being that Chris said,"No! You two will be the ones tortured not me!". The crowd's roar of joy grew as they watched the fight. Executioner and Specter blocked each other's attack being that Chris was about to attack Specter in the back using a very sharp spear that he hid inside of himself. However, the mummy was stabbed instead.

The three turned to see Daemon standing there with him saying,"This match is just sad. I've already selected my choice.". Purple flames blasted all of them and the crowd cheered. "None of you should gain the power. I'm sorry that this battle ended this way but I'm getting bored and all of you should get back to work or else." said Daemon as the flames gathered around him. The Phantoms were all gone as Daemon flew back toward his lair.

Daemon thought,"I should get Bane, Celeste, and Isis. I can easily get them but they aren't the ones I'm going to kill. I'll get him soon or later.". He flew into the building and went toward his office. He saw several pestcrushers scared and two Chess Soldiers ,being Knights, as he said with a smile,"Is she in a mood right now?". The two soldiers slowly nodded as Daemon sighed. "Women. They'll be an eternal mystery that's for sure." said Daemon.

He opened the door to see Daisy was currently holding Ash with several vines as Scarlet Demon just watched. "So am I interrupting something? It's pretty hot." said Daemon. Daisy hugged Daemon as she said,"Honey! I wouldn't betray you for this savage of a Phantom.". "Harsh." said Scarlet as he release his Blue Nether which turned the vines into ice. Ash broke out of it with him hitting the ground hard being that the sound ,metal hitting the ground, shocked the pestcrushers.

Daemon said,"So why did Daisy want to kill you Ash? And are the pestcrushers dogs?". "You know that I'm incredibly thankful for you giving me any of the losers in the arena to use for my research projects but I need something else." said Ash. "And what do you need now Ashy? You already have those idiots's robots." said Daemon. "Well Daemon, I was thinking of using the females ,human or Phantom, in a attempt of revamping their physiology." said Ash.

Daemon's left eye rose being that Daisy wrapped herself around him as he said,"Revamping? What type of revamping?". "You know the normal stuff. Increased senses, strength, speed, and maybe their body." said Ash as he could feel that Daisy was going to get annoyed. "I think I'm figuring out why Daisy wanted you dead and maybe send you to there. So what are the good things about this old project of yours Ashy?" said Daemon.

Daisy and Scarlet were shocked to see that he was agreeing with their fellow Phantom being that Ash stuttered out,"Well uh... the benefits to this... little project will... and.... hard to understand.". "Don't say that Ashy. It's really simple. You want to make our army stronger just in case both of our enemies have secret weapons. Every project has good or bad to it. It can help males right? You will be able to do it but I get to pick the first subject." said Daemon.

Ash said,"Excuse me? I honestly thought you were going to say no.". "Daisy. I was thinking about picking you but I made my mind up. Use Vicky Kevin. If you wanted to be like you were back when you were alive, I don't care. I want you to get rid of that pesky free will of hers and by doing this, I hope you show me the benefits of this inventions. I think turning our soldiers into machines of war will help." said Daemon as Ash flew off. "I guess he's happy." said Daemon.

Daisy looked at her beloved as Daemon soon sat in his chair. "So did Halphas take care of our good friend?" said Daemon. "Not yet sir. He's still fighting against him. Daniel defeated Jester being that the clown is still cocky and now craves battle. The power upgrade helped him but he wants to battle more and more." said Scarlet. "I need to be alone." said Daemon. "But." said Daisy. Scarlet dragged the woman out of the room as Daemon soon fell asleep.  

Back with Danny, he was currently blocking Halphas's fast and powerful attacks. He defeated Jester being that he may be powerful but that power of him can be used against him. He was thanking Mel for teaching him that being that he could defeat someone like Zane. This only happened once in a while but he liked defeating Zane to make sure that Zane's ego doesn't get any bigger but that ego was going to bigger than normal according to Parker.

Back to the fight at hand, Danny was confused by the almost 7 foot tall villain. He wasn't a Phantom like most of Daemon's army and not even a Cross-Species like Daemon. Danny could be very wrong about Daemon because he didn't know about Daemon's past. Danny knew ,from Arturo, that if your enemy could use Nether, you're a Phantom. He turned his right arm into the Spook Howitzer and he fired a giant bullet ,made out of rubble, at Halphas who went back landing in front of a car.

Halphas wiped away blood as he said,"You're stronger than I thought kid or perhaps I'm weaker. These dam limiters are pissing me". "Limiters?" said Danny. He looked at the steels bands that was slowly producing steam. "What are you doing?" said Danny. He felt the air ,around him, getting colder with Halphas aiming his right arm at Danny. "Hellfire Burst!" yelled Halphas. Danny jumped out of the way being that the attack ,a massive fire ball, burned everything around it until it exploded.

Danny heard,"No Morphy. This isn't Nether but magic. You know about that or do you know it but another name?". Halphas stretched out his right arm being that the steel band that was around it was gone. "You must know about Animus don't you boy? I mean your special lady friend and best buddy use it with the former being more often than the latter." said Halphas. "How is this possible? I thought that Phantoms hated anyone who uses Animus." said Danny.

Halphas stretched as he said,"Yeah but the boss just wanted me for my power. Me and your bro share something in common and it isn't our good looks.". He looked up and he said,"Well, I better finish you off and I'm sure that they found by those idiots.". Danny was about to grab Halphas ,with the Phantom Smashers activated, but he was soon grabbed by Halphas. "Okay kid. Time for a quadruple Element Strike." said Halphas.

Danny was soon frozen, burned causing him to be soaked, and electrocuted from Halphas's right hand alone as Danny was soon blasted by the green energy from Halphas's left hand. Danny was out cold being that he stayed as Morph. Halphas soon looked around to see that the areas around them was destroyed. "I guess you're stronger than I thought." said Halphas while putting on his right steel band and grabbed Danny.

He soon saw Carnage with some chess soldiers as the Pestcrusher said,"Did you stop her?". "Jester and his group was supposed to do that but he's somewhere in a crater nearby. Danny crushed him. I think I send some chess soldiers after her but who knows?" said Halphas. "Master Daemon tells you to bring Morph to the prison. With the leader of the resistance gone, I think we'll win this war by doing this." said Carnage. Halphas jumped away as Carnage went off somewhere.

Meanwhile, Kristen was currently looking right at Natasha. The mother was currently asleep with her grandson cuddling next to her. "I'm just happy that he's finally asleep." said a voice. The cheerleader turned to see Arturo as he said,"I'm know that both you and Karen must be shocked but my idiot of a grandson asked us not to tell you.". "Daemon made it pretty obvious." said Kristen. "The hero who saved Cypress Park for three months now?" said Arturo.

Kristen nodded as Arturo said,"I've always been impressed with Zane's ability to adapt. He at first didn't want to be a hero but he wanted to protected his home and family who will hurt for pleasure. I know this because he told me this. You two will have ask to why he became a hero.". The two soon heard the front door open up as they heard,"Hey! I'm back!". The two ran out of the room to see that Kania and Wolfram ,with him being in his beast form, growling at Halphas.

Kristen's eyes widened as she saw Danny and she said,"What did you do to him?!". "It's none of your business. I think he'll tell you once he wakes up." said Halphas. He threw the teen to the ground with him walking up. "Kristen?" said Danny. "You idiot. What were you thinking?" said Kristen. "Oh and you won't be able to escape. Boss man will know trust me." said Halphas. The man was gone as the two dogs went over to Danny.

Arturo walked over to Danny as the elder said,"You did good leading the resistance so why did you leave the protection of our house? I'm sure that you would have been able to build a plan if you just stayed there.". "I sent a letter to Terrarune. I'm sure that Zane's alive old man because Zane wouldn't let that bastard kill him I swear!" said Danny. "Get him upstairs. All of us need to talk." said Arturo as Kristen helped Danny up the stairs with the dogs following them. 

Later, Gwen was being held by Heidi and Roxy as Ray said,"Why the hell did our leader go out of the barrier?! Someone better answer me right now!". The Rebellion leaders ,which consisted almost all of them except for Ed, Jim, and Kevin, were currently having a private meeting about Danny aka their leader's disappearance from the group. Sophie was confused why she was here ,in the first place, but she had proven herself being that she was seen as the head recruit.

Gwen said while crying,"I don't know.". "Weren't you two up together until the wee hours?" said Roxy. The group looked at a large map of the town that was pinned on the table as Gwen said,"We were working on a way to sneak into Daemon's base using the few weakness in Ash's security system. Danny kept saying that Zane is still alive.". "I know that I'm new but do you guys think that Danny and Zane are alive? We all saw that Daemon kill him and Danny is..." said Sophie.

Gwen ran out of the room as Heidi said,"Not the smartest move Sophie. Zane and Gwen were very close being that he and Danny were both her first real friends.". "Yeah. I guess I shouldn't have said that. It just came to mind." said Sophie. "It's alright Sophie. We're talk with her after this. So what's the plan you guys?" said Jasmine. "I have a feeling that Marilyn is going to do something. My father says that she and Swarm is going to do something stupid again. He knows his sister." said Tara.

Ray said,"You may right but what's the plan? Are communications working?". "Yeah. Kevin is being useful for once." said Roxy. "We plan to contact members of the group Alpha for assistance along with Bane's group." said Jasmine. "Are you sure they can be trusted?" said Heidi. "They're good ones Heidi unlike Daemon. There is still one other problem." said Ray. "What?" said Jasmine and Sophie in unison.

The group soon saw Kevin ,with some food, standing there as he said,"So why aren't you girls going to go help Gwen? I'm not an expert on women at all but she needs some comfort. Both her best friend and boyfriend are missing. We'll inform you girls on the plan I promise or Ray will.". Four of the five girls there were gone as Sophie remained there. "So we don't have the man or fire power to launch a counterattack." said Kevin.

Ray said,"We do have help you know that right?". "Yeah. I counted that but Daemon is too powerful so we need to see what your girlfriend's aunt is doing with Vicky." said Kevin. "You may have a point there. I think she's planning something to take down Daemon so we can use this to our advantage. So did you know about Danny leaving?" said Ray. "No idea." said Kevin. "So what's the rest of the plan you guys?" said Sophie.

Ray said,"Training the members using Plasma Swiss Army Knives is our first priority but from you told us Sophie, Swarm's robots will be hard to get past when we have to get supplies.". "Kevin. Do you think you can hack into one of them?" said Ray. "Yeah but I'll need its CPU. I don't care if its from the Ogre or Bursting Smash. Either one will work." said Kevin. He walked out of the room as Sophie said,"At least, he's helpful.". "You're right but still." said Ray.

Back at Cypress High, things were faring terrible. They didn't have the barrier that protected them from Daemon being that the emperor usually came for people to compete in his battles. One of them was Ether being that he offered himself up to Daemon so he could protected Isis. She had gotten out of her tint being that she helped Bane run the group that he was taking care of. Bane and Isis were in the gym being that they were looking over some weapons that they got from Swarm.

This was from their second attempt with it being worse than the last one. According to Aster ,who was soon capture, he witnessed a bloodbath as Daemon's servants swarmed the group being that the humans had less numbers but they did have better weapons. They were defeated by both Halphas and Scarlet ,being Daemon's top enforcers, crushed them. It was a slaughter for both sides as that street was completely destroyed.   

Since that battle, Bane had been focused on gathering supplies and he did this in order to protect the other Phantoms that were here. He knew that he had a good chance of defending the Phantoms that came to him. He couldn't protect Erin, Jennifer, Kendra, and Smog from Daemon and Isis placed her head on his shoulder. "Are you going to be alright Bane?" said Isis. "I will be fine Isis but I just hope that Zane is alive." said Bane.

The two heard,"Of course he is!". The two turned to see Celeste who had changed drastically being she had changed to fit the apocalypse like setting. Her long aquamarine was cut being that it was more in a pixie cut being that it was still like fire. Her locks ,that framed her face, are still there. She's still wearing her makeup and her eye color was the same. Her clothing was the main change being that it was destroyed.

She not wearing her choker anymore and her black tank top looked more ragged being that it showed off her thin waist. She isn't wearing her long glove or bracelet being that her jeans were torn making them shorts and her boots lost their heels. She wears her guitar on her back. "You mean that don't you Celeste? We'll make sure that he's alive after we help Danny and the other humans he's working with. I promised Danny that but we need to make sure that we stay alive." said Bane.

The next day, the resistance ,that resided in Zane's house, managed to find out Marilyn's plan thanks to Kevin's robotic hamsters ,being that Danny helped with the design before capture, destroyed the firewalls of Ash's robots and security system. It was better than nothing being that the Resistance did gain some robots being that Ed and Jim were focused on using them for their own uses. The small group learned how to use their weapons being that they didn't hit themselves.

They could aim but that was something that can be improved. As all of this was going on, Kevin was focusing on his personal inventions. He wanted to make sure that it worked perfectly being that if it had one flaw, Ash would be able to exploit. He knew that even with his enhanced abilities, he wanted to make sure that his invention would connected with his mind. "Its time to become the hero just like Legion Zero but better!" whispered Kevin.

He held his invention and he looked over the weapon system ,that was currently made on a laptop, as he saw that it was almost operational. "I'll just need to test it." said Kevin. He looked at the clock that read 10:57 am as he said,"I'll go help the others so they don't get suspicious.". He left his room and he went downstairs. He looked outside to the backyard to see that Gwen, Ray, and Sophie were training the recruits as he just watched.

Outside of Cypress Park, the rest of the country went on with their lives except if they had friends or family there. Luke was currently a nervous wreck being that his grandson died and most of his family was currently trapped by Daemon. He tried to contact Parker but the Eazairvian wasn't answering him ever since this all started. Luke was assured by someone that Zane was still alive and everything will be fine but he couldn't figure out who the someone is.

Cindy was walking to Luke's office with three of her classmates and teacher from Arcadia U. They were worried about Zane being that they all saw Zane being killed. Darren didn't show it but he did care about Zane, Nazar and Sierra were worried about their friends and they were showing it, and Taylor was the most worried. Trevor would have counted but he didn't know Zane like the kids did so he came with them just in case.

Cindy opened the office door to see Luke talking with Warrior being that Nazar said,"Is that?". "It is so why haven't you done anything brat?" said Trevor. The old man hit the hero as he said,"It's good to see you again too old man or should I say young man?". "What does he mean by that?" said Nazar. "I think you should stop sleeping in Hero 101 Nazar. Warrior has been around since the Revolutionary War and our teacher has been around since WW2." said Darren.

Sierra sighed as she said,"So why didn't you know?". "I heard that Zane died." said Tyler aka Warrior. "He isn't dead!" said Taylor. "Taylor has been taking this pretty hard because Zane matters a lot to her and me as well." said Sierra. "We can tell that but we're planning something. I need to wait a little longer." said Luke. "Why didn't you do anything?" said the teens. "Someone told me this and I trust her." said Luke. "Her?" said Trevor and Tyler.

Back in Cypress Park, Kevin was with Sophie as the two of them were scouting the east side of town being that Daemon didn't operated on this side of town mainly because more people lived in the south and west side of town. The north didn't count because Daemon's base was in the north because both the city hall and arena was there. Sophie took point as Kevin followed her closely while giving her space being that they kept hidden from the hunting parties.

Sophie said,"So explain to me why you're doing this? I thought you would be working with Ed and Jim on the plan to get us robots.". "I told you that I needed to test my latest invention. I'm sure you heard about it by now." said Kevin. "Yeah. Ray says that it's supposed to be really good and worth its time." said Sophie. "It is." said Kevin. "Okay. Just stay out of trouble." said Sophie. "Fine. You do the same." said Kevin.

The two continued their journey toward the east side with no luck on finding any parties. About an hour had passed, Sophie was getting more annoyed at Kevin being that she was pretty much dragged out here to help him out. She liked him ,even before all of this, but she had her limits about things and she was getting annoyed. They were soon spotted by Crunch with three unnamed Phantoms. The four went toward them to have fun with them.

Sophie was looking for an escape route, but Kevin just smiled. He pressed down on his left shirt sleeve as he glowed. Sophie and the four Phantoms were shocked to see that Kevin was gone being that he was now wearing a superhero costume. He's wearing a black bodysuit over his body being that he's wearing a silver steel suit of armor being that his neck was covered by five metal plates. He's wearing crimson red ,rocket powered, boots and gauntlets.

On his forearms, he has small cannons on them. He has a compact jetpack on his back, jet boosters on the back of his legs, and a white skull themed helmet with a visor like screen in front of his face. "I was hoping that I would be able to test my suit on you Crunch." said Kevin. He was about to fire his cannon as Crunch said,"You got to be kidding me? You're just like.....". Meanwhile, Daemon was looking over the town from the window of his office.

He was currently leaning on his desk being that he just watched it. In his office, the pestcrushers were currently "playing" with a Phantom who was forced ,by Swarm, to try and kill him. He didn't stand much of a chance being that he was just a simple family man despite his family not being the same as he was alive. He turned around and he sat in his chair as he closed his eyes. The pestcrushers knew that they should leave being they dragged out their play thing.

Daemon soon found himself in a pure white room with only two chairs and a single table in between them. He soon sat in one of the chairs as he said to himself,"Are you actually show up or am I going to be all alone? I hope you come boy.". He soon heard footsteps as a voice said,"So why am I here and where are we? Oh you better answer me right now.". "Well, I can't tell you anything if you don't come into view Zane." said Daemon. Zane stood there as he said,"Talk now Daemon.". 

Next time,
Where are Daemon and Zane? And does Zane know about what's going on? What happened to Rachel? Will we get our questions answered? This and more next time on Zero!

Pirate Form. This card has a black frame with an oceanic background and a fish creature ,that looks to have both a merperson's tail and a human like figure, standing there. This form is very similar to Water Form without the armor. It can breath on both land and sea like a normal human and fish can do plus use electricity.

Groups known by Day Four and Five.
Daemon's Group (Ash, Crunch, Daemon aka Malik Alvarez, Daisy, Halphas, Jester, Mind Control Vicky, Riveter, and Scarlet Demon).
The Resistance (Ed, Gwen, Heidi, Jasmine, Jim, Kevin, Ray, Roxy, Sophie, and Tara).
Bane's Group (Bane, Celeste, and Isis).
Swarm (Agent F, Agent Quake, Used for a Battery Lilith, and Marilyn).
Daemon's Prisoners (Ana, Arturo, Atem, Danny, Kania, Karen, Kristen, Natasha, and Wolfram).
Zane's Group (Amelia, Carolyn, Colleen, Darin, Daryl, Elisa, Frank, Henry, Ivan, Kurt, Lauren, Liv, Lucas, Lucius, Marco, Marshal/Marissa, Naomi, Sharia, Sirius, Trunk, and Zane).
The Alliance (Cindy, Darren, Luke, Nazar, Sierra, Taylor, Trevor, and Warrior).

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