Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Abnormal Episode 3 The Rival.

A/N: We're on Episode 3 and I'm still feeling the flow. Lets just say that me stopping Power Guild has helped my creativity juices flow. I like the character of Shawn because he is the oldest protagonist seen so far in the series. I mean if you count Bob in Power Guild but I made Bob to be about nineteen to twenty years old and Natsu to be about sixteen years. I decided to make Shawn older because I can and surrounding him with girls over five years younger than him is something different. I have said in the past that I don't like Zettai Karen Children is the age difference because ten years is way too long. It is weird in the real world too. So will Shawn be in love with these girls? Mostly likely not but who knows. Lets begin. Oh and when you see Father capitalized, I'm talking about the religious kind.

Aura P.O.V. 
Hey bro, it's your favorite little sister Aura here and I'm just doing fine no great in fact. It has been a week since the Father saved me from Widow who killed several of our comrades including the boss and maybe you. I don't know. Anyway, he is really strong. The people that he lives with in the church are too. There's Byron who is really smart and he is a nice abnormal just like you. There is also Lyra who is interesting.

I think she likes the father but I could be wrong about that. You know me and romance. It seems like she won't call me by my name for that reason or she forgot. She calls me Erin for some reason with the father also calling me that too. I don't mind it because it is somewhat close to Aura right bro? Hey I think I hear the father calling me. I'll talk with you later okay bro. I finished my diary entry for the days as I head to the main part of the church.

Narrator P.O.V.
In the church, Aura was sweeping. "Hey Erin! I need another tonic!" yelled Lyra who was sitting in one of the benches relaxing. Aura said,"Can't you go get it Lyra? I am a little busy doing your chores by the way.". "Yeah I would but you're the gopher. I mean the old man made you get smokes didn't he?" said Lyra. "Yeah. I wasn't a big fan of him trying to attack me with metal version of those strings that Widow used." said Aura. 

Byron walked up to the girls and he said,"I suggest you two try to get along because it would break the father's heart if he saw you two fighting in the house.". "So where is the Father anyway? He was here for breakfast." said Aura. "He doesn't have any jobs right old man?" said Lyra. "No. The Father is currently at the market like he usually is." said Byron. "Wait. So why did Lyra make me leave to look all across town to find her drinks when the Father shops?" said Aura. 

Lyra said,"Because Erin. My tonics can't be found at the market.". "That's your reason Lyra?! I mean you could drink normal soda instead of it." said Aura. "She can't. Due to it being 10,000 calories, it helps with Lyra's power." said Byron. "So what is your power anyway? The Father told me that you are an abnormal." said Aura. "I am since I have a power that the Sixth used back in the day." said Lyra. "Are you serious? You have an Alpha?" said Aura.

Bryon said,"She does. Her power is Copycat. She is able to morph her body into whatever she wants but it comes at a price. It cost a lot of her energy.". "And that why I need my tonics Erin plus it is so dam good. Go get it!" said Lyra. "I think you should ask politely my child. It is rude when you don't ask whatsoever." said a voice. Shawn stood there with him holding an bag filled with food and his clothes had frost marks.

Aura said,"What happened Father?". She held the bag and Shawn said,"That guy who captured you Lyra challenge me to a fight.". "Yeah. Carrie is a jerk." said Lyra. "I've told you before not to bathe out in the city." said Shawn. "So did you like what you saw?" said Lyra. "Not my type. You need to matured before I give you a look." said Shawn. Lyra started to punch him as Bryon said,"So why he does he keep challenge you? He is a member of the Crimson Battalion.".

Aura said,"I thought he would have told his boss about us.". "I guess we found someone dumber than Lyra here." said Shawn. He held Lyra in the air using Gravity as Lyra said,"And what is that supposed to mean?! I'm cute right?". "Legally as your father, I'm not allowed to answer that." said Shawn. "You jerk!" said Lyra. She kicked Shawn's head directly and Aura said,"So do you think that he will tell his boss about us Father?".

Shawn said,"No clue. I think Christopher just wants to win against me at least once. I've beaten him I think over eight times now.". "Yeah. I'm still mad at him for destroying my favorite top." said Lyra who looked angry. "You know that you should dress like a nun or like Aura here." said Byron. "Shut up pervert." said Lyra. "He's right. Try something else on okay?" said Shawn. He walked off to go take a nap as Lyra looked at her clothing.

The next day, Shawn was playing cards with Aura. "Hey you guys!" said Lyra. Shawn looked at her with her now wearing a white wool knit sweater and he said,"Nice sweater. Looks good on you squirt. Your move Aura.". "So how is it Lyra?" said Aura. "Well, it is really itchy." said Lyra. Aura looked at her as Lyra said,"Maybe I have sensitive skin or something like that.". The three then heard the front door blast right off and they heard,"Father! Fight me now!". "Son of a bitch." said Shawn.

Aura saw Chris standing there and she said,"He is early.". "Yeah and he is a pain." said Shawn. Chris said,"Are you a chicken Father?!". "Not really. I'm just getting sick of you trying to fight me. I'm too lazy today." said Shawn. "You know that you're just lucky! I mean you're tall but I've figured a way to level the playing field!" said Chris. Shawn saw that he was on stilts and he said with a lot of thunder around him,"You're not serious!".

He kicked him with Chris defeated with several bamboo poles in him. "As expected from my rival. It is like you're a god or something." said Chris. "Just shut up." said Shawn. He walked off as Lyra said to Aura,"It's your turn to take him out.". "I did it last time!" said Aura. The two girls argued as Byron was forced to do since he knew that those two wouldn't do it. Later that day, Aura saw Lyra and she said,"Hey Erin.". "It's Aura. So what happened to your sweater?" said Aura.

Lyra said,"It was way too itchy so I cut it off.". "How simple. So have you seen the Father? I wanted to ask him something." said Aura. "He is sleeping. Why do you want to see him?" said Lyra. "While I was cleaning, I saw this really good looking room but it has a lock." said Aura. Lyra smiled and she said,"Lets go look then.". "Are we going to get in trouble?" said Aura. "Nah. He loves us too much to hurt us." said Lyra. The two girls sneaked off toward the secret room.

After Lyra turned her hand into a key for the lock, the two saw some weird stuff. "So what is this Lyra?" said Aura. "No clue." said Lyra. Lyra held a hammer and she said,"Weird. This things looks light but it's heavy.". "That is the hammer of the Fourth! The Fourth used it to help in his endeavors since he was once a warrior." said Aura. "You know your history don't you Erin?" said Lyra who was poising with the hammer.

Aura said,"It was the only thing that I could do beside making sure the tech work since I'm not the best fighter.". Lyra said,"That's obvious. I mean you got to use the old pervert's gear to even defend yourself.". "So why do you call him a pervert?" said Aura. "You do know how Bryon has his private time down in his lab?" said Lyra. "Are you serious?" said Aura. "Yeah. It's gross." said Lyra. The two girls heard,"Yo Father! Lets fight!". "He can't be serious?" said the two.

Chris stood there as Lyra stood there with Aura and Bryon. "Where is the Father?" said Chris. "He is busy. I'll fight you." said Lyra. "You serious? I mean the Father is way stronger than me. I know for a fact that I'm stronger than you." said Chris. Lyra had several angry marks appear and Bryon said,"We better stand back. Lyra really hates to be insulted and when she is compared to the Father, she goes supernova. So why are you here Carrie?".

Chris said,"My name is Chris Stevens! 22 years old! Your Father killed several of my pals! So I am here to claim his head!". Suddenly, all of the candles were frozen. "You're a Abnormal?!" said Aura and Lyra. "Of course! I'm the Abnormal of Ice Chris Stevens! Bring out the Father or you're going to be frozen over in an icy hell!" yelled Chris. The four heard stomping and Bryon said,"You have just woke the devil dumb brat.".

A very angry Shawn stood there and he said,"What the hell are you doing here stripper? I thought that your last defeat with me using my damage hand would have given you the hint.". "What the hell are you taking about?!" yelled Chris. "Old man. Explain to him why I get ready to kick his ass and I do mean fast." said Shawn who crackled his knuckles which sounded like lightning. "His right hand was recently broken. He is a natural leftie though and he likes a challenge." said Bryon.

Aura said,"Wait. It wasn't that job was it?!". "Yes. I protected you from several Chaos units before my stupid engine started to work. My stupid dam car cost me my hand but what the hell? Live and learn I guess." said Shawn. "Are you alright?" said Lyra who suddenly changed into a nurse uniform. "Do you feel sorry for me Father?! I mean what the Chaos Units did to you is justified after what you did to me!" yelled Chris.

Shawn said,"You got a reason to fight? Fine. Time to get serious!". He rushed toward Chris who was ready to fight as Byron said,"Lyra! You need to get Aura out of here!". "So who is that?" said Lyra who looked lost. "We eat breakfast together!" said Aura. "Get out here!" yelled Byron. The two girls were gone as Chris said,"Eat this Father! Glacier Smash!". His hand gained a icy aura around them as it was aimed toward Shawn's face who just smiled.

Deep inside of the Crimson Battalion's tower, Crimson Zero was looking at something. "Ah. You are here Zero." said a voice. He turned to see an old man with an obvious bald spot. "So why are you in the first place Craven? A person like yourself shouldn't be here in the Underworld. Only us and lowly criminals should be here." said Zero. "Why do I need to fear this place? You have your guards and I have guards. You know without you, we wouldn't have been able to build out here." said Craven.

Zero said,"So what do you want? I am not in a good mood so talk.". "The Rebels were destroyed by you and the generals. During your rampage, I do hope that you didn't forget about the reason why we are hunting them." said Craven. "It isn't. We're still collecting the pieces that we need." said Zero. "It is good to have hobbies I understand. We don't want to waste cash on your little project. I do hope you understand that." said Craven.

He looked around and he said,"Where are Angel and Lucifer?". "Angel is overseas handling a little problem of ours. It's nothing to worry about Craven." said Zero. "Beside for the ones in the Crimson Battalion, you're safe from the Anomalies Extermination." said Craven. The two looked at a weird blob of an unknown substance. Back at the church, Shawn was pushed back. "How the hell did you stop my attack?!" said Chris.

Shawn said,"I figure it out. You're ice so time for some fire! Heavy Giant!". Shawn's right arm lit on fire as he punched Chris back. Chris went back and he said,"What the? You could only use one power since you're an abnormal!". "Who the hell said that I was an Abnormal frosty?" said Shawn. "I guess he must have stolen a fire power from an abnormal. This is the result of the Anomalies Extermination though." thought Chris.

Shawn said,"When fire and ice collided, you should see what happens.". "Shut up! My ice is stronger than your stolen flame! So die!" yelled Chris. He rushed toward Shawn with his left fist heading to the priest. Shawn smiled as he said,"You're dumber than Lyra.". Lyra sneezed as Chris said,"What are you talking about?!". "I've learned that in a fight that a difference between strength means jack. Time to show you my anger!" said Shawn.

The two men's fist collided with Chris's hand exploded. "God dam it!" yelled Chris. He went on his knees as Shawn said,"Like I said. Strength means jack because I'm stronger than you by a mile and this is me when I'm serious. So are you serious for your friends?". Chris said,"God dam it!". "So this is Shawn serious. I haven't seen him like this in a long time. It is a good thing that the girls are gone to hide for now." said Byron who was watching the fight.

Back at the tower, Zero stood there looking a the Underworld while Violet stood there. The two were in a room with several other men in suits. "So the countries below us have been taking the Abnormal who try to live normal lives." said Violet. "We've send members of your group to handle them right? I don't like lower countries trying to mess with our little science project." said a man. "Yes. Angel and some other went to go make sure on that." said Zero.

Craven said,"You all just love to go overboard don't you?! We even have the wall around to protect all of you. It must be because of you that they are doing this.". "Um. What do you mean by that? I'm still a little new on the whole thing." said a younger man. "We created the Anomalies by combing a human's DNA with nuclear energy. If they can find the formula in a single abnormal, they could have gods in their army." said a man.

The younger man looked shocked as he said,"So is that we are destroying any country that steal one of them?". "Yes. We also have the problem of them." said the older man with his hair greased back like a mullet. "Them?" said the younger man. "Ones who created the same reaction but with way less strength than the anomalies like me and my beloved Violet." said Zero. Violet smiled as she said,"The way that the Rebels tries to fight back is using a drug called Fury.".

Back at the church, Shawn stood there outside of the church. "Come on snow cone. Are you a man or a mouse?" said Shawn. "You bastard. You're strong. Way more than Lucifer but not like CZ. He is a god." said Chris. "CZ?" said Shawn. Bryon looked shocked as Chris thought,"Okay. I should try to fight from a distance since he seems to be a better fight up close and personal.". He went back and he said,"Don't look down on me bastard! Time to freeze over in a icy hell!".

He was making a giant ball of ice and Shawn said,"So you're fighting from a coward. I can dodge that ball of snow with ease.". "You can but what about the old man?!" yelled Chris. Shawn looked at the snow ball and he said,"I see.". "Die! Whiteout Shocking Freeze!" yelled Chris. The ball of ice flew right to Shawn who said,"Later snow queen.". He jumped up as the ball of ice hit Byron and it froze the front part of the church.

Chris said,"What!? You just let an old man die! What kind of priest are you?!". Bryon stood there and he said,"What the hell is wrong with you!? You could have blocked it with thunder and either one of your dam hands!". "I just knew that you would survive. Time to show you my wrath." said Shawn who smiled. He made a similar type of attack but it was on fire. 'That's my...." said Chris. "Nope. This is the fire version! Nuclear Fission!" yelled Shawn.

Chris saw that the ball was smaller than he used on Aerial and Cloak. "That's it! You're nothing but a copycat! I'll show you the power of my conviction!" yelled Chris.  He rushed toward the fire ball and Shawn said,"Sucker.". The fire went around Chris as the ice user were covered in strings. "What the hell is this?!" said Chris. "Yep. This is the power of the strings of god and the flame of god." said the Father.

He jumped past him and he pulled the strings close to him. Chris's entire body was cut and he said,"I lost!". "The Verdict is in! You're defeated by God!" yelled Shawn. Chris landed on the ground and he saw Shawn standing there. "You know that it was your fault that Byron was frozen!" said Shawn. "It was your fault Shawn." said Byron who stood there. "So before I end your life, why the hell are you attacking me?" said Shawn.

Chris said,"Okay then. Listen the hell up then! I'll only say it once so listen! You and your men killed my friends during your Anomalies Extermination! You're trying to take us for yourself!". "Huh. What the hell are you talking about?" said Shawn. "Did you listen to me?!" said Chris. "He did but I think you're a little mixed up right now." said Byron. "No! Your name is Crimson Zero right?! I mean you are hiding out here to kill anomalies." said Chris.

Shawn said,"My name is Shawn Alvarez or Father to my loyal acolytes. Who is Crimson Zero? That sounds like an energy drink that the idiot would drink.". Chris was shocked and stunned only to be smacked by Lyra who used the hammer found in the church. She then attack him and she punched him into the distance with the two men shocked. Aura stood there and she said,"Hey guys.". "Nice job right Shawn?" said Lyra.

Shawn smiled as he said,"You did....". He hit her with the hammer and he said,"Awful! Don't steal my stuff child!". Chris came back as he said,"What the hell are you doing bitch?!". "Watch it! The Father is mine!" said Lyra. "You guys need to shut up!" said Bryon. The three were fighting as Aura noticed that the priest was getting more angry by the second with him yelling,"Shut the hell up bastard! You all are pissing me off!". He fired three thunder bolts at them shocking them.

The four started fighting as Lucifer watched them from a building. "I guess thinking that he would side with us was nothing but a weakling. I have what I came for." said Lucifer. He held a small vile of blood with him saying,"While the Father was distracted, I got a very powerful new sample. Very soon Shawn, your life will be mine.". He was gone along with the building.  Byron looked at Shawn who had a tied up and unconscious Chris in strings as he said,"Lets get some answer from him.".

Lyra was kicking him and she said,"Yeah and then we'll torture him!". Aura said,"Hey Father. Wasn't there a building there?". Shawn looked over to where Aura pointed and he said,"Building fall down all of the time.". "So lets go." said Lyra. She dragged Chris through rubble and Byron said,"So is she doing this on purpose?". "Yes." said Aura. Shawn looked at the building that was destroyed and he said,"I see.". He joined the others as they headed back home.

Next Time,
Who is Crimson Zero? Why did Chris think that the Father was him? Is it their good looks? Or their blood?! This and more next time on Power! 

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