Sunday, September 18, 2016

Abnormal Episode 1 The Father

A/N: Welcome to the first story of the new blog if you're from my first one. I decided to go back to my roots. My first story on my old blog was superheroes stories since I love superheroes at the time and still do. I will bring Soul back like I said on my goodbye. This story and others on this blog won't be updated as often it was during 2014 and 2015 because I'm busy with work now so maybe expect a part every week at best. I could be wrong about that.

This story stars Shawn Alvarez who is from Yugioh but lets just say that a Yugioh story usually lasts for as long as I feel like writing it. I'm being honest on that. I mean I've a saying when it comes to writing for me at least. There is first an idea and I usually imagine it as a boulder. If I want the story to well go through it, I have to push the boulder up the hill which could be extremely light or heavy based of the idea at hand. It sound stupid but it works. 

Anyway, lets begin a century after World War 3 which was in 2050 so we're in the year 2150.

Narrator P.O.V.
World War 3 happened between all of the major powers of the world fought. The reason why they fought was lost to time. However, this war caused the United States to be the rulers of the planet and they rule over the other countries with an iron fist. Earth is now known as the United Earth and it is is one giant continent. Even with Nuclear Weapons, the other countries couldn't fight due to the weapon that triumphs the power of warheads.

They are known as the Anomalies and they are the real life version of superheroes. A person with a single superhuman ability is known as abnormal, and a group of them plus their entire species are the anomalies. In the past century, other countries have tried to figure out who they tick also make their own but they couldn't because if a country happened to get a abnormal, a member of the Anomalies militia would destroy the entire country without much resistance from the opposing country.

The militia is known as the Crimson Battalion named after their leader who is known as the Crimson Zero. Crimson Zero is the strongest member of the army with him having no weakness. He has four elite members known as the Fleet Generals. Each General controls two special groups of anomalies with each division being extremely strong. The world is under control of the US but things may look the darkest, a hero will save everyone. This is the story of a hero who changes the world.

In Atomic City, United Earth. A girl dressed in a was running away from the machines known as Chaos. Chaos were giant spiders like robots and their best known ability to track anyone who decided to anger the Crimson Battalion. They however had a weakness being that they had to operated by a pilot. This is nothing compared to the fact that they're stronger than nothing else. The girls was a member of a rebel group known as the Rebels.

They may have an unoriginal name but they were a huge thorn to both the United States and Crimson Battalion. They however had a plan to attack Crimson Zero who was driving through the city to get toward the Tower of God but a traitor basically ratted them out. All of the group was slaughtered or they were taken to be used as a power source for the Crimson Battalion. The girl found an empty building and she hid in it.

She brushed her purple hair out of her emerald eyes as she said,"Why? Everything was going just as planned but.....". She shivered as she thought of what she saw. "Hey. What are you doing here? You should be dead right?" said a voice. The girl turned around to see a boy standing there holding a very strange looking teddy bear in his left hand. He was wearing a light blue t-shirt with matching shorts and tennis shoes. He has dark green hair and light blue eyes.

The girl backed up against the wall as the boy walked toward her. "I don't think the little rebel should be running from me right Mr. Huggins?" said the boy. The bear was quiet as the boy said,"Right. You should just die okay?". He raised his right hand as a beam of light came out of it. "Oh. I guess you are shocked about this. I was blessed by CZ with the power of light so prepared to die okay?" said the boy who smiled. He fired several beams of light at her.

The girl was ready to try and cover from the attack. "Don't move Aura." said a voice. Aura looked up as she saw a head member of the rebels Victor "Planet" Richard. He had spiky gray hair with honey brown eyes. He was wearing a white open trench coat with the word Justice on the back, bandages around his chest, dark brown pants, and black combat boots. "You survived the boss?! I can't believe it" said the boy. "Yeah. I think your brother is fighting him now Aura." said Victor.

Aura said,"You left him there! What is wrong with you?!". "I didn't want to do that Aura but he asked me to protect and get you to safety. You're a normal human and he doesn't want you to be hurt by the pipsqueak." said Victor. The boy said,"Don't ignore me! Die! Die! Die!". Victor looked to see a giant teddy bear similar to the one the boy was holding standing there. "Ocean Tear!" yelled Victor. A huge burst of water came rushing out of his hands destroying the giant teddy.

Aqua said,"That was so cool.". "Yeah. It's great Aura but I still have the brat left. Just hide for right now okay." said Victor. The girl hid as Victor rushed toward the boy. He was shocked to see the man in front of him with him said,"Tidal Wave Smash!". His left fist directly hit the boy straight into the ground as the boy said,"You can't defeat me that easily!". The boy tried to escape and Victor said with a smile,"I don't just control water kid but ice as well.".

The boy was trapped in ice as Victor looked to see that Aura was watching him. "Aura. Turn away right now." said Victor. Aura turned away from the fight as Victor said,"Ocean Crush.". A giant claw of water crushed the boy killing him. The corpse rested there as Victor said,"Hey Aura. We need to keep moving. Both the Communications and Recovery Division will be here to pick up the remains of the brat.". Aura nodded as the two left the building.

Meanwhile, a man sat on the roof watching Aura and Victor. He looked to be twenty five years old or maybe twenty six years old. He has slightly muscle definition which made him look strong but not a total muscle head. He has long black hair with white tips at the end of his hair with the tips touching his chin. He had a pair of black glasses/sunglasses that are rimless over the top to show off his golden eyes. Right now, he was reading a book with a couple under the sunset.

The man said,"Love. A truly powerful emotion. It can unite social classes so I wonder if they can unite human and abnormal.". He looked up to see a carrier pigeon flying toward him and it landed on his right hand. He read the message as he said,"I see. I'll handle this and bring her back.". The bird flew off as the man said,"May God have mercy on the souls on those who lost their life.". He stood up and he went to go pick up his coat.

It went up to his ankles with it being a midnight black color. It had a white lining and it was open all the way with it flaring at the bottom. The coat was slightly torn with the sleeves torn off revealing his arms. His chest was exposed showing off his gray sleeveless muscle shirt. The reverse of the coat was white like snow. He had on black gloves with some steel over the knuckles of the gloves. The back of the coat had a crimson red devil on it.

It was being impaled by a sword that looks like a cross. He had on a black leather belt with an oval-shaped platinum belt buckle with black and white camouflage jeans. His arms and legs were covered in white bandages showing off a little bit of his arms and legs. He had on a pair of black combat boots with steel souls. The most interesting thing about him is that he wears a large choker around his neck with the character Power on it and a gold cross that hangs on his chest.

He jumped down from the building when he was perched from and he walked off. Meanwhile, Aura was hiding. She looked at Victor who said,"Don't worry. Your brother will be alright. I mean he is an abnormal while I had to resort to using that to even fight against them.". He looked at his hands and he said with a smile,"Your brother is way stronger than me and I bet that he could even take down the Fleet Generals with ease.".

Aura said,"Yeah. So did my brother block Crimson Zero's attack?". "Yeah. It was so fast that I didn't even see it." said Victor. "I thought you were known for your eyesight." said Aura. "Oh. I was sorta of focused on something else." said Victor. Aura looked at the man as he said,"Okay. We need to get out of the city.". Aura followed him as she thought,"Something is off with him but what?". Victor had a strange smile on his face as they kept moving.

Meanwhile, the rebels who survived the onslaught earlier from Crimson Zero were hiding from three of the Fleet Generals. They were frozen by one of them. They saw one of the generals only known as Lucifer. He had long spiky white hair and ice blue eyes. Steel bands were around both of his arms and legs that cover his ankles and knees. He had on a pair of black jeans and gray shoes. He had bandages all around his body that wasn't covered by the bands and jeans. He had on a silver billowing cape.

His eyes and mouth weren't covered. He smiled and he said,"Vulcan Rupture.". He placed his left hand on the ground as a giant flame pillar appeared from the ground under the rebels. They were burned to a crisp as he said,"I guess they didn't have anyone worth my time here. I wonder if Angel or Violet found someone.". He looked at the corpses and he walked away. He pulled out a cigarette as he lit it on fire. He blew a puff of smoke as he said,"I'm done with this world.".

A group of rebels was running from one of the generals known as Angel. She had golden blond hair and sky blue eyes. She was wearing a white dress that showed off her curves and her body. To add to the angel motif, she had a golden halo and white feathery wings. "Time for god's repent. You angered Master Crimson Zero. Prepare for Judgement." said Angel. The rebels were then impaled by several beams of light as Angel noticed that the ground below her was frozen.

She looked to see Lucifer smoking and she said,"You know that I hate your smoking right?". "So? Do you think I give a dam about you babe? I mean the boss just likes you and keeps you around because your beauty and nothing else." said Lucifer. The two were about to fight as they heard,"You two don't need to fight. Master Crimson is here.". The two saw another member of their group Violet and their leader Crimson Zero standing there.

Violet ,fitting her moniker, had long violet purple hair that went past her waist and diamond colored eyes. She was wearing a black and purple top that exposed her breasts and a matching skirt. She also had a pair of black heels that looked painful. Crimson Zero was wearing a crimson mask that covered his eyes making them look white like snow. He had most of his black hair with crimson streaks that went right through the hair was gelled back.

He had pale skin with an tattoo of the symbol for infinity on the left side of his neck. He was wearing a crimson red trench coat that covered his chest, black slacks, and black dress shoes. Lucifer said as he smirked,"Hey boss. So what happened to you? You're covered in blood.". CZ looked down to see that his coat was dripping with blood and he said,"Those rebels were quite the annoying bugs. So are they all dead?".

Angel smiled as she said,"I smite them for you Lord Crimson.". "I think the only ones who are left are their leader and a girl." said Lucifer. "Should we go after them?" said Violet. "No. We have the Chaos units searching for them. Their leader may be an fraud to us but he'll only last so long." said CZ. The four walked away as a huge building crushed the rebels's remaining into piles of blood. This is the power of the Crimson Battalion.

Aura fell on the ground and Victor said,"Get up Aura. We can't waste time.". "I can't  I don't have a remnant like an Abnormal and the drug didn't work with me." said Aura. Victor looked at her and he said,"Get up.". "I can't." said Aura. Victor picked her up and he said,"I'll be your legs Aura.". "I guess this is him when he is serious." thought Aura. The two heard whistling that totally belong inside of a western movie. "Let her down." said a voice.

Aura turned to see someone standing there. It was the man that was watching them earlier and Victor said,"Who are you?". "I don't think my name matters right now. Lets just say that I'm here to hunt for those who break the law." said the man. Victor placed Aura on the ground nearby and he said,"I guess you're one of them right?". "Maybe or maybe not." said the man. Victor rushed toward him with his fist covered in rocks. "Boulder Punch!" yelled Victor.

The man took the punch and he said,"I suspect that this power is one of the four that you control due to you using the power of the ocean.". Victor went back as the man said,"Try and hit me. I'm one with god so prepare to be judged.". "Fine! Lion Burst!" yelled Victor. The man then saw a huge burst of fire and it looked like a lion. The man caught the fire and he said,"I would consider this flame to be a worth tribute to me.". "What is he talking about?" said the two.

The man started to eat the flame with Victor said,"What?! He is eating fire?!". The fire was gone as the man said,"It was better than that ones flame at the least. Your fire power is possibly Rank B or C to be nice.". "Time to combine elements! Flame and Wind! Whirlwind Inferno!" yelled Victor. His left hand was on fire and the right hand had wind going around it. He then made a tornado that was covered in fire. The man sighed as the attack covered him in t.

Aura said,"You killed him.". "He attacked us. In this world, there are no rules. We need to stay alive for our fallen comrades." said Victor. Aura looked at him and she heard,"Are you serious? I suspect that you're not the real Victor.". The girl saw that the man was fine with his left hand blocking the attack. "You're an Abnormal!" yelled Victor. "Not at all. This power did belong to a abnormal but I am just a normal human." said the man.

Victor was about to attack the man but he was stopped by the man who held his neck. "I suspect that you're not the real Victor Richard because of the fact that Victor Richard is dead." said the man. Aura came out from her hiding spot and she said,"Are you serious?". "Don't listen to her Aura! He is just trying to trick you." said Victor who broke free of the man's grip. "Okay. Let me show you the real Victor Richard." said the man.

He then put his right hand into the hand and he sliced down. Aura saw a screen appear where the cut air was and it showed Victor being killed by himself. "You are actually an abnormal, a member of the Crimson Battalion, and part of the Assassination Division. You're really the..." said the man. "Victor" kicked the man back with him saying with a higher pitch than before,"Dam it! I thought I could kill the bitch to get my spot back in the Fleet Generals!".

Aura was shocked by this as "Victor" jumped back to a piece of destroyed building. The man started to glow and his appearance change. He was actually a she with her dressed like a black widow spider and she said,"The name is Widow.". "No shit." said the man. Widow jumped toward him and she said with anger in her voice,"How did you know?! My disguises are flawless!". The man jumped over her as he said,"Nothing can hide from me.".

He caught her hand and Aura saw that his right leg was producing lightning. "Lightning Kick!" said the man. He kicked Widow directly in the rib with her flying toward some ruins. The man walked to Aura who tried to ran away. "I am not here to hurt you Aura. You can trust me." said the man. Aura said,"I will if you tell me your name first.". The man looked at her as he said,"Let me take care of her first. She is back from my initial attack.".

He then turned around as Widow said,"So you must be a hero? I guess you don't know my power. I was once a member of the Fleet Generals. Die! Threads of Fire and Water!". The man was trapped in threads that were on fire or soaking wet. "You won't be able to break my strands of the sisters of fate itself. Only their scissors can cut...." said Widow. The man broke the threads around him as he said,"I guess I have the power to cut them then.".

Widow was shocked by this but then she saw the man in front of him. His right arm was covered in thunder and he said,"Time to fly toward the heavens!". He uppercut the spider woman flew in the sky and the man was gone. The spider woman looked up to see the man up there as he said,"Judgement of Thor!". He combined his hands together to make an hammer of thunder with him swing the hammer down on the spider woman.

Aura saw her crashing into the ground with the man landing in front of the crater. "I send you to the depths of hell." said the man. Aura came out of her hiding spot and she said,"Who are you?". "My name is Father." said Father. "Father?" said Aura. He then looked at her and he said,"I don't think I stuttered. Lets just say that my name is something that can't be said with Widow still alive.". "She is still alive?" said Aura.

The girl saw the spider woman standing up. She had several bruises all over her body and Father said with him saying,"You survived? I expect a member of the Assault Division, a member of the Dragon Division, and the girls division to survive.". "Shut up! I'm stronger than you! Threads of Death and Fire!" yelled Widow. Father looked at the string heading toward him and he said,"You are lucky that I'm in a good mood today.".

He rushed toward the strings with him getting captured by them. "Father!" yelled Aura. She was then tangled by some threads by Widow. "Why are you doing this?!" said Aura. "Oh. It's my job and I just enjoy killing. You are going to die next by the way. Let me just say this, you're nothing but a waste to everyone around you. I kill hundreds of rebels before I found you with the brat. Oh. Their blood was so good because I absorb their looks and power!" said Widow.

Aura said,"Did you kill my brother?". "Your brother? I don't know. He mostly liked died by the Fleet Generals or Lord Zero." said Widow. Aura was quiet as Father said,"Aura. Don't let her get to you. It may seem like he is dead but you can't judge a book by its cover.". "Oh shut up. You're so annoying. I think your death is going to be the best that I've ever heard. Titans Grip!" said Widow. She increased the pressure on the strings covering the man.

Aura saw that the man's body was cut all over with his clothing somehow surviving. He coughed a huge amount of blood as he said,"That tickled bitch.". "Fine. Prepare to die! Typhoon String!" said Widow. Aura saw that the father was blasted back by the highly powerful strings. Widow said while laughing like a mad scientist,"That was my ultimate attack! You're nothing but a pile of...". "You need to shut the hell up. I figure out your Fatal Flaw." said a voice.

Both Aura and Widow saw Father standing there with a smile on his face. "Are you insane? I'm an Abnormal! We're gods and you're just a priest!" yelled Widow. "Me a priest? That's funny. I believe in the gods but not just one like a normal priest. It's time to finish you off." said Father. Aura was shocked at what she saw because it was something out of a anime. He rushed into her with him kneeing Widow in the gut and he said,"You're not good up and close fighting.".

Widow grabbed her guts as Father said,"Thunder Strike from the Heavens!". Widow was shocked by a giant bolt of lightning and Father said,"The Verdict is in! You're out of here!". Aura was shocked as Father looked at Aura. "Who are you?" said Aura. "A Father. I am a priest but something else." said the man. He looked up and he said,"We need to go now.". He walked away as Aura said,"Wait. You're talking about me too right?".

Father said,"Yes. I need you.". "Huh?!" said Aura. "Listen. I haven't done a job like this for a while but you pissed off the Crimson Battalion. Courage must run in the family right?" said Father. Aura was quiet as Father said,"So are you coming or what?". "Yeah. So what is your name? I mean you said that your name can't be said with Widow still alive." said Aura. She walked up to him and he said with a smile,"Shawn Alvarez.". "Aura Reynolds." said Aura. The two walked away.

Later, Widow was crawling through the sewers. "Why was that father protecting her? I thought that the churches were staying out of this." said Widow. She held the left side of her stomach and she said with a groan,"Why the hell was his punch so strong? My body is stronger because I'm a Abnormal. It makes no dam sense.". She turned around to see a Chaos Unit. "Oh good. I can finally get healed and my revenge on the father is going to be..." said Widow.

The robot blasted her with it saying,"Widow, Operative 17957. You failed in your mission in killing the orphan. Prepare to die.". Widow was killed due to the robot blasting her with missiles. The Chaos unit was gone as Lucifer stood there. "I guess you failed huh spider girl. Your name is nothing to me and the big wigs. So who are you Father? I hope you are worth my time." said Lucifer. He was gone as the corpse just floated there.

Next Time,
Who is Shawn Alvarez? What are the Anomalies? What is the world like now?! This and more next time on Power.  

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