Sunday, September 18, 2016

Abnormal Episode 2 The Followers

A/N: So this is the first story on here. I got to say that I'm impressed with myself. I have in the works a Soul Episode and something else. It is something good. I also noticed something weird. In Fairy Tail, all Dragon Slayers are motion sickness. So why in Chapter 426 Natsu wasn't. I call bullshit or Wendy used Troia on him. As a fan, you tend to think that kind of stuff. Also this current arc has me feeling good and bad at the same time. Anyway, lets begin. Also it may look like four sentences but while writing this, I tried to make it five sentences. I just five sentences but on the blog, I'll keep it at four because I'm lazy.

Narrator P.O.V.
The country that was the home for the United States of America, it was the main playground for the members of the Crimson Battalion. Every city starting with Washington D.C was destroyed by them with the country being light in flames. About half of a century later, half of the country was confined off by the United Earth. It created a dark void in the country with it known as the Underworld. In the center of the void, a tower stood there.

This tower is known as the main base for the Crimson Battalion and their company that supported them. They're known as Arcadia. The size of the tower rivaled the Burj Khalifa which was built in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Crimson Zero was looking over the city in his office on the top floor as he heard,"Crimson Dear.". He turned to see Violet wearing a scantily clad black dress. She said,"Do you find the Underworld so interesting compared to me?". It was night.

Crimson said,"My dear. The world done there is nothing compared to you. It is where people who pissed off the United Earth go to die. It's my place to play. Only the strong live and the weak die to the strong.". "Whatever dear." said Violet. The two heard,"Lord Crimson.". A vulture like man stood there and he said,"I'm here to report. We have an image on who defeated Widow.". "So who did it? It was her job to kill leftovers from the Rebels." said Violet.

Crimson said,"And now, she is dead. So did she live Vulture?". "Yes. The one called Aura lived." said Vulture. "Was she a Abnormal?" said Violet. "No. She was a normal human but look at this." said the man. Crimson looked at the picture which was Shawn defeating Widow with Aura nearby them and he said,"A Father?". "Yes." said Vulture. "Find them. You and those three from the Assault Division will go to kill them. Do I make myself clear?" said Crimson. "Yes sir." said Vulture.

The next day Aura woke up. She remembered getting inside of the father's car and then she suddenly fainted after getting in it. "So you're finally awake now?" said a voice. She saw a scientist standing there. He was wearing a typical lab coat with matching white pants and orange shirt. He was balding at the top with him having gray white hair and a stylish beard and mustache. "Who are you?" said Aura. "My name is Byron." said Byron.

Aura was getting up as she said,"So where am I exactly?". Byron said,"Shawn dropped you here and he said that you fainted on the way back from Atomic City. I told him that you have motion sickness with him saying that I'll figure it out.". "So where is he Byron?" said Aura. "Upstairs. We're under the our base which is a church. We're in the Underworld." said Byron. "Are you serious?" said Aura. "I don't at all joke. You can go check up on him if you want." said Byron.

The girl ran upstairs and the man sighed. His phone started ringing with him sighing."Oh great. It is Lyra. I just hope she did her job for once.". He answered it and he heard,"Is Shawn back?!". His left ear started to bleed from a voice as he said,"Yes. Did you finish your job?". "Of course I did. I'll be there soon." said the voice. She hanged up as the man said,"I just hope that she doesn't crash through the church again.". He went back to on his computer.

Aura looked outside of the church to see Shawn reading a book. "So you're awake. It took you long enough to wake up." said Shawn who looked at his book. "Well. I have motion sickness okay. So why did you?" said Aura. Shawn then heard a noise as he said,"Oh god dam it. That girl needs to learn that riding a motorcycle around the church piss me off more than anything.". Aura then saw that the priest jumped in front of a motorcycle with him blocking the wheel. "Hi Shawn!" yelled the rider.

Aura looked up to see a woman maybe two or three years older than her. She had on a sleeveless dark pink top with a gold cross around her neck similar to the father. She was wearing white shorts with pink and black striped knee high socks and brown two inch heel boots. She had thigh length light blue colored hair and green eyes. "Lyra. What are you doing? I've told you at least eight times not to drive that in front of my church!" said Shawn.

He threw the bike to the ground with him throwing a lightning bolt at it. "What the hell!? You know how much that cost me?!" yelled Lyra. "I have told you a thousand times not to drive it without any protective gear. I also said if I saw you without it. I would destroy your bike. As your father, I expect much more from you." said Shawn. Lyra then looked at Aura with her saying,"So who is she?". "This is Aura. Lets talk inside." said Shawn. He went inside as the girls followed the father inside.

Byron said,"You've a hard time huh?". Shawn stood there with Byron and Lyra sat on a statue near the two men. "My name is Shawn and the old man is Byron." said Shawn. "So what happened to you huh father?" said Aura. She sat on a bench as Shawn said while rubbing his stomach that was covered in bandages,"That bug's threads were stronger than I thought.". "The Father or Shawn is stronger than most humans his age as you've seen. He is a normal human just like you." said Byron.

Lyra said,"And I'm the Lyra Wallace. You may call me Lady Lyra the great.". "Yeah. I don't think that anyone in their right mind would call you that." said Shawn. "So what is your name?" said Byron. "It is Aura Reynolds and I'm sixteen years old." said Aura. "I think that we will call you plum then." said Lyra. "Don't speak. You just look more dumb." said Shawn. While Shawn blocked Lyra's attack, the scientist said,"So tell me why they were after you.".

Aura said,"I am a member of the Rebels. We tried to fight the Crimson Battalion.". "Yeah. They were killed by them. It was hard to watch due to them being slaughtered." said Shawn. "I heard about that from the net. It sounded serious so I asked Shawn ,who finished a job, to bring me anyone who had survived." said Byron. Suddenly, Lyra punched Aura as she said,"You bitch!". "What is she doing Father?" said Byron.

Shawn said,"Honestly, I had no clue with that child.". "Why did you?" said Aura who held her cheek from said punch. "This was your fault?! Due to you, those jerks from Golden Army have looked for anyone connected to the Wrecks! Several homes were burned to the ground!" said Lyra. "I thought I taught you how to read Lyra. They're the Crimson Battalion and they're looking for the Rebels. You're dumb than a bag of bricks." said Shawn. Aura said,"We didn't mean for that to happen!".

Lyra said,"You know that I don't care right?! You and the rebels are dumb idiots!". "We just wanted the world to be free from the United Earth.." said Aura. She was punched by Lyra and Byron said to Shawn,"Should we stop her?". "Meh. You can if you wanted to. I'll stop if its gets really serious." said Shawn who was reading a book on something. "You know that you are so weak! I mean I'm stronger than you! Heck, even the old man and Shawn are strong than you." said Lyra.

Byron said,"Aura were trying to run away from them so there is nothing wrong with that Lyra.". "You and Aura share a lot of common features." said Shawn. "What are you talking about?! She is a weak human compared to me!" said Lyra. Lyra was about to attack her but Shawn stopped her. "She is our guest and we don't attack our quest." said Shawn. The blue haired girl slapped him as she yelled,"You Idiot! Why are you siding with her?!".

She ran away as Aura said,"So did I do something wrong?". "Lyra has trouble adjusting to people. It was lucky that she adjusted to me and the father." said Byron. "What do you mean?" said Aura. "She is a former member of the Crimson Battalion. Her name was the Right Fist." said Shawn. "Wait. She was the Right Fist but she is only?" said Aura. "I adopted her when I was nineteen years old and that was six years ago. She tried to kill me at eleven. She had some spunk back then." said Shawn.

Aura said,"Back then?". "She was a deadly young girl and the father here saw a timid girl inside of her so he took her as a nun." said Byron. "Her a nun?" said Aura. "Yes. She tends to speak with her fists and she isn't smart. She has the attention span of a goldfish and the memory of one. This is due to me taking away most of her power." said Shawn. "You can take away powers Mister Alvarez? So is she now normal or an abnormal?" said Aura.

Byron said,"Actually, she is both. To the Crimson Battalion, she is a normal human but to a strong abnormal maybe Rank B and above will be able to sense her true power.". "So how did you do then father?" said Aura. "How many names do you have for me? I mean I'm a priest but hell, just call me Shawn okay. I got rid of her thanks to my ability." said Shawn. "Your ability? Are you a abnormal or something else?" said Aura.

Shawn pointed to the choker on his neck and he said,"I'll just say that this is the answer. Lets go find Lyra.". "Why?" said Aura. "She has a tendency to get herself in trouble." said the men. "Ah." said the girl. Byron gave her a watch like device and he said,"Here. Take this.". "Why?" said Aura. "Shawn says that you have great potential and also, you'll need to protect yourself," said Byron. "Oh." said Aura. "Lets go." said Shawn. "Right." said the two.

Lyra was walking through the ruined town that was nearby the church as she thought,"Stupid. Why does Shawn like her? I mean she is nothing but a copy of me.". She kicked a can directly in front of her as it flew directly toward someone's head. It was a punk who looked very typical with a bandanna around his mouth. "Hey! What the big idea?!" said the punk. "Shut up!" yelled Lyra. She punched him directly through a solid wall as the crowd around her was shocked.

Unknown to Lyra, Vulture was flying above her and he said,"Huh. This girl has incredible strength for someone of her statue but...". His eyes widened as he said,"She's an abnormal! Her power isn't strength but something else.". He flew toward three shadowed figures and he said,"Capture the girl would two of you?". Two were gone as the bird man said,"Okay. Lets begin capturing the priest and the girl.". The figure nodded as the two were gone.

Lyra finished off the last punk and she said,"Okay. You weaklings helped me get with the anger that I had for the Father.". She heard,"Hey brother. A group of thirty guys couldn't handle a girl who is on her time of the month. How sad right.". She looked around and she heard,"Indeed sister.". "Okay! You two are really pissing me off! Come out here and fight me like a man!" yelled Lyra. She was pushed back by an invisible force as she saw two standing there.

One was a woman who looked to be maybe twenty four years old and the other was a man who was the same age as Aura. The two both had aqua green hair and yellow eyes. The woman was wearing a outfit that showed any skin while the man wore a dark purple cloak with his hair and eyes being seen through the cloak. "So who the hell are you two?" said Lyra. "I'm Aerial and this is Cowl. We're both members of the Assault Division." said Aerial, pointing to the man.

Cowl nodded as Lyra said,"I don't give a crap about you. What do you want?!". "We want the one who defeated Widow." said Aerial. "Widow? Who the hell is that?" said Lyra. "Are you serious? You should know her name." said Aerial. Lyra looked lost as Cowl said,"We're looking for a purple haired girl. If you wish to survive, give her to us now.". "Purple hair?" said Lyra. She remembered Aura and she said,"No way! I won't give you Plum!".

The two said,"Plum?". "Prepare to feel the fist of god!" yelled Lyra. Cowl stood in front of Aerial as Lyra thought,"Why isn't he?". The cloak opened up as Lyra was captured by it. She then popped out in some trash nearby. "What the?" said Lyra. She saw Cowl floating in the air and Aerial said,"Fang of the Eagle!". Lyra was sliced by wind pressure as Aerial said,"Cowl! Now!". The boy nodded as he disappeared.

Lyra was then trapped in Cowl's cloak and she said,"Hey! Let me out of here!". She then felt the air around being drained as Aerial said,"Not going to happen. We need you for bait. It was orders of the Vulture and Lord Zero.". Lyra was out cold as Cowl said,"Capture complete.". "Lets take her to the Vulture and that idiot." said Aerial. Cowl nodded as the two flew off. The punks there were shocked to see how strong those two were compared to Lyra who kicked the crap out of them.

Later, Aura who was very much shocked to see Shawn who was talking with the townspeople and him apologizing for Lyra's rampage. Aura looked at Byron and she said,"So do you know why the father is so beloved Byron?". "Well. he is the only priest in the entire Underworld so we make a lot of cash plus he is extremely helpful with his Thunder." said Byron. "So is he an abnormal? I mean he is super strong even more than the leader of the rebels and my brother." said Aura.

Byron said,"He is something isn't he? Let him tell you okay.". Shawn walked over to them and Aura said,"So did you hear anything Father?". "I guess you're sticking to that huh. Okay, I heard that Lyra who was pissed got into a fight with a local gang and then she was taken down by two members of the assault division of the Crimson Battalion. Man, that was a mouthful to say the least." said Shawn who looked at the two.

Aura said,"Are you serious!? Why aren't you worried?!". "This is what happens when you mess with the Crimson Battalion. Learned this before. We need to find out where they are and give Lyra that if you know what I mean." said Shawn. "Right. I'll grab it. Wait here." said Byron. The man was gone as Aura said,"So how good is your vision?". "Pretty good. I see her so once the old man return. we're going to fight. Ready?" said Shawn.

She nodded as Byron returned with a bag. "Did you find her?" said Byron. "Yep. We're ready to go so get ready. This isn't going to be an easy fight." said Shawn. He walked forward with Aura asking Byron. "So does the Father like fighting?". "Fighting is something that he just loves to death and if he is fighting an Abnormal, he is happy." said Byron. "Oh. So how old is he?" said Aura. "Twenty five years old." said Byron. The two joined Shawn as they went toward Lyra's location.

Lyra was tied up in rope that held her down due to Aerial increasing the air pressure. "So you must be Venezuela and Carrie!" said Lyra. Vulture stood there with the final member of the Assault Division with him saying,"My name isn't Carrie but Chris dam it!". Chris had snow white hair that was slightly spiked up and brown eyes. He was showing off his impressive looking six pack due to him a dark blue vest and blue jeans with brown dress shoes.

Lyra said,"So? I'm way stronger than you.". Cloak held back Chris who wanted to attack the girl and Aerial said,"His power isn't something to scoff at. He is the lead abnormal in the Assault Division. I expect that they'll be here soon.". Cloak said,"Hey. I think they're coming.". "Who?" said Lyra. "Hey Lyra! Need some help?!" yelled a voice. Shawn stood there on a cliff perching down at the five with Byron and Aura as Lyra said,"What is she doing here Shawn?!".

Shawn said,"She is a member of the family and I don't leave anyone in my family behind.". "This is an easy job since you have the girl as well. This is too simple. You three get the father while I'll get the girl.". "Aura. You need to protect Byron and vise versa. I handled the rest of them." said Shawn who started to crack his knuckles. "Okay. Good luck." said Aura. She and the old man then ran off as Shawn said,"Time to rock and roll!".

Cloak appeared behind him and he said,"Time to capture like I did with...". Shawn disappeared and Cloak heard,"You may have gotten Lyra but you can't catch me!". He was punched by Shawn as he flew directly toward Lyra. "That was incredible. I don't think this will be easy at all." said Chris. "We will get him weakened up for you okay?" said Aerial. "Right." said Chris. Chris stood there and the woman said,"Cyclone Slicers!".

Shawn dodged the wind and he said,'That's all you got? So sad.". Cloak appeared above him and he said,"This is for earlier!". Shawn barely dodged a giant spiked ball that appeared in the old spot that he once stood. "Fast but I'm faster. Time to show you my talent!" said Shawn. He started to glow as Chris thought,"What? This is not Thunder but something else. Could it be something else?". Lyra said with a smile,"You're dead meat now. Shawn is getting serious.".

Aura and Byron hid as Vulture looked for them. "So what does this do?" said Aura. She pointed to her watch and Byron said,"You used a weapon before?". Aura then nodded as Byron said,"This will allow you to create a weapon that is either a gun for long range, a sword for close range, and a shield for defense.". "What about you?" said Aura. "I'll be fine trust me. Are you ready? I think the buzzard is getting restless." said Byron. "Yeah." said Aura.

The two rushed out as Vulture said,"Idiots. I guess it's time for me to get serious.". He then opened his mouth as he yelled,"Sonic Howl!". He made a sonar attack as Aura said,"Shield!". The watch then turned into a shield blocking the attack. The girl was pushed back and Vulture increased the pressure of the attack blasting her back. "Aura!" yelled Byron. "Don't get distracted old man." said Vulture. It was a second but Byron was slashed by Vulture's claws.

Vulture went back and he noticed that his claws were slightly bruised. "What the hell?" said Vulture who looked at. Byron's shirt was ripped as he said,"I'm not a normal human like you Aura.". Aura saw Byron's right arm up to his elbow turned into a drill. "I'm also an abnormal like those four. My power is Atomic. Lets just say that it's impressive." said Bryon. Vulture flew up and he said,"Die old bastard!".

He flew toward Byron but he was blasted by Aura who turned the shield into a hand cannon. "Nice job Aura! I'll handle this now!" said Byron. He rushed toward Vulture who got up from Aura's attack and he said,"Sonic Howl!". Byron went right through the sonar attack as Bryon said,"Time for the Bulldozer!". His hands turned into a bulldozer blade aka the thing at the front of the heavy machine and he smashed into Vulture.

The bird man coughed blood with Bryon said,"Your power may be impressive but compared to me, you're nothing!". The bird flew in the air and he said,"Fine. Time to fight the girl!". His wings went up as he said,"Feather Hurricane!". The girl made the shield as it blocked most of the feathers. "Hey Bryon! What should we do?" said Aura. "Keep him distracted. I need some time to finish bird brain already." said Bryon. "Okay." said Aura.

Vulture said,"Are you serious?! You think that this bitch can defeat me?!". "I can because your pride is blinding you." said Aura. Vulture was hit with a beam of energy that came from the center of the shield. "I may not know a lot about this weapon but I spend a lot of time with technology during my time with the rebels. Are you ready Byron?" said Aura. "Yeah! Jet Fighter Swarm!" yelled Bryon. It was a shock to Vulture as he was blasted with several missiles coming from his shoulders.

Vulture flew off as Bryon said,"I guess he is just a coward.". "So how old are you?" said Aura. "I am actually fifty six but thanks to my power, I've the body of a man like Shawn." said Bryon. "Should we go help the Father?" said Aura. "Nah. He has this. We should get this to Lyra." said Bryon. He held the bag as Aura said,"Where did you put that?". "In me." said Bryon. "Oh." said Aura. The two ran away as Vulture watched over them.

The bird said,"So was that good enough?". Lucifer stood there and he said,"Yeah. You did good. It's good that I want to learn more about the priest and his pals.". "I will get back to base to report that they failed and I was lucky to escape with my life so you will destroy those three if they fail right Lord Lucifer." said Vulture. "Sure. I hate the weak." said Lucifer. Vulture flew off as Lucifer just watched.

Aerial and Cloak were shocked to see that Shawn had a huge amount of thunder surrounding him and he said,"Thunder Roar!". The thunder went around his mouth and he fired it out. It was a huge spiral of thunder with Cloak getting hit by it. "Brother!" said Aerial. She didn't noticed that Shawn was now behind her and he said,"Thunder Smash!". The woman was pounded in the ground with her blasted by the thunder.

Chris was shocked as Lyra said,"You pissed up off the Father. You're dead meat now.". "What are you talking about?" said Chris. "Watch." said Lyra. Chris turned around to see Cloak behind Shawn and he yelled,"Die!". Several things fell down on Shawn with one being an steel pachyderm. "Yes! You're dead now!" yelled Cloak. "Calm down brother." said Aerial. "Yeah. This fight is just getting started. I guess that you don't know my power." said Shawn. The two were stunned to hear his voice.

Aura and Byron hid in the ruins as Aura said,"What is he talking about?". "Shawn tends to only use Thunder because he loves bring it down but actually, he has more than one power." said Bryon. "But how? A abnormal can only have one power and that's the rule!" said Aura. "Shawn is different. He is actually the...." said Bryon. "Hey old man! Shut the hell up!" yelled Shawn. He lifted the objects off himself with him saying,"Time to play catch!".

He threw the objects at Cloak who dodged most of them but he was hit by a giant fireball thanks to Shawn. "Wait. That was two different powers. That was fire and gravity right?" said Aura. "It was but lets just say that Shawn has more tricks up his sleeve." said Byron. "But he doesn't has sleeves." said Aura. "Whatever. We'll let Shawn have his fun for now. Lets go help Lyra." said Byron. The two went to Lyra with Chris saying,"This is so dam awesome.".

Aerial said,"Die!". She increased the pressure around Shawn and she said,"Now brother!". "The same old trick. I figured out your Fatal Flaw!" said Shawn. The priest was gone as Aerial said,"So did you go now?". The two look around for him and they heard,"You two work well together like a brother and sister combo. I think me taking you two down at the same dam time is the way to end you off for better! Nuclear Fission!".

The two looked up to see Shawn with a giant fireball above him. He threw it down and the two tried to escape. They saw Shawn standing there with him saying,"Oh. Time for you to stop running from your fate.". The ball hit them and the two screamed because upon impact with the ball. It turned into a inferno and Shawn said,"The Verdict is in! You're out of here!". Shawn looked to see that Chris was gone and he said,"Where did that one go? Oh well.".

Lyra looked at Aura and Bryon. "Aura. You need to give her the object in that bag." said Bryon. The girl held a soda can and she said,"What's this?". "It's something that helps Lyra. I'll get free." said the scientist. His left hand turned into a chainsaw as Lyra said,"No way! Let me drink it without her! She is just trying to steal him away from me!". "I'm staying with the father and we're going to be good friends." said Aura.

She helped Lyra drinking the soda can and she said,"Thanks I guess.". The three saw Shawn walking toward them as he said,"So where did that guy go?". "I don't know. Carrie went somewhere after she saw your attack." said Lyra. "I guess Demonic Tonic didn't increase her thinking power." said Shawn who sighed. "What is that supposed to me?!" said Lyra. She started to punch him as Bryon said,"We should get back now right?". "Yeah." said the three. The four headed back to the church.

Aura looked at Shawn who was reading a book at the kitchen table. They made it back to the church with no problems with Bryon heading back to the lab and Lyra a shower. "So Father." said Aura. He looked at her and he said,"I guess you want answers then.". "Yes. I mean you use Thunder right? You also used fire during your fight earlier." said Aura. "Correct. My power is written on my choker." said Shawn.

Aura got up and close to him as she said,"It says Power.". "Correct. My Power is Power. It is weird but I have every power." said Shawn. "Are you serious?! I mean only one person had that ability and that was the Sixth!" said Aura. "You know of the Sixth?" said Shawn. "Who doesn't? I mean the Sixth was able to make fire and water appear from his hands. He was this century Jesus Christ but he went missing and most people think he's dead. So how do you have his power?" said Aura.

Shawn said,"Well, you're not wrong. The sixth is dead but I'm here. I guess I was just lucky to have this power.". "Yeah." said Aura. She looked down as Shawn said,"You feel weak compared to us. You had to use one of the old man's inventions.". "Yeah. I mean you have Power, Bryon has Atomic, and what does Lyra had or has?" said Aura. "She'll tell you when she's ready Aura. If you have questions for me, don't hesitate to ask." said Shawn.

Lyra came in with her hair still soaking wet. She sat at the table and she said,"Where's dinner?!". "Be patient. I have to still cook it child." said Shawn. He got up as Lyra looked at Aura. "Listen. You may have helped me back there but we're not friends okay?" said Lyra. Aura nodded as she thought,"Hey bro, I've meet some strange people but they're really nice. I wonder what the Father is really.". She sat there as Lyra demand food from Shawn and Byron joined her. The two were hit with a stray bolt.

Meanwhile, Aerial and Cloak started to wake up. The two saw that they were tied up and Aerial said to Cloak,"We lost.". "Yeah. I mean he used three powers." said Cloak. The two heard a charging up nose and Cloak said,"Isn't that?". "It can't be Chaos units. They were all send out to deal with some rebels in Africa." said Aerial. Lucifer was outside aiming his right band at the building where the two were in and he said,"Bang.".

The building erupted in flames as Lucifer said,"So Father, you're stronger than I thought. Able to use more than one power just like the Sixth. Color me impressed. I guess that you and I will fight. I will win though.". He walked away and he didn't noticed that Chris was watching him. "Time to learn more about the Father." said Chris. He ran off as the two siblings burned to a pile of ashes.

Next Time,
The Crimson Battalion is getting pissed off at Shawn for defeating Aerial, Cloak, and Widow. They decided to send an elite group of abnormals to handle him and his friends. Will we learn more about our heroes and their world?! This and more next time on Power!

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