Thursday, April 23, 2020

Zane's Attacks, Combos, and Techniques (4-23-2020) Heavy Spoilers for Zero maybe

A/N: Yep. If things go the way they do, I'll be doing an update version of this every year around this time of year. I could also be off on the attack number but Combos I'm pretty sure about. There will be some attacks added to this later on after a certain post. The total number will change when that happens and the number will off for a while until all of the attacks are listed. If I get rid of a attack, combo, and technique, I won't be changing the story if I used it in the past maybe. There are spoilers for future attacks.

Zane’s Special Attacks. Thanks to Zane being a unique case even among Cross-Species with him being a Cross Species of Akostar, Eazairvian, Feroxian, Human, Phantom, Sorcerer, Vordlarin, and Vulcorian. Since he’s a Cross Species, he can use those species natural abilities and this makes him very hard to kill or defeat even if they focus on the species weakness. He has attacks that he made himself using those species' natural abilities. 

Physical Attacks: (175). No attacks that start with J, N, Q, X, and Y.
Akostar Lunge. Zane flies high into the air and while flying, he’s gathering up his Akostar energy. His entire body is covered in a crimson red cosmic energy aura in the form of dragon. Upon getting to a certain point in the air, he dive right toward the target and crash into the target, hitting the target with the energy causing an explosion upon contact. He’s able to move around during his descend.

All-Around Attack Stream.  Zane says that this attack is far better for several opponents rather than a single opponent. He rushes toward his targets and he strikes the closest target with a punch. He grabs the target that was punched and he used said target to hit the other targets using the target as a bat or hammer. Upon seeing the first target all bruised and blooded, he places the first target down. He kicks another target with him starting the pattern all over again. He can focus one kick or punch to a target ,which doesn’t hurt the target at first, but they get flung back from the wind pressure alone.

Alligator Rudder. Zane kicks a target ,with it launching them back, and he rushed toward the kicked target by jumping through the air. He slowly spins around in the air ,looking like a drill, and slams both of his feet into a target.

Anaconda Clench. Zane rushes right toward his target. If they tried to hit him while Zane is in their range, he wraps around his target ,avoiding the attack, like a snake. He slams both palms into the target fast and hard, stunning them. He moves back after the attack.

Arcanum Skydive. Zane aims his hands toward a target with a giant ring appearing in front of the target. He fires several types of energy beams ,with these beams being the several types of energies that Zane uses, from his body. All of these beams are aimed right toward the empty part of the ring. Zane flies toward the ring and he goes right through the center of the ring. His body is covered in a massive energy aura and Zane flies high into the air. Zane comes slamming down into his target. During the dive, Zane begin to spin like a drill and he comes down like a meteor. Upon making impact, it makes a massive explosion which shakes the earth. Those around the impact have to brace himself from the shockwave.

Archon Blitzkrieg. Despite the name, this attack isn’t related to Karmic Blitzkrieg. He activates either Archon Zero or Archon Zero Master and charges toward the target. Upon reaching the target, Zane unleashes a barrage of punches and kicks with each hit becoming stronger than the last one thrown. Over time, the assault creates a dust cloud. Zane jumps back with him gathering up a huge amount of energy into one of his fists. He charges toward the target with him punching the target and a giant explosion covers the two of them. The hit makes a massive mushroom cloud of dust. The dust clears with the target covered in bruises from Zane’s attack and they’re out cold.

Archon Punch. This attack is simple in its execution. Zane cocks one of his arms back with him channeling his power throughout his entire body. How this is done is very similar to how Zane activates Archon Zero or Archon Zero Master. The power that Zane channels goes into the arm that he cocked back earlier. His selected arm is covered in indigo colored veins while this is going on or has a very faint indigo aura. Zane brings his fist forward in a quick yet simple jab that the force of a speeding train moving at a 100 miles per hour at full power. A wave of pressurized air flies away from Zane like a rocket propelled baseball. It strikes dead center into the target hard and they are sent flying away. He can fire more than one punch at once, increasing its power. This attack isn’t a variation of Zenith Punch despite sounding like it should be.

Astral Clamp. Zane learned this attack when he was four years old. His paternal grandma taught it to him unintentionally when she knocked out his dad for making him cry during one of her visits. Lucius and Kurt were trying to wake up their adopted father while Zane asked his grandma how he did it. The woman ,using Ultimate Perception, saw Zane using this attack well and taught it to the young child. Zane tested this attack on Kurt and Lucius who were knocked out alongside their dad. Natasha ,who was cooking in the kitchen, walked into the room and just accepted this. This attack can subdue all enemies regardless of gender and species. Zane applies pressure near the base of the victim's neck and at the shoulder. This renders the target unconscious within seconds and the victim is too slow to complain about it. Most people usually wake up in about ten minutes but result may vary depending on the person. 

Astral Fist. This attack mixes Astral Ensnarement and Sweet Reaction into one. Zane makes his arms expanded in size with them getting wrapped in the chains. These chains make Zane’s arm immune to damage of any kind. Any kind of attack using Impulse gets absorbed by his chains. Physical attacks go right through them, damaging Zane. He slams them into the target with the chains increasing the damage. He can make several arms come out of his body with each one covered in chains. This is used for multiple targets. 

Astral Stomp. This attack is similar to Astral Fist except it’s different at the same time. Zane wraps his legs up in his chains. Upon doing that, he crouches down and jumps right toward his target. While in the air, Zane stretches one of his legs toward his target and he kicks them with that foot. The force is so strong that the target is sent flying back and the chain wraps themselves around the target upon contact. Using the chains, Zane throws them toward the ground and it makes a crater upon hitting the ground. He can make several legs come out of his body with each one wrapped in chains. This is used for multiple targets.

Avalanche Punch. Zane takes a deep breath with him slowly turning either his left or right arm into its liquid form. It slowly forms into a giant version and hardens up. It makes a giant version of his arm. He can fire his arm toward a target being much faster than his Monstrous Hammer. It can break the spine of a dragon if Zane has a perfect chance and aims his fist just right. He can fire off several rapid fire punches ,with it looking like an avalanche, and picks this variation more times than not.

Baryon Punch. This attack is similar to Archon Punch and it isn’t a variation of Zenith Punch despite sounding like it should be. Zane gathers up Baryon into one of his fists with it covering in a vibrant and destructive platinum color. He charges right toward his target with him punching the target and this punch really hurts. Upon hitting the target, the target is trapped in energy chains that are meant for a couple of purposes. The chains pin the target, preventing them from escaping and the chains’s strength are equal to how strong the target is. If the target is incredibly strong, the chains become extremely durable. Zane can cover both of his arms in Baryon, increasing their punching power. With enough stored up Baryon, Zane is able to unleash a barrage of punches.

Bison Cannon. Zane goes right behind his target and punches his target. This punch knocks them onto the ground and fires off a headbutt shortly after. This is to knock them out. Zane tends to use this attack when he knows that he can take them down with ease and does it to get it over with. He can jump into the air and while in the air, he flips over his target. He slams both his head and fist onto the target while over the target.

Calamity Dissection. Zane focus all of his power into one or both arms. By doing this, his physical hits are much stronger and can easily break bones if not careful. After focusing his power into his arm, he clenches his fist or fists. He slams his fist/fists into the ground and the force of the blow is able to do two things. It depends on Zane’s choice. It can make four walls of earth appear on all sides of his target. These walls are extremely durable, being that they take an extreme amount of force to break them. Zane moves back with him slamming both walls down, trapping the target. The other option is that Zane creates a massive crater around himself. It causes a earthquake and can be used to stun his target.

Colossal Arctic Vulcan Punch. This attack is a stronger version of Colossal Vulcan Punch. Zane jumps into the air with him sprouting several arms from his body. They all expand and gets covered in Vulcan Emperor or Vulcan Force depending on how durable the target is. He sends them heading toward his target and all of his arms and fists were covered in frost similar to Arctic Shift. Upon impact with the target, the target is frozen solid from the attack and the ground usually breaks after that attack.

Colossal Arctic Vulcan Smack. This attack is a stronger version of Colossal Vulcan Smack. Zane stretches back both of his arms or any arms sprouted from his body. They slowly inflate to a massive size and gets covered in Vulcan Emperor or Vulcan Force depending on how durable the target is. He sends them toward a target with the palms of his hands getting covered in frost similar to Arctic Shift. He smacks them with a massive open palm with the target ,regardless of their size, sending flying with them frozen solid from the hit.

Colossal Searing Vulcan Bazooka. This attack is a stronger version of Colossal Vulcan Bazooka. Zane turns both of his arms turn into candy syrup with him stretching them back a good twenty feet. Zane sends them forward being that they slowly grow in size, gets covered in either Vulcan Force or Vulcan Emperor depending on how durable the target is, and engulfed Searing Cowl’s flames. The arms go back to a normal position and the two arms fire off twelve gigantic columns of candy syrup in all directions around Zane. The ends of the columns form into giant hands and all of them form giant fists. They cause a massive fiery explosion upon hitting one of the fists.

Colossal Searing Vulcan Demolish. This attack is a stronger version of Colossal Vulcan Demolish. Zane stretches his neck backwards as he sprouts multiple necks and heads from his body. Zane covers his own head in Vulcan Force or Vulcan Emperor depending on how durable the target is. He expands some of his heads and the other heads get covered in Searing Cowl’s flames while Zane’s head is expanded and covered in Searcing Cowl’s flames. Zane sends his head and the other heads toward a target. Upon hitting something, the target is either hit with a powerful headbutt or fiery explosion.

Colossal Shocking Vulcan Dropkick. This attack is a stronger version of Colossal Vulcan Dropkick. Zane jumps into the air with him sending both of his legs into the air and right into the clouds. Upon reaching the clouds, he covers his legs in Vulcan Force or Vulcan Emperor depending on how durable the target is. After activating Vulcan Force or Vulcan Emperor, Zane activates Electromagnetic Aura. The clouds increases the density and power of the electricity covering Zane’s legs, making giant bolt of lightning come off them. He sends them down and it unleashes a massive shock wave upon contact. This shockwave can crumble a entire island upon contact and shock anyone in the area.

Colossal Shocking Vulcan Revolver. This attack is a stronger version of Colossal Vulcan Revolver. Zane grows an extra pair of arms, making four arms over all. Zane extends both of his arms behind him, covering them in either Vulcan Force or Vulcan Emperor depending on how durable the target is. When the scales finish covering Zane’s body, he sends all four arms in different directions and destination. As they’re traveling toward their destination, Zane activates Electromagnetic Aura. They slams into their destination, causing an explosion of lightning to hit the target along with the fist.

Colossal Vulcan Bazooka. Zane makes both of his arms turn into candy syrup with them going a good five feet above him. They slowly expand in size. He sends them forward with him firing off four gigantic columns of candy syrup at his target. These columns are covered in Vulcan Force or Vulcan Emperor depending on how durable the target is. The ends of each columns form into two giant hands each. One hand is forming an open-palm strike and the other hand is forming a fist. This forms eight hands. Four hands are open-palm strike and the other four hands are fists. They slam right into the target and sends them flying into the distance farther than Sweet Bazooka could.

Colossal Vulcan Bombardment. Zane makes several arms appear from his body being that they slowly expand in size. It’s very much like Hulking Bombardment but his arms and fists are covered by Vulcan Force or Vulcan Emperor depending on how durable the target is. He sends them flying toward the target. This attack can easily destroy a massive ship or building with ease. He can do this with a single fist and it’s true power works with multiple arms at once.

Colossal Vulcan Demolish. Zane stretches his neck backwards and with his head expanding in size. He sends his head forward a target. As it travels toward a target, Zane covers his head in either Vulcan Force or Vulcan Emperor depending on how durable the target is. Upon hitting the target, Zane delivers a powerful headbutt. Instead of sprouting his own, Zane can spout heads from his body. These heads are covered in the scales of Vulcan Force or Vulcan Emperor. This can be used to hit multiple targets at once. 

Colossal Vulcan Dropkick. Zane makes both of his legs grow in size to make him look taller than normal. He covers both of them in either Vulcan Force or Vulcan Emperor depending on how durable the target is. He kicks his target with the target getting sent flying away. Zane can rapid fire kick a target so fast being that they get sent flying back even farther than a target would do that they break through a stone pyramid with ease.

Colossal Vulcan Punch. Zane slowly make either his left or right arm several times bigger than his body. It looked to be slightly bigger than both Avalanche Punch and Monstrous Hammer. Zane covers the giant arm and fist with either Vulcan Force or Vulcan Emperor depending on how durable the target is. He sends it flying toward his target with the impact of the punch hitting the the target with an amazing amount of pressure and sending them flying away..

Colossal Vulcan Revolver. Zane extends both of his arms behind him and covers them in either Vulcan Force or Vulcan Emperor depending on how durable the target is. When the scales finish covering Zane’s body, he sends both of them in front of him and slams both fists into a single target. It really hurts.

Colossal Vulcan Smack. Zane stretches both of his arms ,or any sprouted arms, behind him being that they slowly inflate to a massive size. They then get covered in Vulcan Force or Vulcan Emperor depending on how durable the target is. He sends them toward a target being that he smacks them with a massive open palm. This can send a large opponent back a good distance away.

Conclusion Stride. Zane starts this attack by saying,"Let’s go! Time for you to learn your place!". He punches his target three times in a row with the third and final punch always hitting their stomach. He hook kicks them in the chin and sends them flying. He rushes right toward his target with roundhouse kicks his target and blasts them with a giant burst of Impulse.

Crescent Strike. Zane extends both of his arms toward the target and punches them. This hit causes his target to go back from it. He uppercuts the target into the air with his left fist and jumps into the air after the target. He kicks the target into the ground causing it to break slightly. If Zane has a tail or other limb, he can use his tail or other limb instead.

Cross Pummel. Zane endures and blocks a short-range/close-range attack given to him from his target. Zane counters the target with him responding with a direct blow to the target’s head or gut, leaving them lying on the ground in pain.

Cyclone Flurry. Zane punches or kicks his target into the air with him jumping back. He fires off twenty Nether ,of any color, blasts which hits his target directly. Zane jumps into the air and he stomps the target right into the ground.

Destruction Pummeling. This attack requires Zane to take some damage prior to this attack for its true potential. Upon getting hit by an attack, Zane grabs onto an target. He can do this using his ability to turn into candy syrup to hold them in place, tail, and telekinesis. Zane places both of his fists in front of the target’s chest being that he places both indexes and middle fingers the closet. Upon doing this, the target gets hit with a powerful attack straight to the chest that sends them flying away from him by a powerful shock-wave. In the same way as Fissuring Smash, Zane can do this as from a distance. It will still be an effective move but less damaging.

Destructive Strike. Zane focus a good deal of power into his arms and by doing this, the power of his physical strikes are increased. By outstretching his fingers or turning his hand into a fist, he strikes an area. The force of his hit can completely fracture a mountain but using his attack over and over can damage Zane’s body. By pulling back his hand and turning it into a fist, he launches it toward an opponent. It makes a massive pillar of Impulse hit something. It can be used for defense. By slamming his fists into the ground below him, Zane can uplift walls of earth on either side of him. It can also work as a way to encase a target in a prison of earth. These walls of earth can be easily demolished.   

Dynamic Strike. Zane rushes toward his target with him charging Impulse into both of his fists and begins to warp around the battlefield. This is mainly done to keep his enemies distracted and trying to figure out where he’s going. This attack has four variations with each one leading to a different outcome. The first variation has Zane warps in front of his target, delivering a powerful blow using an open palm or closed fist. This sends them flying off. The second variation has Zane warping behind his target, roundhouse kicking the target and stunning them which Zane uses to grab them and slams them into the ground. The third variation has Zane warping under the target, launching the target into the air with either a punch or kick. Zane teleports above them with him unleashing a flurry of powerful punches. This goes on until Zane and his target reaches a certain height and Zane unleashes a powerful explosion of Impulse, sending the target into the ground with tremendous force. The four variation has Zane reappearing behind a target, unleashing a small explosion of Impulse. This stuns the target with Zane continuing this pattern. He reappears with him unleash a small explosion of Impulse each time.

Devastating Roundhouse. Zane rushes toward his target with him landing a powerful roundhouse kick. Along with being an offensive attack, this attack can easily block massive objects.

Eclipse Rising. Zane does two forward and extended jabs with his left and right fist similar to Howling Flurry and Pursuit Combo. He hits the target with a powerful ,Nether covered, uppercut right into the air. If Zane has a tail, he can swing his tail into his target for the same effect as the uppercut. After sending them into the air, he fires a powerful sonic blast. It comes as a howl if Zane uses Werewolf Form.

Fissure Smash. Zane dashes right toward his target but this isn’t the case. While it may look like Zane is moving toward the target, this isn’t the case. Zane makes an illusion of himself appear and this illusion is used to confuse his target. As the target is confused by the illusion, Zane lands a powerful punch on his target. Upon hitting the target, the ground below Zane and the targets breaks apart. The target is sent flying an incredible distance away from Zane. Zane can use this attack as a ranged attack. By punching the air in front of him, Zane fires a giant shockwave. It breaks apart the ground and sends the target flying away.

Flick. This attack tends to be more used for getting people to leave him alone or annoy them rather than being a solid battle move. It can still be one though. He raises his hand over his target’s forehead and flicks them using his middle finger. This sends them flying back a good few feet since Zane infused Impulse into the flick. It tends to be really humiliating. This attack may seem like it can only be used as close ranged but it can be use at long range as well. Zane raises up his hand with curling back his middle finger and making the flicking motion. The effect of this attack isn't seen at first but the target is sent flying away thanks to a noticeable whooshing sound and a target shaped hole in whatever they hit. The target can be sent several hundred meters away if Zane gives a damn. 

Galactic Kick. Zane covers one of his legs in a steel gray cosmic energy and jumps into the air with him performing several flips in the process. This energy is his soul’s energy. Using the gathered up energy and momentum combo, Zane slams his foot right into his target. This impact usually sends them crashing into the ground upon getting hit by the foot.

Galactic Punch. Zane covers one of his fists in a steel gray cosmic energy. This energy in his soul’s energy. After doing this, Zane slams his first right into his target. This impact usually sent flying back upon getting hit by the fist.

Giant Slam. Zane jumps into the air with his arms and fists growing. They become much bigger, becoming gigantic. He slams his enlarged limb into the target. They get sent into the ground, causing pieces of the ground to come out of the ground.

Giant Stomp. Zane jumps into the air with him doing a flip. During the flip, his feet grow much bigger, becoming gigantic. He slams his enlarged feet into a target. They get sent into the ground, causing the ground to break.

Giant Toss. Zane’s left or right arm grows bigger to become the size of a giant. With his giant limb, he grabs anything in the area around the limb. He throws whatever he grabbed at his target. It makes a giant cloud of smoke upon contact, blinding them. He then punch them with his massive fist.

Gravity Strike. This attack was created thanks to Gravity Drive. He rushes toward his target at a great speed. Upon reaching them, Zane purposely gets hit by his target but the target hits an afterimage instead of Zane. While the target is confused by this sudden development, the real Zane appears. He rapidly punches and kicks them. By manipulating gravity around himself, Zane is able to increase the weight and ferocity of his attacks and overwhelm the target.

Great White Rocket. Zane gets on both of his hands ,with him getting into a handstand like position, and he enlarges his feet. He kicks his target with both feet and it really hurts. He’s able to launch himself at his target by coiling up his arms and launches himself like a rocket. His enlarged feet hits the target hard. He’s able to launch back cannonballs.

Howling Flurry. He fires off a pair of forward and extended jabs with his left and right fist similar to Eclipse Rising and Pursuit Combo. He fires off a sonic based attack, leaving the target in a stunned state. He hits the target with a hard punch and the target gets surrounded by several sonic attacks thanks to Zane cloning himself.

Hulking Bombardment. Zane makes several arms appear from his body with them slowly expand in size. They surround Zane, hiding Zane’s body under the massive arms and fists. He fires off a massive version of Sweet Bombardment with each fist feels like they’ve been hit by a huge truck.

Impulse Sabers. Zane focus Impulse into one of his arms with the energy turning into a piercing energy blade around his arm. Zane can make the blades extremely long or short. This blade can go to just about a few inches above his hand or a good feet in front of him. This is used to surprise an opponent. They’re best used for combat with him making the blades operate like chainsaws. They can deflect attacks by either cutting them or send them back. He can also fire the blade toward an target. He can make a second blade around his other hand and he jumps into the air. He comes spiraling toward his target and use these blades to slice his target twice before rapidly stabbing them rapidly. He finished by crossing both blades over his opponent and deliver a powerful x-shaped slash.

Invasion Massacre. By moving extremely fast, Zane can thrust himself toward a group of enemies and he strikes down all of the enemies within a single second. He can deliver an instantaneous and fatal slash but doesn’t often because he isn’t a fan of killing. He can extract the vital organs as well.

Karmic Blitzkrieg. Zane focus Mojo into both or one of his hands with it slowly forms into a large dragon-shaped shroud around it. He rushes toward his target and this attack drains the target of its energy, making itself bigger. He can use this attack to pierce right through his opponent’s defenses. He’s able to make the attack using other energies with it changing to a purple color if Zane does that. He can throw them toward his target causing an massive explosion. It has no variations.

Leopard Trunk. Zane can either kick or punch his target straightforward. As the target is stunned by his first hit, he hits them from behind with either a kick or punch.

Lunar Finale. Zane pulls back both of his fists with one of the many energies that Zane can use gathered into them. After charging, Zane does a single forward but very powerful punch wit a single fist. This causes a huge amount of damage. He’s able to fire off several punches if Zane charges his energy for twice the amount of time. He’s able to smash the opponent or target with both fists ,hitting the target like like a hammer, if Zane charges his energy for triple the amount of time.

Maiden Clan’s Secret Technique: Calamity Crash. This attack is special since it is has been passed down throughout the Maiden Clan and only the current queen can learn it from the previous queen. Zane is the first male to learn this attack since both Kena and Lauren wanted him to learn this technique. Zane clenches either of his fist and he rushes toward his target for a punch. He can cover his fist in Vulcan Emperor or Vulcan Force being that it will mostly likely shatter any defense in his way regardless of which one he uses. This attack is explosive being that it cause an powerful explosion upon impact and shockwave upon clashing. It creates fissure around the area of impact.

Maiden Clan's Secret Technique: Majestic Strike. This attack is special since it is has been passed down throughout the Maiden Clan and only the current queen can learn it from the previous queen. Zane is the first male to learn this attack since both Kena and Lauren wanted him to learn this technique. Zane rushes toward his target with him delivering a powerful flying kick. While in the air, he spins around and looking like a drill. Upon hitting the target, this sends them flying back. Zane tends to use this attack against larger than normal objects. It can easily destroy a giant mountain.

Maiden Clan’s Secret Technique: Rotation Kick. This attack is special since it is has been passed down throughout the Maiden Clan and only the current queen can learn it from the previous queen. Zane is the first male to ever learn this attack since both Kena and Lauren wanted him to learn this technique. Zane gets on his hands being that he twists his body ,by turning his body into his liquid form, being that he releases himself. He turns himself into a living spinning top being that he fires off several rapid fire kicks upon release. Anything ,living or not, gets turned into stone upon contact and can break apart from the sheer pressure of the kicks alone.

Meteor Drill. Zane jumps or launches himself into the air with Zane covering himself in his flames. Over time, the flames covering him slowly grow brighter and stronger. With these flames, it makes him look like a meteor. He comes crashing down onto his target with him spin in the process. By doing this, it builds up a high amount of momentum. This closes the distance on him and his target fast. This makes a giant explosion of fire upon impact. Zane burrows himself and his target into the ground or launches the target away.

Midnight Mastodon. Zane begins rushing around his target/target with him landing several hits on his target. Each hits looks like they’ve been hit by a cannon of pressurized air. This attack causes devastating damage to the target and the surrounding area.

Monstrous Hammer. Zane takes a deep breath with him slowly turning his left or right arm into its liquid form. It slowly forms into a giant form with it hardening up and making it into a giant version of his arm. The enlarge appendage rush toward the target. It slowly gains an electrical aura around his arm. Upon contact with anything, it fires out a giant shock wave. It causes a huge amount of destruction and a shocking feeling in the target.

Moon Kick. Zane fires an extended jab with either his left or right fist. As the target is stunned, Zane front kicking the target with the foot that matches the hand that Zane punched them earlier.

Multi-Armed Mortar. Zane makes two sets of arms appear on both side of his body and making six arms overall. He coats them in Vulcan Force or Vulcan Emperor depending on how durable the target is. The former is for weaker opponents and the latter is for strong opponents. He launches them toward a target, hunting them down and sending them flying. He can hit a single target several times before sending them flying.

Orangutan Slap. He starts by rushing right toward his target with him dodging over any objects that are in his way by either jumping or flipping over them like a monkey. He channels all of his strength into either one of his arms or legs. By using his arms, the target is hit by several punches. By using his legs, Zane deliver a flurry of kicks onto the target. The target is sent flying away and Zane slides along on the ground after the hit.

Parental Showing. This attack is used on stubborn people that Zane considered to be a member of family or someone who is being too stubborn. Zane glares at his target with him appearing in front of his target in a second or less. He slams his fist onto their head, causing a shockwave and leave a large bump on it. After his attack, he hugs them tightly and tells them what they really need to hear.

Primordial Helix. Zane focuses Primordial into his arms and legs, forming several tendrils constructs of energy around his limbs. By doing this, Zane’s speed and strength increases. This energy has the ability to erase anything that comes in contact with the energy. He’ll need to focus on doing that however. He can grab a target with the tendrils and hit them with the energy directly. 

Pressure Flip. Zane holds out either his left or right arm right in front of him. The other arm ,with it being the right arm if Zane puts his left arm in front of him or his left arm if Zane puts his right arm in front of him, is aimed toward the ground. Once the target gets close enough, Zane grabs them and violently flips them toward the ground. This throw is different since upon grabbing them, all of their energy is drained from their body and makes them weaker.

Propeller Rapids. Zane throws himself toward the target with him moving one leg in front of him. He lands a powerful kick with him sending the target flying away with tremendous force behind the kick.

Pursuit Combo. He fires off a pair of forward and extended jabs with his left and right fist similar to Eclipse Rising and Howling Flurry. He swings his right arm upward, knocking them back. Zane then uses his left arm and he slashes the target using claws. Zane finished this by making an Nether "X" with his arms and slamming into the target.

Rainbow Nether Rampage. Zane collect and condense Rainbow Nether around his hands to its greatest degree. He focus the nether as a compact sphere ,looking like Zenith Sphere, in front of each of his fist. It looks like a boxing glove. The strength behind his punches are increased and he’s able to hit his opponents with traces of Nether. He punches the target into the air thanks to a powerful uppercut. He fires both spheres at the target turning into a giant Chinese Dragon upon contact.

Rhino Charge. Zane rushes right toward his target and upon getting close enough, he kicks and punches them at the same time. The target get thrown into the air or into the ground with it depending on Zane.

Satanic Blow. Zane activates Satanic Corruption with him charging toward his target in a similar manner to Satanic Pummel. He covers his arms in his Vulcan Emperor scales and scythe like protrusions protrude from his arms. He balls both of his fists with him slamming them into the target. The scales scratches the target upon impact. As the target is recovered from the initial attack, Zane slashes them with an "X" pattern and increases the damage. The blades can be used to take out multiple enemies. He’s able to do this outside of Satanic Corruption but it has less power. 

Satanic Bludgeon. Zane activates Satanic Corruption with him charging toward his target. He jumps into the air and swipes at the target using his tail. He can do this from the ground as well but it’s cool to do in the air. Upon hitting him for the target for the first tail, Zane’s body begins to sprout multiple tails and they began to swing at the target. It’s impossible to dodge this since the first attack often dazes them. He’s able to do this outside of Satanic Corruption but it has less power.

Satanic Blitzkrieg. Zane crouches with him shooting forward and activating Satanic Corruption while heading toward his target. The target can try their best to stop Zane but it won’t work. The closer Zane gets, the more feat starts to grow inside of them. Upon getting in close enough range, Zane leads out a roar that reverberates throughout the air. His roar can be heard from a great distance away and causes the target to tense up in fear. He can stab his horns into his target and toss them into the air. While his target is in the air, he jumps into the air and claps his hands together. He grows two sets of arms, slamming the clasped hands into the target and sends the target into the ground and shatters it. He’s able to do this outside of Satanic Corruption but it has less power. 

Satanic Crosscut. Zane activates Satanic Corruption with his arms growing to be at least five times bigger. He charges toward his target with him crossing his arms in an x shaped pattern and upon getting close to the target, he brings them down on the target. This sends the target flying back with the target having a royal blue “X” shaped mark on their chest. He’s able to do this outside of Satanic Corruption but it has less power.

Satanic Demolish. Zane activates Satanic Corruption with him cracking his neck. As he’s doing this, his head is covered in Vulcan Emperor’s scales. Like with Sweet Gong and Vulcan Gong, he stretches his neck back to about five feet. This is longer than the distance that Sweet Gong and Vulcan Gong goes. With those two attacks, Zane’s head goes to about one or two feet. He sends his head back toward a target with his forehead matching a hammerhead shark. He then collides with the target in a powerful headbutt. This attack can hit straight on or from above. When hitting straight on, the target is sent flying away. When hitting from above, the target is buried into the ground. He’s able to do this outside of Satanic Corruption but it has less power.

Satanic Destruction. Zane activates Satanic Corruption and slams his first into the target’s stomach. Upon hitting the target, the target has blood erupt from the mouth. This attack isn’t over being that Zane kicks the target. This kick sends them flying into the air and comes back into the ground, breaking it. Zane grabs the target by the front of their body with him swinging the target around him like a lasso. Due to the kick and punch earlier, the target is unable to do anything about it. Zane throws them into anything nearby, breaking it. Before the target can react, Zane tosses the target into the air. Zane stretches his wings with him launching himself toward the target like a rocket. He enters the air with enough force to break the ground below him and leaves a small crater. Zane cocks back both of his fist and fires a punch. Upon connecting with the first two hits, Zane begins to assault the target. The target is hit with hundreds of punches. This attack is merciless and doesn’t stop until the target is beaten to a bloody pulp. He’s able to do this outside of Satanic Corruption but it has less power.  

Satanic Laceration. Zane activates Satanic Corruption with his appearance covered in an armor like exoskeleton. It’s the same color as Vulcan Emperor. Zane covers his body into a ball with him revving up. He launches himself toward a target and slams right into the target. The area where Zane hit is burned and the target is sent flying away. He’s able to do this outside of Satanic Corruption but it has less power.

Satanic Napalm. Zane activates Satanic Corruption with him jumping high into the air upon doing so. He cocks back his fist and comes crashing down onto a target. While falling down, he begins spinning like a propeller. Upon Zane hitting the ground, the ground instantly shatters upon hitting the ground and makes a large crater around him. He’s able to do this outside of Satanic Corruption but it has less power.

Satanic Onslaught. Zane activates Satanic Corruption with him getting into a runner-like position. Compared to Satanic Pummel, this attack is more for a crowd. It can work for a single opponent but it’s better for a crowd. He smiles and disappears from sight. Upon reappearing, the crowd that he was aiming for get hit by an invisible force that slash through them like butter since Zane is using his claws to hit them. They’re sent into the air with the wind knocked out of them or completely out cold with bruises. With a single opponent, Zane hits them with over a hundred hits using his fists rather than his claws since his claws are for multiple rather than a single opponent. All of these hits don’t make a noticeable impact on the target until Zane reappears. The target is sent flying away after this. He’s able to do this outside of Satanic Corruption but it has less power.

Satanic Powerbomb. Zane activates Satanic Corruption with him charging toward the target and Zane grabs them. Zane launches himself and the target into the air and slams the target headfirst into the ground, breaking it. He tends to perform professional wrestling throws. He’s able to do this outside of Satanic Corruption but it has less power.

Satanic Pummel. Zane activates Satanic Corruption with him charging toward his target at an impressive speed. He cocks back one of his fist or both of them. He slams his fist/fists into the target, sending them flying back and unconscious from the hit. If he somehow misses, the area where Zane hit makes a large crater. He can also do this with his feet as well. Instead of charging toward a target, he jumps into the air and slams his foot into them from the air. He can do this from behind him by turning around and kicking them. He’s able to do this outside of Satanic Corruption but it has less power.

Segment Kick. Zane runs toward his target with him jumping into the air. While Zane is in the air, he does several flips toward his target. When Zane gets close to the target, he kicks the opponent to do damage or fire off several kicks in a row.

Seismic Asteroid. Zane’s arms glows for a brief second with him rushing toward his target. He can start by launching the target into the air with an uppercut. This happens because Zane’s uppercut gets rid of the target’s gravity. Zane jumps up toward the target and cups his hands together. He focuses all of his energy go around his hands with it forming a Zenith Sphere. He slams it into the target, sending them flying toward the ground. The hit has a sheer amount of force behind it and it breaks apart the ground.

Seismic Barrage. Zane’s arms glows for a brief second with him rushing toward his target. As he heads toward a target, several arms grow from his body. Zane slams them all into a target. The target would have been sent flying away with a single punch but the target is floating in the air. This is due to Zane’s fists having the ability to either increase the target’s gravity or get rid of the target’s gravity upon contact. The last punch sends the target flying away. He can infuse these attacks for extra damage with either Vulcan Force or Vulcan Emperor depending on how durable the target is. He can make his arms gigantic similar to any one of Zane’s attacks that involve his limbs growing in size.

Seismic Dropkick. Zane’s legs glows for a brief second with him rushing toward his target. As he gets close enough, he jumps into the air. Zane began spinning rapidly in the air, becoming like a human tornado. He lands a strong dropkick on his target with him slamming the target into the ground hard. Upon Zane connecting the hit, the target’s gravity is increased and makes them extremely heavy.

Seismic Execution. Zane’s arms and legs glows for a brief second with him increasing the gravity around his arms and decreasing the gravity around his legs. This makes Zane move faster and his hits hit harder. He charges toward his target with him punching them a far distance away. As the target is flying away, Zane appears behind the target, with him clenching his fists together. He hits them into the air and jumps up after them. While in the air, Zane makes an “X” motion with his arms and chops the target into the ground. The target breaks the ground upon hitting it.   

Seismic Smash. Zane’s arms glows for a brief second with him rushing toward the target and the gravity around his arms are increased. This makes him hit really hard and upon reaching the target, Zane lands a powerful punch. Due to the strength behind Zane’s hit, it ruptures the ground around the target. Depending on how much power Zane puts into the punch, it can destroys nearby buildings. He can infuse these attacks with either Vulcan Force or Vulcan Emperor. It doesn’t matter which one Zane chooses since this punch hurts a lot.

Snake Rage. Zane turns one of his arms into a snake with him sending it through the ground which confuses the target. The snake comes up and wraps itself around the target. Using his strength, Zane pulls the target through the ground and throws them into the air once they emerge from the ground. The snake arm goes after the target with it wrapping its entire body around the target once again. While in the air, Zane begins to spin the target around and creates a small but manageable hurricane in the process. The snake lets go of the target for a moment with Zane jumping above the target and slams the target using his snake arm. The snake bits onto them and the impact of the hit makes a crater in the ground with the target in the center of it.

Starlight Smash. Zane moves toward his target with his eyes slowly glowing. He appears in front of his target, slamming his head into his target. This headbutt is so strong with it sends them flying back a huge distance. This attack can take most people off guard due to it being rather blunt and sudden.

Steel Macrocosm. Zane covers both of his arms and legs in either Vulcan Force or Vulcan Emperor depending on how durable the target is. He rushes right toward his target with him letting loose a barrage of high-speed punches and kicks. Zane looks to deliver a hundred punches and kicks a minute. The speed of each hit is so fast that the normal human eye cannot catch every single. Zane ends this attack off with a uppercut.

Steel Pulverize. Zane jumps high into the air with him heading right toward his target. He slowly spinning in the air with him covering his entire body in either Vulcan Force or Vulcan Emperor depending on how durable the target is. Upon reaching his target, he punches his target with several metal fists sprouted from their body. He can also do this by standing on one leg and he punch his target with a single, strong metal punch rather than several punches.

Substantial Smash. Zane starts this attack by landing a powerful punch, elbow, kick, ankle, and knee into his opponent in the stomach from the very start. The target is heavily damaged by this and briefly stunned by this combo of hits which Zane takes full advantage of. Zane rushes behind them and tosses them into the air. Zane jumps right after them. On his way up there, Zane cups his hands together and reels them back. He slams his fist onto his target and send the target smashing into the ground, causing a large crater to appear around them.

Sunset Phoenix. Zane kicks his target into the air with him going after the target. Zane covers himself with fire or turns himself into fire. He flies right up to them with him firing off a rapid fire barrage of punches to the target and fireballs to the face. The target is sent to the ground with them having a serious burn. This attack is based off both of Zane's two older brothers who lived with him when he was young. Lucius is known for his powerful punches and Kurt's fiery temper.

Supreme Puncture. Zane gathers power into his body with him focusing it into either one of his arms. Upon gathering enough power, he rushes toward a target in seconds. When Zane reaches the target, he hits the target with one of his fingers. Zane usually picks his index finger for this. This attack has enough force to pierce right through them regardless if they’re extremely durable.

Sweet Arctic Bludgeon. Zane sends one of his arms or legs toward his target and wraps it around the target. If Zane uses his arm, Zane needs to be on the ground. If Zane uses his leg, Zane needs to be in the air. The other arm or leg turns into a liquid like form and forms into a massive and powerful hammer. The hammer is covered in frost and said blunt weapon slams into the target. This causes a massive impact of frost to hit the target and freezing them solid.

Sweet Arctic Lunge. This attack is a stronger version of Sweet Lunge. Zane makes several lances that appear from his body with these lances producing a thin layer of frost and the tips of these lances are made out of ice. He send them flying right toward his target. While traveling toward the target, they slowly spin. The lanches slam right into the target, causing them to be sent flying back and frozen upon the tip of the lances hitting them.

Sweet Arctic Puncture. Zane begins to twist his arm with his arms twisting faster than it does normally. Instead of growing in size and gaining spikes like Zane does with Sweet Puncture, Zane slowly begins sprouting copies of his twisted up arm within seconds. He releases them out onto his target. All of them will pierce through their target upon contact. It freezes anything in contact with the arm.

Sweet Bazooka. This attack is a slightly stronger version of Sweet Smack. Zane turns both of his arms into candy syrup with him extending them a good two feet behind him. He sent them forward with him firing off two columns of candy syrup at his target. The ends of the columns form into two hands that are forming an open-palm strike. They slam into the target and send them flying into the distance.

Sweet Bludgeon. By transforming one or both Zane’s limbs into its liquid form, Zane shapes it into a hammer like shape. He’s able to smash through anything with his limb hammer. He can use this to elevate himself into the air by slamming the hammers into the ground. It’s main purpose is to hurt his opponents up close.He can fuse his arms and legs together to make a powerful hammer which hurts more than a single limb hammer.

Sweet Bombardment. Zane can do one of two things with this attack. Zane sprouts several fists from his body with him sending them toward a group of target. Upon contact with any one of the fists, they’re trapped and unable to move thanks to being trapped in candy syrup. This is due to half of the fists being in its liquid form. He can fire off a rapid fire barrage of punches but they don’t trap his target in candy syrup. Instead, they cause a very deadly beatdown. He can do this attack with his legs instead. It stomps down hard on his target.

Sweet Buzzsaw. By turning one of his arms into a liquid form, Zane makes a chainsaw like shape and activates it upon being formed. With one hand, he holds down his target and he slices down the target with his chainsaw arm. Instead of cutting them, it causes them to slowly get covered in a candy syrup prison. He can transform his other arm into another chainsaw if Zane wants.

Sweet Cutlass. By turning one of his arms into its liquid form, Zane transforms one of his arm into a cutlass. He can use it to slash opponents or objects at an incredible speed upon hitting it for the first time. Zane can focus his power into the tip of his blade and upon it hitting the a target, they get covered in a candy bubble. The bubble covers them from below the neck. They’re unable to break out unless they can either pours water onto it or burns it.

Sweet Dominion. This attack is a mixture of Sweet Bombardment and Sweet Forge. Zane makes several arms appear from his body with them matching the shape that they would make if Zane was using Sweet Forge instead of their normal shape. He hardens them with Vulcan Force or Vulcan Emperor depending on how durable the target is. Zane sends them toward his target or targets. This attack hits them from all directions and each punch has an extreme amount of force behind them.

Sweet Dragon Claw. Zane sends his arms toward his target with him turning his arms into its liquid form. Zane transforms his hand into a three claw limb, missing his pinky and thumb. Upon grabbing something, Zane grabs hard enough and his grip can crush steel. Zane does this to grab people’s pressure points in their shoulders to knock them out. He uses Astral Clamp alongside it.

Sweet Dragon Roar. Despite this attack sounding like a ranged attack, it isn’t. Zane turns both of his hands into a three claw limb, missing his pinky and thumb. He sends both of his arms toward the ground and he grabs the ground. During the stretching phase, he charges them up with Vulcan Force or Vulcan Emperor. Zane can pick either or and the result doesn’t matter. He can easily break apart the ground and he can use the piece of earth as a weapon.

Sweet Flurry. Zane turns the entire area around himself into candy syrup and Zane makes tendrils slowly form around him. He sends them into the air, crashing down onto his opponent. It crushes them, making them unable to move. It’s a great move to use on multiple opponents.

Sweet Forge. Zane turns his arms and hands or legs or feet into its liquid form aka candy syrup. Zane compressed them with them hardening up to make a circle shape around his ankles or wrists. He can combine this attack with Vulcan Force or Vulcan Emperor depending on the durability of the target for extra damage. Upon punching his target, the attack hurts more than a normal punch. This is due to the compact, tight circle-shape around his ankles or wrists.

Sweet Frenzy. Zane makes several appendages come out of his body. This makes Zane look like he’s a human octopus. He rushes toward a group of targets with his arms inflating a bit. He launches a volley of punches upon them. It becomes a random barrage of hits and can’t be expected.

Sweet Gong. Zane stretches his neck backwards a good couple of feet. He sends it forward toward a target. Upon the target hitting Zane’s head, it can land a powerful headbutt.

Sweet Howitzer. Zane first builds up speed and momentum by moving around the target with him rapidly punching the air in front of him. This attack has been compared to Sweet Bombardment but the fists don’t collided with his target. They get slammed with the shockwave of the attacks instead since Zane lands several open-palmed blows onto the target. It can destroy armor with ease.

Sweet Lunge. By turning one of his arms or legs into its liquid form, Zane can shape it into a lance like weapon. Once the lance is formed, Zane charges toward his target and this limb can be used to pierce his target.

Sweet Meteoroid. Zane turns his legs into candy syrup with them coiling up. He launches himself toward a target by bouncing against everything. He does this by using Gravity Drive and other ability to create platforms for him to bounce on. This builds up a great deal of momentum and upon reaching the right amount of momentum, Zane launches himself toward a target and his fist is cocked back. It can be covered in Vulcan Emperor, Vulcan Force, or grown to a massive size. Upon reaching the target, it can send a target flying with a powerful shockwave.

Sweet Missile. Zane inflates his arms or legs until the amount of pressure that Zane has in the growing extremity explode. This sends his fist ,if Zane expands his arm, or foot ,if Zane expands his legs, toward his target. It operates like a missile with the limb catching on fire due to the friction of how fast it is.

Sweet Nexus. Zane makes multiple tendrils come out of his body, forming usually a multiple of four at bare minimum. After exiting his body, the tendrils slowly transforms into copies of his leg. Zane can send them flying toward the targets and deliver a barrage of powerful kicks with a single tendril. He can also make copies of his arms and deliver a barrage of powerful punches with a single tendril instead. Instead of kicking or punching the target, the tendrils can pierce the targets instead. With the tendril piercing option, it can inflict intoxication depending on how much alcohol percentage Zane puts into the syrup.

Sweet Onslaught. Zane moves his arm behind him and slowly twisting itself in a similar fashion to Zenith Smash. This attack is often seen as a close range version of Zenith Smash and tends to be used if Zane feels that they can't handle a Zenith Smash. He sends it toward a target. Upon hitting a target, Zane’s arm slowly untwisting itself. His target is sent flying back with Zane suffering no kick-back on his end.

Sweet Punch. Zane stretches his arm backward a bit and extends it forward to hit the target with a powerful punch. This attack is rather simple since it’s a normal punch of his but it has extra power within thanks to him stretching his arm back. A variation of this attack has Zane covering his fist in his candy syrup, creating a ball over his fist. He then punches the target, causing the candy syrup to cover the target and inflict intoxication depending on how much alcohol percentage Zane puts into the syrup.

Sweet Puncture. Zane begins to twisting up his arm with him making sure that it’s really tight. It expands in size. Zane covers his arms in spikes with him slowly untwisting it. He thrust his arm forward, creating a very powerful stab into whatever is in front of him. This attack can easily pierce through a building and destroys it upon contact. It leaves a massive, gaping wound in an object. He can also add Vulcan Force or Vulcan Emperor depending on how durable the target is.

Sweet Rainmaker. Zane can stretch one of his arms or legs back behind him. He can send it forward, striking his opponent with an open palm or sole if he uses his hand or foot respectively. This usually sends his target or targets flying back.

Sweet Ride. Zane stretches his legs outwards and he extends his leg forward toward a target. He can hit several target at once if he sprouts multiple, smaller versions of his legs. If Zane’s leg is in a liquid form, Zane can captured in the candy syrup. He can do this with his arms as well with him using his arm to clotheslines his opponent and can combine it with Sweet Rocket.

Sweet Searing Bombardment. Zane makes several fists come out of his body with him aims all of them at his target or targets. He fires them off with it being an omnidirectional attack. Each fist moves so fast with him leaving behind steam since each fist is covered in flames. This attack can protect Zane from all sides. Every single hit hits the target so fast being that it feels like pelted by a barrage of meteors despite it being a single hit.

Sweet Searing Fist. He fires a normal Sweet Punch with him being so fast and to the untrained eye, it’s very much invisible. This attack is much stronger than Sweet Punch due to it having more speed and it can send his target flying with a fiery explosion upon hitting it. It’s like Zenith Smash but much weaker. This attack is very hard to dodge due to its speed.

Sweet Searing Rainmaker. Zane rushes toward his target with him stretches back both of his fists or feet if he’s in the air. He slammed them into the target, being that they’re sent flying away with them burning them upon contact with the target. He can use this attack to launch himself into the air by kicking the ground extremely fast.

Sweet Searing Trample. Zane fires off several Sweet Tramples at once. This makes a barrage of feet and it can easily destroy a wall. It’s very hard to dodge and can be used to hit multiple enemies at once. He can send them into the air with the feet coming from all angles. They can’t escape. Upon the feet hitting something, it burns upon contact.

Sweet Shocking Claw. Zane sends his arms toward his target with him turning his arms into a liquid form. Zane turns his hand into a three claw limb, missing his pinky and thumb. He covers them in electricity from Electron Tempo. He grabs onto the target and spins them around. He blast the target away with a massive burst of electricity.

Sweet Shocking Howitzer. Zane sends four fists toward his target and these fists match the arms that would belong to Sweet Forge. He slams the four fists into the target with the fist produces a high amount of electricity. They’re send flying back and it really hurts with them unable to move thanks to the electricity.

Sweet Shocking Onslaught. Zane twist both of his arms and he stretches them behind himself. He fires them forward with it being that it’s a very fast, close-ranged punch. This leaves behind a noticeable knuckle shaped imprint on the target and they’re shocked due to the static electricity covering them.

Sweet Shocking Ride. By turning his legs into their liquid form, Zane stretches his legs outwards and swipes the air in front of him. This seems like a ranged attack but the target is hit by Zane’s leg which comes out of nowhere and shocks them. Zane can use it to throw the target into the air, shocking them in the process. It can be used as a projectile attack as well. Zane’s leg can capture people from a distance by Zane firing out his leg toward them. If they try to escape, they’re shocked.

Sweet Shredding. Zane turns his legs into its liquid state. He spins toward his opponent in a hurricane like shape. Upon getting close to his target, he slams two enlarged Sweet Forges ,covered with Vulcan Force or Vulcan Emperor depending on how durable the target is, and it hurts like nothing else upon contact. After getting hit, the target is trapped within the Sweet Forges and Zane launches the target into the air. Zane jumps into the air with him slamming his hurricane legs right into the target. The target is sent crashing into the ground and making a large crater in the ground.

Sweet Smack. Zane rushes toward his target with his arm growing bigger as he gets closer to the target. Upon reaching his target, he smacks them with his open, enlarged hand. This sends his target back a couple of feet.

Sweet Spike. By turning his hand into its liquid form, Zane turns his hands into spikes and rushes toward his target. Upon getting close to the target, Zane stabs at his opponent multiple times in a rapid succession. He can make the spikes into longer version which works as claws. As a ranged attack, Zane can fire them at a target and the spikes turn into pure candy syrup trapping them. He can enhanced his attacks with the spikes.

Sweet Trample. Zane stretches his leg behind him in a similar fashion to Sweet Punch or Sweet Ride. Zane sends it flying toward a target and his foot connects with the target. It really hurts upon contact. He can send it high into the air with it coming down toward the ground at an alarming rate. It destroy large buildings and objects with ease.

Terminal Velocity. Zane starts this attack by blocking his targets’s close range attacks and kicking them in the chin, stunning them. He can stun them by slamming the back of his fist into the target’s head if they attack using ranged attacks. The target gets frustrated by this being that they hit Zane but much to the target and anyone watching nearby, Zane turns out to be nothing more than a clone made out of speed. Before the target has a chance to look for Zane, Zane ,the real one, lands a powerful punch to the stomach and inflict a large amount of damage.

Tyrannus Smack. This attack is very similar to his Vordlarin Whip and connected to Tyrannus Aura. It has Zane focusing Tyrannus Nether and forming one of Sivarth's tails. This tail is often used as a whip and can appear from any part of his body. This tail can be used to slash or tie up objects. With little strength, this tail can leave a decent sized bruise or break through a durable object with relative ease. It can create crates upon hitting the ground. He can combines these tails with one of the elements for an added effect. If he adds electricity/lightning to one of his tails, it causes them to be shocked. With enough electricity, it can disable a target's nervous system and motor functions. If he adds fire to one of his tail, it burns whatever it touches. Unlike the tails created by Tyrannus Aura, they can't form any kind of fingers.

Ultrasonic Impact. Zane began moving extremely fast around his target. Over time, the target only sees a blur of Zane’s image as they’re hit with bursts of wind. Zane rushes right toward the target, landing a single punch on them. The punch feels like they’re getting hitting with a percussion hammer. The target get sent flying away and right toward Zane’s haymaker right into the ground.

Vanishing Strike. This attack requires a great deal of speed and power to perform it. Zane dash toward a target and in a short amount of time, he eventually disappear from the target’s sight. Zane eventually reappears with him uppercutting the target into the air. He disappears once again with him reappears behind or in front of the target. He then strike the target with a powerful axe kick onto the target's back or chest. This hit sends the target falling toward the ground at great speed, causing noticeable damage to the target like a broken back. It works great at knocking beings out.

Velocity Bluster. Zane begins to move really fast in place with him rushing toward his target. He fires off a rapid barrage of strong punches in a couple of seconds. Upon contact, the target gets hit with several punches in a row very much like being trapped in a storm. They are unaware of this happening since Zane reappears and disappears within seconds. 

Vibration Pummel. Zane holds out one of his arms with him beginning to vibrating and looks distorted in the process. The way that the air is distorted is similar to a rhythm. His arm slowly gets covered in Vibration with him charging toward his target at an impressive speed. As he runs toward the target, he leaves behind afterimages and this is used to confuse the target. Upon reaching the target, he places his hand on them and released a powerful shockwave that can cause a target to vomit if applied in a certain spot.  For extra damage, Zane is able to use both of his arms or have his afterimages attack as well. This attack can be used without charging toward an opponent and be used up close by a simple palm thrust. If done this way, it creates a crater about ten meters wide. Zane can also grab a target by their face and slam them into the ground. This makes the area around Zane and his target look heavily damaged with cracks going out everywhere. 

Vicious Dropkick. Zane takes a deep breath with either his left or right leg slowly growing bigger. It slowly forms into a giant version of his leg and Zane can harden it into a giant version of his leg and foot. Zane can cover his leg in either Vulcan Force or Vulcan Emperor depending on how durable the target is. He can swing toward a target being that the target is sent flying away and through a building. He can use this for comical attacks by kicking a target into the air, turning into a twinkle.

Violent Uppercut. This attack can only be done when Zane feeling a strong emotion and the strength of his emotions running through his punches. The most common way to activate this attack is for Zane to think about a bad or good memory. He tends to think about how he wants to protect people and that does the job perfectly. Zane lands a powerful uppercut being that it can pierce one’s core and can turn the tide of battle toward his favor.

Vitality Smite. This is a signature attack belonging to Terminus Riposte and Vitality Guardian but can be done outside of it. By making one of Astaroth's arm appear and having his hand form a fist, he makes it move at incredible speeds and builds up a great deal of momentum in the process. He makes the hand come crashing down onto his target from above, below, or the sides. If the arm comes from above, it can send its target into the air. If the arm comes crashing down on its target, they are pinned directly toward the ground. If the arm hits from the sides, it is able to cut through most objects with relatively ease. Whatever direction the arm hits its target at depends on Zane. This attack moves incredibly fast with it tending to create afterimages that can appear in order to trick his opponents. He is able to unleash a barrage of punches all at once and make two arms appear, crushing the target in between both hands and then slammed into the ground.

Vulcan Bombardment. Zane slams both of his fists together with him covering both fists in either Vulcan Force or Vulcan Emperor armor depending on how durable the target is. Zane sends both of his fists flying toward his target. It may seem like he’s only firing out two fists but he’s actually firing several fists at once. These attacks can easily smash through steel with ease. Upon finishing the attack, the attack makes a massive fiery explosion with whatever it comes in contact with.

Vulcan Drill. Zane turns one of his arms into a liquid state and begins shaping it into a massive drill that’s at least twice his size. After creating the drill, Zane covers the drill like appendage in either Vulcan Force or Vulcan Emperor. However in a similar fashion to Vulcan Gate, Zane primarily uses Vulcan Emperor since it makes his drill much stronger. After the scales finish covering his drill, Zane charges toward his target and the drill begins to spin. Upon contact with the drill, the target is pierced by it and pushed back with them getting spun away in a spiral like fashion. Zane can use this attack at close or long range with the latter option has Zane firing his drill arm like a rocket toward a target and it’s propelled by an explosion upon being fired from Zane’s body. It makes a huge crater upon impact.

Vulcan Emperor Kaiser Bombardment. This attack can be done outside of Vulcan Emperor but it has less of an impact. Zane makes several arms appear come from his body with them matching the arms that appear when Zane use Vulcan Emperor. He can send them toward his target or target being that each punch has an impact. Zane can make the arms match Vulcan Emperor Kaiser Magnum in terms of their appearance. This option usually hurts more often.

Vulcan Emperor Kaiser Magnum. This attack can be done outside of Vulcan Emperor but it has less of an impact. Zane turns one of his arm into Vulcan Emperor being that he expands his enlarged arm even more. His enlarged arm is at least five times bigger than him in Vulcan Emperor. It can also reach the size of a entire planet if Zane lets it grow to that height. While his arm is expanding, the armor scales around him gets thicker and the steam completely cover his body. This steam doesn't appear in Archon Zero Master. He sends it toward his target, being that the impact can break the ground and make a massive crater in the ground. He’s able to make a ranged version of this attack as well. This version doesn’t require Zane to expand the size of his arm but project his willpower forward. The amount of willpower that Zane sends out is equal to how much damage he would have damage if he hit them using his fist. This attack can easily break through steel.

Vulcan Emperor Kaiser Onslaught. Zane activates Vulcan Emperor with him dashing toward his target and leaving a decently sized crater as he heads forward. He stretches back of his arms while twisting them. Upon reaching the target, he slams both of his corkscrew punch right into his target’s stomach. The resulting clash creates a dust cloud and covers the area. As the dust clears, the target is sent flying away and Zane goes after them. Zane appears behind them with him compressing both of his legs. Upon the target getting close to Zane, Zane lets his legs out and sends the target into the air. After launching Zane into the air, he begins to inhaling air and was enlarges himself like a balloon. He twists his body round and round, going for a hundred rotations within twenty seconds. After getting ready, Zane blows out all of the air and hurls himself into the air while spinning like a drill. He heads right toward a target and upon getting close to the target, he begins firing a volley of fists into the target. The target is left helpless in the air and the two are sent flying through the air. With each punch, Zane’s skin is slowly getting cut. Blood begins to fall from the sky with it belonging to Zane. With each drop of blood that Zane sheds, the barrage of fists increase in speed and power. Once Zane is done with his barrage of fists, Zane flies above the target and slams two massive Vulcan Emperor Kaiser Magnum into the target. This double fist sends the target toward the ground and it breaks below them. After finishing the attack, Zane lets gravity take a hold of him and he’s done.

Vulcan Emperor Kaiser Python. This attack can be done outside of Vulcan Emperor but it has less of an impact. Zane arches backward with him compressing one of his arms. As one of his arms is getting compressed, he sends his other arm or one of his legs to wrap itself around the target. This is to prevent the target from moving. Upon capture, Zane sends his compressed arm forward and it begins flying around the room by zig zagging around. As it’s going around the area, the arm is covered in flames thanks to its momentum increasing. It also expands in size while doing that. Zane hits his target with the attack with the enlarged fist and explosion sending him flying. Zane can do a very different variation of this attack. Zane takes a deep breath with him firing out several arms and legs from his body. He can send them toward his target or targets. It’s unable to dodge due to the massive amount of them and Zane can control their directions by just thinking.

Vulcan Emperor Kaiser Rainmaker. This attack can be done outside of Vulcan Emperor but it has less of an impact. Zane stretches both of his arms and legs back being that they grow in size. He floats in the air while doing this. They slam into his target at an alarming rate. He can hit multiple targets or increase the damage by making multiple arms and legs come out of his body. These limbs are giant as well. This attack can be used in the air.

Vulcan Emperor Kaiser Shooting Star. This attack can be done outside of Vulcan Emperor but it has less of an impact. Like with Vulcan Emperor Kaiser Bombardment, Zane makes several arms come from his body and they match the arms of Vulcan Emperor. He sends them flying into the air with them covering in Zane's signature flames. They look like miniature suns. Zane sends them down on a target and this makes massive shockwaves. The sound of thunder is heard from all around the area of impact.

Vulcan Emperor Kaiser Spear. This attack can be done outside of Vulcan Emperor but it has less of an impact. Zane sends his fist toward his target ,like a rocket punch, with it not stopping until it hurts the target. Upon contact, Zane’s fist leaves behind a noticeable impact and there is a imprint of his fist on the target. He can compress his arms and firing his fist. By doing this, it’s much faster than normal. He can do this with multiple arms and fists as well.

Vulcan Emperor Kaiser Stampede. This attack can be used outside of Vulcan Emperor but it has less of an impact. Zane jumps into the air using his legs with him flying toward his target at a tremendous speed. During his flight, he compress both his arms and legs into his body. This builds up speed over time. Upon reaching the target, he slams both feet and fists into the target. This sends his target through dozen of buildings and the target makes a small crater upon landing with the ground.

Vulcan Emperor Kaiser Storm. This attack can be done outside of Vulcan Emperor but it has less of an impact. Zane compress both arms into his body with him slowly sprouting several cannons like objects from his body. The cannons formed around Zane, with the cannons completely covering him from all sides. He fires off a flurry of continuous heavy punches that match Vulcan Emperor Kaiser Magnum in terms of appearance. He can perform attacks do this with his legs with him compressing his legs instead.

Vulcan Emperor Kaiser Tomahawk. This attack can be done outside of Vulcan Emperor but it has less of an impact. Zane launches himself into the air with him sending his arms directly toward the target. He begins spinning himself vertically several times, causing his legs to compress and twist with each movement. Zane comes toward his target with him spinning forward and stretching his legs out. Thanks to the speed, he slowly creates the image of a large tomahawk rotating fast. This attack impacts the target, cutting it in half. The force of this attack is usually out of Zane’s control being that he has to stop himself somehow.

Vulcan Gong. Zane stretches his neck backwards a good couple of feet. Upon reaching a certain point, Zane covers his entire head in either Vulcan Force or Vulcan Emperor depending on how durable the target is. Zane does the exact same thing as Sweet Gong aka a headbutt. This headbutt is much stronger than Sweet Gong being that his head can easily destroy steel and metal.

Vulcan Onslaught. Zane stretches one of his arm with him slowly activating Vulcan Force or Vulcan Emperor depending on durable the target is. He sends it forward with his arm spinning out of control. Upon impact, it delivers a powerful blow to the target’s abdomen and sends them flying.           

Vulcan Rainmaker. Zane hardens up either his arms or legs with either Vulcan Emperor or Vulcan Force. He stretches them back a couple of feet and brings them back forward in a split second. This attack can send a target flying and it really hurts. It leaves behind an imprint of Zane’s fist if he hits with his arm or Zane’s foot if he hits with his leg.

Vulcan Smash. Zane covers his entire body in either Vulcan Force or Vulcan Emperor depending on how durable the target is. Zane slams right into his target and this tackle hits like a truck. The target is sent flying backwards with the shockwaves alone are powerful enough to rip apart the ground around him.

Vulcan Vault. Zane hardens up both of his legs ,in either Vulcan Force or Vulcan Emperor being that Zane decides which one to use, with him kicking the ground hard enough to break the pavement. This attack can give Zane great speed ,moving like he would if he’s using Sweet Rocket, but it’s true power is that Zane does a mid-air backflip and lands a powerful kick to the target.

Vulcorian Fury. Zane creates blades extending from either his forearms or the front sides of his legs. These blades are covered by Black Mojo. These blades are often used for close-range combat. It works best on multiple opponents. If Zane uses his legs, he jumps into the air and slashes his legs blade in a vertical fashion. Zane can use them to hit at a distance using energy slashes. These blades adapt and sharpen upon clashing with an object. He can create slashes that are capable of dividing the ground or go into a chaotic furry of slashes. Upon getting close to the target, Zane swings his arms in an "X" pattern and performs a cross cut on the target. This leaves an "X" shaped cut on the target. He can use this attack as a ranged one and this is done by sending the Mojo toward his target in the form of a large black blade of Impulse. These blades can cuts through anything in their path.

Vulcorian Opening. Zane grabs his target with him ripping it in half through his natural physical strength. This attack is mainly used used for robots or creatures. It can be used on living being but it’s a really bloody mess and doesn’t like doing that.

Vulcorian Storm. Zane activates either Avenger, Scourge, or Wrath with him slowly disappearing from sight. He reappears into view with him landing multiple ,extremely fast, strikes, which in turns causes a good amount damage to a target. This attack can easily destroy a mountain. He can do this attack with either one or two punches ,using one of two punches, which can easily destroy an opponent with ease.

Vulcorian Strike. Zane activates either Avenger, Scourge, or Wrath with him slowly disappearing. Zane reappears in front of his target with him kicking his target up into the air. Zane disappears once again and reappears above his target. He slams the target with both of his fists clasped together. This sends them flying toward the ground and causing a large crater upon impact. If the target is still fighting, Zane lands a single kick on them which slowly turns into several kicks.

Whirlpool Vortex. Zane gets on his hands with him spinning around the area in a similar manner to break dancing. He’s spins much like a spinning top. During this attack, any enemy that is around him gets kicked by several kicks upon hitting Zane. Another way of performing this is Zane moving at speeds that most beings would have trouble tracking him. In due time, Zane lands a powerful spinning kick and sends the target flying away with great force.

Zenith Punch. This attack alongside Zenith Slash, Zenith Smash, Zenith Spear, and Zenith Sphere are often seen as Zane’s signature moves. This set of attacks makes him infamous throughout the Omniverse. Unlike the other four attacks, he developed this one shortly after learning about Impulse from the creator himself. This attack is very powerful. This technique is said to be slightly weaker than Zane’s Karmic Zenith Slash, Vulcan Emperor Kaiser Magnum, and several other attacks. This attack unlike Zenith Slash, Zenith Spear, and Zenith Sphere is rather simple to do it. He charges Impulse into his hand and he rushes toward his target. Zane makes a straight fist. While charging toward his target, the energy around his hand amplify and his arm is covered up in the energy. He slams his fist into his target and this deals a large amount of damage. This attack has several different variations to it. Akostar Zenith Punch. Zane covers his fist in his Akostar energy and punches his target with them get send flying back. The Akostar energy gathered and he sends a energy dragon construct toward his target, creating a massive explosion upon contact. Detonation Zenith Punch. Zane greatly increases the size of his fist and forearm. His enlarged limb looks like Zane when he activates Predator State. His arm is glowing a crimson red color, being extremely bright and hard to notice. His arm is emitting misty wisps of obsidian black energy. Upon reaching a good size, he punches his target with a high amount of energy and causes a massive explosion on impact with said fist. Rage Zenith Punch. This punch is very simple in its execution. Zane covers his fist in either Vulcan Force or Vulcan Emperor depending on how durable the target is. The next step is for Zane to get mad ,which is real easy for him, and punches something. He moves faster than he does with the normal Zenith Punches. He lands a powerful punch on his target with it causing several shockwaves upon impact and sends them several feet away. Zenith Beatdown. Despite not having the word Zenith Punch in its name, this attack is a variation of Zenith Punch. Zane covers both of his hands in one of his many types of energies with him using Direct Transportation or his immense speed to head toward his opponent. Upon reaching his opponent, he punches them into the ground and inflict them with a huge amount of damage at once. This first punch can be use to send his opponent flying in a horizontal direction instead of a vertical direction. After the first punch, Zane has a Zenith Sphere in each hand. He fires them toward the target which transforms into a astronomical amount of energy bullets that are in the shape of fists. The opponent and surrounding area are hit with the bullets, with the bullets destroying both of them. 

Zenith Smash. This attack alongside Zenith Punch, Zenith Slash, Zenith Spear, and Zenith Sphere are often seen as Zane’s signature moves. This set of attacks makes him infamous throughout the Omniverse. Zane stretches either his left or right arm back behind him. While his arm is stretching back, Zane is slowly twisting his arm. The length to which Zane can stretch his arm back can range from a couple of feet to several cities block. Once Zane reaches a certain length, he fires off a powerful corkscrew punch and his arm is spinning so fast that it gets engulfed in flames. These flames are a combination of a strong mixture of friction and Zane’s natural affinity toward fire. Upon hitting the target, they’re hit by a powerful punch and an fiery explosion at the exact same time. This explosion can works underwater. It can also drill the target through the ground until the target eventually stops and the ground is shattered during the flight. When he first used this attack, the image of all of his friends and family appeared behind him. He can combine this attack with Vulcan Emperor and Vulcan Force for extra damage depending on how durable the target is. By expanding his arm to a size that matches Vulcan Emperor Kaiser Magnum, he can increases its power. This attack is the only one of the five signature moves not to have any variations whatsoever.

Zenith Spear. This attack alongside Zenith Punch, Zenith Slash, Zenith Smash, and Zenith Sphere aare often seen as Zane’s signature moves. This set of attacks makes him infamous throughout the Omniverse. This attack requires extreme control of his power even more than the other Zenith attacks which are known for requiring great control. Zane first focus his energy into either his arm or hand. This energy is extremely concentrated and has a signature color to it. It's the exact same color of his lightning/thunder ,after Zane mastered Primordial, being dark indigo with a black and white outline. Zane rushes toward his target with him slamming his palm into the target or piercing the target with any amount of fingers. For the latter option, Zane flattens out the fingers that he’s going to use and leaves no gaps between them similar to a knifehand strike. The latter has a high chance of killing his enemies. It can take any type of energy to activate it but it doesn’t change color. He can focus the energy around an object ,usually a projectile based weapon, and gives the move a long range edge. He can focus the energy into a projectile based weapon, giving the move a long range edge. It keeps going straight and easily through large rocks with ease without losing any of its speed or change its reason of flight. This attack ,despite its immense power, has a flaw to it. It takes a lot of power to use it and Zane can’t exact spam the attack unlike Zenith Slash and Sphere. He can use it several times but slightly less than Zenith Slash and Sphere. Like Zenith Slash, Zenith Spear, and Zenith Sphere, this attack has several different variations. Distortion Zenith Spear. Zane creates a normal Zenith Spear and the lightning that covers his arms begins to affect the area around Zane. In a similar fashion to Astral Roar, the air around Zane vibrates and ripples. The Impulse that’s around his fingers are more intense and volatile compared to the electricity that covers the rest of his arm. After he finishes make the Zenith Spear, he charges toward the target with his arm in front of him. He shoots the electricity forth in a directly stream and it pierces through pretty much anything in its path. Upon impact with the target, it makes an explosion that warps the area around it. If this stream of electricity comes in contact with anything that’s powerful, it makes a explosion of electricity that doesn’t warp the area around it. Instead of firing the spear as a long range, he can use it at close range and it warps the area around it. Exploding Zenith Spear. Zane charges up a normal Zenith Spear and rushes toward the target. This may seem like a normal Zenith Spear at first but as he’s running toward the target, Zane slowly releases the power to go around the target. Instead of hitting the target, Zane appears behind the target and Zane snaps his fingers. The area and target are both affected by the energy, causing an explosion. This can be used to hit multiple targets instead of one. High-Octane Zenith Spear.  This variation of Zenith Spear is the only one that uses two hands instead of just one. Zane holds up both of his arms with his arms getting covered in the signature lightning and this lightning slowly covers his body. He charges toward his target and slams both hands into the target, causing a explosion of lightning around the area. Precise Zenith Spear.  Zane starts off by rushing toward his target with Zenith Spear all ready to go. As he strikes his target, Zane focus the energy to create a true spear and jumps into the air. He impales the target with the spear and causes a massive explosion upon contact with the spear. He can also throw the spear toward a target for a ranged attack. Sweeping Zenith Spear. Zane focus energy into both arms and making a large amount of energy appear. Zane aims both of his arms at his target with him sending out several energy spears at his target. This works as a ranged attack since Zane can hit multiple spears to strike down several enemies. This attack works best with Vitality Guardian. Tremor Zenith Spear. Zane says this variation is his favorite despite it requiring a lot of extra work but the payoff is worth it. He disappears from his target’s sight and while they’re looking for him, they get punched back by a clone. Zane reappears with him having Zenith Spear over both of his arms. Upon appearing, Zane rushes toward the flying target. He slashes the target with several slices from one of the two spears with the second spear sending them into the air. Zane jumps after them and he slams both spears right into the target. They’re sent flying toward the ground with the target making a crater with excess energy covering the target. Ultimate Zenith Spear. This variation is the strongest version of Zenith Spear. Zane anchors himself into the ground with him taking a stance. It mimics the samurai method of quick-drawing the sword and striking, known as ladio. He puts his hands together and Zane can deflect attacks. It doesn’t matter if the attack has great speed, size, or power since everything gets easily split it in half. After that, Zane delivers an extremely powerful and fast attack. It’s main weakness is that Zane heads straight forward and can be dodged if the target is fast enough to avoid it. Vibration Zenith Spear. This variation of Zenith Spear is similar to Vibration Pummel in its execution. Zane gathers a dense concentration of Vibration into one of his arms and makes either a fist or knifehand strike with him charging toward a target. Upon hitting his target with either a piercing blow or high speed punch, it hits the target with a powerful shockwave that can destroy the ground and buildings around Zane. The bass sound that Vibration normally makes is similar to the sound of thunder hitting the ground. If there is a large amount of Vibration charged into Zane's arm prior to hitting the target, it can destroy every cell in the body and prevent the usage of Impulse for a period of time for over a month if possible. Vitality Zenith Spear. This variation can only be done in Vitality Guardian in either his partial or perfect form. Zane forms a normal Zenith Spear and activates Vitality Guardian just as he finishes making up the spear. Zane rush toward his target ,at a god like speed, causing a massive explosion.

Ranged Attacks: (113). No attacks that start with D, G, J, L, N, Q, X, and Y.
Akostar Explosion. Zane gathers up his Akostar energy into one or both of his arms. By doing this, the energy gathers forms into a dragon like head over his arms. He aimed his energy covered arm toward a target and punches forward. He fires out a giant beam of energy with it tearing away at the air and ground while it travels. The front of the beam is in the shape of a dragon like head. Upon touching the target, it makes a massive explosion with a dragon like roar aftereffect.

Akostar Missile. This attack has Zane gathering up his Akostar energy and focusing it into a massive missile of concentrated energy. He throws it right toward his target. This attack is strong being that it can distort time and space around the explosion for a few moments if charged for enough time. He can make a missile appear and punches said missile to send his foes flying.

Akostar Storm. Zane summons countless beams of Akostar energy with him sending it into the air above him. He brings him down with the energy coming down as rain drops. Due to the momentum that it gathers while falling to the ground, each drop has enough force to break through most objects within his path. This attack takes a great amount of focus from Zane so Zane can’t bring this attack rapid-fire.

Arcanum Aster. Zane compress a large amount of Impulse into a sphere like construct in a similar manner as Zenith Sphere. There are streaks of lightning coming off the sphere, flames going around the sphere, and frost freezing everything around it. He throws it toward his target with the sphere slowly moving toward the target. While heading toward his target, it slowly increases in both size and pressure. Upon reaching the target, it splits open in a pure white flash. There is a loud roar sound with its effect range being a semi-circle that goes around the target a fair distance around them from all sides. It makes a massive crater in the ground and send the target flying into the ground. This attack is incredibly powerful with it costing a lot of his energy depending on how much energy that he puts into it. 

Archon Zero Annihilation. Zane goes into Archon Zero Master with him launching all nine spheres toward a target. This attack is hard to dodge with each one erase anything non-living that comes in contact with it. Another way to use this attack is that Zane can makes the nine spheres fuse into one. This creates a single sphere. He launches the sphere right toward his target with it looking like a meteor. It makes a massive crater in the ground and erase anything non-living that comes in contact with it.

Archon Zero Buzzsaw. Zane activates either Archon Zero or Archon Zero Master with firing a barrage of energy bullets toward the target. These bullets aren’t not meant to hurt but to work as a distraction. They still hurt and can reflect off any surface to hit the target in the back. As this is going on, Zane makes two buzzsaw-like discs ,that looked to be the spheres that cover his back, that levitated above his hand and tosses them right toward a target whose distracted by the energy bullets. They can cut through most objects with each since they have the same properties as the spheres that float above his back. 

Astral Roar. Zane takes a deep breath with him gathering up steel gray cosmic energy and it appears around his body. The target notices that the air around Zane vibrates and ripples. Upon opening his mouth, Zane unleashes the energy from his body in the form of a massive burst of energy and makes an explosion upon contact.

Astral Salvo. Zane clenches one of his fist with him aiming his closed fist at his target and firing a barbed chain toward his target. The end of this chain is a spiked ball and moves toward a target. After slams into the target, the chains wraps around the target. He can fire more than one chain from his body. 

Atrocious Barrage. Zane fires a barrage of Impulse spheres from his hands. These spheres go off in random directions with them slowly trap the target or target in a minefield. If they try and leave, an energy sphere explode which in turn sets off the rest of them. Upon firing the last sphere, Zane can snap his fingers. This makes all of the spheres explode making a massive explosion and lighting the sky up with its power.

Baryon Roar. This attack is similar to Astral Roar, Satanic Roar, and Vibration Roar but using Baryon instead. Zane takes a deep breath with him gathering up a huge amount of Baryon in the process. Like Satanic Roar and Vibration Roar, the air around Zane doesn’t vibrate and ripple whatsoever. Upon opening is mouth, Zane unleashes a huge beam of Baryon energy whose strength easily surpass the trio of Astral Roar, Satanic Roar, and Vibration Roar. He’s able to do this outside of Albion or but it has less power.

Baryon Ruination. This attack has Zane gathering up Baryon while standing or moving around. As this is going on, the aura around Zane changes shape to form a powerful looking Phoenix. Zane jumps into the air right above his target or charges toward the target. Doing either option has the aura growing in power and size. Upon reaching a certain point in the air or a certain amount of time on the ground, he is able to let the aura flow around him. It cover the ground or sky in a platinum colored glow. From the air, Zane descend at full speed toward the target with his head leading the charge. Zane’s head crash right into the target and creating a massive explosion of energy afterwards. From the ground, Zane completely blinds the target with the platinum colored glow and focus Baryon into making a giant sphere which he launches toward a target. It creates a massive explosion of energy afterwards. Zane consists this to be a ranged attack. He’s able to do this outside of Albion or but it has less power.

Baryon Surge. Zane gathers Baron into one or both of his arms with him doing one of several options using Baryon. The first option is that Zane is able to release a volley of energy tornadoes and anything caught inside of these tornadoes get hit with an explosion. The second option is that Zane crosses his arms over his chest in an "X" shaped pattern and after uncrossing his arms, he fires out a volley of energy spears with them piercing through objects and exploding whenever Zane gives the command. The third option is that Zane gathers Baryon into one of his arms with him doing a sweeping motion, this release a broad arc of energy that slices through anything it comes in contact with. This option can be done with both arms but it works better with one arm. 

Blazing Punch. Zane covers his body in his signature flames with the flames around his feet and hands ,specifically, are highly concentrated. Zane launches himself toward a target fast. This is due to the flames around his feet and using this, Zane can catch his enemies off guard by the sudden burst. Zane starts this attack off with a kick that hits either the side of the target’s head or stomach. The target gets launched back from the kick. Zane gathers all of his body’s flames into either one of his arm with him firing off an enlarged fist of fire and sends it toward his target. The target is engulfed in flames upon contact with Zane smirking.

Concealed Strike. This attack is a ranged attack and not a physical one. One way for him to use this attack is by bringing back one of his feet and sliding one of his fist back. Within a second of doing this, he sent his fist forward. The punch doesn’t need to connect with anything but Zane sends out a massive shockwave that knocks the target into the air without direct contact.

Empyrean Rush. This attack is connected to Empyrean Will. Zane focus his energy and releases a circular purple wave of energy. It’s a violent shockwave of energy that extends for miles around him and anything that Zane considered to be an enemy is sent flying back. To allies, this wave does nothing at all.

Empyrean Tremor. This attack is connected to Empyrean Will. Zane punches the air in front of him, causing a shockwave of dark purple energy to hit a target. This shockwave can shatter an entire building with ease. Zane can sprout multiple arms from his body which in turn increase the range and destructive output. Zane can do this attack by using his legs as well. This attack can work at close range as well being that he either grabs or kicks them. The close up version is far more deadly and destructive. Zane is able to combine this attack with the elements. Zane tends to use electricity/lightning, fire, or ice since those are his signature elements.

Expansion Comet. Compared to Sweet Comet, this attack normally requires something to be thrown at Zane in order to work. After grabbing any objects coming toward him, Zane pulls back his arm and makes his arm expand in size. Zane throws it forward with his arm exploding just as he throws the object. Thanks to the throw object’s momentum with it being like it was  thrown out of a cannon, the impact is far more powerful than it was when it was thrown at Zane earlier. Despite this attack normally requiring Zane to have something thrown at him in order to make it work, it can work with any nearby object. He grabs a nearby object, expands his arm while pulling back his arm, and throws it. The thrown object moves at high speeds like it's being thrown out of a cannon and can destroy most barricades with ease.   

Fierce Sol. Zane creates a miniature sphere of Impulse with this sphere matches the color of the energy that comes from the Impulse used in Predator State. This sphere radiates so much Impulse since it can be seen and felt by everyone a good distance away from it. Zane throws the sphere toward his target with Zane controlling it with his mind. This sphere has the power to vaporizing a large lake within an instant and make a massive explosion afterwards. It slowly grows over time and Zane can also make several smaller versions of it which explodes upon contact. Zane can also make a less deadly version of the attack which can capture targets. The sphere can appear from the sky like a meteor shower. 

Impulse Burst. Zane gathers up Impulse with an energy sphere appearing in front of him and Zane throws the energy sphere toward a target like a baseball. Upon contact with anything, it releases a wave of Impulse that can affect multiple targets at once. It has enough power to destroy an building if Zane adds a lot of Impulse into it. Over time, Zane is able to kick the energy sphere in a similar manner to a soccer ball. By doing this, it has the ability to home into his target and hits the target multiple times before exploding.    

Impulse Slice. Zane places both of his hands to the side with him focusing Impulse around both palms. He focus them to make a solid shape with him usually picking a shield shape. Upon completion, the shield begins to spins extremely fast. Zane throws them toward his target and it can cut right through any substances that comes in their path.

Impulse Volley. This attack is similar to Omni-Direction Beam Array except more precise. Zane holds out both of his arms with him charging up energy into them and firing out a beam of Impulse from his closed fist. Whatever the beam touches, there is a perfect circle shaped hole in whatever touches it. Upon the beam touches something inorganic, the object disintegrated into nothing. If the beam touches something organic, it sends them flying. If this attack is charged for five or more minutes, Zane can fire out a powerful explosion from his fist instead of a beam and this explosion can be seen from miles away.

Infernal Clap. Zane ignites his body with the fire around his arms and hands have an incredible intensity and glow brighter than normal. Just like with Greenhouse Buffer, his arms and hands are covered in a visible haze being a dark indigo color. Zane claps with him making a giant wave of fire. Zane can slap his hand to the ground, sending his attack through the ground. This power has the power to blow apart building from a mile area since it’s a destructive force of a erupting volcano.

Karmic Amalgam. Zane turns into nine different copies of himself, making ten Zanes appears. The clones slowly surround the target by all sides with the real Zane disappears as this gones. The clones each charges up a Karmic Limbo. The clones on the ground each have a different colored limbo ,being the seven colors of the Rainbow, Black, and White, and they fire their beam at the target. Upon hitting the target, the clone dissipate. The target is usually drained from either destroying the Karmic Limbo and clone or tanking the hit. Due to this, they can’t counter the real Zane firing a massive Karmic Limbo ,being all nine colors, on the target. This attack can annihilate the target.

Karmic Burst. Zane focuses Mojo into his body and can release it as an explosion or a droplet of energy. Zane can throw it toward his target, creating a powerful kinetic force upon impact. This attack can easily punch a hole in solid structures. Zane can fire a barrage of this attack with less but noticeable damage. Zane can make it an added explosive effect to one of his physical attacks. With this attack, Zane can easily make a massive crater in the ground around the target.

Karmic Fortune. Zane gathers a large amount of Mojo around him with him sending it into the air. While in the air, the energy transforms into several pillars of energy. Zane can sends the pillars down, causing massive explosions of Mojo and shattering the land around the explosions.

Karmic Enlarged Limbo. This attack sounds like it’s a bigger Karmic Limbo which it is but it’s activation is interesting. Zane does this by swallowing or absorbing a massive amount of energy prior. This can be from an enemy’s attacks or by charging up for a long period of time. Upon absorbing/swallowing the energy, Zane fires off a larger Karmic Limbo. This energy beam can easily destroy a mountain range. This beam can warp the fabric of space and time if Zane has absorbed/charged a large amount of energy into it.

Karmic Glare. Zane fires a small but powerful Karmic Limbo from one or both of his eyes. This attack can easily destroy boulders and it can be charged up. This charged up blast can easily destroy a city block.

Karmic Limbo. Zane focus Mojo into any part of his body and fires out a concentrated energy beam from that part of his body. It can cause a massive explosion depending on how long Zane charges it for.

Karma Midnight Luster. This attack is a more compact version of Karmic Enlarged Limbo but it is easier to aim. Zane charges up a Karmic Limbo with him firing out a small black beam that goes after anything with Impulse inside of them. It can go around or through building being that it will reach its target. This beam can easily destroyed a building.

Meteor Surprise. During a fight, Zane grabs pieces of rubble that’s around him and he sends them toward the sky at a speed being that his opponent doesn’t see it. When Zane snaps his fingers, the rubble comes back down. Depending on how much rubble there is or how big the rubble is, it causes a lot of damage and can affect multiple targets rather than just one target. Zane tends to send several pieces of rubble into the air during a serious fight so he can deal some chip damage on a target or have some time to charge up a powerful attack.

Omni-Directional Beam Array. Zane gathers Impulse into his hands with him collecting energy until it reaches a certain amount. When fully charged, Zane stretches out his fingers until he has has all ten fingers aimed in a different direction. At the tip of each finger, there is a small silver sphere. He release the energy from the spheres with it firing out several energy beams. This attack hit everything in the area and Zane can make the beams hit specific targets. Zane can combine these beams with different elements for extra effect such as electricity for a quick shock and ice for freezing.

Predatory Bombardment. Zane launches a giant seven-leaf clover of concentrated Impulse ,with it matching the same colored Impulse used in Predator State, toward his target. This attack is nearly impossible to avoid due to its size and its ability to draw in inorganic matter to use as substance, making it bigger the process. Zane can make it in a continuous stream or a rapid fire assault.

Primordial Bolt. Zane fires small blasts ,of Primordial Energy, at the target.

Primordial Lotus. Zane fires Primordial Energy from his palms with this attack working good at close and long range. Zane aims his hands at their target with the Primordial energy. The energy comes out as a direct blast or energy wave toward his enemy. Upon hitting the target, the energy turns into a massive lotus flower aka a powerful explosion.

Primordial Ordnance. Zane charges up Primordial Energy into both of his hands with him making a giant bomb of Primordial Energy appear. Zane punches the bomb toward a target with it making a giant explosion upon contact.

Primordial Stream. Zane fires a blast of dense concentrated Primordial energy from his fists or any part of his body. This attack takes a while to appear depending on how much energy Zane has at the time.

Primordial Torrent. Zane fires out multiple Primordial Energy beams from both of his hands. These beams encases the target in a large sphere or destroys them if they aren’t living objects. Zane can fire up to 200 shots at once before taking a couple of minutes to recover.

Rainbow Nether Barrage. Zane gathers Rainbow Nether in his body with his body slowly glowing with Rainbow Nether. Zane aims both of his hands at his target with him firing out a giant burst of Rainbow Nether toward a target. There is a deep forest green color mixed with a bright sunny yellow. A crimson red was floating on top of an ocean blue while purple danced among them all. This attack is often seen as both deadly and beautiful.

Rainbow Nether Onslaught. Zane gathers Rainbow Nether in both of his hands with him slowly creating a massive orb. He throws it at a target being it transforms into something else on its way toward its target. On its way, it transforms into several dragon like heads ,usually over ten, which are one of the seven colors of the rainbow. Each one of these dragon causes a massive explosion.

Rainbow Nether Tempest. Zane moves both of his hands to the sides of him creating a Rainbow Nether sphere in each hand. Zane can fire several blasts of Rainbow Nether from each sphere at his target. This slowly forms into a tempest that hits the target. The blasts comes out of his body very much like a machine gun. This attack works better in a group than on a single target.

Rainbow Nether Web. Zane fires several different colored nether beams out of his hand with each beam being a different color (Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, and Violet). These beams combine to form a spider like web which can slice through attacks with ease or catch people.

Rampaging Eruption. Despite sounding like a physical attack, it's a ranged attack. Zane takes a deep breath with him making eight pillars of lava come out of the ground around him. He does this by stomping on the ground. These pillars orbit around him, dealing damage to anything that comes in contact with them. After some time, Zane begins punching the lava in front of him and this sends pieces of the pillars into the air. There are several lava meteors floating around Zane with him sending them down onto the ground and causing an explosion of fire. 

Rocket Punch. This attack was created shortly after Zane gained his second prosthetic arm from Parker. He was able to do this before but didn't decided to make it an attack until later. By turning his fingers into blades, Zane charges toward his target and Impulse slowly begins to come out of his arm mainly from his elbow. It makes the arm look like a rocket which Zane eventually fires at a target from a distance and slams the bladed fingers into the target like a drill. This attack is strong enough to break a wall with a single strike. He is able to make his stingers cover his entire arm, the tips of his knuckles, and around his wrists forming a bracelets. By spinning the stingers on his wrist clockwise or counter-clockwise and making the stingers on his knuckles go the opposite direction, it makes the attack more deadly.  He is also able to do this with his left arm as well but according to him, it looks less cool.   

Satanic Blazing Charge. Zane activates Satanic Corruption with him taking a deep breath. He eventually open his mouth with him releasing his Carnal over his body. While covering in the royal blue energy, Zane charges toward a target. He doesn’t attack the target being that upon getting close, Zane releases the Carnal from his body toward the target in a stream like fashion and the energy covers them. Upon all of the energy leaving Zane’s body, it explodes and the target is sent flying with it burning them. He’s able to do this outside of Satanic Corruption but it has less power.

Satanic Dart. Zane activates Satanic Conversion with him covered his hands in royal blue carnal. He focus the carnal to the tips of his fingers with him firing ten beams from his fingers and toward his target. These beams can pierce through most objects. These beams home-in on their targets. He’s able to do this outside of Satanic Corruption but it has less power. 

Satanic Festival. Zane activates Satanic Corruption with his body getting covered in royal blue Carnal. He gets in a runner-like position and the target gets ready to attack him. Zane fires several beams of Carnal at the target with each one causes sparks upon contact. Once the target is covered in enough sparks, Zane fires a massive beam of Carnal at the target. Upon the sparks hitting the bigger beam, the target gets sent flying into the air and hit with several explosions of Carnal. This attack has been called like fireworks. He can also release a massive stream of flames from his mouth instead of firing several beams. It still sends them into the air and hit with a massive explosion of Carnal at the end of the stream. He’s able to do this outside of Satanic Corruption but it has less power. 

Satanic Howitzer. This attack is essentially a beam made out of Carnal who can pierce through practically anything. This attack requires little of Zane’s energy with him being able to spam it rapidly. He can expand the width of the energy and by doing this, it takes more energy out of Zane. Zane tends to use this attack by focusing royal blue carnal into the tip of said finger to fire the beam. He is able to fire out the carnal out by raising his hand toward the target or targets. He focused the energy into his palm and forms a large sphere of concentrated Carnal. He fires it toward a target, causing an explosion upon contact instead of piercing through an object. 

Satanic Railgun. Zane activates Satanic Corruption with him making several beams of royal blue carnal float around his body. He made the beams float in front of him and punched the air in front of it. The beams went flying toward a target and the beams move so fast that the target can’t dodge it. This cause a massive explosion upon the beams hitting something.  He’s able to do this outside of Satanic Corruption but it has less power.      

Satanic Roar. This attack is very similar to Astral Roar but it’s done by using Carnal. Zane takes a deep breath with him gathering up Carnal and activates Satanic Corruption. Unlike with Astral Roar, the air around Zane doesn’t vibrate or ripples whatsoever. He fires out the energy from his body in a blast of energy. Satanic Roar is much faster than Astral Roar and much more destructive. It’s extremely powerful with it capable of decimating large structures such an entire castle and mountain easily. He’s able to do this outside of Satanic Corruption but it has less power. 

Satanic Storm. Zane activates Satanic Corruption with him flying into the air until he gets a good view over the area and including the target. He makes a massive ball of royal blue carnal ,at least five times bigger than him, appear and he holds onto it. He tosses the ball into the air and flies above it. He smashed it into the ground and this creates a massive wave of royal blue carnal that hits everything in the area. He’s able to do this outside of Satanic Corruption but it has less power.  

Snake Crunch. In a similar manner to Snake Capture and Sweet Arena, Zane releases a large amount of snakes from his body. These snakes either cover the area around Zane or somewhere in his field of vision. The den of snakes constrict the movements of anyone except for Zane and his allies with the latter usually find it disturbing to walk through. Zane holds out on his arms and clenches his fists. From the den of snake, a giant snake emerged from it and chomps down on the target. The target is then trapped in the snake’s mouth and if they try to break out, they get a nasty surprise in the form of a really hot fire breath. The amount of snakes depend on how many targets are in the den. If Zane snaps his hands, at least five giant snakes emerge from the den and all of them released a dragon-head shaped fireball from their mouths.

Subzero Eruption. This attack is the composite opposite of Zane’s Wildfire Eruption since this is the highest, coldest level of cold and ice that Zane can produce. The exact temperature of this attack is unknown since all Zane needs to know is that it’s cold and gets the job done. Zane gathers up a huge amount of cold/ice and has it come out of his hands. This causes a huge amount of solid silver blue snow/frost to cover him in a blizzard like storm. It eventually covers the area around him, blinding his target and Zane vanishes. In time, Zane has one of his hands covered in his signature ice. Upon reaching the target, Zane can do one of three things. The first option is Zane punching the target so hard that instead of flying, they’re consumed in ice until they’re frozen solid. The ice is then shattered, dealing them great damage to their bodies with them getting knocked out. While they’re knocked out, they shiver in the process as their bodies's heat slowly returns to them. The second option is Zane unleashing a blast of snow at the target with it dealing them a countless barrage of damage thanks to hidden icicles inside of the snow. Each icicle slowly absorb some of the target's heat and makes them weaker over time. The third option is the most dangerous of them and used as a last resort. Zane unleashes all of the stored snow onto his target, causing a massive explosion of ice that freezes everything around it. This includes himself which isn’t an issue for Zane since he can phase through the ice by becoming intangible or melting the ice around him.  By doing this option, Zane’s skin turns a light blue color and he looks frostbitten with him slowly regaining heat over time. This attack is dangerous since it may kill those with terrible resistance to the cold or ice.

Supernova Conflagration. Zane focus his flames around him with these flames roars wildly. The temperature around Zane soared with him creating a giant pillar of fire. In the core of the pillar, the core of the fire is extremely hot. Zane turns the pillar into a giant explosion of fire. Anything caught up in it gets turned into ash. This attack causes Zane to overheat being unable to touch anything without it burning away. 

Sweet Aqueduct. This attack is a more pinpoint and refined version of Sweet Blast and Sweet Bullet. By gathering a good amount of candy syrup and compresses it between his hands with it forming a arrow, he launches the arrow toward his target. This arrow moves at an incredible speed and can pierce right through his target.

Sweet Blast. Zane forms a ball of his blood in one of his hands and throws it toward a target. It slowly expands in size while it travels through the air. Upon contact, it makes a massive explosion of candy syrup and cover the entire area in it, trapping anything that’s get caught in it.

Sweet Breath. Zane takes a deep breath with his cheeks and stomach puff up like a balloon or a pufferfish. He releases it out of his body, making a large wave of candy syrup heading right toward his target. Upon leaving his body, it thickens, grows, and covers an entire area. This candy syrup can easily melt through anything if Zane wants it to and this attack tends to use it to trap a large group. It can also inflict intoxication depending on how much alcohol percentage Zane puts into the syrup.

Sweet Bullet. Zane turns either his left and right arm in its candy syrup form and transforming his hand into a type of gun. He can make his hand turn into a pistol or a gatling gun. All of the guns that Zane's hand can turn into all have the same ability. He hardens the candy syrup weapon with either Vulcan Force or Vulcan Emperor and fires bullets of candy syrup. These bullets are the shape of marbles with them being highly condensed candy syrup. These bullets can easily be used to pierce through skin or objects with them going out in every direction.

Sweet Comet. Compared to Expansion Comet, this attack has Zane staying in place and tossing the object rather than Expansion Comet. Zane grabs an nearby object with him stomping his legs into the ground, cracking the ground a bit. Zane begins to twist his waist all the way around, rotating his spine. This action has been called freaky. Zane keeps twisting his body until he reaches fifty rotations and stops with it exposing his twisted up midbody. Zane slowly uncoils his body with him spinning in place, kicks up dust in the process, and his arm extending out more and more away from his body with each spin. Upon reaching his last coil, the arm that’s holding onto the object expanding in size and throws it forward. The tossed object has a faster momentum compared of an object thrown by Expansion Comet but lacks the power in the process.

Sweet Convergence. Zane turns the nearby area into candy syrup with him able to transform the syrup into tendrils or waves. Zane sends it toward his target or targets. They’re captured by the candy syrup and upon touching the oncoming candy syrup, they’re unable to move. He can cause the syrup to collapse on the target/targets and they’re crushed under a large pile of syrup and causing them to be knocked out.

Sweet Downpour. Zane makes his turquoise candy syrup liquid come out of his mouth and looks very much like puke. This keeps his enemies off guard and due to this, Zane sends it toward them in a huge mass. This liquid turns into a sphere upon contact and it gets hardened. This makes it hard to get out off and it takes a good deal of time to get rid of it since nether fire or water gets rid of.

Sweet Enclosure. Zane moves his arms to form an "X" pattern with him uncrosses them. By doing this, several candy syrup happogata shuriken/happo shuriken with all of them float around him. These throwing weapons are controlled by Zane with him able to use them for offense or defense. The former action aka offense has Zane rotating one or all of the weapons at high speeds and sends them toward a target. They can move in any direction and cut through anything in their path. The latter action aka defense has the weapons move around Zane in a dome and protects him from all of incoming attacks. 

Sweet Imprisonment. Zane creates up to ten sharp looking candy syrup bombs ,with them being turquoise grenades, from his body and he throws them toward a target at a high speed. Upon hitting something, it captures anything within the candy syrup. Zane can hide things within the bombs, giving them a pretty nasty speed.

Sweet Roast. Zane inflates his arm to a massive size. Upon reaching a certain size, it exploded and destroying Zane's arm completely. The only thing that isn’t destroyed is Zane’s fist which flies toward a target like a rocket. While going toward a target, the fist is engulfed in flames. This fist can't be avoided since it's heat seeking. His arm regenerates as his fist flies toward the target.

Tremor Bombardment. This is a stronger version of Empyrean Tremor. Zane aims his hands to the side of him or in front of him, firing out two shockwaves of dark purple energy to his sides of him or in front of him. Zane clenches both of his fists with the two shockwaves combining to form a giant shockwave that hits an area hard. It destroys everything in the area around the shockwave being everything in over a hundred meter radius is destroyed. It’s a massive amount of destruction with it being even more than Empyrean Tremor.  

Tyrannus Barrage. This attack is very similar to the combination of Astral Roar, Baryon Roar, Satanic Roar, and Vibration Roar and the Emperor Barrage spells. Like with Tyrannus Lance, it was based on Tyrannus Spheroid and had Sivarth helping him in creating it. At first, Sivarth was against this since this attack was clearly inspired off one of the spells that the Elemental Templars used when they were alive. It was well known to the young Cross Species that Sivarth wasn't the biggest fan of Sorcerers and always got annoyed whenever Zane used Animus to handle a problem. He didn't mind if Zane used any other form of Impulse but he did mind when Zane used Animus. Said Phantom Akostar was later forced into helping Zane with this attack by Azalea. His wife told him that if he didn't help Zane with this, she would do THAT to him and this forced the Akostar into action much to Cole and Kane's amusement at the time before one of them was blasted by the Akostar couple. By focusing Tyrannus Nether through his body mainly in his chest which causes him to glow crimson red, he released the gathered up Tyrannus Nether from his mouth. The gathered up Tyrannus Nether comes out in the form of a massive storm of Nether and it is aimed toward a certain area. The force of this attack is enough to throw back everything within the area and evaporates anything in its path. This energy is strong enough to destroy the hardest and most durable material such as a large mountain with ease. The gathered up Nether can come out of Zane in a fire like fashion and it's bright enough to blind enough if Zane is really angry. It can turn most objects into petrify stone or glass in the case of sand. Like Satanic Roar, this attack is much stronger whenever Zane is using Tyrannus Aura.

Tyrannus Lance. This attack was created by Zane being that he based it of Tyrannus Spheroid. Zane created it during his training with Sivarth’s wife Azalea helping him with this. Zane focus Tyrannus Nether above his head or in his hand. It slowly forms into a lance like shape with it slowly getting bigger over time being that it can easily be the size of a skyscraper if Zane lets it charge enough. It looks like a hyper compressed energy lance. Zane can throw several version of them in a rapid fire manner or a giant one. Both variations covers the lance in a steel gray mandala and Zane throws it down on his enemies.

Tyrannus Spheroid. This attack is the signature attack of Sivarth, the Eradication Akostar and was used by him to destroy whatever pissed him off. When he got to know Zane, he decided to teach the Cross Species how to perform his attack.  By focusing Tyrannus Nether into a sphere like shape, Zane can do multiple things with it. He can either fire it as a beam, keep it as a sphere, or fire several small version of the initial sphere. Despite being smaller, the smaller spheres have more ranger. Zane can charge up a sphere making it bigger and more powerful than it was before. Zane can fire a barrage of spheres with little power used. The beam is a highly concentrated Nether and can carve through solid rock with ease. It's capable of destroying anything in its path. 

Unrivaled Gateway. Zane focus with him creating candy syrup in the shape of "0" with the center of them matching the color of his dark indigo portals. Zane can move these portal to anywhere in his range of his vision. Zane can fire out copies of his fists in the form of punches from the portals to hit opponents from a distance. Zane can release a barrage of punches from a single portal, pummeling the opponent into the ground hard.

Universal Ruination. Zane sends out a Zenith Sphere and acts a center of gravity. This sphere draws anything in the area toward it to make a massive sphere in the area. Zane can send the sphere into the air and come crashing down on his target. This causes a massive explosion of energy. This sphere depends to be a meteor like shape.

Unworldly Block. This technique is connected directly to Unworldly Palisade. Zane holds his hands parallel to the ground with several rectangular translucent barriers ,about the size of a door, appearing around him. He can either make these barrier visible or invisible. They can be used to either block attacks or slam onto a target, pressuring them onto the ground face forward. Due to the barrier pressing down hard on them, the target is unable to move and these barriers are hard to break. These barriers can be used to block or detain people for a certain period of time. 

Unworldly Bombardment. This technique is connected directly to Unworldly Palisade. Zane makes several small transparent blocks ,with each block being about the size of a brick, and launches themselves toward a target. These blocks are used to corner the target from all side, making the target the epicenter. These blocks constantly press on the target from all sides, knocking them out.  

Unworldly Obelisk. This technique is connected directly to Unworldly Palisade. Zane makes a large rectangular block appear above his target with said block smashing into the target at a high speed. Despite its size, it's hard to dodge. He's able to shape these blocks into a large triangular cone that begin spins like a drill. He sends them toward a target with them piercing the target head on. 

Unworldly Storm. This technique is connected directly to Unworldly Palisade. Zane makes several thousand diamond shaped barriers ,as thin as paper, appear around him and they glow turquoise. Each one of these barriers are about the size of one of his fingers. They swirl around Zane like he's in the middle of a storm. Anything that comes in contact with these barriers are sliced without mercy, not letting anything get past him. Zane is able to make these barriers ran down on a target from above, working as a rain storm or in a tornado that can be used to slice a target from all sides. 

Vibration Bullet. Zane puts his hand into a gun position with him focusing Vibration into his gun shaped hand. This burst of sound can pierce ,if not destroy, anything it touches due it being at a high frequency. It can go right through the ground.

Vibration Detonation. Zane gathers and focus sound into his palms with it slowly forms into a giant bubble of Vibration. Zane decides when the bubble of pressured sound is ready to go and Zane releases the sound toward a target. It explodes ,upon Zane snapping his fingers or contact, creating a giant sonic explosion. Zane has to cover his ears if he’s nearby the explosion.

Vibration Napalm. Zane cups his hands and screams into them. This scream helps form a highly condensed ball of Vibration and he throws it at the target. This ball is able to vaporize a hole through steel at full power and the ball explodes upon contact. This releases a sonic boom around the area of impact. This attack is often called a faster version of Vibration Detonation but with far less power.

Vibration Rings. Zane rushes toward his target with him draws several rings of Vibration on them. These rings look to be spirals and they have a music symbol in the middle of them. Zane snaps his fingers which release a powerful sound from the rings. This sound can easily crush a building and tends to be the best way to stop a group of opponents rather than a single opponent. 

Vibration Roar. Zane takes a deep breath with him gathering up a huge amount of Vibration in the process. Upon opening his mouth, Zane unleashes a huge stream of dark red sound waves. His targets are usually send flying away when hit with this attack. Repeated uses of this attack drain him and the stronger sound wave he sends out, the more is drained out of him. Zane can upgraded this attack thanks to his Arctic Shift, Electron Tempo, or Searing Cowl. By activating one of these three techniques, he’s able to combine his signature trio of elements and the sound wave to increase its power. Zane can combine this attack with other elements or energy but tends to keep it with electricity, fire, and ice out of personal preference.  

Vibration Scream. This attack works by Zane going up close to a target or standing across from a target from a noticeable distance. Zane covers both of his ears/activates his Galaxy Phones with him screaming shortly after. This scream creates a huge explosion of Vibration which can cause the target to break down due to how loud it is. This explosion can break the ground and nearby glass.

Vibration Tremor. Zane rubs both of his palms of his hands together for a period of time, slowly covering it with Vibration. After gathering enough Vibration, he slams both of his palms into the ground. This motion creates a earthquake/tsunami. The power of this attack depends on how long he charges his attack.

Vibration Volley. Zane covers both of his ears and closes his mouth. His stomach slowly grows bigger and he opens his mouth. This causes Zane to release a giant burst of Vibration out of his mouth. This burst has enough power to vaporize a mountain and cause his targets to cover their ears. If they don’t, their hearing will be destroyed. 

Vitality Arrow. This is a signature attack belonging to Terminus Riposte and Vitality Guardian but can be done outside of it. This attack is a combination of Vitality Guardian and Worthy Arrow. Zane makes Astaroth appear with the demon growing to an impressive size and aims one of his guns forward. Zane either covers himself in either Arctic Shift, Electron Tempo, or Searing Cowl with him jumping onto the barrel of the weapon. The two combine their powers into one, synchronizing with each other like a seasoned duo. Astaroth unleash a Worthy Arrow from his weapon and Zane covers the arrow in one of the elements, increasing their power to easily destroy anything in their path. Astaroth is able to use both of his guns to fire two arrows, increasing how much destructions happens in the process.

Vitality Bombardment. This is a signature attack belonging to Terminus Riposte and Vitality Guardian but can be done outside of it. If Zane makes Astaroth appear, his chest opens up with a stream of large, dark purple liquid coming out of him at an alarming speed. This is confusing at first with the liquid turning into energy spheres or needles. Astaroth doesn’t just fire these needles/spheres just from his chest but it can fire them from any part of his body or any one of his weapons. He just likes doing it this way since it's a unique way of firing his attacks. This wide-spread attack will hit something without any doubt. When the liquid forms into the needles, they have the ability to impale anyone or anything that they come in contact with. They also have the ability to restrict the movement of those impaled with the needles. When Zane doesn’t make Astaroth appear, he can fire out the needles but they lack the ability to impale anything. They still have the restriction ability though.

 Vulcan Comet. This attack is often compared to Expansion Comet and Sweet Comet with it being the stronger version of the two. Zane wraps both of his arms around a nearby target’s waist several times and stomps his legs into the ground, cracking the ground a bit. Zane begins twisting his body and spinning the target around in a circle. Upon reaching a hundred rotations, Zane covers his body in Vulcan Emperor or Vulcan Force depending on how durable the target is. Zane uncoils his body with him spinning and his target being swung around like a flail. As Zane spins faster and faster, his arm extended more and more away from his body with each spin. It also creates a tornado due to how fast he is going. His body also has arcs of his signature lightning coming off him in the process and there is a noticeable smell of burnt ozone coming off him. Zane can use the target to smash them into others. Upon reaching the last rotation, both of Zane’s arms expand and explode. Zane throws the object away from him and into something. The momentum of the object thrown goes faster than it does with both Expansion Comet and Sweet Comet. It creates a shockwave upon impact.  

Vulcan Crossbow. Zane covers both of his arms in either Vulcan Force or Vulcan Emperor. He makes his left hand glow molten gold and his right hand glow steel gray. Zane makes his two glowing hand form into a recurve bow that’s colored molten gold and steel gray. He either holds the bow in one of his hands or holds it in front of him using his telekinesis. When Zane draws the string of the bow back, he makes arrows that are made out of Vulcan Emperor or Vulcan Force ,depending on how durable the target is, appear. He fires the arrow through the air and collides with an object. Upon hitting the object, the arrow sends them flying back a good couple of feet thanks to a powerful explosion. He can fire multiple arrows at once, creating several explosions all at the same time. 

Vulcan Emperor Kaiser Devastation. This attack can be done outside of Vulcan Emperor but it has less of an impact. This attack can cause massive damage but there is a cost. Unlike the rest of Zane’s attacks and spells, it requires a chant to activate. He doesn’t need to do this but it’s more for dramatic effect just like Zane’s other chant. The best way for this attack to work is with Emperor Mail or Hyperion Mail. The chant is "This attack cannot be stopped. This attack denies destiny, breaks both time and space, and will destroy all in its path!". During the chant, Zane focus all of his energy into all of his cannons and forms a dragon like face with each one. The cannons matches Vulcan Emperor’s scales. The armored panel in his chest opens up to reveal a cannon and his mouth turns into a cannon as well. Zane also makes a thin but long cannon barrel appear in front of Zane with him firing out several beams in all directions. All of them decimates the area around Zane, with it taking almost ten minutes for the debris and smoke to clear enough to see anything. Once that clears, the sky around Zane is destroyed being that the enemy is barely alive and the area is devastated. This attack has a long recharge period, being that it can only be sparingly in longer battles.

Vulcan Emperor Kaiser Scattershot. This attack can be done outside of Vulcan Emperor but it has less of an impact. Compared to most of the Vulcan Emperor Kaiser attacks, Zane can do a lot with this attack. The first way is Zane covering one of his hands within the scales of Vulcan Emperor and cutting off one of his digits aka his fingers and thumb. In a similar fashion to Sweet Roast, the cut off digits rockets toward the target and works similar to a bullet. This organic bullet drills right through most materials and one of those materials are flesh. If it pierces flesh, it will causes bleeding due to the digit piercing right through the skin and muscle. It leaves a noticeable hole in the limb. With each shot, the cut off digit regenerates within a span of minute and gives Zane a seemingly infinite amount of bullets. If one of the bullet is stopped before hitting anything, Zane is unable to regrow that missing digit until the bullet hits something. The second way is Zane covering both his hands within the scales of Vulcan Emperor and cutting off all of his digits. All digits are then removed from Zane, launching all ten digits from his body. This variation works similar to the single bullet except for it being able to hit multiple targets instead of just one. Like before, each cut off digit takes about a minute to regenerate and can be regrown if one of the bullets are stopped. The third way is Zane covering one of his digits in Vulcan Emperor Scales with this digit slowly steaming. Within time, Zane aims its digit at a target and fire it. This bullet moves much faster than normal and blurs out of focus. It strikes its target and instead of it being one singular hit, it's multiple. The bullet keeps hitting the target over and over with the target jerking violently. There is also the noticeable sound of a machine gun echoing throughout the area. Each connecting hit is marked with a loud and sharp thump sound. This assault last for only five seconds and well, the target vomits a great deal and they fall forward. They also require surgery shortly after. Due to the strength of this single bullet, the cut off digit takes five minutes to fully regenerate.

Vulcorian Bloodless Extinction. Zane quickly gathers up Mojo in his body with him turning it into a snake like construct from his body. The snake travels toward his target with it slowly wrapping itself around the target. The target ,while trying to get out of the snake’s grip, is shocked by the snake’s secret. The snake has a secret Zenith Sphere ,colored Turquoise, hidden inside of its mouth. Zane snaps his fingers and the snake bites down on the sphere. It releases a explosion of light that blinds the target for a second. During the light shower, Zane slams his hand to the ground with several plant like vines and Mojo construct vines rushes right toward the target. It’s hard to dodge but the plant ones can be burned away. The Mojo vines can’t be destroyed. Upon contact, they explode.

Vulcorian Horn Drill. Zane gathers up Mojo with him firing out an energy beam from his horns and it goes extremely fast. The energy beam slowly starts spinning becoming drill like construct. Upon sensing anything with Impulse, they go toward their target. They’re strong enough to dig through steel with no signs of slowing down.

Wildfire Burner. This attack is connected to the technique Wildfire Overdrive but can be used without activating it. This attack has two variations being that it seems like a simple flamethrower attack from either his mouth or palms of his hands. He gathers up fire in his body being that it slowly gets stronger over time. Zane releases a large stream of flames right toward his enemies being that they completely engulfs the area in fire.

Wildfire Eruption. This attack is the highest, hottest level of fire that Zane can produce. The exact temperature of this attack is unknown since all Zane needs to know is that it’s really hot and gets the job done. Zane releases all of his body’s stored up heat in one intense explosion that can reach 1,000,000 degrees Fahrenheit. Zane can release in an omnidirectional pattern, in a straight line, or up close in person by punching them. The heat generated from Zane is equal to a nuclear warhead detonation and could destroy a small planet. It also severely burns the target upon contact. This attack is extremely powerful but comes at a cost. It turns Zane into a slime like creature and this slime like appearance appears if Zane uses too much of his power in a fight or whenever Zane wants to trick beings into lowering their guard. He looks like a normal slime similar to Parker but instead of being made out out of slime, he’s actually made out of candy syrup and looks to be a translucent turquoise color. He’s in the shape of a rain droplet and looks to be in the shape of an oval. He has a pair of wide cartoon like eyes, round storm gray eyes with a goofy looking toothless smile. As a slime, he looks to be about nine inches tall and looks to be really cute. A weaker but still powerful variation of this attack is Zane gathered up a good amount of his body’s stored heat and places his hands onto the ground. He sends his stored heat toward his target and unleashes several large, highly-concentrated pillars of fire from beneath his targets. These flames can burn a target if Zane is feeling highly emotional. This variation doesn’t have Zane turning into a slime.

Wildfire Pillar. Zane balls one of his fist with him cocking it back and forth. He fires a massive beam/pillar of his fist toward the target. This beam scorches the air, water boils upon contact with it, and other things happen when touching these flames. Upon hitting the beam, it leaves a smoking and cauterized wound. Whenever Zane is pissed, this attack’s power is increased with the temperature around Zane becoming unbearable. Zane can make both of his arms into fire with him throwing two pillars ,being at least ten times bigger than the normal pillar, toward his target. If the target hits by this, not even their ashes remain.   

Wildfire Salvo. Zane turns one of his arms into his signature flames with it shining brightly. Zane shoots a huge amount of fire into the air and the fire that Zane creates is blinding. There is a very rare chance that an opponent will get blind by these flames. The fire forms into a giant sun above Zane with the clouds around the sun vaporizes upon getting close to the extremely hot flames. Zane claps with the sun forming into several spears of flames. The spears comes down on a group of target with the entire area covered in flames.

Wildfire Sphere. This attack is connected to Wildfire Overdrive but can be used without it. This attack is related to Zenith Sphere being that this attack has elements of Zenith Sphere but it isn’t a variation. Zane first makes a Zenith Sphere ,being a monochrome color either black, silver, or white, being that it’s the size of a baseball. This is somewhat different than Zenith Sphere since most Zenith Spheres are usually the size of a basketball, beach ball, or volleyball. Zane covers the sphere in his signature fire with him compressed it around the sphere, looking like a cloak of some sort. Embers coming off the sphere. Upon Zane ready to throw it, he draws his arm back with him throwing it toward his strength. Upon reaching the target, Zane cups his fingers together which makes a powerful explosion of fire. This makes a massive amount of destruction, leaving a large amount of embers behind.

Wildfire Slash. Zane turns one of his legs into his signature flames with it shining. Every step that he takes with his flaming foot burns into the dirt itself. Zane plants his non flaming leg right into the ground and swings the flaming leg in a roundhouse kick. Upon doing that, a giant arc of fire races forward and hits an target. Whatever inorganic objects touch these flames, they instantly burn and die. Whatever organic objects touch these flames, they get sent flying and have a burning feeling.

Worthy Arrow. This is a signature attack belonging to Terminus Riposte and Vitality Guardian but can be done outside of it. Zane begins to focus molten gold energy and transforms this gathered up energy into an arrow. Zane can fire a single arrow or rapid fire storm of arrows from it with each arrow packing a serious punch. With the storm of arrows, it's extremely hard to dodge given the amount of them. He's able to add extra properties such as different type of elements or energies to it making it’s power more deadly. Due to how deadly the storm of arrows can be, Zane tends to not use it whenever he's in a city or populated area due to him not wanting to get innocent beings involved. This attack is up there for the title of Zane’s strongest offensive attack.

Zenith Blast. Zane created this attack and it’s one of his signature attacks alongside the rest of the Zenith attacks. Zane focus his energy into any part of his body being that it can be any part of his body. Zane focus his energy into a sphere in front of him being that it’s a highly concentrated object of energy. Zane turns the sphere into a beam that is sent right at his target. This attack can either knockout humans or destroy mountains depending on how much power Zane puts in. He can fire a Zenith Blast being that this one can easily level battlefield and warps space-time. The drawback to this attack is that it takes a good amount of time to charge and his stamina is draining with several usages in a row.

Zenith Sphere. This attack alongside Zenith Punch, Zenith Slash, Zenith Smash, and Zenith Spear are often seen as Zane’s signature moves. This set of attacks makes him infamous throughout the Omniverse. This was his first unique attack due to him being the only Zero to ever use this. Leif ,the creator of the Zero system, says that this attack is Zane and vise versa. Zane used a prototype version of an attack before his training on the archipelago. Zane mastered the sphere right alongside Zenith Slash, Zenith Smash, Zenith Spear, and several other things while in that group of islands. This took twenty one months but this group of islands are outside of time being that each month in the archipelago is fifty years long on the island. He says that this attack can be taught and used by anyone but it’s hard to master. Zane says that this attack doesn’t require any specific source being that it can be made out of a natural element ,from the user, or and energy. This attack is a combination of both superpowers Ball Projection and Wave Motion Blast. This attack can be small, medium, or large depending on the user. Zane says that constant training with the attack makes the user better at controlling how strong and big it gets. This attack has the potential of being the strongest in the entire Omniverse but it all depends on the user. This attack requires a lot of training and extreme control of one’s self and being, something that a few people can truly do. This attack works if the user have a huge amount of energy inside of them. This is shown when Zane was teaching Team Natsu. They could do it on a weaker level due to none of them have no control of themselves. This attack can be used by anyone but it’s hard to master. The main way of teaching this attack is through four ,easy at first but hard to master, steps. Step 1: Gathering. The student gathers/charges up energy ,with Zane picking one of his inner energies, most of the time in either hand. It depends on which hand the student uses the most. People ,who are ambidextrous, are able to gather energy into either hand but it doesn’t make what hand you use but the attack is better if the energy gathered is in the student’s more used hand. Zane ,the creator, uses his left hand to create the attack but he can use the right hand or hands that he can create using his powers. Step 2: Compression. Upon completing Step 1, the student must turn the energy into a solid shape and it can be any shape. Zane says that it depends on the user but the most common shape is a sphere which gives it its name. The teacher tells them to go deep inside of their mind to create the shape and hold it for five minutes. If it breaks, they try again. Unlike with Zenith Slash, Zane tends to distract his students during this step because no one can learn Zenith Slash. Step 3: Strength. Upon completing Step 1 and 2, the student has to combine both steps to generate and turn the energy construct into a solid state. This step along with the last one are the ones that most students struggle with this. Zane says that most people don’t have the focus to generate the energy and turn the energy into a solid state at the exact same time. It can either have the strength of being hit by a pillow of feathers or elephant. He uses the former to not hurt his opponents and the latter he does against his enemies. Step 4: Firing. The student or Zane generates a shape that they want and slams it on the target or it can be fired from their stronger hand. The former is done more often being that they can’t figure out Step 3. Zane can do this with his finger but he tends to do the hands by choice. It can be any color or element but it depends on the user at hand. This final step is by far the most difficult being that only a few can master it such as the Alvarez Family. Zenith Sphere is an expert at creating a huge amount of damage and destruction. This is Zane’s default way of attacking being that he finds it fun to do but he can also use it as a makeshift flashlight. The power can be a simple explosion to a massive pillar of energy. It’s always concussive and depending on the user, it can deliver elemental damage. It’s also great at rapid fire attacks depending on the user. Most people make the normal one but Zane’s an expert of making several different variations of the attack. He can also make several different types of Zenith Sphere due to him having several different energies inside of him. He can combine two energies to make a powerful sphere and he can fire several of them with ease. It’s color depends on what energy that Zane uses. Animus would make it purple, Mojo would make it black, normal Nether would make it green, Primordial would make it turquoise, Rainbow Nether would make it a rainbow color, and Tyrannus Nether would make it crimson red. Zane’s perfected Zenith Sphere can be sent flying away but if Zane charges and aimed just right, his target is sent flying away and the ground ,below the target, is completely destroyed. Arctic Zenith Sphere. This Zenith Sphere can only be done whenever he’s in Arctic Shift. Zane makes a normal Zenith Sphere ,using one of his many types of energy, with him covering the sphere in the ice that covers his body. Zane rushes toward his target and he slams it into them, causing a massive explosion of frost that flash freezes everything in the area except for Zane. This variation tends not to be thrown since if it hits anything, it will explode. Attraction Zenith Sphere. Zane creates a normal Zenith Sphere out of his signature turquoise candy syrup. This makes the sphere very sticky to the touch. He throws/slams the sphere into his opponent being that the sphere explodes upon the target and covers the target in the candy syrup, immobilizing them. This sphere is the only variation of Zenith Sphere that doesn’t do damage but can be used to detain an opponent. Baryon Zenith Sphere. Zane gathers up Baryon with him creating a huge Zenith Sphere and he tosses it toward the target. Despite its size with it being around the small size of Colossal Zenith Sphere, it moves at the speed of light. Upon contact, it makes a huge explosion of energy. This leaves behind a huge and heavily scorched crater. Bond Zenith Sphere. This Zenith Sphere is created by Zane whenever he thinks about the bond he has made with his families and friends over his entire life. Another way for him to do this is by gathering up Impulse from the area around him. This sphere's size is depending on how strong the bond is or how much Impulse there is around him. Zane can either throw it or slam it into his target being that he can send them flying by a powerful explosion. To make sure the powerful attack hits, Zane can also use Direct Transportation to hit the target with the sphere without giving them a chance to dodge it. It can easily destroy a massive wall of a fortress and can destroy an army in a matter of minutes. This sphere has enough power to obliterate a planet if Zane isn't careful. Colossal Zenith Sphere. This attack is rather simple since overall, it’s just a bigger Zenith Sphere. This variation was created this when he was training his Zenith Sphere when he was in his late teens since Zane wanted to see how big he could it make. However upon its creation, it accidentally destroyed one of his training ground’s mountains. This was due to Zane tripping on a rock. It’s destructive power is far beyond the original Zenith Sphere and can’t be thrown like the regular Zenith Sphere. He can use his clones to focus the energy so he can throw it. Zane can make a massive army of clones all create Colossal Zenith Spheres and turn into a wave of energy with this making a massive explosion. Decomposing Zenith Sphere. This Zenith Sphere variation functions a bit different compared to the rest of the Zenith Sphere variations. Zane makes two turquoise Primordial energy snakes with each snake covering one of his arms. These snakes have a burnt orange vein like pattern on them. Zane sends the snakes flying toward his target with them missing at first. However, the snakes eventually captures them. They’re unable to move and can't stop Zane from throwing a massive black Mojo Zenith Sphere toward his captured target, causing a massive explosion. If the massive black Zenith Sphere hits anything that isn’t living, it gets turn to dust. If it touches anything living, it makes a massive explosion. Double Zenith Sphere. Zane creates two Zenith Spheres with him holding one in each hand and he can use these dual spheres for several different options. Zane can throw this duo toward two targets at the same time, hit a target with both spheres at the same time, or block attacks by covering part of his body in the Zenith Sphere. With each attack blocked, it makes the Zenith Sphere grow stronger. Electron Zenith Sphere. This Zenith Sphere can only be done whenever he's in Electron Tempo. Zane makes a normal Zenith Sphere ,using one of his many types of energy, with him covering the sphere in the electricity that covers his body. It makes a noticeable cracking sound. Zane holds the sphere with him disappearing in the blink of an eye and reappears in front of his target, slamming the sphere into the target. The target is hit with the electricity with there being a loud crackling sound upon impact. This sphere has the potential to pierce a target, causing death upon contact due to the sphere piercing the heart. If Zane destroys to throw the sphere, it moves at an incredible speed and explodes upon contact. It makes a massive knock back. If thrown, this sphere will never pierce a target. Eradication Zenith Sphere. Zane creates two medium-size Zenith Spheres appear above both of his hands with him fusing them together to form a massive Zenith Sphere. Zane throws the sphere down on his target, causing total annihilation. Before the target gets hit, Zane can decrease or increase its size by snapping his fingers several times in a row. This is done by Zane using Expansion and Shrinkage. Heavy Zenith Sphere. Heavy Zenith Sphere. Zane makes a normal Zenith Sphere with it being a bigger and heavier than a normal one. However unlike Colossal Zenith Sphere, it weighs a ton. Due to this, Zane tends to throw it very much like a bowling ball right toward a target. He can throw it like a baseball but tends to throw it like a bowling ball because of its heavy. It causes a massive explosion upon contact. Innovation Zenith Sphere. Zane makes a massive Zenith Sphere appear with this sphere being bigger than Colossal Zenith Sphere. Upon slamming it into anything, it makes a massive energy shock wave which sends any of his enemies flying. Ravaging Zenith Sphere. This variation of Zenith Sphere is different compared to every other Zenith Sphere. Zane focuses energy into creating a Zenith Sphere around his entire body and it looks like a hamster ball made out of Impulse. Upon creating said sphere, he launches himself toward a target. It hurts upon contact and Zane leaving the energy sphere, causing it to explode afterwards. He created this variation around the time of the Z.E.R.O. Watch being in its self-destruction mode. Rotating Zenith Sphere. This Zenith Sphere works best when Zane makes or has multiple hands. Each one of these hands make a Zenith Sphere appear with the energy spinning in its sphere form. Upon creating all of them, Zane throws them toward a target. They usually used for confusing his target since they don’t know which attack to dodge. However, all of these spheres are supposed to miss. During that confusion, Zane forms a massive Zenith Sphere ,with the sphere being bigger than a Colossal Zenith Sphere and its big brother Innovation Zenith Sphere, and he slams the target into it hard by using the created hands who grab the smaller Zenith Spheres each into the target. Satanic Zenith Sphere. For this variation to work, Zane needs to be in Satanic Corruption. It can work outside of the technique but it hits harder in Satanic Corruption. Zane holds out both of his hands side by side with open palms as his power surged in between them. It just growing and growing with stopping. The steel gray sphere is formed with an molten gold outline. There were cracks all over the sphere, royal blue Carnal is coming out in bursts. The power that the sphere was radiating was too much. He tossed the sphere toward an object with the explosion lasting for several minutes and extremely blinding. After the explosion clear, nothing is left standing. Terrestrial Zenith Sphere. Zane creates a Colossal Zenith Sphere ,in terms of power but not its size, in his hand with it being surrounded by seven normal sized Zenith Sphere. These smaller spheres are like a moon rotating around the planet. Zane throws it right toward his target with the seven Zenith Spheres flying right toward the target to confuse them. However in their confusion, they get hit by the massive energy sphere. It makes a wave like explosion and opponents ,even with powerful regeneration powers, takes a long time to heal back from this attack. Vibration Zenith Sphere. This variation is very strong with him aiming one of his arms forward and aimed toward his target. He can grab onto his arm with his other hand. This action is used for support and aiming his attack just right. It fires out a massive Zenith Sphere made out of Vibration. It moves in a straight line and can be used easily dodged because of that. It makes a massive explosion of sound and sends anything in its range flying away. Said explosion has a noticeable bass sound to it upon impact. When he created this variation, it destroyed a forest being that several animals ,who lived in the forest, weren’t happy with him about their home being destroyed. Compared to most Zenith Sphere variations, it works as a bomb. Zenith Elemental Sphere. Zane can combine two different energies into a single Zenith Sphere. This variation was made possible thanks to Sivarth since the Akostar helped him achieve this by focusing on combining two different type energies even if they clash such as Animus and Nether. It eventually worked after several failed attempts aka a very powerful explosion if it failed. He gathers up two energies in his body and he makes a sphere combining the two energies. The Zenith Sphere is the combination of two energies. Comparing it to his normal Zenith Sphere, this variation takes more energy from him than normal. This attack is very deadly being that he doesn’t teach this variation unless Zane can teach to those he trusts and those who have two different types of Impulse. Zane can throw this attack like the Zenith Sphere but he needs to focus on the projectile or it disappears in a matter of seconds. It really does depend on how long he charges for or what energies he fused together. Zenith Sphere Banquet. After cupping his hands together, Zane creates a sphere of Impulse made out of regular old Nether. This sphere is used as a cover since this Zenith Sphere variation has six smaller Zenith Spheres inside of it. One hexad of Zenith Spheres consist of the remaining eighteen energies that Zane uses. Group 1 has a Zenith Sphere made out of Air/Wind, Earth, Electricity, Fire, Ice, and Water inside of it. Group 2 has a Zenith Sphere made of Animus/Chaotic, Darkness, Liasada, Light, Rainbow Nether, and Tyrannus Nether. Group 3 has a Zenith Sphere made out of Akostar, Baryon, Carnal, Mojo, Primordial, and Vibration. After all six spheres appears, Zane launches the Nether sphere toward a target. If the Nether sphere is hit, the six Zenith spheres inside of it are released and can attack six different targets at once. Zenith Sphere Detonation. By focusing Impulse into the palm of his hands, Zane creates a Zenith Sphere that glows brightly regardless of what kind of Impulse was used to create. Zane then slams the sphere directly into the ground and this creates a explosion that destroys the area around up. The sphere can be charged up with Impulse to either increase its size which in turn creates a bigger explosion or works as a timer that explodes after a certain period of time has passed or after Zane gives it the signal. This variation can work best as a way to surprise his targets. Zenith Sphere Disc. This variation on Zenith Sphere has Zane making a normal Zenith Sphere before flatting it into a disc like shape. The disc is a single color with the energy that was used to create it with a sharp “edge” of Impulse. This disc is able to slice through any substance and it’s similar to Archon Zero Buzzsaw. He’s able to fire a single disc with it multiply and catching his opponent off guard, hitting them from all sides. Zane is able to control each disc with just a single thought and it’s impossible to dodge since it locks into a being’s Impulse signature. Zenith Sphere Wave. Compared to the other Zenith Sphere variation, this version is more of an energy beam compared to the focused Zenith Sphere or energy ball projection. Zane focus his energy into the palm of his hands and he fires out an explosive beam of energy. Zane is able to control the beam and make it chase after his target, causing an massive explosion upon contact. The explosion can make a mushroom cloud if charged for long enough. The shockwave from this beam can blind people who weren’t expecting it and can destroy a moon-size object with ease. He can focus into his feet being that he can use it to launch himself into the air or surprise his opponent by firing it from his feet with the beam aim downwards. He can use one hand or two being that if he charges up his energy, he can make a massive beam being very hard to dodge due to its size. Zane can charge up a beam and warp behind/in front of his opponent to trick them and blast them without any warning. This variation can be drained if used multiple times in a row and have enough destructive power equal to an nuclear explosion if the beam is charged for long enough.

Weapon Attacks: (82). No attacks that start with I, J, N, O, Q, U, X, and Y.
Abyssal Stream. Zane covers his blade in water and rushes toward a target with a lethal intent, going in for the kill. The water ,around the blade, forms into a strange blue shark like creation. Once Zane gets close enough to the target, he launches the shark toward the target. The fish explodes upon contact, covering the area in water. The water eventually forms around the target and bind them in tendrils of water. While the target is trying to break out of these water tendrils, Zane slices them with his sword. Another way of doing this attack is Zane slamming his sword into the ground and having several water tendrils coming out of the ground around the target. This wraps around the target and has them getting sliced.   

Akostar Tornado. Zane grabs his sword with him covering it in crimson red cosmic energy and swings his blade forward. This releases several crescent shaped blades in all directions around Zane. This attack can huge destruction and tends to be used outside rather than indoors. If done outside, the blades causes the ground to have deep gauges in whatever they touch.

Akuma Requiem. This attack is very similar to Beast Howl and Dragon Yell except it uses two swords rather than one. Zane holds a sheathed sword in each of his hand with him rushing toward a target. He moves at an insane speed being that it’s hard to see unless you’ve trained to see a fast moving object. Upon reaching the target, he unsheathed his swords and slashes his target in an “X'' shaped pattern. This isn’t noticeable until Zane appears behind the target and sheaths his sword. The target’s eyes usually roll into the back of the head and they fall to the ground over in pain.

Armament Slash. Zane holds out his hands with him focusing his Impulse outwards and this energy makes a solid shape, forming a protective aura around Zane. The color of this aura matches the color of Vulcan Emperor. Upon the aura being around Zane for about a minute, Zane makes one of his sword appear and the aura covers it. Upon the aura appearing over his sword, he's able to do one of two things. Zane can throw his sword toward his target with the aura forming a dragon, causing an explosion upon impact. The second option is that Zane makes the sword spin around in a circle, forming a wheel like shape. The sword goes toward the target, tearing through everything that comes in contact with the sword.   

Arctic Sever. Zane activates Arctic Shift with him grabbing two of his swords and covers them in frost. He charges toward his target with him unleashing two horizontal or vertical slashes onto his target. Upon contact, the target is frozen solid thanks to a gigantic blizzard hitting them from all sides. Instead of releasing the blizzard upon contact with the enemy, Zane can unleash the blizzard to defend himself from attacks coming from all sides. If Zane doesn't want to use his swords, he can make two ice swords instead.

Baryon Onslaught. This attack has Zane gathering up Baryon with this energy primarily focused into his hands and upon holding his hands above him, the gathered up energy begins to focus all around him and covers him in an aura of Baryon energy. He charges toward his target with him reappearing behind the target and right above them. He then makes a massive sword made out of Baryon and brings the blade down onto the target. This sword cuts anything in its path and creates a massive explosion upon impact. Zane consists this to be a weapon based attack. He’s able to do this outside of Albion or but it has less power.

Beast Howl. Zane holds one of his sword to his side with this sword being sheathed and ignores all other sounds around him. Zane listens for something and when he hears it, he moves. Zane unsheathes his sword with him launching an slash faster than his target can see him. Zane sheathes the sword with him whistling and the target falls to the ground defeated with them getting slashed by Zane.

Billion Blade Storm. Zane takes a deep breath with him gripping two of his swords tight in each hand. Zane slash the air in front of him releasing two air blades out. To normal people, this move would been seen as weak but they slowly gain strength upon being releasing. These two blades transform into several copies of them making several air blades. These blades swarm the targets causing a lot of damage in the process. This attack works better on a group than a single opponent.

Calamity Pulverize. This attack can only be done by Oathbreaker or by Zane using something as a hammer. He grabs the hammer with him spinning faster and faster in his hands. Zane charges toward a target ,at an incredible, speed, while dodging anything that could stop him. His hammer or the hammer like object in Zane’s hand is spinning so fast that it looks like a disc. He swings the weapon down on his target and it hits hard. It makes a six-inch wide and twelve feet long crack in the ground around the impact. This attack had a chance to miss but if it does, the ground shatters around the hammer. He can also swing it horizontally, striking with incredible force. This impact can break through most defense with ease.

Cataclysmic Slash. Zane gathers flames ,from either generating fire or his Hellfire Emperor Spells, to cover his sword in an bright, fiery aura. He rushes toward a target with him being able to either slash his target with an up close attack or energy slash like Zenith Slash. He can make his energy slash go either horizontal or vertical. Upon hitting the target, the target burns. Another way for Zane to use this attack is by drawing his blade and slashes his opponent like a normal sword strike. After connecting with the strike, the opponent is engulfed in flames and they are burned. This way is to trick his opponent into thinking that it's just a normal attack rather than an elemental attack.

Cataclysmic Wave. In the same fashion as Cataclysmic Slash, Zane imbues his sword with fire and the blade has a fiery aura over it. After the fire appears, Zane spins around at high speed to create either a fiery tornado or an arc of fire to form around him. The fiery tornado works as a barrier, preventing anyone from touching him without getting burned in the process. This tornado can appear above or below the target with its position depending on if Zane performs the attack in the air or on the ground respectively. The arc works for offense since it can hit everything around Zane. 

Climactic Clash. Zane holds one of his sword in front of him with him gathering one or all of his energies into the blade. The blade glows that color if he uses one energy but if he uses all of his energies at once, the blade glows molten gold and steel gray. This attack takes a while to charge up depending on how many types of energies he uses. If he uses one energy, this doesn’t take as long. If he uses two or more energies, this takes a good amount of time. Upon covering the blade in the energy, the cutting power of the blade is increased being that the pressure alone can knock out people with weaker wills similar to Empyrean Will. Zane rushes toward his target being that he slashes the target upon getting close. The target don’t have any indication of being slashed at first but they are slashed more than hundred times. This attack works the best with Lazarus Soul’s true form since he can easily gather up more than one type of energy into the blade faster than he would if he used a different sword. If Zane uses Lazarus Soul's true form, each slice causes a shockwave upon contact.

Clover Counteraction. Zane unsheathed his sword with him holding his sword in front of his face. Zane vanishes from the target’s sight with him reappearing a good feet away from the target. Zane slowly sheaths his sword slowly until there is a large click sound coming from the blade. Upon the sword being fully sheathed, the target is slashed multiple times. The cuts from the sword form a seven leaf clover like shape on the target and on the ground around the target.

Corkscrew Fracture. Zane holds one of his swords out in front of him with him rushing toward an target. On the way there, Zane begins to slice the air in a rapid fashion. With each slash, it creates either a horizontal and vertical air slash. These air slashes are used to distract the target while Zane delivers the main slash onto the target.

Discharging Sword Outbreak. Zane swings his sword rapidly in front of him with him firing off several air slashes hitting the target. These slashes are used to distract a target with Zane finishes off this attack using a single focused attack that hurts.

Dividing Slash. Zane grabs one or two of his swords with him slashing the air in front of him either an downward “X” motion or upward “X” motion. This creates an air slash which slice anything on his way to the target.

Dragon Yell. This attack is the stronger version of both Akuma Requiem and Beast Howl. It's often considered to be one of Zane's strongest attack and used for only truly powerful beings. Zane holds one of his sheathed sword and there are only two things on Zane's mind. His blade and target. Unlike Beast Howl, it can be used on multiple targets at once and uses Empyrean Will. Upon holding his sword horizontally, he begins focus Impulse into his blade and covering it in Vulcan Emperor's scales. After the scales appear, Zane unsheathes the sword with black ,with a crimson red outline, lightning comes out of the blade. There is also a indigo aura around the blade. Zane looks at his target and he says,"I figured out your Fatal Flaw!". Upon saying this, Zane can do one of two things. The first thing Zane does is that he charges toward his target ,moving at a speed similar to a lightning bolt, and cuts them down with incredible force. The second option is that Zane swings his sword in any direction, creating a highly-pressurized crescent shaped blade of Impulse that flies toward a target. Both options is that Zane can leave a scar on the target if he is serious and willing to kill.  It can also be used to cut a mountain in half with and destroy anything in its path. Rubble and trees are sent flying mainly when he does the second option. 

Electron Sever. Zane activates Electron Tempo with him grabbing two of his swords and covers them in electricity. He charges toward his target with him unleashing two horizontal or vertical slashes onto his target. Upon contact, the target is shocked by two large lightning bolts that hits them from all sides. Instead of releasing the lightning bolts upon contact with the target, Zane can unleash the lightning bolts to cover him in a circle. This defends him from attacks coming from all sides. If Zane doesn't want to use his swords, he can make two swords of electricity appear instead.

Emerald Melody. Zane focus any type of energy into his blade and by doing this, it emerald energy barrier to form around the sword. The barrier's normal shape is usually a turtle shell. This barrier can easily block punch or any kind of damage toward Zane. Zane can throw the sword toward someone, protecting them from a distance as the barrier forms around them.

Force Slash. This attack is extremely destructive with it making everything tremble in its wake. Zane says that anyone can learn this attack but it takes time to master it. Zane focus one of his energies into his sword. By doing this, it leaks out waves of energy from his sword. Zane makes a slash ,being vertical, on his target and it releases shockwaves of energy which slice through everything.

Frenzy Slash. Zane flies into the air and he comes down to slash his target several times. These slashes are so fast that not even a fighter who can counter things moving at light speed can stop a single one. Zane jumps back with him firing an energy blast at the target, sending them flying away.

Frost Slash. Zane gathers frost/ice ,from either generating ice or his Permafrost Emperor Spells, to cover his sword in a bright, freezing aura. He rushes toward a target with him being able to either slash his target with an up close attack or energy slash like Zenith Slash. He can make his energy slash go horizontal or vertical. Upon hitting the target, the target is frozen. Another way for Zane to use this attack is by drawing his blade and slashes his opponent like a normal sword strike. After connecting with the strike, the opponent is engulfed in ice and they are frozen solid. This way is to trick his opponent into thinking that it's just a normal attack rather than an elemental attack.

Frost Wave. In the same fashion as Frost Slash, Zane imbues his sword with ice and the blade has a thin layer of frost covering it. The sword can freeze the ground around it within a twenty or more meter radius if Zane wants and there is a deathly chill going throughout the area. Zane vanishes from his target and reappears behind the target. Upon reappearing, the target is hit with a chill throughout its body. The target is then frozen in a giant ice cube and unable to break out of it.

Galactic Wave. This attack is seen a weaker version of Zenith Slash but it’s still very powerful. Zane covers his sword or blade with his soul's energy. This gives it a steel gray cosmic aura. Zane swings his sword back with him swiping the air in front of him. By doing this, this releases out a powerful burst of energy from his blade toward his target. The energy consume the target from all sides being that this attack works better on evil beings. It completely destroys them. This attack is very much telegraphic and makes it possible to be dodge but it’s very hard to dodge.

Hundred Dragon Ton Smash. Zane holds two of his swords out in front of him with him firing off ten air compressed projectile attacks. The attacks transforms into dragons that slowly surround the target. It hits from all sides instead of one side and launches the target into the air.

Karmic Spiral. Zane covers one of his blades in Mojo with him beginning to spin at an incredible speed and slowly releases waves of Mojo. This creates a whirlpool of Mojo around Zane with this whirlpool toss away any nearby attacks and deflect any powerful attacks if it comes in contact with the Mojo whirlpool. This attack is incredibly useful when surround by multiple enemies. It also deals noticeable damage to any being that's caught inside of the whirlpool that Zane deems to be an enemy. This whirlpool's size depends on how much Mojo Zane has put into his sword. While he's spinning, Zane's blade glows brighter. Once Zane stops spinning, his sword releases a demon like construct from it and heads toward a target. Upon hitting the target, the demon sends them into the air and transforms a tornado of Mojo which hurts the target upon contact.

Lethal Strike. Zane jumps into the air toward his target with him slashing his target with his sword upon getting close. The force behind the strike is very strong and can easily send the target flying away.

Millennium Large-Scale Laceration. Zane grabs one of his swords with him rushing toward a target. Zane lands several extremely fast slashes on the target with his target unable to feel or see them coming. This attack takes a matter of moments but the target is cut to pieces and it’s hard to dodge due to Zane moving so fast.

Million Dragon Ton Smash. Zane holds two of his swords right in front of him with him making all of his other swords appear in front of him. With all of his swords, Zane fires off a million air compressed projectile attacks. All of these attacks turn into dragons that surround the target. This attack can cut through anything even diamond.

Molecular Slash. This is an extremely powerful attack which can be used in a variety of ways. All of these ways begin with Zane gathering Impulse into his blade. As the Impulse is gathered into the blade, it slowly glows molten gold with a hint of steel gray. The first way is Zane slashing at the air in front of his target and each slash slowly draws in Impulse from the surrounding area. The gathered up Impulse forms hundred of tiny Impulse blades around the main blade. After gathering enough Impulse blades, Zane swings one more time and launches the gathered Impulse blades toward a target. Due to the amount and size of them, it's virtually impossible for an opponent to fully dodge the attack. The smaller blades are strong enough to cut an opponent to pieces or disable them. The second way is instead of slashing the air in front of his target, the gathered up Impulse slowly removes itself from Zane's sword and forms the hundred of tiny Impulse blades which heads toward a target after Zane swings the sword a single. It also creates a noticeable whirlwind as well and this is used to distract the target from the tiny Impulse blades. The third way is Zane not releasing any Impulse blades and only does a single slash ,either up close or through an crescent shaped energy wave, down on his target and it causes noticeable damage as well. It also makes a powerful shockwave upon contact. The strength of this slash can be felt from several meters away and this slash is slicing through reality itself. The third way works best on powerful beings such as Akostars and those with power equal to the gods above. 

Plasma-Doused Slash. Zane makes two of his swords appear with him slashes his target several times. These slashes don’t leave behind any cuts on the target but an invisible thread wraps around his target. After this, Zane says,"My anger is the worst part about me but that makes me the man I am today. You should fear my anger just like everyone else who makes me mad so goodbye.". Zane gets rid of his swords with his target getting slashed repeatedly by the invisible thread.

Predatory Tempest. Zane covers parts of his body ,usually with whatever weapon that he happens to be holding, in the same Impulse that seen in Predator State. He began to spin around a certain area ,like a top or dreidel, and releases out numerous flying slashes that consisted of the energy that Zane just summoned. Anything that comes in contact with these slashes have their Impulse taken and added to Zane while dealing damage at the same time.

Rapid Utopia. Zane focus Vulcan Emperor or Vulcan Force ,depending on how durable the target is, into his swords and charges toward his target. For crowds, he slices down anyone or anything in his path. For a single opponent, Zane jumps toward his target and performs two slashes upon getting close to the target. One is a powerful diagonal slash ,with one of his blades, and a powerful vertical slash ,with the other blade, onto his target. This attack has immense power but lacks range.

Redirection Crosscut. This attack is mainly used for defense but can be used for offensive as well. By spinning one of his blades in either a clockwise or counter clockwise fashion, he slowly creates a small vortex of wind around his sword and himself. For defense, this vortex can block anything that comes in contact with and sends it back to its owner. For offense, Zane can send the vortex of wind toward a target and send them flying. 

Ruinous Groove. Zane stabs his sword into the ground with this action confusing his target. By doing this, a small magic circle made out of Impulse appears and this circle is similar to the tattoo that appears on Zane whenever he uses Liasada. In time, the target slowly losing their will to fight and this is due to Zane's sword draining them of their energy. The draining only last for up to an one hour since the energy slowly comes back to them. However before their energy is restored, it’ll be too late since Zane has already slashed down the enemy using another blade. This attack can be stopped by removing Zane's first sword from the ground and this removes the circle.

Satanic Extinction. Like Satanic Escutcheon and Siege, this move can be used outside of Satanic Corruption and it doesn’t lose any of its power in the process. Zane focuses royal blue Carnal around his body and the energy shapes into a demon like aura around Zane. Upon the aura appearing, Zane charges toward his target. He slashes his target with his sword, creating a powerful shockwave alongside a slash. This sends the target back a great distance. Zane can also focus the energy into his sword and perform a swing to send an energy slash toward the target.       

Satanic Meteoroid. Zane activates Satanic Corruption with him looking at something and locking onto it. He makes one of his swords appear or create a blade out of carnal. He charges toward the object he locked onto and nothing can stop him once locking onto something. Even running away is impossible since Zane can change direction regardless of his speed. Any attempt to stop him is stopped by Zane with the Carnal that he uses in this form devours it upon contact.  This move can be used outside of Satanic Corruption without any noticeable drawback. 

Satanic Siege. Like Satanic Escutcheon and Extinction, this move can be used outside of Satanic Corruption and it doesn't lose any of its power in the process. This attack requires two swords to do. He spins and stab one sword into the ground in front of him. This create a small earthquake that destroys anything in its path. He puts the first sword back in his pocket dimension and makes the second sword appear. He covers the second sword in royal blue Carnal and he tosses said blade toward a target. The sword can be move around on its own if they are sentient or by Zane's telekinesis. Whatever gets sliced by the sword getting completely covered in Carnal and this Carnal spreads to anything around it. After catching the sword, Zane snaps his fingers and this causing an explosion to any carnal created by the second sword.  

Scourge Vortex. Zane grabs his sword with him swinging the blade in a circle around him. This creates a wave of Impulse that hits all targets. Right after the first slash, Zane began swinging his blade with him rapidly creating several omni-directional energy slashes that can hit anything that moves.

Separating Fissure. Zane grasp his sword with both hands being that it’s very much like a Kendo move. Zane brings the sword down with enough force to do one of several different options. Zane can either make the slash go from the jaw and across their body being that he uses it on not living creatures or instant regeneration. It goes straight down the middle. It can be precise and swift slash being that its one of Zane’s most powerful slice. 

Shocking Slash. Zane gathers up electricity ,from either generating electricity/lightning or his Thunder Emperor Spells, to cover his sword in a bright, aura of electricity. He rushes toward a target with him being able to either slash his target with an up close attack or energy slash like Zenith Slash. He can make his slash go horizontal or vertical. Upon hitting the target, the target is shocked. Another way for Zane to use this attack is by drawing his blade and slashes his opponent like a normal sword strike. After connecting with the strike, the opponent is engulfed in electricity and they are shocked completely. This way is to trick his opponent into thinking that it's just a normal attack rather than an elemental attack.  

Shocking Wave. In the same fashion as Shocking Slash, Zane imbues his sword with electricity and the blade has electricity covering it. Zane aims his blade at a target with a stream of electricity coming out of it. This hits the target and can spread to hit multiple targets at once.   

Silent Lotus. After slowly unsheathing his sword, Zane holds out his sword with him performing a sword slice ,at any angle, at speeds that can’t be tracked by normal eyes. To the target, they’re confused by this with Zane reappearing behind the target. He sheath his sword, causing the target to cut several times much to their shock.

Silent Penetration. Zane walks toward his target with his blade held to either the left or right side of his body. The target tries to attack Zane but he just dodges anything that comes in his way by moving left or right. Zane walks behind the target ,leaving nothing there, and he stops until he’s a couple of feet away from the target. Zane turns around with him holding his sword out in front of him. The target or targets get slashed with multiple attacks within a single second. Zane can pick if the attack will kill or stop a target.

Snake Clan: Apprehending Slice. Zane focus energy into his blade. He eventually sends the energy out of the blade toward his opponents and the energy forms into snakes. The snakes slowly latch onto the target, draining them of their energy. Before they can get rid of the snakes covering their body, Zane slices them and launching them back a couple of feet. This attack works best with Espada but can be used by other swords as well.

Snake Clan: Ascending Slice. Zane focus energy into his blade with it mainly focused at the tip of the blade. He rushes toward his target and he slices the target with an upward slice. He send the target into the air and he uses this attack for a combo move. This attack works best with Espada but can be used by other swords as well. 

Snake Clan: Corkscrew Slice. Zane rushes toward his opponent at blinding speed with him appearing behind them. He makes the blade slice his target from all sides by going around them in a circular fashion like a tornado and sends them flying through the air. He jumps into the air with him performing a vertical slice that slices through the target and sends them flying toward the ground. This attack works best with Espada but can be used by other swords as well.

Snake Clan: Detonating Slice. Zane focus fire into his blade, covering the sword in fire. He spins the blade around himself in a circular motion and creates a ring of fire. He sends the ring of fire toward the target with the ring capturing the target. Zane holds his blade and upon putting it back in his sheath, the flames cause a massive explosion and burns them. This attack works best with Espada but can be used by other swords as well.

Snake Clan: Final Slice. This attack is famous since it was often seen as the Snake Elder Eros’s finishing move in battle. Zane focus his Impulse into his blade with him pausing time for up to a single minute. For each second, Zane slices the air in front of him and his target. After each slice, an energy crescent/snake shaped slashes is created and sent flying toward the target. Time returns back to normal with the target being unable to defend themselves against the energy slashes that they think appear from out of nowhere. This attack works best with Espada but can be used by other swords as well.

Snake Clan: Grotto Slice. Zane focus energy into his blade and slices the air in front of him. This attack doesn’t seem like it has done any damage to the target or anything but the ground below the target has disappeared. Several snakes come out of the ground and cover the target. These snakes made it impossible for the target to move or do anything. As the target is distracted by the snakes, Zane slices the target with the blade’s stored energy. Zane can turn the blade’s stored energy into a massive wave of snakes that can overpowered any attack. This attack works best with Espada but can be used by other swords as well.

Snake Clan: Hydra Slice. Zane focus energy into his blade with it slowly forming into a Yamata no Orochi ,a monstrous eight-headed and eight-tailed, construct around the blade. The heads travel toward a target and while the target is distracted by the snake heads, Zane slashes them with the sword. As this is going on, the snake heads strike the target to add an extra amount of damage. This attack works best with Espada but can be used by other swords as well.

Snake Clan: Plasma Slice. Zane focus energy into his blade with him slicing the air and this slash does nothing at all. The target is confused by this but from out of nowhere, two candy syrup tendrils erupt from the ground around the target. The tendrils instantly captures them and hardens, preventing any movement for a while. As the target tries to free themselves, Zane slices the target who is unable to do anything about it. This attack works best with Espada but can be used by other swords as well.

Snake Clan: Thermal Slice. Zane gathers energy into his blade with him making a fire snake come out of it. The fire snake surrounds his target with the heat keeping them from doing anything whatsoever. Whenever Zane feels the time is right, the fire snake turns into water and trapped the target in a giant bubble. Zane slices the bubble with a horizontal and vertical slash in unison. The bubble is destroyed and the target is hit with two slices. This attack works best with Espada but can be used by other swords as well.

Snake Clan: Venomous Slice. Zane covers his blade in a invisible poison and he sends the blade into the ground. The target is confused by this action. The blade travels through the ground moving left and right at incredible speeds. It comes up behind the target and slashes them like a snake would bit someone. The target is then unable to move and can’t do anything for up to an hour. The poison prevents the target from being killed. This attack works best with Espada but can be used by other swords as well.

Snake Clan: Ultimate Slash. Unlike the rest of the Snake Clan attacks, Zane tends to only use Espada for this attack. Zane starts this attack with him summoning Espada and charges toward his target. He jumps toward a target with him slashing the target with a horizontal and vertical slash at the same time. He does this by stretching the blade to perform two types of slashes at once. After that, Zane blasts the target into the air with an explosion of Primordial energy and Zane jumps after them. While Zane is in the air, he is covered by a energy aura that forms a snake. He slices the target upon contact with the snake devouring the target and causes a massive explosion.

Soaring Storm. Zane moves his sword ,in a circle, right in front of him with the blade glowing one of his element or energies color. After spinning the sword around, Zane holds his sword into the air. The target is impaled by several blades ,made out of energy, causing massive damage to the target and the area around the target. Another way of performing this attack is by performing a very quick horizontal slash going 360 degrees around his body. Anything within range of the attack will be cut clean through.

Spartan Puncture. Zane charges toward his target with him spinning like a top on the ground. While Zane is spinning, he covers his blade in Vulcan Emperor and Vulcan Force depending on how durable the target is. Zane jumps into the air with him looking like a buzz saw. He slashes his target with all of his swords at once and slices them up like a buzzsaw.

Stygian Slash. After closing his eyes, Zane takes a deep breath and sends out a wave of a Impulse. This wave works as a sonar. This sonar tells Zane where and how many beings there are. It also tells him if they are friend or foe. Upon gaining the information, Zane opens his eyes and moves his body into a certain stance. This stance has him moving his feet spread at a forty-five degree angle from each other. They were a shoulder distance apart and had his knees bent. He holds his sword with him covering it in darkness and the blade's metal shines through it. After gathering the darkness, Zane either does one of two things. The first thing is that Zane spins around and unleashes the gathered up darkness as a wave. This wave goes in all directions and slices through anything that it comes in contact with the wave. The second thing is that Zane disappears from his target's sight. While his target tries to locate him, Zane reappears and slices the target. This variation works on multiple opponents and this is done by moving from shadow to shadow.  

Sun Slash. This attack can only be done with a sword or bladed weapon. Zane slashes his target six times with him jumping back when he finishes the sixth slash. Zane charge any form of energy into his blade and once the sword is fully charged, it gains a molten golden glow. Zane aims the blade at the target with him slashes the air in front or behind the target. The target is slashed with a slash hot as the sun itself.

Supreme Severing. This attack conceals Zane's presence to the point of not even being detectable by any kind of sensory abilities. Zane gathers a good amount of Impulse into his blade with him performing a downward swing with his sword at full force. Even if his first attack miss, Zane is able to retrace its actions with another slash heading toward the target's blind spot. This slash can cut through anything that Zane wants and moves at an incredible speed.

Sword Overflow. This attack is a combination of misdirection in the form of Zenith Duplication. Zane throws one of his swords in the air and it floats above him. Upon snapping his fingers, several copies ,ranging from ten to a hundred plus, of the selected sword appears with them flying toward the ground at an incredible speed and toward his targets. Upon impact with the ground, they disperse into Impulse and Zane slashes the target with the main sword while they are distracted by the copies. The copies can still be used for an attack but they deal less damage compared to the main sword.

Ten Dragon Ton Smash. Zane holds one of his swords in front of him with him fires out an air compressed projectile attack. The attack turns into a dragon upon a few seconds and this can hit the target from the bottom, sides, or top. 

Thermal Slash. This attack is very similar to Snake Clan: Thermal Slice but instead of Zane using two clashing elements to strike down his opponent, Zane uses three. Zane rushes toward his target with him covering his blade in a fiery aura and slice a target in front of him. After the fiery slash, Zane instantly coats the blade in a freezing aura. He slices the air in front of him with him creating a wave of ice. As the target is distracted from the ice wave, Zane slashes the target with his sword covering in electricity.

Thousand Dragon Ton Smash. Zane holds two of his swords in front of him and he makes two more swords appear in front of him. Zane fires off several hundred air compressed projectile attacks at the target. These attacks turn into dragons that surround the target. Compared to his Hundred Dragon Ton Smash, this attack is much better for handling crowds.

Tornado Slash. Zane grabs his sword with him slashing the air in front of his target. This creates a pressurized slash of air. It can lift various vehicles into the air around the slash. Upon reaching the target, the target gets caught up into a tornado and launched into the air. The target crashes into the ground, creating a large Z-shaped crater behind.

Twilight Chateau. Zane holds his blade in front of him with him focusing energy into his blade and it glows bright depending on what energy he uses. Upon gathering enough energy, he sent numerous crescent shaped energy slashes toward his target. These slashes are used to incapacitate but not kill.

Tyrannus Scythe. Zane gathers a large scythe made of Tyrannus with him slicing his opponent in a single strike. It tends not to leave any external wounds. Zane can throw it at a target being used as rather effective against his target.

Tyrannus Spiral. This attack is considered by Zane to be a multipurpose attack with it being classification of physical, ranged, or weapon depending on its execution. Zane often uses it as a weapon attack since it deals the least amount of damage. To be considered a physical attack, Zane activates Tyrannus Aura and have it burst outwards. As the ten energy tails began spinning around, it creates shockwaves. These shockwaves are used to distract the target while Zane gathers and compresses Tyrannus Nether between his palm. Zane jumps into the air or charges toward his target, aiming his palm toward his target. Upon hitting the target, it makes a massive explosion that can create a column of dust that tower over most buildings, create a crater that's twenty feet wide and had a radius of five feet, and send a target flying back a good hundred feet. Inside the crater, the target can be there but only if Zane slams his palms into his target from the air. If Zane slams his palms into his target from the ground, the target is sent flying. To be considered a ranged attack, Zane gathers Tyrannus Nether within his body and unleashes it out of him. He creates a powerful destructive rotating blast of Nether and Zane shapes the blast into a drill. Zane launches it toward a target with the violent rotation of the drill tear anything near it apart even without touching it directly and hits with noticeable force. It can wipe out a massive force of enemies within second and have enough power to destroy a large building. To be considered a weapon attack, Zane focus Tyrannus Nether into his blade and begins to spin the sword clockwise at an incredibly speed. The energy forms a miniature spiral of energy. He toss his sword toward his target from either the air or ground with the latter option having the gathered up energy tearing through the ground. It delivers several cutting attacks upon contact and on its way to its target.

Velocity Slash. Zane makes a stance with him summoning three of his swords. Zane grabs two of them with his hands and the final one rest in his mouth. Zane rushes toward his target with him releasing a series of wide and long-ranged cuts on his target. This attack works better with a group rather a single target. The cuts can easily split apart massive bars made out of diamond.

Vulcan Emperor Kaiser Carnage. This attack can be done outside of Vulcan Emperor but it has less of an impact. Zane activates this and he rushes toward his target with Cardinal Etcher, Espada, Forsaken Dirge, Lazarus Soul (Regular or Evolved primarily the latter), Spectral Sun, and Striker. All of these blades are covered in Vulcan Emperor's scales. He slashes them up using all of the swords being that the effects of the attack doesn’t show up until much later. Zane later adds Fafnir to this attack.

Warp Slash. Zane either jumps into the air or runs toward a target with either option having Zane disappear from sight. The target looks for him but he reappears behind or in front of the target and slashes the target with his sword. This attack is great for making and starting combos with. Another variation is Zane reappearing but instead of slashing the target, he performs nine or ten very fast stabs. The last stab causes the foe to be propelled back a good distance away.

Wildfire Sever. Zane activates Searing Cowl with him grabbing two of his swords and covers them in flames. He charges toward his target with him unleashes two horizontal or vertical slashes onto his target. Upon contact, the target is burned by two fiery whirlpools that hits them from all sides. Instead of releasing the fiery whirlpools upon contact with the target, Zane can unleash the fiery whirlpool to cover him. This defends him from attacks coming from all sides. If Zane doesn't want to use his swords, he can make two swords of fire appear instead.   

Willpower Wave. Zane releases out Primordial energy from his sword with him stabbing the sword in the ground. This sends out waves of turquoise colored energy through the ground being that it can send him or his opponent upper high. Zane can send it out as a high-pressure air slash which can easily cut through things like butter.

Zenith Slash. This attack alongside Zenith Punch, Zenith Smash, Zenith Spear, and Zenith Sphere are often seen as Zane’s signature moves. This set of attacks makes him infamous throughout the Omniverse. Compared to the other four attacks, it doesn't seem to be very special at first. It's a typical slash projection and sword beam emission attack. He actually uses this attack ,in a sense, by using his control over the elements to strike from a distance. This attack mainly use one of his energies with it being extremely powerful. Despite this attack being a typical sword beam emission, Zenith Slash can’t be taught to anyone or copied. He says that this sword beam is also a laser beam emission, spatial slicing, and wave motion blast in one. He’s the only one who knows how to do this naturally being that it requires only a sword and an inner energy but it’s something else according to Zane. It’s hard to learned being that Kane ,who's connected to Zane’s Soul, can’t figure out how to start this attack up. Zane is the only one who knows how to do this. He shows this off being that it can be any size regardless of how big the sword is or how much energy Zane has at the time. He also says that it’s harder to execute in a rapid fire fashion compared to Zenith Sphere. It can be done but it takes a lot of him. This attack requires a sword to fully work being that it can’t be done without a sword in his hands. This attack shares a lot in common with Zenith Sphere being that it requires control of the user but slightly less than the sphere and requires his sword. This attack can be done in motion ,like Zenith Sphere, so it makes more accessible to Zane who likes to move around during a fight to keep his enemies in confusion. This attack requires the same amount of steps as Zenith Sphere being that Zane built this attack around Zenith Sphere. Step 1: Gathering. Zane gathers or charges up energy into his blade. He says that it doesn’t matter what type of sword that he uses but the one that you feel the most attached to. This is Lazarus Soul being that the blade is his soul. He can do this with two or more swords being that this starts up a stronger variation of Zenith Slash being very powerful. Step 2: Compression. Zane says that this step is very much like Zenith Sphere’s second step. He has to compact the gathered up energy being that it covered the sword in an aura. Zane did this by keeping the aura around the sword for five minutes. If it broke, he tried again. Zane told the animals ,that were living on the archipelago, to distract him which they did well according to Zane. If Zane finds someone who can use Zenith Slash, he’ll be distract them. Step 3: Strength. Zane now combines both steps 1 and 2 being that he now has to combine them together. He says that this is easier than Zenith Sphere being that they have to make any shape with it due to it gathering around his sword. He says that it can either be strong or weak. He can either use weak attacks for opponents that he doesn’t want to hurt or does. Step 4: Firing. Zane grips his sword with either one or two hands being that his energy gathers around his sword, focus around the sword, and make its strong or weak depending on his opponent. He swings either down, left, right, or up being that the energy comes out of the sword being that it comes out as an energy beam. It heads forward being that it can be dodge if the target is fast enough. The slash comes out as a stripe being that it can curves making a energy wave. This attack is an expert at creating a huge amount of damage and destruction. He can slam his sword into the ground and by doing the steps, he can swing his sword ,like a golf club, and it can send back incoming attacks or crush anything in its way. It also makes a huge crater. It has enough power to destroy a building being that Zane can make it go through several buildings at the same time. It has been called imposing by most of his enemies and allies. Lazarus Soul is the best sword to use because it’s Zane’s Soul in a weapon according to the weapon expert of the Alliance. He showed off its power being that it can easily slice off the top portion of a massive building and destroy a massive storm cloud. In the sword’s first evolved version, he can use the smaller blade to make rapid fire slashes and the bigger blade can make giant version but they move slower. It’s color depends on what energy that Zane uses. Animus would make it purple, Mojo would make it black, his normal Nether would make it green, Rainbow Nether would make it a rainbow color, Tyrannus Nether would make it crimson red, and Primordial would make it turquoise. It can blast a massive hole in something and send a powerful energy several meters back. It can also shatters barriers that others would struggle with. Like Zenith Sphere, this attack has several different variations to it. Armored Zenith Slash. This variation is well known for its defense. He gathers up energy ,for a normal Zenith Slash, and it generates a great and powerful shield being that it looks like a normal warrior type shield with Zane’s logo on the front. This shield can be thrown toward others and cover them. Augmented Zenith Slash. This sounds like a stronger version of Zenith Slash which it is. It’s two energies combined into one powerful slash being that it’s the first energy used with the second energy covering it like a jacket. Zane can control where it goes being that it’s hard to dodge and very deadly. It can easily slice through anything being that anyone with impressive regeneration has to deal with the wound lasting for a few minutes due to his impressive regeneration. Bisecting Zenith Slash. Zane grabs two blades being that he charges up a Zenith Slash being that he fires them at the same time. They rush toward the target being that they slash the target with two Zenith Slash at the same time. It can easily disperse any attacks that comes in contact with it and can cut off limbs with ease. Karmic Zenith Slash. This is the combination of the normal or augmented Zenith Slash with Karmic Limbo Zane slowly gets ready with both Zenith Slash and Karmic Limbo. He fires off the Karmic Limbo first being the target thinks that it’s just a normal Karmic Limbo which in itself is deadly. He fires off his Zenith Slash being that it combines with Karma Limbo making it a massive slash that looks to be a drill. This attack can destroy anything in its path. Satanic Zenith Wave. This is a variation on Zane’s signature Zenith Slash. Zane activates Satanic Corruption with him gathering up Carnal. Zane unsheathes one of his swords and the blade gets covered in a thin, layer of royal blue energy. Zane slashes ,in any direction, and a compressed crescent shaped wave of royal blue energy comes out of the sword. It heads toward the target in a telegraphic manner and it can be dodged. Upon hitting something, the object is cut several times with a few seconds. Zane can swing his sword around him in a circle, creating a thin, ring of royal blue energy. This ring can hit multiple enemies at once and cut through multiple objects with ease. Unlike most of Zane’s Satanic attacks, Zane can use it outside of Satanic Corruption and it keeps its power. Surging Zenith Slash. This variation of Zenith Slash is special due to it not involving a sword in its execution. Zane gathers up energy into one of his hands and the gathering energy forms an wave of energy that's controlled by Zane's thoughts. Zane can fire it in a rapid fire fashion and its color depends on what energy Zane uses such as turquoise for Primordial or black for Mojo. One fatal weakness of this attack is that if Zane makes it wrong, it can causes massive cuts and gashes in his arms. It would take some time to recover even with his ability to regenerate. Zenith Slash Shower. Zane charges up a Zenith Slash being that he focus the energy into a massive, floating orb and it looks like a massive planet. He slash the air being that the orb bursts. It comes down toward his target or targets being that they can’t escape from it and it’s really hard.

Techniques: (97). Signature ones (Arctic Shift, Astral Chains, Astral Sense, Baryon Zone, Draco Vision, Electron Tempo, Empyreal Fist, Omni Mode, Partner Summon, Predator State, Satanic Corruption, Searing Cowl, Tyrannus Aura, Vitality Guardian, Vitality Portal, Vulcan Emperor, Vulcan Force, and Zenith Duplication) have their titles bold. No techniques that start with F, J, K, Q, W, X, and Y. 
Akostar Allies. Zane focus his energy into creating small crimson red dragon like creatures. They can do several things. They can either turn into cannons which Zane can fire his ranged attacks out of. They can reduce an enemy’s strength upon contact with that energy stolen going to Zane. This energy can grant his allies extra strength by using Zane’s power.

Akostar Barrier. Zane covers both of his arms in his Akostar energy with it forms a massive barrier around himself. He's able to create the barrier by focusing Akostar energy into the palm of his hand and creates the barrier. He’s able to form the barrier around others as well. They can be close to him or far away. With the latter, Zane makes a transparent wave of energy head toward the target and creates the barrier around them. This barrier can stop a target’s movement and can negate most attacks quite easily. Upon hitting the barrier, the barrier glows and produces an energy wave that sends anyone around the barrier back a good ten feet. It can also blind anyone close to the barrier by having it glow brighter than the sun. This barrier’s strength depends heavily on Zane’s stamina and energy levels which is a lot so it’s hard to break out.

Archon Manipulation. This technique allows Zane to manipulate the Impulse around him and treat it like it's an extension of his body. This manipulation can't be seen or sense by anyone except to those who can see or sense the manipulation. By using his mastery over Impulse, Zane is able to make his attacks or techniques reach a far distance away from him. His main uses for this technique is able to attack a target with either a punch or kick, heal a target's physical injuries, or restore a target's Impulse if they managed to use a good amount of him by giving them some of his own Impulse. To either connect attack, heal, or restore, it has to be within Zane's field of vision for it to connect perfectly. However for the longest time, Zane was unaware of this technique's full potential until a certain being taught him how to use it to its full potential. For a time, this technique could only be used inside of Archon Zero Master. This changed after enough training with Zane being able to use it outside of Archon Zero Master and works only if Zane is releasing a constant stream of Impulse out of his body. It also has a greater chance of messing up if whatever Zane is trying to do is too far away from him. His attacks deal out less damage compared to a more up close one and his healing can only go so far. His restoration on the other hand doesn't have any issues regardless of its strength or how much it takes from Zane.

Archon Zero Detainment. Zane goes into Archon Zero Master with him sending the nine spheres fly toward his target. They have the ability to capture anything that comes into them and it’s extremely hard to break out of. It can be broken out of with enough force or blasting it with a huge amount of energy from the outside. 

Arctic Shift. This technique has Zane's body freezing over. His skin turns a very light blue color which looks like he’s frostbitten or very cold and covered in ice like armor that’s actually his sweat frozen solid. Zane can create an immense cold that naturally freezes any liquid around him into ice. Zane can produce and control a large amount of cold from his body. The sign for this technique is that his skin turns a very light blue color that looks he’s frostbitten or very cold and covered in ice that’s actually his sweat frozen solid. He can combine his frost creating ability with his regular attacks for some devastating and explosive attacks. This technique can withstand varying temperatures of extreme magnitude, being able to survive a frigid blizzard and molten magma. He can use the cold to freeze anything that he touches, protect himself from physical attack through a high amount of cold, or attack opponents with various levels of cold. He can freeze objects upon contact. He can transfer the cold to other objects ,mainly showing with weaponry, making them too cold to wield. They both make a natural armor for Zane to use. This has a purpose being that it can naturally mask himself from anyone tracking him thanks to his ice. It also increases his speed and strength. His strength and speed are increased depending on how cold he is. He can easily do the reverse being that he can chase after something on the ocean by turning into ice. Due to his ability to create, generate, and manipulate ice, he can use the ice armor rather effectively. The ice created using this form is very hard to break except to him. He can easily make objects ,ranging from weapons to buildings, and he can make ice travel under his feet which he can use to increase his speed. He moves faster on the ice and can make impressive things in a matter of moments. He can easily make razor sharp adornments from his body and it can be useful up close. He can move places faster upon releasing his particles into a liquid and he reforms there. The ice naturally reforms and it’s rather impressive. He can combine his normal attacks ,mainly the Sweet attacks, into powerful attacks. They do however lose the ability to capture people with the liquid aspect of the attacks with the exception of Sweet Ride. This technique does have a weakness being that it’s connected to his emotion. If he gets really mad, his body produces a high amount of cold that freezes everything around him and make a massive blizzard with ease. This technique is also useless against those strong to cold.

Astral Chains. Zane is able to make chains appear over his arms with these chains completely cover them. They can come out of any part of his body but mainly from his arms.  These chains are black with dark indigo flame like outlines. These chains are considered to be more sharp than Ryoka’s and they usually form a ring around Zane. These chains are sentient and in order to protect Zane, they will come out in order to protect him. This is just like Ryoka’s chains that protect their master upon being cursed with them. They can be destroy but the damage is instantly restore over time by absorbing Impulse around it. These chains ,when they active, are Zane’s sword and shield. They work as whips or ropes. They can become intangible with them doing the best against those who uses Impulse since they naturally absorb magic and Zane’s excess energy. They attack and move like a striking snake.

Astral Control. Zane holds his hands in front of him with him releasing chains from his body. If they pierce the target, Zane can control people. By connecting a chain between two targets, these two share the same sense of pain.  

Astral Devouring. This power allows Zane to eat Impulse in order to recover any that he has lost. Zane does this by making mouths appear all over his body and chains. Anything that comes near the mouths get eaten alive with the matter eaten becoming Impulse and that Impulse can restore Zane. This attack won’t work on humans being that Zane finds them disgusting.

Astral Observation. Zane slowly glows dark purple with his chains going around his target. The chains makes a dome like shape. The chains glow dark purple and the dark purple color makes a giant energy sphere around the dome. The target is unable to escape with Zane slowly creating illusions that affect the target's mind. These illusions can range from their greatest dream to their greatest fear. 

Astral Prison. Zane makes his chains appear and have them wrap around his target. He can make them appear from his body or from the ground around his target. Upon being wrapped in the chains, they are unable to move. If the target tries to destroy these chains, they reform shortly after. This is because these chains are draining them of their Impulse. If the target struggles to break free, the chains become tighter by absorbing more Impulse. These chains are good to use on Phantoms since they can phase through most forms of matter.

Astral Sense. This technique allows Zane to sense energy of any kind in a person’s body aka Impulse. He can use this technique to track them down even if they don’t have a scent. This technique can be used to track anyone through their Impulse signature. If Zane wants to track someone, a molten gold reticle appears on a random spot of their body. He can use this technique to sense how strong an opponent is. It’s range goes to 1,000,000,000 miles away being that with complete focus, he could sense someone on the other side of the Earth. This technique transforms his eyes into a noticeable and bright molten gold color with two magic circles in front of him. He can make them work like binoculars. This technique was made famous by Ryoka and it’s very impressive due to Zane’s natural ability to sense things. He’s been training and honing this power since he was sixteen years old. It also gives Zane the innate ability to tell whenever someone is good, evil, or neutral by reading their Impulse. Someone whose Impulse is good is a blue color, someone whose Impulse is evil is a red color, and someone whose Impulse is neutral is gray. This is always activate even when he isn’t using Astral Sense. He can locate magic and find trails left behind others. He can use this technique to lower his own energy to the point where he’s completely invisible to sensors. This can be used to disrupt the flow of energy of his target by sensing where the target's Impulse nodes are. A target's Impulse nodes are basically a being's pressure points when it comes to Impulse and if Zane strikes at them, it can deal immense damage. A blow ,from a physical blow or weapon, that hits an Impulse nodes is often considered lethal. This can be used to stop his target from fighting and Zane tends to use Impulse Lock. It also gives Zane the ability to read a person's emotions and is shown with a colored aura around this body. A black aura means they are close to death or have a great evil inside of them. A blue aura means they are loyal and can be trusted. A dark blue aura means that they are feeling sad. A dark orange aura means they are feeling greedy. A dark purple aura means that they are ambitious. A dark red aura means they feel violent. A dark yellow aura means that they are feeling scared. A green aura means that they are courageous. A light blue aura means they are quite understanding. A orange aura means they are determined. A red aura means they are feeling angry. A pink aura means they are in love. A purple aura means that they are envious. A white aura means that they are pure of heart and will do nothing wrong. A yellow aura means they are feeling happy. This technique is often not spoke by Zane but just done naturally and without thinking too hard about it.  

Baryon Wire. This technique has Zane creating wire of Baryon with it being invisible to the naked eye and this includes those with enhanced vision such as Parker. Only those who have great talent with Impulse such as the Feroxian can see these wires. These wires are very sharp and almost indestructible with them being capable of cutting through the most durable objects with ease and holding the most powerful individuals with little issues. Zane mainly uses these wires as a whip or a way of defense mainly by turning the wires into a shield. Another method of defense is by having the wire grab a projectile and use that to block it. He tends to make these wires appear from each one of his fingers. The strength of these wires are equal to how much energy Zane has.

Bounce Castle. Zane makes a giant bouncy castle ,made out of Primordial, appearing that it can be used to catch several people falling from the air. This technique works great for birthday parties.

Cloud. Zane makes a black and white cloud appear appear in front of him at an incredible fast rate. Zane can use it fly around places, make it into a shield that can block and absorb attacks, or use it to catch something falling. Zane can use it to float in the air and use it to catch people falling. It moves extremely fast compared to Bounce Castle. This technique can be used as a way to attack as well. Zane can make a large amount of clouds appear which can be used to hit a target and send them flying back under the force of hurricane like winds. This can be used to blind a target from all directions and has the consistency of soup. From a distance, Zane can produce enough clouds to make it look like an atomic bomb in both form and scale had gone off.

Combat Vision. This technique is connected to both Crisis Judgement and Occult Direction. It allows Zane to see briefly into the future. The length of each vision is depending on how much focus Zane puts into either his eyes or mind. It can be a few seconds to years depending on how much focus Zane puts in. This technique can help render most surprise attacks useless and can see into multiple futures. This can help allow Zane to find the perfect action to take. This technique can be overwhelmed if all of the futures that Zane sees leads to danger and it doesn't work if Zane puts any focus into his eyes or mind.

Conqueror Siege. This technique is a part of Terminus Riposte. It allows Zane to reflect anything back at his target but with several times its initial strength. It can reflect both physical and ranged attacks being very powerful. The true power is that Zane can take all of the damages that he has taken with him sending it toward his enemies in the form of a Zenith Sphere. Upon contract, the sphere explodes and this explosion that can destroy the moon. Zane does this by saying,”Release!”. However, this ability has its weakness. He can’t reflect back attacks if the attacks are random.

Direct Transportation. This technique is done by focusing Impulse. Zane ,or anyone who is in contact with him, can instant travel to great distance. He does this by moving at light speed. It can range from a couple of feet away to different dimensions. This has no limits being that to even activate it, Zane needs to have an active supply of Impulse in his body which he naturally does. Zane does this with just a single thought or by placing two of his fingers to the side of his head. This technique is often not spoke by Zane but just done naturally and without thinking too hard about it.

Draco Vision. This technique is a different form of Hyperion Mail alongside Legionnaire Gauntlets. Zane gains heterochromia with his eyelids being a reptilian slit. His left eye’s iris and pupil turn molten gold and the eye’s sclera turns into a solid reddish black color with a flame like pattern to it. His right eye’s iris and pupil turn steel gray and the eye’s sclera turns into a solid reddish black color with a lightning bolt like pattern to it. Whenever Zane activates this technique, he hears a ringing sound and everything around him moves slower. The veins around his temple and his eyes bulge out mainly whenever Zane is straining himself. This technique can give Zane the ability to analyze anything in the Omniverse and figure how to disable them. This power gives Zane a 360 degree field of vision. He’s able to see everything in the Omniverse, able to tell who it belongs to, what was used or use, and able to tell something from its source. He’s able to read lips and copy something like pencil movements or something on a cellular level. He’s able to see things moving extremely fast and able to copy them perfectly. Zane can hypnotize someone by looking directly into their eyes. He can suggest thoughts and actions with the target completely unaware of it happening. The target thinks that this was their idea. If he focuses hard enough, he can erase any objects that he has in his sights such as clothing. Zane tends not to use this power against women since most women if not all women will slap anyone who tries to see them naked. This power can show off a great beauty and also someone who could be considered ugly. It can allow him to see the muscles, blood flow, and joint movements which can allow Zane to predict and anticipate the movements of his opponents. Zane is able to read minds normally but thanks to Draco Vision, he can do it without them knowing it. If Zane wants to control someone, he has to look directly at them. When someone is under his control, their eyes look dull and lacking life. Zane can easily hypnotize a group of people but it requires a lot of concentration. This ability is more deadly than normal because if used too long, it changes the color of his eyes for at least a week. Alongside being able to control and read minds, it can also get rid of mind control if Zane senses it.

Electron Oscillation. This technique is a electricity version of Empyrean Judgment and Vibration Atmosphere. By focusing electricity through his body, he releases a field of electricity that does two things upon appearing. It disrupts the electrical currents of any living being ,ignoring himself or any allies, causing their nervous system to slow down by a great deal and react/move at a slower speed. Any electronic signals or Impulse gets disrupting, destroying them. Any damage that a living being takes is delayed and depending on how strong it can, knock them out upon the field disappearing. This field cannot kill anyone inside of it and can be used to take down multiple opponents especially ones who move at incredible speeds. Despite this technique being used for capturing fast moving targets, it can be used to apply medical treatment. By focusing Impulse to the wounded area, he begins the cellular regeneration process before the wound gets too serious. This can be used to nullify poisons and making most wounds heal near instantly. Compared to the field that is created by Empyrean Judgment and Vibration Atmosphere, this field appears faster and can be ignored by those who can use electricity or have an immune to electricity.

Electron Tempo. This technique is connected to Electromagnetic Aura. Zane covers his entire body in his electricity and his hair naturally goes up in a similar fashion to whenever someone touches a Plasma Globe. His body is covered in an noticeable aura of Zane's signature electricity. This technique has been compared to Archon Zero in its first stage. This technique increased his reaction time and speed. While active, Zane reacts to anything that comes in contact with him or his electricity. It can be physical contact, malevolent intent, or anyone coming in contact with the electricity. If a target throws a punch at him, Zane can react fast to the attack and strike back before the target has a chance to counter. He's able to strike a target several times within a second. This electricity can either be something small like a static shock or strong as getting hitting with a thunderbolt. If Zane uses the latter, the target can get serious burns if Zane hates you. Zane can shock his target either through physical contact or keeping his distance by having his electricity travel through a target upon contact. This electricity can be used to paralyzed a target for a few seconds. By using electrolocation, he can hear numerous voices and see objects nearby him. He can see the world based on its magnetic and electrical patterns. Zane can see the natural magnetic auras around living beings. He can use Passive and Active electrolocation being that the former is used to find others ,being that they have a weak bioelectric field, and located them due to everything that’s alive has an electric field around them due to the activity of the nerves and muscles. The latter can sense the environment and detect distortions in the field with Zane being able to use it to find non-living objects. His senses have improved with him being able to hear and smell everything in the nearby area. Whenever he moves, there is a flash of light and a whiff of ozone. He can turn himself and others into lightning. If he touches anyone, they feel a mild stinging. By doing this, Zane can travel a great distance within a second.

Empyrean Judgment. This technique is connected to Empyrean Will. Zane focus his energy into his hands with him closing his eyes and releasing a circular purple energy wave. This energy wave goes in all directions around him. By doing this, Zane is given a three hundred and sixty degree view around him and can be used to sense his surroundings at least a hundred miles away. This technique helps Zane by telling how many people are in the area and if they’re friendly or not toward Zane in particular. This technique can help sense the strength of the people within the area, read his opponent’s mind or their hearts, works as a good lie detector, pick up on subtle sounds of Impulse being used, and tells Zane if a being inside of the wave is being hypnotized. This wave cannot be stopped or sensed. It can be used as an offensive technique as well. Zane does this by focusing on a being inside of the wave and make them experience massive amounts of pain throughout their body. It could cause a being death, disorientated them, and scramble the other five senses.    

Gaia Restore. This technique is used to restore Zane or a target. The technique can heal most wounds since it attacks anything inside and outside of Zane and the target. This can negate poison and help someone recover health and stamina. When Zane does this on others, the target glows an ethereal turquoise and makes a great shield as well.

Gender Shift. This techniques is one of Zane’s natural abilities as a Eazairvian. You may wonder why Zane would make this a technique but the reason for him is doing this is a mystery. It’s probably due to the author wanting Zane to have an even number of attacks and techniques but who really knows. Zane takes a deep breath and began to focus his energy through his entire body. His body begins to glow turquoise and his body begins to rearranges itself while covered in a turquoise, covering what Zane is going to turn into it. It twists and turns in different directions until Zane gets the right measurement for the female or male he wants be. He can change his eye color, hair color, height, race, weight, etc until it’s perfect. He can also become alien species if he wants but tends not to. He can use this technique to get rid of his scars. The only weakness to this technique is that swapping between several different gender templates he has in his mind takes a great deal of energy out of him.

Gravity Acceleration. This technique was created thanks to Gravity Drive. Zane makes one of his weapons appear and throws it right toward a target. This tends to miss a lot due it being really easy to dodge the thrown weapon but that’s the point. As the weapon is thrown, Zane disappears from the opponent’s sight and reappears usually from wherever the blindspot of his target aka where the weapon just so happened to land. He tends to use Curved Atlatl with this technique to warp around the battlefield. 

Gravity Blockade. This technique was created thanks to Gravity Drive. Zane moves around faster than normal and creates a massive blockade of afterimages of clones. Despite being afterimages of Zane, they’re solid. They block any type of attacks that comes toward them and sends the attack back to their owner. 

Gravity Duplication. This technique was created thanks to Gravity Drive and is a variation of the Duplication spell. Zane moves around an specific area, creating afterimages of himself. The real Zane moves between his afterimages to hide himself from his target and can perform attacks from his afterimages to confuse his target.  

Gorgon’s Gaze. Zane can either look at a target or aims his open palm at a target. Upon doing this, a light purple beam comes from his eyes. Anything that comes in contact with them makes them turn into a stone statue. This attack last for twenty four hours and the statue can’t be destroyed at all. Zane can make a light purple eye construct appear in front of him. This eye fires several beams ,in the shape of snakes, comes out of it. Upon being touched by the snake, the object gets turned into stone in a matter of seconds.

Greenhouse Buffer. This technique is mainly used for defense. Zane can covers his flames in any object or group of objects being Zane gives them a magnetic charge. They naturally sticks together and they have a visible cherry red heat haze around the object. According to a physics book Zane read, this is known as a Heat Shield. If an object is heated to a certain point, the heat alone can block electrical outputs. It causes any electrical attacks to fizzle out.

Gutsy Apprehension. By focusing Impulse into his head, his hair grows longer as a result and makes it harder than it was before. Zane is now able to freely manipulate his hair, coming in the form of ten tendrils that float around him. This can be used for multiple things. It can be used to entangle targets, cutting off any movements by grabbing their arms and legs, and slam them into the ground. It can be used to cut through a target’s body, killing them on the spot. This hair is very durable and can survive a good amount of damage before being destroy. If it is destroy, it regrows back. By grabbing strands of his hair and infusing Impulse into them, he can throw them to either block projectiles.  

Hero in Danger. This technique is Zane's version of Puppy Dog Eyes. Puppy Dog Eyes are well known throughout the Omniverse. Normally, Puppy Dog Eyes can be only be used by females or young males but Zane figured out how to do this as a older male. These eyes have the power to make the strongest willed man become putty and willing to do whatever the owner of those eyes want. By using his Eazairvian DNA or natural charm, Zane embraces his inner child. He speaks in a tone that sound like a child who is very close to crying and had someone kicking his pet. This voice makes the most hardened individual flinch. To strength this technique, Zane can make his lower lip quiver and cheeks scrunched up. If he wants, he can make his eyes and face sparkle like a diamond. It comes in the form of making his eyes bigger and sparkle with a few tears coming out of the corner of his eyes. This action does have a purpose. This technique confused his target into surrendering without a fight. It works mainly with women and men being that it can't be resisted by the latter. It doesn't work on the blind or ones without a heart however. This technique tends to get him out of trouble or get him whatever he wants. According to Natasha, it's like Zane back when he was a crybaby.  

Impulse Discs. This technique has Zane focusing Impulse into a disc like shape and these discs can be used for a variety of purposes. He can make these discs out of different forms of Impulse such as Animus/Liasada, Carnal, Mojo, Nether, Primordial, etc. These discs are razor thin with them being extremely durable. He's able to control these discs by using his mind and have each disc used for a different purpose.The three main purposes for these discs are attack, defense, and as a makeshift platform for him to use if need. When used for attacking,  they can be thrown at a target as a high speed projectile that can cut through most objects with relative ease. When used for defending, they can withstand several types of powerful attacks and they can be cracked but doesn't look to have lost any of its durability. When using for a platform, Zane used it to catch others or float above others to keep them safe. Despite how strong these discs are, they have a weak toward strong amount of pressure and can be destroyed if Zane doesn't focus on keeping them safe. They can also be used against Zane if the opponent is skilled enough.

Impulse Jamming. Zane focus Impulse into the surrounding area and by doing this, it disturbs everything that use Impulse in some regard except for himself. Whenever an outsider Impulse enters the range of this technique, it manipulate the Impulse and weaken it. It can either negate or cause it to attack its creator rather than Zane. This technique only works if Zane is the stronger user of Impulse and is able to focus on it. If he doesn't focus on it, the outside Impulse isn't at all weakened. This technique doesn’t affect his allies.

Impulse Lock. Zane looks at a target and after getting a good look at them, several Impulse chains emerge from the ground below them and binds them to the ground. These chains cover their arms, chest, legs, and neck. If the target is being nosy, the chains can cover the target's mouth and prevents them from speaking. These chains can tightened or loose at the will of Zane. It's possible to strangle someone to death or unconsciousness with them depending on Zane's will. The chains instantly block the target from them using their Impulse and hardens to an incredible degree. If the target is stronger than a normal being, they may be stopped but can break free from these chains or resist the chains blocking its Impulse blocking effect. If the target is in a corridor, these chains can appear from either side of the target or above them.

Impulse Portrayal. By focusing Impulse in front of him, he’s able to make a formation of a location that Zane wants. This mock-up of the location is painstaking representation of the location being that if something changes, the mock-up changes as well. It can also mimic the noises of the area. If there is a living being inside of the location, they are indicated by Impulse. If they are an enemy toward Zane or others, they glow bright red. If they are friendly toward Zane or others, they glow bright blue. If they are neutral toward Zane or others, they glow bright green.

Impulse Remodeling. Zane releases a burst of Impulse from his body with it having the ability to turn any form of Impulse ,such as Animus, into another form such as Nether. Zane decides what form of Impulse it gets turns into it. This technique is often not spoke by Zane but just done naturally and without thinking too hard about it.

Infinite Eradication. Zane creates multiple portals ,with it being a dark indigo colored spiral like portal, all around him. Zane can send them to areas around him being that he can send them a far distance away from him to strike his enemies at a distance. Zane can be hit by anything that goes through the portal due to it going both ways. This technique is often not spoke by Zane but just done naturally and without thinking too hard about it.

Link. This technique connects Zane to his weapons by connecting them to his Impulse and he can summon them to his person by just thinking about it. It’s something that Zane uses in any of his forms even if they don’t normally use a weapon. Zane can use it for offensive and he can throw his weapon toward his target for long-range combat. It moves fast upon being thrown and it can damage at a building upon impact. The attack can be dodged but Zane can move the weapon in any direction possible. This technique is often not spoke by Zane but just done naturally and without thinking too hard about it.

Locate. By focusing, Zane’s able to locate anything being able to track a target despite them leaving nothing behind. It can be trouble if he’s trying to track a group of targets because it works better on one that more. Zane can use this technique to see a person’s skeletal structure, mind, and memories. Zane can see several thousand miles away with the radius getting weaker if he is out of it.

Oblivion Atmosphere. Upon snapping his fingers, Zane creates a circular field that cancels or negates all sound created or around him. It prevents all sounds from coming in the field and out of the field. Zane is able to use this to ignore others or talk with someone alone in private being that no one can hear them talk. This also counts for any noise that he didn’t created himself such as objects being thrown on the floor and breaking or explosions.

Oblivion Capture. Zane focus sound around his mouth and he slowly hums a tune. This attack can either be used to put a target to sleep, launch a full scale attack which can break steel, or put them under an illusion.

Oblivion Slaughter. Zane says that this move is perfect for killing his enemies but he found a way to use it in a more pacifist manner. Zane gets rid of any sound from his body with him able to use one of his weapons or powers without alerting the target. Zane can knock his targets out cold with the normal way using a weapon to slit their throats to shut them. Zane uses his powers to keep his enemies off their guard so he can strike them down with ease.

Omni Mode. This technique came to be thanks to the Zenith Core. Zane activates it in a similar fashion to how he can make it appear by thinking about it, Twilight changing his current clothing into it, or by saying,”Activate Code 22-110-Z. Password: Victory”. By doing the latter option, the Z.E.R.O. watch activates. The black and round faceplate ,with a steel gray band/dial switch around the faceplate, has its faceplate changing. Normally, it’s molten gold stripes ,which forms an “LZ” outline, glows. From the watch, steel gray energy comes out of it and covers his body within seconds. The energy leaves Zane as it appears, revealing that Zane is now in a form-fitting, black and steel gray armored jumpsuit that isn't too tight on him but it does hug his muscular figure quite well. His suit is mostly black being that around the suit’s neck area, shoulder area, and the lower leg area is steel gray. His chest and stomach area is covered in steel gray armor. It’s segmented into eight sections being two large chest plates and six smaller, more angled plates on his stomach with the smaller plates working as a six pack. In the center of his armored chest, there is is a molten gold stylized “LZ” insignia. It looks to be metallic but it’s actually silk. It’s the exact same symbol that appears in his Zeta Costume but it cannot activate Hyperion Mail upon contact. He’s wearing his Z.E.R.O. Armor belt, an armored version of his Zeta Costume’s boots aka black combat boots with gold piping, silver titanium mesh straps, and steel soles but now goes up to his shins, and his Legionnaire Gauntlets. His head is covered with a retractable steel gray helmet/mask. It's very much like the helmet/mask that he wears in Hyperion Mail being that it also has a dragon like appearance. Its eyepieces are different though. He has molten gold eyes ,with a black outline, with diamond-shaped jewels on the places where his eyes would be. When his helmet goes down, pressurized steam comes out and exposes his face. The helmet retracts back into the collar part of his armor. It's his angular, handsome appearance except his eye and hair can be different. It's ash gray/ash blond hair and steel gray eyes just in case but he can keep his normal eye and hair color. The entire suit can retract back into his watch. Omni Mode is very similar to Archon Zero Master but it gives Zane the benefit of every form with the Z.E.R.O. Watch ,which includes all of the Prime Forms and Astral Form, powers without transforming. He can use Fulmination Form’s energy absorbing powers to increase the power of Atomic or Radiation Form’s energy attacks. He can combine all of his super intelligence forms’s smarts to solve pretty much any problems. This technique can transform Zane's limbs into one of his forms or a mixture of handful of forms with the ability to combine their powers and strength. He can also change his body type to use those powers to the max being that he can make himself into Gadget Form, Orb Form, Slime Form, and Terrapin Form. He’s able to grow extra body parts and weapons that based off the Forms.

Personal Chef. Zane focus Primordial energy into creating dragon like creatures. It can range from one to several of them. They’re very much bigger Drakes except they have on little chef uniforms aka white aprons and chef hats. All of their aprons have Zane’s LZ logo on the center indicating who they belong too. All of them have been known to be quite cute rather ferocious. They follow Zane’s commands without question. Zane tends to use them to cook and bake different types of food. Their sense of sight, smell, taste, and touch are extremely developed and the food that they create is extremely delicious. They can make whatever cooking tool they need appear with a single thought. This food has the ability to restore any energy and damage that the eater has taken previous.

Personal Visit. This technique allows Zane to talk with beings that are connected to him such as Kane or Sivarth anywhere in the Omniverse. This technique allows Zane to enter his mindscape or Elysian. Zane first gets into the Burmese Posture being that he just close his eyes to enter himself. This technique may seem like it has no uses but it’s to make sure that Zane grows as a fighter both mental and physical. Someone from inside of him can bring him or appear in front of Zane to talk or fight.

Predatory Consumption. Zane takes a deep breath with him covers his arms in the same Impulse that he uses in Predator State. It forms giant energy claws over his arms and these claws grab onto something. Upon grabbing onto something, the energy slows covers the object and makes it disappear in front of them. This technique is used as a way to regain any energy that Zane lost prior to activating it. Zane can make the Impulse into a spiral or tornado like shape that swallows up anything in its path before vanishing. 

Predator State. This state is connected directly to Terminus Riposte and how Zane access the true power of Lucifer. Lucifer is a member of the species known as Chirotirian who are the ancestors of the devils. He brought terror wherever he went. He was sealed away in a treasure chest a long time ago, resulting in his name being lost to time but the power and destruction that he delivered was not forgotten. Zane didn’t access this power until he watched all of his friends fight and getting destroy by Toxic. Lucifer gave him the power to protect others. Lucifer says to Zane that this technique is one half of Zane’s potential that was unlocked and gained knowledge of it after Zane broke down the Omni-Door. The other half of Zane's potential was the true form of Hyperion Mail. According to Ryoka, Zane’s potential is unlike any potential of a Zero before him and just happened to break down the Omni-Door in any percentile. The unlocked potential comes in the form of their power being enhanced or a new weapon. This technique allows Zane to access his full power being that it’s very much like Archon Zero and Archon Zero Master but unlike both Archon Zero and Archon Zero which has the power flow throughout his body, Zane has full control of his power. Zane’s appearance changes upon activating it just like when he activates Archon Zero, Archon Zero Master, Arctic Shift, Draco Vision, Electron Tempo, Searing Cowl, and Vulcan Emperor. However like with Vulcan Emperor, he can activate it without his appearance changing drastically. He tends to do this though because it looks cool yet deadly at the same time. His skin turns dark gray with glowing crimson red eyes with both pupils slitted. His hair goes upwards and flows into the air like it’s living energy or flowing through the wind. When he’s Zero, his ash gray/ash blonde gains a single obsidian black streak. Out of costume, his black hair gets a single ash gray/ash blonde to show it. His mouth is filled with sharp pointed teeth. His arms and legs are covered in obsidian black scales with it forming claws on his fingers and toes with his arms and legs looking draconic. He’s constantly emitting misty wisps of obsidian black energy. He’s bare-footed ,with his shoes going missing, and in the center of his forehead, he has a fluorescent white marking resembles a single spiral. He has two long, steel gray dragon claw like protrusions sprouting from his shoulders. His voice sounds more demonic while keeping his normal tone. He never touches the ground and floats around instead of running or walking. When he is attacking ,physical or not, his arms and legs glow a crimson red color that’s extremely bright and hard to notice. Zane can make a massive portal being very much like his dark indigo colored spiral like portals. He can also make his signature lightning color go around his body for extra damage. His physical strength increases dramatically and radiate intense waves of pure Impulse, causing his enemies to tense up if Zane was angered. He can also make his size grow to monstrous size, being that it can rival some of his more bulky forms. He can easily break steel with a single jab of his finger and can withstand a powerful attack with no signs of damage. He can easily negate any form of attraction or repulsion. When utilizing his true power, Zane can create a miniature sphere that’s radiating intense wave of pure Impulse. By being in just the vicinity of the sphere, it can either cause Zane’s enemies to tense up if Zane is angered or feel death approaching them. Zane can control and direct the sphere for attacks being that upon impact, it causes a massive explosion and leaving behind a immense crater. Nothing usually survives. He can rob objects and abilities of others by just being in the vicinity of Zane. He can also grab objects and bring them toward him. He can take physical abilities being speed, stamina, and strength with him able to add it to his own, becoming stronger and weakening his opponents. It does have limits being that it depends on how much power Zane’s body could contain before reaching its limit. He can also give his power and strength to others, healing them and increasing their strength in the process. He can also make enemies who would feel a strong emotion toward him being unable to fight against him. This power only works when Zane is feeling strongly. This technique allows Zane to absorb everything around by either eating it or cover it with his powers with the latter option having a white glow around it before being absorbed. Upon the objects being absorbed, it’s then transferred into Zane’s stomach and then analyzed. Zane’s body can turn into a living workshop being able to make potions and weapons. He can also adapt and upgrade his powers by absorbing things that can work alongside his powers. He can also restore his energy upon absorbing an object. He can also mimic an appearance of something that he has copied being that it works as a another form of transformation. This technique has a noticeable weakness. This weakness is a limit when it comes to taking in energy and tends to work better with other techniques rather than itself.

Predatory Ransack. Zane can temporarily/permanently rob all of his opponent’s physical abilities which includes strength and speed. He can add it onto his own. He can also grab any objects by just aiming his hand toward the object he wants and comes to him. It cannot be stopped. He can also steal the strength and power of every living creature within a impressive radius of ten miles of himself if he’s focused. It is either invisible or a giant storm of Impulse, matching Zane’s Impulse when using Predator State.

Primordial Escalator. Zane makes Primordial appear in front of him with him able to form stairs and railing on both side. These stairs work as an escalator and can allow Zane to reach a higher area without flying.

Rapid-Fire Mirage. This technique requires Zane to move back and forth incredible fast with him creating mirages of himself. This is done to confuse his target and leaving them open to attacks from the real Zane who blends into the crowd of mirages. With Zane’s incredible speed, Zane can make a huge amount of copies at once. This can be used to dodge attacks by having the target hitting a clone instead of him. Compared to one of his clones made by Zenith Duplication or other means, his mirages are very obvious and the real Zane sticks out if stared at for a while.

Reviving Touch. Zane touches any type of stone statue and his hands began to glow steel gray. Upon contact, this can revive the statue from their petrification. This technique can be used to remove a being such as a Phantom from another being. 

Sacred Pressure. This technique allows Zane to release his willpower from his body and by doing this, he can be sensed by anyone. The amount of willpower that Zane releases can overwhelm a being and knocking them out. This is a sub feature of Empyrean Will. This willpower that comes out of him is very explosive due it destroying the ground blow him. When he’s Legion Zero, his aura turns into a black color with a purple and white outline. It slowly turns into a Chinese Dragon around his body and it's a living being. Zane says that the person with the stronger willpower will always lose the fight between two people. He can repel attacks and stopping them before they hit them using his will. It can install strong fear in others with the only way to overcome this fear is to believe in their inner strength, stunning beings. He can prevent movement in others cause them to fall their knees or sometimes people can’t come near him, paralyzing being that he can completely stop anyone who bothers him, and attack from incredible distances. He can focus his willpower into his weapon increasing their strength and durability. He can create very powerful shockwaves or turn into an element of his choice mainly picking electricity, fire, ice, or water. He can also make a construct of Sivarth appear as well for intimation.

Satanic Corruption. This technique is very special. In Zane’s opinion, it’s on the same level as Archon Zero/Archon Zero Master, Avenger, Emperor Mail/Hyperion Mail, Omni Mode, Predator State, Searing Cowl, and Vitality Guardian in terms of its raw power and destructive potential. It's weaker than Albion but that technique is all of his powers in one so that's a given. This technique was a result of Zane meeting up the God of Souls Rumos and signing a contract. He did this by creating an object that he calls Tropical Mutant. This name may not make any sense but its power is unmatched due to it being created by the God of Souls, one of the Omniverse's strongest beings. This object was created by the blood and body of Xoringel, the Alchemy Devil. Unlike the rest of his species aka the Qlakrik, he sided with the Eazairvian during the Omniverse War. He was killed by his two good friends Necron Orion ,a Magnus, and Fushiro the man who is known as the Tyrant Hero. He died not because he betray one of his allies but by the fact of him being mind controlled by the rest of his species near the tail end of the war. The Qlakrik's body had traces of Necron's Liasada covering it from all sides and this resulted in Xoringel's Carnal having traces of Liasada inside of it. Sensing the potential in the Qlakrik's body, he asked one of his creations Calum to collect the being's body before neither side could discover the potential that Xoringel's body has. When the god got the body, he used his power to turn the body into a food which looked like a hybrid of several different fruits. In Rumos's opinion, this piece of fruit had the power to rival Skull Plague in terms of what it can do. Upon eating the fruit, the eater gets turned into a Cross Species of Qlakrik and whatever the eater's species is. This doesn't apply if the eater is already a Qlakrik. Compared to a Branda, the eater is much stronger than them and around the same level of an Eazairvian. Rumos kept it on his person at all times because he wanted the right being to devour it and take its power to use it for good like Xoringel did when he was alive. After several centuries of waiting, he found the perfect being. This being is Zane Alvarez whom later turned out to be the reincarnation of Necron Orion, one of the strongest Magnus when he was alive and a good wielder for Fushiro's sword Fafnir which he later gave to Zane shortly after getting closer to the young Cross Species. Rumos has the ability to see into a being's Essence/heart and he saw how determined Zane can be when it comes to protect people from danger. After having Calum sneak his way into the Alliance hospital where Zane was staying at, the god gave his creation a mission to deliver the fruit to Zane in whatever method the Rakrow wanted. The bird man did this by turning the fruit into a slushie which was known as Zane's favorite drink. As a doctor, he had a nurse deliver it to him under the idea of healing him. After Zane drank the slushie and "died", the hero met the god in the extremely private dimension called Transient Yonder or Streroyzon. Rumos told Zane of its power since he was sure of it being just the thing Zane needed to defeat Skull Plague alongside the assistance of his family and friends which no other Zero had prior. He also has the twins Celina and Izola helping as well. Despite being against eating it at first, he accepted the power since it would help protect everything and everyone he cares about. He doesn't care about the power coming from a Qlakrik which is the Eazairvian's most hated rivals since he doesn't hate an entire species just because of one bad egg. Rumos told him that the best way for him to master this power and his new sword is for him to handle some high ranking jobs/missions for the Alliance for at least a year. He also recommended getting to know the twins Celina and Izola through training. Zane agreed to this and after recovering from his injuries, the hero left the Prime Dimension in order to become stronger. According to Rumos, this power gives the eater infinite potential but this power is connected to the eater's knowledge and imagination. Satanic Corruption or Tropical Mutant gives Zane the power of the Alchemy Devil Xoringel. By focusing, Zane can detect the Carnal that flows inside of him alongside the other forms of Impulse that live inside of him. In Zane's opinion, Carnal has an exotic yet bitter feeling to it. His other energies have a unique feeling to them but Carnal sticks out the most to him. While Zane is doing this, his Essence rate/heart rate goes over a hundred beats per minute and his body temperature raises to a higher than normal level to him. His body emits a royal blue windstorm of energy, sending anyone around him back. There is a very faint scent of blood and tar in the air as this is going on but it's barely noticeable except to those with an extremely strong sense of smell. The windstorm of energy eventually dies down around Zane with everyone seeing how Zane has changed. His body is covered by an encouraging royal blue aura with his eyes have heterochromia with his left eye glowing molten gold and right eye glowing steel gray. His hair is black with patches of his hair being a royal blue color. It looks more wild and flowed with the breeze. He has two royal blue ram like horns sticking out of his hair. His horns are made out of compressed Carnal and face downwards. It vents Carnal energy out of them in a manner resembling exhausts. His ears are pointed. His upper left and right tooth ,which are canine like, protruded from his mouth. The veins over his arms, chest, and legs bulge out and turn crimson red. His veins look to have a fissure like pattern to them. His eyes have a cold look to them. Zane’s voice is deeper and more demonic. The aura that covers Zane’s body can form a pair of beetle/dragon/devil wings protruding from his back. He’s able to use his Satanic attacks and techniques at their full strength while doing this. By fully focusing the Carnal into every part of his body, it allows Zane to transform into what he calls his Qlakrik Mode as well. It's also what Xoringel looked like when he was alive according to Rumos. He grows to be about eight feet tall but he can become easily over twenty feet tall if angers. His entire body is covered in a variation of Vulcan Emperor’s reddish black metallic scales. The only different is that they have a royal blue lightning bolt pattern to it instead of the signature flame like pattern. He has two royal blue horns on the sides on his head. His head is a round and blunt shape. It looks like a pterodactyl with a head crest and distinctive bent neck. He has two eyes with him having heterochromia. His left eye is crimson red and his right eye is royal blue. His eyes glow with a calming presence but whenever he’s really angry, they scream rage and anger. His eyes have reptile like slits and lack pupils. They look like they’re hunting prey.  His mouth is filled with razor sharp teeth. His arms and legs are gorilla like with his feet and hands are the size of boulders and look like large human like hands. His fingers and toes are replaced by sharp silver steel ,katana shaped, claws. He still maintains opposable thumbs. He has an ominous and sinister crimson red, royal blue, molten gold, and steel gray aura around him. On the back of his arms, he has five silver steel spikes ,that are similar in appearance to Zane’s spider-like stingers, protruding out. They start from his neck and ends halfway down his tail. He has two dragon/devil wings protruding from his back. They are large reddish black ,with a flame like pattern to them, with royal blue extremely sharp energy blade instead of feathers or patagrim. He has a long, dragon-like ,being two feet long, tail elongated from his spine with the tip of his tail being a large scorpion like stinger in the shape of an arrow. It’s covered in sizeable royal blue energy. His entire body is covered with black tribal dragon runes and have a a crimson red background. The center of his chest has a pentagram surrounded by a magic circle tattoo. His chest piercing is still there unlike the rest of Zane’s scars but it’s much smaller due to his massive frame. Whenever he finish transforming to his Qlarik Mode, he can let out a terrifying roar. This roar sends terror down most people’s spine and can shatter windows. Whenever people stare at him, their brains are practically screaming that this is a monster and they need to run away. While in his Qlakrik Mode, he can easily smash his way through bedrock and leave footprints on the most durable substance without trying. He tends to charge toward something like a beast. His body becomes bulletproof with bullets bouncing off his body. He’s able to use his wings for flight. This power grants Zane several abilities. He's able to turn into any animal ,mythical or real, with a single thought. He can access animal's special traits or appearance such as the kangaroo's ability to jump, an eagle's wings for flight, a snake for dodging, a fish's gill for swimming, etc. He can also shapeshift into different species throughout the Omniverse if he so desires. Zane says he's able to use his full Eazairvian's powers without turning into Astral Form and this is a big deal since Zane can only shapeshift into different genders rather than species except if he uses Astral Form to change his species. Zane's Carnal ,which is a royal blue color, is similar to the substance known as tar or asphalt. It's kinda like how Zane's blood is similar to candy syrup. Zane is able to turn his blood into the tar substance which Zane used to surprise his opponent who is expecting Zane's blood to be candy syrup. Zane is able to use his Sweet based attacks but instead of using his signature candy syrup, Zane is able to use his tar instead for a surprise. When using his Carnal, his body can turn into a tar like substance. His tar is similar to his candy syrup except it's more refined compared to his candy syrup. Zane can make the tar burn on contact which can be used to keep a being trapped in the substance better than the candy syrup he can. Unlike his Candy Syrup, he's able to make his tar come to life and have some kind of sentience. Like his Candy Syrup, his tar has a noticeable weakness of extremely cold which shatters upon reaching a certain cold. It also has a noticeable scent to it compared to his candy syrup, combust rather easily, and doesn't taste very good since it has a bitter taste compared to his candy syrup's sweet taste. It's a difference between Carnal and Primordial that's barely noticed unless you have the ability to eat energy. He's able to disappear by turning his body into Carnal and dispersing into the air around him. When he does this, he can't be tracked since he's blending into the air. Zane is able to create objects and weapons out of Carnal. Xoringel was able to absorb and manipulate Impulse to create anything from his imagination. Due to the entire Omniverse being made out of Impulse, he was practically impossible to defeat. Zane is able to shape nearby Impulse to create bars of pure gold all the way to create a complex living being. This power has been compared to the Eazairvian’s ability to create things and was highly wanted by the Qlakriks during the Omniverse War. Upon touching an object for a certain period of time, Zane subconscious absorb the structure of said object. This makes it easier and less energy to create it. It helps Zane if he reads through several books of any kind to help create objects. Like most of his techniques, he’s able to increase the amount of power and versatility he has at his disposal. He tends to use this power alongside Expansion and Shrinkage to make larger objects hit lighter than they really should and smaller objects hit harder than they really should. It’s mainly used for confusion his opponents. It also allows Zane's already impressive healing factor even more impressive since he's able to repair and alter his body with a single thought. He can use this on others. This technique has some serious flaws. It makes Zane more bloodthirsty and aggressive in combat. It always makes him more angry and takes a good amount of discipline to control it. In his Qlarik Mode, he has no sense of responsibility and attacks anything that moves even if they’re friendly. It also activates whenever Zane is feeling depressed. When he’s in his Qlarik Mode, it’s hard to snap him out of it. This technique has a tendency to activate whenever Zane is really pissed off and Zane has to make sure that he doesn’t activate it. Depending on how complex the object is, it takes more energy to create it. 

Satanic Dimensions. This technique is connected to Zane’s Expansion and Shrinkage in terms of its function. By releasing harmless waves of royal blue Carnal, he’s able to manipulate an object by a great deal. He’s able to make an object bigger, heavier, lighter, and smaller. He can do of these at the same time. Zane can make an object look bigger than an elephant but weigh less than a plastic beach ball.    

Satanic Dissection. This technique is usually partnered up with Satanic Rejuvenation. By putting a hand on an object or by using Astral Sense to focus on the object, he sends out harmless Carnal from his body. This gives Zane the exact atomic structure and gets engraved into his mind. It also notes any imperfection something may have. Depending on how complex said object is, it takes longer amount of time to full analysis an object.

Satanic Escutcheon. Unlike most of Zane’s Satanic moves, Zane can use this technique outside of Satanic Corruption and it doesn’t lose its power. Zane focuses on royal blue Carnal and forms a big transparent shield. He can make it into a bubble shape. Whenever inorganic touches the disk, it’s erased from existence. If something organic touches the disk, they get hit with a powerful shockwave.

Satanic Platform. Zane focus royal blue Carnal into an area, causing a chunk of the ground to be ripped out of the ground. The piece of ground floats in the air thanks to the Carnal covering it and Zane can use it to travel places or for a way to catch someone from falling. This platform can move at impressive speeds. 

Satanic Rejuvenation. This technique is usually partnered up with Satanic Dissection. Once Zane has finished his analysis and notes any imperfections, Zane changes any imperfection that an object may have into the best version can be. Like with Satanic Dissection, the more complex an object is takes more time to restore. It also takes a long time depending on how many imperfections an object may have.  

Satanic Teleport. Zane can turns his body into pure royal blue carnal. By doing this, he can dodge attacks that are thrown at him or move around the area at impressive speed. This technique is usually done without thinking and depends on his reflexes.

Satanic Transmutation. By focusing Carnal, Zane is able to change the elements of the atoms in whatever object that he wants. He can turn some rubble into diamond. With enough Carnal, he is able to regrow limbs and organs of allies if they’re severely wounded. 

Searing Cowl. This technique is connected to Wildfire Overdrive. Zane activates this with his body igniting itself in a similar fashion to Arctic Shift freezing it. He can combines it with Archon Zero and Archon Zero Master. His body is covered in his emerald green ,with an obsidian black tint, flame being that it seems to be wild but it’s actually focused. Upon doing this, the flames begin to roar like a jet engine and it’s quite loud. It’s also an cocoon of oppressive heat. Several strands of his hair floats above him which flows in the breeze. They spike up within minutes upon activating it. The flames closes to Zane glow black, being extremely hot. His body is covered in the emerald green flames being that there are black particles dancing over his body like the spots on a lava lamp. His eyes have an vivid and celestial, molten gold color to them. His entire body is covered in the same scales aka AZM (Archon Zero Master) aka reddish black ,metallic, scales with a flame like pattern to them. His teeth grows sharper ,looking more like fangs that wouldn’t be far off from a normal dragon and snake, and he grows a forked tongue that would fit the description. His feet and hands turn themselves into very sharp, deadly talons and claws respectively. He grows a long tail being that the end is an arrow-headed spade and the tip of the tail has a sizable flame to the end. Zane’s flames has three ,meteor, sized fireballs orbiting around him with a small dark purple ring swirling around the spheres. His flames in this mode are extremely bright, being that it can be seen from miles away. It’s being called a beacon of justice, the spirit of a hero, and his strength to win no matter what. In a rage like state, the flames around him intensify and flare up more. People usually flinch away from Zane when he's in Searing Cowl being that these flames can burn them alive while blinding them with the flames's light. All ice melts upon getting a few feet in front of him. He’s able to draw in all fire around him being that he transmute the fire to match his fire, putting it under his control. It goes at a rapid pace. All flames in his range of vision comes toward him as if he was a magnet. He can transmute a conflagration of several burning buildings at once which turns into a swirling torrent of raging flames. Zane’s flames ,in this form or not, can reach incredible temperatures, being able to melt steel or instantly carbonizes cells. These flames can cause the ground below them to be charred. When Zane is angry, these flames have the ability to burn someone to death. Zane can concentrate them in a single place, they create an explosive force to his attacks. He can cover a small rock in his flames and then launch them an extra distance upon covering them in his concentrated flames. Zane can thrust his hand forward or backward, being that he sends out a torrent of fire in front of him to attack his enemies or behind him for an speed boost. He can grab a mechanical object such as a robot being that he can completely burn/melt away the sensitive circuits which overloads and fails the machine. He tends to breath fire most of the time like a dragon. Like with Wildfire Overdrive, this technique has several special attacks. This technique has a weakness being that if Zane use too much fire power and overloads his body, the heat from his body is gone being that Zane is left extremely cold. He shivers like nothing else and not even a bundle of blankets and heat from others such as his children and puppy who like to cuddle with him works on stopping the shivers. He can also burn away his skin, being that it does regenerate it thanks to his regeneration powers but it still hurts like nothing else. Zane also needs to have complete control of his fire being that it’s very dangerous to himself or others. After the Massacre, Zane began to upgrade the power of his fire. It was well known to Zane and pretty much everyone that whenever he was mad, his flames intensify and flare up more. Zane wanted to have that firepower without being mad since it hurts his friends. His emerald green ,with an obsidian black tint, flames began to turn into a soup-like substance. It’s thick and viscous. His Searing Cowl technique looks the same as it did before except the flames are now like a soup like substance. The soup like substance isn’t that noticeable unless Zane makes it apparent. Due to this upgrade, these flames are always more volatile than normal flames. He has to take a great deal of care to make sure that his flames seriously harm other people if he doesn't have any control over his flames. It also makes his body very warm like a furnace and his fire power has the intensity of a sun.

Snake Capture. In a similar manner as Sweet Downpour, Zane puke a large group of snakes from his mouth and all of them are under his command. He can make them emerge from his body but it's far less dramatic or cool in his opinion. Zane usually has them attacking multiple targets or gathering intelligence which Zane instantly gains upon the reptile learning it. Using these snakes, Zane can heal people from a distance much to their initial shock and disgust. Zane can also make them into a wall which is very durable. Zane can make two massive snakes come up out of the ground or from his body with them coiling around the target, capturing them. It’s hard to break out of it due to the snake being very stubborn. He's able to make smaller snakes appear from his body to achieve the same effect as a large snake but they're weaker than the large snake.

Snake Knife. By focusing Impulse into his body, he makes a snake ,with it consisting of runes, appear somewhere on his body primarily over his wrist. After making it appear, he's able to shoot the snake at a target. This snake uses its fangs to pierce right through the target's defense and steals some of their Impulse which goes back to Zane  He's able to implant this snake as a landmine which goes off if someone steps on it. This snake's durability isn't too taken since a single hit can destroy it but the snake moves constantly around and makes it hard to hit. He's able to use this at close combat with him striking them and each hit has the snake draining them of their Impulse. It also has the ability of weakening them. The more times that the target gets hit, they get weaker. 

Stygian Reposition. Zane takes a deep breath with him focusing Impulse throughout his body and allows him to move around in between shadows. It's similar to a teleportation technique but he could only move between areas that are covered by darkness or shadows. It makes him undetected by normal sensors. If there is no areas with any kind of darkness or shadows, this technique is useless.   

Sweet Arctic Rocket. Zane ,with his legs in their liquid form and having Arctic Shift active, slowly compacts both of his legs and stretches one or two of his arms forward at the same time. They make him like he’s a living slingshot and about to be fired. He lets go and he soars through the air like a bullet. Unlike with Sweet Rocket, he can control and switch his direction before crashing into something. He can used this as a powerful close combat tackle. Upon contact, the target is frozen solid.

Sweet Arena. Zane releases a large amount of candy syrup with it slowly covering the area around him. Large snake like dragon arise from the ground with them grabbing anyone who is on the outside of the area or keep anyone who was caught inside. Upon anyone other than Zane or anyone that he deems to be allies, they are trapped to crucifixes that rise up from the ground and restrain those within range. They have their arms, legs, and stomach bound by the crucifixes. Upon entering it, Zane has the ability to control the blood of the individual. Zane can make his enemies feel an intense pain with their eyes becoming white or heal them by covering the wounded parts of the person in syrup, letting it heal. This syrup can be bottled and used remotely to heal a target in the form of a Zenith Potion.

Sweet Confinement. Zane makes a giant cage out of candy syrup with this cage slowly trap his opponents within it. The top of the cage forms into a giant dragon’s head and it has the ability to fire candy syrup from its mouth. This fired out candy syrup can be used to capture anyone who gets close to the cage and able to attack anyone that try to break it from the inside. This cage can be melted with a strong enough flame.

Sweet Dam. Zane aims his hands in front of him with him creating a large wall out of his blood aka candy syrup. This wall can take a lot of damage and can hold attacks in it. He can use his legs to do this attack. He can produce this technique from Sweet Breath.

Sweet Hurricane. Zane turns his lower half of his body into its liquid with him forming a tornado shape. This technique elevates himself into the air causing him to fly toward a target. Upon reaching a target, they get attack with several attacks from the air.

Sweet Jar. Zane creates a massive bowl of his candy syrup being that he can use it to catch an opponent off guard and they’re trapped in it. This jar steals all kinetic energy very much like Sweet Wall.

Sweet Multiple Linked Howitzer. Zane’s body grows several howitzers from his body being that they can slowly gather any type of his energy. This is used for a close range explosion being that it covers a wide range in front of him. It however doesn’t affect him.

Sweet Relocation. This technique allows Zane to manipulate the blood in his body which is able to increase the amount of Impulse he can generate and physical capabilities. He is able to manipulate the blood within others with the latter only working if Zane is able to touch a part of them. By doing this, he is able to move incredibly fast and looks like he's teleporting. Due to the speed that Zane is moving at, he becomes incredibly hard to track down. When Zane uses this technique, candy syrup markings appearing over his left cheek and it forms a Z shape. Another way to use this technique is that Zane can use this technique to reduce the blood flow to the brain, causing the loss of consciousness. It can also enhance the function and processes the liver and kidney, cleansing and purifying the blood. It can also cure beings of illnesses or diseases that they managed to obtain at any point in death.

Sweet Rocket. Zane turns his legs into their liquid form. While he’s doing this, he’s slowly compacting them. Upon releasing his legs, Zane is able to jump high into the air or straight in front of him. This can be used to travel great distances quickly and launch himself toward a target. It can also be used to capture his target in its substance which hardens upon any kind of struggle. He can send himself directly toward into something dangerous if Zane doesn’t change directions in the middle of his flight.

Sweet Rupture. Zane turns his body into candy syrup and begins inhaling as much air as he can. He slowly inflates like a giant balloon and makes Zane look like a giant ball. After doing that, he covers his body in either Vulcan Force or Vulcan Emperor. It depends on Zane’s mood. His body can now reflect projectile attacks back at their owners. He has to aim the attacks back or they go flying in a different direction. Physical attacks and people naturally go into him, being that his body is now candy syrup. He can capture and detain people inside of his body with him able to fire them out like a cannon. He can survive a high amount of physical damage. He can use this to bounce around the area and come crashing down hard. Zane can release a powerful amount of wind pressure from his mouth. He can fire bullets of air like a machine gun. After doing either of the air based attacks, Zane shrinks back to normal.

Sweet Shield. Zane turns his arm into a buckler shield being that it hardens up upon being its created. This shield can block blades with ease and Zane can make the shield sprout tendrils in order to capture the attacker.

Sweet Territory. Zane fires out a huge amount of the turquoise candy syrup which slowly covers a wide range around him. Anyone ,that touches it by choice or accident, gets stick to it upon contact and it’s hard to escape from it. Zane or any other Eazairvian are immune to this.

Sweet Turbo Upsurge. Zane makes several rocket engines from his body being that he can use this to increase his speed in the land or air being that he uses it for extra power in his hits. This extra speed only last for a short amount of time.

Sweet Wall. Zane creates/generates an enormous torrent of his syrup from his body and it slowly forms into a wall being that it’s very durable. It can also reflect any attack that comes toward him ,very much like rubber, and it steals all kinetic energy that hits it. He can use this to reinforce any attacks. Zane can turn his arms into its liquid form with him forming the wall as well.

Sweet Web. Zane creates a massive ball of candy syrup with him throwing the ball toward the target and having it transforms into a massive web. The web slowly attaches itself to anything that it comes in contact and the web can capture anything. It doesn’t matter if the object or target is massive or small with the web acts very much like rubber as well. Zane can use the web to catch falling objects or block objects. It can be used to catch people falling or prevent rubble from near buildings crushing people down below.

Temporal Harmony. Zane spreads his arms outward with his palm facing upwards or toward his target. He creates a singular sphere in each palm or multiple. He launches them toward a target with anything caught in the sphere getting frozen in time. Upon being captured, the sphere has a ring around its orbit with Legion Zero written in Liasada ,aka a mixture of Ancient and Modern day Greek on it, on it. A single sphere can contain multiple objects. Anyone trapped in the sphere is unable to do anything.

Tempus. Upon saying this, Zane creates a space that’s outside of time and space being that Hourglass Universe taught him this technique. This space is very hard to destroy being that Zane often does this to do some high-level training that would normally destroy his normal training areas. He can use this technique to warp himself or others to the Pit.   

Tyrannus Aura. Zane surrounds himself in an aura of crimson red Tyrannus Nether. This technique is usually done without thinking but natural instincts or whenever he's angered. He’s able to shape the aura into ten tails that are similar to Sivarth’s and these tails can be appear from anywhere on his body. Zane can also make the two Tyrannosaurs heads appear as well with these heads usually appearing on his shoulders. He can also make the aura form into Sivarth with the Akotstar unleashing a terrifying aura that sends gales from it. It works great for intimidation. This aura greatly enhances his speed, being able to cross great distance and strike a powerful blow in a second. These ten tails can be used to lash about and attack anything that could hurt Zane. He can form arms that have three claws for fingers. The arms and tails are able to move at incredibly speed with them having flexible movement and can whip up a powerful, destructive twister with a single swipe of his tail. These arms can be used to grab onto objects or enemies from a great distance. Like his tails, he's able to sprout these arms anywhere on his body. Zane can combine the Tyrannosaurs Heads and his tails into one, making them come out of his back. He can control them to grab an object or target with their jaws which can shatter objects with ease. He can use the tails to fire out of one of the many forms of impulse Zane has under his control from them, working as a great long ranged attack. This works great as a surprise attack. Instead of his entire body, he can make it cover one of his limbs or have the heads or tail appear. This Nether can be used to dissolve a being within seconds and this is shown through steam.

Uninhibited Movement. Zane takes control of the Impulse surrounding him and in his body with him using it to easily evade and predict attacks, regardless of their speed. This technique is often not spoke by Zane but just done naturally and without thinking too hard about it.

Unlimited Concealment. Zane focuses on the Impulse surrounding himself and by doing this, he becomes undetectable by all known means to the Omniverse. By focusing, he releases the Impulse that flows inside of his body outwards. It's the opposite of Stygian Reposition where Zane is focusing on Impulse throughout his body. Zane can be discovered if he loses his focus. This technique can be used for offense with Zane having the ability to erase or block Impulse in another being’s body being that they are unable to use it for a certain period time if the latter option is picked. The former option is for those he deems unworthy to have powers. Zane can return it back if he so desires but tends not.

Unworldly Barrier. This technique is connected directly to Unworldly Palisade. Zane makes a golden transparent barrier ,with it being pentagon shaped, around himself or a target. He can make it a dome shape as well. It’s usually invisible until someone hits it. This technique is well known for its ability to protect whatever inside of the barrier. Upon someone hitting it, it can repels them a good distance away by releasing a sudden burst of explosive force. It can be covered in spiky protrusions and the spikes can fire off into multiple directions. Depending on how many barriers Zane creates, their durability is weakened.

Unworldly Gate. This technique is connected directly to Unworldly Palisade. Zane makes several gate shaped barriers appear in front of something. Each gate are a ethereal solid construct that shines crimson red and they stand proud. This can be used to block an attack with anything that hits one of the gates lose its power and momentum. 

Unworldly Labyrinth. This technique is connected directly to Unworldly Palisade. Zane places both of his hands on the ground with him making several invisible barriers around an area. It works as a maze that Zane can manipulate to his advantage with him making several rectangular pillars coming out of the walls. 

Unworldly Shield. This technique is connected directly to Unworldly Palisade. This is a stronger version of Unworldly Barrier with Zane making his eyes glow. In front of him or a target, a large translucent and intricately designed shield coated in a cosmic colored light. Zane's superhero logo is carved in the middle of the shield. This shield can be used to block an extremely powerful attack and if it's a ranged attack, Zane can sent it back. These barrier has a shiny surface that reflect light and makes numerous reflections of everything in the area. 

Unworldly Sphere. This technique is connected directly to Unworldly Palisade. Zane makes a transparent sphere ,which is made out of a barrier, go around him and this sphere makes Zane disappear from sight, making him invisible to the naked eye. It also negates his scent and any sounds that he would make. 

Veracity Thread. Zane gathers Impulse ,of any kind, with him making a rope appear in his hands. Its color depends on what energy Zane used. He can wrap it toward a target and grab onto them. The target can try to get out but the energy rope makes the target unable to move and the rope is unbreakable for the target. Zane can make the captured target speak whatever their mind and tell the truth. It can be used to hurt anyone that Zane captures by the rope sprouting spikes or covering in a element like electricity over it. The rope can be destroy by a being not tied up in the rope.

Vibration Atmosphere. Upon snapping his fingers, Zane creates a circular field of Vibration around himself or a certain area with it being invisible to normal eyes. This field cancels or negates all sounds created or any sound that's created around him. It prevents all sounds from coming in the field and out of the field. Zane uses this technique in order to ignore others or talk with someone alone in private being that no one outside of the barrier can hear them talk. This also counts for any noises that he didn’t created himself such as objects being thrown on the floor, breaking, or explosions.  

Vibration Capture. Zane focus Vibration around his mouth with him slowly hums a tune. This attack can either be used to put a target to sleep, launch a full scale attack which can break steel, or put them under an illusion.

Vibration Slaughter. Zane says that this move would be perfect for killing his enemies but he found a way to use it in a more pacifist manner. Zane gets rid of any sound from his body. This allows him to use one of his weapons or powers without alerting the target. Zane can knock his targets out cold with the normal way aka using a weapon to slit their throats to shut them. Zane uses his powers to keep his enemies off their guard so he can strike them down with ease.

Vitality Extremity. Zane makes part of Vitality Guardian appear such as an arm or leg. He can do this without summoning Astaroth himself for obvious reasons. This technique tends to be used whenever Astaroth is unable to fit within an area. This technique is often not spoke by Zane but just done naturally and without thinking too hard about it.

Vitality Guardian. This technique is a part of Terminus Riposte with it being a humanoid avatar made from Zane’s energies fused into one being which surrounds him and fights for him. This is how Zane escaped the cave in upon gaining Terminus Riposte for the first time. Upon being used, the guardian forms around him and becomes an extension of Zane’s will alone. He’s able to act and attack on Zane’s orders or his own if Zane is busy at the moment. The guardian has two stages being that over time and repeated usage of it, the guardian grows stronger and more powerful. It can be used for both big and small areas but more of the former rather than the latter. The guardian doesn’t have a name but at first, Zane called him Lucifer. The guardian just liked the name despite not showing any emotions. This is due to the guardian being connected to Lucifer aka the creator and master of Terminus Riposte. Zane later bonded with the real Lucifer with Zane deciding to upgrade the guardian after that with one of those upgrades being a name change in the form of Lucifer to Astaroth. Over time, Astaroth gained sentience around the time of the Massacre. He treats Zane as a partner and follows Zane’s command. Zane can switch between the two appearances of Astaroth whenever he wants. Upon activating the Guardian, the tattoo for Terminus Riposte glows dark indigo and slowly forms around Zane. Zane can summon Astaroth by focusing his energy throughout his body. He can punch one of his hand against his other hand’s palm and the energy forms into the Guardian. The first appearance of the Guardian is the exact same as Lucifer. The guardian is made out of living energy that’s connected to Zane. He can either range from Zane’s height to Sivarth’s height or even taller. He’s a dark indigo large and muscular humanoid demon. He has two devilish horns sticking of its head alongside his long black hair with several strands of hair hanging in front of its face and crimson red eyes with an slit pupil. In the center of his forehead, he has a fluorescent white marking resembles a single spiral. He has natural dragon like wings coming out of its back. These wings later come to match Zane’s Akostar wings upon forming/bonding with him. He has two elf shaped ears and elongated canine teeth coming out of his jagged and sharp mouth. He has three-finger clawed hands and three toed feet which stand upon very powerful swirling vortexes of black/red/yellow energy which he uses to move around. In the center of his chest, there is a black heart with the foreground that looks like a spiderweb and broken/cracked glass fusion. It has four lavender tomoe around it with a black jagged line going through all four of them. He has flame tribal tattoos which covers the entire left side of his body and lightning tribal tattoos which covers the right side of his body. All of the tattoos are black. The second appearance of Astaroth is very similar to Lucifer but very different due to him having some elements of Predator State and his own. According to Astaroth himself, this is his true self that he wants the world to see. Zane can summons him in the same ways as before and made out of living energy that’s connected to Zane. Zane invented a new way to summon Astaroth with him feeling a burst of energy surging through his entire body and the wind around him picks up. It blinds everyone ,except for Zane, due to how strong it is. Zane takes a deep breath with him smiling and letting go of any doubts that he may have. His entire body gets engulfed in one of his signature energies and he begins to laugh like a insane super villain. Anyone who hears this laughter coming from him begins to back away from it, slowly unaware of what’s going on but they can see one thing. It’s Zane’s smile that make itself apparent even among the energy storm. In a short period of time, a strange being emerges from the energy. His height can range from Zane’s height, Sivarth’s height, or even taller. His primary height is around eight feet tall. He's a dark gray slim yet muscular humanoid demon with his body looking to have been sculpted from porcelain. He now looks to have a more suave appearance compared to his more brute like appearance with long arms and legs. He has an eight-pack. His black hair is cut to his chin with the ends of his hair flowing through the air like energy. His face looks rather demonic with two crimson red eyes. He has slit pupils and a jagged mouth. Astaroth's mouth resemble sharp, elongated teeth or fangs. It's in a a permanent smirk but can move its shape. He has two curled devil like horns sticking out of his forehead. Astaroth has two curled devil like horns sticking out of his forehead. In the area between each of his horns and hidden behind his bangs, he has a fluorescent black heart there. The foreground that looks like a spiderweb and broken/cracked glass fusion. It has four lavender tomoe around it with a black jagged line going through all four of them. He has two elf shaped ears. He has two large obsidian black energy wings coming out of his back. His wings seem to resemble the wings of a bat and can turn into a flowing obsidian black cape that billows in the wind. Similar to Crimson Spade, Astaroth wears a domino mask over his face. It's a royal blue color with two white lenses that are clear and see-though. The mask's nose is curved like a hawk. He wears a vivid black jacket with crimson red trims and a royal blue shirt paired with a black tie underneath. Astaroth's jacket have shoulder pads with a small gold skull emblem on them. He wears black pants underneath with a gray belt and gold belt buckle. He wears royal blue armored boots with black "X" straps. The heel of his boot is a steel gray sword shape blade. He’s constantly emitting misty wisps of obsidian black energy and his chest is wrapped in a pair of chains ,in a z formation, that looks to match Zane's chains aka black ,with dark indigo flame like outlines, chains. He has five gold claw like fingers with them enclosed in black leather fingerless gloves with gold metal skull shaped studs on the back of them over each knuckle. He’s wears emerald green magatama earrings. Under his boots, he stands upon very powerful swirling vortexes of black/red/yellow energy and this is how he moves around. For weapons, he can make two long-barrel silver revolvers appear with the gun chamber sticking out the most being a twelve round chamber magnum, a giant  silver ,buckler, shield with a single crimson red sphere in the center with his shield being as wide and tall as a mountain, and a massive drill-like broadsword/katana with the blade itself is made out of starlight. When he emerges, he is ready to fight for Zane without question. He tends to float in the air right behind Zane and waiting for the right moment to strike. Astaroth can only form around Zane being that this limits his power somewhat but not by much since he is able form around one of Zane's clones if needed. Zane can make Astaroth emerge from his shadow or his body form around Astaroth as a make shift armor. The latter of which has Astaroth caring Zane around and shields Zane from physical attacks. It’s extremely hard to break due to it slowly repairing any damage that it has sustained in combat or when Zane ends it. Zane can still use his attacks from within in the guardian being, their power is increased. Like whenever Zane creates the construct of Sivarth, others can come inside of Astaroth but Zane decides who comes into the demon and can stays in. The defense to the guardian is quite impressive being that Zane had a clone ,in one of his physical powerhouse forms, try and break a chunk of it but his hit did barely any damage. He’s able to make Astaroth’s skeletal structure, either a ribcage for defense or an arm for interacting with the area around him aka offense. His sword is a new version of Lucifer's signature weapon Cardinal Etcher, gaining more power and loses some of its abilities. He’s very powerful. He can easily destroy anything in his path and Zane can shape him around Sivarth, making him even powerful. This can protect Zane from acid, lava, and highly toxic environments. He’s able to block any attacks with him able to smash a target into the ground either using either weapon. Despite the size, he’s able to move extremely fast being able to dodge attacks with ease. His wings can change into long, steel gray dragon claw ,with five fingers, like protrusions for extra damage. With his second appearance, Astaroth is able to make his opinion heard with his voice can be heard by others if he allows them to hear his voice. Astaroth's signature attack is him jumping into the air and coming back down. He hits the target with a powerful dive kick, sending them flying away. From his guns, he fires a single obsidian black energy at the ground in front of a target and this makes a huge explosion that sends his target flying away. He's able to fire a stream of bullets at a group of enemy for several smaller but deadly explosions. He can wield his sword and shield in an impressive manner as well. He's able to unleash a volley of punches on his opponents with him ending with a powerful uppercut and sending the target flying. He's able to catch a sniper's bullet in mid air while Zane isn't paying attention. His drill like weapon ,known as Skeletal Etcher, can send out shockwaves through the ground being that it can obliterated numerous enemies in a single swipe and slice mountains from a great distance away.  He can swing the guardian’s weapon, firing off a crescent wave of energy that can slice through most objects with relatively ease. His energy attacks can easily make a dome sized explosion upon hitting something. It has the power of a detonating star. He can make energy orbs around himself or others that’s harder than most metal. The shield ,Deathly Blockade, isn’t just for defense being that it has a longbow like attachment to it. Zane can focus molten gold energy into the bow and focus it into an arrow shape. This is a signature attack known as Worthy Arrow being that Zane says that it’s up there for the title of Zane’s strongest offensive attack. Zane can fire a single or rapid fire arrow storm from it with each arrow packing a serious punch. The arrows are extremely hard to dodge being that he can add extra properties to it making it’s power more potent. The shield is able to nullify any projectile attacks that comes toward it. His shield can easily repel most objects with ease. His punches can create sonic booms that can blow a hole through most objects such as clouds and mountains. He can roar at a target, creating a massive shockwave that blows away all of the clouds in the area. It can transform into multiple objects as well. He can fire a massive beam of energy that forms into an arm being that it can chase down an opponent with ease. It makes a massive explosion. This power does drain Zane’s vast pool of energy slightly less than when he pulls off several Zenith Spears without stopping. The chains that bind Astaroth ,in his second appearance, is a way for him to limit his immense power but can be used as a weapon or method of defense in a similar manner to Ryoka with her chains and Zane with his Astral Chains. These chains can be used for blocking or cutting right through attacks like they were nothing more than butter. Zane can unleash the being's full power by removing said chains or Astaroth can remove the chains himself but only if Zane's life is in absolute danger. When the chains binding Astaroth are removed, the earth around the demon shakes and the clouds part apart. The air shakes violently and the demon unleashes a powerful amount of energy from his body. It created a powerful shockwave that knocks away most objects in the surrounding area. With the latter, he roars in anger and charges toward the enemy. In this state, he doesn't hold back. Once that happens, the amount of energy that Astaroth produces a powerful shockwave that knocks away the surrounding area. 

Vitality Portal. Zane makes a dark indigo colored spiral like portal appear in front of him or around him. He can make the portal into many different shapes ,such as a door, but Zane tends to make circles just out of personal preference and for another reason. This portal can send Zane or any single target to any location in the Omniverse. It can be use to warp enemies into the path of attacks, out of battle, or move his allies advantageous positions. This can be used as an offensive attack mainly in the form of redirecting attacks back or carve away through objects if Zane wants. The portal’s selected location that Zane selects depends heavily on how familiar Zane is in the area. If Zane isn’t unaware of the area before hand, Zane can’t make a portal appear there. This technique is often not spoke by Zane but just done. This technique can drain Zane’s energy over continuous use and the size of said portal. The reason why Zane makes circles ,about his size, is to keep himself from using too much energy at once point. The portal can big enough to cover an entire planet and its residents but this drains Zane’s energy a great deal.  
Void Absorption. Zane holds out either his left or right palm in front of him being that it naturally absorbs any energy that comes toward him being that it goes into his body which he can use as a recharge or an attack. In the other hand, the attack is much bigger being that it can easily overwhelm his target.

Vordlarin Examination. Zane makes several tendrils come out of his back with him sending them toward a target and pierce them in a random spot. It hurts the target with Zane telling that the pain will go away. Upon contact, these tendrils tell Zane the target’s physical condition and the best way to heal them. He can detect big to small wounds. It also gives him the exact amount of power they have in them and their potential if they apply themselves. Zane can use one of his many ways of healing into the tendrils and can heal the target if the tendril is still inside of them.

Vordlarin Whip. This technique is the name for whenever Zane sprouts one of his black ,with a crimson red web pattern, tendrils from his body. It’s similar to Vitality Extremity since it’s often not spoke by Zane but just done naturally. He controls these tendrils with extreme precision and finesse. He can use them to block any upcoming attacks alongside extending them to hit or capture targets. He can use them to jump very high by grabbing onto objects and launching himself. The tendrils are very durable being able to crack solid ground with ease and block powerful attacks. He can cover the tendrils in his stingers for extra piercing damage or change the end of them into blades at the top or throughout the tendrils. They can easily cut through flesh and creates small craters on the ground. The max amount of tendrils can sprout is unknown but Zane tends to make eight at maximum just out of personal preference.

Vulcan Emperor. These scales are a stronger version of Vulcan Force and considered to be a separate technique by Zane despite it being nothing much than a stronger Vulcan Force. These scales are metallic with them being reddish black with a flame like pattern to it. A way of making these scales appear is by focusing Impulse through his body and have it flowing out of him like a waterfall. By doing this, his scales appear one by one. Unlike Vulcan Force, Zane can transform his entire body rather than just covering part of his body in these scales. He covers his arms and legs in Vulcan Emperor with these scales slowly covering his body except for his face. His arms and legs look slightly enlarged with him growing to 8 feet tall. His hair goes upwards and flows in the air like it’s living energy. His body naturally emits steam. His fingers are similar to dragon claws and his hands in the shape of a leopard blow. He created these scales in order to fight against powerful and very durable foes. Despite looking metallic, these scales don't slow his movement. Compared to Vulcan Force, this technique has some signature attacks to them. These attacks have the moniker of Vulcan Emperor Kaiser in their name. Any time he has the scales on, he can use these attacks at full power. When his body is transformed, all of his attacks have an explosive punch to them and he has a high amount of defense. All attacks seemingly bounce off his body such as swords. He can overwhelms most opponents with his raw physical strength and speed. He can change the direction of his acceleration of his attacks with his attack speed increases over time. Despite its size, this form works great for agile opponents. He uses Gravity Drive to fly through the air causing shockwaves upon landing on the ground or moving through the area. He can compress his arms, legs, and head into his body and release them, increasing their strength. These scales also has the powers of Vulcan Force since it’s a stronger version of those scales. Over time, Zane gave his full body Vulcan Emperor transformation a redesign. This redesign was based off Akuma, Albion, and Avenger. Zane's skin color turns reddish black with a flame like pattern to it and it looks metallic scales. Most of his head disappear under these scales. His arms and legs doesn't change in terms of size with his hair changing to a carmine red color, becoming wavy and it looking similar to a flame. His face has a menacing dragon skull like appearance with a jaw filled with sharp wolf like teeth. His eyes's scleara are pure white and glowing steel gray pupils. His eye socket/orbit are in the shape of hexagons. His finger nails are similar to draconic claws. His claws ,when activate, are razor sharp and very capable of slicing through metal with no problem.   

Vulcan Force. Zane focus his will over a part of or all of his body and objects to make it stronger. Upon doing this, the object or part of his body is covered by dark purple metallic scales with a spiral pattern to it. This also increases his weight of his attacks, making them highly durable and prevents damage toward Zane. They have the ability to also rebound the attack back at the attacker. Upon doing this, Zane can imbue elemental effects such as fire or lightning mainly the former. Zane making the scales appear takes a long time if Zane isn’t feeling good. It can also be quite explosive if Zane desires.

Vulcan Gate. This technique was made shortly after the Massacre. Zane takes a deep breath with him saying,"I’ll protect you all. I promise. I won’t let that happen ever again.". Zane’s body turns into his liquid form and he explodes causing everyone ,allies and enemies, to be shocked by this action. The liquid slowly gathers around his allies and it forms into a giant dome of Vulcan Emperor. Zane never makes it Vulcan Force due to him wanting to protect what is inside no matter what. It’s unbreakable from the inside and outside. Zane reforms from the dome and he lands in front of the dome. Zane places his hand on the dome and he said with a smile,"Don’t worry you guys. This battle will end. Me and him will fight until one of us dies and I don’t plan on losing.". Spikes come out of the barrier making it extremely hard to touch without any kind of complications from either side. 

Zero-G. Zane can do many things with this technique. He’s able to increase or decrease the gravity around himself or others. By decreasing the gravity around himself or others, their agility and speed are increased but strength is decreased. By increasing the gravity around himself or others, their strength is increased but their agility and speed are decreased. Zane is able to create a ball of gravity being that upon tossing it, it creates of an area of gravity that does one of three things. The first thing that it can do is that it works like a mini black hole that brings everything in a surrounding area toward it. The second thing that it can do is that it increased the gravity around itself with it pinning anyone or anything in the area of increased gravity down onto the ground. The third thing that it can do is that it decreased the gravity around itself with it causes anyone or anything in the area of decreased gravity into the air, unable to do anything.     

Zero Tag-Team. Zane makes a clone of himself with him tossing the clone toward his target and by doing this, the clone slams right into the target with a high amount of force behind it. It stuns the target with the clone jumping above the stunned target. Nearby, the real Zane smiled and he yells,"Dogpile!". From the first clone, several clones emerged from the first clone and all of the clones trap the target, making them unable to move.

Zenith Duplication. This technique is a variation of the Duplication spell that Sorcerers use and has been called the more advanced version by several beings. Zane is able to make an exact duplicate of anything, living or not. It can range from making copies of himself, others, or weapons. By making copies of weapons, he can use this to overwhelm his opponents and making it impossible to escape due to the amount. These copies are more durable than anything created by the Duplication spell since Zane distributed a bit of his power into each copy. This gives any clone of Zane the ability to use Zane’s attacks or spells if Zane gives them enough energy upon creation. They can be dissipate after getting hit with a strong amount of force or if Zane is knocked out. Clones that are created by Duplication have several differences compared to their creator but Zenith Duplication is different. The clones created by Zenith Duplication are extremely accurate and can be seen as the real deal. The clones are able to think for themselves and do whatever he asks of them without question. They can feel pain and Zane is well aware of their destruction but doesn't take any damage if they're destroyed. Zane can detect their location at all times since they were created from his Impulse. Any information or knowledge that a clone gains is directed back to Zane. This technique can be perfect for spying, multi-tasking, or information gathering. This spell is perfect for training and the total amount of experience is multiplied by the amount of clones being used for training. If done with several hundred clones, training that could take weeks or months can be done in a couple of hours. He does this whenever he’s learn a new technique or mastering his powers. Zane can make himself an entire army using his clones. Zane is able to make one of his clones appear being that instead of fighting his opponent, he is able to make them explode. This is done thanks to either a timer that Zane implanted on the clone upon creation or the clone decides to make the Impulse that created them go boom. The strength and size of the explosion depends on how much energy Zane put into them prior and how long it takes for them to go boom. If Zane makes an explosive clone, anything that hits the clone makes it go boom regardless of the timer. This explosion can affect his allies and unlike a normal clone, Zane doesn't retain the memory of getting blown up much to his joy. They can also be used to capture or detain an opponent by having a clone exploded and instead of a fiery explosion, it's an explosion of either his candy syrup or tar. His clones call Zane either the Prime or Boss. Another way of using this technique is having these clones turn into beautiful women. These clones have their figure, breasts, and waist given the most attention. These woman are subtly covered by clothing that creates a bikini or black ,with traces of red, smoke and works as a natural censor bar. With the smoke, it adds to the allure of a female clone and leaves just enough to be cover but makes her more appealing. Doing this technique can overwhelm both straight men and lesbian/bisexual women by giving them lustful thoughts and for some, they release a geyser of blood from their noses and sends them flying. Upon landing on the ground, they twitch with a huge blush on their face. Using a harem of women doesn't work on gay/bisexual men or straight women because of that so in response to this, Zane came up with the reverse of that. It's a naked man either covered by trunks or black ,with traces of red, smoke and works as a natural censor bar. With the smoke, it adds to the allure of a male clone and leaves just enough to be cover but makes him more appealing. With this technique, it tends to require the right pose to give off the perfect reaction and kill perverts of all species. Tasks that require great concentration restrict the number of clones and any change in the user such as losing a limb will cause the clones to change as well. This technique does have a major flaw being that Zane must distribute their energy into a clone to keep it standing there. Zane can’t make too many clones if he’s too tired or have a low amount of energy in his body.

Combos: (9). No combos that start with B, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, M, N, O, P, Q, R, T, U, W, X, and Y.  
Assault Frenzy. This combo is considered to be one of Zane’s faster moves and moves so fast that he can’t be tracked. Zane starts off by attacking a target with Hellfire Emperor Tiger and Thunder Emperor Black Panther which strikes the target with a extreme heat and shock, which prevents the target’s movement. The two felines both turn into a copy of Zane with the clones nodding as the real Zane disappeared. The duo makes several Curved Atlatls appear and they throw them toward the target, slicing them. The real Zane ,while in Archon Zero Master, charges up a Zenith Sphere. The two clones grab the opponent and the real Zane slams the Zenith Sphere directly into the target sending them a far distance away.

Atlas Vengeance. Zane gathers up both his inner energy and power with him rushing toward his target at a fast speed. He’s able to dodge attacks from the target but his main goal is to launch a single but powerful punch. He does this by pushing his target back with several punches being that each punch causes a minor shockwave around the target and Zane. This keeps everyone away. To the target, this frenzy of blows seems like it keep on going for what seem like forever. The ground below them begins to slowly break as Zane moves his body toward the target and hits them back. Zane says,“I’ll never give up as long as I can keep on fight and that’s makes me a real man!”. He punches the target back after that. He throws the target into the air and jumps after them to throw into the ground with it being painful. Zane charges up all of his energy for one final punch that can do one of two things. It can either be a simple left or right hook into an uppercut which sends a target flying into the air and then back ground to shake below him or he smashes them into the ground, breaking it and making a massive crater in the ground being that there is a giant twister around him so strong enough that it can carry several heavy objects. Before the punch, Zane says,”I’m Legion Zero and nothing is going to stop me when I’m serious! I’m what is good and I shall protect what I care about no matter what!”. 

Cipher Storm. Zane uses Curved Atlatl, Gravity Acceleration, Zenith Duplication, and Zenith Sphere in this combo. Zane kicks the target away from him and throws several Curved Atlatls toward the target. Instead of hitting the target, the knives float around the target. Zane makes a clone of himself appear and it disappears. The clone reappears near the weapons and begins to slice them repeatedly with the knives that float around the target. The real Zane appears above the target with him holding a Colossal Zenith Sphere. Zane slams the sphere right into the target causing a massive explosion. The target is sent flying around the explosion leaves behind a massive crater. 

Legion Smash. Zane ,while in one of his transformation, makes Kane ,either in his human like Zane guise or his Vulcorian form but mainly the latter, appear next to him as Zane said,”Ready to show him the power of our bond Kane?”. “Zane. Just don’t mess up. We got this.” said Kane. The two fist bump and they rush toward the target with each one landed a punch or slash. The target is dazed by this straight and while Zane is making a Heavy Zenith Sphere, Kane slices them with his claws before moving out of the way of the sphere thrown by Zane. The target is seen flying from the Sphere as Zane make Sivarth and Astaroth appear. Kane is on the top of Sivarth’s main head and Zane is floating inside of Astaroth with him holding an Fafnir and a evolved Lazarus Soul fitting his size. Upon appearing, Sivarth says to the two,”I’m joining in now so are you two ready?” said Sivarth. “They better not mine since there is no way in the nine realms that I’m missing out on this.” said Astaroth. The left head makes a massive Tyrannus Spheroid with nine small but powerful Distortion Zenith Spheres flying around it, the right head makes a Karmic Enlarged Limbo, and then Astaroth gets the swords ready with both of them ready to use Karmic Zenith Slash. "Yeah! Lets show them what happens when you fuck with Legion Zero!". The target is hit with the nine Distortion Zenith Spheres, Tyrannus Lance from Kane, the massive Tyrannus Spheroid, the Karmic Enlarged Limbo, and both Karmic Zenith Slashes. It causes a explosion that can been seen all around and in other dimension. Zane deactivates the armor with him saying,”Thanks Astaroth, Kane, and Sivarth. You guys are amazing like always.”. The three beings nodded as Zane rests since this combo takes a lot of him.

Legion Swarm. This combo is the one of the best ways showing off Zane’s natural ability to make several clones and he can make over a thousand of himself. He can focus his immense energy between all of his clones and they can be used to swarm an enemy from all sides with all of the clones throwing a Zenith Sphere. This makes it to dodge even for the most agile. He can also overcome his target by having his clones attacking them by laying out several physical attack storm. He usually finishes this combo off by using one clone to punch the target in the face while three other clones launch the target into the air. Zane creates a Zenith Sphere with every clone jumping into it. This slowly making the sphere grow in size until Zane is the only one remaining. Zane jumps toward his target and he fires the sphere at a target. This creates a massive explosion of energy ,which can be seen from outer space, upon contact. 

Sivarth’s Damnation. Zane rushes toward his opponent with him grabbing them and throwing them into the air. He jumps toward the target ,with him making a construct of Sivarth, and the Phantom sends them into the ground with all ten of his tails. Sivarth charges up a Tyrannus Spheroid while his two other heads releases a powerful fire which covers the entire Tyrannus Spheroid within seconds. These flames are extremely potent with a single ember able to incinerate an entire building by itself. After the spheroid is ready to go, Sivarth fires it on his target and completely ruptures the ground while doing so. It makes a massive crater and the flames pretty much burn anything other than dragons and truly powerful beings.

Snake Clan: Ultimate Slash. Zane makes three clones appear around him with them each holding one of his swords with him holding one as well. Zane can pick which clone holds what sword. Zane and the three clones jump toward a target with Clone 2 starting first. Clone 2 slash the target with a horizontal slash and then a vertical slash. Clone 2 launches the target high into the air using the blade and the target slams into the blade belonging to Clone 1 causing an explosion. Clone 1 use his blade to slash the target ,who's still recovering from the previous explosion, in the air with Clone 3 striking them toward the ground. Zane appears with him having a snake aura around him and he slices them with the snake aura devouring the target causing a massive explosion.   

Vitality Ravaging. Zane traps his opponent inside of a Universal Ruination. They can easily break out of it but this is only to distract his target from Zane’s true attack. He activates Vitality Guardian with him flying above his target while inside the being. He makes several Universal Ruinations ,about nine or ten, float around him. He drains them of their energy and Astaroth glows brightly. Zane combines his signature attack Zenith Spear and Sphere in one with him slamming it on the meteor which contains the target. The impact results in a massive explosion which blows the meteor to smithereens and the explosion can been seen from outer space. 

Zero Smackdown. This combo is usually on gods or enemies that Zane knows ,100%, can take a serious beating and unlike his other combos, it can ONLY be used on a single target. This combo has two variations with one involving his forms and the other one involving his immense powers. The variation involving his powers uses most of 195 Forms. Zane first turns into Bone Form with him running away and always in the direction to the right of the target. The target thinks that Zane’s running away from them but he’s actually running around the world ,that they’re currently in, in five seconds flat with it being 8,000 kilometers per second and he punches the left side of the target’s body, sending them a couple of feet to the left regardless of how much they weigh. He does this yet again with him turning into Orb Form ,going even faster than he did before and going the reverse direction, with him taking four seconds and going 17,776 kilometers per second with him punching the right side of the target’s body, sending them a couple of feet to the right regardless of how much they weigh. He does this a third time with him turning into Turbo Form ,going even faster than Bone and Orb Form and going to strike them from the back of the target, with it taking three seconds and going 29,088 kilometers per second and he punches the back of the target’s body, sending them forward a couple of feet. He does this a fourth time with him turning into Swift Form ,going faster than Bone, Orb, and Turbo Form and strikes them from the front, with it taking two seconds and going 128,000 kilometers per second and he punches the back of the target’s front, sending them back. He does this one final time being that he’s in Swift Prime being that he goes around the entire planet a single time and it takes a single second being that he goes 1,280,000 kilometers per second. However unlike the previous four punches,  Zane jumps into the air and changing into Brawn Form being that he delivers for a punch that is equal to a 100 octillion megatons of force causing an explosion of energy upon contact. After the explosion dissipates, the target or anyone who is watching the fights sees that Zane’s body is moving faster. He clones himself 210 times being that the target and the crowd sees Zane standing there with all of his forms ,prime included, appear around him. The forms go into four different groups. The first group consist of Alien Form, Archangel Form, Archer Form, Armadillo Form, Assassin Form, Astral Form, Atomic Form, Basilisk Form, Beast Form, Blitz Form, Bone Form, Boulder Form, Brain Form (Larger Form), Brawn Form, Brick Form, Bull Form, Bunny Form, Camouflage Form, Canine Form, Cetacean Form, Chimera Form, Combat Form, Comet Form, Construction Form, Dancer Form, Detective Form, Dinosaur Form, Draco Form, Dragonfly Form, Dreadnought Form, Drill Form, Eagle Form, Equinox Form, Frankenstein Form, Gadget Form, Galaxy Form, Gluttony Form, Gunslinger Form, Hair Form, Hulking Form, Hunter Form, Ifrit Form, Imagination Form, Insect Form, Inventor Form, Jackpot Form, Kitsune Form, Knight Form, Liger Form, Magma Form, Magus Form, Mastodon Form, Naga Form, Nano Form, Nightmare Form, Ninja Form, Nitro Form, Orb Form, Organic Form, Osmosis Form, Paper Form, Paragon Form, Penguin Form, Pirate Form, Polymath Form, Primate Form, Prodigy Form, Psychic Form, Quantum Form, Ram Form, Raptor Form, Raven Form, Redirection Form, Replication Form, Rubber Form, Shredding Form, Slime Form, Smoke Form, Spring Form, Stealth Form, Storm Form, String Form, Swift Form, Teleport Form, Terrapin Form, Territory Form, Titan Form, Tombstone Form, Torrent Form, Turbo Form, Unbreakable Form, Undergrowth Form, Vampire Form, Vine Form, Vision Form, Warlord Form, Warrior Form, Werewolf Form, Zany Form, Zephyr Form, and Zombie Form. The second group consist of Alchemy Form, Archfiend Form, Bakeneko Form, Cataclysmic Form, Chaos Form, Chronos Form, Cryptid Form, Cyber Form, Detective Form, Diamond Form, Electron Form, Experiment Form, Extinct Form, Fairy Form, Frost Form, Fulmination Form, Glacier Form, Gravity Form, Illusion Form, Kamaitachi Form, Matter Form, Mirror Form, Mummy Form, Particle Form, Phoenix Form, Prodigy Form, Pyre Form, Radiation Form, Reaper Form, Robot Form, Salamander Form, Scarecrow Form, Sound Form, Specter Form, Swamp Form, Thermal Form, Thunder Form, Voice Form, Voltage Form, and Water Form. The third group consists of all of the Prime Forms. The fourth group consists of Cartoon Form, Protector Form, and Restore Form. The target is hit with a barrage of attacks from all three groups being that the fourth group has Cartoon Form ,usually cloning himself several times, counting down how many times the target gets hit, Protector Form makes sure to make the damage to the surrounding area is kept at a minimum, and Restore Form heals the target barely enough to live because Zane wants to make sure that the target learns their lesson. All of the forms disappears to reveal Zane being that his body is shaking like crazy. He has one hand forming Zenith Spear and the other hand having Zenith Sphere on it. Instead of their normal colors, they are steel gray and the energy looks cosmic being covered in Impulse. Upon hitting the target, he causes a massive explosion of energy. After the explosion dissipate, the target is pretty much defeated by it and Zane falls backward. He’s unable to move after doing this combo being that he’s unable to fight for five minutes. The variation of the attack has Zane cloning himself being that each clone and himself activates a different transformation. This including him in his superhero costume, Albion, Archon Zero (Basic and Master being that Zane picks both of them rather than one), Arctic Shift, Command Zion, Demidrake thanks to his Akostar DNA, Dragon thanks to his Akostar DNA, Electron Tempo, Legion Armor, Predator State, Satanic Corruption, Searing Cowl, Vitality Guardian, Vulcan Emperor, and Z.E.R.O. Armor. He and his clones rush toward the target and attack with full power, causing a massive explosion equal to the final strike of Zane and his forms rampage. Like with the other variation and after the explosion dissipate, the target is pretty much defeated by it and Zane falls backward. He’s unable to move after doing this combo being that he’s unable to fight for five minutes. 

Variations: 40. Bolded equals Ranged Attack, Italic equals Weapon Attack, and Underlined equals Physical Attacks.
Akostar Zenith Punch.
Arctic Zenith Sphere.
Armored Zenith Slash.
Attraction Zenith Sphere.
Augmented Zenith Slash.
Baryon Zenith Sphere.
Bisecting Zenith Slash.
Bond Zenith Sphere.
Colossal Zenith Sphere.
Decomposing Zenith Sphere.
Detonation Zenith Punch.
Distortion Zenith Spear.
Double Zenith Sphere.
Electron Zenith Sphere.
Eradication Zenith Sphere.
Exploding Zenith Spear.
Heavy Zenith Sphere.
High-Octane Zenith Spear.
Innovation Zenith Sphere.
Karmic Zenith Slash.
Precise Zenith Spear.
Rage Zenith Punch.
Ravaging Zenith Sphere.
Restriction Zenith Slash.
Rotating Zenith Sphere.
Satanic Zenith Sphere.
Satanic Zenith Wave.
Surging Zenith Slash.
Sweeping Zenith Spear.
Terrestrial Zenith Sphere.
Tremor Zenith Spear.
Ultimate Zenith Spear.
Vibration Zenith Sphere.
Vibration Zenith Sphere.
Vitality Zenith Spear.
Zenith Elemental Sphere.
Zenith Punch Barrage.
Zenith Slash Shower.
Zenith Sphere Disc.
Zenith Sphere Detonation.
Zenith Sphere Wave.

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