Monday, August 26, 2019

Zero Episode 125.5

A/N: This post is part of Episode 125. Think Zero Episode 103.5 except it isn't notes this time around. This scene takes place right after Zane left the Amphitheater. If you were thinking that the episode was lacking a lot of moments of romance, this post will be what you're looking for. I hope you enjoy this episode and Episode 126 will hopefully come out before the end of the month but no promises. Do note that this scene isn't for younger audience. It won't be anything rated R or anything but you have been warned. I should also mentioned that I use either 2 or two. It's the same as Crisis Judgement or Crisis Judgment.

Narrator P.O.V.
There was a tense atmosphere that filled the darkened room. The doors were locked and no one could get in or out until the event is over. There was a container that was in the middle of the floor and there were eight wooden sticks poking out of the container. The sticks had a number plastered on them being 0 to 8 with one of them having a very secretive crown. Zane Alvarez aka Legion Zero had one thought running through his mind at this moment. "How did this happen again?" thought Zane.

About ten minutes earlier, Zane had just finished fighting against Andrew, George, Reactor, their main lackies, and the return of the Hellion Baron with the assistance of the other two members of his team and Kurt. He had just entered the elevator that was inside of Zenith Tower that would lead to the residential floor. He deactivated his Zeta Costume, being in his formal wear. The teen hero sighed and leaned against the metal bar inside of the elevator.

Zane soon heard,"So are you alright? You're not tired since you only need to sleep for a hour to be fine for a long time.". Twilight protruded from Zane's chest as she looked worried. "I'm fine. I'm just wishing that I got to spend time with Karen, Rachel, and Rain rather than Andrew, George, Hellion Baron, and Reactor. I mean I like girls mainly and some guys but those four villains. Totally not my type whatsoever." said Zane.

Twilight nodded as she said,"It sucks but at least they understand you.". "Yeah but I promised myself to be the boyfriend not the hero tonight and I kinda failed." said Zane. "So I have to ask. Why didn't Kristen, Nova, Roxy, and Sierra come to dinner tonight?" said Twilight. "Kris is visiting her family down in Whiskey Springs, Nova and Roxy are stuck with Roxy's family, and Sierra is studying for her hero exam. It's apparently really tough and difficult according to Harry." said Zane.

The elevator stopped as Zane said,"Well, I guess it's time to face the music.". "Need me to defend your honor?" said Twilight. "Nope. It was nice working with just you Twilight. I mean I love the team but..." said Zane. A tendril stopped Zane from talking as Twilight said,"I get your point. We can make something like this work but just stop talking.". Zane threw up a thumbs up as Twilight left Zane's body and went into her room.

Zane walked into the living room and his foot connected against something. He looked down and he picked up a bottle. The bottle itself had a long, rather thin neck and the bottom of it was shaped like a heart. It had a couple of drops of pink liquid. "Huh. What's this? I'm pretty sure that I didn't buy this before hand." said Zane. He was about to examine it further but then he heard,"Zane. Is that you? I need to see you.". Zane blinked as he said,"Okay. Be there soon.".

He then put the bottle down and head toward his room. "Either someone broke into my house which should be impossible since I made my security system impossible to break in or it's someone I know and trust. I'm hoping the latter but knowing my luck, it's probably the former." thought Zane as he made Stormbreaker appear. He then opened the door and entered the room. Upon seeing what was in the room, he dropped his staff and was frozen in place.

His face was bright red which was a clear sign of him being embarrassed and small beads of sweat was forming on his face. His Essence was beating, a million fold. In front of him, all seven of his girlfriends sat there in a circle with a container containing eight sticks inside of them. This wouldn't make the hero go into this state but the girl's outfits were. They were the same outfits that they were wearing in Zero Episode 122.

Before Zane could do or say anything, Kristen grabbed Zane and placed him down next to her. "I'm so happy you could join us Zaney." said Kristen, wrapping his arms in her chest. Zane blushed as he looked into her eyes. Instead of her brown eyes, they were bright pink and her pupils clearly in the shape of hearts. "So what are you doing here Kris? While I may not be against you all being here, I don't want to ruin Luis's time with his favorite cousin." said Zane.

Rachel smiled as she said with her eyes looking just like Kristen,"We decided to come and visit our boyfriend so we can play the Kings game!". "Really? That's why you're all here?" said Zane, noticing that all seven girls eyes matched. "Do you not want us here Zaney?" said Karen, with her pulling out the puppy dog eyes. "I do Karen but I don't want you to miss out time with family in the case of Kris or your career in the case of Sierra." said Zane.

Roxy tilted her head as she said,"What about me and Nova Zaney?". "Pretty sure sugah doesn't like your dad and vise versa." said Nova. Zane nodded as Sierra said,"So what's the king game?". "It's a game of luck Sierra. Everyone draws a stick from the pot, and whoever gets the stick with the crown is the king or queen for the round. Whoever is the king/queen gets to order anyone depending on the number to do one thing." said Rachel.

Sierra smiled as she said,"Anything?! This sounds like fun right Zane?!". "It sure does I think." said Zane, hoping that this doesn't get too crazy. He asked his parents to keep an eye on the kids and his puppy since the latter loves to play with people no matter what time it is. Wolfram did know when to leave people alone when they need to be alone. He watched the girls get ready for the game with the group saying,"Who's the king today?!".

They all drew at the same with the wooden sticks scattered into everyone's hands but there was only one ruler. "Yes! I'm the king!" cheered Rachel, looking over toward Zane being that she payed close attention to Zane's number the second he drew. "This is the king's order! Number 7 is ordered to kiss the king!" said Rachel, looking over at Zane with him noticing that she was looking at him like he was a piece of meat or a really good deal.     

Zane looked down at his stick and looked back at Rachel. "Well girls, you heard the queen. I may be against following the rules but this time, I'll make an exception." said Zane as he went right over to her until he was right next to her. Rachel blushed as Zane's face drew closer to her and her mouth made room for Zane's. The other girls fidgeted in their seats, closely watching their hero as he followed his king's orders without question. The two got more passionate with their kiss.

It was eventually stopped by Karen and Kristen who forcefully split the two apart being that both of them knew that those two would have gone farther with it. "Let someone else have a turn with him Rachel! You don't get to hog him!" said Karen. "We weren't going to go that far. I mean our record is about ten minutes." grumbled Zane. The round reset as Karen was ready to win this. "Who's the king today?!" said the group.

After drawing her stick, Karen had the biggest smile plastered on her face upon seeing the red crown that was drawn on her stick. Her smile instantly became crafty as her mind was think of bold and cheeky commands. "I'm the king!" said Karen, showing off her crowned stick proudly. "This will be interesting I think." said Sierra. "Number 7 is ordered to massage the king's breasts!" said Karen with her cheeks bright red.

This is the point where things get a little big frisky and not for little kids. "Wow. I really didn't see that coming from Karen. Rae and Roxy is another story though." said Zane, saying that part very quiet to himself. Nova smiled as she said,"Well sugah, I hope you enjoy it.". Karen heard this as reality hit her hard and fast. "I'll be honored to follow your orders your majesty." said Nova, suddenly groping Karen from behind.   

Karen was confused at how she got Nova and not Zane. "Nova? But why?" said Karen. "I'm sorry to tell you this Karen but the possibility of getting the same number is pretty much impossible even with my luck. I actually got number 2." said Zane. "No way!" said Karen. Her face got more red as Nova went on her quiet but enjoyable massage. "You can stop Nova." said Karen. "The bare minimum for an order is about three minutes." said Nova, continuing on with her massage. 

Karen's eyes widened as she said,"Three minutes?". She was mad that this massage wasn't done by Zane who was watching this. "So have your boobs gotten bigger? I feel like they have since the last time I've touched them." said Nova, getting frisky. "Please stop Nova." said Karen. "Don't worry. I'll be gentle. Just relax and enjoy it." whispered Nova into her ears as her hands slipped down her top. "No Nova!" said Karen as the massage took a turn for the worse.

During this whole thing, Zane's nose was starting to bleed. "Wow. Even when you're having a nose bleed, it's still candy syrup." said Sierra. Roxy crawled over to him and licked it. "And it's still very sweet Zaney." said Roxy, smiling and his face was bright red. "Thanks I think." muttered Zane. After regaining her composure, the next round began. "Who's the king today?!" said the group. Roxy smiled as she said,"I'm the king so.......".

She looked deeply into Zane's eyes and how they were reflecting a image in them. "The king orders number 4 to offer their lap as a pillow, feeding her snacks while topless!" said Roxy. Zane didn't need to look down to see that his number had been picked. He didn't want to fight his fate so he removed his black ,pinstripe, waistcoat, white silk dress shirt, and red tie. He made his lap comfy for Roxy who instantly went there.

Rachel crossed her arms as she said,"Can't believe she used her powers to manipulate the game in your favor!". Roxy smiled as Zane was feeding her grapes. "Well Rae. At least, the view got better now." said Nova, pointing to Zane's on display muscles. "You're right but his clothes usually show his hard work off." said Rachel, enjoying Roxy's scheme for right now. "Who's the king today?!" said the group. "Looks like it's me again!" said Roxy, still using her powers to her advantage.

Roxy fixed her sight on Zane once again, analyzing the reflection in his eyes. The number 1 appeared clearly in the eyes. "The king orders number 1 to kiss the king." said Roxy, with her certainly closing her eyes. Sierra could hear the sound of shuffling toward her direction and smiled when she felt her lips touch something soft. Something was different though since she didn't taste Zane's signature sweet taste to his kiss..

Roxy opened her eyes with her letting out a screech of shock as she looked into the brown eyes of Sierra. "Aw. You're blushing. So cute Roxy." said Sierra after finishing her kiss with Roxy. "But your eyes said the number 1!" said a flustered Roxy. "You're so naïve but cute Roxy. Your powers can only a couple of times on me before I eventually figure out how to counter it. I used my powers to bend reality to make you think I got number 1." said Zane.

To prove his point, his right arm was covered in the right Legionnaire Gauntlet. After getting through an awkward situation, the next round out of many rounds began. "Who's the king today?!" said the group. "Oh it looks like I'm the king this time." said Kristen, sadistically smiling and staring at the group around her. "I hope she doesn't demand a strange order." thought Rachel. "The king orders number 2 to spank number 5 for five minutes!" said Kristen with rosy red cheeks.

All six girls ,except Kris, stared at Zane who sighed. "Sorry there ladies. I got neither two or five but the number three. Fate's weird isn't it?" said Zane. The girls gazed with a focused stare as they searched for the number two or five. "I got 2." said Rain, holding her hand. "And I got five. So do you mind switching with her Zane?" said Rachel, causing Zane to chuckle. "Sorry but I don't want to go against the king's orders." said Zane.

Zane smiled as he said,"Beside, we're just have fun. Imagine what we're going to do once I get more free time and well, I think it's good to start building connections between you gals.". This spanking went on as Zane learned something about his devil best friend. She was very much into pain from those she really like not random strangers despite denying it which he knew about it during their training since he's a sadist. "Who's the king today?!" said the group as they drew a stick.

Karen smiled as she said,"Looks like it's my turn. The king orders number 3 to give her a kiss!". She was hoping that this wasn't going to go bad for her like it did for Roxy earlier and the gods decided to be nice. Zane kissed her with him saying,"Your wish is my command your majesty. I hope I get to issue some commands eventually but well, lets see.". "Who's the king today?!" said the group. "And it's my turn finally!" said Zane, smiling brightly.

A mixture of jealously and excitement filled the room as each female eagerly awaited for their lucky number to be called out by their hero. Zane used his powers for a second and he said,"Okay. Since I saw some girl on girl action, lets keep that train going. Would number 5 and number 6 give a big smooch to each other and not holding back if you please?". Karen and Rachel's face lighting up as they said,"Seriously?!". "Yep. It's my orders and you don't want to disobey them." said Zane.

The two girls eventually kissed each other as Zane thought,"Don't know if this bottle I found outside had something to do with this game but hell, I don't think anyone is going to complain too much after tonight.". The game was going smoothly but Zane knew about this game from his parents since they played it back in college and it usually got out of hand fast. The next round had Nova as the king and ordered Roxy into a nurse uniform and check on Zane with a kiss. 

Neither the patient or nurse disagreed with this order. The next king was Rain who ordered Rachel to tell an embarrassing secret about herself. "Back in my old room before I moved here! I had a body pillow of Zane made and this was before I knew that I wanted to be with Zane!" said Rachel, with covering her face. "Huh. I guess that would be weird but honestly, I could see my image on one of those." said Zane, thinking about it.   

Her eyes glared at Rain who was the devil's next target but well, Sierra was the victim this time around. "The king orders number 1 to dress like the cow she is!" said Rachel, forcing Sierra into a black and white bikini with a bell tied around her neck. "Okay. I'm really enjoying this." thought Zane. He watched the once friendly kings game become an all-out war between the girls with Zane not even trying to stop this.

He remember both Nate and Shawn teaching him not to mess with women when it comes to winning and Zane was going to take that advice to heart. Whoever grabbed the king stick, her demand was usually pretty crazy. After a while, they just stopped using numbers. This was after round twenty by the way. Sierra shook her head as she said with a frown,"Wait. I thought our goal here was Zane not each other.". "Yeah. I wonder if a certain someone manipulated us to go against each other." said Rain.

The girls looked at Zane who whistled. "Sometimes Zane." said the girls in unison. "Of course you girls caught me. I'm like Loki, the god of tricks except not wearing a weird helmet. That's a different version of him since I really don't have good helmet hair." said Zane. The game was back on and well, things can only get worse. Lets find out how it can get worse. The game was now in a dire and serious stare with Zane's eyes having a flicker of crimson red cosmic energy. 

Rachel said,"Ready, set go!". All arms reached for the jar being that the girls were all too fast for their own good. The sticks went flying into the air with all seven girls reached for the airborne objects, the king mark in their sights. It then vanished from their sight due to all seven girls crashing into each with sticks 1-7 on the floor but the king stick wasn't there. At the exact same time, the girls all looked at Zane with him holding the king stick in his fist.

Zane stood there with his power radiating from his body and he smiled. "You best listen to this king's orders despite him not liking to issue orders. Not my way of doing things. You've been teasing me all night and well, my Akostar blood is demanding satisfaction if you catch my drift." said Zane. The girls looked nervous yet excited as they dragged Zane onto the bed and he smiled. "Yep. This was a good Valentine Day." thought Zane.

The next morning, Zane was sitting in his kitchen and was sipping some coffee. He was examining the bottle that he saw last night. "Interesting. It's from Terrarune. I didn't noticed it last night but it does have a faint trace of Nether and also Ardor. So what do you think Athena?" said Zane. "It could be from your brother in law since it isn't Rae's Ardor." said Athena. "True. I'll tell Rae about this once she and the others wake up. Don't want to bother them." said Zane.

Twilight protruded from his shoulder as she said,"Yeah. You really went all out on them. Thank the gods for the sound proof walls.". "Yeah. I blame my Akostar DNA but they were really tempting my lust. Sorry if I bothered you." said Zane with a chuckle. "It's fine. I'll have to get used to it since you'll be married one day and with kids one day. So where are you going? I thought you were going to be sleeping in." said Twilight.

Zane nodded as he said,"I was going to but I have two people to talk to. You've seen my report.". "We have and I'm sure you'll make the right decision." said Athena. "Thanks. So how was seeing your old man?" said Zane. "Fine. We're making some big plans for the future and hopefully, you'll be ready for them." said Athena. Zane nodded as he turned into Legion Zero and went flying off toward the Cypress Park Police Department aka near the end of Episode 125. 

Results of the King Game which will return maybe:
Karen (King: 2 and Victim: 2), Kristen (King: 3 and Victim: 2), Nova (King: 3 and Victim: 2), Rachel (King: 3 and Victim: 4), Rain (King: 3 and Victim: 2), Roxy (King: 2 and Victim: 2), Sierra (King: 2 and Victim: 3), and Zane (King: 2 and Victim: 3).

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