Friday, February 8, 2019

Zero Episode 109 Meeting the Family Section 2 (Written on December 7 2021)

This post is a part of Zero Episode 109 and has been put into a separate post mainly due to the original post being unable to edit for reasons described in this update post. This post here has been written in December 2021 but will be uploaded before Zero Episode 109. This is to mainly improve the amount of posts produced within a certain time frame or other reasons.

The next morning, Zane was heading back to the Ortiz house with him just finishing off his morning jog across the city of Whiskey Springs five times. He also stopped a couple of street crimes without them noticing Zane or Zero. He soon entered the house with him smelling something really good coming from the kitchen. In the kitchen, Zane found Camilla who was working on various dishes, mostly likely for the first meal of the day breakfast.

Camilla spotted him staring with her saying,"Huh and here I thought that you were joking about being up this early.". "Nope. If I want to keep up this figure while eating the way I do, I have to keep up my training even when I'm on vacation. So you cooking breakfast?" said Zane standing there. "Of course! I always get up bright and early to make sure that my family has a delicious breakfast so they can face the day with no problems. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day after all." said Camilla.

Zane smiled as he said,"My mom would do that except she's a night owl. We do have a really big dinner because of that. You really do go all out so need some help?". He noticed the large proportions of food for breakfast alone as Camilla said,"That would be just perfecto Zane. Thank you Zane. You can stir the pot there while I set up the table.". The boy gave her a thumbs up as Camilla left to go set up dishes and silverware for the family. She headed out to the table to set them out.

Zane walked over to the stove and saw the pot that Camilla told him to stir. He looked inside to see a breakfast soup with an amazing smell. He grabbed a nearby spoon with him deciding to take a quic taste test. It was a bit on the spicy side but he liked spicy things. "Be careful nino. It's spicy." said Camilla as she expected this. "Don't worry grandma. I like spicy things." said Zane. He then noticed the different spices on the cabinets.

He began looking between the soup and spices until he had an idea. "Lets make this A+ plus soup into an S rank soup. Twilight, minding grabbing me some spices." said Zane under his breath. "Sure thing partner." said Twilight. She sprouted tendrils from Zane's back with Zane looking them over and since he loved to eat, learning how to cook was important. He learned that lesson from Kurt and Lucius when he was young. He added a bit of spices to the soup and began stirring.

Zane tasted it again being that while it kept its spicy nature, it was sweet as well. "Zane! Everything is set up!" yelled Camilla from the dining/living room. "Coming." said Zane, picking up the pot and heading into the room. He soon saw the entire family already there with him saying,"And here I thought that Wolfram was fast.". "Yeah. We're not super fast but when it comes to abuela's meals, we all become like Swift Form." said Carlos, leaning on the table ready for food.

Zane nodded with him serving the soup, earning a thank you or gracias from everyone while Camilla went back into the kitchen to get everything else from breakfast. Once she returned, Zane sat down with him sitting in between Kristen and Luis. "Okay. Dig in!" said Camilla. Upon hearing this, the Ortiz family and Zane quickly ate the food in front of them, starting with the soup. Zane watched them taking a sip and smiling. "Well done." said Sivarth.

Nicole smiled as she said,"Wow mom. You really outdone yourself with the soup today.". "Yeah. This soup is really good." said Bianca. "It's spicy and sweet. A perfect mixture just like peanut butter and jelly." said Sal with Diego nodding. After hearing that, Camilla looked confused as she said,"Hold on a second. Sweet and spicy? That isn't my normal recipe but I'll admit that it's good.". She took another sip as Zane said,"Yeah. I did that.".

The family looked at him with him saying,"Before you attack me for changing the recipe, hear me out. I took a taste early being that despite my love of spicy things, it could use a bit more to make it perfect. I borrowed some spices. Sorry for not telling you grandma.". "I don't mind at all. I had no idea that you need how to cook." said Camilla. "Well, my older brothers taught me because we had to hunt for our meals back in the days. Those were good times." said Zane.

Sal smirked as he ssaid,"Well, I think we had a pretty good breakfast right family?". The family nodded in agreement with Kristen whispering,"Zaney. I think you're being a real good boyfriend.". "Thanks and hopefully, I'll be a good husband right dear?" whispered Zane. Kristen punched him in the arm as she sighed. After they cleaned up breakfast, Zane walked into the living room and saw Bianca painting her nails. "So why are we talking to her again?" said Athena.

Kane sighed as he said,"Because Zane wants to bond with the entire Ortiz family. She's the last one left so what's the plan boss?". "Hey there Bianca." said Zane. "What's up Zaney? Is there something wrong in your perfect world?" said Bianca, putting her nail polish down. "Didn't Kristen tell you and Emilia not to call me that?" said Zane, remembering how Kristen told her three female cousins that very important detail at dinner last night.

Bianca shrugged as she said,"I won't steal you from her. You make my cousin happy and she deserves her prince charming aka you. So what's up?". "Mind helping the prince with something." said Zane as he whispered something into her ears. Her eyes widened upon hearing Zane as Bianca said,"Are you serious?". "100%. Mind informing the family of my little plan for tonight?" said Zane. "Sure thing Zane. Mind keeping Kris busy while we prepare?" said Bianca.

Zane smirked as he said,"That I can easily do. We were going to the arcade that she told me about for a date.". "How sweet." said Bianca. "I know right? So where is Tanya? I haven't seen her since we had breakfast. Did she go out with Em and Luis?" said Zane. "Nope. She loves breakfast but she usually goes back to sleep after breakfast. She has been really busy lately." said Bianca. "Which is really suspicious right you guys?" said Cole. "Okay. I was just curious." said Zane.

Later at the arcade/pizzeria called the Retrocade which is a national brand, Kristen and Zane were currently there. "Okay. I'm really enjoying this place." said Zane, taking a bite of pizza. He ordered two large pepperoni pizzas. "I knew that you would. So are you ready to play?" said Kristen. "Sure but don't cry to Abuela when you lose." said Zane. Zane finished off the second pizza and they went over to a shooting gallery.

They inserted their coins as Kristen said,"Yeah right. I seem to recall the last time we did this, I won and not you. I still have the dolphin.". "I was just going easy for the pretty girl." said Zane. "And they saw chivalry is dead." said Kristen. The two began shooting at the screen with them clearly in close sync with each other. "You're not bad Zane." said Kristen. "Yeah Kris. I had a lot of practice with my guns so this is nothing for me." said Zane.

The two were having a fun time with each other before Zane hearing loud screams of people in the distance. "Huh. That can't be good." said Zane. "What's up?" said Kristen. "Screaming usually means something bad. We may have cut out date short." said Zane. "I don't mind if we do but I'm coming with you to help. I have powers too." said Kristen. "I wasn't going to stop you. Lets get going before more people are in danger." said Zane.

The two teens were gone as they ran directly toward the source of the screaming. Once they arrived at the source, they saw a building under construction. "So what's going on?" said Kristen. Zane looked up to see two workers on a lift and the steel wool on the lift starting to break. "Found it. They are about to fall and fast." said Zane. It soon snapped causing the construction works to start dangling from the now hanging pulley and screaming for help. 

While most of the crowd watched in horror, there were two who simply watched this with a determined face. Kristen and Zane headed off toward the nearest alleyway with no one seeing them leave. Once they found a secure spot away from anyone's view, Kristen transformed into Aqua and Zane turned into Legion Zero. He then swapped into Dragonfly Form as the two leap into action. "I'll try to catch them before you fall." said Zane.

Kristen nodded as she said,"And I'll catch anything that you miss.". "There's nothing to fear!" said a voice, causing the two heroes to turn around and seeing Conjurer floating in the air. "Leave it to me Conjurer!" said Conjurer. "OMG! It's Conjurer and Legion Zero!" said a girl from the group. Zane took a closer look at Conjurer with him giving a quick look over. "That's Tanya right? I sense the Animus coming off her." thought Zane as Sivarth nodded. "We're not telling Kris this yet right?" said Sivarth.

Conjurer surveyed the area with her seeing that there was another construction worker trapped under a truck that had been crushed by a steel beam. She saw a bench with a couple of wooden blanks on it and flew toward it as Kristen said,"So what is she doing exactly?". "Just watch and learn Aqua." said Zane, crossing his arms. Conjurer jumped onto the wooden plank, causing several smaller planks to fly into the air.

One of the planks just happened to fly into the driver seat of a nearby construction vehicle and just so happened to hit a switch inside. This released the wrecking ball to fall down onto the truck which got the steel beam off freeing the man inside. Said steel beam soon ended up hitting a button to an nearby elevator causing it to rocket upwards at high speed. The elevator ended up crashing into some spare wood causing them to fall down toward Conjurer.

Kristen released a burst of wind, which turned into blades. This sliced the wood into tiny and harmless pieces being that Conjure jumped into a cement truck. She made it back up and a hit a large pipe. The pipe was then angled itself right under the construction workers, making like a make shift slide. "Slide on down! It's safe!" said Conjurer. The workers looked at each other with them reluctantly let go and slide through the giant pipe.

The two workers slide safely toward the ground with the crowd cheered as the workers stood up completely unharmed. "That was amazing!" said a boy. "Yeah! Conjurer is amazing!" said a girl with stars for eyes. "Yeah. I'm going to see if I can get her autograph along with Legion Zero and Aqua. So where did they go?" said a boy. The three heroes were gone with Conjurer figuring that no one was following her.

She was being watched from above thanks to Zane carrying Kristen in Dragonfly Form. "So what are we doing Zero?" whispered Kristen. "I need to show you something Aqua and promise me that you won't be mad." said Zane. "Okay?" said Kristen. In a nearby alleyway, Conjurer was standing in front of a backpack with her taking a deep breath. She turned back into Tanya with her saying,"Another rescue done perfectly.". 

Her relief was short lived as she said,"Tanya is Conjurer?!". She sensed up and slowly turned around to see Zane ,who deactivated Dragonfly Form but was still in costume, standing next to an irate Kristen in costume. "Zero! Aqua!" said Tanya, covering her mouth. "So how long have you known about this Zero?" said Kristen. "About a few minutes. I mean I sense Animus coming into the city so mind explaining to me how a non-sorcerer got Animus?" said Zane. 

The girl began sweated nervously as Kristen said,"I thought that you told me humans can't use Animus.". "They can't normally but if your descendant was one, you can use it. It's how Shaman was able to use magic along with a lot of studying." said Zane. "Well, you see.. The reason for that is..." said a stuttering Tanya. Kristen place her hand on her cousin's shoulder as she said,'You can trust us with a secret Tanya.". 

Said girl's eyes soon widened upon seeing Aqua turning into Kristen and Zero turning into Zane with the former shocking her. "Kris? You have powers. And your boyfriend is Zero!?" said Tanya. "Yeah. Her getting powers ismy fault." said Zane. "Both times." thought Zane. "And like we've told you, we don't regret getting powers in order to protect you from getting in trouble." said Kristen. The two turned to the stunned Tanya with Twilight saying,"I think we broke her.". 

After some time, Tanya recovered and she turned to her cousin. "So who else in the family knows about your powers Kris?" said Tanya as Kristen looked at Zane. "Just you and Abuelo. He and Luke worked together right?" said Kristen. "Yeah. Their main focus is finding metahumans on Earth and helping them control their power. They also want to protect normal people from the metahumans who would use their powers for evil. So how did you get Animus Tanya?" said Zane. 

Tanya nodded as she said,"Well, it's because of this.". She pulled out a necklace from her bag as Kristen noticed the charm on it. It was made out of wood with there being an indent that formed the symbol of a lightning bolt on the front. "So what's this?" said Kristen. "The Weather Amulet is a powerful charm but not a very clever name. Upon contact with it, it can grant a Sorcerer immense power. You have to be in contact with it to slowly gain its power. So how long have you had it?" said Zane. 

After hearing this, Tanya said,"For about three months.". "I see. That would explain how you managed to gain Animus which is impressive. You also didn't become a villain with these powers like most metahumans would. Most don't go down the path of good mainly because the path of evil is quite easy to go down." said Zane. "Ignoring Zane for a second, where did you get it?" said Kristen. "Well, it happened during our field trip to the museum about three months ago." said Tanya.

Flashback P.O.V.
The trio of Jana, Ralph, and Tanya were seen with a tour group as they were walking through the museum. There were several old and mystical artifacts that were being shown. "The museum were giving tours for free in celebration for its 30th anniversary. We were forced to go because our principal likes anything free." said Tanya's voice. "And behind this impenetrable glass is the recently discovered and only known existing copy of the Compendium of the Arcane." said the tour guide.

Said tour guide smiled as she said,"It contains text describing how a person can manipulate the weather to help the crops using something called the Weather Amulet. It may not be a clever name mainly because it was around during the 1600s.". "Okay Jana. This is really boring." said Ralph, yawning loudly. "It isn't that bad Ralph. I mean Tanya is having fun." said Jana, pointing to her friend who was staring directly at the book.

Tanya's voice said,"I've always been fascinated in magic being that I mainly read fantasy books and admired Slicer because she used magic. However, something crazy happened.". All of a sudden, the museum was shaking and this caused everyone to hold onto something. They all started floating up into the air with them hitting the ceiling while screaming. "What the heck is going on you guys?!" shouted Jana. "I don't think this is part of the tour." said Tanya.

Ralph looked at her with him saying,"No really.". "Quit being an ass Ralph! Look!" said Jana with her pointing to the door. They all watched the entrance as black smoke came from the door and pretty much erased it from this plane of existence. Augur emerged from the smoke with him standing in front of the book of spells. "The Compendium of the Arcane. This power belongs to me after it was taken from me by him so many years ago." said Augur.

The glass that was encasing the book shattered as Augur reached out and grabbed the book. "He's taking the book!" said Tanya. "Again. We don't need the no shit commentary." said Ralph who was slapped by Jana. This banter got Augur's attention as his staff glowed. Gravity returned to normal as everyone who was stuck to the ceiling was falling down. "Hey! Didn't your mommy tell you not to take things without permission?" said a voice.

Everyone landed on a bounce castle ,which was made out of crimson red Nether, as Augur saw the person who had been chasing him. He personally left Blacktomb Detention Center two years ago during the breakout which a certain someone caused. It was Zane being that he was currently in Shredding Form. "It's Legion Zero!" said Ralph. "And here I thought that you hated no-shit commentary." said Jana. "Thanks fan boy but all of you need to leave now." said Zane.

Zane looked upwards to see that Tanya was holding onto the chandelier. "Oh crap. That can't be good. That's Kris's cousin right?" said Cole. "It is. Save her Zane." said Athena. "You won't be a thorn in my side again child!" said Augur. He released powerful bolts of crimson Animus which Zane dodged easily. From above, Tanya had an idea. She unhooked the chandelier from the ceiling and before he could do anything, the chandelier fell on him.

This caused him to drop the book and Zane ,now in Swift Form, ran up the wall, jumping off it and caught Tanya as she said,"Thanks.". The two landed on the ground as Zane said,"No problem. Thanks for the assist. Mind helping me find that book that he was trying to take.". The speedster form ran around the room with him looking for the book. Tanya found the book nearby Augur and picked it up. It glowed for a bit which blinded Tanya for a minute. This light produced the Weather Amulet.

It slatched itself onto Tanya before disappearing into her bag. The light was gone as Tanya saw that Zane was currently fighting against Augur. He was firing off a barrage of rapid fire punches and tying him up in a banner. "Thanks for the assist and tell the police to be gentle with him. Sorcerer aren't too strong." said Zane. The hero was gone as the police burst in and just before they could catch Augur who glared at them, he vanished with the book.

Narrator P.O.V.
Tanya sighed as she said,"And that's how I got the amulet.". Kristen looked at her boyfriend who whistled. "When were you going to tell me that you were here in Whiskey Springs and saved my cousin?" said Kristen as she crossed her arms. "I was going too but I couldn't come up in a good way of saying how. I mean I knew that Tanya was your cousin but I was more focused on stopping Augur. So did they catch him? He's actually a big deal in terms of the evil Sorcerer community." said Zane.

She looked at Zane as Tanya said,"No. He escaped before the police could get him. Sorry.". "It isn't your fault Tanya. Augur is a high level opponent. He's like a younger version of General Necrosis but he requires his magic staff to be competent. He's mostly likely biding his time and waiting for the right time to strike. So when did you become Conjurer?" said Zane. "About a month ago. I saw you fighting against that weird monster on the Thanksgiving day parade." said Tanya.

Kristen shivered as she said,"Yeah. Darth isn't exactly the most friendly creature around. He took over our classmate Bryan and he's been in the hospital ever since.". "Anyway Cos, the amulet glowed and then I made a literally snow day. I eventually learned that I had complete control over the weather. It was pretty cool." said Tanya. "What do you mean by that?" said Kristen. "Well, I always knew that Zero or Augur would come back and take my powers away from me." said Tanya.

Zane smiled as he said,"Augur would have but I wouldn't. You're doing good with your powers Tanya or Conjurer. I read about you stopping that robbery of that old lady using a hot dog cart which by the way is funny.". Tanya blushed as she looked away and said,"Thank you for the praise. You were my inspiration since you are this amazing hero.". Kristen noticed this as she said with a hard punch to the left arm,"Didn't I say no charming or seducing my cousins? You've charmed all three of them!".

Without thinking about it, Zane hugged Kristen as he said,"Don't worry Kris. You're the only Ortiz for me. So does anyone else know about Conjurer?". "Only Carlos actually. He helped me train my powers because he doesn't want me to be like him when it comes to misusing his powers." said Tanya. "I guess he's trying and succeeding at redeeming himself." said Kane. "Yep. I guess things are going pretty good at least for us." said Twilight as the three teens were walking and talking.

The trio had come up to the tallest building in the entire city. They ,along with other people that were with them, stepped out of the elevator. "Welcome to the top deck. Don't forgot your complimentary photo on the way out." said the elevator operator. The group then made their way to the end of the deck where they could see the entire city. "This is always a nice view huh Zane? Doesn't beat seeing the Earth from space right?" said Kristen.

Zane shook his head for yes as he said,"Yeah but seeing this view is really nice.". He grabbed Kristen's hand and he said,"Especially with you Kris.". The brunette blushed as Tanya smiled. "You're quite the strange guy." said Tanya. "Yeah but I like being strange. If I was a normal guy, life wouldn't be at all fun to little old me." said Zane. "I guess so. So do you two mind helping me out with some crime fighting before Zane leaves?" said Tanya.

Zane said,"Sure but only if Kris approves. I'm promised her that I wouldn't go Zero unless it was a super big deal like her family's shop being robbed or people falling to their deaths.". "Like that?" said Tanya with her pointing to a TV. This got Kristen and Zane's attention. There was a reporter on the screen as she said,"Breaking news! We've received word that the Whiskey Springs Bank is being robbed by the Bull Sharks.".

Zane looked confused as Kristen said,"They're a local gang here in town and they've tried to rob the store yesterday.". "They're holding hostages as well being that we have received from the bank's security camera." said the reporter. The screen showed several twelve men ,who were wearing ski masks and wielding high-tech rifles, alongside some hostages on the floor curled in the fetal position. One hostage in particular caught Kristen's attention.

It was her brother Carlos who was trying his best not to burn these guys down but he knew that if he did that, he would put the hostages in even more danger. "Civilians are advised not to approaching the bank until the threat has ended." said the reporter. Kristen dragged Zane away from the view being that the couple were in a corner of the deck with the younger cousin standing nearby them. "So what's up Kris? I hope you're not about to kiss me." said Zane.

Kristen sighed as she said,"Focus. I know that you're going to save those people from the bank but can the two of us come with you? He's my brother and her cousin.". "I was going to let you two come with me to begin with but we need to get there fast." said Zane as he opened up a portal. "So what powers do you not have?" said Tanya. "That's a good question cos. Lets get going." said Kristen. The two Ortiz girls went into the portal as Zane followed after them, closing the portal behind him.

The three teen stood on a roof of a building that was across the bank and all three of them were wearing their costumes. Zane looked down to see a group of cops with them pointing their guns right at the building. "I think this will be a real easy mission. We just need to sneak in, knock out the bad guys, and making sure the hostages are safe." said Zane. He turned back to the Ortiz girls with them looking both serious. "So are you two ready to go?" said Zane.

Kristen nodded as she said,"Yeah. You better not take all of the credit for this Zero. This is Conjurer's city not yours.". "I won't and name me one time I've done something like that." said Zane. Before Kristen could say anything, Tanya said,"I really hate to interrupt your guys's flirting but we should focus on the mission at hand.". "Yeah. Ready to go over? I mean you can fly right Conjurer?" said Zane. The girl nodded as the three flew across the police blockade without them noticing.

All three teens landed on the rooftop as Zane said,"Okay. Follow me or ladies first. I mean neither of you are wearing a skirt but whatever.". He removed the screws off the vent that was leading to the air duct. Inside of the bank, the leader of the gang said and pointing their guns at the hostage,"Okay. All of you put your money and valuables in the sacs or else you get your guts pumped full of lead.". "Don't these things use energy sir?" said a goon, getting a dope slap.

Meanwhile, the two Ortiz girls were watching from the airduct as Tanya whispered,"So what is the signal?". "With Zero, it's obvious." whispered Kristen. Kristen pointed to Zane ,who was blending into his surroundings using Detective Form, with him forming a ping pong ball of light in his hands. "I said put the money in the bag!" said the leader, pointing his rifle at Carlos's head. "Okay. Just don't hurt me you....." said Carlos, pulling out his wallet.

However before the money could leave the wallet, the small ball of light had landed between him and the robbers. "Close your eyes." mouthed Zane to the two girls. The two closed their eyes with their arms as the ball of light exploded, blinding everyone other than the heroines and Zero due to him being made out of light. The two then hopped out of the airduct as Zane reappearing beside them. He made a large claw machine made out of light and having several claws. 

Zane then used it to grab the weapons from the robber's hands. "Hey! Who the hell did that?!" said the leader as he and his gang's vision slowly returned to them. Theysoon saw Legion Zero standing there with his arms crossed. "It's Legion Zero!?!" said the gang members. Tanya coughed as the gang noticed them. "It's Conjurer and I think Aqua?" said the gang leader. "You really don't know my name. I'm real hurt." thought Kristen

Zane smirked as he said,"Okay. Here's what going down punks. You're going to call off the robbery right now, return any money that you've taken from the hostages, let them go, and give yourselves up to the cops. If you don't, we'll just beat the crap out of you.". He ended his speech with him pounding his fist into his hand and the gang members chuckled. "Look. I'm not scared of some punk kids." said the leader.

The teens looked at each other with Zane saying,"Okay. We'll each take about three of them and leave the final three to the former criminal.". He winked to Carlos with the pyrokinetic nodding his head before dropkicking one of the goons. Tanya performed a impressive somersault and grabbed the leader's head between her thighs before tossing him into a nearby wall. "Wow. That's an impressive throw Conjurer. Nice." said Zane in an impressed tone.

He didn't need Crisis Judgement to tell that his girlfriend wasn't too happy about him flirting with another girl in front of her and this girl is her cousin. One of the goons pulled out a regular knife with him about to charge toward Tanya. He was quickly stopped by a giant wall of light, dropping the knife in the process. Zane delivered an uppercut to the chin and then kicking him right in the stomach and knocking him to the ground.

Both Tanya and Zane turned to the remaining goon being that the rest were knocked out by Carlos and Kristen. "So ladies first?" said Zane, offering him to Tanya. "And they say that chivalry is dead." said Tanya. She soon made two ice gauntlets and rushed toward the robbers before pouncing on them, with her fist hitting the goon. The robber then held his face in pain with him seeing that his cheek was slightly frozen. "Nice punch Conjurer." said Zane.

His body turned into light as the leader punched right through him. "What the?" said the gang leader. He was punched by Zane, knocking him out. "And I think that was a good punch as well. So should we get going?" said Kristen. "Yeah. You heroes did pretty good." said Carlos with him putting his hand on Kristen's shoulder. The three heroes were gone as Carlos thought,"Well, I'm now sure that I need to have a word with Zane before he leaves. It's about my sister.".

Zane ,who was out of Detective Form, smiled as he said,"And that was a successful mission. You did a good job Tanya. I guess you getting that magic item was a good thing.".  The three were sitting on a rooftop, nearby the bank and out of costume. "Thank you for letting me keep my powers Zane." said Tanya, bowing. "You really don't need to bow. I already get that enough and I'm not a fan of that." said Zane, looking visibly uncomfortable.

Tanya looked confused as Kristen said,"Zaney is actually a king of the Phantoms. You know what those are?". Yeah. Grandpa talks about them with me when I'm helping out in the shop or just spending time with him. He says that what Swarm is doing is wrong because judging an entire species just because of a couple of bad eggs is nothing but bad in the long run." said Tanya. Zane nodded as Athena said,"I hate to interrupt but we have a problem.".

Zane got the girls' attention  as he said,"Go ahead Athena. We're ready right?". "Will do." said Athena's voice from Zane's watch. "So there are two of them in there?" said Tanya. "Yeah. One of them is the straight man being that the other one is the comic relief. Am I right Athena?" said Kristen. "Yes. He's way more annoying than you may think." said Athena. "Hey!" said Cole. "Anyway, here's what going on." said Athena.

The trio heard a news reporter's voice coming from the watch,"And if things haven't been strange enough lately, the history museum has come to life. Several visitors are trapped inside.". "I'm going to guess that we're going to handle it because we're the only ones who can stop it." said Tanya. "Yeah Tanya plus I really want to fight a dinosaur. Lets go!" said Zane, opening a portal to the museum. He was gone after saying that 

Kristen facepalmed at that scene from her usually cool boyfriend. "So is that normal?" said Tanya. "Yes it is. He has a imense love of dinosaurs being that ever since I've known him, he's always wanted to ride or fight one. That was in Elementary School and he still wants to do that." said Kristen as she sighed loudly. The two girls soon went after him and the portal closed. Nearby them, Lust was watching the scene. "Lets see what's going to happen at the museum!" said Lust, turning into lightning.

The three teens ,who were in their costumes, ran into the museum. The stairs ,that led up to the second floor, had come to life tossing and turning the trapped people on them as the wood was starting to break from it bending. "Ah. Why are there no dinosaurs?" said Zane with a depressed look. "Seriously?!" said Tanya. "Yeah. He is." said Kristen. Above them, Augur was watching from the window with the curtains blowing from the wind.

Augur smiled as he said,"I knew that you would come here and help these mortals plus I get to have my revenge on him since I sense him nearby.". "Everyone! Please remain calm! We're going to get you down!" said Zane as he and the girls got to work. Conjurer made her way toward the stairs being that Crisis Judgement went off. "Get ready to dodge ladies!" said Zane. The wood from the stairs peeled themselves off and launched themselves at the heroes. They were either dodged or destroyed.   

Zane transformed into Bone Form being that like Diamond Form and a couple of other forms, the form had been upgrade thanks to the Zenith Core. He's still the same height being six feet tall. He lost his hedgehog/pig appearance being that he now looked to an a slender, yet muscular armadillo. He has black ,with crimson red streaks, armor that starts on his head and ends at his tail which is still small. He still has sharp white bones protruding from the armor.

His skin is now completely gray with it looking rough and worn out. His nose goes forward and looks like a snout. His eyes are now more normal being that they are still red. His arms and legs are rather long with five sharp, black claws on his hands and feet being that his hands are covered by brown fingerless gloves and his feet are covered by his black boots ,which are light and hyper friction resistant, with a single red strap on them.

Zane is wearing a black leather jacket alongside dark blue jeans. He's wearing a cowboy like hat on his head with him wearing reinforced shoulder pads with two steels plates and knees pads. He's also still wearing his black t-shirt that has an orange bone in the center of it. On the back of his shell, he has two rocket like engines. Zane threw his bones directly toward the pieces of wood which shattered upon contact. "You gals save the people. I'll handle that!" said Zane in his southern accent.

He made two bone sabers with him running toward the pieces of wood that weren't destroyed a little bit early. The two Ortiz girls ran their way up the stairs with the entire banister ended up flying of the wall as this caused everyone to start screaming and pleading for their lives. Both Kristen and Tanya were struggling to hang on but then let go. However, both girls remember that they could fly and they floated in the air.

As this was going on, the girls watched as a person was sliding off the remaining banister and started falling. The person was caught by a bone construct of a hand. The person was thankful that she didn't fall to the ground being that she didn't notice the wooden pillar above her. It was blasted to pieces by a lightning bolt from Tanya. Just then, the banister went flying across the room again. Zane caught it and stop it in its track.

He stomped his boot covered feet into the ground with him trying to gain footing and a better grip on the object. "Okay. This is really annoying at this point." said Zane. The girls looked at the people who were still hanging on being that Kristen nodded. The two Ortiz girls jumped into action being that they flew right toward the people. "Everyone! Grab on!" said Tanya. The people wasted no time as they grabbed onto the heroines.     

Once Zane saw that everyone was hanging onto his girlfriend and her cousin, Zane dropped the railing and let it fall to the ground. "Bone Form may have got an upgrade but it's no Brawn Form when it comes to raw strength." said Zane as he made a bone slide as the people were sliding down it after letting go of the girls. All of the people quickly got off and headed outside of the building. Upon them leaving the museum, the doors shut tight on them. 

As this happened, Tanya felt herself being grabbed by an unknown force and was dragged right into the air. The trio saw Augur standing the air with him  moving Tanya around the room. "Give me back what I rightfully deserve!" said Augur with his staff glowing. Tanya grabbed onto a large red drape nearby the window and slowly descended to the ground. The drape ended up falling onto Augur with a sign of knight's armor falling down onto him. "I don't think he's like you Zero." said Tanya. 

Zane nodded as he said,"Yeah. Villains tend to be the mean type. You girls get out of here. I'll make sure our friend stays around before I join up with you.". The girls then ran down a hallway as Zane launched a barrage of bones toward the drape just as it was floating in the air thanks to Augur. This stopped the bones from hitting their target. The armor was sent flying into the air and Augur looked back at Zane. "You damn fool. Nothing will stop me since I have them for assistance." said Augur.

The Cross Species sighed as he said,"Don't know who you're talking about but I don't care. You're not laying a hand on my friends.". He then threw a barrage of bones toward Augur with a giant one coming shortly after. Augur counted this by making a shield out of Animus, catching all of the bones including the big one. "You can't stop me! I'm a god!" said Augur. "Yeah and I take down gods for breakfast, lunch, and dinner!" said Zane, going into a ball. 

He rushed toward Augur with the armadillo slamming right into Augur. However upon contract, Augur smiled as he exploded into smoke. "Son of a biscuit! He tricked me. That was a good clone I really hate to admit." said Zane. "Yeah. It fooled me too. Go after the girls!" said Kane. Zane nodded as he rolled away to the backyard of the museum. "I hate to be a backseat driver here but you're kinda going the wrong way!" said Cole. 

Zane sighed as he said,"Trust me. Tanya knows this museum better than I do and if my guess is right, we should be able to help them better from outside plus the girls are tough. I got faith in them to handle someone like Augur.". "He's right Cole. Have faith in the girls." said Athena with Cole accepting that as a reason. Meanwhile, the two girls were in the underground tunnels of the museum which it has for some reason.

The scenery wasn't calming their nerves due to it looking straight from the 1800's with spider webs everywhere along with humans bones and skulls spread out. It still looked cleaner than Elysian but that isn't a fair comparison. "We should take a break." said Kristen with her noticing that Tanya was out of breath. "Good idea cos. Do you think we lost him?" said Tanya. On the other side of the room that they were in's, Augur stood there.

He knew exactly where they were thanks to him tracking Tanya by her Animus. He levitated in the air with his staff glowing. "You shall not escape me." said Augur. Kristen leaned her body against the wall as a loose brick in the wall fell out. "Um. Did I do something wrong?" said Kristen. Tanya shrugged as this loose brick just so happened to cause the cave to shake, making Augur lose his focus as the ceiling and wall came down onto him.

Tanya looked at the fallen debris with her seeing that Kristen had fallen toward a coffin which was filled with multiple human skeletons. One of them was leaning on the teenager before it was blasted away by a powerful burst of wind. The two girls ssaw that Augur was protected thanks to a magic shield. "Your attempt at stomping me failed." said Augur. The Sorcerer was trapped in a massive tornado with Kristen saying,"Conjurer! Now! Freeze him!".

She turned to see that her cousin was shaking as Kristen thought,"Crap. I forgot about her fear of closed spaces. I need to get her away of here.". Kristen grabbed her cousin with her using the wind to fly away from Augur. The sorcerer broke free of the tornado with him firing a beam of Animus at the girls. They dodged it barely since the beam collided with the wall. This made a short cut to the backyard of the museum aka a spooky old grave yard.

The two girls flew outside into the old cemetery with both of them hid behind a nearby tree and they hoped that they lost Augur. Kristen peeked her head out a bit with her seeing that Augur slowly walking toward their direction. Tanya noticed that the tree root suddenly came to life and wrapped itself around Kristen, being extremely tight and she was unable to break free from it. "No! Let her go right now you monster!" said Tanya.

Augur smiled as she said,"So you care for her don't you thief?". "I'm not a thief! You're the thief since the amulet and book didn't belong to you." said Tanya. "I think back talking me is not a good idea since I can do this." said Augur, snapping his fingers. This increased the pressure on Kristen's prison with her feeling the pain. "Okay! I get your point! If I give you the amulet, you'll let her go right you jerk?" said Tanya. "No! Don't!" said Kristen.

Her mouth was covered by vines as she watched Tanya change back to normal and hand Augur the amulet. "So the amulet gave you a costume. How funny." said Augur. "So, you'll let her go. That was the deal." said Tanya. Kristen tried to warn Tanya about the vines but it was too later since Tanya was soon grabbed by vines. "I lied. Have fun dying." said Augur. The two girl's vision was slowly fading away as Augur laughed.

A bit later, the two girls were seeing light and could hear ripping. They soon saw Zane ,still in Bone Form, slicing his way through the vine prison as he said with a concerned look,"Sorry for leaving you girls but Augur expected me and gave me some trouble with the vines. They negate your powers so it wasn't too good getting caught in them.". "Thanks Zero. So did you happen to see where he went?" said Tanya.

Crisis Judgement went off as Zane said,"I found him and if my judgement is right, this can't be good.". He pointed to Augur who was floating above the graveyard. He had the Weather Amulet around his neck and was holding the Compendium of the Arcane. "Time to regain the power that was taken from me so long ago! I'll start by eradicating this city!" said Augur. He created a massive cyclone with bolts of lighting striking down at various places.

The city was caught in heavy winds with them scooping up things such as cars and people being that the city was in chaos. The Sorcerer was stopped by a bone straight in the back of his head. This caused him to crash into the ground and losing focus. The cyclone was gone as the chaos was canceled for right now. The trio soon wasted no time in headed toward where Augur had landed. "So did you get him Zane?" said Kane. "It's never that easy." said Sivarth.

Zane stood in front of the girls as he said,"Stay back! I let you girls get hurt before and I can't let that happen again!". Augur stood on top of a stone structure with a magic shield around him. "Do you honestly think that you can defeat me?" said Augur. "I can because like you, I can power up so lets do that! Bone Prime!" said Zane as his body glowed bright purple. He grows to 12 feet tall with him keeping his armadillo like appearance.

His armor gains molten gold streaks being that his tail is still the same. His sharp white bones slowly changes into a silver color and looking to be made out of steel and really shiny. His skin is still gray and looks rough and worn out. His eyes and nose looks the same being that over his eyes, he wears a pair of black shades. He wears metal prison like shackles on his ankles and wrists. His arms and legs look the same being that he wears the same clothing except for his shirt which changes.

Zane's shirt changes to a red t-shirt with a white crescent moon mark in the center of it. On his back, he now has four rocket like engines. Zane taunted the Sorcerer with him growling. "Arise and fight for your master!" said Augur. He slammed his staff into the ground which caused the stone gargoyles to come to life along with some skeletons. One of the gargoyles with wings flew toward Zane and tried to strike him down.

However, it was soon destroyed thanks to one of Zane's steel like bones which looked to be the size of a lance compared to before. He soon blocked the attack from a bigger one with Zane saying,"So how about you go crumble?!". The rockets on his back turned on with him swinging his spear at his opponent. This sent him flying back and crumbling upon contact. "Okay. One down, a lot more to go. Aqua and Conjurer! You handle Augur! I'll keep his pets busy!" said Zane. 

Zane turned into a ball and rocketed away with the army chasing right after him through the nearby graveyard. Augur raised his staff into the air and began creating the cyclone again. He was stopped once again when a stone and White Nether hit him square in the chest. He looked down to see both Kristen and Tanya standing there with the latter holding a rock. "I may not have my powers anymore but I still got skills! Now!" said Tanya.

Kristen nodded as she made a tornado and aimed at Augur. The wind began gathering rocks and fired them ,like a machine gun, at Augur who was bombarded with stone. One hit him right in the forehead and caused him to fall toward the ground. This got the attention of a flying gargoyle which flew right toward them. "I'll be the distraction cos! Remember when Carlos taught us how to play baseball!" said Tanya.

Kristen smiled as she said,"I sure do.". She noticed a large pole with it stuck within the stone that was connected to it and got the pole in a batter up like position. Upon the gargoyle getting closer, she swung the pole right at the gargoyle and destroying it. Back with Zane, the army was trapped in a prison of steel spikes created by Zane. He rolled up to a destroyed piece of rubble and used it as a ramp with him saying,"Here's some steel for you!".

He fired massive steel spikes, crushing the army within seconds and began rolling his way over to Tanya who was holding the Weather Amulet and Augur's staff. Augur noticed this being that he couldn't do anything with his staff. He narrowed his eyes at Tanya with him about to take it from her but was stopped by Zane grabbing him. "You've bothered me and my friends long enough you old bag." said Zane.

Zane chucked him into an open coffin with him throw two massive bones at the stone slab right above it, breaking the support and trapping him inside. "Do you think that was a bit much for him Zero?" said Kristen. "He's a Sorcerer. They got durability for days." said Zane with a shrug. He and Kristen then turned back to Tanya, holding the magic items. "Um Zane. What should I do with this?" said Tanya as Zane tilted his head. "Why in the nine realms are you asking me?" said Zane.

Kristen sighed as she said,"Because you're the senior hero here.". "Well, I would suggest keeping them. You're a good hero and trust me, every city needs someone to protect it. I would talk to Luke because he can get you the help that you need." said Zane. "Okay. Do you think you can help me too?" said Tanya. "Sure. Just call me if you need me. Lets get out of here." said Zane. The three were gone as the police arrived and arrested Augur, putting him in power hampering cuffs.

The next day, Zane ,who was back to his normal self aka not a superhero, was walking with both Kristen and Tanya with the latter wearing her amulet out in the open. "Still can't believe that you told the entire family about you being Conjurer." said Zane, breaking the silence. "Well, I trust my family just like you do Zane. The three of us make a good team." said Tanya. "Yeah. You're going to be a good hero along with your sidekick Cinder." said Kristen.

Zane chuckled as he said,"I still can't believe that Carlos is going to be your sidekick.". "And is that really funny?" said Kristen. "Because Carlos hated working for people back in the day." said Zane with him earning a punch. "So why didn't you tell me to destroy the amulet and staff?" said Tanya. "You may think that destroying them will preventing someone to get their hands on them but Animus is very stubborn and so are people." said Zane.

He smiled as he said with a thumbs up and a wink,"Don't worry Tanya. You made the right call. A hero isn't defined by having powers or not. A hero is someone who helps others without a reward most of the time.". Tanya blushed at that statement with Zane earning another punch. "Didn't I tell you not to flirt with my cousin?!" said Kristen. "Don't worry so much Kris. I won't steal him away from you because you like him don't you?" said Tanya.

Kristen blushed as she said,"I do. So Zane, are you ready?". The three were in front of the Ortiz's house as Zane gulped. "This was my idea and I need to get over my fear of parties someday." said Zane. "You do know that Abuela would have thrown a party for you regardless if you didn't have the idea of not right?" said Kristen. Zane nodded as the two girls dragged Zane inside for his farewell party which was signify for Zane's time visiting the Ortiz family was over.   

Across the street, Lust was watching the scene. "How cute. This Zero is so much fun to watch and unlike the last one, he's actually strong." said Lust. "Lust. What are you doing?" said a voice as Lust turned around. Another cloaked figure ,dressed exactly like Lust except with a less prominent heel stood there, and its arms were crossed. "Chill out Pride. I'm just doing what our boss Greed told me to do. So what are you doing here?" said Lust.

Pride sighed as it said,"I'm here to inform you that Tanya Ortiz has been confirmed not to be one of the symbols. I do hope that you're not sad about your precious time being wasted.". "I would have been but I had some fun messing with Zero before we begin our mission. We just need to get the pieces in play right?". "Correct. We have our pawn doing just that back in Cypress Park. Lets go already." said Pride. "Gotcha!" said Lust as the two were gone.

Next time,
Who were the two in the cloaks? Are they friend or foe? What is their master plan? And what were they after? Is the gang of knights and wizard real or just a rumor? This and more next time on Zero!

Ortiz Family: May have messed up.
Camilla Ortiz. Grandmother to Bianca, Carlos, Emilia, Kristen, Luis, and Tanya. Mother to Nicole, Salvador, and Sofia. Wife to Bruno. Mother in law to Diego and Lorenzo. 63 years old.

Bruno Ortiz. Grandfather to Bianca, Carlos, Emilia, Kristen, Luis, and Tanya. Father to Nicole, Salvador, and Sofia. Husband to Camilla. Father in law to Diego and Lorenzo. 62 years old.

Nicole Ortiz. Daughter to Bruno and Camilla. Mother to Bianca, Emilia, Luis, and Tanya. Wife to Lorenzo who is currently stationed overseas. Aunt to Carlos and Kristen. Older Sibling to Salvador and Sofia. Sister in law to Diego. 43 years old.

Lorenzo Ortiz. Father to Bianca, Emilia, Luis, and Tanya. Husband to Nicole. Uncle to Carlos and Kristen. Son in Law to Bruno and Camilla. Brother in law to Diego, Salvador, and Sofia. 42 years old.

Diego Ortiz. Father to Carlos and Kristen. Husband to Sofia. Uncle to Bianca, Emilia, and Luis. Son in Law to Bruno and Camilla. Brother in Law to Lorenzo, Nicole, and Salvador. 41 years old.

Sofia Ortiz.  Daughter to Bruno and Camilla. Mother to Carlos and Kristen. Wife to Diego. Aunt to Bianca, Emilia, Luis, and Tanya. Younger Sibling to Nicole. Older Twin to Salvador. Sister in Law to Lorenzo. 40 years old.

Salvador Ortiz. Son to Bruno and Camilla. Uncle to Bianca, Carlos, Emilia, Kristen, Luis, and Tanya. Younger Sibling to Nicole and Sofia. Brother in law to Diego and Lorenzo. 40 years old.

Bianca Ortiz. Granddaughter to Bruno and Camilla. Daughter to Lorenzo and Nicole. Sibling to Emilia, Luis, and Tanya. Cousin to Carlos and Kristen. Niece to Diego, Salvador, and Sofia. 21 years old.   

Carlos Ortiz. Grandson to Bruno and Camilla. Son to Diego and Sofia. Sibling to Kristen. Cousin to Bianca, Emilia, Luis, and Tanya. Nephew to Lorenzo, Nicole, and Salvador. 20 years old. 

Kristen Ortiz. Granddaughter to Bruno and Camilla. Daughter to Diego and Sofia. Sibling to Carlos. Cousin to Bianca, Emilia, Luis, and Tanya. Niece to Lorenzo, Nicole, and Salvador. 18 years old.

Tanya Ortiz. Granddaughter to Bruno and Camilla. Daughter to Lorenzo and Nicole. Sibling to Bianca, Emilia, and Luis. Cousin to Carlos and Kristen. Niece to Diego, Salvador, and Sofia. 15 years old.

Emilia Ortiz. Granddaughter to Bruno and Camilla. Daughter to Lorenzo and Nicole. Sibling to Bianca, Luis, and Tanya. Cousin to Carlos and Kristen. Niece to Diego, Salvador, and Sofia. 12 years old.

Luis Ortiz. Grandson to Bruno and Camilla. Son to Lorenzo and Nicole. Sibling to Bianca, Emilia, and Tanya. Cousin to Carlos and Kristen. Nephew to Diego, Salvador, and Sofia. 5 years old.

Hulk. Black and White Siberian Husky. Male.
Anna. Purebred German Shepard. Female. 
Korra. Mastiff and Pitbull Terrier hybrid. Female. 

Zero (Name. Status. If deceased, how did they die.). If you were curious. Bold if they are important and not failures.
90% of all ninety nine deceased Zeroes killed by the Form Morpher.
3% of all ninety nine deceased Zeroes killed by old age.
3% of all ninety nine deceased Zeroes killed by a jealous lover.
2% of all ninety nine deceased Zeroes killed by an outside source.
1% of all ninety nine deceased Zeroes killed by their powers overwhelming their body.

Zero # 1. Ryoka Xasius. Deceased. Died/Killed by Old Age.
Zero # 2. Unknown. Deceased. Killed by the Form Morpher.
Zero # 3. Unknown. Deceased. Killed by the Form Morpher.
Zero # 4. Unknown. Deceased. Killed by the Form Morpher.
Zero # 5. Unknown. Deceased. Killed by the Form Morpher.
Zero # 6. Unknown. Deceased. Killed by the Form Morpher.
Zero # 7. Vito Xasius. Deceased. Died/Killed by Old Age.
Zero # 8. Unknown. Deceased. Killed by the Form Morpher.
Zero # 9. Unknown. Deceased. Killed by the Form Morpher.
Zero # 10. Unknown. Deceased. Killed by the Form Morpher.
Zero # 11. Unknown. Deceased. Killed by the Form Morpher.
Zero # 12. Unknown. Deceased. Killed by the Form Morpher.
Zero # 13. Unknown. Deceased. Killed by the Form Morpher.
Zero # 14. Unknown. Deceased. Killed by the Form Morpher.
Zero # 15. Unknown. Deceased. Killed by the Form Morpher.
Zero # 16. Unknown. Deceased. Killed by the Form Morpher.
Zero # 17. Unknown. Deceased. Killed by the Form Morpher.
Zero # 18. Unknown. Deceased. Killed by the Form Morpher.
Zero # 19. Unknown. Deceased. Killed by the Form Morpher.
Zero # 20. Unknown. Deceased. Killed by the Form Morpher.
Zero # 21. Unknown. Deceased. Killed by the Form Morpher.
Zero # 22. Unknown. Deceased. Killed by the Form Morpher.
Zero # 23. Unknown. Deceased. Killed by the Form Morpher.
Zero # 24. Unknown. Deceased. Killed by the Form Morpher.
Zero # 25. Unknown. Deceased. Killed by the Form Morpher.
Zero # 26. Unknown. Deceased. Killed by the Form Morpher.
Zero # 27. Unknown. Deceased. Killed by the Form Morpher.
Zero # 28. Unknown. Deceased. Killed by the Form Morpher.
Zero # 29. Unknown. Deceased. Killed by the Form Morpher.
Zero # 30. Unknown. Deceased. Killed by the Form Morpher.
Zero # 31. Unknown. Deceased. Killed by the Form Morpher.
Zero # 32. Unknown. Deceased. Killed by the Form Morpher.
Zero # 33. Unknown. Deceased. Killed by the Form Morpher.
Zero # 34. Unknown. Deceased. Killed by the Form Morpher.
Zero # 35. Unknown. Deceased. Killed by the Form Morpher.
Zero # 36. Unknown. Deceased. Killed by the Form Morpher.
Zero # 37. Unknown. Deceased. Killed by the Form Morpher.
Zero # 38. Unknown. Deceased. Killed by the Form Morpher.
Zero # 39. Unknown. Deceased. Killed by the Form Morpher.
Zero # 40. Unknown. Deceased. Killed by the Form Morpher.
Zero # 41. Unknown. Deceased. Killed by the Form Morpher.
Zero # 42. Unknown. Deceased. Killed by the Form Morpher.
Zero # 43. Unknown. Deceased. Killed by the Form Morpher.
Zero # 44. Unknown. Deceased. Killed by the Form Morpher.
Zero # 45. Unknown. Deceased. Killed by the Form Morpher.
Zero # 46. Unknown. Deceased. Killed by the Form Morpher.
Zero # 47. Unknown. Deceased. Killed by the Form Morpher.
Zero # 48. Unknown. Deceased. Killed by the Form Morpher.
Zero # 49. Unknown. Deceased. Killed by the Form Morpher.
Zero # 50. Unknown. Deceased. Killed by the Form Morpher.
Zero # 51. Unknown. Deceased. Killed by the Form Morpher.
Zero # 52. Unknown. Deceased. Killed by the Form Morpher.
Zero # 53. Unknown. Deceased. Killed by the Form Morpher.
Zero # 54. Unknown. Deceased. Killed by the Form Morpher.
Zero # 55. Unknown. Deceased. Killed by the Form Morpher.
Zero # 56. Unknown. Deceased. Killed by the Form Morpher.
Zero # 57. Unknown. Deceased. Killed by the Form Morpher.
Zero # 58. Unknown. Deceased. Killed by a Jealous Lover.
Zero # 59. Unknown. Deceased. Killed by the Form Morpher.
Zero # 60. Unknown. Deceased. Killed by the Form Morpher.
Zero # 61. Unknown. Deceased. Killed by the Form Morpher.
Zero # 62. Unknown. Deceased. Killed by the Form Morpher.
Zero # 63. Unknown. Deceased. Killed by the Form Morpher.
Zero # 64. Unknown. Deceased. Killed by the Form Morpher.
Zero # 65. Unknown. Deceased. Killed by the Form Morpher.
Zero # 66. Unknown. Deceased. Killed by the Form Morpher.
Zero # 67. Unknown. Deceased. Killed by an Outside Source.
Zero # 68. Unknown. Deceased. Killed by the Form Morpher.
Zero # 69. Unknown. Deceased. Killed by the Form Morpher.
Zero # 70. Unknown. Deceased. Killed by the Form Morpher.
Zero # 71. Unknown. Deceased. Killed by the Form Morpher.
Zero # 72. Unknown. Deceased. Killed by the Form Morpher.
Zero # 73. Unknown. Deceased. Killed by the Form Morpher.
Zero # 74. Unknown. Deceased. Killed by the Form Morpher.
Zero # 75. Unknown. Deceased. Killed by the Form Morpher.
Zero # 76. Unknown. Deceased. Killed by the Form Morpher.
Zero # 77. Unknown. Deceased. Killed by the Form Morpher.
Zero # 78. Unknown. Deceased. Killed by the Form Morpher.
Zero # 79. Unknown. Deceased. Killed by the Form Morpher.
Zero # 80. Unknown. Deceased. Killed by a Jealous Lover.
Zero # 81. Unknown. Deceased. Killed by the Form Morpher.
Zero # 82. Unknown. Deceased. Killed by their powers overwhelming their body.
Zero # 83. Unknown. Deceased. Killed by the Form Morpher.
Zero # 84. Unknown. Deceased. Killed by the Form Morpher.
Zero # 85. Unknown. Deceased. Killed by the Form Morpher.
Zero # 86. Abraham Lincoln. Deceased. Killed by an Outside Source aka John Wilkes Booth.
Zero # 87. Unknown. Deceased. Killed by the Form Morpher.
Zero # 88. Hyde. Deceased. Killed by the Form Morpher.
Zero # 89. Unknown. Deceased. Killed by the Form Morpher.
Zero # 90. Unknown. Deceased. Killed by the Form Morpher.
Zero # 91. Unknown. Deceased. Killed by the Form Morpher.
Zero # 92. Unknown. Deceased. Killed by a Jealous Lover.
Zero # 93. Unknown. Deceased. Killed by the Form Morpher.
Zero # 94. Unknown. Deceased. Killed by the Form Morpher.
Zero # 95. Unknown. Deceased. Died/Killed by Old Age.
Zero # 96. Unknown. Deceased. Killed by the Form Morpher.
Zero # 97. Unknown. Deceased. Killed by the Form Morpher.
Zero # 98. Unknown. Deceased. Killed by the Form Morpher.
Zero # 99. Unknown. Deceased. Killed by the Form Morpher.
Zero # 100. Zane Alvarez. Living.

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