Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Zane's Attacks (5-2-2018) Heavy Spoilers for Zero

A/N: Yep. I'm doing the same thing but Zane's Attacks and Combos. This is because I'll forgot to introduce over 75% of them because I have a lot. Some of the attacks have been mentioned and shown in the stories being that this will be long and written in Google Docs. This also may have spoilers for Zero and will be changed because I will be updating it randomly. Unlike with the powers list, EVERYTHING will be spoiled being that some powers weren't shown. Like with the spells, I could be off on the number.

Zane's Attacks: 273.
Physical Attacks: 106.
All-Around Attack Course. Zane says that this attack is far better for several opponents rather than a single opponent. He rushes toward his targets and he strikes one of them. He grabs his target with him use the target to hit the others as a bat/hammer. Upon seeing the target bruised and blooded, he places the target down and kicks another target starting all over again. He can also focus one kick or punch to a target ,which doesn’t hurt at first, but they get flung back from the wind pressure.

Alligator Rudder. Zane kicks a target ,launching them back, and he rushed toward the target by jumping through the air. He slowly starts to spin around ,very much like a drill, and slams both of his feet into a target.

Anaconda Clench. Zane rushes toward his target and when they tries to hit him, he wraps around his target ,avoiding it, like a snake. He slams both palms into the target fast and hard being that he moves back after the attack.

Avalanche Punch. Zane takes a deep breath with him slowly turning either his left or right arm into its liquid form. It slowly forms into a giant version being that it hardens up and makes it into a giant version of his arm and fist. He can fire his arm toward a target being much faster than his Monstrous Hammer. It can break the spine of a dragon if Zane has a perfect chance. He can fire off several rapid fire punches ,very much like getting hitting by an avalanche, and picks this variation more times than not.

Bison Cannon. Zane goes right behind his target and punching his target ,knocking them onto the ground, and fires off a headbut in a second. Zane tends to use this attack when he knows that he can take them down without getting a concussion on his park. He’s able to jump into the air with him flipping above his target and slams both his head and fist on the target. By doing this way, it doesn’t give him a concussion unlike the other way.

Colossal Arctic Vulcan Punch. This attack is a stronger version of Colossal Vulcan Punch being that he sends into the air with him sprouting several arms from his body. They all expand and get covered in Vulcan Force. He soon sends them heading toward his target and all of his arms and fists were covered in flames. Upon impact with the target, the target is burning alive from the attack and the ground usually breaks after that attack.

Colossal Shocking Vulcan Dropkick. Zane soon makes both of his legs into the air and right into the clouds. He activates Electromagnetic Aura and Vulcan Force being that his legs are covered into lightning. He soon sends them down and it unleashes a massive shock wave being that it can destroy a entire island to crumble and destroy it.

Colossal Vulcan Bombardment. Zane soon makes several arms appear from his body being that they slowly expand in size. It’s very much like Hulking Bombardment except his arms and fist are covered by Vulcan Force. He soon sends them flying toward the target being that he can pull them back after landing a fist. This attack can easily destroy a massive ship or building with ease. He can do this with a single fist but it’s true power works with multiple arms at once.

Colossal Vulcan Dropkick. Zane soon makes both of his legs grow in size to make him look taller than normal. He soon covers both of them in Vulcan Force being that they’re much stronger compared to the normal variation. He soon kicks his target being that he can rapid fire kick a target so hard that they break through a stone pyramid with ease.

Colossal Vulcan Punch. Zane slowly make either his left or right arm several times bigger than his body being that it’s the same size of both Avalanche Punch and Monstrous Hammer. It also looks slightly bigger than the both of them. He soon covers the giant arm and fist with Vulcan Force. He sends it flying toward his target, being that the impact of the punch blast the target with an amazing amount of air pressure and the Vulcan Force hurts.

Colossal Vulcan Revolver. Zane activates this attack from a distance being that he extends both of his arms behind him. He soon covers them in Vulcan Force before expanding in size. He soon send both of them in front of him being he slams both fists into a single target, which causes a massive explosion of static electricity. It really hurts.

Colossal Vulcan Smack. Zane soon stretches both of his arms ,or any sprouted arms, behind him being that they slowly inflate to a massive size. He soon send them toward a target being that he smacks them with a massive open palm. This can send a large opponent back a good distance away. 

Crescent Strike. This attack can only be done by either Vampire or Werewolf Form with him able to perform this attack later on in any form. Zane first extends both of his arms toward the target causing them to go back. He uppercutted the target into the air with his left fist with him using his tail or his left leg in an arch with him smashing the target into the ground causing it to break slightly.

Cyclone Flurry. Zane punches or kicks his target into the air with him going back and he fires off twenty Nether Blasts which hit his target. He jumps into the air and he stomps the target right into the ground.

Destruction Pummeling. This attack requires Zane to take some damage in order for its true potential to be revealed. Upon getting hit by an attack, Zane soon grabs an target through an outside source such as his tail or his ability to turn into his candy syrup form to hold them in place. Zane soon places both of his fists in front of the target’s chest being that he places both indexes and middle fingers the closet. Upon doing this, the target gets hit with a powerful attack straight to the cut that sends them flying by a powerful shock-wave. In the same way as Fissuring Smash, Zane can do this from a distance being that it’ll will be still effective but less damaging.

Eclipse Rising. This attack can only be done by either Vampire or Werewolf Form with him able to perform this attack later on in any form. Zane does two forward and extended jabs with his left and right fists. He then fires off a powerful ,nether covered, uppercut with his fist or tail into the air. He can also fire a powerful sonic howl in the case of Werewolf Form.

Fissure Smash. Zane dashes toward his target ,with it looking like he isn’t moving at all but he’s moving so fast that it’s creating an illusion of him to confusing his target, and he lands a powerful punch on his target. Upon hitting the target, the ground below them breaks apart and the target is sent flying an incredible distance away. Zane can also hit someone from a distance away being that he can fire a giant shockwave that still breaks apart the ground and sends the target flying away.

Galactic Punch. Zane covers one of his fists ,in his soul’s energy being steel gray, with him slamming his fist right into them. They usually send flying back from the fists impact.

Giant Slam. Zane jumps into the air with both of his arms and fists growing much bigger becoming gigantic. He slams the target into the ground causing pieces of the ground to fly around him.

Giant Stomp. Zane jumps into the air and does a flip. During the flip, his feet grow much bigger becoming gigantic. He slams into a target hard causing the ground to break.

Giant Toss. Zane’s left or right arm grows bigger to be the size of a giant. He grabs anything in the area around him. He then throws it at his target with it making a giant cloud of smoke upon contact or he punches them with his massive arm.

Great White Rocket. Zane gets on both of his hands ,with him in a handstanding position, and he enlarges his feet. He kicks his target with both feet and it hurts. He’s able to launch himself at his target hitting like a rocket and able to launch back cannonballs and the such if his hands are placed on the ground.

Howling Flurry. This attack can only be done by Werewolf Form with him able to perform this attack later on in any form that uses sound as a weapon. He fires off another pair of forward and extended jabs with his left and right fist. He then fires off a sonic howl or any kind of sonic based attack which leaves the target in a stunned state. He hits the target with a hard punch and then the target gets surrounded by several sonic attacks.

Hulking Bombardment. Zane makes several arms appear from his body being that they slowly expand in size. They surround Zane being Zane’s body is hidden by the massive arms and fists that came from within his body. He soon fires a massive version of Sweet Bombardment being that each fist feels like being hit by a huge truck.

Karmic Blitzkrieg. Zane focus Mojo into his hands being that it slowly forms into a large dragon-shaped shroud around it. He soon rush toward his target and this attack drains the target of its energy making it bigger. He can use this attack to pierce through his opponent’s defenses. He’s able to make the attack using other energies being that it changes to a purple color. He can also throw them toward his target causing an massive explosion. It has no variations.

Leopard Trunk. Zane either kicks or punches his target straightforward and he hits from behind very much like closing a trunk.

Lunar Final. This attack can only be done by Werewolf Form with him able to perform this attack later on in any form. Zane soon pulls back both of his fists with either Animus, Mojo, Nether or Primordial gathering in them. At their limit, Zane does a single forward but very powerful punch with both fists causing a huge amount of damage. He is able to fire off rapid punches if charged for twice the amount of time. He is able to smash the opponent or target with both fists much like a hammer if charged for triple the amount of time.

Maiden Clan’s Secret Technique: Calamity Crash. This attack is an attack that has been passed down from queen to queen. Zane is the first male to learn this attack being that both Kena and Lauren wanted Zane to learn this technique. Zane clenches either of his fist and he soon rushes toward his target for a punch. He can cover his fist in Vulcan Force being that it will mostly likely shatter any defense in his way. This attack is explosive being that it cause an powerful explosion upon impact and shockwave upon clashing. It creates fissure around the area of impact.

Maiden Clan’s Secret Technique: Rotation Kick. This attack is an attack that has been passed down from queen to queen. Zane is the first male to ever learn this attack being that both Kena and Lauren wanted him to learn this technique. Zane gets on his hands being that he twists his body ,by turning his body into his liquid form, being that he soon releases himself. He soon turns into a living spinning top being that he fires off several rapid fire kicks upon release. Anything ,living or not, gets turned into stone upon contact and can break from the sheer pressure of the kicks.

Midnight Mastodon. Zane begins rushing around his target/target being that he lands several hits on his target with it looking a cannon of pressurized air being that it cases devastating damage to the target and the area.

Monstrous Hammer. Zane takes a deep breath with him slowly turning either his left or right arm into its liquid form. It slowly forms into a giant form with it hardening up making it into a giant version of his arm and fist. The enlarge appendage rush toward the target and it slowly gains an electrical aura around it. Upon contact with anything, it fires out a massive shock wave causing a huge amount of destruction and also a shocking feeling.

Moon Kick. This attack can only be done by either Vampire or Werewolf Form with him able to perform this attack later on in any form. Zane fires an extended jab with either his left or right fist with him front kicking the target with the matching foot.

Orangutan Slap. He starts by rushing toward his target with him dodging over objects that are in his way by either jumping or flipping over it. He channels all of his strength into either one of his arms or legs. By hitting them with his arms, the target is slapped by several punches and using his legs deliver a flurry of kicks. The target is sent flying with Zane sliding on the ground.

Parental Showing. Zane glares at his target being that he soon appears in front of his target in a second or less. He slams his fist on their head, causing a shockwave and leave a large bump on it. He soon hugs them if they’re family.

Pressure Flip. Zane holds either his left or right arm in front of him with the other arm being aimed toward the ground. Once the target gets close enough, Zane grabs them being that he violently flips them toward the ground. This throw is different being that upon grabbing them, all of their energy is drained from their body making them weaker.

Primordial Helix. Zane focuses Primordial around his arms and legs, forming several tendrils of the energy around them. By doing this, Zane’s speed and strength increases. It has the ability to erase anything that comes in contact with the energy. He’ll need to focus on doing that however. 

Propeller Rapids. Zane throws himself toward the target being that he moves one leg in front of him landing a powerful kick sending the target flying away with tremendous force.

Pursuit Combo. This attack can only be done by either Vampire or Werewolf Form with him able to perform this attack later on in any form. He fires off another pair of forward and extended jabs with his left and right fist. He then swings his right arm upward and with his left arm, he slashes the target. Zane finished this move off by making an x with his arms and slamming into the target.

Rainbow Nether Rampage. Zane collect and condense Rainbow Nether around his hands to its greatest degree. He focus the nether as a compact sphere ,looking like Zenith Sphere, in front of each of his fist. His punch strength is increased being able to hit his opponents with traces of Nether. He soon launches the target into the air using an uppercut punch and he soon fires both spheres at the target turning into a giant Chinese Dragon upon contact.

Rhino Charge. Zane rushes toward his target and he kicks/punches them in unison. They get thrown into the air or into the ground.

Segment Kick. Zane runs toward his target and he jumps in the air. He does several flips toward his target and he kicks the opponent to do damage or several kicks in a row.

Serpent Rage. Zane turns one of his arms into a snake and he sends it into the ground. The snake comes up once in a while but it soon grabs the target. He pulls the target through the ground and he soon throws them into the air. He soon spins them around to create a small but manageable hurricane. Zane soon lets go of the target with him jumping above them. He soon slams them with his snake arm causing a crater in the ground.

Seismic Asteroid. Zane’s arms and legs glows for a brief second before rushing toward his target being that he can starts by launching the target into the air. He does this by enhancing his uppercut by an energy sphere which sends them flying into the air. This is because Zane’s uppercut gets rid of their gravity. Zane soon jumps up toward them being that he soon cups his hands together and makes all of his energy go around them, forming a Zenith Sphere. He soon slams it into the target, sending them flying toward the ground being that the hit has a sheer amount of force behind and it’s very blunt.

Seismic Barrage. Zane’s arms glows for a brief second before he rushes toward his target and while he’s running toward a target, several arms grow from his body being that Zane slams them all into a target being that they’re sent flying away but to only get hit by another punch. He can infuse these attacks with Vulcan Force being that the latter hurts much more. He can also make his arms gigantic being very much like Avalanche Punch and Monstrous Hammer. 

Seismic Dropkick. Zane’s legs glows for a brief second before rushes toward his target and soon jumps into the air. He soon began spinning rapidly, becoming like a tornado. He soon lands a dropkick on his target, slamming the target into the ground hard.

Seismic Execution. Zane’s arms and legs glows for a brief second with him increasing the gravity around his arms while decreasing the gravity around his legs. This makes Zane faster and his hits hitting harder. He then charges toward his target being that he punches them a far distance away and then he appears behind the target, clenching his fists together. He hits them into the air and jumps up after them. While in the air, Zane makes an “X” motion with his arms and chops the target into the ground, breaking it.   

Seismic Smash. Zane’s arms glows for a brief second before he rushes toward his target and lands a powerful punch. This attack ruptures the ground around the target in several places being that depending on how much power Zane puts into the punch, it can easily destroys nearby buildings. He can infuse these attacks with Vulcan Force being that the latter hurts much more. 

Starlight Smash. Zane moves toward his target using his speed based maneuvers and his eyes slowly glow. He appears in front of his target slamming his head into his target. This headbutt is so strong being that it sends them flying back a huge distance. This attack can usually take people off guard due to Zane being known for his punches or kicks.

Steel Pulverize. Zane jumps high into the air right toward his target with him slowly spinning in the air ,gaining a strange metal skin all around his body, and when he reaches his target, he punches his target with several metal fist. He also do this attack by standing on one leg and he punch his target with a single metal fist rather than several.

Sunset Phoenix. Zane kicks his target into the air being that he soon joins the target being that he covers himself with fire or turns himself into fire. He flies up to them being that he fires off a rapid fire barrage of punches and fire balls to the face. The target is sent to the ground being that they are burned. It can easily stunned any opponent. This attack is based off both of Zane's older brothers being that Lucius is known for his powerful punches and Kurt's fiery temper.

Sweet Arctic Bludgeon. Zane soon sends his arms or legs toward his target, being that one of his arms and legs wraps around the target. The other arm or leg turns into a massive and powerful hammer. The attack slams into the target causing a massive impact being that he can use it only for offense rather than before.

Sweet Arctic Bombardment. Zane makes several fists come out of his body being that he soon aims them all around him. He soon fires them off being that it’s an omnidirectional attack. Each fist moves so fast, being that it leaves behind steam and it can block all attacks around him and it moves faster than normal. Each hit hits so fast that it feels like pelted by a barrage of punches.
Sweet Arctic Claw. Zane sends his arms toward his target being that he turns his hand into a three claw limb due to his pinky and middle finger shrinking. He soon covers them in frost. He grabs the target, being that the hit is so hard and he spins them around before blasting them with a massive bursts of ice from the arms. This attack can send his opponent far away.

Sweet Arctic Fist. He fires a normal Sweet Punch being that his punch is so fast being that it’s very much invisible. This attack is much stronger than Sweet Punch due to it having more speed and it can send his target, flying. This attack is very hard to dodge.

Sweet Arctic Howitzer. Zane soon sends four fists toward his target being that they’re soon turned into arms that would belong Sweet Forge. He soon slams the four fists into the target being that they’re send flying back and it really hurts. It freezes upon contact.

Sweet Arctic Lunge. This attack is a stronger version of Sweet Lunge being that he makes several lances that appear from his body. He send them flying toward his target being that as they head toward the target, they slowly spin. They slam into the target, causing them to be sent flying back and frozen.

Sweet Arctic Onslaught. Zane makes both of his arms twist themselves back and he stretches them behind him. He soon fires them forward being that it’s a very fast, close-ranged punch that leaves behind a noticeable knuckle shaped imprints on the target and freezes.

Sweet Arctic Puncture. Zane begins to twist his arm with it being much faster than before being that instead of growing in size and gaining spikes, Zane slowly begins sprouting copies of his twisted up arm within second. He soon releases them out onto his target being that all of them will pierce through their target and destroys it. It destroys anything in Zane’s area of effect and freezes.

Sweet Arctic Rainmaker. He rushes toward his target being he stretches back both of his fists or feet. He slammed them into the target, being that they’re sent flying away with them freezing up a bit. He can use this attack to launch himself into the air, by kicking the ground.

Sweet Arctic Ride. Zane stretches his legs outwards with him swiping the air being that the frost and slipstream is visible being that it can be a projectile attack that can be used to send people back or capture people from a distance. 

Sweet Arctic Trample. Zane soon fires off several Sweet Tramples at once being that it’s a barrage of feet being that it can easily destroy a wall. It’s very hard to dodge and can hit multiple enemies at once. He can also send them into the air being that they came come from all angles being that they can’t escape. It also freezes things.

Sweet Bludgeon. Zane turns one or both of his arms or legs into a mallet. He can also fuse his arms and legs together to make a powerful hammer. He’s able to smash through anything with his arm hammers. He can use this to elevate himself into the air by slamming the hammers to the ground. He can also use it to hurt his opponents up close.

Sweet Bombardment. Zane can either do one of two things with this attack. Zane can sprout several fists from his body being that he sends them toward a group of target. Upon contact with any of the fists, they’re trapped and unable to move thanks to being trapped in candy syrup. He can also send off a rapid fire barrage of punches but they don’t trap his target in candy syrup but causes a very deadly beatdown. He can do this with his legs as well for stomping down on his opponent.

Sweet Buzzsaw. Zane turns his arms into a chainsaw which activates upon being formed. He can either do this with one or both of his hands. With one hand, he holds down his target and he slice the target with his chainsaw. It causes them to slowly get covered in a syrup pit.

Sweet Cutlass. Zane forms his arm into a cutlass which he uses to slash opponents or objects at an incredible speed. Zane can focus his effort on the tip of his blade at a target and upon him touching the target, they get covered in a candy barrier unable to break out unless they can either pours water on the outside or burns it from either side.

Sweet Dominion. This attack is a mixture of both Sweet Bombardment and Sweet Forge. He makes several arms appear from his body being that they’re looking like when Zane activates Sweet Forge instead of the normal shape. He then hardens them with Vulcan Force being that he soon sends them toward his target or target. This attack hits them from all direction and each punch has an extreme amount of force behind them.

Sweet Dragon Claw. Zane sends his arms toward his target being that he turns his hand into a three claw limb due to his pinky and middle finger shrinking. Upon grabbing something, Zane grabs hard enough to crush steel and he does this to grab people’s pressure point in their shoulders to knock them out.

Sweet Dragon Roar. Despite this attack sounding like a ranged attack, it isn’t. Zane turns both of his hands into a three claw limb due to his pinky and middle finger shrinking. He soon sends both of his arms toward the ground and he grabs the ground. During the stretching phase, he charges them up with Vulcan Force. He can easily break apart the ground and he can use it as a weapon.

Sweet Flurry. Zane turns the entire area around him into candy syrup with him slowly forming multiple tendrils around him. He soon sends them into the air and crashing down on his opponent, planing on crush them. It’s a great move to use on multiple opponents.

Sweet Forge. Zane turns his arms and hands or legs or feet into candy syrup and he soon compressed them until they’re hardened up to make a circle shape around his ankles or wrists. He can combine this attack with Vulcan Force for extra damage. Upon punching his target, the attack hurts more than a normal punch due to the compact, tight circle-shape around his ankles or wrists.

Sweet Frenzy. Zane makes several appendages appear from his body being that it’s like he’s a human octopus. He soon rushes toward a group of targets being that his arms soon inflate a bit. He soon launches a volley of punches upon them being that they’re a random barrage of hits and can’t be expected.

Sweet Gong. Zane soon stretches his neck backwards and like Sweet Punch and Ride, he sends it forward. Upon hitting Zane’s head, it can land a powerful headbutt. Zane can also use this as a simple headbutt.

Sweet Howitzer. Zane first builds up speed and momentum by moving around the target and soon landing a barrage of punches. This attack has been compared to Sweet Bombardment but the fists don’t collided with his target. They get slammed with the shockwave of the attacks but Zane lands several open-palmed blows. It can destroy armor with ease.

Sweet Lunge. Zane turns either of his arms or legs into a lance like weapon being that he can stab his target. He does this by turning his liquid or half or half form. He can combine his arms or legs toward being that he can send him flying toward a target.

Sweet Missile. Zane inflates his arms or legs until the pressure of his arm explode, this sends his fist or foot toward his target from a distance. It’s very much like a missile being that the limb soon catches on fire due to the friction of how fast the attack is.

Sweet Onslaught. Zane stretches his arm backward, with his arm slowly twisting itself. He soon sends it toward a target at close range. Upon hitting a target, Zane’s arm slowly untwisting itself being that his target is sending flying back with Zane suffering no kick-back.

Sweet Nexus. Zane soon soon multiple tendrils from his body being that they slowly transforms into copies of his legs. He can send them flying toward a multitude of targets and can deliver a barrage of powerful kicks.

Sweet Punch. Zane stretches his arm forward/backward and throws a powerful punch toward his target. This attack is rather simple being it’s a simple punch with some augmented power based on how much he stretches.

Sweet Puncture. Zane begins to twisting up his arm with him making sure that it’s really tight. It soon expands in size. He soon covers his arms in spikes with him slowly untwisting it. He thrust his arm forward, creating a very powerful stab into whatever is in front of him. This attack can easily pierce through a building and destroys it upon contact. It leaves a massive, gaping wound in an object. He can also add Vulcan Force into it.

Sweet Rainmaker. Zane can either stretch one of his arms or legs back being that he sends them forward, striking his opponent with an open palm or sole. This usually sends his target or targets flying back but they can recover. This tends to be a finishing move or a way to send his opponents flying.

Sweet Ride. Zane stretches his legs outwards and he kicks forward toward a target. He can hit several foes at once, being that they’re captured in his syrup if Zane’s leg is in a syrup form. He can also do this with his arms as well being that he uses this to clotheslines his opponent and can combine with Sweet Rocket.

Sweet Smack. Zane rushes toward his target with his arm growing bigger by the moment and upon reaching his target, he smacks them with his open, slightly enlarged hand. This sends his target back a couple of feet.

Sweet Spike. Zane turns his hands into spikes with him stabbing at his opponent many times in a rapid succession. He can make them into longer version which works as claws. He can fire them at a target which turns into pure syrup trapping them there. He can also enhanced his attacks with the spikes.

Sweet Trample. Zane soon stretches his leg behind him in the same vein as Sweet Punch or Sweet Ride being that he sends it flying toward a target. It really hurts. He can send it high into the air being that it soon comes down toward the ground at an alarming rate. It destroy large buildings and objects with ease. 

Sweet Vulcan Bombardment. Zane slams both of his fists together being that they slowly covered in his Vulcan Force armor in seconds. He soon does a normal Vulcan Bombardment but the attacks hit harder and can easily smash through steel with ease.

Sweet Vulcan Gong. Zane covers his entire head in Vulcan Force being that he does the exact same thing as Sweet Gong. This attack can easily destroy steel and metal.

Sweet Vulcan Leap. Zane hardens up both of his legs with him soon kicking the ground hard enough to break the pavement. This attack can give Zane great speed like Sweet Rocket but it’s true power is that Zane does a mid-air backflip and lands a powerful kick to the target.

Sweet Vulcan Onslaught. Zane stretches one of his arm with him slowly activating Vulcan Force on it. He soon sends it forward with it spinning out of control and upon impact, it delivers a powerful blow to the target’s abdomen.

Ultrasonic Augmented Impact. Zane soon began moving extremely fast around his target being that over time, the target only sees a blur and bursts of wind keep blasting them. Zane soon rushes right toward the target, landing a single punch. The punch feels like getting hitting with a percussion hammer. The target get sent flying away and right toward Zane’s haymaker into the ground.

Vanish Strike. Zane dash toward a target with him disappearing from the target’s sight. He then reappears with him round housing kicking the target into the air. He then disappears once again and reappears behind the target. He smashed them with both of his elbows.

Velocity Bluster. Zane begins to move really fast in place with him rushing toward his target and he fires off a rapid barrage of strong punches very much like he grew extra arms. He can make them go extremely fast being only seen as nothing there. Upon contact, the target gets hit with several punches in a row very much like being trapped in a storm. 

Vicious Dropkick. Zane takes a deep breath with either his left or right leg slowly growing bigger being that it’s soon in its liquid form. It slowly forms into a giant version of his leg being that he can harden it into a giant version of his leg and foot. He can swing toward a target being that the target is sent flying away and through a building. He can use this for comical attacks.

Vulcorian Opening. This attack can only be accessed in Wrath or in his normal form but it has more power in Wrath he says. It’s also used for robots or creatures that aren’t living. Zane grabs his target with him ripping it in half through his natural physical strength. 

Vulcorian Storm. This attack can only be accessed in Wrath or in his normal form but it has more power in Wrath he says. He activates this with him slowly disappearing. He reappears being that he lands multiple ,extremely fast, strikes, which in turns causes damage to a target. This attack can easily destroy a mountain. He can also do this with either one or two fisted punch which can easily destroy an opponent with ease.

Vulcorian Strike. This attack can only be accessed in Wrath or in his normal form but it has more power in Wrath he says. He activates this with him slowly disappearing. He starts by appearing in front of his target with him kicking his target up into the air. Zane soon disappears being that he reappears above his target. He slams the target with both of his fists sending them flying toward the ground causing a large crater. If the target is still fighting, Zane lands a single kick on them which slowly turns into several kicks that can work on one or multiple targets.

Whirlpool Vortex. This attack can only be done by either Vampire or Werewolf Form with him able to perform this attack later on in any form. Zane gets on his hands ,in an upside-down rotating straddle split, and he’s able to spinning around very much like a spinning top. During this, any enemy that is around him gets kicked by several kicks.

Zenith Smash. Zane created this attack being that it’s one of his signature attack alongside the rest of the Zenith attacks. He stretches his left or right arm back behind him being that he soon cocked it back to him. During the travel, Zane’s arms ignites in flames ,thanks to friction, being that it’s moving so fast. Upon hitting the target, they’re soon hit by a powerful punch and an explosion of flames that works underwater. When he first used this attack in cannon, all of his friends and family appeared behind him. He can combine this attack with Vulcan Force for extra damage.

Zenith Smash Bombardment. Zane slams both of his fist together being that his arms are covered in the Vulcan armor just like Zenith Smash. He sends both of his fists toward his target, being that they go rapid fire. It may seem like he’s only using two fists but it’s multiple arms at once. Upon finishing the attack, the attack makes a massive fiery explosion.

Zenith Smash Onslaught. Zane soon stretches his arm backward ,with his arm twisting itself so fast that it’s done in a second compared to Sweet Onslaught that takes up to five seconds. His arm is soon covered in Vulcan Force with him sending his fist right into a target. Upon hitting the target, the arm untwist itself being that the target is sent flying back with them covered in an aura of flames.

Zenith Smash Rainmaker. Zane hardens up either his arms and legs with Vulcan Force being that he stretches them back and forward in a split second. This attack can send a target flying and it really hurts.

Zenith Smash Ride. Zane stretches out his legs being that it covers itself in Vulcan Force while stretching out. He soon swipes toward his target with it being a very elongated kick and anyone who gets hit with the bottom of his foot, gets an imprint of Zane’s shoe.

Zenith Spear. This attack alongside Zenith Slash, Zenith Smash, and Zenith Sphere are some of Zane’s signature moves being that he’s infamous in the Omniverse for this quartet. This attack is also the only one that’s a close range strike and it can’t be taught unlike Zenith Slash and Sphere. This attack requires extreme control of his power, even more than the other Zenith attacks which are well known for requiring great control. He says that this move is for protecting the things he care about. Zane first focus his energy into either his arm or hand with it being extremely concentrated. It’s also a signature color. It's the being the exact same color of his lightning/thunder ,after mastering Primordial, dark indigo with a black and white outline. It’s seems rather simple than Zenith Slash and Sphere. Zane rushes right toward his target with him either slamming his palm into the target or piercing the target with any amount of fingers. The latter of the two has a high chance of killing his enemies. Like Zenith Slash and Sphere, this attack has several different variations. It also takes any type of energy to activate it but it doesn’t change its color. Zane tends to use it often in Vitality Guardian for several powerful attacks. He can focus the energy around being that he can use it on both arms or hands. He can focus the energy into a projectile based weapon, giving the move a long range edge. It keeps going straight and easily through large rocks with ease without losing any of its speed or change its reason of flight. Exploding Zenith Spear. Zane charges up a normal Zenith Slash with him soon rushing toward the target. This may seem like a normal Zenith Spear but he slowly releases the power while rushing toward his target. He soon appears behind the target with him snapping his fingers causing the target and area to be affected by all of the energy. He can also make the energy go around his body, allowing him to affect multiple enemies. It works as a good offense and defense with anyone who gets touched by it goes stiff. Precise Zenith Spear. Zane starts off by rushing toward his target with Zenith Spear ready to go. As he strikes, Zane focus the energy to create a true spear being that he impales the target into the air. He soon adds more power to it, causing a massive explosion at the end of it. He can also skip the first step for a surprise. He can also add more power to it. Sweeping Zenith Spear. Zane focus energy into both of his arms being that he makes a large amount. He soon aims his arms at his target and he can strike several enemies being that he can fire several smaller yet faster spears at his target. This attack works best with Vitality Guardian due to it having more power to it. Tremor Zenith Spear. Zane says this variation is his favorite being it requires a lot of extra work but the payoff is perfect. He disappears from his target’s sight and while they’re looking for him, they get punched back by a clone. Zane reappears being that he has Zenith Spear ready on both of his arms and he rushes toward the flying target. He soon slices the target with several slices from the spear before sending them into the air. Zane jumps toward them and he slams both spears right into the target. They’re sent flying toward the ground and there’s a crater with excess energy covering it like a cover. Ultimate Zenith Spear. This variation is the strongest Zenith Spear. Zane anchors himself into the ground being that he takes a stance that mimics the samurai method of quick-drawing the sword and striking, known as ladio. He puts his hands together being that Zane can deflect attacks ,regardless of their speed, size, or power, and can easily split it in half. before delivering an extremely powerful and fast attack. It’s main weakness is that Zane heads straight forward and it can be dodged. Vitality Zenith Spear. This variation can only be done in Vitality Guardian in either his partial or perfect form. Zane forms a normal Zenith Spear being that he activates Vitality Guardian upon finishing up the spear. He can also do the reverse. He soon rush toward his target at a god like speed causing a massive explosion. This attack ,despite its power, has a flaw to it. It takes a lot of power to use it and he can’t exact spam the attack unlike Zenith Slash and Sphere. He can use it several times but slightly less than Zenith Slash and Sphere.   

Ranged Attacks: 58.
Archon Zero Annihilation. Zane goes into Archon Zero Master being he makes the nine spheres fuse together to create a single sphere. He can launch the sphere right toward his target, with him making it look like a meteor. It makes a massive crater in the ground and erase anything non-living that comes in contact with it.

Karmic Amalgam. Zane turns into nine different copies of himself and they slowly cover their target by all sides. The real Zane disappears. One jumps into the air while the other charges up a Karmic Limbo. Each clone has a different color limbo ,being the seven colors of the Rainbow, Black, and White, and they fire it out as a massive swirling sphere above the target. The nine spheres can be destroyed easily being the clones dissipate upon firing the attack. The target is usually drained from either destroying them or tanking the hits being that they can’t counter the main Zero firing a massive beam of all nine colors on the target. This attack can annihilate their opponent.

Karmic Burst. Zane focuses Mojo into his body being that he can release it from his body as an explosion or a droplet of energy. He can throw it toward his target, creating a powerful kinetic force. This can easily punch a hole in solid structures. He can also fire a barrage of them with less but noticeable damage. He can also make it an added explosive effect to his physical attacks. With this attack, Zane can easily make a massive crater in the ground around the area of the attack landing.

Karmic Emperor Vortex. Zane says that this attack is a stronger version of Karmic Limbo. It can warp the fabric of space and time being that it’s a pain to do it but he’ll do it against a powerful opponent. Zane combines his attack with any element very much like his Zenith Emperor Slash or Sphere. The attack power and speed are increased. Zane fires it off being that it slowly spins which slowly turns into a drill. This attack can easily destroy several city blocks but it doesn’t kill unless Zane wants it do. This attack is common in Wrath.

Karmic Enlarged Limbo. This attack sounds like it’s a bigger Karmic Limbo but it’s activation is interesting. Zane does this by swallowing or absorbing a massive amount of energy from either an enemy’s attacks ,which he did when he used the Jupiter Cannon, or by charging up for a long period of time. Upon absorbing/swallowing the energy, Zane fires off a larger limbo being that it can easily destroy a mountain range according to Zane.

Karmic Glare. Zane fires a small but powerful Karmic Limbo from one of his eyes. This can easily destroy boulders but it can be charged up. He can fire it out of both eyes combining into one massive blast that can easily destroy a city block.

Karmic Limbo. Zane focus Mojo into his body being that he can fire the concentrated energy beam out of any part of his body. It causes a massive explosion depending on how long Zane charges it for. This attack has its variation unlike Karmic Burst.

Karma Midnight Luster. This attack is a more compact version of Karmic Emperor Vortex but it has a vaster range compared to it. Zane says that this power is what happens when you mess with him or his friends. He charges up a Limbo being that he fires out a small black beam that goes after anything with energy in them. It can go around or through building being that it will reach its target. It can easily destroyed a building. This attack is common in Scourge and sometimes Wrath.

Karmic Volley. Zane says that this attack works better with a gun like weapon but it’s still effective without one. Zane holds one of his guns or his hands at a target being that he fires several ,weaker, Karmic Limbos at his target. This attack can be dodged when Zane isn’t using a gun but if he is using a gun, the Karmic Limbos travels after the target. He can also use Karmic Slug as well.

Meteor Surprise. During a fight, Zane grabs pieces of rubble around him and he sends them toward the sky at a speed being that his opponent doesn’t see it. Upon Zane snapping his fingers, the rubble comes back down being that depending on how much and big the rubble is, it does a lot of damage and can affect multiple enemies. He tends to place several pieces of rubble during a serious fight while keeping his opponent focused on only him.

Oblivion Bullet. Zane turns his hand into a gun position and he fires a sonic scream which can pierce ,not destroy, anything it touches due it’s high frequency. It goes through the ground and it can appear on the other side of the are. He’s able to fire two or more attacks with it losing some of their power depending on how much attacks that he fires.

Oblivion Detonation. Zane gather and focus sound into his palms and it slowly forms into a giant bubble. Zane decides when the bubble of pressured sound is ready to go and he’ll releases the sound right toward a target. It explodes ,upon Zane snapping his fingers, creating a giant sonic explosion with Zane covering his ears if he’s nearby the explosion.

Oblivion Napalm. Zane cups his hands and screams into them. It forms a highly condensed ball of sound and he throws it. It’s able to vaporize a hole through steel at its full power and the ball explodes releasing a sonic boom. It’s a faster version of Oblivion Detonation but with far less power.

Oblivion Rings of Hell. Zane rushes toward his opponents being that he draws several rings on them. They look to be spirals and they have a music symbol in the middle of them. Zane snaps his fingers which release a powerful sound that can easily crush a building and tends to be the best way to stop a group.

Oblivion Scream. Zane can either goes up to a target or stands across from a target from a noticeable distance. Zane then covers both ears or activates his Galaxy Phones and he screams. It causes a huge explosion of sound which breaks the target down because it is very loud. It also cause the ground and nearby glass to be destroyed.

Oblivion Tremor. Zane rubs both of his palms of his hands together and he slams both palms into the ground or target causing an earthquake/tsunami. Its power depends on how long he charges his attack.

Oblivion Volley. Zane covers his ears as he closes his mouth. His stomach slowly grows bigger and he opens his mouth. He releases a giant scream out being able to vaporize a mountain and cause his targets to cover their ears or their hearing is destroyed in the process.

Primordial Bolt. Zane fires small blasts ,of Primordial Energy, at the target.

Primordial Bubble. Zane makes bubbles ,out of Primordial, come out of his body and despite it looking rather weak, Zane finds it versatile in combat and other use. They can come out as multiple colors. They are controlled by Zane himself so they don’t do anything without his command. He can create a massive dome around himself and allies being that it was strong enough to resist large explosions. He can create a double of himself using bubble being that if it’s hit, it’s like popping a bubble. He can hide something inside of a bubble such as an explosion for a surprise attack, smoke or ink that can blind his opponents or hid himself, or his syrup that can trap an opponent in it. He can also make a bubble big enough to travel great distances and it can’t pop. He can also use it for rescue or deadly means being that he has the choice to drown a target if he wants.

Primordial Lotus. Zane fires Primordial Energy from his palms being that it’s very effective at close and long range. He aims his hands at their target being that it comes out as a direct blast or energy wave toward his enemy. Upon hitting the target, it turns into a massive lotus flower ,of energy, being a powerful explosion.

Primordial Ordnance. Zane charges up Primordial Energy into both of his hands making a giant bomb of Primordial energy. He punches the bomb toward a target and it makes a giant explosion upon contact.

Primordial Stream. Zane fires a dense blast of concentrated Primordial energy from his fists or any part of his body. This attack takes a while depending on how much energy Zane has at the time.

Primordial Tango. After releasing his energy out, Zane envelops his targets within Primordial Energy. Zane controls the energy using his hands being that he can make it into a giant tidal wave of energy trapping any enemies within in the wave. The target can escape from it unless Zane adds his sweet attacks.

Primordial Torrent. Zane fires out multiple ,Primordial energy, beams from both of his hands that encases the opponent in a large sphere or destroys them if they aren’t living objects. Zane can fire up to 200 shots at once before taking a couple of minutes to recover.

Rainbow Nether Barrage. Zane gathers Rainbow Nether in his body being that his body slowly glows with Rainbow Nether. He soon aims both of his hands at his target being that a giant burst of Rainbow Nether comes flying out. There is a deep forest green color mixed with a bright sunny yellow. A crimson red was floating on top of an ocean blue while purple danced among them all. This attack is often seen as both deadly and beautiful.

Rainbow Nether Onslaught. Zane gathers Rainbow Nether in both of his hands with him slowly creating a massive orb. He throws it at a target being it transforms into something else on its way toward its target. On its way, it soon transforms into several dragon like heads ,usually over ten, which are one of the seven colors of the rainbow. Each one of these dragon causes a massive explosion.

Rainbow Nether Tempest. Zane raises both of his hands to the sides of him creating a rainbow nether sphere in each one. He can fire several blasts of rainbow nether at his opponent which slowly forms into a tempest that hits the opponents. It comes out of his body very much like a machine gun. This attack works better in a group than on a single target.

Rainbow Nether Web. Zane fires several nether beams out of his hand with each beam being a different color (Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, and Violet). They form into a spider like web which can slice through attacks with ease or catch people.

Sweet Blast. Zane forms a ball of his blood that he throws to both of his hands and it slowly gets bigger. He throws it at a target causing a massive explosion of syrup to cover the area of impact trapping anything in it.

Sweet Breath. Zane takes a deep breath being that his cheeks and stomach puff up like a balloon. He releases it out being that a large wave of syrup heads toward his target. It can easily melt through anything if Zane wants it to. He tends to use it to trap a large group and it can easily melt through metal.

Sweet Bullet. Zane turns either his left and right hand in its candy syrup form with him transforming his hand into a type of gun. This can range from a pistol to a gatling gun being that all of the guns have the same ability. He soon hardens the candy syrup with Vulcan being that he fires bullets of candy syrup which can easily be used to pierce through skin or objects.

Sweet Convergence. Zane soon turns the nearby area into candy syrup being that he can send the syrup in tendrils or waves toward his target or targets. They’re soon captured by the candy syrup and are unable to move upon touching the syrup. He can cause the syrup to collapse on the target/targets, being that they’re crushed under a large pile of syrup and causing them to be knocked out.

Sweet Downpour. Zane makes his turquoise candy syrup liquid come out of his mouth, looking very much like puke. This keeps his enemies off guard and he sends it out in a huge mass. It soon turns into a sphere and it gets hardened. This makes it hard to get out off and it takes time to get rid of being that nether fire or water gets rid of.

Sweet Imprisonment. Zane creates up to ten sharp looking candy syrup bombs from his body and he throws them at a high speed. Upon hitting something, it captures anything or destroys anything. They look like turquoise grenades.

Tyrannus Lance. This attack was created by Zane being that he based it of Tyrannus Spheroid being that he created it soon into the year of 2020.  Zane focus Tyrannus Nether above his head or in his hand. It slowly forms into a lance like shape with it slowly getting bigger over time being that it can easily be the size of a skyscraper if Zane lets it charge. It looks like a hyper compressed high level energy lance. He can either throw several version of them or a giant one being that both variations covers it in a steel gray mandala around it being that Zane throws it down on his enemies. 

Tyrannus Spheroid. Zane focus Tyrannus Nether into an attack being that he can fire it out in various different ways being that he can either fire it as a beam, sphere, and several small version of the spheres which equal the same amount of damage as one regular sphere. He can charge up a sphere making it bigger than it was before and he can create several in a row, even on low power. He can fire a barrage of them. This is Sivarth’s signature attack.

Universal Ruination. Zane sends a Zenith Sphere which acts a centre of gravity being that it draws anything in the area to make a massive sphere in the area. Zane sends it crashing down on his target causing a massive explosion of energy. He can make several of them being that it has more power. This depends to be a meteor like shape.

Vibration Bomb. Zane gathers up a huge amount of Vibration being that he focus it into his hands and he fires it out toward his target. It's a huge sphere of dark red sound wave which has a noticeable bass sound to it. This attack can send his opponents flying.

Vibration Roar. Zane gathers up a huge amount of Vibration being that he releases it out of his body through his mouth. It's a huge stream of dark red sound wave which has a noticeable bass sound to it. His enemies are usually send flying away when hit with this attack. Repeated uses drain him and the stronger sound wave he sends out, the more is drained out of him.

Vitality Bombardment. Zane can either do this in Vitality Guardian or outside of it. The chest of the Guardian opens up being that after doing this, a barrage of large, dark purple needles come out at an alarming speed. Zane doesn’t fire them from his chest but can fire it from any part of his body or any weapon. This attack will hit something no doubt.

Vulcorian Bloodless Extinction. Zane quickly gathers up Mojo in his body with him soon focusing it into a snake like construct from his body. The snake travels toward his target with it slowly wrapping itself around the target. The target ,while trying to get out of the snake’s grip, is soon shocked by the snake’s secret. It has a secret Zenith Sphere ,colored Turquoise, hidden inside of its mouth. Zane snaps his fingers and the snake bites down on the sphere. It soon releases a explosion of light that blinds the target for a second. During the light shower, Zane slams his hand to the ground with several plant like vines and Mojo construct vines rushes right toward the target. It’s hard to dodge but the plant ones can be burned away. The Mojo vines can’t be destroyed.

Vulcorian Horn Drill. This attack can only be accessed in Wrath or in anything that has a point of some kind but it has more power in Wrath he says. Zane gathers up Mojo into the point being that he fires them out of his body. They come out extremely fast being that they slowly starts spinning becoming drills. Upon sensing anything with energy, they go flying toward their target. They’re strong enough to dig through steel with no signs of slowing down. It can also be used to keep his target in place. He can regrow back the horns if needed.

Worthy Arrow. This is a signature attack belonging to Terminus Riposte and Vitality Guardian. It can be done outside of it. Zane can focus energy which turns molten gold being that it soon turns into an arrow like shape. This attack is up there for the title of Zane’s strongest offensive attack. He can fire a single or rapid fire arrow storm from it with each arrow packing a serious punch. The arrows are extremely hard to dodge being that he can add extra properties to it making it’s power more potent.

Zenith Sphere. This attack alongside Zenith Slash, Zenith Smash, and Zenith Spear are some of Zane’s signature moves being that he's infamous in the Omniverse for this. This was his first unique attack due to him being the only Zero to ever use this. Leif ,the creator of the Zero system, says that this attack is Zane and vise versa. Zane used a prototype version of an attack before his training on the archipelago. He soon mastered the sphere right alongside Zenith Slash, Spear, and several other things while in that group of islands. This took twenty one months but this group of islands are outside of time being that each month in the archipelago is fifty years long on the island. He says that this attack can be taught and used by anyone but it’s hard to master. Zane says that this attack doesn’t require any specific source being that it can be made out of a natural element ,from the user, or and energy. This attack is a combination of both superpowers Ball Projection and Wave Motion Blast. This attack can be small, medium, or large depending on the user. Zane says that constant training with the attack makes the user better at controlling how strong and big it gets. This attack has the potential of being the strongest in the entire Omniverse but it all depends on the user. This attack requires a lot of training and extreme control of one’s self and being, something that a few people can truly do. This attack works if the user have a huge amount of energy inside of them. This is shown when Zane was teaching Team Natsu. They could do it on a weaker level due to none of them have no control of themselves. This attack can be used by anyone but it’s hard to master. The main way of teaching this attack is through four ,easy at first but hard to master, steps. Step 1: Gathering. The student gathers/charges up energy ,with Zane picking one of his four inner energies aka Animus, Mojo, Nether, and Primordial, most of the time in either hand. It depends on which hand the student uses the most. People ,who are ambidextrous, are able to gather energy into either hand but it doesn’t make what hand you use but the attack is better if the energy gathered is in the student’s more used hand. Zane ,the creator, uses his left hand to create the attack but he can use the right hand or hands that he can create using his powers. Step 2: Compression. Upon completing Step 1, the student must turn the energy into a solid state and it can be any shape. Zane says that it depends on the user but the most common shape is a sphere which gives it its name. The teacher tells them to go deep inside of their mind to create the shape and hold it for five minutes. If it breaks, they try again. Unlike with Zenith Slash, Zane tends to distract his students during this step because no one can learn Zenith Slash. Step 3: Strength. Upon completing Step 1 and 2, the student has to combine both steps to generate and turn the energy construct into a solid state. This step along with the last one are the ones that most students struggle with this. Zane says that most people don’t have the focus to generate the energy and turn the energy into a solid state. It can either have the strength of being hit by a pillow of feathers or elephant. He uses the former to not hurt his opponents and the latter he does against his enemies. Step 4: Firing. The student or Zane generates a shape that they want and slams it on the target or it can be fired from their stronger hand. The former is done more often being that they can’t figure out Step 3. Zane can do this with his finger but he tends to do the hands by choice. It can be any color or element but it depends on the user at hand. This final step is by far the most difficult being that only a few can master it such as the Alvarez Family. Zenith Sphere is an expert at creating a huge amount of damage and destruction. This is Zane’s default way of attacking being that he finds it fun to do but he can also use it as a makeshift flashlight. The power can be a simple explosion to a massive pillar of energy. It’s always concussive and depending on the user, it can deliver elemental damage. It’s also great at rapid fire attacks depending on the user. Most people make the normal one but Zane’s an expert of making several different variations of the attack. He can also make several different types of Zenith Sphere due to him having several different energies inside of him. He can combine two energies to make a powerful sphere and he can fire several of them with ease. It’s color depends on what energy that Zane uses. Animus would make it purple, Mojo would make it black, normal Nether would make it green, Primordial would make it turquoise, Rainbow Nether would make it a rainbow color, and Tyrannus Nether would make it crimson red. Zane’s perfected Zenith Sphere can be send flying away but if Zane charges and aimed just right, his target is sent flying away and the ground ,below the target, is completely destroyed. Arctic Zenith Sphere. This Zenith Sphere can only be done when he’s in Arctic Shift. Zane soon makes a normal Zenith Sphere with him covering in ice. He soon rushes toward his target and he slams it into them, causing a massive explosion of frost that flash freezes anything in the area. Attraction Zenith Sphere. Zane creates a Zenith Sphere and he soon covers in the turquoise candy syrup around it, making it very sticky. He throws/slams the sphere into his opponent being that the candy syrup covers the target and immobilise them to be attacked. Bond Zenith Sphere. This Zenith Sphere is created by Zane when he thinks about the bond by either his families and friends. It grows bigger thanks to how strong the bond is. He slams it into his target being that he can send them flying. It can easily destroy a massive wall of a fortress and can destroy an army in a matter of minutes. Colossal Zenith Sphere. This attack is rather simple in its concept being that it’s just a bigger Zenith Sphere. Zane says that he created this when he was training and it accidentally destroyed one of the mountains. It’s destructive power is far beyond the original Zenith Sphere. He can use his clones to focus the energy so he can throw it. He can also make a massive army of clones can either fire Colossal Zenith Spheres in a wave being that it does a massive explosion. Double Zenith Sphere. Zane creates two Zenith Spheres being that he holds one in each hand and he can use for several different options. He can either hit two targets at once with each sphere, hit the spheres on the same person, or block attacks being that the Zenith Sphere grows stronger. Eradication Zenith Sphere. Zane creates two medium-size Zenith Spheres in both hands being that he can fuse them together being that he throws it down on his target, causing total annihilation. Zane can increase its size by snapping his fingers several times in a row. Heavy Zenith Sphere. Zane makes a normal Zenith Sphere being that it’s bigger and heavier than a normal one. He throws it very much like a bowling ball right toward a target. It causes a massive explosion upon contact and always makes a strike. Innovation Zenith Sphere. Zane makes a massive Zenith Sphere being that it’s bigger than Colossal Zenith Sphere. Upon slamming it into anything, it makes a massive shock wave which sends any of his enemies flying. Rotating Zenith Sphere. This Zenith Sphere works best when Zane makes multiple extra hands. The created hands make a Zenith Sphere being that he throws them toward a target. They usually miss confusing his target being that Zane forms a massive Zenith Sphere ,bigger than a Colossal Zenith Sphere and its big brother Innovation Zenith Sphere, and he slams the target into it hard by using the created hands. He can also throw things into it. Terrestrial Zenith Sphere. Zane creates a Colossal Zenith Sphere ,in terms of power but not size, in his hand being that it’s surround by seven normal sized Zenith Sphere being that it’s like a moon around the planet. Zane throws it being that the seven Zenith Spheres flying toward the target to confuse them but they get hit by the massive sphere. It makes a wave like explosion and opponents ,with powerful regeneration powers, takes a long time to heal back from this attack. Vibration Zenith Sphere. This variation is so strong being that Zane aims his arm forward and aimed toward his target. He can grab his arm with his other hand being that he uses it for support and aiming it just right. It fires a massive Zenith Sphere ,in a beam attack, being that it makes a massive explosion ,with a noticeable bass sound to it, upon impact. It destroyed a forest being that several animals weren’t happy about that. Zenith Elemental Sphere. Zane can combine two different energies being that Sivarth helped him by focusing two different type energies. It worked after several failed attempts aka a very powerful explosion. He gathers two energies in his body and he makes a sphere combining the two. The main energy is still in the sphere shape and the second energy forms a different shape around it. Comparing it to his normal Zenith Sphere, this takes more energy from him than normal. This attack is very deadly being that he doesn’t teach this variation unless Zane can teach to those he trusts. Zane can throw this attack like the Zenith Sphere but he needs to focus on the projectile or it disappears in a matter of seconds depend on how long he charges for or what energies he fused together. Zenith Sphere Wave. Compared to the other Zenith Sphere variation, this is more of an energy beam compared to the focused Zenith Sphere. It can affect a wider range being an all out AoE attack. Zane focus his energy into his hands and he fires out a beam being that Zane can control it and chase after his target, causing an explosion upon contact. He can focus into his feet being that he can use it to launch himself into the air and aim it downwards. He can use one hand or two being that if he uses two of them, he makes a massive beam being very hard to dodge. He can warp behind his opponent to trick them and blast them in the back. This variation can be drained if used multiple times in a row and have enough destructive power equal to an nuclear explosion.
Weapon Attacks: (71).
Beast Howl. Zane holds one of his sheathed sword to his side and he ignores all other sounds around him. He listens for something and when he hears it, he moves. He unsheathes his sword with him launching an attack faster than normal. He re-sheathes the sword with him whistling as the target falls to the ground defeated.

Billion Blade Storm. Zane takes a deep breath with him gripping his swords tight. He slash the air in front of him releasing two air blades out. Normally, this would been seen as weak but they slowly gain strength upon being releasing. They soon form into several copies of them making several air blades. They swarm the targets causing causing a lot of damage in the process. This attack works better on a group than a single opponent.

Calamitous Termination. Zane gathers electricity ,from either electricity generation or Thunder Spells, to cover his sword in an electrical aura. He rushes toward a target being that he slash his target. He can make it go either horizontal or vertical. Upon hitting the target, the targets gets electrocuted. He can send a wave of electricity being that it makes a massive and wild electrical storm that captures his target inside of it and electrocuted. 

Cataclysmic Slash. Zane gathers flames ,from either his fire/heat generation or his Hellfire Spells, to cover his sword in an bright, fiery aura. He rushes toward a target being that he slash his target either with an up close attack or air slash like Zenith Slash. He can make it go either horizontal or vertical. Upon hitting the target, the target burns.

Cataclysmic Wave. In the same way as Cataclysmic Slash, he gathers a flame like aura over his sword. He aims his blade toward his target being that a massive firestorm captures his target inside of it and burning from the inside.

Climactic Clash. Zane holds his sword in front of him and he gathers one or all of his energies being that the blade glows that color. This attack takes a while to charge up depending on what energies that he uses. Upon finishing charging the blade, the cutting power is increased being that the pressure alone can knock out people with weaker wills. He rushes toward his target being that he slashes the target. They don’t have a slash at first but soon they’re slashed more than hundred times. This attack works the best with Lazarus Soul’s True Form being that he can easily gather up energy into the blade and he can do it with multiple different types.

Collection Slash. This attack isn’t offensive being that it’s more for gathering his enemies. Zane gathers up his energy ,very much like his Zenith Sphere, being that he slams his sword into the ground. The target is confused being that several energy chains come from the ground and heads toward the target. The chains never stop being that they chased after them till the ends of the earth. He tends to use this to stop his enemies when Threads of Fate doesn’t work.

Corkscrew Fracture. Zane holds a sword in front of him and he rush toward an opponent. On the way there, he slices the air in a rapid fashion. It slowly creates several powerful horizontal and vertical air slashes. It cuts objects behind the target and around the target.

Deity Jackhammer. Zane makes his swords appear around him and Zane rushes toward his opponent and he slashes his target very much like a jackhammer.

Deity Steam. Zane has his swords aimed at his target and he jumps toward his target, slicing them in a rapid fire fashion. Zane makes a spiral of air slash and he fires it at a target. It hurts a lot to say the least.

Discharging Sword Outbreak. Zane swings his sword rapidly in front of him with several air slashes hitting the target. Zane finishes off his rapid fire attacks with a single focused attack that hurts.

Dividing Slash. Zane grabs one or two swords with him slashing forward in either an downward “X” motion or upward “X” motion. They slice anything in his way.

Dragon Yell. This attack is the stronger version of the Beast Howl. Zane takes a deep breath and he doesn’t focus on anything other than his opponent and his blade. Zane close his eyes and he says,”I figure out your Fatal Flaw!”. He opens his eyes and he slice the air before he sheathed his sword. The target is cut with a massive sword and it can leave a scar if Zane is serious.

Emerald Melody. Zane focus energy into his blade being that a turtle shell shaped emerald barrier is formed around Zane for defense. This barrier can easily block punch or any kind of damage toward it.

Force Slash. This attack is extremely destructive being that it makes everything tremble in its wake. Zane says that anyone can learn this attack but it takes time to master effort. He focus his energy into his sword being that it creates waves of energy leaking out of his sword being that it cause shockwaves to come out of it. Zane makes a slash ,being vertical, against his target and it releases shockwaves of energy which slice through everything with ease.

Frenzy Slash. This attack can only be done with a sword/bladed weapon. Zane flies into the air and he comes down to slash his target several times. They are so fast that not even a fighter who can counter things moving at light speed can stop a single one. Zane jumps back and he either slams into the target hard or fires an Nether Blast to finish off the target. Zane can pick if this attack kills or not.

Frost Slash. Zane gathers frost ,from either his frost/ice generation or his Permafrost spells, to cover his sword in an cold, icy glow. He rushes toward a target being that he slash his target either with an up close attack or air slash like Zenith Slash. He usually makes it go from horizontal and vertical. Upon hitting the target, the target freezes it.

Galactic Bang. Zane gathers his soul into his sword being that his sword is covered in a massive and raging pillar of his soul's energy being steel gray, He swings his sword back being that he swipes the air in front of him. He soon sends a powerful burst of energy from his blade toward his target. This energy consume all in its side, being that it completely eclipsed his target. This attack works better on demons being that it completely destroys them. Nothing remains of the darkness being that Zane says that this attack sends the darkness back to the Dread Dimension.

Galactic Wave. This attack is a weaker version of Zenith Slash but it’s still very powerful so don't doubt it. Zane covers his sword or blade with his soul, being that it’s soon covered in a steel gray cosmic aura. He slashes the air in front of him, being that this attack is very much telegraphic being that it can be dodge but it’s very hard to dodge. It also has the ability to freeze anything caught in it.

Hazard Falcon. Zane fires a vertical slash from his sword which gathers around it making it a real attack. It slowly turns into a falcon with its impact being quite hazardous to those around the area of impact.

Hundred Dragon Ton Smash. Zane holds two of his swords in front of him being that he fires ten air compressed projectile attacks with them turning into dragons that slowly surround the target. It hits from all sides inside of one and launches the target into the air.

Hurricane Slash. Zane slashes a target with him launching the target into the air. Zane swings his swords around him really fast causing wind to gather around him and he fires them at his target hard.

Lavender Melody. Zane gathers energy into his blade being that he fires it out of the sword mainly making it into a tangible purple net. Zane makes the net gather around the target or targets being that they can’t escape or move being that it can hold a mob.

Lemon Melody. Zane focus energy into his blade being that he fires a wave of yellow energy that goes toward his target. He can control the wave being that they can cut through any material or substance in its path.

Lethal Strike. Zane jumps into the air toward his opponent being that he slashes his opponent with his sword. The force behind the strike is very strong and can easily pierce through iron.

Maroon Melody. This attack can be used without activating Lavender Melody but it can work without it but with less power. Zane stabs the ground with his sword, being that several orbs of energy comes rushing toward his target. If Zane activated Lavender Melody beforehand, the orbs of energy appears on the net. Upon Zane snapping his fingers, they cause a massive explosion being the orbs are linked very much like landmines. They cause a massive explosion being it’s the stronger in the epicenter.

Millennium Large-Scale Laceration. Zane grabs one of his swords being that he rushes toward a target at an immense speed. He soon lands several extremely fast slashes being that the target doesn’t feel or see them. It will take a matter of moments but they’re cut to pieces and it’s hard to dodge because Zane is moving so fast. He does this a thousand times given in an instant.

Million Dragon Ton Smash. Zane holds two of his swords right in front of him and by using his aura, he can hold all seven of his other swords also in front of him.  He fires off a million air compressed projectile attacks with them turning into dragons that surround the target. It’s very strong being able to cut through anything in its way even through diamond.

Nocturnal Slash. Zane covers his blade in darkness with him aiming his body at the target. He rushes past them ,causing confusion due to there being no sign of an attack, and then Zane snaps the hand ,not holding the blade, which makes them get hit with an giant slash made out of the shadows below and around them.

Ocean Flowing Strike. Zane soon covers his blade in water being that he rushes toward a target. The water ,around the blade, slowly forms into a strange whale like creation. He hits his target which causes the target to be both soaked and slashed at the same time.

Plasma-Doused Slash. Zane makes two of his swords appear and he slashes his target several times. He doesn’t leave behind any cuts being that an invisible thread appears around his target. Zane says,”My anger is the worst about me but that makes me the man I am today. You should fear my anger just like everyone else so goodbye.”. He gets rid of the swords being that the target is slashed with a massive cut on them stopping them.

Primordial Rush. Zane puts his hands together and slowly spreads them apart. He creates a light blue staff of the Astral Realm. He strikes his target down with it being quite painful and he can use this to strike his opponents.

Primordial Smash. Zane holds his sword back being that Primordial energy gathers around the blade. He launches the energy toward a target with it slowly turning into an energy blade attack being that it slowly turns into a snake upon coming out.

Primordial Weapon. Zane materializing part of his Primordial Energy in the shape of a sword or any weapon. He can make them durable enough to clash with real weapons. He’s able to make them erase anything they come in contact with. He can throw them at an opponent. He can make a massive weapon with it looking like an arrow shaped. Upon being thrown, it makes a massive explosion upon contact. Zane says that using it at close range meaning death and if he throws multiple of them, he lose the ability to control where they go.

Prism Melody. This attack is a combination of Emerald Melody, Lavender Melody, Lemon Melody, Maroon Melody, Salmon Melody, and Ultramarine Melody. Zane focus energy into his blade being that he makes the orange snake from Salmon Melody being that the snake slowly goes around the target to either stop their attack or find out their plans. He activates Emerald Melody around himself due to the attack being deadly. He activates Lemon and Ultramarine Melody at the same time being that he can move this strong, concussive, and destructive energy blast. This attack is mainly to distract his target being that he releases out Lavender Melody being that the targets get covered with the net. Zane releases out Maroon Melody being that there is more orbs than normal. Upon Zane snapping his fingers, he releases the explosion being that it’s bigger than before.

Ruinous Puncture. Zane stabs his sword into the ground with his enemy slowly losing their will to fight over time. The draining only last for about one hour being that the energy comes back but by then, it’ll be too late because Zane has slashed down the enemy with another blade. This attack uses one of Zane's powers to drain energy from the soul.

Ruthless Slash. Zane focus a huge amount of heat into his sword being that without Vulcan Force covering the blade, it naturally melts anything except for Zane. The heat can easily vaporizing a sizeable lake in a an interest. He soon delivers a powerful downwards/upwards slash being that it heads toward his target causing a massive amount of damage that can be felt and seen from several meters away.

Salmon Melody. After Zane figures out how his opponent ticks and works, Zane grabs one of his swords being that he draws a orange snake ,using his energy, and it cancels out the enemy’s attack before they have a chance to strike back. He can use it to gain information.

Separating Fissure. Zane grasp his sword with both hands being that it’s very much like a Kendo move. Zane brings the sword down with enough force to do one of several different options. He can either make the slash go from the jaw and across their body being that he uses it on not living creatures or instant regeneration, straight down the middle being that it can be rather effective, and a precise or swift slash being that its one of Zane’s fastest slice. 

Sky Cut. Zane moves the tip of his blade toward the ground and he moves the sword toward above his head. The target is hit with a vertical slash from the ground to the sky. He can use this attack while in the air.

Shade Cutlass. Zane focus Mojo, Nether, or any energy into his blades and he slices the air in front of him. They create blades of winds that can be fired in a rapid fashion and they all have strength behind them.

Silent Lotus. This attack can only be done with a sword/bladed weapon. Zane aims his sword at a target with him moving at a speed that can’t be tracked and when he reaches the target, he slashes the target once. To the target, they’re shocked to see themselves being sliced by an unknown force many times. Zane then reappears with him placing his sword in front of him to end off the target or he snaps his finger causing the target to be cut over several times.

Silent Penetration. Zane walks toward his target with his blade held to either the left or right side of his body. The target tries to attack Zane but he just dodges anything that comes in his way by moving left to right. He walks back the target ,leaving nothing there, and he stops until he’s a couple of feet away from the target. Zane turns around and he hold his sword out in front of him as the target or targets get slashed with multiple attacks. Zane can pick if the attack will kill or stop a target.

Snake Clan: Apprehending Slice. Zane focus energy into his blade and he sends the energy out of the blade toward his opponents as snakes. The snakes slowly grab onto the target draining them of their energy and before they can get rid of the serpents, Zane slices them launching them back a couple of feet.

Snake Clan: Ascending Slice. Zane focus energy into his blade mainly at the tip of the blade. He rushes toward his target and he slices in an upward slice. He send the target into the air and he uses this attack for a combo move.

Snake Clan: Detonating Slice. Zane focus fire into his blade and he sends his blade flying toward his opponent. He spins the blade around them in a circular motion ,creating a ring of fire around them, and it cuts off any escape route by engulfing them in flames. Zane holds his blade and upon putting it back in his sheath, the flames cause a massive explosion.

Snake Clan: Final Slice. Zane says that this attack is the Snake Elder’s finishing move and he usually finishes off an opponent using a final move. Zane focus energy and he soon pause time up to one minute. He slices his target up to sixty time with him firing several energy snake constructs at his target with the snakes either holding on or getting blasted by them. Time turns back to normal and the enemy is hit by the attacks.

Snake Clan: Grotto Slice. Zane focus energy into his blade and he slice the air in front of him with the ground below the target disappearing. Several snakes come out of the ground and soon cover the target. Zane can also turn the blade’s energy into a massive wave of snakes that can overpowered any attack.

Snake Clan: Hydra Slice. Zane focus energy into his blade and it slowly forms into a Yamata no Orochi ,a monstrous eight-headed and eight-tailed, snake constructs. The heads travel toward a target and while the target is trying to get rid of the snake, Zane slashes them with the sword and the snake heads strike them rapid fire them.

Snake Clan: Plasma Slice. Zane focus energy into his blade and he slice the air. The air around his target is confused but they’re soon grabbed by Zane’s liquid arms and they soon hardened trapping them in there. A fire or water opponent can’t escape from this being that the sword slash earlier prevented their ability for a while.

Snake Clan: Thermal Slice. Zane gathers energy into his blade with him creating an fire snake that soon surrounds his target with the heat keeping them in. When Zane feels the time is right and it’s really hot, the fire snake turns into water and trapped them in a giant bubble. Zane slices in a horizontal and vertical slash causing the water to be destroyed.

Soaring Beast: Thunderbolt Storm. Zane holds his sword and it slowly gets covered in lightning over time. Upon getting a good charge, he jumps into the air or runs toward his target. He slashes them being that the target gets covered in the lightning shocking them.

Soaring Storm. Zane moves his sword ,in a circle, right in front of him. Zane reappears behind the target holding his sword into the air. The target is soon impaled by several blades ,made out of energy, causing massive damage to the target and the area around the target.

Stagnant Laceration. Zane holds one of his swords in front of him and he slice the air in front of him. Much like his Silent Penetration, it doesn’t look like Zane cut the target but unlike Silent Penetration, the attack is faster being that it leaves a cut that’s quite painful.

Sun Slash. This attack can only be done with a sword/bladed weapon. Zane slashes his target six time with him jumping back when he finishes the sixth slash. He charge any form of energy into his blade and once the sword is fully charged, it gains a golden glow. Zane aims the blade at the target and he slashes the air in front or behind the target. The target is slashed with a sword slash hot as the sun.

Ten Dragon Ton Smash. Zane holds one of his swords in front of him being that he fires out an air compressed projectile attack and it turns into a dragon upon a few seconds. He can make it hit from the bottom, sides, or top of the target. 

Thousand Dragon Ton Smash. Zane holds two of his swords in front of him and by using his aura, he can hold two swords and they’re holding in front of him. He soon fires off several hundred air compressed projectile attacks with them turning into dragons that surround the target. Compared to his Hundred Dragon Ton Smash, this attack is better for handling crowds.

Tornado Slash. Zane grabs his sword with him slashing the air in front of his target. This creates a pressurized slash of air being that it can lift various vehicles into the air around the slash. Upon reaching the target, the target gets caught up into a tornado and launched into the air. The target crashes into the ground, creating a large Z-shaped crater behind.

Tyrannus Scythe. Zane gathers a large blade of Tyrannus with him slicing his opponent in a single strike. It tends not to leave any external wounds. He can throw it at a target being used as rather effective against his opponent.

Ultramarine Melody. Zane focus his energy into his blade being that he fires it out of his sword in an arc. It’s a rather strong, concussive, and destructive turquoise energy blast. It can take on a point-blank attacks from an enemy. He can charge up this attack being that it grows in power over time.

Velocity Slash. Zane makes a stance with him summoning three of his six swords. He grabs two of them with his hands and the final one in his mouth. He soon rushes toward his opponent and releases a series of wide and long-ranged cuts on his opponents. This attack works better with a group rather a single opponent. The cuts can easily split apart massive bars of diamond.

Vortex Shredder. Zane can either do this with one or two swords. He spins his swords with it going clockwise. He rushes toward his target and he slices them with full speed and power. The target feels like they've been sliced several times in a row.

Warp Slash. This attack can only be done with a sword/bladed weapon. Zane jumps into the air and he disappears from sight. The target looks for him but he reappears behind the target and he slashes the back of the target with a sword strike. This attack is great for making and starting combos with.

Willpower Wave. Zane releases out his energy from his sword being that by stabbing the sword in the ground, he sends out waves of ,turquoise, energy through the ground being that it can either send him or his opponent upper high. He can also send it out as a high-pressure air slash which can easily cut through things like butter.

Wyvern Impact. Zane rushes toward his opponent with him holding one of his sheathed swords out to the side. He dodges attacks coming toward him as he slash his opponent. Upon contact with the slash, it makes a shockwave that cuts everything around the impact very much like the Wyvern.

Zenith Slash. This attack alongside Zenith Smash, Zenith Spear, and Zenith Sphere are some of Zane's signature moves being that he's infamous in the Omniverse for this.  It isn’t very special being that it’s a typical slash projection and sword beam emission. He actually uses this attack ,in a sense, by using his control over the elements to strike from a distance. This attack mainly use Animus, Mojo, Nether, and Primordial with it being extremely powerful. Despite this attack being a typical sword beam emission, Zenith Slash can’t be taught to anyone or copied. He says that this sword beam is also a laser beam emission, spatial slicing, and wave motion blast in one. He’s the only one who knows how to do this naturally being that it requires only a sword and an inner energy but it’s something else according to Zane. It’s hard to learned being that Kane ,who's connected to Zane’s Soul, can’t figure out how to start this attack up. Zane is the only one who knows how to do this. He shows this off being that it can be any size regardless of how big the sword is or how much energy Zane has at the time. He also says that it’s harder to execute in a rapid fire fashion compared to Zenith Sphere. It can be done but it takes a lot of him. This attack requires a sword to fully work being that it can’t be done without a sword in his hands. This attack shares a lot in common with Zenith Sphere being that it requires control of the user but slightly less than the sphere and requires his sword. This attack can be done in motion ,like Zenith Sphere, so it makes more accessible to Zane who likes to move around during a fight to keep his enemies in confusion. This attack requires the same amount of steps as Zenith Sphere being that Zane built this attack around Zenith Sphere. Step 1: Gathering. Zane gathers or charges up energy ,mainly Animus, Mojo, Nether, and Primordial, into his blade. He says that it doesn’t matter what type of sword that he uses but the one that you feel the most attached to. This is Lazarus Soul being that the blade is his soul. He can do this with two or more swords being that this starts up a stronger variation of Zenith Slash being very powerful. Step 2: Compression. Zane says that this step is very much like Zenith Sphere’s second step. He has to compact the gathered up energy being that it covered the sword in an aura. Zane did this by keeping the aura around the sword for five minutes. If it broke, he tried again. Zane told the animals ,that were living on the archipelago, to distract him which they did well according to Zane. If Zane finds someone who can use Zenith Slash, he’ll be distract them. Step 3: Strength. Zane now combines both steps 1 and 2 being that he now has to combine them together. He says that this is easier than Zenith Sphere being that they have to make any shape with it due to it gathering around his sword. He says that it can either be strong or weak. He can either use weak attacks for opponents that he doesn’t want to hurt or does. Step 4: Firing. Zane grips his sword with either one or two hands being that his energy gathers around his sword, focus around the sword, and make its strong or weak depending on his opponent. He swings either down, left, right, or up being that the energy comes out of the sword being that it comes out as an energy beam. It heads forward being that it can be dodge if the target is fast enough. The slash comes out as a stripe being that it can curves making a energy wave. This attack is an expert at creating a huge amount of damage and destruction. He can slam his sword into the ground and by doing the steps, he can swing his sword ,like a golf club, and it can send back incoming attacks or crush anything in its way. It also makes a huge crater. It has enough power to destroy a building being that Zane can make it go through several buildings at the same time. It has been called imposing by most of his enemies and allies. Lazarus Soul is the best sword to use because it’s Zane’s Soul in a weapon form according to the weapon expert of the Alliance. He showed off its power being that it can easily slice off the top portion of a massive building and destroy a massive storm cloud. In the sword’s first evolved version, he can use the smaller blade to make rapid fire slashes and the bigger blade can make giant version but they move slower. It’s color depends on what energy that Zane uses. Animus would make it purple, Mojo would make it black, his normal Nether would make it green, Rainbow Nether would make it a rainbow color, Tyrannus Nether would make it crimson red, and Primordial would make it turquoise. It can blast a massive hole in a giant building and send powerful opponents back. It can also shatters barriers that others would struggle with. Like Zenith Sphere, this attack has several different variations to it. Armored Zenith Slash. This is for defense. He gathers up energy ,for a normal Zenith Slash, and it generates a great and powerful shield being that it looks like a normal warrior shield with Zane’s logo on the front. This shield can be thrown toward others and cover them. Augmented Zenith Slash. This sounds like a stronger version of Zenith Slash which it is. It’s two energies combined into one powerful slash being that it’s the first energy used with the second energy covering it like a jacket. Zane can control where it goes being that it’s hard to dodge and very deadly. It can easily slice through Skull Plague but the wound only lasted for a few minutes due to his regeneration. Bisecting Zenith Slash. Zane grabs two blades being that he charges up a Zenith Slash being that he fires them at the same time. They rush toward the target being that they slash the target with two Zenith Slash at the same time. It can easily disperse any attacks that comes in contact with it and can cut off limbs with ease. Karmic Zenith Emperor Slash. This is the combination of the normal or augmented Zenith Slash with Karmic Emperor Vortex. This can be also done with Zenith Howl but with far less power. He can do this in his normal form but he says that it works best with Wrath or any form with a point. He slowly gets ready with both Zenith Slash and Karmic Emperor Vortex. He fires off the Karmic Emperor Vortex first being the target thinks that it’s just a normal Karmic Emperor Vortex which in itself is deadly. He fires off his Zenith Slash being that it combines with Karma Emperor Short making it a massive slash that looks to be a drill. This attack can destroy anything in its path being that it can wound Skull Plague ,who was already scared of Zane despite not showing it, being that he decided to take the young teen seriously. Restriction Zenith Slash. Zane gathers up energy for a normal Zenith Slash being that he fires it toward his target. It doesn’t come out like a normal slash being that it turns into a circle around his target. It can be shatter from the outside rather easily but it’s hard to destroy from the inside. Ultimate Zenith Slash. This is the stronger version of the Zenith Slash being that he can use all of his power into a single slash being that Zane says that this version is for his really strong enemies. He focus his massive amount of energy into his blade being that he swings it toward his enemies making a giant energy wave goes toward the target. This is shown when the blade’s edge is shining brightly Upon reaching the target, it makes a massive explosion of energy which Skull Plague is scared of. This attack destroy anything that Zane deems evil being one of Zane’s strongest attacks. It can destroy a lot being that Zane doesn’t used in a crowded city because of that. Zenith Slash Shower. Zane charges up a Zenith Slash being that he focus the energy into a massive, floating orb and it looks like a massive planet. He slash the air being that the orb soon bursts. It comes down toward his target or targets being that they can’t escape from it and it’s really hard.

Techniques: 44.
Archon Zero Detainment. Zane goes into Archon Zero Master being that he sends the nine spheres fly toward his target. They have the ability to capture anything that comes into them and it’s hard to break out of. It can be broken out of with enough force or blasting it with a huge amount of energy.

Bounce Castle. Zane makes a giant bouncy castle ,made out of energy, appearing that it can be used to catch several people falling from the air and this is also great for birthday parties.

Cloud. Zane makes a cloud appear being that he can use it fly around places, make it into a shield that can block and absorb attacks, or use it to catch something falling. He can use it to float in the air and use it to catch people falling. It’s extremely fast.

Gargantuan Orb. Zane takes a deep breath being that his body slowly expands in size just like Sweet Rupture. His body is several times bigger being that it can block a massive attack such as his Avalanche Punch with ease. He can bounce around the area and come down crashing hard.

Gorgon’s Gaze. Zane can either look at a target or aims his open palm at a target. Upon doing this, a light purple beam comes from them. Anything that comes in contact with them makes them turn into a stone statue. This attack last for twenty four hours and the statue can’t be destroyed at all.

Impeccable Foundation. Zane focus his power around himself or others being that they’re covered in a very powerful circular barrier. Zane can control the barrier, being that it can’t be broken at all.

Investigation. Upon spending out a energy wave of his power, he can determine the location of any sensed individuals and figure out how much strength they have in them. He can do this by closing his eyes with him entering a meditative state of mind in order to get completely focus. He can locate his enemies location just in case they are known for their evasion moves.

Link. This technique connects Zane to his weapons being that he can summon them to his person by just thinking about it. It’s something that Zane uses in any of his Form. He can also use it as an offensive technique being that he can throw his sword for mid-range combat. It moves fast upon being thrown and it can damage at a building upon impact. The attack can be dodged but Zane can move the sword in any direction possible.

Locate. By focusing, Zane’s able to locate anything being able to track a target despite them leaving nothing behind. It can be trouble if he’s trying to track a group of targets because it works better on one that more.

Looking Glass. By focusing, Zane can see into a person being able to see their skeletal structure, mind, and memories. He can see several thousand miles away with the radius getting weaker if he is out of it.

Oblivion Atmosphere. Upon snapping his fingers, Zane creates a circular field that cancels or negates all sound created or around him. It prevents all sounds coming and leaving plus negating all sounds around the circular field. He’s able to use this to ignore others or talk with someone alone in private being that no one can hear them talk. This also counts for any noise that he didn’t created such as objects being thrown on the floor and breaking or explosions caused by weapons. He can use it on others making him invisible to that person.

Oblivion Capture. Zane focus sound around his mouth and he slowly hums a tune. This attack can either be used to put a target to sleep, launch a full scale attack which can break steel, or put them under an illusion.

Oblivion Infusion. Zane covers his entire body in sound being unable to touch and he moves very fast, being that it can go past the speed of sound. He can use this with Gravity Drive to increase his natural speed.

Oblivion Slaughter. Zane says that this move is perfect for killing his enemies but he found a way to use it in a more pacifist manner. Zane gets rid of any sound from his body being that he can either use one of his weapons or powers. He knocked his targets out cold with the normal way using a weapon to slit their throats to shut them. Zane uses his powers to keep his enemies off their guard so he can strike them down with ease.

Partner Summon. Zane can summon either Kane or Sivarth out of his body being that they can help Zane out or when Zane needs them out of his body.

Personal Visit. This move was created so Zane can talk with either Kane, Leif, and Sivarth inside of himself. He first gets into the Burmese Posture being that he just close his eyes to enter himself. This may seem like it has no uses but it’s to make sure that Zane grows as a fighter both mental and physical. Someone from inside of him can bring him or appear in front of Zane to talk or fight.

Petrifying Shower. Zane aims both palms at a target being that a giant dark purple eye construct appears in front of him. He soon punches the eye in front of him, being that several beams ,in the shape of snakes, comes out in front of him. Upon being touched by the snake, the object gets turned into stone in a matter of seconds.

Reviving Touch. Zane touches any type of stone statue and his hands began to glow steel gray. Upon contact, this can revive the statue from their petrification. This technique can be used to remove a being such as a Phantom from another being. 

Sacred Pressure. Zane can release his willpower from his body being that he can be sensed by anyone and it can overwhelm a person knocking them out. This is a sub feature of Empyreal Will. He can make it come out of him and it’s very explosive, being that it can destroy the ground blow him. When he’s Legion Zero, his white aura turns black with a purple and white outline aura now. It slowly turns into a Chinese Dragon around his body with it living just like Archon Zero. Zane says that the person with the stronger willpower will always lose the fight between two people. He can repel attacks and stopping them before they hit them using his will. It can install strong fear in others being that the only way to overcome this fear is to believe in their strength, stunning being that he can prevent movement who cause them to fall their knees or sometimes people can’t come near him, paralyzing being that he can completely stop anyone who bothers him, and attack from incredible distance without any kind of physical signs. He can focus his willpower into his weapon increasing their strength and durability. He can create very powerful shockwaves or turn into an element of his choice mainly picking electricity, fire, ice, or water. He can also make a construct of Sivarth appear as well for intimation.

Seismic Core. Zane forces a huge amount of his power into a target by increasing the gravity around it, drawing objects toward it. This can be used to grab people for an attack. He can also place it on a human, increasing their gravity and bringing them closer to the ground and unable to move a single muscle.

Seismic Ripple. Zane slams both of his palms toward the ground and focusing energy into the ground. The ground around a target begins to ripple and brings objects toward them, which can be used to dealt damage from a target far away.

Serpent Capture. Zane ,in the same manner as Sweet Downpour, can puke a large group of snakes and they’re under his command. Zane usually has them attacking multiple targets or gathering intelligence. Zane can also heal people from a distance using a snake. He can also make them into a wall which is very durable. Zane can also make two massive snakes come up and they coil around the target, capturing them. It’s hard to break out of it.

Sweet Arctic Rocket. Zane slowly compacts his legs with him stretching one or two of his arms forward. Upon grabbing something, he can send himself flying toward something. Unlike Sweet Rocket, he can control/switch his direction up to ten times before he crashes into something or runs out of speed. He can use this as a powerful close combat attack.

Sweet Beast. Zane turns his body into his liquid form and he rush toward his target turning into several different beasts mainly the ones that he met on the archipelago which he causes to his advantage since it’s good for multiple opponents. He’s able to hit multiple opponents at once.

Sweet Confinement. Zane makes a giant cage out of candy syrup being that it slowly trap his opponents within it. The top of the cage forms into a giant dragon’s head with it having the ability to fire candy syrup from its mouth and able to hit opponents that try to break it. 

Sweet Dam. Zane aims his hands in front of him with him creating a large wall out of his blood which is very much like a candy. It can take a lot of damage and can hold attacks in it. He can use his legs to do this attack. He can combine this attack with Sweet Breath.

Sweet Holding. Zane heads toward his target being that he stretch his arm toward an object away from him. He launches himself toward a group of target being that he turns into his liquid form. He soon throws several globs of syrup toward his target or unable to move.

Sweet Hurricane. Zane turns into his half and half form with him spinning his arms and body around tighty. He releases causing him to spin around which also elevates himself into the air causing him to fly toward a target. Upon reaching a target, they get attack with several attacks mainly punches.

Sweet Jar. Zane creates a massive bowl of his syrup being that he can use it to catch an opponent off guard and they’re trapped in it. It also steals all kinetic energy very much like Sweet Wall.

Sweet Multiple Linked Howitzer. Zane’s body grows several howitzers from his body being that they can slowly gather any type of his energy. This is used for a close range attack being that it covers a wide range in front of him. It however doesn’t affect him.

Sweet Rocket. Zane jumps into the air with his legs turning into their liquid form. He soon slowly compacts them being that upon releasing his legs, he rushes toward his target and this can be used to travel great distances quickly. He uses it to launch himself toward a target. It can also be used to capture his target in its substance that hardens upon any kind of struggle. He can also send himself toward into something dangerous if Zane doesn’t change directions in the middle of his flight.

Sweet Rupture. Zane turns his body into candy syrup with him slowly expanded in size. This makes Zane look like a giant ball being that physical attacks naturally go into him, being that his body is now candy syrup. His body now reflects projectile attacks back at his attackers being that he has no control of where they fire off to. He can also use this to bounce around and Zane can release a powerful amount of wind pressure being that Zane shrinks back to his normal size after using this attack. He can aim the bubblets by absorbing them into his body being that he has to focus upon bullets going into him.

Sweet Shield. Zane turns his arm into a buckler shield being that it hardens up upon being its created. It can block blades with ease and Zane can make the shield sprout tendrils in order to capture the attacker.

Sweet Sphere. Zane makes a massive sphere of the liquid, which quickly solidifies into a dense ball that can protect anything inside of it. Zane can open it with ease being that it’s from his body but if anyone else touches it, their energy is absorbed and bounces off.

Sweet Spinning Top. Zane turns his legs into the candy blue liquid being that he begins to spin around, twisting his body up. He soon releases out a huge barrage of candy syrup liquid around being that they get captured in it. This can allow Zane some flight, the ability to cut through several objects, and also the best for handing armies.

Sweet Territory. Zane fires out a huge amount of the turquoise candy syrup which slowly covers a wide range around him. Anyone ,that touches it by choice or accident, gets stick to it upon contact and it’s hard to escape from it. Zane or any other Eazairvian are immune to this.

Sweet Turbo Upsurge. Zane makes several rocket engines from his body being that he can use this to increase his speed in the land or air being that he uses it for extra power in his hits. This extra speed only last for a short amount of time.

Sweet Wall. Zane creates/generates an enormous torrent of his syrup from his body and it slowly forms into a wall being that it’s very durable. It can also reflect any attack that comes toward him ,very much like rubber, and it steals all kinetic energy that hits it. He can use this to reinforce any attacks.

Tempus. Upon saying this, Zane creates a space that’s outside of time and space being that Hourglass taught him this technique. This space is very hard to destroy being that Zane often does this to do some high-level training that would normally destroy his normal training areas.

Void Absorption. Zane holds out either his left or right palm in front of him being that it naturally absorbs any energy that comes toward him being that it goes into his body which he can use as a recharge or an attack. In the other hand, the attack is much bigger being that it can easily overwhelm his target. He uses this attack often in Fiore, being that he called the Void Knight instead of Legion Zero.

Vulcorian Severing. This attack can only be accessed in Wrath or in anything that has claws but it has more power in Wrath he says. He also says that it works better in Wrath. He covers his claws with Mojo being that they slow glow. He soon slashes the air in any direction. Zane can do one of two things upon doing this. He can rip a portal in space and time that can allow him fast travel. The other option is that each nail turns into a sharp energy wave of Mojo which heads toward his enemy. They’re strong being that they can only be shatter by a strong attack or will.

Zero-G. Zane can do many things with this technique. He can increases gravity around himself or an object in order to increase the strength of his attacks or keep the object from moving too much. He touch several objects at once in order to get rid of his gravity. He can bring objects toward him like a black hole or throw a mini black hole in order to bring everything toward an object.

Zoom. Zane says that this attack works best when he’s already moving fast and also against close combat opponents. He moves extremely fast around his target and he strikes at several angles being that he ignores his opponent’s attempts at himself. He moves so fast that once he’s done, his body moves in a rapid fashion.

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