Friday, March 9, 2018

Zero Episode 88 Family Bond

A/N: This episode is going to star the Alvarez Family as its main focus so we'll be seeing the return of Zoey Ella Alvarez. She's coming back to live with her genetic donor aka her father Zane. This episode won't be staring Dawn at all despite the not so clever tease at the end of last episode. The emotional conflict will begin and it'll be cheesy I promise. We'll also be seeing some more of Zane's Phantom Rogues. 

You may have noticed that no other Phantoms, except for Arturo, Lilith, Zane's clones, and Zoey, has appeared in the story. This is due to a reason. Arturo is currently trying to convince other Phantoms to allow Zane to become ruler of their realm. For obvious reasons, some of the kingdom isn't a fan of having the young teen being king. I won't say who opposes Zane as king but they aren't the friendly Phantoms. We'll be mostly staying in Cypress Park in this part being that his family is there.

Narrator P.O.V.
It was a normal Saturday in Cypress Park being that the sun was shining, kids were playing, and Zane was fighting. The young Cross-Species ,in costume, was fighting against the size changing villain Titan. "Stay still brat so can I squash you!" yelled Titan. Zane dodged his swipes ,by jumping, as he said,"Nah. I'm having too much fun making you stupid which is really easy.". The villain growled as he began to grow.

He reached the top of buildings as Zane said,"Wow. I'm guessing that you must be compensating for something if you need to go....". He soon dodged the giant's foot as he echoed,"STAY STILL!". "And like I told you before, nah." said Zane. He soon jumped back as Kane said,"Zane. I may enjoy you making the not so jolly giant look stupid. We can't miss her arrival. Your mother will kill you if you miss your daughter's homecoming.".

Zane dodged Titan's swipes as he said,"I remember when you were a threat. Those were good times but ever since you and the rest of the band broke up, you've been lacking pal.". "I DON'T NEED NO ONE TO CRUSH YOU!" said Titan. He was about to stomp on some people with Zane turning his arm into candy syrup. He stretched it toward the crowd and it soon sprouted spikes. The foot hit the spikes and Titan roared out in pain.

The people soon ran away as Zane's arm turned back to normal. Titan was about to fall over as Zane said,"Sorry Goliath but I can't have you falling on the people! It would just be the worst.". He soon made a giant Green Nether baseball glove right below Titan. It caught the giant villain being that the openings for the fingers and thumb soon grabbed Titan. He tried to break out as Zane soon held the giant in the air.

Zane said with him turning his left arm into a candy syrup microphone,"I wouldn't try to break out of there buddy! You really don't want to fall down from that height! It'll hurt a lot.". "THEN PUT ME DOWN!" echoed Titan. "Nah." said Zane who shrugged. "Zane. I would suggest throwing our giant friend toward somewhere less populated." said Athena. Zane nodded as Titan saw himself been moved toward Cypress Park's nearby lake known as Lake Tuscarora.

Titan echoed,"YOU WOULDN'T!". "Don't worry big guy. You'll make a big splash!" said Zane as he threw the giant toward the lake. It soon made the lake's water being that the surrounding forest was soon rained on. Titan shook his head as he echoed,"I'LL GET THAT PUNK FOR TREATING ME LIKE.....". He soon saw Zane ,who was in Nitro Form, and he echoed,"DON'T YOU DARE DO THIS TO ME!". "Like I said before, nah." said Zane as wax went toward Titan.

Later, Zane ,still in Nitro Form, was standing with Scott. The police had just finished cut Titan out of Zane's wax prison that was created from the crater that was the lake. "So kid, are you going to restore the lake using your water powers? I think people would like to fish here." said Scott. "Yeah. I'm sure that I can make the lake back to normal. I wouldn't have thrown Goliath into it if I wasn't sure about it." said Zane. He soon turned into Pirate Form.

The fishman aimed his right hand toward the crater as he said,"Are all of your men out of the lake Captain?". "Yeah. Go nuts kid." said Scott. The fishman soon created a huge amount of water of his palm being that the lake was soon refilled with water. "The fish should return back and I'm sure that your daughter doesn't like fishing." said Zane. The cop soon saw that his fellow officers were gone as he said,"So kid, what do you think about my daughter?".

Zane soon rose his right eye as Scott said,"Did you honestly think I couldn't figure out you and your friend's secret? You kids are doing the town good and helping clean up our town.". "I had a feeling that you knew. You're a good detective Scott. She's very nice but I won't be going out with her just yet. My life is on a far too complicated level for a relationship. I also don't want her to be targeted by my enemies. They really hate me because of my snark." said Zane.

Scott said,"Then why do you do it son? I mean you don't need to make "jokes" son.". "I'm twenty percent serious and eighty percent mocking. I'll get serious when the chips are down but I'll make a joke regardless. I enjoy some levity in my life, it works the best at making most of my opponents slip up, and to make sure no one finds out that I'm scared. Do you understand the reason now Scott?" said Zane.  

The captain nodded his head as he said,"So will we see you later? You know that crime never sleeps in this town.". "Maybe but don't quote me on that. I have something I needed to do back home. It's of great importance. I shall see you Scott." said Zane. He turned into Mirror Form and the glass creature soon made a massive mirror. The creature soon went inside of it ,with the mirror vanished into thin air, as Scott said,"And this job just gets weirder.".

Back at the Alvarez household, Atem was waiting for his adopted father to arrive home. "Where is he Sly?" said Atem. The Akostar was sitting on his head as she said,"He should be done soon. I'm sure that he wouldn't miss his little girl's homecoming after her trip around the world.". The two saw that the mirror in the living room's fireplace was warping as Zane ,still in Mirror Form, soon stepped out of it. "Is she here yet Atem?" said Zane.

The mirror creature turned back into Zane with him wearing his street clothes. "Nope. She isn't here yet according to the tracker." said Atem. "I still can't believe that you guys are tracking her using the Galaxy Phones." said Sly. "She knew about this. I told her that I didn't mind if she went around the world to see the sights but I need to keep an eye on her. I can only see and hear so far. So are you okay with her being here Atem?" said Zane.

Atem sighed as he said,"At first, I wasn't. I didn't want her to take you away from me but Uncle Lucius had a talk with me. As the older brother, I have to be responsible for the young siblings and they'll look up to you. He said that you did that when you were younger.". "I sure did being that Kurt was the cool one and Lucius was the more responsible one." said Zane. Sly smiled at the bond with her hearing a beeping.

Zane covered his ears as he said,"Let me guess. That's the alarm?". "Yeah dad. She's heading here at an incredible speed and should be here in....." said Atem. The two were soon tackled to the ground by an invisible force as Sly said,"Either that's Wolfram playing with us or she's here.". Zoey appeared on the two of them as she said,"Daddy! Big brother!". She hugged them tightly as Atem said,"Dad! She's killing me with her hug! Just like grandma!". Zoey let them go as she smiled.   

Zane said both happy to see his daughter and being free of her death grip,"So how was the world pumpkin? You didn't get into too much trouble did you?". "It was so awesome! I visit every major capital and the food was so good! I didn't do anything illegal and I brought souvenirs." said Zoey. She turned back into her human form being that she pulled out a small dog themed Tiki totem. "I got this from Hawaii and it reminded me of Wolfram!" said Zoey.

Atem said,"He'll love it Zoey being that he likes pretty much everything. So what else did you get us sis?". The little girl soon pulled out a small Eiffel Tower, Japanese Shrine, and Pyramid. "They're part of a set and I couldn't fit anymore in my hoodie." said Zoey. Zane placed them on the fireplace and he said,"So are you hungry? You went at an impressive speed back home.". "A little but I can wait!" said Zoey. Her stomach growled as the girl blushed. "Yep. You're just like dad." said Atem.

She punched Atem as Zane said,"Don't worry. Your grandma prepared a snack for you and I just in case you or I went overboard.". He walked over to the kitchen as Sly said,"She totally made it for your father kids.". The two giggled as Zane said from the kitchen,"Ha ha. You're so funny aren't you Sly? ". "I try." said Sly. He return to the group with him holding two packets of rainbow and crimson liquefied Nether. "Catch pumpkin." said Zane.

The little girl caught it as she said,"What is it?". "Drink it and you'll find out." said Zane. The teen soon ripped out the packet as he chugged down the packet. He threw it into the air, with him blasted it to ashes with a blue Nether ray. Zoey shrugged as she followed her father. She soon felt her energy level rocket upward being that her slight case of fatigue was gone. "What was that?! All of my Nether was restored!" said Zoey.

Atem said,"Grandma calls it a Nether Recharge Packet. She took a small sample of dad's Essence to make it. It gives anyone who has the exact Essence as him a power boost.". "This means that Lilith can't use it to regain her strength after I've kicked her but." said Zane. "It also works with Malik but I don't think we should mention that right now." said Sivarth. Zoey sat up as she said,"So can we go already daddy?!". "Not yet pumpkin. We have to do the test." said Zane. The little girl looked confused.

A bit later, Zoey was working on a paper ,in the kitchen, as Atem said,"So why does she have to do this dad?". "As her father, I want her to have an education. I may hate the Cypress Park school systems and the Elementary school has its own A-List. Despite only her being two years old, she is far smarter than most of her classmates. Here's the thing. I want her to make some friends like I have being that you need to have someone in your life to keep you grounded." said Zane.

Atem said,"I see. I'm also guessing this is due to grandma wanting her to attend school.". "Yeah. I also don't want her to experiment on my daughter at all. I'm still trying to figure out how she survived unlike her clone brothers and sisters." said Zane. The doorbell rang as Zoey said,"I'm done!". "I'll get that and you can grade your sister." said Zane. Atem slowly nodded as Zane headed right toward the door. He soon opened the door as he didn't see anyone. "Hi!" said a high-pitched voice.

Zane looked down to see a little girl ,about five years old, standing there. She has rose pink hair with her hair parted to the right. A bit of it was tucked behind her ears. Her eyes were a violet color like Zane was before his training. She also had a constant blush on her cheeks and Zane noticed her larger than normal canines. She has a scar on her right eyebrow being that it look like her face was cracked, much to Zane's worry.

She's wearing a very simple navy blue gown that has a dog themed hood to it. It was also covering her entire body. "Hello there. Why are you...." said Zane. The little girl walked past him and she sat in the living room. "Welcome I guess." said Zane as he closed the door. "Zane. That girl. She seems familiar." said Kane. Zane looked at the girl sitting there patiently with Sly saying upon landing on Zane's left shoulder,"So who is she?".

Zane shrugged as he said,"I'll ask her. What's your name?". "Name? What is that?" said the girl as she tilted her head to the right. "It's like an identification of ones being alive. My name is Zane and this salamander is Sly. You just barged into my house without saying your name so I have to ask why you're here. It's kinda of important." said Zane. "You smell good Zane." said the girl. She sniffed the air as Cole said to Kane,"So is she like a mutated dog or something?".

Zane soon felt something punching him being that it was the little girl punching his chest. "You know that kinda of tickles right?" said Zane. "We're done daddy! And I got.....!" said Zoey. Zane looked at the two kids standing there as he said,"This is....". "Nice lady." said the little girl. She hugged Zoey as the girl said,"What are you doing here Uriel?! I thought you were back in Rome. How did you even get here?". "Uriel? Is that her name?" said Zane.

The pinked hair girl nodded as she said,"Nice lady found me hungry and she got me some bread.". "I don't think she's human Zane. She has the aura of a Vulcorian just like you do." said Kane. "I see. This is Atem by the way. He's your friend's older brother and her name isn't nice lady. Her name is Zoey." said Zane. "Is that what a name is? You call me Uriel right?" said Uriel. Zane tussled her hair as he said,"Yep. You're a small girl Uriel just like Zoey.".

Zoey said,"Daddy! Could Uriel join us on our shopping trip?! Please!". "I have an idea to convince him Zoey." said Uriel. She soon began punching him in the chest as Zoey followed suit. The two soon got tired and repeated this for a while. "So does that even hurt or what?" said Sly. "To be honest with you Sly, it tickles. You can join us Uriel. I don't mind at all. Do you Atem? This was supposed to be a family day." said Zane.

Atem looked to see the girls ,who had puppy dog eyes, as he said,"I don't mind at all honestly. She can even be part of our family.". "Family?" said Uriel. "Family isn't something that can be defined Uriel. This is my opinion. Family is something that you fight for or grow stronger for. You always want to be with them no matter what happens. Do you feel that way with Zoey Uriel?" said Zane. "I did come here by walking." said Uriel. "Can she walk across water?" said Atem.

Uriel soon tilted her head as Zoey said,"It's complicated big brother but I would really liked it if you stayed here with me Uriel.". "Are you sure? I don't want to be a bother. I stayed with people like you guys before and they kicked me out after I did some pranks." said Uriel. Zane got down on his knees and placed his hand on her head. "Not at all little one. You could be a huge troublemaker but to me, I see you as my daughter's friend. I can tell that she really wants you here." said Zane.

Zane looked up as he said,"To be honest, I don't care if you do pranks since everyone in our family has done one. You're my friend Uriel. I know we just met and all but we're friends and we'll become bonded after we bump fists.". Uriel looked to see the group holding out their fists as she said with some tears,"Sure.". She bumped fists as Zane said,"Okay. So are you guys ready to shop until you drop?". "Yeah!" said the three kids.     

Later, Zane was getting his car started as Atem and Uriel were having a face-off. He threw a piece of chocolate toward her as she caught it. This repeated for a while as Atem said with a smile,"You really like chocolate don't you?". "Yep! It's so good!" said Uriel. The car roared to life as Uriel went into the older boy's arms. "What was that?!" said Uriel. "That's a car. Zane drives one since he's old enough for his license." said Atem.

Uriel tilted her head as she said,"Can I eat it?". "Not exactly. So where is your sister? I thought she would be out here." said Zane. "She's just getting ready. I can't understand girls." said Atem. Zoey soon joined them in the garage as Zane said,"I'll never understand them either Atem. So we're going to the mall first. We have to get some stuff for your rooms. Are you ready?". The three nodded as the teen started up the car and drove into town.

The four were soon in the mall as Atem stood to the left of Zane, Uriel sat on Zane's right shoulder and Zoey held his right hand. They looked like a family. "Zane. Why didn't Sly join us?" said Uriel as she enjoyed the view. "Someone needs to stay home since our normal guard dogs are out today. My older brothers needed them for something." said Zane. "Dogs? Are those the thing that tried to bite us once Zoey?" said Uriel. "Yep!" said Zoey.

Zane said,"Are you two okay?! They didn't bit you did they?". "Nope. I punched them away." said Uriel. "She's super strong daddy! She send one of them flying through the streets and right into the fountain!" said Zoey. "Yep. She's a Vulcorian or something like that." said Athena. "So what are we going first dad?" said Atem. "You guys mastered honoring traffic lights so I think we should get you guys a bed." said Zane.

Uriel said,"What's a bed and what happens if we don't honor traffic lights?". "You get squashed by those cars!" said Zoey. "I see. So do you have pay a lot for your car?" said Uriel. "I do but my mom has a plan installed for my car. Power comes with a price in every world." said Zane. "Ah. So what is that over there?" said Uriel. Zane saw that she was pointed to a girl on her phone and some kids were playing in the small park.

Zoey said,"That's the park Uriel! We can play there!". Uriel's eyes widened as Zane said,"After we finishing shopping and lunch.". The two girls sulked as Atem said,"Don't worry you two. Zane is the best at knowing the mall.". The group was soon in a mattress store as Zane said,"I'll pick up what we need and you guys....". He soon saw dust ,in the shape of both Uriel and Zoey, as Atem said,"I'll go keep an eye on them.". Atem ran off as Zane said,"Good job older brother.".

It was about two hours later but the group finished their shopping. The group was in a food court and Uriel was holding a cute plushie of a dog as she said,"Thank you for buying this.". She was sitting in a booster seat as Zane said,"It's no problem. Did you guys enjoy lunch?". "Yep! It was so good!" said Zoey. "I have to agree." said Atem. "Well, I got what I needed for you guys. You two are taking my old room after all." said Zane. "We are?" said Zoey. "What's a room?" said Uriel.

Zane sighed as he said,"You're just filled with questions aren't you Uriel? A room is somewhere you sleep after a long day or when you're tired. You two are taking my room because I wanted to sleep up in the attic. I'll figure out a way to make everything work I promise. I am the son of a genius so don't worry about it okay?". He tussled both girls hair as Zoey said,"Okay. I have a question. Why aren't you carrying any bags?". "It's a good thing to be friends with the rich." said Zane.

The four were soon walking around the mall as Uriel got Zane's attention from her spot aka Zane's right shoulder. "What's that?" said Uriel. Zane saw an crepe stand as he said,"It's a french pastry and this shop just came to town. I've heard that it's pretty good. Would you guys like that?". The three soon nodded as Zane walked over. The three soon enjoyed the pastry with a huge smile on their faces as Zane said,"Don't tell your grandma okay?". "Okay! It's so sweet!" said Zoey.

Atem said,"Hey Uriel. Do you want to try ice cream? It's both cold and yummy.". She nodded rapidly as Zane walked over to the ice cream stand. After getting some dessert, the four were soon sitting in the park as Uriel said,"I really like it here Zane. It's really peaceful.". "Yeah. Cypress Park may have its crime problem but most of the time, it's the best place. We get a lot of visitors mainly to see the town's hero." said Zane. "That's Zane by the way." whispered Zoey. "What's that?" said Uriel.

Zane sighed as he said,"It's someone who protect people who can't protect themselves. I'm one of the many heroes in town that does their best to make sure that each person can go back home to a person who cares about them. I also fight for the future and to make sure you guys have a future. That's why I'm a hero to be honest with you.". "That's very deep daddy." said Zoey who was crying. Zane wiped away her tears as Crisis Judgement went off.

He looked around and he noticed that the river water was moving slightly but Crisis Judgement is never wrong. "Atem. Remember what we talk about just in case of supernatural situation." said Zane. Atem nodded as he soon grabbed both girls. The young mummy  soon ran off with the two of them confused as Zane ran toward the rest house nearby. "Is this the best plan?" said Sivarth. "If you got a better plan, I'll go for it." said Zane.

People was walking around the park with the water ,from the river, soon formed into the former super hero Hydro Storm aka Anthony Stephens. He still has a heavy muscular figure with both of his arms crossed and nearby him, he had two water construct hands nearby him and was holding two bags that were filled with unmarked bills. He has changed in the past two years. His hair is white ,with dark blue streaks in the middle of his hair, and he has a black goatee/beard. His eyes are still blue.

He's wearing his gray-tinted rimless visor over his eyes. He wears a black and dark blue muscle shirt with the sleeves going to his elbows, gray protection vest, dark blue tactical jeans, and black boots and gloves. They have a small blue circle on them. He's with gold ankle and knee pads. He's wearing a black belt with the letter "I" colored gold. He's wearing large steel bracelets around his forearms and legs with a tube from them connected to a white and red backpack. 

He turned back to the ocean and he said,"Are you coming yet you fools? We don't have all day to waste before those heroes arrive.". Out of the water, a creature soon appeared from it. He looked to be larger, taller, and more fish than human. He has several features of several different types of fish. To scale his size to say Solomon and Tototl, he looked to be much taller than the both of them being at least eleven feet tall. He has a muscular build and grayish pink skin.

He has eight appendages (six arms and two legs) with each pair of arms having a corresponding pair of pectorals. He has six of them are visible on his chest. He has a normal human mouth being that when he opens his mouth, he has several rows of sharp teeth. He has glowing red eyes. He doesn’t have any form of hair. He doesn’t have webbed hands or noticeable gills on him. He’s bare-chested being that he only wears a striped black short-sleeved vest.

He wears this with brown Bermuda shorts and brown sandals. Each arm has a bolted wristband with him holding two large weighted chains being that he uses them like bolas. On each arm, he has five sharp claws. "Calm down you fool. The punk made sure that those guards are held in those water prisons of yours." said the fish man. Anthony looked at him with him saying,"You have a point but you two need to hurry up.".

Roger Huffman aka Flood soon joined them as the crowd soon ran away. "Why are you scared old man? I'm sure that he is busy with the others." said Roger. "Roger. You may want to re-examine your previous statement and also your vision. I thought that would have been improved upon turning into the world's lamest puddle." said a voice. The three turned to see Zane ,currently in Jackpot Form, with him standing on the top of the bridge.

Zane said,"So whose your new friend Roger? Did you replace Harvey? He'll be so mad when I tell him that you replaced him with the world's biggest purse.". "Can it punk!" said Roger. He soon turned into water and he went toward Zane. The teen was about to fire his tail at the man but he was stopped by Anthony. "You can't go let his juvenile taunts get to you. This is how he defeated you and most of his gallery in the past." said Anthony.

Roger growled as Zane said,"Wow Roger. You just got told.". Crisis Judgement went off as he soon sprouted black bat like wings from his back as the three headed foe destroyed the bridge. "Wow. You just destroy the bridge bro. Didn't your mom tell you better?" said Zane. "Launch me." said the fish as Anthony nodded. The fish creature went flying toward Zane as he said,"My name is Jaws, I'm an Deviant, and I'm here to talk you down for Master Abnormal!".

Zane fired his tail at Jaws being that the Deviant was soon blasted with a huge burst of sand and he made a splash. "I don't care who you are walking purse. You're causing panic for the innocent so that gets you on my shit-list." said Zane. "Do you honestly think that you can beat all three of us by yourself hero?" said Anthony as Zane landed on the water. "You shouldn't think that you can rely on the numbers advantage to beat me. Zenith Duplication!" said Zane.

The three villains soon saw two more Jackpot Forms before they turned into Beast and Tombstone Form. "Dibs on the one not found in the desert." said Roger. He soon clashed with Beast Form with Jaws going after the other reptile aka Tombstone Form and Anthony fought against Zane. Nearby the park, Atem had just placed down Uriel and Zoey being that he soon held back Zoey. "What are you doing big brother?! We have to help Daddy!" said Zoey.

Uriel nodded as Atem said,"We will.". "Then why did you take us away from the fighting? If we're going to help daddy, why can't I become Lodestar?" said Zoey. "I need you to promise me something little sis." said Atem. "What?" said Zoey. "Don't mention your relationship to Zane while he or you are in costume. He doesn't mind you being his daughter at all but the paparazzi will use that against him. Dad will deal with them in the future but please don't add more salt to the wound." said Atem.

Uriel said,"What does salt to the wound mean?". "Zane will explain it to you later Uriel. Can you stay here? I don't want you to be hurt." said Atem. "I won't call him daddy big bro. Why can't Uriel come with us?! She's really strong big brother!" said Zoey as Uriel flexed her muscles like she saw a guy do earlier. "I'm not saying that but she doesn't have a costume little sis. Dad says that if we're going to fight crime, we need a costume to  Good thing grandma gave me this." said Atem.

He held a small cube with Uriel saying,"What's that?". "She calls it Super Cube. Mom says that it'll create a costume based on your favorite thing. Could you tell me what your powers are Uriel? It's important." said Atem as he turned into his mummy form. "She's really strong but I'll protect her big brother!" said Zoey as she punched her right palm and turned into Lodestar. Uriel nodded as she touched the cube causing her to glow.

Back with Zane, the Tombstone clone gave Jaws a powerful haymaker punch sending him into a grove of trees. "And stay out of my way punk." said Zane. Jaws soon got back up being that the creature was soon held back by bandages. The clone was shocked to see Atem ,as Pharaoh, and he said,"Before you say anything, I couldn't stop her.". "I expected that but stay back. Purse boy here has awful breath." said Zane.

The creature soon broke out of Atem's wrappings as he said,"You and the brat won't stop me!". He rushed toward Zane but he couldn't move. He looked down to see that he was being held back by several bandages. "You'll be shocked to see how strong I really am despite my age. You may want to turn around." said Atem. The deviant was soon punched by Tombstone being that he was out cold in seconds.

Tombstone said as he tussled Atem's hair,"Way to go kid. You did good.". "Thanks. We should go check on those two. They should have met with your clones or are you the clones?" said Atem. "I get you kid. Lets go." said Tombstone. He soon picked up the mummy and the two were gone being that they didn't see Blanche appearing. She looked at Jaws and she said,"You failed Master so come with me.". The two were soon gone.

Back with Beast Form, he had sliced Roger so many times being that he was regeneration at a rapid rate, getting really annoyed. "I don't think you're going to hurt me Einstein!" said Roger. Beast soon clapped, being that it created a massive shockwave. The water man's body soon had several holes in them being that they slowly reformed. "I think you should change forms because this one ain't going to work!" said Roger.

The water man was soon punched by a giant bandage fist as Beast saw Atem and Tombstone with him saying,"What are you doing here kid? I thought you were helping Jackpot and the girls out with their leader!". "They didn't come to you first?" said Atem. "They did but I don't need any help." said Beast. "I forgot that you're the stubborn one." said Tombstone. "Excuse me? At least I am not a hodgepodge of different things! I'm the kings of beasts!" said Beast.

Atem coughed as the two clones saw Roger. "You'll pay for making me look stupid!" said Roger as he soon grew bigger thanks to the river. "Hey kid! How durable are you?" said Beast. Atem raised up seven fingers as Beast said,"Good enough! Time to play catch!". He threw Atem toward Roger as Tombstone said,"What's wrong with you?!". "Have faith in the kid." said Beast. Atem soon made his body bigger being that he slammed into the giant, making a giant hole. "Now!" said Atem.

The two clones nodded as they rushed toward the giant. "I WON'T LET YOU DO ANYTHING TO ME!" said Roger. He swiped at the two, being that they easily dodged the attack. The two soon hit the hole and Roger soon went back to his normal size. Tombstone soon made a rock prison around Roger as Beast said,"So how did you make him shrink kid?". "Well, I know that those with the ability to turn into an element has a weakness." said Atem.

The mummy took a breath as he said,"You have to hit the same spot twice and fast.". "You're very smart kid. So what should we do?" said Tombstone. "We have to go help the girls and the prime aka Jackpot Form. I got a bad feeling that the prime clone will need our help." said Beast. "We better get going. He tends to go overboard." said Tombstone. "Yeah. Lets go gang." said Beast as he smiled. The three were soon gone as they left behind the unconscious Roger.

Anthony was getting annoyed with Jackpot aka Zane being that his attacks were blocked by either energy or sand. "Stop fighting kid. You can't defeat me because I have an unlimited source of energy and you don't." said Anthony. "He has a point Zane. Your clones will need to defeat their opponents if you wish to change forms or go into an Prime Form." said Athena. Zane rolled his eyes and he was about to fire a massive energy beam at him but he was soon stopped.

Anthony was soon hit by three Green Nether beams ,in the shape of crescent moons,  and he was sent flying back. Zane looked up to see Zoey standing there with her holding Uriel's hand. Uriel was wearing a costume. She's wearing a navy blue jumpsuit with a dog themed hoodie/mask over her face as a few strands of her pink hair were poking out. Her larger than normal canines, constant blush, and her violet eyes stuck out of her mask.

Zane's eyes widened as Zoey said,"Don't worry! We'll be fine!". Uriel nodded as Anthony recovered from the attack. "So you have kids working with you? That's just wrong." said Anthony. "Shut up! I think your beard is ugly!" said Zoey. Anthony's eyes widened as Uriel giggled. Crisis Judgement went off as Zane soon blasted several water hands ,with energy beams, that were going to hit the girls. "Stay back from the water you two! He can control any liquid in his sight!" said Zane.

Zoey gave him a thumbs up as she said,"Got it! Ready K-9?". "That must be her code name. I like it Zane." said Cole. Zane rolled his eyes as Anthony was soon blasted by several Green Nether beams being that Anthony was annoyed. Zane noticed that Uriel's hands were glowing dark pink with Kane saying,"Zane. That's Mojo aka the energy that you use when accessing my power.". Uriel soon fired a beam toward Anthony being that the man was soon blasted back.

The trio of Atem, Beast Form, and Tombstone Form rejoined them as Beast saw Uriel blasting the older man back. "Wow. I didn't see that coming. She's strong." said Beast. "Yeah. She was able to rip open a steel door with just her right hand." said Atem. "Here's some advice. Don't doubt the power of the Vulcorian." said Tombstone. The two clones reformed back with Zane with Uriel said with a smile,"I did it!". "You sure did little one." said Zane.

He rejoined the trio as Anthony soon walked over. "I guess you defeated my allies but you won't be defeating me! said Anthony. Zane's Crisis Judgement went off as the tubes on Anthony's costume had glowing red liquid flowing through them. He soon threw several streams of water at the four with Zane turning back to his normal costume. "Stay back." said Zane. The three saw Zane's left hand was glowing with black energy. "Zero can use the same thing as me?" thought Uriel.

Atem and Zoey looked at her as Zane soon rushed toward the water streams. Anthony was confused on what the teen was doing but he soon saw that the teen was covered in the black energy, being that he said,"Scourge Mask!". Anthony's eyes soon widened as he recognized the form that defeated Lilith ,aka the mask from episode 83, and Zane said,"Karmic Blitzkrieg!". The teen soon had black Mojo in his hands and it soon formed into a large dragon-shaped shroud around it.

He rushed toward the streams of water being that they were slowly being absorbed into the dragon shroud and getting bigger. He soon threw it toward Anthony, being that he made a water shield, and it caused a massive explosion in front of him. "That won't work on me kid! I know that you're currently using that power that you used to wreck the vampire mistress. I know that if I keep you away, you won't be able to destroy me." said Anthony.

The smoke cleared being that Zane was soon gone. He was soon right behind Zane with his right fist were covered in dark purple metallic scales color that has a spiral pattern to it. "You can't predict me at all ugly! Arcane Emperor Adamantine Punch!" said Zane. He soon punched the man, being that he was sent flying back. "Wow. He's so strong." said Uriel. "Yeah. If you think you know Zero, you really don't." said Atem as he agreed with the girl.

Zoey soon watched Anthony flying and Zane soon reappeared right behind him. His right arm was still covered in the dark purple scales being that he uppercut Anthony into the air and soon jumped into the air right after him. Zane cupped his hands together and reeled back, and he slammed both fists into Anthony and he was soon slammed into the lake. Zane soon landed on the ground as he deactivated the mask.

Kane said,"Good job. You used my power without letting your anger get the better of you. A plus Zane". "Well, I don't hate Anthony. He may be the scumbag father of Sierra but at the same time, he didn't hurt my daughters." said Zane. "You mean daughter right?" said Cole. Zane looked at Uriel as she was running toward him. "I see her as my daughter and I'm sure that mom won't mind having her around." said Zane. "True." said Sivarth.

Later, Scott was talking with Zane and his trio of kids. "So are you running a baby sitting service now kid?" said Scott. Zane watched Roger being taken away by the police ,while still in his rock prison, as he said,"Not exactly Scott. It's complicated. I'll tell you about it over fishing. We better get going. We have some family bonding time right kids?". They nodded as Scott said,"So what about Hydro Storm and Jaws? You fought them right?". "They must have escaped somehow." said Zane.

Outside of the Alvarez's house, Zane parked his car and he said,"Okay. We're finally home. So are you guys ready for dinner?". "Yep! Grandma's food is the best even more than food seen around the world!" said Zoey. Uriel started to drool as Zane wiped her mouth. "Patience my dear. You'll get your food after answering a single question. Where did you get your powers Uriel?" said Zane. Uriel soon looked away as Atem ,who turned back to his normal human form, said,"What do you mean dad?".

Zane said,"Atem and Zoey. You two know that I have a monster inside of me right? The monster has a name and it's Kane but his species is known as a Vulcorian. They use a unique form called Mojo and you used it earlier against Anthony Uriel. For some reasons, no one remembers him being a hero but that isn't my point here. You used Mojo against him and I need to tell you something. You could use any kinda of power but using a power from a species long since dead is a concern.".

Zoey punched Zane as she said,"Daddy! She doesn't have to tell you!". "I know that but here's one more thing. You can tell me whenever you're ready Uriel. I won't have my mom do any test on you unless you're okay with them. Okay?" said Zane. Uriel nodded as she said,"Okay Zane.". The four soon walked in as Zane picked up on something. "Okay Uriel and Zoey. You two need to close your eyes." said Zane.

The two girls closed their eyes as Zane opened the door. Atem soon wandered off as Zane said,"On the count of three, open your eyes. One, two, and three!". The two soon opened their eyes as they saw the whole Alvarez family ,except for Darin and Lauren, standing there. "Welcome to the family Uriel and Zoey!" said the group as Zane covered his ears due to him having enhanced hearing. Kurt and Lucius walked over to Zane as they didn't change much in the past two years.

Lucius and Kurt looked the same in terms of appearance being that Kurt's orange hair was slightly less spiky and Lucius's goatee lost its scruffiness. Kurt's wearing a red shirt with white stripes, worn out blue jeans, and brown sandals. He's still wearing his fire themed wristbands. Lucius is wearing the exact same outfit being that his hoodie/jacket and t-shirt swapped clothes. He's wearing the same pants and he has his piercing.

Kurt wrapped his arms around the girls as he said,"Welcome to the family of weirdos but we're the best weirdos. I'm your uncle Kurt and I'm the best one.". Lucius pulled back Kurt as he said,"And I'm your uncle Lucius. If your uncle Kurt is bothering you, please tell one of us. He tends to go a little overboard sometimes.". "A little?" said Ana. Uriel tilted her head as she said,"What is it going on? I thought I was just staying here.".

Natasha said,"Well, Zane told us that you don't have a family so we'll be your family and you're just adorable.". She hugged Uriel as Zane said,"Yeah. I'll make sure that she doesn't examine you without my permission. You're like Atem and Zoey. You may not share a pint of blood with us but you're our family no matter what.". Uriel hugged her back as Wolfram got jealous. "Patience pup. You'll get a change to play with Uriel." said Kania with Sly on her back.

The family which consisted of Ana, Arturo, Atem, Edgar ,who is Arturo's bird partner and he's from Episode 1 and 2, Kania, Kurt, Lucius, Natasha, Sly, Uriel, Wolfram, Zane, and Zoey were enjoying cake being that Wolfram was enjoying the new girls. "What did you get your old man at the store you two?" said Kurt as he was drinking. "You girls got me presents?" said Zane. "Well, I brought it with my money but they picked it out." said Atem.

Zane stretched his arms ,using Sweet Reaction, and tussled their hair as he said,"Thanks you for the gifts.". Wolfram licked Zane's arms as he barked. "So why couldn't you just stand up and tussle their hair? I don't want to see Wolfram eat your arms Zane." said Ana. Edgar soon nodded from Arturo's shoulder as Arturo said with a smile,"If Zane was normal, things would be boring right Edgar?". The bird rolled his eyes and Uriel said,"Could you go first Zoey?". "Sure!" said Zoey.

She grabbed a bag and she gave Zane something. It's a black and white signet style ring being it's a thick band with a circle surface surrounded by a lining with four pointed claw/fang like shape at the east, north, south, and west. The circle of the ring has a gold seven-leaf clover and silver Z embedded on it. "I bought this for you daddy because it reminded me of you. I'm sure know that you'll give me lots of mommies and siblings once you graduated college. That's what grandma said." said Zoey.

Zane's face went red as Arturo said,"He's just like Shawn and did you really tell her that?". Natasha whistled as Ana said,"She totally did.". "I'm not against my brother being with many women but I'm going to be very harsh on those who hurt him." said Lucius. "Yeah. I'm not letting his over-sized heart getting broken." said Kurt. "Thanks you guys. I love my gift Zoey. I'll wear it along with Atem's gift as a sign of my two amazing kids." said Zane as he put it on his right index finger

Zoey smiled and hugged Zane. His face was turning blue as Uriel said,"Why is Zane's face changing colors?". "Zoey got my super strong hug Uriel and Zane's body may be able to take a lot of damage except from a hug from her daughter or me." said Natasha. Ana forced Zoey to let him go as Kania said,"So what did you give my idiot of a master?". "Yeah. It'll be very hard to top a gift from the very nearby wedding in the future." said Sly.

Uriel went over to a bag and she handed Zane her gift. It's a pair of silver kunai earrings with Uriel looking down as she said,"I know that guys don't wear earrings but you would look super cool in them. That's what Zoey said."."I don't care about what other people think of me. If you picked them for me Uriel. I'll wearing them proudly just like with Atem's necklace and Zoey's ring so thank you Uriel." said Zane.

He soon pierced them into his ears and Kania said,"Wow. They'll make your Galaxy Phones stuck out once your mom finishes the upgrade.". "Actually, did you pick up what I asked for?" said Natasha. Zane nodded with him stretching his right arm with Kurt saying,"Man. You're getting really lazy little brother.". "You would do the exact same thing as him Kurt." said Lucius. "True." said Kurt as he sipped his drink. Zane dropped the bag in his lap and he pulled out some headphones.

Zane said,"I got them because I liked the color and design.". They are black ,with dark indigo details, wireless over-the ear headphones. It looks to be a hybrid of Audio-Technica M50x and AR3bt SE headphones. "These are your new Galaxy Phones Zane. I'll make them able to hear other even if you're playing music and protect your hearing even if they are around your neck. They'll have unlimited power. I'll start working on them after the party." said Natasha.

Uriel smiled as she said,"You're a good girl.". She soon patted her head being that the scene soon caused the family to laughed as they enjoyed the party. Zane smirked as he thought,"I guess she'll be a good member of this family right Kane?". "Yes Zane. I'm not sure why she's hiding her power from us. She and you are the only two Vulcorian remaining in the Omniverse. Lets figure this out later okay?" said Kane.

Later, Zane was tucking in both girls in his old room. He used Cartoon Form ,with two of the clones being hugged by Uriel and Zoey, to set up both the girls's room and his new room. "Goodnight my pumpkin and cotton candy." said Zane. "Night daddy!" said Zoey. He kissed her forehead as Uriel looked at Zane. "Goodnight daddy." said Uriel. Zane smiled as he kissed her forehead. He closed the door as he walked downstairs.

He soon saw that his grandfather sitting in the living room with Edgar by his side. "Hey Edgar and grandpa." said Zane. "Ah Zane. Did you have fun today?" said Arturo. "Yeah. I'm happy to be a dad. I guess this is what my dad felt with me and my brothers. So where have you been Edgar? I haven't seen you in so long." said Zane as he rustled the bird's feathers. "He's been busy with getting your name out to the deeper parts of Terraune." said Arturo.

Zane said,"Ah. So are you and Spiro really sure that I would make a good king? I'm not even a full Phantom being that I'm only 10% of one.". "That may be the case with you but that doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things. The strongest Phantoms have decided on you being king and I know that you'll be a good king. Be ready to be tested for that title Zane." said Arturo. "If you're so confident, I will do my best. So have you talked with grandma yet?" said Zane.

Arturo was quiet with Edgar snickering. "She wanted to talked with you about a date." said Zane. "I'll think about it." said Arturo. "Do you really want to keep her waiting? She has a temper but who in this family doesn't?" said Zane. "She isn't that violent Zane." said Arturo. "Seriously? She attacked Darin for when I left the Alliance's base. He was unable to move for a couple of days." said Zane. "I'll give her a call but don't rush me." said Arturo. "You probably should do it soon." said Zane.

At the Obsidian Mountains ,which is also the location of the mansion featured in episode 83, Lilith was sitting in her study on her computer. She was typed and she said,"So how did the fight go for you Anthony?". The man stood there with him looking slightly different. He has a slightly less muscular man with him having brown hair with streaks of silver in them and it's in a ponytail. His eyes are gray ,with a noticeable black outline around them, and his eyebrows are brown.

His nose is more pointed and he has his goatee but brown. On both sides of his neck, he has a very noticeable scar on his neck. He wears a black suit with a blue handkerchief in his right breast pocket and matching tie. It has three buttons, white undershirt, and black pointed shoes. "Shut up. You had me work with the rejected carnie and that child. I also didn't expect that dam child to get so strong in two years." said Anthony.

Lilith said,"True. He got stronger but we have as well.". "So where is your ninja? She would have held me in place upon arriving here thanks to Blanche's portal." said Anthony. "She's on a missions with the Custodians right now. So are you happy that we erase your former life and only Sierra and our hero has an idea about you. You wanted revenge on Zane didn't you?" said Lilith. "I did but I also did it so I could get closer to you." said Anthony.

Lilith crossed her arms as she said,"You do know that I'm into women right?". "And I understand completely but I'll fight for you as your knight and be there for you. So is your ninja ready to fight against Zane and her sister?" said Anthony. "Soon. She needs some training before becoming the true weapon to get what we need. Countess Chimera's plan is still taking some time and I hope that it will be good." said Lilith. Anthony nodded as he stood nearby the woman and she went back to work.

Next time,
A test happens to Zane involving his Phantom bloodline and his ascent to royalty. Will this be a hard test or will it drive Zane to madness? Will Countess ever complete her plan? Will the high school dance ever happen? This and more next time on Zero!

Jaws. He’s incredible strong being he can throw people around with ease. He can hold multiple things at once and rapidly strike his opponent with the sheer amount of hands. He can drain the water out of his target when he gripes onto them. He’s able to cling onto walls and climb up walls with ease. He's extremely durable, being able to survive several attacks in a row before falling down. He can release a powerful flame breath from his mouth and it can be controlled better than Tototl. He can stretch his body to incredible lengths and he can cut off parts of his body, with him able to multiply himself. He can slam his head into something and it really hurts according to his enemies. He can absorb any form of energy being that he can release a powerful shockwave which really hurts. He’s able to swim at incredible speeds and fire out water from his body, like bullets. His water manipulation can pierce through several target and many buildings before losing momentum. He's much slower than the rest of the deviants. He's also the worst in cold environments. He has a fear of fire being that he says that he was slightly burned when he was little and also Tototl wanted to eat him once. 

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