Thursday, April 1, 2021

Fairy Legion Royal Chapter 6 Trouble at Arcane World PT 3 Battle in the Amusement Park (Uncompleted due to Rewrite/Reboot)

 A/N: Yep. It took me five months to post two things in 2021 and here I thought things were supposed to be better for the blog in 2020. The world may be getting better but the blog didn't. Like I mentioned in Zero Episode 147, the reasons for the delay are the exact same. I did start to watch the DCAU (DC Animated Universe) from Batman the Animated Series to Justice League Unlimited thanks to HBO Max.

This is very similar to when I wanted to watch all of the MCU movies at the end of December 2019. I won't be doing a ranking of these shows like I did the movies since well, I didn't want to rank it. I could have done it by season like J's Reviews did but I don't know. For some of these, this is my first time going through and enjoying one of my favorite shows aka Batman Beyond. This was the first time I fully watched the first half of the DCAU. 

I considered the first half going from Batman the Animated Series to Superman the Animated Series and after watching this universe from start to finish, I noticed something. I really don't care for DC comics's posterboy Batman. I do like Batman, his rogue gallery, and a lot of little things related to the character but well, I don't like how DC relies on him and his mythology for monetary success. What do I mean by this? 

On HBO Max as of May 16th, we have thirty two movies and shows that have Batman in the title. Do note that I didn't count Batkid mainly because it may featured Batman but it isn't about him. Don't you think that is a bit much DC? I mean I like the concept of Batman Ninja but over thirty movies, that's too many bats. Spiderman may be Marvel's posterboy but there are other heroes who works to get the company some money as well. 

Just look at the MCU. It didn't require Spiderman to succeed in the first place but using lesser known heroes. Captain America, Groot, Iron Man, and Rocket Rocket are icons now compared to before when they were known mainly by comic fans. Little Timmy wouldn't know who they are but Basement Dweller Jerry would. No offense to anyone named Jerry or Timmy but hopefully, we could get a movie that shows off a lesser known DC hero like Blue Beetle or Firestorm just to name two. 

Lets go back to talking about the DCAU including Batman and Harley Quinn and Justice League vs. the Fatal Five. They're part of the DCAU according to Wikipedia so take that with a grain of salt. Due to it may not being canon, I didn't count these movies for my marathon of the DCAU since I wanted to watch this shared universe a specific way. I wanted to start the show that started it all aka Batman: The Animated Series in 1992 to the last show that ended it all aka Justice League Unlimited in 2006. 

I went with how the shows were shown to the public. This means I watched Batman: The Animated Series, Batman: Mask of the Phantasm, and Batman & Mr. Freeze: Subzero before I could get something that doesn't involved Batman. I like Batman but man, you get sick of the guy after watching several hours in a row. Watching so many episodes of the guy and his universe makes you tired after all. That's just a me thing I'm well aware. 

You may wonder why I watched Batman & Mr. Freeze: Subzero before Superman. This was mainly due to the movie about to leave HBO at the time and to be honest, I wanted to watch it before I started Superman. I skipped over the Zeta Project since well for me, it's like the Incredible Hulk Movie. It's probably important to the mythos but meh. It wasn't available on the streaming service and because of that, I didn't feel like watching it. 

I also skipped over Gotham Girls and Lobo as well but I don't think I'm missing too much. If there is something important, I'll just look it up later. Anyway, quick rant on the DCAU rewatch over with. I was going to taking a break after I finish Batman Beyond mainly because I need a break from DC for a while but I changed my mind on that. After the DCAU, the next superhero show I watched was Invincible and that is a really good series. Lets get onto the changes. 

We're going to start off with Change #7 or as I called it while writing it the prelude to my major and minor issues with the Grand Magic Games Arc rant. Don't get me wrong. I really did enjoy the arc as a whole but wow, I got some problems with it which I won't go too in depth with for now. Just you wait for it alongside my rant involving the Alvarez Empire Arc. If you think my rants on Carrot and Smoothie were impressively petty, just wait for those two rants. It will be an interesting experience. 

Like before, I will be ignoring some changes. These changes are Change #2, Change #3, Change #4, Change #5, Change #9, Change #11, Change #12, Change #13, Change #14, and Change #15 since I gave my reasons for why I did that. The only thing I'll mention about Change #15 is that the characters from Zero's dream voice actors won't be for every character in Zero and will come out once I'm a ninety to hundred percent sure about every actor or actress on that list.

Our next change is Change # 6. Do note that both Jenny and Ren aren't the only wizards to be given some extra spotlight within Fairy Legion Royal compared to Fairy Tail. This is a minor spoiler for the series but I do plan on giving some villains some extra screen time. Who these villains shall remain a secret until they show up so stay tuned for that. Do note that I will be talking about Stand Stats from Jojo in due time and well, I have an opinion on it.

The next sets of changes I'm going to talk about are Change #8 and Change #10. Like I mentioned in those changes, we're not going to get the whole story about what happened in the past. For example, I don't need to know about every single part of Oden's journey with both Roger and Whitebeard since what we got was fine. Amazing even. Some people may find that a bad thing but I don't since well, I rather see what's going on in the present rather than the past.

If the anime decides to expand on it, great. More power to them but not really for me. That kind of mindset applies to Fairy Legion Royal as well. Don't get me wrong. I wish we expand on some things in the Alvarez Empire Arc in the anime but well, that rant will wait. The final change we have to talk about is Change #1. I just needed to make one thing perfectly clearly about who can and who can't show up as a voice. 

My only rule for a voice actor/actress is that they had to be in any form for animation prior. Not just anime voice actors and actress. Most actors that I will choose will have two and more roles of theirs mentioned so you can know who I'm talking about. Yeah. I just opened the door to pretty much most actors since well, animation comes in many different forms. This includes shows like Jimmy Neutron so yeah. Free rein. Here's the content warning. 

This series contains sequences that may be particularly disturbing to younger children or people with sensitive mindsets. This series contains alcoholic drinks, drug usage, fantasy/comic violence showing teens to adults, foul language, gore, proactive imagery that depicts both females and men in an highly unrealistic manner mainly females, public indecency from females and males mainly seen with ankles, breasts, buttocks, shoulders, and waists, and several items that aren't exactly PC. 

Do not that if you don't like that kind of stuff, that's fine and there is no wrong with that. This just might not be for you. 

Narration: "In a land far, far away, lies the kingdom of Fiore, a small and peaceful nation of 17 million being and it's a place filled with magic. Found in every home, bought and sold in every marketplace. For most, magic is merely a tool, with it being a mundane part of everyday life. For some ,however, magic is an art and they've devoted their lives to its practice. These are the wizards. Banded together into magical guilds, they apply their skills in search of fame and fortune. Many magical guilds dot the landscape of Fiore. But there's a certain guild in a certain town that sores above the rest. One from which countless legends have been born. A guild that will no doubt continue to create legends well into the future. It's name is Fairy Tail.".

Opening Song- Snow Fairy by Funkist. (The English written here is the anime's translation not from the website's translation.). If you want to hear an English version of the song, check out this cover of it done by LeeandLie.

Fairy, where are you going?
I'm going to gather up all the light and illuminate your tomorrow. 
(The night sky over Fiore is illuminated by a herd ,which is the collective noun for a group of fairies, of glowing silhouetted fairies dancing across it. These fairies are dancing across Fiore. They seem to be starting from Kardia Cathedral, going over the ocean where a boat is sailing upon, and finally Zane is standing alone in an empty field, looking up at the night sky. These fairies dance up toward the moon with the title of Fairy Legion Royal appearing beside it.). 

Oh Yeah! Can you hear my voice? 
Oh Yeah! Even if I go hoarse, I'll keep shouting.  
(Levy and Lucy are standing onto a hill overlooking Magnolia with Plue by her side as a fairy pass by the two of them as the girls turns around to face the camera. This scene is followed by Natsu standing in a ruined city with him looking for Igneel. The duo of Happy and Lisanna standing nearby him with Happy enjoying a fish and Lisanna looks at the duo of Happy and Natsu with a smile on her face, a fairy flying above the three of them.).

Oh yeah! Until your heart can hear it.
Oh Yeah! Oh Yeah!
(The group of Erza, Grace, and Tyrell are standing nearby a defeated monster with it being covered with sword slashes, bullet holes from a gun, and covered in frost. Erza looking serious with Tyrell looking at the destroyed city behind the monster. Said city was probably destroyed by the monster since Erza brought said monster into the city. Tyrell is clearly worried about the property damage of their fight this will cost the guild. Grace ,currently missing her top, is trying to comfort Tyrell. The trio have a fairy flying right past them. Finally, all of the fairies fly right past the duo of Frosch and Zane facing a cliff that is overlooking a forest. Zane turns around, giving the camera a thumbs up with his Z.E.R.O. Watch and has his signature smile as Frosch mimicked his father's action. The trio of Astaroth, Havoc, and Matrix appear as well.).

The moon and the sun high-five. 
(The next scene shows Team Natsu (Erza, Happy, Lisanna, Lucy, and Natsu), the Mystic Vanguards (Grace, Levy, and Tyrell), and Team Maelstrom (Frosch and Zane) are currently on being a train to an unknown location with each being doing their own thing. Grace and Tyrell are currently playing a game of chess with Grace struggling to defeat him, Levy is reading a history book, Lisanna is reading a book on different kind of recipes that comes from all over Ishgar, Lucy is writing in her journal, Natsu is currently motion sick with his head in Erza's lap and with her running her hands through his hair, and Zane is currently sleeping pwith his headphones covering his ears and music playing in his ears, and the trio of Frosch, Happy, and Plue is dancing nearby them.).

You haven't forgotten anything, have you?
(The two teams are currently on a caravan before the next scene switches to a campfire. Erza is currently keeping guard over the camp, Frosch is enjoying a bowl of ice cream, Happy devouring a fish, Grace is currently sleeping nearby them without her pants on, Levy and Lisanna are reading from a map with the white haired girl sporadically looking over at Natsu, Lucy is giving a disapproving look at Grace due to her wearing not pants in front of the boys, Natsu is currently savagely eating some drumsticks that came from a nearby dead monster, Tyrell is currently mediating on top of a large collection of luggage, and Zane is playing some music on Yamata.). 

It's strange, without you. 
I can't even find something to want.
(During a rather depressing looking day in Magnolia and nearby Strawberry Street, Lucy is sitting on a bridge with a solemn expression on her face and Plue trying to comfort her. He turns around to see Levy with the rest of Team Natsu, the Mystic Vanguards, and Frosch standing there with the sky brightening up around her, causing her to smile as she runs over to them. Zane is nowhere to be seen during this heart warming moment.).

Snowing, I was able to open up and give a smile.
Because we have time to snuggle up and be together. 
(The next scene shows a montage of various adventures that aren't seen throughout the story. Both Frosch and Zane are on Saver with the two of them racing against Erza, Grace, Happy, Natsu who is very much motion sickness, and Tyrell with them in a carriage powered by boars that look to be miniature mammoths and producing fire like an engine. The trio of Levy, Lisanna, and Lucy are watching nearby with the blond and white haired girl cheering for the carriage team and Levy is cheering for the motorcycle team. The Mystic Vanguards are watching Grace and Natsu butting heads back in the guild hall with Tyrell shaking his head in disappointment and looks embarrassed due to Grace losing her clothes sometime during their squabble. She isn't naked yet but getting close too. Happy, Lisanna, and Lucy are there as well with the feline enjoying a fish and the two girls laughing at this. Frosch and Zane are standing in the center of the screen, looking ready to fight as the Order of Rukinity (Bulldog, Fox, Krota, and Selkie) appearing around the duo. The rest of Fairy Tail (Alzack, Bisca, Cana, Droy, Elfman, Evergreen, Freed, Jet, Laki, Loke, Macao, Makarov, Max, Mirajane, Nab, Reedus, Romeo, Vjeeter, Wakaba, and Warren) shortly appears.)         

Fairy, where are you going?
I'm going to gather up all the light and illuminate your tomorrow.
(Frosch turns into his guardian form with him smashing open the ground using a single punch. Grace takes a deep breath with her creating a massive explosion of ice, freezing a large group of lizardmen charging at her. Levy has the words "Shine" and "Poison", followed by "Fire" and "Water" mixed with "Blast", followed by "Sword" written above her, and the word "Iron" falling from the sky. Tyrell appears with him aiming his pistol toward a group of dark wizards, blasting them with a powerful blast of magic before blowing away smoke from his weapon's barrel. Zane holds up his watch and transforms into his most famous form aka Diamond Form with him getting launched into the air to the ground below him expanding. As the ground expanded, it glowed green. All of Fairy Tail's members look on from the distance, with it being followed by Zane landing his diamond fist hitting a giant demon like monster in the face.).

Don't say goodbye!
(Erza reequips into her Heaven's Wheel Armor and charges toward Zane whose left arm is covered in Vulcan Emperor's scales with the two clashing, creating a explosion of light. As the light fades away, the duo of Frosch and Happy ,with both wings out, fly toward the screen with Frosch giving the sign of the horns with both of his paws and Happy winking. The two cats are gone with Frosch, Zane, Team Natsu, and the Mystic Guardians standing in front of the Fairy Tail guild hall.). 

Narrator P.O.V.

Petit Tail: 
standing in front of the Fairy Tail Job Board

Beginning Spoiler Section for Fairy Legion Royal.

OC Wizards Spotlights (Chapter 6): Name and Moniker if they have one, Wizard Class/Rank, Guild/Former Guild, Magic, Age, and Voice Actor. This will includes characters who have been changed drastically from their Fairy Tail Counterparts and will need a new voice actor/actress. Bold if they come from another dimension. 
Chapter 6: 1 Character.
Larkolt. High B-Class Dark Wizard. Resolute Revenants. Card Magic, Extreme Speed Magic, and Lightning Magic. 23 years old. Kyle Phillips (Denki Kaminari from My Hero Academia, Genshiro Saji from High School DxD, Jason from Fairy Tail, Sosuke Sugaya from Assassination Classroom, and Tōru Kishiri from Fire Force). 

Characters who may not return outside of the arc they are introduced in: They will get a magic, voice actor, and wizard class/rank if they are one if they reappear.
Clifton Steele, Emma Steele, Mazelle Strofrim, Othelia Steele, Skyler, and Yana Strofrim. 

Ending Spoiler Section for Fairy Legion Royal.

List of changes between Fairy Legion Chapter 3 and 4 and Fairy Legion Royal Chapter 6 in no particular order. Bold Changes will be the ones primarily discussed in the next Author Note but most of the changes mentioned will be there. These will be not all of the changes but a good amount of them.

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