Thursday, April 1, 2021

Fairy Legion Royal Chapter 5 Trouble at Arcane World PT 2 Calm before the Revenants Section 1 (Written on December 10 2021)

This post is a part of Fairy Legion Royal Chapter 5 and has been put into a separate post mainly due to the original post being unable to edit for reasons described in this update post. This post here has been written in December 2021 but will be uploaded before Fairy Legion Royal Chapter 5. This is to mainly improve the amount of posts produced within a certain time frame or other reasons.

A/N: Yeah. I'm real sorry for the delay between Part 1 and Part 2 of this arc. I'm not counting the three weak delay between Chapter 3 and 4 of Fairy Legion Royal because of how I'm combing Chapter 3 and 4 of the old Fairy Legion into something new. That was going to take up time and that time frame was around the holidays. This delay between parts is the result of me working on a massive post and coming up with the next Zero arc. 

The next Zero arc is going to have a whole lot of fighting so get ready for that and the massive post should be coming out before the end of the year. I think I'm about halfway done with it and you'll see what I'm talking about in due time. My goal is to have this massive post out before the end of the year and I will complete that. That one post is one of the reasons between Chapter 4 and Chapter 5 while the next Zero arc is also a reason but less important. 

So lets begin the changes between FL (Fairy Legion) and FLR (Fairy Legion Royal). Change one is that I decided to bring up the Eisenwald Chicken and his groupies. The humanoid chicken may return but no promises. This was done to build up the world without leaving the country of Fiore. I may like the fanfiction Making Waves but well, I'm more of a fan of focusing on expanding a single place rather than expanding a variety of places. It's a personal thing and a major change is Zane himself. 

Compared to Zane in Fairy Legion, the Zane is this story is a lot nicer and this is shown with how I haven't called Lucy Triple B once. In the original, Zane used to call people by nicknames such as Prude Knight and Triple B. I'm not going to stop with the nicknames as seen with Hatchling for Natsu but well, I'm going to try and make Zane less of an asshole. He'll still be an asshole but less of one. Prude Knight will also return since I really like the name due to it fitting so well with Erza.

That is just my opinion. I also want the relationship between Lucy and Zane to be friendly and possibly romantic since well, I'm still working on the pairings for this series. If you want to know where I got these pair names, check out this website. So the only two pairings I have confirmed are AlBis and ElfGreen. This was because out of every couple possibility in Fairy Tail, I found these two to be the relationships that I don't have any problems with or like to a great deal. 

Well, there is also the fact that I'm sure most people won't care about this kind of stuff but I do. AlBis is one that I may change later on but well, lets see how things go down. I did confirm another pairing but that pair is one that won't be happening. The complete opposite of ALBis and ElfGreen. This pair is Gajevy and that's because Levy has feeling for a certain Cross Species. You could count the pairing of Gruvia since Gray is now Grace. 

However just because Gray is a girl doesn't mean that pairing isn't impossible. Remember Juvia herself hasn't shown up yet in anyway or form just yet. Maybe there will be a male Juvia. Who knows? I did also confirmed that Aquario won't be happening as well but that's a given sin. As of writing this Author Note around the first quarter of 2021, I do have some pairs in mind. I'm not saying that these pairing will happen but these pairing are the most likely to happen. 

To name just a couple of them, these pairings are Kinabra and Nali. Yeah. I'm probably spending too much time thinking about this but I'm having fun with this and that's all that matters in the end right. So back to why Triple B will not be Lucy's nickname this go around. While I'm not against that name, that meaning of that nickname has changed thanks to Zero and the Massacre. The Triple B in Zero was made to be a mockery of everything feminine and Lucy isn't that to me. 

I can see the untapped potential in her and maybe Hiro sees that too in Fairy Tail 100 year quest. The most recent chapters are showing that and I plan on doing just that. This is shown with how she got Capricorn and doing some jogging. It's the little thing because I have plans involving Zoldeo and these plans don't involve having him Take Over the goat butler. Lucy is a powerful wizard due to having a lot of missed potential and in no way a copy of Sakura from Naruto. 

Here comes a quick rant on Sakura here. I don't like her in Part 1 of Naruto but she does get better in Part 2 in my opinion. Sakura is also not the worst female in Naruto at least for me. She isn't the best but well, this is just a quick rant. That rant about Naruto and the possibly pointless sequel will come another day. To give Evergreen some added depth, I decided to make her hate Happy. If you ask me why I did this, I want a girl who wasn't a big fan of the blue talking cat and not because of his mouth. 

It's actually for a medical reason aka a cat allergy. To explain her cat allergy, she can be around them but owning them and having them touching her/touching them results in hives. If you want to know what that would look like, think Overhaul from MHA using his quirk and you got an idea of what happens to Evergreen. As we saw with Virgo, we learned a bit more about the Celestial Spirts in Fairy Legion Royal.

When I was writing that part, I wanted to give them some more depth and why not give them so depth by having their names actually being titles. I also want to make a reference to Power Guild in some way since that was my first fanfiction that I grew to love writing. Around that time, I did Pokemon and Yugioh stories mainly the latter rather than the former. I grew to love Fairy Tail more. I also expanded on two members of the Magic Council because wow, they had nothing to them in Fairy Tail.

The Magic Council isn't like the Five Elder Stars from One Piece where I'm sure that they will play a major role later on in the series. However,  I'm not getting my hopes up just yet. We first need to get out of Wano and as of Chapter 1000, we're no where close to leaving Wano. I'm happy for this since Wano has been hyped up for a long time but well, I really want to know what happened in the world of One Piece outside of Wano. 

Oda keeps teasing us with big things such as the Seven Warlords being disbanned and the Marines going after them. They got some tough opponents to face in the form of Boa Handcock, Buggy, Dracule Mihawk, and Weevil. You may think I forgot about Kuma but currently, he's giving rides to the Celestial Dragons and I doubt he'll be causing problems any time soon. This statement may change once Act 3 of Wano ends in the future.  

Back to Belno and Org, I mentioned why I pick those two but a member I had in mine was Crawford for very obvious reasons. This may still happen but well, I don't want to spoil everything. Got to keep some things a secret. We also get more reference to the Spriggan 12 and well, I haven't mentioned the name or epithet of only two members. Can you guess which two are left? Belno's appearance has a reference to a character from Yu Yu Hakusho by the name of Mukuro. 

The reason why I did that is because both Belno and Mukuro share the same English voice actress Wendy Powell. Back to Yu Yu Hakusho, it's a great classic anime and if you like Hunter X Hunter, I would recommend checking it out since it is Togashi's original masterpiece before Hunter X Hunter became his most famous work. We'll be seeing more characters from outside the guild Fairy Tail in this chapter and well, it will be in Fairy Tail's Disney World. 

I could have picked any other amusement park in the world such as Adventure IslandAdventuredomeConey IslandElitch GardensHersheyparkNew York-New York Hotel and CasinoSanta's WorkshopSix FlagsTokyo Dome City, or Universal Studios but well, Disney World just works much better. Out of the amusement parks mentioned above, most people know about Disney and how the House of Mouse is secretly plotting to take over the world.

They may not plotting anything but who knows? The Five Atrocious Beasts are characters who will be showing up outside of this arc and this is a spoiler. I spoiled this because well, I really liked designing those characters especially Stark. Mira being against people swearing is from a fanfiction I read a long time ago and for the life of me, I can't remember the name of it. It was good from what I can remember but I could be wrong. 

You may have noticed how I mention Natsu having another admirer and well, it's Lucy. I mean if NaLu isn't canon by the end of 100 year quest, I'll just go with my theory that it is and they just don't say or show it off. Good for them if that's the case. So lets talk about the bad guys before I go onto the Levy thing. The main reason why I decided to make an OC for Raven Tail is pretty simple. The Evil Fairy Tail should have more of a presence in the story compared to in canon. 

To be completely honest, they got overshadowed by the other guilds at the Grand Magic Games just like Quarto Cerberus. However, they did managed to get a couple of wins aka Flare and Kurohebi winning their fight unlike the guild of manly men. Not even the guild master was spared from this since he got overshadowed by either Kagura or Minerva. I picked those two because most people are fans of the females from Fairy Tail rather than the males. 

I would be less subtle about this but that's just a straight up fact since sex sells especially when the ladies are involved. Like Rucolt, we'll be seeing them more often and expect more OCs from them. I like Kurohebi and Orga but like with a lot of Fairy Tail, there was an idea but Hiro didn't expand on it and left us wanting. Fairy Tail or anything Hiro writes isn't One Piece and shouldn't be compared in that regard. There are two different series in my opinion. 

So Angel, Cobra, and Cubellios have something planned for Jellal. Unlike in canon, they are still mad at him for being forced into slavery after the whole Tower of Heaven thing. I mean they still had freedom in the Oracion Seis and Crime Sorciere but with the former compared to the latter, they were still forced to work under someone rather than doing whatever they want. I also have trouble with accepting that the former slaves would work under their master.

However, don't think I forgot about how he was technically under the control of Ultear for some reason that was never explained. My memory when it comes to Fairy Tail is pretty good but I don't recall the story ever mentioning why Ultear needed to control Jellal. I'm sure that the reason for it was for unsealing Zeref but still. Did Hades seriously think that keeping the tower would help him find Zeref in someway? He was looking for keys to unseal Zeref. 

Maybe to test Ultear's magic and skills or perhaps to make Jellal into a good guy in the future by making his actions be a result of someone messing with him and have him be a victim instead of a bad guy. It's probably that. Nope. So in response to that, I decided to switch things off. Here in the fanfiction Fairy Legion Royal or FLR for short, the group of Angel, Cobra, Hoteye, Midnight, and Racer hold a noticeable grudge toward the blue haired prick for selling them to Brain.

To these wizards, they see it as just another form of slavery. They also plan on doing something about him and somehow Rucolt is involved. We learned that he was cursed by a wizard from the Tower of Heaven. Was it Jellal or one of the guards prior to Jellal's rule? You'll see in due time. We'll be seeing the rest of the Oracion Seis in due time but expect Angel and Cobra to be heavily involved in Dulroch's plan. Since Cobra is here, I have to included Cubellios. 

To be honest, she's a part of Cobra's arsenal at this point in the story. In a way, she is Cobra's version of Happy and it makes you wonder something. In Fairy Tail and not counting 100 year quest, five out of seven Dragon Slayer have an Exceed Partner. The only two who don't have one is Cobra and Laxus. It makes since they weren't raised by a dragon. Cobra did have a flying animal companion but that was only for one arc.

However to make things weird, that animal companion became his girlfriend since it turns out that she was born as a human rather than a snake. It isn't the weirdest pairing I've even seen in fiction. Speaking of Cobra, you may have noticed how he was able to use two different types of poison. One of them was your typical poison color aka purple poison and the other one was the Dragon Slayer's poison aka dark red poison.

This was done because Cobra is easily one of my favorite characters in Fairy Tail and want to show him off more. So get used to him. I'm also planning on showing off how strong the Oracian Seis could be since their leader was the head of the Bureau of Magical Development after all. I'm sure he taught or trained them to use their magic to its full potent and well, I did this with Angel as well. You may have noticed that Angel has her Angel Magic.

However with this, does this mean that she isn't a Celestial Spirt Wizard? You'll just have to wait and see since I've planned several steps ahead. The final thing we have left to talk about is how Levy is the youngest grandchild of Belno and also the younger sister of Lahar. Like I said before, her grandparent was going to be either Belno or Org. I thought it would be interesting to have another character in this series who has a very famous and influential grandparent.

Tyrell fits that role as well since he's related to Warrod who is one of the ten Wizard Saints who is pretty famous and influential. With this in mind just maybe, I'll give Hades a grandkid since Warrod and Yuri have one. I rather not have him be excluded. Not a certainty but a total possibility. Do you think Levy would be Laxus in the fact that our lightning wizard felt like he was trapped underneath Makarov's shadow despite him being small? Who knows? I also wanted to show off more of Lahar as well.

As a character, I thought Lahar was interesting and heavily underutilized within the series. There is also the interesting fact that in the original concept for the Tartaros arc, he was going to help Doranbolt/Mest free the Oracion Seis from prison instead of you know dying by Jackal's explosion. Does this mean I'll be keeping Lahar around and what is his relationship with Zane? We'll be seeing their relationship in this arc and well, I hope you enjoy it. Lets begins shall we. Here's the content warning. 

This series contains sequences that may be particularly disturbing to younger children or people with sensitive mindsets. This series contains alcoholic drinks, drug usage, fantasy/comic violence showing teens to adults, foul language, gore, proactive imagery that depicts both females and men in an highly unrealistic manner mainly females, public indecency from females and males mainly seen with ankles, breasts, buttocks, shoulders, and waists, and several items that aren't exactly PC. 

Do not that if you don't like that kind of stuff, that's fine and there is no wrong with that. This just might not be for you. If you wish to skip said opening because of that or you just don't want to see it, press Ctrl+F and type in Narrator in the search bar. Go to the second one and you'll skip the opening.

Narration: "In a land far, far away, lies the kingdom of Fiore, a small and peaceful nation of 17 million being and it's a place filled with magic. Found in every home, bought and sold in every marketplace. For most, magic is merely a tool, with it being a mundane part of everyday life. For some ,however, magic is an art and they've devoted their lives to its practice. These are the wizards. Banded together into magical guilds, they apply their skills in search of fame and fortune. Many magical guilds dot the landscape of Fiore. But there's a certain guild in a certain town that sores above the rest. One from which countless legends have been born. A guild that will no doubt continue to create legends well into the future. It's name is Fairy Tail."

Opening Song- Snow Fairy by Funkist.
Fairy, where are you going?
Hikari zenbu atsumete.
Kimi no Ashita terasu yo.
(The night sky over Fiore is illuminated by a herd ,which is the collective noun for a group of fairies, of glowing silhouetted fairies dancing across it. These fairies are dancing across Fiore. They seem to be starting from Kardia Cathedral, going over the ocean where a boat is sailing upon, and finally Zane is standing alone in an empty field, looking up at the night sky. These fairies dance up toward the moon with the title of Fairy Legion Royal appearing beside it.). 

Oh Yeah! Kikoete no ka kono koe wa? 
Oh Yeah! Karetatte sakebu kara.  
(Levy and Lucy are standing onto a hill overlooking Magnolia with Plue by her side as a fairy pass by the two of them as the girls turns around to face the camera. This scene is followed by Natsu standing in a ruined city with him looking for Igneel. The duo of Happy and Lisanna standing nearby him with Happy enjoying a fish and Lisanna looks at the duo of Happy and Natsu with a smile on her face, a fairy flying above the three of them.).

Oh yeah! Kikoeru made kimi no kokoro ga.
Oh Yeah! Oh Yeah!
(The group of Erza, Grace, and Tyrell are standing nearby a defeated monster with it being covered with sword slashes, bullet holes from a gun, and covered in frost. Erza looking serious with Tyrell looking at the destroyed city behind the monster. Said city was probably destroyed by the monster since Erza brought said monster into the city. Tyrell is clearly worried about the property damage of their fight this will cost the guild. Grace ,currently missing her top, is trying to comfort Tyrell. The trio have a fairy flying right past them. Finally, all of the fairies fly right past the duo of Frosch and Zane facing a cliff that is overlooking a forest. Zane turns around, giving the camera a thumbs up with his Z.E.R.O. Watch and has his signature smile as Frosch mimicked his father's action. The trio of Astaroth, Havoc, and Matrix appear as well.).

Tsuki to taiyou no haitachi. 
(The next scene shows Team Natsu (Erza, Happy, Lisanna, Lucy, and Natsu), the Mystic Vanguards (Grace, Levy, and Tyrell), and Team Maelstrom (Frosch and Zane) are currently on being a train to an unknown location with each being doing their own thing. Grace and Tyrell are currently playing a game of chess with Grace struggling to defeat him, Levy is reading a history book, Lisanna is reading a book on different kind of recipes that comes from all over Ishgar, Lucy is writing in her journal, Natsu is currently motion sick with his head in Erza's lap and with her running her hands through his hair, and Zane is currently sleeping pwith his headphones covering his ears and music playing in his ears, and the trio of Frosch, Happy, and Plue is dancing nearby them.).

Wasuremo we nai desuka? 
(The two teams are currently on a caravan before the next scene switches to a campfire. Erza is currently keeping guard over the camp, Frosch is enjoying a bowl of ice cream, Happy devouring a fish, Grace is currently sleeping nearby them without her pants on, Levy and Lisanna are reading from a map with the white haired girl sporadically looking over at Natsu, Lucy is giving a disapproving look at Grace due to her wearing not pants in front of the boys, Natsu is currently savagely eating some drumsticks that came from a nearby dead monster, Tyrell is currently mediating on top of a large collection of luggage, and Zane is playing some music on Yamata.). 

Okashii na kimi ga inai to.
Hoshii momo sae mitsukara nai. 
(During a rather depressing looking day in Magnolia and nearby Strawberry Street, Lucy is sitting on a bridge with a solemn expression on her face and Plue trying to comfort her. He turns around to see Levy with the rest of Team Natsu, the Mystic Vanguards, and Frosch standing there with the sky brightening up around her, causing her to smile as she runs over to them. Zane is nowhere to be seen during this heart warming moment.).

Snowing sunao ni egao ni nareta no wa. 
Futari Yorisoi. 
Kasane aruka "jikan" ga aru kara. 
(The next scene shows a montage of various adventures that aren't seen throughout the story. All three teams (Mystic Vanguards, Team Maelstrom, and Team Natsu) are currently enjoying a nice summer day at a water park straight from Atlantis while enjoying some frozen treats. Some whale sharks, dolphins, and other aquatic animals are playing in the background with Happy ignoring eating them due to the fish themed ice cream he's eating. The Mystic Vanguards are watching Grace and Natsu butting heads back in the guild hall with Tyrell shaking his head in disappointment and looks embarrassed due to Grace losing her clothes sometime during their squabble. She isn't naked yet but getting close too. Happy, Lisanna, and Lucy are there as well with the feline enjoying a fish and the two girls laughing at this. Frosch and Zane are standing in the center of the screen, looking ready to fight as the Order of Rukinity (Bulldog, Fox, Krota, and Selkie) appearing around the duo. The rest of Fairy Tail (Alzack, Bisca, Cana, Droy, Elfman, Evergreen, Freed, Jet, Laki, Loke, Macao, Makarov, Max, Mirajane, Nab, Reedus, Romeo, Vjeeter, Wakaba, and Warren) shortly appears.)         

Fairy, where are you going?
Hikari zenbu atsumete.
Kimi no ashita terasu yo.  
(Frosch turns into his guardian form with him smashing open the ground using a single punch. Grace takes a deep breath with her creating a massive explosion of ice, freezing a large group of lizardmen charging at her. Levy has the words "Shine" and "Poison", followed by "Fire" and "Water" mixed with "Blast", followed by "Sword" written above her, and the word "Iron" falling from the sky. Tyrell appears with him aiming his pistol toward a group of dark wizards, blasting them with a powerful blast of magic before blowing away smoke from his weapon's barrel. Zane holds up his watch and transforms into his most famous form aka Diamond Form with him getting launched into the air to the ground below him expanding. As the ground expanded, it glowed green. All of Fairy Tail's members look on from the distance, with it being followed by Zane landing his diamond fist hitting a giant demon like monster in the face.).

Don't say goodbye!
(Erza reequips into her Flame Empress Armor and charges toward Zane whose activated Arctic Shift wwith the two clashing, creating a explosion of light. As the light fades away, the duo of Frosch and Happy ,with both wings out, fly toward the screen with Frosch giving the sign of the horns with both of his paws and Happy winking. The two cats are gone with Frosch, Zane, Team Natsu, and the Mystic Vanguards standing in front of the Fairy Tail guild hall.). 

Narrator P.O.V.
It was now morning in Crystal Peak and most of the town was getting ready for the day. The always busy Arcane World was going to be even more busy due to today being the start of Sorcerer Weekly's Summer Slam and this was made evident by the lines trying to get into the amusement park. These lines were filled with fanboys and fangirls who were dying to see some of the most beautiful men and women throughout Fiore. 

There were a couple of people in line only wanting to explore the amusement park but the majority was only there to get a close up with the models. Perhaps get a handshake, hug from one of them, and a picture in no particular order. Some of the well known models of Sorcerer Weekly that were going to make an appearance are Blair Roman, Donovan Sazaba, Jenny Realight, Mirajane Strauss, Ren Kannagi, and Vashti Chravok. 

Despite this all star cast, there are some all stars that were missing. Two of these all stars were Hibiki Lates and Ichiya Kotobuki since there is a thing about Ren. If you see Ren at an event for Sorcerer Weekly, on a job, or in the Blue Pegasus guild hall, expect to see the other two members of the Trimen nearby. Neither Hibiki or Ichiya couldn't make it due to them being an mission which did upset their fans. Yes. You read that right. 

Ichiya does have his fans mainly the older wizards who admired his charisma and magic prowess but he is one of the most eligible wizard bachelors for reasons other than his looks. According to rumors, there are some unexpected guests joining the Summer Slam. Two of these guests are Grace Fullbuster, Levy McGarden, Lisanna Strauss and Tyrell Sequen. The males were please with this due Lisanna being a promising model herself and famous for her kind nature especially compared to Mira.

Much to the joy of her fanboys, neither the Salamander or Elfman were seen with her. Both of them are very protective of her with both of them tending to respond with violence if a guy gets too close to her much to hers and the magic council's annoyance. On the other hand, the female were happy with Tyrell due to him being one of the few Fairy Tail Wizards who doesn't cause destruction wherever they go. The other two Grace and Levy were famous wizards but have never model before. 

The fans mainly thought they were here to support their team member Tyrell but won't they be surprised to find out the truth. The crowd in front of the park couldn't wait for the Summer Slam to begin and while they enjoyed the models, they could enjoy the rides and decently priced food. Not a single one of them were aware of the attack on the park by the dark guild Resolute Revenants. Both Clifton and Othelia decided on not telling the crowd about this.

Both of them were aware of the danger since Sorcerer Weekly would never allow their models to get hurt especially since one of their models is their granddaughter Emma. There is also the fact that the Summer Slam brings in business. They would have asked for help from the Magic Council but refused to pay them their recently created/unearthed Dragon Slayer Lacrima. It was to make sure that God Serena didn't become any stronger and possibly go rogue.

According to the Professor of Magic herself, one more Dragon Slayer Lacrima implanted into his body would kill him. Him surviving more than two Lacrimas was already an impressive feat and shouldn't have any more power. They also claimed that they should just not waste their time on a dark guild that has done nothing for years. The co owners of the park world would have called the Royal Army but they had the assistance of Fairy Tail, Fiore's strongest guild. 

Just as the park was getting ready to open, the hired help were starting to wake up. At the Grandiose Vertex Resort, Grace was leaving her room in her typical sleepwear. Her sleepwear is very similar to her training gear. She walked out into the lounge area and she yawned. Due to her training when she was a young girl, she was a morning person and was usually up before the sun rose. She was used to being the only up at this hour and first to arrive at the guild. 

After pouring herself a glass of water, she turned toward the pool and her eyes widened. On top of the pool, she saw Zane sitting there and was meditating. It was just like the other day at the guild hall except he was seemingly floating above the water. "I wonder." thought Grace as she placed her glass of water down on the bar. She walked toward Zane with a smile forming on her face and got into her signature stance. "Ice-Make:...." whispered Grace as frost became coming off her body. 

Before she could cast her spell, she heard,"I wouldn't do that if I were you Grace. You do remember what happened to Hatchling right?". Grace blinked and turned around to see Zane standing there with his arms crossed. "Zane? But...." said Grace as she turned toward the pool and saw Zane meditating on top of the pool. "One of my techniques. It works great for multitasking. So what are you doing up so early? I think it's just about 6." said Zane. 

With a deep breath, the frost around Grace vanished. "I'm usually up this early. Mainly to get in some extra training. What about you?" said Grace. "Same here. I just wanted to get some training before today. Lets just say I got a feeling that today is going to be an interesting day. Still wish Clifton or Othelia would call off the Summer Slam. Even with all of us, I'm sure some innocent beings will be caught in the crossfire." said Zane with him looking toward the entrance of the park. 

Grace shook her head as she said,"Yeah. I guess that does sound worrying to a newbie like you but I'm sure we'll be fine. Like Mira told you and Levy several times yesterday, we will be fine since they got the protection of Fairy Tail.". "Yeah Zane. Why don't you have faith in the guild little Mavis and the three stooges created?" said Astaroth. "He would but this is Zane. Even when he's a hundred percent sure about something, he keeps his guard up. Do you think the Order is involved?" said Matrix.

Zane was quiet with her saying,"Yeah. I guess if you think they're involved, I guess your paranoid nature has a right to exist.". "They were involved with Zane's last job even though it wasn't an official one at least to little Makky. I'm still concerned how the Magic Council didn't do anything even though there is a single wizard who could make barriers around an entire city of this size in a guild which hasn't done anything noteworthy in a decade." said Havoc.

Astaroth nodded as he said,"He does have a point. I mean we've met a lot of Sorcerers over the years and putting up a barrier like that is nothing to scoff at. So have you done a scan over the city? With your powers, finding these criminals would be easier than breathing.". "Not yet since well, I have a feeling they'll be showing up in person to claim the Lacrima." said Zane. "Really? What makes you so sure about this?" said Matrix. 

Zane crossed his arms as he said,"It was something Skylar said yesterday that caught my attention. They mentioned how the park's guards have been told to keep an eye out for anyone bearing the Revenants guild mark. After everyone went to bed last night, I left the hotel and began checking over every guard's memory.". "You wanted to make sure that none of them were secretly working for them and had their guild mark hidden. Did you find anyone who was planning to sell out their bosses?" said Havoc. 

Matrix nodded as she said,"Or if Skylar is a boy or girl?". "No to either question. Really wish I got an answer to either of them but nope, I got nothing. Not a single snitch or traitor to the Brasard family since not a single one of them wants to go one of the council's prisons especially their head of security. I found out that he's very brutal when it comes to people who break the Brasard family's trust. The only thing the guards know about the Resolute Revenants is their master and guild mark." said Zane.

The A.I. nodded as she said,"As much I'm enjoying this conversation, we should probably continue this later. Don't want Grace to get suspicious. We can do some more detective work later. You did learn from the best." said Matrix. "Don't you mean sus Matrix?" said Astaroth. After saying that, the devil was shocked. "What in the nine realms is wrong with you Matrix? I didn't say anything perverted did I Havoc?" said Astaroth.

Havoc sighed as he said,"You didn't but you know that she hates that word just like how her mom hates that word. She does have a point though.". "Right." said Zane. "So Grace, mind answering a question for me?" said Zane. "Um sure." said Grace. "Your Ice-Make magic. How long do you think it would take for you to freeze the pool?" said Zane as the copy of Zane vanished. "Um. A weird question but I got an answer for you somehow." said Grace. "She does?" said Astaroth. 

Matrix looked at Grace with her saying,"That sounds like something you would know Zane not someone who can't keep her clothes on.". "Levy and Tyrell were curious about this and well depending on how much salt in the pool or how big the pool is, it could take me about one to five minutes. With the size of this pool, it would take me a minute at the most. So why do you want me to freeze the pool?" said Grace. 

Zane smiled as he said,"Even though I'm still working on the perfect training requirement for you Grace, I want to show you Impulse. From what I read about Ice-Make magic in the guild's library and what I've seen for you, I'm sure you'll be able to grasp the concepts of Impulse rather quickly.". "Okay  then. You got it. Just watch. Ice-Make: Ocean!" said Grace as she joined both of her hands together. She slammed them into the body of water in front of her and froze it in a matter of seconds. 

In the center of the pool, there was a giant ice rose with the Fairy Tail symbol coming out of it. "Oh wow. That was fast. About thirty seconds." said Zane. "Thanks Zane. It would have taken me less time but I want to make the rose as well. So what are you going to do?" said Grace. "Just watch and focus your attention on my actions." said Zane as he walked onto the ice. Following his instructions, Grace looked at Zane and blinked. 

Grace stared at Zane with her thinking,"Hold on. I'm sensing something from him. Is he using magic or....". Her thoughts were stopped by Zane's voice. "Do you sense it Grace?" said Zane. "Yeah. I somehow do. You're using Impulse aren't you? So why isn't the ice breaking? You aren't using the same amount of it as you did when you showed it off the other day but the ice should have shattered into pieces." said Grace. 

Zane smiled as he said while cocking back his left arm,"It's simple really. What I did the other day was releasing the Impulse out of my entire body but right now, I have it focused in my arm and plan on letting it loose without waking up the others. I also plan on destroying the ice sculpture and not the ice below me. Archon Punch.". Grace noticed that his arm was covered in indigo colored veins and Zane brought his fist forward in a quick yet simple jab. 

This action confused Grace with her saying,"Um. What did you do exactly? I mean it was cool I guess but....". Before she could finish her sentence, she saw that the ice sculpture was shattered and sent flying off into the distance. "Now do you see what I did? Tell me. I'm curious to hear your thought process about it. There is no wrong answer." said Zane. "I could be wrong about this but you focused Impulse into your arms and released a shockwave to hit the sculpture." said Grace.

Zane looked at her as she said,"I may be wrong about this though since well, Levy is the smart one in the Mystic Vanguards. She is able to figure out one of Freed's riddles within an hour after hearing and let me tell you. Freed's riddles could stump the Professor of Magic herself.". "Not a bad guess. You were right about me releasing a shockwave from my fist and that was me turning the gathered up Impulse into it." said Zane.

After saying, Zane began tapping his foot on the ice below him. "Normally, that attack would have destroyed the ice below me but you can see that it didn't. I was able to manipulate the gathered up Impulse upon firing it. This is a pretty strong power is it not?" said Zane. "Yeah. It really is. So thanks for letting me be your student." said Grace. "It's no problem Grace. Like one of my teachers noticed about me, I love to teach others how to become stronger." said Zane.

Matrix nodded as she said,"You really do Zane. So why is that you refuse to taking a teaching job?". "I guess Zane is more of a mobile teacher rather than a stationary one." said Astaroth. "So you know how you use Ethernano to enhanced your agility, defense, and power right?" said Zane. "Totally." said Grace. "You may have to explain it to her Zane. She seems confused." said Havoc. "Like most beings whenever he goes into a rant about how a power could work." said Astaroth. 

Zane sighed as he said,"Okay. Let me explain. I'm pretty sure that you subconsciously circulated Ethernano throughout your body. Whenever you use Ethernano or magic, you feel it right?". "Uh huh. I kinda get what you're saying. Tyrell told me about this once. As a wizard, we gather up the Ethernano particles that exist all around us and absorb into our bodies. We then use the strength of our feelings and emotions to control the magic. So Impulse is just like that then huh." said Grace. 

The Cross Species nodded as he said,"Yep. How a being access Impulse is different being that instead of using your emotions to access magic, some beings use the concept of a being's fighting spirit or try to understand what it really is. Simple cause and effect.". "You had me at the start there but you lost me at the end Zane." said Grace. "To put it very simply, you need to know that Impulse is Ethernano but on a grander scale." said Zane.

Grace nodded as Zane said,"We're going to be around a lot of magic today so what I want you to do is simple.". He began walking off the ice with Grace noticing that each one of Zane's steps was melting away the ice below except there was no fire or anything touching it. It was just doing it naturally. "Do you sense the difference between my attack earlier, what I'm doing right now, and what I did the other day?" said Zane. "Not really. I guess that's what you want me to do today right?" said Grace.

After a handful of steps, half of the ice was gone. "Find out the difference between how wizards use Ethernano. So what will happen once I do that?" said Grace. "You'll be able to use Impulse and make Hatchling look like an idiot." said Zane as he left the pool just as the ice vanished. "Cool. So do you think meditating will help?" said Grace. "It will and I suggest doing that. Do you mind telling the others that I went out?" said Zane. "Um sure but where are you going?" said Grace. 

She was confused by Zane's actions. "Going to get some breakfast. No offense to the Brasard but well, I tend to prefer a more quiet place to get a place to eat some bacon." said Zane. "Ah. You think that those punks from yesterday will be glaring at you like they did when we arrived at the hotel." said Grace with a frown. "Bingo. Tell Frosch I'll be back." said Zane as Grace nodded and got into a meditative state just as Zane left the suite. 

As Zane was getting ready to leave Arcane World to get something to eat, the Scrums were getting ready for the biggest job in their entire careers. If they failed, they wouldn't be losing a little finger but their lives. "I still can't believe we have to work with those punks from the illustrious Oracion Seis and the lone wolves Raven Tail." said a Scrum. He along with his fellow Scrums were forced to clean up after the fight last night which had a body count of a hundred. 

Most of the dead bodies were from Cobra's Poison Dragon's Plague and Rucolt/Baldur's Gravity Change combination. "Yeah. We have to clean up the outsiders's mess and have to show up at one of the meeting spots for the raid later today or we'll be burned alive by the boss. What kind of god did we piss off to deserve this?" said another Scrum. As they continued to clean, the warehouse floor was covered in a white fog and the Scrums noticed it. "So what the hell is this smoke?" said Scrum #3. 

Scrum #4 nodded with him saying,"Beats me. It's pissing me off. Gale Assault.". He unleashed a wave of air from his body and tried to blow away the fog. However, the fog stayed there. "Seriously? What the hell is going on?" said Scrum #3. One of the Scrums was silent as he heard,"I don't think you want to know.". He turned around and screamed before getting knocked out cold. This scream caught the attention of the other Scrums with Scrum #2 saying,"You! What are you doing here?!". 

The voice chuckled as it said,"Just doing what my goddess tells me to do and boy let me tell you.". The Scrum turned to see Bulldog standing there and was holding up their Scrum pal. "I really love doing it. So before I kick the tar out of you, tell me about your little job. I heard about it and well, I'm interested so how about you...." said Bulldog. "Take this! Fire Bullet!" shouted Scrum #3 and Scrum #4. Two large bullet like streams went toward Bulldog and the captured Scrum with Bulldog smiling. 

Instead of dodging, both of them were engulfed in flames and this created a smoke cloud upon contact with the wizards. "You idiots! What are you doing?!" shouted Scrum #1. "Do you really think we would betray the boss like that? No way in hell would any one of us do that." said Scrum #4. "Yeah man. It's all of us against him. What could possibly go wrong?" said Scrum #3. "How cute. Your attack is more than embers." said a voice.

The Scrums turned toward the voice with it saying,"I think you need to see how hot something can really be. Brawling Spirit: Explosive Wave!". There was the sound of a clap appearing and the Scrums turned to see a massive explosion heading toward them. The explosion sent ten of them flying, crashing into the higher parts of the warehouse. "Oh wow. Your attacks were so pathetic." said the voice as the smoke cleared. 

Bulldog stood there with him not looking at bothered by their attack. "Rock Storm!" said two Scrums as Bulldog looked up to see several boulders heading toward him. "Rumble!" said Bulldog with him punching the boulders. Upon punching the boulder, it exploded and turns into rubble. The rubble hit the Scrums with Bulldog charging toward them and his fists were glowing fiery red. "Brawling Spirit: Solar Barrage!" said Bulldog with him firing out several fists of light toward the Scrum. 

Unlike Zane, the Scrums couldn't dodge the fists of light. As the dust settled, there was only one Scrum remaining. Before the Scrum could run away, he was grabbed by Bulldog and was held in the air. "I suggest you tell me where your boss, one of your Five Atrocious Beasts, or the hired help are or you'll be tuned into a bloody mess on the wall." said Bulldog with his fist glowing with Ethernano. "Which one are you looking for in particular?!" said the Scrum. 

Bulldog looked at him as he said,"Whichever ones will give me a good fight. Master Hades promised me a chance to fight pinecone hair if I managed to stop your boss's plan. So beside for volcano head, tell me who the strongest is. I'll let you live if you do.". "In my opinion, it would have to be either Cobra or Burgundy Coyote." said the Scrum. "Okay then. So mind telling me where either one of there are?" said Bulldog. "Over at Arcane World!" said the Scrum. 

The Scrum pointed toward the hole in the warehouse that Bulldog made earlier and the cult member turned to see the park. "We're planning on attack the amusement park in order to get the young master even more power." said the Scrum. "And what do you mean by that?" said Bulldog. "We're going to implant a Dragon Slayer Lacrima into him in order to create the Ultimate Magic World." said the Scrum. 

Bulldog blinked with him smiling. "Thank you for telling me that." said Bulldog as he punched the Scrum in the stomach. It knocked him out with the Scrum getting sent flying and Bulldog left the warehouse through the hole he made earlier. "I think I found a fight worth my time since well, I sense him. Time for a rematch. Hope you deliver." said Bulldog with him smiling and cracked his knuckles with each knuckle crack of his making a small shockwave.

As Bulldog began making his way to the park, Zane was currently walking through Crystal Peak. "Now that was a good breakfast." said Zane, rubbing his stomach and had a bright smile on his fac. "I guess even in a dimension that you personally created, you will always make sure that the small diners have the best food." said Matrix. "It was good though Matrix. Thanks for slipping me a couple bites." said Havoc. "It's no problem Havoc." said Zane. "Hey partner. Look up ahead." said Astaroth. 

Zane looked ahead and turned to see a group of Scrums intimidating some people. "Want to go stop them? I'm sure you'll possibly get some information about their master's plan if you do and get to relieve the old days." said Astaroth. "Sure. If we're going old school about this, I think we should do it in style." said Zane with him vanishing from sight. Nearby Zane, six Scrums were intimidating some shop keepers mainly to kill some time before the job begins. 

Master Discord assigns the Scrums, four out of five Atrocious Beasts, and the hired help from the Balam Alliance to be a distraction for the Amusement Park while one group collects the Dragon Slayer Lacrima from its location within the Amusement Park. After hearing about how the park hired the models and Fairy Tail to defend said Lacrima, Discord changed up his plan. His initial plan was to charge the Amusement Park and overwhelm them with force but things have to change. 

There were now going to be two groups attacking the Amusement Park while Discord and his group obtains the Dragon Slayer Lacrima. This group was working under the recently returned Lavender Ammit and for some reason, the two dark wizards Angel and Flare. It was obvious to everyone that Angel and Vucille didn't get along with the two constantly either glaring at each other or saying passive aggressive comments. 

In order to escape the two bickering beauties, six of the Scrums went to go have some fun and the townspeople were perfect for having fun with. These Scrums were currently extorting a magic shop which had much better wares than Proper Grocer. This magic shop was nearby a grocery store and a pop-up store that sold a variety of fruits and veggies. Four of the Scums looked like the typical Scrum but two of them were decently tough wizards. 

Not on the same level as one of the Atrocious Beasts or a member of the hired help but they could handle a platoon of royal soldiers or rune knights no problem. This duo was around the same level as Browan, Droak, and Kurkow. It may not seem like they're stronger due to how those three were easily defeated but they are B-Class Dark Wizards and this was the same class of wizard as Rory from Chapter 2 so that means something right? 

The two stronger Scrum were currently leaving the extortion work to the weaker ones mainly to keep their boss happy. These Scrums were currently extorting a magic shop which had much better wares than Proper Grocer. "So shop keep, how about you let me and my boys have some of your items for free or..." said one of the Scrums. To intimidate the shopkeeper and its customers, one of the Scums used his metal bat to slam down on a cart of cabbage

If you're curious, this cart belong to the pop-up store. This violent action caused the crowd of bystanders to scream in fear and for the owner of the cart, it was the absolute worst and wanted each one of the Scrums head mainly to avenge his lost merchandise. This has been your daily Avatar the Last Airbender reference. "Dude. Why did you attack that cart? It literally did nothing to you beside existing." said one of the Scums. 

After putting his bat over his shoulder, the scrum said,"I just hate vegetables. We may have left the base in order to get some weapons for the operation today but I refuse to let them live and prosper.". To make his hated of vegetables more obvious, he swung his bat into some cabbages and broke it. "So does he know that she hates when we attract unnessacry attention?" said one of the Scrum with his fellow Scrum shrugging. "I don't think he cares at the moment." said the Scrum. 

With a loud sigh, the Scrum who was intimating the shopkeeper turned back to him. "Anyway, how about you give us your weapons or you'll be like those cabbages." said the Bully Scrum. Before the shopkeeper could anything to please these hooligans, the bat wielding Scrum had a green glow around him and smiled. He turned around and slammed his bat into one of the Scrum who didn't see it coming at all. The Scrum who got a face full of bat went to the ground and his nose was bleeding. 

If you're curious, he was the Scrum that questioned Bat Scrum's actions earlier. "Dude. What the hell is wrong with you?" said the shrugging Scrum as he looked at his guildmate. "I just felt like it and I want to see how durable you punks are before I can cut loose." said Bat Scrum as he fell to the ground unconscious and covered in a faint layer of frost that wasn't your typical color. It was a solid silver blue color. "So what just happened?" said the Scrum. 

He is the one who was intimating the confused yet scared shopkeeper. "That's a very good question man because I have no idea." said the shrugging Scrum. "If you really want to know, I'll be happy to show you." said a deep yet haunting voice. The two Scrums and the people watching this happening looked for the owner of this voice. From Bat Scrum, something emerge from him and it was Zane in Specter Form. He's 6 feet tall with him being a greenish gray ghost.

His body is semi-transparent and vaporous. His head/skull is a cylindrical shape with his singular eye being in the center of it. His arms are well developed with five large steel gray bone claws for his fingers. His body is completely covered in black cracks that connect to his eye. His eye is a red color with a black iris. His mouth is usually closed but when he opens his mouth, there is a long black and white stripped tongue. His hair is a white fog like ghostly plume looking like fire.

Zane has a short red antenna with a disc shaped top in the center of his chest. His legs are a wisp like tail. He wears a old and very ripped black cloak over his body. This also has gold chains on the front side of his body with bracelets/cuffs around his arms, neck, and waist and gold chains connected them together. The strange protrusion in his chest doesn’t interfere with his chain. His elbows had spikes on them. "What the hell is that?" said the Shrugging Scrum. 

The Bully Scrum turned to his guildmate and he said,"I think it's a Take Over but I've never seen a creature like that before in my life.". Before either Scrum could do anything, Zane smiled and he flew toward them. The Shrugging Scrum saw the ghost flying toward him and his eyes widening. He grabbed a nearby magic gun and aimed at Zane with him saying,"Stay back you freak! Guns Magic: Spark Shot!". 

Several electricity bullets went flying toward Zane and instead of hitting Zane, they went right though him. "Missed me. I would say that you have to kiss me but sorry, you're not my type of guy." said Zane. "What the? I know that I didn't miss...." said the Scrum with him being unable to move. He looked down to see that his arms and legs were wrapped in black and gray striped tentacles that came out of the ground.

Before he could try to shoot them off, Zane emerged  from the ground and revealed that the tentacles came from his body. "And now, it's time for me to do one of my favorite attacks." said Zane with him making the Scrum aim the stolen gun at the other conscious Scrum. "What are you doing?! Stop him already!" said the gunner. "Right! Take this Aerial Shot!" said the Bully Scrum. He swiped his hand toward Zane with several pieces of wood from the destroyed cabbage cart floating in the air.

These shards of wood went flying toward Zane and the ghost smiled. "Perfect. You fell right into my trap you dumbass." said Zane as he moved the gunner Scrum to block the wood shards as a human shield. Instead of hitting Zane, this cut the Scrum. He was out cold with the tentacles letting him go and went back into Zane. "So since you're the last one standing, how about you tell me more about your plan to...." said Zane.

Crisis Judgement went off as the remaining Scrum's eyes widening. His body was covered in a faint layer of frost. "Hey. What's going on here?!" said the Scrum as the frost began covering more of his body. "Beats me. I didn't touch you or anything like that. That isn't my ice." said Zane. "No. I wouldn't betray the boss or anything like that. Please don't...." said the Scrum as he was completely frozen solid and in a state of horror. 

Zane blinked with him turning to the three defeated Scrum and saw that all of them were frozen solid just like their pal. "Okay. That was weird. You didn't need to do anything to him." said Havoc. "Do you think it's an anti-snitch protocol?" said Matrix. "Possibly. Whatever just happened. I'm sure we'll found how it happened in due time." said Astaroth. "He has a point. We should check on the shop keeper and see if he knows anything." said Zane.      

As Zane ,out of Specter Form, was trying to get some answers from the shop keeper or the crowd, the two remaining Scrums were watching this happen from a safe distance away. These two are Enzibar and Rangen with them being well known for their assassination skills, motivated by Jewels, and being very close with each other rather than women. By very close, I mean that they are a couple and tend to go on dates with each other before performing their jobs. 

Yes. They are a couple and unlike the Ambiguously Gay characters of Cana, Freed, and Kagura, they in fact swing for the other team. If you need an example of this, think Sorbet and Gelato from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Part 5 Vento Aureo/Golden Wind. Compared to the more muscular duo of Browan and Kurkow, these two are more normal looking just like Droak. Enzibar has a strong muscular build with him being an average height and has a fair complexion. 

He has a slight tan to him with him having wavy sandy brown hair. His hair spikes upwards and he has orange eyes. He has an intricate tattoo that goes under his eyes and a well-manicured goatee. Do note that this isn't a goatee of evil but just a regular one. He wears a brown hooded sweatshirt with gray fiery stripes and it's open, exposing his upper half exposed. He wears dark gray jeans and red shoes. He wears black wristbands. 

Tied to his waist, there is a magic katana with a red handle and just beginning to be used. Rangen has a slim build with him being a head taller than Enzibar but looked to be more delicate. His skin is pale and compared to his more masculine lover, Rangen has more delicate facial features. In fact, he could pose as a woman rather well and Rangen has done this before. He has long, straight dark blue hair. He has black eyes that are usually closed and only open up on rare occasions

He wears a dark blue/gray headband which covers his forehead completely. He wears a black leather jacket with a sleeveless collared red dress shirt under his jacket. His jacket has gray studded shoulders pads. He wears a pair of blue jeans and brown-gray sandals. He wears dark blue gloves/mittens. "I can't believe it." said Enzibar. "Believe what En? The fact that a Fairy Tail wizard is trying to find out where our bosses are before we raid the amusement park." said Rangen. 

Enzibar shook his head as he said,"No. Like you told me, you expected one of them to be sneaking around and looking for our boss.". "So what don't you believe?" said Rangen. "The idea of them betraying Discord and the rest of us. You had to use your Ice Capsule Spell on them." said Enzibar. "I see now. You honestly thought I wouldn't have to use that spell but don't forget. The master and Lady Vucille told us to take care of anyone who would dare threaten our plan." said Rangen.

Before Rangen froze the Scrums that fought Specter Form, they had to take care of the Scrums who informed Bulldog about their job including the bit about the young master. "We can't fail this job since we haven't had any work in a while." said Rangen. "Yeah. I can't believe no one will hire our guild but they'll hire those  freaks in Eisenwald. Is it because of us?" said Enzibar. Noticing the concern in his partner, Rangen held his hand and smiled. 

This was a normal thing for Enzibar to do since while he loved Rangen, he always imagined that the rest of Fiore didn't approve of their love despite their guild saying otherwise. "Do not worry about that little issue. I'm sure it is because the fact we charge a bit more than the Death God. Our times of loss will change." said Rangen. "Okay. I believe you Ran. So where is Lady Corina? She's supposed to meet us here right? I wonder if she got captured." said Enzibar. "Nope. I didn't." said a voice.

Upon hearing that voice, the two turned around to see a security guard standing there. If you want a description of this security guard, imagine a plain and average looking person. The type of person who would get lost in the crowd. "So what took you so long Lady Corina? You usually don't take so long to break into a place." said Rangen. The security guard smiled with him glowing purple pink and turned into smoke. 

As the smoke cleared, Corina stood there. "It was one of the Fairies. He was actually looking for any spies among the guards since they're all super friendly. He is really handsome though. Even more than those models." said Corina. "Hold on. Did this Fairy have black hair?" said Enzibar. "Yeah. He also had a scar over his eye. Why are you asking?" said Corina. "He isn't done with his investigation. Let me show you. Fire Show." said Enzibar as his hands were covered in fire. 

The fire turned into a mirror made out of fire appeared and it showed Corina what just happened earlier. Despite her disliking seeing her allies getting hurt, she did laugh when one of the Scrum got hit with the bat. "I see. Have you inform anyone else yet?" said Corina as the fire mirror vanished. "Not yet. We want to wait for you before informing Lady Vucille or the boss. Either option works for me." said Rangen. "I see. Enzibar. Do you mind heading to inform Vucille by yourself?" said Corina. 

Enzibar crossed his arms as he said,"Sure but why?". "Because I and the other Atrocious Beasts know where Discord and the Young Master are. We would let you guys know but Stark doesn't trust those outsiders. I don't either after what they did to Big sis." said Corina with her clenching her fists. "And you need my magic to get there and erase my memory of the location afterwards. Is that correct?" said Rangen. "Bingo! So lets get going." said Corina. "Okay. I'll see you real soon En." said Rangen. 

With a smile, Enzibar said,"You too Ran.". "Um. You two know that we don't mind if you show off your love. Just be sensible about it." said Corina. "We know that Lady Corina but on a job, we don't act like honeymooners." said Rangen. "Yeah. We're professionals after all." said Enzibar. "That's cool I guess. I just presume you two would be more open about your love." said Corina. Rangen smiled as he placed his hands on Corina and he looked forward. "Direct Line." said Rangen with him teleporting away. 

As he watched Rangen leave with Corina, he left the rooftop and went to go inform Vucille about Zane trying to find them out. However, the couple's interaction was being watched by the duo of Cobra and Cubellios. Cubellios couldn't see them but she was sure that Cobra could hear them using his impressive hearing that could listen to a conversion on the other side of Fiore if he's completely focused. "So I guess there is a wizard who has some brains. He is a member of that guild." said Cobra. 

He turned toward his snake partner and the snake was ready for whatever order he had for her. "Go to Angel and inform her about this. She'll inform Baldur about this as well but we need to see if one of the Fairies will allow us to get a meeting with one of their best. I'll head back to my location. Don't want Stark to tell his dear old dad about us." said Cobra with the snake nodding. Cubellios was gone. "We'll get our revenge on you Jellal." said Cobra with him leaving to the location where Stark was.

In front of Starlight Castle, six of seven Fairy Tail members were standing there. The wizards were standing there with Skylar who stood there and looked calm. Mira on the other hand wasn't and this was made obvious due to her tapping her foot in annoyance. "So are you sure about Zane Grace? Big sis is getting annoyed." said Lisanna. "And that means he is going to be in trouble for two things. Being late for the meet up with the other models and not telling her about leaving the hotel." said Tyrell. 

Grace nodded as she began rubbing her arm. When she finished her morning meditation, she was hit by Mira after telling her about Zane. "I wouldn't lie to Mira. Zane just left the hotel to get some breakfast without being stared at." said Grace. Levy sighed as she shook her head. "Are you okay Levy?" said Frosch with him looking concerned. "I'm fine but I wish I told Zane about the deadly combo of Mira not being a morning person and her disliking of people not telling her something important." said Levy. 

Frosch tilted his head as he said,"So is Zane not telling her that he was leaving important?". "Of course it is!" said Mira with her glaring at Frosch and leaking just a bit of her magical aura. "Okay then." said Frosch. "Oh wow. He isn't scared of Mira when she's like this." whispered Grace. "I guess there is another difference between him and Happy." whispered Lisanna. "Calm down Mira. I'm sure Zane will show up in time. So where are we meeting the other models Skylar?" said Tyrell.

To try and calm Mira down, he turned toward the receptionist. "At the Star Dome. Lady Emma is there right now. I do wish I knew the reason for the guard's hatred toward Zane but I hope he enjoyed some of Crystal Peak's food. I would personally recommend the lobster." said Skylar with a smile. "He better be here or else." said Mira with her cracking her knuckles. "Or else what?" said a voice. The five wizards, talking cat, and receptionist turned to see Zane standing there. "Sup." said Zane.

Without a moment hesitation, Mira stomped toward Zane and she looked up at him. "Oh wow. She's so intimidating." said Astaroth. "Yeah. She really is. Hide me from her Zane! I knew we should have left a note behind instead of relying on Grace!" said Havoc. "You should know by now that Astaroth is being sarcastic. She's also not that scary to Zane since well, she's tiny to him." said Matrix. "Even though she's tiny, her power isn't something to ignore." said Astaroth. 

The devil crossed his arms as he said,"She would give a weaker man trouble. Zane isn't one of those men.". "Wait a second. I could be wrong but did I just hear Astaroth compliment a woman by her strength rather her beauty?" said Havoc. "Yeah he did Havoc. I guess the Horny Prevention System worked. Thanks daddy for making it." said Matrix. "Ha ha. You two are so funny." said Astaroth with his eyes rolled.  

As this conversation was going on, Mira was staring up at Zane who was taller than her brother who is one of the tallest members of the guild. "So Zane. Pray tell. Why didn't you tell us where you were going?" said Mira. "I did. I told Grace that I was going out to get some breakfast because of the guards staring at me." said Zane. "See? I told you Mira. You just didn't believe me because you hate morning people and that's due to the fact that you hate waking up in the morning." said Grace. 

Mira looked at Zane with her seeing that unlike most people, he wasn't intimidated by her. "Oh. I see how it is." said Mira with her narrowing her eyes and began cracking her knuckles. Unlike Bulldog, her knuckle cracks didn't make a shockwave but were still rather threatening. It send goosebumps all through Grace's skin and this was obvious due to Grace missing her jacket. She smiled evilly and to Grace, she looked like a devil. "Guess I won't feel bad about this at all!" said Mira. 

Before she could do anything, a hand landed on her shoulder and this got her attention. She snapped out of her anger and turned her head to see Levy looking at her with an serious expression. "Mira. That's enough. At this rate, you're going to give Grace a heart attack. I'll handle it okay? I asked for his help along with Frosch. They're my responsibility." said Levy. Mira stared at the taller girl and to Grace and Lisanna, it seemed like the two were going to fight like a certain knight and devil back in the day. 

This didn't happen with the she-devil shrugging her shoulders and stepped aside to let Levy handle this problem. "So I'm your responsibility huh?" said Zane with a smirk. "Of course. You're still a rookie and despite Mira being angry at you, she was worried about you. She thought you got attacked outside the park." said Levy. At the moment, she didn't notice the fact that she said that he was hers. You may think that is a stretch and you would be right. 

Do note that this will be brought upon again in due time. "Did you?" said Frosch. "A little. He may look strong but that could just be a farce." said Mira. "Like you being a heartless woman?" said Tyrell. Mira looked away with Lisanna and Tyrell smiling. "Well, I can handle any trouble that could have happened which I did." said Zane. "What do you mean by that exactly?" said Grace. "Oh. I fought against some of the goons of the Resolute Revenants guild." said Zane. "You did?" said Lisanna. 

Zane nodded as he said,"Yep and they were nothing too difficult to deal with.". "And why did they fight you?" said Mira. "They didn't fight me exactly because they were trying to obtain some magic weapons from a local magic shop and according to the crowd of people watching, they are planning on doing something. One member of the crowd wanted them dead since they destroyed his cabbages. Yeah. I'm not joking about that." said Zane.

The Cross Species recalled having to stop the traveling salesman from breaking the Scrums into pieces using their very own bat. "And what would that something be?" said Levy. "No clue Levy. Before I could get an answer, all four of them froze up literally. I couldn't even read their minds to get some information. It was just like when I tried to get some information from the guards. I got nothing since all of them are loyal to the park and refuse to sell out to terrorists." said Zane. 

Havoc nodded as he said,"Or they rather not go to one of the Magic Council Prison.". "Zane. If I know you like I do, you'll probably want to see if the Magic Council Prison is that bad and probably break out of it." said Matrix. "I think you got caught partner." said Astaroth. "Since all of you are here, we should probably head to the Star Dome." said Skylar. "Yeah. We can have this conversation later." said Zane with the five wizards and cat agreeing with him.  

In due time, they were in front of a small arena and this arena could probably hold a hundred thousand people no problem. "So what exactly are we going to be doing? I mean I know what my guildmates will be doing since all of them are famous." said Zane. "And hopefully, it won't be their waterboy." said Havoc. "All of you will be exploring the park with the other models we have at the park. While you enjoy the park, you will be performing modeling duties in the process." said Skylar. 

The receptionist smiled as they said,"All over the park, we have Camera Lacrimas ready to take pictures that will show off our models beauty and how amazing the park is. While the former will get us more magazine sales, the latter will get us more business here at the park even though our prices aren't exactly the most fair.". "Let me guess. We'll be walking around in bikinis." said Grace. "Nope. If we were at the beach, that would be the case but we're not." said Skylar.

Lisanna nodded as she knew about how Sorcerer Weekly never required the models to do something that they were personally not comfortable with. "Would have been by a problem for you? I mean..." said Skylar with Grace currently being in her underwear. "Yeah. Despite her walking proudly around in her lingerie, she does mind wearing a bikini for some reason." said Mira with Grace looking down to see that she was in her underwear. 

The group was in front of a set of double doors and the receptionist opened the door. "Please wait inside. I shall inform the other models about our plan. If you are more curious about our plan, just ask and I shall answer them. Just say my name and I shall appear." said Skylar. "Okay!" said Frosch as the receptionist smiled. The receptionist was gone with them leaving behind the Fairies in a room with four sets of double doors. In the room, there was a miniature beach here and it looked somewhat realistic.

Said beach had golden sand but instead of there being a very gorgeous ocean accompany it, there was a background of one. "So is Sorcerer Weekly dedicated to their craft? Ignoring the background, the sand at least looks realistic." said Matrix. "So do you know who design this? It looks just like a beach back home." said Frosch. "No clue but this level of quality is standard for Sorcerer Weekly. They spare no Jewel in making sure that a model's beauty really shine." said Mira. 

Lisanna nodded as she said,"Which is a good thing I guess.". "Yeah. I rather model for a company that gives it their all rather than doing a half assed job." said Astaroth. Both Havoc and Matrix began laughing after hearing that. "I'm real sorry Astaroth but you being a model is too funny." said Havoc. "So you two come from a beach town huh." said Tyrell. "Yeah. I always enjoyed swimming even during the harshest winter." said Zane. 

Matrix nodded as she said,"I think you only did stuff like that for charity.". "Or when you and your friends felt like doing something stupid which happened a lot especially during your younger days." said Astaroth. "Yeah. Those were the days." said Zane. "Did you just do something stupid with Danny and the guys just the other day? I don't think it was charity." said Havoc. Before the Fairies could try and learn more about two of their newest members, Skylar returned. 

The receptionist smiled with them saying,"Let me introduce you to the other models who are aware of the dark guild.". "What do you mean by that exactly?" said Grace. "I'm pretty sure Clifton didn't tell the non-wizards models about the dark guild that was planning to attack on the park." said Mira. "Of course. We plan to have them and our customers under close guard more than you guild wizards given how you fight against monsters on a semi-daily basis." said Skylar. 

Out of one of the set of double doors, a soft feminine said,"That was my idea by the way.". The group turned to see a girl standing there. She looked to be around Lucy's age and around the same height as Laki aka 5 foot 4. She has peach colored skin, long blond hair that was held in a low sleek ponytail held by an azure blue ribbon, and light orange eyes. She's wearing a light gray hoodie with it open, revealing her yellow spaghetti tank top. 

She's wearing her tank top with a white knee skirt and brown calf-length boots. When she caught sight of the Faires, she smiled in a friendly manner. "It's nice to meet all of you outside of Jason's articles. My name is Emma Steele." said Emma. "Sup. Nice to meet you. The name is Zane Strife. So are you a full time model like Mirajane? Or a part timer like Lisanna and Tyrell?" said Zane. "I'm like Lisanna and Tyrell since I'm studying to become a doctor." said Emma. 

Grace looked at her as she said,"So why are you modeling? No offense here but modeling doesn't exactly pay the bills.". "For others maybe but no me and Lis." said Mira. "Yeah but we're the exception rather than the rule." said Lisanna. "Because I thought it would be fun and my grandfather begged me to be at least one Summer Slam before going to medical school. I just so happened to pick the one where a dark guild plans to attack the park. My luck right?" said Emma. 

Zane shrugged as he said,"Yeah but you'll be protected by some of Fairy Tail's best wizards and I got to ask. When you become a doctor, do you mind checking out my wounds? I have a bad experience with most doctors and well, I really want to change that.". "Sure thing Zane. You'll be one of my first patients." said Emma. "So is he flirting with her? I honestly can't tell." said Tyrell. "I think he is. Zane and flirting go together hand in hand." said Frosch. 

Mira shrugged as he said,"At least, he's slightly better than Loke. A low bar but still, that guy only stops flirting with you if you use force.". "Hey Emma! Wait up! You promised that we would meet the Fairies together!" said a female voice. "Lets just hope one of them isn't Salamander." said a second female voice. "And that would be a bad thing because? I mean I wanted to have a spar with him for a long time." said the first female voice. 

There was a loud sigh as the second female voice said,"You didn't have your long awaited soak in one of Balsam Village's best hot springs ruined due to him and the Yuki-Onna having one of their pointless fights." said the second female voice. "Oh yes. I heard about that incident from Master Ooba. She always find their antics funny." said a third female voice. "Yeah but no offense to her, I and several others heavily disagree." said the second female voice.

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