Thursday, August 2, 2018

Zero Episode 103.5

A/N: This post is part of Zero Episode 103 being that post was long enough without this information so this is still Zero Episode 103. This post is about Zane's power at first, some Arcadia U's facts, and Sierra's story. Enjoy.

Zane's New Power:
Wildfire Overdrive. This power is the best representation of Zane’s Existence, Resolve, and Strength, in combat or not. It comes out as fire being that it’s the element that has the power to develop or destroy a civilization, the element of life, passion, and power, and it never gives up just like Zane. This fire was once orange and red ,like most pyrokinetics, but it changed. This is because of Primordial. It changed to emerald green with an obsidian black tint.

At first, Zane thought he was only able to manipulate fire but he soon found out while he was training how to control his body temperature alongside Yahi, he was giving off features and noticeable traits/genes of Akostar aka the dragons of the Astral Realm and the Omniverse. He would have asked Sly but she knows very little about her species. He and Sly soon found out what an Akostar is thanks to Heroes Lexicon being that it’s very detailed about other species.

Upon learning more about the species, Sly and Zane decided to train together being that Sly wanted to help her partner in his quest to kill Skull Plague and they trained together. He can generate his flames from any part of his body at will with no effort or movement on his part. He control his flames like he would with breathing. Thanks to Zane’s ability to manipulate his body’s temperature, he can control the temperature of his flames, either really cold or hot.

His flames have the potential to be extremely hot being that their max temperature is higher than normal. It’s been said that they can be hotter than even white flames. These flames can easily burn through anything in their path such as most metals, ice, and water plus those who have a high tolerance toward heat or fire. They can cause combustion upon contact being that it depends on Zane. He decides if his flames will burn or not.

He can set an entire forest on fire with just a single ember. His flames are intense being that it’s very dense and powerful making it very hard to douse them. They have enough strength to destroy a building wall with ease. Zane can use these flames to stop self-healers by instantly cauterizing their wounds. Despite his flames being destructive, they have the power to heal and helps a person’s natural healing process increase to metahuman level.

His fire has the ability to restore an object back to normal being able to restore a person’s arm from it being destroy or heal scars by going back in time before the scar happening. This is a mixture of Form Restoration, Regression, and Retrogression. His fire powered attacks are so strong being that they can easily take out multiple opponents with just a single strike. He can use his flames to augment his physical features tenfold.

They now have his physical attacks/speed much stronger and usually have an explosive effect to his movements. He uses this in his Zenith Smash attacks often. This ability is more shown in his Searing Cowl technique but he can draw in all fire around him being that he transmute the fire to match his fire, putting it under his control. It comes right toward Zane at a rapid pace. All flames in his range of vision comes toward him as if he was a magnet.

He can transmute a conflagration of several burning buildings at once which turns into a swirling torrent of raging flames. His flames have been called demonic and holy while giving elements of Dark Fire, Grand Flame, Hell-Fire, Holy Fire, and Ice-Fire. Thanks to his fire manipulation and the rest of his powers, his body is naturally immune to most types of flames which can range from an explosion or nuclear energy. His fire can be use to destroy magic.

He can focus his flames into a solid object, being able to grab onto objects. He can also use them for propulsion. He can use most types of attacks when it comes to his flames being that he has two signature attacks with his flames being that it’s different from his Hellfire Emperor Spells. They are Wildfire Burner and Wildfire Sphere. This power has a special technique called Searing Cowl being that Zane covers himself in his flames.

Another less known ability of Wildfire Overdrive is that Zane has the abilities of an Akostar also known as a dragon. This power override/mutate Zane’s genetics turns him into an Akostar. He only becomes 10% of one thanks to him still being human and wants to keep as much as his humanity as he can and a certain event from his past. He considered himself a Demidrake being that he can switch between a humanoid dragon ,which is a hybrid of human and dragon, and full dragon.

In his hybrid form, he grows to 8 feet tall very much like when he activates Vulcan Emperor when he stands up vertically. He looks like a muscular, sleek, and toned salamander like creature. His dragon scales are the same scales that he uses in Vulcan Emperor. These scales are reddish black ,being metallic, with a flame like pattern to it. It covers him from head to toe being that his scales are very tough.

They’re highly resistant to damage and hard to scratch but his underbelly is rather soft. His eyelids are also covered in translucent scales with his eyes look reptilian. They are practically invisible. The main purpose of them is to avoid getting dust or contaminants in his eyes when he’s fighting or flying. This also gives him the ability to pretty much win any staring contest that he enters. He tends not to mention this power for that reason.

He can also turn his hand and feet into long and sharp black claws and talons respectively. He has sharp canine/fang like teeth which can easily chomp through steel. He also grows a forked tongue, fitting his new reptilian appearance quite well. He’s able to grow a tail if he wants. It matches the exact same tail that he can uses for Archon Zero Master, his Costume (Zeta), and Wrath.

His tail is long ,about two feet long, and matches his scales in color. The tip of the tail is an arrow-headed spade. The tip of his tail gets a sizable flame at the end if he’s using his Searing Cowl technique. He had numerous black fin-like spines running down his back to the end of his tail. His main and best ability of both his Hybrid and Dragon Form is his wings which are an extension to his back. He has two large dragon wings.

The muscles and hide of his wings are crimson red cosmic energy feathers. They are covered by Zane’s scales. There is a small obsidian black claw in the middle of each wing and would be like a pteranodon. They grow out of him ,very much like the wings of a bat, and they follow the arm-finger format. His arms is the first curve protruding from his back and his fingers are the branching bones from the end of the curves. Zane can feel and control each joint with his wings.

According to Sly and the Brimstone Grimoire, Akostar have trouble and mastering flight but Zane has no problem given most of his forms have wings that can fly. The natural position of his wings is half closed and placed behind his backs but when he’s flying or in combat, they are spread wide in order to provide momentum in movement. His wingspan is about 45 feet in length, making it look some sort of stealth jet plane.

His wings are immune to most forms of elemental damage. He’s able to easily break the sound barrier during flight being his spines prevent great amounts of air resistance than normal. He’s able to keep his incredible flying speed even in the water just like Daryl and unlike normal wings, they don’t slow down even for a moment. He has a high amount of stamina while flying being able to stop and go on a moment’s notice.

He can also use his wings to repel weapons and protect others by covering them. His Dragon form turns him into a large digitigrade like creature. He’s rather tall with him being slightly smaller than Sivarth’s ten meters. He tends to stay around 7-8 meters personally but can bigger if needed. Whenever he transforms into his dragon form, he tends to take a good couple of steps ahead from everyone just to make sure that he doesn’t squish anyone.

His body is covered in crimson red cosmic energy aka his Akostar energy. The energy covers Zane from view being that no one can see him transform. The energy eventually clears up, reveal Zane new appearance. He’s covered from top to bottom in Vulcan Emperor’s signature scales. These scales are reddish black ,being metallic, with a flame like pattern to it. His scales are very tough.

They’re highly resistant to damage and hard to scratch but his underbelly is rather soft. His eyelids are also covered in translucent scales with his eyes look reptilian. They are practically invisible. The main purpose of them is to avoid getting dust or contaminants in his eyes when he’s fighting or flying. This also gives him the ability to pretty much win any staring contest that he enters. He tends not to mention this power for that reason.

His head is a round and blunt shape. It looks like a pterodactyl with a head crest and distinctive bent neck. He has two large and round crimson red eyes with his pupil alone being about 6 feet tall. His eyes glow with a calming force but if angered, they glow with anger and death for whoever makes him mad. He has razor-sharp teeth coming out with his mouth. He has a long crimson red energy mane that runs down his back but doesn’t interfere with his wings. He has two crimson red energy ,which looks to be totally organic, like horns.

These horns coming from the back of his head. He loses the fin like spines that he has in his Hybrid Form. He has two larger version of his dragon like wings protruding from his back. The muscles and hide of his wings are crimson red cosmic energy feathers. They are covered by Zane’s scales. There is a small obsidian black claw in the middle of each wing and would be like a pteranodon.

He has four arms/legs with them being like Allosaurus with three claws and tridactyle feet. His limbs has a circle of crimson red energy rings around them. He has a two foot long tail. The tip of his tail is an arrow-headed spade. The tip of his tail is covered by a sizeable crimson red energy flame. The energy which covers him hurt those who Zane consider to be an enemy and can help his allies. To fly, Zane moves his wings slowly before increasing them to take flight.

He can generate and manipulate Akostar energy ,being that it comes from within his body and it comes in the form of crimson red cosmic energy, to use as a weapon. His Akostar energy is so dense being that it can naturally dispel all forms of energy that comes in contact with it. He can also cover his entire body in his Akostar energy being that he can also fire beams. Zane’s Akostar energy can change him from a normal human like appearance to one of a dragon.

Parts of his body are slowly changing from normal human skin into dragon like scales matching his Vulcan Emperor Scales. Zane’s scales are powerfully resistant toward energy based attacks being that only strong blows can even damage the scales. When Zane’s Akostar DNA sticks out, his storm gray eyes glow brighter and look more fierce. His dragon like appearance comes out as a defensive technique when up against strong enemies.

His akostar energy is highly addictive and can cloud people’s judgement. This makes women that have feelings for Zane have more affections toward him being that much to Zane’s joy, they don’t get jealous when Zane talks to other women. Zane is also more confident around women being that since he has Akostar blood, he has the inner need or desire to produce his species through reproduction.

This freaked Zane out at first but he wants to have kids because he likes being a father. Zane’s hormones have increased by a large moment with him having strong urges when it comes toward the fairer sex. This also attracts friends and foes alike. Sivarth is thankful that Zane had learned how to helping with Zane’s carnal urges. As a Akostar, Zane has an urge to dominate everything in his past being that he tries to make sure that he doesn’t got mad with power. 

He’s also thankful that he isn’t extremely possessive about the women he loves and doesn’t mind if they are talking to other men. He’s extremely passionate when it comes to love being that according to Kane ,much to Zane’s embarrassment, he’s an insatiable dragon in the bedroom. However, Zane’s dragon urges comes out toward high levels of lust being it’s very annoying since he finds all of his girls sexy as hell.   

Thanks to this power, his overall body temperature is higher than normal. This is shown whenever he steps into a room being that it gets automatically warmer. He’s often using as a heater during the winter or really cold attacks. The weakness of this power are that Zane can either overheat, causing serious burns that will take some time to heal. He can also overexert himself, causing him to lose all feeling of heat in his body.

Everything is cold to him when this happens. The flames can also hurt others if it’s too hot being that this power requires great control on Zane’s part. He can also turn into his younger self ,around 4-10 years old, if used too much. He also doesn’t like to be revealed as a Akostar being that he’ll get challenged often by fighters who want to fight and win against an Akostar or Dragon.

This added onto the fact that he gets challenged to a fight because of him having Forsaken Dirge by swordsman and swordswomen. This is more apparent in his future when he gets to be more famous than he was when he was a teen. He likes being connected to Sly and having this power is nice but it’s a pain in the ass to deal with some many challenge requests with him ignoring most if not all of them.

Zane's New Attacks: 23.
Physical Attacks: 10.
Akostar Lunge. Zane flies high into the air and in the process of flight, he’s gathering up his Akostar energy. His entire body is covered in a dragon like aura being that upon going high into the air, he soon comes flying down ,like a dive-bomb, and crash into the target. He’s able to move around during his descend.

Meteor Drill. Zane jumps or launches himself into the air being that he soon covers himself in his flames being that over time, his flames slowly grow brighter and stronger. It looks to be a meteor. He soon comes crashing down onto his target with him spinning in the process. By doing this, it builds up a high amount of momentum, closing the distance on him and his target fast. He comes crashing down, causing a giant explosion of fire upon impact. This burrows himself and his target into the ground or launches the target away.

Sweet Shredding. Zane turns his legs into his candy syrup liquid state. He soon spins toward his opponent in a hurricane like shape. Upon getting close to his target, he soon slams two enlarged Sweet Forges ,covered with Vulcan Emperor or Force but mainly the former, and it hurts. The target is trapped within the Sweet Forges being that Zane launches the target into the air. Zane jumps into the air with him slamming his hurricane legs into the target. The target is sent crashing into the ground being that it makes a large crater in the ground. 

Vulcan Emperor Kaiser Bombardment. This attack can be done outside of Vulcan Emperor but it has less of an impact. Zane soon makes several arms appear come from his body being that they’re matching the arms of Vulcan Emperor. He can send them toward his target or target being that each punch has an impact. He can also make them match Vulcan Emperor Kaiser Magnum in terms of their appearance.

Vulcan Emperor Kaiser Magnum. This attack can be done outside of Vulcan Emperor but it has less of an impact. Zane turns one of his arm into Vulcan Emperor being that he soon expands his enlarged arm even more. His enlarged arm is at least five times bigger than him in Vulcan Emperor. It can also reach the size of a entire planet. While his arm is expanding, the armor scales around him gets thicker and the steam completely cover his body. This steam doesn't appear in Archon Zero Master. He soon sends it toward his target, being that the impact can break the ground and make a massive crater in the ground.

Vulcan Emperor Kaiser Python. This attack can be done outside of Vulcan Emperor but it has less of an impact. Zane compresses one of his arms being that before he launches it toward his target, he sends his other arm or his legs to wrap around his target. He soon sends his fist around his target. However before impact, it goes around the target several times with his fist soon heading toward his target like a snake. Just before hitting his target, the arms grows bigger being that the attack grows much bigger. Zane can also do another version of this attack being that to start it, he soon arches his body backwards. He soon takes a deep breath being that he soon fire all of his limbs being that he fires out several arms and legs from his body. He can send them toward his target or targets, being that it’s unable to dodge due to the massive amount of them plus Zane can control their directions by just thinking.

Vulcan Emperor Kaiser Rainmaker. This attack can be done outside of Vulcan Emperor but it has less of an impact. Zane stretches both of his arms and legs back being that they grow in size. They slam into his target at an alarming rate being that he can make multiple arms and legs come out of his body, being that they’re all giant. This attack can be used in the air.

Vulcan Emperor Kaiser Spear. This attack can be done outside of Vulcan Emperor but it has less of an impact. Zane sends his fist toward his target being it doesn’t stop until it hurts the target, with it leaving behind an impact and imprint of his fist behind. He can compress one of his fists and by doing this, it’s much faster than normal. He can do this with multiple arms as well.

Vulcan Emperor Kaiser Stampede. This attack can be used outside of Vulcan Emperor but it has less of an impact. Zane jumps into the air using his legs being that he soon flies toward his target at a tremendous speed. During his flight, he compress both his arms and legs into his body along with him building up speed over time. Upon reaching the target, he slams both fists and kicks into the target. This sends his target through dozen of buildings and makes a small crater upon landing with the ground.

Vulcan Emperor Kaiser Tomahawk. This attack can be done outside of Vulcan Emperor but it has less of an impact. Zane soon launches himself into the air with him soon wrapping two of his arms toward the target. He soon begins spinning himself vertically several times, causing his legs to twist with each movement. Zane soon comes toward his target with him spinning forward and stretching his legs out. Thanks to the speed of his spinning, he slowly creates the image of a large tomahawk rotating fast. This attack impacts the target, cutting it in half. The force of this attack is usually out of Zane’s control being that he has to stop himself.

Ranged Attacks: 7.
Akostar Explosion. Zane gathers up his Akostar energy into one or both of his arms. By doing this, the energy forms into a dragon like head forming over his arms. He soon aimed his energy covered arms toward a target, firing a giant beam of energy being that it tears away at the air and ground in its path. The front of the beam is in the shape of a dragon like head being that upon touching the target, it makes a explosion with a dragon like roar.

Akostar Missile. This attack gathers up all of Akostar’s energy being that he makes a massive missile of the concentrated energy and he throws it toward his target. This attack is stronger than a massive Zenith Sphere being that it can distort time and space around the explosion for a few moments.

Blazing Punch. Zane soon cover his body in his flames being that the flames around his feet and hands ,specifically, are highly concentrated. He launches himself toward a target ,thanks to the flames around his feet, being that he can catch his enemies off guard by the sudden burst. He starts off with a kick that hits either the side of the head or their stomach, being that the target gets launched back from the impact. He soon gathers all of the flames into either arm being that he soon fires off an enlarged fist of fire being that he sends it rather toward his target. The target is engulfed in flames upon contact with Zane smirking.

Infernal Clap. Zane ignites his body being that his arms and hands blaze with an incredible intensity until they glow brighter than normal. Just like with Greenhouse Buffer, his arms and hands are covered in a visible haze being dark indigo. He soon claps them together being that he soon makes a giant wave of fire or shockwave of heat. He can also slap his hand to the ground, sending his attack through the ground. This power has the power to blow apart building from a mile area, being that it’s a destructive force of a erupting volcano.

Supernova Conflagration. Zane focus his flames around him being that his flames roared wildly as the temperature around Zane soared, creating a giant pillar of fire. In the core of the pillar, the core of the fire is extremely hot. He soon releases it being that they is a giant explosion of fire being that anything caught up in it gets turned into ash. This attack causes Zane to overheat being unable to touch anything without it burning away.

Wildfire Burner. This attack is connected to Wildfire Overdrive but can be used without it. This attack has two variations being that it seems like a simple flamethrower attack from either his mouth or palms of his hands. He gathers up fire in his body being that it slowly gets stronger over time. He soon releases a large stream of flames right toward his enemies being that they completely engulfs the area in fire. 

Wildfire Sphere. This attack is connected to Wildfire Overdrive but can be used without it. This attack is related to Zenith Sphere being that this attack has elements of Zenith Sphere. Zane first makes a Zenith Sphere ,being a monochrome color either black or white, being that it’s the size of a baseball. This is somewhat different being that most Zenith Spheres are usually the size of a basketball, beach ball, or volleyball. Zane soon covers the sphere in his fire being that he compressed it around the sphere, looking like a cloak of some sort. Embers coming off the sphere. Upon Zane ready to throw it, he draws his arm back with him throwing it toward his strength. Upon reaching the target, Zane cups his fingers together which makes a powerful explosion of fire. This makes a massive amount of destruction, leaving a large amount of embers behind.

Techniques: 5. Special ones are bold.
Akostar Allies. Zane focus his energy into making small crimson red dragon like creatures being that they can do several things. They can either turn into cannons which Zane can fire ranged attacks from a distance. They can also reduce an enemy’s strength being that the energy taken goes back to Zane. They can also grant his allies Zane’s power.

Akostar Barrier. Zane covers his arms in his Akostar energy with him creating an transparent energy wave toward his target, trapping them in a barrier that seemingly stops the target’s movement. This barrier’s strength depends heavily on Zane’s stamina and energy levels which is a lot so it’s hard to break out.

Greenhouse Buffer. This is mainly used for defense being that Zane can covers his flames in any object or group of objects, being that Zane soon gives them a magnetic charge so that they naturally sticks together and they have a visible cherry red heat haze around the object. This is known as a Heat Shield being that Zane says that he got this from reading a physics book. If an object is heated to a certain point, the heat alone can block electrical outputs. It causes any electrical attacks to fizzle out.

Searing Cowl. This technique is connected to Wildfire Overdrive. Zane activates this with his body igniting itself in a similar fashion to Arctic Shift. He also combines it with Archon Zero and Archon Zero Master. His body is soon covered in his emerald green ,with an obsidian black tint, flame being that it seems to be wild but it’s actually focused. Upon doing this, the flames soon begin to roar like a jet engine and it’s quite loud. It’s also an cocoon of oppressive heat. Several strands of his hair floats above him which flows in the breeze. They spike up within minutes upon activating it. The flames closes to Zane glow black, being extremely hot. His body is covered in the emerald green flames being that there are black particles dancing over his body like the spots on a lava lamp. His eyes have an vivid and celestial, molten gold color to them. His entire body is covered in the same scales aka AZM (Archon Zero Master) aka reddish black ,metallic, scales with a flame like pattern to them. His teeth grows sharper ,looking more like fangs that wouldn’t be far off from a normal dragon and snake, and he grows a forked tongue that would fit the description. His feet and hands turn themselves into very sharp, deadly talons and claws respectively. He grows a long tail being that the end is an arrow-headed spade and the tip of the tail has a sizable flame to the end. Zane’s flames has three ,meteor, sized fireballs orbiting around him with a small dark purple ring swirling around the spheres. His flames in this mode are extremely bright, being that it can be seen from miles away. It’s being called a beacon of justice, the spirit of a hero, and his strength to win no matter what. In a rage like state, the flames around him intensify and flare up more. People usually flinch away from Zane when he's in Searing Cowl being that these flames can burn them alive while blinding them with the flames's light. All ice melts upon getting a few feet in front of him. He’s able to draw in all fire around him being that he transmute the fire to match his fire, putting it under his control. It goes at a rapid pace. All flames in his range of vision comes toward him as if he was a magnet. He can transmute a conflagration of several burning buildings at once which turns into a swirling torrent of raging flames. Zane’s flames ,in this form or not, can reach incredible temperatures, being able to melt steel or instantly carbonizes cells. These flames can cause the ground below them to be charred. When Zane is angry, these flames have the ability to burn someone to death. Zane can concentrate them in a single place, they create an explosive force to his attacks. He can cover a small rock in his flames and then launch them an extra distance upon covering them in his concentrated flames. Zane can thrust his hand forward or backward, being that he sends out a torrent of fire in front of him to attack his enemies or behind him for an speed boost. He can grab a mechanical object such as a robot being that he can completely burn/melt away the sensitive circuits which overloads and fails the machine. He tends to breath fire most of the time like a dragon. Like with Wildfire Overdrive, this technique has several special attacks. They are Blazing Punch, Greenhouse Buffer, Infernal Clap, Meteor Drill, and Supernova Conflagration. This technique has a weakness being that if Zane use too much fire power and overloads his body, the heat from his body is gone being that Zane is left extremely cold. He shivers like nothing else and not even a bundle of blankets and heat from others such as his children and puppy who like to cuddle with him works on stopping the shivers. He can also burn away his skin, being that it does regenerate it thanks to his regeneration powers but it still hurts like nothing else. Zane also needs to have complete control of his fire being that it’s very dangerous to himself or others.

Vulcan Emperor. This is a stronger version of Vulcan Force being that it’s very much a separate technique. He covers his arms and legs in Vulcan Force but instead of becoming dark purple metallic scales with a spiral pattern to it. They change to a reddish black color being metallic scales with a flame like pattern to it. They slowly cover his entire body, leaving his eyes the same. His arms and legs look slightly enlarged being that he grows to 8 feet tall. His hair goes upwards and flows in the air very much like living energy. His body also naturally emits steam. His fingers are similar to dragon claws and his hands are in the shape of a leopard blow. His arms and legs look slightly enlarged being that he grows to 8 feet tall. He created this power to fight against powerful and large animals. He can access these scales without transforming his body as well. This technique has some signature attacks being that they have the moniker of Vulcan Emperor Kaiser at the front. Any times he has the scales on, he can use these attacks at full power. All of his attacks have an explosive power to them and he has a high amount of defense. All attacks seemingly bounce off his body. Swords also jump bounce off his body. He can overwhelms most opponents with his raw physical strength and speed. He can change the direction of his acceleration of his attacks being that the attack speed increases over time being that this form works great for agile opponents. He uses Gravity Drive to fly through the air causing shockwaves upon landing on the ground. He can compress his arms, legs, and head into his body being that his attacks keep their naturally stretchy nature. This technique can only last for up to a day ,being twenty fours upon initial use, before it leaves Zane unable to move or fight back for up to 10 minutes. The time limit grows to be much longer in his future or when he keeps using it.

Strongest to Weakest in the class.
  1. Zane Alvarez.
  2. Sierra Ozaki
  3. Taylor Crawford
  4. Harry Adams. 
  5. Nazar Kern.
  6. Darren Spencer.
  7. Sonya Barrett
  8. Vega Ramos.
  9. Lynette Walker.
  10. Erik Norris.
  11. Teresa Ramirez.
  12. Cindy Hale.
  13. Wanda Morales. 
  14. Buster Eastman.
  15. Maria Barton. 
  16. Felicia Howard. 
  17. Tomas Howell.
  18. Alice Evans.
  19. Krystal Hawkins.   
  20. Ivory Murphy. 
Grades (Best to Worst):
  1. Zane Alvarez.
  2. Taylor Crawford.
  3. Harry Adams.
  4. Sierra Ozaki.
  5. Maria Barton.
  6. Buster Eastman.
  7. Wanda Morales.
  8. Sonya Barrett.
  9. Erik Norris. 
  10. Lynette Walker.
  11. Darren Spencer.
  12. Ivory Murphy.
  13. Krystal Walker.
  14. Cindy Hale.
  15. Nazar Kern. 
  16. Felicia Howard.
  17. Tomas Howell.
  18. Vega Ramos.
  19. Teresa Ramirez. 
  20. Alice Evans. 
Class Roster:

Lynette Walker.
Buster Eastman.
Sierra Ozaki.
Zane Alvarez.
Teresa Ramirez.
Cindy Hale.
Felicia Howard.
Taylor Crawford.
Krystal Walker.
Nazar Kern.
Erik Norris.
Tomas Howell.
Alice Evans.
Darren Spencer.
Sonya Barrett.
Harry Adams.
Vega Ramos.
Wanda Morales.
Maria Barton.
Ivory Murphy.

Shown in order:
Zane, Sierra, Cindy, Darren, Taylor,
Alice, Felicia, Krystal, Lynette, Sonya,
Vega, Tomas, Maria, Erik, Nazar,
Ivory, Teresa, Wanda, Harry, and Buster.

Alice: Her costume is a green camouflage skintight body suit that doesn’t cover the top of her chest and her arms. She wears a black mask over her eyes and she wears tan colored boots. She wears two large gold bracelets which help her entire outfit disappear.

Buster: His costume looked the same as it did before two years ago being that he's still wearing a navy blue full-body costume with his mask covering his mouth and the symbol of DNA in the center of his costume. He's still wearing gray SWAT team styled gear with white gloves and black combat boots. He has four arms but his costume now covers his shoulders.

Cindy: Her costume had a major overhaul. Her long blond hair, her pinkish blue eyes, her skin is pink with freckles on her face, and earring was exposed. She wears a simple gray bodysuit with a dark red clay like design and an armored collar.  Her arms are covered in silver bracers ,that go up to her elbows, with dark orange fingerless gloves. Her legs are covered in black knee high boots. She has a clay like object symbol on her chest.

Darren: His costume is very casual looking. He's now wearing a short dark yellow jacket with it going to his chest and the sleeves covers his arms completely. He's wearing a fitted muscle dark gray v-neck top with a white lightning bolt pattern, black pants, and navy blue combat boots. His hair is still white and his eyes are still red being that he's wearing a transparent visor over them which is connected to his metallic bracelets.

Erik: His costume is a dark blue full-body suit. The sleeves ,with a black trim, are cut short being that they exposed his arms. His suit covers his entire head and neck except for his chin, eyes, hair, mouth, and nose. He wears black goggles with red lenses to protect his eyes but has other advantages. He wears two gray elbow, knee, and shoulders pads that protects his body from being ripped off. He wears orange racing gloves.

Felicia: Her costume was very much the same as it was two years ago except she's now wearing a black leotard under her gray SWAT styled gear over her chest, forearms, and legs but it didn't hurt her wings.

Harry: His costume is a tight ,showing off his training, black muscle shirt/tank top with an explosion like graphic in the center of it and the sleeves of it going up to his elbows. He wears a grenade themed armored vest over it. He wears black baggy pants ,with a silver belt, and tucked into brown shin-length combat boots. He wears a black and red explosion themed headset over his eyes which changes his eye color to hide his identity. He wears two green, metallic bracelets that look to be very heavy but they're actually really light.

Ivory: Her skin is white being that her body is covered in ice, working as armor and her body is constantly giving off a cold frost like powder. She wears a black tank top, blue jeans, and brown sneakers. She's also covered in gray swat styled gear over her chest, forearms, and legs.

Krystal: She's wearing a long sleeved gray shirt under a brown tunic dress that goes down past her knees. She wears green, floral tights, and she's wearing brown wooden sandals. She's wearing a flower themed belt, bracelets, and in her hair.

Lynette: Her costume is the same as it was two years ago. For a quick reminder, Lynette's costume is a purple helmet that covered most of her head being that her face wasn't covered being that she wore a purple dress with black tights, armor that covered her arms and legs, and white high heeled boots with matching colored gloves.

Maria: Her costume is rather interesting being that it's a power suit with it looking like a silver knight's suit of armor mixed. It's a black one-piece suit with a high collar. She wears a gray helmet with a visor that looking sci-fi. She wears this with metal vambraces that goes past her elbows and metal thigh high boots.

Michele: Her hair turns gray and her eyes turn blue being that it changes to red when using one of her powers. Her costume is very unique due its revealing nature. Her domino/masquerade mask is iconic. It’s a silver color with jagged rock-like protrusions below the eyes. She wears makeup aka gold lipstick and nail polish. She wears a black sleeveless bodysuit that also shows her torso and doesn’t show off her chest that much to the dismay of young boys and men everywhere. Her chest has a dark pink bordered square window to show off her busty chest. The bottom half of her body suit is very much like leggings and tights. It has a dark pink trim. She wears a white skirt that goes to the middle of her thigh and a navy blue belt with an triangle shaped buckle. She wears dark pink/silver fingerless gloves. She wears gray armguards. She wears silver knee-high thick armored combat boots.

Nazar: His costume gets an upgrade kinda. He wears a skintight crimson red ,bulletproof, vest with it exposing his muscular chest that's covered by a black jumpsuit that's cut off just below his chest. It exposes his arms, chest, collarbone, and shoulders. He has steel straps over his biceps and shoulders. He wears black jeans with a crimson-red diamond-shaped pattern embedded to the top and bottom of the pants. He's still wearing his crimson red armored mask over his eyes being that it now protects his jaw as well. He's wears black boots with crimson red diamond shaped bolts in them and metal soles and plating to the side and front of them.

Sierra: She had a costume overhaul being that it's more feminine. Her hair is the same length being that it’s gray due to her not wanting people to know her secret identity. She ties it in a ponytail. Her eyes are still gray with her wearing a black and white domino mask over them. She wears a navy blue ,bulletproof, tight looking jumpsuit with it looking like a one-piece leotard. It covers her thighs and all of her shoulders. Underneath the jumpsuit, she wears a set of ,element proof, chainmail underneath, protecting her arms and upper half of her body. The suit has black patches at her neck, shoulders, and thighs. She wears a gold and silver belt around her waist being that it has two pockets in the back. She wears silver arm pads/elbow pads and knee pads. She wears black leggings that are actually the chainmail but less apparent. She wears white thigh high boots that connects to her knee pads.

Sonya: She's wearing a highly updated costume that she wore two years ago when she was a villain. For a quick reminder, her costume in the past was a navy blue, low-cut, one piece swimsuit. She wears sleek black cargo pants with heavy boots. She wears a gray belt with a holster for a machete and black fingerless gloves. Her new costume is a dark blue tank top and a black jacket with a low furred collar being that the shoulders are covered in metal. She wears the same black pants and boots as before with her wearing black finger-less gloves that go up to her elbows. She wears gray triangular glasses with a melted looking frame. It covers her face from the bridge of her downwards.

Teresa: Her costume is a magma themed one piece skin tight suit with it being a swimsuit in terms of style. She wears swimming goggles over her eyes and wears a pair of flip flops.

Tomas: His costume is the same as it was two years ago. He's wearing a tan colored helmet being there is a glass like visor over his eyes. He's wearing a gold ,skin tight, long sleeved t-shirt with crimson gloves, dark blue pants, and gold boots.

Vega: His costume is the same as it was two years ago. He's wearing a dark gray cape that has a hood. He's wearing a pair of navy blue swimming goggles that looks like he has blue eyes. He has two gold circles shoulder armor that holds his cape down. He wears a gold tunic ,over his chest and torso, with a single black star on it. He wears a gold belt with black tights. He wears a long black sleeved shirt under his tunic. He wears gray boots and gold gloves.

Wanda: Her costume bares her midriff and highlights her build. She wears a green mask that extends from her hairline to her cheekbones, a sleeveless black ,with a red chest and collar, top with a quiver on the front, dark gray fingerless gloves, dark green pants with black knee pants, and black combat boots. She has a black utility belt.

Michelle aka Masquerade: Acceleration Immunity, Ash Attacks, Ash Constructs, Ash Generation, Ash Transmutation, Avalanche Creation, Binding, Blindness Inducement, Burrowing, Burying, Clay Attacks, Clay Constructs, Clay Generation, Clay Transmutation, Compressability, Concrete Attacks, Concrete Combat, Concrete Constructs, Concrete Detection, Concrete Generation, Concrete Flight, Concrete Manipulation, Concrete Teleportation, Concrete Transmutation, Concussive Beams, Constriction, Cutting, Deoxygenation, Doppelganger Morphing, Dust Attacks, Dust Generation, Dust Manipulation, Dust Transmutation, Earth Attacks, Earth Detection,  Earth Manipulation, Earth Swimming, Earth Transmutation, Earthquake Generation, Elastic Combat, Elasticity, Explosion Inducement, Flat Body, Ferrokinetic Combat, Ferrokinetic Constructs,  Ferrokinetic Immunity, Ferrokinetic Regeneration, Flight, Geokinetic Combat, Geokinetic Flight, Geokinetic Invisibility, Geokinetic Regeneration, Geokinetic Surfing, Gliding, Golem Creation, Granulation, Koniokinetic Combat, Immortality, Laser Vision, Limb Expansion, Limb Extension, Metal Attacks, Metal Detection, Metal Dust Manipulation, Metal Generation, Metal Manipulation, Metal Transmutation,  Perfect Doppelganger, Petrification, Physical Restoration, Polishing, Psammokinetic Constructs, Psammokinetic Flight, Psammokinetic Invisibility, Psammokinetic Regeneration, Psammokinetic Surfing, Psammoportation, Quicksand Generation, Sand Attacks, Sand Generation, Sand Manipulation, Sand Transmutation, Sandstorm Creation, Scatter Shot, Seismic Sense, Shockwave Clap, Shockwave Stomp, Size Combat, Size Enhancement, Size Manipulation, Sneeze Inducement, Supernatural Agility, Supernatural Athleticism, Supernatural Balance, Supernatural Combat, Supernatural Durability, Supernatural Endurance, Supernatural Flexibility, Supernatural Hearing, Supernatural Intelligence, Supernatural Leap, Supernatural Reflexes, Supernatural Senses, Supernatural Speed, Supernatural Stamina, Supernatural Strength, Supernatural Survivability, Supernatural Vision, Terraportation, Terrakinetic Constructs,  Wind Generation, and X-Ray Vision.

Close Range Fighter: Alice, Buster, Cindy, Erik, Felicia, Krystal, Nazar, and Taylor.

Long Range Fighter: Ivory, Lynette, Maria, Sonya, Teresa, Vega, and Wanda.

Both Type of Fighters: Darren, Harry, Sierra. Tomas, and Zane.

Sierra's Story:
Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess. She was very beautiful, brave, clever, and honest. She was said to have a voice so sweet that not even a creature filled with anger in their hearts could hate her. However, the Demon King soon attacked the kingdom destroying everything in his path. He did this just because he hated the princess. Everyone in the castle was dead leaving the princess all alone.

The princess soon found herself in an adopted home where she was treated as nothing more than a servant to the family being that they had three ugly ,twin, daughters and the mother was eviler than the Demon King himself. Upon the clock striking midnight around the time that the princess was , her powers soon awakened being that she could control five natural elements (Air, Earth, Fire, Ice, and Water) She didn't use her powers to get back at her abusers much to her dismay at times.

The four of them often went out to parties being that one party was so famous in the land. It was the Celestial Ball being that only the most beautiful and rich people were allowed to attended. This year was different however being that the party was to help the abnormal prince selected his wife. For some reason, the princess's step sisters were invited being that the princess thought that the Prince was an idiot for inviting her sisters.

The princess wanted to go being that she knew that she wouldn't be allowed to. The week right before the party was the most intense for her. She had to fix up her sister's hair to please the prince, help them fix into their dress to seduce the prince, and arrange their jewels to show their wealth to the prince. Upon the three step-sisters and the step-mother leaving, the princess sat down by the fireplace in the place she called home.

She lived outside of the mansion being that she lived in a shed. She sighed and said,"I wondered what it would be like to go back to the ball. The prince is an idiot for inviting the three hags.". She soon heard a noise outside of the shed being that she was going to attack the person. She opened the door to her shed being that it was an bloodied and injured man. The man grabbed the end of her uniform aka a tattered dress and he said,"The Demon King has returned.".

He soon died being that the princess knew what she had to do. She never told anyone this but she wanted revenge on the demon king for ruining her life. She soon buried the man in the backyard and she promised him that she'll avenge him. She soon went looking for the Demon King being that she was soon covered in armor. It wasn't normal armor being that it was made from the earth. She soon found the Demon King and his army being that they were outside of the prince's palace.

She knew that everyone inside were innocent except for her family so she wouldn't let them find out about the attack. She soon attack the demon king and his army with a powerful wave of fire as the princess began her battle against the army. Despite her bravery, she was still a beginner with her powers and she soon got overwhelmed by the army in due time. The army soon laughed at her being that she was nothing more than a discarded princess.

The Demon King was about to swing his weapon on her but she still blocked it using the air around her since the other elements were unable to do anything against his weapon. The princess soon stood back up as she said,"I may be a discarded princess but I'll never give up!". The Demon King soon got ready to kill the princess but he was soon stopped by a new face. His weapon ,which was made to be unstoppable, was stopped.

The weapon was stopped by a dragon themed shield. The princess looked to see that her savior was the prince being that she said,"What are you doing here your highness? I thought you were at your engagement party.". The prince smiled as he said,"To be honest, I very much ditched it. Those types of things aren't my thing. So are you ready to kick those guys ass? I can't do this by myself and with your help, I can fight anyone!".

The two soon defeated the rest of the army being that by their combined strength, they defeated the Demon King. The Prince placed his sword back as he said,"So who are you? I know that we just fought together but I never got your name.". "Well, would you believe that I was once royalty like you?" said the princess. "I'm interested but not in the way you're thinking. I love to protect my people but they would rather have me stay inside." said the prince.

The princess said,"So why do you come out here? I sense you coming.". "Well, I told you before that I ditched my party. So tell me your name? I would like to invite you to dance under the moonlight. It beats the ballroom any day." said the prince. The princess looked down at her tattered old dress as she said,"But I'm not...". The prince placed his gloved hand over her mouth as he said,"Before you blast me away, here me out.".

The prince smiled as he said,"I like for who you are not how you dress. You fought against these demons with no fear in your heart being that the three twin-sisters would have ran. So may I have this dance?". The princess took up on his offer being that they danced the night away. She soon woke up in a fancy bed and she looked around. She soon heard knocking as a voice said,"So are you okay my Elemental Mistress?".

It was the prince as the princess said,"Why do you let me into your home?". "I didn't know where you lived." said the prince with complete honestly in his voice. The princess soon let the prince inside as she said,"Let me guess. You're going to ask me to be your bride?". The prince shook his hand back and forth as he said,"Not at all! I want to get to know you first! You're someone that doesn't like me for my money or my looks. I'm a warrior more than a prince.".

The princess was curious about him at first but she decided to get to know the prince. The two soon bonded being that after several months of getting to know each other, they began dating. The three twin sisters and mother tried to cash in on her but the prince didn't allow it. They soon wed being that the prince soon learned his wife name. In their entire time together, he never her name but he did know Karma. She's anyone who messed with her being they have Karma coming after them.

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