Friday, June 8, 2018

Zero Episode 102 The Spurned Vordlarin

A/N: Yeah last part and I'm pretty sure that most of it was due to Zane's new power bio. I doubt this one is going to be as long but I could be wrong. You may be thinking to yourself that Zane has too many powers ,which he totally does, being that if you could name a power, Zane has it. I really don't care because he's supposed to be the ,super over-powered, main protagonist. I remember when I tried to make Zane balanced. Good times.

One day, I'll have a story where the protagonist isn't over-powered but until that day, over-powered protagonist away. I rather have a character like Superman who has whatever powers that he needs to than a character that only wins off the power of friendship like Natsu. I'm be serious. Lets take about the defeat of the group Outcast Syndicate being that the three of them escaped and the rest of them were defeated off screen.

It sounds extremely lazy but here's the thing. All of their opponents are incredible strong compared to newbies like Clair or Craig so yeah, it's a beat down or stomp. I really didn't feel like writing that because of that due to the fact, these characters will be returning since Dusk along with Baron and Jared escape. It's also known in comics that prisons are like revolving doors for them so they'll be because heroes don't kill.

This episode will be around Thanksgiving Break but mainly the holiday also known as Turkey Day like I mentioned. Thanks to Urban Dictionary, I learn that Turkey Day is a way for inane stupid people call Thanksgiving in a failed attempt to sound cute, or lameasses and weather-reporters who have nothing better to do than act stupid. It's always interesting to learn something new. I also learned that you can have water on fire. The next Fairy Legion will be after this part. I swear.

We'll also learn more about the Z.E.R.O. (Zenith Ectoplasm Ranged Omega) Armor in this part and seeing Zane's new costume in action against some crooks and Darth. This episode will be about them and learning more about their history together. Lets begin on the rooftop of the building that Zane fought Thomas Wright and the Tremendous ,with the two humans still in prison by the way, in Episode 87.

Narrator P.O.V.
It was the night before Thanksgiving Break being that Zane was currently in his new costume and testing it out on any unlucky goon/hooligan/thug that came in his way. He either tied them up using his new webbing or his organic weaponry mixed with Sweet Reaction made a pretty deadly combo according to Danny. "Wow. I just love how this costume feels. You rock Twilight." said Zane. The Vordlarin blushed being that a part of Zane's costume was red for a bit for a moment.

Twilight said,"Thank you Zane. I just made it to your exact specifications that you wrote in your notebook. Are you always that detailed?". "He's only detailed when it comes to super powers Twilight. Switching topics here, I really enjoy the Fall season. It's both cool and hot." said Kane with a smile. "Don't you live inside of Zane and can't feel anything?" said Cole. "Our senses are connected to Zane just like how Zane's senses were increased thanks to Twilight." said Sivarth.

Athena said,"Cole. This means that Zane's hyper senses are absolute.". "These powers are a blessing and a curse. I really like you Twilight but I'll be in immense pain if Liv ever decides to go evil." said Zane. "I'm sorry." said Twilight. "Don't worry so much. This power can help protect the people I care about so I can handle my ultra hearing as Kevin calls it. I've also gotten used to have stronger than normal hearing so it's no problem." said Zane.

He soon stopped in the middle of the air as Twilight said,"Is something wrong?". "Yeah. I hear a silent alarm coming from the Central Bank where they hold diamonds instead of regular cash." said Zane. "Question. How many banks does this city have? And why does our city have a diamond bank?" said Kane. "Too many Kane." said Cole. "We better going. Time to use my jet boots!" said Zane as his boots soon had thrusters coming out of them, launching himself toward the bank.

Twilight said,"So have we been there before? I'm still going through Zane's memories. There are a lot of them, both good and bad.". "Yeah. We fought the group known as Tremendous and Craig there plus it was the reveal of Frost Prime to others outside of the Archipelago. It went on the internet fast but the internet " said Athena. "Those were good times." said Sivarth. "That doesn't sound like a good time to me. Craig isn't a threat but Cryonic is. I would say that he's a serious foe." said Twilight.

Cole said,"Well, it is for this old Phantom Twilight.". "May I you guys?" said Twilight. "Sure. It had to happen eventually." said Athena, Kane, and Sivarth. Cole soon got hit by Twilight. Zane rolled his eyes as he soon found himself above the building that was across from the bank.  Zane soon heard a helicopter heading toward them with him activating the camouflage function, being that it blocked out his scent and Nether Signature.

The teen was completely hidden with the helicopter landed on the helipad. "That chopper belongs to Andrew. So are you going to be his friend? He wants to be yours after seeing you punch Roland at the party. You were busy but we saw it thanks to Roland's security camera." said Athena. "Which was so awesome by the way." said Cole. "Yeah because you know the old saying, keep your friends close and your enemies closer." said Zane. "Smart thinking." said Kane.

The helicopter landed on the helipad with the pilot ,wearing a black ski mask with a red stripe around his eyes, soon looked at the rooftop's door with it busted open by someone kicking the door down. He soon saw four matching goons/punks/thugs ,with each member wearing a black ski mask but with a different colored stripe, soon went rushing toward the helicopter which was just waiting to fly. The guy in the back's legs ,was soon grabbed by black ,with a crimson red tint, webbing.

Something tugged at it causing the man to fall toward the ground with his friends ignoring him as they focused on the job. One of them passed a suitcase to another and just before they could deliver the package, it was soon grabbed by the same webbing. They turned to see Zane ,hanging on the wall that connected to the door, as he said,"Hey guys. Bank hours are closed but if you come again in the morning, you may be able to....".

Crisis Judgement went off as one of them fired his weapon toward Zane. The bullets soon grew in size, becoming bowling ball sized with spikes. Zane soon dodged them and began jumping around the rooftop. "Man. Is that your first time using that gun? I mean you're missing all of your shots and to be honest, I'm not really trying." said Zane. Zane soon fired Green Nether up into the air with it hitting a wooden box.

It soon broke, causing its content to fall onto the shooter. The pilot frantically pushed the start button but Zane soon stood there. "And you're just going to leave your pals behind like that? No class man at all." said Zane. The pilot was soon grabbed by Zane's hand and was tossed out. One of them was soon grabbed by Zane's hand and he was slammed into the side of the helicopter, knocking him into two others. Zane stood over them as he said,"Alright! Three points.".

The gunner ,who recovered, swung his gun at Zane who phased through it and right behind him. "I think you need a good old fashioned knuckle sandwich with extra pow!" said Zane as the teen's left vambrace had rocket thrusters ,which right behind the elbow, and Zane punched the gunner into the side of the building that the door was, knocking him out. "Let me see. Whose left?" said Zane. The teen soon dodged the bowling ball bullets with him back flipping over two of them.

Zane said,"Time to wrap this up! Astral Chains!". His arms were soon covered in black ,with dark indigo flame like outlines, chains being that they soon wrapped over the two shooters. Zane soon crossed his arms, causing the two to slam into each other. The guy ,that Zane slammed into the side of the helicopter, soon stood back up and was holding a box. "Seriously? That's the best you can do against me." said Zane. He soon took the box head on.

Upon reaching the outskirts of the building, Zane aimed his webbing toward the building and he soon launched himself toward the grunt. The man was sent flying off the rooftop as Zane said,"Not going let you fall.". The chains wrapped around and slammed him into the side of the building. "Wow. You and the sides of things don't go together at all." said Zane, with him pulling the guy back. The pilot soon crawled toward the helicopter with Zane turning his head.

The helicopter was about to leave with the gunner ,the first one, fired at Zane. "Seriously? You really think third times the try will work on me." said Zane. The teen soon gathered his signature colored flames with him saying,"Time to heat things up! Hellfire Emperor Fiery Kick!". Zane's legs were burning hot, with him kicking the gunner right toward the pilot, sending them into each other and onto the helipad.

The helicopter soon went flying down with Zane running toward it. He jumped off the building with his costume soon sprouting two organic yet metallic bat wings from his back with him gliding down toward the chopper. He soon went past it as Zane said,"Okay. Time to stop this copper!". He soon snapped his fingers with time paused. He soon flew below the helicopter with him making his arms grow massive. He soon threw the helicopter away as Zane said,"And she's out of here!".

Two cops soon ran onto the rooftop with them shocked to see five guys in a webbing net with all of them missing their mask. Zane ,who was on the ledge of a nearby building, watched the two slightly confused cops with him saying,"Yep. This costume feels just like I wanted. You know what I hate about goons. They never respond to my jokes like at all.". "Sometimes Zane." said Kane. Zane was soon gone as he needed to make one final stop for the night.

At Drew's base of operations, the man was typing something on his laptop being that he stopped upon seeing a bunch of masks fall onto his desk. He closed his laptop ,with the screen showing a picture of Legion Zero flying through Cypress Park, with him holding one of them. "So you've been busy the past couple of days aka stopping my operations. A bit much don't you think?" said Drew. Zane ,who was on the wall behind him, said,"And they say that former thugs can't achieve anything in life.".

The teen soon flipped to the front of his desk with him glaring at the man. "You look nice in your new costume. I like it better than the first one. You've matured in terms of taste." said Drew. "So is it weird that our enemy complimented your outfit or is that he's been studying us?" said Cole. "Both." said Kane. "I'll never turn a blind eye to your crimes Drew. You may be better than most of the Odium Society but you're still a criminal and well, I'm a hero so our paths were meant to cross." said Zane.

The teen was soon gone with Drew saying,"This child may be a serious pain to others but to me, he's a challenge that will be conquered.". He crackled his knuckles with him hearing,"We can help the Odium Society with that pain of theirs Mr. Collins.". It soon made a hissing sound with Drew turning to see Darth on his roof. "What kind of freak show did you come from? I need to get better security to stop your kind from sneaking in here." said Drew.

Drew soon stood up from his desk with him heading toward the bar. "You may call us freak show if you want but we don't care. We wanted Zero dead and so do you." said Darth with him following the man. "I don't want him dead. My partners do. I respect the young man for having the gumption in his attempt at stopping my criminal empire. If you want to kill Zero, I don't care. This is a challenge for me to overcome not destroy." said Drew.

Darth smiled with him saying,"Thank you boss. We won't let you down. Do you mind if we have soon fun with him? If we get that, I don't care about money.". "Whatever floats your boat." said Drew. Darth soon jumped out of the room with Drew saying,"I like Zero's way of leaving the room more. He doesn't leave a hole in my floor. I best have Monique inform the Odium Society of that creature. Lets see if the hero can do this.".

The next morning, Zane woke up to his alarm clock ,aka his phone, which he had set earlier than normal being that today was different. It was the day just before Thanksgiving and also he and his dad are going to the boxing ring at the Gym. Shawn wanted everyone in his family to forgive him for what happened for leaving being that all of them knew that Shawn had no idea that his best friend was taken over by Skull Plague.

For the group of Arturo, Darin, Lauren, and Trixie, Arturo and Lauren told him to never break either Natasha or Zane's heart or else. Darin punched his son so hard that it broke the ground right below Shawn and a couple of feet away with Trixie giving Shawn a stern talking to plus she gave Natasha some pretty juicy blackmail material as she puts it. Kania, Nexus, Sly, and Wolfram were next being that the youngest dog had Shawn playing with him for several hours without a single break.

Kania, Nexus, and Sly told Shawn that if he broke their master's ,aka Zane, heart, they would tear him limb from limb with Nexus sharpening his claws. Natasha told her husband that the two of them will being going on a date together which sounds good but to Shawn, it means hours of shopping and his arms were going to be noodles by the end of it. The trio of Atem, Uriel, and Zoey told him that they wanted their dad to forgive him with Shawn thinking that this was the hardest request.

Ana didn't know what she wanted from her father being that she soon figured it out. She told him that she wanted to become stronger in order to protect her family from the Odium Society with Shawn saying that he would be honored. Kurt and Lucius told their adopted father that they wanted a rematch with him with the man looking forward to seeing how much his sons have grown. Zane's request was simple being that he wanted to fight Shawn in a boxing ring.

Everyone was confused by this with Zane wanting a target to vent his aggression on with Darin saying that Zane was known for destroying objects rather brutally, leaving behind nothing in his wake during his training much to the fear of Shawn with his son promising to heal him just before he sends him to the Astral Realm aka Heaven. The sorcerer was slightly scared of his son but he wanted to make his son forgive him because he promised his grandchildren.

Zane stretched in his bed as he looked around at his recently updated room. He really liked how Zara had her room designed in his look at through an alternative dimension. He wasn't exact sure what he experienced but he did like the room and gained a new ally in his quest for killing Skull Plague for all of the crimes he committed. He did regret seeing one thing though. Male Sam was flirting with him much to his disgust.

The room's remodeling only took a couple of minutes thanks to a combination of his powers. If his secret identity was ever exposed which he hoped never happen, Zane thought that if he would make a great room designer. He was sure that with his powers, he could easily build an apartment complex with the teamwork of his forms. He sleeps in a king size bed ,which was in the middle of the room, with a black and red ,silk, blanket/comforter/sheets.

It also had several pillows on it due to Zane toss and turn in his sleep. The walls were colored white being that they were plastered with several posters. They did ranged from video games, comic books, and actors, mainly females. He also had a poster of his favorite drama Love That Transcends Space and Time. The room had a window with it being both circular and triangular, to the left of the room and the door was on the opposite side of the room.

Whenever someone wanted to come upstairs, they would have walked up a spiral staircase which was fun to slide down often according to him and the kids. At the end of it, there was a door being that it would be connected to his home when he graduated. The window had black velvet curtains. In front of the bed, there was a huge flat-screen TV with it resting on a desk that currently had several video game consoles and mini kitchen.

To the right of the TV and in front of the stairwell, there was a tall and wide dresser with ten drawers overall. There was a larger than normal desk under the window. It had some books, his laptop, a turned off lava lamp, and several papers with music, school notes, and random pieces of tech on them. There is his guitar and amp in the left corner of the room. To the left of the TV, there is a large bathroom with a shower and the bath itself is a hot tub or small pool.

Twilight soon protruding from Zane's body and she said,"Morning Zane. Ready for today?". "Yeah but you don't have to stay attached to me when I'm sleeping Twilight. We may be bonded but we just have to be close to each other.". "I know that Zane but you're my first partner. I've spend most of my life on my home planet and before getting this mission Zane, I've never left it." said Twilight. "I get that because I felt the same way when I left Noble Haven. I was only six years old." said Zane.

Twilight soon sprouted a tendril with her saying,"I understand Zane. I just want to find Darth and make sure he doesn't possess another person.". "So what makes Darth this super criminal? I mean your memories showed me something but I want to hear it from you." said Zane. "He was born on our home planet of Golax Prime MX which is located in the Gamma Anchor System. It's right next to the Milky Way Galaxy. He found himself different from the rest of it." said Twilight.

Zane said,"Like you?". "Somewhat. Darth had a strong hatred of peace being that he was wanted to be cruel toward others. He hated most of our kind except for me. He liked me but I didn't like him at all. You remember Halphas?" said Twilight. "Yeah. He was a subordinate of Malik or he worked for Kirk. Not really sure but out of all of them, he was the most mysterious." said Zane. "Well, Darth's first bonding resulted in the genocide of Halphas's species and home world." said Twilight

Zane said,"Wow. That's something else. So what happened next?". "Darth gained a strong rage and bloodlust being that it was a matter of time before he was banished and send into the Omniverse with him placed in a canister that we thought he couldn't escape from. However, he escaped and caused a lot of death and destruction. I'm guessing he's been on Earth for a while." said Twilight. "Yeah. He must be a really good killer if the Alliance never found him." said Zane.

Twilight nodded with her saying,"I'm sure that we'll be meeting him soon. I have faith that the two of us plus the rest of Team Legion Zero can handle him.". "Yeah. Do you want to wait out here while I go take my shower?" said Zane. "I would like that." said Twilight. Zane nodded with him soon going to the bathroom. The slime creature soon turned to see Shawn sneaking in. "So what are you doing Mr. Alvarez?" said Twilight.

Shawn jumped back as he said,"Twilight! What are you doing out here? I thought you and Zane were connected at the molecular level.". "I don't want to see Zane in the shower and are you going to try and surprise him despite him having Crisis Judgement." said Twilight. "Yep. He may be a god in a teen's body but I never give up." said Shawn. "That's admirable but I think you would want to stay undamaged. Zane isn't going to hold back against you." said Twilight.

Shawn nodded with him saying,"Yeah. I expected that. I think out of everyone, I hurt Zane the most due to him being a total crybaby when he was Uriel's age.". "You did. I saw his memories. When he learned what happened, he blamed himself. He opened up a treasure chest containing Skull Plague and promptly closed it. At his age, he must have thought that Skull Plague took revenge on him by taking away his daddy." said Twilight.

Shawn said,"That does sound like Zane. I'm sure that you won't try and stop me. In the past, I was stopped by my sons and Natasha plus my dad when he came to visit.". "You do know that I can hear the two of you?" said a voice. Zane stood in his bathroom's doorway with steam coming out of the room and Zane is wearing a towel. "Dad. Aren't you a little old for this?" said Zane. "You should be thanking me Zane. By doing this, I improve your reflexes." said Shawn.

Zane walked toward Twilight with the slime soon jumping onto him. "Thanks. So are you ready to go dad? I hope you're ready. I'm not the crybaby anymore." said Zane. "Yeah. I hope you ready because I've spent a good amount of time fighting. The Infinite Void isn't sunshine and rainbow." said Shawn with him flexing. Zane rolled his eyes with him saying,"Whatever dad. I'll see you at the gym. Go see mom before you go. She missed you a lot.". Shawn nodded as he left the room.

Twilight looked at her partner with her saying,"Are you ready?". "Yeah. I should probably have on clothes under this right?" said Zane. "That isn't a bad idea." said Twilight. Zane soon stretched his arm over to his dresser and upon reaching it, his arm sprouted several smaller version. They soon grabbed a piece of clothing as they brought them to Zane. It was his signature outfit being that he really liked it a lot.

It was a black hooded sweatshirt right now and showing no sign of sweat. The hoodie has a dark purple snake like creature resting on the left breast of his hoodie. The sweatshirt itself has a silver checkered pattern to it. However, he had the hoodie open and it revealed his burnt orange t-shirt with a silver flaming spiral. He's wearing blue jeans with a gray belt and gold belt buckle alongside his signature black, purple, and white tennis shoes.

He's wearing his three signature accessories being that it's his wooden Eagle necklace that was given to him by Atem when Zane was sixteen, his black and white signet ring on his right middle finger that was given to him by Zoey, and his silver kunai earrings that was given to him by Uriel. His hoodie's sleeves were currently rolled up to reveal Zane's Enigma Talisman and his Z.E.R.O. watch on the right arm and left arm respectively.

He also had on his Galaxy Phones ,around his neck, being that they are black ,with dark indigo details to it, wireless over-the-ear headphones. He's wearing a pair of dark indigo framed glasses with clear frames with clear frames and rimless over the top to show off his eyes. "Ready." said Zane. Twilight nodded with his body soon covered in tendrils. Zane's outfit changed into a dark purple sleeveless training gi, blue jeans, and his signature shoes. "Lets go." said Zane. The teen was soon gone.

Zane was currently driving through the city on his motorcycle Saver. He's wearing a helmet and the proper gear ,which he had Twilight make, mainly because he didn't want to die from an accident due to someone texting and driving. His helmet is a black motorcycle helmet with gray edges, navy blue comfort liner, and a transparent glass visor. While he was driving, he was currently talking with Kane and Sivarth being that Twilight was in control of Zane just in case of a crash.

The teen in question was in Elysian being that he was sitting on the ground with Kane leaning against Sivarth much to the Phantom's dismay. "So what did you guys need to talk with me about? Is it about me agreeing to work with Twilight so fast? Or something else." said Zane. "We knew that Twilight would join team Legion Zero upon talking with you because you're a forgiving person. You even forgave Kevin after all of the shit that happened between you two." said Sivarth.

Zane smiled as he said,"Yeah. I could change the past but it's illegal according to Hourglass and Sivarth so I'm living in the present.". "Yeah. Smart way of living Zane. I've met countless people who don't move on, which is hard mind you. So was your dad always so paranoid? He was checking the house for bugs of the spying kind." said Kane. Zane remember Shawn tearing apart the house looking for bugs with Natasha telling him to clean up his mess afterwards.

Zane said,"Yeah. That was funny but it may have something to do with him spending twelve years in the Infinite Void. Daryl says that it can mess you up if there too long. I heard that he's staying in Noble Haven to recover.". "You must get his paranoia from him and how red your face gets when it comes to the ladies or anything that makes him blush." said Kane. "Yeah. Thanks for reminding me about that Kane. I'm shocked that Lilith hasn't done anything in a while." said Zane.

Sivarth said,"Yeah. She loves Natasha and well, I'm slightly shocked that you care.". "She may be my enemy but she's an important person to my mom so I'll be nice for now." said Zane. "You should trust your instinct rather than trusting others. It's something that I would do. Do you want some advice?" said Kane. "Sure." said Zane. "Women like to think they're never wrong and men would be useless without them." said Kane.

Sivarth said,"And this is why you'll never have a girlfriend Kane. Your mindset isn't wrong but you should give people some benefit of the doubt.". Zane chuckled with Kane saying,"Whatever Sivarth. I'm not wrong.". "I better get back. Twilight says we're almost there." said Zane. "See you later after your match." said Sivarth. "Later." said Kane. Zane was gone as he soon took control and saw that he was in the gym's garage.

His gear and helmet was gone with him making his signature brown bag appear. He soon walked into the gym with Zane slightly annoyed to see the amount of muscle heads that were here. "So where is Shawn?" said Cole. "He said that he would met me in the boxing arena." said Zane. He was walking toward the room with Athena saying,"You mean the room with a boxing ring that currently isn't in use right now.". "Bingo." said Zane.

He soon entered the room to see his father standing in the ring with his hands covered in blue boxing gloves. "Ready to go Zane? I won't be holding back on you." said Shawn. "I'm thankful that you are going to give it all you got old man." said Zane. He soon joined his father in the ring with both of them doing some warm up stretches. Zane soon took off his accessories and placed them on his bag outside of the arena.

Shawn soon got into a fighting stance being that he had his left leg was forward with his foot pointing to the right at forty five degrees. His right leg was standing shoulder width away from the other leg with the foot at a ninety two degrees. Both of his legs were slightly bent with his heels bouncing off the ring. Shawn's left arm was pushed out slight forward open handed with his right hand was pushed slightly outwards also open handed.

Zane did something very much like his father but his right foot was facing forward and his right hand was clinched into a fist. "I hope you've gotten stronger than you were before crybaby." said Shawn as he bounced a little. "This is going to be good." said Zane. "Just try and not go too overboard or did you disable the cameras in here?" said Shawn. "What do you think old man?" said Zane. The two soon took a deep breath before lunging at each other. 

Shawn threw a quick jab with his right hand but Zane leaned back being that he threw a quicker punch with his left hand. Shawn felt the fist hitting his forehead causing him to stumble back in shock at his son's speed. However, Zane took advantage of this being that Zane soon kicked his father in the stomach. The force knocked Shawn back more but he got control back mainly to dodge a roundhouse kick aimed at his head.

Shawn soon lunged at his son with him landing a fist in his gut. Zane was happy that Shawn wasn't half-assing this fight like he does with the chores. Shawn soon attacked with a hook kick from his right leg before throwing in a front kick with his left leg. Zane dodged the first kick with him soon blocking the second kick with his right hand before delivering an axe kick straight into Shawn, which sent Shawn toward the ground.

The impact caused some of the other gym occupants to come check it out with Shawn getting back up and lunged into the air with a tornado kick aimed at Zane's head. The crowd was shocked to see these two fighting with Zane blocking it with his right arm and countered with a left cross toward Shawn's stomach. This knocked Shawn toward the ground causing him to roll away before getting back up. "I guess you've gotten better." said Shawn. "Same with you old man." said Zane.

Later, Zane was walking into the school and it was around the end of lunch time. After their match which Zane won, Shawn bought him and Zane lunch at Fantasia with father and son ,plus Vordlarin who hid from the general public, enjoying their slushies. The teen was rubbing his left arm with it slightly bruised. He was wearing his normal outfit ,being that Brad counted Zane's jacket as a sign of being a jock, as Twilight said,"Was that a worthy fight Zane?".

Zane said,"Yeah. I remember my dad kicking my but when I was a kid but I was winning that fight Twilight. He may be better than me at at casting spells but that was a good training season.". "So have you forgiven him Zane?" said Athena. "Not yet Athena. I'm sure that I can make him do a couple of chores for me." said Zane. "You can be a real monster sometimes Zane." said Cole. "I know and I love that part of me." said Zane.

He soon walked up the stairs toward the second floor of the school with Kane saying,"So where are we going?". "To find Brad or Captain " said Zane. "Why? That's a bad idea. You two hate each other with a burning passion!" said Cole. "That was before Zane joined the team. You two are friends now?" said Sivarth. "Friends is a strong word but you're not wrong." said Zane as he saw Brad at his locker, grabbing some books. "Hey there captain." said Zane.

Brad closed his locker with him saying,"51. Have you seen Bryan?". "Nope. I looked around CPU during my break at the lab so no sight. How long has Jungle Legs been missing?" said Zane. "No clue and Coach is starting to get annoying. We need him for the parade tomorrow." said Brad. "I forgot about the parade. It's been a while since my last one. So the football team and cheerleaders are going to be holding the Big Ox balloon?" said Zane. "Yeah but not this year." said Brad.

Zane tilted his head as he said,"But captain. I thought you would want your five minutes of stardom before working at a gas station, reminiscing at the glory day.". "Funny Alvarez but Coach asked me to let Allen take my place. For my future, I got two choices." said Brad. "You do?" said Zane. "I'm sure that I'll be going to CPU like my brother but I want to join the army or the police force." said Brad. "Really Captain? May I ask why?" said Zane. "You're not joking are you?" said Brad.

Zane shook his head for no as Brad sighed and said,"It's because of Zero. I mean he's our age and he's protecting us from supernatural threats and street crimes every day. He's a real-life superhero and I respect him a lot. I just want to pay him back for all the good he's done.". "That's great. Good luck with whatever you do captain." said Zane. "Thanks Zane. See you tomorrow. I have some studying to do before Thanksgiving Break," said Brad. "Good luck Captain." said Zane.

Brad soon walked toward the library with Zane hearing multiple footsteps heading toward him. Even before bonding with Twilight, he could hear this. "Hey Zaney. How is your dad doing?" said a female voice with Zane turning his head around with him soon seeing Kristen standing there with her joined by Allen, Danny, David, Karen, Marcia, Susan, Travis, and much to his shock, Hannah. "He's doing fine. We actually just had a sparing match. It was great." said Zane, smiling.

David said,"Your dad seemed like a cool guy but I've only met him for five minutes.". "I guess you're feeling less stressed out with having him back. I can help you if you want Zane." said Karen, placing her hand on his left shoulder. Upon contact, he soon winced a bit as Danny said,"You alright?". "Are you're hurt Zane? I'm sorry." said Karen, taking her hand off. "Yeah. We went overboard. I mean we did knock out an employee's front teeth." said Zane."You can't be serious." said Travis.

Allen said,"I may not known Zane for a long time but Zane is usually serious about things that sound stupid.". "Not a bad way to think Allen." said Susan. "Zane. I wanted to ask if you could help us hold the Ox balloon tomorrow." said Kristen. She was holding his hands with her giving him the puppy dog look. Hannah rolled her eyes as Zane said,"I can't. I promise to cook tomorrow and well, we're having a feast.".

Kristen sulked for a bit being that she was going to ask himself something but in private. "That's fine but can you at least show up?" said Kristen. "Don't worry so much Kris. Zane'll be there because he had his little siblings who will want to go for sure." said Danny. "Yeah. They're looking forward to the parade this year because some character for their favorite show is going to be there." said Zane. Soon after he finished his sentence, the five minute bell rang.

Zane flinched for a bit with Allen, Danny, Karen, and Kristen noticing it being that all four of them knew about his partnership with Twilight with his already really good hearing getting increased even more. "Well, I guess I better get going to class. See you later." said Karen. Everyone was soon gone except for Allen and Danny. "Zane. Are you sure about partnering up with Twilight was such a good idea?" said Danny.

Zane said,"It was Danny and I'm still slightly peeved that you told Allen about my secret.". "Well in his defense, I showed him and the rest of Team Power my powers before they told me." said Allen as he shrugged. "I figured that so did you cheat to get on the team?" said Zane. "Honestly, not at all. I used the reflexes that my mother install in me." said Allen. The two were talking about their powers as Danny said,"Class you guys.". "Oh right." said the two. The three soon headed off to class.

Later after school, a telephone ,in an apartment, was ringing with someone standing in front of it, not answering it before heading to voicemail. "This is Bryan. Message me." said the automated voice. "I still can't believe I'm doing this but well, I guess it's the right thing to do. Captain is worried about you and he asked me to check up on you. Call me back." said Zane's voice. A clawed hand soon held the phone, revealing that it was Darth standing there.

The Vordlarin's head went back, revealing Bryan with his neck covered in Darth's body. "Hey. Tell Brad that I was just dealing with some personal shit. I'll see him tomorrow." said Bryan. "Oh. So why didn't you answer when I first called? Shaving your legs? It's impossible for someone like you Jungle Legs." said Zane. Bryan clenched his right fist with him saying,"I was in the shower. Bye.". He soon hung up as Darth's head soon covered Bryan once again.

The Vordlarin soon opened up the apartment window with a mouth appearing on his neck. "Zane will lead us to Twilight will he?" said Darth. "Of course. We want some revenge so lets go already. We have a lot of work to do." said Bryan's voice coming right from the mouth that on Darth's neck. "We shouldn't rush this at all Bryan. We need to play smart and not stupid. I'm no fool like he's really is. Lets go already." said Darth, as he leaded off.

The next day, Zane was currently standing in his room with him whistling. "I'm impressed with your cooking ability Zane." said Twilight. "Thanks Twilight. I guess Osmosis Form do the cooking really did help out. I may know how to cook but for the amount of people we're having, it's going to take a master chef." said Zane. "At least, your mother won't come home to a destroyed kitchen." said Kane as Zane looked under his desk.

He looked to see a vial filled with a snow white liquid as Cole said,"What's that?". "Carlos will be out of jail soon thanks to him being extra good behavior. Before I returned Olympia Z, I did used Brain Form to make an antidote for powers. He'll still have them but he'll have complete control over them with self-imposed limits." said Zane. "So does it work on you?" said Sivarth. "Yes. It does but Zane's not taking it right?" said Athena.

Zane shook his head as he said,"I would if I didn't have the responsibility of being Zero and Cypress Park's protector. I may hate a lot of things about my job but I wouldn't have met Atem, Uriel, or Zoey if I didn't have my powers. I've saved a lot of lives, inspired people like Brad to do things to help the world as a whole, and so much more.". Crisis Judgement soon went off as Zane soon had royal blue tendrils wrapped around him and was send him flying out the window.

He soon dropped to the ground with him saying,"Okay. That was weird.". He placed the vial in his pocket with him hearing,"You don't need to be scare boy. We just want the information about her whereabouts.". Zane soon looked up to see Darth's red eyes with him jumping out of the tree. The teen soon dodged his backhand swing and he said,"You have impressive reflexes for a human. You will make a good meal after we get her back!".

Zane soon jumped toward the side of his house with Twilight saying,"That's Darth Zane! He's taken over a human so be very careful.". "Thanks. Stay hidden for now. He doesn't know about you and I bonding." said Zane. Twilight nodded as Zane dodged Darth's punch which broke the wall. "You can't keep dodging me forever." said Darth. The Vordlain soon watched Zane being covered in several plates of thick dull gray metal. They appear from his belt and covered his body.

It’s a mixture of the outfit that he wears when he activates Enigma Talisma or Scourge Armor. The metal looks like an extra layer of bio-metallic skin over his body except for his head. It has openings over his body being that he can still move around. He wears a metallic mask that covers his mouth and also muffles it. He has a gray layered band that goes around his neck and over both his eyes, he has a green scope or narrow lens that looks like a monocle over both of them.

He has a backpack which is attached to his back which is connected to two large dodecahedron barrel over both of his shoulders, just like Sivrath and Tyrannus Nether. They were currently hidden. He wears two silver metal gauntlets ,that go to the middle of his forearms, and matching silver metal boots. They have a crimson red gem in the center of the back of his gauntlets and sapphire blue gem in the back of his boots.

Zane soon jumped toward Darth with his punch sending him back despite the size difference. Zane soon dodged Darth's attack before sending a kick right into his neck. "You're strong child. We should expect nothing less from the one who makes us look stupid. We found someone who will help us get what we want." said Darth, slamming his claw right into Zane's chest. The teen soon went into the ground with the monster slamming him into the ground.

Darth said,"Any last words?". "Yeah. Mouth wash." said Zane. He soon kicked Darth off him with him cocking his right fist back. He soon punched Darth with the Vulcorian being sent flying right into the wooden fence. "Compressed air. Works well." said Zane. Zane soon dodged Darth's tendrils with him activating Warrior Blade, slicing them upon them getting close. The two fought for a while being that Darth couldn't land a hit on him. "He's strong but slow. You're strong but fast." said Kane.

Zane soon nodded with him saying,"So whose body have you taken or are you just that ugly to begin with?". "We were popular before you and that English prick took everything from us. We sought revenge and we have the power to do it." said Darth. Several tendrils came out with Zane slowly trapped in them, like a maze. "You'll be our last target Zane. We have a plan. Just try and stop us child." said Darth. The Vordlarin was soon gone with a powerful leap.

Zane soon aimed his right gauntlet, which had a large six-barreled hexagon-shaped blaster on the forearm and he said,"Time for you to burn.". His flames soon came out of them with the tendrils soon melted away. Zane soon stood there as he said,"Twilight. Is there a way to get rid of a Vordlarin off a host?". Twilight soon turned his clothing into his costume with her saying,"Yes. Cold or sheer force or willpower so this will be a challenge.". "Just my luck." said Zane as he flew off.

Zane was soon looking for Darth with him having Astral Sense active. Despite having a tint of gold in his eyes, the attack turned his eyes into a noticeable and bright molten gold color with two magic circles in front of him. "Zane! Look out! Web Twelve o clock!" said Cole. Zane looked up to see a tendril web with him saying,"Thanks Cole. Astral Roar!". Zane took a deep breath with steel gray cosmic energy gathered around him.

The air around him was vibrating and rippled with Zane soon firing the energy in front of him, which destroy the web. "That would have been really embarrassing if you got caught. I would laugh my ass off." said Kane. "Be careful Zane. Darth is an fighter." said Twilight. "Gotcha Twilight. Just stay safe okay? I don't want Darth to hurt you. He wants you as a trophy." said Zane. "So have you found him?" said Sivarth. "I think I know where he's going." said Zane, flying toward Heartstone.

Inside of Heartsone, Ellie was currently talking with a elderly male patient with Lucius sitting there watching her work. "So Doctor, is he your boyfriend?" said the man. Lucius blushed with Ellie said,"I think we're just good friends sir but I'm sure it'll be something more.". Lucius's blush got worse with him not noticing Darth in the window. He was about to bust in and take Lucius but he was soon kick by Zane who said,"Stay away from him!".

The monster was sent crashing through the ledges with Zane rapidly punching him. Zane soon stuck onto the wall with him stretching his arm back and his arms slowly twisting itself up. "Time for my Sweet Onslaught!" said Zane. His punch soon went right into Darth's chest and upon Zane's arm slowly untwisting itself, Darth was sent flying downwards until he crashed. Zane soon dodged the Vordlarin's tendrils with him grabbing one. Darth smiled as he said,"You're a fool hero!".

Zane was soon dragged toward him and was about to be punched right in the jaw. Zane smiled as he said,"Did you seriously think I wanted to touch you? This is all part of the plan.". Zane soon turned into Orb Form with him going into his ball form. The ball soon crashed into Darth with the Vordalrin soon throwing Zane off him. The Vordlarin kept punching the ball being that he wasn't making a dent in the shell.

Zane soon backhanded Darth off the ledge with Darth sprouting two tendrils. The tendrils were soon attached to the wall with Zane deactivating Orb Form. He jumped into the air, avoiding Darth's kick with Darth saying,"You're in my way Zero!". "Sorry but as a superhero. I'm a real pest to anyone who would hurt the innocent aka you." said Zane. Zane soon tackled him toward the ground with Darth soon grabbed Zane and throwing him into the side of the building.

Before Zane could counter, Darth soon wrapped in his tendrils being that Zane couldn't break out in a few sounds. "Have you figure out who we really are?" said Darth. "A jealous lover and a monster of a peaceful alien species." said Zane, trying to break out but Darth had tied up everywhere. "Do you seriously think your attempts at humor are needed? We despite Zane's snark more than anything in this world." said Darth. "Keep making him talk. We need to find out his host." said Twilight.

Zane said,"So why are you after Zane and the Alvarez family? I mean you seem like a smart guy and just the most ugly girl at the ball.". He soon broke out with Darth seeing that his costume was ,for a split second, had a chainsaw coming out. He laughed as Darth said,"You've actually bonded with someone Twilight?! That's funny!". Darth was soon punched by Zane with the Vordlarin soon held to the wall by candy syrup.

Zane floated in front of him as he said,"Talk now or else, I'll make you pay for your crimes.". "So scary kid. Our host is someone who was popular but in the past couple of months, thing changed for him. His most hated enemy Zane returned from his trip to Japan I think and he keeps calling him Jungle Legs and making him look foolish. There's also the English Prick who stole his girl away from him." said Darth, with the candy syrup breaking.

Zane's eyes widened with him saying,"Bryan? Is that you?!". "Good job finding out Sherlock!" said Darth, with a tendril grabbing Zane's leg. Before Zane could phase out of it, Darth soon threw him into the wall. Darth jumped away with Zane hearing,"There are many ways to break a man and one way is through his heart!". "The girls. Are they?" said Zane. "Mostly likely. Lets go." said Athena as Zane turned into Turbo Form, flying toward the parade.

The parade was going on as normal being that several balloons were walking through the streets with the most noticeable one being a golden ox, a giant sheep, and so many more with one of them being LZ for Legion Zero. The football team ,except Allen, Brad, and Zane, plus the popular kids ,except for the trio of Kristen, Nova, and Roxy, were holding the Cypress High Oxs balloon. Rachel was walking around by herself when she turned around to see both Allen and Brad.

Rachel said,"Wow. I can't believe you two are together. I'm happy for you both.". "We're not together Rachel. I just wanted 23 as a wingman. I'm here to say sorry." said Brad. Rachel raised her eyes as she ,along with the rest of the crowd, didn't see Zane ,currently in Comet Form and intangible, was flying around looking for Bryan and Darth. He soon landed on his logo's balloon with him taking a sigh.

Zane thought,"How did Bryan get Darth stuck on him? It does explain his absences lately.". "Bryan's anger toward you, Allen, and anyone else who made him look foolish is powering Darth up. We need to get Bryan to stop giving Darth energy." said Twilight. "In other words, make him less mad at you than he already is." said Cold. "That's a challenge. We know that Darth doesn't know about your secret identity. Where are the girls?" said Kane.

Zane soon looked down as he said,"Well, I see Rachel talking with Allen and Brad. Before Brad's change from asshole jock to a good person, I would have been concerned. Do you think Bryan will go after Rachel? He knows that Rachel is one of my closest friends.". The comet like being soon flew toward the trio with him landing there. Allen soon stood up as he said,"I'm going to get us something to eat. Be back.".

The duo of Brad and Rachel sat there with Brad saying,"Rachel. I'm sorry.". "For being a jerk for the past I don't know 7-8 years. Zane may be able to forgive Kevin for almost killing Karen but I'm still on the fence with him." said Rachel, crossing her arms. "Wow. I didn't know Rachel felt that way about Kevin." said Zane. "It's pretty obvious Zane. You were able to figure out her crush on Carlos but not that. Sometimes, you can be an enigma." said Sivarth.

Zane rolled his eyes with him saying,"Okay. Time to find them.". He deactivated Comet Form with him using Crisis Judgement to find the girls. He soon picked up their heartbeats with him jumping toward the street. He walked around the crowd with him saying,"Sorry. There will be no time for autographs.". He soon jumped up to a building with Zane saying,"No. That bastard is going to pay for this.". He soon turned to see a balloon ,of a giant Lizard, holding something in its left hand.

Karen, Kristen, Nova, Rain, and Roxy were stuck together and their mouths sealed shut with Darth's tendrils and they were looking right at him, screaming for help. "I'm coming." said Zane as he soon turned into ice. Darth roared out in pain with Zane saying,"I remember that the cold does bother you Darth! Have a taste of Permafrost Emperor Frozen Smash!". Zane soon releases an aura of freezing cold wind with him hitting Darth with a hard punch.

Darth's chest was soon frozen solid with him hitting a wall hard. "We despite the cold more than all in this world." said Darth, shivering. Zane soon made a webbing net with him walking toward Darth as the parade went on. The crowd thought that the seven girls were very realistic. Before Zane could trap Darth, the Vordlarin soon broke out of the cold. Zane threw the net away as he said,"Bryan! If you can hear me, fight the bastard! You're being control.".

Darth said,"We are not! We have a common goal! Killing those who stand in our way!". He soon fired out several tendrils with Zane dodging them and then either burning, electrocuting, or freezing them upon entering Zane's area of contact. The teen soon jumped off the building with him heading toward the ground. He saw the tendrils chasing him with him saying,"Hook, link, and sucker! Time for my Permafrost Thunder Emperor Overpowering War Scythe!".

Zane soon focused a large amount of cold and ice into his hands with thunder traveling through the ice. He soon created a giant war scythe out of the cold/ice with thunder going through it. He soon sliced down on the tendrils with them freezing upon contact. The electricity soon traveled through the tendrils which eventually hit Darth causing an explosion of electricity and lighting. Zane soon went back to the rooftop with him looking right at Darth.

The Vordlarin glared at Zane with him saying,"Your cold and electricity are nothing to our desire for revenge!". Zane soon threw the scythe toward him with Darth ready to dodge it. However, Zane soon focused Crimson Red Nether into his hand and fired a beam at the ice sculpture. It soon exploded with the entire area ,plus Darth, covered in cold and ice with him being shocked. "Stay there for a while okay big guy?" said Zane.

Zane soon went toward the balloon with him saying,"I really hope I can save the girls and Bryan.". "I thought you didn't like Bryan." said Sivarth. "A real hero saves everyone that he or she can even if you don't like them." said Zane. The ice crackled with Crisis Judgement going off. Darth soon rushed at Zane, with the teen jumping onto a big window. "Athena. Contact Allen and Danny if I'm losing the fight. I may need their help." said Zane. "Will do. Incoming!" said Athena.

Zane soon turned intangible with Darth breaking through the window. The two were in an office with Zane thankful that no one was in here. "You're nothing more than a coward who refuses to fight us just because our host is someone to protect! We don't share your sympathy!" said Darth. He soon threw a chair at Zane but the teen blocked it with candy syrup. Zane soon grabbed Darth with him saying,"Giant Toss!".

Zane's right arm grew bigger to the size of a giant with him soon throwing Darth downwards, causing him to go through several buildings. Zane soon flew toward the girls with him noticing that Darth's tendrils were starting to break. "Quit moving! You're only wearing out the tendrils! I'll be there in a flash!" said Zane. Before he could reach them, Darth soon tackled Zane into the side of a building with the Vordlarin choking him.

Zane turned to see the girls worried and screaming with Zane saying,"Bryan. You need to fight and not let it control you. Come on Jungle Legs.". Darth increases his grip with him saying,"We not being controlled!". Darth's head soon went back as Bryan said,"I despise you Zero because just like Zit, you're nothing more than a thorn in everyone side.". Darth soon took control as he let go of Zane for a moment.

Zane took advantage of this as he said,"Sorry about this. Great White Rocket!". Zane soon got on both hands ,with him in a handstand, and his feet grew in size. He soon kicked Darth with both feet and Darth was sending flying toward the ground and onto a car. Zane soon flew toward the girls with Darth on his tail. Back on the ground, Brad and Rachel were together. "Wow. I can't believe that they would confuse Godzila for King Kong. It's so wrong." said Brad.

Rachel looked up as she said,"Brad! Look closer!". Brad looked as he said,"Kris. Why is she?". "That doesn't matter right now does it? They're in danger! Lets go!" said Rachel. The two were gone with the hero ,being that this was his third attempt, tried to save the girls but Darth wasn't letting up. Zane was kicked right into a building with him slicing Zane's chest, tearing his costume. His costume was soon repaired with Darth laughing.

Darth said,"Do you honestly think that we should work together?". Zane was quiet as Darth said,"I guess the hero has run out of things to say. Took you long enough.". Darth was soon nailed to the wall thanks to giant candy syrup nails with him trying to break out. The candy syrup soon held him toward the wall as Zane said,"Sorry ugly but I got the girls to save so catch you later!". Zane was soon gone as Darth broke out and chased after him.

Back on the ground, Brad and Rachel stood with the group holding their school's balloon. "Okay guys. Time to help Zero out a bit! Move out!" said Brad. "You can't be serious Brad. They're holding the balloon." said Hannah. "Does that really matter when Karen, Kristen, Nova, Rain, and Roxy's lives are on the line?!" yelled Rachel. "You heard the girl. Move out!" said David as the group soon ran off except for Hannah who tried to hold the balloon but failed, falling on her behind.

The duo of Darth and Zane were neck to neck with Zane soon being grabbed by Darth's tendrils and slammed him into the lizard's head. Zane turned to see that the tendril was breaking more with Darth soon on the balloon. "Hey ugly. You and I haven't been doing any damage to each other all day. I'll give you a chance to hit me so bring your best." said Zane. "Seriously?!" said Cole. Darth soon ran toward Zane with his claws sharpened.

However, Zane fired webbing at Darth with him swinging his claws toward the balloon. It was cut as Darth was soon blown away by the air pressure. "Like a bull to the color red." said Zane. The balloon was soon deflated with Zane hearing,"You think you're so clever don't you? You're nothing more than a fool.". Darth soon appeared in his side with Zane jumping off the balloon. The tendrils broke as the girls were flying toward the ground.

Zane flew toward them with him catching all of them. Zane smiled as he said,"Sorry I'm late for the parade. You would not believe the traffic in this city today.". Crisis Judgement went off as Darth was swinging toward him. "Sorry but your kicks won't work on me this time!" said Zane. Darth soon went right through them, hitting the wall. Zane descended to the ground with him sprouting several hands from his body, ripping off the tendril off the girls. "You girls okay?" said Zane.

The seven hugged him as Zane blushed. "I think that's a yes." said Twilight. "Thanks for saving them Zero! You rock!" said Brad. Zane turned to see Brad, Rachel, the jocks, and popular kids with him saying,"Get the girls out of here Brad! I rather not have them captured by that thing again!". Darth landed ,in a epic position, with Brad said,"You got it Zero!". "Oh. Zero, Your new costume. It's really sexy." said Roxy. All of them were gone as Zane's face was really red and slightly steaming.

No one could see it. "Wow. She really knows how to power you up huh Zane?" said Twilight. "She told you!" said Kane with him laughing. Darth soon walked toward Zane being that he was pissed off. Zane soon smiled with him saying,"Primordial Stream!". Darth was soon blasted back by a dense blast of concentrated Primordial energy from Zane's fists. "It wasn't at all charged Zane but it did some damage." said Cole.

Zane nodded with him soon grabbing Darth with his webbing as he said,"Swing your partner round and round!". He soon threw Darth into a light post with the Vordlarin turning his arm into a chainsaw with him rushing toward Zane. The teen backflipped into the air with him aiming his webbing down to the ground and in between Darth. "Time for an faster and stronger Giant Stomp!" said Zane as his feet were growing bigger.

He slammed his feet into Darth, with the ground breaking below them. Darth soon grabbed Zane by his leg with him throwing him toward a nearby water tower. Zane turned intangible with him going right through the tower. He soon landed as Darth broke through the tower. "This game is now over Zero! Give us back Twilight!" said Darth. "She doesn't belong to you. She's my friend and not at a weapon!" said Zane.

Zane took a deep breath with him saying,"Bryan. I know this is pointless but I have to try something stupid. You're stronger than Darth! He needs someone to survive outside of his home planet! Are you seriously going to let him control you like that?! You're stronger than this Bryan!". "I don't need your sympathy Zero." said Darth. "I think you're using the wrong pronouns buddy. " said Zane as Darth was soon melting off.

Bryan soon stood there as he said,"No! My power! What are you...". He was soon out cold as Darth soon jumped toward Zane. "You two will belong to me!" yelled Darth. The teen smirked as he soon turned into Thermal Form. The fire and ice being ,in a split second, froze the Vordlarin solid with Zane saying,"And this case is over.". "So what now Zane?" said Twilight. "Time to make sure you never get another host." said Zane.

Zane deactivated Thermal Form with him soon creating a webbing bag. He grabbed the frozen slime and placed him inside. Zane soon focused Vulcan Force ,aka dark purple metallic scales with a spiral pattern to it, around it. He soon turned to Bryan with him saying,"I'm sorry about this Bryan but you and Darth are over with.". Zane soon opened a portal with its location being Heartstone and sent the teen into it. The fight was over as Zane swung off.

He soon found a construction site with him smiling and turning intangible. He was soon at the bottom with him saying,"This place is just perfect being that it's either going to be an ice cream factory or ice company. Have fun at your new home Darthy.". The bag rumbled as Zane said,"Wow. You're a really violent one aren't you?". "That's Darth for you. He's a very violent one." said Twilight. Zane soon looked for some cement.

He soon walked around as he found some. He soon looked at the bag with him saying,"Any last words Darth?". The bag rumbled as Zane said,"Wow. You're so not going to be around kids with that mouth of yours young man.". He soon dropped the bag into the cement, watching it sink it. He took a deep breath as he said,"And the day for Zero is over.". He was soon gone and head toward his home being that he still had dinner with his family.

Later at his home, Zane ,back in normal clothing, opened the front door. He soon saw the group of Allen, Blake, Danny, Gwen, Karen, Kevin, Kristen, Rachel, Salvador, and Scott with the three older men holding the turkey and the boys holding food. "Happy Thanksgiving Zane. I've heard that you were busy all day cooking and throwing this massive party so we decided to come on by for some food." said Kevin. "You only came for the Anderson's pie didn't you Kevin?" said Zane.

Rachel said,"Well in his defense Zane, it's really good.". "Karen. Kristen. Are you two okay? I heard about..." said Zane. "The two are fine Zane. They forced us to come." said Sal. "At least your niece didn't give you a look. Mind if we come in Zane?" said Scott as he and Blake walked inside of the house. "Dad! I'm fine Zane. Thanks for saving me." said Karen, with her whispering that last part to him. "Yeah. You're a real hero." said Kristen as she kissed his cheek.

The group soon entered the house with Zane closing the door. "So how much did you cook Zane? I know that you have your grandparents ,from both sides, visiting along with having six siblings and four pets." said Blake. "Just look inside the kitchen." said Zane as Danny opened the door. The group was shocked to see so much food in one place. "Dude. You made enough food to feed the homeless for years!" said Danny. "My family has several big eaters so lets eat!" said Zane.

Later, Zane devour a whole pumpkin pie with everyone looking at him. "What? I'm starving." said Zane. "Don't change Zane." said Gwen. "I'm just thankful that my daughter was saved by our town's protector." said Scott. "Yeah. He saved my niece." said Sal. Zane smiled as Blake said,"We have a lot to be thankful for.". "Yeah. We do." said Natasha, holding Shawn's hand. She kissed his cheek as Wolfram gagged. Kania slapped him with the group laughing.

Allen, Danny, Kevin, and Zane were cleaning the kitchen with Kevin said,"So how come we got stuck cleaning the kitchen?". "The men wanted to watch the game with Darin wanting to show his grandson the awesomeness of football plus it beats hearing about my dad's embarrassing childhood from my grandma." said Zane. "Don't you have embarrassing moments?" said Allen. "Yeah but Zane has them hidden well." said Danny. The four talked as they cleaned.

It was soon night time as Scott put some of the Tupperware into his car. Zane stood there on the porch with Karen and Kristen with the latter getting a ride home from Scott due to Sal having to leave early because of business. "Thanks for coming girls. I really need this." said Zane. "So do you have to give thanks to someone else tonight?" said Karen. "Yeah. I'm planning on heading to the forest so that no one can see Sivarth. He's a big guy after all." said Zane.

Karen looked away as she said,"Night Zane. I'll see you later.". She walked down the stairs but just before she reached the bottom, she ran back up and kissed Zane on the lips. Zane's eyes widened as Karen said,"I've been waiting a long time to do that.". Scott honked his horn with Karen running to the car in embarrassment. "Happy Thanksgiving Zane." said Kristen. She kissed him on the lips as she ran to the car. The car drove off as Twilight said,"Wow. So about the food.".

Kane, Sivarth, and Twilight ,with the later two outside of Zane's body, were enjoying the food with Zane sitting there. The four of them were in the forest with Kane saying,"The food is just amazing Zane! Well done.". "Thanks a lot. So what did you mean earlier?" said Zane. "Yeah. It was strange coming from you." said Sivarth. "Yeah. I may not know your past Kane but from what I could tell, it seems like you have a bad past." said Twilight.    

Kane sighed as he said,"I don't think all women are like what I said before. It's just those who like to believe that women are 'fairer' and 'better' than men in general. It's actually very sad because the way I see it, both men and women are useless without each other. Humanity ,as a species, can't live without the other. Some people like to believe that they're right always and everyone should follow them without question.".

Zane said,"That sounds like Sam.". "It does. From what I've seen, the girls that love you and are your friends don't think that." said Kane. "Thanks." asked Zane. "I have to say something. Have you ever heard of the old saying 'opposites attract' Zane? That saying is complete and total bullshit. I could never understand how two different people could bond. It isn't possible. That saying is just a fairy tale for cheesy movies and shows." said Sivarth.

Twilight nodded as she said,"I agree. If two opposites got together, one would have to give up their own beliefs just to please the other. A partnership/relationship isn't that Zane. You and I know this being that Team Legion Zero is a team that accepts each other's personalities, beliefs, and helping each other as they face life head on. Changing yourself  isn't just a means of abandoning oneself, it's both pathetic and it just shows how desperate that person is.".

Zane held his fist in front of him as he said,"So are you guys ready to face the challenges that may face us later on in our life?". Twilight put a tendril onto Zane's fist as she said,"You have the power of the Vordlarin Zane.". Sivarth placed one of his tail on Zane's head as he said,"You have my power to crush all who stands in your way.". Kane placed his fist there as he said,"Same but to avenge my kind who died.". The four ,plus Athena and Cole, were ready for whatever may happen.

Kane said,"So beside for defeating/killing Skull Plague, what's your current plan?". "I need to get my dad the perfect welcome back gift. We need to find those two and get that trio back." said Zane. "We're in Zane." said Athena, Cole, Kane, and Sivarth with the latter two going back into Zane. Twilight rested on Zane as she said,"What is the plan Zane?". "Finding Aunt Isabel plus rescuing Fallout from Skull Plague. Sounds simple right?" said Zane as he was gone.

Next time,
After Darth is defeated, who will be the next challenge for Zane? Will Skull Plague return to cause mayhem? Will David and Susan get together? Will Carlos and Rachel reunite and get back together or has the flames died out for those two? Will Zane find Isabel and rescue Fallout to Shawn or will his plan blow up in his face? This and more next time on Zero!

The Vordlarin:
Homeworld: Golax Prime MX. Located in the Gamma Anchor System which is right next to the Milky Way Galaxy.

History: Each member of the species grow extremely fast being that they’re sexual maturity only one month after birth. They are also both male and female being that they have male and female sexual organs in them. This is done being that it naturally supplies them with enzymes that are vital to conception.  They can pick a gender to associate with being that their society is define by what gender you pick and what you proved for the hive itself.

They’re a species of inorganic, amorphous, symbiotic extraterrestrials from the Gamma Anchor System which is right next door to the Milky Way Galaxy In their natural state, they are very impartial to other species and their problems being that they only care about their very only species Vordlarin. The Vordlarins are an extremely ancient race being that they’ve been around longer than the Eazairvian, Qlakrik, and Vulcorian.

They can live through several generations of other species, living and dying without aging whatsoever. They’re highly ambitious being that they’ve built an empire which is considered an rumor to the entire Omniverse. Due to the ambiguity of the species, the Alliance considered them to be a rumor. This little detail is a shock being that the group is well known for gathering information.  

They’ve stolen technology ,required for interstellar travel, without being seen. They’ve also mastered the intricacies of time-travel, being that they can go through time itself without alerting the Alliance or other time travel users such as Savant Infinity whose well known for known everything and everyone. They’ve received broadcasts from other planets and species being that they’ve well informed of anything related to the Omniverse.

The Vordlarins are a matriarchal society. The highly successful members of their species ,who are deemed better for society as a whole, are permitted to have multiple partners while the ordinary members are allowed to have only one. If it’s reported that you have more partners than you were allowed to have, you’ll be send into outer space and unable to return for a period of time decided upon the highly tribunal. They also find eating like a slob to be impolite.

Over time, they strive to bond with worthy hosts to make them into noble and powerful warriors of their species. This is due to them seeing and hearing about powerful warriors over time. To achieve this goal, the host needs to have a perfect blend of moral and physical ideals to the Vordlarin itself. However, Darth Krakirm ,who was against the idea of the other members of his hive, corrupts the host to become his puppet who thinks that they’re in control. 

Darth was excommunicated from his species upon him caused a species’s genocide and he was sent to live on his own for the rest of time itself. However, he was still consider a threat due to his violent nature. Twilight Equinox ,who’s the princess of the species, asked her elders to hunt down the rogue Vordlarin being that she went to Earth and she soon bonded with Zane Vincent Alvarez in order do that, growing a strong boy with the Cross-Species.   

Despite looking like slime, they are fully aware and sentient being that they hate being used as nothing more than weapons. This also applies to the two most well known members of the species Darth Krakirm and Twilight Equinox. Even though that most of the species ,if not all of them except for Darth Krakirm, is connected to the hive, they all have different and unique personality much to the shock of Zane upon meeting Darth and Twilight.

Appearance: They are an amorphous species being that they take a semi-solid appearance, very much like slime. They also can be any color which makes each one of them unique. Darth is royal blue. He has glowing red eyes and yellow mouth. Its mouth shows that it has razor-sharp teeth and its eyes have a jagged black outline. The bottom half of his face is gray. Most of the time, he’s large.

Twilight’s body is primarily black with a crimson red web like pattern all over her body. She has glowing dark magenta eyes and white mouth with black teeth that looked sharp but still dull. She had a smooth white outline around her eyes very much like a domino mask. Unlike Darth who makes his hosts larger, she keeps her host the same size with some add on to them being rather minor. 

They have the ability to change its form depending on its user being that Darth usually makes his hosts look bigger and monstrous compared to Equinox who keeps Zane the exact same. In the Vordlarins’s base form, they can sprout two mouths being that they have one for eating and drinking and the other for talking. They normally doesn’t show on their bodies being that they have extremely small holes over their bodies to breath through.

Power/Weakness: The Vordlarins are one of the most powerful species but their true power is seen when they have bonded to a host of any species in the Omniverse. The species can also bond with Eazairvians, Qlakriks, and Vulorians with the trio being known as the top three species. Upon bonding with another species, they become bonded at the hip and can changed their hosts DNA. They can leave on their own choice but tend not to upon finding their perfect host.

The Vordlarins have an interesting biology due to them having a larger than normal stomach and they can eat almost everything that comes in contact with them. This also includes the planet’s natural acid rain being that the species soon adapted the ability to create and manipulate acid throughout their bodies. Upon leaving their home planet, the Vordlarins feeds off their hosts’ emotions.

It can be either positive or negative emotions but they do this to regain their strength and keep their attitude satisfied. They also has to make sure that they don’t take too much of their current hosts’ emotions being that they could accidentally kill them by overfeeding on his emotions. They can also enjoy anything sweet like candy but like with Darin’s apparent love of flesh, Twilight is the only one who looks that.

The Vordlarins have an Collective Memory due to them all being connected to the hive. They can share information and memories with other members of the hive. Darth ,who isn’t part of the hive, is unable to use this ability but he doesn’t mind this. He soon gained the ability to gain the memories, skills, and powers of its host meaning that he gains more power. This is a variation of Genetic Memory.

They are genderless, usually reproduced asexually or through a partner but mainly the latter in most cases. They can also pick their gender around their sexual maturity. The Vordlarin itself decides on how many offsprings it wants. Darth refuses to have kids because he wants to be the one to kill Twilight and Zane not anyone else. Twilight wants to have kids but when she’s ready for them and she does this by giving Zane’s kids special abilities based off their parents.

Natural Abilities: The Vordlarins have the ability to naturally produce a powerful acid from inside of their bodies which is all natural. This ability can be used by its hosts for powerful effects. The species gained the ability thanks to absorbing the naturally acidic rain from their homeworld. This acid can only be melt or destroy anything that isn’t living such as buildings or metallic chains. It doesn’t work on anything organic but can be used for other means.

In their base form, they can naturally extend parts of their body. They usually make tendrils-like pseudopods for several different purposes. They uses this to increase their movement speed or use it to create weapons such as bladed, blunt, shields, or whips from their bodies. Their bodies are immune to all conventional weapons such as bullets or being hit by a hammer. They use this ability to create a suit for their hosts.

They can expand and contrasts to any size. This ability is due to the fact that the Vordlarins can bond with any species ,in the Omniverse, being that it can thin its size to the size of a cell being that they can travel through electrical wires in order to find a host. It can expand its size to the size of a massive robot being that Darth did this to get a host. They can change their colorating in order to take on the appearance of normal clothing.

This provide highly effective and complex camouflage. Darth uses this to hide from the cops upon feasting upon criminals. He disguise their hosts physical features and this includes their genders. Twilight uses this to change Zane’s clothing for him and she does this because he finds the ability rather impressive and saves time and his powers on turning into Legion Zero which is rather petty reason in hindsight but Zane doesn’t doesn’t care..

They can sense the thoughts and emotions of other species around them, being that they used this to find potential hosts. Upon finding a host, they can control the actions of the host. They can only do this if the host is asleep or unconscious. This only applies to those who haven’t bonded with the host. Twilight is the first Vordlarin is do this which isn’t that big of a shock. This is due to her having abilities that make her different from the rest of her species.

They can take over for their host completely with her being a great mimic of her host even fooling those who are close to Zane. A Vordlarin can communicate with their hosts through telepathy. Darth uses it to controls his hosts and Twilight uses it to talk with Zane. They can share memories with their hosts if bonded. Twilight can also use Elysian. This telepathic communication can’t be affected by other telepaths even the strongest ones.

Abilities given to its Host: Upon bonding with a host, they get the host several abilities upon the initial bonding. They cover their hosts in a highly dense skin tight suit that looks like the Vulcorian in question. This is shown often with Darth and the rest of the species with Twilight changing parts of Zane’s costume due to their bond being special even among Vordlarins. The suit that the Vulcorian makes for their hosts is extremely powerful. 

The suit makes the host immune to most conventional weapons such as being dense enough to be slammed by a hammer or a powerful punch, stop bullets ,by stealing the kinetic energy of the bullets itself, before reaching the host. They can survive in higher than normal temperatures but they can’t survive in intense cold due to the weakness of the Vordlarins. They can survive in all kinds of radiation. It can survive intense heats.

They can survive high aquatic pressure and outer space by producing a breathable gas for their host. They naturally amplifies the natural abilities of their hosts. Both Darth and Twilight are an exception to this somewhat being that they can naturally stacks up abilities from their previous hosts. Zane’s already impressive abilities were increased upon gaining Equinox’s power and any host that Darth takes over is very deadly.

The Vordlarins give their hosts super-human strength or increase the user’s already natural strength that can rip open steel gates. They have stronger jaw/mandible muscles being that they can eat bite their way through solid steel with ease. They can form tendril-like pseudopods, with them forming tendrils as whips or shields from their bodies. They can create weapons ,such as spikes and blades, which they can throw at a target.

The weapon slowly dissipated when not in close contact with the user. They naturally form their weapons from their organic matter. It can form bladed and spiked weapons with ease such as axe heads and spiked maces. They can create more parts of its body by the Vordlarin feeding off their emotions ,either positive or negative, and they can remotely control pieces of itself separated from its body.

They can regenerate from a small tissue sample after being separated from the host. They can mimic all forms of clothing and appearance for their host and they can hide things inside of their body, ranging from a camera and cell phone to a mini gun, with them not gaining any kind of bulk. They give their hosts an incredible regenerative ability being that they are very hard to get rid of according to Zane’s enemies even with their weakness in mind.

This power is very rare even among the more powerful Vordlarins being that they can revive a host from death. Upon the host dying, the Vordlarins leaves to find another host. If the Vordlarin is fond of its current host, it can revive the host upon them dying. This power seems powerful but it can only work if the current host feels the same about them. This can be through respect or when they want power mainly in Darth’s case.

Weakness: Despite being a powerful species with or without a host, they have their fare share of weakness just like other species. If a Vordlarin is off their home planet Golax Prime MX for any reason, it can’t survive too long without a host. This is due to their biology being used to Golax Prime’s unique and highly dense atmosphere consisting of Methane, Nitrogen, Nitrous Oxide, and Sulfur Dioxide. They can survive up to forty eight hour without a host or in a protective container.

The Vordlarin have a weakness toward cold environments. They can handle a cold breeze and cold water but they can’t handle the arctic without a host. They also can’t handle loud noises due to them having supernatural senses. It causes them physical pain and discomfort being that they naturally rages out shown with Darth. Twilight shows her dislike toward loud noises in a less noticeable manner due to her royal nature.

They have a hatred for dead flesh or tissue being that they refuse to bond with any zombies in the Omniverse. Darth ,being an exception to many things belong to his species, likes eating flesh because he’s a cannibal among his race. The host can get rid of the Vordlarins from their bodies but they have to know the weakness of the species itself before hand. They can go away by a strong force of emotions like sheer and strong willpower.

Homeworld: However, the Vordlarins is well known compared to their species. Golax Prime MX may seem like a highly deserted planet ,that’s at least eight times bigger than Jupiter, with several hollowed out asteroids that orbits around the planet. The gravity there is very similar to the Moon with it having a highly dense atmosphere consisting of Methane, Nitrogen, Nitrous Oxide, and Sulfur Dioxide.

However, it doesn’t ignite upon anything that uses heat or that something that can explode. It’s also known for acidic rain that only affects anything that isn’t active such as buildings. It’s most current leader is Khufu Tiberius being that she was selected by the entire species. Her daughter Equinox Twilight is next in line if her mother is unsuited for the job according to the elders but this is very rare. 

Core Powers that all of the species share:
Acid Generation, Acid Immunity, Acid Manipulation, Acidic Blood, Acidic Bodily Fluids, Amorphous Physiology, Asexual Reproduction, Aquatic Adaptation, Biological Symbiosis, Blunt Force Immunity, Bulletproof Durability, Camouflage, Clothing Generation, Collective Memory, Compressability, Deflation, Dermal Armor, Dimensional Storage, Elastic Combat, Elasticity, Emotion Absorption, Emotion Detection, Emotion Empowerment, Emotion Manipulation, Emotion Metabolization, Emotion Vampirism, Enhanced Bite, Enhanced Lung Capacity, Expandability, Experience Sharing, Fire Immunity, Gender Transformation, Goo Generation, Hive Mind, Kinetic Energy Absorption, Limb Expansion, Limb Extension, Liquid Mimicry, Malleable Anatomy, Melting, Mouth Manifestation, Multiple Mouths, Natural Weaponry, Negative Emotion Empowerment, Organic Attacks, Organic Combat, Organic Constructs, Organic Generation, Organic Manipulation, Parasite Physiology, Partial Possession, Positive Emotion Empowerment, Power Augmentation, Power Suit, Psychic Communication, Psychic Shield, Racial Memory, Radiation Immunity, Reforming, Regenerative Healing Factor, Resurrection, Scattering, Sensory Sharing, Sergekinetic Combat, Shapeshifting, Shared Vision, Sharp Teeth, Size Combat, Size Enhancement, Size Manipulation, Size Reduction, Skin Color Manipulation, Slime Manipulation, Slime Mimicry, Super Eating, Supernatural Durability, Supernatural Endurance, Supernatural Healing Factor, Supernatural Speed, Supernatural Stamina, Supernatural Strength, Symbiosis, Symbiotic Absorption, Symbiotic Combat, Symbiotic Costume, Tendril Generation, Tentacle Extension, Thermal Resistance, Tight Space Maneuvering, and Vacuum Adaption. 

Monday, June 4, 2018

Zero Episode 101 Partnership between Royalty

A/N: Yeah. Shawn is back. You really think that I wouldn't bring back Shawn being that he's the reason why Zane has some issues but here's the thing. Zane will still have these issues despite his father returning. They'll have a highly strained relationship. We'll be seeing that in this episode and the next one. So who is Hellion Baron? Will we learn how he found Shawn when Liv and her group couldn't? You think that I should have wrote those two questions at the Next Time part.

The Outcast Syndicate seem to be the Sinister Syndicate or the Spider-Man Revenge Squad to the Sinister Six aka the Battalion at first. However, don't judge a book by its cover. They will be making a big splash in due time just you wait. You'll see what I mean by that in due time and well, I expect after this and next episode will be the return of Zero right after a lot of Fairy Legion Chapters so yeah. I plan to bring back Zero after some Fairy Legion Chapters.

This is the thought of me during early June so don't quote me on that. This episode is also the origin of the web powers that Zane gained after that slime creature went over his body. I should have done something with that but I wanted to introduce Form Morpher more than I wanted to introduce the web powers. It's a buzz kill I know but I promise that this episode and the next one will be focusing on the new web powers. It will also some other stuff.

Now lets begin with the return of Shawn Alvarez. You may think I should do the stuff with Zane but here's the thing. The Zane thing will be most of the episode aka the A plot of the Simpsons Episode and the main plot with the Outcast Syndicate will be the B plot of that Simpsons Episode. I'm a huge fan of the Simpsons being that I've always loved the Future Episodes the most but mainly how the show is structured.

Zane's blanket/comforter is a mixture of both of them and just like with clothing, I'm very much not an expert. My knowledge of this and clothing are very basic just like my color choices for Zane being that he likes darker colored clothes rather than brighter colored clothes. This is a personal preference mind you. Lets begin due to me not wanting to go on a rant about the Rainbow. These are the final version of Zane's costumes being that this will make sense later on.

Narrator P.O.V.
The trio of Kurt, Lucius, and Natasha were shocked to see Shawn sitting there with Kurt saying,"It can't be. It has to be illusion or a hologram.". "Would you like to find out by the good old test of telling if an object is real or not?" said Baron. He held a rock as Baron said,"Aka a rock." "Can I do it?" said Lucius. Baron soon gave the rock to the eldest son with Natasha said,"You can't be serious Lucius.".  "Yeah. I may not want to punch him like Zane does but I'm still mad." said Lucius.

He threw the rock toward Shawn, with the man groaning. "He's real after all. Could I make super sure?" said Kurt. "Sure." said Baron. The two sons threw rocks at Shawn with Natasha sighing. "I know that they're mad at Shawn for abandoning them but they should be more concerned on why he's here." thought Natasha. Shawn soon woke up as he said,"Would you quit tossing pebbles at me you overgrown.....".

He saw his family as he said,"Kurt. Lucius. Natasha. What are you three doing in the Infinite Void? I can't believe you would come here to save me.". "Um dad. You're back on Earth and it's been twelve years since you've been gone." said Lucius. "Yeah. We're all grown up." said Kurt. "Seriously!?  All I remember is that I was traveling through the Infinite Void and then I was..." said Shawn. He was soon kicked to the ground by Baron.

Uriel woke up as she said,"Where am...?". She looked around and saw an older version of Zane on the ground with Baron placing his foot on his head. "Hey! Let him go!" said Uriel. She tried to use her powers but she couldn't. Baron noticed her as he said,"So the Vulcorian is okay. I totally had some game money on the puppy but like I said to you before Kurt, don't doubt the Vulcorian race even though there are only two left.".

The room in the lights turned on as Baron turned to see Dusk standing there. "We're needed in the main room so hurry up. Quit "torturing" the prisoners." said Dusk. Baron pouted as he said with a sigh,"Okay Dusky. Do you want me to take her?". "We'll be needing her so yes." said Dusk. Baron soon opened Uriel's cell and grabbed her. Atem and Zoey woke up and they saw their sister being dragged away by Baron. "Uriel! Let her go!" yelled the two.

They were soon blasted into the laser gate by two fireballs. Dusk stood there with him saying,"Don't be heroes kids. You'll get your sister back soon if she's a good girl.". "Yeah. Oh, let me do this first. Catch!" said Baron. Dusk caught Uriel who tried to bite herself free. Dusk sighed as he faded into the shadows. Baron soon put up Shawn up as he said,"Thanks?". "Yeah. Oh, that girl was your son's daughter! Bye." said Baron. Baron was gone as Shawn yelled,"What?!!".

Back outside of Zenith Tower, Nova along with Parker ,who was on her left shoulder, were still trying to break through the security system didn't help them. Nova fired several violet colored bursts of energy, being that they deflected off the building's force field. Nova panted as she said,"So how long do I have to keep hitting this thing?". She turned to Parker with the Eazairvian saying,"Soon. You just have to keep hitting the same spot so the barrier will break around it.".

Nova looked at him as she said,"Don't you have the power to alter reality?". "I do but knowing the brat like I do, he probably make it impervious to reality altering." said Parker. "So are Eazaitvian paranoid? I mean I love the guy but he can be paranoid about the smallest things." said Nova as she kept blasting the same spot. "Yes. You should be done right now." said Parker. The girl soon saw a hole in the force field with her saying,"Thank the gods!".

The two soon jumped in with the hole fixing in. "So what's the next step?" said Nova. "Surviving and finding Zane." said Parker. "Wait. What do you mean by......?" said Nova. Before Parker could answer her, an voice said,"Two intruders. Security level 1! Eliminate!". Several weapons appeared from the building with the girl looking at Parker. "You fell in love with him not me. Good luck." said Parker. Nova sighed as she said,"Zane. I hope I can find you before its too late.".

The girl soon dodge the laser fire with her blocking some of them making some energy discs. "So how many levels are there?" said Nova. "I think 10 but I'm not sure." said Parker. Nova soon focus her energy into the ground around her as several plant vines came out of the ground. They smashed the weapons before they were sliced by energy saws, increasing the weapons. "This is going to take a while isn't it Parker?" said Nova. "It will but the prize will be worth it." said Parker.

Flashback Narrator P.O.V.
Before Zane went missing and the cocoon appeared inside of his tower, Zane was interrogating some villains on Dusk's location. Zane didn't know his name at first being that he called him Shadow Man so this was going to fail. He started with the first rogue that he could find aka Titan. The size changer was currently being held down to the ground with Gravity Form, with the ground breaking below the giant due to the increase gravity.

Titan said,"I told you Zero! I don't know who you're talking about!". "He's a member of the Odium Society isn't he? Just like Umbra was?! Tell me or I'll send right into the Earth's core!" said Zane. "He doesn't know anything. Try someone else." said Kane. "I think I heard that tiger guy taking about this shadow guy who took Jaws somewhere." said Titan. "Thanks." said Zane. The hero ,who got out of Gravity Form, was gone as Titan was stuck in higher gravity for five minutes tops.

A bit later, the tiger Deviant aka Barbarian was currently being thrown up and down using Zane's telekinesis with the hero floating in the air. "Talk now fur ball." said Zane. "Okay! I'll talk! Just stop bouncing me!" said Barbarian. Zane held in the air with the tiger saying,"I think I saw him with Crash. Yeah, he's thinking of reforming that villain team that he had with Occult and Titan plus Titan's sister.". Zane glared at him with Sivarth said,"Great. Another dead end.".

Crash was currently being shocked and held in the air by Fulmination Form with him screaming from the pain. Zane dropped him to the ground as he said,"Talk now shortround.". His patience was very much wearing thin being that he was worried sick about his brother. During the investigation, Zane had Athena and Cole turning off his phone so he wasn't bothered. "Mommy. Please no more shock therapy." said Crash. He was out cold as Zane sighed. "This is getting so dam annoying!" said Zane.

He deactivated Fulmination Form and he soon tied up Crash using his candy syrup. He pinched his nose as he said,"Okay. I've been searching for this shadow guy for hours now. Have you guys found anything?". "We have. The shadow guy is Irene's older brother by four years is Dusk aka Malcolm  Smith. We tried to get you a chance to talk with Irene Zane but right now, she's currently in solitary confinement." said Athena.

Cole said,"She got put there because well, she caused a food fight. It was funny and we totally got video.". "I'm not in the mood. For some reason, I feel tired." said Zane. "Did you get your one hour of sleep Zane?" said Kane. "I thought I did because I finished up patrol earlier last night so I could do some last minute adjustment to Solace. I may just call the others for help." said Zane, gripping his head. He yawned as Crisis Judgement went off.

He soon turned his entire body into fire, being that several energy blasts went through him. He turned to see Agent F, Agent Phoenix, Agent Quake, and Marilyn with their guns aimed right at him. "You guys do know that I'm on your side right?" said Zane. "Most of the time." said Sivarth. Zane rolled his eyes at his Phantom partner with Agent F said,"That doesn't matter. You and your buddies have done enough.". "Buddies? I'm not friends with them." said Zane.

Agent Quake said,"Like we believe a Phantom. You haven't heard about the robbery at Cypress Park University or the gas attack at Cypress Elementary.". Zane's eyes widened with Vicky saying,"I really don't think you can play the fool with us Zero. The entire Alvarez family has been taken from our reality and there is faint but noticeable traces of Nether. You can't deny that it was a Phantom no can you?".

Zane was quiet as Marilyn said,"Fine then. We'll just detain you. Cuff him Phoenix. We'll make you talk and trust me. It isn't going to be pretty.". The teen smiled as she ,on her hoverboard, floated toward Zane. "Um Zane. I rather not have those guys try and figure how your watch works. It looks like the one that you wear in your civilian guise." said Cole. "Don't worry Cole. I got this." said an unknown voice.

Zane's spirit filled eyes were lifeless as Kane said,"You! Are you finally coming to talk with him and put him through the trial? Zane isn't like normal humans. He's way better!". Zane's head nodded as Agent Quake said,"Um. What is he doing?". "Who knows and who cares? If we have their ring leaders, we can finish off the Phantoms for good." said Marilyn. Just before Vicky could put the cuffs on him, Zane glared at her.

Zane said in an altered voice,"Sorry but I'm currently borrowing this body and going to jail would just be a big no.". Vicky was soon grabbed by two tendrils ,that came from Zane's back being black with a crimson web pattern all over it, and thrown into the wall. The four were shocked being that Zero never showed these powers before now but well, Zane had a lot of powers in his arsenal that people didn't know about.

Marilyn said with a glare,"We tried to be nice but no. Detain and capture Zero!". "Yes ma'am!" said Agent F and Quake. The two agents fired their pistols toward Zane being that the two tendrils soon held all of the energy bullets and Zane said,"That won't work on me.". Zane turned into a new form with the four seeing Zane standing there. He grew to 12 feet with him having a bulky frame like Gravity Form. He has green irises, black pupils, and white sclera.

His skin is gray with his arms and legs covered in red stripes ,that looks like a living tattoo, with the four stripes connected to the pink heart tattoo that rest in the center of his chest. He wears a flowing, tattered cloak with a planet ,with it looking like a crescent moon, insignia on the back. It is clasped thanks to a heavy silver planet ,with it looking like a crescent moon, clasp. He wears a dark blue body armor which doesn’t hide his forearm and legs which have spikes sticking out of them.

He has a long tail which is a red color and it ends in a spiked ball. He has no noticeable nose on his body. "Territory Form! I think it's time for you all to go away." said Zane, aiming his arms toward the four. The four were soon trapped by a gold ring being that they were trapped. "Warp." said Zane as the four were gone. Zane looked around and he said,"I better go somewhere they can't find me or bother me.". The gold ring appeared around him as he was gone.

Zane ,out of Territory Form and out of costume, stood there with him saying,"This is Zane. Don't let anyone get into the tower. Understand?". "Yes Master Zane." said a voice. "Are you sure that you have to talk to him like this? Is now the time?" said Athena. Zane was currently producing a huge amount of black ,with a crimson red web pattern, tendrils as he said,"This is the only way that my species can contact with other species. And yes.".

Sivarth said,"If you hurt Zane, we won't show you an ounce of mercy. We may be stuck inside of Zane's soul or on his watch but we're like family.". "Yeah!" said Cole. "I promised when I met all of you that I wouldn't hurt him and I don't go back on my promises." said Zane. "So how do this work again? I do remember you telling us but it's been a while." said Sivarth. "Is somebody getting old Sivarth?" said Kane with the Phantom hitting the Vulcorian with his many tails.

Zane laughed as he said,"You two are quite funny. All of you are going to work well together in our quest to save the Omniverse from Skull Plague. The ritual involves Zane going through a trial aka a random dream. For us to truly bond, he needs to accept me and well, we'll be good. This should take about an hour or so. Lets begin.". Zane soon took off all of his accessories and began making a black ,with a crimson red tint, webbing cocoon as he entered and sealed himself inside of the cocoon.

Narrator P.O.V.
In a teenager's bedroom, a person was sleeping in their bedroom being that the teen was currently wrapped in the black and red ,silk, blanket/comforter/sheets that completely covered the king size bed that rested in the middle of the room. It also had several pillows on it. The walls were colored white being that they were plastered with several posters ranging from video games, comic books, and actors, mainly females.

The bedroom had a window ,being both circular and triangular, to the left of the room and the door was on the opposite side of the room. The window had black velvet curtains. In front of the bed, there was a huge flat-screen TV with it resting on a desk that had several video game consoles and mini kitchen. To the left of the TV, there was a tall and wide dresser with ten drawers overall. To the left of the bed, there was a larger than normal desk.

It had some books, a turned off lava lamp, several papers with music and school notes on them, and a large mirror with a makeup counter aka cosmetics, hair products, and appliances, giving the gender of the person sleeping. There is a guitar and amp were in the right corner of the room. To the right of the bedroom door, there is a large walk in closet being that it was filled with several different types of clothing, ranging from summer to winter wear. It's currently closed.

To the right of the walk in closet, there is a large bathroom with a shower and the bath itself is a hot tub or small pool. On the nightstand which was to the right of the bed, a very loud and annoying alarm clock ,which is also a radio, went off as a feminine hand turned it off. "Stupid alarm clock. Let me sleep for a little bit longer." said a feminine voice that was high pitched ,not glass breaking, yet seductive sounding soprano.

About five to ten minutes later, the radio said,"Good morning Cypress Park. Today is the first day of school, meaning that all students around town will be heading back for another nine months.". The girl sighed as she said,"I guess I better get up for school.". She soon stretched with her ,waist length and wavy, teal ombre hair out of her dark indigo eyes. Despite being that she just woke up, her bangs were covering her forehead. She got out of her bed and head toward the bathroom.

She soon walked past the large floor mirror ,which was right in between the door and closet, and she looked at herself. Despite owning makeup, she doesn't use too much of the stuff out of personal preference. She's a beautiful teenager girl with her being eighteen years old and looks to be a rather tall woman being 5 foot 9. She has fair skin with her looking like a human goddess. She's Japanese American with her looking more American.

Her skin is so white with it being able to make the moon or any kind of snow jealous of her skin. Her face screams both youth and maturity to it. It would also make any one fall for her upon contact with it. This would better if she was pouting or smiling being equal in their power. Her head is in the shape of a heart with a slim chin. She also has a light smattering of freckles along and under her small, slim nose. She has long and noticeable eyelashes with large almond shaped eyes.

She also has arched eyebrows, looking rather thin. She has soft, full heart-shaped lips with it being a natural pink color and a natural looking pout. She has a slim neck to her that still held up her head. Her body had an hourglass figure with it being athletic, shapely, and slender. She has thin shoulders, a flat but tight stomach and small waist, a noticeable and big heart shaped butt with thick and soft thighs with muscles, and a nice rack. Her chest looked filled with dreams.

Over all, she's the perfect woman being not too big or thin. Her body measurements are B102-W58-H100 CM or B40-W23-H39 inches. Yes. Her body is very unrealistic. She has a S-Line which is a thing. As Goldilocks would say if she was compared to two other girls, "She's just right.". She soon looked at herself , being that she was wearing a black ,with a dark pink collar and cuffs, sleep shirt with matching pajama pants. "Okay. Something is off with me but what is it?" said the girl.

She looked at herself ,for five seconds, with her saying,"I know what it is! I'm missing my glasses. I am really happy that I don't have any blond genes. I mean I know some smart blonds but stereotypes are unfortunately right sometimes. That's just the world we live in. I better get ready for school and get ready to deal with my favorite people.". She walked toward her bathroom with the mirror having the image of Kane, in his Vulcorian Form aka the one from Episode 77.

Kane said,"So explain to me why Zane is a girl Twilight? He's a cute one but still.". He soon shared the mirror with a new person appearing with him. It looked to have the exact same figure as female Zane being that she was dressed like a superhero. Her body was primarily black with crimson red web like pattern all over her body. She has glowing magenta eyes, white mouth, and black teeth. The eyes has a smooth white outline that looks like a domino style mask.

Twilight shrugged as she said,"I honestly have no idea Kane. According to the rest of my species that have bonded, the trial is a randomly dream of my host. Either Zane sometimes has this dream of him being a girl or something else. He's Legion Zero and has to be connected to all Zanes that are in the Omniverse. This could be a different version of Zane we're watching but I could be horribly wrong Kane. Don't worry so much Kaney, I'm sure that Zane will accept me within in the hour.".

Kane said,"Seriously? She spent five seconds trying to figure out what's wrong with her. And how long do you think she's going to be in that bathroom?". "So Kane. What do you mean by that?" said Twilight, glaring at him. "Nothing T. So is Zane or..." said Kane. "Her name is Zara Vienna Alvarez and from what I can see, she lives alone. Her parents are out on business aka working with this dream's version of the Alliance. Shawn was never sent to the Infinite Void in this dream." said Twilight.

She took a deep breath with her saying,"She sees them a lot and not just through video message. She doesn't have any brothers, pets, or sisters though.". "Ah. That's good to know. I do like the middle name." said Kane. "Her mom is a fan of Italian food." said Twilight. The two soon heard the shower stop with Kane said,"Took shorter than I expected.". "Maybe it's due to the fact that her bathroom is much stronger than others due to Zara being well the same girl as Zane." said Twilight.

Kane said,"So are we her guardian angels? And if we are, dibs on being the devil!". "Yep. She doesn't know about Athena or Cole since they don't exist along with Sivarth. She does have all of her powers plus her superheroine identity Legion Zero. Zane ,male or female, isn't creative when it comes to naming the superhero identity. And you can be the devil Kane." said Twilight. The two were soon gone as the girl got out of the bathroom, ate breakfast, and got ready for the day.

After breakfast, Zara was soon taking the long way to Cypress High being that she didn't like it there mainly due to the jocks and bitches she dealt with for the past couple of years and she was happy to be graduating this year. She's wearing a white ,off-the shoulder, jacket that exposed her shoulders and it was currently open, wearing her undershirt. She's wearing a black ,spaghetti strap, tank top with a gold stylized cute bat symbol in the center that shows off her midriff slightly but not her navel.

It has a V-plunge line ,in the front, that exposed a bit of her chest. She's wearing bluish black ankle length skinny jeans ,that didn't feel tight on her, with a cure white belt. She's wearing brown high heeled boots with a gold crescent moon design toward the top of the boot and according to some people, the heel hurts a lot. For accessories, she's wearing the Z.E.R.O. watch and Enigma Talisman but they fit her feminine body.

She also has her signature silver grenade shaped earrings. She also wears a gold magatama necklace around her neck. She wears coral pink lipstick and nail polish. She's also wearing Zane's glasses being that like the Z.E.R.O. watch and Enigma Talisman fit her feminine frame. She also has Zane's little brown bag for a backup due to her not really liking a purse plus it's a pocket dimension and she could put anything in there.

Zara thought,"I love taking the long way. I get to see the beautiful butterflies flying through the breeze, seeing the nice flowers grown in the park, and seeing children playing.". She stopped as she said under her breath,"And why do I have to go to school? I should just ditch but dad would be mad if I used my Animus like that so I won't until later.". In a nearby mirror, Kane's voice said,"Wow. She's just like Zane when it comes to school.". "It isn't a drastic change Kane." said Twilight's voice.

The two were watching Zara like a hawk being that they appeared only in mirrors but their voice could be hear. After walking down the street and getting hit on by several guys, Zara was getting annoyed. "I totally forgot that guys keep hitting on me if I go this way. They are coming from every direction and some are speaking other languages. I don't like any of them because they only see me as an object rather than a person. If I was a guy, I would treat a girl like a princess. " thought Zara.

She soon heard,"Excuse me angel but meeting you is destiny.". Zara turned to see a male version of Sam ,being that he had Brad and Bryan's body with him being a jock, with Zara rolling her eyes at his flirting. "Man, that's weird. A male Sam." said Kane. "The Omniverse is vast and strange. Always expect the unexpected." said Twilight. "Seriously Sam? Can't you just leave me alone? I've rejected you more times than you count and P.S, it's a lot Jungle Legs." said Zara.

Sam sighed as he said,"Your snark is on point as always Zara but I like how feisty you are. So how about you be my girl for our senior year...". "I really wish I didn't have to do this but you leave me no choice cap." said Zara, clenching her fist. "What are you?" said Sam. He was soon punched in the stomach as Zara said,"Making sure you get the hint that I'm not interested!". She soon kicked the teen away as Kane said,"Go dam.". "He flirts with her a lot." said Twilight.

Kane said,"So can she throw a guy a mile away using a throw?". "Yes. She's down a lot of harm to the male gender. I wonder why human males think it's opening seasons when it comes to an attractive male." said Twilight. "Beats me. So can we contact her because I really want to get back and find Zane's family. Plus turn her back." said Kane. "Yeah. You'll head back because this is my job." said Twilight. "Be gentle Twilight." said Kane. "I will." said Twilight.

Zane ,back to normal, said,"Man. That was a weird dream. I mean a Male Sam.". He shivered as he said,"So where am I?". He looked down to see that he was in his normal clothing being that the room was covered in black ,with a crimson red tint, webs. He felt like he was in a really big spider web and he said,"Okay. I'm not on Earth anymore. I may be in a spider dimension or something. I'll feel bad for taking its dinner but I don't want to be eaten.".

A feminine voice said,"Not even close Zane. It's your mindscape.". Zane turned to see Twilight with her looking over him. "Before you attack me, my name is Twilight Equinox aka the reason for the webbing all around us. You've ignored me and equated me to just another one of your powers that you can use to protect your family and friends. You have a web of allies but am I not part of that web Zane?" said Twilight. "I didn't know you were a thing because it was a nightmare. So are you?" said Zane.

Twilight sighed as she said,"Been a part of you for two months now and I just decide to come out and meet my host for a long time.". "What do you mean?" said Zane. "Hold out your hand and you'll find out what I mean by that." said Twilight. Zane held out his right hand with Twilight sprouting several black ,with a crimson red web pattern, tendrils from her body being that Zane soon saw a burst of memories with Zane falling to the ground.

Twilight looked at him as Zane said,"Wow. That was a lot to take in. A princess from the Vordlarin, a alien species that's one of the strongest. So do you know where Darth Krakrim is? He's a criminal and a really bad one.". "No idea but the High Tribunal wants me to stop him. I picked you as my host because you're a hero. You saved so many lives and keep pushing yourself to new limits. You have money, family and friends who love you, and well, other stuff. You're my perfect host." said Twilight.

Zane said,"So are we partners now Twilight?". "You just accepted me without question or resistance on your part?" said Twilight. "You shared your memories with me. You begged my partners not to tell me until you can tell me yourself. I do wish you told me earlier but I'm just happy you didn't use my body for evil. You'll be perfect since I never get enough sleep and well, crime never sleeps. Welcome to Legion Zero Twilight." said Zane. The two shook, with the room growing black for a moment.

Zane soon popped out of the cocoon with him looking around. He saw the room with him saying,"So was making a mess needed?". Twilight aka a semi-solid ,black with a crimson red web like pattern all over, slime with glowing dark magenta eyes and white mouth with black teeth that looked sharp but still dull. It had a smooth white outline around its eyes very much like a domino mask. She came out of his arm ,with a snake like head, with her saying,"It's to make sure no one bothers us.".

Zane said,"Okay. That's a little weird to see but I can turn into giant creatures that could destroy the city within minutes so this is slightly normal to me.". "You really are too accepting of things partner." said Twilight. "Call me Zane. I'm not calling you your highness. I'm just used to the supernatural at this point that's its normal to me." said Zane with the slime nodding. He soon back on his accessories with Cole said,"So do you know?". "Yeah. Thanks for keeping her secret." said Zane.

Athena said,"She begged us Zane.". "I know. She showed me her memories and well, it was a good gesture. So what's going on in Cypress Park?" said Zane. "Look at your phone." said Twilight. She soon grabbed it for Zane as he turned it on. Zane saw that he had a lot of messages, missed calls, and phone calls as he said,"So how long was I?". He looked outside to see that it was night time and the city was soon covered in green gas. "I was in there for a while and what's with the gas?" said Zane.
He soon felt sick with Twilight saying,"Oh. I forgot to mention this but upon bonding, your bond will need time to adjust to my DNA fusing with yours. You're still a Cross Species of over five different species including Vordlarin.". Zane soon puked with Kane saying,"So does the bonding process involve Zane puking?". Twilight nodded as Zane said,"I feel like crap and my stomach is empty. I really hate this.".

He soon looked down down at his exposed wrists bottom and top, the center of his tattooed palms, and the middle of his knuckles for his hands, showing that they had had holes in them. "So what happened to my hands?! I have freaking holes in them!" said Zane. "Don't worry. They can't be seen by normal people. This is due to me masking it in the same way as you would mask your prosthetic arm." said Twilight. "I'll take your word for it." said Zane.

Crisis Judgement went off as Zane produced and extend out silver steel spider-like stingers from his knuckles and the bottom part of his wrist alongside a black ,with a crimson red tint, webbing from his palms and top part of his wrists. He soon saw that he accidentally captured a group of pigeons ,that were in the webbing, with him saying,"I'm doing a good deed. These rats with wings are the most annoying species especially at the beach or getting something good to eat in the city.".

Twilight said,"Like with your other powers, I'll help you train it.". "Thanks. So what's happened in the eight hours since I've been gone?" said Zane. "You do remember that you're in your tower and responses to your vocal commands." said Sivarth. "Oh right. Computer, tell me what's happened in the past couple of hours." said Zane. A TV monitor soon popped out of the roof with Zane seeing that Cody Glover was on and reporting.

Cody said,"Hello folks. It's been about twelve hours since metahumans have broken out Clair Fisher aka Voltaire from her prison cell at Heartstone Medical Hospital. Since then, Cypress Park has been covered in a plume of sleeping gas. If you go outside, wear a gas mask or something that covers your mouth and nose. The Alvarez family has also been taken by Clair and her boy band of villains.". The TV was soon stabbed into pieces by Zane.

He was furious as Zane said,"So while I was napping, my family and friends were in danger! I should have done something!". "You can't change the past but you can change the future. We should go out there and do three things. Get rid of the gas and make sure no one is danger, finding your family, and stop the Outcast Syndicate." said Sivarth. "You're right but still." said Zane. "I could make you a new costume." said Twilight.

Zane looked at her with him saying,"Are you serious?". "Yes. I can change your body into whatever I want but since you can do that naturally, I'll make a new costume for you." said Twilight. "So can you see my memories?" said Zane. "I can and I have my design in mind. Ready?" said Twilight. The teen soon saw several black ,with a crimson red web pattern, tendrils coming out of his back with him saying,"This is so cool.". He was soon covered in them and soon, he was in a new costume.

His hair is ash gray/ash blonde and his hair style is still the same. His eyes are steel gray and his body is still covered in a steel gray aura. He wearing an unzipped black hooded parka/trench coat hybrid jacket with his jacket going toward the middle of his stomach. The interior of the jacket is crimson red but the hood of the jacket is white. On the back of the jacket, he has his new/updated superhero logo on the back of it.

He wears a black compression/muscle v-neck shirt. It's doing a very good job at exposing his toned build. It has crimson red sound wave pattern lines streaming down the sleeves and down to the waist. The shirt’s sleeves cover both of his shoulders and wears chainmail like sleeves which covers his arms. The collar and cuffs of the shirt is white. His shirt sports a molten gold stylized “LZ” insignia that rests perfectly center on the shirt. It looks to be metallic but it’s silk.

He wears grayish black jeans with him wearing his Z.E.R.O. Armor belt. It’s an ash gray ,with a crimson red web like pattern, utility belt with a gold belt buckle but it’s a simple belt with his gadgets, potions, and snacks inside of it. It has seven pouches or capsule-like cylindrical cartridges that are attached to the outside of the belt. He wears black combat boots ,that goes up to his knees, with gold piping, silver titanium mesh straps, and steel soles.

Over his eyes, he wears black goggles with a crimson red outline. The lenses are clear and see-through being that it still shows off his eyes, being very attractive to females and some males mainly when they are molten gold. His goggles are a hybrid of a domino mask, a pair of goggles, and visor. Zane wears a black ,with steel gray details, respirator over the bottom of his mouth. His respirator covers everything below his nose.

The back of it is bigger, with a black interior and thick steel gray edges. Inside of the mask, there are soft cushions and a few small black buttons on the left side. Over his chainmail sleeves but not over his gloves, he wears his black and silver amplification metallic arm guards/vambraces that goes slightly past his elbows. He wears brown fingerless gloves over both hands. The gloves expose the base of his knuckles and the back of the gloves have a hand guard with a "#" marking.

For some protection, he wears black and white ,pentagon-shaped, protective pads on his pants legs, mainly over his knees. He still has Arcane Lexicon ,in a pouch, now strapped to the right-hand side of his waist and he also wears his black leather headband. He loses the black and white strap, thick burnt orange strap, brown leather holster, and black armored plates on both of his shoulders being that the latter is something that he doesn’t really miss.

Zane soon looked over himself being that he felt rather vain doing it but right now, he didn't care. He liked how he looked a lot being that he looked and felt invincible. "Okay Twilight. We're going to have a beautiful partnership for sure." said Zane. He looked at the captured pigeons and he said,"I better get rid of the trash.". He soon swing their cage around in circles before throwing off into the distance. "I really hope that they land in the ocean rather than someone's lunch or face." said Zane.

He soon stretched as Zane said,"Okay. Time to get something to eat and stop this villain group like I did with the last one.". "Oh. Parker told me to tell you that Nova will be slightly annoyed with you because she just went through our security system." said Athena. "Good to know. I better get away before she gets here. Don't want to mess with an angry woman." said Zane as he soon jumped away from his tower and off into the distance.

After getting some food, Zane was walking around the city. "So got any ideas on how to get rid of the gas Twilight?" said Zane. The Vordlarin princess was currently Zane's costume and just like with Athena, Cole, Kane, and Sivarth, she can talk with him and Zane can back without looking crazy. "I was thinking using Swift Form to move all of the civilians around the city and Territory Form to get rid of the gas." said Twilight.

Zane nodded as he said,"Not a bad idea Twilight.". The Vordlain smiled as Zane turned into Swift Form being that he's wearing a new robe. His new robe is still black and has a crimson red trimming with it covering more than before. It covers both of his shoulders and the upper half of his torso. His robe also has tattered edges showing how it’s been in combat. To either open or close the robe, there is a silver zipper. The right-hand side of the robe displays his superhero logo/Molten Gold “LZ”.

Sivarth said,"We'll need to move fast so evolve Zane. You did good with your first plan Twilight and it was better than any of Cole's plans.". "Hey! My plans are always amazing." said Cole. "Not really Cole but if it helps you feel better, you can keep thinking that." said Athena. Zane soon glowed bright purple as he said,"Swift Prime!". Zane grow three feet taller with him still keeping his slim yet muscular figure.

He still wears his black speed suit like costume to him being the ends of the sleeves and legs have a crimson red fire pattern to it. His costume also has white stripes. He still has royal blue scales with him wearing matching crimson red fingerless gloves and his feet are covered in black boots. He still has claws for his fingers and toes. His limbs ,arms and legs, are covered by spikes still but they’re naturally coiled inwards and they look like when you push a spring inwards.

His head is still shaped like a helmet with him having white eyes that looks like shades, triangle-shaped nose, and sharp teeth. His shark fun is replaced by a rocket booster being that it’s still gray and has flames coming out of it. "Lets go!". Zane soon run off with him leaving behind a dark red aura/streak with the ground below him is covered in lightning. The superhero soon traveled over the city, within in seconds.

Meanwhile, Uriel was strapped to a machine with her looking at her kidnappers aka Clair Fisher aka Voltaire, Craig Quinn aka Cosmonaut, Dorian Sykes aka Rampage, Hellion Baron, Jared Collier aka Cleaver, Jaws, Malcolm Smith aka Dusk, and Mandy Lane aka Sahara. They were in a lab area as Uriel said,"What do you guys want with me and my family?". "Yeah. Why do we need her again? I thought we were after Legion Zero." said Mandy, crossing her arms.

Baron laughed as he said,"Don't play the dumb kid with us.". Dorian tilted his head as he said,"So I know that she's a Vulcorian but why does that matter?". "Because of the object I had Dusk steal from CPU during Voltaire's solar flash." said Baron. Dusk soon stuck his hand inside of his body and he placed Olympia Z nearby Uriel. "Vulcorian have the ability to absorb energy and souls to gain power so once Voltaire gives her a charge, I plan on doing this!" said Baron.

He pressed a button on his right gauntlet with the villains seeing a giant cartoon bomb. "I'm going to blow up the entire city because right now, all of them are sleeping like babies!" said Baron. "Won't that including us?" said Jared. "Nope. We're safe under ground. I placed his bomb inside of City Hall but I'm still confused on why you need the girl and space rock." said Craig. "It's simple! Olympia Z can hold a large amount of energy and well, Uriel here will be the conduit." said Baron.

Dorian looked on the screen to see Clair sending electricity into the rock with Uriel touching it and firing energy into a battery. "So why can't Voltaire do this? Using a kid isn't cool even if she's an alien that destroyed millions." said Dusk. "Because my shadow friend, Voltaire doesn't have Mojo and Mojo is a powerful energy. We'll start in five. Oh, I should mention that this will be just the worst for you Uriel aka death." said Baron. Uriel was shocked by this as she whispered,"Daddy. Hurry.".

Outside of Cypress High, Zane had just finished rushing all over town and placing everyone ,except for Bryan who he couldn't find for the life of him, in their beds. He swiped sweat from his brow as he said,"Wow. That was a lot of running. Thank god this mess is almost over with. I just need to get rid of this gas.". Zane was about to turn into Territory Form when he heard,"Daddy. Hurry.". The teen looked around as he said,"Uriel.".

Kane said,"Zane. All Vulcorians are connected like the Vordlarin right?". "Yeah but it's more to share information than being able to help out a pretty much endangered species. So can you track her?" said Twilight. "Yeah but I'll need to get rid of this gas before there could be a car crash from someone just entering town." said Zane. He soon turned into Territory Form with him making several golden rings.

Zane said,"Time to send this gas to a gas dimension!". The gas was soon absorbed into the rings as Zane said,"Hey Twilight. Where did you put those Swarm agents? They may be xenophobes to the extreme but I rather have you not kill them.". "I put them in the lake. So how long will it take for your rings to clear the city?" said Twilight. "You should know by now but it'll take two to three minutes. Hey Athena and Cole." said Zane.

Cole said,"Don't worry, we're already on it. We've been tracking Clair's electrical signature and we've found squat.". "That isn't a bad idea due to Clair being a showboat with her powers. I have an idea. Lets go back to Cypress Park University. Solace should be there." said Zane as a ring appeared in front of Zane. He soon entered it and he was inside of Maxwell's lab. Zane soon saw Solace as he said,"And we found them.".

After examining the footage, Zane ,back in costume, was soon on the rooftop of a building facing the Cypress High's old juvenile detention center also known as Sanctuary Correctional Facility. The teen soon saw Craig, on lookout. "How did you find this place?" said Athena. "I'm super sure. Remember that invention that I've been working on." said Zane. "Which one?" said Cole. "He's talking about the Cipher Omniversal Networks Emblems or C.O.N.E. for short." said Athena.

Zane soon opened up one of his belt's pouches as he held a coin sized object being that it's the shape of a triskelion shuriken. It's a black color with a dark violet circuit board pattern to it. "This beauty is inside of everyone's phone because I'm cautious. Their location have been delivered to me." said Zane. "Nice job Zane. I'm impressed." said Sivarth. "Thank my genius forms. Lets take him down so we don't get any intruders. Astral Marksman" said Zane.

Zane soon put his hand in front of him being that it was in a gun-like pose with him concentrating his Primordial energy into his hand. He soon fired out a blast of energy being that it soon hit Craig head on and he was sent flying toward the ground. Zane soon fire out his webbing being it caught him before he hit the ground. "That was close." said Zane. The teen soon broke Craig's armor with his stingers and the armored villain was soon tied up. "One down, a lot to go." said Zane.

Zane soon phased into the building with him thinking,"Wow. This place is a real dumb. How long has it been since anyone was in here before today?". He soon placed his left hand on a nearby wall as he said,"Locate.". Zane soon found that there was a secret basement and everyone was down there with him saying,"Perfect. Time to.". Crisis Judgement went off as Jaws soon rushed toward him. Zane soon dodged his fists with Zane kicking him back. "You got lucky punk." said Jaws.

He soon rushed toward Zane with him firing out webbing. The Deviant was soon tied up and he said with a smile,"Do you really think that will work on me?". "It will once I give up a charge." said Zane as the webbing was soon covered in electricity. The fish was being shocked as the shock knocked him into a display case. He was soon out cold with Zane saying,"You may have more arms than me but not enough brain power. Time to make a house call.".

Back in the basement, Dusk was siting in a chair watching Baron, Clair, and Mandy working on the invention as Dorian and Jared stood nearby him with the latter eating chips. "Rampage. Go watch over the prisoners." said Dusk. "Why me?" said Dorian. "Because you're good at guarding things asphalt head." said Jared. Dorian was about to hit the lizard but one glare from the shadow man made him stop. "Fine." said Dorian.

He was gone as Dusk said,"Cleaver. Go check on Cosmonaut and Jaws.". "Will do." said Jared as he walked out of the lab. He soon headed toward the elevator with him saying,"I wonder why Dusk is so worried about those two.". He soon headed toward the elevator with him opening the door and he went up. The lizard didn't see Zane ,currently using his costume's cloaking abilities, to hide from any power sensors. "Thank you Twilight." said Zane.

Twilight nodded as she said,"We better hurry so activate your armor. I'm sure you heard that the living cement is guarding your family.". "Gotcha but they are your family now too." said Zane. Zane soon crawled along the walls with him seeing Dorian guarding a door. "That's where they're keeping my family so lets make a little distraction." said Zane. The teen soon opened another pouch and was soon holding a green marble.

He threw it down the wall with Dorian going to investigate it. Before he could find it, he was soon punched into the wall. Before he could counter it, the marble soon rolled toward him which caused him to be trapped inside of a large group of vines. While he was trying to break out, he soon saw Zane touching his molten gold stylized “LZ” insignia. His body was soon covered in black ,with a crimson web pattern, tendrils.

Once the tendrils disappeared, Dorian soon saw that Zane's body covered in a black bodysuit with his back and chest having a crimson red web pattern. His body is covered in steel gray armor being that it’s fairly armored but it won’t slow him down. His shoulder has curved shoulder pads, being that it works great for blocking attacks. His face is covered in a metallic black helmet/mask and has glowing steel gray eyes being that they have a noticeable and smooth red and white outline.

It looked like a domino mask. Around the mouth area, there is a white mouth with black teeth that look sharp but they aren’t. He wears armored boots ,with small spikes at the back of them, with armored vambraces on the sides of them. In the center of the armor, there is a molten gold “LZ” symbol resting there. "Sorry asphalt for brains but you won't be telling your pals about me until it's too late. Just enjoy the flowers." said Zane.

He left behind another marble. The asphalt man watched as a giant flower came out and he soon smelt a powerful stench, knocking him out. Zane ,turning intangible, soon phased into the room with him seeing his entire family including his father. If you could see his face, Zane's mouth was wide open and he was about to cry. "Is that my....?" said Zane. "Focus Zane. We need to get rid of those cameras first." said Athena.

Zane shook his head with him saying,"Right. I'll deal with it later. Get ready to manipulate the camera Athena and Cole.". Several tendrils came out of Zane and they went toward the camera that were guarded the room, breaking them. Zane appeared with Darin saying,"Who the hell are you?! Are you working with them?!". Trixie hit him as she said,"Don't you recognize your own flesh and blood you giant idiot? You look nice sweetie.". "Zane? Is that really you my boy?" said Shawn.

Zane soon looked at Shawn with Kurt saying,"Don't worry little bro. It's him and digging the armor by the way bro.". "Good and thanks. I've been waiting twelve years to do this." said Zane with him crackling his knuckles. He soon punched Shawn into the wall, breaking his restraints. "That's for leaving us bastard!" yelled Zane. The armor was soon gone as Zane stood there in his new costume with his arms crossed. "Nice costume but seriously Zane?" said Shawn.

Zane shrugged as Arturo said,"I know you're mad Zane but still.". "Sorry but I have anger issues. So where is Uriel? I don't see her." said Zane. "They took her daddy! I don't know why." said Zoey. She was crying as Zane walked over to her cell. "Don't cry pumpkin. Daddy is going to get her back I promise." said Zane as he soon made a tendril enter the cell. "Dad. How are you doing that?" said Atem. "A long story. So who is up for some family revenge? Alvarez style?" said Zane.

Back in the lab, Dusk and the others soon saw Jared and Jaws carrying Dorian. "We've a little problem you guys and his name is..." said Jared. He was soon hit by Nexus with Zane and his family standing there. "Daddy!" thought Uriel, crying, "Sorry but your plan is over boys and girls. Guys, you handle them while I get Uriel out to safety." said Zane. He soon ran toward Uriel with Clair rushing toward him.

However, she was soon stopped by Kurt and Lucius. "Sorry but we called dibs." said Lucius. Zane soon saw Uriel ,being held down by a harness, firing energy into a battery. "Daddy. You're okay." said Uriel. "Yeah. Sorry it took so long. I'm not exactly father material but that's due to my dad leaving me when I was around your age." said Zane. "You see me as your daughter?" said Uriel. "I always have since we met. Let me free you." said Zane. He soon broke Uriel free with her hugging him.

He soon destroyed the bomb as well with a Red Nether blast. Zane turned to see Atem standing over the defeated villains with Darin saying,"Wow. These guys were easy right son?". He put his arm around Shawn with him saying,"Yeah. They're really nothing compared to training with you.". "And what's that supposed to mean?" said Darin, giving his son a noogie. Zane soon noticed that three out of eight, Baron, Dusk and Jared, were gone with him thinking,"I'll find them later.".

Later, Zane ,out of costume, was talking with Shawn. They were celebrating Shawn's return from the Infinite Void. "Zane. I'm sorry for leaving you and your mother plus your brothers. I just wanted to save my best friend and I didn't know about him being controlled by Skull Plague." said Shawn who had a giant, noticeable slap mark on his face. Upon arriving at the Alvarez's home, Zane slapped his father's face hard being that it was said that it could be heard all across the Omniverse. 

Everyone watching this learned that Zane had a a strong amount of anger and it's the culmination of several different factors. This is one of the prime example of what happens when you make Zane mad like Shawn did, "I know exactly why you left us but I'm still mad at you. You left me and my mom alone for 2/3 of my life. Do you think I'll just forgive you at the drop of a hat?" said Zane. Shawn sighed as he said,"You're right but I want to make amends.".

Zane said with his eyes glowing red,"You'll be living here with us and if you do anything that hurts my family, I'll make sure that you pay. Understand?". Shawn soon hugged his son with him saying,"I missed you a lot Zane and you've grown to be a good man and an even greater father. Your kids remind me of you and your brothers and they'll grow up to be just like you and your brothers.". Zane smiled as he said,"Thanks dad.".

Shawn said,"So do you have to go? I mean this is my welcoming back party.". "Yeah. I promised myself to drop off Olympia Z back at Max's lab and well, it's important. I mean it could help people like Carlos Ortiz." said Zane. "You mean Kristen's brother? I may in the Infinite Void for years but thanks to your mom, I know a lot about you. I also learned about you during your time in the Infinite Void." said Shawn.

Zane said,"It's a good thing that I erased those villains's memories of you guys being close to Legion Zero and erased the security cameras. I don't want you guys hurt.". "Including me Zane? I am your father after all." said Shawn. "Yes dad. I better get going." said Zane. He soon held a silver, steel coin with his logo "LZ" on both side. He threw into the air with it making a large silver circle. He was soon on it as he said,"Later dad.". He was gone as Shawn smiled.

At Cypress Park University, Andre was walking inside. He had waken up in his bed and he was very much confused on how he got there. "I better get my stuff. I think I left it." said Andre. He soon turned to see Zane ,in costume and the flying disc, holding Olympia Z. "Zero? What are you doing with the space rock?" said Andre. He ran over as Zane placed Olympia Z back in its containment unit. "Returning the lab's property. I mentioned it in the note. Do you not read it Andre?" said Zane.

Andre slapped his forehead with Twilight saying,"Me thinks not.". "I guess I didn't. So did you defeat Clair?" said Andre. "I think she likes the name Voltaire due to her being a living bug zapper and all that." said Zane. "You're a good guy Zero. Have you met my pal Zane?" said Andre. "Yeah. He's a good guy." said Zane. "Do you mind we talk man to man? I mean you don't have anything you need to do right?" said Andre. Zane shrugged as he said,"Sure Andre. Here, follow me.".

Andre was soon floating in the air as he said,"This is weird but cool.". The two were soon on the roof as Zane said,"So what's up?". "My friend Zane is trying to hook me up with our friend Selena but I'm scared." said Andre. "Scared of what?" said Zane. "Ruining our friendship. I mean Karen likes Zane and I'm sure Z knows it but he doesn't act upon it." said Andre. "So are you scared or what? I mean Selena is a nice girl. A little nosey, but sweet." said Zane.

Cole said,"She tries to interview you Zero a lot.". "Yeah but you deal with scary stuff every day of the week." said Andre. "It's more like hourly to me. So do you like your job here? I mean you were a star athlete in high school." said Zane. "I do Zane. I mean I like sports but science can change the world." said Andre. "I think you're a good guy Andre Stevens but don't let fear hold you back. Take some risks once in a while aka asking Selena out to the Thanksgiving Day parade." said Zane.

Andre said,"I will but I'll wait till morning.". "That's a smart idea. Girls hate being woken up late at night." said Zane. "I better get going. I have work tomorrow." said Andre. The two fist bumped as Andre said,"So do you mind?". "Not at all." said Zane. He soon made a dark indigo portal ,being spiral like, as Andre entered it. The portal was gone as Zane said,"Time to ruin Drew's night.". He was soon gone to stop some crime. In an alleyway, Bryan was running from something.

He was being stalked by something and it wasn't human. He stopped to catch his breath being that something touched his hand. It was a royal blue slime like object. It looked to be 8 inches by inches when stationary and not moving whatsoever. It had glowing red eyes and yellow mouth. Its mouth shows that it has razor-sharp teeth and its eyes have a jagged black outline. The bottom half of his face is gray. It soon covered Bryan in royal blue tendrils.

Bryan saw that he was an empty void with him hearing,"Bryan Jones. We sensed your anger and fury toward Allen Newman for stealing your girl Susan Young and Zane Alvarez for being a pain in your ass. It's just so good. Do you wish to get what you want?". "I do more than anything. Tell me what I have to do." said Bryan. A tendril soon appeared behind Bryan as the voice said,"Just let me have your body.". The tendril soon hit the back of Bryan's neck and covered his body.

Outside, Bryan Jones was gone, with something in his place. There was a massive ,being eight feet tall, royal blue monster, black tongue inside of a yellow mouth filled with razor-sharp teeth, and beady yet massive red eyes with a jagged black outline. The bottom half of his face is a gray color. It appeared in the spot where Bryan once stood. He looked at himself in the mirror as he smiled and smashed the mirror.

Darth said,"Perfect. This human's body has natural physical prowess from playing football and other sports. He's perfect for getting you back my beloved Twilight Equinox. Your prince Darth Krakrim is back to collect you. Just you wait for me my sweet. I'll get my revenge on all who stands in my way!". Darth soon jumped away from the scene, with him laughing and he left behind a crater in his place.

Next Time,
Shawn Alvarez is back in Zane's life. How will Zane deal with this and his new partnership with Twilight? Who is Darth Krakrim?  Why is he after Twilight? Why is she after Darth? Will Darth get his revenge on Twilight? Will the Thanksgiving day Parade go smoothly or will something go wrong on Turkey Day? Where did Baron, Dusk, and Jared go? This and more next time on Zero!
New Cards/Forms:
Territory Form. This card has a black frame with several parts of things and ports sectioned off from each with a person with its hands glowing. When Zane places this card inside, he is able to warp space in front around him or in an area.

Outcast Syndicate.
Clair Fisher aka Voltaire.
Craig Quinn aka Cosmonaut.
Dorian Sykes aka Rampage.
Hellion Baron. Leader.
Jared Collier aka Cleaver.
Malcolm Smith aka Dusk.
Mandy Lane aka Sahara.

Zane's New Power:
Zane’s Costume/Vordlarin Power. As a superhero, he wears a costume. He however doesn’t wear tights or anything that would prevent movement during a fight. He doesn’t hate people who wear rights mainly seen when he works with other heroes but he prefer wearing pants and t-shirts. He activates his costumes by a single thought, saying,”Time to Power Up!”, or having Twilight changing his clothing. The latter is his favorite option.

His first costume is the costume that all Zeroes before him wore and this costume only last until his trip to New York or Episode 1-12. This is known as his Delta Costume. Zane wears a navy blue cloak/hoodie/jacket/robe that goes down to his knees. The top of his robe is open, which reveals his figure. He wears black pants and matching colored combat boots with silver laces. The cloak is covered with stars that glow the color of the rainbow.

He wears a black belt around his waist and a crimson red dragon themed belt buckle with three magic bags on said belt. The magic bag on the right has the symbol of a ghost, the magic bag in the middle, and the one on the left has a magic wand. His black hair turns either gold or white depending on if he fully use his Phantom or Sorcerer powers. His eyes turns into an steel gray color with a blue tint or white with a blue tint if using his Phantom or Sorcerer power.

His body is usually covered in a silver or white aura. After his week-long trip to NYC, he got a much needed upgraded to his costume. He says that it’s something that honors his past but it is also modern and new. He wore this costume until his fight with Sierra or Episode 13-38. This is known as his Gamma Costume. His Delta Costume looked to be made out of cloth but now, it’s made out of cloth and metal hybrid.

He wears a black metal bracer around his left arm. It’s in the exact same spot that his silver bracelet was in one of his outfits as Zane being Episode 4. On the bracer, he has a neon green pentagram on it. The pentagram has a gold dragon wrapped around it. He wears black elbow guards, knee pads, and shoulder pads with all of them looking like the night sky. The part of his chest ,that was exposed, is covered by black body armor.

It’s basically a chest plate with a rectangular card shape in the center of it. The card shape is how Zane access his Z.E.R.O. watch while in costume. He wears a black motorcycle helmet with him wearing a navy blue visor that covers his entire face. This costume was later upgraded being that Zane asked Parker to upgrade his costume. Zane wanted to be his own hero and not like the other Zeroes before him.

Parker soon smacked him and said that he’ll do it but he need the Z.E.R.O. watch in order to create it. Zane was confused at first but Parker told him that it was overdue for an upgrade being that the true Zero will need it. Zane smiled and he hugged Parker much to the older Eazairvian’s facial dismay but inside, he was smiling at his pseudo-grandson. Zane thanks Parker for the upgrade. This costume lasted from Episode 39-81.

This is known as his Theta Costume. He replaced his helmet with a pair of goggles. They’re an average size being that they are made out of metal. It has a black and white strap with clear lenses that shows off his eyes. He wears them when he gets serious or when he needs to focus his sight. Zane’s hair now turns ash gray/ash blonde when he uses his power rather than it being selective. His eyes turns into a steel gray color with a blue tint.

His body is covered in a steel gray aura. He wears a gray t-shirt with his logo ,being only the LZ in Crimson Red, in the center of it with the front of it being a dark purple color. His shirt expose his fighter like figure and oddly, his shirt isn’t tight on him being that he can take it off with ease. It also expose off his most of his arms except for his shoulders. Over his shirt, he wears a black combat vest with violet glowing lining and two pockets on each side.

The upper pockets contains medical equipment and little bit of tech he may need such as the collars for containing metahumans. The lower pockets contains snacks for him to recharge and later his notebook and flask. He wears black jeans very much like in his previous costumes. He wears black combat boots with titanium mesh straps and violet glowing lines. The soles are made out of steel very much like his combat boots.

He wears black fingerless gloves on both of his hands. He wears black/silver amplification metallic arm guards/vambraces. Both vambraces have an opening where he keeps his Z.E.R.O. watch with the holographic image appearing out of the opening. His watch is completely hidden now and can’t be used against him. His costume is a light and flexible material. It can protect Zane from bullets and attacks with ease.

It’s highly durable, being able to survive several attacks without tearing and also acid doesn’t do any damage toward it. This material last for his Omicron and Zeta Costumes onward. Soon after his training and visiting the Alliance, he got another upgrade. Compared to the upgrades from the Delta Costume to Gamma Costume and Gamma Costume to Theta Costume, this costume has a few amount of changes.

This costume lasted from Episode 82-100. This is known as his Omicron Costume. He keeps some things the same. This comes in the form of him wearing his goggles. His hair staying Ash Gray or Ash Blonde being that it now has a single bang which hangs over the right side of his forehead and it’s the opposite of Zane's bang being that Zane’s bang goes to the left. His eyes turn Steel Gray being that it’s only that color.

His body is still covered in a steel gray aura. He still wears his black combat vest and he wears his black combat boots being that they lose the glowing lines that they once had. He now wears gray jeans being that he wanted to changes things up a bit being that he wants to lose some of the black that he wears. Instead of wearing black fingerless gloves on both hands, he wears a brown fingerless glove on his left hand.

His shirt’s color and the length of his sleeves changes lengths. He wears a Burgundy Red long sleeved ,that goes to his elbows, v-neck shirt being that the front of it is still dark purple. His logo’s color changes to a black color. In front of his exposed chest thanks to his shirt, he has black and white straps that forms into a Z shape. The collar and cuffs of the shirt is white. He wears his amplification metallic arm guards/vambraces along with his watch.

He wears black armored plates ,with it on his left shoulder, with them both have five Hidari Gomon each adorned with different colors that signify his blood. They are Turquoise for his Eazairvian blood, Molten Gold for his Human blood, Neon Green for his Phantom blood, Violet for his Sorcerer blood, and Crimson Red for his Vulcorian blood. He wears a thick burnt orange strap wrapped around his costume.

It goes across his back and over his left shoulder. He usually has a sword resting there in its sheath or if he doesn’t have one, he places them in place being held by a belt with a gold belt buckle. He has Striker usually resting in its brown leather holster worn diagonally over his left shoulder right under the armor plate. He soon wears Arcane Lexicon in a pouch strapped at his left-hand side of his waist.

He's wearing a black leather headband around his forehead with his logo stitched to the front of it. He's also wears a short black robe that cover the entirety of his right shoulder. It has a crimson red trim to it. It's attached to his neck by five strings. His superhero logo is on the exact same spot as his tattoo on his left shoulder. According to historians and fans, Zane’s Omicron Costume is his least popular but has its fans.   

After him meeting and bonding with the princess of the Vordlarin race Twilight Equinox during the days before Thanksgiving, his costume changed again. Despite him liking Twilight and this costume, he hoped that this will be the last of his costume changes. This costume is his most famous costume and keeps it from high school onwards. Unlike his previous four costumes, this costume has a story to it.

This costume came to be after Zane bonding with the Twilight. The bonding happened because of her creating a cocoon around Zane. This happened when he was in his secret base of the old abandoned clock tower and this happened around the middle of the day. The bonding lasted until late in the night being that Zane spent about 8 hours in the cocoon. He also puked upon leaving the cocoon and felt like crap. His stomach also felt empty.

The bonding process altered his DNA, being that he still has his humanity but a smaller amount than he did before. He soon looked down at his exposed wrists bottom and top, the center of his tattooed palms, and the middle of his knuckles for his hands, showing that they had had holes in them. Zane was freaking out being that Twilight told him that they wouldn’t be seen by others. Upon Twilight finishing this sentence, Crisis Judgement went off.

He soon produced and extend spider-like stingers from his knuckles and the bottom part of his wrist alongside a black ,with a crimson red tint, webbing from his palms and the top part of his wrists. He soon saw that he accidentally captured a group of pigeons with him making a joke about saving the world from the rats with wings. Twilight told him that she’ll train his new powers and Zane says that he’ll need a new costume.

Twilight soon creates a new costume that covers his entire body in a split second which isn’t new to him. When Zane got his new costume, he said that they’re going to have a beautiful partnership. He looked back at the captured pigeons and he started to swing the captured birds around in circles before throwing off into the distance. He hoped that the birds landed in the ocean rather than in someone’s lunch or face.

He soon swung off into the city to get some food ,being that he was very much starving, and do some crime fighting aka take down the Outcast Syndicate. This Costume lasted from Episode 101-onwards. This is known as his Zeta Costume. This costume has a edge toward combat and oddly enough stealth compared to his previous four costumes. This edge toward combat is the result of Zane wanting to make sure that he can handle any fight that comes his way.

To accomplish this, Twilight changed Zane’s biology to give him more abilities than he really needs. Zane was freaked out by these abilities at first but Twilight helped him train them to their maximum potential and these abilities will help him kill Skull Plague. For this costume, it has a special way of turning into Legion Zero. Twilight changes his current clothing at the time into his costume.

This is done by covering his entire body in black ,with a crimson red web pattern, tendrils being that it’s done within seconds. This costume is a mixture of new features and old features. This is because Twilight went through Zane’s thoughts about his previous costumes and the notes that he made about some upgrades to his costume. Like said before, this costume is built for combat but also stealth.

This costume also has been called sexy. This claim was done by Roxy upon saving her and the rest of Zane’s Harem (Karen, Kristen, Nova, and Rain) from Darth’s attempt at trying to kill them during the Thanksgiving day parade. Like with how Zane’s Omicron Costume is said to be his worst, his fans and historians agree to this statement. Some things stay the same mainly his physical appearance.

His hair is still ash gray/ash blonde, his hair style is still the same, his eyes are still steel gray, and his body is still covered in a steel gray aura. His clothing is the biggest change. He wears an unzipped black hooded parka/trench coat hybrid jacket. His jacket goes to the middle of his stomach. The interior of the jacket is crimson red but the hood of the jacket is white. On the back of the jacket, he has his new/updated superhero logo on the back of it.

He can replace the jacket with an updated version of his black robe that he wore in his Omicron Costume being that upon obtained the new robe, his forms wear it as well. His new robe is still black and has a crimson red trimming with it covering more than before. It now covers both of his shoulders and the upper half of his torso. His robe also has tattered edges showing how it’s been in combat. To either open or close the robe, there is a silver zipper.

The right-hand side of the robe displays his superhero logo/Molten Gold “LZ”. He can also choose to not wear either. Both the jacket and robe are iconic for Legion Zero being that he wears the jacket or robe appears on his forms regardless of the season. He wears a black compression/muscle v-neck shirt being that it does a great job at exposing his toned build and a crimson red sound wave pattern over it.

The shirt’s sleeves cover both of his shoulders and he wears chainmail like sleeves which covers his arms. The collar and cuffs of the shirt is white. His shirt sports a molten gold stylized “LZ” insignia that rests perfectly center on the shirt. It looks to be metallic but it’s silk. However whenever Zane touches it, an armored version of his costume covers him in it. He wears grayish black jeans with him wearing his Z.E.R.O. Armor belt.

It’s an ash gray ,with a crimson red web like pattern, utility belt with a gold belt buckle but it’s a simple belt with his gadgets, potions, and snacks inside of it. It has seven pouches or cylindrical cartridges that are attached to the outside to the belt. He wears black combat boots ,that goes up to his knees, with gold piping, silver titanium mesh straps, and steel soles. Over his eyes, he wears black goggles with a crimson red outline.

The lenses are clear and see-through being that it still shows off his eyes, being very attractive to females and some males mainly when they are molten gold. His goggles are a hybrid of a domino mask, a pair of goggles, and visor. Zane wears a black ,with steel gray details, respirator over the bottom of his mouth. His respirator covers everything below his nose. The back of it is bigger, with a black interior and thick steel gray edges.

Inside of the mask, there are soft cushions and a few small black buttons on the left side. Like with how he can make his jacket or his robe not appear, he can also make his respirator not appear. He tends to always have his respirator on through. Thanks to his hair, his ears and temples are completely uncovered but they are not a weakness at all thanks to him not being a fan of having too many weakness.

Over his chainmail sleeves but not over his gloves, he wears his black and silver amplification metallic arm guards/vambraces that goes slightly past his elbows. These later get an upgrade being that it doesn't create a new costume. He wears brown fingerless gloves over both hands.

The gloves expose the base of his knuckles and the back of the gloves have a hand guard with a "#" marking. His gloves have microscopic holes on them being that they can release out his spider-like stingers or webbing with ease. This is because he doesn’t want to alert his enemies of this action. He wears black and white ,pentagon-shaped, protective pads on his pants legs, mainly over his knees.

He still has Arcane Lexicon ,in a pouch, now strapped to the right-hand side of his waist and he also wears his black leather headband. He loses the black and white strap, thick burnt orange strap, brown leather holster, and black armored plates on both of his shoulders being that the latter is something that he doesn’t really miss in the slightest. Upon touching the molten gold stylized “LZ”, an armored version of his costume appears.

This armored version is more powerful and tends to be used for either stealth purposes or fights against stronger than normal opponents. This is also Twilight’s version of her species ability to transform their host’s body shape into something else. It's called the Hyperion Mail. However, it's true power is unknown. It’s a powerful exoskeleton armor being that upon him touching his stylized “LZ”, it soon covers his body in black ,with a crimson web pattern, tendrils.

His body is covered in a black bodysuit with his back and chest having a crimson red web pattern with steel gray armor over it. It’s fairly armored but it won’t slow him down in the slightest being that Zane is one for both speed and power rather than either or in a fight or in general. His shoulder has curved shoulder pads, being that it works great for blocking attacks. His face is covered in a metallic black helmet/mask and has glowing steel gray eyes

They have a noticeable and smooth red and white outline being that it looks like a domino mask. Around the mouth area, there is a white mouth with black teeth that look sharp but they aren’t. He wears armored boots ,with small spikes at the back of them, and armored vambraces on the sides of them. In the center of the armor, there is a molten gold “LZ” symbol resting there and it shows who is under that armor if the voice wasn’t obvious.

The armor is hard to break being that it’s quite a durable force. He has worn this costume being that it’s the one usually featured on his merchandise and seen in both the DC Earth and Fiore.

All of his costumes ,before bonded with Twilight or got some well need upgrades to it, had some abilities. Most ,if not all of them, were incorporated into his Zeta Costume and he gained some new abilities upon bonding with Twilight. This third costume is a mixture of technology from Athena and Cole, magic from his Sorcerer nature, and symbiotic from Twilight making it extremely powerful.

He often says,”This costume has more surprises than you can think of and you would be shocked to see what I can do with it.”. This costume has specifications that truly augments his powers and skills, accommodate for any kind of problem that he may face in his hero career, and give him some special abilities. It’s highly ideal being able to adaptable to any situation as Parker puts it.

His costume can also mimic Zane’s physical properties shown when he uses his Celestial Anatomy. He can store an infinite amount of things in his costume being that it shows no sign of bulge or weight. His costume is covered by ,microscopic, holes that can work for breathing. His costume can provide impressive cloaking. This is a great camouflage system being that Twilight blocks out Zane’s Nether Signature and scent.

It also cancels out all of the sounds that he produces either through movement or attack. It can also absorb any kinetic force that touches it such as bullets and use this absorbed energy against others. His costume has a special communicator/earpiece build into it being that he can use to talk with his allies. His earpiece is connected to his phone and also the police radio so he can hear about any crimes.

He can use his Electromagnetic Aura abilities in his costume. His costume ,not in its armor form, is made out of a light and flexible material being that it can protect Zane from most attacks with ease. It’s very durable, being able to tank several attacks even from his stronger enemies, without tear and acid does no damage toward it. His costume is highly resilient being that he can be thrown into the air and way past Earth’s orbit.

He comes back from space with his costume shows no signs of damage. It doesn’t get damaged even if Zane is being dragged along the streets while he’s going after a van and covered in shattered glass. It’s highly resistant toward the elements being that he can use his suit underwater, survive being blasted by a powerful burst of heat, being frozen despite Twilight’s weakness toward cold, it’s highly insulated, and energy attacks.

His armor is naturally bulletproof. When he wore a helmet as part of his costume, he can take it off or move the visor in order to show his face. He does this in order to kiss someone or when he needs to look a person directly in the eye. He can fire a powerful beam of energy from the helmet’s visor when its fully closed. From his Theta Costume onward, he wears a pair of goggles.

His goggles has the same abilities as his helmet being that he can fire a powerful energy beam from them. His goggles can pick up on specific heartbeats being that he does this in order to find shapeshifters. This scanner works exactly like echolocation being that it works perfectly. His goggles can see through most type of holograms and illusions. He can also see the entirely electromagnetic spectrum.

He can detect explosives, track and detect magical energy, scan people from their injuries, and trace the locations of his C.O.N.E. He can also track down speedsters. His goggles are highly expressive ,being that they can grow or squink, being that it’s something out of a comic book or cartoon. He admits that this is one of his favorite features part of the costume despite having no combat usage.

The lenses of his goggles are a one-way mirror being that they have a chrome covering over them. This helps when he has to deal with a powerful glare from the sun or flash of light. This also works in a sandstorm/snowstorm. His goggles can fire a powerful energy beam being that he can focus the beam to make a more pressurized beam. His goggles are connected to his vambracers being that it can make the data appear in front of it.

His respirator can mask his voice so that his secret is even more hidden even after Zane changes his hair and eye color. He’s really paranoid about that stuff. His respirator increases his sonic based attacks without impairing his hearing due to his sound weakness. His respirator can open being that he uses it for kissing or use breath based attacks but mainly the former than the latter. It works as a communicator and it can be retracted by pressing the buttons to the side.

The vambraces are naturally indestructible and like his costume, it naturally absorb all kinetic energy that comes toward Zane. They can block automatic weapon fire, normal bullets and energy blasts with ease. By slammed both of his vambraces together, he releases a powerful force field of pure concussive force that can even make strong beings take a step back from it depending on how much kinetic energy he’s absorbed.

His vambraces has rocket thrusters ,right behind the elbow, inside of them being that he can use it for a stronger punch. He also can make his stingers pass through tougher than normal substances. His gloves and the rest of his costume have microscopic microphones built into his costume but the microphones are mainly focused in his gloves. He uses his microphones in order to record conversations.

This can be either done either through buildings or from a far distance away from Zane. For the latter option, he has to aim his hand toward the location and it will automatically pick up the sound that Zane is trying to focus on. The recording can be played aloud and downloaded in a device mainly for the police to use as evidence. He can make a holographic but in all reality, it’s a hard light construct, shield appear.

It’s a circular, buckler shield with it being primarily steel gray and has a molten gold "LZ" in the center. Despite it being holographic, it’s very durable. He can throw it toward something and it heads toward his target. It soon disappears upon contact before reforming. He can change the shield’s shape. He can make time stop ,for up to five minutes at the least, being that he can play his attacks and change the title of battle.

He can also make time go faster ,for five minutes, being that he can make something slow go faster. He tends to use his slow down powers to make his enemies look stupid which is his main strategy for fighting. His speed up powers can be used to make his attacks hit faster and harder being that to an outside perspective, it looks slower. His boots has rocket thrusters ,integrated into them, being that they can be used for extra speed during flight.

His gloves and soles are thick enough to allow Zane to climb up sides of buildings, rest there to talk with people, and land without making a sound. He can also stop a car ,that was thrown at him, without moving a muscle upon grabbing the car even if the person who threw the car has super strength. His gloves can release out his stingers and webbing with ease without any problems.

He can make cannons appear around his wrists mainly in order to enhance his energy based attacks, even stronger. They can be a diverse amount of sizes. He can make them large to cover the entirely of his wrists or small to only cover the top or bottom half of his wrist. He can make multiple massive magnetically levitating piece of metals ,matching the color of Hyperion Mail, appear from out of nowhere which then form into cannons.

Both of Zane's arms are covered by cannons with all of Zane's cannons slowly charge up energy with them all firing an energy beam right in front of him. The beams all combine to create a gigantic beam that's powerful and is able to send enemies like Steamroller flying.

He’s able to release several pieces of metal being that it turns into multiple traps and snares. They're capable of slowing his enemies down, preventing mobility. He can use these traps and snares to keep his enemies from escaping his cannon attack.

The two bracers ,that he wore in both his Delta and Gamma Costume, features were later upgraded into his vambraces. They have a special feature being that it allows Zane to access every known database in the Omniverse. This is useful for gathering information that’s used upon entering a new dimension. It comes up as a light purple holographic computer screen and keyboard that can be seen by him or others around.

His goggles are connected to his vambracers being that it can make the data appear in front of it if he doesn’t want others to see what he’s doing. It works as a heads-up display like if Zane needs blueprints. He can make multiple light purple holographic computer screens appear that he can use to communicate with someone while multitasking. He can alter their size being that he can make it small or large depending on the circumstances.

He can move them to the left or right using his fingers. He’s also connected to the Internet being that he can always search something up. This includes dimensions without internet at all. He tends to do this a lot when he’s bored or ignoring his guildmates in his time in Fiore but uses his watch instead. His watch is connected directly to his vambraces and its database. This applies to Legionnaire Gauntlets as well. Thanks to some nanotech, he created a special nanochip.

It’s a black ,diamond shape, nanochip with a crimson red computer circuitry pattern. It goes into an enemy that can turn themselves into an element like Clair, Roger, or Walter. He fires it from his vambrace. He can control them like they were his puppets, able to change their form. When looking at the data with his goggles, a crimson red glow appears over his eyes. It can make lines of codes and numbers appear. It move at superhuman speed which he can read with ease.

His watch and goggles work as his communicator. Inside of his utility belt, he has his gadgets (C.O.N.E, D.I.S.C., and V.B.R.S), potions to heal himself or others, snacks to recharge himself as well, and his Z.E.R.O. Armor being a powerful device that he wears as a belt. He also has a secret weapon being that it’s a good amount of knockout darts and arrows and all of them are microscopic.

Instead of them being in just his utility belt, they are hidden throughout his costume/person. To activate them, he whistles or thinks about activating them. being that the arrowhead is shaped like an LZ. He can control them being that he can make them bigger or smaller or can change their direction on a whim. He carries about fifty of them at a time. If thrown just right, they can split most things in half even if Zane uses a little amount of force behind them.

He can also have Solace inside of his costume. By bonding with Twilight, Zane gained the ability to grow silver steel spider-like stingers from either his knuckles or his hands or the bottom part of his wrist. The stinger that comes from his wrists are much longer than his knuckles stingers in terms of length. Despite their metallic sheen, they’re actually an organic substance and because of this, they can’t be magnetized under normal means.

His stingers are extremely durable being that it takes a lot of damage to break them and can be used as makeshifts claws. They can slice through most objects with ease and they can be either heated up, melting objects around him. He can cover his stingers with a powerful toxin that can induce paralysis in his opponents. He can also fire them out of his body to be used a projectile weapon. His stingers comes out in response to any kind of stress.

It can range from being really angry but given Zane’s natural temper, it happens more than he would like. It comes out whenever he’s nervous about a fight, test, or romance being that he has to hide them being that Twilight does that. It does pierces his skin. His stingers can be grabbed or stuck until Zane pulls them out. He can fire out a natural and organic black ,with a crimson red tint, webbing from his palms and top part of his wrists.

He can also release them through his fingertips. Most of his enemies and some of his allies think that this power was created using an energy source rather than organically. This way of thinking is because Zane is well known for having several different energy types. He can focus energy into his webs being that these webs have extra sticking power. He can make his webbing into anything he wants like shields or a parachute.

He can make them solid and according to his enemies, his web constructs really pack a serious punch. He can use the webbing to swing through the air, having it connect to a substance when he doesn’t feel like flying through the air. Its main purpose is to capture his targets. He can make his webbing into any kind of clothing. This ability is thanks to his knowledge of cloth from String Form. He can make his webs wasted away by just thinking about it.

He can send his bio-electricity or any of his elements through his webs. They deliver a powerful shock or other element based ability though it. He can use his web based abilities for different means than just capturing his target or transportation His ice webbing can hold a flame based opponent in it. This is because they can withstand a high temperature. His expansion webbing can work for putting out fire being that they turn into foam upon getting near any flames.

His quick-dry cement webbing can dries instantly upon contact with any surface and works best for holding element based opponents. He can make a strand of web bounce off substances and sticks toward a target. He can fire two strands of webbing at a time and capturing two targets, a burst of webbing that goes around the target in a highly concentrated stream and wraps them up like a present.

He can fire a rapid fire function being that he can fire out balls of webbing to stun his enemies and he can make them rather strong. He can fire out a large amount of webbing that he makes it into a net. His body can naturally climb/cling onto any surface ,small or large, because his body is naturally sticky. He can control what he sticks to. He was very much happy about that because he didn’t want his identity to be revealed because of his powers.

Upon bonding with Twilight, his senses are increased further being that his eyes are now instantly adapted to the darkness being that he now has permanent night vision. He can focus his hearing into finding a specific sound. Twilight can make Zane’s body produce her species’s natural chemicals. These chemicals consist of acid that can burn through most objects such as metals.

They also has the potential to cure all or any illnesses ,except for the common cold, that would inflict Zane, and a extremely flammable liquid which can be used as an explosive material. She lets Zane use this ability to a deadly effect. He can cover his weapons with the liquid, giving the weapon an explosive touch. Twilight can replicated parts of Zane's forms in the same way as Zane can turn parts of his body into his forms.

She's usually resting in his forms as well being that she only does that when she needs to or asked by Zane. He can also make naturally weapons from his costume, like they’re a part of him. For some naturally organic weaponry, this consist of four retractable organic ,yet metallic, tentacles from his back. They are black with indigo colored streaks. He can use them to grab things or use them as a weapon.

They have five claws/stingers that can fire a powerful laser out of them. They move around ,360 degrees, in a screwdriver-like twisting motion being that they can drill through a substance with ease. They also have small grips at the tips being that they work as pseudo fingers. He can sprout two retractable organic ,yet metallic, bat/dragon like wings from his back being that he can use them for either defense and flight. They match his tentacles in terms of color.

He can reach incredible speeds and he can move his wings in front of him to protect himself or others from an attack. They can regrow themselves if destroyed. He can make more wings but he likes two. It’s also like a wingsuit. His stingers comes out in response to any kind of stress. It can range from being really angry but given Zane’s natural temper, it happens more than he would like.

It comes out whenever he’s nervous about a fight, test, or romance being that he has to hide them being that Twilight does that. It does pierces his skin. His stingers can be grabbed or stuck until Zane pulls them out. All of his webs are very much limited by his body’s nutrition or power level being that his webs lose their strength if Zane hasn’t eaten in a long period of time or if he’s drained.

Upon bonding with Twilight, his senses are increased further being that they can be used against him. This is due to both Twilight and Zane having a weakness toward sound. Twilight’s natural chemicals don’t heal the common cold. His time manipulation can only stop time for up to five minutes and go forward up to five minutes. This is because of Zane doesn’t want to mess with time. He can also do one at a time. 

A almost obscure weakness is that Zane can experience the same emotions as Twilight but Twilight won't experience Zane's emotions. For example if Twilight have a child, Zane will experience the symptoms of pregnancy. He won't be having a child but will something like sympathetic pregnancy. It usually comes the form of him switching emotions on a dime and these emotion outburst are rather intense. He also devours a whole lot of food.

For most beings who know Zane, this isn't too strange so this weakness went unknown for a while.

Zane's New Gadgets:
C.O.N.E. (Cipher Omniversal Networks Emblems). Alongside D.I.S.C. and V.B.R.S., he created the trio of gadgets around the same time. He carries an unknown amount of the gadgets on his person and despite the size, it’s very powerful. They’re about the size of a coin with them in the shape of a triskelion shuriken. All of them are a black color with a dark violet circuit board pattern to it. Their main purpose to track something important.

He can throw them on both objects and people. He usually puts them on a escaping target, an object that’s wanted by criminals, or really anything important to the case at hand. He can track them with ease being that they naturally deliver it back to him, his watch, and Zane himself until they’re destroyed. If they fall off the target, they automatically fly back to them. His enemies can use his tracers against him ,leading him to a different location, but it doesn’t work.

He gave all of the people that he cares and loves such as his family and love interests an highly amplified version of a C.O.N.E. usually in the form of jewelry and accessories. It has an over ten year battery life, waterproof, and highly durability. The information that’s gathered can be seen through his phone, goggles, or vambraces. He can also place antidotes in them in order to heal others from a distance.

He can also use them to scout and record evidence and gather information. He can also use them to record and replay sounds spoken into it, having an audio recorder installed in them. He can use them as a soundwave bomb. They can also record images and capture image and plays them back. This works as a really high quality camera. He can also use it for a blinding material but on a weaker scale. He can use them to project himself at far distances as well.

D.I.S.C. (Deadly Interesting Small Cruisers). Alongside C.O.N.E. and V.B.R.S., he created the trio of gadgets around the same time. He carries an unknown amount of the gadgets on his person and despite the size, it’s very powerful. Their base form is in the size of a silver ,steel, coins with his logo “LZ” on both sides. His logo is very small so he can use them in his human form without people figuring out his identity.

They were built for two main purposes being that they can be used for flight, combat, or the most useful reviving his energy. Each coin gains a impressive amount of electromagnetic power that Zane can use to recharge his energy. He can also send them into the air being that they turn into a bigger version. He can use them for a shield, extra ramming force, or for him or others to flight. The latter can only be done with Zane gives it a charge.

They are highly durable and lightweight metal alloy. Upon folding out, they are a large silver circle. He can throw several of them in front of him, being that he can make a huge wall of shields by using Electromagnetic Aura to activate them. This can be used to protect a wide range of people and tends to use this option if his enemies has a wide spread attack and could hurt others.

V.B.R.S. (Variation Breakneck Plant Spheres). Alongside C.O.N.E. and D.I.S.C., he created the trio of gadgets around the same time. He carries an unknown amount of the gadgets on his person and despite the size, it’s very powerful. They also don’t have a unique acronym, they’re organic, and they all look different. He created them thanks to his study of plants and he figured out that they had an interest advantage.

Their base form is the size of a marble with them being a different color ,being ROGBIV, Black, White, or Rainbow, and each one has a different ability. Zane throws them at something to activate them. They can range from a large plant like creature being that the created plant can attack any nearby enemies by either eat them or using it’s massive amount of vines to use as a way of detaining a group of enemies in a matter of seconds.

It can be a giant wall of grass/seaweed that can hold back an avalanche. It can be a giant flower that releases a powerful stench that cause his enemies to sleep. It can be a explosion that goes off upon impact with the same orb. It can be a landmine that traps the target in vines or roots upon touching the ground. It can be a trampoline that can launch him or others into the area. It can be a barrage of several sharp grass like blade that can cut through anything.

He can make power hampering cuffs go into the little orbs to capture super power opponents being that they could easily break out of his vine prison or his syrup prison. He can infuse his blood into them which can trap enemies into his syrup. He can also use this as a great snack for the go. He can also make ropes appear to use for capturing or a way for climbing, mainly up a long and tall tower.

Z.E.R.O. Armor. (Zenith Ectoplasm Range Omega Armor). This gadget/armor’s blueprints was created by Parker and all of Zane’s smartest forms ,thanks to Zenith Duplication, during his training on the Plocylst Archipelago. Parker did this being that he had a strong feeling that Zane was going to fight against strong opponent and knowing how stubborn he can be, he will need some power. He incorporated several things into the armor.

He decided to use all of Zane’s vehicles (Astral Tank, Midnight Bird, his boat, and Saver), his armored battle suit Command Zion, the weapons and abilities that the Z.E.R.O. watch that Zane can use, and the natural and organic inventions of Danny. Upon Parker telling Zane of this idea, Zane asked if it could be a mecha and Parker said yes to that much to the excitement of the Cross-Species and confusion of the elderly Eazairvian.

This armor has two forms being that the base form can be used for regular enemies or increasing his power. The mecha form is mainly used fight stronger enemies mainly high level opponents such as Skull Plague and others like him. This armor is very powerful and Zane activates this armor in the same way that he would access one of his 130 regular and 65 Prime forms.

This armor ,in its base form at first, is first seen with Zane’s upgraded costume being that like his watch, it appears on his body. In costume, it’s his utility belt being that it also holds his three main gadgets (C.O.N.E. or Cipher Omniversal Networks Emblems, D.I.S.C. or Deadly Interesting Small Cruisers, and V.B.R.S or Variation Breakneck Plant Spheres), potions to heal himself or others, and snacks to recharge himself as well.

It’s an ash gray ,with a crimson red web like pattern, utility belt with a gold belt buckle. It houses seven pouches or cylindrical cartridges that are attached to the outside of the belt. It’s connected to Zane’s vambraces being that they’re made by the same guy so Zane can use the base form’s power with his vambraces to make an illusion that the vambracers have powers. In his normal life, it’s a copy of the belt. It's a black/gray belt with a gold belt buckle.

To convince people that he isn’t Legion Zero, he says that this is one of his mother’s inventions which works. Upon activating it by a single thought on his part, his body gets covered in several plates of thick dull gray metal. They appear from his belt and cover his body. It’s a mixture of the outfit that he wears when he activates Enigma Talisma or Scourge Armor. The metal looks like an extra layer of bio-metallic skin over his body except for his head.

It has openings over his body being that he can still move around. He wears a metallic mask that covers his mouth and also muffles it. He has a gray layered band that goes around his neck and over both his eyes, he has a green scope or narrow lens that looks like a monocle over both of them. He has a backpack which is attached to his back which is connected to two large dodecahedron barrel over both of his shoulders, just like Sivrath and Tyrannus Nether. 

He can hide the two of them to go faster. He wears two silver metal gauntlets ,that go to the middle of his forearms, and matching silver metal boots. They have a crimson red gem in the center of the back of his gauntlets and sapphire blue gem in the back of his boots. Zane says that this is the base form when he isn’t in costume being that he can access the armor’s power in his costume. In its base form, this armor is extremely powerful.

He has all of the abilities used in Ammunition Arm, Boxer Punch, Falcon Board, Hellhound Breath, Plasma Spheres, Rapid Fire Rifle, Sub-Zero Armor, Swift Bazooka, and Warrior Blade plus some new features. He can fire two powerful beams from his dodecahedron barrels on his shoulders being that they take a while to charge up but the payoff is worth it. His gauntlets can generate a powerful and personal force field. It covers himself in an aura that can be any size.

He can also make a large six-barreled hexagon-shaped blaster on his forearms, He can also generate the elements from them, fire a round of energy bullets out of them, immobilize his enemies, energy blast, and spheres that can capture a target and make a giant explosion upon Zane’s command. His boots can create Falcon Board being that he can use them to fly through the air or the ocean like a surfboard or jet skis.

He can also generate the elements from them. He can also make the Rapid Fife Rifle, Swift Bazooka, and Warrior Blade appear from them. He can use his boots and gauntlets in combat as well. He can jump extremely high with his boots and land very powerful kicks on his objects and opponents that can easily break through concrete. This is done thanks to compressed air upon contact.

He can launch powerful attacks of compressed air through either his boots or gauntlets in a thin blast of air ,that’s usually in the shape of an Z, that’s able to slice right through steel objects with ease. He can use the compressed air to increase the power and speed of his punches or kicks while wearing them. They usually have an explosion after effect, mainly because Zane finds it cool and has practical uses.

He can make his punches or kicks move so fast, that it looks like his fist or foot disappears before hitting their target. He can focus a huge amount of light and throw it directly toward a group of enemies. Upon doing this, he can do this to cause a case of temporary blindness in the exact same vein as a flash bang grenade. He can also just gather store and release light being that it can be used for lighting up tunnels and focus it.

He can also store and release heat which he uses often to ignite his weapons or himself to increase his fire power. He can also make the gems on his gauntlets and boots glow, being that the sign of him charging up his light or heat in order to distract his opponents. He can also create and form clouds from his surroundings or from the gauntlets to create shields, bridges, or other objects.

This armor has a powerful ability which is the ability to store kinetic energy and release it out as a powerful burst of energy. This is the same as his ability to absorb energy based attacks and release out an increased strength but it can absorb any damage. He can release the gathered energy that can cause internal injuries to living things without showing any sign of injury. This does have the ability of hurting Zane ,if the burst is big enough, but his body is very durable.

Zara's Hair Color: Zara's Hair Color. This is because I could be wrong about the color. I'm not an expert on that. We may see this later on.

Zane's Costume (Run Time and Name):
Costume 1/Delta: Episode 1-Episode 12.
Costume 2/Gamma: Episode 13-Episode 38.
Costume 3/Theta (First Version): Episode 39-Episode 80.
Costume 4/Omicron (Second Version): Episode 81-Episode 100.
Costume 5/Zeta (Third Version): Episode 101-.